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Previous : >>483081263

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
Cunny guild where
is this the most fanservice game besides nikke?
what are the most fan servicing gacha games? i just wanna play the most coomer game
NTR guild where
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Butt game
All guilds will be NTR by default since anons can use your girls.
There are actual hentai gachas
If you're looking for just fan service but pushed to the maximum, that's Last Origin, but it never got its global release
saw in a video some guy say people should only craft R gear and avoid SR and then craft UR, is this correct?
what drives this seanig to spam about cuckshit every day
yea, only craft SR when you run out of ancient crystals
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>insecure men hours
It's all so tiresome...
At least I'm going to sleep soon
there are hentai gachas? it better have high quality art and high effort drawings

lemme hear em bro
It's funny
wait until bro finds out about nutaku
>>insecure men hours
this is towards anti ntr guys right?
How did it even come to this influx of SEANIGGERS in the last 10+ years

do any of them even have an actual playerbase? this looks like absolute shovelware
he was making fun of you
but I am not the guy with a imaginary thread nemesis...
no clue but some have been there for years so someone must be playing them
The other cuckspammers on other threads have been at it for YEARS so expect horrible threads until this place gets fast enough to bury their shitposts
Nutaku is old and busted. Hentai gachas with an actual semblance of production are Erolabs. However Erolabs are Chink gacha with the most jewish systems possible so beware. Either do that or go straight DMM/Fanza and play hentai gachas in Japanese. Nutaku stuff is trash in comparison being both low quality and jewish.
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>being this mindbroken over some fun shitposting
I only hate cuck jokes because I got cucked irl.
if your idea of fun is spamming some dead general on /vg/ for years then you're beyond the point of no return and terminally fucked in the head
Some people are absolutely mindbroken by NTR and start foaming at the mouth whenever it's mentioned. It's really funny to see.
I feel cucked you guys are having fun without me
>still think it's one guy
everyone I don't like is one person that's targeting me specifically to ruin my day
Brown Dust 2?
Go post your shit somewhere else.
That's it, I'm commissioning a doujin where Lathel is getting milked by Apostle Blade and Apostle Morpheah while Yusti waches helplessly
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Kinda glad I got cucked by all those Gisgary costumes bros. Dalvi is amazing now too.
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>he is this obsessed and paranoid
this isn't the own you think it is because everyone is using the same folder for the reaction images, therefore, same hashes
was before our helpful friends at /bd2g/ spoonfed the reaction image to our cuckschizo friends from discord and now you tourist cucks can pretend you play this game
Fatherless behavior
Lil bro lost his mind over a chat messaging app, you hate to see it
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>this many insecure men itt
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Sorry guys, almost forgot to post it.
only one post there is from before the folder was shared though??
>a imaginary
>lil bro
damn thats a nigger on the wild, or a zoomie wigger
I've got like 2500 rice. What should I spend it on?
Wait just in case they decide to run a double drop rate event later, they did for first summer.
Spend on craft res
Craft a lot of SR
Disassemble for reroll crystals
Golden slimes
> A "resource stage" only needs to be cleaned manually once ever, you can insta-clear it & get all rewards after via dispatch.
How do I do that? I tried both the hunting grounds and the goblin cave and the enemies just seem to respawn infinitely.
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>the cuckfag actually got triggered so spamming it is
Scroll icon on the bottom menu
No wonder he has to commission a doujin just to have sex...
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This is Professor Scheherazade. She researches manastones.
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Using what?
twig legs completely out of proportion
spent the day playing this faggot game trying to finish all hard story mission, they take so fucking long, I might be able to finish it all in 2 days
>micropenis monkey is jumping and screeching in the puddle of its own piss and shit, trying to get some attention while normal people are trying to discuss the game
Wow nice thread bros
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Reminder to skip all the current banners and save for Sweatier Loen and Super Chunk Rou.
Why is he talking about himself in third person
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Anal impregnation
Loen has to be magical and rou has to be physical, right? I might get loen
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i want them all albeit
>Brain Development
Only if you play with animations off..
what do you mean 'has to' bro they're literally in the game already, you can check what their damage type is...
I do not care about little girls.
Rou becomes even fatter
I predict Loen fire, Rou Darnkess, maybe
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Mindbroken by younger siblings
Let's be real here. She'd beat Lathel in a fight.
I could beat that little herbalist sissy in a fight and I'm literally paralyzed from the waist down, that's not saying much
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You get pierced by the terra hand
>a FREAKING doro
>clear wrath 46 with the new dalvi
>get stuck again
might be time to tear helena and craft more hp gear...
I'll just roll him over with my wheelchair inflicting 69420 Physical DMG based off of the 420% of SISSY (Lathel's is 9999)
This post is so reddit, I'm cringing...
apostle cripple banner when?
>(kuh..this is so humiliating..! Being seen together with a poser like Gray. I mean, even if he was hitting all my weak spots last nigh--no no nevermind that, I have to stay composed..tsh, why did Lathel have to show up NOW of all times..!)
>Lia..Lia did..! Finally with Bl- I mean, finally with Gray-sama, the two of us..all night long..! kyaa!~
>now now Lathel, this is nothing to be upset about. There's many fine ladies out there who wish to experience some bonding at a more physical level. Just be in my presence for five more years and I'll send a girl or two your way.
>Clearly you misunderstand, Lathel? Gray and I were just exchanging tips on prepare make a tasty mushroom stew. You can't fight Warlocks on an empty stomach.
when will neowiz realize they could be making bank off this if they paid some doujin artists to stealth market the game
Fine, how does Terasu MC sound?
>actually getting a chubby
sounds like anon's neck breaking inside a noose
>only +3 summer Dalvi......
wtf are you doing she's free
jacked off to this
Haven't got enough spent from the shop currency to get the 4th, which would guarantee me the 5th costume. INB4 BRICKED
>Lil bro lost his mind over a chat messaging app, you hate to see it
this entire sentence is the most blacked example of zoomer speak I've ever read.
What the fuck? How? I don't want to say bricked but you're sounding pretty bricked bro...
>this looks like absolute shovelware
Majority of them are.
Just sort the games by popularity, and the top games will have a pretty big communities. Coomers will play even the shittiest looking games.
Double Diana
Rou is a cat, a literal fat cat in that pack.....if anything a giant Rou cat will be the fiend hunt
from nutaku I miss sennen sensou aigis, it had kino tower defense gameplay, I even moved to play it on dmm but the ruined the game with powercreep
Thats would be a funny twist lol
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>they kept feeding her
I'm telling you bro. I have no idea either. All I've done is 15 challenge fights so far. No idea why I'm so short.
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>you just know there will be a real cucktard guild because cuckschizo's /v/ shitposting worked as an ad somehow
John needs to get off his ass and release an amputee Qtee

I just wonder how the fuck you survived on this site so far.
You must have forgot about the boost in the store, the things that you buy with dias. That's a pretty easy sDalvi +5 the first day.
I didn't buy any boosts and I already have her +5, I dunno how anon is so bricked
i dont know if this being a zoomie would be sadded than it being a grown man lmao
At least I don't write fanfics about some pngs
NTA, but I have 15 normal 5 challenge fights, max out score in field and all the 3 event costumes boost and was able to +5 her yesterday without buying the dia consumables.
Are there any BD2 fanfics?
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I personally check this one back from time to time >>482496773
>Well he is a skip attacker, they are pretty good at hitting the weak spot...
I can't believe a laughed at an NTR shitpost
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At least... no one has said... the P word yet...
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Do all the characters appear in at least one pack or are some of them just playable characters with no story appearance?
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>injuries healed
You're welcome
There are characters that are reused from BD1. You can meet some of them in the character packs or as a cameo in the main story.
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Just learned about this game today from a mobile game ad. Can't believe they'd release a coomer brapper gacha like this. Am I playing this game right?
how do we get john to add this as a minigame
Can't believe your mom would shit out something as retarded as you. Gotta be microplastics.
that is the wrong brown dust
I still have no idea who most of the 3 stars are. They never appear
They appeared in the scrapped tutorial pack
Only 5 of them, the ones with skill animations.
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You actually can't get pregnant from anal sex. Hope that helps!
you can if you do anal in the ass
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Well, in that case...
>use Rubia's skill
>use Lia's skill
>dash fart dash fart
>finish event
>skip to completion for the remainder of the event
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shota gary
shota impregnation!
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used all my resources, got venaka +4 and diana +2, can get venaka +5 with the 1600 currency thing and will do unless I get her in a daily pull, also got brank idol helena with 200 purple currency, gonna use this magic team for a long time, hope I can do most of the stuff with it
>something you can't view anymore
I'm sorry youtube isn't available in your region bwo...
trying to get that hoe Diana to show up on the fucking pub so I can use my last ticket and go to sleep
Does he know?
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don't tell him
you can get her on the chapter 10 pub, morons
How the fuck is the average new player going to know it even exists?
Is there a list of all event packs that arent accesible anymoreß
Yes you can anon..after you finish it
I have finished it, I thought she would show up on any pub, but she was there on chap 10
bwo... you need a physical team as well...
Do you guys roll the freebies at reset? Or have a "hot time" you adhere to?
bros why did you tell him????
dont bully new glutti!
I've been playing since launch and then I only invested in my Lia. I'm magic all the way.
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Hot time is whenever I decide to roll
die newglutti die!
*stomps on them*
got glacia with the whip, is she any good?
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alright that's just mean, they're beyond bricked already
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you get off banner characters too often
same desu
John sucks my dick when I tell him to
no I don't
it's glutting over....
>trying to do my daily pulls
>see dj goonaka's bouncing brapper
>have to jerk off
every time...
Time for my daily simulation
Timy for my daily goon sesh
Baby making sex with Roxy
diana from the free pull after getting glacia off banner in a 10 pull 5 mins ago, nice
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>not the full version
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>free roll on Schera's weapon banner
>ah fuck, a dupe, I already had it
>get this
Not sure how I feel about it
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Is this good? I don't even have base Eclipse...
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Is this better than the Olstein glasses I got yesterday? Please don't laugh at me again
very good
Yeah, that one is good
thank god
I'm going to rolls exactly 1 multi on venaka and if I don't get a 5* you lied about hot time and I will be mad
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skill issue
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every day like magic when it's late afternoon sea time thread gets shit up with endless gooning talk or other shit
how do you check that
This better be true
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Which of the costumes is worth +5ing?
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WTF i thought yall were joking but its actually HOT RN
I wouldn't lie
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You fucking liar
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LOL NO WAY right after the teresse
I'm sorry, you are a lucklet. It's because you hoard.
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>do 10 pull and get nothing
>get angry and do 20 more for picrel
it kinda worked...
Holy shit same. Fuckfuck WOW
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Stop making me waste tickets
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BRUH you convinced me to do a single 10 pull and
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alright bwos im gonna pull, you better not be lying about the hot period
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Wow that's actually illegal. I don't know what just happened
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dont fucking pull bwos they lied about the hot period. it's photoshopped. i just pulled and got NOTHING
It's a necessity for a 90/90 tank build Zenith in pvp, so fuck you luckshitter.
yuriGODS... I kneel...
Bumping taylor swift while doing dailies
yuriniggers OUT
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Gonna roll my first pvp ticket during hot time
>niggas casually linking Zenith and Eclipse URs that I've been trying to get for months
Fuck all of you
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[Nyanx3] will be a casual/midcore cunny guild.
>Love this game
>Don't be a dick
>Must love cunny to an autistic degree
>Must play daily and be open to guild contribution
>Combat power doesn't matter, but being active does
>You are progressively making your account stronger
>Meanies and retards will get banned, no questions asked

Post UID / Username to reserve a spot.
Spots will be reserved for a limited time. After that, first come first serve.
Can also send UID here with a burner if you don't want to post on the board: CnfRou@proton.me
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death to all lucklets
Bro hot time was over...
will you post cunny in guild chat daily?
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this isn't like 4chan at all
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Finally! Got enough damage to clear lvl9 in two days and already tested lvl10 and I will be able to clear lvl10 in 5 days!
My first lvl10 clear is in sight! Dalvi and Venaka really pulled through.
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why is she like this, bros?
now make her twerk
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Without a doubt
Finally... She can prepare the mic test. Bless you kk anon
That harms your brain.
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Why cant i clear chal lvl 15 with this ? I cant even do 150k to the boss
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I am not going to make it. Go on without me bros...
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Use your free blood cocktail bro...
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This is using left over gear, not bis. Should use Ven if you have her too. along with a buffer.
You might have decent Crit DMG, but pretty low Magic atk.
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>40 dollars to do the step up
venaka bros tell me troofully... is it worth it?
very based
>only 1k damage and 394% crit damage
>also no extra wind damage
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Depends, she's good over all already with just one outfit. With a CD of 3 turns and 50 Magic shred, it also has full uptime once she get's a second outfit. If fiend comes back with another 50% Magic def. You'll have Ven to use instead of Elise. Which works since she's magic and Elise is physical.
If she's not already worth it, she'll be a good safety net in terms of FH and PvE Content.
I want to fuck Glacia
Now give her squishy thighs
Glacia's feet
I hear this is the general to come to if I love NTR and interracial, what characters are for me?
I did... I am so BRICKED
Why do I have 3 rafinas when I never once rolled for her
O-orcs don't count!!1!11!!
>>also no extra wind damage
how do you even get that and where
why is there constant mention of NTR by the shitpost-bots about this game?
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>Why do I have 3 rafinas when I never once rolled for her
No its kinda mid as fuck
I'd only do it if you are a player that rolls with paid gems anyways

You can't get any current rate up characters including venaka on the step up, and you also don't receive any dust for your 50 pulls

Considering the price of one daily paid pull is 90 gems, you could justify the first 10 pull for 500 gems, but after that its not really worth it since you only can get 1 venaka total

I reccomend spending some paid gems to do a daily paid pull on venaka's banner every day
you get it from spending wind rocks on base dalvi
the thread has a local schizo that thinks NTR and blacked is the funniest shit ever which is why this place constantly derails into that with the constant pawg/cuck spam
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I see it anon... Oh Nyo...
What does a good magic team look like?
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now post the card
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What the fuck the hot blonde was Justia all along?! That doesn't make any sense
are you retarded?
Yes why do you even have to ask
homo lathel and sir gary
Why would it not make sense for a little blonde girl with horn-like protrusion and thirst for blood to be the 15 year old blonde girl with horn-like protrusion and thirst for blood?
because you keep posting about it and then counter posting yourself. it's obvious but considering your iq is probably retard level you think you are a getting away with it no doubt while chortling to yourself with every post
I meant her mother
you have to have a slightly above retarded level iq to understand brown dust 2.....as you've seen some people don't reach the bar
This is why gooning = bad.
I'm not the one asking if there's NTR. I'm asking why the shitposter even ask if there's NTR, as the game doesn't even have any love and romance elements.
It's just a story about a girl on her quest to slay evil, featuring a greedy chick, a prince who fears horny bunnies, and a herb collector who dies.
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How many of you are dark-skinned_males? It would explain the lower than average IQ displayed ITT
Ayyy the japshit rewards are here
Damn, forgot my pic
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I am getting filtered again aiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee
use wiggle
Wiggle her ass nigga
See her health? You gotta hold until her invulnerability wears off. Use Rou and and dodger you own.

And a tip of you didn't know, you can click on the enemy portrait to check the meaning of their buffs.
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Damn that's cheating
haha faggot!
I thought that referred to wiggle in case of an evade buff skill
How and why did you get this
should i be crafting some shitty gear for my dudes or should i just be hoarding for the ur crafts?
story is starting to get a bit challenging and i'm out of slimes
assuming i'm not supposed to roll on the equipment banners
some jp twitter campaign during the collab event
optimally, you should have gear on everyone so you deal more damage in LN.
Do you get more shit if you use the auto system to farm instead of the insta farm button?
not really
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misha noooooooooo
pumping so hard to venakass rn
raping lathel and making misha watch
your ogre is showing, yuti
been holding on for swimsuits and anni, but now that's it's here i can't even bring myself to do the event story or SP
overloaded in AC and can't be bothered doing tower stages

Is this the beginning of the end?
it happened to me with BA before i missed a daily login, then dropped it.. the end is near indeed bwo
Newfag here, what to get from summer knight shop? Also what is an altered fox bead for? And is the summer romance a weapon or what? Should I get it?
get the tears first. then the tickets / The UR gear
Event exclusive gear require special mats to + them. it's what those fox beads for. It's 3 piece per +1 enhancement, you need 27 to +9 the UR one, the SR ones are not worth buying. Event gears is guaranteed S S S rank substat, they're just below their craftable rank IV UR counterparts
Tears > Tickets > UR item + 27 beads > Ancient Crystals > 4 star rank up for new players > Refining Crystals

Slime can also be super valuable as a new player. Pills > gold. Everything limited before anything unlimited. You might want to prioritize some growth items so you can get more currency daily
I think the sr-gear you can get from the event shop is also good enough if you don't have a full set of ur or sr-gear for your other characters.
But it might not be worth it to buy them if you only started doing the missions now, as you would have missed out on a few thousand towels
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>scrounge up 10 pull
>roll DJ Venaka banner
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bro...your stash...
>by an omni-shredder with a second costume rather than a single shredder with 1 costume
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Nebris kit info should be tomorrow?
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I am here with you anon...
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any guide for summer knight map?
Walk around and look at everything
bricked god... I kneel
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someone help me. its been 15 min
Walk bitch
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You're in luck because I did this after searching for an hour when the event started just to estimate where the ones I hadn't found might be.
thank you anon!
What is Altered Fox Bead in event shop used for?
Could anyone tell me that is the safe code for event map. Can not crack the 5 number code.
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anal bead, for plugging schera ass.
for upgrading the event weapons
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
>I get 1300+ gems from pvp now
Thanks Juan
I only got 770...
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
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it was incorrect, game requires 5 number code

August is the 8th month one day after 16 is 17 he likes the number 5. You are pretty retarded
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I was hard stuck gold 3 with this wack ass team comp and somehow I shot all the way up to ruby and staying
>no anti-Gran character
Good luck when you reach diamond/sapphire rank.
Not him but I made Dia 1 this week with just Rou and Kry, I've ran into way too many shitter def comps than before.
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Newfag luck rates. It'll go away.
Gift in the mail for reaching 200k users across Discord/Facebook/Twitter

> Details: 700 Dias + 14 Draw Tickets + 350,000 Gold (Given once when accessing the game
My disappointment is immeasurable.
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soft fluffy jiggly ass and tits!
Where do you use your paid dias on?
>My disappointment is immeasurable.

You retard. Rubia has the best ass in this game.
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Thank you Dalvi and Venaka for finally letting me clear chapter 13! Next chapter when?
July 4th
newcutie here
what banner do i pull?
the sheherazade pool party one? that one says limited
She's good for PvP but requires +3 for max comfy.
Diana is the best banner for a newbie rn. Venaka is also good.
She's limited but not amazing. Diana is top priority here. She is amazing later down the road. Elise requires too much investment to be good. Venaka is great due to her magic resistance debuff.

TLDR - Diana and Venaka, Schera if you're a collector.
+0 schera(+3 for pvp)
+3 diana at minimum, she's a meta support
+1 venaka or skip
Buy homo latheland bhelena from powder
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How do I better this for the upcoming Fiend Hunter? Do I aim for even more crit damage, or do I sacrifice some of what I have now, for more magic attack power? What's the best way to balance this? I'm assuming more magic attack grants strong crits.
you can check in practice mode, I think it's okay as it is
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Ch14 Yusti is cute
so if i pull generic retard Carlson, i can use him in fights, but hes generic garbage so i will pull him a bunch before i get rare stuff

what does pulling him several times (intentional/unintentional) actually do?

does he get a +1 +2 +3 etc.? just some stat increase? so that means the +1-5 is different from having 1-5 stars?
wtf cute!
Holy shit, she's really going full leotard in public?
That kuudere face is really cute yeah
Click on growth preview
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We'll most likely get more preview tomorrow with S.Nebris kit reveal too
Preview is from a story cutscene probably. I can see some thigh plates on the leaked art.
ah, dick test dick test
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who should I get with 1600 golden currency for the monthly +1 costume thing, diana or venaka?
venaka needs to become real ASAP
I'd use it on B.Helena or M.Teresse.
Diana and Venaka will appear in powder shop in the next big patch.
Also you can take one more copy of Diana from the ch10 pub.
get them from daily pulls of powder of cope after banner ends
Use golden on someone else
I saw this game as cooking and other jobs mechanics, it Is like fun minigames or you just choose from a menu what you want to create ?
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It's just a menu
Oh well thats dissapointing but still im gonna download, it seems like a fun coomer game
I already got the diana on ch10 and used 200 powder to get helena so I have 0 right now, if I don't get them on the daily pulls I'll get one with golden currency and the other with ther powder, then I'll save for b-rank helena reruns
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I saved 50 bucks by impulse rolling a 10er
+1 is enough, right?
the combat is fun when you learn it, it's actually a decent game, I started last week, I didn't get a good first impression but after a while I started liking it, you have to understand the combat strategy.
Use it on Diana then. But you still have a week to get lucky with your dailies so you can just wait a bit too.
the magic res. shred is the only important thing and for Venaka it doesn't scale, not even with dupes
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How do I cheese stage 10
I'm not gunna make it. Sorry Lia. =(
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You can sub her in SP9 tavern. Or buy cocktails with dias (last resort).
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Why the hell are there no knockbacks that go 1 square right? The crossbow guy is the only one but he has skip targeting. I figured if I could knock that guy in the front right I could critfish Fred's skill til it kills the boss
Your Dalvi?
Replace Remmunt with Rou or anyone with kick forward.
Replace Venaka with Celia or Liatris
Push the girl to the crowd.
Use Lia or Celia.
Shot everyone with Dalvi.
she shows up in pub, try to fish her anon
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Somehow I always forget about chain damage being more important than property matchups, thanks
I'm out of 5* contracts after getting all the girls I liked
Why is Brown Dust 2 general so shit, bros?
Can any non-limited character appears in pubs or are there other restrictions?
Wait, we still don't know her kit?
John cursed us with that naming sense
because you are shit
I still don't understand why the chose BD 2 of all the possible name. The 2 especially is very very bad naming scheme in gacha.
Only standard versions of the characters can appear in the pub.
There is no recruitable Dalvi or Zenith because they don't have their stangard version playable yet.
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*Focus for the rest of the year will be new Character/Event Packs & new NPC Quests + Events for said packs.
*Dev Notes: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503

>6.27 (Filler)
Content: Fiend Hunt (Water)
Banners: Lifeguard Nebris, Pool Party Justia rerun (presumed)

Date t.b.a: Roguelike Tower (Trial Season), Guilds, JP VOs for SP4-10.

>7.4 (Major Patch)
Content: Story Pack 14
Banners: Justia Alter (presumed), ?
Event: Existing Char.Pack event rerun (presumed)

>7.11 (Filler)
Content: Fiend Hunt (Dark)
Banners: ?

>7.18 (Patch)
Content: Sports Festival Event (new NPC Quest/Map/Event for Jayden's Gate pack)
Banners: Sweaty Gym Clothes Loen, Levia (New 5* Fire Mage)

>7.25 (Filler)
Content: Fiend Hunt (Wind)
Banners: ?

>8.?? (Major Patch)
Content: Beachside Angels (2024 New Summer Event Pack), Roguelike Tower Official Season
Banners: 4 new swimsuit costumes (2x existing BD2 units, 2x new(BD1?) units)

>9.?? (Guild Raids Update)

>Classic tile-movement SRPG mode
>"Maker Mode" (players can design mob challenges/share them)
>Tower Defense mode
>Social hubs (able to meetup in worlds and chat)
>Japanese Festival/Kimono/Hot springs themed character pack
>in development
>made up dates
2nd alter, after PAGWstia fails to deliver
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Cool your head and be more pawg anon, no need to get so heated
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very original anon
When are we getting a new dev note about upcoming stuff
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Inhale...Exhale...Pawg... then repeat the process
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You're not doing it right anon, its inhale...exhale...pawg...
if anything... tomorrow, everything happens on tuesdays
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another proof schizo enablers are just as bad as schizos
Inhale...Exhale... And the call upon the holy pawg
It's pretty much canon at this point, that I am the ideal husband for Eclipse.
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what in pawgering is going on
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Accept the holy pawg spirit in your heart
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It seems you need more training, as you are not yet ready to accept the pawg
You'll get there evetually, no need to worry! The day will come when you accept the holy pawg
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>40 posts/hour
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>No one uses Justia so John's forced to release an alt

Oh I use her if you catch my drift
Futile actions anon, the pawg is already on her way.
Even relatively small game like BD2 have their own resident schizoposters huh?
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*shots ur team*
No matter what you say I won't give up on you anon!! You will soon understand the greatness of the pawg
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>30 posts hidden
I hate you and janny
wouldn't it be funny if AAanon made fat assed refi and rou and made them twerk lol
Ok I give up with this general. DM me the link to the cunny server please....
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Not yet, you haven't accepted the greatness of the pawgs
You shall lose for there is no greater power than that of the holy pawg
Severe mental illness
Which physical team are you lot using for this Fiend Hunter? I'm trying with Gray, Refi, Teresse, Rafina and Zenith. Is there a better alternative? I tried Lathel, but the Refi team seems to be doing more.
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You can't defeat me, you're pawgless after all is said and done
Both of them
Which one, the schizo or the underage retard
Maybe Nebris, but we'll see tomorrow.
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>no pawg buff
You're losing, slowly but surely
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If I download this game to play on my PC can I still download it on my phone and play on that too? Or is this one of those trashman games that only allows you to play from one device at a time?
I haven't done it but I'm pretty sure you just link your email to use the same account on both
It's still not too late for you to accept the holy pawg
You can just login with your email from anywhere. No limitations.
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No limitations. I have it installed on my desktop, laptop and phone.
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worst thread in history
Thanks bros
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>warned for reporting too much
pawg won…
Shut up niggerfaggot.
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a new era begins
Nebris will be a better Yuri. Screenshot this bros, it's over.
I just wish her tile pattern will get buffed. T pattern is kinda akward
What's unusual about Yuri? She's just a light dps.
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Nothing. No one will beat the mascot
how do I get a teacher like Sylvia to give me lap pillows?
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Welcome to the club, friend. We're all Sylvia worshippers here.
You still have room for growth, accept your destiny
What a great thread
Anyone figured out who Refi's groom is yet?
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BD1's captain aka (you)
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Here you go
I liked edgy Lathel more than current retarded Lathel
>my question is the only one not filtered
Truly I am the pillar of /bd2/
t. been here for a week
Chadthel will make a comeback, trust John
Everyone shares the same opinion. I don't know why they choose the "Have a clone replace the MC" path. It never works. Everyone already invested in the OG lathel.
lich at the end of chapter 3 is hard for me rn
should i use those stars to upgrade my cuties or keep em for now?

is there anything i should know as a new player?
some stuff i shouldnt open, some currency i should save up?
RNG Wiggle him
How do I stop the summon screen from skipping a character after 1 second automatically?
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>mmmm I wonder what /bd2g/ was posting about while I was asleep
hasn't even been five minutes and I already had enough of this toilet
click on the FAQ and progression guide in the OP
It's too early to think about for you.
Craft your gear, upgrade your lvl cap.
I'm going to rape this newglutti
you can't, but can see the same animation in the companions tab dw
It's just those 2 shitposter
Shame. This thread has the most helpful people to newbies. Why does shitposters have to latch on it. The game's not even big or successful enough.
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John is going all in
Thank you friend
We're getting out of early access
sure, happy gooning!~
extremely rapeable
the competition is too massive this year. I dont think he's getting any bites on those ads.
There's two big profile gachas coming out, two big profile game releases and then after all that you're competing with all the other big gacha summers
>doesnt show their tits
shit marketing
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Very intentional lmao
>Censor bar isn't big enough for Loen

Loenchads, yet again we've won.
Another anon said Nikke does it too.
Perhaps It's law or something
I don't think mihomo crowd would play this game ever
John is trying to look good in his own niche
>John finally raises enough money for ads
>Gets crushed by other megacorps stealing his thunder
Which is very good, we already have enough schizos
The censor bars should be put over their eyes.
>Sporty Loen
>Plus sized (not fat) Rou

We're easily looking at 50m in revenue over the next month.
idk dude a day in hsrg is better than a day here
this thread gets really fucking bad
I feel like that would really works
Good for you.
Go back.
Sain no one ever.
Bro. Most of us played HSR and other ganes too. We can tell
CN and KR don't use twitter so can't see their numbers.
But I'm glad that JP likes the game.
why would they even censor refi's dfc
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>would really works
They wouldn't do fat rou since it'd kill their playerbase. Or well, they can, but any game that has tried that has died a horrible death so far after a large amount of the playerbase simply walks out.
esl game
esl players
JP is the weeb country after all. They have to play something and their devs are too scummy to think about gacha not as about a skinnerbox.
Did the the summer trailer get more views on JP Twitter?
Even Refi isn't safe.
The PAWGposter won... His enemies can't stop him or outsmart him, and he has so many supporters...
This would be real for some chink gacha like GFL2 but BD2 players are used to this.
well BD2 can, this wouldn't be the first game to die of it and certainly will not be the last
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Her ads are always funny
Playerbase of a niche game is usually more resilient indeed
Who is up on the banners next? I really would like to walk away from this anniversary event with a lot of tickets. I can't keep spending on all this ass.
Lifeguard nebris (wind phys). Also there's rumor that story pack 14 is on 1st July. Which mean, alt Justia is soon too
They only linked a youtube video for EN, but the JP embedded video went decently viral.
I think they're scared of EN twitter drama. There's already all those fags on reddit and discord.
>the birthday question actually filtered him
LOL say sike right now
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JP bros?
Translate pls
For some reason. Korean games like BA, Nikke, and Last Origin is also more popular in Japan.
What happened to Japan. They used to be the one that makes this kind of stuffs
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Nexon has their headquarters in Japan and Yostar is a Japanese company too. Also, last origin isn't even in the same category as those two. That game doesn't even get half the revenue BD2 gets.
Something about Scheherazade and manastones I think.
Japanese gacha games saturated with IPs. Korean and CN gachas are always original characters which is what EN likes.
Japanese gachas are very popular, it's just that you aren't playing them.
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When are we getting something as lewd as this?
I WILL impregnate Eclipse's tits.
Henlo, new player here, who should i look for in the new player infinite gacha?
Not biologically possible
Huff, god I wish I could titpregnate Illustrious
Anyone except Alec desu it doesn't matter too much.
Kry UR and Celia are the main targets.
Fox literally fucks someone.
>Fox literally fucks someone.
>someone that isnt you
no wonder this general is filled with NTRfags
Japanese devs aren't used to put their efforts into making a gacha. It's just a cashgrab strategy for them.
>buy some ip rights
>buy ads
>pay the rest of budget to developers
>release the game in barely playable state
>milk the whales
Dalvi is everyone's wife, retard.

'cept alec? why?

kry 5 star and the curse, got it, i skipped them before asking here oof, guess ill setup a macro
Azurlane girls are too shameless and thirsty for (You)
If there's no chase I'm not interested
Because true damage (alec and justia) can't crit and is no good
Celia might actually be lower priority because you're gonna get fox for free.
Her 3x3 tile pattern makes the game so much easier, but fox also has that.
Honestly, it doesn't matter what you get. Every 5 star in there, you can recruit once for free in the tavern when you get enough recruitment tickets. So you're just rolling for an extra copy in the infinite.
You should be doing true reroll, just get w,e in the infinite, play chapter 1 and some of the event and use what you get to roll the Diana banner. Try to get 1 or 2 copies. She's the strongest support in the game.
>So far the only pure damage (True damage that can crit) user is Idol Ventana
I hope Neo Justia will have Pure damage too. Her tear upgrade is really disappointing
understood, how important are dupes in this game?

gotcha, thanks anon
Like other gachage. Dupes are convenient to have. It can reduce skill points needed for the skill
>tfw fell for the alec bait all those months ago
will never know until I try
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>>tfw fell for the alec bait all those months ago

Imagine turning down THE hottest girl in this game, for a m*le. Holy bricked bro.
All of the day 1 players have Alec...
We're so short sighted back then...
you described FGO to a T. The only reason that garbage game survived is because the fate IP was strong as fuck.
I got Lia pretty early on though
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>AIEEEEE not the Alec brick!!
I picked white reaper Justia from the infinite reroll and did fine, though?
anon please
pawg refi twerking
make her thighs and ass jiggle a lot
Well yeah. The infinite rerolls ended up not mattering much
Hmm, nyo
Dupes are necessary for any of the higher end content and ultra-necessary for PvP and the highest end.
Tourist here, I've seen these webms often on the catalog and been wondering. Are they sped up, or is this their usual speed? They look unnatural.
Fake jiggle physics with 2D is gonna look like that.
It's just L2D tomfoolery. L2D animation is kinda robotic, that's why almost every animation is speed up a little bit and straight to the point, else it looks bad.
I know, but I'm referring more to the way the scene flows, it feels rushed.
>rushedschizo from /e7g/ arrived
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Some of them, especially the older ones, are following the mantra of being quick because they play before a skill activates. And you'll have 5 skills activating per turn so the time adds up.
However, developers realized people just auto skip the animations and just use them for home screen background animations so they've been making them longer and less rushed.
>they play before a skill activates
Oh, that makes sense then.
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Do I stop being a newcutie soon?
I've actually kept the animations to play once a day per skill but Dalvi's is so annoyingly long.

stop calling me a glutti...
Lia's brown dust...
Raping this newglutti's throat
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come here you NEWGLUTTI
Gluttis are females
I'm meeting up with John for lunch tomorrow. Any messages I can pass on to him from you?
Tera Dust
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Ask him to make her playable
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This. At least let us vote for an npc to be made playable like chubby or buff woman.
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Fuck all you princess shitters, there's only one girl we all truly want.
bros... if I need some armors and helmets for my browns, should I craft Rs or SRs for them?
R with perfect rolls until you can craft URs
Each rarity is more expensive to upgrade
Bro SR. Eventually you'll reach a point in this game, when you can craft a metric fuckton of SR gear, due to having too many resources. Armor and helmets can be rerolled to have attacks buffs if you didn't know. All useful
should I try to get Crit. Rate for SR armors and helmets? my dusters reach 75% crit rate after I buff them with Arines+Elpis
Crit rate is useless outside of pvp.
Buffers give a lot and you can crit fish with infinite retries.
>Dalvi's anus fits 45 anal beads
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>Schera's anus fits 450 anal beads
Is there any good content creator or resource to figure out builds and team comps?
>how to brick your account in a single pull, click here to learn more
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It's my first home screen animation for now because it's great.
You shouldn't force yourself to watch animations.
It's like putting your favorite song as your alarm and growing to hate it.
AI bro? can you make it?
There is a good effort post on naver
Google dotgg browndust2
not here, you'd need people who actually play the game instead of shit post & erp
nah this game is sorely lacking in fun mini game type things. if they were smart they'd start making some or just copy fun ones from other gatchas
that's a really shit guide, the reality is that vanguard can do 250-300 mil alone and any setup that does less than that isn't even worth considering. This is one of the easiest fiends to clear level 10 with, the only requirements are vanguard +0 and like a single teared damage node.

Need the posts where people figure out how to do 700+ mil damage.
stuff like that sounds all great until you have a busy week and realize you need cram it all in one day. just feels like homework
scan the QR code it shows you Nebris kek
brick this brick that
I'm gonna hit you in the head with a fucking brick you faggots
there are no bricked accounts
kill yourselves
clearing level 10 day one doesn't seem to be possible yet, maybe nebris will change that


This chinese guy seems to post consistently great guides
damn that dude is stacked, he has enough MR gear for everyone.
this game isn’t lewd enough, when will we get to last origin level
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I didn't know you were supposed to move your units around...
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holy newglutti
Eclipse owes me daily titfucks..
you can use my cum as lube when I'm done with her
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Johh Cookie I kneel
Are there any qol update they are preparing? I care more about that rather than banner or event. I remember reading it somewhere before but can't find it.
check it here
Diana owes me daily assjobs..
Gluttis gave me 125 dia today...
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>freely chat
doesn't sound that bad honestly
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Looks plappable
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Glacia's feet
phat ass white cunnies
in my mouth
The panty is my way ugh
are the 0/1 account limits for buying costumes off the powder of hope store applicable forever, or is it you can only buy one per store refresh

Uh, no ones gonna laugh at me for being a UR IVlet are they?
They rotate. Difference costumes that are limited to 1 for the update. I assume you mean powder of hope costumes. As for the upgrade where you can pick whoever, that's a once a month thing.
"Freely chat" but they forget to add that shit will have 50% of the words in the english language censored
Slop anon please make more I beg you
dammit, this thing looks way too good, need more than 5 seconds
We need codenames for insults now, so we can bypass word filters to let people know how much we hate them in game. On a plus note, odds of "BRICKED" being censored are slim.
Why bother when everyones just going to use discord/irc/matrix/whatever chatroom the guild master creates
Soft has discord but idk what the cuckschizo is making for his guild
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Just letting you all know the PAWG guild will have no discord whatsoever, instead we'll be meeting in my goon cave IRL to goon to PAWGs
AGP guild doko
There you go
Someone that dedicated their sad lives to shitting this general wouldn't want to use an outside chat plataform when they can keep shitting up this place anyway
thinking about trying this gemu, does it run on win xp????
can anyone confirm? don't wanna spend an entire day downloading it only for it not to work...
u can download it in ure phoen tho :D
Leader of PAWG Depot here. We welcome AGP friends as long as they provide... Services for other members.
I remember reading somewhere that it's recommended to recruit Olstein in the pub when possible. But he seems pretty weak?
I had that dream about Rou, again...
If I can't call other people niggers in my guild then it's shit.
It's for his field ability
Will we be able to redo turns when the actual fiend hunter drops? Or is it just practice mode we can do that?
Kill yourself niggerfaggot.
having a normal thread shouldn't be such a rare occurrence
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wow the shitters have really come up on the ladder
Can Zenith ass worshippers guild and Ventana lovers guild form an alliance?
what dream?
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If anyone wants to congratulate me, feel free.
Is it possible to finish the event shop bar the infinite items within the time limit (2 weeks?)
My defense win rate is 2%...
Is she good for gameplay? I know she is for coom material.
Some wigglechad post their 0% to dab on this nigga
Bro, she is a FREE +5 costume. What? You expect her to be meta or something. Be real man.
NTA but she helped me clear SP13 on VH, no tears tho
I don't understand this bonding thing. If I don't bond the costume in the menu but I switch to the costume skill during battle. Did she get the bonus whe she used it during battle?
No, you only get the bonuses of the bonded costume + the white nodes of all costumes + tear nodes iirc
If defence is played fairly, your WR won't be higher than 35-40%, that's really really high. At #1 rank defence is actually easier because they're manipulating matchmaking so they only get attacked by #2 & #3, and they specifically make defences for to win versus those players, usually targeted at #2 b/c #3 is colluding with #1.
Currently nuking level 9 fiend for me. Exceptionally good.
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>exceptionally good
for ref +1 vanguard gray with 2 tears & 1 afk party
hmmm I also got 125 dia from the glutti's rigged game
Wait, so you get the bonus of the bonded costume in whatever costume you're using? I always thought you need to use that bonded costume to get the stats bonus.
show your other +5 full potted dalvi and I'll welcome you to the club
So, I killed a few thousand female spirits when dashing into them?
Yeah, it's always active, that's kinda the point
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Thinking of rolling with this team for story/pve. the idea is since im fairly low crit and not geared to just stack aris buff with rafi buff to get pretty much everything (crit, crit dmg, atk). then my other 3 chars will just clear the field with their AOEs. My liatris is not liberated for her skill tile range, but once it is it will be broken me thinks. So untill then i think Rou and yuri will be hard carrying, especially since i have yuri's other coustume too.

obviously they are not well geared or leveled yet, but they will get there. thoughts?
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Pic related. No gear was changed but note the stat changes. Different bonds offer different stats. Hope this helps.
Holy fuck I didn't know that. I always switch to the costume i bonded because I thought i won't get the bonus using any other costumes. MIND BLOWN
Small nodes - always active
Tear nodes - always active
Normal nodes - active when bonded only
Not sure if this is a troll or not, but both her and Rou, the free +5 stars, are actually broken pve/story. But if by "meta" you mean PvP, then well you are just terminally retarded and a lost cause im afraid.
Damn. Beats me. To be fair all my Gray costumes are like +1 at most, none max teared and I think his crit damage caps out at just over 400%. I'd imagine he'd be better than Dalvi for this, regardless of her new costume or not.
I will not prep Gary the bull with my tears, sorry.
Any chance they will release the events that allows one to gain a +5 stray cat Rou?
Why is the magic atk of bottom smaller than top?
When you use skill of the costume mid battle, and costume changes. Does that also change what costume your bonded with? Say I use Kitty Eris skill. Do I lost the Bonding Potential for Adventurer Eris when I do so?
You are LITTERALLY bricking your acc if you dont get her +5. BD2 poverty andies that come in after her event are also bricked by default. 9x9 with no liberation ontop of her previous costume is actually nut inducing for a magic team.
The bonded costumes offer different stats. It's all the same gear. On the left, you'll see what each bonded costume can offer stat wise.
It's also currently bugged to cost 0 SP if you use it while her other skill is active
I miss Rou. Will they rerun her free+5 in the future, bros?
No, you bond your costumes in the character menu. It's similar to a gear slot.
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bug, or feature
Yeah the bottom is 28%. I thought it should be better than mere 80
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fox sloppa

https://files.catbox.moe/lgbvd1.safetensors summer dalvi
>summer dalvi, bracelet, black bikini, hair ornament, jewelry, shawl, braid, hair bun, eyeshadow, hair between eyes, criss-cross halter, sunglasses, brown hair, drinking glass, hair flower, purple eyes, very long hair, eyewear on head, skindentation, sun hat, thigh strap, bangs

https://files.catbox.moe/ic6igl.png 42 beads inside
ask again exactly 1 year from now
Sweet. Good to know. Thanks I was assuming "bonded" just meant whatever was in use at the time, and you changed what costume was in use mid battle.
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based sloppa god, I kneel
thx for the /v/ bait. But do u have a lora?
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The xitter rewards are here!
I'd let her milk me
That's not English
how did u get the feet right tho
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Who's bd2's Chise?
Look, man.
All I want is for Rou to re-experience the horrible trauma of seeing Olstein kill himself in order to save her.
Is that too much to ask for?
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Get ready for the next Fiend Hunter super boss
Not really
Total Rou despair
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>good at everything she does
>uses "..." a lot
stop feeding her!
this guy knows. John it better happen
thank you anon
make them twerk while looking at me smugly
I love you bro I beg you please make more Loen slop I beg
Can you add Anastasia
why is this so fucking good
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Im too lazy to go all the way, but you get the idea. Pls make toenails and fingernails great again.
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the game art is really sloppa friendly, you don't even need to add other artists to make it good
Fuck I love painted toenails. Nebris hits the spot for me.
I hope they'll release someone with visible lipstick too.
I am tributing to Glacia's feet and posting the webm in 30 mins from now.
They painted Yuri's toenails. Its pretty based
I kneel
but the cum chalice should really be a different color
>the cum chalice should really be a different color
bro I'd go to the doctor to get that checked
Do it and I'll make more Glacia feet sloppa
You fags need to stop shitposting about cum tributes before some nigger takes it seriously and actually posts one
I'll pour some starch glue on the screen and you'll go crazy about it.
do it a few days from now so that no one remembers this post
I still remember it being 11 years ago in /feg/ and someone talking about tributing their Tharja fig then posting it, the general was never the same again
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Alright I've seen enough, as THE dalvichad I must now ask for you to point me in the direction of learning how to make slop like this.
He posted the safetensors anon. Go wild.
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>But do u have a lora?
it's right there in the post bwo
She's tired
sorry anon I tried to inpaint some nail polish on the pic but it looks like shit. Too lowres and I don't have gpu power to go really big
Take my lora and go to
Did you use a training guide to learn or?
If you want AI to inpaint nails then all you do is paint them on yourself in paint/gimp and then run it through img to img a few times so it can clear up the pixelation and fix resolution.
drawing nails isn't that hard btw
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WTF you people told me Dalvi had no sexual experience and she was an 18 year old virgin. Explain this to me if that's the case.
Morphea should have broken Rou's mind by forcing Diana and Celia and Eclipse to commit suicide in front of her eyes.
her base AOE is 3 tiles
she also casts it three times
True. People say this and then laugh at you if you didn't fuck her at least once because everyone did...
yeah but it can only affect three people at once
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>Morphea should have broken Rou's mind by forcing Diana and Celia and Eclipse to

You got my hopes up for a second there.
What were you expecting?
I want romantic ocean love Elise and demoted maid Elise
steamy yurisex probdunno
make them do the omanko dance of humiliation
>steamy yurisex

This but Elise.
Can someone tweet this to the official BD2 twitter? We need the official art team to see this.
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just install and copy what anons do from the catboxes they share. If you mean training loras yeah read the guides
it'd look fine if the feet were the pic's focus like in the glacia pic. But since the foot here is a 200x200 pixel tiny area, it looks like garble after inpainting
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bunch'a teasers
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I'm probably blind and/or stupid, but how do I get this character? New player here and I can't find her in the Draw menu

the point is not for it to be the focus anyway, the point is for it to not be bland when glanced at, so literally ANYTHING there would be fine, including that. but i guess non foot fags will just never understand.
She's being released in 2 days or something
Well that makes sense then, thanks
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Do yourself a favor and get Diana. She's insanely good later on.
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Idk about slop bwo, but for myself, even when making feet and hands, it can take gen after gen. And when you get a good one, sometimes multiple inpaints won't do the trick to fix extra toes/fingers. And then you go back to step one. I just picked up photoshop to save some headaches or gens I really like.
Idk if I call myself a footfag, But I like my gens feet and hands to at least be somewhat easy on the eyes or something to enjoy for others.
You dont raw inpaint if that is what you are doing. the AI is bad with feet in general, but even more so with toenails and painted toenails. You have to draw a area in gimp that roughly alligns with what a toenail looks like (its brain dead easy, even a non draw fag that cant draw stick figures like me can do it), and then send it to img to img and let the AI do the rest. You dont inpaint at all because the AI is trying to redraw the area every time. img to img it will stay the same but just fix the flaws. It does know how to draw toenails, but if you give it a reference then it will improve and finish it.
Already got her, thanks. Got Scheherazade as well, just haven't gotten the DJ yet
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i already did that
Well I keep telling people, as i said here >>483337325 you dont let the AI do 100% of the work. If you want good gens then you have to atleast open up gimp or photoshop. If you draw a outline of the hand with 5 fingers, then the AI will give you a picture of a hand with 5 fingers every time. it actually wont add any more than that. but if you let it be a retard on its own then it will give you 8 fingers on 1 hand 9 times out of 10
I love you anon
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heh. watch this
>koikatsu shit in 2024
Jesus that's a new low.
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Yeah, pretty much what I do now. Extra limbs> Photoshop> Smug/redraw/outline 5 limbs> Back to SD. Only annoying thing is having to recalibrate Denoising strength/Scale.
cry about it, Aipoojeet
Alright here's dalvi beads redone for the nail polish fetishist lobby with i2i instead of inpainting

At least the AI slop looks like the characters in the game.
>atleast it looks like
lol. They look like generic gookslop.
The kind you see in those shitty porn gook comics
Man the Koikatsu models look like a ps3 game model.
>lol. They look like generic gookslop.
Well the game is from a gook company sherlock.
Stop fighting.
They're all contributing unlike you.
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Fucker I contributed a lot of times to this threads, anyways will stop but only if you send Justia nudes.
>they look like PS3
which is still far more preferable than your AI slop, poojeet, which doesnt look like them at all
Kill yourself niggerfaggot.
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>two cakes
I like all the original content itt
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Thanks for the new code bwo
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Is there any difference between crafting with Fred or Layla?
Ones gay, the other isn't.
one makes you gay
one is a sweaty, canonically smelly man
the other is a cute chuuni brat
Layla is a cute girl and the other is just an ugly ossan.
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That's not what I FUCKING asked...
One is a pawg
No difference but I prefer my gear crafted by mesugaki
Shut up niggerfaggot.
>racism outside of /b/
>newfags outside of /b/
Do you upload your loras to civitai or do you only post them here?
hewwo dead /bd2g/ uwu
One is your bro
The other is a hoe
whats your bitrate at for this webm anon?
new glujji here
so since i can only hold 60 rice bowls, should i just keep these in my mailbox?
they're gonna go to waste right??

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