Was he right?
>>696963998Marx had an embarrassingly lo gamerscore on XBL. he was just seething about a lack of skill
nah, he was pretty left leaning desu senpai
>>696963998Santa never said that
>>696963998Marx was a casual who couldn't even beat Ninja Gaiden 2 on Acolyte.
Mises dunked on this guy so hard in 1920like completely BTFO his ass
>>696963998this loser would probably be running his own factory in factorio autistically turning linen into jackets
its kind of funny>the "opium of the masses" came with "heart of the heartless world", it was a compliment of sort, maybe pity>christtrannies demonize drugs>now "opium of the masses" sounds to them like they're being compared to zombies and that they should all take a bullet to the head
In Granblue Rising when you set Lucilius (nihilist boss) as partner he says ''gaming is the new opiate of the masses''kek
>>696963998>Marx liked guns and hated jews >His followers hate guns and love jews
>>696964647fuck you cunthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD7nI8SlNhQ>hurr 30 minthen shut your retard hole about economics
>>696965721based cockshott truthnuke drop
>>696965543marx was a jew himselfbut you should read his letters about picrel (specifically this one:https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1862/letters/62_07_30a.htm)
>>696963998Opium's a little better, I think. Wish I had some of that shit.
>>696964383>realizes the hegelian society is bullshit and so is most of philosophy >writes one last philosophical work specifically to taunt the resident autist NEET, Marx>Marx takes the bait
>>696965721>the entire video is a misunderstanding of what the problem in question actually isYou can’t not tell me all marxists simply adjust the definition of words based on their own feelings at the time of reading.
>>696963998>videogames>existing in the 19th century