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Chase the Light in this Thrilling New Adventure!
A revolutionary line strategy gacha RPG that pushes the genre to new heights!

Dreamscape S6, Pact's Strange Tales of the Gourmet

A Ballad for Soaring Birds

3rd Anniversary

New Aurorians: Zeta, Rachel

>Useful resources:
Character information: https://kimaris.gg/alchemystars
Collection Tracker: https://kimaris.gg/alchemystars/global/collection
Tier List: https://kimaris.gg/alchemystars/global/tierlist
Lost Account Retrieval: https://pastebin.com/vqnZDWmz

>Recent Quality of Life Changes
>Level Infinite Auto Check-in Guide & Script

>Alt Launcher to Bypass DMM Region Lock
>DMM Launcher guide (outdated VPN required now)

>Reroll/Starter guides:
>Collection of in-game CGs, Story Sprites, and Emotes

>Previous & Upcoming Banners

>Autofishing Guide (Emulator):


Previous: >>474662148
stay hydrated
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Pact my beloved
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Why are our vampires such dorks?
how can you say that while contaminating the water
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Oh this time's ex-5 was pretty easy. Still pretty dps-checky though but fire has a ton of damage.
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Ansia crushes this codex
what the hell gives her that kinda damage
Her equip
>Increases the damage Ansia deals to enemies along the edge of the battlefield (the damage bonus is the highest when enemies are in the corner), up to a boost of 50% final damage.
But for some reason it's more like 500% damage
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I like the difficulty of the recent dreamscapes.
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everything is better than the sword
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At least I got to use lola for that
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remember to do your enlightenment for your 30k nightium!
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joselyne buff doko
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Right after my isa buffs
Tap tap
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navi is gonna starve
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how have they never made anyone flatter than smokey in nearly 3 years
We have a flatter banner right now!
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is this the first limited banner they put a rate up 5 star on?
Yeah because it's basically just a regular banner they decided to make limited
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Is wrath worth pulling in dark thunder?
She's good but besides being limited it's okay to skip if you have rein/tiare (given you have dtile to support tiare)
wrath without any copies works pretty well too though so maybe try one pity
i spent 50 pulls and got a jeriah dupe! bt3 so she will feel a little less clunky to use
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She's one of the better options as dark thunder's 2nd dps. Rein's cooldown is too long for Rachel. Wrath wants to normal a lot which Dark Thunder can do.
But Wrath herself provides nothing for the team. Once we get another 6* dark thunder dps she's probably getting kicked off the team.
Wrath is a has a great AOE skill though if you refine it. Helps quite a lot with farming and clearing stuff. You'll need bt3 for preemptive though.
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when is she getting a skin..
Carrot was a funny dps check.
Probably the easiest dps check since there's nothing stopping you from going full merry-go-round on the carrot every turn
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I wish we had another round of old seals. or something similar
just anything to "work" towards again. i think people here mentioned having the quests the same but it gives a single druse box at the end
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sanae is a good girl
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god shes so big
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Kinda wondering why they had to go hard with bleed mechanic for this dream. Only Victoria and Nails have it and the latter won't be that useful against the boss. I've also tried to use Victoria just to test if her bleed stacks would make a lot of difference but she still ended up being last in terms of damage and it took the same amount of turns anyway.
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>didn't get rachel
>wishlist kicked in and gave me connoly
fine i guess
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alcunny stars..
the event preview came up and theres no promo art... is the budget getting slashed
i will do it
i will remember codex
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Maybe they don't want people datamining it too early
Would you? A Navi?
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I don't like ben
and i'm too lazy to do the ansia cheese
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Agent Batiya
not the amemori powercreep...
finally. a weapon to surpass gron gron
Ansia cheese isn't really a cheese (well unless you're a whale, hint - look at the bts in the vid).
I was still able to do 7m with the same team while replacing Carleen and Gabriel with Vergil and Zarya.
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i will pull
bwo, you have 3 hours left
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My wife is so pretty
I need her biblically
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[Limited-Time Event]

The fabled "fantasy game," unearthed by the Aurorians in the ancient ruins, is soon to be released in limited quantities in Umbraton.

What kind of game could draw such a crowd? Even Jomu is willing to pay a pretty Nightium for it.

Event Date: 5/22, 09:00 to 6/12, 04:00 (UTC+0)

wife event
fuck saving for anni
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safe thanks to my wife tiare who did 6m on auto
Odi looks much cuter than usual
whos that character in the back?? is that hatsune miku?
Literally who
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Fire Emblem protag's daughter.

so apparently CN is also getting this event alongside their Yingel main story chapter. Since it's a shared event does that mean another wishlist?
my stash can't handle another banner... and right before anni too..
>alongside their Yingel main story chapter
Which chapter is that? Hopefully cn catches up with main story soon so they could synchronize with us somehow.
The joke is how CN is speeding so fast that 1st Anniversary Rein would probably come after she is stripped of her rank of Grand Marshal
Well... that's unfortunate. I just hope that once they catch up with main story their release schedule will become more chill but on the other hand there are probably still a lot of events remaining.
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180 in sim room!!!
20 to go
15 & 16. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oT421D7s5/
15. Shrimp-napping where we hang out with Forsaken, Helios becomes normal again.
16. The tournament. Rein gets framed.

So yeah. CN is actually going to get Ex-Grand Marshal Rein.
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anatomy of a loli gamer wife
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~26m from dark tile centered team in the latest codex
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more gamer wives
wtf how
Seems like dark tiles buff you THIS much against that boss.
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i need her to look at me like this but in bed
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Can you please help, please post that one spec ops Illumina NPC from a story with a eclipsite doll.
I forgot her name and can't find her even if I like her design a lot and want her to be playable.
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Big thanks.
I need her
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【Aurorian Preview & Ascension】

Batia - Hi Score Bat

An Aurorian who possesses a bat demi-human bloodline. This once-unemployed natural gaming expert has now become a widely respected arcade manager.
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do i pull for the cute shrimp art
>navi is only lv71
Genuinely surprised they didn't zoom in on her feet
>zooms in on her flat bat chest
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i didnt pass my interview bwos.. i will have to skip the battle pass next time
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Aurorian Profiles

Role: Arcade Owner
Specialty: Tetrablox (rumor has it she's beaten Astra's no. 1 gamer Gronru at this game)
she's just like me frfr
>gron gron's game on her switch
I blame you for the buggy controls
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move aside hag a real gamer is coming
Azure my beloved...
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the room with the funny purple lights
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Wait i remember anon drawing this image but it was Vice instead of Azure
>So yeah she's a girl and she has bat features, what should we call her?
>umm Bat...iya
>You're genius!
just like tweety
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I need her (one more copy for mbt)
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Under the vast blue sky, wild grass intertwines with traces of ancient civilization.
Birds chirp continuously, their songs like a hymn to the present moment. Even the usually serious Yingel has donned a trendy and casual outfit.
She gazes off into the distance, but is she looking at the sky, the flock of birds, or perhaps awaiting for a chance encounter?

Yingel - On the Wings of Flying Birds

okay time to buy more monthly passes
Casual clothes... my one weakness
She looks like a character from a visual novel I would take the route for straightaway and I mean that with the highest praise possible
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who here is pulling for batia. i am skipping because anni is soon
I'll probably get 1 copy just for the collection
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remind me to read it before it goes away..
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you will buy more passes
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bust out the divergence tiare skin and I'll do more than just that
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is the story good
i'll speedread if yes
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Zata cunny
Rachel sticc
Jeriah thicc

it's very entertaining. Every RW is here. Tiny One even speaks and is rivals with Odi.

Also it feels like a prelude to anniversary similar to Rebecca setup crumbs for Istvan and Sheol.
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Would you roll for Attar?
easy skip
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bwo you have 6 hours
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looks kinda ugly
We'll EoS if she's our next exclusive
sprite by itself is eh
depends on full art
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Don't think she will be one. We got past Schwartz and Mia through Northland shenanigans (no way they'll send Jakine to Rediesel) and we got past Istvan (who didn't end up being exclusive) through flashback event (which is pretty much what this event was).
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>shared banner with cn
>no wishlist
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i didnt read the event i was busy.. i will youtube it again like i always do
should i go for a yingel dupe..
going full converter with tiare is fun
tiare rachel chen axelia yingel
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I liked it. Zeta is just fun. Rachel is a very determined sticc. Every single RW shows up at least once.
Then there's the silly bits like why of all fighters did the blind forest girl show up to fight near lava. Or that Jona has 1 brain cell and it's reserved for thoughts of Azure
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That's actually my favorite thunder team right now. It's just so fun
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very fair, my only braincell is too reserved for azure
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random bt4 wrath fp from free rolls
At this point I'm sure everyone has more copies of Wrath2 than Wrath1.
that's the funny thing i still don't have wrath1
i'm still waiting for her RRR
i hope you get her eventually bwo
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Eh, Young Schwartz is the odd one out here. Limited Mia is actually Veronica taking the main seat after character development while Limited Istvan is just the older him reigniting his youth passion.
You too huh. I even bought her china dress way back when it first launched.
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we need this as a skin in the game
would lick
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Aurorian Abilities

6-star Batia

Click the link for details on the skills and abilities of our newest Aurorian!

>Fire Converter
>ATK-2658 DEF-1010 HP-8485

>BT3 Preemptive
>MBT Randomizing next Block no longer increases Energy cost.

>Skill- 3CD- 1 of 7 Tetris Blocks will appear randomly in a Queue
>Select an area matching the shape of the Block and convert that area to Red.
>Can spend energy to randomize the Block or Lock the Block. Once Locked, Randomize becomes Enhance. Each Enhancement on the block will also cause one converted tile to become Dark.
>Start with 10 energy. Randomize/Enhance costs 5 energy. Each Red tile traversed grants 1 energy.

>Sniper Nearest 4. Infinite range.

>The team inflicts Enflame on targets instead of Burning.
>Each stack deals 100% of the team's average ATK to targets. The higher a target's HP, the higher the damage, up to a 100% bonus. Stacks up to 5 times, and lasts for 2 rounds.
>Inflicts 1 stack of Enflame on the nearest target for each Dark Tile traversed.
Dark Red Sio with Burn 2.0. Gotcha.
Algol finally gets support
I still can't get over how dumb her name is. It's like if some 4 years old came up with it.
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Well, in russia her name sound like very informal version of "dad". Close to pops or somthing like this.
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fire converter huh...
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Skill Preview
oh, it literally is tetris
So I'm guessing that it would be better to use her skill after you active aurora time during first turn (if she's bt3)? This way she'll have at least 25 energy which would be enough to randomise once and enchance 4 times to get 4 red dark tiles.
The animation budget is random
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not another bt3...
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my cute carrot hating wife
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Did something happen to DMM? Another region block?
Another one, yeah. Free vpn allow to login. Curious if i canbypass dmm with that dmm login skip tool. Never tried it.
Alt DMM Launcher works perfect for me
8 children minimum
>try to build pity while we have wishlist
>BT4 Rachel
Every. Single. Time. Why.
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i have to use a vpn to be able to login in the actual game, its so wack..
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who here is excited for the update tomorrow? i still love the game even though there's barely anyone to talk about it with now
Event Preview

- Code Name: B! Limited-Time Event
- Mini-Game: Fishing Master
- Photo Restoration Op
- Deadly Omens
- Echoes of a Dream Update
- Azure's Tipsy Whimsy Outfit
- New Aurorian
- New Outfit

... and more!



i guess we'll have to wait for cn to catch up for them to add refinements to the rest of the cast
>Flat Bat

>Dream Realm update
>Now SubBoss & FinalBoss all have the same element
>Weak Cards no longer exist
>Dispatch buffed
>lots of other small changes

>Yingel Skin incoming
>Dantang RRR
>Algol, Uriel, Rebecca, and Zarya multibanner
It's a gron gron event. Good to finally have some fun and happy events after having so many sad ones.
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I so fucking love when boss makes traversing on the field nearly impossible. Locking tiles? Hell yeah! Summoning bullshit? Please more! It's totally fun and extremely not frustrating mechanic!
i cant talk to goldie in cloud gardens for her memory interaction.. is it bugged..
ugh i completely forgot about stone...
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What are you showing off your feet for you slut? Cover them up.
I didn't realize there were 10 of these tile stages
Did CN even get her notes? When was the last gift code?
Paloma/Tweety Event was the final time we got vertical notes with a code on the side. It was SNOWPUFF.

It changed to having the Personality Info and Likes/Dislikes summed up on the side. Jane was still in charge up to Dragons.
Then others took over for a bit. A robot for Ruins. Momo&Anzu for Cloud Island. Resumes for Navi's cloud garden assistant.

Jane only had notes for half a year...
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I don't play the game anymore, but letting an active thread die would break my heart so here's a vivian
cute vivi
Tier list people love Batia
tl;dr: Second best select converter. Only beaten by Queen Beth

We just had the triple threat of Chen Tiare Rachel. Now Fire gets Red Beth.
If our non-limited are this absurd then what the hell is our anniversary unit going to be.
No wonder china feels milked
wtf... i'm just gonna use the druse...
I can't BT3... 4? times in a row. Please mr nudog
kinda insane that we still have theorycrafters for this game that love writing paragraphs of this stuff even though most people stopped playing.
bwos i have essential resource update error, i cant login. anyone know how to fix it?
oh i just realised maint is on nvm >>478652318
Maint started only 30 minutes ago. Usually the update can't be downloaded until 1 hour in.
hope some hint of the ani unit is in this patch..
Is this shit permanent? Why are Japanese stuff always like this
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wrath really doesn't exist...
holy cute
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Oh no...
Why does Forsaken get to be a waifu and not Schoomy
stinky bat cave
I can smell this room
I forgot to claim my redisel box
bwo... your free eve...
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flat bat is mine.
my stash can't handle going for bt3...
i cant login they really need to fix the network error issues
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bwos hooly shit im so lucky, i can save for anni in peace
did we not get a survey to do about the last event.. are they not requesting feedback anymore? is the game OKAY
not requesting feedback from dirty Bái hóuzi
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What's this? I haven't played for weeks
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I've only done my enlightenment couple of times and havent touched it since.
just some profile avatars. i only see the top 4 in my game. bottom 4 are probably CN only.
>bottom 4 are probably CN only
just macro autoskip it
free stats is free stats
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this stinking neet took everything from me..
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cute bird wife
This codex boss was annoying.
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Is there anything to do with Star Crests once you have the old seals all maxed?
I wish we could convert them into Druse
Who's the cute old man in the back?
It's ancient concept art. No clue who he became.
Probably Roy
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1 bt every 5 events sounds fair but maybe a bit too fast? That's probably 3 free BTs a year.
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Ah, thanks, what a shame, he looked like my favorite anime man. Roy is cool too I guess
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id be happy if you can use them for old seal refinements
gron gron butt > flat bat chest
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gron gron's cake...
Didn't expect Pact to be a southern belle
congrats bwo. i fucked up and missed a day
Wait I swear I didn't miss a day and I'm a few off..
they gave 2 stam in the mail
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how are you finding bt6 yingel? is she more fun?
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When did Legendary change from top 1000 to top 2000?
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What the
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It's not super impactful I just love her
stupid sexy gatto
Well damn apparently I missed a day
False alarm I just didn't have time to finish the regular stages yet
Does it have a cutscene? It just gives me a cg when I do it, no actual cutscene
Yeah the story doesn't pop up for me either. Was weird.
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My pathetic hubby is so cute
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confirmed a bug so hopefully it's fixed soon
i need more cute pact
prob because of cn? because i always placed top 1k with auto usually in global
crazy sexy eicy
crazy sex with eicy
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Bethel a cute
New Victoria, new male 6* True Order Aurorian, True Order supremacy!!
Ah heck, the upcoming Alchemy Stars collab is Atelier Ryza. I sleep.
Sophie > Ryza
both are great
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oh wait. you weren't kidding. holy shit.

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Producer's Newsletter

Hello Navigators!

Without realizing, cicadas are now loud outside our windows, and May is coming to an end. We are excited to provide you with a peek at the upcoming Anniversary celebrations and collab event!


>Anni True Order event
>Victoria Alter
>6* Male

>Reinhardt Rerun
>Free Illumina 6*
>Old Seal Update
>New Refines
>ST and Enlightenment grant rewards now every other week. Same total rewards.
>Restart battle button
>Multiple homescreen setups. Swap with left/right swipe.
>Favorite units to place at top of unit list.

>Next Dream is Barton
>Barbara outfit - Rediesel Wrench Darling
>Rabbie outfit - Spicy Service
>Tina outfit - Dreaming of Spring
>buffs for Reinhardt, Barton DF, Smokey, Zarya, Antony, and more
Wtf. Dark Tile Rein was real
We are so back
My stash is fucked
FINALLY more old seal love
>another community vote for next dream skin
Vote for Smokey!
Alchemy Stars is finally going to have alchemy!
i cant believe our game is alive bwos. i thought we were gonna eos
Victoriabros! Honestly suprised they've gone back for the obvious mistake units like her and wrath.
do you think we will get more old seals or would it be old seal refinements?
I'm thinking more challenges but this time they reward druse.
i shouldnt have went so hard on batia help oh god
>6* male
It is finally time for Telamont to be released from jail?
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i will forgive this game if i finally get to see lenore again
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It says "The Old Seal system" so maybe it will be finally possible to convert Star Crests to something else. I definitely won't be against more Old Seals though.
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So for global server, we get Rein's rerun but also a new story that CN is going to get while July is Victoria SP

While I can skip Rein, I wonder if I should roll for Batia to 3 BT or just wait for Victoria. After all, Batia's pretty good for a converter
I got extremely lucky and sniped 1 copy of batia early. I'm saving everything for the collab and victoria.
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Does that anni preview post mean that a number of characters would be just straight up buffed or will they just get refinements?
The talk about characters getting new refinements in a separate point so it makes me think it's case 1 but I'm not sure how this game handles character buffs.
Why would they just go and buff Reinhardt, isn't she pretty strong already?
We've gotten straight up buffs before.
Bethlehem was already great, just slow. She was buffed to the moon.
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It's funny.
Smokey was already directly buffed
Nerfed from Super Smokey bug
Indirectly buffed with Enlightenment
Resetters slightly buffed, they no longer remove Prism/Dark.
And now directly buffed yet again. She's had the most changes of anyone.
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I can't wait for the goldie buff
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with the news of alchemy stars getting a 3rd collab, i renewed my monthly pass. i hope this game survives for at least 10 years!
smogey is the best
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181 in sim room!! only 4 more months of this...
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schuma collab doko
I can't believe tweety lied to me about the meduka collab
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>back to the game after like a year
>10k FREE lumamber in the mail

Thanks Dog.
just in time for ryza
welcome back to the game bwo, enjoy your stay.
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I never dropped it willingly at least. The update downloads were fucking with me crashing the game and being slow. Probably cuz I was using outdated emulator.

At least there's plenty to do now instead of being a login sim as well.
schummer my beloved...
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based mia enjoyer
Do you think victoria alt is going to be thunder or forest?
Wouldn't be two water limiteds in a row and alters except for shrimp and weirdo wrath are different than their original
I wanna guess forest because we've had such a heavy influx of thunder recently (xuanji, chenni, tiare, rachel)
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How far can I get into abyss with my trash water units?
>Regal Raph Blanc2 Chloe Sharona
>JumboShrimp Ruby Barton Dollarcat Fia
>Shrimp Carleen Vergil Michenny Zeta
>Connolly Blanc Carleen Hydrad Tweety
That's like 4 solid teams right there. Even the hardest stages only want 3 solid teams.
I was thinking Fire or Forest. Those are the Sanity elements. Victoria2 not having Sanity would be crazy.
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Normal woman Victoria will be forest fire
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how do you kill this thing
one moment i'm beating his ass the next second i go from 100->0
The little flowers it summon will cleanse your toxin when they die.
My go to plan is to usually spend a few turns on the outer edge of the arena just wasting turns so I can convert most of the screen one color. That way when I expose the core I have plenty of tiles left over to hit it with. Repeat till dead.
Alternatively, use Lilica's damage zones and shield it to death.
One sniper, one detonator, a lot of conversion. Break the outer layer with snipes to expose the core for your detonator. The core doesn't toxin you so you're safe to go wild on it.
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Smogey no bully
How the hell do you people level so many characters to 80 so fast? I try to but I don’t have enough prism is there some method I’m missing
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it takes time.
i forget how long it takes to go from A0 to A3, but i remember A3Lv1 to A3Lv80 takes a whole week's worth of stamina. So about 1.5 weeks per character. We get a new one ever 3 weeks. Kinda crazy
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double drops is a thing so remember to save your stam packs. you can also get 60 stam from monthly pass and if you are hardcore minmaxer you can bank the stam in your mailbox for that.

i am kinda in that territory, ive been playing since day 1, have most of the 6 stars in the game at level 80 but it will prob take a full year just to get all my 5 stars to level 80 from 60.

so its not realistic to max out your account unless you whale on stam refreshes even if youve been playing for 3 years
with wuwa shitting the bed how is tourdog going to realistically make alchemy stars 2..
ToF still exists even after being jank af and launching a week before a major genshin update.
AS2 will be fine.
wuwa was just a disappointment overall
worse combat than pgr
worse open world than genshin
who was this made for?
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need more alcunny
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>who was this made for?
Me. I like men with white hair and scars.
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I don't really look for gacha games but honestly has there been any "good" games since HSR and uinironically alchemy stars.(nearly 3 years ago)
Looking at wuwa from afar its just sad
I hope Alchemy star 2 will have da Schoom or just her replica or her design is fine too..
Brown Dust 2 is a good game.
Huh, it reminds me of some browser game I played a long time ago. Looks like it came out almost a year ago. I've been wanting to try something recently. Should I wait for a potential anniversary event before starting?
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Brown dust 2 right?
i tried snowbreak a few weeks ago because of the fanservice updates but i just stopped playing because the gameplay was lame.

i don't really think it takes much to make a gacha game successful it's just slap tits and ass. gameplay is secondary
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>toss a random 10
>get bat
I'm not going for bt3
free bat is best bat
I'm not mad at all I had to throw 110 pulls for a single bat. nope
You simply used up all your bad luck. Victoria and Ryza will come easily
The anniversary is pretty soon, in like a month I think? It would be a good point to start, yeah.
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I'd love another Zarya but I'm saving everything. I might even skip Victoria2
mbt uriel makes this a harder banner to roll on...
zarya bt3+ would be nice now that i know buffs are coming too
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So... which character will be playable in Atelier Ryza 2 collab?
I need to actually play Ryza soon. My guess is
6* Ryza 5* Blondie
6* Silver haired girl. 5* Buff guy
Welfare glasses
The fishing game has such a weird lag between the time the catching device moves back to lower right corner and the time I can move it again it makes the game barely playable for me.
w-why do you guys say it's a ryza collab?
Weird that they did it because I'm pretty sure there are not even 999 players doing codex at least semi-seriously lol.
Like at this one I barely got over the 5 mil cutoff and I'm already top 300.
Maybe a lot of players wait until Wednesday to clear it (like me for example). Weekly event book quest also refreshes on Wednesday so I usually do codex/st at during that day.
>ST and Enlightenment grant rewards now every other week. Same total rewards.
It just means that you need to clear them once per two weeks instead of every week.
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the little wings are a perfect match
both have red and black text gradient
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I think I prefer the events more then the main story.. I'm not sure why.
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Latest event just a comedy filler.
Feels like something that they make on spot than planned
No lore or anything, just Gronru recovering digital game
I want more serious events
MSQ is always srs biznezz stuff and I play the game for its lightheartedness. So events are always more fun for me.
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why is she such a gremlin
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poor sio
Bullied by gron gron..
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Is yingel 1bt better than gronru 1bt?
gron converts more and having to wait 3 turns for yingels active to come up kinda hurts her
the good thing is that you can use both because yingel on single target is actually very strong. so you can have her in an off-dps slot
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How did I lose this round? No. I'm going to keep restarting until I win.

The temperature inside the Colossus is just right and the vibes are perfect, making it ideal for playing games non-stop.
stinky bat
Serious and comedy interchanging is better than consecutive events with same theme. Since we had a serious one featuring Rachel, it is nice to have a comedy one after

Besides, Illumina is still in the process of rebuilding, so I suppose the event is directly after chapter 2. So some R&R is necessary
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i wish we had half serious half relaxing events like letters from the skies again
serious story for the main cast with tweety side story
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farming fire jaspers
victoria alt better be fire
Please do not let fujos win yet another skin vote
i am voting for bethel
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Is there another 6* before limited banner?
The exact date of anni is June 13th. Our current event ends on June 12th.

However. The recent new post said
>For June's version update, story event, Day of One's Reckoning, Reinhardt themed. Her mind is suddenly flooded by membories of the "Reserve Navigator" experiments and a girl in red.
>In July's update, Alchemy Stars will be celebrating its third anniversary! As the True Order's Advent of Truth approaches, Faust invites the Caelestite to the Starry Crypt
>This August, Alchemy Stars will be releasing another brand-new and exciting crossover event! Summer days on the beach

So I think we still have a month. Really weird that the date lines up perfectly but it is what it is.
>summer beach
if we get skins with this collab I'm going to instantly swipe for bikini ryza
reinhardt skin... please..
>Sinsa cleavage
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i will save regardless
>girl in red
fire jasper girl please
Another month to save is nice after what that fucking bat did to me
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WEMEMBER TO DO YOUR WEEKWIES. monthly shop wesets soon too
soon we will have biweekwies..
must get ryza funds
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Does Victoria want a generic fire team or bleed synergy?
generic fire.
if anything she has the most synergy with Hati by offering some healing for her low life play style.
Fire stat ball because she's got huge stats and scaling.
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Beretta was super easy
the two team ez auto
i love thunder
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why is my wife like this
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Mid game is a pain
Everyone needs exp and only so much every day?
That and even the lack of huge skill damage on a lot of welfares
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it would be funny if the fire jasper girl was victoria alt
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She is blonde and blue eyed.
You guys ever wonder if the fact that the OP is literally worded like an ad might be a dangerous sign?
No? Okay, just thought I'd ask. Yeah yeah I know, you're havin' fun fuck me.
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god I love cats
the final stage of dreamscape ruins is up, i will paly it soon. just letting anyone here know in case they want to play some new stages
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i forgot about ruins. oops
We need more birbs
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it's okay carleen can always get breast implants
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How much longer does this game have?
8 months
until tomorrow
at least another year
in 5 minutes
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Ist es over für mich?
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Archive everything you can.
Unfortunate. I don't think there's anyone else maintaining a db or even a wiki for the newer characters released, huh?
back to google sheets...
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she needs to escape jail next
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coom on shrimp
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buffs SOON
kengxxiao should continue updating his website desu if hes still around. i know he has been hushed by the devs before but there is no one else bothering to rip the files and upload them online
keng is still around. he made the alt dmm client. he just quit hosting his website
keng also tends to drop the new characters + kit (even though its in chinese) pretty early
I miss his site though.
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Still puzzled why her event was voiced
Nagi... where are you...
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Cute sluts!
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Holy shit I hate this gronru boss
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Stage 1 reference pic
maybe I should be worried that i'd let a girl like eicy ruin me
You can click the button to see the reference
I may be stupid
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for every tile what
Doesn't Leona have like a 70% chance to do an extra normal attack that burns? Something like that right?
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>20 day old thread
People used to live here...
Played this game at release because knifedragon designs, dropped it after a few months due to other priorities. Worth re-installing, anons ?
If you like Atelier Ryza there's an upcoming collab. It's not a bad time to come back just to save for anniversary (victoria alt in july) -> collab in aug
There's a lot of qol stuff since launch so you'll find the day to day stuff even comfier than before (sweep, etc)

ic ic. is there somewhere i can catch up on what ops were released and are good ? i remember running the earlier """meta""" teams for each element and making sure i had all the convenient converters but they're probably all outdated by now.
This resource is dying soon (but will prob have a google docs to replace it later)
You'll be happy to know that meta teams back then are still fairly strong today. The 2cd converters are still good. Hiiro, Sinsa, Michael, etc are still good.
What's fun is that a lot of older units have been buffed or are planning to be buffed. So even your old teams are probably perfectly fine still.
with refinements some old units are way better like Jona/Victoria. and then theres wrath1...
god i hope bethel buffs are good. she's not even bad, i just want her to be even stronger
Wrath1 at least has a niche against 3x3 enemies. Poor Yao is trapped with a weak gimmick and no support.
Not to mention no skin and no story appearances since then if I remember. She walked so nuChina could run.
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watch her hot bodyguard be a shitty 5*
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its so fat...
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i wanted these but couldnt justify spending the money on them..
Tier list updated

>New - Batia BT3 - SS
>She's Batia. Preemptive Selective Dark conversion just wins

>Down - Irridon non-MBT - A+
>No Preemptive hurts a lot now that Thunder has plenty of conversion options

>Down - Liqing - A+
>Who needs dedicated healing when you have Eicy, Lilica, or Mia Alter

>Up - Chen BT0 - A+
>Her damage when paired with Rachel is shockingly high for a converter

>New - Genevieve MBT - A
>Surprisingly flexible unit
I refuse to spend any more on the bat
I need to wishlist irridon...
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not a cat
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"It's Children's Day today!"
"It's a special day just for adorable children!"
"Adults should prepare gifts for these adorable children!"
"Or else, all the adults will have receding hairlines!"

It's said that Matthieu bought Keating tons of snacks after being surrounded by their non-stop chatter all day.

The picture puzzle minigame is nice to kill time. Better than the fishing one since the touch contact is pretty bad.
damn brats
Zeta made it. We need Gretel next.
CN merged both parts and skipped Ruby. Perfect chance for Ruby+Gretel in a synced event.
Oh hey somebody remembered about Luo Song! (and he ended up losing to Chandra in damage...)
Oh wait he was lvl 40 against her lvl 80 so it's not really fair.
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wow 4 element schummer fights on abyss floor 9 are fucking cancer
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DoT helps a lot. Odi carries. Nails does typeless damage. Lilica shield bomb.
Or you can be a mad lad and actually bring a rainbow team.
Lola's skill is always funny.
you could probably diy a goofier version. I've made some plushies, it isn't that hard to end up with something cute
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I forgot he existed, but he's a cool dude
Didn't we just have children's day last month? More Alcunny Stars the better
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buffed smogey soon
How far away are we from a rebecca RRR?
it's been at least 6 months since her and Zarya. Both should be getting their RRR soon.
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i'd swipe for bandage kot
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studios commissioning art like this and not making skins out of it is something I'll never understand
arknights is the biggest offender but AS has a lot of good ones too.

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