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File: draw request fuck.png (178 KB, 2000x2000)
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Previous Thread >>697649928

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it VIDEO GAMES related and Vidya Origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

>NSFW Deliveries

>Offsite options:
File: minduh.png (6 KB, 592x700)
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Anchor for drawings
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Draw thicc christmas milf Gullveig.
No gold corruption.
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Requesting Cream snowboarding wearing one of the three outfits here (that all follow the same motif, bikini top, tight pants, and goggles - hat optional).

Please draw her normally / on model / small sized.
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Double the Stingray, fearless and free,
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Requesting Sakuna wearing sunglasses standing in front of a mic and saying "Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something."
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Requesting Reed wearing the outfit on the right; feel free to also give her twintails.
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Same suggestion for now: Mia Fey, possessing Maya, "persuading" Cody Hackins to help out the investigation by letting him lose his virginity with her thick body.
Few poses to choose from
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Requesting Guinaifen doing a hot-tub stream
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Requesting cute kot drawings.
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Requesting pic related with older cakes
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Requesting Frame Arms Girl Rozalin
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Requesting Shantae snorkeling or scuba diving, either nude, topless w/ bikini bottoms, or in a bikini.
Exploring something, treasure hunting, encountering a creature, I am fine with sfw or nsfw.
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Requesting Space Pirate Alpha from UFO 50 doing the "One Finger Selfie Challenge" while smugly looking at the camera, while displaying a Snapchat text saying: "The uncensored version will cost you extra..." with a flirty undertone.

Full ref:
File: Newer_Annie_Promo_Art.png (1.02 MB, 2092x1716)
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Anchoring Annie ass WIP
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Requesting Rance attacking Senran Kagura's girls.
as in the image at the bottom.
Requesting pic related kicking an anon in the balls.
Requesting the bottom image, but with Robin having to deal with a Krampus version of Christmas Tharja, based on Chaos Machina (pictured at the top of ref)
i don't want to be castrated by an ugly woman
post this again for new thread. Its a great draw.
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Requesting Santa Poppy riding on a flying sleigh dropping presents from the sky to the kind anons on the ground.
Friendly reminder.

Avoid all these.
the left leg of the girl in blue looks fucked
>That's shit 1, not shit 2
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Requesting The Captain and Mavuika fistbumping
Cowards never showed it on-screen.
Nobody fucking cares holy shit go stay in your discord
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you mad man!!!
thank you for the Poppy!!!
Why do you defend one fuck spamming multiple requests?
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Requesting Clar the male succubus giving Mana Tank a blowjob deepthroating his cock.
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Requesting Daud starting the Dunwall guard tradition of gathering for cigars and whiskey with his men as a way to bond and boost morale.
I am not and I don't fucking care
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Requesting Garrett and Lupin III from the hanging out together at a tavern drinking together with Lupin telling Garrett about his grand thieving adventures and how he loves the thrill of the hunt getting into highly secure places and when he asks Garrett why he became a thief Garrett just simply replies "rent money."
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I hope you do multiple characters in the same way and have them all in one picture
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Requesting Payila wearing the workout clothes seen in the middle, but the color changed to suit her herself.
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Requesting Bolt protecting Alice from purple energy blast
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Delivering Morrigan ass on this fine afternoon.
Requesting Luigi and Diddy Kong in prison together yes Luigi Mangione will be in the same prison as P Diddy
Is she faking that expression? Isn't she a succubus?
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Requesting Chondra Unkrich (YIIK) kissing on Scaler's cheek or his lip under a mistletoe.
youve made more in this style? id like to see
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Requesting Bruxa (the Witcher 1 version) fucked like in the reference pose. Draw Geralt pulling her by the chain, like in the game sex card. To give her feral appearance—draw blood around mouth, claws on hands and feet, sharp vampire fangs, unnatural flowing hair.
Uncensored and unedited version https://files.catbox.moe/x5mki7.jpg
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requesting Medli wearing Christmas clothes and being in the Christmas spirit
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Requesting Railanor from Unicorn Overlord getting fucked while she gets groped, with her grabbing on to the guys wrist.
Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/asinbs.jpg
Also apparently I have to make this clear: DON'T portray it as rape
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Requesting Toejam kissing Lewanda (ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove) on New Year's Day 2025.
Requesting a female Rocket Grunt giving a male trainer a sloppy blowjob with lipstick smears on the cock.
Requesting this, >>697886363 but make it E X T R A rapey
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>male trainer
Boooooooring, make it with an Arcanine instead.
What, succubi can't be in heat?
A female anthro Arcanine giving a male trainer a sloppy blowjob? That works too.
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Requesting the Cheshire Cat from Black Souls as a cute little loli.
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Requesting the Penitent One from Blasphemous in a duel with SMT Matador.
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Requesting Kanna from Blaster Master Zero, lying down with her legs up and wrapped in tinsels and christmas lights, similar to this pic
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Requesting Trucy Wright from Apollo Justice, fully nude (but still keeping her hat), or keeping only her cape, but still with her breasts visible like https://files.catbox.moe/60zc1c.png (but would appreciate both boobs to be visible), and doing a footjob , in this kind of position https://files.catbox.moe/h7xh1i.jpg please.

(I don't mind a stirrup legwears variant)
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Requesting Kina leaning with her back against a wall and with the text "That's real fuckin' kino"
haha no
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Requesting an Elden Ring version of this Demon's Souls drawing but with the roles reversed with it being an Elden Ring boss like Malenia being sandwiched between the Tarnished and his mimic tear summon.
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Requesting someone draw rabbit Curly Brace like here but wearing something more revealing like a virgin killer sweater (and with 5 fingers on each hand, since it looks like she has 4 on each in the reference?).
haha yes
Yes, those two are my only requests?
>Kanna the character that only botfag is ever obsessed with
And you keep trying to say you aren't him
You've said that already, and you're free to continue being wrong
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Requesting Momodi and Dewlala wearing the Starlight Attire set(with Momodi not wearing the hat/glasses) with Dewlala explaining to the WoL that Nanamo wanted them organising the event in Ul'dah, not knowing that Momodi is making suggestive gestures behind her.
WoL ref:https://files.catbox.moe/fztvqi.jpeg
Outfit ref:https://files.catbox.moe/dm34xf.jpg
Nah that's the gaphafruit, he likes his pumpkin and melon waifus.
>gaph the man who happens to like every bot character yet isn't the bot
really makes you think
I could give you a mile long list of bot characters I have zero interest in
Let's not forget as well all the times 'gaph' used to defend botfag.
Nigga he was the one who originally made the list of botfag requests that forced him to come out of hiding. Why would he would defend botfag after all this time?
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got around to throwing together a reference pic Requesting Valeria from CoD leaning on the side of a double tap machine like pic related of horse
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I can try, maybe
First time I draw like that lol
Telling someone that spends a lot of time fighting botfag they're an idiot counts as defending botfag apparently
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Requesting wrestler Richter Belmont from Jikkyō Power Pro Wrestling '96 celebrating a big win with Maria Renard on his shoulder, like Jessica and Mike Haggar in Slam Masters, with streamers even being thrown to the ring like in a Japanese show

Example of the streamer thing:

And another ref of wrestler Richter that I found on the drawthread archives from 2019:

And heh, the fact that Haggar and Richter were both voiced by Kiyoyuki Yanada (RIP) makes me chuckle.
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Requesting this meme with Madotsuki and Monoe or with Poniko instead
Could you do Melony in that style please?
New idea for this week.
Suggesting Charlotte Aulin getting mindbroken by a hard, intense standing DP from Stella and Loretta as futas.
Alright. Hope you find one you like, then.
boobs unironically too small
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Requesting HG/SS Sabrina pulling down her pants and presenting her ass in a thong to the viewer.
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Requesting Commander Gore giving Space Marine an N-word pass. (The N is for Neutral)
Ayo don't die
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Requesting Serene from Riviera the Promised Land in a bikini top + board shorts, all wet from swimming.
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Requesting you draw vidya girls bein frens
What's happening to the third girl?
Excellent work
>still drawing for botfag
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trying to finish my stuff
She has a tummy ache because of a prank gone right.
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Requesting Bridget in a bunnysuit with fishnet leggings getting fucked like in the reference in the link. https://files.catbox.moe/5qd9vx.jpg
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Requesting an anon approaching Rivet giving her a bouquet of flowers with her looking surprised and bashful but accepts the bouquet while blushing.
Instead of anon, it's a black man.
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Requesting Liv from Custom Robo Arena wearing a frilly princess dress.
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Requesting Dora-in-Grey from Dragon Quest 11 in more Christmas themed attire (red velvet dress with white frills, lights woven into her green hair like what you'd see in a Christmas tree, etc) Additional refs: https://files.catbox.moe/ko4c67.png
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Requesting Ken Marinaris in a form fitting cheongsam china dress with high slit legs
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Requesting Mizora from Baldur's Gate 3 getting fucked by a He-Man looking Tav while Wyll is unwillingly forced to watch because of his contract.
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quick 1hr sketch, please critique
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Requesting anything with the new and teen sized Olivia Mann, not expecting porn
>friendship smack
what a strange way to say that. why not just high-five?
Could you do this please?
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requesting a parody of the super metroid cover but with bimbo samus
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Requesting an artistic rendition of Simondo/Shimon-do Belmont from Contra Hard Corps posing like Richter on the cover of Rondo of Blood, with a Taiyaki in his raised hand and the Chain/Platinum Whip in the other hand.

And make sure the realistic likeness of Masato Shimon is as uncanny as possible.

Shimon-do is the first boss of the secret joke arena in Hard Corps, based on Masato Shimon, who's performed themes for many anime and tokusatsu shows. His biggest work is Swim! Taiyaki-kun, the top single in Japan since 1975, hence why Shimon-do throws fish bread like the Cross of Fear.

The song in question:

Other works performed by him, including one from a Konami game that came a year before Hard Corps, Monster Maulers.
Good luck
I see Utena Hiiragi, but who's the jabroni on the left?
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Requesting a Haunter playing Buckshot Roulette with the viewer but unlike the real Buckshot Roulette all items on the table should be Pokemon related like Lemonade, Fresh Water, Revive, Potion, Rare Candy etc. Bonus points if there is also a waiver with the name Arceus written on it, similar to the God one from the actual game.
I wonder how the Poke-items work as analogues to the Buckshot Roulette ones. Would Rare Candy turn the shotgun into a double barrel, for example? Akin to the saw. Lemonades functioning like beer and whatnot?
Artist oc. He just like having his oc fuck defeated magical girls
I thought that Rare Candy would function more like the Expired Medicine but I guess it could be used to deal double damage instead, sorta like a level up for the gun.
Huh. And she's in kahoots with Utena as more or less a mahou shoujo shagging tag team with high libido hijinks?
lookin like it or it could be a one off spin off who knows
>level up for the gun.
Yeah, that's what I was sayin!
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Requesting Gene spanking any female vidya character, maybe a villainess or a girl that's a brat.
I feel like you're afraid to readjust your canvas after you've started a drawing or didn't plan ahead and block / sketch out all of the elements and objects you wanted to incorporate beforehand. Getting proportions, positions and your composition figured out in the sketch phase will help a lot and make your lineart and polishing phases easier and faster even if takes a little more time upfront. To me the head and torso feel natural and you probably started with those, but objects like her arm and tail are kind of squished and forced into unnatural positions or odd locations and make them feel like afterthoughts.
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Draw Kvasir but with just her netted haltertop.
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Thank you, you got my planning spot on, it felt plain once i sketched the torso/head and i did just try to force it without considering perspective. Any tips for improving 3/4 face proportions? I realized i should've foreshortened the right eye and now that i did i feel like the whole face isn't good
NTA, for face and body in 3/4 use shapes first then the muscles and details of the body. Faces are trickier than people likes to admit, always use references will save you a lot of time and headaches.
you need to get more confident with the pencil, practice making longer strokes while sketching
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Requesting Renata as an anthro frog girl.
Thank you, it might be time to restart my drawabox practice
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Requesting Carol dressed as Lilith and Ragg dressed as Morrigan with Ragg leaning over Carol like in the reference.
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Requesting Mitsuru from Persona 3 wearing a dominatrix outfit similar to https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7335893 but with her red color motif. Or fuck it, make it Christmas themed.
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Requesting Sierra in heat bending over and shaking her butt seducing the viewer.
Seeing a lot of deleted requests here.
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Requesting Keira wearing a wedding dress with her and Jak getting married.
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Sorry if I didn't get her size right. Might be a bit too small...
Do you have any socials?
Also, do you draw these all on one layer? I love the detail you put into them. It looks like MS Paint on steroids.
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Requesting the situation in the ref, but with the Half-Life Black-op female assassin as the beer-bellied gal
and the male Black-op as the guy hugging her from behind
(add some funny dialogue if you want).
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Requesting Ninian as a sexy ninja
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Would anyone be down for doing a sexy Santa Kanadeko?
And, hopefully, a body like the right and maybe as a catgirl like that too?
OR here. Its fine with her size given she's still fairly bigger than the slimes around her. She also looks absolutely beautiful with how did her flying gracefully through the air. Also very nice touches with the Christmas light wreath, bow in the back of the dress, lights curled around her cage and her spikes looking like little upside down Christmas trees. Thank you very much for the awesome delivery and have a happy holiday/new year!
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Requesting Motorsport Ami unzipping her top to let her sweaty tits out.
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Requesting Faltoga fucking Mana Tank in the amazon position.
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Requesting Captain Three and Callie hanging Christmas decorations.
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Requesting Chihaya Mifune from Persona 5 flashing her fat tits/nude body for an unsuspecting delivery boy
Can someone draw me serval from kemono friends
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Requesting someone pushing a button that causes Justin’s clothes to disappear, leaving only a leaf on his crotch.
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Requesting my raccoon friend with some cotton candy
cumming inside the next poster
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Requesting maid Hellene 'servicing' an anon.
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Requesting Oxana wearing a GRIS Swimsuit and in a pose like this
Full Oxana ref:https://files.catbox.moe/af7wwx.png
Outfit/pose Ref:https://files.catbox.moe/xtakvk.jpg
Neat, thank you so much for the cute Melony, makes me wish we had a game with sprites in that style.
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This style seems familiar? Could you draw Nanamo like that perhaps?
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I got delayed making this because my PC broke down. With it fixed, I finished it for good
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Requesting Y'shtola looking like this after the WoL woke her up in the middle of the night with the Azem Chalice
Reaction ref:https://files.catbox.moe/7uwr51.jpg
Chalice ref:https://files.catbox.moe/jii4z5.jpg
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Requesting Katsuragi in this bikini giving a guy a titjob.
ah, replied to other drawing instead of request
>Roll drawn in a bikini #1827
Sometimes i forget this kemono fellas was first a game.
You already got this
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Requesting Aisha dressed in a sexy santa outfit.
>sexy santa request #3146
She looks like she's about to drink all my chocolate milk and call me a bitch.
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Requesting Dinah getting fucked by Alain in the full nelson position, preferably vaginal.
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chewing crayons everyday (an onirism fanart)
Oh no she found the edibles shaped like crayons
>What is the truth about the Bestrals
>What is the Blue
>Who leads Bastorias
>What connects Yunifi and Morard
Answer these or be dubbed a turbo faggot.
I drew Elora from Spyro
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Someone drew me this blob.
You can have it!
nice rolls
Ready for dragon dick
What a dummy
Lookin' good, ya goofy fuckin' dork
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Requesting Absa, Clairen, and Maypul from Rivals/Lovers of Aether losing their skirts (pants in that case for Clairen), exposing their panties, preferably like in the reference
Polka dots
Frills/Lace trim
Horizontal stripes
Requesting Harlow Jordan from Dead Island Riptide getting creampied while restrained in a chokehold (preferably by John Morgan).
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Requesting Foxiel pole dancing with her spear.
That's fucking awesome
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Here you go o/
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requesting Olivia Mann drunk and flashing her flat chest during mardi gras
Thank you very much, looks great
np o/
love that game and she inspired me to make my own choco elf oc lmao
S tier draw anon, didn't expect double delivery. Thanks a lot.

Making draw in a bikini #1828 :)
only if you change its color because red gets kinda boring, need some variety
Somethin like turquoise, maybe?
Absolutely delicious
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Requesting Ankha telling Isabelle to tell the Resident Representative(Villager) to not do anything stupid while her mum is visiting the Island.
Mum ref(It's just Bast from AoM):https://files.catbox.moe/onazxl.png
acceptable color
planning to draw some kids sucking cock later, any suggestions?
With TF2 trending you could do Olivia Mann or in a real degenerate way one of Soldier or Scout kids
Amelie from Ghost Trick is one that doesn’t have very much art.
Characters? Your blog?

Blog please those are nice!

Cute and sexy, blog please.
Curious what your art looks like. Humans only?
Tron Bonne and Roll Caskett from Mega Man Legends, you uncultured cave dweller.
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Feli from Puyo Puyo
too old, prefer more towards toddler
as long as it's close enough, no snouts or anything
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why are requesters so fucking uppity. fuck off faggot
I hate all lolifags, but I hate you most of all
Genuinely seek help
He's not a drawfag then, just another baiter. Move on folks.
I'm not the toddlernigger. I am a drawfag who hates uppity faggot requesters like if their shit requests are worth a damn.
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Requesting cyl from picayune dreams having a cool katana. Something simple
the fucking irony kek
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God I hate this place sometimes.
Why are there always two draw threads up at the same time and why does that one always have pikachu as the OP
One is a real drawthread, the other is a request thread to trap requesters so that they don't flood the actual drawthread.
Your gaslighting won't work juju.
I don't think the guy you replied to is juju
samefag check
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She's so pretty!
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Requesting this same drawing but with miller, big boss and ocelot from metal gear solid V
I have the original version if needed (the non half life edit) although it's the same but without Shepard's mask
UO smut nice
This, but Vincent and Jonathan are in the background sharing a wine bottle and Wind's just baffled.
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Requesting Allister from Pokemon Shield forced to wear Marnie's clothes.
Or 2B's outfit but I'd rather stick to characters from the same game.
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Requesting Lammy as the girl on the cover of Ween's Chocolate and Cheese
She sure has alot of holes....

I wish I could draw, I like this idea.
Thanks, glad you're enjoying the details! They're fun for me to do. I haven't been keeping my socials up to date these days and don't have many pieces in this style, but you can check out my artist tag on the booru if you want (thanks booru maintainers) - https://vidya.pics/post/list/artist%3Ajnrbtts/1
I'm still working out how to best achieve a pixely painterly look so these are pretty layer heavy. Haven't been able to set up a brush that works quite like I want it to

Thanks for the compliments and fun request - happy holidays to you too!
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Too small
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Oh, you were this artist!
You draw some really nice scenes, good composition and lovely backgrounds.
Kek. I love how she has this 'I'm so done with this shit' look.
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Requesting Yukari Takeba dressed in a revealing White Mage outfit.
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>close enough
I hope Tamaki from Warriors All-stars fits
She looks like she fucks human men
your ESL is showing
Thank you very much, I've been trying to step-up my scenes this year. However I have done a lot of heavy/direct referencing for the backgrounds (less so for these christmas ones tho), so I can't really take full credit. The cow one I basically yoinked wholesale from a show I was watching - https://files.catbox.moe/bfizov.jpg
I'm aiming to work more from imagination next year (probably, hopefully)
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Requesting Fake-Rabi from Sequel Blight getting fucked in the full nelson position.
For someone who always calls hmofa a pedo you sure are spamming that prompt a lot
They are both pedos.
> Can only speak the Mcdonald's
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The first post you're replying isn't to the prompt, you fucking dunce
Oh hey.. thread's gone to shit again
these threads would be better if more people requested and drew lolis getting fucked by dogs
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Requesting Nagi being princess carried by Raidou, both are from SMT Devil Summoner.
There should be more art of Mini and Max from UFO 50 having sex or something

So far, it's just these 2
there's one more within the same tag on paheal
Of them, specifically, there's this

And there's Max fucking a Wild Buddy in the ass in the background
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Okay requesting annette jerking off a dog despite its struggle.
No more!
Nah bitch
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Requesting Rawk Hawk from Paper Mario TTYD and Carnifex from Underrail fighting each other in an arena fighting each other for the title of champion.
>nonoka request gets deleted
>not the one with an actual photograph of a real dog cock on it
sasuga jannies
Got removed for "trolling"
Like bitch, I meant what I fuckin said
Jannies protecting spamming. How quaint.
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finished my stuff
Nice to see some solid work coming through here.
you might be shitposting but I agree wholeheartedly and unironically
You're not fooling anyone with this samefagging
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Requesting a redraw of this scene from Funny Pizza Land
No, I truly unironically lurk these threads just for the rare delivery of my type of fetishes. I don't even make the requests myself
Not interested in that character type
>fucked by dogs
Or any feral animal in the setting.
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Thx I should train more but i'm satisfied with this one
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Requesting Sage (Sonic) eating virtual ice cream while Eggman or Metal Sonic eat regular ice cream.
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Requesting Scorn Guy and Dark Samus sledding.
Yeah, keep at it with your art, cuz as I often say, practice doesn't make perfect, but polish. One's work isn't to be left on the dust and is worthy of iteration if one is willing to step out of comfy boundaries.
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Requesting Venti in this outfit getting fucked doggystyle with the viewer grabbing his butt.
This but Marianne and dorte
Ay nice that's really good. Is there any chance of you doing Menat from SF or Maori from AH?
I need Kiryu using a heat move on a guy for drawing Uma Musume porn
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Requesting Jacky from Brawl Stars trying to pass a boof to Susumu Hori/Mr. Driller while smoking one for herself
Sadly I used the last drop of energy I had in me to draw until next year, could've done something with Menat and christmas themed but maybe some other stuff later
Notice how dead the threads became the moment you came back.
Should be telling you something.
In their defense with the holidays approaching, we are entering that seasonal crawl where many places seem slower than usual.
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Requesting the Courier finding an old western film and gathers his companions to watch it with only Raul and ED-E being enthusiastic about it.
My waifu dressed in my fetish.
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my fox student barking at a crab
some breast expansion please
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Requesting Shinobu taking a part time job at a sushi restaurant slicing up fish with her katana.
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A girl wearing this.
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disgusting phoneposter
based phoneposter
i have no strong feelings one way or the other about phoneposter
Much like rock, this drawthread is dead.
hey, it's a phone poster
I have strong feelings for the phoneposter...
I think I love phone poster. So what am I so afraid of?
shut the fuck up already
i now pronounce you and phoneposter man and wife. you may now kiss the bride
hey me too
As soon as you stop spamming requests.
Make me
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Requesting a version of this pic with a male monster hunter and his female palico companion with the girls in the pictures the hand is holding being female hunters in the slutty armor sets.
Here’s the Beebz drawing. Sorry it took so long. Sorry for no colors. Sorry for poor quality. I had things to take care of it. Not my best work but I drew it so I’ll post it. Now onto Princess Deku and I’ll be done with all my requests.

Just realized she doesn’t even have a body. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?
olivia mann
Cute stuff anon, no worries about it thank you for the Beebz delivery. I'd love to have Beebz on my lap while we play vidya together.
Here’s a bonus.

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Vritra drawn as a cheerleader as seen at the bottom but not in a SD style
Very nice, thanks for the bonus anon.
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requesting this cheek squeezing with Sigewinne thanks
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Requesting a drawing of any of these photos with the respective boats from Azur Lane.
For Shropshire, just add her in posing somewhere. Or make HER a catgirl.
Riggings aren't needed.
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Requesting Xiao naizuri
>botsimp drawing for the request spammer episode 4856
these pictures make me sad when you consider 20,000 ships were sunk during ww2
So ded. Draw something funni
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Requesting bunny Morgan performing a magic trick on her human farmer husband making his dick 'disappear'. https://files.catbox.moe/7tath2.png
It's almost 6 o'clock. Fall asleep already
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Your ref is literally a delivery you got of this exact same request but with Rivet
I just woke up now, so it's a polar opposite
It's ok when he does it, remember?
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Requesting WoL opening up a large Starlight Celebration present only to see Krile in it tied up with festive ribbons with a sheepish or seductive smile, or Krile leaping out of the present with only ribbons covering her.

Second idea ref:https://files.catbox.moe/86ek0x.jpg
Rare Concord
Fucked by Govil, anthro on anthro relationship is better.

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