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Need her to plunge the world in darkness already, it's too bright out.
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Both good thanks
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Those threads are animated by the same couple of bots replying to each other.
Death to microshart.
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
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Sometimes new threads feel a bit sad because I think posters that don't normally say goodbye use it as an opportunity to stop posting for the day.
Begone, creature of darkness!
Kek, that's fucked.
i wanna fuck link
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That's pretty gay anon
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Her reign will be eternal. She cannot be killed.
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ayy, thought you got banned, king.
Which posters never say goodbye?
Can you make a new image now?
The ones who never leave
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These have all been different images, go back through the archives and you will not find a single repost.
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Oh no no no
Somtimes I fall asleep or get pulled away. I'm sorry if I'm made any anons sad...
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you know what I mean retard get a new prompt or put her in a different location anything but generic dark peach surrounded by hands
Gonna Ada all over this thread
In various outfits
Mmhm yeah I'll do that after I run out of images
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yesterday was a close call though
I survived a timeout with a bogus warning
i used to think isabelle poster was the worst image poster in these threads but jesus
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of course this is a mix of "Madden" and "Need for Speed"

I hate all of you
This sref is fucking nice
I always wonder what possesses certain people to just spam the exact same prompt, endlessly, with no variation.
Nobody is even opening their images anymore lmao
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I love all of you
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Ok at best bro
this one is better
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I wish john was here...
Ridiculously cute fit.
Thread love!
Wew. Looks like she neglected some of the uniform...
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Said no one ever
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More pls
holy moly
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lotta sexo ITT rn
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I told claude to make the outfits more cute, fashionable, and complex (hats, layers, accessories, etc.) but to also aim for a degree of subtlety and nuanced color balance while keeping an overall holiday theme
I think he knocked it out of the park
porn addiction general
Bake piggy didn't make a Peach OP thread.
Now she'll cut bake piggy's thread of life.
When she sees the foreskin
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bings pumping out good feet again? Based
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Those are some detailed feet...
she only likes willies below 3 inches
its still not as reliable as hands
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anyone happen to know how long nai teased V3 as being in-testing before it dropped?
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>Leon still hasn't messaged me back
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damn thats a good one
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>fuck him then, not like I've got time for a spoiled kid like that anyway
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Holy shit
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Suck it, fag
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gonna need way more
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Why does it look like Vinny Vinesauce though
>bzzzt bzzzzt
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What prompt for that art style or colour please brother?
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paragon vs renegade date
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She cute.
prompt please?
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MIDjourney style reference number aka not idea bro
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why doesn't midjourney do free trials as often
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Indians were selling trial accounts among each other and spam created many as possible.
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>Ada Wong,John Buscema manga,messy sketch,watercolor,macro view,Resident Evil cosplay,red sleeveless turtleneck,black leggings,barefeet,black leather holster,long black gloves,choppy black bob covering half her face,hair over eye,eyeshadow,red lipstick,dark eyes,looking at camera,confident expression,confident look of superiority,sitting on concrete floor,massaging foot,hand on foot,clean glistening foot soles,detailed sole,pistol next to her on floor,grey studio background

>Ada Wong,John Buscema manga,messy sketch,watercolor,macro view of barefoot sole,Resident Evil cosplay,red sleeveless turtleneck,black leggings,barefeet,black leather holster,long black gloves,choppy black bob covering half her face,hair over eye,eyeshadow,red lipstick,dark eyes,looking at camera,confident expression,confident look of superiority,sitting on concrete floor,hand on hair,twirl,clean glistening foot sole,detailed sole,pistol next to her,grey studio background

>Ada Wong,John Buscema comic,clean shading,detailed,macro view,Resident Evil cosplay,red sleeveless turtleneck,black leggings,barefeet,black leather holster,long black gloves,choppy black bob covering half her face,hair over eye,eyeshadow,red lipstick,dark eyes,looking at camera,confident expression,confident look of superiority,sitting on concrete floor,massaging foot,hand on foot,clean glistening foot soles,detailed sole,pistol next to her on floor,grey studio background

>Ada Wong,John Buscema manga,messy sketch,watercolor,macro view,Resident Evil cosplay,red sleeveless turtleneck,black leggings,barefeet,black leather holster,long black gloves,choppy black bob covering half her face,hair over eye,eyeshadow,red lipstick,dark eyes,looking at camera,confident expression,confident look of superiority,sitting on concrete floor,holding one foot high,hand on hair,twirl,clean glistening foot sole,detailed sole,pistol next to her,grey studio background
>tfw 50 round pistol mag
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I wish
boring ASF
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Gee that sure is a swell prompt
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The chibi inset tag truly is very cute.
Now is the era of sinking and giving up.

Jane'll probably be into this.
shut the FUCK up grandpa
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Hell yeaaaaah
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no patterns for you autism-kun
Give her joker-makeup
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rude kiddo
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Go on...
He's busy making a card game or some shit
sadly we are lacking media about that.
This woman is NOT helpful.
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Just one more, this is getting mighty gay.
Cute pair
Rare pair
shes got that attitude again... gonna have to fix that....
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india style?
dark elf tomboy plz? :3
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Thank you anon Merry Christmas
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Cute pout

Think I only spoke to Bat once or twice but I miss their positive attitude.
>can report for either offtopic OR avatar use
which one are you supposed to pick here???
I don't like this heartbroken sun arc
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yeah alright
> ban incoming
thanks bro
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reports do nothing on these threads, the jannies are in on it, why do you think these motherless fucks have been at it with their spam for a whole year now
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A two for one deal.
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>I hate it here I'm staying
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> vantablack
what a cool word brothers
report me, give me freedom
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>Does this look like the face of paragon?
try phthalo green or blue
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well he's posting on a natural cooldown it looks like
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mr mittens has seen some shit
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she helped me prompt a woman in bed, now what?
im gay...
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Thanks anon, I'll pump to these pics.
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This is hardly news
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John and Raccoon will be happy to know that.
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jk bros
im straight
though if you gone some wine in me I have a small list of "would"s, but what straight dude doesn't
Thanks Wamster, as always. Fuggen saved.
Been liking the new styles.
im being impersonated
You can't win him back now his maiden heart is in tatters.
sun's slow degradation into a furry...
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Ellebasi is back again!
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you should try animating some of these that don't have any people in them with sora
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DALL-E on the front page of Steam lol
Cult ass thread,
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I'm proud of you. Don't let them get you.
Thank you, I like to swap them around even if I use a lot of the same artists in a lot of my mixes.
Oh god does kemomimi count?
I just don't get furry at all.
Also hey Jane-o. Still getting spit-roasted by the heat in Australia?

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wait until detective shows up and the REAL cult of personality begins
should be a bell collar
Comes with a free gremlin ginny
one note
boring + cringe
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We have Detective at home.
finally... evidence that burgerprompting is now vidya
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which ocs become ecelebs and get canceled for grooming
How does one acquire such a boyfriend?
Only good thing coming out of ai sloppa threads are twink pics. ( barefoot )
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it always starts like that
just been doing missionary and doggystyle in australia so far
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>6 toes

Fapping session ruined
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Wait do people actually fap to Dall-e images?
why does epona look sexy
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How about a compromise
Love the chibi doing the same lip lick.
Yo Chocochip, hope all's well.

Heh, on ya Jane-o.
Took a look at the Noita mod, managed to get rid of the bugged crouch kick sprite but introduced another bug in the process. Such is life. Also couldn't get the eye thing to replicate on my end so whatever.
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What's the other use for them?
It's hot to think you're the only one fapping to that one picture you just generated. And it provides an infinite supply of twink feet.
I don't see any other uses for AI.
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MID is testing a patchwork tool aka some kind of collage thing where you "create" a world with story, places, characters, events and shit
/imagine doing the pan piano slutification on that tool... but censorship always killing the fun stuff
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>here you "create" a world with story, places, characters, events and shit
Sounds pretty cool but I'm skeptical with how AI always struggles with consistency from gen to gen.
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Well, sure.
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dorkmode mod, I like it irregardless.
hope you're doing well sun
I'm particularly fond of
this one. The footwear he's having doesn't make much sense, why would it cover the upper part of the feet and not the rest. Then you factor in the possibility that the sole is kept exposed so it can be pressed on my face. Yes this is definitely why.
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oh, sun do you know if it's possible to change the shape/location of the cape since it's not technically part of the character sprite (I think)?
"The fall of Dalle"
"Taylor Destroyer of AIs"
"The Porn Addiction Struggle"
"ESL extermination"
holy fucking shit, censorship suck ass
"Detective Cult"
"Ram Horsification"
"Isabelle and Princess Peach World"
Yea the demo video show that MID limitations, Even using character references and other images (on the same collage) as base the outputs were different.
I'm just a little tired, you know how it is.

130 rolls for a single copy of Guillotine, my gem collection diminished...
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absolut kinao
shut the FUCK up
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I'm alright, holiday bullshit is underway. Have a touhou in these trying times.
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Tried genning Farore on the AITestKitchen, the art styles I was using for that collage in >>696971935 work way better, I might give it a shot with some of the more troublesome gens from that to see if it can be consistent.
> nice male hand
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Lookin good.
Location is definitely possible, you have to select a pixel on the sprite for it to be affixed to, changing the colour is easy too, it's just hex codes in the init.lua file.
As for the shape, I'm not sure. Most character mods I've seen just disable it, I was going to do the same but it looked kinda empty without it.
I'd have to look into it, but since it's a physics object and not part of the sprite, modifying it would probably be a big undertaking.

I don't know what any of this means but RIP Bwo's gems.

Hang in there fren, will send your staff an astral kick up the ass.
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>sun's hopes and dreams of love, departing from the station
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If there's a god I'm asking one thing and only one thing. To be turned into sentient panties for Link to wear.
I'll settle for reincarnation as living insoles too.

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>but since it's a physics object and not part of the sprite, modifying it would probably be a big undertaking.
I figured as much. I was wondering if instead of a cape it could be turned into something like a hood or a skirt but a skirt would probably require at least 2 affix points so I doubt that's possible
it's cool that changing the location is straightforward though. I wonder if anything cool can be done with just that
>Most character mods I've seen just disable it
that's so boring
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Princess Zelda...
thingken bout mystery niggas...
>combined basquiat and yoshitaka amano pen ink doodle on crumpled white paper,neo expressionism style,dreamlike imagery.a girl with long blonde hair with pink tips, yellow eyes,pink rabbit ears, headphones, baggy black long hoodie with text "zettai ryouiki",black thighigh socks,eternally sleepy,resting
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i fucking love link
are you the miquella threads anon
too many gays im leaving
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anyone remember bleach zelda?
im a fan of ur work
I sensed this and have returned. You're in big trouble, mister. But that is quite a cute chibi Ginny.
Lovely train.
shut the FUCK up sun
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Decent taste.

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Man I dig it, both the gen and the track.

I think this is how gnosticism started.

>that's so boring
Yeah I thought so too. An idea I had was potentially making it her hair, you get to pick two colours for the cape. But I think it would look more like a big strange ponytail than flowing hair.

Heh, naisu.
You'll always be my Dulcinea. I'll be back tilting at windmills soon enough.
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Trains are cool
Choo choo
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We've discovered the swirling nexus of all of Sunbasi's power.
Why is she wearing bunny ears now?
brown thread
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>bisexual lighting
what did xir mean by this?
Once you leave it will stop being brown
the brown stays on you, like stink
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idk what I'm doing anymore lol
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Thank you!
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>An idea I had was potentially making it her hair
aw that would have been so sick
>But I think it would look more like a big strange ponytail than flowing hair.
yeah that makes sense. it sounds like you'd either have to affix it to the top of her head which would obviously look bad in motion
or affix it to the back of her head/just above the neck but then you'd probably get a weird looking cinch where the cape meets the head
I dunno
Any both female stuff with Link & Sora?

Oh shiiiii-

It's supposed to be Reisen but everything I prompt turns into Sun sooner or later.

I had no idea that was even a thing. Huh. The only colours I mentioned were pink and amber.

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