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This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces

Previous: >>482707015
How are paladins looking in TWW?
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You are their translator, no? You know Pandaren? You understand me? Good. Stay put, and stay quiet. Struggle, squirm or scream, and your comrades will find nothing but a corpse to collect. I have a message for your commander. You will deliver it, word-for-word. Miss even a single letter, and you will not survive our next encounter. Now listen closely, message boy. I will not be repeating myself:

Pandaria will never yield. It will never be yours; no matter how many men you bring. I -- WE -- will fight you to the very end. Any victory will be phyrric. Any loss, catastrophic. You face insurmountable odds. I, alone, have wreaked untold havoc on your forces. It will not be long until I am joined by the rest of my kind. We will stand united against you, as we did against the Mogu. You think I am merciless in my pursuit of tranquility? You think nowhere is safe for you now? You have seen nothing yet. Your days on this continent are limited. Once you've overstayed your welcome, you will find your meals poisoned, your camp riddled with caltrops and the very trees themselves will whisper of your demise. If you value your life, and the lives of your subordinates, then you will take what little you have left, and you will leave. You will return from whence you came, and you will report that Pandaria is a free land, that can not be subdued by any military means. Tranquility will bloom once more, be it in your wake or over your grave. The choice is yours to make.
Rogue players are cringe!
Holy fvcking sovl.. i kneel...
you're blind
winners across the board. Ret is insane
would it be a social faux pax to RP as this pandaren's panties on moon guard?
plap time
Anyone from wod or legion era wowg still play?
>Stay put, and stay quiet. Struggle, squirm or scream, and your comrades will find nothing but a corpse to collect.
Hot toughpaw femdom
Playable pandaren are from the Wandering Isle. They're complete outsiders to Pandaria.
Ok sure.
>relays the message
Commander: Okay fine just drop the nukes, we'll take the continent as a wasteland instead then.

based Boxerpilled barbarian expeller
Is there anything to do in dragonflight right now? I'm kind of interested in resubbing and collecting the dragon riding things I missed post launch. Guess I can always play cata if I get bored.
Most plappable races (females only)
Trash tier
>Anything else
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so can anyone explain to me how the FUCK im supposed to get an argent dawn commision
i got rev with the faction and the stupid cunt that is supposed to hand me my god damn trinket will not give me a trinket
so what the fuck am i supposed to do???
I like literally all the women of all the races in this game. You could just say that I'm a fan of women in general.
goddamn this general sucks
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I will take great pleasure in reducing this island to charred remains with your body pinned to a statue of some forgettable ancestor so you may watch your world die.
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This game isn't good anymore. The people who made the game you loved as a kid have been replaced by californians who resent white males. You don't like the character design anymore, you don't like the tranny character's they've added, you don't like the changes to the story in the jailer arc, you don't like most of the things the new cast of developers have made. Yet you remain here, in some strange sunk cost fallacy or pure power of habit. You wish to connect to the fun you had when you're a kid and you ignore the fact that it hasn't clicked in years, yet you remain. You tell yourself that there aren't any other good games but you know that's not true, there are other good games both within and outside the mmo genre. And no, I'm not talking about effeminate weeb slop final fantasy, there are many good games out there.

I escaped, and when I realized the unhealthy style of thinking that kept me here for years after the game was bad, I would like to try to bring it to your attention as well. I benefit in no way by spending my time talking about this, other than I feel a sense of comradery to my old fellow wow gamers and see unhealthy styles of thinking in many of you as well. It's just not the same game anymore, and it's not made by the same people. Stop being loyal to a new company that doesn't even like you.
> you are now reminded that pandaren shaman dont use picrel models but the shitty cata ones
If i already completed all the Path of Ascension achievements, can i just buy the black/forsworn color of the armor on alts or do i have to do the achievements on them too?
nobody cares, that game gives you too much shit for wanting to play the content if you don't care for the story. ever since I started playing eso, I realized just how badly ffxiv manages it's story by making out mandatory.
Doesn't help that the only good story WA heavensward so you're forced to sit through dozens of hours of garbage to unlock one 20 minute dungeon with barely any mechanics.
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>m+ doesnt drop loot
>ilvl is normalized in keys
do you agree with this take? Stolen from twitter
m+ should have a separate mode for these people
cata really has the shittiest elemental models, they just look so bad
>entire pillar of endgame content now exclusively caters to a couple hundred key pushers
seems like a good idea, what could go wrong
You all wonder why Blizzard doesnt listen to their fans its because usually their fans are telling him shit like this
the devs only give customisation options to druids please understand.
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vigor orbs being stuck in your UI even when dismounted is getting really fucking tiresome
and warlocks
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It's crazy this people refuse to understand they are not the main audience, same for the spic lock from liquid.
if ilvl is normalized people would farm old OP trinkets with crazy effects that would break balance so there's that to consider
Only reason I still play the game is because I'm not playing anything else and leaving all gaming behind soon. My family is relocating their business and moving into the country and I am moving with them soon to be far away from the city and far away from all the degenerates and filthy third-worlders. The west has no identity anymore and has fallen. There are rainbow flags being flown in front of the whitehouse meanwhile MTF trannies are on the whitehouse lawn flashing their fake tits in front of cameras with the whitehouse in the background for all the world to see. The mad dog killer in charge of Russia is watching and laughing. The sociopath mass-murderer in charge of China is watching and laughing. The crazy deranged lunatic in charge of North Korea is watching and laughing. The psychopathic zealot in charge of Iran is watching and laughing. All of them are watching, laughing, rubbing their hands together slowly, waiting for the moment to pounce; as are all of their friends, their proxies, and their useful idiots. The entire world is slowly turning its guns towards this deranged derelict society and I am leaving.

That is why I still play this garbage: to kill time.
Cool guy
I quit for 10 years and then came back. The dungeons and raids are 100x better than they used to be and they're the only reason I play the game. Go be a jaded sad cunt somewhere else. Dragonflight MOGS your favourite era of WoW.
Man, all my erp buddies are playing elden ring tonight, who tf am I gonna erp with now??
its a fucking miracle that each shaman race got its own totem model, really, knowing this company
and you know if they didnt start that tradition in wrath nublizz would never have done it for new races like vulpera and kul'tiran
based enjoyer, people really gotta figure their mental health or whatever is going on with their lives first before blaming it on the game
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Tell me about the 200usd cosmetics
Is just running dungeons the fastest way to level up in Remix?
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>no dwarf
what are you, gay?
Not into dick tho
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i really like the argus cat
>no spiritform unique to each race
>elementals not unique to each race
>still using class design from 15 years ago
>uses terrible cata models for a lot of abilities
>doesn't even have glyphs for any of this shit
why does blizzard dislike this class in particular when Thrall is basically the face of Warcraft?
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>remove tyrannical
>apply fortified to all keys
>put full effort into developing kiss/curse seasonal affixes
>remove all other affixes
>leave the bullion system and add dungeon trinkets and weapons to the pool
There you go I fixed M+
don't forget 'there are new animations for basically every ability but players can't use them (primalists only please understand)'
good change
that's nothing new, our last animation update was in cata when we got saddled with the garbage models, and every expansion since has added cooler stuff that could be easily added to shamans
Sorry chuddy, you don't have your 20% buff yet, you can't join my group.
anon thats a zone buff not something you farm
>guy in the comments crying about this messing u logs
holy fuck just nuke every parsefag, mythic raider and key pusher at this point
>wowhead writer is comparing this to some secondary stat buff if you met certain requirements in a BfA raid
>when it's not really like that at all and it's actually exactly the same as the ICC buff in wotlk
I would say i'm not surprised wowhead writers are retards who haven't even played Wotlk, but we just had Wotlk classic so they really are just dumb.
>We're discussing introducing a system that has similar vibes to Reorigination Array back in Uldir, the first raid tier of BFA, except we'll be leveraging the quest system. It'll buff players over time. Right now we're looking at the buff capping out at about 20% increased player power while you're within that raid and that will also apply to your Warband!
ummm chuddy this very clearly hints that it's tied to personal progress and not a zone buff. Don't ever miss a week or else you can't join my group!
Dungeon til 25, then raid but don't loot anything, then go your mailbox and loot all the exp% items BEFORE looting all the flat exp items. There are a million videos on the topic telling you the exact levels. It's degenerate but it gets you to 70 in a few hours.
>Don't ever miss a week or else you can't join my group!
Doomers are getting pretty desperate. Every system is built with catchup now.
For me, it's the alexstrasza one.
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>faggot crying MUH LOGS DOE
Jesus christ. This people can't be cured. Kill all parsefags.
Never forget the ONLY reason all races can't be shaman is because Blizzard doesn't see profit in tasking a couple artists to make racial totems.
new race: neurotypical healthy weight orc
I prefer the foul smelling, obese, ugly, retarded, autistic, shit-pants, balding, greasy, wrinkly faggot orc.
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never in my 15 years of playing wow have i leveled a druid and while zerging one to 70 in remix I think I'd rather do it in the open world because it feels comfy as fuck. is 2 months in panda prison really worth hitting cap in 2 hours? i'm so indecisive
Is that your toon? Kinda attractive.
is worth it if you don't care about playing right now
is not if you want to play right now
finally someone with a heart. most people judge him before they know him. assuming he's some kind of dangerous sexual predator who dives off balconies headfirst to land on sin'dorei women and rape them during Silvermoon Womens' Month. when in reality there's not a single shred of irrefutable evidence that's ever happened more than once or twice.
Can Blood DKs still be dps in Cata?
The bigger they are...
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What happened to WoW players? Why are they all so embarrassing?
Cultural Marxism
Diversity & inclusion
Endocrine disruptors
We are orcs, pure of blood.
>Censors out the name of the player
Why you protecting em bro lol?
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Getting closer.
Never want to see the forbidden reach again in my life btw.
you're almost done nword
"almost done" as in getting cockblocked by the hecking epic fishing pool achievement for the next 3 years because it's still completely random and has been rolling the same 2 spots for the last month lol!!!!!!!!
>Oh My God
is Taivan being taken out of the game after DF? do I need to rush to finish this now?
No but there's nothing else to do now and I don't want to come back to this shithole continent when there's an entire new expansion to be playing
No. If that were the case, then the Shadowlands equivalent would be taken out as well. Only thing being removed is the Fryakk shadowflame form, the gold beetle, and the arena/rated pvp mounts
What gold beetle?
oh thank god .....

That doggo's running animation is the cutest thing ever I love how he tip toes around and would be sad if I could not eventually collect doggo. :3
The 1.2 million gold one.
This expansions gold sink mount that's sold by the black market panda girl's assistant.
When the fuck did they add this?
The vendor also has some other nice things you can buy
Emerald dream raid.
This is the npc and her items she sells. Call it Mad Merchant FOMO edition
yea, the vendor is mostly a waste of gold, the HD quel'serrar is the only good thing
I really dig (heh) this explorer/archaeologist look
So does he. He's been using that chestpiece for all his mogs on all of his characters since the archeology event came out. He really, really likes that chestpiece lmao.
i'm nervous for next bega builds regarding m+ but at least they promised heavy changes to affixes and the m+ system itself
maybe we can create our own keys? like we can choose our affixes?
That's nice but they still need to address the reward scaling on the final couple of bosses. The fact they drop higher ilvl stopped mattering when crest upgrades got added in and the tier set token is only a draw for the first few weeks. As it stands pugs tend to just give up when they get to bosses that actually require coordination beyond splitting the groups because it's far far easier to attempt them them in small dedicated kill groups.
>That's nice but they still need to address the reward scaling on the final couple of bosses
Last bosses dropping myth gear even on heroic and omnitokens are a great incentive to full clear raids
Its great imo. You need the hooks so people push further and further. Mounts are nice but power is even better
don't respond to the local lolcow please thanks

it's a good mog desu
MoP is peak wow storytelling. All hail Lorewalker Cho
No shit. MoPChads have been singing the expansion's praises for years for a reason.
all in the trash because of pandas and mogus, who CARES
The Remix world bosses need to have a minute timer just like the Timeless Isle rares do where they're invulnerable for that time.
Post your fave DK transmogs fellas
retarded video for retards
How can newly leveled characters/players get into raids on remix? Isn't everyone asking for 500 ilvl by now?
Yea, when vault was current I'd run my alts up to H Raz then drop and kill Eranog/Council on mythic. Either have Raz drop Aspects/Myth or buff the first mythic bosses.
And considering how Blizz is making it harder to get aspect crests in TWW I could see them doing the latter.
they are supposed to grind bronze (a currency that should have only been used for cosmetics) through daily dungeons, daily scenarios and normal raids
i wouldn't recommend it as someone who hit 476ilvl a week ago, just buy the cosmetics and mounts that you want and leave this pos mode
>trashes garrosh and turns him into a boss because he's too masculine and toxic for blizzard
>peak storytelling
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>"lmao why are people complaining about it taking longer than a few days to get geared? you know this event lasts for months right?????"
>the event after 2 weeks:
There aren't many maxed characters so group leaders would rather take some fodder 300's than waste more time waiting for maxed characters. Three 476's can easily solo raids
>rehashing content from over a decade ago
(((content creators))) are the lowest scum of society
all expansions should have winnie the pooh walk along with us to explain lore during raids
>she spent the 100k bronze she got from levelling on mounts and mogs instead of gear upgrades
they are most likely that camp that hate wow classic and saw it as a victory of gamergate (this was something panser believed)
jesus dude you're mentally ill
he is comparing it to bfa because that was the last time they did something like that
Prepatch is July 23rd, you have 1 month to do whatever in Slopmix before it becomes rather empty due to players doing the prepatch event Radiant Echoes and prepping for Woke Within
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Why is Overwatch not afraid of showing women's bellies?
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if you do just the daily quests, most of the lfr wings, and the 5 world bosses every day you'll be 476 and ready for mythic soo in like 2 weeks max, it all takes 1-2 hours per day
troll or dumb?
the lfrs all give ez bronze and threads and take 2-3 minutes to complete per wing, plus they aren't exclusive with normals for timers
it's literally already empty though
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This is the point of no return. If you don't already have Paragon then you will spend the last 60 days of mopmix begging to join normal raids and turned away. You have missed out.
MAYBE if you have your gear to ateast 450 by this point, and are ready to spend hours dealing with being declined from groups, you'll just barely eek by.
>2-3 minutes to complete per wing
assuming the queue is instant, which isn't true most of the time
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I haven't done much with her the last couple expansions, but I'm thinking of dusting her off for TWW.
Blood/Frost DK
Restro/Balance Druid
Ret/Prot Pal

Rank these from best to worst for TWW based on fun/utility. I primarily play m+ and push top keys but want to be more chill next expac.
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are you implying that wow doesn't? Plus you will even be able to transmog pants off in TWW
What if I don't care about a title I'll never use?
Nothing in th eraids matters, all the unique cosmetics are available through zone achievements
Just queue as all 3 roles. Then regardless of what role you get assigned, simply allow a DH to solo the whole place in 2 minutes because healers and tanks don't actually have jobs to do in remix.
Cultural Marxism
Diversity & inclusion
Endocrine disruptors
i went from a fresh 70 w/ all 343 gear to 476 playing 1 hour a day without even stepping into a normal raid and went straight to heroics/mythic as bear tank, you just have to be patient, it took about 2 weeks, i leveled 6 other chars during that time as well
yeah if you play a class that can tank or heal then just go as those roles and sit by cuz you don't have to do anything anyway, while you wait in queue you do a world tour boss tour and kill all the world bosses, i always go sha>oondasta>teleport to timeless isle and kill those 2 bosses>hearth back and kill galleon>nalak
Are the harronir more nelf or more troll
Raid buff is good but locking it behind weekly quests is pure engagement kikery. You're just messing with players who try to jump in late to the season.

Really the buff should start to kick in once a certain treshold of global mythic final boss kills have been achieved. That way you'd actually have the more casual players actually cheering on the high end raiders instead of bitterly blaming them for all their problems.
Because porn keeps OW alive whereas sunk cost fallacy and a lack of competition keeps wow alive.
but how else would the mythic players gatekeep their very important achievements?

its going to go to max the moment you do it
the level boosters have probably made 100s of millions of gold this expansion
how do you even manage that shit and sell it off without getting banned
so prepatcherino july 23?
is that what we're thinking laddies?
Titles mean fucking nothing unless said title sounds cool, or were the ones that hadn't been obtainable since the end of WOTLK.
because its allowed as long as you do it for gold
Could WoW get the youth in with a skibidi toilet "inspired" race the same way it ripped off kungfu panda?

Theme wise, I prefer my Legend of Pandaria title anyway
are you retarded
no one is going to create operations this large with thousands of users, customer support, employees, etc without making real money
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>get i369
>apply to group with note "yeah dood I'm a frogger that deleted my accessories to get better scaling"
>hope they don't look at your max health or details
>ez free invites
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If you don't waste all of your bronze on the mogs/mounts first it's incredibly easy to boost your ilvl
obviously retard but again they dont get banned because youre allowed to do it for gold, as long as you never mention rmts youre safe
>things that never happen
I see number I insta-decline I don't even read the note. I don't read people's notes period all that matters if the numbas.
Then you're a retard declining the people that are +20% stronger than i476 shitters
Albeit Zoomer culture would make the millenial-X whales the game is dependant on either mass quit in seethe or keel over from a stroke/heart attack
How did nelves go from being roughly based around feudal japan to azeroth's chosen people where it's every single race's duty to ensure they have a home that is always protected.
dont care i decline you just for making me read and wasting my time. 476 or fuck off
>Why nerdshit world glazes Japan
Why do ESLs love to spam ellipses?
good job you got that, now reread my first post
>Reward is a title and nothing else
They knew if they added anything else (toy included) would've cost one hell of a firestorm of rage and seethe on the forums.
>cheaper 2 month deal ends on the 23rd
>1 month more to play df/remix
>1 month of pre patch
>your game time will run out just in time for the expansion release
blizzard is devilish
... is like the third world version of *sighs*
The people that made the nelves left, and the new writers didn't read any existing lore about them being over 10,000 years old and they only started living on top of a big tree 10 years ago.
What do you mean...
havent played this character in forever but if blood stays OP i might main her
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>necrolord armor but with different shoulders that don't match at all
really niqqa?
I'm kinda butt-mad about blood getting so gigabuffed because i went into SL as blood and played through almost the entire xpac as blood in spite of how atrocious it was and then switched to holy pally which was awesome but they nerfed that with DF so i went back to shadow and i now i see them bloods and i'm like giwtwm
Nordrassil got done dirty.
f-full set bad!
Nothing wrong with a full set or modifying a set. Make it look good though, don't just change 1 slot to some ill fitting nonsensical mog.
I think he was being sarcastic bro
I still don't understand why they removed /spit
>original world tree recovers
>gets reblessed by dragon aspects to prevent corruption
>"but we want a NEW tree that will get fucked up by elementals and old gods :(((("
fucking nelves
payPIGS were getting the treatment they deserve from the community
it's like how the government doesn't want you to have guns so you don't just shoot up niggers when they chimp out
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>tfw they give everyone the title as long as they got to level cap before the end of the expansion
piggies were buying the tbc classic special super duper retard deez-sucks edition that came with the the stupid lizard mount so the entire wow community including influencies and forums all banded together to /spit on all the piggies so blizzard removed it because CAN'T HAVE THE PAY PIGGIES FEELING SADGE
Nobody really has a good answer. We all just nod and say "yeah I know" and then go back to our addiction. I'd say we're waiting for something good to come along to finally tear us away from this game but good games have already come and I've ignored them so that's just cope. The honest answer is inertia. Nobody wants to start over in another game because of what they've built in wow, but that's a circular self fulfilling prophecy of staying with wow for no good reason.
Because cultural marxists used the lawsuit as a springboard to perform a succesful coup and once they had power numerous longstanding grievances and personal vendettas were tossed onto the chopping block.
I went to ESO and stayed there for a while but jesus christ the content drip is molasses and over the years they homogenized the fun out of everything, also I don't like how they put so many resources into questing which is literally retard-tier in difficulty, sometimes it's like playing a VN with a bit more clicking and character movement
yup woke leftist grifters ruin everything...
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ive taken the full set/modified full set pill, makes life much easier. i really need a better tabard here though. earthen ring from cata matches colors decently but not theme
And now we've got Avatar knock-offs in TWW worshipping roots.
He really just can't stop doing it can he.
>You will return from whence you came, and you will report that Pandaria is a free land, that can not be subdued by any military means.
Sorry mon, best I can do is turning you into a slave of Zandalar.
i've had no trouble getting into heroics since I hit ~400, normals will take anybody. it's nothing like you described
I need to corrupt a virtuous holy Priestess
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This is your tank for today.
this npc meme literally exists because of influencie shitters who are either shit at the game or do not play the game so i wouldn't worry about it
>10.2: help the night elves defend the world tree
>11.2: help the not-night elves defend the underground world tree
pure... danuser... KINO
dawwwww :3
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>476 on my main Remix character
>No bronze discount on alts so basically forced to regrind if I want to play another character
why the fuck do you want to raid with another character?
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Specs that feel similar to shadow?
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>BfA mindbroke the writers so bad they tried just deleting the factions from the game and putting a dedicated night elf apology patch in every expansion afterwards
the devs didn't think through enough with remix and if they did they are genuinely evil

am confused
How is it Pandamonium can have so much death and destruction and no one complains but everyone complains about Betazeroth so much?

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they don't look like this
I think Metzen is just going through a Cameron phase, look at what he's doing to the goblins.
Is there an addon that automatically opens all your bank bags? This used to be a function in some other addon I cannot remember which got bricked when they updated the UI.
It's because nelves are a matriarchy that got genocided which makes all the nepotism hires in the writing room go 'they're just like me frfr'.
>Eyes of the beast
They will after sufficient goblin-human breeding
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Built to bully and love a human male.
what do goblins actually look like?
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this but unironically
lorewalker cho was kino
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My fleshlight is ready for adventure!
She looks like she.. I don't know, whatever
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Probably thinking that if he could get 95% upgrade discount on alts, it would be super fast to buyout all the vendors by doing heroic speedrun world tours on multiple characters a day.
They're saving anon from himself.

Remember that if you're farming the weapon appearances or wanting to buy ensembles or anything non-unique to remix, you can just solo speedrun the raids with your normal non-timerunner 70s without needing to grind out meme ilvl.
iirc it was that faggot NA tank that raided with method went on a twitter melty because someone spit on him in game and he was patched out very shortly after that
sounds crazy to modify such a big game for one tiny snowflake because their feefees were hurt but this is current year so it wouldn't surprise me
ofc its fake
it's actually the opposite and because streamers(asmon) were coordinating their viewers to harass randos
right that's what i thought

they should've permabanned him for rallying people to bully and harass others
What's Blizzard's intended/expected use for the /fart emote?
i dont think you're supposed to like that
and thats a man, baby!
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Testing out my Sylvanas lora, first image came out pretty good.
You fucking prick. You fucking arsehole. You disingenuous cunt. Fuck you. Fuck you, GrimpyTheAce. You fucking, lying, fucking cunt. No, I fucking didn't, you piece of fucking shit. Fuck you for saying that. Fuck you, you absolute fucking idiot. Fuck you, you cunt. Fuck you for saying that. You fucking piece of shit. Fuck you. Get the fuck out, you prick. Fuck you. Listen to you. Listen to your fucking words, you absolute prick. Fuck you. Fuck you. Get the fuck out, you prick. Get the fuck out. Coming on to my fucking chat and telling fucking lies like that. Fuck you. Get the fuck out. Who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking prick? What the actual fuck? You arsehole. You fucking arsehole. Get the fuck out.
What's happening to the goblins?
I need to impregnate an elf thot
they are going from funny capitalist monsters to cucked commies talking about worker rights and the proletariat
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I just wanna fish
orcel image, elves don't want to fuck orcs
gazlowe has always been like this and he gets paid; he just won't fuck his crew to enrich himself personally
gazlow care about his followers but now he is just a commie and he is infecting the other goblins
Need a blood elf gf.
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I'm a normal person. I'm perfectly fine. I do not harm others. I do not desire to harm others. Any crimes I may or may not be guilty of involve only myself. I transgress only against myself.

But if these creatures existed in real life. If memefox or any female vulpera existed in real fucking life. Every second, every minute, ever hour of every day would be dedicated solely and purely to devising and perfecting a plot to abduct and house these creatures for the sole intent of raping and breeding them until I die of exhaustion. I would not stop. I would be more successful as a person, even. Any job, anything that may wound my pride, or tire me, or stress me out- these petty things would be cast aside. I would suffer any labor just so that I might acquire the wealth and status and goods that would deliver me closer to achieving that singular goal. I would go so far as to physically modify myself. A strict diet and exercise routine. Anything that would strengthen and reinforce my cock and its ability to rape these vulpera.

You don't understand. It would be all consuming. You don't get it. Imagine god existed and he gave you a list, a duty. Imagine he gave you just one directive. Difficult, but completely accomplishable. Imagine god told you that to get to heaven, to taste the sweetest fruits of salvation all you had to do was one thing. Would you not do everything in your power to accomplish it? Would it not give your life such a purpose? An arrow loosed from a bow? Bullet fired from a gun? A singular direction, the thrumming battery of the heart beating for this one goal.

My heaven- my salvation lies in the abduction and interminable rape of memefox. Thank goodness she does not exist, then, for the monster that I would become. For the truth that I would make manifest.
Asmon is controlled opposition.
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I am gonna hide so many pants.
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need a windrunner gf
Can't you just press B twice for that?
Only Human Ret Paladins get to tap a Windrunner
rhonin and nathanos are not paladins
You're jelly because you don't have the brown necrolord set
>who is rhonin and anduin (nathanos lost)
>bad shit happened
>bad shit happened
Anduin has worn plate and wields a sword, which firmly moves him out of the Priest class
I don't understand the meme sorry
>strictly pvp dh
>500 ilvl
>want to upgrade these nigger voti rings for pvp
>2/3 +6 groups literally dont know their elbows from an asshole
im dying over here
i cant fucking take it
its driving me fucking insane
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what are you even trying to say schizo
any time a windrunner fucks anybody who is not a human ret paladin some bad shit happens to them
>same pictures day in and day out
get new material
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shut the fuck off
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shut up bitch
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>coming here enough to know this
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"... What did you say your name was again?"
Lmao fuck off you disingenuous retard. You can literally just click the previous thread and see the exact same images like this vulpera furslop >>482831408
Is this why Alleria has started to go bonkers ever since she began hanging out with Thrall?
>Resto/Balance druid
>Blood/Frost DK
>Ret/Prot Pal
alright enough flexing
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>coming here often enough to post the same pictures day in and day out
goes both ways fuckhead
why are americans like this?
I can only assume so. It's been a strong story thread for many expansions.
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Faithful and motherly goblin priest wife
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>Metzen comes back
>Immediately splits 1 game into 3
Why is he like this?
>everyone is the same person
it actually does not in this context, you buffoon
Hell yeah
every race needs to have a blonde hair option
Green fleshlight
i have b bound to something else as well as shift+b
if only the actually looked like this in game
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Kilaybay 14 years ago#7
See, it's dumb, then, because I ran WC three times the other day on a Warrior alt, rolled need three times on Kresh's Back, and lost the first two times to two different hunters. Are the rules different for low level instances?

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>losing the WC shield to two different hunters
I would actually uninstall the game
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I dont feel like it, if I take any more pictures of my characters Ill be labeled an avatarfag instead of someone who just randomly posts their mog
bros...fem undead are kinda qt
not really
theres one good face in classic and thats it
in the main game they're all rotting uggos and anyone losing their load over them is a retard thats consumed to much pornography and are treating their habits similarly to that of a heroin addict.
Why are DH tanks in M+ so feast or famine?
I either get a God or literally bricks the key in the first pull
... I want some MTN WOW
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>trying out aff lock on beta
>get my shit pushed in twice by a passing monk
>do little to no damage to them
>lose all interest in warlock
the spec is designed poorly at the end of the day
vdh has
>best stops in the game
>most broken mitigation mechanic: frailty
>people without a certain haste breakpoint and retards cant stack it fast enough for it to be useful
>worst threat
>most likely to die 3 seconds into a pull
its a shit spec and i wish it was buffed so that retards could play or deleted
fuck vengeance
nerf it into irrelevancy or make it retpala levels of easy
Can't comment on druid.

Sin/sub are both in dire straits design wise atm but if you're more of a + kinda gamer outlaw is fun and strong.

VDH just got run through the woodchipper. Havoc is one of the most boring specs in the game imo. But it is usually strong, and with VDH stocks plummeting it may be meta for +.

Ret is fun and strong with great group support utility (but no OP buff that people are going to hold a spot for). Prot Pal is fun but not nearly as strong. Might be the best tank to carry groups on tho?

DK is my class. Frost is fundamentally broken b/c Oblit and BOS have historically needed different things and so the spec tree is whack. TWW changes look VERY promising but also depends entirely on tuning. Blood is by far the most fun tank for me, and looks like it has a decent shot of being meta.
imagine the waifus...
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hey that's pretty cool
gives off some LOTR vibes
the shadowlands nathria plate set is a blessing for people who liked fur trimmed plate
that whole raid was a blessing, if not for CN everyone would've quit season 1
The worst expac has one of the best raids

Similar to WoD
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barely played my dk since legion desu
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Heh. He says "experiments" with a certain inflection cuz he gonna snort them.
Needs something to do when he's not getting people killed.
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This is what the light intended for every Human Paladin.
>Avatarfags all leave to play ER
>/wowg/ slows to a crawl
Crazy how dependent we are upon them.
What's an avatarfag?
zoomerspeak for mountain king unit from wc3
How retarded do you think I am
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the effects on the elite/mythic sets on antorus were cool but the chestpeices up until SL were so flat for plate armor
I'm an hc classic cryboomer but I really want to pvp I hear you can get bis for pvp and level to cap in like 24 hours played. Is this true? What class should I play
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How we looking, bros?
Safe horny
The class feels like it should just have been Havoc but they tacked on the Tank spec last minute.
I'm a long time tank player and VDH has the shittiest tank cds in the game. You have demon spikes which is meh, darkness which is meh, and you have a shitty magic damage resistance buff with immolate (10%).

As an example, the bird boss in AA just fucking rapes you since you have to just eat the stacks and hope to heal up in time before the next. You're like BDKs where 2s into the pull you're gonna get chucked, so hopefully you can get your souls rolling fast enough.

It's just badly made.
Yout utility is awesome though.
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Why the hell would you ever roleplay in Goldshire?
Where else would you RP if you're a half-elf alpha male worgen sissy who used to be part of the Scarlet Crusade before becoming an Alliance general?
collect different weapon skins
Does anyone actually roleplay like they used to 15 years ago, or is just the erp and then the trannyfaggots who don't rp at all, they're just there because all the trannyfaggot guilds are on the rp realms where they do their trannyfaggot parades?
>This Week in WoW:
>whole page....
>buncha bullshit...
>end of page... has the following at the end
>Coming back from a break or needing some information on getting started in World of Warcraft? Enjoy some tips and advice in a quick video guide from Taliesin and Evitel!

are you serious
these two faggot blizz dickriders got employed by blizzard?
If you visit a thread once you can see all the posts that were made earlier, and will have spent less time than the guy that keeps posting the same thing at all hours, which you can notice from timestamps.
speedrunning heroics, lf someone who can queue up as tank so I don't need to change specs
/w SpitfĆære-MoonGuard if you want to join
>prot pallies get two stacks of their free wog now
It's called outsourcing.
Anyone who was invited to the plunderstorm tourney is basically employed by blizz.
is the dlc out yet or what
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it's panda girl pee
do you also wonder where the water comes from when it comes out of your shower head?
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Immerseus, do the fucking raid.
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You're god damn right
Maye status?
no, i know where that comes from
an aquifer deep under my house
in terms of worth ending up where you're your own booster is by far the best and easiest "goldmaking" going on right now. and if tww prepatch isn't simple tap the elites to level cap like the last one was you should really be leveling everything you have time for.

increasing the threads/bronze on queued stuff means you can just do that and world bosses if you want. really with that latest change by the time you clear most of the drops from those places you'll be plenty geared for normal anything.

normals don't ask for much since one person on about the 3rd to last weopon upgrade can do all the damage for almost everything in about 3 minutes or less and do tons of healing too with not much damage dropoff. quite a bit of the heroics seem to be like a few man teams where everyone else is just expected to hit the defensive minimums and not die while maxing speed. gear levels for mythic siege are kind of the same deal with people just taking reasonable bodies.

you can queue multiple wings along with the dungeons and scenarios. by the time i'm done with both difficulties on the quick ones the raids are starting to stack up. if you're doing anything else in the world queue times aren't a big deal and won't have hardly anyone who cares if you have to lag behind in most places.

it's too low friction with too much to collect. the normal rat brain day one players who think they'll be left behind on the gear curve if they don't no life it with the good players are actually getting done and gone now. the only better environment you'll find to play blizzard wow than remix now would be in alpha where most of the retards are afraid a dev might be around and people are generally nice and polite.
Should I do mop remix to level alts or just wait for the prepatch?
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does soul harvester's demonic soul apply to every enemy hit by the initial spell or just your target?
Alright smart guy now tell me this.
Where is the Terrace of Eternal Spring? and I don't mean the entrance portal.
you should. you can level to max in 6-8 hours if you're dps and going slow. if you level up a trial account with a tank (i recommend bm monk) and then trial-boost yourself you could easily do it in 3-4 hours. if you ever wanted characters for heritage sets, to build an army for warband for tww, or anything of the sort now is the time.
should i give miyazaki 40 dollarydoos for the dlc or what
whats the wowg verdict
lost to Tina
I think its fun
maye said he dumped her THO
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>Ret pally's finally good

Where the fuck is he?
hes dead dumbass
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Question is which one was first?
I refuse to believe this is going to last.
Either scaling is going to fuck it up or they're going to nerf it.
mccuck is alive, unfortunately
>34 minute que for 1900 mmr solo shuffle at prime time
>starting mmr is damn close 1800
I miss Trollanon.
Probably the former is gonna happen. But I would be happy with the spec just being viable for once in a long time.
she said she was never with him
ive also noticed his absence
wonder what hes up to
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Said his sub expired and taking a break a few days ago. Left a comic again.
Fucking keked.
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oh no....
Ok futard
having 2 heroic leaps in remix is fun, they should give it charges normally
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i dont do futa anymore.
ive had enough.
im not gay.
Isn't there a talent to have 2 charges?
there was a leggo called the leaper that allowed you to have 3 charges tho
fucking kino
and you all said sl was shit
how wrong you are.
Kek. I knew it was your coping ass.
No gooner/gooning?
The end of an era...
You're saying she's lying?
is this canon?
>branch-swinging whore
>perfectly honest and true
no, she would never lie
not a chance
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>wither deals 50% increased damage but its duration is 25% shorter
>permanent corruption talent
Those are in-game cutscenes so yes!
i'm playing it and it's just more of the same, not that it's a bad thing but eh
how exactly does shadow magic like mind blast and mind flay even deal damage to a person? is shadow word: pain wearing a man down by inflicting artificial pain by manipulating his nervous system, some kind of illusion magic like mind control and mind soothe?
or is mind flay like telekinetically inflicting necrosis on healthy brain cells and causing brain death
alexstrasza is so perfect
how about those shaman changes?
maybe they buffed them too much
How does light deal damage? Like bro just close your eyes lmao
cringe af
Damn bro she hurt you this bad? Lmao.
>branch-swinging whore
Nigger someone could dump you for a cockroach and it would still be considered moving up.
shadow priest is making the enemy go 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M LITTERALLY GOING INSANE HELP ME NIGGERMAN AAAAAAAA' until their brain ceases all function
The mentally ill freak is larping and talking to itself again
Kinda fucked up to talk shit about your friends like that man
I imagine it's a mix of all 3. Like shadow corruption causing physical damage to the brain, and at the same time it's targeting pain receptors, and plaguing the target with hallucinations/illusions, to make it as painful as possible the whole time you're being killed.
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IM not m*ye shitheads but you niggers will believe anything
as a third party i actually like tina and wish she would drop tranny fantasy and come back and post her chracters
ive enjoyed here pictures from time to time
I love my knotwife Assumi.
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you're not playing the elden ring dlc?
wtf is wrong with you homo
tell you what
get your fucking mouse fixed and we pump out some glad mounts dh/ret/xhelaer
lets go faggot
what else are you going to do
Poor dude wants to diddle kids but meanie society won't let him :(
I did for like 6 hours then my attention span shit itself then I played VTMB for a bit then logged on WoW to make that shitty image
Turns out the dlc is kind of hard on a character thats fresh ng+
>go to isle of thunder
>any time I see a rare on my minimap it's dead inside 3 seconds
>hear nalak yell
>meteor chip over there
>deadstop midair
>dies before I'm anywhere close
Yeah this was an official WoW social media post, i think i first saw it on their youtube community thing but it's probably on twitter and instagram aswell
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It's been like 2 or 3 days, you do not.
Correct, taking a break.
Still making an occasional lurk, just not saying much.
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>being trans vs be normal
New player here, whats the min. ilvl for Mythic 0+?
>likes tina
oh no no no
>be clownmog chad
>everyone accuses you of being gay and forces you to wear boring complete sets
Did you also follow the others to xiv?
480/490 pretty safe but people are also elitist so it depends on what class you are
cock bulge customisations coming in midnight
all they need to do is to announce a shaman rework for a build like they did for hunters. thats all. hunters were the same and within 1 build they turned to kino
i main belf but that wouldnt fit the narrative
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Fuck no, I still don't care for FF as a franchise. Definitely not investing in another MMO.
I went to Mario Golf and Halo.
>i main belf
Nta but post her?
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>Ran some m0s with friends
>Just going through the motions
>Can't stop thinking about [thing I'm procrastinating on] to enjoy it
>Too nervous about fucking up to actually [do the thing] and get it over with
End me...
Just another day in the life.
We never were together and I never said we were a thing either. But damn close with a lot of trust.
Now kindly please stop talking about interpersonal relationships that you're not a part of. It's no different than streamershit spam, and you all hate that.
>They aren't in the imaginary Mayecord
>Missing out on all the Trollanon one could want
Trollanon posts some real banger comics that are exclusive premium privilege to 'Cord members. (The Mayecord does not exist. I do not own a server.)
It's incredible that they eat up anything posted. You didn't even try to talk like me! Good job anyway.
Woulda been top tier b8 if you posted a Male Worg though.
Are you playing Halo with a fucking Wii controller?
>Spartan colours almost exactly match Trolls
Based consistency
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bros where is the friggen support!!
Playing tank. Dealing with elitists suck indeed
>Playing tank
Just make your own group and you can probably do it at 475
why are none of the off topic posts getting deleted but nsfw goes within a minute or two?
I'm having so much fun with turtle wow and other private servers. Why are you guys still paying actiblizz to play their leftist californian slop when classic wow when the game was good that you can play for free is right there
>california trannies bad!
>russian trannies good!
When is my wife Sylvanas coming back?
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>turtle wow
Isn't that the tranny pserver? For trannies?
>haven't been doing troves of the thunder king this whole time
>mention private servers
>retailtards start screeching about trannies for some reason
It's classic wow with none of the new political crap, and it's free.
What is that?
isle of thunder from MoP, it's a scenario you enter once a week with the key to the palace of lei shen. I think it's once a day on remix.
the big chests give a guaranteed spool, I finished the scenario with 8 assorted green / blue / purple spools. I'm guessing you can get like 15 if you route it properly.
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I played some pservers with the old client, had 50-60 fps max on average.
Meanwhile on beta, I get 120+ with raytracing on high.
anon, you didn't get the memo? going slow is about 4-5 hours, trial-boost (or just being lucky with heroic queue) is 2 hours max if you also do normal raids for massive +exp%.
I'm regularly getting 5k - 7k threads from it + the reward from daily scenario quest which it completes as well. And it takes 5 minutes! (7 with travel time)
fuck off sheena
fastest way to level to 70 on mopremix as an alt? my main in mopremix is pretty slow, has some exp boosts from the original cape i guess.
she is anduin's wife now
Do not loot Bonus XP items or Complete Dungeon Quests
10-25 run 8 Random HC Dungeons
25 Complete Normal MV Raid (each boss gives +12% permanent exp bonus to cloak)
26-35 run 6 Random HC Dungeons
35 Complete Normal HOF
36-40 run 2 Random HC Dungeons
40 Complete Normal TOES
41/42 Cash all XP items from mail and ding 70
should be useful. apparently our remix characters will have their inventories flushed when they go to live. so I have to grind 2 more characters up because I want all the world drop and green appearances.
i just do the dailies to an acceptable bonus xp level and before i was 5 characters deep i would do one of the zones for the reward and thats enough to put you around 65-70 after a three or four days worth of bonus xp from raid finder
you could do it faster if you want to deal with the spics farming xp threads out of normal modes up to you
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thank you anony
>turtle wow
I liked turtle wow since they did what blizzard should have done and added high elves for the Allaince from the start desu
It really was the full on LOTR experience with the alliance consisting of humans, dwarves, gnomes, nelfs and helfs, fucking kino
ENABLE "fast loot" in this addon's options
TICK THE BOXES for looting poor/white quality items
DISABLE auto-loot in the blizzard's default interface menu
(^that's all four bonus experience item IDs)
>put you around 65-70 after a three or four days
lmao even
this >>482862038 takes 2h max to get 70, and you skip the worst scaling levels entirely (60-70)
idt normal modes are anything to stress over. MSV is literally impossible to die, you can go 1/0/9 with a party of only 25s in there and the only thing that might kill anyone is annihilate. part of it is people who rolled mainstat spools from their first set of dailies, and all the stam, 25s can eat boss melee
heart of fear isn't much worse but if your group is shit, like filled with poorly scaled 60s, the MCs on ambershaper might get you. again because of stam threads people can stand in wind bombs and under garalon and nothing will happen.
Have they said anything about how dragonflying is gonna work going into TWW?
I skipped dragonshyte and plan on keeping it that way, don't even want to step into that piece of shit zone, hope you don't need to go there to learn the flying.
>Where is the Terrace of Eternal Spring? and I don't mean the entrance portal.
That's nothing new. Where's Warsong Gulch? Where's Alterac Valley? Where's Ulduar?
has remix gave anyone else a new appreciation of mop?

back in the day i thought it was kind of meh, le silly pandas but its actual pretty sovlful
dont care i actually play the game so i dont have the free time to dick around on funserver
i dont think its difficult thats not the problem, if it takes me 5-10 minutes to get a +10 on retail at max 528ilvl i can only imagine how long it takes to get into a raid comp with meme mode poopsockers, i just get the welfare bux and go on about clearing my daily shit
quite the opposite, I fucking hate this expansion even more now
pandas are dumb
garrosh is cartoonish
instances sucks - rehashed classic ones are the only good ones, new mop instances are terrible and intentionally slow you down with tons of boring rp
only good raid is ToT
transmog sets are ugliest of all expansions
zones are mediocre (karsnag) to terrible (kunlai)
overall 4/10 pretty meh expansion
I always thought it was pretty good. Remix has for sure made me hyped for mop classic. I think all those raids are fantastic and I'm itching to reprog them and actually see the mechanics again as opposed to blowing up the boss in 10 seconds. Durumu and ji'kun especially are such well designed bosses. ToT is such a kino raid.
It literally takes 1 minute to get into normal raid as low level character in remix, everyone is doing it and scaling makes you more valuable than 70
list a group and call it "crappers welcome" or something to that effect. it will fill within a minute or two every time. I do this because I don't want to even know what retarded requirements people are considering for their levelling zerg rush groups.
Even with all the client hacks and tools and shit I can get 500+fps one moment and then drop to 20fps every time I face the camera to the east or whatever it is
yeh im not really interested in cata but wanna go hard on mop classic
I just finished a Mythical 0, it was very fun! Some DPS dude was pulling unnecessary mobs and suiciding but it worked all good in the end! Got me a Keystone 2
god i wish i were my dracthyr
i wish you were your dracthyr
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>it's another episode of arcane is meta (sunfire) so a ton of faggots are rerolling but will inevitably abandon it after a patch of doing sub-heal sub-tank dps
post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
well done anon, dps being retarded is the average experience.
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>mine some nodes going place to place
>get crumbs
>crush crumbs into dust with prospecting
>have enough crumbs to make 5 shitspoons that I'll get no levels from
>am now 1/18th of the way to making one (1) that'll increase my profession
now I remember why I don't bother with this garbage.
>get profession to max level in DF
>now have to grind knowledge each week for 6 months before I can start to REALLY use the profession
>want to have a profession on alt? lmao
who the fuck thought this was a good idea...
Do why did blizzard decide to cater to chinks and el jibbity folx instead of regular white people?
>money from chinks
>chinks are assertive so they get no wokeness
>whites are weak, faggots do what they please because what are you going to do about it?
>we're pozzing your game and there's nothing you can do
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Ironic coming from an attention whoring pedophile. Why haven't you killed yourself yet and took your ugly shit oc with you? You're a grown man, is this the only way you can get attention? Fat, pathetic nigger.
More like
>get the ESG bux
>trannyfaggots will buy anything at any price when you paint rainbow on it
you're thinking of a mirror
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Uh oh, butthurt I said the naughty "T" word? I'm not a pedo, sorry I don't fit in with your clique.
>Why haven't you killed yourself yet and took your ugly shit oc with you?
Because tanking you has been amazing for my parse. We're going on over a year strong on this boss fight, and I'm still alive. Nerf warlock tanks, amirite?
>is this the only way you can get attention
Yes. Because you keep giving it to me. I've got full aggro, and all it takes is one post to cast Taunt.
>Fat, pathetic nigger
I'm white, 6'2", and 160 lbs. I am a lanky stringbean. Make fun of me more accurately.

Keep it coming bro, lemme know when you're gonna hit your Enrage phase again.
>upgrading gear on a 2nd remix character
hoooooly shit thats boring
first time doing the flame event
how do i input those large lists of coordinates from wowhead comments into TomTom?
2 months
Reaching Shadowlands numbers.
''Regular'' white people grew out of WoW, the ones still playing became one of the three following groups :
Fat terminally online failures who trooned out due to wanting to be the little girl from their anime.
The henpecked liberal / centrist liberal dad / mom who might not necessarily like the changes but they are confirming to the views of their social circle because it's the path of least resistance or they just don't care.
The mazerat that is fuming every day at the game but cannot quit because they're afraid a gulag guard will shoot them if they let their sub expire. Only an eventual permaban will free him.
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When do we get warlock tanks bros... it's not fair...
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Everyone is playing the better game...
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It's so over... This time WoW is truly dead... Retail is dead... Death...
Is that towliee's grandpa?
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Just bee yourself.
If he stopped responding to you, you'd start false flagging your own posts.
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why is Li li mad at you?
make a macro
or get a macro addon that lets you put more than 255 characters into macro
Will they be adding a mechanic to glaze femtroll feet in TWW? Not buying it otherwise.
>check Towelliee stream
>Tarisland has Mage Tower-like challenges
It's over.
lol they are even copying names from warcraft
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>hammer muradin
they aren't even fucking trying
China is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of white men.
>It's okay when WoW copy things from other games
Oh thank you. :)
So do I. I've done alot of the archeology minigame to get most of the cosmetics from it. The pieces work so well with lots of mogs.
it's true! I really love the chest. The fact the belt stays over a tabard is so good. I often get compliments on my mogs with it.
Shortly after that, he fought a spider-humanoid thing which was called "Nerubian" something.
best class for level 20 trial account twink on remix?
know any such addon?
or get "HandyNotes Fire Festival" if all you care about is having map icons for the event
Priest for Holy Nova.
Are you excited about tww?
I'm more excited for tarisland than tww disaster
I'm more excited for palworld than the woke within
SoD already put a nail in retail's coffin anyway
I'm in a hipster coffee shop in Los Angeles right now. Everyone around me is buzzing with news of the latest Final Fantasy XIV expansion. An older gentleman just gave his name as "Dawntrail" to the barista and winked at him, and the barista laughed and explained how all of his friends and family also play.

This is really looking grim for WoW.
So.. kind of like women?
Their men aren't popular so you might be onto something
Because I came too quickly
Hey, I'm in the same joint! Were you the guy with manbun and green manskirt?
finally 476 and now i can farm the rest of the mounts
>Autist goes and explains how his friends and family play a nerd game without being asked
Yes. Clearly we are the losers.
she is actualy naked and covered in cum below
>uuuuuuuum guys im in a hipster caffe
>and im talking about videos games there
>they talk about final fnatasy there
>umm guys, why are you calling me a loser
>you're the losers
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>fires of Azeroth includes flame warden of Outland
She called me names and I couldn't help it
isn't holy nova bretty bad because it does zero aggro and mobs don't stick to you when you rush to boss while spamming it? mistweaver monk with spining kick seems better as 20 lvl boost char
who crashing ook party?
we gonna ook all night
>Pandaren got a case of the spooky-dooks!
>Dooks get scared sometimes, don't wanna come out. Poor, fluffy mopey-dopes must be ready to explode by now!
>This just the thing to bring 'em out. That make pandaren happy for sure!
>Just like ol' gramma used to say: can't THROW if can't GO!
what did they mean by this?
ESLs or retards, we may never know
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man do i despise this community sometimes
why is he even crying about this
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>play a mode specifically designed to make players overpowered
>complain that overpowered players are onshoting everything
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>he wants to learn a new class rotation in remix
is he disabled or what
You all deserve each other.
I remember watching this mexican hobo yell at his guild in mop. like literally just mock and laugh at his raid team to his stream.

only kungen has done the same; laugh at people who quit their top 1% guilds to carry his sad ass
Ava fagging is one thing, doing so as a fem human means you're insecure about your ERP addiction, the fact you 'flirt' with all your 'friends', and that amid a fantasy world, you think girls with dicks is the most amazing thing
Unironically: goldshire is 70% tourists, 20% "ironic" pvpers afking in between solo queues cause they have no friends, and 10% quiet trials bothering no one
>everyone playing tarisland
whoo would have thought that people want to try out a new game
will be dead again like all the other hyped new super duper mmos
"if only they looked nothing like goblins"
classic monsterfucker. doubly-so cause tier 3 is only worn by tryhard toxic niggers
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So I can't get the keys to open these vaults in remix?
>I want to learn the class
>I will main it
Does he have a gun to his head or what
>everyone playing tarisland
i'm so exitred to play Tarisland right now holy fukkk i'm shaking
What is the most fun Warlock spec in Season 4? I played Destro in Season 3 and it was okay but I feel like learning something new instead of spamming Chaos Bolt and ROF for the next 6 weeks.
Game of the century for sure
i'm off my meds and all your text only posts are boring as fuck. start using images or i'll spam your shitty RETOILER thread with avatarfag AI crap
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there has still yet to be a better Monk set
has asmongold alraedy played tarisland
He said it was the game of the decade and also the real WoW killer this time
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asmon doesnā€™t support the ccp
wtf is the difference between normal and heroic raids on remix?
bronze gain
more epic gear
Dude is having a hard time finding facial expressions that don't betray how horribly he's been aging
fucking based i'm liking these ccp devs already
this general is unbaitable because it's just bots posting
for a guy that lives in filth and eats nothing but fast food heā€™s actually aging pretty well
No he isn't. He is 34 which means his shit life hygiene is finally killing him in fast forward
you're imagining it
Two more years
>The people who made the game you loved as a kid have been replaced by californians
Damn those (((californians)))
ive seen a lot of dh not take soulcrush which would explain how they die at all
this is why we revolt and main Tarisland
why does it feel like twitch is dying and declining?
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>switched from human female to night elf female on my rogue
>70% more fun gameplay
so what's the reasoning behind making all brokers sound like a bunch of nafris?
Best class to Goon while playing a goblin?
priest or shaman

Time to farm the new FOMO items at 10AM PST
Maid outfits will save world of warcraft
Yeah but the chinks were clever enough to make it available on mobile, so it will survive and probably make mad cash.
Looks like tarisland is the wow killer
speedrunning old ass dungeons and raids is not fun he is absolutely right
Why those?
>speedrunning old ass dungeons and raids is not fun he is absolutely right
why are you trolling, nobody is "reliving" these dungeons when you do them everyday
>play WoW
>it shoves hags and niggers in your face every 5 seconds
>play Tarisland
>surrounded by hot nymphs and not a single nigger npc in sight
why is the CCP bad again?
I'm packing up and moving to China, fuck the West
chronic masturbators play these classes, theyre built for gooning because blizzard knows those people play them
Nothing wrong with hags
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>no fat retarded tarisland orcs to mating press them
nice screamer
we live in a world where a mobile slop made for 8 year olds is going to kill world of warcraft. this is how out of touch blizz got to its playerbase that people are giving this a try.
>3 ebgs premades in a row
yea probably getting muted after the things i have uttered
premade players really should just die
literally die kill themselves die die die
how am i supposed to play holy priest in keys when no one stands in proximity to each other
waht does proximity even mean
>make chocolate elf paladin
>taran zhu keeps saying pandaria is better off without me and I need to go back where I came from
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>Weā€™re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single Battle.net account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.
> Only the first attempt on a single Battle.net account will be eligible to receive the item drop
I don't like this, I got the rocket of love just because I was spamming the dungeon with my 40 alts for the proto drake armor.
nvm just googled it, its an engineering landmine. this retard is using engineering in keys and thinks it matters lmao.
>its another "tank who thinks we can do large pulls because he personally can survive them" kind of episode
If they die, they die
It could've just been about dwarves...
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Welcome the Chinese century
It's a shame they can't make good games. Maybe if proper devs work for them it will be glorious.
that still funnels into being my problem
>it's another solo every boss from 40% because the help keeps standing in the fire episode
>Okay lets check out this dogshit game
>Pick Priest healslut
>Unironically have fun healing dungeons

That moment when some chinks have better understanding of healing class than Blizzard with their 20y of experience.
My heals are fucking chuncky and fun to spam and bosses dont zero my teammates HP in one second, making me react or prepare for incoming moderate damage.
Feels fucking fun, especially after my dogshit hpally main that pushes HP bars like a snail.
have you tried not playing the worst healer in wow? holy priest in wow already does what you just claimed to enjoy
Casuals ruin everything. They're mentality is that they should be able to put in less effort and get the same rewards as people who grind heavily.
honestly I agree with the change but not right now because I only have 2 days of wow left and I will not get it.
Grinding isn't fun retard. Reducing meaningless grinding is good. Gutting challenging content is not.
people do not yet realize how useless Californian millennials are at utterly everything but soon they will, when all the senior Blizz staff is slowly exiting Blizzard and they are having to fill in these invaluable positions with Calishitter millennial frappuccino trustfund trannys more and more
dont forget the pajeets. but more than that its also their value and beleife systems. The original crew who made these games valued making a good game people would enjoy more than most other concerns. The newer generation of devs come in two camps, one prioritizes profits over everything, and the other prioritizes ensuring that what makes them feel good is present. Notice how neither of those puts making an ejoyable game at the forefront, its make money or send a message.
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>draenei in wod taken in as refugees
>allowed to become the majority and declares jihad on the orcs
Why does every other MoP raid with outdoor locations physically exist in the world, and ToES is the only pocket dimension inside a wall among its peers?
eredar/draenei are just an evil race, that's why they became the legion main race
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How big are their roles in TWW?
khadgar is dead
turalyon is too busy leading sw
the other 2 are literal who
only alleria is relevant
it's crazy how it took them untill legion to add turalyon and alleria to the game for how important they were desu
keyword desu
their blonde haired blue eyed son will lead the orc genocide in wow 2 inshallah
>ilvl should be normalized
Not for M+ or any real endgame, but Blizzard should consider this more, and disable secondary effects like trinkets, set bonuses and legendary effects where they do. For example, Torghast could've been a game inside the game if they normalized everything and maybe stripped away some of class kit to tune it more tightly and make people rely on powers.
Has anyone got that image of WoW (over the Flash) in front of the grave of several previous WoW killer MMO's, including WoW itself?
I've seen it everywhere for years and could've sworn I had it saved, yet now no matter what I search where it just won't appear.
Casuals are the only people who care about cosmetic rewards from holiday bosses, so of course Blizzard should tailor the loot system to them.
Do you think you're some kind of elite hardcore mega gamer because you ran Shadowfang Keep 50 times a day? lmao

That would just turn it into CM, which was never as popular as M+. People like doing dungeons for gear. Absolute dogshit take.
>People like doing dungeons for gear. Absolute dogshit take.
That's the thing about the people doing race to world first or really high keys, they don't want any kind of reward from it. It's weird they don't understand they are not relevant to the game.
given the changes they are playing with in Remix, most power comes frmo tinker gems, and the completely differnet game mode from Plunderstorm I wouldnt be surprised if they are thinking about manipulating Delves in future expansions to work like that. Very Normalized and you have to rely on stuff acquired and usable only within delves to finish them.
At this point maybe RWF should just be done on tournament realms like MDI/TGP are so they can start with the best gear and skip all the degenerate "splits" and doing 200 keys in the first week nonsense.
>That's the thing about the people doing race to world first or really high keys, they don't want any kind of reward from it.
I don't think this is completely true, it's more that they don't want the reward to be player power. I don't think anyone is saying do away with prestige titles or mounts. Decoupling the times ultra- competitive parts of the game from player power is generally good because it makes participation totally optional.
>People like doing dungeons for gear
Lmao, no, people just like getting gear period. Blizzard has proved this over and over again, players will flock to whatever the best source of gear is whether or not they like doing it, see the huge uptick in PvP participation at the start of SL when it was the only deterministic source of gear.
That would be the best.

>I don't think this is completely true
They just want their e-fame.
>They just want their e-fame.
Basically. I'm sure that's part of what motivates most ultra-competitive people.
And that's completely fine but they need to fucking understand the game is not about them, they literally want to kill the game because they think they know better.
Absolutely not. It's a community event, I would rather it stay that way and not have blizzard fuck it up any more than they already do.
I think I have some rare as fuck mounts because I ran the holiday dungeons 10 times a day for years. With the new method of acquiring these two things will happen, they will lose any prestige they had associated with their rarity and anyone who does not have them has no way to incresase their chances.
Mmo's are built around grinds. Grinding levels, professions, mats, honor, io, mounts, etc, etc.
based and correct
chocolate elves belong in the brothers of the old world.
This picture makes no sense
How is prot warrior and vengeance dh looking in tww?
The thunder avatar thing for warrior looks dope.
Right but I guess my point is that particular take is an extreme outlier even among that group of people. But I also think it's good that player power rewards stops increasing at +10 (arguably even at +8).
VDH looks like it's deliberately gutter trash for the first season at least. Prot War will probably be at least good but hard to say until tuning is finalized.
>they will lose any prestige
Nigga, it's an RNG drop. You won a scratch off ticket, you didn't climb mount Everest.
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>>482896769 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>482896769 (You) (Cross-thread)
>>482896769 (You) (Cross-thread)
How fucked 1 to legion?
VDH has gone from a squishy tank with great control to a squishy tank with less control Prot war is prot and im going to keep playing it because i tank for a static M+ team.
every singe npc is white, just unreal
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nigga its a 3 button phone game, shut up
i want to level my warlock for TWW but she's not a Remix character, is it retarded to level in DF right now when Remix is so fast?
If you really want to play the current game you should lvl on retail, if you don't care about current content lvl on remix.
the hunter rotation literally has two CD's more than WoW's kek
i dont want to play the current game i just want my lock ready for tewawi, and to keep the same name
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Then lvl on remix my nigga
the char is level 60 already dont you need to create a whole ass new toon for remix?
yes but you never said it was a lvl 60
just wait till the next timewalking week and spam until youre 70
I like back pieces but we really need a toggle to let them show our weapons while wearing them
Where is Bow Sylvanas and Shield Faerin? What about Warglaives Illidan?
Oh yeah yesterday i noticed there were other colors for that pet when i accidentaly mounted someone else's gryphon and turned into a red baby one
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uhh bros?? I thought Squally was trans??? what am I supposed to be outraged about now????
With level 20 scaling and a handful of threads, holy nova will one shot most trash.
If some trash survives, and manages to aggro onto someone else near you, Searing Light tinker should've applied an aoe explosion buff to the party member(s) which will definitely finish off the mobs.
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>As a reminder, Squally, the first trans battle pet, used they/them pronouns. Disappointingly it seems Blizzard hasn't continued this trend with the other three, who are all cisgender.
>only character customization is skins
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WE STAN GENDERFLUID SEAGULL!!!! she is loved and above all SHE IS VALID!!!!!
this is not written anywhere on that page
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ez ban
nah i also did this several times
well you're not going to get banned if no one reports you

can't blame him
this shield goes great with my bikini slutmog :)
people often whispered me "reported" and bla bla bla but nothing ever happened
I have autism. Ret or BM?
Ret. You must carry the Torch.
You need to farm currency on a shield using char to use the shield cosmetic otherwise it doesn't work

Thanks, Ion
you can always tell someones seething when they type "reported"
bretty gringe
good feeling desu
>Can't play as the stupid sexy tumblr FA Tauren
>Has no Draes
>Chose to sand off even more texture off of their models than WoW
>Silhouettes even softer and rounder than Worlo already is
>Even less convincing execution of themes of war, sacrifice and hardship
I had big hopes but I can't even coom to this shit, I'm better off waiting for the Harronir porn anims.
I've never met a WoW player who lived in a clean home.
I'm Hordemaxxing
I live in a clean home, my mom is very good at tidying up
so whatre you fags doing in the game
im grinding elite in shuffle
its pretty miserable honestly every game is aff/dev/sp and the ques are 30 minutes on average
thinking about throwing 3 lobbies or so in a row to tank mmr on an alt and just blast against people in the shitter leagues haha
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i didn't play my main in legion (fdk) so im doing the class hall questline for the mounts and occasionally doing +6/+7 for the crests
thats a really good questline
one of the few ive actually enjoyed
Leveling hunter in mopmix because survival is kino in tww
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daaaang that's nice i'm'a copy paste that into a text file so i dont forget

thanks wowfren

we eatin' gooooooood!
when do you guys think will we get another stat squish? we will do millions of damage in tww
is this an addon
Ion already said MIDWOKE for squish of some kind
Midnight. By the end of Midnight we'll right back to where we are right now.
This exact process has happened like 4 times now and Ion still hasn't learned his lesson with these colossal ilvl jumps every season.
How did the Windrunner sisters end up completely reshaping and steering Azeroth's future? Are they the most powerful women in wow?
i haven't played with these priests and i've never heard of any rule like that. i don't think threat is much more than who does the most dps without a real taunt interaction. if you do the most damage you're the tank until the tank or tank pets step in with their abilities. those tank abilities to hold threat aren't easy to overcome in a short time like dps decays and can flip back and forth quickly if someone stops. if you're making a second new account you can experiment with this stuff on for yourself. i think you have to enable it but details can show it.

in pandaria for remix it's old rules for chasing so it isnt going to leash back on anyone until the first person gets detached through dying or porting. if someone else is being attacked it's usually going to be because they pulled it off the lead. otherwise it'll run all the way behind them. if you were to do something like tank queue lfr with a fresh 70 just don't taunt or touch anything first.
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yea BtWQuests, it tracks all questlines available for an expansion, you only need the main addon if you want the current expansion i think and then for older ones you need to download the extension, it's pretty neat
people like high elves since they are fucking hot, so people are natually going to like the three windrunner sisters
blizzard knows people love them so they constantly give them screentime, though usually it is only one a time desu, while the pretend the other 2 don't exist (like what they are doing with Allerria in TWW and how Vereesa and Sylvanas will just be completely MIA)
that's freaking sick! thanks anon!
Sylvanas is busy getting ready for our marriage.
god I wish I was anduin
Sylvanas is returning in MIDWOKE to defend her home Silvermoon, so blatantly obvious
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the wife
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>update b.net
>see this
It's so heavily discounted because I am already such a good pigger ...... I am the reason why the game sucks. :(
hope she brings kael'thas with her desu
she cant sylvanas is alive so she can go in and out like we do or the other characters
explain the moonberry and other ardenweald trannys showing up in the emerald dream then
Anduin is marrying el ogro nigro.
*leans in and kisses monitor*
the dream is connected to ardenweald and the dream is not azeroth but another plane
I donā€™t understand why itā€™s called the ā€œFrenemiesā€ bundle
itā€™s just a bunch of cats and shit
2 more weeks, just like Turalyon!!!
Those are natural denizens of ardenweald, not dead souls. Kael would need some bullshit like ysera to return.
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cats and dogs
Hows the dk class hall?
then why was malfurion forced into the shadowlands cuckshed for ysera to appear in the emerald dream if she has always been assosicated with the emerald dream, her title literally "the dreamer"?
>Those are natural denizens of ardenweald
not him but thats not true they are all former souls from other planets like droman aliothe came from a planet destroyed by the legion

because ysera went to azeroth first not just the dream, remember she was around on release when you did the campaign
Why doesn't he just resurrect at a spirit healer?
>Malfurion comes back from Ardenweald
>heā€™s finally going to be an actual character that does stuff
>Midnight events start
>story dictates that we need Kael back
>Malfurion offers himself as tribute
>Kael switches places with Malfurion
>another expac with Malfurion in gay baby jail
would be funny
the only good one in there is the housecat
wenlo is ok i guess
Why kael when vereesa and lorthemar exist
I don't think that's all of them. The upper eschelon of characters that are tied closely to the leaders i believe are just constructs similar to the leaders. Like the stoneborn and nathrezim are made by denathrius they're not all reformed souls.
ok that make sense
because Blizz still needs to atone for hitting him with the villain bat
the expansion is about uniting the blood/high/void elves
there is 0 chance the blood elves would ever be ok with vereesa as their united leader, and 0 chance the high elves would ever be ok with lor'themar as their united leader, same shit with void elves and umbric etc
the only person who makes sense would be a redeemed kael'thas who all the thalassian elves could follow desu
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Finally cleaned my room/washed all my bedsheets after not doing any of that for 6 months and I feel so much better now
they arent redeeming kael, he doesnt exist anymore in their minds. you still cant even use him as your bnet avatar because of the controversy
what controversy
his voice actor was accused of sexual assault (later acquitted) but blizzard spent no time waiting on the verdict because this was around the same time as the lawsuit against them
the world needs new laws against this kind of thing

it's sick to reduce a person's entire life and accomplishments to one single lie like this and destroy them
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>you still cant even use him as your bnet avatar because of the controversy
I thought I was going crazy when I couldn't find him, they have some of the most literally fucking who characters but no Kael'thas, what the actual fuck?
Lorthemar for belves. Vereesa/silver covenant for high elves
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Lorewise why are Blood Elves still in Horde?

>Illidan, Kael Thas and Arthas are dead
>More common with Alliance since they fought in the 2nd War and Kirin Tor are High Elves.
Play remix
Do the horde krasarang campaign
they considered leaving the Horde in MoP but then Jaina committed total Sunreaver death and those talks fell apart
nowadays who fuckinā€™ knows
>lore wise
who cares, blizzard literally just makes shit up and retcons everything to justify
the actual reason is due to asians wanting a pretty race to play on as Horde, that is literally it as has been comfirmed by multiple former developers
Just give up on that regard.

t. someone who used to care about lore and characters
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>the actual reason
The actual reason is that wow is a fucking static MMO and they can't make changes like that because it will fuck up every established system, so it's just not worth the effort.
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would be ideal but at the same time it would deny the rights of an employer so i see why it doesn't exist
they probably would have deleted him from shadowlands too if they could which might not have been such a bad thing in hindsight
What the fuck does Ion even do? Are we sure he doesn't have a no work job from his cia contractors?
no shit, the damage is done now and won't ever change
what I said is the reason why the nonsensical lore rape even happened in the first place
>What the fuck does Ion even do?
Run the game into the ground.
This. Blood Elves are in the Horde, so their guards, mounts, achievements, PVP, and everything else is locked to the Horde. Changing this would be a pain in the ass and piss off a bunch of players (imagine being forcibly faction changed) so Belves are locked to the Horde forever.
doomer hours
Getting forgotten is the best thing that can happen to old-guard characters. We're in the WoW equivalent of NuWars.
big truth

gotta wait for the next book burning to make real good stories with the good characters
has tarisland killed wow and xiv already?
Everyone on the EK hates them
no, it's whack
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pretty neat, mostly because of the function as an extra hearthstone with 1 minute cooldown, you do your gate and it teleports you there where you have a portal to dalaran (legion) at the entrance
What is tar island?
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>american draenei
The mount one is such a non issue.. oh look he's riding a bat in Stormwind, the world will end!
nasty troony manface garbage
more boss bronze, drops are epic with the second mod with a few exclusive transmogs, and heroic and mythic siege give more bones of mannoroth for those vendor items. fights are the difference between one max geared player easily soloing most bosses and 2-3 doing it. relatively easy event play for the most part. not much hard about it.

i don't think i've got a single epic from a normal raid at all. got a few out of boxes but the normal raid drops might not even upgrade. most only amount to a world boss worth of threads anyway so they aren't all that important over rares. it maybe matters a little to grab them if you're clawing into mythic as fast as possible but you'll get a lot of threads farming world stuff if you're not.
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what happens to a dreamilk when they haven't been properly milked for days
>Space goats have knife ears

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Daily reminder Lor'themar will die in the intro of MIDWOKE
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bellubros... no stream today?
lor'themar is a dogshit character
I miss kael'thas so fucking much it's unreal
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Did some pvp for the first time since i started playing.
Waited for horde around the midsummer fires in the capital cities and pop them with my frost mage. This shit is so fun, i hit a dude for over 600k and they can't do shit.
Are BGs fun? Is frost mage good for pvp.
whos got a twitch adblocker
lets see em

Moved to Mondays
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he's busy gooning
Use russian vpn.
>actually missing whiny bitch cuckold
where the FUCK is the midsummer vendor for horde
god damnit everything looks the same in this shithole mudhut capital
THIS is what i get for falling for bloodelf bait
>elf ears
>glowing eyes
>chitinous horns/plates
>chin tentacles
>stubby tails
>goat legs
who designed these abominations
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just have to wait for midnight sis, neutral silvermoon for greater access to BHC
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you forgot
>enormous horse cocks
a straight man, you wouldn't get it
>dung beetles are everywhere in mudhuts

>she fell for the low carb meme
>be allied with nogs who "just want to be left alone" because you also "just want to be left alone"
>nogs bomb wonder woman's home and use the survivors as target practice
>act surprised when wonder woman starts shooting at you because "WE DINDU NUFFIN"
horde is the faction for people with no beliefs or values outside of their own immediate material profit. peak dindu behavior
a redblooded man
I'm pretty sure some nightborne NPCs literally comment on the literal shit smell Org has as well, fucking kek
Why bimbodoreis love the BHC?
Nelf wife to hold my hand and make me feel better...
it's pretty much confirmed at this point that orc settlements smell like pig shit and Stormwind smells like piss
Silvermoon probably smells of fragrant elven buttholes
Ironforge is ironically the only city that's clean because of the giant incinerator it's built on top of
No tendrils?
new thread

Who knows, but whoever he is, he's no longer working at blizzard, that's for sure.
well shit I was hoping for a comfy friday night. at least it'll be easier on them on mondays
Sauce, please? SauceNao's giving me nothing.

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