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>plap plap plap *reload* plap plap plap
Is there a worse pistol in gaming?
The Pistol in Killing Time is pretty bad.
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probably not, but I hate the SMG even more
Halo 2 aged so much better than half life 2 its not evnäen funny. The best part of hl2 is probably deathmatch, thats actually kind of fun, the moviegame campaign is good for 1 playthrough and thats it
The starting pistol was designed to feel like shit on purpose so that the other guns feel more satisfying by contrast.
Is this the starting pistol from Stalker? I feel like that one's going to be hard to beat.
quake 2 pistol is the worst
Then why do the smg and ar2 also feel like shit
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Most of the weapons in HL2 feel fucking horrible to use, the first game is so much better because of that.
HL2's weapons are pretty terrible overall
The only weapons that get a decent amount of ammo are complete dogshit, and the good weapons only let you hold enough ammo to kill a handful of enemies
There's a progression of weapons you receive throughout the game that go from feeling weak and pathetic at the start to feeling satisfying and powerful at the end. That's why your first weapon (pistol) feels like a squirt gun, then the upgrade SMG feels mediocre, and then by the end you're blasting the crossbow, revolver, RPG, and enhanced gravity gun.
its better than the one in the first game which isnt saying much.
HL1's pistol was perfectly fine though
There's a reason they had to start you off with an SMG in HL2DM, but only needed to give you a pistol in HL1DM
the pistol, smg and AR2 are all low damage rapid fire weapons in a game without hitstun. This lack of immediate response to being shot means those weapon feel like they do nothing. Weapons like the shotgun, crossbow and magnum which tend to kill in one or two shots feel much better because of the immediate ragdoll.
Half life also had a lack of hitstun but the weapons like the pistol and smg tended to have a somewhat higher damage per bullet than their HL2 counterpart.
The low caliber guns work in half life 2 because of the giant blood decals. When you plap the enemies you get big bits of blood alongside the ragdoll which makes it feel better.

Sure they don't go BANG but they feel more "realistic-ish" and they get to save more oomph for the later guns. The 9mm and SMG are supposed to be the entry guns, then you get the big boys like the revolver, AR2, Shotgun and crossbow which all specialize in their own ways. These are the "real" guns that aren't tutorial or intended to show off the engine.

Then of course you have the RPG for the cinematic, grav gun for the wicked cool new engine shit and the grenade for tactics.
unironically filtered millions
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If you use anything other than a shotgun on bandits/pigs you are wasting ammo
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In chronicles of riddick: escape from butcher bay you get a pistol which is just named "gun" even though there are like 7 guns in the game and it is completely fucking worthless
unreal actually, this guns dog shit. It helps make you feel helpless though
it's not a pistol it's a flashlight that can kill someone as last resort
Nah the hl1 pistol is way better. It's super accurate so you can snipe shit with it and it's good for saving ammo against low tier enemies like headcrabs and dogs.
Sounds and looks better too.
It's great in UT
Pre-2007 oldfags will know the secret kino alt-fire this thing had.
God the Stalker gun models are absolutely hideous.
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Yeah, it's almost like they want to do be smart with your powerful weapons and use them when you get overwhelmed. Funny, that.

Anyway, Republic Commando had a shitty pistol.
automag is pretty good because it's hitscan and sniper accurate in primary mode
lol dick grips
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Yuo see STALKER....
I just fucking love low caliber pistols. I used to play left 4 dead with just the starting pistol (without picking a second one). It feels cool and tactical. The pews are satisfying
Everyone go home, the literal worst pistol in gaming was already posted.
i've never really understood the hatred for the HL2 pistol. it sounds fine, it's a 9mm pistol that's not meant to sound especially powerful.

to me the worst sounding weapon in any FPS ever is the halo 3 assault rifle. it sounds worse than a wet fart. it makes HL2's pistol sound like a god damn magnum in comparison.
Pistol in Doom has its use
It's execution kill is the coolest of all the guns which is why I always use it in easier situations.
HL2 pistol shoots as fast as you can click. And it is actually reasonably accurate. Hosing a trooper's head down with left clicks is pretty fun like killing with a Five-seven from long range is in CS.

Fallout 3's 9mm pistol is the worst one I've ever used. Looks like shit, sounds like shit, plays like shit, and isn't even redeemed by being in a good game.
fallout 3 and new vegas have some of the most disgusting feeling gameplay of any game i've ever played. i've never been able to overlook it. every time i've tried getting into NV the horrible slimy clunky feel of literally everything just puts me off entirely.
38 special? more like 38 levels of shit
how are people still getting filtered by the HL2 arsenal?
Dunno if anyone ever tested it, but I'd bet the .38 does less damage at 10 Firearms than your fists do at 1 Brawling.
>HL2 pistol shoots as fast as you can click. And it is actually reasonably accurate. Hosing a trooper's head down with left clicks is pretty fun like killing with a Five-seven from long range is in CS.
This guy gets it. There's a lot of long range encounters in the early game where it's actually the best gun because of its accuracy. Dropping a metrocop or headcrab at 50 yards with 2 quick claps feels great. It's also the best weapon for setting up environmental kills at distance, i.e. shooting out planks or igniting barrels. It remains useful for the whole game, which is more than you can say for most videogame pistols.
The only problem with the HL2 pistol is that they changed the reload sound effect around the launch of Episode 2 and now it doesn't line up with the animation properly.
It's mostly because HL1 had kickass weapon sounds, not necessarily realistic sounds but fun ones
It's also good for softening enemies at range for a bit before landing the killing blow with another gun.
idk if they were just shitters, or there were fundamentals widely known today that even "the best" didn't practice
No way, it's the only hitscan weap you have for a while. Great for Skaarj.
Also firing it sideways is great.
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You get it. There is no weapon more satisfying to land headshots in L4D with than a single basic pistol.
It's fine for being a waste bullet weapon. I like how Zero Entropy 2 gets a seperate machine pistol to use the pistol ammo, I feel like something like that would fit in well in half-life 1 & 2 mid game, sometime after you get a rocket launcher. It lets you have another tool and the pistol ammo just sits there otherwise and most people will risk gravity gun kills under pressure than use the pistol.
Different standards, same as comparing professional sports back then to today, the competitive scene was smaller and less money was involved
The hl2 weapons are weak, but i wouldn't say they don't feel good
Worst shotgun in a game, certainly
It's PAF PAF PAF PAF PAF. Moron. And it feels good to use.
DOOM 3 always gave you way too much ammo.
wouldn't be so bad if valve's animation and sound design was better
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not sure why a tech demo would have such shitty guns
What? It's good for the entire game since most enemies can dodge non hitscan. I'd say the razorjack and the stinger were the only shitty guns in Unreal.
The Doom 2016 pistol was the worst in recent memory. I think it's far worse than Half-Life 2 USP.
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1.5 glock
i like a dinky starter pistol
get gud
I used this all the time for imps
And the pistol for those spiders and flying heads
Both worked great Imps die in two shotgun blasts and spiders in one pistol shot. You have those guns for a reason, more powerful guns like the plasma rifle are meant to be used against commandos and such.
I like it. It feels snappy.
Hell yeah, i love when the shitty starter weapon secretly is the most powerful thing in the game
Behold the literal best shotgun sound ever in video games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-wmBjOgw7c
They are
oh god
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imp killer 5000
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Easily, what do I win?

>Error: Duplicate file exists. Here.
Mein negger
yeah they have their use but they don't sound or particularly play well
this is not a weapon
Yeah uh, good games don't do that
almost everything in borderlands 2

everything feels like an airsoft gun, no impact, weak sounds, only fun to loot not to shoot
Why do you greentexted my sexual life for a thread about pistols?
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Fallout 3/NV's 10mm and 9mm pistols. They both are horribly designed and suck.
9mm was based on real gun, but its' animations are horrible, and the damage it does makes it insufficient. It's only good for first 3-4 levels, after that, you're better off moving on to something else because it fucking sucks.
10mm pistol is horrible both visually and stats-wise. It looks bulky, looks uncomfortable, its' design barely makes any sense, and it has shit damage. On top of all that, it's not even worth using as other pistols/revolvers will outperform it and will look less of an eyesore.
It might be low damage, but it's unironically one of the most accurate in gaming next to Halo CE's M6D
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The actual worst pistol in Fallout 3 is this .32 piece of shit. I don’t think that anyone ever would use it unironically, considering how the game basically shoves the better 10mm pistol into your hands in the tutorial, and 10mm stays more common than .32 everywhere, latter being rather rare.
Honestly HL2 weapons feel ass in general outside of the shotgun. The SMG is okay I guess
Hit the nail on the head, hl2 pistol gets too much shit for no reason at all and fallout's pistols are some of the most unpleasant I had to deal with. There was some cool revolver though, don't remember which one but it used .44 magnum ammunition, and sadly it wasn't cool for long because later you can find a superior rifle that uses the same ammo type, has a bigger magazine, and deals way more damage.
I just tested it. The .38 has 26 damage at 10 Firearms, fists have 16. At 5 Firearms the damage for them is about the same.

It's actually not that bad of a gun. Not great for groups of enemies but it's pretty useful against the early boss fights until you get the shotgun during the diner hit.

It's the weakest gun in the game and most people are probably trying to use it with 1 in Firearms so of course it's gonna suck for them.
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Fucking bizarre that Valve did good on HL1 weapons, then sucked ass with HL2, did a decent but similar feeling job for TF2, yet L4D1/2 feel really great for the most part.
Not a single one of their games ever got melee combat right though, it's fucking garbage every time because Valve seems to implement melee attacks as being a short range single bullet with a tiny hit box on every weapon ever
most game starting pistols are shit, it's literally okay when boomer shooters do it though, it just is okay?
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the Dostovei was pure dogshit
worst pistol in any game by far
>Imps die in two shotgun blasts
one shot actually if you point blank them in the chest, if you're a madlad you can even one shot a revenant if all 13 pellets are a headshot.
Does the fuckin klobb count?
the pistol from deus ex
I always like the 9mm, it's a pretty decent starting gun.
The 10mm is a hideous abomination
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>Is there a worse pistol in gaming?

Yeah, lots. HL2's pistol actually works if you aim for their heads and it sounds like a pistol should, high pitched and low in power.
doom 3 pistol is perfectly fine, is more accurate than its hl2 counterpart, and will also kill most level 0 and 1 demons with 3-5 headshots.
I used it for far too long because I was a retard who didn't look at the stats. I just liked how it looked. Ditched it as soon as I found out how hard I gimped myself.
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I get what Bethesda were going for with the 10mm, but the execution is a horribly blocky and unappealing brick.
They did the same thing with the 10mm in F4. Even if it's more curved, it's still fucking huge.
Some mods try to salvage the designs but i dunno, just give me a normal browning Hi-power or a proper Deagle
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The only thing saving the pistol in HL2 from turning it into unplayable dogshit is that literally every enemy in the first two hours of the game is standing next to an explosive barrel anyway. I'd forgotten how bad it was. They're everywhere. It's like the entire city is an explosive barrel factory and they just leave them lying around everywhere. On catwalks, next to roads, lying in dumpsters, shipping containers, on rickety bridges over water, and in their own fucking bases of operations. A fucking donkey kong section where infinite respawning barrels roll down at you. The combines secret plan is clearly to blow up the entire planet, and no one will ever notice because they're just putting the explosives all about the place.

You then get to the wacky funhouse adventure that is ravenholme and get a shotgun, so it never matters again.
Whoah, a gun! I rule!
It's ok if you go from stealth. And then switch to melee or unarmed or maybe smg.
people who complain about the half life 2 pistol are people who cant score headshots consistently
It's fine. It's just that I fairly quickly replace with 9mm smg.
First person I've seen admit to actually using that thing.
I wish there was a longer early game in NV where you can use that shit. Admittedly I can't not use the weathered 10mm if I have it. But longer with all those worse guns being useful would be nice.
All the HL2 guns suck ass. Excluding maybe the SMG, revolver, crossbow and the combine rifle.
In FNV I always found SMGs awful to use unless you have hoarded tons of ammo. Due to how little you can actually scrounge around you, they are quite literally are early game bane.
It gets way better when you have handloading perk and unlock Hoover dam's armory though.
PMm pistol in STALKER
Can't hit a human sized barn door at 5 metres, jams every 8th shot and takes 12 direct hits to kill a bandit in a leather jacket
in comparison the hl2 pistol is fucking king because it at least takes metrocops down easy and the bullets go where you aim
I never use much in the way of automatic weapons myself. First time you get a scope on the varmint rifle, you're good to go for a long time, then you get a hunting rifle, and cowboy guns and it's all fun from there. Service rifle, This Machine, hunting shotgun, marksman rifle sometimes.
>plap plap plap *reload* plap plap plap
>get dead get dead get dead
First time ever playing HL2 this gun was actually really cool as hell to me. I was pretty young and shitty at games so didn't pass Ravenholm for a long time, just played up to there each time or used console commands. It didn't feel too weak at the time because you could spam it.
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>plap plap plap *reload* plap plap plap
I used to do similar, but to me at first is weathered 10mm pistol with mercenary grenade launcher, then rush to lever action shotgun at Durable Dunn's wreck (20g ammo is common throughout the game, and it's easy to make slugs with 3/0 buck shots, so it's one of best guns in early game), then steal trial carbine in Novac, get hunting rifle, or do Dead Money to get holorifle, and afterwards do whatever.
Anything other than the weathered 10mm + armour feels like cheating, can't bear to use them at all. That stuff is so overpowered and I already feel guilty using the weathered 10mm.
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>The actual worst pistol in Fallout 3 is this .32 piece of shit.
Isn't this meta in speedruns?
I don't understand the thought process with some of the gun stats in 3. The Chinese pistol looks cool, but is worse than the shitty starting pistol. Just why
I read the idea is that they're essentially just NPC guns to make certain enemies weaker, so you can fight more people but without having them be as powerful than you, or not too powerful in general.
I remember feeling the same way first time playing Dungeon Siege and wondering what I'm going to do with all these chair legs.
the doom pistol is worse
Yeah I guess that makes sense. Pool cues, wooden planks and most melee weapons in 3 kinda fit in that category too.
>Squelch squelch squelch
I use the mods for those dlc items. But even then, 10 mm pistol is like there where Barton Thorne's gecko stash is. That and I prefer to use Varmint Rifle when sneaking around outdoors. Pistol is maybe for the early game indoor fights.
There is plenty of 9mm ammo to go around, and it's also cheap. Ammo is not a big issue in NW, desu.
It's actually really good
High fire rate, accurate even while spamming, iconic
Now that's a total piece of shit
If you design the pistol as the onboarding option and the option of last resort, the pistol needs to be shitty.
In the first case, so you're eager to move on to better weapons as you get them, and in the second, so you learn to use the other weapons more effectively, or at least get a substantial challenge to overcome when you don't. A good pistol in a boomer shooter is bad in a specific way that keeps player interest and engagement high.
You want it to be bad enough that running out of ammo for everything else is an oh shit moment, but not so much of one that the player just throws their hands up and resets. But, you also want it to be good enough that it feels satisfying to use in a tutorial context.

The form factor of the gun doesn't actually matter, it's just typically a semi-automatic pistol because they're physically smaller, don't have an extremely high fire rate and aren't expected to sound too cool or do too much damage, but also be credible as a threat.
You couldn't just have the character throwing gravel, unless the work was put in to make such a thing comfortable within the setting.
yeah cant get worse than this one
>it sounds like a pistol should, high pitched and low in power.
phenomenal amounts of cope
yeah all the stats in fallout 3 weapons are fucked, i always use mods to boost damage
Skill issue
I'm going to say this is worse than the Chinese Pistol because it shares ammo with the Hunting Rifle which is a staple gun in 3. The Chinese Pistol is just a worse 10mm but the .32 fucks you over for bothering to use it on top of just being terrible on its own.
im tired of this slander, the hl2 pistol is fine and way better than most bad pistols, you can kill normal civil protection really easy at mid range, compare this to fallout 3 pistols which do no damage or the makarov in stalker which also does no damage unless you shoot at point blank range in a bandits head
Call me an autist, but it fries my nuts how 10mm is considered little more than a pea shooter in Fallout games when it's damn near and cannon in real life.
10mm isn't a 'pea shooter'. It kills people dead just fine in the wasteland.
It's heavily armored goons, and mutated monstrosities with redundant organs and hyper-durable skeletons that are resilient to it.
>accurate even while spamming
When did you last play HL2?
Thankfully now that we have a workshop we can have weapons models/animations/sounds mod
this game is finally playable
It was always moddable, what are you talking about?
>did you just admit weakness tangentially by saying something wasn't very good?
>well, guess its time for me to bark out "skill issue"
im starting t think you suck at video games do you often get your ass handed to you in multiplayer?
It's .38 "special", like the bus OP rode to school in the mornings.
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Not just this one but all the weapons from that shitty euro trash game
if you diss vanilla stalker SOC's Makarov you have humongous skill issues
get good niggers
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Pistol from first max payne.
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