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#1834 - Aru edition

Halo Infinite's 11th Battle Pass, "Tenrai IV", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (6/7)
>Latest Community Update (5/2)
>Latest MCC Update (2/14)

Halo News:
>Microsoft to reportedly considering a multiplatform Halo reboot
>Tenrai IV Battlepass kicks off new Match Composer Feature for Infinite
>Forge Falcons debut Battle Royale game mode

Previous >>482540804
Fucking pig.
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1834

>Previous Threads
>>482540804 | #1833 - Juneteenth
>>481767015 | #1832 - Flower Power
>>481279591 | #1831 - Match Composer
The Endless has arrived
Which map is better: Waterworks or Sandtrap
What makes someone a "Halohater"?
Waterworks, sandtrap can suck me.
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Would you be able to pull the trigger?
mass effect reaper lookin ass
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What's your favorite Halo quote?
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We come a long way together. A long way yet to go. Let's make a good jump, like we mean to and handle fools like we need to. And may Buck buy the first round when we get back.
"ohohohohoHOHOHOhohoHOHohoho to my RAPING chambers, NOW little sscchhpppPPPAAAHHHHTTTTUUUUHHHHNNNNNNNNN"
-Escharum, Halo Infinite
The 180 glitch is a pretty glaring flaw.
Has ladders.
No ladders.
The choice is obvious.
I dreamt that I played infinite with my friends last night. we played one game then proceeded to turn it off and play something else, one of them even deleted it on the spot.
hey guys it’s generalheed here how’s everyone doing today
we’re starting a revolution in halo infinite.

we’re boycotting launch site. you get put on the map launch site, immediately leave and show 343 we won’t stand for it

we’re starting a revolution in halo infinite.

we’re just not going to play halo infinite or think about it
we’re starting a revolution in /hg/

we’re gonna stop pretending everything bungie made after 3 was worth a shit and that 343’s games blow ODST and Reach out of the fucking water
You’re wrong
You’re wrong
You're entitled to your own opinions, but "we're" literally playing Infinite tonight.
Feel free to join. Feel free to cope. But you can't stop what's coming. :-)
20 posts in and the narrative is already completely shattered.
Might be a new record.
That's great and all, but the next Halofest is still using Halo 5
God I hope so
have a nice day /hg/
you too
kill yourself
I feel like I’m the only person who actually loves Launch Site. Never had any issues with the way it plays. I guess it’s a little large for 4v4? But in 12 player FFA it really shines.
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Speaking off maps what does /hg/ think of the halo online maps?
Designed for sprint/10 but some of them kinda work for Halo 3. If only they hadn't abandoned MCC again before they could put them in MM instead of releasing them as a modder's resource and said "here, YOU do it."
they’re fine i guess but it’s really not fucking cool when i hop on MCC for some slayer in Reach and 9 times out of 10 get put on those Online maps.
Be nice
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Look really good and we were robbed.
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The DLC for every Halo game on Xbox 360 has been made free (since 2017).

This includes Halo 1, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo Reach, and Halo 4!

Halo 3 Add-Ons: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/Product/Halo-3/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d5307e6?DownloadType=GameAddon#LiveZone

Halo Reach Add-Ons: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/Product/Halo-Reach/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d53085b?DownloadType=GameAddon#LiveZone

Halo 4 Add-Ons: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/Product/Halo-4/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d530919?DownloadType=GameAddon#LiveZone

Halo Wars Add-Ons: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Halo-Wars/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d8024d530808?DownloadType=GameAddon#LiveZone

Microsoft is retiring the Xbox 360 Store and Xbox 360 Marketplace starting July 29, 2024.

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Infinite soon
But they already delisted the base games from the marketplace.
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>An offworld faction the old covy hates that is led by a Brute rejects Cortana's rule
>Cortana death stars the Brute homeworld in response
>the main faction of Humans and Elites both oppose Cortana
>Cortana doesn't blow up Earth/Sangelios, worse she does is scorch a bit of Australia (nothing new for them)
She felt threatened by Atriox. The UNSC and Swords were nothing to her.
The Incredible Adventures of Masterchief and Dervish
>Infinite soon
Where’s the UNSC MRAP? Dudes been fighting Innies for decades who use explosives and ambush insurgent tactics and all the Army’s got is a Warthog?
CE LASO = The Demon's Souls of Halo
2 LASO = The I Wanna Be The Guy Gaiden of Halo
3 LASO = The Dark Souls of Halo
ODST LASO = The Bloodborne of Halo
Reach LASO = The Dark Souls 2 of Halo
4 LASO = The Dark Souls 3 of Halo
5 LASO = The Sekiro of Halo
Infinite LASO = The Elden Ring of Halo
shut up
It's called Halo 1
He's called the Dervish
Humans are Forerunners
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>download CE mod tools
>all of the program icons have the "H1" prefix
Enough Tenrai. More Eagle Eye.
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Halo 3 doesn't have any tools that start with R.
>You will never marry a halo 3 gorilla spartan woman who will protect you from Innies and Brutes
oh no no no no CEsters we got too cocky
microsoft bots attack this poster NOW
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kys fag
red plz post more webms of tonight kthxbai
Tell Red to send me a voicecord invite
Who are you?
Halo about to be played
tell red I'll suck his toes later tonight
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Halo producer admits he can't work on games that glorifies guns and that he has struggled with Halo. 343i killed Halo by hiring these delusional leftists and putting them into positions of influence.
It's a studio in Seattle. That's all they can find.
Why are white men like this? The fuck happened?
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ARG is some spooky stuff t b h
>8:41 PM
>no one is on, not even RED
okay faggots, I'ma play Fortnite while I wait.
Halo is NOT being played
Red is late
Halo will NOT be played
why are you on Xbox 360
Halo is now being played
This is why Halo has been in the shitter since Reach.
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Is this the halo thread?
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>Latest Community Update (6/20)
needs sound
subtitles cannot capture HIS elegance
Reach a shit
nah, Infishit
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>kill me or release me, parasite. but do not waste my time with talk.
pp was grabbed
Halo was played
Yeah, I'm thinking Infinite is fun
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3 hours of mostly fun
fucking behemoth
>that banana
I didn't play tonight but Infinite is unironically the best overall core Halo gameplay
The problem is it has a shitload of problems surrounding that core
Ilsa literally can't be killed
Atriox was already op BEFORE he added her to his ranks
The UNSC has no chance.
>tackel is a girl
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I killed someone with a charged plasma tonight
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>Ilsa literally can't be killed
Oh I'm not gonna kill her...
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Is this the reverse kneel?
Halo infinite is not Halo.
Therefore, Halo was not played.
I just shit my pants
No, I will not clean it up
I like the wet warmth
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This is ridiculous.
>Halo infinite is not Halo.
It's Halo by 2 and 3 standards
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The fuck do you mean by this?
banana man
peanut butter man
annoying orange man
halo man

In that order.
Today I learned that Hazmat and Mark IV cores have coloured prosthetic limbs.
sleep well halobros
I’ll kill you.
Fuck you.
Infinite pulls heavily from traditional Bungie style gameplay. One time I played a round of halo 3 after binging infinite for weeks and I was shocked by how similarly they handle, down to details as minute as frag grenade bounce
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>Infinite pulls heavily from traditional Bungie style gameplay.
It’s true
The thread dies tonight.
jiggle peaking and slide sprint are what ruins halo infinite
chudfinite fags will tell you the game with no strafe acceleration plays like halo 2
plays more like 5 than anything else ngl
Is that why the guns all handle like ones from COD?
>but the next Halofest is still using Halo 5
Why not the Musky Cunt Collection?
Wouldn't that make more sense?
I only liked Halo 5 MP for Warzone before all the low-skilled plebs left.
All those brilliant doctors and scientists...what a tragic loss.
My 20 years of Halo battle experience doesn't carry over, not interested in getting destroyed every match.
They've done fucked it up.
Literally this, I have never seen a brute scientist in my life
Will 343 ever give us the original Halo 2 script?

Joseph Staten: "This process began with the end of Halo and realizing all the stuff that we had left out, and Jason, and I, and Jamie, and a few other people, sitting down and thinking really hard about, 'Wow, what did we really want to tell?' And then Jason locked himself in a room for a while and organized his core ideas and then came to me and said, 'Hey, these are my thoughts about a story for Halo 2. What do you think?'

Jason Jones: "Yeah, I don't know if we're crazy or stupid, or we just like good stories, or what, but we certainly worry about that a lot more than you might think we'd have to in a game that's mostly just about action and about not thinking."

Joseph Staten: (holds up script) "This is the copy of the script—the cinematic script for Halo. This document needs to talk to programmers, and artists, and animators, and everybody. This is 160 pages worth of cinematic. That's kind of crazy if you just think about it on its own. But when you look at a game which is 15 levels long, and with a couple of protagonists, and a fairly complex story arc, we need to drive the player's experience for 20 hours of game play, say. 120 minutes of cinematic doesn't really seem that out of proportion. But just to look at it prima facie, it's pretty daunting. You think, 'My God, you're making a feature film.'"
is this what infinite multiplayer is like
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What IS Halo? Is it an altered state of mind or being?
Perhaps it is the the unattainable
Is it truly over? Has the dream been killed?
or was Halo ever truly alive to begin with?
What IS Halo?
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cute cute tana
tana tana cute cute
Are we at that point of the halo cycle where we can start saying halo infinite was actually good?
it's just the usuals
Reach will NEVER be good.
4 will NEVER be good.
5 will NEVER be good (but can be fun with random starts even though it's bad).
6 will NEVER be good.
The multiplayer got good. It wasn't like this at launch.
The campaign is still bad.
The game overall is mid.
Reach is kino and 6 doesn't exist.

this is correct
Halo infinite is an underrated masterpiece.
Original trilogy is pretty much perfect but I would have done one thing different
>Thel and Rtas get to Threshold mining facility, as in the game
>Thel fights heretics, as in the game
>Thel gets to hangar, engages either Sesa or some other high ranking heretic, but doesn't kill Sesa
>Sesa then says the things to Thel that he actually says at the beginning of the confrontation like 'open your eyes', but then instead of immediately attacking without giving Thel a chance to respond, he waits for Thel's response
>either Thel is immediately receptive, or they fight for a bit but then Thel becomes receptive before either dies
>this, rather than Gravemind, is why Thel questions the Great Journey and allies with Johnson
As for how this lines up with the Gravemind/Sacred Icon quest, one of two options:
>the Sacred Icon quest takes place before fighting the heretics; Truth can still tell Thel about Sesa right when appointing him Arbiter but he can be sent to acquire the icon first
>something interrupts the fight between Sesa and Thel, at a point where Sesa has said enough to get Thel to start thinking, but before Thel has completely come to believe and side with Sesa, such that Thel still willingly takes on the task to find the Sacred Icon but with lingering doubt in his mind throughout; later on, after Thel joines Johnson and convinces Rtas to do the same, they link up with Sesa so Thel, Rtas, Sesa, and Johnson fight together to take down Tartarus
Then Sesa can also be in Halo 3 a little bit.
I don't like how in the actual game Sesa attacks Thel before giving him a chance to respond
If Infinite had collision it would be the best Halo mp bar none
As it stands now it's pretty solid
>The multiplayer got good.
>ghost through players
>immune to friendly fire
>Reach is kino
Campaign, kinda yeah, but even 4 campaign is at one spot.
PVP, fuck no.
>6 doesn't exist
Assuming by 'collision' you mean not ghosting through other players: That's a big part of why it's shit but you're forgetting about immunity to friendly fire and sprint.
And then that it's so fucking overbuilt that it's laggy as fuck.
Even if all of these were resolved, it wouldn't even be good enough to kiss the feet of the original trilogy, but it would be decent on its own.
stop going against the narrative.
we like halo infinite now.
As someone who hasn't touched Halo 6 in well over a year: Why do people claim it's "good" now?
I highly doubt it is much better than it was at launch since I highly doubt 343 has fixed or will fix the main problems with it, but I will listen to any response as to why it's supposedly good now with an open mind.
Because we're mid way through the cycle
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>Bungie era
2001-11-15 Halo
2004-11-09 Halo 2
2007-09-25 Halo 3
2009-02-26 Halo Wars
2009-09-22 Halo 3: ODST
2010-09-14 Halo: Reach

>343 era
2012-11-06 Halo 4 (reboot, in 343's own words)
2015-10-27 Halo 5: Guardians
2017-02-21 Halo Wars 2
2021-11-15 Halo Infinite (another reboot, in 343's own words)
Reach multiplayer is a party game, which is essential Halo. Obviously it's bad for MLG pubstomps, but that's not halo anyway.
>you're forgetting about immunity to friendly fire
Can't these be turned off? I'm genuinely asking. Are they not settings?
>and sprint.
pretty irrelevant in infinite
Yeah I wish it was gone, but it doesn't really impact the game compared to the previous 3 games
Halo 5 is a good party game. H2A maybe. Original trilogy is great for anything, party or serious competition.
Reach is just all around shit. 4 and 6 are pretty bad too.
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>When the master chud trades his nearly empty plasma pistol for your battle rifle
Well yeah but what is their excuse for why its supposedly good now?
>that pic
I audibly laughed.
>Can't these be turned off?
maybe but
>having friends to play Halo with
lol, just matchmking for me
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>Halo 5 is a good party game.
Halo 5 foesnt have any split screen whatsoever. To play co-op, which the game was designed around, you literally needed all 4 players to have XBL gold subscriptions.
I can literally play Reach with 16 people with zero internet.
This is a night and day comparison.
I'll be your friend anon
you should play Halo with the boys next time. We had fun last night
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The boys drive = you kill the enemies
Randoms drive = they kill the Boys
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ugh! I know I know.. I'm sorry! It's just I'm not going to play it (Halo 6) is all! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
skill issue
the outlines still bug me more than anything
the gameplay is fine
MCC is honestly sweatier at this point
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How does the Infinite's Campaign run on Xbox One? Any gameplay effecting downgrades? I'm still trapped on last gen with no way to get out of the consuming darkness that is closing in on all sides.
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I havent played it in a long time but from what I remember campaign was mostly fine but pvp would be a bit choppy/laggy occasionally.
It is definitely overbuilt/bloated but for the most part xbone handles it kinda alright
Brain damage or low IQ
>Wort wort wort
- Elite
Liking Reach PVP
Both are good but Waterworks is one of the best big team maps ever made.
Halo 2 is so fucking good, bros.
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Stopped reading. Only lorefags call The Arbiter "Thel". It's like Calling Chief "John". People can smell you through your screen do you know that? Take a shower. Go outside.
who's the fluffiest regular?
damn yer rite
>People can smell you through your screen do you know that?
Banished fact checkers have determined this statement to be false.
gay boy
speak for urself anonkun
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jiggle peaking, sprint slide, and outlines are what ruins halo infinite
Remember when Halo fans said Halo 3 ruined everything about Halo 2? original plans for halo 2 was arbiter discovering an ancient human skeleton on a forerunner installation and realizing the entire covenant faith was a lie.

>Halo 3, where Bungie ruined everything. On its own, Halo 2 was money, and there was tons of mystery.

>Was Truth playing the elites all as fools? Why did Regret jump the gun? What was Cortana going to do on High Charity?

>Then Halo 3 tells us No, doesn't matter, and nothing.


Remember when Bungie devs called out 343's retcons?

>One of the most striking retcons to me is the basic concept of whole role of humanity. Originally (back in Halo 1) the reason why humans weren't conquered and incorporated into the Covenant collective was because their presence defied Covenant religion. When the Covenant discovered humans, they knew they were forerunners, but their presence implied the "great journey" failed. They also weren't the all powerful gods they worshiped, so the Prophets wanted to "sweep them under the carpet," as it were.

>The plot lines in our games imply this everywhere - the chief being called reclaimer, only humans being able to retrieve and insert the index, Spark telling the chief, "you are forerunner." etc.

>I just finished reading Cryptum this morning. In it I discovered that the forerunner are now an entirely different caste-based species with Humans as a beaten, but allied race. At this point, I just follow Cody's lead, shrug my shoulders and say, "eh. it was a good read anyway. I'll buy book 2."

Remember when Halo fans said Halo 2 ruined everything about Halo 1?
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Saw the pokemon anorith and felt like I was going crazy get out of my head you fucking freaks
>"Thel Vadam"
>"Irdnekt Pattern Banshee"
>"Rtas Vadum"
>"San Shyuum"
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>"Assault Rifle"
Remember when Halo fans said Halo 2 ruined everything about Halo 1?

Remember when Halo fans said Halo 3 ruined everything about Halo 2?

Remember when Halo fans said Reach ruined everything about Halo 3?

Remember when Halo fans said Halo 4 ruined everything about Reach?

Remember when Halo fans said Halo 5 ruined everything about Halo 4?

Remember when Halo fans said Halo Infinite ruined everything about Halo 5?
They did for each of those.
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>The Didact.
>The Librarian.
>343 Guilty Spark.
>"Ord Casto"
>Prophet of Truth.
>"A Xalanyn"
>The Endless.
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Reach PVP is objectively great, pic related
non fan detected
CEmake will launch in 2026 on the 25 year anniversary
>MCC is honestly sweatier at this point
Makes sense. It has a smaller playerbase and the only people playing it still are people who know the game inside and out.
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It's Up!
Who would be a better partner to fug:
Spartan-II, III, or IV?
Spartan IV
meh, Kat's ass is better
Autistic cyborg snu snu. She does not know what she's doing and your penis is in danger.
Regular person. Less enhancements, mentally stable, likely has experience with this type of thing.
Ideal middle ground.
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Halo modders, if you're reading this, please update your mods. 343 is done updating Halo MCC on PC, so it's safe to make your old mods available and playable again. No need to force install older versions/seasons of MCC anymore, you can safely update your mods on the latest version of MCC without fear of a new 343 update breaking them. Thanks in advance.
Most of the "big-name" mods are getting substantial updates. The rest of them have authors that gave up on Halo.
Halo 2 = H2 With Sprinkles
Halo 3 = Ruby's Rebalanced Halo 3 Campaign
Halo 3 ODST = Halo 3 Recon
Halo Reach = Prometheus
Halo 4 = Halo 4 Mythic Overhaul Campaign
Halo 5 Guardians = Exuberant Mod Tool
Halo Infinite = Halo Combat Reformed
Halo 1*
Halo 3 is when Ruby went off the rails and started adding stupid OC shit to bait ecelebs into making "CURAAAYZEE" clips. He used to make more conservative changes, but now he's trying to be the next Reach Evolved.
>check his channel out of curiosity
>now he's just making entirely new maps
So much for "rebalanced"
sonictards are mentally ill.
what else is new
It's crazy how much worse CEA is compared to CE
And yet H2A was done by the same company? Did they just get a much bigger budget?
and more time, yes
>You tryna trick me put shrimp in my friggin head and shit man
H2A looks really nice, but it's really hard to see when Elites are taking damage or when their shields pop. It's kind of a deal breaker.
To be fair, the Flare equipment is probably the worst addition to the Halo sandbox in the entire franchise. I don't know what the hell Bungie was thinking with that Point of Sale, but Ruby's gravity pulsing bowling ball is way more fun. Being able to give Arbiter whatever weapon you want is also pretty nice, as with a lot of the new additions. It's a shame it doesn't work natively on MCC through the workshop though. I wish I got to try it out when I had the chance.
I've never liked thar in H2 the shield flare is quick. I like how in CE it takes time to fade
extremely based
I think the flare having such a strong impulse and flying so straight really goes against the idea of trying to make something "balanced." He could have gone for something more grounded there.
I'm just hoping he does a "faithful" version of Halo 2 or releases the tags because the AI stuff is really cool and a total pain to do manually.
Yeah, it could have been dialed back a bit. Maybe nerf the pulse AOE or keep it from rolling.
gosh i wanna play halo so badly bros... >///<
I wonder if that's something fixable in the tags. That would help the classic graphics greatly, but H2A's shield flares are barely noticeable.
I think a negative impulse would be less cheesy. Or just a stasis field that doesn't do damage but stuns everything inside.
>Or just a stasis field that doesn't do damage but stuns everything inside.
Please no. Remember that sandbox editions have to feel fun to fight against as well as be fun to use. Stun is the antithesis of fun.
>Halo with the boys
chills? I'm not sure
Good point. I was only thinking of it from the perspective of the player using it against the AI.
The Boys and the Regulers are getting into a brawl
who are The Boys?
Nobody here is a boy. The average age is upper 20s
What is actually needed to get Halo PC working? I'd like to host, but my understanding is if you don't have a legit key, you can't play mp.
I'm building a new PC this summer. I'll use my old one to set up a permanent server.
legit copies of the game
Wish we could have modded servers. A proper modern Halo MCC Custom Edition would be crazy and would probably bring people back into the game. Hate how you can't even play modded campaigns and then switch to normal mutliplayer seamlessly. You have to uninstall all the mods first, then restart, and then turn anti-cheat back on. Bu to play the modded stuff again you have to redownload the workshop mods. That's lame.
i dont understand why they cant have vistas like this with an open world
upper 40s*
Workshop mods don't replace game files.
Then why can't we play online with the mods installed? In order to play online we have to unsubscribe from the mods. But when you unsubscribe from them it uninstalls them. Then you need to redownload them again if you want to play them later. Even if they don't replace any of the game files, anti-cheat still detects them.
You don't need to unsubscribe from anything. The workshop folders are ignored when anticheat is enabled.
ky--- oh you're trolling, I guess you can stay since you aren't an actual Reach fan
Interesting. This didn't used to work before. Or maybe I was using a mod with custom stuff from Nexus before it switched over to full steam workshop. It would detect the mods right away. I remember some mods requiring custom downloaded sounds from Nexus even if it was a steam workshop mod. Maybe that's what got detected.
Older mods used to require you to replace some files, namely if you wanted custom fonts or sounds. But that can be included in the workshop package now so there's no need.
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have a good night pvp halobros
who's ky
That's awesome. I don't have to be afraid of trying the chunkier mods like Ultimate Firefight or big the campaign overhauls anymore. And I'll just leave them all installed too.
>asset swap in h4
>worlds shittest shaders because h4 actually requires effort to port things into
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What's the point of an Elite holding a shield if he already has one that covers his entire body?
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Because it was cut content dude! That means it's good!

All that mod is missing is a silenced BR with a red ammo counter and it's a true Halo mod experience.
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this is what my spartan looks like under her armor :3
what's that in her suit there's like a rodent or something in there
why r you lurking in /d/
you can't just ask a girl what's in her clothes bro
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Honest question. I'm just curious more than anything.
How many people here would have genuinely supported Call of Duty being taken off Playstation and made an Xbox console exclusive?
I wouldn't have given a shit
I don't care, but it would be REALLY funny
People who think bops were good will lap it up
would have been based
Considering I don't have any financial stake in Xbox or Playstation.
Don't give a fuck.
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>my wife is skibidi
This can't be happening...
The fuck is that?
It's halo
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The fuck is that?
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pacha at work
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Halo Reach was a fucking great game, including the multiplayer

Anybody who denies this is not a Halo fan
You're going against the narrative...


Okay it's still a great game
Reach isn't a Halo game, so only non-fans(mexicans) like it.
>random racism
What's wrong with that? Reachtards love randomness.
>This Halo game isn't a Halo game
shoutout to fucking odst best halo game imp
>halo game
>doesn't even have halo on the title screen
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I'm surprised he's not calling them secret like every other video he does on cut content.
dios mios la creatura abominación.....
It's over
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It's up
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>spent two hours searching h1dubs
>stuck on connecting session before dropping then repeat search
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>Yet another day of Marty, Hailey, and Evolved stirring up shit for attention
Is this really all we have left?
and who?
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um marty was the original composer of halo
hailey is a modder for halo who is active on twitter
Idk who evolved is but I'm guessing he's another popular member of the halo community like hailey
I hope that clears things up! :3
why is everyone on this general such a tranny !?
It's just T B and Y
im not trans tho im a boy
T, Y, B, and T are so cute
anyone have the OPI gang webm?
have a nice day halobros
you too stinky
stay on reddit, faggot.
I will when the sun comes up, thanks
I just saw you posted that on /metal/
El Halo.
No es tan malo
Are these your webms? your gameplay?
Who's the dr disrespect of halo? My bet is on act man.
Mint Blitz
He doesn't have enough clout for that
>permabanned from Twitter without given a reason
hold on a second
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is tyger still around?
Who even gives a shit about Halo anymore? 343 has done NOTHING but absolutely ruin this franchise beyond repair. These fucks destroyed what was the icon of Xbox while disparaging the original makers.

>Halo 4
fucked up the forerunner lore by introducing literal whos
>Halo 5
had that retarded AI rebellion plot which got retconned
>Halo Infinite
boring ass open world with Skyrim copypaste settlements and the sameish biome 24/7 + a shitty live service multiplayer

literally the only thing you can do is scrap everything not Bungie and give it to someone new
it's so easy to rile you up
343 killed Xbox. Spyware and TV were recoverable blows, but Halo acking itself and twisting the noose was the mortal wound.
Uhh yeah. It's over.
yeeze plap
this number will get up to over 200 before CEmake is ever so much as officially mentioned again
I don't know how JJAB broke this place so badly, but he really does live more rent free in a few retards' heads than anybody else here. By far.
Watch it literally be a CEA rerelease with 8k res or something retarded
Oh boy I can't wait for the era of hyper checkerboarded """8K""" gamingbat unstable 30fps!
I love how Kat is this super aggressive girl Spartan and she gets absolutely booty blasted
Mint Blitz is too nice and invested in Halo the community. He would need to be more of a cocky showboat who can look you in the eye and talk mad trash in the most hilarious way with a straight face. Mint would burst out laughing midway or apologize if he felt like he came across too mean.
Should guns be removed from Halo?
yes guns are too icky
343i just took the month off over the allegations towards dr disrespect so they can take some time to talk to their kids about the dangers of predators
stop expecting them to work okay? fucking chuds
if 343 is so pro-lgbt then why the fuck wont they put gay sex in their game? fucking fake supporters
not halo
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Wanna say any other stupid shit?
Oh, you're referencing the current drama stuff.
Over 15 years later and I still think this thing is cool as fuck
I wanted it so bad as a kid
I don't know if anyone here knows what I'm talking about, but does anyone here have that one image some twitter artist made for a concept of the Master Chief's face? It was this really sick looking image of Chief in his ce armor with his helmet off, and his face was this sickly pale color and was covered in bioelectrics. It was such a good concept that it's kind of the only way I can really imagine Chief's face would look post-augmentation, and I absolutely can't find it for whatever reason. No idea who the artist was either.
I didn't even know it existed until I saw the Reach one.
Tackel drew that
no what I meant was obsessing over gay people and how much you hate them isn't halo
It looks great.
Unfortunately it's pre-Jasper GPU release and is extremely prone to red ringing.
I am the 5th revelation
I am Halo
I am indestructible
im gay though
those who know
>Over 15 years later
lmao ok grandpa nice self report
@TackelsHolocron on twitter?
I went through their art, they draw a lot of halo, but I can't seem to find the exact piece I mean, or maybe I've got the wrong guy. any chance you know where it is?
if you arent 30+ what are you even doing here?
>Be me, Marty O’Donnel
>I’m not happy about being blacklisted from the game industry, I need to take a stand
>I know, I’ll alienate the last remaining people that like me, my fans on the internet by getting involved in some political bullshit that I have no hope of winning
>Oh no I lost
>Now I have no job, connections AND no fans anymore!
Fucking retard
Man I love Halo.
This is what Halo is about bros. Just having fun playing in the sandbox.
>im gay though
Kinda jealous ngl.
I get a lot of submissive fantasies but I can never enact them because I'm stronger than any woman and 9 foot tall reptilian bounty hunters don't exist
I feel kinda bad
I've ragged on him before.
He's the greatest vidya composer ever imo.
I hope he bounces back from this and lands on his feet.
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>mfw I’M The Ancient Evil
>modern MCC instead of the piece of shit they actually put out 10 years ago
Halo 4 should be required for anniversaryfest
>"i-i-i didn't want to be a politician anyway!!!"
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weird that he admitted he didn't want to be a politician AFTER he collected all those donations
*Reach Guitar Riffs intensifies
You people have fallen for the oldest trick in the book
ancient troll has awoken from his slumber...
Was the Great Journey as a concept present in CE? I don't remember
No. We didn't know much of the Covenant's motivations back then.
Nah. All that was said about what the Covenant were about was some vague "religious significance" about Halo.
There was actually more in e3 2000 with the "your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instrument." line.
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I had a good night
I saw this meme at the unofficial redcord
How much gay sex goes on in there?
Read the H1 manual. Oh wait!
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Are you retarded? Why wouldn't you want another layer of protection?
Micheal won.
I liked him until he announced his political shit.
>that comfy period where he was breaking down halo music and having podcasts with people involved in bungie era halo
>then he got sued again or something and developed political brainrot
Not Halo
>he has bad politics so I don't like him anymore :(
anyone who isn't a bootlicking faggot has been dealing with this forever
all people involved media are scum unless proven otherwise, shrimple as
Instead of spending loads of money remaking CE, why don't they initially just bring the Infinite multiplayer to PS5. It probably wouldn't cost them much to port it, since the PS5 and the Xbox Series are both just x86 computers. And then they could see if people on PS5 actually want to play Halo.
Literally the same thing
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Sandtrap. Waterworks is too one-sided. The team that wins the first vehicle exchange basically locks down the map, and even more so because now they can take your tanks. That's mostly in part due to Halo 2's mechanics, but even in Infinite it's pretty easy to lock down one side. Sandtrap is so big that it's pretty hard to spawnkill. So even if one team manages to steal all the vehicles, you can still hold out in the interiors.
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-Atriox - Halo Infinite
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who is the haloschizo here?
They're all me btw
>implying there's just one
bump because I LOVE Halo.
let it die you fuck
halo hater do NOT engage.
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holy fucking moly
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This is my last thread.
A true test of legends.
Our story will outlive us both.
This picture would be kino if it was a proper male spartan that was fully armored
This is Ilsa Zane after defeating Master CHUD
That filename is wrong btw.
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Just saw this in Sigcord, is this true?
nobody we're lucky to be mostly nice halo fans here
maybe there's the odd halohater sometimes but that's it
Wizards0nly is the one you should look out for.
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lol based.
Halo isn't for faggots.
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Why is Palmer(bitch) taller than Master Chief?
>those materials
when objects are closer to you they appear bigger.
Stop objectifying women
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I honestly don't know who's opinions have less value to me. Someone who enjoys Infinite, or someone who enjoys Little Caesars.
Season two was shit. Used stammering and “realistic” arguments way too much.
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that's a little version of me, anon. i want you to have it.
May I put it in my bunghole?
>see post asking if RvB should come back
>well obviously it should, right?
>overwhelming majority says no, customization > all
Somehow this is all Reach's fault.
If I could kill every reach fan I would
>noooo muh spartan dressup is good
>t. someone named Lt. Colonel James-097 or someshit on twitter
If it were up to me, every campaign spartan would be all uniform in appearance and for MP you would only select your colours for the lobby/ffa. Team colours would be forced for team based matches.
Halo 4 was just halo reach 2, but reach fans aren't ready for that conversation (they just learned how to use the potty)
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>But I LIKE dressing like a retard
this is autism

Didn't know you posted it as hate but I like the melody and I don't care if it's autism
I had heard it many years ago and didn't know it was Fable
not him I'm just saying the heart you posted is gay
and I'm telling you that I'm expressing love
I don't care if that's gay either
i agree
They are happy people and they want colors, not like all of you
uh what's that
brohoof bro
is that a fucking penis?
give me hoof fag
I don't know what that means is that like some gay shit about touching penises or something?
Elite mouth -> :X
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Schizo moment
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Reach is NOT halo btw.
But pol told me only Jews do that...
Posting again, anyone have any ideas as to where I can find this?
is this from one of the books
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Objectively more of a Halo game in its basic fundamentals than 3 ODST is
t. bitch in ya ear
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>B-But ODST!
Is halo yes. Reach? Not halo.
quippy marvel fanfiction from sissy bitch staten. not halo.
dark and gritty, down to earth, band of brothers inspired, and of course, from the mind of The Father Of Master Chief Marcus Lehto. very halo.
>Halo 3: ODST
Has Halo on the title screen.
Does not have Halo on the title screen.
Has a Halo in it.
Doesn't feature a single Halo.
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Why did he do it?
JJ fighting an elite preferred species
call that alien vs predator
These games are Halo:
>Halo CE
>Halo 2
>Halo 3
>Halo 3 ODST
>Halo Reach
>Halo 4
>Halo 5
>Halo Infinite
These games are not Halo:
>Everything else
Glad we could clear that up.
Stopped reading.
Be serious.
>>Halo CE
>>Halo 2
>>Halo 3
>>Halo 3 ODST
>>Halo Reach
>>Halo 4
>>Halo 5
>>Halo Infinite
Corporate fanfic/slop
4 is a good game, I like the multiplayer a lot

I have only played a bit of 5, and I haven't played Infinite, but I've watched videos of both and they look good too

Therefore they are Halo. Cope and seethe.
Halo Wars 2 has a halo
Maybe the Halo Wars games are good enough to be true Halo games, I dunno, I've not played them.
HW 1: Bungie's Halo
HW 2: 343's Halo
These games are not Halo:
>Halo CE
>Halo 2
>Halo 3
>Halo 3 ODST
>Halo wars
>Halo Reach
>Halo 4
>Halo 5
>Halo wars 2
>Halo Infinite
These games are halo:
>Spartan strike
>Spartan assault
>Fireteam raven
>Halo: Recruit
Esoteric Halo opinion
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halo coop at yeeze's house
lmao what a pathetic little cretin you are
ODST fans are the worst
Halo enjoyer detected
Halo is Halo
I miss jjab on twitter
This guy slurps up 343 productions.
Playable Elites are IN
ODST is a Reddit game and all of the weapons in it are pure shit.
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You lied.
boy feet attack.
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I’m Pablo Schreiber. AMA
does your mom know you're gay
For some reason ODST Legendary feels easier to me than Halo 3 Legendary, despite the lack of the BR.
I beat ODST, Reach, 4, and 5 on solo Legendary, but not Halo CE, 2, or 3.
You have way more health in ODST.
>I-Its r-reddit and b-bad. Because it’s just is OKAY?!
GODSTs mindbroke you.
>ODSTs are le heckin chads
They’re not. They’re manlet punks who aren’t good or tall enough to be Spartans, except for Buck, because he’s played by Reddit’s favorite actor, Nathan Fillion.
Now that's a hot take
It's not a bad game, it's fun, but there's no way in hell it's better than the other bungie halo games.
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>update themed around the union between humanity and elites
>jackal armor
It's a bad game, it's not fun, and it’s the worst game Bungie ever made besides Destiny 1.
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Pre-Halo name proposals before it gets settled into just the Halo name.
Source is from the pdf.
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this can't be real
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>we could have gotten 'Endless' title game.
i...i must apologize to HIM
yeah, rape usually is.
it's just small troll
Destiny 1 was fun and comfy.
Destiny 2 is dogshit, you can't even play over half the game's content anymore.
>Destiny 1 was fun and comfy.
This is false. Shit looter game with horrible mp optimization of exotics which was the whole point of the grind for so many players.
>Destiny 2 is dogshit, you can't even play over half the game's content anymore.
That's true, but the game still plays significantly better than the first game.
please dont rape the endless ;_;
343 already did
they're not even canon anymore
series is getting rebooted
Thank God
Now we're left with Nothing
Fake and GAY
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Halo: Cambria Evolved
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plugging into tana's port without asking
>Halo was 530 million years in the making
>chud blitz
Why did 4tana want to touch Master Chief so badly? Was she in love with him or something?
he's our guy
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Following proper protocol to get full administrative permissions.
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tana is cute not lewd
No human knows this, but the events of Halo actually happened.
That's why people get feels when they play the Halo games.
If they happened in the past then how did humans lose all of the technology that exists in the Halo games?
Metroid Prime 4 is gonna rape nu-halo so fucking bad
>how did humans lose all of the technology
ez, they got wiped out (yet again) and had to start back to square one.
many such cases happened in human history.
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tana back

the channel is halo so it's ok
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This is the Xbox General so it's ok!! :)
forcing my way in SLUTana's butt
No it won't, Metroid is a pain in the arse, most of the game is figuring out where the fuck you're supposed to go. I don't want that, I just want to kill aliens.

Interesting theory.
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Doomers BTFO eternally. Infinite is here to stay.
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>BIG things are coming to Halo Infinite...
is boring
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Updates are updates.
Infinite is thriving.
Stay mad, chuddie.
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stole this meme from the official halo tiktok
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What the fuck is that? We do not love that here.
That helmet would look decent if it didn't have that stupid horn
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>multi-team is here
>everyone is still forced to green and blue outline
where's the butt plug?
>the only halo 1 reference is a shirt
I remember a girl talking about Halo CE to the class in first grade 2001, true story.
>glitches are what make one a fan of a game
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watch what you say
Yes, and I don't care how many devs seethe about me having fun in an unintended way.
*patch it out or make it unfeasible by any other means*
Peh say what lad? I can't hear you when you're grinding your teeth.
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Infinity lost
post the uncropped version, coward
no u
i would if i had it
Source is Sinthetic
>4 days and 15 hours
done, finished, over
We used to have 2 weeks ago threads.
I do wonder why it stopped.
Very cool shirt

And a good song too

Ask her out (assuming you are a similar age to her)
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No. I think we're just getting started.
the pace of the board in general has quickened. There's more people using it than there were 5 years ago. Lots of people have left /v/ althogether.
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my spartan looks like this under his armor :3
it's mostly gachashit flooding the board and pushing actual videogames out.
That's fine, but not in a competitive shooter.
Most competitive shooters, most competitive games in general, have unintended behaviors that help shape how the game is played competitively.
That's fine, but not in MY competitive shooter. (Halo 3)
MLG Halo 3 had drop spawns to circumvent the regular weapon spawn system.
>drop spawns
what's that
I miss the wiki
Weapons in Halo 3 normally start their respawn time when they're picked up or otherwise moved. Drop spawns place the weapons floating slightly in the air so they are moved from their initial placement immediately and begin counting down their respan timer. This means that those weapons will always respawn at a predictable time every game, similarly to how CE's weapon spawns worked.
Halo became competitive because it was popular.
It became popular because it was fun
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Will Halo be played?
I'm genuinely asking. I'll show, but only if enough people otherwise show up so that I can afford to be shit
I'm going and I'm nothing special
Don't care.
Just be the go-to warthog gunner.
Way too often better players' talents are wasted in vehicles.
there's 5 people signed up so far
I look like this!
may I plap?
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Will the bunny cosmetics come back to the store?
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bedtime night night
Rabbits are NOT Halo.
Rabbits will NEVER be Halo.
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bunnies are more halo than you'll ever be
>Ask her out
It's been over 20 years and I don't even know the bitches name lol
Manliest Spartan IV.
...wasn't it meant to be "Spartan Surplus" after Tenrai IV? So much for getting anymore free bits for Mark IV I suppose.
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>xe really thinks moeslop r*bbits are more halo than GODviator
One big red? More like one big FED.
im fatter

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He is here...
Yeah but i meant fed as in federal agent not fat
Imagine being a federal agent and your entire job was to investigate users on some general for a video game
Holy fuck
Bro as someone who's actually in many of those threads on HBO circa 2008-2011, I learned to disregard everything Cody Miller and Hawaiian Pig ever said. They made the HaloReachIsNotCanon website, they're crazy fucks.
No I won't tell you who I am so you can dig up terrible Halo opinions I had in 2010.
literally nothing wrong with this
Last time I let it slip who I am here, I got gorespammed.
People here have both the power of autism and too much time.
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Q's gone. The ~30 retards left in these threads are harmless.
have sweet dreams tonight
you too :3
Thankfully, that wasn't Q.

He's a small fry compared to Quatom troll.
Q is in Redcord, retard.
I love bees
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Unfortunately, these posts are Halo.
Why doesn't anyone here go to sleep?
Are you all euros now? Russians? English? Italians maybe?
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2 > all
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And everybody wants to be special here
They call your name out loud and clear
Here comes a regular
Call out your name
Here comes a regular
Am I the only one here today?
"Every Halo has its Infinite"
-John Master Chief
Your thoughts on the Mantis?
Skinny chicken legged Metal Gear REX.
UNSC mechs are a shit idea.
>UNSC mechs are a shit idea.
Why? I think if it's an enjoyable vehicle (and I think it's relatively enjoyable) then it's a perfectly good addition to Halo
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> 2 > all
Aesthetically they don't fit in with the UNSC's overall design. I'd accept a retrofitted for combat powerlifter from Aliens looking thing though.
replace 4 with 5


…..The cuck competition.

True, but then untrue.
You mean from Halo 5?
True, bigly
Very true.
All those games suck penis.
>Verification not required.
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>Slipspace rupture detected
Better than the Wasp.The Wasp is such a piece of shit.
I miss the Falcon.
All I heard about is how it's a woman's game.
>That I can afford to be shit
>So much for getting anymore free bits for Mark IV I suppose.
Those free bits for 'Mk IV' were a helmet, shoulders, and a leg piece for SPI
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If its recent art, sounds like @Cynder_024
They draw Chief and other Spartans with their augmentation scars.
They are a friend and I do repost their art sometimes, so might have been the confusion.
>rehashing the premise of the RUSSIAN EXCLUSIVE halo game for the new event
Erm... kinda problematic my dude. Don't they know there's a war going on right now?
I don't think that's actually a bee
>Halo SHITfinit-ACK!
>21.6 Million copies downloaded and sold.
>21 million downloads
>5k playing
Halo is a singleplayer series.
>21 million downloads
>5k playing
>no new singleplayer content since launch
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Why are white men all like this?
Is this just since the release of Xbox Series? If so, I'm surprised so many people have bought Gears of War in recent years
Halo 2 was what made Xbox Live popular, and it's been popular for multiplayer ever since, of course

Rainbow 6 is a great series
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>this is 343i
gt? :3c
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>there's a war going on
I miss him.
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Grunts are faggots.....
Halo Reach IS the best Halo game
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Its fun
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I want to play MCC PC multiplayer but I only played Halo MP like once in 2008

Should I try or not even bother
Stick to 3 or Reach. Those are the easiest to get into and have the highest concentration of people who also don't really know how to play.
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If you play every day you'll be fine by the end of the Summer
He couldn't think of a better comeback because he was still thinking about all those innocent civilians being bombed
>Redfall 0.3m
More like how many unique profiles played a game on goypass + sales.
That's why the Gears of War Series is so high, it's people playing 1, 2, 3, Judgement, Ultimate, 4, and 5
Soulcrushing wageslavery castrates many white men.
How can they be fully intact when they work for a system that hates them?
What if it's a younger zoomer that stole his big bro's shirt?
Big if true
They clearly never wanted him there.
MS forced the hire in the first place after the disastrous gameplay demo reveal and subsequent delay.
Once the project was off the ground the studio had no desire for him.
343 hates halo, this isn't surprising
>just another halo youtuber saying the same thing
halo youtubers are subhuman holy fuck
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chief looks like this under his armor
Why is he brown
El Jefe Maestro
Master Chief's armor doubles as a tanning bed while he sleeps, it is known.
343 didn't want him because he actually wanted to make a Halo game.
>chud blitz now reporting on hailey tweets
fucking lmao
Scorpion and Wraith is a good mech addition though.
blud has been complaining about not finding players while living in pussyland.

has he tried moving to the worst country in the world. any flyover states of U.S.A will do
uhhhhhhh mccbros where are we?
We all know that
I'm here, bro
I'm right here
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Fun fact most grunts in game were literally children.
>religious organization groomed children
Does 343 hate themselves do you think?
What is the new multi-team mode?
Something with a shitty low player count I presume?
ESL above
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really makes you think.
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Another based artist is @CountOfS
That's very Anti-Sanshyumic
cope 343
Late response, but thanks Anon, I'll give those a try. I like CE but those people have had 20 years of experience so I know I'd be reamed.
CE has lots of noobs too, at least it did the last time I played a year+ ago. But it's also a really difficult game to grasp because it's so different from the rest of the series.
I want to buy one, maybe not that one but I already want one

What gun do you recommend, /vg/?
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I STUDIED the MINDSET of a gay faggot GOD to get GOOD at HALO!!!!!
They didn't fire him, Microsoft didn't renew his contact. He worked the time he was hired for and left like the rest of Infinite's rotating dev team. We've known this since it happened nearly two years ago, this is ancient history. Halotubers are fucking scumbag grifters who need to be dragged into the street and shot. The way they create artificial outrage just to have something to talk about makes /hg/ look organic.
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/HG/ is organic!
>CE has lots of noobs too
CE has barely any players period. Compared to even last year it's super dead. Only 2C is more dead.
>They didn't fire him, Microsoft didn't renew his contact.
He was the project lead, the founder of the ip, and wanted to keep working.
It's tentamount to firing. Do you have any idea how easy it would have been for 343 management to put forward a letter of recommendation that he be kept in the studio?
And have him do what exactly? "Oh hey Joe, do you want to stick around and get to do nothing because we cancelled any campaign DLC and laid off the entire team (including your mate Paul Bertone who we hired post-launch)?"
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yeeze gigi :3
>Joe left? no, he must have been FIRED by BAD EVIL BAD 343i!
>source is a schizo larping as a women on twitter
I know the Halo community is dumb but come on.
He was moved from project to project at Microsoft bringing disaster games to the finish line. He's been doing that since he left Bungie. This was no different. Keep your personal feelings out of it.
>And have him do what exactly?
Save Halo. That's why they brought him on anyway.
How much are they paying you?
>Keep your personal feelings out of it.
We're just reporting on the facts here.

We get it, you hate halo amd love 3r3, but the fact of the matter is all the 353 games have been disasters. You can stop defending them any time.
He was forced to leave. Big difference.
Microsoft=ultra based
They (being 343i or MS higher ups) changed gears and tried (and failed) to go all in on the infinite money generating train with store MTX slop after launch.
So I ask again, have Joe stick around and do what? Write item flavor text?
shit blitz...
>oh fuck i have no counter UH UH SHILL!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A SHILL!!!!!
Saw that coming.
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>add banshee to last resort firefight
>retards now get in it and just die every time and are never near the hill when they do
I'd rather just use the Wraith. It can 3-shot Phantoms. 2-shot with teammates shooting at it too.
Holy FUCK the US presidential debate is fucking depressing. Biden can barely talk and Trump is a fucking maniac. This is fucked.
Playing Halo 3 for the first time, just started fighting the Spark and got killed by a traitorous turret.
>have Joe stick around and
work on the next game
They fired Joe because big dick Lehto's coming back to direct CEmake. History repeats itself.
but i heard that at least trump will get rid of the woke agenda
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who do I vote for bros
Could they pull one last trick by suspending the elections to switch Democratic candidates, declaring Biden senile and unfit for the presidency?
t. not a burger
The "Halo Activation 2552" party.
Meanwhile at the 343 offices
>Hmmm, firefight is the only good mode we have in Halo Infinite. How can we completely fucking ruin it?
>I know. Let’s have the BIPBAPS who kill you in 3 hits and can magically shoot you through walls!
I hope these niggerfaggots catch AIDs.
>bipbap with mythic skull on
Fucking is why I used to instantly leave gruntpocalypse before I could just not queue for it.
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>teammates have fucked off to narnia or something
>entire squad of bipbap is coming for me
I kneel. Have mercy.
the skimmers with commandos and dynamos are pretty fucking annoying too. they’re the most “fuck you” enemy types i’ve seen since the rocket floods.
Is THAT what we're calling them?
Drones work.
Reminder that bragging rights only apply to complete blow outs and not just a win.
>3:2 or 100:90 does not warrant shit talk
>3:0 or 100: 50 however does warrant
The best bantz come after close games tho
No? Complete blowouts are seal clubbing shit and not fun. Close games are when you can actually get back and forth banter going.
Problem is that there's a LOT of money involved in campaigning. Each candidate has to fund themselves usually, and trying to start a campaign THIS LATE into election season would be impossible. Democrats shot themselves in the foot even with a win pretty much handed to them.
Not my point gentleman. I too prefer close games and the banter between teams. I'm talking about when a team barely wins talks as if they raped the other team. Seen it plenty of times where a game is 3:2 or 100 to 98 and the winning team will talk as if they dominated.
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Why does the Arbiter shout “KAYLA!” as his battlecry in Halo 3?
Who is Kayla?
Depends if Gauss Warthog is in sandtrap or not
>Democrats shot themselves in the foot even with a win pretty much handed to them.
I don't understand how they allowed that, like why that was their final decision.
There would have been even better chances with that woman from before.
This took me 8 minutes, but I had a good checkpoint so I was doing one try every 10 seconds or so.
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I did it twice three minutes later because a ghost immediately splattered me.
it's so satisfying in this game
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we waited a decade for this
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I asked a software engineer once what it would cost to recreate the explosion effect. I will never forget his answer:

>We can't, we don't know how to do it.
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>tease helmet for five frames and pretend it never existed
>gain mythological status in the community
>finally release it
>butcher it
>add it to the filter
it's almost comedic
it looks like shit anyway
Recreate it in what?
Arby, obviously
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>Myfe 'Rend's trust is not the issue today, Spartan Locke.
Fucking who?
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Is installing Halo Infinite multiplayer worth it if I just wanna play goofy forge maps
if you have friends sure
>page 10
I will post to revive the thread

Also this filename says this is Halo Infinite chief but I'm 99% sure it's not, and it's actually Halo 2 Anniversary chief
Halo 5….was a hard game to make.
This is Halo? 343i really killed the game huh
His dead gf ._.
I feel bad
It's a hot name
if you don't have friends to play with then there's much better games to be wasting time in. We'll over 50% of the essential Halo experience requires known people to party up with
right looks better
I've had a lot of fun playing Halo multiplayer over the years, and never have I played with people I knew
How significant is CE storywise
>sister has been a serial cutscene skipper for 15 years despite my haranguing
>finally starting to come around
>my brother and I start playing through all of the halo games starting with CE
>I invite my sister to join us for 2 and all the games after that since she said she wanted to know more about halo's story now that she's stopped skipping every cutscene
What exactly would she be missing that can't be easily explained?
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jobber, what the fuck are you doing playing infinite
Holy shit get a grip
I love the sidekick so much
Halo does have an interesting story, but the truth is that the easiest way to find out if a game is good is to skip every cutscene and see if you're still enjoying it.
That's an old clip. The sidekick doesn't have bloom anymore.
Shall I upload the footage of Jobber playing Infinite with the boys last month?
We're barely into the weekend. No need to shatter the forced narrative so quickly.
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i do have a grip, this one to be exact.
oh right.
We all play Infinite here. Don't try to hide it.
about 90% yeah. There's like 2 or 3 people that have sworn it off entirely, but they hardly play Halo at all anyway now, and when they do it's with the boys who otherwise play Infinite anyway.
that's a nice grip
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Actually we exclusively play Halo 4s spartan ops here and nothing else.
yeeze grip >///<
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I only came back here a few days because I recently replayed all the Halo games on MCC.
I planned to play Halo 5 again since it's been almost 9 years, but playing 4 chapters of Spartan Ops burned me out big time.
5 is shit
good cal
>literally the only thing you can do is scrap everything Bungie and destroy Bungie
they DID add seat switching
Is 5 better in co-op? I don't have any Halobros.
you should have to leave the warthog
>Is 5 better in co-op?
Still the worst halo campaign tho
>I don't have any Halobros.
make some
You have no excuse
Why do you have no halobros?
Do you not have friends.
/hg/ plays Saturday nights but there are other ways too
5 sucks and is irrelevant, even within 343's entire canon
That's the point of Infinite being the way it is
>they DID add seat switching
and the Hydra
I don't want you people as my Halobros I hate you.


>I don't want you people as my Halobros I hate you.
Suit yourself.
Just realize that when you load into team games alone, you put yourself at an inherent disadvantage.
Infinite isn't a Halo game
You're Wrong
Having most of /hg/ on your team would put you at an inherent disadvantage.
>Having most of /hg/ on your team would put you at an inherent disadvantage.
Most of /hg/ goes positive
for halo? no.
for HIV? yes.
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