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Cetaceans edition

Previous thread: >>480544653

A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>OP Pastebin

>Planefag pastebin:
in OP pastebin

>Tankfag pastebin:

>Boat- and subfag pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator, NoLimits2

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r
first for Starship
It's officially summer.
Solstice is precisely 24 hours away from now
it's over for summer
Based Southern Hemisphere enjoyer.
based FSchads
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I just like it bros
You can have one study level plane implemented of your choice in any sim you want
What plane and what sim
DCS, Su-34 because that has basically zero chance of happening without divine intervention
>NOR B-1
Because if it ever happened we'd have already been eating good for a long while. Maybe with the outbreak of WWIII we can fast track the obsolescence and publication of materials for all these unicorn aircraft.
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I would like a Provost or Strikemaster for MSFS, I actually sent AzurPoly an email suggesting it but I doubt anyone will make one.
>study level plane
>in MSFS
it's engine is literally incapable of modeling study level detail at all
FSX was so I don't see why MSFS wouldn't be. I don't necessarily want a study level sim for that plan just a decent one.
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>study level
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>study level
Are you really the autist that has been seething about MSFS for days now. Sort your life out.
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>Are you really the autist that has been seething about MSFS
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MSFS2020+ should not be allowed in /simg/
it's a dangerous arcade game that's killing people left and right
I think it's a massively positive thing for Moza to bring out a FFB stick base and price-dependent, I'll be sorely tempted but I really fucking hope Virpil has an FFB base in their pipeline so I think I'm gonna wait for a while.
Provosts are rad
Not that guy but, you're also afraid to @ people.

Why are you such a retarded nigger? Seriously wtf is wrong with you?
F-15C for DCS.
reality isn't so kind sometimes.
/k/ has range traps, /simg/ has a resident schizo. Best to ignore both
Hard choice between the Tu-22M and Mig-25, if I had to choose Mig-25.
I love them, saw them at an airshow the other year along with Strikemasters. I love prop and jet trainers.
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>kinda bored
>think about actually playing DCS today
>end up just jackin off and watching youtube all day again
>have a wank
>doesn't even feel that great
>realise you've wasted a load of time
First air show I ever went to was with my grandpa taking me to see the last display the RAAF aerobatics team - the Roulettes - did in their Macchis before they transitioned to PC-9s. I love advanced trainers too
Ah yes a “dangerous arcade game” is killing people, not under qualified barely literate foreigners doing just enough cfi work to get their hours reaching rookies to follow their same path.
Floridian flight schools are known for their diligence in vetting candidates after all, just ask Mohamed Atta.
I'm convinced the guy seething over MSFS is mad because it has a much wider audience than DCS so he's really pissed it gets way more focus, to the point DCS devs are taking time that could be spent on DCS products to make MSFS moneygrabs
which is kinda fair because fighter jets in MSFS is dumb and DCS devs should stay in their lane
Why is it called simulation games general if everything here is about planes?
There's a couple trainfags and maybe a truckerfag in here too.
because most the people here are interested in planes
truckerfags and traintists are welcome but don't seem to post often
We welcome all sims, we have a few trainfriends, some marine simmers, both surface vessel and subs.
It's just flight sims have the broadest audience here.
What's your preferred sim anon?
Haven't flown in Vegas for ages, is this default or with an addon?
It's just whatever is popular, I play plenty of American Truck Simulator, and used to play a lot of Train Simulator too but there's nothing to talk about here.
>Haven't flown in Vegas for ages, is this default or with an addon?
MS added a Las Vegas update yesterday
You can also post about sub sims
I didn't know that I'll have to fly around. I may be finally upgrading my GPU from my old 980ti to a 4070ti super next week so that should handle the game a lot better. I've been flying helis a lot recently and you really notice choppy framerate at low altitude, it isn't as fun.
Uboat is on sale for another 24 hours, I think it's a final sale before 1.0 which is due soon.
>I didn't know that I'll have to fly around.
Don't forget you have to go to the marketplace, World category, and "Get and Download" the city update
>but I really fucking hope Virpil has an FFB base in their pipeline
You have anything to back this up?
I don't think Lithuanian babushka's with hot glue guns can build a ffb base
Yeah thanks will do. Have they done up the airport too or just the city?
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>realise you've wasted a load
Well they made the fouga magister, so anythings possible
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The Magister is one of my favourite planes ever
Jet trainers always look good. You can buy one today!
That's suspiciously cheap
probably not much demand for a 50 year old french jet trainer. i cant imagine its easy to get parts for that thing.
Idk when this meme is from, but all the virpil gear i bought is literally top tier stuff with 0% of glue.
I still think saying they could make a FFB stick is quite the leap, but their stuff is great.
FFB is not a rocket science
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another day, another king air cargo flight
How many xboxes?
Huh, neat to see how they did the two-stage trigger.
Why'd you open it up, anon?
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bout tree fitty
I've never opened a stick yet. But i did it with almost everything else and there wasn't any glue. Dunno if its different of they just think you'll never open the stick and don't need to care about it.
Any idea why it wouldn’t show up in my marketplace? I’m running 1.37.19 just like their website says I should be and I don’t have any option to update further.
Do you have any filters on? Try sorting by newest or look at the "free only" stuff
It should be here with the other city updates
Only other thing I can think of is that before I went to the marketplace I saw an update notification for content manager which was about some world update for the U.S. and I downloaded that first before going to the marketplace for Las Vegas
>get into MP server
>okay I'll fly my Harrier/A-10 a bit
>every objective gets a random AI CAP patrol every 5 minutes
>other players in F-16 / F-18 ignore them, don't even notice them, first they get shot down then me
>repeat 3 times
>leave MP server
>go back to comfy single player
Turned it off and back on, it’s there now.
Newfag here. Saw in some old youtune tutorial videos that MSFS ATC is fucked, is it still or am I doing somehing wrong? Started the plain from cold dark and manually enter the Fight plan starting from Runway "XXR" When I contact ATC first thing they tell me is Rumway "XXR" in use, take off from Runway "YYL". I have the forced Flight plan on ATC option enabled on assistance options but this shit keeps happening.
Don't fly your attack aircraft into enemy cap maybe
>Started the plain from cold dark and manually enter the Fight plan
Not sure what plane you're using but if you're not creating/loading a flight plan on the world map before loading in, and instead entering it within the plane, then you may need some sort of function to "file" your plane's avionics flight plan with MSFS. I know the Sky4sim addon can do that, or maybe some 3rd party planes have that function built in.
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>try to fly CAP a few times against AI
>either they're cracked as fuck and nigh-unkillable or are asleep at the stick, both scenarios equally unenjoyable
Where should I fly tonight?
DC3 cargo ops in Alaska
Tried in a couple of planes with the G1000 and with the CJ4
Yeah I don't think the built-in planes have a way to sync manual GPS programming with MSFS ATC, at least not for VFR anyway. If IFR clearance options are available than maybe?
As a test, try making your flight plan on the world map before loading into the plane and see if that at least gives you the runway you want.
How's that looking now?
Not in the slightest but I like their ecosystem and despite how appallingly shittily documented it is, I like how much you can do with their software so my preference would be to stay with them if possible.

Not with that attitude!
>if you only knew how bad things really were
go jerk off over your xbox you fucking faggot
/aceg/ here
msfs is for fags

/aceg/ OUT
Nobody asked
Chingwing just dropped their FFB base too. ID'S HABBEDING
>take any damage from 20mm shells
>instantly lose all fuel 90% of the time
>there are no other malfunctions possible
>first hit, lose oil pressure
>second hit, engine temperature limiter breaks but it still works at 80% RPM, or even at full RPM if you turn off the limiter and be careful that you don't overtemp it
ED hates RAZBAM because they are just so much more competent than them.
I'm starting to learn DCS with the F-16 and it's quite overwhelming how much there is to learn. Do you guys have a methodology or a system for how you tackle it?
This is how I usually learn a new plane. I learned like half of the modules in DCS
1. make a new file in notepad or your favorite editor for taking notes
2. play through all of the training missions. take notes, like simple step by step instructions for startup, takeoff, landing, and how to use each weapon. also note down which buttons and HOTAS functions you needed. make a list of them, it will be useful when you want to make an actually good binding for your joysticks.
3. now play some simple and easy missions, like quick start missions or download some sandbox missions from the user files. practice startup, takeoff, landing, and using weapons until you no longer need to look at your notes
4. now that you know the basics and actually had some fun, go to the dcs world/mods/f-16/docs/ folder and read the manual cover to cover. if you find a new function that you didn't know about yet, write it into your notes. feel free to take breaks and just play some missions, or if you find a new thing try it out
5. once you're down with all this, consider downloading Chuck's guide and use it as a quick reference in case you forget something and your notes are not good enough. Chuck's guide is not a replacement for the manual.
6. if you want to get gudder, now would be a good time to watch some youtube videos
Not that guy but, you're also afraid to @ people.

Why are you such a retarded nigger? Seriously wtf is wrong with you?
That's some good solid advice
That's how thrustmaster did it first. The hat switches also follow TM's design.
I unfortunately don't think you can file a flight plan in flight, I hope they change that in the future.
My bedroom
I need to stop playing on garbage DCS multiplayer servers
I started thinking about modules using a metric of how many tanks you can kill with a single loadout
I realized how wrong I was playing the game when I was using Hind solely as a missile platform because with every objective being a combination of IR SAM, AAA and tanks that's the only thing that matters and rockets and guns are almost useless
Pick a role and learn it. There's no point trying to learn ever weapon and how to employ them if you're just going to airquake or sling HARMs.
so this >>482991496 while not that bad, it is boring and you're gonna get bored easily, this >>483001729 is straight-up retarded. imagine if they tried real pilots to employ a single weapon.

best way to learn is to learn startup, takeoff, lading first. obvious basics, then don't follow any guides. just learn what you're in the mood for, you want to shit on some tanks using missiles? learn mavs, shit on tanks with bombs? learn LGB, or maybe stationary? then JDAMs, etc, etc, etc. basically instead of following shitty guides. that will allow you to skip the part you're not that interested in (hornet being my first and mostly flow module and i have no idea how to use walleyes). you'll learn and remember more when what you're doing is fun and you're enjoying it. on top of it all F16 is pretty easy to learn
>imagine if they tried real pilots to employ a single weapon
Who said single weapon, dickhead?
then single role you dumb faggot
Thanks, lads - I'll take that on
It's a long shot but does anyone here have virpils CDT-VMAX Throttle?
I'm wondering about desk mount compatibility.
Obviously virpil sell mounts for it themselves but I'd rather save my shekels and buy one of those chinesium universal desk mounts.
Would that work?
The game or the sale? It's still on sale for another 4 hours. People are saying it's still not quite there so it might be better to wait.
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Talking of trainers yesterday, Blackbird have released a study level T6A for MSFS.
The game, and righto
I wasn't expecting that
Neither were the Spanish Inquisitionees
Oh holy shit that’s awesome
Now read this. This guy has done what many have only dreamed of.
>In 2018, David Lagettie, an Australian simulation software entrepreneur and one of the makers of TitanIM open world military simulation software, purchased the MicroProse brand from the Cybergun Group. Lagettie was a former developer for Bohemia Interactive at their Australian studios before starting his own company to create video game simulators to be used by military groups. Lagettie had been a fan of the original MicroProse games growing up, and as he saw the games ownership transition made the company eventually disappear, he started investigating the fate of MicroProse around 2005. When possible, he began buying whatever IP from MicroProse he could, including the name and original logo trademarks.[54] In February 2019, MicroProse was officially revived as a full publisher of video game and simulation titles, working with the iEntertainment Network on the WarBirds series of combat flight simulators. Within the rest of 2019, MicroProse announced Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age by the developer Triassic Games AB, Task Force Admiral - Vol.1: American Carrier Battles by Drydock Dreams Games, Operation: Harsh Doorstop by Drakeling Labs, and Warfare 1944 by Drakeling Labs. Lagettie's acquisitions drew the attention of Stealey, who subsequently inquired Lagettie about his plans, leading to Stealey joining Lagettie in an unofficial manner in the new MicroProse.

I'm aware of the reboot and they publish all the games I'm interested in, big fan. Not sure what they'll do with Falcon or if there's a point in reviving it when DCS exists.
What servers are you playing on?
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Back to Lake Havasu city for circuit practise and then up to Vegas to see the new update.
You’re not gonna get your (You)s that easily faggot
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Las Vegas looks good, I'll revisit in a helicopter to properly explore.
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>Cybergun Group
Is that the same Cybergun that sells shitty airsoft guns?
>Please taxi to the gay zone
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MSFS 2024 will get the 737 Max as a default aircraft.
Door Plug DLC sold separately
You stole that joke from reddit...
cope and sneed nigger
apparently it has a bug where you can't turn off random failures
It's okay, I post on r/MicrosoftFlightSim as well. Pretty good sub, as far as preddit goes.
aye; it's the only reddit I go to apart from the gayming leaks one
Weird. I just looked into them more and apparently they're a defense contractor for the French government or something too. All this time I thought they were just assholes from China who bought up all the cool licenses to mark up garbage guns.
>Bugs - Lifetime
>737 MAX uncontrollably trims up

>Status: Not Planned
what'd did the pilot say to the hairdresser ..?
>Correct as is. Thank you for smashing our resort.
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Keeping it realistic I'd want an Su-30 in DCS because it'd fix the modern REDFOR issue instantly, if I'm fantasizing about a perfect sim that actually simulates everything I'd want an EA-18G, it's so complex I'd probably years of entertainment out of it
There's a pretty good Su-30 mod with custom HUD and MFD pages. It's also true multirole, you can have both BVR and AG guided weapons at the same time, which was a pretty big deal when it came out since every mod either used Su-27 or Su-25T avionics but not both at the same time.
It's on the Codename Flanker discord.
P-38 and an Me-262 implemented in DCS would complete the remake of Jane's WW2 Fighters to the nth degree.
simg is probably the deadest thread on /v/g but it's especially dead in non-yank hours.
>Flight 209 now arriving gate 8, gate 9, gate 10…
Is non-yank some weird ffb reference?
it’s actually OVER for virpil suck shit you elitst hacks
Are the CaptainHorn23 A320 Neo tutorials still valid or is there another series approved by /simg/?
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Eh they'll probably do the F-15C eventually, ED seems to want to do every US 4th gen and the MiG-29 will set a precedent for making FF modules out of the FC3 jets
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MSFS Info:
>support for MSFS 2020 would continue with near-monthly updates planned until 2028
>The new simulator will feature an entirely
> 3D ground environment, utilizing Azure AI to create detailed landscapes with trees, rocks, and grass
>The integration of real-time ray tracing will enhance lighting and shadow effects, providing more realistic visuals
>Improved photogrammetry will ensure better accuracy in terrain and structure modelling, while comprehensive rendering and lighting reworks will further elevate visual fidelity. Additionally, dynamic interactions with environmental elements such as grass, vegetation, and water will create a more immersive experience
>The A330-200 and -300 by iniBuilds will feature both the GE and RR engines. The Twin Otter by Aerosoft has been almost completely rebuilt with enhanced systems. Most notably, a Boeing 737 MAX 8, described as the most complex aircraft developed by Asobo to date, will be included in the base simulator
>MSFS 2024 will introduce new mechanics such as walkarounds
>advanced flight planner, accessible across various platforms, will offer detailed route planning
>Rope physics and moving vegetation have been modelled, while people walking in airports will add to the immersive atmosphere. Water and waves will be rendered in 3D, and sky rendering has been improved for more lifelike atmospheric effects
>Rope physics
yet another company pandering to trans players
MSFS 2024* also forgot
>The weather systems have been enhanced with the addition of cirrus clouds and wake turbulence effects
flight planner looks a lot better. will it be available in-flight as well? and how many planes do they intend to leave half done this time?
Well Aerosoft did a good job with their FSX twin otter but apparently the MSFS one was so terrible they removed it and you can't buy it anywhere, so that might be good. Asobo/Inibuilds airliners are not going to be great.
Here's the full stream by the way
Oh shit there's a lot here, I'll have to watch the entire thing. Just skipping through and there's tonnes of new features, global ai ship traffic was one I just saw.
What are you talking about, the inibuilds and WT enhanced asobo airliners are perfectly fine for getting the job done
They won’t simulate much more but for free what else can you expect?
They're fine and it's good that they're free but they're not 'great'. There are free planes in the game that Microsoft paid other devs to create that are great, like Blackbird's DHC-2 for example.
All the wacky shit they modeled for this game is one of my favorite parts.
Surprising lack of sperg outs over free roam mode coming to 2024 and people saying “REEEEE ITS A FLIGHT SIMULATOR NOT A WALKING SIMULATOR”
I warned yall about Microsoft Simulator.
Warned us about what
I’m honestly kinda hyped for the ability to get out and stretch my legs and view the world without just imagining with the drone cam
Not to mention actually being able to interact with the exterior and do pre flight inspections
wot if they add a feature what where you can sucked into an engine, might be wild innit
underrated lol
Probably not
I doubt it will be that in depth
we could already do that in DCS in forma del midget with tiny feet and combined arms jank
DCS first person shooter when
I saw that you could I think black hawk down it in that free OH-6
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apparently if you land and try to escape AI patrols they will try to kill you on the ground with gun runs

the good news is that this mig-31 really sucks at aiming
>Warned us about what
Oh, I joked that in the future, there wouldn't be a Microsoft Flight Simulator. Instead, it would be a simulation world which included flight. Maybe even Forza kinds of driving.
If I can transition from driving a car to IFR flying around the world and back to driving in a new location in the same game I’ll never leave my house
Another thought
>fly out to remote location in a bush plane
>land and get out
>go on a full blown hike before going back to the plane and flying back
If we can do this it’s going to be so based
>fly to random airport in the desert
>load airplane onto railroad flatcar
>drive train w/ said flat car across the desert to siding near airport
>unload airplane, take off and continue flying
bunch of fucking plebs you are
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You should be able to do this with the Icon A5
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lmao fuck off
what's that plane?
i have $48 left from my SE refund. what should i get on the sale? i'm thinking either the tomcat, huey, or afghanistan (full)?
Beech Starship, it’s being developed by Black Square for MSFS
4 campaigns
Huey is fun and cheap
Huey and Tomcat are both good. Huey has no SCAS and the pedals can be twitchy until you've flown it enough to get good.
It's more of a world simulator now desu it's very impressive.
It’s honestly pretty cool if it turns out like they say it will
There’s still lots of places with spotty coverage though, especially in places like Africa
I presume that's down to satellite imagery quality, the new AI ground stuff should make everything look better at least.
Well it’s also to do with if areas have cloud free satellite imagery
And for a lot of places like Africa, they either don’t have it or aren’t willing to shell out for it and have settled for cloudy imagery
Honestly a shame because Africa is really underrated and I love flying there, at least most of it is pretty good, especially South Africa
Mate we have the whole fuckin WORLD at our disposal, there's an endless amount of things to see, and now with the free roam mode we can walk anywhere as well as fly anywhere, what a time to be alive.
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I have $17 million inside my asshole, razscam fix your shit
>built in planners, weather reports, and charts
You can already get METAR data in game.
I just hope the foliage doesn't look like ass and they actually write their dx12 implementation correctly this time
>tfw you go inverted so the radalt can show your altitude below the skydome
>how many G1000s do you want mate?
>about 7
Why is every plane in MSFS like this?
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That's a G3X. Totally different.
Because this is how modern plane avionics are
And working title’s shit is so easy to drop into planes that it massively cuts down on dev time so people making planes with their avionics are able to make them way faster than most with custom ancient avionics
There’s still plenty of aircraft with steam, and if you want older glass, the 757, RJ, F-70/100, and Starship are all on the horizon
Fair enough
I don't mind them, I prefer steam, but wouldn't mind a mix rather than having the whole cockpit be glass. Maybe I need to fiddle around with them more to learn and appreciate them.
Tbh you’ll never truly appreciate garmin systems in sim because in sim they’re bland and boring
IRL? Oh they’re unbelievably intuitive and so much simpler than older shit and will keep you alive way easier
But in sim who cares about staying alive, the fun comes from all the stressful and dangerous scenarios you can put yourself in with older equipment that’s much less intuitive and gives you less overall information
Unless you just enjoy casual flying in which case you probably won’t give much of a shit what avionics you have, as long as it’s not tedious to operate
honestly either the F15-EX or F22 in DCS
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got the huey on sale, mf is hard to fly but fun as fuck, also one of the better sounding helis i think, the rotor sound i mean
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I can understand that, I'm just a bit autistic with dials, love em in sims.
How is it on the collective, are you constantly having to wrestle with it?
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TDS' gtnxi plays really nicely with a lot of aircraft, but it looks perfect in all of black squares steam cockpit offerings
Fair, they’re quite nice
Personally I’ve always been a fan of both steam and early glass
I love itemized glass cockpits where you’ve got a half dozen or more CRTs with specialized info on each one, as opposed to 1 or 2 giant honkin FPDS LCDs that just display everything
I understand the appeal for real world flying but in sim I love being able to test myself with less straightforward stuff
>see some guy fucking up landing monumentally
>advice from the dcs "vets" is, just fly on speed aoa bro
>he's trying to land at 200 knots
do milsim geeks not know how to do basic landing performance calcs?
I just do what feels right lol
I know my landing speeds what is there to calculate
>muh fixed landing speed
Uh bro your gross weight and approach wind speed and direction?

What's your landing distance?
You see that runway? That
how long is it, did you check the charts?
They don't have charts for this road
The charts say I can land on it
That’s all I need to know
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Identify this jet kthx.
Looks like oversized Mi-8
Quick google of vistajet plus the look of the cockpit and cabin windows tells me it’s a challenger
No idea what version though
One zero
i can't find the sweet spot when landing yet, im either going down too fast or going up
What aircraft?
Before landing you need to anticipate two things transition to hover and lose of transitional lift and ground effect pillow and increase of the lift. Toaje it easy transition to hover outside of the ground effect, fund good vertical speed for descent and stick too it - the ground effect will slow down you just before you touch the ground for a good soft landing.
to make*
phone posting
Just let it die
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see you fags in the morning!
I personally find it awkward knowing where the pillow ends and before I know it I'm dropping through it. Just practise I suppose, increase collective as you leave it.
Bombardier Global 6000
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quad wing mounted jets look extra sick on a bizjet
I am lazing this thread
Laser code one four eight eight
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captured thread
valid laser range
turn left 11 degrees come left
left 5 degrees
switching to thread track
>buy additional 32GBs of ram to enjoy dcs multi in higher performance
>games crashing when trying to joint the server

ED you fucking faggots
Russian planes in msfs or ecen xplane12 never ever. Reeeee. I want to do some hauling across siberia in yaks and tupolevs.
Can I get a QRD on the DCS/Razbam drama?
I've been out for about 7 months and when I come back the world is on fire.
>additional 32GB
you get what you deserve you mulato mixed kit faggoo
ED weren't paying Razbam for quite awhile, Razbam went public about it and put on hold support of their modules. For now both ED and Razbam trying to resolve the issue.
A more full summary Razbam probably stole ED's code, using it to secure government contracts for a Super Tucano sim with the government of Ecuador and some possible other countries. ED wasn't paid for their code being used so withheld money made from the f-15E, likely until Razbam agreed to pay what ED feels is their share of the contract.

Ron Zambrano the owner of Razbam either can't pay ED back because he's insolvent or the contract exceeded the value ED is withholding and he actually owes ED more. He then stops paying his developers.

A few months ago his devs lose it either after being prodded by Zambrano or just being fed up they start making the situation public. Multiple devs quit including Razbams only good coder Galinette and the best modeler currently around Metal2mesh, m2m pledges to never work with ED again.

Razbam and ED lawyers are now talking and in the interim Razbam has refused to update any of their modules. Radar on the f-15e now no longer work as Razbam let the dll's signatures expire June 13th.

No end appears in sight.
Neat. I'm going to simulate simerationally the life of John Boyd by doing an uneventful flight once or twice and then sitting on the ground for the rest of the and never see combat.

Then I'm gunna write a really bad tactics manual that will get thousands of airmen killed.
I'm sick to bastard death of people talking about ED and razbam
I'm going to (maybe) do it lads and order a 4070ti super tomorrow. So long laggy, stuttery MSFS.
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I have a 14700k so CPU wise I'm okay ish, MSFS still maxes out every core though. All the posts about that issue are from a few years ago so maybe they've fixed it.
Restrict DCS's access to the 0th core, or every eco core for that matter. The game doesn't know how to use them.
looks like it's a new entry completely rather than a Great Battles expansion. not sure if that was the plan anyway; I'd only heard Korea mentioned in passing on forums and whatnot. In that case I hope that means clickable cockpits like Cliffs of Dover and DCS, especially if VR is going to be implemented. Always felt cumbersome fumbling for your keybinds with a headset on in GB. With this and Combat Pilot in the works we might be eating good simbros
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>he doesn't wear IFR training goggles outside
>clickable cockpits
It's going to be the same arcade trash that nuIL2 is, you'll just be flying more jets, except now they'll have an excuse as to why shit like asymmetric torque and gyroscopic effects isn't modeled, 'you're flying a jet, lol'
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why is my plane always flying sideways? is something wrong with my controls or its just the wind?
I can't see properly but is the rudder stuck?
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Yeah, just as expected. The ground is still gonna look like shit for AG missions in Falcon BMS 4.38. Having these 3D buildings on top of building textures is just horrible.
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look at the engine smoke to see the direction Im traveling, funnily enough the rudder wasnt even working because I forgot to configure my controls
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Not that great.

Post the wind speed and direction on the DED. Did you have an asymmetrical loadout for that short period?
Full screenshot.
So the whole razbam debacle turned out to be a nothingburger?
Looks like flightgear-tier scenery
The only thing which has improved is the terrain resolution. No more edgy and pointy mountains and probably no more skewed lakes.
To be fair the game is 26 years old
nigga what
It never happened, it was a fever dream.
Not really. They said themselves that only a minor percentage of the original is still in there.
They could have avoided that issue above by not using satellite imagery at all.
Just having nicer maps would be nice, entire Siberia has resolution of 10 pixels per square kilometer
Id settle for nice proc genned textures over the weird green mush. It sucks because russian autists made a lot of cool airport scenery.
>mfw watching this complete shitshow over the PMDG 77W release
>people will still buy Randazzo’s slop anyways regardless of their stupid bullshit
Wish the flight sim community wasn’t a bunch of brainless retards that will gladly support their abusers but whatever
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youtube link

More screenshots here
>Revamped radio comms and orders system, skip time on the route feature, ability to enter and exit the cockpit, walk and swim,, support for modern flight control devices and gamepads, mouse-free experience in VR, intelligent sortie recording and playback.
>440×440 km of four times more detailed than before flyable area: cities, airfields and sea ports with people in them, mountains with cranky rivers, roads and tunnels, water reservoirs and dams, mining facilities and factories, scattered hilly islands with many straits, shallow and deep waters, military camps, electric lines, etc.
>Ability to become a regiment commander and manage your unit supplies, personnel and aircraft, massive air raids on the current gen hardware thanks to simplified flight modeling of large bomber groups, functional radars, dozens of painstakingly recreated air including Tu-2 and B-29 bombers, naval and ground unit types including infantry squads to attack, protect and avoid.
>The gradually becoming obsolete piston-engined old rulers of the sky and the young lions of the atomic age - early jets including F-86A Sabre and Mig-15 - with all major systems modeled and more detailed damage: internal parts visible through the holes, aircraft skin sheets that can become loose, etc.
>Physically accurate light ray propagation in the atmosphere model, city light halos, uneven airfields and 3D bomb craters, new graphical effects and vegetation, translucent water, next level of visual model fidelity with diverse damage and more
>In other words — this is not just "a new version of IL-2," no. "Korea. IL-2 Series" is a completely new version of the engine and has completely new content.

Devblog 1
>this complete shitshow over the PMDG 77W release
some anons are crying over the price but they're retarded zoomers and the last PMDG release was before they could walk
People who bought it still haven’t gotten an activation link like 2 hours later
And others are downloading it at a fucking snail’s pace because PMDG’s CDNs suck ass
LMAO thank you
owo :3
Kek that's what they get for not waiting. It'll be the same shit with msfs24 in november, retards will cry nonstop wondering why their heckin brand new game is brokeded
Eh, I’ll leap into 2024 fully expecting it to be buggy on release
As long as it’s not literally unplayable, I won’t care
And even if I do, I’ll still have 2020 installed for the foreseeable future, considering I have more than enough space for the both of them
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Got my F-15E refund in ED monopoly money. There's nothing i even want to buy with it. The chinook looks like it will release in a fucking joke state and with nothing interesting to do.
buy the F-15E again and try to refund again to see if it goes through
>chinook looks like it will release in a fucking joke state and with nothing interesting to do.
Reddit war blunder faggot opinion. It's literally a flight sim go play your arcade game kid.
There's no fucking systems in place to make helicopter gameplay interesting (but they're coming soon said ED lol) and farps are still old pieces of shit made before some of you faggots were born. Fuck you.
I hope they never add it so you and your faggot "friends" can't metagame it into the dumpster like everything else. I'm cool with just using my imagination like every other flight sim for decades now. I don't need some gay load unload animations and a bing bing wahoo coin counter.
Just fuck off and play pretend in your shed then, you fucking autismo.
>bro you’re just retarded because you can’t imagine it
You could probably just imagine giving yourself a prostate orgasm and yet you still choose to actually do it
Well I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'M GOING TO RAM IT INTO YOUR STOMACH AND BREAK YOUR GODDAMN SPINE
Stop shit up my sims with your dogshit opinions babydick.
>wanting actual things instead of just our imagination is bad
If the world was run by people like you, we wouldn’t have any simulators to begin with
No you want lame shit that has no purpose other than you're parroting what some retarded redditor has drilled into you. It's a waste of dev resources, server resources, and local compute.

Literally just learn how to fly the aircraft properly first before you go on hunger strike because groundfire from the AI can actually kill you or whatever you're gunna complain about next.
>adding activities is a waste of resources
That’s not even worth a (You)
What is this gta5 online or whatever you kids play now? Get the fuck out of here you fucking goober.
It won't even have SCAS on start
As a professional radar-operator I am unironically yet to venture into the front cockpit of the Phantom.
What lead based paint does to a mfr
Whether I was fed paint as a child has nothing to fucking do with it you retard. What does it matter anyway?
You'll have nothing to do and you're going to like it. Faggot
I wonder if it's the same guy that thinks nu il2 doesn't model torque/gyro
Stop replying to him, he’s being argumentative for argument’s sake to bump the thread
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what's a good entry to submarine shit
>steam DCS forums
>see discussion on steam vs stand alone install
steam trannies absolutely delusional and seethe to no end
I like Cold Waters
any tips on the huey collective? when trying to land i sometimes go too fast and can't catch the IGE cushion, sometimes when i do i almost instantly start going up really fast with the amount of lift it has without any load. i find it hard to find and maybe get used to the spot where im not ascending too fast and not descending too fast. its either up or down lol
Are you landing from hover or flying in?
usually trying to fly in and slow to the hover at the very end and land at the very end if that makes sense
It's apparently dogshit technique irl, but the huey seems to really like when you pump the collective. Essentially keep the collective in constant motion, back and forth don't settle on a single power setting until it touches the ground.
It might be that you need to be more active on the collective like the other anon said.
I don't care for two seaters.
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>I don't care for two seaters.
i'm interested in the latest Combat Pilot news since their expo but i also don't want to sit through 20 minutes of Enigma struggling to narrate his own script cause he's retarded
I hope air to ground/sea is good, I have more fun doing that in WW2 games than dogfighting.
Yeah, that's usually been my experience too. The Sea Dragons campaign in Great Battles was good fun cause you were flying IL-2s for the whole thing. It was particularly fun in VR sitting up and having to line up the markings on the nose with the crosshair when doing bombing runs.
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>The IL-2 engine cant model 4 engine bombers, that's why we've never had one for the past decade- IL-2 dev team

>"No, lol, we could totally have modeled 4 engine bombers if we wanted to, lol"

imagine being an IL-cuck,
no aircraft carriers either lmao
It's a bit of fun, I don't think anyone here is that invested in it.
Great detail, ORBX did a good job of New Zealand.
ORBX suspended sale of their New Zealand mesh quite some time ago after WU12. Asobo's rendition is better tbqh.
It was probably done by Orbx considering they’re a partner lol
It was done by ORBX
It's not it's just using the same 1 meter and 10 meter accuracy satellite topographical data. That's from the Government of NZ iirc.
>Orbx Simulation Systems, based in Melbourne, Australia, has handcrafted four airports and added high-resolution detail to over 100 others. The update also includes 94 custom crafted points of interest (POIs). And there are 16 new activities, including five bush trips, six discovery flights, and five landing challenges that will take Microsoft Flight Simulator pilots Down Under.
Ah fair enough Orbx just did the airports then.
Small family company, please understand.
weird that they didn't use orbx's mesh but if it's better that's fine
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Sims is an English variant of the name Sim, which is a topographic name for someone who lived or worked at the home of someone named Symme
razscam owes me loft modes
Be your own loft mode
the more you know
Fun fact, if you go on the RoF forums, and state you like/prefer RoF to IL-2, your posts will be deleted outright. Even though both sims are owned by 777. You literally cannot simply state you like Rise of Flight over new Il-2

lol, that's the insane shit that goes on there
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1. Buy an actual set of rudder pedals. You know what rudder pedals are, right?

Note: The collective is not moved a single time during this webm.
A helo's lift can be determined entirely by cyclic and torque authority.
2. Completely disable autorudder/autotrim in the special options menu
Sad. I used to beta test for RoF a decade ago and it used to be a good little community before the merger
I wish rudder pedals weren't so expensive. There seem to be reasonable tiers for joysticks and throttles, but with rudder pedals it's either 'Cheap and shit' or 'Expensive' with no in-between.
>torque authority
>stirring the pot
>not stable
>no reference point
>rudder pedals instead of anti-torque pedals
/simg/ discord tranny jannies maldmadxxing rn fr fr
discord gg/YrJ5CWtz
I didn't know there was a /simg/ discord, is at least separated by game so you don't have to put up with DCS zoomers?
>Makes me fly through all these notches near Mt. Whitney
Fuckin Asobo.
Only around ~30 people actively post, so not particularly.
I'd be up for some relaxed flying in MSFS with others. The downside is if you don't all have the same plane I'm not sure what they show up as.
The generic replacement models look kinda like Bonanza G36's and Boeing 737's
Isn't too bad for a lot of planes but fighter jets looking like 737's and helicopters looking like G36's is a tad silly
That one of the American bush trips?
I'm gonna start those once I finish up the New Zealand ones
Yeah, there's 2 that go through Eastern California. One is in a Caravan, the other in some shitbox Cub clone. The latter is honestly one of the coolest things I've done in video games.
>the moza ffb is actually pretty reasonably priced
>they even have an extension with a built in Z axis
>reasonably priced
i fucking hate this hobby
300 cheaper than the rhino and 700 cheaper that a brunner
Yeah I'm surprised, looks like I'm gonna order one and chuck the curved extension on my Virpil stick
How does force feedback work with flight sims? When you do feel vibrations?
I think the biggest value is when trimming
it's the biggest deal for helicopters because trimming actually moves the neutral position on an ffb stick
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Razscam dev Galinette admits that the F-15E module had an intentional kill switch that disabled the radar
As you can see in the testimony above, this malfunction was added deliberately, as a protective measure in case the developer doesn't get paid. This has been known since June 14th and Eagle Dynamics is fully aware.

I've spoken to Galinette yesterday and learned that he has sent a fix to Eagle Dynamics on June 18th. From his current point of view, "it seems there will never be any money anyway, so people who have purchased the F-15E should at least be able to enjoy the plane with a working radar", even though he doesn't understand why it's still on sale. He has also offered to maintain the Mirage if they make it a free module. Unfortunately, he's under the impression that ED doesn't want to apply the fix and hasn't heard back from them ever since.

Eagle Dynamics' reluctance to apply that solution provided by Galinette is most likely coming from legal or contractual concerns and/or advice from their lawyers. They've developed a fix in house, too, that could be used to circumvent the time lock, but apparently chose not to implement that either. COMINT suggest that they sent requests to RAZBAM instead, asking to resolve this the official way and claiming that they're unable to do so themselves. At this point in time, RAZBAM seems unwilling to comply. As you can imagine, this whole thing didn't exactly help with de-escalating the situation and folks at ED are livid. On top of the already existing dispute about that Ecuadorian Super Tucano, RAZBAM is now facing additional accusations of contract violations because of this implementation.

Not everyone agrees that Eagle Dynamics is legally unable to resolve this on their own or via an already provided fix, so for now, I'm not sure whether this will remain broken or whether they will change their mind and address this with the next patch.
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Razbam announced their new Balloon Boy module is in the works
What a blowhard faggit, 99% of his shit is just merging shit from the ED Dev Kit. No wonder his modules are the least performant of all radar implementations not only is he merely mashing together SDK features but he's leeching overhead with gay DRM.
Steam summer sale has started but as always it's broken and will be for a few hours.
What's more likely to have happened is that Razbam negotiated access to ED's actual milsim software in exchange for documentation, they did this without ED being involved. Now Razbam has a contract to supply access to the milsim and ED hasn't got any say in it.
That's what they get for not signing off with their full name.
-Nate Higgers
>free M2000
god i fucking wish ED would allow something like that, to me it feels like the current free modules are perfectly designed to be the worst starting point ever when it comes to selling people on DCS.
Frankly what you're trying to say doesn't sound very well put together. And is essentially the same thing anyhow. At the end of the day Razbam is selling ED code to the government of Ecuador either without a license to do so or in breach of a component of their license that would require them to pay ED a share.
>already existing dispute about that Ecuadorian Super Tucano,
Existing in the head whoever wrote that?
It was written by Bonzo, the insider guy who is behind pretty much every DCS related leak
>god i fucking wish ED would allow something like that
literally all the modules are free to try. You stupid steamcuck.

I'm flying the F-16 right now which I never plan on buying, lol
Can you drama loving zoomers shut up honestly. It's like sharing a general with gossiping teenage girls.
>not looking at the airspeed indicator and VSI and realizing what the webm is actually teaching
No one cares about your opinion Becky
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You're just demonstrating "stirring the pot" or over controlling the cyclic. Instructors are likely to show you this to demonstrate what not to do. The collective should be your main way of controlling decent. The way you're doing it taught as a skill is negative training that will encourage using the cyclic for altitude changes, and that's just asking for a mast bumping.
It barely fucking moves in that webm, nigger look at the pedals, look at the post chain. Look at the collective, look at the guys post saying how he doesn't know how to land without throwing the collective up and down.

That webm shows nothing more than a controlled decent through forward airspeed loss alone, making the aircraft lose lift, and thus altitude, with no collective input. The fact that this has to be explained to you, step by step, and that for some reason your eyes were glued to the cyclic, and not the VSI, nor the pedals, shows you have no clue about flying helos whatsoever.
How the fuck do you not know that helicopters can gain and lose altitude through airspeed alone?
Bought a monza for £648 after shipping. A tad expensive.
Anti-Torque pedals have should exactly zero impact on decent beyond ensuring you're cocked into the wind properly. Unless you're doing something retarded like wobbling side to side like you have Parkinsons(as you were doing) and defeating your rotors lift by syncing with procession.

You already had the correct collective pitch set before the vid started. However once you got down ground effect overcame your sink rate and you became incredibly unstable because you failed to anticipate it. You started stirring to keep your sink rate which made you even more unstable.

Like I said 4/10 go practice.
I dunno why you believe that but it's mostly wrong. Airspeed often times translates to more lift just like on an aircraft, but lift is always determined by collective pitch on a helo. For that reason flying too high will result in a retreating blade stall and a roll to the side of your retreating blade as you have run out of available pitch, it doesn't matter how fast you're going in fact it will make it much much worse.

Treating your collective like the throttle on an aircraft that you can just set and be done with is a big mistake.
This nigger doesn't know the first thing about rotarywing flight, holy shit, I've never seen anyone more out if their element.
What fucking "sim" have you been playing to make you this retarded? msfs2020?
Nice, waiting for review
>helocopters don't use airspeed for lift
>speed has no correlation with altitude gain/loss
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>bought not one but two Sidewinders FFB
>Moza just releases a fucking FFB base that looks good and at an acceptable price for me
>thankfully one of two sticks is actually broken and i'll just send it back and get my money
>i keep one sidewinder because its small and cool and buy the new FFB base
Life is good
Shipping is apparently 4 to 6 weeks.
Nvm he just gave me my money back and is now asking me to send it back with my own money. Get fucked, you sent me a half-broken piece of junk, i'm keeping it for spare parts now.
Kek buying used do be like that
this person would be baffled by the existence of autogyros
Fuckin helicopters how do they work?
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helicopters aren't real and no one can convince me otherwise
Yeah that diagram is 100% made up bullshit.
How come aft side of the prop not generating any ligt
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Fly the Skyvan™
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can't fly a skyvan
too busy gooning right now
>lift is always determined by collective pitch on a helo.
The fact that this guy typed this out and thought it was right, wow...

Must be a battlefield 4 player or something. Holy moly
Wasn't 'transitional lift' made up specifically to refer to rotary wing flight airspeed to altitude? Yeah, I think it was
i got your transition right here
Fun fact: Battlefield Vietnam actually did model transitional lift
Any decent sim games on Android/ios?
What causes someone like this to be so sure they know what they're talking about, yet they couldn't be more wrong with each following sentence?
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>I dunno why you believe that but it's mostly wrong
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collective bros.... we lost
Is it actually good? How is the system modelling?
That's AI generated, helicopters aren't real
What do you think?
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Shipping was 100 quid?
I don't know, that's why I'm asking
I see thanks for your answer.
Yep. Kinda stings after the 1:1 exchange rate too.
>ships in 4-6 weeks
>€100 shipping
what a scam
I would never pay that much for shipping, that's mental.
X-Plane Mobile
MSFS2020 cloud streaming (Gamepass)
>all this discussion of helicopters
Helicopters fly by repelling the earth from them due to how sinful they are
Hover homos are an affront to god and so are you if you fly one
Last time I played a flight sim was like 10 years ago and now I've got the craving to get MSF2020, how's the modding scene? Are there any decent freeware planes or is it all paid? Any way to pirate mods?
There's a lot of free addons
flightsim.to seems to be a popular place for them
NEW GRAPHICS CARD ARRIVING TODAY LADS, looking forward to a non-laggy MSFS. Will wack it up to ultra dx12 and see how it copes (or seethes).
There are tonnes of freeware planes, airports, tools etc.
>Any way to pirate mods?
What's the card laddy
If it's not a 4070ti, you've failed me and your father
Virpil just advertised a flanker stick. Not got much over their mongoose, but it is metal if you care about that.
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this thing is such a joy to fly. handles like a cessna to be desu with you senpai.
It's a 4070ti SUPER, I'm still on 1080p too, probably will get a 1440p monitor at some point.
Does it do shortish takeoff and landing?
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>Does it do shortish takeoff and landing?
YES courtesy of the methanol injection system
Oh wow I didn't know it had that
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Well it does 60fps on ultra in the centre of LA, I'm impressed.
>I'm still on 1080p too, probably will get a 1440p monitor at some point.
Same. I feel like there's no decently priced mid-range 1440p monitors out there. Not trying to pay $600 for a fuckin computer screen, but I'm also not trying to get gyped by chinesium trash with shitty blacks and washed out colors.
Fucking damn it. I just ordered the moza.
I don't really care about 2000hz 0.001ms stuff I just would like decent colours.
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why the fuck are rudder pedals so expensive, the cheapest set on the market is 130 fucking dollars
Small market
flight simming is expensive
Damn, I really would have liked them to be hitting the FFB market rapidly. I’m seriously tempted by the Moza but I want confirmation that my axes on my Virpil stick will work, and that it can handle the 200mm curved extension
>200mm curved extension
My only complaint is that it's a bit of a pain to start manually, but it's great otherwise. Strong climbing, and I think the biggest surprise is how quickly it descends. It's stable and agreeable. Doesn't sound like shit (looking at you Boeing 307). Isn't a buggy mess from launch (looking at you Ju-52). It behaves itself, unlike some planes (Beechcraft 18 doesn't want to stay level). Looks like a meme, but it's fun.
is that SimFX on the wheels?
No, just stock MSFS.
oh, huh
never noticed dust/smoke effects like that on the wheels
though now that I think about it I haven't screenshotted landings much
Hello Kings.
I come with the question; Is OMSI 2 "affordable" to get into?
I see that it's 30% off on steam, but also that it has 1500€ worth of DLC with it.

How is the base game experience? Are there essential DLC you would suggest regardless? I am looking for the Continental European experience, so not interested in USA content just yet
I am otherwise a big enjoyer of Farming Simulator, ETS2 and especially Derail Valley
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Two patriots look at each other
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hell yeah brother
>Hello Kings.
Sincerely doubt there's any black people here
would it be too on the nose if ED did an IL-2 module
Got the Tobruk expansion for Cliffs of Dover but I forgot just how bad the UI is for that game
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There's already an I-16, and an La-7 on the way. IL-2 is an absolute shambles and LukeFF is on complete damage control (and suicide watch)
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yeah this wasn't a good sign
Don't know about the extension, but it has been confirmed that it works with the mongoose CM2 grip.
>10 years of development and €600 worth of DLC later
>sorry we can't be assed to implement new features to the engine :)
God he's a cunt.
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Wtf why didn't anyone tell me that the Black Square Caravan and King Air are basically new planes? I avoided them because I just 'overhaul' but it turns out they only re-use the default exterior and some of the sounds, everything else has been re-done to study level.
Are they really that good? I own the analog Baron but I skipped the Caravan and the King Air because I thought the dogshit msfs turboprop engine modeling was still there.
Apparently they are looking at the reviews, it sounds like it's on par with the other Black Square planes.
i thought the king air pacifically reused the base game plane and blacked square just redid the systems and cockpit, as opposed to the piston/turbine dukes which are entirely new planes
>Improvements have been made to almost all aspects of the aircraft, except the visual appearance of the exterior
It sounds like they've kept the exterior model, re-used a lot of sounds but everything else is new. I assume Black Square thought the exterior model and sounds were good enough not to change.
oh. it looks really neat with the gtnxi, but thats another $70. and if youre gonna get that, you may as well start paying for navigraph every month. i am experiencing financial distress.
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This is the optimal loadout.

I'm white and consider myself somewhat of a king.
>financial distress
Flight simming in general desu. I'm happy just using Skyvector.
You can double/triple rack different weapons in BMS?
>it has 1500€ worth of DLC with it
I thought you were joking, what the fuck. Bloody autistic Germans dumping money into it. I think it's like every type of sim, you don't need it all, just get what you want.
No, that was a visual bug.
Also, it's not the most optimal loadout. It's missing a Harpoon on the centerline hardpoint and swapping one Maverick for a HARM. That's how you win the war. No planning needed. Every plane just takes off and does whatever they feel like. I will suggest my strategy to the US Department of Defense. I call the doctrine "DCS multiplayer IRL".
In DCS my typical multiplayer F-16 loadout is centerline fuel tank that I drop after afterburning to 30-40k, then 2x HARM on the inner pylons and 2x3 Maverick on the outer ones. 4x AMRAAM of course, Sidewinders are for faggots.
If there are no SAMs the ultra retarded loadout is 2x3 CBU-97 and 2x3 Mavericks.
topkek I haven't seen that image for years
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good choice. airnav has a lot of good charts as well, and also lists obstacles/obstructions(more or less lines up with current photogrammetry in msfs).
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Does Sea Power belong here?
Developers did a live transmission and some info was revealed, here is a summary:

>whole world is playable
>USA, USSR, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, India and DDR
>automatization how help with micromanagement
>currently no plans for multiplayer
>basically looks like a sequel to Cold Waters
It does and I'm glad you posted, I was wondering the other day what the status is of it, I love Cold Waters. I can't wait.
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>Pakistan, India and DDR
Instead of France and UK, why?
I’ll play the fuck out of it when it eventually surfaces. Anyone heard anything about that other naval warfare game where you’re playing in a Virginia class?
>Instead of France and UK, why?
Same ethnicities are represented
That's just Bongland, France has mostly africans and arabs.
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>4 days till the chinook drops
>still no videos

I'm getting concerned bros, was preordering a mistake?
preordering is always a mistake
They do
At this point you might as well wait for the bespoke versions coming to 2024, because after the Starship, Nick is making fully custom versions of the King Air, Caravan, Baron, and Bonanza
And his simulation of the PT6 on the TBM and Turbine Duke is miles better
though honestly the Starship is way better than the King Air anyways :^)
Ah I didn't know that, I'll wait if there are bespoke versions coming thanks, I was about to buy the King overhaul this evening.
>Starship is way better than the King Air anyways
Different application
just crack it
Do you have a source for that?
I mean if you REALLY want the King Air then just get it, because you probably won’t see the bespoke version for at least another 9 months if not a year
Also how is the Starship a different application, it was literally designed to supersede the King Air
Unless you mean that you want the steam gauges and not glass which is fair
I was thinking more of capacity compared to the super king air, but the regular king air is the same as the starship I think. I wonder if the bespoke version has an upgrade option from the overhaul.
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On Nick making bespoke versions of the steam gauge overhaul aircraft? Read here down where it talks about the King Air and Caravan
As to the Starship being better? It came to me in a dream :^)
Ideally he will offer a discount to those who bought the steam gauge overhaul aircraft but I figure there will be extensive overhauling of the systems along with making all new exterior models, plus probably adding exterior interactions with free roam mode coming in 2024
I have the Alpha and I’ve heard people in the past say with other bases compatible with TM-style connectors that the axes don’t always work so I’d still like to hear for certain. FFB working with the extension would be a big plus though
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I might just grab the King Air Overhaul then and get the upgrade whenever it's out. I hope he includes the cargo version of the C208B.
I remember hearing someone who talked to Nick at FSExpo confirming he planned to do a Cargomaster but don’t quote me on that
I will quote you on that, sorry.
Well knowing Nick he’ll probably do it so I’ll probably be okay
I’m honestly curious what he plans to do after doing all the bespoke steam overhaul aircraft but frankly once the Starship is out idgaf when that is because I’ll be satiated for years to come
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whats that plane behind the f16?
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I made the mistake of saving halfway through a barrier and now when I load the barrier is down and the truck spazzes out.
So apparently winwing aren't stopping with just the airbus FCU, they've got an MCDU lined up as well as a some other airbus boxes and both boeing MCP and FMC. My bank account is going to cry.
How much do these panels cost each?
Also looking at the images would seem to imply they have boeing and airbus throttle (plus flaps and speed brake) handles coming as well.
Check the images.
Not sure how I missed that, honestly those prices are not too bad, I always assumed home cockpit stuff would be more than that.
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Damn, how do you get that job
Just flying back and forth between the same two airports every day
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It's a surprisingly long journey for a single engine plane over sea, I suppose they hug the islands on the way up just in case the engine conks out so they can glide to an airport. I fly around Guadeloupe in MSFS quite a bit, it's a beautiful part of the world, has an airport on one of the islands with a very funky approach.

Do it gunna be gud?
Damn Il-2 great battles is dated as fuck. Looks like shit, keybinding and axis binding is shit. You cannot switch the FFB axis so its wrong. This game really is fucking dead. I'd rather play WW2 shit on DCS at this point. Oh and tobii eye tracker isn't supported either.
lets say i want to start preparing myself for the PPL, what would be better, XP12 or MSFS?
Get A2A's Commanche for MSFS
i keep seeing this mentioned here a lot, what's about it that makes it worth it?
It's just accepted to be the most realistic GA aircraft for MSFS currently with all the systems modelling, failures, flight dynamics etc.
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no more landmarks!
im like retarded as shit, how do i taxi with that thing?
Is OUTBRK allowed here? It simulates storms and intercepting them in vehicles, looks promising for an early access game
Have you just bought it? Are you brand new to flying? Read the manual, it should have an introduction and go through the checklists, how to start it etc.
Sure it's a simulation game, I haven't heard of it before but it looks interesting. Apparently tornados won't be MSFS 2024 on a side note but they might look at them in the future, doing storm chasing in a plane sounds fun.
I know earlier this storm season that some news chopper from a station in OKC was airborne chasing cells as they initiated, was kino
>Apparently tornados won't be MSFS 2024 on a side note but they might look at them in the future
If addons can trigger them in freeflight maybe we'll get Rex AccuTwister
Speaking of Rex they won't be happy with 2024, adds seasons and improves weather. Rex and ActiveSky were must haves for FSX and now they're pointless.
i cracked it lol but i am reading the manual. and the taxi checklist ends at checking the brakes. i see that i can tow it and that nose wheel turns, does it have NWS?
Why can you not taxi it? What's the issue? If you're that new mate just mess around with the default 152 and do some of the in-game tutorials.
it seems like the nose wheel doesn't react to the axis but the rudder is moving and working? i towed it to the end of the runway and took off this way to check the rudder, its just the nws that doesn't work
>i towed it to the end of the runway
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i towed it by hand to the end of the runway like this
Check in the settings on the tablet if there's a nosewheel steering setting maybe
Nu il2 is trash, always has been from day one. Even if it did have clickpits it's FM is arcade shit
Fucking lol
its retarded and nws is working only with auto rudder
As someone who’s had early access, hold onto your money
It’s coming out unfinished, that is for certain
Wait for it to be improved, there’s still a lot wrong with it and or missing
Good 2 know thanks
So comfy
Goofy little thing
MSFS is simultaneously the most and least comfy game of all time for me.
I get most but why least
Go do the 40th anniversary monsoon Changi ILS landing activity and get back to me.
That thing sucks because they don’t have the FMS set up with the actual approach or even the flight plan
That said CAT III autolands are comfy as shit
Yeah, but you gotta capture the localizer first. Can't see shit, captain.
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Got this in outbrk earlier, the cloud rendering is pretty good
I love this retard winged hot rod so much it's unreal.
Capturing the Localizer is easy as shit
As for the Glideslope, just fly platform alt for a while until you get it
i just realized you can just download the photogrammetry cities out of all the world update packs and maybe some bush flights and landing challenges and skip 99% of the download size while still getting most of what i want out of it. holy shit. now i have all the cities in the world that the game offers and they're only like 1mb each
i did fseconomy a lot and saved up enough to buy a beechcraft g58 which took so fucking long, and i always used that or rented a king air to make money

what addon is this you use to simulate an economy? and is it integrated with that tablet UI addon too?
>all this talk about FFB coming back
mfs2020 doesnt even have FFB
DCS has it but its basically pointless in jets
it worked good in the p51 but is broken in the p47, it gets all fucked as soon as you start to trim

so basically its just for the other more obscure flight sims?
DCS is a helicopter game
the only purpose ffb has for helicopters is making it go limp so you can hit the button to trim it
It's used in MSFS via software that reads the sim data
what software? i bought one a while ago and it was utter shit
In DCS I play in helicopters, the Phantom, and the Mirage F.1, and occasionally the Spitfire, and all of those would benefit drastically from FFB.
>its basically pointless in jets
I have FFB, this is not true. Immersion factor aside, I have a tactile feel when I'm approaching max AOA or my airbrakes/flaps/gear are still out, and trim actually effects where the stick is centered. If you had said just FBW jets I would agree.
well yeah i meant fly by wire, i guess i never really tried flying older military jets in any games and forgot it could be useful for them
>flight simulator x
yeah see
not for mfs2020
its weird DCS would have it but not mfs2020
it even works really good in IL-2
kek I didn't realize that page doesn't mention 2020, but it does work in 2020
There's plenty of reviews of using ffb yokes in 2020
ok so i just need to buy a $3,500 setup and it might work in mfs2020 using 3rd party software
god i hope mfs2024 adds official force feedback so i can just use my fucking 25 year old sidewinder i got for $15 and works perfectly in dcs and Il-2
*aside from the p47 in DCS last i checked, cant get that shit right at all with the inversion settings or anything. i think ihave to invert ffb in the p51 too to make it work but then its perfect
>select parking start
>spawn on the runway anyway

how come is msfs so shit
It irritatingly resets the plane to the runway if you go into the liveries/weight/etc menu after setting it to parking. They should have fixed it in SU15, now we have to wait for 2024.
That's Neofly. Little less in depth with fseconomy, but it's got it's own exe and it's a lot more polished imo. I gave myself a small loan of $500 billion, because it takes much much longer to grind in neofly. And yes, it works with sky4sim.
I wish Rotate would bring their MD-11 to msfs
TFDi rubs me the wrong way.
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got huey for like $5 with the discount and leftovers from the SE refund and honestly its becoming one my of fav helis. no glass, no augmentations. its hard to fly and it makes it so satisfying, also double minigun gunruns
Now learn to fly it from the copilot seat and aim the minigun turrets with your left hand with a mouse while flying the helo with a cyclic in the right hand
Look at this noob, learn to fly it from the gunners seat only using a gamecube controller
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$750 yoke, throttle quadrant, and rudder pedal setup? no thanks, the logitech eXtreme 3D PRO just werks.
I hate the stupid trackir metal reflector.
What's a good active IR light emitter for sticking on a headset? Delanclip?
the trackIR Track Clip Pro if you're okay with spending money once on a product you'll use for about 20 years (don't let the poorfagso know, they'll get mad at you for spending your own money), or nigger rigging IR LEDs to your headset
Any Assetto Corsa players here? I was given the base game, on the premise that ultimate was not needed for mods took care of that and then some, but no further info has been provided. Can anon point me to the right direction? What page do these mods come from? Much appreciated.
>having to use that tiny throttle
It costs 80 euros to buy the pro clip here with shipping. Just seems like an insane price for such a simple product. But as you say, it's a buy once thing anyway
Delanclip is half the price but apparently needs a bit more setup than trackir. I'm going to get it at some point I think, fuck paying £200+ for trackir.
There are these as well https://grassmonkeysimulations.com/shop-2/
No clue how good they are tho, the branding seems a bit like a joke lol
I don't really want to pay import tax and shipping to europe for something like this either, since they sell out of the US
I've heard of them but I don't know how good it is. If you don't have anything currently then get SmoothTrack for your phone and use that, it's £8 on the play store, and works fine. Look up how to use it over USB though otherwise it's shit.
I have trackir already, but I have the shitty reflector ones that you clip onto a cap. So I'm mostly just looking at buying one of those active ir light ones you can attach to your headset
Oh I see, the hat thing does look stupid.
Yeah and it kind of sucks during daytime/bright sunlight
get a vr faggot
Need to upgrade my pc for that. Haven't really changed any parts except for harddrives since I built it in 2014.
Recently landed a new job, so I may do that for christmas. But that's a bit far off right now
Graßmonke works great fo me
Have the puck and the 240hz camera
even works with a bunch of sunlight shining through the window behind me after some manual configuration of the exposure and contrast on the camera
get the ultimate, it's the must and the content manager. mods can be find all over the internet, but race department is a good place to start
not a DCS question but does the block 50 viper not have multiple datalink track and friendly track? is this correctly modeled in DCS?
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Currently reading through the 107 page manual for the analogue King Air. Haven't started it up, just been sat in the cockpit looking at the instruments. First thoughts are it's excellent, but you can't seem to go into the cabin and cannot open doors due to it using the exterior model. I can't say what the sounds are like yet but I will be more than happy with the quality of the cockpit so far until Black Square release a bespoke version.
It was a gift tho
>was preordering a mistake
Anon, I...
Let's put it this way, if the Chinook launch is only as bad the F-16 launch was you should consider yourself lucky
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When will we have Ekranoplan Aircraft Carriers on DCS?: https://youtu.be/GCJ-nDz7B1U
>thinking slowtate would be better
Exterior sounds are going to be the same iirc, get FTSIM sounds
The Turbine Duke sounds way better
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Thanks mate I'll have a look at Ftsim. The duke looks nice but I'mve always loved the King Air.
Did they screw up ground handling somehow? This fucker just tried to rotate on me at 60kts then floated across the apron like it was on ice. Or am I just retarded? Probably the latter.
probably hasn't been updated for the new ground handling is my guess
luv the mewtwo
What happens if you say this on /fit/?
cool buttplug
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i played DCS like 3 times the week the F-4 dropped and haven't opened it since. played more fuckin ATS this month than flight sims.
I'm playing x4 with hotas and headtracker. It's fun!
Based and xpilled
Okay I bought il-2 and all the tank dlc. What should I do first?
Do you only want to drive tanks?
No. A healthy mix between air and ground would be nice.
>i also don't want to sit through 20 minutes of Enigma struggling to narrate his own script cause he's retarded
A daring synthesis, I couldn’t have put it better.
Enigma sounds like an intelligent man, but somehow he is so painful to listen to
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Our boy Sparky got just the thing for you, friend.
So which one of them isn’t a patriot, the copilot-gunner or the pilot?
You could try some singleplayer stuff first to learn the game. I prefer multiplayer on e.g the finnish server. I think they have tanks as well but most people just fly planes
Should I buy the Apache? I love helos and want to tackle the final boss
My favorite aircraft right now is the Ka-50 so I’m figuring it’s somewhat the same thing.
apache is a very nice helicopter if you have someone to fly it with, flying it with george is boring, flying it alone from the front seat is overwhelming and retarded
Nowadays you can just use radar Hellfires and pretty much ignore George if you want.
yeah it's as fun
My DCS setup is the best yet cheap and easy: Left hand joystick, right hand mouse. HOSAM: Hands on Stick and Mouse!
Left hand: T.16000M joystick because it allows leftie use. The buttons are modifiers. Left hand joystick was pretty easy to get used to.
Right hand: One of those MMO mice with 12 side buttons. A button switches between mouse look and cockpit click mode. Combined with the modifiers from the stick, it makes enough buttons for everything from the throttles to all the HOTAS you may want. I have the control surfaces visual display thingy up so I know the throttle position. I can change the throttle as continuous or in steps which makes it quick and gives an AB detent style effect.
This scheme gives me better than HOTAS: I can not only look around butter smooth FPS style but also fully interact with the cockpit without ever lifting my hand. I came up with this because the whole head tracking autism was too finicky for a quickie. Now I never use my Delanclip.
That sounds horrendous but I suppose you're limited being left handed. Maybe you should just fly the other hand, you would have to do if you flew in an Airbus.
I'm a leftie too but I've always used mouse and flight stick with my right hand. Got used to it perfectly, even won some minor Counter-Strike tournament back in the early 2000 with my twitch aiming skillz.

In DCS I have an easier time doing cockpit clicky things because I can still use the mouse with my left hand while the right is on the stick.
That sounds disgusting, but you do you bud.
I'm not left handed! I can't use a mouse in left hand, but I could get used to stick in left hand pretty easily. If I was a leftie, I'd simply use the mouse in left hand instead. Yeah it's not unprecedented I guess: Airbus decided it works too. This setup does limit me to left hand compatible sticks. I was already using a T.16000M which allows you to switch hands. In the future if there is no longer a good option, I can see myself printing a custom left hand stick. I'm just not willing to give up hand on mouse. As I said, I can look around, have HOTAS, and click in the cockpit without lifting a finger. People are paying so much just to be able to look around and have buttons, but you don't need to if you can swallow the left stick pill.
>People are paying so much just to be able to look around and have buttons...
thats wrong for 90% of users, people get a HOTAS setup because that's the closest to what real jets use and a matter of immersion, same as why people use a full ass wheel setup to play farm sims
A real jet is such a different feeling that even if you set up a whole home pit it doesn't feel anything like the real thing. You still have negative learning and you will still have to relearn everything from zero if you ever switch. What is realistic however is how pilots can easily look around and their controls are ergonomic with common functions easily accessible. That's what I'm simulating. Not the layout itself, because that's impossibly expensive, but a layout that simulates being able to use the thing without fiddling with a layer of fake realism that makes it more fiddly than the real thing.
That anon is using a fucking mouse to click and drag the throttles
>Taog's Hangar have released a huey
>Blackbird Simulations are releasing one soon
I personally don't see much point in getting the Huey for MSFS knowing that the one for DCS is the best and can be used in combat.
>Using your head to look around and using easy to find buttons and hats on your hotas is not closer to real life than using a mouse
FPS look to me is far easier than Delanclip which sounds like it would be more natural thus easier but is really not because at the end you're just looking weird at a monitor while having to worry about things line of sight and centering for the LEDs all while having higher latency. As for HOTAS buttons. They're fine and dandy by themselves but the problem starts when you want to do anything beyond them, like press a MFD button or flip some less used switch.
That's why you go with VR. Although, it makes it a bit more of a pain to hit some lesser used buttons if you don't have a good setup
Have you ever tried head tracking? It's surprisingly natural.
is it weird that i imagine my crush next to me when flying in msfs and that we're going on vacation? (I'm 23 btw)
no, that's normal
the next step is to download a voice from CereProc that sounds like her and use it with VoiceAttack so she can read off checklists and do co-pilot stuff for you
Reminder glass cockpits are fake and gay
god tier
mix of MFDs and analogue instruments

mid tier
no computer screens at all

shit tier
android planes with nothing but huge flat panels
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This is the only instrument you need
What's the secret to pirating planes for MSFS
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You need a grappling hook
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download them from simplaza and put in your community folder
blacked square with the payware gtnxi is the best to ever do it
Oh okay, that's easier than I thought it would be
Does anyone else enjoy reading aircraft manuals? There's something incredibly satisfying about being presented with a wall of dials and switches and then learning about what they all do and how they work.
I'm looking for a good sim game either truck driving or even flying but in snowy environments or rainy wooded areas. Natural disasters and stuff like that. What would you guys recommend? I just want a cozy sim in my preferred cozy weather.
>truck driving
American Truck Simulator is very comfy.

How good is your PC?
>snowy environments or rainy wooded areas
idk if snowrunner is a sim but its pretty fun
You can fly MSFS in north, plenty of cozy weather up there, not so much in therms of natural or unnatural disasters though
Theyre very different, if you've been flying the Ka50 for a long time you might still end up preferring it.

But any rate, do yourself a favor and stop being a steamcuck. You could go fly the apache right now for free and find out if you like it not.

I believe hurricanes are in so you could pop down to the Caribbean atm to experience it.
snowy mountain flying in MSFS
If GotFriends are bringing the Optica to MSFS are they just going to re-use the one they already made I wonder. I bought the Orbx one ages ago on sale which apparently isn't as good, so I'll have both versions when 2024 comes out.
Its really too easy. Ive bloated my community folder to almost 500gigs.
Pussy looks scared you're gonna crash
Just upgraded to a 4090 and busted out my Quest 2 which I hadn't used in years because of how poorly it performed in sims.
Turns out it's resolution is more than enough if you have a card that can handle it. MSFS looks beautiful, and all instruments are legible.
I'm jealous, I've just upgraded to a 4070tis but the difference is still remarkable. I have turned some things down from Ultra based on guides online claiming some settings just each performance with no real benefit. Try flying helis over some big cities like London or New York, it'd be incredible in VR.
Turning up the super-sampling on the headset to 1.3 instead of leaving it at 1.0 also makes everything a lot clearer
Okay then get the one in DCS
Idk why you’re bringing this up because anyone in the thread has already seen the DCS Huey and likely wouldn’t buy the ones for MSFS unless they want to do civvie ops or ops that aren’t confined to the limited maps in DCS
Have you considered
Actually made me happy to see other people trying to fly through hurricane beryl on msfs
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very kino
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Got an itch to get back into uboat sims. Are SH3 and SH4 still king, or is the mod scene for SH5 and Uboat good now?
Not even going to answer, I've seen that exact post verbatim in previous threads. Copy pasta, not even bumping

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