Cave Story is now 20 years old, share some of your experiences with the quintessential indie game, and give it a replay while you're at it.
>>697858323I think that one mimiger is pretty hot and I would fuck itThat's what I have to say about cave storyOh yeah and I also want to lick Curly
I remember first finding out about this game from a YTPMV. Good times.
>>697858323>share some of your experiences with the quintessential indie game, and give it a replay while you're at it.I have none
>>697858323I love that trailer when I was a kid. It felt so exciting and learning that a single dude made pretty much the entire game got me to believe I could do something similar myself.
I think Cave Story 3D was a good game and offered a charming and unique perspective on the series. It wasn't necessary, like at all, but I still enjoyed it.
>>697858323i'll never forget the experience of playing cave story on my wii for the first time. I'll always be grateful for reading that one magazine that talked about it and its development. I'll replay it on my switch like i always do, good thread op
>>697858323I had to play through it three and a half times because I fucked up saving Curly twice. Great game. Thanks to the anon that suggested I get the dokutsu-rs patch to turn the goddamn speed back down to 50 fps. I'd never played the game before in my life and that speed up made the game feel weird and sped up.
>>697858323Never played it. I will download and play it later.
>>697858323>pixel and nicolas ignoring the 20that least its not more fake game bait like april fools
>>697861574pixel has been active online like,,, 5 hours ago after one than one year in both twitter accounts. We will probably see something later today
>>697861529If you get the nicalis version, and the movement feels off, try getting the patch to put it back to 50fps. If you get the original version it doesn't matter, but I honestly liked the updated soundtrack.
Why is this shit not on modern consoles? Is the developer being a lil’ nigga on purpose?
>>697861574>fake game bait like april foolsI feel like I'm the only one who wasn't keen on the idea of "Cave Story Story", if it was real, it would just feel like Nicalis trying to cash in on the popularity of modern indie RPGs like Undertale, by turning Cave Story into one.
>>697861707my fav one, aside from the original, is the Famitracks from the switch version.>>697861779for unknown reasons, the series outside of PC is exclusive to nintendo consoles, the switch even got an exclusive version of CS+ with tons of new features, soundtracks and the physical version comes with a manual (something rare nowadays)
>>697861707ok thanks anon. I just downloaded it from the OP link. English pre patched version.
>>697861898That sucks. I want to play it.
>>697858323I remember randomly stumbling upon it after looking up other indie games after playing Yume Nikki, didn`t had any idea it had that much of a cult following at the time, I remember being quite shocked when the 3D version was announced.
>>697861779>Is the developer being a lil’ nigga on purpose?The game's owner is called Tyrone Rodriguez, what do you think?
>>697861898The Switch version does have button graphics for other consoles in the files, so they probably had it planned at some point. the bit at the end of the page pretty much confirms that Pixel has zero ownership of the game.
>>697863061actually those buttons are from The Binding of Issac.>Also the bit at the end of the page pretty much confirms that Pixel has zero ownership of the game.If that was actually the case, wouldn't that mean the change of ownership happened years after the rumors started?
>>697863384>actually those buttons are from The Binding of Issac.Then why the fuck are they there when they don't even share the same engine? Is it Nicalis being retarded again?
>>697860478>Free game made by one guy>Translations made by fans>Trailer made by fans>Ports made by fansThis is soul right here, fuck Nicalis.
You have saved her, right?
When's the multiplayer lobby? Preferably with actual moderation and banning faggots holding up the run.>>697869218My first playthrough I had no idea it was even possible to save her. I only looked it up once I started getting curious about why people were so obsessed with a "dead" character.
>>697869218You don't truly beat the game unless you save her, so yes.>>697869394The fact that she can die at all is part of the reason she's so popular, and the best ending being hidden behind an obtuse requirement is intentional, to make people get attached to her and seeing her die by a sacrifice incentivizes the player further to achieve that ending, the only hint of the best ending's existence being at the very end of the game supports this.
>>697858323Watched my boyfriend play a challenge level or something after we 69ed for the first time.
>>697858323Great game, not in the mood for another replay soon though. I already got all achievements on the Steam version years ago.
>>697870072If you did it legit, then kudos to you, that is impressive
>>697870649Thanks, I got them all 7 years ago and I was already a fan of the freeware version before I purchased Cave Story+. It was challenging but in a fun way, I love using the Booster.
>>697869218holy tummyand yes
>>697866081I'm pretty sure she's a linux user. Her favorite command is suedo. *rimshot*
am working on texture swaps for new characters i made... halfway there
>even noill blessed us with new curly on the 20thbased
Underwear gang!
I refuse to go to the thread of /trash/ dejects.
>>697858323Bump for interest.
>>697872051looking good anon
Is that secret santa spin-off any good?
>>697864631they reused the buttons for cave story, the image it's probably a leftover, it even has the wiiu buttons lol
I've never actually played Cave Story. Can't think of a better excuse so I'm going to fix that. Is Cave Story+ worth the $3 on Steam or should I just play the freeware?
>>697879585Freeware, the new features in plus are negligible at best and detrimental at worst.
How much porn will we see today?
>>697858323I was browsing /f/ on a whim when i found someone dumped a thing called Cave Story and turns out it was the whole thing, i spent days glued to it to the point i didn't realize my family was coming over when i was trapped in the labyrinth.Great game, always worth a replay.
these niggers still wont put the switch version on sale, im NOT GOING TO PAY 30 FUCKING DOLLARS FOR CAVE STORY
>>697863061>Also the bit at the end of the page pretty much confirms that Pixel has zero ownership of the game.i hope this isnt true, i wonder what Pixel is up to nowadays
>>697883440Pixel's still making games here and there.
>>697883919Cute drawing.
>>697869218The second time, on my first playthrough i went blind and just assumed she was always doomed, since the professor also dies.
>>697858323Redpill me on this game ? I played undertale,off, blinding of isaac etcwhat makes this game special ?
>>697883919>look forward to future cave story developmentsWHAT
>>697858323sex with curly brace
>>697883919what did he mean by this
>>697884239A pretty nice platformer, completely original, made entirely by one guy and also freeware.Back when it released it was a great standard of what indie games could be and honestly it still is.
>>697884325>>697884276Being realistic, probably a rerelease or something along those lines.Being hopefu, CS2 with little to no involvement from Nicalis.
>>697884239It was THE indie game. You didn't really see a game from one guy made in his free time release and gain so much praise/notoriety outside of the occasional flash game that usually had very small scope or rough production values. Cave Story was quality, polished, and fun (and free) and it being from one part-time dev really opened the eyes of a lot of people. I don't think many of the indies we have today exist without Pixel and Cave Story proving it was possible.
Massive autistic blogposting incomingI originally found the game from 404timenotfound,a random swf website,I was super intrigued to have found a game there,but it didnt save properly and lost my progress up until grasstown.Then found it again uploaded on newgrounds ( I dont remember) but it was quickly taken down.I dont remember the versions being in english either.It was way later until I found the steam version then promptly downloaded the freeware.The rollercoaster to just get to it was wild and personal,I think that the air of nostalgia about how everyone came to play it the first time,the time period (or the wii era) + the fact that it was made by one person makes it like a well-crafted exprienced for one guy to another,which just makes it more personal/endearingThe gripes with it thoughThe jellyfish quest could have been different items/sub quests than just getting it 2-3 timesPuu black is very out of nowhereThe booster part and the jump ,is just non-sensical even from the "good things come to those who wait" (like the spur)The text interrupting the flow of gameplay in hellSome of the QoL updates dont warrant a fucking price tag on the re-re-releases (Nigalis)>>697860478
>>697858323I'm not going to explain the story because it could identify me to anyone that followed Cave Story fandom autism 10ish years ago but I met my wife thanks to this game, she was a modder.
>>697884728>but I met my wife thanks to this game, she was a modderLUCKY!
Replayed the game (freeware aeon genesis translation) already but i got to finish this for Misery.
overrated story. really not that good.
>>697884886samefagging a spritesheet for MM8BDM
I learned of cave story and played it on my moms old work laptop over a decade ago. She thought it was a virus lmao.
i played it for the first time last year on the 3ds (the eshop version) and i liked it a lot. ive probably replayed it maybe 4 times now, and i sitll get the urge atleast once a month to do a replay. I just really like everything about it.
>>697884765The luckiest I've been in my whole life. She's an artist, still use the profile picture of Misery she drew me back then and it went from there and I still love MiseryStill has a mod that she wrote and designed but never finished in all those years, maybe I should convince her to do it together.
>>697858323>20 yearsThat also happens to be the the amount of years I am older than my daughterwife.I can't believe I was already playing Cave Story the same year that my daughterwife was born.
>>697885127Do it!
>>697883919>he looks so old nowBros.......
>>697884705I don't actually mind the Booster jump since it's supposed to be a secret, it's like those "you can totally save Aerith in FF7 trust me bro!"-type rumors except real.
>>697858323My sucky ass got filtered by the second boss in this game (Igor, I think?), and I haven't tried again in 10 years.
>>697884728>met my wife due to an autistic shared obsessionWAGMII hope you had ridiculous cosplay sex to commemorate it.
>>697885849>filtered by igor
>>697872051hmm not sure what am doing wrong. i overwrit the bmp file and this happens, but there is more than 2 color. on csmultiplayer it looks correct.
>>697883919this absolute madman, managed to create 2 metroidvanias, a Music tracker soft and one action game, with a compelling story, with all art, music, assets and coding ALL BY HIMSELF.that guy is one true motherfucker right there.
>>697884728My first thought was GIRakaCHEEZER but I don't think that quite lines up, if you are however fuck you for getting to play the beta also when are tess 2 and bless you rip coming out
Rizz Story
>>697872826this man’s drawings of this woman killed millions.
Misery needs more art, she got one dedicated artist a while ago but I don't like his style.
>>697858323>quintessentialreally? what are the essential indies?
>>697886137he got creamed too hard
Hot off the presses
>>697884276>>697884325Even more random crossovers to milk the IP.
>>697860278For me, it was either a friend of mine, or SomeCallMeJohnny's review on the game.
>>697884325Cave Story will be ported to the Switch 2
>>697888096And it will contain a brand new challenge: "Land of Reused Assets".
>>697887016Ok the avgn bit with the hurt sound got me
>>697888173Gross. Curly is not for lewd.
i cry when i think of cave story because of how much i love games
>>697858323I really liked using the Machine Gun to float
>>697858323I'm playing it for the first time right now. Didn't know that it was so close to the anniversary.
>>697858323Curly! >>697869218Of course.
>>697888816>>697890690Actual bots
I was only 19 at the time when this game first came out. I have very fond memories of playing the game and talking about, what I thought at the time, was the "good ending." I learned about the true ending, and all the bullshit you had to go through to get it. Some day I'll beat the game for real. Fuck Balos.
>>697894591its easy after first beat
>>697883919>if it's coming from Nicalis and not Pixel as the main driving force, I could not give a single shit.
>>697883919>look forward to future cave story developments
>>697884705>404timenotfoundoh hey, I uploaded some of my own shitty flashes to that site when the owner asked me.
>>697896328WHERE'S THE LINK
>>697886241I for one welcome our new, drippy blue protag.
>>697860278Did the GamingBrit ever review it? That video certainly isn't on his channel anymore now but I swear he did and that's where I first heard about Cave Story.
>>697886241HAHA IT WORKSall i had to do was put it in graphicgales, go to all frames >color depth and hit okyeah i dont know why but it worked
>>697899903Don't know what character that is butsex
>>697886002>I hope you had ridiculous cosplay sex to commemorate, thats nasty dude
Whats YOUR Cave Story?
>>697884232Saving the professor is absolute horseshit and honestly my only complaint about getting the true ending.
>>697887016Damn, that was actually pretty good.
>>697902650my first storyrapestory
>>697896328Motherfucker, which one??? He's got at least 3 of them he's not updating anymore!
>>697897592Is that the Atlyss library goat?
>>697903938It may not be much of a hint, but the game does have one right there in the room with the pit.
>>697902650my story is that i was really obsessed with this game when i was a kid but none of the kids in my school knew about it so i felt very lonely
>>697905387nope it's original character brainrot, Sandra
>>697906037cringo, get that /trash/ shit out of here.
>>697902650My story is that I first played this game in High School over 10 years ago and it's wild to me that the game is older than some /v/ posters. I learned about it on the /v/'s recommended games wiki among other games like Iji.
>>697906223Where was this stance when the library goat was involved?
It was good for a 2004 freeware. It's not even the best freeware of the era - That title goes to La Mulana. I don't see any reason to play it over any real game.
>>697902650I unironically pirated the steam version so I could play a fat mod of the game.It was disappointing because the mod was more like as sprite swap with 3 lines throughout the game even acknowledging it.
>>697906810>It was disappointing because the mod was more like as sprite swap with 3 lines throughout the game even acknowledging it.I see the mod author has followed the Nicalis' standards of effort.
>>697906513>best freewaremaybe. cave story was still more comfy.
>>697896328gonna need that link anon
>>697906037Does she have more jump powers than a charge jump?
>>697907562Tackle jump in CSMP is just strange. Mainly used for griefing.
>>697909678She's not wrong. The machine gun is a much more fun weapon. Only tryhards gets the spur.
>>697909678>>697909760For me, it's the Snake.
Real robot soldiers do a machine gun, mimiga head, boosterless run.
>>697902650I learned about it through DeceasedCrab. Played the freeware version before the WiiWare release came out obviously. Beat it. Did it again in high school classes. Bought Cave Story+ for me and a friend who got way more into it than I did.>>697909760Tryhards use Level 2 King's Sword.
>>697910097Whoa watch out we got a big dick Quote over here
>>697909678>Z to shootwat?
>>697858323I've played it, it was fun
>>697858323Wasn't the creator tricked into giving away the IP?
>>697911704Yeah, Nicalis seems to be in touch to work on some new cave story stuff together instead of quietly trying to trick people more and more into believing they were the sole creators of Cave Story
>>697911704Something about signing a contract in a language he couldn't understand, like an idiot. I think he still owns the freeware version.
>>697909678It's an early superior jetpack in a lot of ways too. Invaluable for some of the midgame, especially the fight in the water
>>697914251machineniɡɡers have no understanding of a quality weapon
>>697914251>Curly is saying this, owning the Machine Gunidgi to 1:10 is pure bliss
Happy 20th anniversary, best Indie game of all time, Cave Story.
pixel is so old, crying
>>697858323>share some of your experiences with the quintessential indie gameI accidentally bought 2 copies of the Switch port. Strangely there are 2 different versions that were released years apart, which just had different covers
>>697872826Damn, he never loses his touch.
Is there anyway to buy this so that Pixel gets the money?
>>697861779Reminder the company that now owns Cave Story is Nicalis, aka the ones going against the og series creator's wishes.
>>697919615What wishes are those?
>>697919478buy his shirts or something, idk nigga send him an email and ask for a paypal address
>>697919478Buy Kero Blaster
>>697884598I doubt they would let him hint at that on their video unless they had their hands in it.A Cave Story 2 sounds like a monkey's paw.
>>697919714iirc, the money you use to buy Cave Story+ isn't given to the og dev but rather the company themselves.
>>697912908>Something about signing a contract in a language he couldn't understand, like an idiot.After they got him drunk
reminder: There is no evidence nicalis stole cave story from pixel. Him bothering to show up and do this 20th anniversary video should be enough evidence.
>>697920106Yeah that makes me skeptical of the rumors
when pixel dies, i die
>>697920106There's no evidence they didn't steal it either.
>>697920106at gunpoint
>>697858323God fucking dammit i just jacked off and got out of the shower, wished i could jack off to Curly Brace earlier to celebrate.
>>697920390If they stole it Pixel wouldn't show up for their video
>>697858323Cave Story absolutely absorbed my imagination when I first played it as a kid on DSiWare, a game made by a single person was the coolest thing ever to me, and my friends played it too so we actually got the experience of discovering secrets together. Wonderful game.
>>697920476take it to the other degenerate FILTHY thread you guy >>697849487
>>697920508Not necessarily.
>>697920523Mimigga that's just the same fucking thread as this one.
>>697883919I didn't expect his voice to be so high desu
>>697920523Why are there two threads?
>>697920106>Him bothering to show upI've wanted to burn my job to the ground for 15 years. I burst out laughing when one of our other locations had one of my peers go active shooter and kill a couple people. And yet I still show up to work everyday, because it's my fucking job, it's what I have, people do far worse for a paycheck
>>6979206252 decades 2 threads
Can I play singleplayer on the multiplayer mod? Or should I play the original version with the patch?
>>697920639i dont think nicalis employed cave story sir.
>>697920625You see, that one with Sue is for the furfag secondaries who escaped containment from /trash/, and this one is for the actual fans of the game.
>>697858323Cave Explorer?
>>697920508When the rights to your intellectual property have been sold off, you are essentially a figurehead to a series, that doesn't get any new updates except very minor cameos, but you can't leave because it is also your economic beneficiary. So you are economically being held hostage. I imagine that is the same for companies who have the rights to games and yet the original developers left while the company is still part of a capital tie-in so you are essentially raped six ways to sunday.TL;DR Pixel is now Nicalis' bitch.
>>697920903That's stupid, the whole argument is he's not getting paid
>>697920715Only point is, people will work for someone they hate. Pixel showing up for an interview isn't proof of anything
>>697920848Jesus christ how horrifying. I'm glad I saw this one first.
>>697920992>That's stupid, the whole argument is he's not getting paidThe argument is he *didn't* get paid shit. Future work is future work
>>697921131but he's making games for himself just fine without them >>697883530
>>697921226The only game from that list he made after the Cave Story is Kero Blaster(Pink Heaven is a Kero Blaster demo, and Haru to Shura is not his.) and Kero Blaster is already 10 years old, that's 10 years he spent not making a full proper new game.
im going to japan in a month, i will interview pixel and ask him if hes being raped by nicalis okay?
>>697921624if you think he will explain his situation to some random gaijin you will be sorely disappointed
>no surprise beta release for the 20th anniversary, the best possible time to do soWe're really never going to get it, are we? It's not fair. I want to play the beta before I die.
>>697921501How many copies has Kero Blaster actually sold?
>>697858323I used to replay this game a lot, though it's been a while at this point.I always really liked Last Cave and Sacred Grounds and I have a folder with save files before both of those points for each of the three primary weapons so I could replay those sections whenever I wanted.Sue Sakamoto is best girl. Now and forever.
I also liked ikachan, simple as it may be
>>697858323One of the best games ever, and it was given for free before there even was a western indie scene. Lightning in a bottle, dare I say it. I also love the nostalgic early 2000s flair it has.
>>697922001No idea. Although considering he keeps making ports for it and shilling it on his twitter to this day, I'd assume it sold well enough.
I got to the super secret boss but couldn't finish itI said I'd beat him laterThat was like 20 years ago, maybe I should finally do it but I'd have to play form the beginning
>>697921968same here
>>697922795it only takes 2 hours to beat the game for the best ending
>>697858323>20 years later and I still can't beat hellfeels bad man
>>697921913wamu shading
>>697922795Don't forget, your ultimate goal is to clear the secret final level and boss in under three minutes.
>>697926260Why? Just to make the title screen worse? Sue is shit, and Safety is heard a million times in-game.
>>697926386>Sue is shitWorst post. Dumbest opinion.
I played Cave story on human the first time I played. It was a bad idea.
>>697926669She's a burden for most of the game and never does anything helpful, no wonder everyone likes Curly more.
How do I win
>>697927304Shoot the gun
>>697926832>she's a burdenShe never does anything to burden you though. She gets herself into trouble, but she's the one that pays for it. It never affects you.>never does anything helpfulShe does fill King and Jack in on what's going on.>everyone likes Curly moreSpeak for yourself buddy.
>>697927967I'm trying but I keep getting shot back by cupids
I original played it on my PSP. It's still on there actually.
>>697928149Oh wait, you mean Hell? Alright here it goes.>B1 is mostly down to muscle memory>B2 is the worst room by far, just go as fast as you can while avoiding as many boulders as possible>B3 has a health exploit at the start, you pick up the two hearts, go back to B2, and back down to respawn the hearts, do this until full health if you're not speedrunning.>Heavy Mating Press is mostly down to practice, you want to kill him fast though so the cupids don't swarm you.>On Ballos' phases 2 and 4, you can stand on his eyes and go wild, turning your back to him with blade level 1 or 2 equipped will ensure both you and Curly will do damage
>>697927304>Heavy Press: Super Missile>Ballos 1: Spur, Sword, Nemesis>Sword is stronger. If you touch him you only take a fraction of damage.>Ballos 2: To avoid falling off, hold left/right + up.>Ballos 3: When the platforms appear and spikes rise, damage boost into his eye then unload all your super missiles and he should die. Cheers![/spoilers]
>>697928039>She never does anything to burden you though.The first half of the game is just you having to deal with her doing dumb shit.>She does fill King and Jack in on what's going on.Because that's all she does, be a small stepping stone for other characters to be way more helpful than her, same happened with her mother.>Speak for yourself buddy.The amount of Curly fanart vastly outnumbers ever other character by a huge margin.
>>697921968I thought Cave Story Beta Remake was neat even though I think a gay furfag made it.
Cutest vidya race and it's not even close
>>697930771Does it bother anyone else that nearly every artist of an animal-type character that has a short tail basically attaches it to the side of their ass like some kind of tumor? They're all "oh fuck we really want people to see the tail", but then draw that character in a pose where a short tail shouldn't be visible at all. Just look at that image. I like it! But, trace in your mind's eye where the spine would go, and where the tail should be sprouting from. Those are phantom tails floating like a foot away from where they should be.
>>697929180>The first half of the game is just you having to deal with her doing dumb shit.Like what? I guess you technically have to fight Igor because of her, but she was in the egg corridor looking for a hatchable egg which Igor was guarding so presumably you'd have had to fight him eventually even if she didn't get carried off. After that she asks you to go to Grasstown to search for Kazuma after King locked her up, but she is literally not at fault for that. Going to Grasstown is also the only thing to do at that point other than sitting around in the village, so again, you'd be doing it anyway.>Because that's all she doesShe also gets the teleporter connected to Grasstown so that you can actually get there in the first place.
>>697932349I guess it depends on how much it cheats in the anatomy across the rest of the image. If it was drawn like, say, mickey mouse, then would you even bat an eye over it?
>>697932706man I remember jerking off to this picture in like 2008
>>697932349I see the tail and I'm happy, my suspension of disbelief is more powerful than Anatomical and geometric consistency.
>>697932905what? why? there's nothing erotic about it
>>697932706>She also gets the teleporter connected to GrasstownSo that her much more useful brother and eventually Booster helps you out better. See?
>>697932818True, I wouldn't notice on a rubber hose or overtly cartoony character since nothing about their anatomy makes sense anyway. They're purely stylistic. The problem arises when the image as a whole adheres to a reasonable body plan.
>>697933007because it's cute and soft looking and I am in love with her
>>697933162>being helpful doesn't count if someone else was more helpfulWhat kind of autismo logic is this?Also, Kazuma is only able to help you at all because Sue got the teleporter connected to Grasstown so that you could go there and save him. If not for Sue, you'd be stuck.
>>697933007It's not hard to imagine. That anon could become infatuated with the character, and then see that image and whip up a whole fantasy in his mind of being a date with her, there at the edge of the island. The incredible vista, the girl blushing(and not wearing pants), leading to laying her down on the lush grass and fucking her silly before the vault of the sky.
>>697933573I'm gonna jack off to this one next
>>697933573The burdens out-weigh the helpfulness, she makes everyone in the village hate her, gets Toroko killed, gets knocked out and kidnapped a lot, and is also very selfish in that her only goal is just to fuck off from the island, not caring for the well-being of anything else on it(which includes her own mother), and only really """helps""" Quote because he can fight and can be just another ticket out of there.
>>697862271do you not have a pc? what is wrong with you? this game will run on a windows 98 toaster
>>697934030Keep that garbage to your containment thread you nigger secondary.
>>697934298>frog niggerYou have no right to complain about anything anyone else posts.
>>697933994>she makes everyone in the village hate herThe village hates her through no fault of her own. Also, it really seems like it was just King and Jack and not the entire village, because Kanpachi and Mahin both seem indifferent to her when they mention her.>gets Toroko killedSue had absolutely nothing to do with that. Toroko got kidnapped in the first place because Misery is apparently a retard and completely forgot who Sue was.>gets knocked out and kidnapped a lotThree times. Once in the egg corridor, once when she gets back to the village (which again wasn't her fault), and once when everyone in the village gets captured (which is also not her fault).>and is also very selfish in that her only goal is just to fuck off from the island, not caring for the well-being of anything else on it(which includes her own mother)Are you confusing her with Kazuma? Because he's the one that does that.>and only really """helps""" Quote because he can fight and can be just another ticket out of there.This is you projecting and making shit up. Sue is even friendly towards King after he was nothing but a dick to her, referring to him as being a friend of hers to Booster when he asks who King is.Honestly, the more you post the more it seems like you just have an irrational hatred of Sue for some reason.
>>697935225>The village hates her through no fault of her own"I know this might seem cruel but Toroko is one of us. We don't need someone like Sue who only thinks of herself and no one else." -Jack. That phrase clearly shows that Sue already showed what she's like to them.>Are you confusing her with Kazuma? Because he's the one that does that.This could not be any more wrong. Kazuma is also a selfish dick but so was Sue, why do you think she wanted to hatch the dragon so much? The only human that actually cared about actually doing something about the Doctor instead of leaving, at least at first, was Booster.>Sue is even friendly towards King after he was nothing but a dick to herWell yeah, because she's in a fucking jail cell, and being friendly to him is the only way out, once she's out she immediately tries to escape again but Booster shuts her down.
guys, why has pixel not used his personal twitter for over half a year now? i'm getting worried.
>>697921968hello mr "i want the beta" anon
>>697935225this image makes me feel funny
>>697921968some company which originally was gonna localize it to north america back in 2000-2002 won't allow that, if it ever got leaked pixel and his followers would try and help wipe off the freeware version off the internet as much as possible while nicalis would change the textures and names of the characters in cs+ to some bootleg-like shit.
>>697935907>That phrase clearly shows that Sue already showed what she's like to them.Seems like bullshit if you ask me. Toroko liked Sue and, again, Mahin and Kanpachi don't hate Sue. Meanwhile Jack is King's yes-man and it's immediately clear King doesn't like Sue. Sue also says the other Mimigas wanted nothing to do with her.>This could not be any more wrong. Kazuma is also a selfish dick but so was Sue, why do you think she wanted to hatch the dragon so much? The only human that actually cared about actually doing something about the Doctor instead of leaving, at least at first, was Booster.Sue wanted to hatch the dragon so that they'd have a way to escape the island. There is however no indication that she ever intended to just take off without everyone else. The first thing she does after finding a hatchable egg is contact her brother and try to get to him. There's also no indication that they just intended to leave and be done with it. They all know that the Doctor intends to use the mimigas to attack the surface, it seems more likely they intended to escape to get help. Booster only puts a stop to their escape plans because he knows that the doctor has already located the red flowers, and he now has the assistance of an armed scout robot.>Well yeah, because she's in a fucking jail cell, and being friendly to him is the only way out,Except that the point where she refers to King as her friend is AFTER she was let out of the cell, when she meets Kazuma and Booster in Arthur's house.
>>697937480>Toroko liked SueBecause Toroko is just nice by her own nature.>Meanwhile Jack is King's yes-man and it's immediately clear King doesn't like SueKing and Jack trusted Quote more than they trusted Sue, it should really speak numbers that they liked a robot, or maybe human in their eyes which they still shouldn't trust, more than they liked someone of seemingly their own race.>The first thing she does after finding a hatchable egg is contact her brotherWrong, the first thing she does is try to hatch it immediately, which then gets cockblocked by a password screen and THEN she gets the idea to use her brother's 1337 h4x0r skills.>Except that the point where she refers to King as her friend is AFTER she was let out of the cellWhat else was she gonna refer to him as? "oh you know, just some asshole from the village." *gets locked up again*
>>697862271You can play it on the Sega Genesis, Sony PSP or OG Xbox if you need options
>>697940238thanks, king
the absolute lack of misery in not only porn but just general CS community and fanart is a crimeim dead serious i think Noill's ancient how to drain a robot porn comic is the most misery the world ever got
>>697940238I'm sad that King is dead.He's a good man.
>>697940952what about this guy
>>6979409984th ending is canon, pixel even said so
>>697940238post his big fat mimigga ass
>>697941014i am fed holy shit
>>697940945i want to have SEX with santa
>>697941351You're welcome."royalmilk20" is the name he uses for uploading NSFW stuff.
>>697906513The early 2000's freeware scene was really something else. I hardly hear about decent freeware nowadays and I don't know if it's because everyone is trying to sell their games or what
>>697941669>and I don't know if it's because everyone is trying to sell their games or whatMostly that. The means of being able to make something yourself, and sell it digitally back in the early 2000s was fucking impossible for indies. Steam Greenlight didn't even hit until 2012 and that was a royal pain in the arse still to get your game onto the platform without a publisher backing.
Cave Story was the first game I wanted to speedrun and I realized it was really hard and that I don't have the autism to commit to it
>>697860278I found about it from 4chan because I was here when it took off. We were ground zero.
>>697941545i kneel champion