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Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Dark) - (06/16 - 06/22)
Magfest Campaign - (06/10 - 06/24)

Unite & Fight MC skin - live
Side Story menu update - 06/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 Story event

>Future Schedule

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Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>482896314
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man i love my wife
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Eternal winner
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i love my wife and now i slumber
I thought this was nier wars, where nier?
In my bed
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I think the problem is cygays didn't expect the artist to design wam as such a semen demon given the description of her being especially childlike
that's why they will never do anything more adult-like with her and attached her to another childlike character because they refuse to change their plans for anything
pretending japs don't like them childlike
a flawed hypothesis given they copypasted her from another semen demon
I'm talking about current cygays here
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>got 1 cele staff and 1 cele bow in 3k meat
cool, never got 2 so fast
>FKHR signs off on the sexo design
>KMR mandates the family friendliness
other way round you retard
kihomora strikes again
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sorry it gives you cognitive dissonance but kmr is the one behind censorship
KMR is the pedo, dumbass
made for spanks
iirc fkhr, the art lead, and some other president/exec are the ones who give the final approval on zodiac designs. that includes... you know... monki... tigers... and so on.
kmr... censors shadowverse and tries to rip off yugioh and force it as an esport... im sure he tries to push the safe, risk averse ideas as well. aka angel sequsls, knights, etc.
God I'm surrounded by retards, FKHR is the homo
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Should have posted this.
kimufag defense force...
I will always defend our galge KINGmura
Why can't FKHR just be bi?
that's not how it works in tard world
favorites he personally worked on and is attached to. has some flaws, but ultimately means well

>only liked her because she was meta at the time
>le company mascot and shilling
>only like her because she was meta, also shills credits cards
>hey guys don't forget priconne exists please play it
FKTRN loves homoflops thoughbeit.
Summer Ra....
Yes we know you're a HIV brained maleringer just like FKTRN.
Summer Tefnut will be for (You)
those are literally the reasons kmr himself gave for why he likes those characters
If all your favorite characters are female, you pretty much don't have an opinion worth listening to
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Famous last words of many anons last summer.
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Tell me what killed /gbfg/
Doesn't change the fact that you're a hiv brained maleringer.
shay's astroturf
the game going to shit and getting behind with the times
with all the new shinier gacha, only pure autists would spend half their lives grinding this flash game with 2010 graphics and gameplay
kmr could shut down fkhr's ideas at any time and doesn't. why? because he's kimuhomo.
Next year please understand
Yeah if only
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what is a maleringer?
only if (you)r name is Richard
KMR doesn't give a shit about grub anymore. That's why FKTRN is free to put his favorite homoflops in it.
um magnabwos i cant 0b nm90 without tigers??? am i doing something wrong????
am i bricked because i didn't farm 4 agastias???
hes not powerful enough
anon that wasnt a problem for 5 years and all of a sudden everyone jumped ship? i dont believe it.
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You want an honest answer? /gbfg/ has been a husk for years now. I'd say since 2022 is when it became truly one. Schizos festered but unlike other generals where the progress of the game itself can undermine them, grub simply kept reclining so it proved a lot of their talking points right and emboldened them. This naturally lead to more schizos who in turn lead to more until we hit critical mass this year and burned out. It won't get any better. All we can do is hope this pysog general dies before it gets worse.
>it proved a lot of their talking points right
such as
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Gacha that don't look like flash games released in within the last 5 years
threads were shit but not dead. not even close to this dead.
>shitposters who infest the thread 24/7 wondering why nobody wants to post with them anymore
>ringed flopman
Character writing in grub being garbage which is why there's so few dedictaed characterfags left. Game balance being a shitshow as they released multiple things they didn't test or hamstringing Settes months after release.
Even that did not kill /gbfg/
my nm90 0b didn't work and i made the worst decision orz
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Not enough fun content within the game to override the shitposting.
Style change
never heard of it
I drink milk from this.
Osiris next year.
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This setup might be good for NM200 FA if the boss continues the trend of having a significant number of buffs
You have
> 2 Dispels on Foe Special Attack
> 2 Dispels on Vikala Dodge
> 1 Dispel on Marquiares CA

This to me feels like itd be more consistent than relying on the boss to have 5 buffs for Halmal to work at all.
The MC will have to deal the brunt of debuffs and sustain, so some options may include
It all depends on how necessary dispels are
>which is why there's so few dedictaed characterfags left
that has nothing to do with writing and everything to do with schizos here attacking anyone but whatever the nebulous approved characters are (for the likely same reasons you're calling the writing garbage, like waifus talking to males besides gran) or recognizable posters (you can see it lately with people complaining about "the galleonschizo" but it's old as shit) and of course it's impossible to talk about male characters whatsoever
says a lot when /gbfg/ is the only one dying and all the other communities are fairly stable.
this is a salarymange afterall.
Right. Because I'm sure Zoifans loved her usage in "her" anni and then the continuation of her humiliation ritual in the Boku No Hero collab.
what are these other communities, I wanna visit
Relink general is actually dead
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right, this is what i'm talking aout. /gbfg/ had zoifags in the past defending her character development in stars/skies, and people even pointed out how in the bnh collab she turns it around and saves deku, but power level fags just keep on spamming medusiana jokes, so what's the point
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I am in tier a what about (You)
Why do I still have to farm meat like a monkey? I killed it 1 turn 10 times there's nothing else to prove just give me infinite meat. What does KMR and FKHR gain by making me sit here clicking these menus and same clicks for 8 hours?
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>why is the participation so l-ACK!!!!!
The Medusiana joke wouldn't even have caught on if she had some actual more than half cooked development in that event. The real Zoi and not a mass produced clone doesn't even appear until Part 3 at which point she makes a choice that retroactively ended up not even mattering. She was like a footnote tacked on at the end of it
kmr is the one in charge of gw
muh engagement
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Im guessing the GW boss will repeatedly gain new ways to fuck over kengo in particular this time around
Very F2P unfriendly
Sis, I think CA sealed is there to stop ereshlords
You mean the only gm weapon f2p players actually invested in?
>I'd say since 2022
KMR doesn’t ack out like FKHR because he’s too zonked out on blow and giving sloppy toppy to MAO’s toes.
>covid destroyed cygames
>versus destroyed /gbfg/
>F2P ereshbros get fucked
>Whale ereshfags have sleepyhead
This doesn't seem very fair...
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the state of gbfg
Sounds stupidly slow.
"Buh buhbuhbuh"
Get CA sealed faggot
Shan't be taking the advice of a tyraringer
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better nm200 fa comp
>804 meat and already feel like killing myself
This is so fucking boring dude how do you people put up with this?
It becomes mindless after you do it enough times
I'm tired of farming bros.
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Should i shower?
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>why is nobody having fun... I added some extra difficulty so you can make more fun comps and enjoy this event... shi wa eien ni kodokudatta...
Genuinely autism
Our canon brother and father is better than tyraflop
kmr is the one in charge of gw
We all know CHADblue CHADtasy has the best Guild related content but which mobage has the worst and why is it Nikke's Union Raid?
Why does he post the same FKHR faces every single thread?
I watch those crappily edited family guy episodes on the side
>you can finish it in under an hour of good coordination
It's just a better version of Priconne clan battles
Because FKHR makes those faces every single hour.
Yeah as others said you do this WHILE doing something else with your time. I like listening to audiobooks and watching documentaries.
where's your zosimos, sixter...
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sex incarnate
16 hours a day of clicking the same button good
Do 3 hits in 10 minutes bad
/gbfg/ would still be alive if (((they))) ever remembered Forte.
Collab next year FujoCHADS
That's exactly what everyone should do, 3 hits every 10 minutes: A C K
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blatant dev bias is so gay
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I think GW suck nya~
We call her DjeeSUPERIOR around here
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ya winning grubbas?
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>this is a salarymange
The irony of saying this while the actual
>take leave off from work so you can farm meat and buy oxygen canisters so you don't die
event is going to be running all week. Every gacha is a salarymange, but grub is a secondjobge.
It doesn't feel like I'm winning...
>>take leave off from work so you can farm meat and buy oxygen canisters so you don't die
Japs only need to do that since they're majority vaxxed
grub is second job that you pay instead of the other way around
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>and all the other communities are fairly stable.
what other communities
>announces it's presence
>immediately starts shitposting and seething over a certain character
Why is this creature like this?
Idk why everyone is complaining. Bastet has single handledly (heh) made gw a more enjoyable experience for me
'cord woke up, eh?
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>dude stop complaining the game doesn't suck just look at da sexo
Right, because this worked out so well for Heart of the Soilent.
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sekrit discords....and reddits....
I would've forgiven everything about it if Hauhet released instead of fenie.
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>>482973710 wasn't made by me albeit
>that has nothing to do with writing and everything to do with schizos here attacking anyone but whatever the nebulous approved characters are
nobody cares what schizos here say...
if only...
>rrat and marqiares
too many ougi
why would people schizopost about the writing if it's good and waterproof?
post the double kaguya hades setup for meat farming
uhhh hruntbros? hraeskeks?
This desu. I've seen people post homo art here and get off scot free. And if other people want to discuss something else, they will. There's just not a lot to discuss.
fenie is great
they'd need more time and/or a sequel to make phoenix into a dindu that spills another droplet of cum that turns into another playable character
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schizos are a symptom to a larger problem.
I know you will never accept this because you are too cowardly to face the truth but that's a irrefutable fact.
s belial six/veight/ilsex echokey
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they should post more
no they are the problem, they're dumb and annoying and i don't like them
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thanks bwo
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the majority of ch*nkge addicts are jobless neets or literal toddlers. most of them can't afford a nintendo switch to play the real game.
grubbers are just old men reliving their youth.
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if you have tigers the remaining slots are completely free for EMP/droprate/etc
no lockout from counters either
granted i have high TA rolls on rings + MA key on the ultima axe
>literal toddlers
nintendo enjoyers out of nowhere
>grubbers are just old men reliving their youth.
They could just play those old games instead of a thing so cheap it fails even at being an imitation.
Idc about any of that I just like watching bastets bastets bounce when I hit her
do they actually do that, haven't seen attack animation go through once
I throw the big red ball and bastits bounce nicely, then I can orange and refresh
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female grub for this feel?
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marquiares in a dress.
i can tell you have shit optimization just from this brainlet take.
unlike those attention whoring games of yore, you can watch anime or read manga while your full auto completes on your second monitor. also grub has more gameplay than those old games and only a few of them are worth replaying. average jp grubber has probably beaten every square rpg least twice
Yep tho I switched to a faster animation which also blocks less of her sprite so its quite nice. She ticks all my boxes tho so Im just enjoying having something extra on my usual gw grind.
Link those stable communities
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tl;dr grubba adhd too strong for geimu
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>invisible sales
>invisible fanart
>invisible players
>invisible doujins
>invisible community
Soon to be invisible game
Kill yourself, retard.
>rerunning the same autistic grind shit for the millionth time
Guild wars is pure cancer. Me: Playing good games while autists f5 for 16 hours a day while KMR laughs at how pathetic they are for doing this. Did he target another random nobody jap streamer to farm meat the whole time again? Lol.
At least FKTRN will have a very visible career in the food industry after they fire him
What is the point of this post?
recommend some fonts for grub
Pointing out grub is dead due to the content being shit
Priconne's CB was an infinitely better format. Shame KMR only lets japs play it.
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comic sans
boing boing boing
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I got the skin.
I wanna take a break and play wuwa instead but the crew isn't a tier in honors yet...
This could have been me, glad I kept trying to find something that works without having to ring the homos
is there a 0 button meat farm magna setup?
0 button isn't a thing
are you going to control the game with your mind
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shut up
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I'm running bowman/150six/s.ilsa

v.tiger is better, if you have that dark girl with free ougi she's also good
nice thread
you made this
This is quite literally the deadest gacha game in the history of japanese mobile gaming
is there a 90 double kaguya setup without eresh?
But enough about dragalia lost
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celestial genesis orange
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I can't stop cumming to my mother.
glad i farmed agastia, but there goes a few hundred mats for alchemy.
are drivers even going to be used this gw? i shouldn't have sparked.
if you have 3 yes
*puts my head in front of your face and takes in a big sniff of your breath as you yawn*
>no 250 opus
it's over... all because I didn't want to 6T hostleech...
y100 get in here 8062d028
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getting any nyew cyontent gyrubbas?
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haha, funny!!!
Somehow marginally unfunnier than grandblues
Bow Celestial give echo for whole team on ougi? Did we know the 2nd effect yet?
>enjoying the new skin
>enjoyment decreased because everyone is using it too
>disable player skins so only I can use it
A shitcord meme about trangels
Can't get much worse
This. I have to be the unique one while everyone else looks like npc drones.
ranking status?
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Bucon stronk
/gbfg/ status?
Oya...? What happened to all the buconragers?
Vindicated, we always said it was esports shit
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get back to farming anon, I need to feed them, you don't want them hungry
I can't get the ski.. OH SHIT I CAN BUY IT
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Is it chintaztic???
i can't farm until prelims are over.
how much meat for top90k
about three fiddy
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how much more do they need?
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5k meat in 2 hours
That will be all for prelims danchou. Back to Xenoblade 3

what are you using for gw? Did you make your own bot or some premade tool?
pure autism sadly
Now that gbf is dead, can i use viramate again?
Is there any way to increase the chance of golden EX+?
sumo 2 is real
waking up to my grub wife taking my cock to the base before sliding herself on top of me.
>sumo 2 is raiden, poz, juri, yngwie and ladiva teaming up to return the water to auguste
You forgot Mugen and Cassius
Might as well throw Sandalphon in there for good measure
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You guys forgot about the most popular FKHR unit: Icarus
Finally, we shall receive S. Icarus, o how long we waited
>only good character from the collab
>not playable
Too galge..........
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Player Ranking
#2K 19.28B (+38.4%)
#90K 2.42B (-7.8%)
#140K 1.23B (-19.9%)
#180K 747.89M (-28.9%)
#270K 154.41M (-53.2%)
#370K 8.59M (-86.7%)
#2K - 740,997,577 - 649K/min
#90K - 73,112,854 - 71.5K/min
#140K - 38,011,977 - 39.5K/min
#180K - 22,877,684 - 24.8K/min
#270K - 5,887,914 - 8.2K/min
#370K - 421,777 - 960/min
>event with the best rewards is unfun
>make 0 changes to make it fun
>people stop playing it
It's over. This game has at most 1 year left.
>schizos still bring up raiden out of nowhere
Happy Anniversary (soon) of your faggot ass shitposting not becoming real
Imagine saying that when sauna 2 exists
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We are getting da Mr P event next month thoughbeit
sumoman evaporated the ocean in Auguste last summer, this summer he'll come back and fill the ocean back up by pissing it out
6 chapters. all piss. people will come in and marvel at the endurance, the quantity, the force and heat of the constant gushing waterfall like the sky itself had an opening rip leading to Wamdus' watery realm. Mugen...think it might be fun to play in water... MUGEN, PEEPEE!
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Ackshually, the calendar has holes in the illustrations so you can see the next month on the current one so that's August
you've said that for.. idk 6 years now? you doomfags owe me multiple End of Services
how does this affects the upcoming naruto collab
/gbfg/ said wamdus fixed auguste in homologia's fates???
she did
if you haven't figured it out by now, the retards here don't read anything in the game
Aside from 3 landslides dirt what grids want autism staff? And while we are at it, is the bow as useless as it looks?
So wtf is fkhr supposed to do for sumo 2 + g. Raiden + row v sumo?
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hello fellow grubbers
>row v
Does this really look like a row V outfit to you?
>Does this really look like a row V outfit to you?
No, they must be FATTER
grubs for this feel?
lu woh
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>they are releasing raiden right after his event homoge
>w-well actually they will do it during august
>fuck fkhr doing grand raiden this september
>it's actually october grand raiden! please believe me!
>n...november?... my narrative...
>grand raiden coming during christmas stream I can feel it...
>europa's fate were too galge grand raiden this february...
>anni grand raiden fuck kmr
>raiden raiden raiden raiden
11 fucking months
and you can't let go your golden armour bara fantasies
get a job already
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It's not our fault it's in line with what FKHR would do
but it's clearly not
where is raiden then?
whenever dark gets maled
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does it really surprise you when poz, lich, sales and fkhr posting has been going on for way longer?
it's just another turd in the toilet of shitposts
>raziel (a female) getting the fastest two units ever
>they finished the sumo event cliffhanger during orologia's fate
>raiden has been on zero events
>all shill on zero of their irl promotions or art
sure bro
>anni event mostly focused on a male
>releases 3 females (one of them free)
wtf fkhr wheres my promised homo content?
Galgehara temporarily took over
Inside you is galgehara and fukuhomo
>nicest waifufag you'll ever meet
>twisted fucking homosexual
How do I exorcise fukuhomo
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>not a single maleringer in top 3
DarkgalgeGAWDS, I....
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Uhhhh 000bros what's this???
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
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why isn't /ourgirl/ GWing this time?
>Delete guild wars
>Rework the game into an application
>Remove refreshing
>Consolidate 30 man trains into a single big fight
>Remove homos
>Remove the stupid alien skin
>make GBF2
Buconrager is going nuts
>Remove the stupid alien skin
Kill yourself
>delete guild wars
why would i play the game then
Uhhhh but /gbfg/ said Bowman is unused?
That's ayer...
Bowman with Ayer skin, nyes
my wife
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Real ones use bird
magna fire with their exalto and m2.5 sticks
at least that's what i plan to use it with when colossus decides to fucking drop some
also magna water if you're running the militis staff
raiden who?
just checked top 20 and none of them uses bowman over ayer
bowman isn't real, let it go...
Current 8th is based
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WHAT IS THIS!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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is this good enough for 100% ta if i bar the fedi spear? or do i need another fedi spear?
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It's almost as if..... it took 12 months for Sui to be released.
You say it has been 11? I wonder what that means.....
There is a male right there in those teams
Ayer is male
Hades is male
uhh... dark bros???
it means that... you're retarded... and ignoring every other girl that immediately released after their event... and all the male characters that took a year or longer...
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Ayer is only 15, so he's galge
Bowman is galge
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I fuck your wife
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I love the new look of Djeeta
give me a good reason as to why the dark primach is not going to be ant man
all dumb ideas which would kill the game for good
he's male
when are the new summer units dropping? legfes?
>>Remove refreshing
>No mention of reworking core gameplay or reducing grind
The game is unplayable without refreshing.
I've been doing NM90 for hours and not a single drop. What fucking gives?
you rike?
the drop rate is absurdly low
me too
i also like how the outfit flavor text is actually about how the mc's soul is leaving their bodies due to grinding too much
is it worth caging a parazonium? seems like it will keep being useful for years at this rate. nothing can kill it.
It's the highest value cage use desu.
grub for this feel? >>483004597
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Nier and Fraux
me on the right
Shindol if he made a grub doujin
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what do you even use sky compass for?
What do we think of our girls 150GM weapons?
they would never fuck dogs
end of next month.
Where do you check flavor text?
based choices, especially zosimos and futsu
of course she's a hruntgoddess with NO eresh in sight and NO ura
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>the protagonists dress in black, white and BLUE
>the antagonist dresses in black, white and RED
Haha…that’s our GW
Yeah.... and style will be here for girls soon....... and sandal won't get a second grand................ and fkhr won't mysteriously release events for all his favorites in a year....................................................................
ummmmmmmmm.........where da paid opus?
Mizahub but official and for nips
>full auto
i hope she learned her lesson.
What's a good replacement for tulpaman? V Tigers?
Same could be said for most [never ever]fags
wonder what will fill the void in the hearts of these people when fkhr or grub inevitably dies
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Saw someone in the top 10 rocking this
fellow bai enjoyer
Sudoku or Solitaire
Will Faa save Zosimos or will his Grand MH kill it permanently?
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>crew slipping down slowly towards tier A cutoff
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This is the current state of dark. Lots of Bai and Huangsex.
Umm sisters? We need to retreat to the 'cord
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May be they will reach 999 emp this GW...
>crew was 4k 8 hrs ago and dropped to 5k now
we're still safe right?
Dark arche will be AzIz since KMR will never allow Dark to be m*le’d
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My fellow tigger enjoyers, they doubted us, but we won
Since Dark got Logia and will be getting Faa soon I’ve decided I want to play Dark in HL. Is Nier uncap required or can I just finish her dagger and do her uncap and S4 later?
>I’ve decided I want to play Dark in HL
You don't need either honestly
>unused flop
>core dark galge required for all content
Yup yup yup
Total galge victory
Total maleringer death
my condolences
will only think about it when Faa releases
Isn’t it the easiest way to activate ES? You throw in 3 ES and then Nier dagger in extra that way you get the cap from an Evoker weapon and also unlock ES requirements. What else do they use for ES 4 weapon type in HL?
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>TiGODs dirt uncap drops at end of year, 100% chance it is good
>eresh forever core
total tigger domination
>lolifloppers getting uppity
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>will be getting Faa soon
If it wasn’t for NWQ gating I’d be completely done with Evokers already. I hate myself for spending those 30 NWQ on Ideans for Haase.
Even with all s4?
is 6k meat enough for to90k? gw seems dead
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Grubs for this feel?
>100% chance it is good
but vikala uncap was bad?
tigers are a 50/50 since FKHR have them ring so one might think that's secured to be good but all his shill characters end up being trash since he doesn't play the game
Tigers are already good they just have garbage TA but S. Rat fixes that. They can be easily made super core.
Meat Calculator 6000 meats
1,200 NM90 or 312M honors
600 NM95 or 546M honors
300 NM100 or 795M honors
300 NM150 or 1.23B honors
300 NM200 or 4B honors

Keep in mind you'll want to burn ~2k on nm95 to get all the chests.
Cantate before (((They))) got to her
vikala was always a meme FA unit in dark. tigers are actually a good unit at their base.
nigga tigs are good already, they can only get better.
i just asked the support if I could pay to get them all maxxed and they agreed (I won't say how much i paid thoughbait)
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He's coming back, right?
i ate it
is that a yeas or a no?
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2 kaguya stack?
It’s all cock vore so I can’t post it.
Go for 8k imo.
i dont have ring for magus
go nuts

But where is her cat?
during comfy FA time and post GW she'll be getting art since that's how it usually goes
sovl sexo
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Grubs for this feel?
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>7.7k crew rank and it keeps going down
NGMI for Tier A at this point...
Is 15k meat good enough? Can I start farming NM90?
yes it's good enough
thats what happens when your expansion is a mixed toilet
/ourguy/ Asmongold said he dropped the DLC since it was too hard it wasn’t fun
>make dlc challenging
>every retarded scrub gets filtered
many such cases
Thanks. I keep forgetting outfits tab exists there. Earlier I was looking in Journal and couldn't find it.
Great flavor text.
>there are people without Eresh farming meat more efficiently than me simply because of the location they were born
I hate Japanese ping
I hate Japanese ping
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(You) will never be a Japanese grub slave
Just move to Japan.This game has been out for a decade, in that time you could have gotten a degree, a job in Japan, a wife, and even a hafu child to grind grub for you in order to cope with the bullying they get in kindergarten

Yet here you are, complaining about your ping
I don’t want any of that. I’d rather move to America to marry a buxom black woman in Mississippi.
just summon lmao
>I’d rather move to America
Let's not exaggerate.
>uses Mimic Tear
I beat the game
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>gw seems dead
weekend + skin
it will slow down for sure
Galgegods always show up in the end
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ngl shadow is a better DLC than ringed city for me, I am still deciding if it's better than old hunters or not but as far as fromsoft DLC goes it's either that or SOTE
granblue archive
I bet you think the same for grub and using eresh/hraes/hrunt
Maglielle grand..... please......
Old Hunters is the best DLC of all time. SotE is good so far but no boss has surpassed Ludwig, Maria, and Orphan yet.
Here’s your Bastet art.
that and the new SOTE weapons are great but they are not beast cutter great
>literally gbfg in the name
good art
>Cat Parade
>That burning lion that chococats worship

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did he voice a grub character?
He voiced his Conan character in the collab.
>Grub kept using Aglo, Lucis, and Orchid after their scandals
He’ll voice a Grub character now.
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Since mechanic release we got
>every other EX II class
>8 IV classes
>6 V classes
So why no mechanic II?
At this point, after anni event making a quick mention of the solar system/the moon and latest main story update saying that we might finally finally finally get to Estalucia, I am expecting that they will finally wake up and mechanic II will be straight up about extraterrestrial technology. I doubt this really was the original idea for the class, if there was any at the moment, which the writers clearly making making things up on the spot at times.
Just an affair with a married man
I don’t think she ever had anything like Suzuki’s suicide attempt or Sakurai’s shaved pussy texts come out of it. The Amuro one is pretty bad since apparently he would hit her sometimes and forced her to get an abortion.
I always consider RB to be the Mechanic successor but it's in the wrong slot
>new Robomi
>Mechanic 2 giant robot boogaloo
We’re getting a lot more Moon stuff lately and FKHR will never turn down an opportunity to shill Cock so we’ll probably get Cock teaching us to build giant robots for Mechanic II next year.
bea is nothingburgers unless of course he cheats on her husband who's fine with her tenderized 36 year old possi
Also if he actually lied about being infertile (instead of being an innocent mistake), that changes the terms they had sex with, consent is declared null and it becomes rape, of which he's under actual risk of going to jail for.
We ride our good boi/girl? pyet-a after power armor ex2 mechanic
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>cheats on her husband who's fine with her tenderized 36 year old possi
with me
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no more Amuro content...
>names character after VA
>VA gets in huge scandal
>marries the VA for Conan (Sarasa)
>gets divorced
Detective Conan has funny VA stuff
Eugen's OG actor died and his new actor is married with the voice actress of Eugen's daughter
FKHR knew what he was doing when he did that recast.
that's a different person anon, sarasa va's husaband
For me, it’s the many 40+ unmarried hag VAs
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>they think faa is next
>posts a wind character
we are getting his younger (fantasy) version
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>gran draphcoded
>pom erunefucker
>id harvindiddler
Pommern is too galge for grub, Altia is pure sex and draphs are verboten these days
>Grand Juri
morning sex with my grub wife
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That grub wife? Uno
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>Crew was comfortably in 5K so I thought I could take a break to play elden ring
>Go to sleep
>Wake up
Haha...this sucks man.
>Nectar/Tyre VA does K’ in KoF XIV/XV
I knew he sounded familiar
cuddling with my grub wife for a quick nap after cumming deep in her pussy
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>voice changer candy
The appeal of fucking trap Uno is him keeping the Freeza voice
Rotation for this? I have everyone but uncapped Six.
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Why couldn't we see the timeline where Tomoi and Freesia got together?
>wanting redditcats to get anything
6k meats, already 3 drops, may be my luck is back...
De La Floppyroon will be unused this GW
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check out my bread based otk I made it myself
I can't breathe.
>my crew is going to B tier because everyone is busy playing Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
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this gw seems weirdly active considering. I suppose middle aged japanese salarymen don't like elden ring
the skin is bloating the prelim efforts a little is all.
If my crew doesn’t make tier A I’m leaving it.
My crew will make tier a even if I fall asleep and don't do anything...
Is this good enough for NM90 when using double Kaguya and dragon bar or should I use a real summon so I can cut out a button?
most people dont play souls games, especially not DLC that 10x the difficulty
the confirmation bias feedback loop that so many streamer hogs really skews people's perception of its popularity
for me, it's monster hunter
the new monster hunter is probably going to be an mtx riddled mess tho :(
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quatrebois... we're flopping to tier b this time...
I bet Bai is loose but lets you do anal and fisting.
I bet Huang is tight but only allows missionary for the sole purpose of procreation and hand holding.
>Souls games aren't popular
I know this is schizogeneral but that's insane.
It's not like FIFA popular but Elden Ring has sold a fucking lot.
/gbfg/ still thinks Granblue is popular so of course they don’t know any better.
maleringers do be tier b floppas
23 million total copies as of a month ago, sure.
But you overestimate how many people actually give a shit about souls games, especially a fucking dlc.
More people care about it than GW so…
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soulsbourne fags try not to get immediately defensive about their game series, difficulty: utterly impossible
is elden ring harder than ninja gaiden?
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name my band gbfg
Is the new skin esports?
>couldnt even find two people before gw
>now tier b
it’s over for maleringerbois
forgive me if this is a stupid question but what's the benefit of drop buffs on nm90? I thought the box things didn't drop until 95
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You can’t get good fortune boxes until 95 but 90 drops Celestials.
thanks fellas, I've been running with kaguya anyway since everyone else was but I didn't get why lol
Do I really have to ring Uno if I want to get Nio to 150?
why is she like this?
no? just get him and the other jews to 5*
Alright. But. Hear me out. Real talk here.
No one fucking cares.
You sit here and call everyone a schizo.
Yet you are the one who can't stop talking about soulslop in a 10 years old gacha browser game thread.
Imagine Ilsa’s sweaty unwashed Erune hag pussy and hairy armpits after forcing her for grind meat for you all day
Cared enough to reply.
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This GW top 2k is kinda crazy...
but my narrative that everyone is playing elden ring........
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I asked and I care about Ilsa's hairy sweaty hag butthole.
They are. There’s less people playing but the people who are playing are going hard.
faster than rising soodo
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>8k meat done
>Not even in 140k
Is Bastet’s futa cock barbed?
By my calculations it should only take 250 meats to get the skin.
is your pc not good enough to run both at the same time? But unless you live in japan, you should rent a server for your gw bot to run on there anyways
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I’ll use my special ability to fix that!
yeah that's what it took for me more or less. i farmed 6k meats and did 200 meats worth of nm90
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The hero of GW
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>meat day over
>90k already at 2.2B
this shit will unironically climb to 3B won't it
>>482946129 #
Cendrillion got a constellation other than food in the rerun version of Tikoh event, although Cantate is basically Tikoh, so server side sock puppet users probably won’t be picky. ( since bowman gender = manawydan/morphe & Phoebe and cendrillion gender = robomi)
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>Priconne's CB was an infinitely better format.
>Optimize team
>Hit boss
post da crew rankings
It was higher earlier today >>483004201
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>fell to tier B
/gbfg/ GW73 Ranking
Updated: 27m ago
Page :one:
#1.8K - PCS - 3.74B
#3.6K - (You) - 2.27B
#3.6K - Grapes - 2.26B
#4.3K - 中出しの幸せ - 1.98B
#4.9K - Bullied - 1.79B
#4.9K - Lilypals - 1.79B
#5.7K - TOOT - 1.58B
#5.8K - ニーア! - 1.55B
#6.4K - COWFAGS - 1.44B
#6.5K - Fleet - 1.43B
#6.5K - Bullies - 1.42B
#7.5K - ChocoCats - 1.33B
#7.5K - ONIONS - 1.32B
#7.7K - BellaBarca - 1.31B
#7.7K - カトルボーイズ - 1.30B
Page :two:
#8K - Aion no Me - 1.26B
#8.5K - 小さな女の子 - 1.07B
#10.5K - Cogfriends - 646.97M
#19.7K - Nier!! - 229.10M
#21.2K - (You) Too - 193.07M
#25.5K - OppaiSuki - 129.05M
#26.9K - TheBathtub - 117.28M
#29.5K - Sixters - 101.23M
3 unranked crews
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That’s it, I’m leaving my crew.
What happened? Before I slept last night this was looking to be a slow GW. Then I woke up and suddenly the cutoffs skyrocketed.
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I thought we were safe...
>easy to get 90k
guess i will farm this gw
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Anyone else's twitter search give them shit from years ago instead of current top stuff?
>Aion no (B)
FOMO ERkeks gave up after getting filtered by DLC difficulty
Should I get Zosimos for NM200 FA?
very embarrassing performances from the schizo crews this run...
Fleet and who else?
so... this is the power of the 'cords...
Grapes will get fucked by (You)
everyone between toot and 小さな女の子
Sixters status?
Destroyed by Tyrapals
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>retards couldn't wait for 95
Is Sixters a one man crew now? That's just embarrassing
floprapals aren't even ranking...
another artist fucked by grub's giant grind cock
>#7.7K - カトルボーイズ - 1.30B
Bullies is now the subcrew
tikounek isn't the jjkschizo retard
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Gomen danchou I’ve literally been at work or getting 5 hours of sleep the entire prelimins…
Show me your ER played hours bitch
bullied truly is ceodricpilled
>tier A
Alright gang my part’s done I’m going back to elden ring.
>tier A
Time to slack, quatrebois!
any update reflecting the final prelim score?
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grubs for this feel?
>open world kusoge
I haven’t had it installed since February 2022.
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>Tier B
this crew sucks
>pretending this is any good
you maleringers got 3.4b last prelim how did you drop to 1.3b lmao
>tier c
There's nothing wrong with being a maleringer and I'm sick of pretending otherwise.
ponder the fragrance
Its mainly been 5 people doing it since everyone else is working or playing better games
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Time to slack and back to galge ring nya~
But we have Lucisan in Grub...
Why is she not eating while doing it?
Me on the bottom
Do we hate Quatrebois? Are they a schizo crew like Fleet?
uhhhh Miquella is galge though???
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Are you winning grubbas?
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>tfw my 2/3 dead nip crew ranked higher than half the gbfg crews
so peak
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Galge albeit
P*z's wife Mrs. P is there
>>elden ring dlc has gay incest
So do we, anon.
>trusting gbfg about something being galge
this place is full of homos that will tell you that boku no pico is 100% galge
Schizo crews get members
Silent crews do not
>they POZZED Radahn of all people
fucking HELL
Who’s the chick on the left?
She left and changed her name.
I meant right.
>miquella had radahn killed so he can enslave his soul and flop on his cock forever
Fuck this, I'm settling for Malenia's rotussy after all
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Lets fucking go, Child Boypussy for the win!
That’s GALGEhan
She rejoined as パス
Galge Ring has Ranni wife, hence the name Galge Ring(the ring you propose to her with)
That's Galgedahn
The disgusting faggot on the right is Miquella, his incestuous freak brother
No one gives a shit
Meant for
Boku no Pico is galge albeit especially the sequels
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Take a good rest /gbfg/.
meant for
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>Atelier gacha for a bridal alt for Ryza
I’m outta here, later homos.
Nah only the first one was galge, the moment they introduced chico it became maleringer gabage
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I hope there is lots and lots of Magus lewds when I wake up.
Is anyone else having issues connecting to the servers in the Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising video game?
What do the fujos think of this?

I'm going to kill this bitch hundreds of times tomorrow
why you kill nier on nm90...
The problem? Everyone in Aion no Me was busy playing elden ring.
>ER DLC is artificially difficult, incestuous AND gay
No wonder darkgalgeGAWDS went back to Grub in droves
>finals start the 24th
my bad
I'm going to kill that bitch hundreds of times in 2 days
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dont do that...
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I said that trying to get other people to play less so I can could get away with not playing so much.
Well, you could've posted any of those things just as easily as anyone else, see the problem with making decisions based on what people from an anonymous forum?
>He fell for the ER DLC memes
eresh? WON
tigers? WON
galge? WON
When are they releasing Faa? I want to ring some dudes but I already ringed the best ones.
It won't be easy if 3/4 of your crew playing galge ring instead meat farming.
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BASED darkgalgegawds
>dark out of nowhere
Huh? Where did I say anything about element?
every fucking gw there are retards like you getting spooked by prelim pace
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Why can't earth get something nice for once? All the hot GW bitches go to other elements instead. Wind and Light even have 2 already and earth doesn't even have a female ennead. FKHR, disgusting faggot.
You know hiv is barely a problem now with modern medicine
Maleringer like you would know that lmao
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I'm not done grinding put me back in.
>male in fates
>male in seasonals
>male in all official art
>male in all promotional material
>throw in a non-canon, irrelevant female version so darkbabs can cope that they were "never maled"
FKHR is actually a genius.
galgebro actually, I just shared needles a lot
My face DEEP in those pits
last gw prelim literally undersold it
my 3d wife
My crew got tier B should i leave
earth peaked the 17th of june of 2022. there's no need for more
How do I make it into a tier A crew
>pozzed by the rot
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NM95 setup
A tiny bit overkill, can turn some skills off
Post your resume and recruiters will scout you
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can't believe miyacucky would copy grub with some tweak
maleringers are a DISEASE
we love ringing males around here
>not bridal sophie
my third best nm95 character is Fediel but I don't think I can stomach a non FA setup for that long,I may replace her with Olivia or someone else that's tehnically worse just for the comfort.
they always copy the king, why must we suffer so
lucisan is nowhere as freaky as radahn x miquella
>no harvins
>actually pressing decimate
I’ve got the cure right here
*pulls out katana*
>>male in seasonals
Are you serious?
It's gender specific, DjeetaGODs get momoilogia
You can stop coping now
I wish Lucisan was that spicy
Sandalphon is absolutely nowhere as obsessed and psychotic as Miquella
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>You can stop coping n-yACK!
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I'm using m3.
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This is Darks latest Grand!
You can literally change the outfit in both cases, retard.
>male gets male
>female gets female
Fuck this homoge.
shit design. game is dead.
Only affects gameplay. I changed my Logia to mama immediately and in the fate episodes she was a homo the whole time.
Where da flops at?
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not in my game
right here
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She just can't stop winning
That's a lotta damage.
The outfit stays the same in seasonals
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You’re pulling my leg. There’s no way that’s right, even for valentines day. What sense does that even make?
he's lying
I can't wait to put a ring on that! Never maled btw
You shouldn't want to fuck your parents anyway.
Thats just untrue
Dxitasister? Lying and acking out? Say it ain't so!
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the things I would do with her armpits if I had 5 minutes with her would put me in death row and traumatize her forever making her never leave her house ever again or expose her armpits to anyone ever again
>So why no mechanic II?
They were really disappointed in how Mechanic was adopted by the players. It was so poorly made that it only ever had two used functions, one of which was completely replaced by Relic Buster down the line. They're not going to release Mechanic II until they know they have it right and I doubt they're confident in how to approach it.
>KMR: Mechanic seemed difficult as well. You worked so hard to implement it, and now all players use it to do is gain full meter… that ability to charge CA meter is too strong.
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>seething about oromama so much they make shit up about her
Sex with step mom is fine.
When Astral weapon got uncap?
>two new celestials
>new outfit
You should have seen this coming. Anyone who told you otherwise was trolling or retarded.
I'm neutral when it comes to orologia, only pulled for the weapon since I'm an hades god and needed all 3.
but with how hard cygames is shilling the male one I end up using the female one as a middle finger to fkhr
Release Date 2020-03-03
4 Date 2020-03-03
5 Date 2020-05-25
dxitasisters are mentally ill mickey roons like that
nice larp but shitraph is a djeetaxister as well
Nobody likes or uses Homologia
Everybody loves and uses Momoilogia
They are the ones with the female-presenting cope version though.
>but with how hard cygames is shilling the male one I end up using the female one as a middle finger to fkhr
FKTRN blatantly favors the homo, to the surprise of no one
theyll never shake this one off huh
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Why do the numbers keep inflating? Is the game alive after all?
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The 2k out of 300k out of 36 million decided are the tryhards who didn’t take a vacation to the land of shadow.
#1.3KENTRO PCS 1.16B
#6.9K - Djeeta Grapes 606.98M
#8.5K - Ralkos (You) 554.63M
#8.5KMizako (You) 553.30M
#9K - Pepo Grapes 537.18M
#11.7K - Dancho Lilypals 473.73M
#16.8K - NepuNepu 中出しの幸せ 394.38M
#22.3K - Hikari Grapes 331.50M
#25.2K - Coil Aion no Me 307.86M
#26.4K - Steven ChocoCats 300.70M
#27.1K - Alvin PCS 297.30M
#27.1K - Rasel Bullied 296.97M
#37.1K - Dumdav COWFAGS 237.35M
#38.2KRazma ChocoCats 232.01M
#39K - Spatou PCS 227.81M
#39.4K - Djeeta COWFAGS 226.43M
#40.5K - muuey ニーア! 221.25M
#40.8K - noluck Bullied 219.99M
#42.4K - Scotty Lilypals 213.23M
#42.8K - mido9 Bullies 211.64M
#43K - HarDe◊ (You) 210.46M
#45.1K - Mav (You) 203.26M
#45.3K - Outis PCS 202.54M
#45.8K - Helbs PCS 201.25M
#45.9K - Voye Bullied 200.89M
#46.6KEureka 小さな女の子 200.04M
#48.4K - Capy ニーア! 192.77M
#49.9K - Gran Aion no Me 186.96M
#51.6K - ひまわり COWFAGS 180.93M
#52.7K - tonberry Bullies 177.36M
We've been through this already
Predictions went from 2.4m in the morning(JP) to 2.2m tonight(JP).
top2k isn't relevant unless you're a slurper
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Good thing grub would never get gay or troon out.
Shadow of the Erdtree is genuinely overtuned when it comes to difficulty.
The movesets are fine but the damage and health bloat is absurd. You can get oneshot with 50 Vigor by a good number of enemies unless you spend all day collecting shit on the map that passively reduces damage
how many times did mizakek say he was done with the game by now
>#25.2K - Coil Aion no Me 307.86M
Poor guy, imagine being dragged down by your crew to tier b
Homo Ring sissies should have anticipated incest the moment they see GRRM's name
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JRR Galgekein should have been elden ring's writer
i'm not feeling too cheerful about it
>noooooooooooooo albert save meeeee it was supposed to be a galge ring DLCCCCCC why I'm watching two brothers fuck AND being forced to ring a maleeeeee nooooooooo
at least the grub makes ringing males and opinion and you only see the groomed kid if you put for Sandalhomo
once again granblue wins
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Reminder that YGO is peak galge
Fujotsu Kaisen is for faggots like KnY
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Incest is fine. The chance of genetic diseases is overblown and fearmongered through centuries old examples.
I think worrying about a 1% increase chance for genetic diseases due to incest between 2 consenting adults is supporting eugenics, which will be the death of everyone who has less than 8 billion dollars in 2099
mama I want a handjob
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Domain Expansion: Tranny Grand in Dark.
>Almost at the 50/50 mixed toilet mark
Is Chicago PD galge?
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Unfortunately you can’t stop seeing Sandalhomo because FKHRT keeps forcing him, so once again granblue is 0-4 billion
FKTRN do be like that
is this what you are planning to tell your parents to justify cumming inside your sister?
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>he thought miquella would be a cute innocent shota for (you)
I thought gundam would be closer to the center
2hu leans that young?
Mama your good boy needs sex
FKACK will never forgive Momoilogia's organic success
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>JJK out of nowhere
Mind? Broken. By? Me.
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>yurucamp is more galge than modern jumpslop
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>his VA is dying
>you can just not pull for his flop grand
>not get his free relink dlc
meanwhile elder ring is pay to see two males having sex
Nobara? Graped. By? Me.
Its fine thats her official sprite without the layers.
Leave it to /gbfg/ to genuinely think a decade old gacha game is better than one of the greatest games ever made, because said game features a gay couple in it
more like gayden ring
GBF features plenty of gay couples too. The delusion in these threads is astounding.
If grub wasnt the best why are you here?
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I say this
If Kou and Veight are galge so is miquella
It's on the pink(troon) side, bro
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And in grub they put it in your game for free.
is this the import dragsissies were begging for?
this nigga pays to see gay brothers
they could at least have a special line from a character when you ring them
miquella is a girl
Too galge for FKHRT
>he pays for his gayslop
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Please understand, too much work to have seiyuu do one extra line of dialogue
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Relink wouldn't have died if they added Magisa.
Is it incest if they’re step siblings?
They should mail you erotic cards if you ring someone like valentines
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But enough about grub.
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I want more neechang content goddammit.
>ring Romeo
>Jitta...you know I'm already married... right?...
>ring Juliet
no bias btw
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>They should mail you erotic cards
>takes three months to make
>delays by one extra month for no reason
Makes sense.
Women enjoy going after men who are taken / don't want them because it gives them a feeling of power and control.
Men just want a woman who consents and loves them.
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I'm glad the collabs saved Nobara and Toga from their fate. They're now canonically chilling on the Cyph with me.
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Yea ReLinks success means 20 billion requests for Magilou caused the printers to jam
It's Cantates first valentines card, so supplier got overwhelmed by just her orders, that's the reason for the delay
You're here forever.
No matter what state grub's in you'll be typing your life away in these threads, squabbling over the most trivial shit like a mutt following its instincts.
>announces more homoknights cafe shit the same day
Nobara went home
Lulu too (he'll let you marry his cripple sister once she's old enough) and Mikasa
grub collabs are just that galge
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>boomer roster in both games
>no hag in either
I hate cygay so much
So is 10k meat safe or not?
>still in my party
Not canon.
They're on the cyph and in my party forever.
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My instincts tell me to laugh my ass off at the state of the mixed toilet, and laugh my ass off I shall.
>my brother won't fuck me and this other guy does so what if I mindrape that guy into getting himself killed, murder my brother and then shove his soul into the corpse of the guy who actually loved me
this elden ring shit kinda sounds like belial with lucifer and faa when i think about it
minus the mindrape of course
>Women enjoy going after men who are taken / don't want them because it gives them a feeling of power and control.
also because it means that those men have been proven to be desirable by other women
>Lulu too (he'll let you marry his cripple sister once she's old enough) and Mikasa
In an ideal world Arulu and Magisa should have been at minimum NPCs
We need a Lucky Star collab so I can ring Tsukasa.
ah sophie my beloved...
Everyone in the world loves cunnycake
grubs for this feel?
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1st Narmaya 3653
2nd -----------
3rd ------------
main game... neechan...content.. *cough

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