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Gaminng Edition
Previous thread: >>482499446

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bushiroad.en.bangdreamgbp
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bang-dream-girls-band-party/id1335529760

Current Event: Let Our Songs Echo! Happy Lucky Musical!
Current Gacha: A Fairytale Once Upon A Time Gacha (5* Kaoru, Hagumi, 4* Misaki)
Current Event Boost: Happy ft. Hello Happy World

Next Event: The New Year's Arrival! Furisode Journey!
Next Gacha: Adorned in the Colours of First Spring’s Flowers Gacha (5* Lisa, Moca, 4* TOKO, DF Kokoron and Nanami)
Next Event Boost: Pure ft. Moca, Lisa, Limi, TOKO, Chu2

Wiki: http://bandori.wikia.com/wiki/BanG_Dream!_Wikia
Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer: https://bestdori.com/
Another database: http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Favdori sorter: https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter: https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~: https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
Tower game recreation: https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Gacha simulator: https://sowoneul.github.io/bandori-gacha-sim/
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while): https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations: https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
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First for hetdoris~
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Is everyone still asleep?
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Love Lisacat
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Tsukushi looks like the kind of girl to have bad breath...
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Next bandori movie should take place in SEA
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>still no touko op
thought we agreed on a shiro OP...
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chisato & taki cover when...
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Crying so much...
can't tell if shiro or yukina...
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My sluts
don't make me post the taki image again...
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pii pii--
Love her so much...
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Arisa's angry at (You) for forgetting to buy condoms again...
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just came back from church...
lovely Rokka
another TOKO swimsuit we'll never get...
Prefer Selia swimsuits
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She's looking down on everyone...
so in character...if there is one thing nanami is good at it's expressing her emotions and thoughts in normal and cute ways...it's literally her entire character
uhhh yeah are you confusing her with rui...
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finally full combo
congrats! is that your first 28?
i think 3rd one
are modded apks safe...?
probably sitting on a spark worth of full combo stars but I suck at taptaps...
send me your account transfer details and i will full combo them for you, and then i will re turn your account to you, it will take 1 day, no trouble
sounds sketchy to say the least...
Got my free star apk from walmart...
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love taki.
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Hope the cat's winter clothes still make her look like a bum...
Taki will never admit it, but she is glad she let Anon design her swimsuit...
beanie and a hobo jacket
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love them so much...
kanon is so dependable...
You can tell she's mocking Aya...
>but what about
this artist's drawings all look like K*t*...
who the hell is Kate...
Kate is one of the main characters of Shadows House.
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The gang's all here
ah yes.. the usual cuckschizo pattern using ren, then kanon, next he'll be spamming chad, brad, then aya getting beaten up...
what about Alex...
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Matsssubara-ssan ssssends her regardss
Debby is best girl...I'd drink King Louis XIII with her...
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There's only 8 more hours until the event is over! Be sure to read the story, get the event cards, and exchange your tokens!
What event...
Sex with rimi in her sisters abandoned bedroom!
Arigato, Fusuke...
almost forgot... thanks tskshinon...
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You're welcome.
ummm they shared a room and had bunk beds...
That's even hotter...
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Imagine the SEX
that's one of the dumbest reason to be naked...

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We should make our own chart like this...
why is this guy hating on master1200...
the full image might have been larger than 4mb... better to use the preview than downscale the quality yourself and tricking people into thinking that's the original version...
heard the fujo hates it...
Her swimsuit didn't actually get washed away, she's just channeling her inner pink Kanon...
you're supposed to change the finename...
can't change filenames on ipad...
are you dumb.......
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Bushiroad should sponsor another romcom anime and have Kasumi and Ren voice the main couple~
Oh right, Chisato also has a sister
So many bandoris have family they don't talk about...like Lisa's brothers....
is it wrong to have sex with your sister if your sister is lisa
Aya also has one, and Kanon has a little brother.
Hagumi has an older brother... doesn't Himari have an older sister? I forgot.
Yup she does. Also Misaki's younger siblings, Tsukushi's imoutos, Taki's older sister, and Lisa's brother...
Sakiko's twin sister...
Arisa and touko have a lot in common...they both have blonde hair, live in shops with their grandmother's, probably have dead parents, study plants, and spend too much time online...
Arisa would hate TOKO's guts...
having a bunk bed with your anime older sister as an anime girl must be so cozy... why couldn't i have that life...
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I keep seeing this meme and it seems like the whole girls band audience has a really low bar when it comes to anime...
ummmm delete it from your desktop to stop seeing it then...
prefer the versions that exclude bandri on purpose...
Just block every english tweeter you see that doesn't draw bandori fanart...
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all of those animes were pretty good thoughever...
don't know what you mean... all of them are genuinely good shows...
what's with the bot...
it's just the fujo...
Got infected by a bot after opening those song links...
Only 2 of those are good, but nothing too great to be considered "cinema". One of them is probably the most overrated music anime in the past 20 years and the Ave mujica anime/season isn't even out yet...
i'm the only non that liked jellyfish ending...
not arguing with this fujo when he thinks Dragon Ball Super is peak anime...
Haven't watched it yet.
>paid shilling
>actual thought and effort put into the story and characters
>paid shilling
>>actual thought and effort put into the story and characters
not sure what you mean by paid shilling... boxxy is known for being a low budget anime...
Uhhh it was shilled here...
they are our allies...
boxxy was made to sell cheap band shirts.
any event rooms before it ends...
you mean cheap neon bracelets...
are you stupid...
no i think OG dragonball is peak anime...super is mid...
my last post...
my last post
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Kaoru looking good. nice sunglasses too
who's the fujo again? I always thought it was the vgl sis...
Is this guy for real...
it's just one of bpen/ vague boogeyman -characters, like worstanon, shill, and r-anon...
make one...
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smoker tk...
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That's chocolate.
no need to sugarcoat it... smoking is cool
it's gross...
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finally can agree with someone here...
Imagine a world where smoking didn't murder your lungs and smell like shit.
no need to imagine when SEA is a thing...
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>smoking bad
grow a pair
only teens think smoking is cool...
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mistook someone as an adult Tomori...
Was she smoking...
original fujo was the less cool TOKOfriend but now everyone is the fujo...
whatever moca is smoking
never been a fujo...
should've been gayer...
finally got to see himari bando anime...
It's been ages...
Taki would quit smoking after realizing it'll get her killed early and leave Tomori alone...
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Cute Kasumi enjoying some puto...
She loves traditional SEAfood...
sisters.......... where the FUCK are the rooms at.................................
It's a medley event...
It did a good job of wrapping up Kano's part, but the rest felt really rushed.
That show fell off after episodes 7-8
watched the 1st ep and was okay... shouild i continue...
Yes, because all your bpen/ friends watched it.
should have a wtchtgthr...
Kind of pointless talking about band girl anime because you're basically only allowed to talk about how amazing and life changing they all are
hate when all the bots conspire to coincidentally post about the same thing at the same time...
Umm you shouldn't be posting about them if they aren't bandori to begin with...
hate when this guy is off his meds...
Medley room
wish donuts was developing bandori so we could have medley rooms...
He's been off his rocker ever since bushiroad kicked out the DJs, and /psg/ getting eliminated from divegrass...
mygo is included in that category. Most controversial thing you're allowed to say is "I wish raana had more screentime"
uhhh just go to your shill thread if you want to complain about bandori doing it all better...
wish pokelabo was developing bandori so we could bpen legion matches vs d*scord tweens...
can't join...
Someone post 3 songs so we can pretend to be in a medley room.
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Zettai Sengen Recital
Roku chounen
>meta songs

Hell no.

sigh why ask if you're just gonna ditch any idea anyways...
when cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGj0xMWReQM
really felt the soul of bandry while playing...
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Almost died at zettai…
wish our vtubers were more popular…
kkrn pointing at real bandri soul...
the first live in august should give them a lot of attention, and all of them will reach 10k subs for sure...!
pshill antis will destroy them...
I will kill the pshill myself
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shiro is an angel...
want shiro to call me sensei…
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I wish this was Rokka's DF...
How about you try being equals instead of taking advantage of your position?
they are lovers...
in reality rokka is the angel and shiro is the devil...
uhhh pretty sure I remember her forcing shiro to embarrass herself on stage...
No glasses hair down Lock is much more a devil than Shiro.
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devil shiro was locked away until ako found the lost tome...
luv that hapi hapi yukinya...
sometimes I wish the cuck would get hit by a truck but then I realize Kokoro wouldn't want me to do that...
Who is getting cucked...
the suits would be the drivers...
Popipa minus Tae, Afterglow minus Ran, Charlotte, Hina, Aya, Rinko and Taki.
Watching the guys on /h/ argue over bocchi reminds me of this place so much...
Why are you reading posts on /h/...
He was samefagging there...
what with the degenerate posts...
heard the fujo was scheming over there...
they are mocking us...
don't get it...
never likes that meme event anyway...
We're never getting any of them...
we know, chu2 and sayo... we know...
More excited for floor sex Kokoro and splatoon Nanami...
never been excited...
Glad canvas was finally fired for drawing that porno kokoro...
the only porno thing is your brain...
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んpeak canvas...
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how'd he get away with drawing this...
hope canvas goes back to making these official lewds instead of these sketches...
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Shiro is so lucky...
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ai is getting too good
I want to point out the fucking noodles but that's actually in character for Himari
which canvas to coom to...
Moca one seems like a nice tribute material...
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don't know why that guy skipped ako...
Ako is just failed proto Shiro
too young
You wouldn't say that about basedos that are younger than her...
retcon-deniers have no answer to that btw
ako is sex...
it's about her physique, not age
gonna clean akos body with my tongue
Are you retarded... Rui looks older than every character...
imagine if every new character had to be smaller and smaller than ako according to that logic...
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Just had a dream where the boydoris got merged back into the bandoriverse. They made an anime out of it, Yukina and Nayuta develop a rivalry, Arisa gets jealous at Ren for getting along really well with Kasumi, and all the bands do a joint concert to raise funds so that CiRCLE doesn't get closed down...
bandori U148...
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lowkey believe mygo was supposed to be bandry 2 with a separate game and had stuff retconned...
compare Namonaki and silhouette dance with the vocaloid stuff they're putting out these days...
the anime writing also feels like a last minute change of direction from serious to silly...
That's literally what everyone thinks
literally nobody thinks that and you've never even watched it...
it's well-known that the bandori as we knew it was supposed to be a fictional franchise within the mygoverse, where the girls band revolution never happened and everything is much more down to earth... but then one day, a mysterious song named “kira kira doki doki” with no melody or lyrics appears on tomori's phone. this song unlocks access to the “POPY SEKAI”, a mysterious place that allows her to discover her true emotions and her own song...
can't help but wonder how dark they initially intended mygo to be...
hope they won't retcon mujika...
There's zero chance you've listened to any of their recent songs. In fact it's the complete opposite and the songs you're talking about are the ones with the "vocaloid stuff".
You seriously must be the idiot yesterday who was posting about the covers...
regret joking about his meme last year since he now believes it...
mygo was initially revealed with a different art style and only got standard bandry character designs a year later after kidney ordered to integrate them in galpa because he didn't want to invest in a second game...
uhhh you mean they got game designs when they were added to the game...? shocking...
Wait until you hear about RAS
ras had bandry designs from the get go and were literally made for s2... it's nothing alike.
did that useless bug seriously not announce that the event was ending... didn't even start it...
bet you msk mounted kkr right then on the floor...
Ummm they literally didn't. They didn't even have the eyes which should be an automatic disqualification according to your arbitrary requirements.
Of course Tsukushi haters can't read.
wasn't one of the mygoes og story was being a rape victim
what is this guy on about now...
the ESL is finally having an incomprehensible meltdown...
I'm not the one who didn't even make a room...
don't be mean to tsugutwo she's always trying her best and she makes shiro happy... >>483075579
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unreliable leader...
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Love when Shiro acts like a queen
She knows what she wants and takes it...
Covers when...
more like a queen baby...
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Sakiko smoking would be good too...
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post 'em if you got 'em
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Artist wants us to pretend it's Arisa.
Mutsghost, Nyamucat, Uidog, Umirooster and background Sakioctopus...?
that police girl looks like Eve...
>Another vocaloid purge
What the fuck are they even doing... how come this is the only server having this shit?
Bandori is one of those weird, amazing franchises run by incompetent baboons. Like if a company that wasn't total garbage had made bandori it would have eclipsed the entire market in how big it could've been
EOS soon.
I know it's vocaloidshit, but shinkai shoujo is one of the best morf covers.
That's what happens when you don't buy the Arisa boxes...
Are they paying a separate licensing fee for the cover songs in the EN server or something? CN isn't losing any of it's covers...
shanghai honey isn't vocaloid... no more mi~....
DJs send their regards...
literally only 1 of those is mikushit, retard
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>Shanghai Honey
They might as well just remove all the covers in EN if this shit keeps up
They might as well just remove EN if this shit keeps up
It shouldn't have been Shiro...
Mashiro is so fucking cute when she's in despair...
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It should've been Alive.
never got regards...
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the latest vocaloid covers have all been great... don't get the hate...
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mujica cover someday...
this mikushill isn't even trying to be subtle anymore...
mygo's wasn't as good as the others...
I'd probably c*m if we get a Mygo cover
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Yes, licensing fees would be done by region because music copyright laws are fucked up.
why can so many highschool students just randomly whip up several professionally made outfits out of thin air every other week... where do they even get the materials... touko didn't even take morfonica's measurements before making them...
Because they are Japanese and not lazy burgers.
Fuck this shit. You're ripping out even more fucking songs, and good ones at that?
what did I do...
The remnants of CraftEgg EN are still part of the current ENdori dev team. They are trying to hurt bandori as much as possible before their contract expires by delaying patches and removing songs for no reason.

Not even KR had this bullshit and they literally EoSd
it's fucking over
uh, why are you playing en again...
never stopped...
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I'm done. That's it. Shinkai Shoujo was one of my favorites. I don't even care anymore.
Beautiful rendition of haruhikage...
moca never gave up... fake innocent mocafriend...
but you haven't logged in over a month already mocafriend
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Guilty Moca
thought that was En*...
Outfits aren't canon unless the trained art is in reality
Good job as always.
you know the licence issue is bullshit when shinkai shoujo licence fee might cost no more than 1 dollar...
what about when they wear them in events...
Don't see you paying for it...
HHW is me before ENDori went to shit
Ave Mujica is me after ENDori went to shit
shanghai honey and music hour were two of the most fun-sounding covers...
holy fucking shit, they just keep on fucking up.......
can tell these are all pshills conspiring together to attack bandori...
what's the staff size for endori? A college freshman running social media account using password "password1" with chatgpt running the codebase? is the liscnesing even that expensive or did they just let it expire and don't know how to renew?????
Kidani wants to kill ENdori after Donuts stole his dream project...
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>they killed the song with the funny bear rapping
>one of the few songs with kaoru and misaki vocals
>the song were freaking Kokoro is talking about picking up asian girls on the beach
it's so over...
>that guy blatantly shilling proseka
to think, since mygo, we have to share a general with these... people...
Only see you constantly pushing your ps meme... curious...
uuh just look at the comment section...
What does that have to do with bpen/... SEAnon logic is truly incomprehensible
uhh why would I do that...
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Haven't thought about this band in so long...
these pshills literally turning blind eye on one of their kind shilling proseka over ENdoris corpse... shameless...
lol... this guy probably searches twitter for ps posts then complains to his mom about the shills and fujos...
never forget what ENdori took from us...
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I'm almost tempted to copypaste the request only to see it from a non-shit artist.
this pshill doesn't make any sense anymore... laughing at a bandori fan looking at a bandori news comment section...
too much shilling... gonna watch yuno play cardfight vanguard instead...
Wish the coommissioners liked lovey dovey stuff instead of porno gangbangs...
you're asking too much to coombrains...
No canon boy characters for love dovey stuff...
wish bandry had real drama like real high school bands with trumpets and euphoniums...
uhh what about first person...
You mean porno...?
ummm no not porno first person... this guy doesn't get it at all...
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stupid cat...
speaking of porno, popipa cover when...
can't even decipher what this drooling coomer is trying to say...
Just look at valitran...
Wish artists would remove the request marshmallow... ruins my immersion...
Not downloading that maware....
bottom are broke...
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Got it on my ps feed... hate this intermixing...
why would fans of a rhythm game play another craftegg rhythm game...
yeah idk why everything 404d
they wouldn't even notice TOKO was gone...
morfs on the beach without TOKO would be just be shiro and tsukushi taking 45 minutes to overcome social anxiety to buy snowcones while nanami Eiffel Tower out of sand and rui complains about how attending the beach serves no practical function to enchance music...
ran's dad... yukina's dad... hagumi's ikkemen older brother... a bunch of unseen dads... lisa's retconned brother... the producer for Roselia... some NPC fans in events...
Doujin idea: Yukina's dad wants to make sure Lisa is good enough at sex to fuck his daughter so he fucks Lisa to test her sexual prowess
All of those are for porno settings...
What about Tomori's idol dad...
>what about mygo...
Uhh yeah that's what I said...
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heard the bots aren't updated past april 2023...
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Cool it with a basedo's blood
Then the charm is firm and good
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sacrifice mutsumi to god...
which god...
you would know if you watched pico...
He took Afterglow in exchange for Ran's life...
Moca went from a Goddess to a typical Japanese teenager who wants to unalive herself...
sounds like a jrpg plot...
Madoka plot...
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Moca reminds me of bread... I will now buy bread.
Bread is high in calories and has little nutritional value...
Don't care, still buying pandesal.
pandesal means salt bread...
Predictions for the next set of cover songs to be removed...
Sora-iro days
Eternal Blaze
Nostalgic Rainfall
Can't wait for them to remove songs faster than they are added...
they want to remove all non-vocaloid songs... it's over...
You're a special kind of retard, aren't ya?
>posts on 4chan
>plays bandori
Yeah no shit
this shill has finally lost it...
they aren't even trying to hide it anymore...
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remember when tsukushi pissed off the monsters and they immediately kill TOKO in retaliation...
thought those goblins r*p*d toko
what do we do once they finally EoS EN...
very ooc yukina...
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thought this was a ****** reference...
Gonna swap to WDS...
m*ss s*icide...
I'm gonna post one last tr*b*t* and fuck off permanently to /psg/
We need anothrr NFO event...
second this...
gonna singlehandedly keep a thread on vmg alive with MTL translations of events...
gonna miss favanon...
all my favanons already left months if not years ago...
what about the fujo...
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>but what about the fujo
t. fujo
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Notice how all the cover songs removed thus far also have full versions...
what with the pshilling in the comment section...
we try to fit in at /gbp/
don't think i'd have a fun time there...
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Everything ends... except for mskk...
Don't get the big deal as long as you got the stars from playing them already...
shanghai honey and music hour are fun charts... kasumi sings in a funny voice in that one too...
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Maybe when we catch up with JP, they'll merge the servers...
No more Mi...
uh catching up is impossible...
gonna miss them so much....
shills are malding and spreading FUD after losing at basketball...
just pointing out the injustice of this world...
I'm okay with Shinkai Shoujo getting removed, but Shanghai Cunny, Music Hour, and 1/3 Junjo na Kanjo are really good songs. Fuck Crap Egg for fucking EN over...
It's K*dney's grudge after being backstabbed by our dj imoutos...
kys morf hater
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You are suffering karmic retribution for attacking Shiro...
kidani won't let us fail, dumbs...
Kidani is still recentful over bandori fans making fun of him for the otouto fiasco...
Should add boydoris to EN...
whole life has been a karmic retribution...
Half of morfonica's stories is just the gang trying to fix mashiros mental problems lol. The other half is trying to get tooko and ruirui to make up after arguing for the 100000th time.
need toko and rui arguing about shiros mental problems...
pretty sure more than half of morf stories are about touko since she's the most named morf character in game...
TOKO gets so many free event cards...
which stories are about touko...
TOKOcon event...
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The end is near...
Kasumi seems like she would be a squirter.
they will announce eos once the live is over...
Not even the end of Rosenchor since they're going to China...
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Ren makes her squirt a lot~
almost forgot to post because of all the doomposting...
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still can't get over the announced death of the honeys in shanghai...
bluetsumi can't compete against shiro beast...
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You must be a new newstaff...
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I'm just trying to keep this place going...
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He's just spamming off-topic AI drawings now...
brown hair timoris...
That's Mana you dumb blind fuck.
Sayo gets to fuck this daily???
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I would touch myself if half naked tsugumi was in front of me too...
Kanon is so lucky...
Tsugu should fuck Hina in front of Sayo.
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It's concerning they haven't twitted about the next event yet. But I guess the next event will be the day after next instead of tomorrow...
that's her punishment whenever tsugu finds her chatting a bit too happily with linlin or cheese...
endori will never EOS you pshill
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Missed her name pun day yesterday...
im a concerned bandori fan...
I also almost forgot. Once again, I did a little poorly
43 spots away... like two ships passing in the night...
can't think of a world without bandri...
took me a while to figure out who that girl is...
How do you have 80000 and 60000 stars... don't you ever roll...
Is it okay if me and that anon hold hands...?
Not for a while, I was saving for Chainsaw Man Sayo, but that's been delayed indefinitely so
i wonder if we were looking up at the same moon as we played...
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なんで 儚い だ...
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these anons are getting even gayer than the doris...
don't remember doris ever being gay...
There's nothing gay in Bushi anymore...
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All doris are cis het straight~
Nothing gay about petting rooms.
you say that while posting coomer fanart of a girl who has kissed other girls in canon... curious...
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That's pretty gay anon...
the crying band girls stole all the gay from bandori...
That was the DJs, they even stole all of Muts gayness with the gremlin marriage before they left...
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Love Momoka so much...
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And just now:


>Thank you for playing BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!

>Due to technical reasons related to the application review, the subsequent event (“The New Year's Arrival! Furisode Journey!”) originally set on June 25, the related gacha and songs will be delayed.

>We hope you continue to enjoy playing the game.

So what, no event at all now? Skipping it for another event? What the actual FUCK is going on there? How is it even possible to be this incompetent?
Clown server.
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Who are you?
can't be one of us... we hate maya here...
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This is giving me SIFAS PTSD...
Is his screen like 10 pixels high or something...
since it mentions application review I'm hoping this means they have the update ready and appl* is the one holding it back.....
Can't believe Apple, Sony, Disney, and Crap Egg are colluding to sabotage bandori...
you forgot bushiroad...
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Fake kanade...
Kanade is done... hasn't drawn a real dori that wasn't a dog in months...
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what about analog lisa...
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kanade fell off after this mystery dori drawing...
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are we going to play uma english version....
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She's trying to dress like kanon now...
will never forgive the retcon...
hate when this guy includes my posts in his meme...
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Is this an UMA..
Need to air fry it to find out...
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hate anteaters
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team raincoat never stood a chance...
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everything started to go downhill when ras and morfs were added to the game...
just morf
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Here's an OG TOKO to brighten up your day
Miss STACY poster... he was always there for us...
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My cute wife!
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heard he quit after the fujo stole his TOKOs...
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He stole more of my TOKOs than I stole from him...
still waiting for bikini toko...
It's in the queue alongside the other 10 skipped events and 50 cards and MyGo...
can't wait for them to run all the skipped events in a row making it impossible to get anything...
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how long is the next event postponed for?
6 trillion years...
we'll get some compensation for sure... maybe even a ten roll for every event!
Haha... Imagine if they ran out of events that actually work...
we'll catch up to jp... by any means necessary...
Me on the left.
me on the right...
>Anon: Hi tomori do you wanna be friends
>Taki: I will kill you slut whore bitch

>Rana: Matcha
>Taki: Only if you show up to practice and stop being a weirdo
>Rana: No & also we're a couple now since we had 1 event together

>Taki: If you don't stop being a bitch I'm going to tell Anon to stalk you
>Soyo: I will fuking kill you
>Anon: OMG this is where you live Soyo sleepover :DDD

>Tomori: (Breaths)
>Taki: All hail you my glorious queen!

Taki is literally me
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>share a banner = couple
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wish real girls dressed like ann...
her outfit would look 10x worse without the pink hair...
TakiRaana is the best couple...
Would look fine with black hair...
Long silky black hair...
>Taki: god I love tomori
>Raana: nya aylso lyove tymori
>Taki: omg let's have sex
Anon dresses like a grandma...
what kind of grandma do you have...
Taki raped the cat...
ann has the worst fashion sense...
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rikki is based...
This is a grandma...
Only tsugumi calls her mommy...
That's an Onee-chan.
momoka and nina are a sayotsugu upgrade...
That's a very low bar to overcome.
>I hate tsugumi because....uhhhh...
I hate Tsugumi because she's boring.
Shit take but fitting for the toilet thread of the bandori community
did this shill seriously just come here to mald...
No I'm just tired of tsugumi hate. Can't post 1 picture of her without some retard that probably worships the shittiest characters in the franchise talking about how awful tsugumi is
It's just the lisaschizo...
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>worships the shittiest characters
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They are wife and wife.
who do people think is the shittiest character anyways? it'd probably be a tie between masking and hagumi, right? nobody cares about either
Nah, Masking is cool and her fights will Chu2 are funny. Hagu is second to last though with Tsugu being dead last.
tsugu hater are fujo true worst is hagumi
>I hate hagumi because....uhhhh...
hgumi is the least popular not because she is the most hated, but because she is the least cared about...
only dori i genuinely don't see the appeal of is LAYER...
layer is milf mommy chara like raychell...
she's one of the most softspoken characters in the series...
bandri wouldn't be the same without layer's vocals...
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Character nobody care about probably goes like
MASKING > Touko > Hagumi > Tomoe > Eve I think
this guy still malding about hagmi being one of the most well-written characters...
2/5 for me.
>domestic abuse/rape
Bet your favorite manga is Berserk
this is what mygonlies really think bandori is like...
hagumi is an SA survivor
Funny how the mini-fujo is pretending to care about Hagumi after the main fujo did.
uhh i can make arguments for how every dori contributes to the story, except for layer...
tomoe is moderately popular, half for her VA and half because she's a cool onee-san type and that makes her the go-to shipbait for female yuri artists
Yes, it's hard to make an argument for how a character contributes to the story when you don't read said story.
what about her butt...
There are only worstanons, not worstdoris...
okay, i guess if you count the tae ntr, she did contribute to the story
Plenty of people here don't read stories and still act like their favdoris are amazing and well-written characters
thought all the worstanons died..
don't care about writing as long as they have cute scenes and cute fanart...
That's nice MyGo-fan friend...
never seen a cute hagumi fanart... and the scene with kaoru in that card was bad
layer is the one who got ntrd... the title of the story is "the childhood friend I made a promise with got stolen by a lesbian monkey"...
They have all three, shill
funny how easily people fell for this pshill's scheme to normalize speaking negatively of bandori characters...
say something nice about hagumi
she's a good support character for bringing out unseen sides in other characters
a dumbdori helps move the plot in unexpected ways...
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Tired of schemers...
No one is in charge of maintenance on EN since craftegg got fired...
why are you linking a fujo post...
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those bakery lights are never going to turn back on...
yakuza busted the place up after they didn't pay the protection fee...
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like this one...
oh yeah, name one
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one of the best fanarts ever...
where's the coom art...
Thought that was Rika...
hate uncensored v*gina...
ur gay
bet you msk jerked off to this... >>483345356
I only jerk off to Kokoro making Misaki's penis feel good...
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unpopular opinion: bandoris should only have sex with males and only after marriage...
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why is everyone so fucking horny
hate sex and marriage...
because anons get no sex and are not currently in sage mode
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only like 2D girls half my age...
looks a lot like chika...
what's happening in this image...
For me, it's your favdori getting beaten and raped...
Charlotte raping Kokoro? Hot...
my favorite girl and my favorite scenario...
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arale is so talented...
remember when yuno broke vtuber rules...
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The fuck? Where is the event?
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EOS announcement in 30 mins...
im@s has really been scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Can't even be bothered to come up with their own fresh and original new idea and had to rip-off from Love Live...
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the hell is this guy on about... it's an uma game...
The latest season was soooo fucking boooooring.
Kasumi and KaHOTsumi...
only good one was U149...
What about the uboat?
shills are spamming... what are they so scared of this time...
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Shills will always be scared of bandori
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love me mygos...
Who is the smelly one...
I bet Tomori doesn't wear deodorant...
uhh they are east asian... only the tryhards like TOKO and anon would wear it for the scent...
God imagine TOKOs musk after she spends an hour running in track class...
My team lost the cup…
uhh your team is playing this saturday in knockouts, divegrass skipper...
euro or america?
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thought this song fit this scene pretty well so i made a little amv... i hope you guys see my vision...
damn, O-Tae's shoes are pretty grippy... good one
if tae really cared she would've just shelled out for a taxi...
Determination Symphony playing over that whole scene was absolute cinema
shes a broke student...
stopped watching the anime after S2... the fucking slideshow framerate is unwatchable...
the hell is this /v/ zoomer rambling about...
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Shills get more and more deranged by the day...
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saw cartoony space themed merch at sutaba and got a lil sad cuz it reminded me of galaxy wedding...
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shoujo kanochisa...
Based Korean commissioner.
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Can't tell if that's Raana or not...
it's mocaran...
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love them so much....
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Shills hate them for having the best relationship dynamic
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did you think we were drawing these pictures ourselves or something...
this twitterfag has gone insane
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don't get it, so I'm gonna post an additional cute image...
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Unionically. I can't get rid of rail whores in Thailand language my feed has been infected with for some reason and now my ps and bandri feeds are cross-contaminating each other
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you can't even see who likes a post anymore...
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she's so fucking beautiful
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feel like having a mygo rewatch...
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never thought of ichitaki before...
moleless Hiori...
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Shiro hates her...
Why do you talk like lae'zel...
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Saaya means: shadow, shade, shelter, protection

This is very interesting. Saaya (betadori) went to night school and used Kasumi (betadoris) desk...she was her shade.
Saaya also has the darkest backstory (premygo retcons). This is the shadow of her mother cast over her.
Despite this saaya is also PoPiPa's protector. She is the mom of the group, the caretaker, the nurtured. She is the band's emotional shelter.

God I fucking love (old) bandori so much it's insane
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uh huh... your fujo shitposting is even sadder because no it doesn't mean that...
that g*y thinks only mygojica had any thought put into them...
That's not how Japanese names work...
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don't think we will make it for a uiko thread in time...
it's nyover...
the cat agenda won't let uika have her thread...
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Kinda weird that all of sakikos friends are rich and live in 30 room homes but nobody well let sakiko move in with them and rescue her from her drunk dad...
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Mutsumi would but Sakiko's pride doesn't allow that.
uh she won't even let mutsumi buy her mango juice...
sayo is so lucky...
moca would be so lucky if she was less of a coward...
Tina went back to the old style...
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Sakiko is the luckiest...
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nyamu lives alone supporting her 10 siblings...
chu2 would look better with big oppai...
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A very important part of a keyboard maid's duties.
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Fake dopamine...
Brad is so lucky...
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My self-insert is so lucky...
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Yea...my self-insert (futa PAREO) has raw sex with chu2 in her penthouse and covers her flat tummy and nipples and face is loads of man juice...
next thread will be better...
can't self insert into Pareo, she's too cute and perfect...
Upsetting that mygo and Ave mujica will surprass chu2-sama in lewd art despite chu2 being 100x more erotic than anyone in the new bands...
That's why you self-insert into Chu2 so you have a Pareo.
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why is the fujo pretending to be a lolicon again...
Fujo has coommissioned both Chu2 and Pareo before.
I've though chu2 was sexy for a long time, I don't think this is new.
it's just the fujo's new scheme...
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chu2 is sexy but her seiyuu is a gremlin...
there's just something about the $7 price tag for the l*ly passport that makes it seem so much cheaper than the $10 happy box or premium mission pass... i still don't think endori is in danger of EOS, but what if...
Forgot that Tsumu married and divorced in a year...
I still have a chance...
crying for tsu*u...
uhhh tsugu will marry a rich oil baron to help care for her sick parents...
Uika's birthday thread doko?
didn't feel safe making it while he was posting...
Make it, I can't right now...
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wheres the nsfw afterparty
only have gato afterparty...
Maru is a party animal.
That will be reality soon

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