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"Dead" Edition

A place for the works of japanese game director, writer and absolute madman Yoko Taro (aka Toko Taro, aka Yoko Yaro, aka Coco Taro).
Discussion of the NieR/Drakengard/Voice of Cards games, as well as spanking and cashgrab kusoges like SINoALICE, NieR Reincarnation and 404 GAME RE:SET are welcome!

>NieR Rein Now EoS... Last Story Chapter out NOW
>NieR Automata Anime Adaptation Season 2 to be RELEASED on 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTo2KX0tQdw [Embed]
>SINoALICE Movie home release OUT NOW
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqZ57M43lS4 [Embed]
>NieR Replicant Remake on Steam
>NieR Automata on Steam
>Voice of Cards games on Steam
>Emulation guides for Drakengard games
>Drakengard 1.3 Translation
>Yokoverse Fanbook
>Complete Yoko Taro resource pastebin
>Accord's Library (New Yoko Taro Games Archive)
>SINoALICE Resources (guides, Database, OSTs, etc.)
>High Res Art
>Event Stories compiled by anon
>Conquest Guides
>Chat Stamps Compilation

>Previous thread
You let it DIE.
surely this one won't die hehe
We arent dead if we keep coming back

We're just sleepy. Narcoleptic thread.
Ibara thread
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I just woke up and i see we died
One of you must not sleep from here onwards
"I want to sleep" is not a personality.
It's me. I'm the one that won't sleep.
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I wanna be neet and sleep all day
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Would you eat yellow 2B?
She looks green to me. Why is she like that though? This shade isn't even nice to look at.
>Instead of making more, normal 2Bs, make Pea SoupB instead
Because Automata secondaries will buy anything that SQEX throws at them.
But who wants 2b (forma verde)
People like that weirdo with the bedroom filled with Nier crap.
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Why are they so boring?!
Noodle stopper?

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Hungry 2kot
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don't die again
ok i wont
Korean robutt game comes out tomorrow
Irrelevant to this thread.
not true. Butt Robot (forma korea) is Taro approved.
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2B is gonna appear in the Korean robutt game as the first DLC (confirmed by Taro)
Is it for real confirmed or just heavily speculated?
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Stop. Dying. Already.
Someday I'll buy something
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BUY this new 2b figure!
I'm poor, I'm gonna steal it
I prefer the blindfold...
It has many options
>Exposed titters

I WILL buy
My favorite part of her is that little patch of skin between the thigh and the leotard
Taro approves food. Should we talk about food here too?
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Yoko Taro flew over to Korea to meet the director of Stellar Blade and they did an interview there with IGN about how they both love each of their games. Now then do you think Taro only flew there for an interview and thats it? Its pretty obvious they spoke of business also and signed a contract for a collab.
Yoko Yaro has a lot of free time now after the Nier concerts and with every gacha kusoge getting EoS'd. I get that you want something to talk about ITT but an Automata-inspired game (that will likely get its own general here) isn't it.
Just wait for the next season of both the butt robot and KamiGOD animes to come out. and for /nrg/ to stop being petty assholes and come back into the fold
Crazy how they're still lettin one mentally ill guy keep them away from us

I'm hungy.
I think most of them just grew accustomed when the game just came out and it did warrant having a general of its own. But that remained as their meme argument even after most people abandoned the game and only the tryhards remained.
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Average Sinoalice fan
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well, 2B already appeared on nikke
all me
that's right bby
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10Handholding me for one more day
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Whoever came up with the idea of making a hallway simulator that makes u stop to literally watch stories that have nothing to do with your walking and the only change is how the hallway looks for 2.5 years, should have been fired. They also should have restructured the ''exploring'' of the Cage to not be a pretty hallway and made the story have real stakes at the start of season 2 not literally on the EoS patch but they chose to slowly dripfeed and slowly die
Ain't that what Sino was except the hallways was autobattles
No in Sino the autobattles were part of the chapter narrative (the sinos cleaving hordes) and while there might have been 20 stages at a time you are still partaking first hand in the narrative (controlling the sinos), so you were more connected to the sino suffering. Also the story beats happened more quickly.
In Rein you have to walk to the autobattle for ''inmersion''(instead of stage select) and the autobattle has stake only in the confines of the movie your MC is watching, you might like the story but you dont feel the upgrades to your team you are making to progress those movies is actively part of the narrative and changing it. Only on 10H story update the narrative felt first hand.
holy esl sino kin- qween I kneeel yas slay
I bet Emil had dresses like that in his mansion.
Sino was good
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This is them now
Would androids even need glasses?
Yes bcoz they were made as close to humans as possible. They cant have cyber eyes like other IPs where they can zoom,night vision or other gadgets.
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Aren't Yorha's blindfolds used as vision-enhancing sensors and stuff? But it's on top of the usual eyesight. I suppose robo-lens could still get damaged with time (or by looking at all the exploding tin cans), so an android using glasses as an emergency fix sounds possible. Does Yorha manufacture spare eyes and other body parts though? Would suck to be stuck with shitty eyesight even as a robot.
Increase charisma stat
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more like charassma
Yorha androids in case of damage always get that part replaced with one identical or change to a new body if its too severe. The blindfolds are tactical visors and they wouldnt need regular glasses (unless one wanted to wear ones to feel good). The rest of the androids arent like Yorha tho, you can see that with the resistance. Many have replaced their head, face,eyes with scraped parts of other robots and few remain that still have functioning human eyes.
Life's tough in 11945.
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Would you let him enter your house?
fetish reasons
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Only if this bastard brings over a cute operator.
For Reincarnation, is there a preferred path for Sun and the Moon? I don't think I have time to do both before the game closes. Part 1 was kino
I feel like most of our rein players are gone...
Your preferred path. I didn't bother to do another run with Yuzuki as my first run, but you do switch them up halfway so it's not like you're gonna miss much.
Ah perfect thanks, I only got like 4 days to beat this so I was worried. Do I need to do anything special for the true ending?
Nothing special for true ending. For Sun and Moon "true" ending you can just hop to Map and start at the last node before the last battle once you get there.
Also you have like 60 hours left.
60 hours left in the story or to beat it? Since the game is ending they gave everyone basically infinite stamina and millions of credits
Time to beat. Also I was wrong, it might be closer to 36 hours if I am wrong.
Soon Rein will be gone forever...

Why do we, as a people, choose to create things that we destroy
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I sent in my request for an offline NieR port that I could buy a few days ago.
I'm gonna miss it, I've no real reason to login to it but I will in the final hours just to hear Mama again.
God, the game has so many characters I love and will miss, Mama, Fio, 10H, Rion & Levania especially.

Mama. Mama brings me joy.
Tell me your favorite parts and your memories. This thread is pretty isolated from rein due to the thread split so I wanna know how it was
Reinbros now suffer like sinosisters
Im glad to have collected every of my AI wife
Doesn't the game shutdown on the 30th? I think I can get it done before then
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what is this dude problem
he doesnt have a game with a happy ending
there is no game where either the protag or his waifu dont fucking die or have a a otherwise tragic fate
hnnnng thats a nice soft kaine

just like irl
Sorry I didn't answer immediately. I'll try and type up a reply a little later if I can but I really did adore the game.
Replicant's ending A can be considered happy. And then stuff happens.
diez nuts
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I kinda can't fit it into a post and I kinda skipped on memories.
Memories of stories and characters hurt me, I still feel very raw sometimes recalling them but I guess this'll do.

Thank-you applibot, yoko taro and everyone on /vg/ who helped me.
I will truly miss this game.
oh shit spoilers typed up for a post in notepad don't work, pls don't look if you haven't completed rein >.<
I'm glad you had fun anon. It always hurts to say goodbye.
Thank you for sharing all of it, anon. If I were an author, this is exactly what I'd want to hear about my work. Hopefully, by any chance, it'll reach Taro and others who did the stories for Re[in].
It must hurt to be an author and see your work get scrapped year over year and dumped into the toilet of Lost Games
this makes me sad that the game is going away :(
Thus, the readers must preserve it themselves.
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"Didn't read, but thanks for the meal!" says Toko Taro.
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SINoALICE - Records of Suspicion note (TBA) - a project first announced on May 21 2021 and later confirmed during the June 3 2021 Live SINoALICE livestream to be a manga serialization. The only information known so far is that the story will be written by Yoko Taro himself with illustrations by Shirow Miwa.
>Toko taro was too lazy to write a full story
Almost 3 years later and they literally said NOTHING ELSE.
It's over.
Unless it's all according to Taro's master plan.
EOSd before it began
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He's too busy fapping to Eve and fishing (his favorite part in a game)
>and fishing (his favorite part in a game)
The great filter
...The fuck? This degenerate couldn't even get a fucking shaman fish? For the love of god, game journalists must be burned alive.
>For the love of god, game journalists must be burned alive.
I kind of agree, he's been in my blacklist for years
but he did get ridiculed by other gaming journos who loved the game & drakengard for it, there were simps but his 7 minute rant video cemented him as a joke.
I just checked the video and it's even worse, and I didn't have any hope in it from the beginning. What a retard. Eugh. But the part about Nier 2 and having souls is sort of on point, which is funny.
Is there any chance Reincarnation will get the Megaman treatment? it's pretty fucked up these gachas just get deleted
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Could be, but it would do to make a request, you can use the contact form in game or send feedback voicing your wish to nier_reincarnation_en_support@applibot.co.jp .
The game is still up for 1 more day.

I really hope it does get the megaman treatment or converted to a VN or something. It's a beautiful story and I would gladly pay to own the game in full offline.
god damn my brain broke again and my talking went to fuck
>could be, but it would be wise to make a request
dude it's so funny to know this was one of the McElroys in retrospect. Not even the worst McElroy either
Nier is one of those games that got slammed at release but got accepted by journos later when they realized they'd fucked up
>Nier is one of those games that got slammed at release but got accepted by journos later when they realized they'd fucked up
Yeah, there were some damn good filter reviews although some got it from the start. I love reading filter reviews, NieR was my gateway drug into that and Automata & DoD3 also delivered. SaGa's a good source for filter reviews too but I don't think anything quite beats Mcelroys melty over fishing.

I'm hesitant to talk about it because it mentions people specifically but the insert credit crew who are affiliated with Tim Rogers/Action button got it from the start and kept pressuring Tim to play the game, and he had already loved Drakengard and even hyped up Drakengard 3. If you listen to their older earlier podcasts they have a lot of love for Taro, Cavia & Nier/Drakengard.
It's funny to look back on gamergate 'cause places like /v/ and reddit went all in for Rogers' poorfag begging back then when he was indie gamedev & wrote for kotaku. His expat Japan meltdown triggered a lot of people but it's funny in hindsight to still see him and them praising games like Drakengard & SMT before they were hyper popular but forever being stained by being affiliated with Kotaku; despite being one of the few there who was doing anything interesting when it WAS just a gaming news blog and not a hyper political big business owned giant it transformed into.
That's actually really interesting and I never thought of it that way. We all hate Kotaku, of course, but in retrospect it does seem like there were a couple people there who seemed to have some enthusiast leanings, especially compared to people like IGN
unfortunately i think they all view mobile games as writeoffs
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Sometimes i feel sorry for Rein bros that got a gacha that never managed to get popular and the game was shit on all fronts. You guys didnt get a movie or a cache ''offline'' version to look at your collection. But other times im like snow in pic
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Verification not required.
its not reinbros faults that That One Guy pitted us against each other but yeah it's hard to put aside my bias since we've been enemies for so long
To be fair, they probably didn't put a lot of effort and thought Rein would sell like pancakes just because of brand recognition. If anything, the game's fate shows that there is a huge disdain for well known franchises going the way of the gacha in one way or another.

That's probably the only positive of sino being otherwise unrelated to the Nier/DoD meme timelines. It didn't have the baggage of having to deliver on Taro-brand fuckery, at least not in the same ways that Rein did.

But yeah, fuck the individual or individuals who intentionally created a rift and an unnecessary thread in /vg/'s already clogged catalog for years.
Yeah. I never got it and it went both ways too.
Both the sinofag and the reinfag who want to war it out should get over themselves or fucking roll again into a new body. It's over now too so there's no better time.
Discuss the games and media, share the things you love and enjoy talking to other anons. You're in it for taro, you're in it for the storytelling so get over yourselves.

Posting top cringe in the thread is fucking weird 2b10h
sinosisters kept trying to get the rein people to come back. It was exclusively one side causing the problems
i dunno i think franchise gachas are the only type of gacha that really have a chance nowadays since the market is so saturated.
im surprised they replied at all
Sent a letter too. Unlikely that a handful of gaijins will change anything, but at least I tried.
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What we need is Nier Grand Order, Accord builds an organization to fight Group B across several timelines to stop the great colapse. Not only you will revisit all previous locations from the franchise but you might see them in the future or in the past, like being in Tokyo during the Legion war. And also new locations from the Kingdom of the Night. In this quest Accord has yoinked key figures from several failed branches to aid her, so you would see every character from the verse interact with eachother(like in pic) and build new friendships. Gameplay? genshin style so i can have an underwater map
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Say something nice about 2B
She's a sweetie
Tourist here with a question that's probably been asked and answered God knows how many times but are there no actual subbed versions of the main YorRHa play? I found subs for Boys and Girls in seconds, but the best I can find for any version of the original play are separate PDF scripts and that shit makes my neck hurt.
I haven't really looked but have you tried Accord's Library? They tend to be the main hub for stuff like this
Accord schizo-kun...

I did; same deal there. It's very odd; the material has been translated but seemingly no one has ever actually put together a subtitle track.
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I would never sell the one i got
I smell feesh
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Delicious aroma
Would you still love your Sino if she was a worm
my sino already has a small worm
Pinos or Greteru?
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the cuter one
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i...is this real
Why does 10H sounds so normal? She doesn't talk like an android in the slightest. She sounds like a bored JK.
Too much human culture.
she cute
is real
*tips fedora*
Nier Rein is now dead
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one last panty shot
might as well uninstall FF7 Ever Crisis because it's just NieR Reincarnation with worse story, music, and safe horny censorship
where were u wen nier rein die

i was at library sleeping when thread ring

"Nier rein is kil"

so the taroverse is kill, only thing in the future is a second season of that shit anime that got 5.78 on MAL
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I liked the opening and the ending, still listen to them occasionally .
oh wow its really dead, dead. I thought it'd at least let you still view your characters in the gallery or something.
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Rein got turned into a book for you to BUY
No viewer like Sino JP got?
>Final Fantasy Maker Square Enix Takes $140 Million Hit in ‘Content Abandonment Losses’ as It Revises Game Pipeline

You think this has anything to do with the SE Gachapocalypse
I don't remember that plot point
FF7Rebirth and FF16 didnt sell well aswell, what happends when you make console exclusive games.
>what happends when you make console exclusive games.
The funny thing to me is that SE seemed like they'd learned their lesson on the PC side, only releasing games on Timmy's store if they'd had an existing contract, the money being offered by Timmy was less than they were losing in sales and dead hype.
Yet they were still willingly entering into it with Sony and Yoshida indicating that their budget proposals were also based on it.
They're aware that they lose sales and hype in trading for a sack of cash up front but they're still willing to do it. We know the games were in development years ago and were less slapdash than the ports on PC and AA's were but still funny to watch themselves get burned.

I'm not a XVI doomer, love me some SaGa & TLR, love me some quest and could go in for it. Yet all the while it's still not released, they're trying to hype DLC and in between that I see daily doomer posts and I think "yeah but just release the fucking game lmao". There was the XVI colland in XIV and I'm sitting there thinking this is such a terrible translation of the combat, is it intended as an anti hype piece?
The industry's changed, there'll always be players who want to play console games, Japan had a fascination with handheld games before mobile gaming took over that didn't translate in the West so maybe it's this happening again.
I used to buy consoles for exclusives, or I'd buy the exclusive and wait until I owned a console to play it but it's not 2007 or 2008 anymore. It's not even 2012 or 2013. I'm not buying a PS5 to play Final Fantasy XVI. PC gaming changed, games get ported, titles like Disgaea or Koei titles that were once exclusives you'd consider when picking up a console but are now released alongside console releases on PC and they play better. Triple A & AA bloat games run better too, they're not running at oddball dynamic resolutions and you have control over everything.

SE needs a wakeup call on their abusive relationship with Sony.
I feel like Sony is cooked the same way Xbox is and they just don't realize it yet
>that shit anime that got 5.78 on MAL
It has a rating of 7.51 now though?
It's going up sisters!
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Me in the center
Every Sino loves sleepy

I was thinking about the zombie event where she gets bit and Red wants kill her "because she's my buddy" and got teary eyed
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and ours have arms too
didn't specify, I meant kamierabi
but the second part of nier is yet to air, so there was ambiguity
the bland isn't that thicc
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diez busts
yes, i am NEAR A TOMATO

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B 0 0 b s
does she say "Cindy" in the mnaga?
Yes. It also happened in the game during the summer event. They cut everyone's names in the dialogues and hers was turned into "Cindy", so it's canon.
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Red's girlfriend
Why 10 when you can be 1.
nup, its so unfair. I think i've decided to never play a gacha ever again.
How can you let Toko Taro go hungy?!
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fuck gachas. i haven't played one since 2014 and i played nier rein on ldplayer for free during it's end of service events. worst game medium to ever exist and good riddance to this total horseshit.
love fio and the story overall but holy shit, gacha games need to end for real no hat.
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Oh wow mermaid was canon in Rein
I mean i played it f2p and i still feel ripped off
Persona collab, the harbinger of the EoS.
Yeah, I very much get that.
I didn't spend a penny either but seeing them go all in making those wonderful characters, stories and then it being dumped into a big book is very unsettling. The gacha gameplay itself was easily the worst part and I'd still love an offline version but kinda weird for gacha whales to have crowdfunded parts of Grimoire Nier 2
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Another Nier collab in FF14 teased maybe
Ain't that game doing kinda bad
Still not playing your game.
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Fishfriend, don't watch this.
What if they made a Gacha but it wasn't online or p2w

Like an offline gacha
honestly just port Nier 3 to PC and consoles and just change up the combat
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Left is cute i could bring her around with me. Right tho either looks like a nightmare version or someone killed her and skinned her which is NOT how to treat her.
feebsh soup
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Impossible. Thighless Toobie.
That's Deep Sea Feesh. Her skin is transparent from being down deep in the sea where the light doesn't reach, all alone and sad
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Yea i was thinking translucent fish when i said nightmare version. I gotta say her lack of arms there is not that creepy to me, besides her hair could still be arms.
Stitched tail is also scary. Remind me of the Tusk movie.
Toobie when you marry her and no longer is a sex worker
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I want a Toobie wife...
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Pick left or right
feesh cumjars
Left is cuter but I like broader faces. I like her costume more too
Both are bad...... I choose to self-destruct.
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You can BUY one
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You liar, those are Atoos!
None of them got past ending A.
Buy 2 for 1
now THOSE are some sluts
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Is this a theater pic?
Red shrine
the red temple
diez sluts
What about one with no paid currency?
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I'm kinda worried bros, you know with all this stuff about Taro having a project and Rein ending and it dawned on me, I was asleep in my beddy bed, nice, warm, cosy, safe.
Then I was suddenly awake and though Drakengard 4 and it's secretly not so secretly in development but I sensed a great evil in that moment coming from the east.
He's done it. He's created something worse than final song.

I've been lying to myself, haha I'd love Drakengard 4 haha yeah, bring it on bro haha. What the fuck was I doing what have we been doing we've been sending evil energy over to the East and he's been absorbing it and pooling it and he's gone and done it.
We're all to blame. There's no whacky masked man meme at the end of this for the people demanding that Automata sequel.
The fishing boss...
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Taro forgot last year was Drakengard's 20th anniversary. He only foodposted so i doubt he's working on something DoD related unless its another gacha.
Also the Automata story ended with this year's concert. People should stop with the sequel nonsense, the robots will rust and die and there are no more threats on earth in their timeline.
I feel like he has to be working on something and it's taking so long that it might be big but idk
How did it end? Also is there an easy way to see these plays and concerts in English?
BUY the DvDs of the concerts but for stage plays only this one online in english https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZV1FaE9pPE
There is a manga meant for global to tell you the pearl harbor story instead of stage play, then the yorha boys play got an english book but the stage play Ver.1.3aa is JP only.
Lastly here for the end of data story
Nah, its just between expansions. The next expansion won't be as big a success as Endwalker was, that was a perfect storm of the right game at the right time and it would be insane to think anyone was going to do that shit twice in a row, but its not like the game is doing poorly.
They GOT to have him working on something, especially with the absolute state of SQEX right now, no way he's able to keep up with his lifestyle by doing nothing for them at the moment. No I'm not huffing copium.
Final Fantasy 17 will be a Toko Taro project. Screencap this
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He is right now releasing sinoalice merch, rein merch, automata anime merch and he made people BUY expensive tickets for the concert around the globe, all for SQEX. Not to mention all the revenue from past products still selling coz 2Butt. He went to Disneyland last year and he can continue to lazy around foodposting thanks to everyone who BOUGHT
I kinda don't care about FF.
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motherfucker the man must be stopped...
Can it just be a small game or even a regular AA with zero hype for automata secondaries? 'cause I'm pretty fucking sick of this expectation the old man must constantly create big games just because one was a hit.
Really, can secondaries who started with Automato cut the shit and just let the man become some freelance Kawazu/Ishii type figure. It's tiring, it's so fucking tiring. The man isn't there to save enix with Automata two and bring about their split from square before roping soleil into making dod4 a masterpiece.
I think the time for that is over. SE's Superstars are all tarnished right now and he's the only one with positive buzz left
>SE's superstars are all tarnished
The fuck are you smoking Jessie. It's time to step away from /v/ doomposting threads for a while and take a look at the talent still residing within SE.
Kawazu just released an exceptional game just 7 days ago and he did it with some staff having never worked on a turn based game before. Enix is still strong within SE.
Yeah but FF16 and FF7R were both turboflops
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Brasil is very angry with Toko Taro
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What did he do to them?!
The translation is 'Hunting down Yoko Taro for shutting down the servants of Nier Reincarnation'
diez sluts
reinbros all over the world are cracking
Based huehues doing what no one else dares to.
they'll whip him into shape and squeeze a new game out of him
Post sino feet
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How does this outfit improve my combat effectiveness?
I'm thinking yes

Lots of room to move. No restrictive fabric
Enemies are stunned
sexo weakness
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Stop trying to make Stellar Blade /tarog/ related. It's not.
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>You didnt save her
in Global I did....
That was fake
what happens when you brap inside a latex suit?
no es real
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9S is a bitch, what would you do instead?
He deserves toobs's love and affection
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Little shits shouldn't get headpats.
There are two related things that are absolute in the NieR universe and cannot be denied.
Pods are the true heroes along with Emil the best motherfucking real human right down to his bones
nines is a good boy
Stop bullying Nines!!! It's not allowed!

Tickle Toobie through the back window.

It's not like there are any other real humans left to begin with!
can we rezzzt?
Toobs sticking out her gyatt for rezzztler
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Himiko blessing us with more sino art
is that a tit on greteru
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Greteru is a girl after all
>damn bitch, you live like this?
I feel spoonker-kun should know
>make the cutest and hottest sino after Cindy
>is terminally obsessed with her brother
What a waste.
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That's not Alice
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Are you contradicting me?
It's not Peeno either.

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