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What's your GOTY anons? Pic related is mine. Despite just releasing in EA it's got so much content that it has me absolutely kneeling.
unfortunately i've seen most of it by now, but it's been fun. i might be able to squeeze another run out of it, or maybe i'll just wait for the big patches
give me the quick rundown
Welcome backy
Yeah I was worried about that so I'm just grinding sprites for now so that when I'm ready to play it will be a personalized copy
What if Elder Scrolls was top-down isometric and had roguelike simul-action combat, and sprinkle in life/city building sim.
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Slowly but surely going to put together a Yeek party. They're so weak I can't even injure them enough to capture them. Yeek Master seems like a monster if I can cap and level him up a little bit. Thinking of giving them the weapons you get from the gay dwarf couple in that snowy shack of theirs.
thank you for posting the name you FUCKING NIGGERS
We have to hide the name because there is a janny that's obsessed with these threads.
Oh I thought you meant you were going to be the yeeks
ABIB at it again?
Tie between Stalker 2 and Indiana Jones
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>he doesn't know
I fucking kneel
It's still hilarious to me how all this obsessed hatred is just coming from some poorfag beaner that cant afford a 20 dollar game.
Holy shit, I missed the follow up

Dude who paid for the first run of ads is a legend
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>go base hopping for slave traders in hopes of finding an innkeeper
>Jurefag base
>piss in the tub
I will do this until they learn their lesson.
Nice bot btw.
My goddess of healing gives me goodnight kisses every night the moment I slip into slumber because she's too embarrassed to do it when I'm awake

Your goddess sucks machine cock
>playing a grind game with no content
When you understand that 4chan is mostly populated by third-worlders and underageb& who can't afford to buy games, everything makes a lot more sense. It's why f2p gacha is so popular here, while full-priced games always have a dedicated schizo hatebase even if they're 10/10 masterpieces. It's why console exclusives are reviled, unless they're Switch games which can be emulated. And games with Denuvo receive special hate campaigns too. It's a terminal case of sour grapes.
I piss in Lulwy fag bases too. If your god isn't based like mine, you get the pisstub. Simple as.
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>pic related

also thinking of restarting + doing a new run
but man I really hate the initial start
>literally NO recipes or any initial starting resources
is that map a mod
Wait, so you're telling me that npcs can face a different direction other than the camera? I wasn't going to play Elin because every single time someone talked about it, the npcs were all facing the camera like lifeless dolls.

Sure, I'll give it a pirate then.
>i'm fucking kneEling
That was what you were hinging your opinion on? Out of all things that was the dealmaker/breaker? Well i guess you have to be autistic to a certain extent to enjoy games like this.
Why to which part, exactly?
Sounds like shit
Dwarf fortress meets Stardew Valley.
No you can customize it in widgets
warmage or swordsage?
I'm also interested to know.
Only the player has 4 direction sprites, but you can also toggle on the same character creation sprites for residents of your village on the Resident's Board. That's it though, the rest of the game's NPCs are static one-direction sprites.
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Damn I miss a couple of days and this happens
someone can probly mod directions for other sprites eventually
at least for humanoids
what are some good builds for torturing and dismembering jannies?
Sword Sage. Currently spells are superior to melee in the meta. So an ability that lets you cast spells while melee attacking is far more powerful than 10% melee damage (?). It also uses no mana, so can be particularly useful during boss fights where every bit counts.
you might be able to use that texture expand mod or that new animation mod to have a sprite change based on previous position
>Currently spells are superior to melee in the meta
Why do people keep repeating this? It's not true at all.
Depends on how you feel about Talismans
>Keeping extra copies of spellbooks on me to recharge my weapon sounds really gay
>Expecting artists to draw 4x the art for each of the 500+ character sprites.
You should hold your breath until they finally finish them all.
So what's the point of taking animal lover trait if I can already talk to animals? They already talk (like this)
Or is it other sort of animal lover. The watching bird animal lover. The interested in little tail tnight animal lover
Because even Noa agrees. that's why he promised a melee rework in December to bring melee up to the deadliness of casters.
Note I am absolutely not saying melee isn't viable or can't beat the game's content. But casters do outperform melee builds currently due to their ability to crowd control, debuff, silence, etc.
You can negotiate with them. That's kinda it.
It lets you build affinity with them and recruit them like regular NPCs. So if you can stock up on monster balls to capture them it just gives you Charisma.
But anyone can crowd control, debuff, and silence.
God bless that soul that made the sprite of Older Little Sister but with big tits. Such small thing is a huge improvement for my gayming experience.
Can this compete?
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What, Big Sister's medium-is-premium ain't good enough for you?
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Not when little sisters are twice as big
Which race is the "basic white human", I don't understand this yerles elea mifu bullshit about races.
They could at least include some art for reference.
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The same artist also made a reskin of Tephra (that one dragon boss), which now arguably has the biggest tits in game. Checkmate.
Indiana jones.
It's hella epic and you get to punch nazis !
>Yelres for steampunk humans
>Euldra for fantasy humans
>Juere for literally jews
should I just give everyone cow print bikini or try other styles? it's hard to do anything with pixels
What's inquisitor like against 200+ void bosses? Dim/silence/chill fall off quickly if they stick at all, so I'm wondering how many turns are spent spamming Bane to keep it excommunicated
I know there are dwarfs but are there any other renamed generic fantasy races?
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If you think carefully, big tits are more fitting for her character. She has been carrying my dumb ass since the start of the game and now is tanking the obnoxious Niggarath and Spiral Kings on lvl 70 nefias like a pro.
elean are elves
Honestly, dark bikinis are the best. Anything with a pattern makes me double-check and have to inspect to see if it's supposed to be an object or what exactly it is. So mono-color clothing is ideal. Dark just because it contrasts a lot better against their pale skin than brighter colors.
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Mifu and Nefu are kitsune. Succubus and Lich are... well, you can probably figure that out. And Elean are elves. Picrel is the Nefu shrine maiden.
Dwarfs fortress with anime dolls
I get what you're saying but I actually despise black bikinis, so fucking boring when there's so much fun and sexy things you can do. I got an o-ring tube top to come out decently enough so I'm going with that for now.
elea are elfs
mifu and nefu are fox people, they have secret gods you can worship in their villages
other races are pretty self explainatory
For me, it's wizard axe until I can get my grubby hands on a cool halberd
24 more charisma and I can get Misaki to step on me...
Since warmages can also use talismans, I don't think it makes much difference. None of the class feats seem strong enough for it to be worth worrying over your class choice.

Several of the races are human variants, and none of them are really any more "standard" than the others. Juere, Yerles, and Eulderna are closest to what you're looking for.
which human is (most) native to the region?
I just noticed that Martial Arts for me is 160 starting potential vs other shit that is 100. Other than the fact that there is no god weapon for fist or gloves, does it suck or something? Might strap on some boxing mits
Norland, but you cannot pick Norland.
Juere's South Tyris, Yerles and Eulderna came overseas
Probably Euldra? The Yelres are exiles from another land an Jeure are, well, jews so are nomadic. I think that makes Euldra the closest to natives in Elin.
Pretty sure staves are martial arts weapons
Staff is its own skill.
nope, gloves and claws
Martial arts weapons are fist weapons.
Ah shit, thought it was kinda like how bows are both marksman and bow
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>city building
only thing awful about this game
Beating a dungeon boss is pretty satisfying.
the chest being golden tricks me into liking it a lot
You don't even have to city-build. You can have a single bed, a warehouse and the rest is automated farming where you can fuck off and ignore the base.
>boss is Kamikaze Yeek
>don't see it or any of the dust effects/*thud* message.
>turn the corner
>dungeon victory fanfare plays for my corpse and dead party.
This mob is the single greatest thing added to the game. I genuinely don't care I died it was fucking hilarious.
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I got a chest today that was locked. I dragged it to the meadow and hope to one day perhaps several years in the future when i have leveled lockpicking open it along with the other chest you get early on.
informers can lockpick stuff for you
>Game freezes for a second
>Boss explodes into clutter
>Fanfare playing
Really gets the funny chemicals going in my malfunctioning peanut up there.
pretty sure you should be able to set the sound effect to an actual aloha snackbar
fuck off to >>>/vg/ or label your shill threads so people can filter them, you fucking subhuman shill cocksucking maggot
Real shit? Good to know.
How do I benefit from my lucky knife without having to use it as my weapon? (I'm a scytheman)
You're just gonna have to learn to deal with it.
Every reply to this post is complete bullshit and proof these threads are 100% marketing. This game is like if DF only had a month of dev time instead of 20 years.
KEK you mad, spic? You like that ad?
A long stretch to call yourself a human, Latinx poorfag spammer
You keep intentionally entering these threads for a reason: spam and flooding with low quality posts
Can't you just give it to a follower or something?
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Unlike other weapons, the dice improve as Martial Arts levels. You cap out at 6 dice once you hit 40 MA, while the sides and penetration continue to slowly scale.
It's serviceable, but I'm currently of the mind that it's the worst weapon option. 40 MA barehand's decent if you grind it early, but you could get better weapons in less time, and without 2h bonus weaker weapons still outclass it. I think the main selling point is double shield, you probably need something absurd like 300-400 MA before a 2h claw competes with comparable melee weapons.
Your threads are being deleted, fuckwit. Deal with that. Maybe they wouldn't get so many reports for spam/advertising if you cunts allowed people to filter them.
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>elona snackbar!
i wonder if i can get suicide as a gene ability for my little girl
you will never be a janny
you will never have 20 dollars
you got an ad mocking you though LOL
Faction bonuses from god artifacts apply to every pet and resident you own. No matter who is equipping it.
Announcing reports are we?
can't spam spam threads, retarded nigger
I dunno, that's why I'm asking
Even if I have it on say, my black cat and he's using a bow?
Come on, Miguel.

It's only 36 trillion argentinian pesos, surely you can afford that?
You lost.
Where did you see that, retard? Are all Elincucks this stupid?
Is there a retard-proof guide on how to create an NPC mod with custom dialog?
Yes, you can use a stethoscope to check
Cool thanks
Stop replying to bait
I read two hand works on it if you only have 1 hand equipped. Is that not the case?
I suppose it might be better to just use scythe since it's my other high potential weapon, even if I don't plan on ditching my god
Martial Arts will hopefully get some cool shit when noa adds more skill unlocks. Having higher MA levels should unlock new moves. Or maybe allow you to pick a combat style and specialize your martial arts. Like a flurry of blows style that gains more attacks with levels, a ghost fist style that gains penetration and hit, a crane style that can deflect ranged attacks and shit. Iron maiden style that retaliates against attackers and inflicts bleed. Maybe even a weapon style that lets you use weapon skill + martial arts for weapon attacks like you're combining them.
should also add something like D&D's amulet of mighty fists, so martial artists can get modifiers and elemental damage for your bare hands.
Ma'am I am very fucking afraid
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HELP BROS, is this too many pets in my ranch? should i dismiss some of them? Also, wtf should i do with all the produce?
>Elder Scrolls
Yah no, this is just JRPG Minecraft but with RTwP instead of turnbased.
Penetration still caps at 20 for martial arts (martial weapons themselves can add to this potentially), and the size of the dice for MA scales off the square root of your skill. The main benefit of martial arts is that you can technically keep scaling the size of your damage dice up with enough autism. If you turbo autist up to 300 MA skill, it yields a 6d15+8 x3.6 swing with zero STR, zero tactics, and no martial weapon.
Turn it into wine and sell it
I wonder if I should make myself a ranch
When people say that they mean it has Morrowind-like skills, stuff like that
Is there anyway to remove socketed effects from weapons and place them on other weapons?

Found a bow with both rapid fire and knockback, but it's shit
>save scumming smashing dark matter cut stone so I can get enough stones to craft a full set of tools
why am I doing this? does it even matter? the main thingg I wanted was a water can and I can't even get that since you can't turn stone into ingots or scrap
I use leftover stuff to make fertilizer
breaking powder recipe sold from palmia mayor, and a barrel processing machine
If you are holding more than 1 weapon, you are in dual wielding stance.
After that, if you are holding a shield in any hand, you are in shield stance.
Aftter that, if you have a single weapon in your hands, you are in two hand stance.
Are you going to turn your ads back on? I thought you cared about the website janny...
I have 89 small medals what do I buy? I kinda want the good chests though I also am tempted by the helm which is the only equipment I might buy if its good. Those diarys seem interesting but I have more than enough companions.
You get 2hand MA with a claw or glove in one hand and the other hand empty
If both hands are empty or shields, you get better dice but no 2hand or dual wield

>caps at 20 pen
I thought it'd at least go to 50 like elona, damn. I guess that probably stacks with the +20 from a claw though.
I think the idea of the continual dice scaling is a trap, since the multiplier seems to scale slower for MA than other weapons. It's a colossal time investment before it starts paying off notably, at any rate.
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>want to make grape wine since it makes sense
>grapes take 10 gorillion days to sprout
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Aaaaah what am I supposed to do in this situation? I've got no balls!
Not him but throwing penetration is capped at 25% and throwing FUCKS so I think it should be alright
Jokes on you faggot, I piss in my own bathtub already
my livestock won't eat the food i grow them. is there anything special I need to do to the pasture? I placed pasture and kibble inside a community box in the ranch area and they're all still hungry. I have serval hundred of pasture and kibble but the home board shows only 2 or 3 are eaten a day while the animals are labeled as "hungry" or "very hungry"
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now that she's in a top, should I go back to the previous titties that were higher and closer together?
Bed capacity wrenches and wish for a king's bed
Nets me 8400 orens a month via home rank
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It's really meh, most of the time my throwing weapon deal more damage than my claws.
Hammer the bow
What do you even use watering cans for, I know plants can be sped up but what else? I just made an adamantite one and it can only hold 27 charges.
Thanks fellas
watering plants is free farming xp. costs no stamina and is done automatically aside from you refilling the can
I have a ruby one and it holds 26 charges. I read on here that a dark matter one holds 40 something so it would make watering a bit less tedious
>Could you deliver the kotatsu to my CAT?
Do I yoink it for my base?
It's cute but foxmen sell it for maybe 5k too if you want to buy it
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kino japanese site where i got a lot of sprites from, just today or yesterday author added a blue giantess demon girl
Genuine question: are they really that good IRL that a jap dev made them cost a shitton of money? Do japs just don't have central heating or something?
Martial weapons effectively just layer modifiers on top of whatever your normal martial damage is, so yes it stacks. Though for the size of dice it takes half of your value, then adds the weapon's on top. So for the sake of example, that 300 MA example above of 6d15+8. A martial weapon would halve the 15, then add the weapon's die size on top.
>since the multiplier seems to scale slower for MA than other weapons
No it doesn't. Both scale off of primary stat + weapon skill + tactics. There's more nuance to handle ranged and force weapons, but that doesn't change anything aside from replacing tactics for some other skill.
Hunger is separate from pasture
Pasture is just a resource needed for eggs and milk to appear in your boxes. They dont need to manually eat it. You can leave your residents hungry, they fish and spawn food in inventory on their own. But you can put food in shared boxes anyway if you want to up their potentials.
Last I saw it was 40k.

No idea, but my weeb fox could use one.
Reminder that if your party has Mesherada, you support trans rights movement. No, this is not trolling.
does it count if all I do is put her on the gallows to use as a punching bag?
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>Yugioh reference
KEK, it's "Called by the Grave".
Offtopik but my half sister has an electric one and they are comfy especially since she lives in an icebox without any proper heating
Reverse Collapse
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What did he mean by this?
I think I'm gonna ditch my onehanded katana style and start dual wielding shortswords
my GOTY is Skyrim. I know it came out 11 years ago but it's still more fun and less pozzed than all the faggotry that came out this year.

2nd plaice is idk Might and Magic 7 or Underrail maybe
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that's another issue then because my residents aren't hungry since they have access to food but the livestock is hungry. guess I'll just place the regular food box in the ranch as well
Time to make an edit and hire a female giant to tank for me.
Welcome, fellow first-worlder
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kek, ok
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>No it doesn't.
What am I missing then, because it looks like it does if I just slap the levels on a fresh character. Doesn't change with a heavier material, so I know it's not weight related either.
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Grasping at strawhammers at this point
>average Kizuami worshiper
Anon, but I DO support trans movement. I DO support giving puberty blockers to kids. just not in my country
>It's why console exclusives are reviled...And games with Denuvo receive special hate campaigns too
give me one good reason why either of these things should be supported
I saw the ad and bought the game. How do I make my numbers bigger effectively?
how much replayability is there in this game atm?
This shit has no DRM tho.
Or one that doesn't work.
I copied my steam copy to my workplace PC and play it while wageslaving, it plays just fine.
What I'm saying is basically
>20 dollars
No anon, it's free.
I love my party god
You have to get gourmand line of feats and grow some specific crops. Choose crops that have the the stat boosts you want and process them into something that can fill a slot in a high level recipe (like soya sauce or dough) then combine all that shit together and eat some godlike roasts or bread or whatnot. If you're just starting eating high item level tavern food is also an option though it's random what you get so you can't properly minmax with that.
My current setup is 6 types of wheat with different stat boosts and 2 types of nuts with my main stat (magic) to make into flour then bread
damn that's quality
I'm not far off from Kogitsunemaru. I'll see how gimped it actually makes me or if it ends up being good. It also buffs bits since they are on your "faction" right? White Vixen is finally going to go ham.
I may have found it, what's your tactics skill at? Because for some reason melee weapons use the raw value, and martial weapons only get half. So my bad, you're right that because of that, melee weapons would have a better multiplier scale to tactics not being half as strong.
There are anons that can afford vr headsets but can't afford a $20 game.
>when you finish putting a +49dex alpaca gene in your symbiote black angel and her damage multiplier and CTH jumps massively

feels good man, side note, I had no idea alpacas were so dextrous
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yup, just started doing it. not sure how good it is but seems pretty bonkers
The swordsman fears the alpaca.
>Ok, my guys are dying and anon told me a big house the size of my plot will solve that
>I won't make it too fancy, and I can get all the stone I need in like 3 runs of a tower
>time to start building
3 fucking hours later holy shit
You start building shit without even intending to
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you would think it would be these fucks; alpaca don't climb
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Doesn't have it at all. Here's the full stat/skill list for that screencap.
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oh fug wrong webm
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Damn as a farmer this is actually a pretty decent mutation
>anon casually leaks ayys on a vidya board
Seeing as expansions are apparently eligible
Factorio: Space Age
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Now you have to figure out how to give her the ninetails gene so she gets another hundred Life.
Also, someone made an edit for the giant to make it a troll, if you don't have it.
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>Portrait doesn't match the sprite
Gotta do better than that. Here's what I use for Giants.
I hate order of operations sometimes. Primary stat (STR in this case) is also halved for martial weapons, not for other melee weapons.
From the decompiled source https://github.com/Elin-Modding-Resources/Elin-Decompiled/blob/main/Elin/AttackProcess.cs
>Line 177, martial weapon block
dMulti = 0.6f + (float)(CC.STR / 2 + weaponSkill.Value / 2 + CC.Evalue(flag2 ? 304 : 132) / 2) / 50f;
>Line 221, melee weapon block
dMulti = 0.6f + (float)(weaponSkill.GetParent(CC).Value + weaponSkill.Value / 2 + CC.Evalue(flag3 ? 304 : (IsRanged ? 133 : 132))) / 50f;

Order of operations got me fucked up on the melee weapon block, the skill/2 happens first, THEN the primary stat is added in. Man Noa must really hate martial weapons.
Surprised there isn't any custom feat mods yet, seemed to me like an obvious choice

Anyway, any recommended mods? I currently use auto explore and infinite stethoscope
The one that lets you see the values of enchantments on the items. I don't like that one mod bundled with it that shows you enemy stats because you don't see them in vanilla but that one that only shows equipment numbers basically shows you what you can already see on your character screen after equipping it
Had to antibody mine out because i got back to back bad ones
May you get wings and mana battery next
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ok I like the push up better but should I include misc wip versions to the final collection?
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I have not seen this before though its just a skill book so its probably just decent trash.
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>5000+ kg
>160+ cm
Built for destroying pelvises
yeah it's pretty shit just dump it in the shipping crate bwo
Im gonna make a gun character next, should I make them a sneaky thief or a cowboy gunner
I'm planning on mugging everyone with may darkness rods
anyone got any videos to watch for this? im interested but i don't know if I'll fully enjoy it
Watering yourself gives Farming experience though.
So its just a feat point, I guess thats good but I'm past the point of needing them.
Try the demo
what's the easiest way to lower danger levels in your town?
good point cheers
Either check out the demo or download elona since it's free
Border patrol policy
Other than that you're kinda fucked because you can only go forward and not back
Maybe selling fame would help but I doubt it
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How do I put the fence there without shitting up the terrain too bad?
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holy PV
just arm your residents with spare garbage you find in nefias instead of wasting admin points
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impressive art skills mate
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Slutty Roran

>How do I put the fence there without shitting up the terrain too bad?
send a suggestion through the in-game feature. i think you can even attach pictures so i suggest uploading that picture emphasising that we REALLY need walls and fencest to be able to face all four sides and not just bottomleft and bottomright.
That's AI
hawt, thanks for this
Ads work????
Is there some setting that's making my character auto-eat now? It's getting annoying having her eat too early.
what actually increases the livestock quality? i only get +2 stuff from it sometimes and i dont know why
I'm the original anon(not that it matters) who told you to give a lil sag
Both look nice, the push up one is nicer
I do, however, like the almost-spilling-out boobage on the first one
Anyway, good work.
guessing here but i think it's affinity?
I heard there was a way to make things invisible for this, any anons know?
>1637 cm (aka 53 ft in burger units)
How does she fit in nefias when she's basically a little taller than an average 4 story building?
It's level. You see this in the wild if you're lucky to run into a neutral evolved wyvern or something that's super high level and get +4 scales
You cannot make walls invis, but you can make doors and gates invis so it's effectively the same thing. But in your case I'm not sure if making anything invis will help
Use the build board visibility menu
I thought all evolved enemies were neutral
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>mass monster appears in my village
>no scrolls of extermination
Summon animal just summoned a fucking alien
Make sure to capture one for infinite stealth exp
Am I reading that correctly or does that picture indicate martial art damage still procs if you use non martial art weapon?
No, it's just showing you a baseline to compare against
How do I get Generator? Should I just level one of the crafting skill until I dream up the recipe? Which skill should I level then?
The Generator in the towns cost like 780 tickets. The Gene Machine needs a lot of juice and natural power generation will not cut it.
You can also find animal tamers selling them from time to time.
bought one and gave it an assault rifle because why the fuck not
and yes they can use guns and other ranged weapons
No evochat
No buy
Are there any other JP sites like this one with mods?
Take your dbz power leveling and piss meter back to ano and elona+
Evochat was a mod, not a vanilla feature. Newfaggot secondary
Generator is 40 blacksmithing, you can also make great fridges with it. If you do go that path then get Kettle to dupe some IC chips you've made.
how much of a multiplier is that (49)? is it raw 49 dexterity or is there other math involved.
Not excuse to not include in elin game. It exist so no reason dev can't include it
There's a free one somewhere.
berry bros...
wish for snowman generators, if you have a few black cat salivas you can get like 4+ at once
you can steal one generator from the truce grounds but it doesn't respawn and you need either big weightlifting or golden knight to carry it home
+blacksmithing skill on gear also helps, keep an eye out.
also if you have enough pickpocket you can sleight of hand the snowman generators but ofc I was only able to do that through stacking +pickpocket skill from gear
Are you eating while traveling the global map? It's a toggle under the strategy tab on your character sheet.
Just a flat +49 dex. I presume that it works the same for skill genes.

What I didn't know until GanExtendDisplay updated earlier this week is that the +***** modifiers aren't linear like I thought, I guessed it to mean something like +3 levels per pip, but actually increase by order of magnitude more at the higher pips.

So a +* gene might give 3 levels for 1 feat point, but a +**** gives 49 levels for 12 feat points, much better than I expected
Are those points permanently consumed or do you get them refunded after removing a gene?
Not sure but it would make sense that you get them back, otherwise removing a gene would be pretty pointless
how long did it take you to farm out THAT many berry seeds? How big the land and how many plants?
How do I into berries? Is this late game? I've been growing berries for my own use, steady supply of cha/cha pot food with strains bred for even more cha pot. Works great in salads for getting massive boosts, it's almost a full stat point per meal.

I don't know how you are making that much cash off them tho. What soil rank would you even need for a berry plantation like that?
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How do you teach a companion taunt?

Im 7 years deep and have never seen a book for it even once
uhhh... probably genes i guess. not sure if books exist
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Guys? I thought companions couldn't get Ether Disease.
platform maybe?
You can marry your younger sister in this game
They don't have natural progression, but ether attacks will still mutate them
You can remove genes?
Ive never added one to my companions as I assumed they were permanent
yo bros, is it intentional that you cant cast speed on your allies? doesnt make much sense
I guess I should take off her Ether armor at some point then.
Did you give them equipment made out of ether?
how do you even get that high of a + mark on berries? My seeds are like +25 and still only +2 or 3.

Any recs on some good looking basic housing? Not sure if I should do stone or wood. Kinda want to make something that isnt a basic piece of shit.
American cuckolds aren't allowed to see any game that has lolis in it. Why do you think skeb and pixiv banned Amerifats from seeing loli artworks?
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Try not to be TOO jealous, leaflets
there is auto eat option while in the over world. I'm not certain if there's one for any where else.
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I have five filled habs so far, I think it was 140 something bushes per hab? A sixth soon to be underway as soon as I get a couple more farmers. its a bit harder now that I can't enslave farmers without one shotting them even if I throw leaves and stuff. this is just from letting delegated farming run while I explore for a bit. a bit wasteful but manual harvesting is aids
max out your meadow, hire/enslave farmers, invest gold bars into soil.
I stupidly made this strain of berries will instead of CH so I just sell them
with all my farmers my soil rank is super high gimme a min to check
10 seed levels equals 1 product level.
10+ seed = 1+ crop
Probably. It (like nearly everything) was self only in vanilla Elona too.
You can cast Broomification on allies for +45 speed if the stat drops won't hurt for them
your seeds can go up to your farming rank so for these berries you want +115ish farming, which I get through kumiromi, the scythe and grinding up to like 70 farming
>What soil rank would you even need for a berry plantation like that?
this much. farmers are insane and rn I'm thinking ab out breeding end corn so I can give them giga end meals to power level their farming even more. idk whatt the cap is on soil though so that might be overkill
how do I bring an altar to my land?
If you're a Witch and you're not on a broom, you're doing doing things wrong. Unless the -10 Fire Resistance for being a broom as well as the -10 Str/End/Dex is so devastating for the broomified pet that you think it's not worth it, that is. A Witch needs to be riding a broom from the start to train that Riding skill up so that you can start zooming around faster than a Fairy
luck altars are the lightest so if you can somehow get one home you can convert it to your god of choice
Kumi and his scythe? Damn ive been an itzpalt follower for 1.8k days now.
Are there any requirements for livestock? Do they need anything except an area to exist or do I have to build troughs and such
Fat bitch is eating a whole goddamn whale
Stuff it in a paper tent
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have you tried wifing a pro weight lifter?
if you want them to produce shearable product, eggs and milk you need pasture (feed) in a shared container
anime morrowind
I need a woman who can down a whole whale in one sitting.
NTA but I got 200 turn of heavy unremovable ball instead
they only produce products if you give them feeds(from pastures). Otherwise you could just have a petting zoo of animals that swarm your bed when you sleep
use something heavier when converting. even better if its something your god likes rather than a corpse, but a dodo corpse is generally pretty good.
speaking of
the feeding trough should be a ranch sign substitute, the same as the scarecrow is for the farm
What makes a better farmland, Vernis or Meadow?
did a patch make it so you can't shear from nefia monsters anymore? can't seem to shear loose dragons
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>"Someone stole the fucking waterfall again"
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My base is almost done, how to I publish it for other anon to see?
Be level 7, steal backer code from these threads (allegedly), and click hearthstone choosing publish
>What's your GOTY anons?
How is it? Im just diving into elin until a life as actually proper in stalker 2
So there's a thing called scaffolding... But it's a recipe you have to learn I think
Is there anyway to transport materials between homes that dont involve a transporter (I dont have one)
Could try stealing a delivery box
That or teleporters but that require each base to be level 5 at least
What does "I want you to sleep beside me" implies in Japanese? I've noticed that my whole harem gathers to sleep with me but does that means to also watch birds with me in the bed?
Goats are incredibly based. Watching them climb mountains and walls is so cool.
I had to remove mine because it was bothering me but it's neat!
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Shitty edit
Samefagging shill. Try to be more subtle next time.

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