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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Master Chef: Rice to Meet You: 04/26 16:00 JST - 05/10 14:59 JST
Story completion campaign: 04/26 16:00 JST - 06/17 14:59 JST
Epel birthday campaign: 06/05
Book 7 update: Early May
Silver birthday campaign: 05/15
Tsumsted Wonderland 3 (SSR Vil, Idia, Malleus): Late May

>Current Gacha
[Event] SR Master Chef Azul & Ortho: 04/26 16:00 JST - 05/10 14:59 JST
[Campaign] SSR Club Wear Leona: 04/26 16:00 JST - 05/10 14:59 JST
>Upcoming Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Savanaclaw Rook: Early May
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Epel: Early May
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Silver: Mid May
[Event] SSR Tsumsted Vil, Idia and Malleus: Late May

>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>473866176
I love Vil's face when he talks about him. Mildly confused, annoyed, unamused, but not in the least surprised.
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Man, he used to be hideous... Glad Vil fixed that guy
for the people that had tapis vil as a support card, reminder to change him now or you might lose friends
Thanks for the reminder!
at the end of the day if he really wanted him away he'd fire him, he hasn't so both know vil doesn't mind (most of) his antics
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cute rook, thanks for new thread
I'm curious, regarding the translations of the manga, it's 4chan that is translating, and I went to take a look at the translations and this series after several months and I became curious. How did it all start? The manga translations?
The group doing it before stopped doing it. We dunno why. Someone posted just text translations. Someone else posted those translations on the raws. Someone else had a manga dex account and uploaded them.
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Vil won't have another duo with trey, right?
I'm going to be fucking pissed if he does. Vil already has 2 repeat duos, he shouldn't have to have his own cards competing with each other- Sands Vil is just a worse union Vil, and birthday boy is niche vs tapis.
To be fair Vil is in a better position meta-wise than other boys like Jack and Deuce
i still think think his repeat idia duo is cute. reluctant senpai
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During the next wedding event
if next story card is epel do you think he'll have a tall buff body
do you think this hairstyle was the final product vil planned or some provisional measure that rook ended up liking? because to me it screams "we'll get rid of the dry split up ends and think about the rest later"
I think Vil shaved him bald and it grew back like that
Nah Rook just happened to like that hairstyle
I want to lick his slutty collar bones
It's likely but it's not what I want for him. If it's Leona levels of muscle then that's fine.
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I was gonna be like "not gonna happen, they're not gonna go as far as redoing everybody's sprites" but oh my god what if they redo everybody's sprites. There's not really a precedent yet because Lilia and Sebek and Ortho look the same in all their cards but maybe?
The way twst might cockblock us is that in rooks dream, we get silhouettes of younger Leona/Vil and not their actual sprites
Guardian of the underworld: cerberus gear
knight of lightning: knight of lightning
seeker of cradles: guy who was looking for something and found a cradle
these all make sense to me
what is "hunter of love" going to possibly be.
A rapist
I dunno but the outfit change will make him look like a girl, like when he goes to Neige's meet and greets.
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Man, I wish the tsum plushies were cute. The difference between the card art and the physical merch is like night and day. Puts another twist on the 3DPD meme.
Should have used better materials like fleece or mink. But most of the Tsum Tsums are made out of felt, even recent ones. Larger ones used the printed kind, so there's no embroidery on like the eyes or anything.
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How many closeted homos from Savanaclaw were angry at Rook for hanging out with a femboy from Pome
The medium and large sizes were a nubby boucle, at least going by my Captain America tsums.
Thks for the Malleus art. My sis loves him.
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Oh, it's Troy Bolton
guys can you do a recap of the last thread for me? I was at work and couldn't participate in the fun discussion at the end.
Autist slap fight
Autist anon explained they dislike Book 7 for a reason they made up. Other anon(s) point out that it is a reason they made up.
Everyone accuses each other of being from twitter for a while, then the autist had a meltdown, like they tend to do. Made the vibe weird on both sides. Ferro was there.
Fishfags there are FloAzu crumbs in the master chef event. Delicious crumbs.
these outfits look so silly
Thigh-high boots and boob buckles for everyone. Love it.
Poor Yana hasn't been able to draw proper bondage gear in so long I hope she is well.
Where are the bulges
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she'll find some excuse to give jade a bunch of harnesses and rope for his club card
Maybe the reason why they look so different from the rest is because they are the last bosses
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but vil already learned his lesson and he already helped out....is he going to get norted...
yeah the real ones are pretty ugly
What's the mc epilogue about?
the silvers have to stick together after all the awful stuff they went through
>azul only knows cooking in theory not in practice
azulsis...he's not inheriting that restaurant....
He depends on the twins for aaall the cooking. And mostly Floyd, since Jade is always out in front playing butler. This is the funniest thing for some reason. Floyd's restaurant.
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total floazu victory, they'll run azul's mom's restaurant when she passes away
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It's funny that EN's constantly rushing forwards to catch up with JP but you bet your ass you're gonna wait the whole 9 months for the anniversary QOL changes every time
They did do the "1.5 anniversary" thing that one time as a cash-grab that I think had some QOL changes in it--maybe they'll do it again?
There's that mufasa movie, too. Promotion tie-in not impossible?
azulsis will you eat your boy's failed dish attempts?
though honestly I think he'd throw those in the trash
Hmmm I can believe it. He probably wouldn't want to send out sub-par product to a customer and risk the lounge's reputation. Jade eating all his failed dishes like a mermaid-shaped garbage disposal.
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What will his next event be about
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It's like a hallmark movie about the lawyer lady-boy who comes back from the big city and is taught the true meeting of christmas by old boyfriends who never left his hometown
He had a new year's SSR so I guess he won't be the main character for anything for a while. Would love more one-on-one time with him and Trey, they had a great dynamic in Firelit Sky.
Kate would love more one on one time with Trey
Recipe guide doko?
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Posted on the previous thread
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Did the previous leader support thIs
Leona celebrated, Pome leader died inside
Wasn't it an SR? Ruggie and Sebek were the flagship cards for new years
why does he have to share vil now...
Azulscholars how do you feel about Azul can't cook shit
Also how are you feeling with this anon >>475189562
we should put azul on fraudwatch
Azul is an octopus, therefore Azul can't cook
>Octopus can't cook but eels can
Please continue on this reasoning anon I'm quite curious about what else you have in store with relation to aquatic creatures' cooking prowess
Bet you feel like a bit stupid right now don't ya
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floyd is their housewife.....
floydsis, your husband will cook for you, are you happy?
>Eels can produce electricity to cook food
>Eels can also marinade ingredients inside their stomach, since they're just snakes that can swim
>Therefore, Floyd and Jade can cook
>Eels can also marinade ingredients inside their stomach, since they're just snakes that can swim
They've never sat an ichthyological class in this general have they
at least now we know azurido will struggle together in the kitchen
>I'm left-handed
>I scroll the screen with my left hand
>it makes me unpin guest cards by accident
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I sent these bitches out for six hours and they couldn't bring home a single bronze shrimp.
We should give Vil a Savanaclaw card too 'cause why not? He could always use more outfits. Let all of Pome wear the biker gear.
we talk a lot about the dorm leaders but I wonder what are the dream worlds of characters like the tweels
It is gonna be interesting to see the rules of the dreams. As we saw with Lilia, they don't have to be at the school at all. Malleus doesn't seem to be controlling the content, what with Lilia's dream taking place before he was born so he couldn't even watch. Idia's ideal world being him at school makes sense since he wants to be normal so bad. Rook's will make sense too if his happiest moment was Vil letting him transfer.
But can't imagine why Jade/Floyd's happiest moments would be at the school, too. Hm.
Jade's could be his discovery of his love for mushrooms? Or mountains?
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If it weren't for Rook's French accent, his Savannaclaw look makes more like an Aussie. Though I don't know if an Australian accent is any better.
sasquatch jade...
He'll bruise your cervix later, seems fair
One of my favorite artists has this running theme where Jade is kinkier and has the bigger eel-dick but Floyd is less selfish and the better lover and they're both envious of the other one's skills.
idia is so pale...
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forgot pic
Oi, why isn't Vil at the bottom with the other housewardens?
Either Silver is too attached to his big brother, too much of a gentleman to be stacked on Vil, or Trey and Vil are a set (do not separate etc). And then we have Ace just fucking off somewhere.
Arranged according to dorm order, Silver must stay next to wakasama
Damn you and your common sense anon. There goes my TreyVil (tsum version) fanfic based on this train station ad.
Don't worry, once the event happens we'll probably get alternate stacking orders with them together.
A writing prompt that is just a constantly shuffling stack of tsums. I've heard worse ideas.
what other hairstyles do you want your boy to wear?
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Ever since I played FEW3H I was really enamored by Sylvain's hairstyle there, so I think I would like to see Ace sporting it as well, maybe with a stylish high-neckline shirt like Sylvain
Jamil's not my boy, but I'd like to see him with his hair completely undone. No braids, no ponytail, nothing. Same with Vil, but he wouldn't look too different from his default school uniform hairstyle.
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I JUST saw a hairdown Jami the other day and now I can't find him and I'm going insane. Found this one though.
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April update for anyone that still care about the duo ranking.
+1 each for Trey, Jack, Azul and Epel. Also Ruggie and Trey mutual duo happened.
Oh my god thank you I was trying to figure out the newest DUOs just yesterday using the version you posted last month but I am kind of dumb.
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Found it.
>Malleus, Silver and Sebek having the least duos
>Lilia is among the most
that's very in-character was it done on purpose I wonder lmao
Please don't give Trey another Vil duo, at this rate he will get Vil architect'd
So this ks how you can win an argument against the lion
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Silver with this. Or just everyone with this.
I want long haired boy in short hair
>Tangled event
>the short haired boys drink a flower potion at the start of the event and gain long hair
>the long haired boys get attacked by flying mirror shards at the climax of the event and their hair is cut short
another thing to add to the long list of what makes floyd such a good and cute boy!!

>bruise your cervix
thanks for sharing your headcanon that floyd has a big dick!!

don't know about the dick size, but i also think that jade, even though he appears more patient and considerate on the outside is the actual sadist who can't get enjoyment from simple vanilla sex. meanwhile floyd appears unhinged but is actually probably super touchy-feely (thanks manga) and likes to actually make love. tweels are god-tier for horny material really. it can truly go either way, so imagination can run wild, even with eachother.
nice to see another zoonerd here. don't forget,
>eels can produce electricity
electric eels aren't even closely related to 'true' eels but are closer to catfish, kek
Wasn't there an anon on here a while back who got absolutely cooked for saying that eels don't have dicks or something like that. The fishfags came out in force for that one.
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i remember that. they said that eels aren't fish though, which is makes it even funnier.

>pic related
Ahhh classic.
Sometimes it feels like there are only three people on this board and then someone says "eels aren't fish" and suddenly there are 18 posts within two minutes.
Eels, according to /twst/:
>Have ovipositors
>aren't fish
>are related to snakes
>Have an inherent ability to produce electricity

Eels not having dicks is actually true, though. Sorry, fishfags.
>eels not having dicks is true
true, but how much do we think that the actual biology of merfolk is close to fish? i mean fish can't talk, don't have hands and human-like upper bodies, but merfolk do. they are half-human half-fish so it always made me wonder how 'human' is their reproduction. obviously they can fall in love, but if they are closer to their fish side, does that mean they just don't have sex as we know it? i just want to know how the tweels fuck, god dammit.
>how the tweels fuck
This is one thing we can be 99% certain Disney will never show us, which means it falls into the elephant graveyard of fandom where no light touches. I've seen the occasional eel-maid porn and have never really gotten into it, but to each their own.
>Jade can't get enjoyment from simple vanilla sex.
Oh definitely. I like how the fandom has inexplicably decided he is the one with the foot fetish even though Floyd is the one interested in shoes.
Wasn't really "inexplicably"
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God I wish that were me (the shoe)
Do you want to be held gently in Jade's hands or be on Vil's feet
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I give the tweels both a dick and a pussy so I can have fish sex in any configuration. One of Azul's tentacles is a penis already so it's easy to give him a hole as well.
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>tfw i will never be held gently in jade's hands
why even live
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leona should be nicer to his brother
he's beautiful. his roommate is so lucky to see him with his hair down every night.
I want to suck on Vil's piggies
selfcest is the best
after this masterchef do you think we'll get another filler event type? or just main story ssr spam in the near future?
Art competition, each round instead of different dishes is different types of art, one is ink, another is watercolor, another is sculpture, another is vase-making, etc
>Tradional ink
>Stone sculptures
>Ice sculptures
>Clay sculptures
>Doll making
>Flower arrangement
I think this is a about all the visual-only arts (minus literature but I dunno how that would work), honestly has potential, and has a funny quirk that the guys would keep an apron, but instead of a chef's apron it's an painter's one (even though not all of them would paint)
The supposed summer uniforms...
>idia clay sculpting an anime figure
Obligatory cowboy themed event.
Is this like a DUO lister? You click on someone and it brings up all the card combinations you can use with them?
What was sebeks dream again?
He was dreaming about a farewell party for Malleus and Lilia before they went off to their fourth-year internships.
sebek's simple mind is so cute
Can't spell simple without simp
really short miniskirts
When were summer uniforms mentioned? I remember reading about winter uniforms that were completed but missed their deadline and were never released, but not summer.
Wait until you see Rook's
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A couple threads ago I saw someone ask what kind of movies Yana has definitively twirled the pearl to and wew, I had no idea how those got produced in the first place.
...any more recs?
You're all picking up your daily campaign bonus, right? It's stupid how we have to visit the page instead of getting automatically on login.
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yeah, hopefully we get lots of konpeito because I burned a lot in the tapis event
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What do we think about gym classes. Flying or exercising or something, where you have to do one task over and over again while slowly improving, just like master chef.
Only thing is I can't imagine what outfits it would be when we've already got gym clothes.
Womb, unironically
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Threesome lister for when you're trying to fill the three remaining holes in your team comp. Pretty handy for exams and stuff.
>Riddle and Epel doing the "Aqua got Norted" routine with Vil

Kek. Thank you for the mental image.
>yoko shimomura makes music for twst
>it's for the 13 malleuses
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Rook is listening
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I've been wondering for a while but how many people on this board speak Japanese? I want to post more JP comics and stuff but I feel bad alienating the people who won't know what's going on (pic related).
I'd say post them anyways, in this new age there's enough image translators for anyone curious
Agree with >>475602086, just post em, if anyone asks someone will likely help out. My jp is meh but if it's within my knowledge I'll help explain too on here sometimes
is it just me or is this master chef way more balanced regarding each ingredients' use?
is it weird for a grown-up man to play this
No? If you look on the jp side there are a lot of male youtubers and vtubers playing this, regularly post theories and streams too
Seconding this, a lot of the vtubers I follow are male. There is no special attachment to the game that can only be operated via a vagina, so it's fine.
Before the ENG translation came out Japanese readers were a majority of this thread's userbase, but by now I'm surrounded by EOPs.
That explains why so many of you can read, that makes sense. It always surprised me, other boards can be pretty monolingual.
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Those are Japanese men, Twst is bigger in japan so it's more acceptable. A western male playing Twst is weird, the only people in the west playing Twst are teenage girls and young women, It's weird for an adult man to be in those spaces
I had that feeling two. Or maybe the last two were just a lot weirder than usual.
Since when has "it's weird for an adult man to be in this space" ever stopped them. Adults can do what they want. If being perceived as weird bothers them to the point that they let it dictate their hobbies then they need therapy more than a mobile game anywa.
Nice. Looks like i can retire from making chart.
I dont know, but i remember a while back a video of people at iirc an american expo was going around jp twt, there was someone that had a very male voice in it yelling really loudly ORTHO MY BOY and everyone pointed out and loved that guy. I still dont think it's as weird as people think, even some of the male vtubers and their chat have talked about the topic before, that while twst is techinically a joseimuke the way the story is told and how it's handled is very accessible to a wide demographic and the story is very seinen. If anyone has a problem with an adult man playing it then it's kinda their problem imo
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Finally watched it. It's crowley going to the chef ghost like "so that was a thing, eh?" and then the ghost lists off the different types of cooks amongst the students: those who aren't used to it but do their best, those who add new ingredients, those who do not care, etc. Then Crowley asks him to make him a snack. It's a cute little interaction.
Now we know why they left Azul dead last in this master chef edition, it's funny that it hurts, AzuVilsister, this was never going to happen.
Shocking reveal for last
I am dumb and have not fonished it yet, what happened
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Post it anyway, hopefully it will inspire more anons to learn Japanese. Ironically, this game is great material for beginners who want to get into reading
Yeah it's pretty easy aside barring a few characters
this makes him the best eel
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what's the chart for
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>Nooooooooo you can't play twst you're a guy
Dumb take
anon last thread who was like "why WOULDN'T azul be able to cook" to get BTFO'd days later will now forever live rent free in my head
Jack was made for men.
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I'm cool with it. It just means I can make him all his favorite foods and feed my sweet tako!
>teenage girls and young women
Just because hags don't advertise themselves doesn't mean they're not there. Office ladies have unironically become heavy spenders in the vidya/gacha market too you know
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Bet Rook had his own ecosystem on his hair
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Remember when we called the Shaftlands Pyroxene? Man, that was dumb. So glad we don't do that anymore, Shaftlands is a way better name.
I will forever seethe
>mfw western hag
>mfw 36 and still shamelessly coom to pixels of young boys
accept that this too shall be your future one day, youngins
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I can understand why girls would also like him but it's clear that Jack's design and personality was made for gay relationships.
yuo're still young anon... I talked 2 a 50 year old woman the other day
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Oh my god! So cute! Every boy and girl likes Ferro because his cuteness is universal!
This isn't the first time people have a thing for fox boys from Disney. Look at Robin Hood.
He's fugly and he will never teach a school, he drowned shortly after the events of playful land coz he's a retard who never learned to swim
My senpai by two years...

Did she play twst though
>ferro gets another event where we meet his rebel fighter cousin and his policeman cousin
probably not, I'm not in the habit of asking 50 year old women if they play japanese anime boy games on their phones
Imagine being bullied by Vil as a kid
Same age and forever grateful I got to experience the geocities and livejournal eras.
he does not bully, he just needs your help to build snow thrones
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why did ace kill a man
It tracks who ties their apron bow properly and who has their sleeves set in what way, cook-mode or server-mode. Rook, Jamil, Floyd and Trey all have their sleeves in cook-mode and their aprons tied properly. etc.
Also Azul literally called Floyd the person in charge of cooking at Mostro Lounge. Mostro crumbs.
Is this the best event character lineup (not counting the halloween ones because they're half the cast)
I think so but I'm biased because this is the first hometown event without a character that annoys me in it. Oh wait Firelit Sky had a good cast too.
Jamil is such a good friend to Cater bringing along his 2 crushes
I liked this one and Tamashina
Any news leaks for EN?
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nvm, went looking myself. No actual news post but General Lilia's banner is in English along with Joint Exam 9 and the two May birthdays, but I don't know how far ahead they update the graphics.
I will never get over how beautiful that card art is.
>currently broke after puppy Ortho
Lowkey envious of how much more time JP had. Guess I'm watching this go by and saving for the rerun
>there actually are older english twst fans
Now that makes more sense to me, I lurk around jp twt more and it always fascinates me how I always see 'I'll read when I get off from work' then go poke around en side and it's more 'I'll play after class', how did en end up with a much younger audience anyways. It always confused me when I see them say twst is made for kids when there's an understanding here that if it is a gacha game it automatically isn't
One is Disney, so anything Disney, automatically kids thing. And it's because in the Android/Google Play store that rates it +9, despite the fact that we see words like sucks used once every now and then.
Probably because English twitter's loudest voices are teenagers, less a "no adults" things and more "there are so many kids and they're everywhere" that you don't see much else at a glance. I have an account myself, but all I use it for is lrt fanart, I never tweet. I imagine the JP side is more casual about it too
Twst is rated age 4+ in the japan apple store
And yet twst EN is having stuff like "mushrooms" removed from the alice in wonderland lore because american children might start eating mushrooms to grow I guess
Wait, they are actually removing the mushrooms part? Didn't it get mentioned during Ch 7 when Grim ate the walnut and mentioned mushrooms making someone grow big or small? So they are deciding to do it now?
Mushrooms were taken out of white rabbit on en. Deuce eats two sides of a loaf of bread instead.
I thought maybe it was a Japanese AiW lore thing or something but then I saw that it says mushroom on JP, they just changed it for EN to keep deuce from eating mushrooms.
The older fans are all here because teenagers are awful
Does Disney ever market to adult women? They bought marvel to cover boys and men since having nothing but princesses freaked them out but their attempts to get boys via treasure planet and whatnot failed so hard.
Maybe that’s why Disney adults are so awful. They’re clinging to stuff made for children because they desperately want to enjoy Disney but there just isn’t anything made for them. Meanwhile Japan has bookstores with entire aisles full of BL targeting 30+ women and Twst slipped right in.
50,000 nanoseconds in Google gave me a clothing and bags store, so yes?
>Tattoos visible on a model
I don’t mean merch, I mean content. Obviously merch is marketed for those with the money to spend it, that’s why gacha are for adults.
All this markety talk reminds me of a convo I had the other day with a guy who was confused by female Kpop/Jpop idols having fans that are straight men in their 30s. Seems normal to me that straight men would like women.
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vil's empire crumbles right before his eyes
>no memory tokens in master chef
I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known
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what about the en server
Anon >>475707886 says 9+
>mickey leaves aqua in the realm of darkness for 10 years
>we leave vil in the realm of malleus for 10 updates
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that is cutest
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just my two cents, but twst really should have leaned more into making malleus a super autist and everyone avoiding him not only because of his crazy power, but because he creeps them out AND is powerful on top so nobody wants anything to do with him. malleus' dorm personal was actually so funny and i find malleus so likeable when he's absolutely clueless with humans and machines along with his pouty/angry reactions. he'd be such a cute boy if he wasn't almost constantly being portrayed as awe inspiring, mysterious and arrogant, but instead a complete and utter autist. should have let him be even weirder, twst. him being hot would be a good comedic layer on top of it.

and if we got to see more of malleus being quirky and a weirdo in his small appearances throughout the books, his overblot would actually be more of an oh shit he's not just a clueless autist, he IS actually a super powerful mage moment. instead his overblot and crazy powerful magic is exactly what was expected because duh, muh malleus is among the top magic users in the world.
That’s a fair point. I guess the line they tried walking for the yumes was a bit too thin. If you look at all his stuff together he is a huge nerd of course, but I agree it could’ve maybe gone up a notch. And I think that’s what they were going for?
A few times it’s repeated that one of the reasons he freaks people out is that no one can tell what he’s thinking. He operates on fae logic that makes no sense to anybody except Floyd, which is hilarious.
I feel like they did do all of what you said anon, I am malleusfag and I got all of the vibes from the writing that you said you want. I knew he was powerful but also not taking over the world with no way out except death if he doesn't give it up himself kind of powerful. But maybe thats just me. I like it whenever someone gets confused about what he likes, as if people didn't expect that from him, really shows they have assumptions of him and never got to know him.
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Lizardlove hell yeah
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Lovable weirdo
I wish he and Rollo were more shippable because Malleus has some saucy dialogue with him. People talk about "oops malleus forgot it's not an otome" all the time but he just talks like that to people. Big dork.
I think they're pretty shippable, what do they lack
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Just haven't found anything good of the two of them together, I guess.
Will you wipe away his tears after we destroy all his AUs
I will punch him first for the trouble he has caused then kiss the tears away
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Would love him even if he looks like this, ferrosis?
slightly better looking than the actual ferro
Gotta look harder, there's even some good fanfic in English now
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You're missing out anon
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Malleus' boyfriend from another school in canada is so cute
>Cooks wonderfully
>Patient with kids
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idia can't be a pointy hat...he used forbidden magic...
do you think they'd be a long lasting couple, or just a fling
is malleus fighting with his tsum
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recurring fwb situation
I can't think of malleus being fine with that agreement in the long run, I think eventually he'd start asking about getting married
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Rollo thinks they're fwb, Malleus thinks they're in a longterm relationship. Hijinks (abduction and captivity) ensue
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>Summer uniforms
>Winter uniforms
>Casual clothes (+ summer and winter variants)
Need, now
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>rollo can't fuck other people
>but malleus can have multiple wives
he's so selfish
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Long lasting for Rollo, not anywhere long enough for Malleus
you know with how mallerollo blew up you'd think they'd try to ship ferro with one of the playful land protagonist boys
>but twitter
the jp fandom wouldn't mind and that's the only one they care about
I see him shipped with Leona a bit but Leona gets shipped with just everybody.
I'm as much a fujo as the next person but it's kinda crazy how unshippable some of the guys are. Yana magic. Love to look at them but just can't make it make sense.
who are you thinking about? i'm pretty sure everyone has at least one Designated Partner
to be fair, rollo as a glomas event character has interactions with and, through a shipping lense, a chemistry with malleus. ferro didn't have chemistry with any of the boys or a special interaction with any one of them as far as i recall. rollo had malleus on his mind from the start, meanwhile ferro was just like sweet, look at all of these retards i can easily traffic
Ya, this is probably why. I don't remember Fellow having as obvious of a foil in his writing as Rollo had with Malleus. Nothing comes close to the homoerotic subtext of that last part of Glomas too, the ballroom dance with your enemy is incredible. If you have the balls to fight Malleus you automatically have higher chances with him it seems I love him he's nuts. I'm pretty sure those few who made shipping art of Fellow and Leona was only because hot beastmen let's put them together.
>ferro didn't have chemistry with any of the boys or a special interaction with any one of them as far as i recall
yeah but if the writers really wanted to have bait they would have just written the scenes differently unless you're telling me the twst boys are autonomous tulpas
can you imagine if rollo dies of anything that isn't old age, more sad malleus
>Alice in Wonderland takes place on Britain
Queendom of Roses - British English
>The Lion King, although not specified, did receive a special one-deal dub for a South African language, the only dub ever made for non-arab Africa
Sunset Savannah - Zulu
>The Little Mermaid isn't specified, although the original is danish, the common consensus of the Disney movie is it taking place in Italy
The Coral Sea - Italian
>Aladdin is a mish-mash of various arabic countries and even a bit of India
Scalding Sands - Arabic (or maybe Hindi)
>Snow White takes place in Germany
Shaftlands - German
>Hercules takes place in Greece
Island of Woe - Greek
>Sleeping Beauty takes place in France
Briar Valley - French

Now I need AI voice banks to hear what they would sound like speaking their "original" languages
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Doesn't matter what en thinks since they already have ferro on a pedestal and if the writers had added some ship baits with any of the boys, en would find it hot and whatever.
I can't make Idia work. I think I'm just broken. Nothing against the character but there's nothing there, cannot imagine otaku-boy fucking. Asking for too much suspension of disbelief.
Lilia was the same problem until Baul. Thank yana for Baul.
But Fleur City is in the Shaftlands and they speak French
Franco-German friendship
If you wanna hear what Azul sounds like singing vaguely-not Italian, here's him singing Cara Mia Addio that I did for quick reference.
Most of the countries that surrounds Germany on the south have french as one of their official languages (not the *main" language, but one of the official ones), so maybe Shaftlands is some, greater-germany from twst or something
Doesn't sound half-bad, thanks anon
Shaftlands is from an alternate universe utopia where Germany never unified...
No problem. TWST AI models I have seen that are available to DL on certain places, would be the Riddle, Floyd, Azul, Idia, Epel, Lilia, and Rook.
Interesting, that covers all regions besides Scalding Sands too, so 6/7 languages
I've heard ai voice models have gotten pretty advanced too, you can basically make an artificial dub now because you can "translate" a voice, like taking a nip VA and passing through it, and now it sounds like that nip VA got extremely fluent in say, english, it's pretty cool honestly
Yeah. There is a model to use as a base to train English speaking ones to sing/speak fluent Japanese better. It's nice that the development is quite strong.
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Xtter goes to the train station lost and found for their phone
>attendent: “we have a phone here, but can you describe the Lock Screen?”
>there are three men…
>”men and women?”
>aahhhhh he might look like a girl but he’s actually male….!!!
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I have made a Rollo AI voice model some time back. Here's him singing French of La Seine Cabaret from A Monster in Paris.
Really nice, I liked it, although maybe I'm biased because french sounds so nice in songs
This video is nice for reference for this
When is Epel's birthday? I need keys for Savana Rook badly.
how do we engineer the best partner for idia
Make them a vtuber.
I really wish we could have both a token farming room (the one that gets counted for the token gifts) and a friend room (the one your friends see), I'd love to make the kitchen room or the boutique to show my friends but it'd tank my token quantity
Since 6th of may falls on monday, do you think we get announcement today?
It's golden week though the dev team is on holiday probably
can you make him sing a vocaloid song please
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I like when a boy kiss another boy because they are gay and happy
Lion king 30th anniversary and mufasa are coming, will there be a special login bonus like they did with Little mermaid? And a good chance they release Tamashina
i want to sex the characters okamoto voiced
Love this, living in Pom must be wild
I wonder if previous dorm leader was also infatuated with vil like the rest of the pome mobs, and if so did he see rook as competition
That seems possible, everyone being obsessed with him seems to be Vil's thing. Gave him the housewarden position as a parting gift. I wonder when Rook transferred in, like middle of his first year or second year or what. Guess we're about to find out.
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Has anyone ever killed themselves to get Vil to notice them?
Any particular Vocaloid song?
I saw a version of this one with rollo and it was the funniest shit but now I can't find it. Floyd was kicking his chair, Trein showed up to rap, Malleus was there, it was great.
wait nvm found it
Yes and Crowley buried the corpses
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New rings from Mayla
Maybe beans day is an indication he was already in pome in 2nd year. Unless he was in the process of transferring. The mental image of Rook fighting Leona while he was still on his dorm and already transferring to Pome is hilarious and awkward.
Depends when Beans day is I guess. Pretty sure it's in spring and school starts in september. Math is hard uhg. Maybe he started the process 1st year and it became official from start of 2nd or something? Or maybe it's an instantaneous thing once you finish the paperwork.
Rook getting his luggage moved for him by six beefy savanaclaw boys who are delighted to get rid of him.
>vil canonically uses feminine pronouns
>its literally how the jp language works
someone tell them that he calls himself male in Book 5. They took it out of en but he did in jp. Cause that's how the jp language works, mic drop.
It's all so tiresome
I really expect they explain the transfer thing, what did Rook do and why Crowley allow it. We have been starving for school lore. And hopefully they show the furries celebrating when Rook transferred.
Furries celebrating would be so funny. Need it.
And transferring doesn't seem like that big of a deal maybe? Like rook goes off on epel about "oh no the mirror identified the nature of your soul correctly and you definitely belong here" etc etc but in Book 1 Crowley recommends that Ace transfer out of Heartslabyul like, immediately.
And if you believe that one theory then Crowley allowed it cause Rook then made vil overblot by telling him he should watch Neige rehearse.
Oh my god maybe we'll get Rook enrollment lore.
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Why they are like this
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Whatever the reason is, it will be for simping and nothing else. Also maybe since Leona is on there, he would be also be "assigned" to watch over him? Family lore probably upcoming? Or it would be asking too much.
Guy is one of six siblings. That'd be nuts.
Need side tangent of Leona and Vil bargaining over who has to take Rook.
Forget the girl being retarded, her reply section all buying it is the infuriating part
He clearly comes from a family of secret agents.
Hold up family talk might mean we finally learn if he's a birdman. I lowkey want him to be human just so we get ONE canon human in that damn furry dorm but there have been so many hints that I don't think he is.
I guess Deuce's is that color because of his hair?
I liked the style of Take up more but if these are cheaper I may consider picking some up.
What’s your favorite of the current five
I like Caters the most, though the colors make me think more of Savanaclaw.
He's going to have a hot bird mom
Yeah that one’s my favorite too.
Regretted not getting a pin when those were released, might get one of these if they don’t break the bank.
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Tell him again he can't cook
I kinda lament that it seems viru and prev dorm leader were on good terms because for a while I thought he might have pulled some Eva Ushiromiya shit
>my dear vil I thought for a long while how to spite you one last time and I finally decided, I'm going to make you the dorm leader without a duel or a test, now you can languish forever about not earning your position
Azul can cook up a shitty plan
spoiled rich brats. ferro was right......
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Is there a good chance Rooks family gets involved? Or collaborate with Styx?
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sebeksis please take away his gel
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Villiam was a gay deciever
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how far are you in master chef anons?
Halfway through and it will be the first mc I won't get the two chefs...
Something happen this time? I'm usually on top of these but for some reason I keep forgetting to send people out for ingredients this round.
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Did somewhat best I could to get the vocals out of it. Can't even find a UST to first use as acapella vocals. Had trouble getting to the part when it hits Party Time.
Most of the mcs I roll once or use 1 key set and I get the chefs nut since Savanaclaw Rook and Tsum Vil are coming, I cannot risk those gems/keys and lose them
oh my god this is amazing anon you are amazing
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why can't they take off their coats
Those have got to be in yana's next design note thing, they have got to be. Show us the belts Yana. Yana pls.
isn't Leona intended to be intelligent, why does he let lust guide his decisions
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they could have been a true family...
But they have to let Lilia go, Anon.
We cannot expect any updates this week due to the golden week?
If nothing comes today then it’s probably not coming. Tomorrow starts a four-day weekend.
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He's just copying his gramps
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pretty funny that applejuice was chosen as the "dumb clients that don't appreciate detail"
no...it can't be...
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so are the boys being left for last in the dream world the dorm leaders or the ob boys? a.k.a who are we seeing first kalim or jamil?
Scarabia is the only one with a non-Housewarden OBer so there’s no way to tell until we get there but honestly, why would it be kalim. It’s going to be Jamil.
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The imitators get bolder. They’re even using the squinty eye thing that Yana does so much.
wtf is this?
This game has been in development for so long that I'm starting to think it's a money laundering scheme. I'm surprised that their merch even sells, what kind of consoomer buys merch for a game that hasn't even released yet?

Twisted Wonderland
Leona is part actual animal, anon. Instinct makes up 80% of his brain.
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Epel duo with Kate
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What in the hell, not even the sketch but they already have the final product?
Oh that's amazing, instant preorder.
He looks cute and innocent like usual, but the way he's sitting makes me want to slap a sausage agains this face.
Yaoi pose
Ob boys, they are the ones that carry the story
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What if Vil was the guy who was originally savannaclaw?
Damn...vil and idia got the prize figure base...sad...
Mal will have no base
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People were comparing it to this aoba figure and it made me realize the aoba figure doesn't have the rods
coz he has the tellies. very common trick to support figures that are supposed to be airborne
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What could Idia have, Underworld hands?
is rook's groovy out yet? does he show his pits like a slut?
man, he's not even out yet
Yuu would finally be an actual housewarden, I'm so proud of him...
can't be disappointed in the fig if you release it before yana's art!
this is so sweet, reminds me of beauty and the beast in a way. hope they play into it a bit with 'wild' rook and vil when the story update drops.

now that i mention it, kinda bummed we didn't get the beast in twst. he'd be similar to leona though i guess, even design-wise, sprinkled with riddle's bad temper cranked up to 11.
That would've been super cool if they did that. Not that I mind the metal bar much, but the underworld grabby hands would have matched the base.
Will she release the art later
Rollo cleans the house and Ferro cooks, we need a laundry maid
That's our job. How else will we find out what kind of underwear and socks everyone wears?
>implying ferro can afford underwear
fujo pockets, are the shotas even good??
uoooohhhh apple....
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question, what card was idia in the tarot theory? death?
because i've seen idiasis say his figure look like the hanged man or the world reversed
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Idia not beating those allegations
>both have companions that are dogs too
Oh no...
who are the rest of the love interests
Leona - Mink
Vil - Kojaku
Silver or Kalim - Clear

Not sure who would fill in Noiz, but the Leech Brothers being Virus and Trip is too scarily accurate and horrifying remember their route.
>remember their route.
Had to look it up. Nice.
is that the game where you fuck the dog
Yeah, I remember there was like, torture or some shit too, I know it's called Dramatical Murder but goddamn calm down
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Guess they didn't want to go with this one
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Yes and no
Ren (the dog) was actually part of Aoba's existence that maintained the balance between Aoba and the other entity inside of him.
iirc the reason why he's in the dog is because allmates (the animals) are linked through the user's brain, that's why he's in the dog.
But don't worry, he eventually leaves the dog body, he's now inside the body of Aoba's dead twin so they're cool and happy together.
This happens before they fuck inside Aoba's mind btw.
tl;dr you don't fuck the dog, you fuck with an Inside Out character
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Torture and murder seem pretty common in BL games. Like maybe I got recommended weird shit by friends, but most of the ones I played had some gorey bad ends with the porn.

Thanks for the explanation. I'm glad he doesn't literally fuck the dog.

Twisted Wonderland. How are exams going for the fine EN folks?
Sounds like we'll get it later. Here's Yana's tweet about the fig.
will silver's duo partner be an eel or trey?
I'm betting Trey. Aren't they the two people with the least amount of onscreen conversation or something like that? The game filled in that gap with Jack and Malleus in the platinum series, too.
No improvements for overall score but what has left me thinking is how defense exams suddenly become the ones I score the highest in now. I remember whining about them so much back in the day.
I was surprised my Dork Ace got some use but I switched him back to a more meta card.
Rook again, eels might be for next month
I'm a retard figuring out now getting a hard duo overkill to end the normal exam on is how you score high in those. Always found it weird and discouraging I have a lot of well raised meta cards but struggle to SS joint exams and SSS on regular ones, and like >>476150815 I've been doing better in defense. Better late than never

Also wishing I had a better variety of 110 friends, but it is what it is
My bet is on Azul because Epel got Cay. Also i think they're saving Eels and Rook for last three birthdays.
Ruggie already got Trey
Damn, completely forgot. Only six people left and half of those are gonna partner with Octatrio.
I hope Leona gets an eel. Maybe Jade since he already has a Floyd duo.
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I got 8 recipes 100% 30pts, this event ends the 5th right?
Damn I've only got four done. Dropping the ball this time.
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looks like it's not really a "this character is this" thing for the other dorms
it is, you can check which one is meant for who in the site, but indeed there's also ones designed to represent the whole dorm
jack's is the silver ring with ears, ruggie's is the golden one with ears, leona's are the bead necklace one and the one with a yellow oval gem, the rest are dorm-wide
azul's is the one with the dangling gem, the ones with 3 turquoise stones at the side are for jade and floyd each, and the tweels share the one with the circle purple gem being surrounded by tentacles, the rest are dorm-wide
kalim's is and the one with a red oval gem, jamil's is the one with a black stone, they share the plain gold band, the rest are dorm-wide (yes, according to the site both the snake and kalim's turban are meant for the whole group)
vil's is the heart, epel is the apple, rook's is the bow, the rest are group-wide, no surprises there
idia's is the deep blue band with triangles and the nail thingy, ortho's are the turquoise band with triangles and the one with 3 rectangular stones at the center, the rest are dorm-wide
malleus' is the one with horns, lilia's is the bat, sebek and silver's are the ones with the batons (green gemstone and blue/white gemstone respectively), the rest are dorm-wide, also no surprises here
do you think jamil and leona will get king outfits for their dream world cards
Isn't Kalim's "benevolent sovereign"? Is that the same thing as a king or nah?
Cause Leona and Idia are the ones with the word "king" in their names, so yeah.
Nice, thanks for the explanation anon, really helps.
>golden one with ears
>silver ring with ears
Rings with ears. So cute.
I like Leona's but it also lowkey looks like costume jewelry.
If the eels + rook is indeed saved for last three birthdays then the possibility is high
On the 10th actually
The 10-hour guest room rotation is amazing. I used to miss out on it all the time when it was 12 hours, but now I can actually do it twice a day like you're supposed to. Weird what 2 hours can change.
>Only six people left
Oh my god we're almost done with the platinum cycle we're gonna get a new birthday series
Yeah but I assume Jamil wants power
Jamil's name is "plotting serpant," no idea what kind of dream he'll be having. When talking about what he wants he always says he wants to go somewhere no one knows who he is and just chill.
I changed my support from 110 Vampire Vil to 103 Union Vil, but I haven't seen anyone use it, when I got a fair few people using vampire last exam. Are those 7 levels really the deciding factor or are people just not doing the joint exam at the moment?
These are pretty cute. Tempting, but rings don't look good on my uggo hands.
I agree. Back when the change happened I complained about having to keep up with the shortened time but it's perfect. No more worrying about being a few minutes late and watching your invite time shift forward by a few minutes every week.
Probably the levels yeah. Personally I don't bother scrolling far past the 110s unless there's a specific card I want. If you really need the tokens then it wouldn't hurt changing back to vampire Vil.
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Polly a dream where he's scarabia dormhead and not a slave
It's disappointing, I don't think I would've been able to tell which one is Silver's without process of elimination. It wouldn't stand out enough on its own. I agree with the anon saying these look too costume-ish.
Anime is happening
So how will DEI make it worse for TWST anime? There's already a fear in the Kingdom Hearts live action film.
>progressing smoothly
so we're getting it by 2030? still, can't help but be excited that it's happening. it will probably be QUALITY, but still
I wonder if they just announced it to soon. It’s like they worked out the deal and before the ink was try some intern was on Twitter like IT IS GO.
They could’ve just announced it like, now. Or 4th anniversary or something. Weird choice.
Betcha they'll get a tranny to voice Vil in the dub.
Don't you mean Epel?
look at Malleus' beautiful dance
is it really gonna be a disney+ exclusive? is there anything good about narrowing the audience
yeah they got pretty lazy with sebek's and silver's
I'm sorry but Ace's beats would probably be kinda trash.
He'll be on the RSA mageshift team and will humiliate Vargas with his superior muscles.
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If they were to put Star Wars in, I'd hope it would be a full roster of at least Sheev, Vader, Dooku, and Maul.
actually now that I think about it, could past rook's card be his first duo with vil?
Watch it be with Leona
His first love...
does this game have 3d models like blue archive? also does it have any traps? or dynamic models that move
He is so handsome... I love him so much...
mercy for rookvil sisters....they already lost to jackvil...
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>does this game have 3d models like blue archive?
No, it's all live2d and character art.
>also does it have any traps?
Debatably. While none of them are the archetypal trap ala astolfo, some are pretty feminine- you could easily mistake Vil for an adult woman most of the time, and Epel does get mistaken for a girl a few times in the story Most of the characters wear makeup from time to time, too.
I'd say it's 50/50, but we suddenly get Idia or silver duoing with him
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now that I finished 30 pt 100% all recipes I only need to farm for books and konpeito, what about the rest of you?
Gonna use up my ingredients for some easy madols.
now post crab ace
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here's a crab(-legged) ace ft. ruggie
that furry artist is releasing a doujinshi/illustration book about Ferro and Gidel eating. Apparently they're also selling a bunch of sticker sets at the event venue too but sadly those won't be available through mail order, just the book.
The fuck is this?
probably someone's fetish
I remember seeing this (i think its called haigure) for the dorm leaders on pixiv once, but I think it got deleted. I know this artist drew some really odd fetishes like egg deuce, riddle being shattered, kalim being squashed flat by an elephant stepping on him and a shit ton of petrification though.
it seems like a popular hypnosis thing. not that i'm kinkshaming but i don't get it either
the leotards? sure. but idk what the arm movements are supposed to be
i just looked up hypnosis + ace on pixiv and it showed up lol
oh, THAT artist.
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This interview has been around for a week and a half
Yeah but no one noticed until yesterday because who cares about an executive interview with Disney+'s anime division.
The interviewer gives him a window to extrapolate on the twst news and he redirects into something no one has heard of under a working title.
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>The interviewer gives him a window to extrapolate on the twst news and he redirects into something no one has heard of under a working title.
So we're still at least a year or 2 out before we we get any actual info about the anime beyond "it exists". This still feels like a future YOI 2.0
Maybe even longer. He talks about Code Geass too and I don't know anything about that but Geassfags are saying it has been like a decade?
On the other hand, the fact that they're bringing the topic back into the public eye is a good sign. The executive is the one who name-dropped Twst first, not the interviewer, so it was no accident. unless he didn't pay attention in media training and said something he wasn't supposed to say.
Interviewer said a lot of people are looking forward to twst anime too, fucking this up will be a massive blunder I wonder if d+ over there is feeling the pressure
Considering D+ own failed projects and that's not even bring up Disney's projects in terms of theatrical releases and declining theme park visits, they are desperate to throw anything. Of course, the ominous sign is them releasing a Lion King prequel about Mufasa that will be released on the same day as Sonic 3 movie.
>sonic 3 movie
they should've released a book 6 movie as countermarketing, show them disney can also kill children
A Book 6 movie with no explanation would be hilarious. Who are these people? Why should you care? What are they doing? What's going on? Shut up, it's tartarus time.
How upset would you be if we got a twst show with those shitty MMD models instead of anime?
That is a fear I am trying to dismiss as ridiculous and unrealistic, but it never really goes away. Especially after that terrible ad for the 4th anniversary. If that was a test run to see how people would react...I hope they learned.
I wouldn't mind 3D if it was something stylized like studio orange (idia and ortho being modeled like the gems would be pretty) but mmd-like stuff should only be acceptable in fan projects
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I know for a fact that Yana's art style can be translated well into 3d. That would be the only really acceptable way in my eyes
Can't get into it. They look like dolls. It's just a show in the world of rozen maiden.
I would take the 3D animation over a Live Action with all the redheads getting diversity casted.
>western twst movie happens
>disney pulls its "first gay character" maneuver again making a ship canon
>it's treyvil
Do you accept
I don't have to accept anything, in my mind Vil likes pussy and that's all that matters
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The rice salad is going to be the death of me I can never get enough beans
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For who are these results? (You)?
Just their voting patterns overall, since they don’t change by who the chef is anyway it doesn’t matter.
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>idia's big and slim ghostly hands
compared to azul he looks like the slenderman.
jack's hands are so fucking big
he could be a real sex god if he lets go of his principles
floyd has pretty small hands for his height. you can kinda see it in his card art too they're so soft looking as well. cute!!!!!!
The comparison with vil is even funnier
>the same height
>idia's hands still huge
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Rollo's got some long fingers
Jack, Idia, Malleus, and Rollo have the yaoi hands. They are gay.
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just as keikaku
I'd say Malleus' handa are fine for his height
In fact his comparison helps the jack yaoi hands argument because without the horns they are about the same height
What about Ferro's hands
Did we not get an anni pv this year because the anime is getting progress? Or are we getting sidelined for being a joseimuke
>anime getting progress
i still truly wonder what they meant by this. the announcement itself went under the fucking radar first of all, second of all why mention it now only saying there's progress. it just feels like that first 'announcement' they made and went dead silent. were they really just trying to dispell the rumors of the anime not happening or can we maybe expect a release date soon? am i a clown high on copium for wanting to believe that the release itself will come with the next anni?

shameless enough to say i'm waiting on that dragon age dreadwolf release and the whole thing with "IT WILL RELEASE, WE PROMISE!!! WHEN? UHHHH! HERES ANOTHER OH WOW ITS NOTHING TRAILER WITH NO RELEASE DATE A COUPLE OF YEARS LATER! RELEASE DATE SOON GUYS!!11! PROMISE!!" feels kinda similar with just dangling it infront of fans with no real info. life is suffering.
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Mallerollo and Malleo has this energy
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>were they really just trying to dispell the rumors of the anime not happening or can we maybe expect a release date soon?
I'd like to be hopeful, but after last month it's hard to feel good
Fuck mappa desu and rip the lobotomy kaisen animators. As long as it's not mappa we should be fine
is today the last master chef day?
there was no mention in the article of what animation studio disney jp will be collaborating with for twst right? i am a juicebrain so i don't know what "-insert- original" really means because it said so in the article i think, but that doesn't mean disney will be animating right? just hosting/distributing?
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everyone assumes it'll be Cloverworks because they did that dorm leader group pic and these black shirt pics
After their platinum doodles I sincerely hope Disney will just be hosting/distributing.
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we're safe on that front i think anon, because the whole talk with the jp disney guy in the article is about bringing anime to disney, basically. before i read the article and just heard the news i feared we'd be getting that...special style for twst potentially. so i think it's safe to say we'll be getting animu.

although, i didn't mind the kind of 'western' style they did for a series of illustrations maybe two years ago, in pic related. personally i found that style kinda cute and wouldn't even be mad if that's what they would go for the animation, but the platinum art was really fucking bad. putting it side by side with yana's art always makes me laugh with how superior yana's is.
Supreme seme hands
>putting it side by side with yana's art always makes me laugh
It gave me secondhand embarrassment. I love Yana's versions but I cannot wait for the platinum series to end so that we can pretend that horrible bastardization of the characters never happened.
Spotted two recent articles on pixivision that have twst boys as the cover image
On the 10th anon...
Imagine holding his hand.
Is Epel's banner coming tonight?
this one style would also be cute for things like shorts
what's wrong with jjk
they upped the manservice compared to the manga
Question, out of the ob boys, who has both parents being mages? It seems that the trend is only having 1 mage parent or magic skipping 1 generation (see Epel)
What do we know about the Vipers, the Kingscholars, the Ashengrottos and mama Shroud?
the anime is fine, it's the animators that are treated like shit. they break their necks churning out amazing work but they're crunched to hell and back under awful conditions. MAPPA upper management has gone on air to brag about their production quantity and quality, but it's at the cost of employee abuse and taking advantage of the love and passion the workers have for the projects. that's why I'm a lot less surprised about the YOI cancellation coming from MAPPA who more than likely bit off more than they can chew, and why i think the twst anime will be fine as long as it's a different studio
you can look it up, lots of articles and xitter threads about the MAPPA mess. i just feel bad for the jjk animators
he could've have been a pianist if he had an education
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I like this trend
Back to farming I guess...
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not mentioned
not mentioned
>mama shroud
not mentioned

>trend is only having 1 mage parent or magic skipping 1 generation
both riddle's parents are mages
Poor sebek, his oshi is crazy
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Is this card meta
That's a really nice Epel face. He's so pretty.
isn't the problem with yoi the fact that many of the previous yoi staff left mappa or something about AVEX?
I think it was mappa the studio not getting as much money out of it compared to the rest of the comitee
As big as a whole borger...
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this is how jewelry works right
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so is the main story update going to be right after master chef ends?
I really want to know more about the kingscholar parents, most monarchs tend to rule until they die, but I think leona implied they're still around? where are they now, the royal retirement castle?
I hope we keep getting loredumps in bday cards because I want to know this
what about kalim's parents
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His dad is still king. Falena is doing stuff sometimes because their dad is sick but dad is still king. A lot of EN seems to think falena is king, maybe cause tamashina isn't up yet where they call him the first prince.
He's never talked about his mom tho so we dunno.
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Mom's a mage, dad isn't. No one but mom and Kalim are mages apparently even though they've got like a million kids.
There hasn't been any instance of having an event running the same time with a story update
Double-checked. On JP a main-story part coming out on the same day an event ended happened with Stitch and 7-5, idia and ace's MC and 7-3, Tamashina and 7-2. So not impossible for MC to lead into 7-8 on the same day.
6-2 came out during a joint exam.
That's all jp though, for en 7-2 story update came out during the new year's event.
so if this is the end of master chef does that mean the kitchen furniture will be lost to the void?
>the oldest and heir to the fortune
>the only mage
>still alive after multiple attempts on his life
no wonder he's so pampered
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Malleus, you're the only one in the club...
He is using the royal We because he is royalty. Are we going to see him with a hammer and chisel?
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apples are better than pears right?
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Jade does it when talking about the mountain club too. It's because they're speaking on behalf of what is a group, even though there isn't anyone else in it.
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They're good in pies and desserts, but the texture of some raw apples disagrees with my teeth. I prefer Asian pears, which are the apple look-alike pears that Epel has listed as one of his dislikes.
nashi are tasty as fuck
Mutual duos
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Malleus' job is tough you know
「ちゃんと最新PSまで読んだ」oh my god this is so funny I love malleus
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maybe viru's mom got traumatized after the nazi experiments
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So I think most people are going to be convinced about waking up using
>think about doing this in real life
But who'd need something else (aside from Jamil)
i'm convinced this is just EN being retarded as usual.

can't see for malleus in the guest room, but in jade's case he doesn't ever mention 'we' while explaining, and while japanese grammar allows this to be said without the usage of pronouns, when trey asks him right after if his club is similar to the photography club etc, jade responds with 'boku'(i), ie that HE simply enjoys to experience the mountain his five senses.
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forgot pic. it's in book 5, chapter 53
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Darling he does that in English too. He is separating between the club activities (we) and what he personally does (I). It is basic english grammar.
EN fucks a lot of stuff up but this is actually correct.
fair enough, i think he even says he's the only one in the club in the conversation afterwards either way. my bad.
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This groovy art is the first time I thought Epel looked like a girl. In his other cards he just looks pretty, but definitely male. Maybe it's something about the way his face is drawn?
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These are funny
can I use the costume toggle on the chibi sprites
Dataminer anon, have they added story-related content?
but they already have the data and the sprites....I want to fight using fabulous viru...
wait for 5th anniversary please
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everyone will get vil'ed, and the ones who don't get vil'ed will get malleus'ed
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Tsum tsum doko
I regret not making more of the stanchion furniture from last Halloween. This person's room dedicated to their boy had the mannequins roped off like a little museum.
I wonder if glomas furniture will come back...
what do you mean i can only turn 1 floor into a kitchen, what am I supposed to do with the second floor
Did the game let you buy more than one? Mine is greyed out in the shop but it says I have 1/2.
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Mine is also grayed out but it says 1/1
Weird. Mine doesn't even have the 0/1 Remaining in the top right like yours.
glitchy wonderland....at least not as glitchy as the crowley event
Idiasis do you think your boy will be nice to Malleus or nah
I hope for 5th anni we also something like bond point homescreen lines
I'm stealing this person's idea for Vil
Depends on how hard he manages to project. He'll be mean if he relates too much, he'll remain wimpy otherwise

t. can't tell if am idiasis (True) but does get compared to him a lot by twst moots
I'm trying to S5 the water basic exam but fucking juice refuses to heal twice.
TIL that S5 is a thing. I'd been so proud of my little S3.
And you should be proud of it. Everyone's got their own goals depending on their cards and uncap level.
>He'll be mean if he relates too much
just like with rollo...
yeah don't worry about s5 yet, that's for mega min-maxed accounts
News tonight?
If we got news, wouldn't it have been today? It's usually Monday, Wednesday, Friday with some exceptions.
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I'm so glad retreating doesn't consume attempts anymore. I even got one of those "unexpected erros" and my BP number was still the same.
where's his butthole
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why are the other tsums so nosy
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The kitchen is coming along nicely, I don't know if I'll be able to grab every item but at least I'm guaranteed every SR item (only the pantry left to buy)
Tell me what to build upstairs
that's just rook being a bad influence
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The translation is shoddy but can someone find the original dialogue and tell me if Malleus did indeed imply he Monika'd Leona and Vil
If you're building a kitchen on the first floor then obviously it only stands to reason that your 2F must be a place where food is served
Lilia: the ceremony is about to start. It wouldn’t do for you two, housewardens as well as third-years, to be late.
Malleus: that’s true. Let’s head to the hall of mirrors.
No mention of Leona or Vil if that’s what you’re asking.
Thank ypu anon
Don't they both show up two minutes later in that same scene? I know Leona does because because he mentions how boring it was and that is when we all realized that grim and co are axed in Idia's ideal universe.
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Just watch, Jack will get an story card that is basically him before NRC and he's just simping for Leona.
We know that all his training and why he enrolled is all for Leona. They’ve never said it outright but if the brick house body has come from all that training, and he trained in order to meet Leona’s standards, doesn’t that mean that Leona is the reason he has that brick house body?
Or they'll make his dream his current year at NRC except Leona is actually cool and respectable.
Thank god that this is the last Master Chef event, hopefully they realized how trash they are and finally retire them for good, I am so burnt out from this shit.
Unfortunately we're getting reruns of the event in the future. Hopefully by then they'll add a way to cook this shit in batches once a recipe is maxed because watching the animation every time is such a drag.
>grim and co axed in idia's ideal universe
>and co
>yuu is so unimportant to idia's ideal world they aren't even at NRC
idia yumes on suicide watch
>Unfortunately we're getting reruns of the event in the future
>Hopefully by then they'll add a way to cook this shit in batches
If only that was the only problem with MC. The entire thing makes no fucking sense. I am doing my best to hide my autistic rage here but this event type is probably the number one example of terrible kusoge game design. I could write a whole essay on it
No please, post your rant. I hate the event too and want to see other people's thoughts on it.
>The gameplay loop is boring as shit, you just set your timer, wait for it to run out, cook the recipe, repeat forever
>Almost no interaction or thinking needed, all you do is set timers (let's be real, you're going to look up the recipes on twstsoku anyway)
>You can't set your own timers and the default ones are also retarded as shit (why do I have to pick between 2h30 and SIX HOURS, let me pick something in the middle for fuck's sake)
>The timer also can't go higher than six hours for some fucking reason (because fuck productive members of society who sleep for more than 6 hours amirite)
>Batch cooking is annoying and takes so many clicks
>None of your ingame resources are actually needed, team formation is useless because none of your cards actually make a difference aside from the event ones (no clue why this event needs a team in the first place)
>Backwards game design where burning a recipe gives you a reward anyway, so doing the wrong thing (burning ingredients) is actually beneficial when you're at the end
Also this is more autistic but
>Once you complete the event the game stops showing you your total medals after completing a recipe so you have to back out and go into the event menu just to check a simple number
There could be more that I missed but these are the more egregious issues I can think of right now. The entire event is stupid, they should at least make this a separate permanent game mode just so we're not forced to play this garbage for a week straight.
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What if it's just his wolf form
>Unfortunately we're getting reruns of the event
wait did that appear in the event notice? because I assumed we wouldn't because of that chef banner with the first chunk of chef boys
I think it's this part, the gold text at the end.
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Delinquent juice card?
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Progress on the kitchen, the sink is next
>last point
I had the same complaint about the medal total actually. It's all the small things that make a shitty event even more awful to play.
At the end I was able to get chef Azul but chef Ortho is missing...my chef batch is incomplete...
Pull out the wallet, roll for him, and pray he comes in the first few 10-rolls.
very nice. are you going to buy the R windows?
it's at the bottom of priorities, but if I get the rest then yeah
have you built any of the clubs? I'm saving tokens for movie club
I have everything for Magical Shift but I'm too lazy to change up my room. The guest room's been laggy as hell for me since the second floor update.
Saying for movie club as well
anon just so you know there's an option to send everything to the inventory
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I know, but opening the inventory and placing the furniture is what takes a long time. Even after moving most of this stuff to the second floor I still get spooky scenes similar to this.
what do you think was his happiest moment
my favorite glitch is when you press deactivate the loop function too late and it messes with the lesson screen
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What would Rook do with Leona's body?
leovil sex tape
>jack and vil simp for leona
>vil moves away the year he enrolls
>"I'll text you anytime Kingscholar-senpai does something cool"
>he never texts Jack
Use one of those penis molding kits to make a copy of his dick
what's the funniest glitch
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They're cooking him.
do you think his happiest time was when he got the invitation letter from nrc
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this is the best trey ship
very nice, anon. however i earnestly believe that everyone at NRC deserves to get rook'd. he sees beauty in all, he has enough love for everyone
news tonight for sure!
wait....so the rest of the SSRs use their ungroovy outfits in the chibi, but not dog ortho? that's his groovy form
All three of them are wearing masks in their pre-groovy artwork and maskless after. I don't see the issue here.
yeah but isn't it the opposite with hometown cards
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It's finished! (for now)
What furniture looks restaurant like
Also 2 pairs of boys standing awfully close to one another
Is there any rook ship left unexplored?
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Where is Rook?
What could they do to make these short events more enjoyable
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Oh he's late. Vil duo, cosmic/flora/flora balanced card.
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he's so dirty
We did it!
Shiet, so the story banner has all pome that means they will add their story cards back to back and I will go bankrupt after savana Rook and Tsum Vil.

I don't wish fans of other dorms go through this...
Yeah, it hurts a little bit. This must be how eelfuckers feel around Halloween.
Those who give no fucks for the apple dorm are truly blessed
Good luck pomsisters see you in the other side
That depends, how fat and wide will Azul be in the future cards?
so it's just as we speculated.... rip pome enjoyers...

imagine the eel story cards coming around halloween too. gems and wallet obliterated

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