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Katawa Shoujo General #3995

Non-Smoking Edition

Last Thread: >>474234079

Official Website: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/x6tv3
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: http://cripple.booru.org/
Hanako Image Database: http://www.hanakoisbestgirl.com
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: http://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: http://katawashoujo.wikia.com/wiki/Katawa_Crash
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hf0x-rFjBzSqcSMD0ohxaai_zS_OVzyy
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Good morning /ksg/
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paturday soon
get your hands ready
my hands are always ready to pat
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dark hanako: i prefer mondays
Someone needs to edit that Sat to say Pat.
Just ran over a blind blonde at Walmart
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Just scrapped a blonde woman off the pavement at Walmart. She was still warm bros!
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Feeding Rin
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What a patslut
If a man gives 100 pats he is cool and a player...
If a woman gets 100 pats she is a patslut...
This says a lot about our society...
>ara ara... I'm not dead. I feel fine. I think I'll go for a walk...
That's a great way to start a Paturday!
That's at least 3 guys, maybe even 5... I didn't know Hanako was like THAT
The consequences of Hanako hanging around with Emilly have been disastrous.
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we're all gonna make it!!
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How do Rinfags cope with the idea that Rin is going to need your help wiping her ass everytime she takes a shit? Is this really the future you want?
Has anyone else had problems trying to download the Katawa Crash APK onto a recent Android phone? Been wanting to play it at work but I keep getting this error when I try to download it.
Just redownloaded. A warning, but no issues. Im running Android 14 on a galaxy flip.
Weird, I'm also on Android 14, but I have a Pixel 7. Maybe that's the issue?
It's the goalball team and she was bragging about her new shampoo.
>it's a rerun
This guy doesn't know about the 3 shells or bidets
With my tongue.
What do I do to get groped by the girls team?
i ask this in good faith, i read this vn something like 10 years ago, how is there still a community
>my girlfriend says my dick is too big, what do you think?
Doesn't the boner sonar tell them?
The queen of the dark realm has been expecting you.
>[_] Kneel respectfully
>[_] Kneel reverently
my disability? I have 6 arms
[X] Kneel and perform cunnilingus
i need the cap of lilly saying she thought you forgot about her when you are on another route
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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/pol/ is leaking
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For me, it's Android 18.
Goodnight anon.
How the fuck is this general still alive?

Also Lilly best girl.
Have an amazing Paturday!
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
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What does emo Hanako (Hanakemo?) read?
It just can't be Edger Allan Poe over and over again can it?
>What does emo Hanako (Hanakemo?) read?
The instructions on the pregnancy test three days after I fuck her so hard the condom breaks.
Which girls could put a condom on without using their hands?
rin wins this one hands down
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>hands down
That's not what I mean when I say I want to fuck her mouth like a pussy.
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>finally check out grid1
>Hisao immediately agrees to join the Student Council
Cursed. Also RIP Lilly's dog. It's interesting to see how KS progressed from this into Alpha and then the official version.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Good morning /ksg/
Shizune probably could but she prefers it raw
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How do you play this?
It's on ModDB.
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le sigh
>hanako content spotted
worth it
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I was here during the 3000th thread party, it was years ago and one of my first interactions with people from 4chan so up close
I was wondering if any of you degens are still lurking after so long, and if you guys wanted to do something for the 4000th one
I've been plopping in and out in the past months to see if someone brought it up, but I don't think I've seen anyone wanted to do another group call
I wasn't around the other 1k and 2k, so I don't know if it was a one time thing either
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appreciated homeboy

i like some of these bgs better I think.
The 20th Century architecture and interiors make it feel more dreamy, isolated, other worldly.
>A few years ago I met a girl who was basically Emi irl but with legs and a year younger
>She already had a boyfriend and led me on for months before letting me know.
>Fewer years ago I met a girl who was slightly older than me but had a petite frame and dark blonde hair
>She too led me on for months before letting me know she had a boyfriend.
What did God mean by this?
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Feeding Rin
You're a retard. That's like the third question you ask a girl.
Happy May the 4th be with you /ksg/!
Assuming there were any questions at all instead of: ‘She said hi to me once, she totally wants me.’
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If that was your only interaction then they didn't lead you on and you're double retarded.
No, like actual conversations went on. We had similar interests.
>Your eyes deceive you.
>Don't trust your vision.
Good advice for the visually retarded.
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Then your relationship status should've come up before "a few months".
>ywn rule that galaxy with Shizune
It's not fair.
I'd also be happy with shadow goverment with Akira.
>I met a girl
Woah, hold your horses, Chad.
I was here then but I didn't do any group call. I think Kenjitrip shared a link to a /ksg/ discord that has old posters in it who might be interested but I never bothered to join. I can't say I'd personally be interested because attaching a username to my posts (or words as it were) just feels uncomfortable to me, that's why I never namefagged or tripfagged or joined the forums despite being in KS threads on and off since the first few threads on /a/. It could be nice to reconnect with old posters and see how they're doing today. I like hearing anon success stories.
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Ah ah ah ah ah i'm cuuummmiiiingggg
I came.

To whom?
Most likely
Captain Katawa?
Post the one with Emo in the uncensored outfit.
I'm at work and dont have it on my phone.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
I didn't know there was one
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That's the right Yuffie but the wrong Mordred.
das it mane
Goodnight anon.
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How do you respond?
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Who is that?
I think it's Suzu
Is that you NotSureWhoSuzuIsAnon? You didn't spoil anything in your post so It's hard to tell.
How many visually retarded people are in ksg?
One guy but he has at least a dozen aliases.
Also for about a week an anon got his blind imbred hillbilly gf to post. I'm assuming the blindness was caused by her family history. The Hills Have Eyes but they don't actually see anything.
>One guy but he has at least a dozen aliases
Oh yeah, notsureifmishaorpokemon anon.
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I love Lilly, but Emilly is more fun to draw.
She's a bit more toned than adult Lilly, but her legs are a little shorter. I'm not content with how KS age (18) turned out, so I'll try again another time.
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We live in a post-paturday weekend.
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give AI requests. it can even mix multiple artists' styles if you want.
as usual, nothing from hanako's route, none of her writer's favorites.
why is miki such a whore?
I played the game years ago and finished only Rin's route. I picked up the game recently and Shizune's route made me pretty happy. I was in student's council as well and everything was spot on: you are a busybody cluttered in papers, meetings and all the boring shit but you try to make the most of it and ofc unleash your anger on lazy asses and other members you dislike. We had some beefs and railed people against others, had lunches and drinks together while making conspiracies, played a role as mediator between your group and professors, it was so fun when I remember all those memories. I will return to my homeland soon for vacation and think I should give them a call for a meetup. Thanks devs for making my memories alive again, feels good man. I will never forget the moment we won elections and my subordinate lifted my hand up into the air and yelled "we have a president" with a grin on her face, while our supporters clapped and others rolled their eyes.
It's funny how realistic Shizune's route compared to the others, maybe that's why people hate it
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Feeding Emo
Feeding BTGR
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Yeah. I figured it was a just a question.
>at least a dozen aliases
kek but I'm not the one making them!
>blind imbred hillbilly gf
I remember them. She used speech to text, but not actually saying the punctuation, so you get lots of run on sentences. I miss them.
Feeding BTGR, every time
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By fucking her in her sleep.
Rin plz
>no BTGR option
Em* or Femji
>>no BTGR option

Who else? I dont think Succubi can be maids.
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The drawn Femjis are cuter than the CG
Which of these two is the better fuck?
I bet femHisao takes better care of...down there
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
You have to take it slow with FemHisao or she fucking dies.
That's ok. If I don't take it slow I fucking cum.
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Shizune best girl
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Also Emi.
Happy Birthday Shizune Hakamichi
>Your Katawa
But she will only do ONE of the following
>Oral Sodomy
>Anal Sodomy
Shizune or Akira
Taking a sexy selfie
Artist: pudgeruffian
Goodnight /ksg/.
Good morning.
It's Shizune's birthday. Say something nice about her.
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>Furious handwaving about forgetting Shizune's birthday intensifies.
She's pretty and is the first girl to try and cheer Hisao up when he arrives at school.
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She generates nice, cool breezes wherever she goes.
them: AI can't even do hands much less words.
(that anatomy is pretty horrendous though, i just posted a mediocre one to bump the thread. I'm trying for a better one)
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Happy birthday Shizune!
anyone know what this means in sign language?
the sequel. please view in order
ill do this later today
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Happy birthday shizune!
"Get your pants off"
Happy Birthday Shizune!
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Hanasheathe if you're picking up what I'm putting down.
I've only played Demon's Souls on the PS3 for a few hours, didn't like it.
Are any of the Fromsoft games worth playing on PC?
They're absolutely worth it. It's a series you hate at first, but which grows on you the more you play. I'd start at Dark Souls 1, then move on to Dark Souls 3 and from there into Elden Ring. That way the clunkiness of the earlier games won't feel quite as bad and you get to enjoy each game for what they are.
this but with consent
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I have "Prepare to Die" edition on steam. I picked it up for $5 but never touched it.
Is that the one to play or the "REMASTERED" one?
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Prepare to Die is the older version. You won't have any multiplayer options there (ie. other players can't invade and kill you while you play) because the developer killed any MP servers and the game's locked to 30fps. Some of the graphics are a bit older-looking, but otherwise it's the same game.
>Your Katawa
Would you let Misha have pity sex with her?

HARD MODE: You don't get to watch.
i sometimes fap to the thought of letting misha lick along my shaft and my katawa's clit while we fuck reverse cowgirl.
What happens for #4000?
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[Happy birthday, Shizune!]
Awesome thank you.
Cute! For some reason this reminds me of those swimming trainers in Pokemon.
Who's clit?
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does /ksg/ like nagatoro?
She's Miki's little sister.
I don't see how one girl riding your dick while another licks it makes you a cuck but whatever but since you brought it up it must mean you're a cuck.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
We're finally free
ksg mansion
Goodnight anon.
Easy Mode: Y
Hard Mode: N
I have had similar fantasies but instead of reverse-cowgirl it's more like https://litter.catbox.moe/h6p4e0.mp4
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Headpats. Headpats as far as the eye can see.
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>ks love calculator
Shizune chads won...
u add the common letters of each others name...
did you never do that in middle school?
No, I never did
let's say ur name is matt and ur getting shipped with hisao

there's 1 m, 2 a, 2 t, 1 h, 1 i, 1 s, 1 o
1221111, now u add the ends
1+1=2, 2+1=3 etc
2331, do the same
36%. u only have a 36% match with hisao. low!
a little late, but whatever
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Is this the general to just hangout for the socially rejected HS users who never moved on from this mediocre VN that came out 12 years ago?
count me in
Thanks. Frills are hard to draw, even looking at references.
Nice job. Pls consider one with a cameltoe
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Never give up!
>>After this I'm going to meet a couple of the boys from the goal ball Team for a special work out, do you want to join us?
>Y-you mean like a gang bang?!
>>What? No! Geeze Femji not everything is about sex
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your response?
Mouthing off like that she's obviously fishing for a spanking.
So I have her what she wants.
>your response?
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She's already corrupting her.
How do I roll here?
Five chamber revolver. (PIC RELATED is what I have)
Load one(1) round into a chamber.
Close your eyes, spin the cylinder, close it. (do not "bogart" it)
Now you fire it. Each time time the gun does NOT fire, you get a Emilly, starting with the left.
If you can get 4 empty chambers in a row, you get the PTSD Emilly.
misha route
Spun once (virtually).
I'll just take the one on the left.
But I want to smoke
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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AI anon r you still here? Do Hanako as spymaster of the Inquisition.
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Who do you smoke with?
I don't smoke but rollin anyway.
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The idea of her smoking while i tittyfuck her is very hot but one or both of us might get burned.
Tags: titfuck smoking
Assist: Shexyo
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Hey guys.
Still studying AI. Some seek perfection. I seek... well, you know, Chaos.
How's it goin' in KSG lately?
ha, great pic
Cloves with BTGR plz
Oh well, Emo can smoke me.
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So BTGR will use Emo as a model sometimes.
Do you think they ever fool around?
God I hope so
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Version for Sightly Impaired anons.
If BTGR asked for you and Emo to model for one of her painting do you think you could do it without cumming to soon?
>Version for Sightly Impaired anons.
>If BTGR asked for you and Emo to model for one of her painting do you think you could do it without cumming to soon
Depends on what we're doing. If we're in a weird pose, sure. if she's mid-hummer, the clock is ticking fast.
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Alternate for the Practically Eyeless anons.
How jealous would Emo be if she caught you stating at BTGR's BGTs?
>Alternate for the Practically Eyeless anons.
thanks but ouch! actually I'm thinking of dropping using spoiler tags in case it causes some readers to fuck up.
>How jealous would Emo be if she caught you stating at BTGR's BGTs
Depends. Am I staring with my hands?
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Whenever possible BTGR paints while nude. PIC UNRELATED
I'd want to keep her bgts warm.
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The prompt could probably be improved quite a bit. Sorry I haven't spent more time on it.
I was looking through a free streaming service and found a channal that marathons Legend of the Hidden Temple.
Having it on in the background is pretty relaxing. Me and my sister loved this show as kids and I totally forgot about did. Didn't even know it's name. First time I've seen it since the 90s.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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I know of it. It was like the ultimate jelly show, we all wanted to try our own hand at it, but couldn't, so we watched other kids struggle under the pressure to assemble a 3-part idol that really wasn't that difficult.
Why're you telling me this, though?
Because you often rant nostalgic here so I thought I'd share.
Oh, alright. Sorry.
Good morning man.
How's it goin'?
I am awake once again
What about you, man?
I don't know man. Mind's places that are hard to describe.
Courage in the wake of despair, at least in little amounts.
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pat + kiss + love
Just got to make it to friday
For most people, yeah.
Thanks for the cheer though.
I'm goin' to bed, have a courtesy bump.
You're all excellent people to be around. I've seen worse lately, bein' back to /v/, they're good people, but... bit rough around the edges. Don't forget the blessing KS put upon this place, 10 years ago. Even if it's faded, the chill here is like nothing else.
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Ready for summer /ksg/?
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This Months Battle Pass is a fucking joke. We're actually getting LESS materials than we did last month.
Plus the skin if abosulte SHIT. Nobody cares about Rin.
If the devs keep this shit up the game is doing to be dead before christmas. Mark my words.
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/ksg/ Challenge: Go One Day Without Anon Wanting to Rape the Katawas [IMPOSSIBLE]
Unfortunately, I don't think that's isolated to /ksg/
Other fandoms have cripls?
Playing the game trough all the routes for the first time, i have played Rin and Emi before but i just got off Shizune's for the first time.
It felt fine, but kinda depthless compared to the other 2? Playing trough it made me more interested in Yuuko and Misha than Shizune herself.
I wish there was a Misha route, can't be romantic for obvious reasons, but just hanging around with her a little more would be fun
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We can all agree he'd be an EmiFag, right?

Also: Which girls would enjoy watching 'The Sopranos' with you?
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Cheer up, Hanako.
life only gets worse
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Goodnight anon, sleep well.
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>Your Katawa
>You're both sent to Hogwarts.
Which house are each of you in?
Which school of magic do you specialize in?
What are your favorite classes?
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>10 again
Goodnight /ksg/.
Good morning, ksg
We should take all the Rins and put them into bins
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Not a lot of Rinfrens around at this hour huh
i would have given anything for hanako to have a good route. this community would have thrived like other english vns.
wear a girl uniform
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Finally got around to replaying that restored KS alpha. Its understandable why Lilly's route got that heavy of a rewrite, but there are some small scenes I wish they'd kept/reintegrated into the finished game. Like the implied-intentional hungover bump into Hisao
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>Rin smiling
more of this please
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Why post that?
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where is this from
Is there something wrong with the booru? I can't get past the first page on some clients
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threesome with 2 hanakos
expires in 72 hours since catbox isnt working for some reason
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buenas noches /ksg/
>Hey Hanako, go fuck yourself!
i wish i had 4 penises
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>Hey Hanako, go fuck yourself!
But one of them is Haneko
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
entai katawas
caught you
We know Hanako is a secret pervert. Rin and Lilly are a bit more honest about it. Hisao is more of a pervert in Emi's route, but she's willing to bend over to handle him. Shizune's seemed out of character for a virgin.
Virgin girls with glasses and virgin bookworms are the kinkiest of them all though
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Hanako is a quiet book nerd wall flower so you KNOW she's a freak.
Are all Katawas pervs?
Headcanon. She definitely fuels her perverted fantasy with her erotic literature stash. She went to the city to stock it after she grew bored of romance in library books. What could be the kinkiest thing to come outta books she would be willing to try, I wonder?
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This guy gets it.
>[If you can guess what color my panties are, you can have them]
Not that anon, but I'd guess they're white and ordinary, a pragmatic choice.
>[Better luck tomorrow anon]
>>[If you can guess what color my panties are, you can have them]
Trick question, she isn't wearing any.
She's not wearing any, clearly.
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Her not wearing any panties for the rest of the day is the true prize. Well that and getting a pair of panties she's been wearing.
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>Hey Emi's bf, guess what color panties I'm wearing
>I'll give you a hint
>Their the same color as my socks
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Goodnight /ksg/.
New day, new roll
Btgr plz
>goth Shiz
at least the guy who ships me with her will be happy
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Maid Hanako for Maid Day.
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And another
Maid Day?
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Im in your camp and honestly find Misha more interesting and Shizu.
There was a lot of unexplored character drama with the two Misha’s: Misha the translator, and Misha the person (who we often forget has a real name: Shiina). Its not often we get to actually take a peek at who Shiina really is because so often she has to play the role of translator and is almost bewitched into masquerading as Shizune.
I seriously wish we had a fully fledged route for her so we could actually see what kind of a personality she has, and why shes at Yamaku. imo there is still unresolved tension at the end of Shizu’s good ending as to Misha’s identity crisis and her unrequited lust for her friend.
I actually prefer what the Alpha Restoration did to an extent of shipping her with Emi. It feels better than having her latch onto Shizu and Hisao as a third wheel cuckold.
Shizune 100% comes from an HBO Household. She’s already seen the series multiple times, and would make you watch The Wire instead.
Hanako, the biggest drama book work of the cast, appreciates good character drama and stories. She would watch the Sopranos with you in most earnest. She would love the initial hook of a mobster going to therapy. I could easily see her getting a wee *too* invested in the show and would start making strange role play requests.
Feeding Rin
Hanako's friends
>hanging out with dykes
Makes you wonder...
they're only dykes until they meet me.
but also, batman jokes aside, if Hanako were pent-up from hearing her roomates fuck, and she met some boy she liked during the road trip, and kept it going steady for long enough, she might take it out on him in a really nice way.
ooh this one kinda nice
>Hanako asks you to eat her gabagool
>Then she wants to pretend to be your therepist but she's really your her TheRapist
I wanna yoho that ho's sister
What would the girls pirate names be?
Crimson Eyes
Captain Hooks
>ceiling Hana is watching you masturbate
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>Pippa is playing KS, Lilly's route
>Moldy just superchatted her

i felt like redoing the 90s dress one
Nice but she wouldn't be "mature" in the 90s
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
didn't Moldy got cucked by Peter Griffin?
I dunno, his twitter got banned after he said the gamer word. Haven't heard much from him since.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Have a great Paturday!
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hello kayessgee
What katawa would have sex with him?
Yours. While you're watching in the corner. And masturbating.
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Maid days
trivia: Hanako's route is so bad that when the picture of the last scene leaked before release, people thought it was going to be somewhere in the middle of the game
I though the only leaks were in Emi's butt
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Feeding Shizune
...tiny disapproving Mishas
I want a tiny Rin. She can paint through me like the rat in Ratatouille.
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Hanako trying to explain why she isn't a cuckqueen just because her bf fucka other girls bur Shizune isnt listening.
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What do you think Rin does for fun other than painting? My headcanon is that she's playing vidya, expecially weeb shit like Final Fantasy (and the Sims with her and Hisao as a family)
Mastutbate, canonically
Wouldn't most vidya be hard for her to control?
Rin's feet are dexterous but I still don't see her using a keyboard or controller well enough to play anything outside of purely turn-based stuff.
There are some accessible controllers that would be easier for her to use. I've heard of some completely blind street fighter competitors, but I don't know how they play.
Re-enacts scenes from ALIEN. She takes the role of John Hurt.
I find it interesting how different artists draw Hanako's burns.
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Maid day pats.
Hanako trying to explain why she isn't a patslut just because she let's any guy post her head but Shizune isn't listening.
>Hana, Paturday is over.
>6 minutes
That's all we need
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Pat Hana while you can
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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>Hanako gets a call at 3am
>its Hisao
>he's been drinking again, he only calls when he's been drinking
>Hanako is fighting back tears as she changes and goes over to Hisao's
>Hisao is pouring himself another drink as she walks in
>He hurls his glass against the wall in and starts shouting at Hanako
>>That's the wrong shade of blonde you stupid bitch!"
>Hanako breaks down sobbing
>>I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't kick me out, I swear I can be just like Lilly, please please let me try again
>Hanako readjusts her wig and finishes preparing Hisao's drink, he always wanted a glass of wine after they were together
>She enters the dimly light bedroom and gently places her hand on his shoulder and softly whispers into his ear
It's time to wake up honey"
>Hisao stirs awake
>>Oh thank you Lilly
>>You're welcome dear
>Hanako tells herself that she's happy, that this is good, and buries the pain deep down inside her
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>Jiiii.. it happens, class rep.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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Mother's day is today.
I miss my mom.
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I should be going to bed.
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I should be getting up soon.
I don't even remember what exactly the call was on, but it was some throwaway group call thing, it wasn't discord that's for sure
Honestly just knowing there's someone here that I might've talked with at the time feels pretty good
I'd also be willing to reach out in some non privacy compromising ways
Have been here for so long and never needed to tripfag
If you have any idea on how to talk with some old ksg lurkers be my guest
Even if nothing comes out of it, glad I could talk to you
What's your own story anon? Anything cool happened since last 3k thread? Let's make an exception to blogposting this once
As for me, I was a big sperg at the time, young and struggled relating to others
Over the years I had kinda lost hope over it but things got better
Honest work, and time and I did many things I thought would never happen to s guy like me
Had to reevaluate a lot of things when I could no longer believe I wasn't mean to die off alone
I'm not fully done with that, but this confusion feels way better than the confusions I had as a teen
hanako sitting on your face
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Happy Mother's Day /ksg/
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You too anon.
me too
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Sorry, man. I know it sucks.
Finally unbanned from 4chan
Hi again, /ksg/
What did you do to get a forced vacation?
Hey guys.
Work to exhaustion while you're young. I think I heard some phone say that once.
You guys are always the best, so don't forget it.
I won't be here long today, but feel free to say hi.

Welcome back, commander.

Let me guess. Was it 'nothing'? I can't remember my last legitimate ban.
Oh my god who cares
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Which Scotish Football club would Lilly support?
She cant support any of them officially, since she is a referee.
How many children has she had?
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Goodnight anon. Sleep well.
Goodnight anon, sleep well.
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Which time period would you like to conquer with your favorite Katawas?
Hard mode: Nothing after 1900
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NSFW in a blue board... it wasn't fair though, i blurred out the nipples, penis and vagina.
Damn jannies.
I remember listening to this kind of music on my way to school and thinking I was the shit
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Between Lilly's sex drive and Emi's energy, probably quite a few. I wonder if her husband is a stay at home dad?
wake up
wake up with hanako
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Wake up Hanako with headpats.
> "I was wondering about that myself too. Just now. Some people asked that just before. I assume they were wondering the same"
She sometimes wander in the night of Yamaku city, seemingly aimlessly.
I wonder if Rin reads books? What would she read?
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Imagine the picrel
Femji becomes the traditional wife with a husband and kids.
Emilly is the wino aunt.
Not if I marry her
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I've actually often imaged
>What if Yamaku was a co-ed summer camp
Who's going to be the camp counselor? Mutou? Yuuko?
Would Misha wahaha if you tried to take a peek under there?
She would comfort you instantly
Emilly in wedding dress pls, AI frens?
>wedding dress
Would it have an exposed navel?
Probably, but not necessarily.
If I get a 0 I want Akira
Well at least I'll get to have her a sister in law.
I'll just have to try and not let either of them catch on I prefer my sister-in-lew.
would it be possibly to do this one from a bit of a...lower angle?
>gust of wind!
and floosh up her skirt.
8 possibilities
How does that work?
If you roll a nine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QGkOGZubQ
You're a saint
Do it but now with Hanako.
This except literally any other girl than Hanako and Rin.
And you want to eat pussy
Either way, you get cancer
Yuucko isn't a carpet muncher.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Oops meant for >>476811425
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As long as you pat her head she'll cum right?
So then only pat her head when she's doing what you want sexually.
That way she'll be conditioned.
I have been able to live 20 years of my life being thin and having abs while eating like shit and not exercising.
Today I noticed I'm getting fat. Guess my youth and luck ran out and I should start getting into some exercise.
Sorry for the blogpost
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she goes on walks
she looks at clouds
she listens to leaves crunching under her feet
she follows butterflies until she loses sight of them
she watches a snail eat a tiny mushroom
she dips her toes into a creek and stares at the patterns they make in the water

sometimes she goes people-watching but that's less often
I can't imagine her playing much vidya, especially not the sims
Goodnight /ksg/.
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Is this ever happening?
So is that? Tohsaka/Lilly hybrid?
Heiwako from Full Hearts, a KS-inspired VN that's been in development hell forever
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I'd rather Tohsaka.
I'm a ZR man.
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I'm a purist. I like my Lilly in her birthday suit.
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Or almost naked
Sex with Emilly while wearing a condom
I finally got round to playing the beta Hanako True route
Now I'm just left kinda disappointed with the ending we got in the proper release.
I want to see Hanako at peace, breaking out of her shell and being happy, not for guesswork if it will happen after her route ends or for it to occur in someone else's route entirely. And there was some really good and funny scenes in there too that would have been nice in the proper release
In my headcanon, she leaves her sunglasses on to fuck, but takes them off to make love.
Same with the sneakers, right?
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Sneakers if she's on top
Bare feet if she's on bottom
Ah ah ah rin kun im cumming
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How are Emilly and Shizunemo are cousins, right?
>half-cousins but double your pleasure
What's Shizunemo's disability? Tinnitus?
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Since Emilly gets the full-on non-Ibarazaki disability, it should be the same for Shizunemo.
I could've swore I had a .webm of this but I can't find it anywhere
How close does Femji need to get before Hisao appears on her boner sonar?
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Femji: It's great so many people support the goal-ball team. Look how many people came out to watch you practice Emilly!
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Fucking Rin's mouth like a pussy would be out of this world.
with their powers combined, they form an entire person
Or a nugget
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i'm not up to date with my kayessgee drama. who's moldy?
is he that dude that always comms artists to draw him, lilly and their imaginary daughter, and sperges out when people draw lilly with not-him?
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You are in line at the school cafeteria with your Katawa when PIC RELATED walks up and slaps her on the ass.
What do you do?
Return the favor, since my katawa can't slap.
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Femji is only legally blind and can still see (sort of) with glasses so her boner sonar is probably nonexistent.
I'll complain to the student council. I'm sure they will find a way to punish this bitch as hard as possible if you know what I mean.
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Are you sure about that?
10 years of no new Katawa stuff does some crazy shit to a man, huh.
But she's been training with Emilly, whose sonar is probably on par with Lilly's, through hard work and guts.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Imagine your katawa in beachwear. Describe her outfit.
Good morning folks
kill her with a rock and claim self-defense
Made for belly pancakes and cowgirl
high coverage competition swimsuit
t shirt
big hat
hanako, if you keep this up, you won't be able to swim
that guy was always kind of a lolcow, no matter the place he went they always made fun of him and it was completely deserved to be honest.
>She doesn't notice you.
>What do you do?
Pat her on the head.
sniff her hair (it smells like she was having fun by herself last night)
Example 1
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Example 2
Goose her.
Still would a cute obachan
She'd be flustered but afterwards she'dbe flattered.
she would think it was a prank
captcha: SHAG
yes but with consent
With Hanako, you don't need consent.
nope, I do. I will never support what her route tells the player
Pat but not her head
This guy gets it.
I wanna feel nylon covers cheeks.
I had a wet dream about Hanako but it was pretty lame.
The dream was me jerking of looking at Hanako porn.
Doggystyle painal.
hardcore pats
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Best Katawa for this feel?
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She's into that. Look at that smile.
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Goodnight anon.
Sounds like something Rin would say, honestly. Especially in public.
Which girls would be into erotic asphyxiation?
> getting asphyxiated
Only Emi could be interested in it, others would dislike it.
> causing your asphyxiation
This is a dominant position. Count Shizune in.
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He crippled, son
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Imagine BDSM pats.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Any new stuff? Didn't check since 2022.
I like the mained one.
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Hey guys.
Good to see you as always.
Haven't been around here as actively. But that's okay, right. I'm sure it's been very refreshing for those who don't like me.
I wish you all the best, even the haters. As written in the earliest of KSG anthologies, any shitposters, toxic posters, and general autists are to be embraced with kindness until submitted. It's a long forgotten thing, and I slip up on it a lot too, but it was always important to me.
Flavor text: I've slept 4 of the past 55 hours. It's not due to anything crazy, just a changing of the sleep schedule in-house. It's a wonder I'm still running, a wonder I embrace.
If you ain't goonin', if you ain't shittin' your pants, you ain't livin', brother.
I shouldn't be here too long, but feel free to let me know how it's been goin' in KSG.

Rest well, have some nice dreams.
you're at the academy when a girl with burn scars runs and falls pussyfirst onto you like it's a bad porno. instead of getting off you, she starts getting off.
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Try my best to earnestly push her off, we can't be doin' this in the hallway, even if it is really hot.
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My head is always blown away every time I remember this franchise exists.
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I'm off to Magicant. See you guys around.
Never give up on yourself. For even if there is nothing else in the world, you still have you. Be strong, and proud.
if this post gets 1 view I will post some ai hanako lewd
oh wow, you already viewed it. here
Is she consenting to this though?!
Hopefully not
I dunno, I kind of wanted to make the pillow say something more extreme than YES in the second one, but didn't have any ideas plus they wouldn't work anyway
Almost there but it should be Hanal.
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Rin plz
Last three digits determine my party.
If I get doubles (in any combo) my Pick is emo.
If my doubles ARE Emo, my second pick is Shizune.
>on vee gee
How new r u?
Sorry I mean doubles on girls (1#1, 2#2) not actual doubles.
So for example in >>477959105 I got Miki (1), Emo (0=pick), and Hanako (5).
But for >>477958979 he would of gotten Nobody (first pick), Rin (7), Nobody (second pick)
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
I got an idea, it's a phrase the ai can replicate if you just check enough seeds
it pulled my heartstrings a little
and the litterbox link is because catbox is once again not loading. maybe the feds are scrubbing it of cheeze pissa. if anyone wants this after 72 hours just say so and I'll reup
Is her left tit burnt? I don't think it is.
I don't normally associate Hanako with tittyfucking HOWEVER
Cyclopanako got some fat tiddies.
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Good grief, I been reaping what I sowed
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>reaping what I sowed
After 've fertilized those huge tracks of land.
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Good night, cripl frens
Goodnight anon.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Paturday tomorrow. Heads will get pats.
Lilly or vidrel
only if I get mom cop version
she's hot
I've heard of firecrotch before but this is ridiculous.
in case you're interested in trivia, what happens is the AI actually knows to do convenient censorship unless you use the "uncensored" tag. and then there's a classic case of tag corruption where writing "burn scar" will make it draw fire because of the word burn, unless you also tell it to avoid drawing fire
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Good morning /ksg/.
good morning
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Feeding Rin
I highly doubt Emilly would sleep in a bra.
Anyone know how to make an account for the booru? Whenever I try it doesn't work. Wanted to upload some images old images I had.
Anon used Lick!
Anon used Pound!
Anon used Pound!
Anon used Pound!
Hanako used Hydro Pump!
Busty girls often do. Keeps the girls in check.
Anyone remember the skeletor guy?
>the Ikezawa wants to kiss you
>[_] Accept
>[_] Accept
>Never played a VN
>finally coerced into picking up the essential 4chan read
>just finished Emi's route
VNChads I kneel
here's to another 4000 threads
>>Never played a VN
>>finally coerced into picking up the essential 4chan read
The Snoot Game threads are on /trash/ now I think.
I keep coming back bros. I can't stay away.
I want to be her bra.
Lel with the socks again
Wait is that why she doesn't wear socks in her gym outfit?
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You think anyone is going to release a comprehensive mod or fan sequel with all the characters?
What Im asking is: are we hopeful of new content or will this game be completely forgotten about in 5-10 years?
This joint entered the zombie phase years ago but now all you ever hear anymore when KS is brought up are boomers going, “oh yeah, I remember playing that back in the day.”

It literally has to happen sometime in the near future because this VN is already over 10 years old. We’re at the point where its early-mid 2000s setting has finally become a solid period piece where characters are using massive CRT computer monitors, flip phones, wack outdated political references, and etc.

And if anyone did have such an ambition to actually follow up or remake or reinterpret it; I bet everyone would be extremely confused given how long its been.
>Unless it's a 3 week old meme, no one's going to get the references
>not caring about the plot or characters
>what's a computer?
Please, just eat all the tide pods and cold medicine and just yeet yourself off this earth.
I remember someone was talking about releasing a mod based on the Sisterhood and some other fanfics. How are they?
I hope it ended in failure, no mod based on a sequel to Hanako's subverted route ever deserves to see the light of day.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
>no mod based on a sequel to Hanako's subverted route ever deserves to see the light of day
So another Lilly route?
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Is this a new one? It looks really good.
Cute Lilly!
Gonna make her sweat!
I haven't seen this one before.
AI Anon, generate patsex with Hanako's head. It's Paturday already.
Yeah, was just doodling tonight. Thanks!!!
I kind of messed up her leg and arm, I had her hand draped over her knee, but couldn't get the proportions right, and looked weird to me.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
He already did. See >>476338169
Goodnight ksg
Have a great Paturday!
if you have ideas for normal sex I can probably try
I wish for consenting happy consenting cheerleader consenting Hanako if possible

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