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Honest thoughts on Sadie Adler?
she's one of the most unhinged and unreasonable people in the camp but is given a pass because woman.

She's sexy and charming though so most people, myself included, won't mind
she cute
femdom with Sadie
O’Driscolls probably raped her
Originally the gang was going to interrupt the O'Driscolls mid-rape but because playtesters actually stopped to watch, they took it out.
based playtesters
bet they tried running in circles to get next in line, too
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>playtesters actually stopped to watch
Maybe I should meet these playtesters, we seem to think alike.
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She got a purdy mouth
Underused character
You made this thread earlier today. Hell I even thought it was still the same one.
About the only HQ images of Sadie I could find online are bondage sets.
absolutely hate that bitches voice
The definition of a breeding sow
Now that you mention it, why didn't she and her husband have any kids? It's 1899. Married woman her age on a farm WOULD have kids.
Yeah sure, just like the other hundreds of scripted moments in this game where the gang does shit regardless of what you do, but somehow this particular one scene worked like this. Lying retard.
ruined the game for me
Its been a while since I played but I think they were relatively newly married and she was pregnant at the time the O'Driscolls raided and the event contributed to a misacarriage.
I like girls with freckles, she cute.
>Hey /v/, what do you think of the constantly angry, gun toting feral girl?

What do you expect /v/ is going to say? "Based"?
the writers forgot to put a girl boss in the camp so they tacked her entire character and story on last second
She comes across as a horrid person with no real remarkable character, I thought she might have been a romance option for Arthur or a good friend but she's just awful. Even Micah has his moments but Sadie is just an all round bad character that was there to be a girlboss. Most of the characters are pretty bland and unremarkable honestly, she's just one of them.
It's conjecture spread from a reddit post from an alleged dev that was part of a bunch of cut content and story shit that filled in a couple holes in the plot
qt braphog
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Any reason you edited that pic to make her look less masculine?
should have been more normal, should have had a cuter voice actress and been aone the love interests you could have chosen as arthur
I wanna eat her ass desu
I thought she had a cute voice
She would have been good if she wasn't a contradiction to the story and themes. Her pursuit for revenge never goes wrong, no one goes down for her quest of vengeance, she is reckless and brash and it never comes back to bite her in the ass. She's flawed and makes mistakes but really, only the hot air balloon guy is the one who pays for it, every other time nothing goes wrong. Then at the end, she is a badass bounty hunter, gets another shot of revenge on Micah and lives happily ever after. Arthur and John both pay for revenge but not Sadie, not our precious little Sadie.
Wow the person who lost everything actually had a happy ending.

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