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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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limin edition



>Current map

>Steam group

Old: >>481478374
Fuck (You)!
It's been an hour since last thread was archived. And yet I am late to cook the new one.
now this is something to celebrate
>bh ults
>shoot through smoke
wow such amazing viewer experience
you thought getting rid of digi would save you... it only brought back the bludhoontr...
like my brethren before me i will slatra
>The game's not dying bro! It just doesn't even have enough players to maintain a general but it's not dying! It's summer vacation, kids don't play games when they have free time, that's all!
thread only died because a schizo was spamming the log with threads
this anon pexxes
good night babs
good morning sirs
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Its not fair... how do we get gacha/single player people to come bump our thread for free
4chan is not a good measurement for popularity
>kids don't play games when they have free time, that's all!
kids dont post on this site/board so that isnt related
Aim assist legends
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*belly rumbles*

accelerate the death of this game so something better can take its place
*monkeys paw curls*
I already quit, what more can I do?
accuse the developers of being transgender on twitter
no you must accuse them of being transphobicphobicchuds
I don't have a twitter account to begin with lads, I'm allergic to social media.
It already did (whispers the name of the game in your era)
how did overwatch 2 end up doing?

DAMN would it kill these faggots to run something else in tournament? What gives, I find it hard to believe that running any other legend would be a detriment
It would, it would kill their ego
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> late game BM
> in yellow 2 story house, people on roof.
> storm forces them to the corner of the house
> alter grab someone off roof and fuck them up before the teammates know what happened

Feels so good to hold the bottom of a building now
Why the bloodhound pick? I get bangalore since you can be annoying faggot with her smoke but what do you gain out of bloodhound besides a 2 second team reveal?
I wondered this as well considering new crypto buff

> oh fuck we have a crypto on our team
> game starts we’re running around, crypto throws his drone
> “we havu one squaduru in area”
> what
> throws drone later on again, this time I’m standing right there
> no squad in the area

Idk maybe bloodhound is better for the two second scan at a pro level as opposed to someone like me who just gave up ranked after hitting plat my first go at it.
did they nerf the new character or is she not good enough for these guys? knew all that hype was bullshit
No digi makes fights in smoke one sided if one team has Blood ult and the other doesn't. You can also get picks from other teams fighting in smoke.
we noompin
gonna bump anyways goodnight
cause they're all cheating they can look super fucking cool when they're smoking the final ring and bang bang pew pewing each other's heads because they brought bloodhound and not because aimbots toggled
crossbow might be coming
bbl nebu
nebu got a brazilian butt lift?
thats crazy
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who recommended valorant
>here's your tac shooter bro
haha what the fuck
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one of revs rework ults was this
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>last thread died before even hitting half the bump limit
Zer0 is the /vg/ archive
the entire TSM team is /axg/ page 10 bumps
Perfect time to run Caustic when no one else is playing it but that's not possible for the niggercattle known as "Apex Pro Players" to come up with.
how the fuck did this get popular when cs exists?
the chineses
Alter isn’t that amazing to begin with, her ultimate is only good in beginning rounds, if it’s an open area end game you can try grabbing people from
Behind cover with her tactical but in all reality the likely hood of that is low and you could / should have been someone else who was better movement or capabilities for big destruction.
alter needs coordination with a full stack to be good imo desu!
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>land with one more squad
>600 dmg
>5 knocks
>still lose because my teamies only does a combined 100 dmg
will quads just be a normal game of apex but even as longer and more sweaty?
play apex!
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why is this the only pvp game ive ever enjoyed for so long?
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What mnk player is this? I can't remember his twitch.
cs has massive cheater problem
big if true
it's fun and the characters are charming and lovable
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Its a comfy summer game for me.
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>play 4 matches as Wattson
Can do
>arrow shotgun
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Its official, theyve ran out of (good) ideas
>play ranked solo
>average top 3 and 10+ kills
>play ranked duo or trio
>enemies are literal gaming gods, never missing
The trios lobbies i had today were very "Sunday" quality.
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I just noticed this thread had been made after the old one died. Hopefully we atleast make it halfway this time.
>drop isolated with 1 other team
>we have a solid 30 seconds of looting before fighting
>one teammate goes down without doing any damage
>other one goes down after doing 20
>manage to down 2 but die to the third player
>20 damage guy goes fucking ballistic in voice chat and calls the drop dogshit
I seethe when my team drops us last just to put up 20 and die it happens too often in ranked even on lower tiers people are afraid to fight
>fight 1/2/3 squads at once because braindead hotdrop teammates
>I do 2x+ teammate damage basically every game (550, they do 100-150 or they do 200-300 and I do 700-900)
esports is on
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Imagine my shock?
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I think ALGS *SUCKS*
>my bocek will be back
please let this be true...
thread is almost as dead as apex at the moment
I'm eating chicken wings rn
I'm just here waiting for Destroyer2009 to do something again. EAC will probably block him who knows.
Should I reinstall this just for solos? Only considering it is because the finals made ranked an SnD mode.
solos is for rizzlers
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>a day old thread
>79 posts
>mfw both thread and the game it's dedicated to are slowly dying
video games as a whole are dying
There are too many video games to choose from
and most of them are shit but are run as FOTM cults

Apex must be forced upon all age groups by the state.
they do that in the UK you have to play apex as a cat main for mandatory amounts of time
looks mediterranean to me, which would fit with the name
>Start up Apex
>Every 30s get a ping spike and all network issue icons show up
thanks respawn
Catalyst is American and a disproportionate number of American "men" display Catalyst behaviour.
"americans" are brownoids tho
Be nice to my Catalyst wife
>open the official stream
>some stupid slut is commentating the worst way possible
I normally hate Wigg but I have no choice.
mmm k sweaty
Furia sisters.. Madness is actually sabotaging us by playing on vicodin for his gimp leg. Dude should have sat this one out...
>Falcons in 17th place
>end of game 3
so this is the power of a superteam
Early days innit
>elden ring ending leaked
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Thank you google, very cool!
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sheesh the chat is popping off fr ong
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>literally just turned on the stream
>see this
UMMM, ABF sisters?? What is this??
Those other squads are paid actors
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>so this is the power of a superteam
no, no... THIS is the power of a superteam
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It just gets worse...
Bruh, it had to be Vax IGL like they'd been practicing for all week. Not cool Madness decides he can play last minute cause he's an insecure manlet afraid they'd perform better without him.
The superteam peaked too early, they will get exposed at next LAN again.
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Wattage up! I'm recharged and ready to go!
ded gaem
ded genrel
still alive
matchfixed garbage, these niggas did 2 rez in the last circle when everything was going down at once

terrible script writing, they should take lessons from CS TOs
Do you realise how mentally ill you sound? Go take a good long nap honey, you need one.
>he fell for the meme
How many years has it been? 3? 4? I will NEVER play Valorant.
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is arm aiming better with mnk? i'm pretty much strictly a wrist aimer and play with 2.60/1 sens on 800dpi, and am thinking of changing things up a bit.
Learning to feet aim with controller is hard but when you get the hang of it you will see massive improvements all round in your gameplay.
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yes and no
Technically speaking there are scenarios where having very low sens and using the whole arm is better, but there are also scenarios where wrist/finger is better.
Your equipment also matters here, what mouse and mousepad etc matters in this case.
You're not going to play arm on a glass mousepad for example.
arm with lower sens is better for tracking consistently
basically what this guy said >>482292949
>You're not going to play arm on a glass mousepad for example.

I do exactly this lol.
so pretty much a mix of both is good? i'll try to get better at arm aiming. though it might be hard for me since i'm really used to using my wrists for most of my games.
Do the PC/Gamepad icons next to people's names represent input or platform?
platform. controllers are consolebabs
some1 called me the n word last night and it really upset me so now I don't want to play.
played with a ukrainian streamer whose name was RU = Muted
Absolutely unfathomably based
was he mute himself?
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>decide to play my favourite online game- Legends of Apex
>"Hmmm today I will enjoy some online entertainment in form of a video game" (Clueless)
>boot le puter
>launch Des Legends de l'Apex
>check servers
>the smallest packet loss I can find is 10%
>Ok. Not a big problem for me.
>2 matches with 350 ping in a row
>1 match of being sandwiched between 2 blatant aimbot walling teams
>1 more match where only half of my shots registers
Sheesh our guy Al-Khamenei on the come up fr
i havent kept track of all the roster moves
Game Status?
It's dead!
Globohomo funded propaganda skinner's box
its alive!
bumping so it doesn't die lol
so much for being "alive"
>Despite layoffs and office closures in 2024, EA executives earned $60 million
>CEO Andrew Wilson received almost half of that total ($25.6 million)
You vill buy ze virtual goyslop and be happy. You vill pay your good citizen credits to make your master richer.
We page 2 bumpin
That's how alive we are
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He cant mute the missile strikes though can he
NA babs, i told you not to go on EU servers...
The script has changed to >falconswinlol so nothing else matters too much
Wow this board is moving really fast, these gacha gamers must have alot to talk about their games
Everyone watching the euros right yeh???
When lifeline tells me to "breed easy" what does she mean by that
everyone's currently overanalyzing the fake elden ring leaks from some pajeets
Really dont care, can you shut up.
Its all so tiresome
i dont like elden ring desu
Same, desu
They should go fortnite schizo mode and add planes and bikes and shit
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Solos tournament on the Apex twitch channel. Never saw an announcement for it. It's rather interesting. Faide seems to be cleaning house. not far behind, the ROLLERGAWDS Keon and Verhulst. They consistently have red armor each match. The diversity of toons is remarkably wide.
remember when we thought tridents were wild
maps are too small
>No guns
tranny trash
That was a funny round. There was a zipnig only round, which really showed their skill disparities.
Apex being free to play is what made it so successful and ultimately is what's killing it. Cheaters, boosters, teamers etc would be far less of an issue if bans actually cost them anything except making a new account.
I think there might be a shift in f2p market because of this and you will see less competitive games being free.
bruv that's some good shit, I missed it
Where can I find the VOD?
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Here's your sauce, /bab/s.
thanks nigger
i lol whenever i see someone with a MNK clan tag. how fragile is your ego that you have to make sure everyone knows you're sucking because you're playing on a harder input.
rollercucks have the biggest mouths for the most unwarranted egos
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>when i'm in a false sense of ability competition and my opponent is a roller user
Where's the path only round?
there should be more *only rounds. this game needs to have sex with fornite and make fornite legends with the gameplay of kwabex and the sheer content of fortnite
we pexxin tonight
but can we actually pexx now?
Bay-pex Lebends
Aurora used them quite effectively at ALGS
>t. Died to the guy with the MNK tag
just coomedpex
Can't believe we have a full time janny now to bump the thread. kek
for freepex?
you're doing great tranny janny keep it up ::thumbsup::
Im a janny now? Lets gooooooo
Had a dream the new BR map dropped.
Had a dream lulu sexed me
Nigga's celebrating working for free.

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