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Poppy Playtime General #11
Mommy in a Seifuku Edition

Previous Thread: >>480491043
/i/ Drawthread: >>>/i/781633

>Play Poppy Playtime

>Official Twitter (MOB)

>>Show Bibles<<

>Playtime Adventures

>Smiling Critters: Friends Forever!
>Let's Hop to the Moon!

What's the best OC from drawfrens you've seen in these threads so far?
If I squish on Mommy's abdomen will it honk like a clown nose?
Most likely a lot of web string would come out too.
First Dogday of the thread.
why does it look like he has boobs
she will likely die the spiders heart is in its abdomen
His chest is too big.
I'd be down so bad...
Should I just not do these questions at the end of the OP anymore? Few if any seem to pay attention to them now.
This pic right here >>481520195 from the anon that draws on graphing paper (graphanon?).
>What's the best OC from drawfrens you've seen in these threads so far?
Probably that one guy's Boxy. Or >>481772641
What would Huggy, Kissy and Boxy sound like if they could speak? I imagine Huggy would sound bery snake-like
doesn't huggy already have a cutout with an actual voice? i think it was in chapter 2.
I mean the actual Huggy. Compare DogDay's cutout to his actual voice, it's nothing alike.
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Here you go anon. This is the best I can pull with my current level of skill so, no refunds!
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Yooooo that's sick! Thanks Anon
Considering there's requests from the last thread that go unanswered, should there be a "drawfag request anchor" or something similar in this thread?
Not every request can/should be done by them though. They don't owe us anything so why put pressure on them by making an official list?
Sorry man, if I ignore something is because I wouldn't even know where to start. But there are like 2 other drawfags here so maybe they are interested.
NTA, but maybe as an excuse for picking up a pencil for others?
Speaking personally, I gotta have the motivation for it, and motivation's hard to come by most of the time.
Raspy and occasionally snarly, lingers too hard on certain words at times. Always focused on his next meal.

Quiet, rarely speaks and her voice is almost a whisper. Sounds like a more melodic and less blatantly unhinged Huggy, but there's little discernible emotion in her voice - even when she's being overtly hostile.

Loud booming echoing roar of a voice, guttural sounding and bestial. Is shockingly intelligent and articulate when needed, but is always focused on violence and murder.
I always thought Huggy was supposed to sound like Barney. Boxy I can see sounding like Patrick, but like season 1 Patrick.
On a related note, does Kissy's cutout being voiced by Stella have any significance?
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Toys are supposed to obey the Prototype, not to be sluts.

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Some shading practice! Also dont be shy with the request anons, I'm doing this to practice anyways so having more ideas helps a lot.
Leith Pierre is probably worse than Harley Sawyer since unlike the latter he doesn't even pretend to respect the toys and deny their former humanity completely
He's a complete psycopath. Head of Innovation, so he probably sees people as his tools used to perform any task needed at that moment. We see also tries to manipulate CatNap by using his human name, implying that this is a common tactic he used to calm the toys down. I wonder what they'll do with him, if he himself got turned into a toy or we player as him, since he is the first tape we collect.
Isn't he a voice in Project Playtime?
>Catnap being flashed by Bubba

Super cute and a great concept (esp for practicing shadows) but their leg to torso ratio looks a lil wack here lol
So what's the context behind this?
Mascot horror therapy?
A redraw of a Helluva Boss scene, the artist says it'll be a part of an indie game AU
>Helluva Boss
Oh boy.
It's kinda funny to me how everyone latched onto DogDay, when he's the least interesting new character from the chapter.
His entire story revolves around being opposed to CatNap and dieing for it, we also get hints that he's friends with Poppy. But besides that we don't get much, he's really bland and doesn't really have a character, he just serves as an exposition dump.
Compare him to Delight, we at least get notes about her descent, her reasons killing, and we get an idea of how painful it was to see her sisters leave her to die. DogDay's relationship with CatNap is non-existent, they're just from the same toyline.
Even Ollie has more going on, he has a whole mystery behind his identity. And of course CatNap has his entire Prototype motivation, a detailed backstory, and clear morals and personality.
Well, I think is one of those cases of the design doing most of the work. Dogday looks great so people wants to know more about him, but since we didn't get anything in the game they are free to speculate about everything. This is why there are so many AUs of the smiling critters, also the reason why Mob is not releasing stuff related to them yet, I think they want to have a good idea of what people want of these characters before starting with the backstories.
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Daily Delight
Still not as attractive as >>481820763
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Good cat.
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Yet another heaven AU but this one randomly has happy tree friends in it lol

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Sucks about the eyes though
I don't see the connection, it must just be the author's autism
I've seen some people saying that the critters are a HTF rip off or something but to be honest I dont see it either.
The HTF stuff is weird and THE EYES are an obvious thing, but this seems to be decent enough so far.

I like how Bubba doesn't blame him, but he also feels no sympathy for him and ultimately doesn't care what becomes of him. It's a neat contrast to some other AUs like MourningandMending.
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Pardon me if I sound like a killjoy, but this has to be one of the most contrived and possibly nonsensical premises for an AU I've seen.
So do all the critters have some kind of breath gas power thing? Or is that just Catnap?
Just Catnap, some people like to headcanon what the others would have if they did though.
What would Kickin's be though? Does he just make people cool by breathing on them?
Wasn't happy tree friends complete nonsense gore anyway?

Could be if you breath it in you gain confidence or something, idk
Kickin dispences K2 spice
Just Catnap. The others do have distinctive scents though, so some people headcanon what their sprays might be because of this.
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If Mommy can produce giant spider webs, could she also produce milk for the orphaned babies?
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Yeah, consistency and proportions are kicking my ass right now, I never draw them the same twice, and I can assure you its not intentional. But maybe one day I could just draw them like this >>481873803
I feel ashamed for the first instinct upon reading this to be arousal.
what about In the Halls?
No, because milk and spiderwebs are two very different things.
>Eating in the halls
REPOSTAN a classic from our /v/ days.
it's out
I wish the official ones looked like this but then they would cost like $100 or something ridiculous like that.
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why he tubby

Absorbing bad emotions makes you fat, or something like that.
His is kinda like that in his character card. Also this one in particular has eating disorders.
Not sure what you mean by eating disorders, but if anything he'd be thin considering for the longest time Picky was poisoning / starving him in this AU.
I like this one.
The Button eyes give me Coraline vibes in a way that's both cute and creepy all at once, while playing into the "living toy" aspects.
So the artist has a fat fetish? Ignored.

Pretty sure he's meant to be a character from Identity-v (They all have button eye's there)
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Ayyy lmao
Grampy's just having another episode, don't worry about it
New Hotlegs Delight!
>Dogday vtuber


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Ok, now a little less lazy. Just a little
>read one schizo story about this game
>fully enjoy it
>nothing else compares, schizo or not
What was it?
Fair warning anon, I called it schizo for a reason. It overwrites the narrative to feed the base human desire to pet animals but I wanted to read that
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Yesterday was no art day, today is many art day
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>We Got A Cat (And Dog)
Holy shit this fic again, it actually broke my mind back during March-April.
Have you read the sequel(s) yet?

Just read up to chapter 5, its pretty good so far
I read all of them. And I just discovered there's a side story too, so that's my evening today.
Any AUs that don't involve any romance?
Actually, scratch that side story. Couldn't even make it through the first chapter, even if it's in the same AU as the original series. Anyone else have recommendations
I've been planning on reading that one for a bit now but haven't gotten around to it yet
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Maybe this'll give you some pose inspiration DrawAnon https://twitter.com/raccoonhourly/status/1798044561987809520
Is there to filter out specific channels from YT search? I'm trying to find Poppy animations and the search is clogged with content farm garbage.
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Some perspective practice, cool!
>You tried to pet Dogday, but a mysterious force compels you to do otherwise.

No amount of secret lab/base bs can explain this logically
They successfully attached harvested souls to tech and this is what you're worried about?
Identity V Dogday my beloved.
They needed places to run their experiments/destroy failed ones.
No souls involved anon, all those kids had their insides rearranged.
I really love this whole collection but it's more likely that you've read it already, oops. Anything this person writes is good, even the Garten of Banban ones desu.
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I see you've watched this video as well:
can't believe she ate all the cookies....
She's a hungry girl leave her alone!
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Hey, I also drew Catnap in that pose
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What would Poppy do if she escaped? Or "became a real girl" like what does that entail?
Best toy ever! If I went into the factory and saw Ms. Longlegs, I would just leave with her and Poppy. Screw the Prototype, I'd be screwing her!
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Random head thoughts as to possible future writing antics
>There is the Prototype, but for one to exist, the scientific theory always demands a control.
>Control is a human brain transferred into a human body, unsure if organic or robotically
>Brain came from child, but was intentionally kept away from other toys to avoid influences, save for the Prototype
>Slips happen, like finding other experiments, seeing a few orphans, and seeing Mommy Long Legs. He wanted a mom, but was denied by higher ups.
>Takes those game room tests constantly, and is well acquaintanced with the Prototype's antics
>Prototype uses the Control and makes Control escape the facility, just to see if escape was even possible before attempting his own
>Years past and the Control, now with brain of an adult, gets the letter, except he immediately realizes it's the Prototype's mimiced handwriting
>Surprised that the Prototype is alive after all this time, he journeys into the facility to 'meet up' with an old friend.
>During game set, is extremely efficient at clearing memory game to the point he knew how to do level 5 without emergency button.
>Won't kill all toys, but won't carry/save them all either.
>Mostly so that I can get a scene where he intentionally tells Mommy Long Legs after saving her that he wouldn't take other kids mom like that, even if he never had one. Have Mommy offer to be his mom, but he says he doesn't want one...only for a 1st edition Mommy Long Legs figure he snuggled out those years ago to drop from his pocket. Tease him to no end.
>Is quite irked when Poppy has to say the prototype has to die
>Chapter 3 antics explores the Control's history and neglect
>Maybe was acquaintanced with one of the smiling critters or Delights? Unsure if said delight should be the alive or dead one.
>Control knows Ollie's voice is the Prototype, but is curious as to why he's going this roundabout way
>Catnap takes offense to Control's presence because jealousy over Prototype's chatter over him.
Now that is some schizo shit, I like it!
Now that is some schizo shit, I hate it
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Interesting, what do you plan on doing with this concept?
Are those balloon lollipops. The fuck?
i think they're supposed to be sausages? maybe?
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actually i have no idea anymore. feel like we need the source to see if there's any context.
Balloons, see the clown makeup
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see i thought they might've been sausages because of the grill in the background. i thought he was a clown because mcdonalds.
maybe i'm just an idiot.
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You nailed it.
i want to imagine catnap is a pretty good snuggle partner
Yea, imagine, because both versions of CatNap would suck as snuggle buddies.
>BBI would kill you or play with you like a chewtoy
>Cartoon has no emotions or personality, just stares at you and dispences RS
I'm sure there's a snek equivalent of a hug out there somewhere.
But we just don't know what that is.
No anon, I also thought they were actual food until I saw the disappointed looks from Dogday and Catnap. Even the grill in the background sort of implies they were supposed to be serving food, not literal balloons.
I think Poppy would just be interested in knowing what the surface is like, but would ultimately accept she can't live there. At least, not freely.
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>But isn't Bobby a BOY's name?
It was something that flooded my mind as I was browsing AO3 looking for actual readable stories of Poppy Playtime (that wasn't smiling critters AU). In particular, I think it feels like a missed opportunity for the Player to not have some kind of relationship with the Prototype (at least that we don't know of), so I wanted to make a scenario where the MC had this relationship in some way. That blurb was the result.
I also thought that based on the experiments, they must have HAD at least tried it once for a human to human-body transplant before trying to shove human parts into toys to make those experiments. Which got me thinking of the scientific method from yee old middle school. Hence, I like to think 'The Control' came before the Prototype, but one is more human compared to whatever the fuck the Prototype came to be. However I like to think they had some interactions with each other (Control always insists he's an acquaintance), so he would be very familiar with Prototype's antics throughout the normal playthrough. I guess to him, his question would be why the Prototype is going through this roundabout way to get in contact with him?

Plus I wanted an excuse for him to be teased by Mommy for his mom hypocrisy.
I feel like she has an actual plan. I doubt they're gonna give us Ennard: PPT Edition though. I think a viable route is that Poppy escapes and becomes a cryptid, this strange doll being passed around the local community that moves at night and talks with them directly.
>Another song
Well, not what I wanted but its something! I hope is better than the last one at least.
At least post fanart or something if you want to bump
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I have seen Catnap do that tail heart thing like a million times and it was still really hard to get right.
the smiling critters SUCK
catnap and dogday are the only noteworthy ones
everything else is HEADCANON
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I know you're just doing parody but I still want to correct you with >>481848738
The Hour of Joy is probably the best AU/fancomic I think I've seen
It was good at the start but now its just way too goofy. I also have a pet peeve that the artist keeps spoiling what'll happen in the next chapter in the comments like every time lol
I just hope that once its done someone retranslates the whole thing.
What game is this based on anyways?
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like >>481936132 mentioned, it's supposed to be Identity V
i don't play it, but after some googling i found a figure of one of the characters, which you can see catnap's costume in that pic is based on
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Requesting the rainbow flag change to the Southern Confederate Battle Flag please and shirt where it says "Sigma Male" change to "Progressive Liberal"
You managed to pull it off though, and it's super cute, so congrats!
>>481936132 (Me)

It's a asymmetrical horror game like dead by daylight, where 4 players go against 1 killer while trying to do objectives to escape (and the killer just has to kill them of course) I'd like to think its a good game, but the playerbase is extremely cancerous in how they play (Face-camping IDV's version of "hooks")

It has a huge amount of well done crossovers though, and I could easily see Poppy getting one funnily enough.
Impressive levels of pathetic spite for some random image on display here.
Turn it into just a rainbow, get rid of the "progressive" garbage on it
Most people are so poisoned they don't even know the rainbow is a symbol of god
They hotdogged the huggy.
The Prototype also doesn't strike me as willing to harm those close to him, even if Mommy hates him 1006 lets her live in her own section of the factory unmolested and only snatches her right after her death. He saved Theo, he cared enough to help him escape and later to keep him alive. He then trusts CatNap with vital information, CatNap already knew the Hour was going to happen a whole year before it did.
I say all this because I don't think CatNap was betrayed, he was fully committed to The Prototype and probably knew the plan, if he died he should let himself be harvested, and from what we can tell he would've been perfectly happy with this outcome.
Identity V.

The game IS good and has actually been doing a lot of the things players have been begging DBD to do for YEARS, but the problem is that the playerbase is super competitive on a level DBD simply isn't- they have massive near-month long event-based tournaments and a "ranking" match system in the base game that encourages the sort of hyperoptimized play you see a lot of the time, since that raises your chances of ranking up and securing better matches.
Just wait till they invent some bullshit lore that the Prototype only "saved" Theo to purposefully gain his trust to suit his own plans and confirm that CatNap was indeed betrayed to make the Prototype truly feel like a villain

They're not going to make him sympathetic enough
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If Poppy was a human-sized doll, she would be a serious rival to Miss Delight in terms of sex appeal.
They're setting up for 1006 to be a human, probably Rich, which means he has an established drive to care about what happens to the children and some backstory of having a wife.
Poppy Playtime, or really any story driven game popular online I can think of, never makes the villians completely unjustified or evil, always giving them some kind of sympathy points. We don't have a backstory for Huggy, but Mommy and CatNap were anti-social children, and Ludwig was a family man trying to bring his daughter back.
Best OCs you've seen?
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Finished ref sheet
Amazing, dozens of versions of the same 2 characters.
It's a shame none of these artists ever found other characters they could draw, never were able to contribute to a larger community, just focusing on drawing the same 2 characters over and over.
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You have the colors upside down
Let me fix that.
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Alright, here's your rainbow flag NOW.
Dogday says free Palestine.
Don't even start with this shit before the thread catches on fire
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Could you at least autogenerate a more fitting responce?
This artsyle for the Critters is absolutely stellar!
I'm not sure about the heights thing, but it's funny how they essentially gave the role of "artist" to CatNap here.
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He's holding up the flag of a failed state.
Mommy eyes
This is about some movie
Lots of Huggy love in this thread lately.
I wonder if the artists are finally starting to warm up to the previous chapters.
That's just what you get with the Rainbow Nation.
>CatNap dies
>ends up in Silent Hill
He would have such a hilariously bad time there.
I dunno.
The thread hasn't been too reactive to those kinds of posts so far, outside of either a scold or the editanon chiming in.
The anon that's humoring the other anon that's requested flag edits in this thread.
For whatever reason.
Huh, I remember the edit happening in /ihg/ not here.
So what are your favourite fansongs, /ppg/?
And I'm specifically talking about ones from our game here.

This image make me happy
Well, was there any request on /ihg/ for the flag edit?
It might not make sense for it to appear there just like that unless something prompted it.
This is what a functional family looks like
Honestly so far the only song related to this game I like is sleep well.
I was going to ask if you posted in the wrong thread but I'm just realizing thats supposed to be Mommy.
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>People are doing another gay ass "protest" for palestine and will be avoiding posting stuff all week
I blade >>482134514(You) for this.
Boxy boo offers you this gift, do you accept it? As they always say, the life is full of surprises.

Sure! I trust Boxy and I'm pretty sure that a small version of him is not going to jump and eat my face.
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What do anons think of this?
What is this?
How the fuck is Catnap neutral?
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What do you think about the theories that the Prototype is Elliot Ludwig. Personally I doubt that's the case: We know that the scientists were surprised about the Prototype's enginnering skills, which shouldn't be the case if he was Ludwig, and that he was curious about Sawyer's sadism and obsession, which shouldn't be strange concepts to an adult, especially one like Ludwig, who is secretly very cynical.
I'm not sure, it can only really be him or Rich but you make a good argument. I don't think we've seen the last of Ludwig, but if he isn't The Prototype he could be given one final big speech which shatters the image he constructs of himself, more so if Poppy is in the room to hear it.
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It was kind of disappointing that we only got to see 2 of the giant toy versions smiling critters. I mean, yes, it was clearly CatNap who was going to be the main antagonist, but you would expect the rest of them to make an appearance at the very least, but only DogDay did.
>We know that the scientists were surprised about the Prototype's enginnering skills, which shouldn't be the case if he was Ludwig
You should be looking at this the other way around. Who could be the prototype considering his vast intellect, and engineering skills?
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>versions smiling critters
versions of the smiling critters*
>You should be looking at this the other way around.
No, not really. It's pointed out as something that is surprising. The super genius engineer being good at engineering is UNsurprising.
I don't think Ludwig is the prototype. Hell, I'm not even convinced the Prototype was made by Playtime Co.
I think people like the theory due to its circular nature, the person who started it all also ended it all, like pottery. I honestly think its up in the air. About the scientists being impressed with the Prototype's skills and intelligence, I think that's because the procedure is supposed to scramble with your brain or maybe they do something to leave the subject as a kind of blank slate so they can just turn them into the character they are supposed to be more easily. Maybe they were impressed by the fact that Ludwig was able to keep all these knowledge and skills even after all that.
Because the rest of the Critters aren't characters, they're just jpegs to give CatNap a believable toyline.
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They definitely invested a lot of time and effort on these jpegs, then.
Don't even respond to that retard, just let him yell into the void until he gets bored
Not my autistic ass getting tilted seeing someone claim Amber "Critter ships are problematic" luvsbugs is carrying the fucking fandom by posting some art every few months https://twitter.com/dari_doodles/status/1801871146834337975
Well, at least she has learn to keep her mouth shut after last time, but notglue is doing a better job carrying the fandom.
Sorry that I'm not blind to the real circumstances behind their creation
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Poor PJ has diabetes :(
if the player was equipped with a gun from the start of the first chapter would it have changed anything in the plotline?
>Shoots Huggy Wuggy
>Huggy dies because he's made of cloth and meat
>Never goes into the vents
>Leaves where he came from and explores the areas from the main lobby that required both the red and blue hand
It removes a lot of running, since, with the exception of the prototype (maybe) the giant toys are durable, but mortal. In general, this MC is very dumb: It is heavily implied that they knew about the living toys, yet they still didn't prepare at all.
Nice Delight
Happy fathers day!

Spooky Delight
Once again, you guys are underestimating the sheer durability of the BBs. No small-arms (the only thing the MC could reliably afford to carry around in the facility or purchase without looking shady) is going to do anything to any of them beyond piss them off. Maybe if he had a grenade launcher, but if he brought in heavy weaponry instead, the Prototype wouldn't bother quietly stalking him everywhere. It would just kill him the instant his guard is down.
He's adorable. I think you got the softer toy part of his design down.
Dude, I don't think these bigger bodies things are all you're cracking them up to be. Like if it could kill a horse or a bear, it should be able to kill Huggy and Mommy.
Depends, if it was just a small weapon like a pistol then it wouldn't be very effective considering that the BBIs are formidable in durability, if he had heavy weaponry then the Prototype might think he is a terrorist who came to bomb the factory itself and thus swiftly attempt to kill him.

So in short, either the story doesn't change at all or it finishes quickly.
>grenade launcher
Not even a grenade launcher, just throw a regular grenade inside Huggy's mouth when he opens it and it should kill him or seriously injure him.
Unless the PC is very efficient and methodical I can see it backfiring. A lot of the toys are just fucking with you, its pretty much the only reason why you dont die instantly. We know that Huggy is fast as fuck so if you dont kill it in 1 shot he will retaliate instantly. Mommy is smart enough to know what guns are, she can easily sneak on you and just take you out before you even know what happen, same thing with Catnap.
How many times am I going to have to post this video in these threads? https://youtu.be/KPBJE1ISTv0?si=iFKbzlxuqOWuOsN2

Huggy would bare minimum be as durable as a bear, and unless you get a headshot or hit a vital organ (Don't even know where Huggy's organs are for sure) you aren't just casually killing a bear with a gun, and Huggy is definitely faster than a bear.

In that video "three rounds of tranq darts are fired" and only 1 is able to hit him in the leg. In the time it takes for that dart to affect him (4 hours) he kills 5 (most likely 11) guards
>Mommy is smart enough to know what guns are
Actually it was said somewhere that Mommy doesn't know what a computer is, which means she doesn't have a lot of knowledge regarding technology, and it seems even way less likely that she would know about guns since nobody as far as I know has ever been seen inside a toy factory for children with a fucking gun in hand (they'd literally be recognized as a terrorist otherwise)
And Catnap is also just a child, I doubt he knows about guns unless the prototype taught him about them but he'd have little reason to have done so.
>I doubt he knows about guns unless the prototype taught him
You don't think in an entire decade of them being trapped in the factory after the HoJ that the prototype taught Catnap what guns/weapons are...?
>nobody as far as I know has ever been seen inside a toy factory for children with a fucking gun in hand
To be honest this is Playtime Co we're talking about, not just any ordinary toy factory, all of the employees who willingly participated in the BBI were committing crimes against humanity and violating basic human rights, they are no better than terrorists
Their leader doesn't even give a shit about the factory itself, he literally just want to be immortal for god knows what reason and the experiments are just an excuse to justify that goal
Thanks! I'm gonna pause here on Huggy to focus on the others but if there is anything you think needs improvement let me know!
Thoughts on Boxsheboo?
I wonder what happened to Sawyer? I mean, Project Playtime implies he willingly became a living toy, It would be interesting if he turns out to be a secret antagonist.
Where does it imply that?
Box-she-boo a Cute-boo!
True dat!
I stand by our theory he got turned into a Boogie Bot that we'll encounter eventually.
or he could be Ollie :3
But you agree it could work?
The main evil of the series, getting trapped in a toy robot designed to dance on command.
Well what do you think happened to him?
We gather today to pay respect to Bron
May he be in a better place and future Chapter
His legs look a little too short, but thats probably just because there's nothing to compare him to.
Your grabpack can explicitly punch off human heads, which is a level of kinetic power which would probably maim or cripple most large animals. It doesn't even stun any of the smaller BBs.

Hell, people forget that even though he was heavily wounded by it, Catnap explicitly survived getting what had to be at minimum several thousand volts blasted through him then an internalized combustion that set his entire body ablaze. He only dies when the Prototype rams its hand straight out the back of his skull. That is an INSANE level of durability and means that even if you could deal him a grievous injury with a gun, there's no guarantee it's going to kill him - certainly not before he eviscerates you.
IIRC there's stuff saying that Playtime employees/security were supposed to be armed with means of defending themselves or suppressing the BBs. So on some level, Catnap and the others should know what a gun is.
>It doesn't even stun any of the smaller BBs.
Gameplay and story segregation. In the book it is explained that the grabpacks were also used to catch giant toys. Also initially the orange hand was going to shoot bullets instead of flares but, well, mascot horror...
She could probably use a better name.
Boxsheboo just doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.
Interesting, but then the question is, are they going to keep using this plot line? Project Playtime is kinda dead right now, both in players and updates.
They're still working on it, they said they'll update it before Chapter 4 comes out
Oh shit, now I have to play it. Great.
I suspect we'll have to wait and see if Chapter 4 will include that in or not.
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How would CatNap play in Project? What would his ability be?
Well, that's disappointing.
Oh yea Frowning Critters
Remember when people where begging for them to be made canon?
Its not like I hate them or anything, but its funny how everyone would rather give attention to genderbent Catnap and Dogday than the rest of the critters. Who cares about Bubba when you have Catnap but girl.
Kickin being a Twitch streamer is both cursed and most likely what he'd go for as an occupation.
Another going theory is that he is the mastermind behind everything. He got a little too into playing god and making monsters.
Wold be more interesting if it was something they discovered in the cave they excavated to make Playcare.
No it wouldn't. I can tolerate reviving the dead and human experimentation stupid, I can't tolerate ancient aliens stupid.
What happened to GH?
I finally found another ao3 fic worth reading.
Violet Disciple
It doesn't have to be aliens but there's just a lot that doesn't seem to line up. Like why are the bigger bodies made after the prototype worse in many regards (such as needing to eat). Why are they still learning so much from the prototype if they supposedly built it? Why did they underestimate its intelligence so much?
The way things are played out makes it seem like the prototype was something they found and realized they could use and have been reverse engineering it when working on the bigger bodies stuff.
Either they didn't make the prototype or they didn't mean to make it. It's just screwy.
Then just have it be them throwing shit at a wall and now researching what went right. We don't actually know how advanced 1006 was, the fact he speaks with voice recordings suggests he made the voicebox himself and couldn't speak on creation.
Having him be this mysterious thing they just found makes no sense, no where have they hinted at rediscovering something, only at experiments which created living toys.
Fun fact: Purple is the color of royalty, and Catnap was presumably the Prototype's "most trusted" confidant among the toys, and even got the privilege of being taken by his glorious god descending down from a divine light.

Catnap was the honoured one.
If the toys were set free and had to find employment what would each of them do?
Child tard wranglers.
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That gave me an idea for an episode for Friend Forever. Catnap learns that he is a descendant from a royal family from a country that doesn't even exist anymore and he becomes a real douchebag about it. Then he come around and apologizes after everyone becomes fed up with him. I know that its also an episode of SpongeBob but I think it the concept could be done way better.
Now that we know the cutouts are linked somehow to the character they represent, and Poppy has yet to appear on one, what would she have to say?
How would you think the episode would be improved?
By keeping the douchebag aspect to a tasteful degree I guess, Patrick was so insurable in that episode it was outright painful to watch. The again maybe I'm just old.
Episodes where the joke is "they're an asshole randomly" aren't good or funny.
I think it could be used as a moment of character growth. Like Catnap before the episode could be a little more recluse and distant, but after being actually alone for some time and coming around he could become more pro active in looking for the company of other critters. Like there's no need in reset the status quo.
How does "recluse and distant" even remotely transfer/compare to "smug douchebag"??
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I dont see how they are mutually exclusive, and the douchebag part is not to be taken that seriously, is more like someone gets their ego inflated a little too much.
>Draws a dick on her forehead
That is such a dick move.
I doubt it was that deep but it makes sense. There is no other child who The Prototype threw away his escape to save, no one else who he tried to break out. We see from Theo's own notes that he saw The Prototype as his best friend, 1006 must've grown attached himself.
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Kill all artists that replicate this cancerous meme
You must have a lot of friends huh
go back to the sharty
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>"Today I'm gonna draw [CHARACTERS] but over [HUMOROUS IMAGE]!"
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What are you ordering?
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Kissy Missy's Strawberry Pancakes... (should've been crepes, desu)
>mfw i buy a boxy-boo water bottle and the head & arm falls off the bottle with a single touch
I can definitely see Playtime Co. making their own themed foods and selling them to the Japanese market.
It's just good business + free advertising.
I wouldn't mind a Huggy pancake.
This Catnap is really suffering.
Just being a living toy is really suffering, basically.
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>GImMe a hUg, /PpG/.
Hey, /ppg/, would you make me a sandwich?
Spread those legs
CatNap paws...
would hug even if it means my untimely demise
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Damn, well at least I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that picture was mildly suggestive.
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hi guys i have a server that is mostly dedicated to poppy playtime, sharing fanart memes etc if anyone would like to join here is the link https://discord.gg/Sf5KsWRT
Now's as good a time as any to post the Poppy cartoon discord again: https://discord.gg/pbBP8wY5
What are these based on, because they remind me of the Order faction from Frostpunk.
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Just looks like a common "London steampunk" design, with bits of Sherlock Holmes.

It mostly reminds me of the great ace attorney's outfits
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Why has Leith been sidelined? I feel like they could've easily given him Sawyer's role as the evil scientist who created all the monsters. Right now he's the only one of the seven major characters from Ch1 to not have much plot progression.
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This has nothing to do with Poppy Playtime
Based on the artists smiling critters 64 concepts, and the design is clearly based on Daisy. Maybe bare minimum look at the tweet before making an ass out of yourself?
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I know right
I did, it's so tangentially related to PPT that it might as well be something else, you want people to start shitting up the thread with their own boring OCs?
Sure why not? Tons of content is being made for "Catfeine and Dogpressed" already, and they're just as OC as that flower
That0's a good point lol. But I think it would be a slow day before we start posting obscure critter OCs.
>Called the Bigger Bodies Initiative
>Many of the living toys are in bodies smaller than that of the orphans they used
Someone needs to be fired for this.
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New game!
Could you draw them and Poppy doing the Mario?
I've tried to draw Poppy before and it was a disaster, but let me practice more and see if I can get it right.
official monster catnap plush is out
making plush is hard
prease understando
There are bootlegs that look better than this.
Its the face, specially the ears, the body I think its fine but they fucked the face really bad.
>that Kickin
Why must he suffer.

Summer art contest going down in MOB's discord for anyone interested
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Well, here you go anon, I didn't know what pose you wanted specifically so I decided to do different ones, which made everything way more difficult, but it was really good practice.
That's amazing, thank you anon
I'm sorry but guilt is not enough motivation for anyone to jumo headfirst into what is basically a pit full of monsters, we must have alterior motives. Either we ourselves want to hide pur crimes now that we know there are people who still remember or we are there to retrieve more than a few people, maybe a weapon or some research.
Yeah, specially if the PC is really P.W. The guy came of as done with everything in the orientation guide, so after surviving I dont see why they would return just out of the kindness of their heart.
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I kinda wish Cantzy did a subtle difference in design between the "game" Delight and her sisters in the beginning. I was a bit confused who was yelling at who at first. ("Wait, is she the one trying to protect the humans,(even though she had seen them take away her students in the past and know about the experimentation), or is she the one who gathered all her sisters to tell at another sister that's being naive as hell???")

Well, at least Canzy didn't cop-out and just make 1 page of the sisters tearing up a dude before quickly moving on to some other BB doing important shit.
You think the drawfrens here might be confident enough to compete in that one day?
I will because there's no shame in entering at any skill level
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I have nothing to say about Poppy Playtime. Yet
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Lol, lmao even
I like the artist's dark sense of humor.
I don't believe for a second that we're PW, not until they put something in the game for us to chew on. I hate the idea of actually revealing important lore in books.
I will post Huggy every day until you like it
Why is he staring at me like that
Jokes on you, anon. I like Huggy already. :))
You have candy in your pockets and he knows it.
>Hands him a piece of chocolate
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You monster
In this day and age it's probably just flavored corn
Why don't you join her anons? The web is warm, and she'll keep you company.
It seems that not enough anons here were attracted to your sultry lies, Mommy.
>Mommy gets hormonal
>Starts relentlessly shadowing Daddy
>As well as stretching herself so he ass is always near his face
You could have corrected that spelling mistake, anon.
I can't I'm on mobile :(
You know what I mean
Well, when you've drawn something, be sure to show us!
If it's possible we'll even vote for you.
We know one of the kids in the Critter's BBI program was named Michael. There is a chance that is DogDay, and that this series has a character named Michael who gets turned into a skinsuit.
>and that this series has a character named Michael who gets turned into a skinsuit
Where was this again?
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A more rough that usual sketch for that summer thing the other anons were talking about, personally I'm not going to post it in the discord but I wanted to do it anyways. It does feel a little empty right now so any suggestions?
Have someone in the background making a sandcastle
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Thanks anon!
Some mistakes were made but I think I like it.
>Poppy's angel
How can we be sure Poppy isn't trying to form a cult of her own? Seems like a logical way to build a support base if she wanted to take control of the factory.
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Another Dognap idea if it interests you DrawAnon

I had a dream that project playtime added Catnap, and his skins were all the other bigger body critters. What's taking them so long?
This is both really fucked up but also pretty funny.
Giving the benefit of the doubt, they're probably splitting resources between Project and Ch4. They have a lot to work on with Project, lots of bugs to fix, and for the update they need to playtest CatNap to get him working on all maps and figure out how his kit would work. They also probably are gonna do what they did before and introduce some lore you need to find, so they need to write that. There could also be some legal work if they plan on including anymore OCs as skins
Didn't they downsize a little after chapter 3? Maybe there's just not enough people to develop both project playtime and chapter 4 at the same time.
Just a handful of animators, and they've been hiring new people, they just brought a lady instrumental in the design process for Huggy and Mommy on as a full time artist.
Here you go! Drawing dead people is weird.

Damn really nice job Anon (I do kinda wish the joke text could be included tho lol)
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Oh yeah, I originally was going to make the 3 pictures and then stich the photos together but then I thought it would look super trashy.
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I just got home and have just started work on my entry for the contest. Unfortunately you need to join the discord and blabber for a long time in order to get the role needed to post in it, luckily I have lots of time.

My progress so far, I'm going to have Huggy taking up the left hand of the image with the Prototype's arm giving him bunny ears, then have Mommy and Delight near the center sunbathing, with CatNap, Bunzo, and Player all swimming

Scratch this, same general idea but restarting cuz it looks ugly
Did Tarutaru delete this or something? I don't see it on their twitter
They have a second account now.
A rare case of Catnap being taller than the dog.
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Cute but evil.
Why would Catfeine hang out with a gang of people that are constant downers? It's like imagining the popular 10/10 girl hanging out with the nerds and envious 3/10s
One of the complains I've seen of the frowning critters is that it doesn't really make sense for them to be friends.
She likes to feel superior and probably thinks on some level that her presence is making them feel better about themselves too. Some people are just like that.
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Giant robot giant toy when?
Cursed Kissy.
What's so cursed about this one, anon?
She looks incredibly high.
Ain't we all?
Mischief and disembowelment.
mad cat of shimano
Personally I would've hoped for Discat Elysium.
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yeah i could see him as martin martinaise
Considering we have a dinosaur toy, could we see an astronaut or space themed monster next Chapter? "This was originally going to be our space themed toyline but then the public lost interest after we made the monster so we hid it underground" is a plausible set up.
I've seen a lot of speculation about chapter 4 being in a theme park of some sorts, which would suck if true since people would never shut up about poppy "copying" indigo park.
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I know the whole factory is very silly what with tube slides leading to offices and the Dome, but that would be to outlandish. At most I can see them including some concept/unfinished prototype rides and other accessories inside a warehouse for if they open a park in the future. That or the theme park tease could be for the location of the next game.
>Dogday as Raphael Ambrosius Costeau
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What happened to her?
What are some crossovers you'd like to see? For me it's DbD, Smash, a similar horror game and SS13
Judging from her cardboard cutout, she must have fallen from a long distance.
Cuuuuute https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxgY6iH1XpwCndXBPtQ5vQUOz5LvvmmcbT
she fell off
I'm shocked there's so little art for this crossover. It's so cute.
I still find it baffling that this guy's only social media are youtube and instagram. Like he does a lot of work all by himself while barely advertising, that can't be very profitable. I appreciate the passion but I dont want him to starve.
He has a TikTok as well https://www.tiktok.com/@gemstinproduction
And barely any views. Man that's sad.
It makes me really sad that there's no way to message them other than leaving comments on their posts.
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Bobby BearHug DOES a giant toy version. All the smiling critters do and it's implied she's the one who speaks in Bobby BearHug's cardboard cutout.
clearly those images are just taking place in the Smiling Critters Cinematic Universe which also features other playtime co. toys
Hey, genuine sincere question here, but can someone explain the appeal behind the Smiling Critters specifically?
I've experienced the three Poppy chapters but never really got into the side material like the Smiling Critters shows. Found this thread while browsing and I'm genuinely curious if someone can explain to me the appeal behind them enough, since it seems almost a little wild to me that those lil' dudes have such a following in the usual fandom circles. I get that teens and kids LOVE horror + cute stuff, hence the FNAF fandom, but I want to hear it from you guys as well.
Furfags + this being a "turning point" Chapter where people that originally hated the game come to like it
Since this was the first time a lot of people truly experienced the game and said it was good they remember the Critters more since they are the newest thing to come out when they played. However a lot of the popularity is from furfags and actual fags overinflating their importance. The Critters became appealing because the worldbuilding sets them up as this CareBears and MLP like toyline, with it's own show, but they also have sad backstories. Both of these are said but never seen, so it gives people a lot to think about which fuels artists to make AUs and other content. There is also the ships which you might've seen, I'm not a fan but that's probably a big component of it, just autism over these character ships.

Personally I don't care about any of the fan stuff, I just like them because of their actual place in the story, namely the one's we see, CatNap and DogDay. CatNap is just a cool villain, a child saved by the main villain who then goes on to become his most loyal servant, even to the point of worship. Meanwhile DogDay is just another toy who was fed up with the state of things, he tried to escape but was swiftly found and tortured. They push the plot forward in some interesting ways and just make the most memorable scenes in the Chapter when they appeared.
Thanks for the detailed response, Anon, I appreciate it. I'll say I loved Catnap's model in the game - love how absolutely skeletal and freaky he looks. At least in Mascot Horror spaces - compared to Indigo Park, Chapter 3's monster designs are phenomenal. But as for the fandom component, you've hit the nail on the head - the fan theories and the en masse shipping spam + Chapter 3 being a turning point for when Poppy Playtime 'became good'/recovered a bit from its previous controversies.
It's fascinating seeing the brainrot play out in realtime, and it makes me curious if the devs are going to lean into the faggotry a bit considering the critters are the latest breakout characters.
Well, I think half of it is because I'm a furfag just like >>482821365 said. But I also think that they have more relevance when it come to the story, like Catnap's story is very connected to the Prototype which makes him feel more important that Huggy or Kissy, and since the smiling critters are an ensemble it makes you wonder how that connection affected the whole, even if there's a lot of evidence that they never were even a "group" let alone friends. Still is really good for speculation and drama, which people love.

I don't think furfags like myself are over inflating their importance, but anyway, Catnap left a HUGE impression as a villain, and Dogday's death also left a huge impression, which leaks over to the rest of the critters leaving us wanting to learn more about them, and think about how they could've been. The critters are extremely cute, and the show would be extremely close to mlp:fim which is a tried and true format now. But the bigger body versions are also really intriguing, like how did they all interact with each-other and the orphans at playcare? Before we were shown Bobby was a failure it was completely up to our imagination how much they were allowed to do over there.
Its out https://youtu.be/iOngr4xRhjY?si=_NrlFXIUhx1-o5_X
This exemplifies the issue I had earlier, there is no logical reason for the FCs to be together. I feel like they were going for an angle where they are just a bunch of randos who Catfiene got together because she was jealous of the SCs and wanted her own gang or something like that. Because she comes off as just desperate to up the SCs in any way she can.
I remember the artist who created the frowning critters saying that she didn't feel like drawing them anymore because they didn't felt like her characters anymore lol.
would be more helpful if you actually said who the hell that is, reverse image search brings nothing
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Posting second best ship
This is the only place I have to say this: Hotleg's OC character is very cute and I'd hug her
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We love StarStudent in this house

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Posting this much StartStudent without a single source is illegal, blease....

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Nvm I found it and I can see why you didn't put the link lmao (That 3rd image...)
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I was more worried about the other things in that artist's gallery.
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Anons, how have you felt since you started getting into PPT?
I can say with confidence this game has really improved my life, I'm much happier and more motivated to do creative stuff than I ever was before.
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all i can really say is that the game (mostly the critters though, really) has helped me realize that what i thought was a TF fetish was actually my soul yearning to leave behind this ugly imperfect human body so that i could be a cute little guy instead.
Same man, drawing is something that never crossed my mind, but this finally motivated me enough to start. I'm pretty sure it will be years before I am able to shit something impressive, but I finally started.
Similar story but for me I realized what I thought was a fat fetish was actually a softness kink. Thanks Kissy and DogDay, this feels slightly more normal for some reason.
Same here.
Why is he so smug.
Which do you prefer?
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craftycorn is cutest critter
The forbidden ship
He's a bully
They're both slop but Fera is slightly funnier
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I don't know what I was expecting but every single person in the Mob Discord is actually retarded. That statement is not hyperbolic, everyone there is a mongoloid, underage, or an underage mongoloid.
Well yeah, I would imagine that 90% of the people there is under 17.

I love these comics so fucking much
Taru might be the last person making quality BBI content.
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It seems like they are releasing Picky, Hoppy and Kickin at the same time.
Poppy is described as being revered by the employees despite no one ever seeing her. While this could mean they view the toyline with respect since it started the company, it could also or at the same time mean they hold our Poppy with some unnatural reverence.
Combine this with the "Poppy's Angel" title that DogDay gives us. It could be that he has no other words to describe someone who saves others and angel is just something he heard from CatNap, and/or it could be what Poppy told him was going to come save them. Assuming the latter, the fact we are Poppy's Angel instead of just an angel then implies we are a servant of Poppy, and since angels serve gods or goddesses, Poppy might be held as a goddess by those around her.
Now I want to shift gears to the actual poppy flowers used to create the monsters. In this universe they have magical properties and can bring the dead to life, they also function like real world poppies and can put people to sleep or induce hallucinations if they are chemically treated. There are two characters with connections to these flowers stronger than all the other monsters, CatNap is one who uses a gas made from poppies to put kids to sleep and give them nightmares, and the other is Poppy who besides her name has hair that smells like poppies. While they wouldn't be as potent as the gas they could still have similar effect on anyone exposed to them for a long period of time.
>>482916249 (2/3)
Here is my theory: Poppy after being created becomes a kind of addiction for Ludwig, he constantly visits her room and places her right next to his office to make the trips easier as his health declined. And while this was probably just fun family time, it became addicting to him because the smell of poppies acted like a soft opioid, incentivizing him to keep making the trips. Meanwhile he keeps her a secret, but it becomes apparent to the workers that something is off, as those that knew about Poppy talk about her like she's the best thing ever.
After the factory falls apart Poppy is locked inside her box, probably because The Prototype wants to use her unique ability for his next project so needs her to be alive, but can't let her roam free or her smell would start to have an effect on he other toys. And it would because we know that Kissy took part in the HoJ, and she is in all ways just like Huggy but is a girl, so is pink and has eyelashes. Huggy is like a loyal guard dog, obeying exactly what The Prototype says, so it stands to reason Kissy is the same. However she is friendly with us, at the start, because later when we leave HSH she tries to kill us, but what do you know there is Poppy to calm her down. Kissy must've at some point interacted with Poppy, which allowed Poppy to court her with her red hair and the opioids inside which would act like a reward for Kissy being around Poppy. Kissy is very stupid so would easily fall prey to simple carrot and stick training until she was fully on Poppy's side.
>>482917532 (3/3)
Then DogDay and Ollie found her. I'll skip Ollie since we know nothing about him, but DogDay we are unsure how much he partook in the HoJ. There is a storyboard where he appears, but he isn't in the final game's HoJ tape. From what little I can gather DogDay already hated CatNap and The Prototype, missing the friends they had assimilated up until that point. So when he found Poppy he fell right under her spell without protest, she gave him hope and her literal presence made him happier, because of the drugs in her hair.
And Poppy herself was glad to have this attention, she hated being locked away, because when she was with Ludwig she wasn't treated like a toy you put on the shelf when you don't want to play anymore. No she got to be treated like a real daughter, and then she had that taken from her. So she was fine having this new following. I don't know her exact goal, but it involves revenge, she wants to kill 1006 for all that he did to her. But it would be stupid to assume after that she wants to simply leave or go home with us after that. Instead she would want to use her unusual abilities to rebuild her following and her father's factory. I don't think she's Stella, but Stella was among the people that would've know Poppy personally, so those more unhinged ideas that Stella had could've found a home in Poppy's head. She probably wants to restart the factory and the experiments because she genuinely thinks it is what's best for the world, to be turned into harmless immortal toys who naturally are lead by her and her cult. It's a natural conclusion for her to reach, she is living proof of the science, it was the other toys who were imperfect and it was 1006- the only one who genuinely hated the company for turning him into that monster and taking him away from his wife, that ruined everything.

So in conclusion, Poppy is the villain. Thoughts?
Mmmh... Its interesting but it feels more like something you put together because you really want Poppy to be the villain instead of having actual evidence. I dont trust her either but we need better evidence.
how does everyone here feel about horror skunk's? I found this video trying to find something else https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CHOWfx7Swrc
There are plenty of good AUs based on the BBI, but Taru is one of the few who makes the actual designs work really well in a slice-of-life style setting.
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So far a few theories have been thrown out as to what Ollie is. I've seen some suggest he's the Prototype but we know how the prototype speaks and it's unlikely that he'd get a bunch of recordings if some kid talking with various different inflections.
Yet it seems unlikely that Ollie is human. He sounds like a little kid, in a setting that presumably hasn't had anyone go in for a decade since the Hour of Joy. And we know he was originally going to have a completely different voice, something that sounds more like a greaser than a little kid and a different name to boot.
I'd suggest Ollie is an AI but that wouldn't make sense because then why go through the whole orphans thing if they can do advanced AI.
>I'd suggest Ollie is an AI but that wouldn't make sense because then why go through the whole orphans thing if they can do advanced AI.
Because they want to use kids as slave labor and as a part of their immortality experiments.
My best guess is that he's another monster, just one who got stuck with the voice of a child. He doesn't seem to particularly care how good we're doing, if anything he comes off as sarcastic sometimes which implies he really hates us but needs to work with us.
I do think that the game wants us to believe that Ollie is one of the orphans that survived the HoJ, but it will either be a new BBI or the Prototype.
I don't see how the devs could demand this of the viewers with a straight face considering the first thing we see in the franchise is a letter talking about how it's been 10 years since the incident. I don't even think you can cope and say 'What about the baby cribs?' because it comes to question who taught this kid English.
If a child managing to live for a decade underground I feel there are bigger questions to ask then who taught him English, you can explain that away as the toys did that. More important is how he managed to get food and take care of himself, or would the toys do that too?
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Well if nothing else, you can't claim this rendition of them isn't unique

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I forgot to respond to this, so I'll say it now:
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Mommy wants to be popular again
My nephews started watching Poppy Playtime and I just knew there would be a general for it. Never change 4chan, utter degenerates
Cry about it
One of the theories is that Ollie is the security system's AI.
In a video on Youtube is presented as Ollie talks to the player sometimes with an adult vocabulary, and sometimes like a child, depending on where the player is in Playcare.
I do think she is shameless enough to do that.
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Now Kickin knows exactly how it feels when everyone else needs to deal with his bullshit.
Kickin would never break someones board, that breaks the bro code dude
you niggas play this kiddie shit? Holy retard alert.
And I'm sure your interests are so much more mature and free of scrutiny
No, dude. It's okay. You can use the hard R here.
You're on 4chan now, remember?
Hey, are you fucks responsible for the fake chapter 4 video going around pr is it completely unrelated? Or someone mentioned this last thread?
What the fuck are you on about, Anon? Unless you're talking about >>481981495
(Still no.)
Yeah the full video is out https://youtu.be/qWI48yZP8Fg?si=auUTx3TfiSnJGTee
There's fake videos for every chapter. Lying to dumb kids who haven't formed enough grey matter to check Mob Game's channel as to if the chapter is actually out is it's own little business on Youtube.
Later, KICKA.
How the fuck do people even make these?
Here is the actual full video
Mob doesn't care because really it helps to keep the under 8s invested in PPT.
And the people behind these channels are Russian or Vietnamese robots who can shit out on average 2 videos a week.
They're mass-produced by content farms daily, I used to get a lot of this shit in my feed back when chapters 1 & 2 were all we had. And Mob ultimately does not care since they're free publicity.
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I wish the animations in game were as bouncy and snappy as this, this is pretty clean
Rank your favorite critters Anons


No DD & CN: https://strawpoll.com/GJn44G7YYnz
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Those results are not surprising.
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Where are they? A testing map?
Its a reference to a cartoon
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Ship name chart
Is this made by the official PP shipping bureau?
Canap+Kickin is CoolCat, and DogDay+Kickin is Puppynugs
Puppynugs sounds so fucking stupid, I hate it.
Can't be any worse than "Lightwork"

Its what everyone who makes ship art of them uses soooooo, you're a bit outnumbered on that opinion
Tieng Viet?
Yeah, some of these are a stretch. Still I would rather use something like kickday.
A lot of these should really just stick with the classic of "name+name" (in whatever format sounds best) Constellation doesn't work as a ship name at all, and everyone just calls it KickinCorn anyway
>Graphite Pencil
There's probably a better way to blend intelligence/creativity or science/art
This must have been the Long Legs in their newlywed years.
Very cozy.
They never left their newlywed years
Was the dad and baby longlegs ever actually made or just the mother?
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Daddy longlegs was made, but the orientation book mentions how the baby was dropped at some point.
>the baby was dropped at some point
Story of our lives, amirite?
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Thanks, I hate it
Which BBI would be the best impromptu bed that you can peacefully snuggle up to and fall asleep on them?
Bubba, I'll let him yap in my ear about the most random shit and I'll be sleeping like a baby.
I'll say that maybe Hoppy and Picky would be the worst. Hoppy will probably get agitated from staying still for too long and start moving, while Picky would probably eat while I'm laying on her and drop fucking crumbs on my head.
Sketchbook for Bubba+Crafty is pretty good
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Fucking hell if they start harassing the best artist in the community because of this bullshit...
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i don't use twitter, what were these jackasses protesting about in the first place again? some shit muskyman did with the site or something?
Protesting for Palestine, which I think is a waste of time either way desu.
>hamasexual boycott
eggritos shut your ho ass up and make some art
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oh that's even dumber. what the fuck are they hoping to achieve other than mildly annoying the people who like looking at their art?
Ngl probably to appease to the masses before they start getting harassed/canceled (ew) by their fans for not "using ur bigger platform to help spread the word more about ppl needing help in palestine!! :<<<"
not boycotting = wrongthink
wrongthink = expose
exposed = cancelled
Shit like this is why we need to make our own art and content.
Notglue seems to have gone radio silent at the moment, so I can't tell if it's because of this retardation or not. I hope it isn't though because he's one of the few whose feed isn't full of retarded political crap that makes it impossible to search for their art.

It's narcissism. Literally none of these boycotts have ever worked. Palestine is not going to stop getting magically genocided because retards halfway across the world keep screeching online about it. They do it solely for attention and to use [popular thing] as a means of getting that attention.
*is not going to magically stop getting genocided. Bleh, been up all night.
This pisses me off so much, is not enough that the guy stopped posting all week, they complain that he was not doing his part by posting links and retweet sob stories and shit. They shit on you for posting and they shit on you for not posting enough I fucking hate these people.
Huh, this is actually cute.

I guess because I don't give a shit about the smiling critters hashtags but I've not seen the protest you guys were talking about
They only really care about clout and having influence. They don't give a damn about Poppy Playtime or the SCs.
Catnap is more like a possum some times.
CatNap? More like Possum...uh, nap.
Haha, still got it...
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NotGlue literally tweeted that they were sick, and that's why posts have been slow, but something will be coming soon, and 2 fucking wacko's left "reminders" about the strike in the comments
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I didn't realize Boxy could be this nimble and cool/cute as a BB

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Makes you wonder how that even works if this is just some expensive plastic surgery.
Absolutely vile behavior.
Thankfully, it seems like basically nobody but those two retards (whose profile pics are conveniently almost exactly the same) gives a shit, with the reply to one basically mocking them for wasting people's time. Still, it's really disgusting to literally go on to someone's post regarding them having been sick but still motivated to work on their passion, and try to shift it into turning them into a tool for your completely useless strike.
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>(whose profile pics are conveniently almost exactly the same)
and, according to a quick look at their bios, both seem to be picky/catnap shippers (i think? i don't into twitter)
I wonder if these actually help.
Today I learned there is overlap with this thread and the Destiny thread
>Destiny/Poppy crossover
It's just unhinged enough to work.
Look who is back
The return of the king
Alright gay autists, get in here and rank your favorite ships (Didn't include every single possible combination)

Kickincorn is winning over daynap? That's crazy.
Is there to see individual poll results?
I don't understand what you mean, but if you vote it'll show the results after, or you can just click "show results" instead (Vote you fuck)

Unless you meant you want to see how everyone personally ranked them, in which case you can't you'd just have to post how you voted yourself if you want.
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Reminder this poll is also still going
One has to ask oneself, why in all fuck would a nation give a damn about some fanartists in the US refusing to tweet stuff. How does this make a country change their minds about something?
It's a feel good ritual. The way these people work is they hear about some issue always something far away and in an area of the world where theirs and foreign governments have lots of interests, never somewhere local or obscure and they get all sad about it. The best way to advance in a lot of their social circles is to be seen as the better person, so they take up these causes, but they don't actually want to do anything that would involve real work or resource commitment. So they create scam websites where the most effort they need to put in is a few clicks on their phones or keyboards and they start campaigns in extremely safe and protected areas (Universities, X, ect.) to spread awareness. If you are seen as not committing enough to the cause, then they'll pester you for it and shame anyone who doesn't comply. With this they have achieved 2 things, they have disrupted and worsened the experience in the areas they did their activism, and they made themselves feel better and look good in front of their friends. They have achieved 0 actual work towards their stated goals, because that was never the goal, it was just to make themselves look good. Since these issues are emotionally charged, you usually get a few hundred of these weirdos who bully and brow beat everyone into doing what they want.

The best way to solve this is to take action yourself, and to tell them to fuck off and make sure no one important in the development or community starts to think these freaks are a majority.
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> gets hit in the back of her head by a simple stick by some jackass
> face violently explodes off
This would've made more sense if she turned around in response to his yelling behind her, and that's when she gets beaned hard in the face, and thus gets her in-game look.
prev page of picrel : https://x.com/Rockrabbit_0/status/1802706736383746178/

I can only guess that the next few pages just has her eating the humans AND her sisters just to move the plot along so Cantzy can get back to whatever over-dramatic whinging Catnap/Dogday will do.

He already locked the school up in this comic, when in Delight's in-game notes mentioned he locked them up a few weeks AFTER the Hour. It was then when game-Delight started sliding into insanity.
The obnoxious faggot that kept bugging Notglue to use his account to promote the strike literally got his posts hidden and was right about to get the cancel-train gears moving before notglue outright had to state he was the victim of a terrorist attack himself and doesn't at all feel comfortable using his escapism as a means to promote a useless counter-offensive against more of that shit. The fact oversharing personal details is even necessary to stop this shit is telling.
Clearly, the outer shells of BBs in this AU are made of glass.
Anyway, that's enough autism from me today,

have some Daily Delight
Seems like he is still going to try. He has been going to other people's comments to shit on glue and also seems to be preparing a thread in an attempt to cancel them
One of the other accounts doing this shit also seems to think Notglue not "doing his part" because of trauma is "not a good excuse". These people are insatiable vultures and literally won't stop no matter what you do. The only thing you can do against them is just ignore until they lose the social validation they want.
I'm pretty certain it's like one fucking guy with like 4 - 5 different accounts as well. Half of them are literally "Walmart[Insert Smiling Critter here]".

Incidentally, at least one of those accounts lists themselves as an underage b8, so there's a non-zero chance that these are a bunch of spergy narcissistic under-20s literally trying to tear the community apart.
>The obnoxious faggot that kept bugging Notglue to use his account to promote the strike
This kinda reminds of this Smiling Critter AU creator that is being harassed because he is drawing porn of them.

Your face final part: https://twitter.com/notglue9m/status/1804997799001399454

I also found a comment of something finding their YouTube channel which is soooooo much nicer to see all their videos (still not as good as their TikTok which has the fan-art as well tho) https://youtu.be/Smqw6SvwATQ?si=HTfsnnDJ_Ehr_BxN
They have a tiktok?
If it was pachi the Anon would've said harassed cause they draw pedo & rape art. There are plenty of really good artists that draw nsfw of them so hard to know who they meant tho.

@Sakusaya2003 is the best though
My brother
Man, I don't believe in all that "proshiper" nonsense but some of the stuff that pachi and lunako make is genuinely disgusting. I would never give them shit for it tho.
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They're so good though
>Bobby says she loves you to the moon and back
>Hoppy tries jumping to the moon
>Catnap has a moon shaped medallion
Moon schizos are winningl
Back when he was posting a picture a day it was like heaven.
Some people ship them as a trio because of the moon theming lol I can't remember what the ship name is sadly
Sure, knock yourself out. Hope you like guts.
Anon no
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Any good storys or AUs for Huggy?
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How good of a Mommy would Long Legs be? On a scale of "Leave you home alone on vacation" to "Spoils you rotten"?
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This art is made for someone's fanfic set within NotGlue's AU https://twitter.com/treesofnorth/status/1804872123078557886
These results are skewed!
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Git gud
(I assume this is a joke) in what way? the only thing that could possibly skew them is I posted the poll over in the indie horror general as well, but I figured if anyone cared enough to actually do it over there, their intentions would be "pure"
>>483234340 (me)

I am curious if I should make a new one with every possible combination, since the poll is definitely having some standouts I didn't expect.
Dont bother, after some point is more of a chore than something fun to do. Well at least that's my opinion.
I honestly see this being canon in the Smiling Critters cartoon
Kickin X Crafty is by far the most possible to be canon in an actual cartoon. Dogday and Catnap (should be together) probably couldn't be paired with anyone
It's funny how current M&M Dogday probably would say it back at this point if it meant getting Catnap back.
Before or after she lost her mind? Because that determines which of those two extremes she falls under.
Talking the actual cartoon, I don't see romance ever coming up especially given what we know about it only lasting a season. If it would, the only character who would get no slice of the action would be CatNap, since he wasn't really a character. Bobby would be an obvious contender and that could be an episode of hers, just doing childish flirting with the boys, and Kickin would take the hint in said hypothetical episode.
You know, I'm kind of confused on what Dogday wants here, in the previous part he was ready to beat Catnap and even told everyone about what he did to him in life, but now he is sad he left? Like, is he scared of him or not? Sometimes I wish we could get some actual dialogue instead of just songs.
People can feel more than 1 emotion about the same thing Anon...
All the ships involving Kickin should be at the top
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did you forget about him?
No. I need more content, PlayerCritter or Packrat, it doesn't matter.
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I think in DogDay's cutout, he's telling Kissy to run. My assumption is he, Kissy, and Poppy were trying to deliver the letter in some way and they got found out. DD and Poppy got caught, but Kissy it seems managed to escape and has been hiding in the service tunnels and other areas off the beaten path to avoid execution.
Forgotten him? The day the artfren drew him was probably the most inspiring thing our threads have ever seen.
I wish, but the PlayerCritter art fad has worn off, and not a lot of anons seem to know what to do with PackRat right now.
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I still like the original concept, specially the part of changing species by pulling the tie.
new gem just dropped

and also full version of that song I guess
Wtf is this channel a content farm for gay teens?
Sounds perfect for this thread, I imagine.
Especially the teen part.
People do call him a content farm, but I would have to disagree since he never jumped into digital circus or indigo park or the new slop maker inside out 2.
You sure do love these passive aggressive remarks huh?
Projection much?
Its a pretty bad song desu, doesn't even come close to the gold they struck with S.M.I.L.E
Post your best SC theories!
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Dogday is alive and will be our companion in chapter 4, trust the plan!
It's not as good as S.M.I.L.E but I chalk that up to the latter's main beat just being a lot catchier. Overall, I don't find it especially bad.
Different video from image
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The poll says otherwise
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Yeah, about that....
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>Wimpin Chicken's whole gimmick is being scared of everything
>Kickin also gets scared

What were they watching?
I can't tell which is worse, Critters with tongues or Critters with teeth
That made me realize, now that we now more about the critters after the orientation book Wimpin's character is all wrong, since Kickin is also a coward.
They canonically have teeth, you can even see them in chapter 3 intro.
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Both are just straight up canon to their (cartoon) depictions Anon
I guess it's the eyes, the Critter just look too ugly when you remove the blacked out eyes
has anyone else noticed how everytime the critters are together craftycorn is always slightly different call me a schizo but there might be something up
She's autistic
Its because different people draw her slightly different lol, that honestly goes for all the critters. Officially we have seen like 3 art styles, the one by Avalon who is the original creator and used in the cutouts, the one used in the cartoon and concept art and the one used in promotional shit like that pride post and the picnic.
>the one used in the cartoon and the one used in promotional shit like that pride post and the picnic.

Are these not both the same artist? IE AmberLuvsBugs?
Proportions in the latter are longer and the heads are smaller than the animation
No, Amber directed that animation but the artstyle was based on the concept art of Scott Forester.
Next thread ideas? I'll make it
"based on" and "actually drew" are 2 different things
no I mean compared to the other critters in the image she's different I can't find it now but there was a image of them drawn together but her face was scribbled out
Uhh... Lets do Boxy!
Yawn boring... Why not be creative for once and do make it something daring and completely unique? Like Dogday X Catnap
I know you are shitposting anon but we have never used daynap as the OP.

This but unironically
But Boxy Boo...
I say go ahead man, use this >>483161087
Just remember to change the Previous Thread number to this one, and remove the Discord link since it's broken.


Take your pick

The Grudge.

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