Why won't it die?
Why is there a version of King Arthur with big breasts?
>>697884193Porn keeps it alive
>>697884193stockholm syndrome
>>697884286her artist hates her so much that big titty king arthur gets pretty much no new art anyways
>>697884193sunk cost
the brand is strong and customer base autistic enough to play great grandaddy old ass gacha
>>697884193its SEA culture
Because there are hundreds of thousands of nips who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on it and are sunk cost into staying. It's also the only piece of TM media that """""consistently"""" gets updates
>>697884193Literally the only game left in the market with sexualized lolis.
Because it's a good game.
She's too powerful.
Stop fapping to lolis
>>697884193>Why won't it die?Because this is the OG gacha. It perfected the waifu formula before anyone else. Those that played from the start are mostly loyal. And it actually does storytelling pretty well. It actually has a decent visual novel tier story.
>>697884193Wait it's seriously still going I thought it died/finished years ago, did it at least move on to a new story? I mean it had to have finished it's story by now right?
>>697884193Porn and Japanese autism is one hell of a drug
>>697884524>he RAN
>>697884815FGO has been on Namek for 7 years.
>>697884815The devs said they are planning to end the main story soon. So maybe 2025 will finally end it in JP.
>>697884923no such thing as a good gacha game
>>697884815it's literally 1 main story per year now, theyre dragging it out a bunch
>>697884193why does the mc get cucked so much in porn though?
>>697884193When is lostbelt ending? I'm tired of the shitty filler arc.
U can't kill that which has no life
>>697884193cuz it's good and the porn is good. story still interesting. support powercreep and revives means the game has only gotten easier.people talk a lotta shit about fgo but it's simply better than most gachashit.
>>697884960'sgood, simple as
>>697884193Typemoon tards can be fed shit and will gladly eat it. That said, FGO is, as much as i hate to say it, kind of quality as far as gacha shit goes. Has some of the better writing (for gachaq standards), decentish production values (animations look neat), autism friendly gameplay, and constant production line of SEXO designs. For better or worse, this thing ticked all the right boxes. >>697884815>did it at least move on to a new story?If you mean the whole Solomon/Singularities business, yeah, that was resolved a couple years ago iirc.
FGO doesn't even get that much porn anymore. Most new servants get nothing.
>>697884193ntr & footjob porn is literally the only thing keeping this dead horse from rotting away
>>697884714>Reddit melts down over Tiamat for 6 years>Tiamat immediately gets mogged by Draco>Tiamat is immediately forgottenAt this point I'm convinced Gacha brains just want to complain about not getting a shiny thing over getting the shiny thing.
>>697885023>Mildly off-putting smug thing>Adorable creature that matches Mashu's energy in the spritesI swear even the artists can't pretend Gudako isn't the preferred MC by now.
>>697884815There have been two Main Stories, and two Filler sagas, we're in the second of the Filler sagas atm.
>>697884942They won't.They'll do the ruler ordeal call then """""surprise""""""" us with the foreigner ordeal call then delay Antarctica to December 31.
Because its the piggy bank that funds other type moon projects.
>>697885173artists always follow FOTY
>>697885238It's not Tiamat's fault that Draco is perfection. It is funny that they deadass released them back to back. They really wanted to milk their playerbase for every penny.
>>697884714>Literally the only game left in the market with sexualized lolis.It isn't.
>>697885138>nonaggressive gacha system (low rates though)>all units can be used and have their place except Jekyl>no need to grind immense amounts for shit like Epic 7 or Granblue>engaging story with (mostly) good characters>cash shop nonexistent>sexo characters for both men and womenIt truly is just fucking better
>>697884193>>697884457They’re saving the world from being nothing. You should be thankful for MC and Mash for fighting through 7 god and other powerful enemies. Negative post like yours is nothing compared to their fight.
>>697885173That's because they take so long in updating the game that it kills enthusiasm in the fan base.Why should I care about Marie alter when it took 4 years for her to release?Compared to Jeanne alter who was released the year she appeared.
>>697884306Mash is the most fuckable servant, and you're a liar if you say otherwise. The fact this outfit is an official design is nuts.
>>697884193Is half way to die anon the arcade version already die and soon they would run of ideas right?
>>697884674I wish the Prisma Illya mangaka actually put out chapters at a consistent rate.
I like all the other type moon material so I want to read or at least watch the story in videos, should I just wait until the end at this point?
>>697884193Nasu is a good storytellerDoujins
>>697885716Never said anything about it but yes, you are right.
>>697885523Azur Lane hasn't released a new cunnyboat in years.Blue Archive plays it extremely safe and pales in comparison to FGO and AL at it's peak.I can't even think of anything else that even entertains the idea of cunny.
>>697885238The tiamat thing was one of the more retarded episodes in the games history. The funny thing about history is that it tends to rhyme. The same thing happened in the Japanese side of the game with some guda guda character whose name I can't be bothered to remember. They bitched about him being in npc jail and literally no one rolled for him when he came out.
>>697885749If he finished Prisma illya then a ton of people will be out of a job.
>>697885956MGQ Paradox.Break free from the confines of gacha.
>>697885835don't bother at alldon't get fooled by gachafags like I did
>>697885956>Blue Archive plays it extremely safebut it has an output of loli sex art tenfold. cuz if you go too hard on the sexualized outfits it can backfire and end up not producing much art since "the gacha already did it"
>>697885887Nice dog.
Kuro is singlehandedly carrying the franchise
>>697886408Banned from reddit
>>697886096>shotashit>pornidiot>>697886101Holy mother of mental gymnastics. If the game doesn't give me proper loli fanservice then I don't give a shit about it. If porn is the game's only value then I'm just gonna fap to the porn.
>>697886408The cups are pure sex.
>>697886603What are these expressions trying to convey?
Buy some mcdonalds.
>>697886502>Moving the goalposts
>>697886713Maximum uoh.
>>697886603Source please
>>697886886I said "in the market." Porn games are a different market you 50 IQ retarded nigger, and shotashit is fucking garbage so it's worthless even as porn.
>get assblasted>Starts to post copeslive of a cuckchanner
This is your Santa
>>697887062Fate games are barely even one step removed from being full-blown H-games.
What'll happen to the global version once the JP side concludes hopefully?
>>697887419they'll probably just trundle along at the same damn 2 years delayed pace.
>>697887385All I know is that male Santa's are a mistake
>>697886075I'm not saying for him to finish it, I'm saying to put out chapters at a consistent rate, once every 3 months is better than "who the fuck knows".
>>697884193It is dead, it’s in zombie mode
>>697887419>concludesThey are going to keep milking it until the heat death of the universe. It's an extremely low budget game that makes like 200 million dollars each year.
>>697887385It was going to take a hell of a lot to carry this horrid year and she pulled it off anyway
>>697887714Putting in new chapters means it's getting closer to completion. We can't have that. This is why we need the filler arc in fgo.
kill yourselves gachaniggers
>>697888271cry more poorfag
>>697884193>>697884815Iirc FGO(JP ver anyway) is currently in a Ordeal Call chapter(Epic of Remnants 2.0) and you are banned from entering back into Antarctica because you were caught using Extra servants(Avenger, Foreigners, Ruler, Mooncancer, etc). Now you have to prove your innocence or some shit.>>697885173All the artists flocked to Blue Archive.
>>697888485Nasu needs to stop dragging the game and finish it. OC3 somehow flopped and wasn't as good as LB6. Hell, OC2 was actually good and Sakurai wrote that shit.
>>697885956ok retard
>>697888792OC2 wanked FGO originals and provided good, pandering conclusions for Jalter and Dantes on top of a story that actually involves (you) and your relationshipsOC3 was Nasu wanking himself
>>697888964Why do you even bother to reply when you have zero examples?
>>697889082>write OC3 as the death of the extraverse>right before the Extra remake drops early next yearWhat did he mean by this
>>697884725How big is her dick?
LB6 is the most overrated Nasuverse story
>>697889553It's his only good recent work.
>>697884193They have keep the same fanbase because the director (nasu) won't fuck up the game trying to cater yo attract other playerbaseMeanwhile you have garbage like genshin going full american which ended up killing its own sales
>>697884725I can take her.
>>697889438Extella flopped the death and CCC can never be remade so this is him accepting his fancy sci-fi Fate spinoff is never taking off
>>697884193It has no reason to die
>>697889790Funny enough, I actually enjoyed the story of Extella. But the gameplay was garbage.Extella Link was garbage tho. Story and gameplay was garbage. They didn't even remember that Nero and Tamamo had a extra form and was cut entirely from that game.
>>697889553More like the only good one
>>697884193Sunk cost and I can't imagine the maintenance being even a fraction of modern gacha so it's just a money printer. Also didn't Nasu straight up say he wanted to end the game after the Lostbelts were done but people threw a shitfit and blackmailed him into continuing it with something he straight up admits is going to be a zombie story even moreso with random shit like Bloodborne Hunter being a servant?
>>697889790Literally all he has to do is a sword art online Collab to get his sci fi fix that people would like.
>>697889609>It's his only good recent work.he doesn't have a good recent work
>>697890116FSN is better than LB6Zero is better than LB6Atlantis is better than LB6
>>697885875>Nasu is a good storytellerNot good enough of a storyteller to not make Gandalf cringehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MmYx1ayYTM
>>697889103These don't seem like age-appropriate outfits
>>697885956>chinkbote and slop archive are the only games on the marketthis is your brain on gacha
>>697888792For OC 3, Nasu had the brillant idea of tanking the Summer Event for it not to mention the whole dumb coin controversies
>>697890542I was clearly talking about the gacha market but by all means, do share some recent non-gacha games with sexualized lolis. Just make sure you aren't as retarded as that other anon and start posting about porn.
>>697884942I HATE BB
>>697889790You forgot his big budget neroshit anime bombing even harder than Extella did
>>697885875>Nasu is a good storytellerAbsolutely laughable opinion.
>>697890771Sakura continues to be the worst thing to happen to fate
>>697890374They're definitely perfect for the cups. What in the world are you talking about?
>>697884193Typemoon fans ,or as I call them Type Mongoloids, have absolutely no standards. Theyll accept their series being blatantly milked for a DECADE. There is at least 30 saberfaces and now Emiyafaces, Sakurafaces, Rinfaces. This entire franchise is consuming itself to shit out more "content". Not to mention it also consumed very promising VN authors like Hikaru sakurai and Higaschide Yuuichirou to churn out bad side stories. Anything and everything Fate touches becomes instantly creatively bankrupt. I envy Star wars fans, they had a better modern era for their franchise than Fate ever willhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j42NqEBe_k
>>697891591Here is aforementioned Hikaru sakurai's best work, if you would take 15 minutes to watch the opening you can see how wildly her style DOESN'T mesh with Fate slop. Why Nasu poached her, I will never knowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij-n2lD_uVY
>>697885875Muramasa completely invalidates FSN and everything it tried to do
>>697886713cunny rape
>>697884193Because gacha is based and is only getting better>F2P as long you're not a retard>Always expanding lore>Huge castGacha is the future
>>697885875Nasu is hardly involved in most of FGO's story besides signing off on it. It's a playground he lends out to his friends in Type-Moon to do whatever they want with.
>>697891953Meh. She's better used in Fate than in your "literal who" novel
>>697893427Disagree, I'd love if Sakurai fucked off back to whatever she was doing before whatever the fuck Extella was supposed to be.
>>697885875Nasu completely fucked up the Koyanska plot at the last minute with no notice. Changing her from being a Tamamo into being the amalgation of wild animal's rage from being meteor'd was the stupidest plot twist ever.
>>697893262>Ceaseless grinding>Constant filler>Immense character bloatFTFY
>>697893262Gacha also has the edge on character designs. You would NEVER get stuff like Abby or the Prisma trio in a regular game.
>>697889609It's not even good.
>>697893427This "literal who" novel has more soul, beauty, drama, prose, and heavy themes than any typemoon work.Sona nyl is better than Fate stay night. FSN may be a cult classic but its sloppy and distended. Sona nyl is a standalone Masterpiece.You are advocating for slop just because it "familiar" to you. You have given up on exploring art to feel endless dull comfort. I could not fathom such a shallow, worthless existence
>>697884193The character designs are way better than the AI gen tier shit you'll find in most other gacha.
Have there been any new classical music servants since Salieri?
>>697893668I don't know why they love this kind of thing especially when they spam this concept one in every five times.>Oh this character isn't actually this character. It's actually the leftover ring that character buried and thinks it's actually them! Or maybe it was just their friend who knows lol
>>697893668But why?Also, how come no one talks about LB7? Was it that bad?
Is the new abby salem abby?
>>697894986no its pretty coolhe summons himself using himself, manmade his own Thronethats sick as fuck
>>697894216>he says that posting like a 5 year old designThey haven't made any good servant in years that's why there is barely any new porn
>>697886101I hope you can post something similar to this to prove FGOtards wrong
>>697894986It was that bad.Merry Christmas by the way.Cause you won't be getting one this year lol
I have never seen even a single Mashufag that isn't an actual cuckold. What's up with that?
>>697897925First girl is always worst girl and people who like them are cucks.
LB6 was peak
>>697897925I like Mashu and I'm not a cuck.
>>697898596I like Mashu and I'm not a cuck too.
>>697897925She's a complete noncharacter who should have died at the end of part 1 because she's done absolutely nothing since then and the only people actually invested in her at this point are cucks because Nasu keeps writing cuckbait with her
>>697894986LB7 was good but opinions heavily varies. How Olga was handled was questionable.
>>697898980olga was always shit and i will never care about her
>>697898980>How Olga was handled was questionable.Outside of the fact that she'd be alright for a fuck everything about Olga in FGO is terribly handled
When will we get him?
>>697898201Peak garbage
>>697899345The same time we get Lavinia
>>697899210I will never care about Sakura 2.0
>>697899472She's going to be in ordeal call 5
>>697884193Too big to fail
For me (NA), it's >Babylonia >Shinjuku >Faerie Britain
>>697901148Try getting better taste.
>>697884942>The devs said they are planning to end the main story soonthey never said that. they're planning to end Ordeal Call in 2025, which is intermission between part 2 and 3 of the main story, just like pseudo-singularities
>>697894986Nasu wrote himself into a corner with Koyan, they had her up to being 5 tails but suddenly aborted the plot for no apparent reason, he seems to LOVE lostbelt 6 though as he constantly keeps bringing the fairies back, look forward to the Summer version of LB6 cept this time it's in Hawaii.
>>697898201LB6 was powerlevel capeshit. It is the lowest Fate has gone. ORT should never be beaten by some shitter using Servants
>>697902191>he seems to LOVE lostbelt 6 though as he constantly keeps bringing the fairies backIt's more that it's the only actual chapter and servant crew that got any positive attention in years so they're milking it for all it's worth
>>697902491>capeshitYou literally don't know how right you areNasu has gone on record saying he was inspired by the Evangelion rebuild films and capeshit to redo the fights to be on the scale of Man of Steel. https://www.frontlinejp.net/2021/08/30/tsukihime-remake-release-interview-with-nasu-and-takeuchi/https://www.frontlinejp.net/2019/01/02/fate-grand-order-interview-nasu-kinoko-discusses-the-end-of-fgo-what-comes-after-4-4/ Not even MCU, fucking Snyderman
>>697901368What is the thing that YOU consider worthwhile then?
>>697902890Not fucking Shitjuku and Fag Britain that's for sure.
>>697902491>LB6>ORTRetard didn't even read the story he's bitching about
>>697895291No, it's regular summonable Abby.It's heavily implied that Nyarlathotep set up the event plot as well as her current SG transformation however.
>>697884193Whale inertia I guess, because FGO is showing its age, lacking even basic gachashit qol features like sweep.
>>697903348That's what I mean, its easy to point and laugh but you are too much of a coward to stand for your own beliefs. Also, Camelot is pretty nice.
>>697884193>Why won't it die?Because it keeps printing money.
>>697889709In sex... right?
Imagine thinking for a fraction of a second that Sony will let Nasu actually end one of their consistently successful games. They’ll kill him before they let that happen.
>>697885956Kneel to your queen
>Still no Grand Rider Saint Nicholasshit game
>>697884193According to Devs themselves, game will closed on the 10th anniversary, so tick tock GOkeks, maybe this time they'll put in effort to make new OC servants in the new games rather than importing them from this gachaslop
>>697909012>They will just shut the game down, erasing all the effort players put into it.>No offline version.>Nothing gets preserved.why do gachafags support this shit?
>>697885956genchink you fucking coomer
>>697902491>Lb6>Cape shit LM AO
>>697909375where are the concord servers bro
I can not imagine how low IQ one has to be to enjoy FGO, the success of this garbage is proof humanity is doomed
>>697884193no idea, doujins quality is extremely low these days
>>697910139Its okay, because thanks to FGO a team will be put together to solve the Singularity dooming humanity
>>697884193because it's the least souless gacha game on the market
>>697911693Why is that dumb fox french kissing that fish?
>>697910139I just like anime girs
>>697911835That fox is a cat. woof.
>>697888598>Not holidays REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>697884193For all its faults FGO was a far more interesting doujin trend than whatever we have now.
I love FSN and Tsukihime but never played FGO. Is it too late?
>>697919324It's 9 years old at this point, it's way too late.
>>697909012They said ten more years last anni, try again
whats going to happen once Nasu is done padding out the story with the ordeal calls?
>>697911693>FGO>least soullessLeast battered FGO player
>>697919324Youll have to blast through the early stories which are generally not that great, but once you hot Okeanos things will start to get betterGeneral upward climb story wise after that
>>697920582We fight Marisbilly for a year and then the game either EoSes or goes into maintenance mode
>>697884193True evil never dies, it is only reborn.
>>697919324It's never too late
>>697884193fate will only be remembered for its gotcha slopgrim
>>697884193Because nips worship it.FGO is literally a culture over there.those bugmen will unironically slurp whatever lasengle shits in their mouths then proclaim it the greatest thing ever. They literally still say FGO's management is great after they've fucked them over numerous times
King Arthur did NOT look like that...
>>697923179How do you know? Were you there?
>>697924136Yes.King Arthur's titties were FAR bigger than that.
>>697920582He puts someone else in charge, hopefully higashide
>>697923179King Arthur didn't exist. He's an amalgamation of various loosely/non-related pieces of folklore with a bunch of tacked on feats from several dozen individuals both real and fictional. People meme that there was a real "Arthur", but A) there were several Arthurs that might fit and B) King Arthur is like 80% fiction, 15% taking elements from people who WEREN'T named Arthur, 4% other and 1% actual "Arthur(s)".
Merlin was 100% real tho
>>697925497Damn, Morgan got to fuck THAT?
>>697925398If King Arthur didn't exist then why are there so many tales of his exploits?What next? Are you going to say that Atlantis wasn't real either?
>>697925746No, she got to fuck the flattie version, sadly
the real issue is the people that have been playing fgo Mobile for over a decadethey have lost all sense of control...unless they have never spent a dime then i will kneel
>>697884193please god just eos it already so we can get an actual videogame like zzz or genshin but fate im so tired of fgo that i don't even wipe my ass anymore after shitting
>>697884880>>697884524>he ran so far away
>>697926454>zzz or genshin>actual video gameKEKABOOTY
>>697926454>so we can get an actual videogame like zzz or genshinbro, do you really think any studio is mihoyo or something?have you seen the last game they tried to make that wasn't FGO when they were delight works?it was a fucking shit show that it died in just a month
>>697886146>>697885887between dangerous beast and YD's harem outfit, they really prove that more flair =! bettersomething modern mihoyo could learn from designing their characters
>>697926926the time is right for itif they don't capitalize soon, these character action gachas are going to multiply far and wide enough to drown out fate if it eventually does get one
>>697927037Highleg leotard is great too.
>>697927627hear hear
>>697927758What is she looking at?
>>697926454There's a reason why "mihoyoslop" is a thing right now.
>>697928338its also a thing thats in vouge at the momentzzz even has its own dedicated schizo on here posting that one webm of the fucktarded looking animation every opWhere is fgo's schizo?
>>697884193i don't understand either. can't remember the last time i seen a new FGO doujin, put aside a good doujin with a new character. probably that 3m tall semen dragon?
>>697928505the best we got is a guy that likes to spam servant pits in our /vg/ general, is that good enough?
>>697909375Now that you've mention it, Ive never heard of a gacha ever finishing.Will it turn into a actual offline game and you still keep all your shit, all limited events unlocked, all story mode now selectable and replayable etc?I hope to god japan thought this through before gacha games exploded in popularity, atleast with a end goal in mind.
FGO has THE best story and storytelling among all gacha. it's basically an everlasting VN with its massive character rosters and worldbuilding.Some chinese games have great story/word like R1999 or GFL, but the storytelling is always GODAWFUL full of pointless WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS. all chinese writing is like this. no exception
>>697884286What if King Arthur rejected the puberty blocking sword known as Caladbolg and grew up to be a high estrogen woman with huge tits?
>>697929360companies see activity, and they reduce amount of servers accordingly to decreasing player base, in the end they'll host a single server in vietnam with no new events so it technically will never go down
I look at the loli art and Habetrot is the pinnacle of fate, but there's really nothing worth actually opening the game for that you couldn't get by watching the cutscenes online.
>>697928505They all suffered the fate of all schizos. They died, just like kanarats.
>>697929731>but there's really nothing worth actually opening the game for that you couldn't get by watching the cutscenes online.The satisfaction of Mordred yelling "Winner winner chicken dinner" after you clear a difficult fight.
if fgo is so shit then why do you wanted it to die so much? just ignore it then>no b-because it is holding the back the franchise!>im a real Fate fan!
>>697930894The only people that says this are usually Zerofags because "muh edge".
>>697931101Nah, I say that and I spit on Zerofags, I'm a 2006 urban fantasy fag instead.
>>697926454>Actual video gameRedditors seethed at arcadeThe extra verse is horrendous Samurai remnant sucked and it was just a worse version of shimosa, summer 5, guda guda and heian kyo
>>697932152>arcadeAs one of the few people here to have actually played that garbage, I can assure you that it's even less involved than the mobage.
>>697930894yeah, I don't get it eitherprobably faggots from other gacha games just doomposting
>watch fate/stay night 2006meh, ive seen worse but not bad, watchable. dont see why fans say its skippable and terrible>watch fate/zerobetter, more interesting. still a bit juvenile/anime-ish, could be so much better without shackling itself to anime-ism bullshit>start fate/stay ubwi see the animation is better but not to the degree that requires shitting over 2006 that much.thoughts-saber is boring as fuck-fujimura sensei is the worst character in any medium in the history of mankind. in both anime i have to mute everytime she is on screen, shes so bad. this kind of character makes me want to never watch anime ever again-rin is hot. what is originally an eroge cant give us some fan service upskirts or something?-fate/zero rider (alexander the great) is the best character overall, though his master is a fag-what even is the point of comically evil characters like gilgamesh, the fate/zero teacher guy and the caster/child killer? makes the whole thing more juvenile and too easy to root against-the attempts to be deep or introspective like conversations between rider/saber/gilgamesh or speeches by kotomine kirei are borderline nonsensical-kiritsugu was one of the most interesting characters until they bent over backwards to give him an oh so sympathetic backstory that just makes him a fag-no i dont care about the vn-yes im tl;dr blogging etc, i dont care-yes i posted in the other fate thread, dont careoverall mid series, but interesting enough to be watchable among of see of shit. recently tried watching steins;gate and baccano for example but that shit was terrible.
>>697884193FGO alone makes more than fatlus.
>>697901992No, they explicitly mentioned that part 2 will be finished by the anniversary next year.That is the final OC will be early 2025 and the final chapter a few months later.After that, who knows.
>>697934951>anime only fagOpinion disregarded
>>697934951now read the VNotherwise you are a massive faggot
>>697935282my opinion of the anime is legitimate based on what the anime depicts. if the vn is different that is something i cant really know. but what i hear is generally its the same story. maybe you dont have each scene lasting an hour. i have read enough vns to imagine what it would be like. i bet the first game starts with a picture of the sky with shirou talking in first person for 30 - 50 minutes about his home, school, life, the fire, etc before you ever see any characters on screen
Fanbase is too diehard and sunk cost fallacy. Same story for WoW.
>>697935403At least he saw Steins;Gate and Baccano for the stinkers that they are, I'll give credit for that.
>>697897925Only Mash/Guda haters like cuckshit
What is even the story nowadays? I thought the Lostbelt shit after Goetia was pushing it.
>>697935462Youd be wrong on your assessment of the VN and also youre a faggot for hating Waver and his journey.>What even is the point of comically evil charactersAh, you're just baiting. You got me good, but youre still a faggot.
only the VN exists, everything else is non canon, made for retarded niggers that love eating slop, which basically encompasses gacha niggers and modern anime watchers.
>>697935462>>697934951Actual 13 year old detected.No one would ever speak like this without a speck of shame unless they're a child.
>>697936443got banned from human history from too much extra class abuse by the counterforce, now you have to prove yourself innocent in a filler arc just before the finale of part 2
Hopefully the next game is better.
>>697935205sex with abigail is canon???
>>697937095next game will be the extra remake with slay the spire gameplay slap into itso it already looks way better than the original already
>>697937318bold of you to assume that the extra remake is going to release this decade
>>697884193No I'm not going to play your chink game. Thanks. Also buy ad, genshills
>>697937568still technically the next game they are working on unless they announce another one this upcoming new year streamnever said anything about release dates
>>697937931that's a japanese gacha unrelated to mihoyo
>>697929440This. I'm a genshit player day one but holyfuck the way they wrote their shit are all over the place. Not to mention the progress of their story was stagnate for like 3 years.
>>697937940Samurai Remnant also got announced out of nowhere and released soon after. There's still plenty of opportunities for new stuff to drop before the Extra remake drops after all this time.
>>697938085I hate how they do shit to NPC every single time. Like who cares about random npc lmao. Even if the NPC ended up become something important, but the way their model looks makes no difference to other random NPC is so funny. They called it world building, but i called it cheap writing
>>697938085Genshin just pisses me off. They take something that could be said in a sentence and write 3 fucking paragraphs for it. Game needs a skip all button.
>>697938452Yeah it's extremely tedious and wordy, unbelievably so. It's just a poor game inside and out honestly.
>>697885716t. cuck
>>697935462The original VN of Fate is the only piece of media of actual quality ever produced for the series. The characters are all important and all taken to their limits in the work. There is no thought of "but what about the sequels?" the entire thing is designed to tell a good story and give a complete experience on its own. The anime is a poor imitation.
>>697908610>gayblue fantasyNot sexy.>>697909514Doesn't have even remotely sexualised lolis in it you retarded zoomoid trash.
>>697938937Yes, we all are. You're in a Fate thread.
>>697939763>Not sexy.I beg to differ.
>>697939891I don't care about your fanarts. If the game itself doesn't sexualise lolis, it's worthless. And Gayblue has been a homfujo game for years now anyways.
>>697939601>Fateshit>actual qualitylmao
>>697940042>And Gayblue has been a homfujo game for years now anyways.It's been fujoshit for way longer than not
Grand Rider when?
>>697934951>anime secondary>>fujimura sensei is the worst character in any medium in the history of mankindyour opinion could not be more worthless
>>697940181Yeah, but there was a clear, drastic shift.
>>697909012The game costs pennies to develop and makes hundreds of millions each year. They will keep milking as long as it makes money.
>>697894195>>697891591>>697891953Typemoon rejects are too scared to reply. They know the series is irredeemable shitslop but FSN has their balls in a nostalgic vice
This hack tried to copy the success of FGO and flopped lol.
>>697940294>complains about secondaries>pays Nasu his life saving for the newest saberface>refuses to read superior chuunige like Muramasa or AyakashibitoThe absolute state
>>697940754There have been a lot of failed FGO clones. Retards don't understand that FGO was/is entirely carried by the strength of it's IP. Being arguably the first gacha game also helped since there was no competition or standards.
>>697884193How long is this game if I wanna read the entire story?
>>697941426FGO is nowhere near the first gacha game.It was just the first that wasn't a lazy cash grab. Perhaps the only one.It actually started out as one, but because of its strong IP, it got a lot of people pouring money into it, and in it's 2nd year the developers actually started to take it seriously, and Nasu went from treating it like a spinoff and more and more of a serious title.It's now made more than 30 times all the other games in the fate series have made, and as much as Nasu hates Gacha games, he can't really fight the power of how its become far and away the most popular and profitable Fate Game by leagues.
>>697941895Pretty fucking long. If you include gameplay, it makes it even longer. Just watch the thing on YouTube and don’t install this embarrassment of a game on your device.
FGO is the only gacha game that still feels like a mobile game, for good and bad. You don't need to spend an hour everyday and have 6 different excel sheets to get shit done.
>>697941965Where can I watch the full story in order then?
>>697942313On YouTube. Just type FGO story and then you can watch the story in order.
>>697942646>On YouTubeThanks, genius, I didn’t know that site existed. I was asking for a playlist with the story in order, since I don’t know anything about it I wouldn’t know how to find one in proper order.
>>697929360No,a gacha once "finished" will just get turned off,and most likely made another gacha to restart the money generator again.
>>697941917Name one mobile/browser gacha game with the exact monetization model we associate with gacha games now that predates FGO. (Kancolle doesn't fit the bill)
>>697943014Ninja Saga
>>697943014granblue fantasy
>>697943031Doesn't count.>>697943092Ah shit you're right. Forgot GBF came before FGO.
>>697943163>asked question>got answer>d-d-doesn't countok faggot
I almost said Bleach Brave Souls,but that came out a year later after FGO
>>697886096story sucks though
>>697884193Are Shirou, Rin, Sakura and Archer (Heroic Spirit Emiya) in this game?
>>697884804i havent played it in years and i dont have the will to go back but it will always have a place in my heart
Is there any way they could make FGO2 without angering the people who spent thousands on the first? Could it compete against the modern gacha?
>>697943740Whales are mentally ill and will be fine the issue is everyone screaming ntr when the servants fall in love with the new mc
>>697929440>FGO has THE best story and storytelling among all gachaFGO story and characters are terribleif this is the best that gacha has to offer then no gachashit is worth playing.
>>697944007Does Granblue have a good story?
>>697943740There's already the arcade exclusive FGO.
>>697943484Archer is there as an actual servant, so is his alter version. they also came up with a convenient way of servants basically posessing people that they resonate with, so there are several Shirou, Rin and Sakura-faces. Sakuras are obviously the most abundant due to Extra. And if with most of them it's at least somewhat interesting, with Kirei they didn't even bother, he might be called Rasputin but there's nothing of that in him, it's simply Kirei with all of the memorable moments and memes implemented into his animations and voicelines, while any trace of Rasputin can only be found in text form on the status screen
>>697944263I always fucking hated the servant/random fate character clapbait inserts with the pseudoservant excuse. They didn't bother with Waver either outside of bsing some excuse about letting him take the wheel
>>697944562Waver is non canon.
>>697944125Not really. Its fairly generic in every way possible and doesn't "git gud" until 50% into the main story. It never focuses on the actual cool or interesting characters or lore and instead always focuses on the most boring characters. Anytime someone post characters from the game, its usually never the characters from the main story, that's how dull the main crew are. It does have a ton and tons of side story and side story events that ranges from better than the main story to forgettable but at least those usually focus on the other characters. Outside the side stories, about 95% of the casts goes underused.
>>697939601>The original VN of Fate is the only piece of media of actual quality ever produced for the seriesI mean the actual sequel is pretty good too
>>697939601Is Mahoyo any good? Thinking of buying it in this sale.
>>697944001Considering the servants are based on historical figures and legends aren't a good amount of them already used goods? That's not considering whether they've already been summoned in some grail war but then again this is just my decrepit decade old recollection. I recall there being a part in the VN where Saber explained it but I just remember it being some time shenanigans.
>>697885956BA focuses more on romantic moods over sex which is why it gets the most doujins. I've not played fate before but I've heard most of the girls aren't even for (you) and mash basically cock blocks you while not being interested in you most of the time.
>>697939601Zero is a good action romp with fun characters. Alexander the great alone makes it worth watching
>>697945485He didn’t do shit, had an obnoxious personality and jobbed hard to Gilgamesh who only had go swing his sword once.
>>697945096Not him, but narratively it's the opening act to a story that will never get finished so that hurts it a lot but the characters are enjoyable, the production value is incredible, and it's currently seasonally appropriate.
Does this game actually have romance with (you) in it? I've heard mash cock blocks you while not being interested in you
>>697945456I wish a more interesting setting would take the doujin spotlight. FGO had a little something for everyone, hags, fags, loli, you name it. BA has great character designs but it's all very samey. FGO doujins could take place in any time period, in any place, and feature any kind of creature or character. Also sex = mana was a decent way to get things rolling.Doodle sensei is fun and some BA designs are fantastic but for me it's less exciting than even the Kancolle period.
>>697946708I get what you mean but BA has carved out it's niche as a romantic for (you) gacha with a lot of lolis and other students. So if you want that niche fulfilled most characters have a doujin but if you're looking for something else it's best to look at another franchise.
>>697908610>The very last Zodiac that's going to suit the Harvin characteristicRetard game
>>697941895https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFeASRPMYXgnT3XobD2iz71kn4mW_01-L&si=M5AZx4VjXE7aXsjgKeep in mind the early chapters of FGO were very rough and did not have a good format until Camelot, which is where Nasu got serious with the story(though America is where the devs found a decent story format).Septem filtered a lot of people for how badly it was done.
>>697946708Not him but at least it isn't the fucking boatgirl era of doujins where it was always the same plot setup and location without end. I don't know if I'm insane for caring about something like that but it actively detracted from the overall enjoyment for me
>>697884193Lostbelt arc and F/GO in general was meant to be a 7 year project but Sony paid them a fat stack of cash to milk it into 10 years instead.
>>697884193This is actually insane how nowadays chinks make gacha games of the same scale as Ubisoft AAA releases, yet this shit, which looked like a zero effort cashgrab even back when it was released, somehow still makes money.Japs are truly braindead consumer niggercattle.
>>697884804>Because this is the OG gacha. It perfected the waifu formula before anyone else.Isn't it a notorious cuck game? Although I guess this is what caters to sexual gratification of japs and seamonkeys most.
>>697949484It's definitely the sunken cost fallacy. Being one of the firsts helps a lot.
>>697949538>Isn't it a notorious cuck game?Depends on how you define "cuck game". Not every single girl is for you so I guess if that's your standard then sure whatever.
>>697949712I've just seen discussion that fatetards have about their characters, and they are almost always laser focused on cuckoldry, except for the times they're focused on zoophilia.
>>697949816I don't think you've seen as many Fate discussions as you pretend to.
>>697949315You're probably right. Like in many other things you end up ranking the best of the past against the average of today. I don't remember the avalanche of mediocrity only the things I favorited. FGO however I'm confident in saying I enjoyed more than BA as the top dog.I do wish the focus would shift to seasonal anime and games again though, feels like we don't get much of that anymore.
>>697904161>spoiler>Nyarlathotep trying to create a romantic scenario between the protagonist and a cute blonde girlSurely it can't go wrong a third time, right?
>>697929440>FGO has THE best story and storytelling among all gachaENTER
>>697950981Director is a self-admitted Nasu/FGO simper and legitimately wants to push it down the same pitfalls in the name of money. Seriously each canto following clockhead and his pals from Limbus Company as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of its gameplay system, all to make strategy unstrategic, to make clashes seem inert.Perhaps the die was cast when Kim-Jihoon vetoed the idea of Limbus being a DRPG, he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for their sandwich store. The Limbus Company series might be anti-feminism (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Troubleshooter series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.>a-at least the story is good though"No!"The writing is dreadful; the game is terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character easily defeated their foes in gameplay, the author wrote instead that the character actually lost and had to be revivedI began marking on the back of an envelope every time that was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Director's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Limbus Company by the same Kinoko Nasu. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Limbus Company at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play FGO." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Limbus Company" you are, in fact, trained to play Fate/Grand Order.
>cuck cuck cuckI used to think it was just shitposting but do people actually think these jpgs are in love with them?
>>697951341This copy pasta doesn't really work in the context of gacha game.
>>697945456By the time BA became a thing, FGO had hundreds of doujins, what the fuck are you talking about you zoomer? 90% of artists were drawing FGO from 2015 to 2020
>>697950981Ruina is its only good gametoo bad the devs went to gacha greed route, now they LITERALLY can't make a new REAL game bceause lack of workforceshame on you PMpiggies for enabling their cancerous business decision
>>697954585Yeah being one of the earliest gachas with preestablished characters gets you that. But now that there's competition BA is on top for a reason.
>>697949249Wait, there’s no voice acting?
>>697884193Fate was here before all the current gachaslop existed, and it will still be here after they've all been forgotten
>>697956053Good thing honestly, voiceacting makes for shorter stories with worse writing since every line written is money spent
>>697884193Loyal fanbase plus the game probably takes pocket lint to maintain as opposed to the huge expensive 3d world of mihoyo
>>697955793>But now that there's competition BA is on top for a reason.Stealth marketing?
A janitor warnned me yesterday for posting in this thread. Nigga said it belongs in /vg/.
>>697943014Brave FrontierPuzzles and DragonsMonster StrikeSummoner's War
>>697956053>VA in cutscenes in a gacha gamehahahahahaBut for real, there are only VA in gameplay and for very special cases, in Valentine events.https://youtu.be/44xzrOo4bB4?si=mDVMvfxFGC2tmjd1
>>697956273Again with this old meme?
What is FGO even about?
>>697956153>>697956562That’s lame, it’s breaks immersion for me.
>>697956836King Solomon saw that the world is going to end at December 2017 so he killed all the humans to prevent the aliens from destroying the world, after you killed him it appeared that he was right all along
FGO 2 when?The game is dying so hard even doujins cannot save it.
>>697956836In an alternate timeline, some mysterious nigga wins a Grail War, uses it to get a shitton of cash and creates the base from Stargate but magic. He hires a bunch of super cool and powerful mages to act as timecops, but bomb goes off and seemingly kills all of them. It is up to (You), random fucker, to take up their mantle and be a timecop.
>>697956836So, people who achieve a rather arbitrary metric of "legendary" get saved to a cosmic repository, and wizards can download copies of them for various magical purposes, primarily to fight because they're usually really good at that.You get access to a metric fuckton of these legendary copies, and use them to save the world, because there's a bunch of demons and bastard wizards doing nefarious shenanigans and you're a nice guy who's part of a "let's not let the world get destroyed" organization.There is no way to get it shorter than that. It's an extremely long story, and that's before getting into the fact that it's like the tenth entry in a long franchise of extremely long stories.
>>697956836kinda the plotline of pic related
>>697956836Assassins Creed meets Stargate meets Doctor Who with anime fights
>>697957596Comparing anything to Assassin’s Creeds is a huge offense to that thing.
>>697957662I mean in the sense that you sort-of-time-travel and meet a bunch of historical figures but you're doing it from a futuristic sci-fi base
>>697956836>humanity gets incinerated and (You) as the only master from the secret organization monitoring humanity's future have to save it after the A-Team got blown up by a bomb (part 1)>BUT WAIT you shouldn't have saved it after all because things only got worse after a bit of filler and now the A-Team got resurrected and they're trying to replace human history with failed alternative timelines like FURRY RUSSIA (part 2)>BUT WAIT the original director of Chaldea who died offscreen before the start of the game was plotting something really evil before he got interrupted by the previous two apocalyptic events. This means technically you've been part of the true evil organization the whole time. Now you've got to go back to the original base that got abandoned at the start of part 2 to fix everything or something (next part, coming soon)>BUT WAIT the will of humanity is pissy at you for using extra class servants so there's a very inconvenient magical wall around where you need to go, so first you'll have to do three years of filler chapters to redeem yourself while nasu writes the rest of the story (current state of JP)
>>697957734Kinda baffling how 'saving human history from total annihilation' was the starter task here and not the endgame
What’s the point of playing this game if Shirou and Rin aren’t in it? This shit ain’t canon if the protagonists don’t even show up.
>>697957950Who are those bozos?
>it has been nearly 10 years>we STILL don't know what Marisbury was up to>we STILL never got to see what was in Area 51You cannot imagine how annoying this is for me.
>>697884193Where do I start with the Fate series if I hate VN?
>>697958379Watch the Zero anime I suppose
>>697884193JP-KINO is unstoppable
Are you guys pulling for kirei?
>>697956273>generic outfit that fits with the rest of the bunny girls was done by one of the thousands of BA artistskek cope more
Here's your eggplant.
>>697958178>>we STILL never got to see what was in Area 51It was Olga, anon. The "tree roots alien" was what was left of Olga after burning for an arbitrary length of time in CHALDEAS's singularity before falling to the surface.
>>697959459I don't want it
>>697959674It's too late. There are no returns or refunds on the eggplant. You must care for her and marry her, as she is your canon waifu.
>>697949712Not every girl is for (you) but come on, 95% are. The only ones that are not is some of the child and some of the married ones (and Suzuka).
>>697960501Yes, but the mere existence of uberharlots like Kiara and Medb make these fragile kinds screech. Nevermind that nobody is making you roll for Kiara or Medb. They simply are broken by the concept of these characters at all.
>>697960583Kiara fucking rules and Medb is hilarious, id rather them be interesting than just be exclusively for (You)
You literally summon copies of these girls and force them to take your mana(cum) with command spells. It's literally the most bull game ever.
>>697958783he's neat but i have to skip him to save up for Draco. still kind of futile because NP1 isn't gonna cut it for anything substantial, but i have to at least try
>>697960779I'll have you know my relationship with Circe is strictly platonic
>>697960583Who cares about med when we have cnoc at home
>>697960828She constantly turns you into a pig and forces you to slurp her juice, that's hardly platonic
>>697960856>still no proper 5* CnocWhat the fuck is Nasu's problem?
>>697884306>>697885716>>697886146Why did she choose to wear this outfit? Did she seriously not know the consequences it would bring?
>>697962056It's her Halloween costume.
>>697962965What kind of halloween party was that
>>697963143https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Dangerous_Beastscroll down and read the description
>>697912229>Leonardo da Vinci>A girl
>>697963546And I thought You couldn't be any more based
Unironically i feel like it became good (decent) when the major popularity was already lost. Nasu became more involved, characters get buff/updated regularly, clapbaits people asked for are finally released, and everytime the game feels dead they still keep releasing an old or new character which make people talk about it.also, cant wait to see kiara in CCC remake>>697944993>>697885581based caren appreciators
>>697937568>bold of you to assume that the extra remake is going to release this decadeNTA, but it's literally coming out next year.https://www.gematsu.com/2024/08/fate-extra-record-launches-in-2025-for-ps5-ps4-switch-and-pcThey were done designing the 7th Chimeric Lunar Sea by the end of 2023 or something like that. There were pictures on Twitter about it.This year they probably focused on bug fixes and the last stretch so it should be coming out next year for good.
>>697884193Because Lip love.
>>697885098Fgo's butchering of Sion is a warcrime...
>>697915597Christ is king
sexsex with Illya
>>697915597Jesus is lord
>>697964504She's lived a completely different life. Honestly, Atlas as a whole is a completely different institution in Fate timelines due to the Sixth not existing as an absolute future. Sion Sokaris was free to find her own apocalypse to avert, and so she never had cause to become as grim as Sion Atlasia.
It makes the fanbase coom still. Just look at how JP fans lapped up the 2nd Summer BB unironically.
>>697949949that is my rotund wife
>>697920582don't even botherit has 1 (one) actually good story chapter and it's still as cumbersome and shitty to play as it was 9 years ago
>>697957119this. and to aid you with your noble endeavour you can summon (random gach bs) bunch of sexslaves who are named (resemblance ends here) after famous historical or mythical characters
>>697963546>>697964121>wants to make Mash a fatassI love Fou.
weebs be mad a ubisoft's yasuke but cooming over these bastardized heroes and legends
>>697965868maybe because these anime depictions of heroes aren't claimed to be historically accurate?
>>697965868Didn't ask, nerd. Here's your Chinese tactician.
>>697966118and ubisoft did?both are fantasy
>>697966195have you missed the whole controversy with them claiming Yasuke was an actual esteemed samurai and not a slave dickwasher? they even paid a historian to lie about it
What’s the consesus on Artoria's huge British milkers ?
Sex with the boss
>>697966508Made me cum buckets.
Come visit /alter/!>>>/vg/507035860>>>/vg/507035860>>>/vg/507035860
>>697966950Abby is one of the sexiest loli they have.
>>697967069Then come and join us. LB7 is in a couple of days.
>>697960684You can be interesting without fucking other people Anon
>>697960501>some of the childDoes that mean there are some actual underage characters that the game actually lets you romance? I didn't know this series even had underage characters I just thought they had adult lolis
>>697968053You are Jack's mom
>>697968167All I'm getting from this chart is that uoh sells.
>>697967424This looks like Netorare at a glance, is it?
>>697968286Yes. Mash's getting cucked
>>697968646And that's a good thing.
>>697965868It's literally okay when japan does it, yes
>>697968884Mashu is not your cuckold. She's your wingman.
>>697968053Not romance but very openly into the mc.Wu zetian, Abby, kuro, Bunyan. All of them show some interest into the mc
>>697886713Brain melting, ego destroying orgasms.
What’s the ojective top 10 waifus in FGO ?
>>697969348>Mashu being assertiveMuh...
>>697885171>kind of quality as far as gacha shit goesIt's absolutely not. It's severly outdated in pretty much every aspect. Gameplay, visuals, rates and Qol features. The "gameplay" is bad even by your usual gacha standards, with the lack of auto battle and skip features making it insanely grindy >storyI'll agree it's among the best ones regarding gachaslop, but that's mainly because of the general low bar of the genre. It has some really atrocious lows and is a massive step down for TM as a whole. Especially due to the gimmick of turning every single hero in human history into a slut lusting for your boring self insert.Overall sunk cost fallacy is the only reason this shit is still popular.
lack of autobattle is incredibly soulful
>>697969724>Especially due to the gimmick of turning every single hero in human history into a slut lusting for your boring self insert.One of THE most common "complaints" among players is how almost none of the Servants are actually interested in (You). It's a literal plot point that one of the male Servants that was initially some of the biggest shipping bait for female players/artists secretly hates the player and has been setting them up to be killed the whole time.
>>697959763>>697959459This is peak Mash performance. It perfectly complements her job as a tank.
>>697969724>Zoomers when the almost 10 y/o game feels 10 years oldAlso no auto battle is based
>>697969724literally this having to rely on a third party pajeet app to auto battle is proof of how bad this game is nowadaysgameplay is so trash that the meta is to do everything to finish battles in 3 turns because it is so unbearable.
>>69797018510 years old game that refuses to update or add any meaningful content or QoL. Took them like 10 years to add a simple pity system.>no auto battle is basedIt would if the game had any content outside of farming the exact same shitty battle nonstop for hours. The entire "meta" of this crap revolves around NP spam to make the grinding somewhat more bearable. Not going into 3D gachas but even more outdated turn based ones are adding roguelite modes that add a tiny bit of strategy and variaty to the games. F/GO has nothing other than a VN story mode and events where you play the same node for 10 hours. It's shit.
>>697970926Auto battle is a zoomers thing. If I don't want to play the game I just uninstall it. I ended up dropping Priconne and FEH when the routine became:>Log in>Run auto for 5 minutes>Close the game.The game has it's shitty aspects: pity too high, the coin system before they were forced to increase the free amount, story chapters being released too far apart. But I will take it instead of having a game that feels more like a job
>>697969908There are posts in this very thread boasting about F/GO being a self insert harem game with very few exception. You have valentine events with the girls professing their love for you.>female playersUtterly irrelevant. Reason why the male clapbait servants are still the only memorable and fun ones. Due to being able to do shit outside of sucking off the protag.Self insert is only good in smut and some romance. It absolutely kills any other kind of story because now your main protag, the center point, is designed to be as boring and bland as possible. And the story will bend to make everyone suck his dick despite his complete lack of abilities or charisma.And you have the genderbend thing too. Saber was supposed to be an exception, reason why the characters in F/SN were surprised about it. And made some sense considering Excalibur kept her young. If 80% of the heroes in history were actually female the whole thing falls apart.
>>697884306mash will never live down putting on that outfit that one time
Anyone who say no autobattle is a good thing is a retard who never farmed a lotto. Thank god for automata
>>697971897Or a system that lets you spend more AP for each fight for extra rewards
>>697971897Lotto is dead event, everyone already has everything leveled and maxed out items and fp slaves.
>>697884193Because I specifically am keeping it alive to spite you
>>697971897I am the one who said that, and I did 200 manually on the third nerofest, before looping without Superscope was a thing. Team of summer Ishtar, Gilgamesh and Ozymandias. 6CE with no charge.
>>697972105God LB6 was so kino
>>697884193>>697884286>>697884306>>697884354>best unit in the game is a BRONZERemind me why people call FGO gachashit again?Also:>actual gameplay with no autobattle shit, with difficult challenge quests and incredible variety>multi-dimensional characterizarion in the servants that makes you want to roll for someone, Bedivere and Arash for example>no fucking powercreep, every servant is viable, rendering the shitty rates meme irrelevant because even if you are a lucklet you can clear most content with just 3*/4* servants.>God tier story, literally encapsulates most of human history and dozens of mythologies while exploring deep characters like Solomon and Mashu.>Gameplay that can be cleared with bronze units through sheer skill due to how well designed it is>Writing by some of the most well known and acclaimed Japanese authors (Gen Urobuchi, Kinoko Nasu, Hoshizora Meteo, etc)>Always pushing the bar higher and expanding its lore, scale, and mechanicsPlay Fate/Grand Order.>>697884306>>697884457>>697884516gigacope
>>697972309Damn how fucking old is that tier list?
>>697972309>Tier list made right before Koyan came out
>>697969724>The "gameplay" is bad even by your usual gacha standardsGacha elements aside, i honestly think FGO is a fantastic game. It seems to offer everything an RPG should: extensive customization and choice, unique combat system with plenty of options (in particular how it does 'card' based attacks, skills and critical hits), incredible music and animations, fair amounts of challenge (especially in challenge quests) and an arguably great, developed story on a grand scale. So why are you met with vitriolic responses if you say you like FGO outside its designated general? Are people just biased against gacha games?>with the lack of auto battle and skip features making it insanely grindyThere's third party apps for auto-battle/farming.
>>697972404That appears to be the state immediately after the release of Morgan, but before the release of Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon.
>>697970926FGO has deeper gameplay core than SMT and a lot of non-gacha JRPGs which get shilled. You are judginge it based on farming nodes, which are like the random encounter mobs in a regular RPG. The challenge quests and story boss battles are amazingly designed. The bosses and challenges can often be tackled with a dozen different strategies involving 300s of Servants and 500s of CEs (equipment)The biggest falw is that due to gacha elements, you can't access a lot of servants/CEs and a lot of content (especially the Nerofest/Gilfest challenge quests). Maybe they realease an offline version one day with all content?
>>697972404Straight after LB6 part 1 and Morgan
>>697884193Plurilayered reminder
>>697972562Still useful since it's basically a free damage plugsuit.
>>697972774Not him but FGO was more like a puzzle game than a RPG and that put me off of it. And it's just not that fun that like 80% of your damage comes down to optimizing X character's noble phantasm. Haven't played in years though
>>697972905Habbycat is better at that gimmick than Arash now
>>697973008Arash is better because of his low cost. Though the event needs a charge ce
>>697972774>You are judginge it based on farming nodes, which are like the random encounter mobs in a regular RPG. Anon there's a reason why most JRPGs phased out random encounters and grinding while only keeping challenging battles. Manually grinding trash mobs is absolutely terrible game design as it's not challenging it's just an unfun waste of time.
>>697973224>most JRPGs phased out random encounters and grindingThey didn't, they just replaced random encounters with trash-mob encounters you manually run into.
>>697973008Arash has low cost + he is an archer and Habe is a rider. It all depends on the situation. But Arash has more value due to lower party cost and much easier to NP5.Given that tier list is still pretty old, I think both of them are on even level now.
>>697971785>having a game that feels more like a jobF/GO is the absolute worst example of this tho. You literally press the same skills for hours upon hours with no variance, challenge or logic. That's literally the entire game when you're not reading the story or engaging in the three or four boss battles that actually break the mold. The only reason F/GO won't add an auto battler or skip system is because with it the game would be an actual VN with absolutley nothing to do.>>697972774The boss battles and Nero colosseum challenges are fun. But are probably 0.1% of the game. The rest is boring grind with no strategy involved. And even those battles are absolutely not the peak of RPG systems. I've played a ridiculous amount of gacha games and most of them make F/GO look ridiculously outdated and barren. The way you people talk about F/GO's gameplay makes you think you never played a single videogame in your life outside of this shit and Pokémon.As I said I admit the story is miles better than your average gacha, but that's literally the only advantage of this shit. Nothing else.
>>697885716Tsundere Jalter has no equal
>>697974078No reliance on charge CEs, but all events have charge CEs nowadays anyway so they're about the same in practice
>>697966950is this the real fgo general? man i was in the wrong board all along. no wonder nobody ever replied to me
>>697971897i did this santa karma event manually like a chad. I got everything.
>>697974359Yes. It's been there since before /vmg/ existed and there was no pressure to move.
>>697974359That is the official NA general. /fgog/ is the JP one. Then you have the ones on /vmg/ but they are completely dead. Come and join us!
>>697884193I want it to die and them to make FGO 2 already. I'm convinced Aniplex did that with Magia Record to the new Madoka game coming out to use it as a test run for how to properly transition the playerbase of FGO to a new one
>>697974878After reading that interview with the mihoyo dudes fellating Nasu nonstop, I'm sure they want to make a mihoyo-style FGO2 at some point
>>697974878>I'm convinced Aniplex did that with Magia Record to the new Madoka game coming out to use it as a test run for how to properly transition the playerbase of FGO to a new oneHighly likely that's something they're thinking about, the had the new Madoka game announced like 5 minutes after EOS for magia record was announced.>>697975136With how star rail inspired exedra is I think it's an actual possibility
>>697884193nips are cucks and love their cuckge
>>697973442Trails into Daybreak has a system where you an switch between overworld active combat or turn based combat which basically allows you to skip over the annoying grinding. XP wise newer games have a better level curves in general too so you aren't forced to grind to beat the actual battles that matter.>They didn't, they just replaced random encounters with encounters that are not randomYeah that's what I said bro and as stated above they're basically optional at this point.
>>697960501>95%not really?
Melusine is a cuckshit servant.
Play FGO.
>>697976271What's the difference between interested in another person and not for (you)? Like they're interested in multiple people including (you) vs interested in someone but not (you)
>>697976561the not for (You) is not even having a chance.
>>697976561It doesnt mean anything because its a troll list for shitposting.
>>697976774I'm kind of amazed there are still people using the lion now that EoPs can read the Lostbelt.
>>697976641Is it? I've not played but I was under the impression the 3 illya kids basically spend most of the time fucking each other in that one spin off or maybe that's not canon
>>697976870it's just copium from people who can't accept the fact that this is a massive cuckge.
>>697976870It is, he has been doing it for months, maybe years, now.
>>697976774>lightly pushes himnothin personnel
>>697976870It is, just look at the post below yours and his fake machine fanfic translations.
>>697976870Yes it is. He is mentally ill
>>697976870It's a complete shitpost, yes. There are particular Servants who have love interests from their lore they remain faithful to, but that list is a hyperbole designed to rile up idiots.
>>697976870No that is canon and where the Illya kids come from, that's just a mentally ill anon, all the big /vg/ games have them
there is a good reason why there is non-stop cuck porn for this cuckge.
>>697976508Honestly I take Melu being interested in (You) as an insult because LB6 showed us how abysmal her taste in crushes is
>>697937095I don't get what they wanted to do with it man. If it's a story game then the rogue Servants need to be either completely cut for the extra focus on the main 7 pairs or treated as a united separate faction, not as free assists that barely matter in story,
>>697976870He gets paid in gift cards
>>697977262she isn't interested at all. Read her bond CE or mats.Hell, her co-creator, CHOCO, prefers her with Aurora or Percival for a reason.
>>697977262I actually got spoiled on Aurora's true nature before the last part of LB6 came out and just assumed I must've misunderstood what they meant because how could the nice lady be badThen I read the last part
>>697937095Nasu please... the Holy Church themed Soulslike... don't tell me you don't desperately want your own soulslike...
>>697977463Am I the only one who thought LB6 was basically the part of a Souls game that precedes the downfall where the games take place in?
>>697976985>>697977046>>697977084>>697977106Okay I see. I guess it's one of those things I'd have to read to actually know if he's just Chinese and overblowing it or something.>>697977189If that's true I doubt Chloe would be considered a "for (you)" character like that one dude claimed. From what little I know from that show she seems to be kind of a slut.
>>697977638Chloe is a massive slut, she's basically for everyone
>>697977679I figured as much. To me "for (you)" implies exclusivity not that you are one of many. I also just realised he never said she was for (you) he just said she was interested in (you) so im retarded
>>697976271Charlotte CHADS stay winning
>>697929440>2 lines of text at a timeThis shit infuriates me and I wish the went the proper VN routeGod FGO has so much QOL that they can implement that will absolutely catapult the player experience and win people backBut they refuse even a speck of it, probably because they don't understand their own spaghetticode.
>>697976271This is outdated. Abby has ascended and made a new "Canon Lover" tier with her Santa version's NP
>>697977236I don't get it.
Here is a more accurate list BTW
>>697977446Everyone in LB6 deserves to burnEven Bageko couldn't win against her nature
>>697974428that's just 20 boxes since it's a rerun, you didn't even need apples, just natural ap regen throughout the event duration was enough to clear the shop. i manually farmed ~350 boxes on the morganfes and it was honestly a bit tiresome
>>697978880You can bump, at least, Castoria, Nito Alter,Skadi and Tlaloc one upDraco 2 up, maybe 3