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This is the Friday Night Funkin' General.
Discuss the game, fan-made creations, & series that have crossed over with Friday Night Funkin':
>Spooky Month
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Week #2578 - Vending Machine Edition
>Pit Stop Update has released
>Funkin Crew's most recent blog post
>Ninjamuffin & PA did an AMA on /funkg/
>Phantom Arcade's stream summaries

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Last Week: >>483065610
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Arrow Funk GF
damn this thread edition is Fresh Erect (Kohta Takahashi Remix Instrumental) as fuuuuck
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slit your wrists
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oh wow a drawing based on a post made by a guy who pretends to care about newgrounds because of funkin
"i am a NG artist in need of newgrounds friends" fuck off
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that's a vending machine anon
??? isnt it just a picture
Oh so true my fellow true ng bro. I will now proceed to make art of pico and hank eating hotdogs together to prove that I am indeed a true ngclassicdudebro. Blam that piece of crap amiright?
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the edit on the image dum dum
fuck newgrounds
who is she being married to
is it really a big deal
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no idea
So true dude, 4chan rules, newgrounds drools. Care to say nigger 19 times in a row? That'd be quite topkek, won't it my fellow /v/ro?
i just thought that those kids who shove NG and the angry face into their shit because of fnf died a long time ago but fnf and its shitty influence is impossible to fucking die it seems
keep up with his interaction art ngbro, at this rate MC 12 will SOON release
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So true, my fellow faggot! I'm not like these Newfag Trannies who can't say Nigger! Where my fellow 4Chan Retards at?
is it really a big deal
Aha, don't you mean, /b/tard, can't believe you bro, I thought you weren't one of those NEWFAGS....
Woah there, my fellow Anon! I might have to filter (You)!

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Nostalgia Critic
her earlyfag
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fuck that too and fuck everything else while you're at it
it just sucks ass man, like when will fnf die already, there is no way people still like this shit
it should be forgotten with people spitting at it
"hey remember that stupid rhythm game?"
"yeah i can't believe people used to listen to that shit, what happened to its creators?"
"they are working on better indie games because they realized how retarded and dead their past game was"
shit like that
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Doki & Nabi
Why are you surrounding yourself in a general about it?
Here’s to another COMFY Thread, /funkg/!
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he already said many times before he's only here to shit on it
just stop replying to that guy and simply ignore his ramblings
Hello wawity I see you're getting cranky are you ready to dine on my smegma
to check if it died yet, and fucking hell it didn't for some unholy reason
hey gays
anon i don't think its dying anytime soon. maybe when when the roadmap stops
really? fucking great! when does it come?
oh about... q3 2025?
god fucking....fine
Oh ok
Here's your daily lyric slop
Why are you here if you hate fnf?
how do i convince cloud to touch my penis
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Isn't it just better to ignore and leave the game?
easy, say that she'll get to meet senpai if she sucks you off
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you don't
because she isn't real
Well go into a private heli and stick your cock out of the side when you get to your destination
nice coloring hfa!
no, it shouldn't remain
should be dead and buried forever
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senpai isn't real yet look at her....god i need to rape cloud
Then ignore and don't engage with it?
i want more vs /v/ content
in a evil plot twist way you are helping the game live further by acknowledging it because as they say any publicity is good publicity
i like the trend of lyric portions in songs but cannot stand "with lyrics" covers
i jerked off to all of funkg's waifus
she has a huge ass
really impressive for an asian girl
i think this place should be nicer to some mod devs
no I need to shit on it to remind people on how disgusting this game is and help bury it forever and ever man, one can dream
nah, a world without fnf, fuck that would be awesome, maybe after the base game releases the fans will realize the hype is for something mediocre like that update and finally go for another game while the devs create something without newgrunds crap or bf or gf or any of those
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I hold grudges to modders for not open sourcing their assets, if for some petty reason they decide not to I boycott their content and every day pray for their downfall, this includes friedfrick, sandi, noichi, dj, 1upcartoons, marco antonio, vruzzen, vep, kiwiquest, saster, etc
>no I need to shit on it to remind people on how disgusting this game is and help bury it forever and ever man, one can dream
that's not working retard, if anything you're giving them more of a reason to care just to prove you wrong
what is she celebrating
he doesn't use flash
BF has cancer
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yes he DOES
You aren't really doing anything to accomplish that
He does now
he does now
and for that
he no longer has an excuse
just the kids who are clearly just trying to have fun
holding children to deadlines feels cynical
fair enough
release the ena sprites pandaman
nah retard, the game is shit, you just need someone to remind you
i refuse to believe this game has fans that will stay with it
what do you want me to do? commando into the newgrounds/funkin office and steal and destroy their files?
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vep may or may not be doing another convict thing but you didn't hear that from me
Any transgirls browsing?
he's being doing convict since he came to the community, doesn't matter if you're bullshiting or not but he can't escape making and not finishing, convict, madcom and runia mods
have a nice mod you stupid bitch
>no .clip file
into the trash it goes
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It's gonna happen one day eventually, probably after one of the pitstops or week 8
i want to have sex with blaze
why ask?
>actual sonic
>based on something that isn't a classic game
>decent sprites
>decent song
eh... i'll ignore it...
>closed source
warclancore thread
>you just need someone to remind you
All i'm being reminded is how utterly pathetic you are even by the standards of this place
here's my last (you)
Has vee acknowledged the nu-furnace mod yet
>"gf isn't naked enough"
he's right, she's hiding herself a lot more compared to the original
nah the only pathetic thing is this game
I think we seriously need to address how much of a carpetmuncher /v/anon is
More proof the nu-furnace mod is soulless
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sonic adventure 2 lookin way different
And i think you seriously need to stop about obsessing over people but we all know you all act like women
if she was more naked, mutilated kids would call the mod "goonerbait"
they are already doing that
his parents are divorced lol
no she isn't
I've even seen retards calling it "distraction mechanic"
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>"distraction mechanic"
that's not calling it goonerbait dumbass that a joke about how gf is so sexy she's distracting
Who cares about them, highly doubt they knew the first version in the first place
no, probably doesn't care.
they think gf being naked distracts the player
If you knew how bad things really are...
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>almost a year of development for one song
this better be good
does it matter
And how does that imply anything bad or mean they're criticizing the mod
it's not that serious
is that eggman and his nigga on the left
that art looks like shit
It's a joke, you just can't handle jokes that are poking light fun being made about something you like
either that or you're unable to identify when people are joking
I want a new rush man
calm down
Anon, they can't stand women being slightly naked without fainting or accusing ADULTS of being "porn addicts"
Ok but swaying her legs sensually hiding her body without a care is better than embarassed gf covering her weird looking body
>fl0p mod
into the trash it goes
Are you actually retarded they're JOKING about how GF being naked is distracting because they are ATTRACTED to her not whatever shit you made up in your head
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It's alright
That Annoying Orange thing is the most blatant aethos ripoff imaginable oh my god are we just going to be stuck with clone mod after clone mod of whatever gets big now
Nigger, no one is unironically attracted to her unless they are an adult or a horny teenager
mogged by https://youtu.be/IlpoFRWxtbo?si=q68LD82IZCD85qiJ
Yeah? That's the entirety of this games fanbase
wow, this is garbage. you actually like this?
a good song? sure.
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Just stop giving a shit about any of these shitty trend mods or songs.
I never knew that annoying orange shit existed until people came here to cry about it
Just close down twitter and play something (you) like
sorry not sorry its not even close
This was and still is dogshit
But anon, we MUST talk about EVERY single thing that concern us, ESPECIALLY if said thing is a threat to funkin as a whole
>the entirety of this games fanbase
you're not an adult?
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Sprites are ok, but that song... not really good
the music just turns me on!
I am 21, but I however do not find GF or any funkin girls attractive
>I never knew that annoying orange shit existed until people came here to cry about it
how old are you, how haven't you watched annoying orange during it's prime time before it went shit
after occasional rivalry (or brotherly rivalry, idk who came out first) everybody on fnf community thought this type of songs are "banger"
this is just a brotherly rivalry clone, of course it's asscheeks
it's out
the song not the character
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i dont care where's boobs the bat
very soulful for what it is, feels like there should be more though, it's a lot of effort for a single song
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He means the aethos annoying orange shit not the actual annoying orange
im not gonna hold people trying to enjoy themselves or live their lives to deadlines, just certain douchebags
people will make these mods and then go on about how much aethos sucks and how they hate sling
i'll stick with irritating
I expected nothing from a mod by that faggot and I'm still disappointed
Still had more fun with this than ama
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>he doesnt know
I just found out rerun gf is a trans self insert that's 17
sling fucking hates sonic you're gonna make him angry with that
they called me a madman… rerun gf was always a self insert (because ??????), these devs are fucking retards
maybe he should make a good mod
flops mods tend to just have nice art and really forgettable songs but rush is at least memorable so i wouldn't call it bad
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is senpai still hot or did they change him
it gets worse
what the fuck does any of this even mean, i hate exefags and the contradictory oc ownership culture they dragged into fnf
>return of the faglord
you're probably gonna act like i don't have a choice on whether I play this or not, but i do, and i won't, so here we are
Who's going to take one for the team and play it?
Somehow... FNF Soft returned...
aethos reference
give me a second, i'll report my unbiased thoughts
what if it was called FNF Hard and BF had a rock hard cock through all the songs
i told you not to open the door
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She's a self insert of one of the devs on rerun. She's 17 just like them and her name is Dani which is the name of the person she's a self insert of, she's only called Rerun GF because she's the GF 'replacement' in the mod according to them
holy shit its actually here
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neglected the pic
oh yeah
it was sonic's birthday yesterday
but you did it
yesterday? anon it's his birthday today.
Who gives a fuck about that ugly blue rodent Mario is better
>rozebud, jads and phantom fear are on it
Fine i'll give it a shot
well it's 24th of June for me
would it be funny if someone posted flop's mod in /sthg/?
Hi eggman
not until they get rid of that new va
about time
im actually (cautiously… very cautiously) optimistic about this, i always thought soft mod was a bundle of wasted potential
I wonder if the songs are actually good now
I might play it to see if they changed any dialogue or major parts of the ''story''
i'm not playing this fag shit, homo
This but unironically
CHAD Martinet should be dragged back from retirement and be forced to voice the bing bing wahoo man through medical measures
does anyone there even care about fnf?
The recent mod releases in /funkg/ of course
betting 5 bucks right now senpai gets dumped
not that I think of
can you add 12 dollars to that let's up the stakes
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im tired of seeing shitty fanart like this, where's the fanart of bf being handsome and girlfriend having multiple nosebleeds
Funkadelix exists
soulless artstyle and boyfriend would never act like that he would smirk smugly and top gf. i hate self inserting FAGGOTS so much
It’s fine, it’s at least not as bad as the sprites for that ddlc one shot he made
this is actually really fucking cool but how the fuck did they manage to break ghost tapping
no, im talking about BF with a FUCKING BUDGE in his pants
this. gf is the one who simps and fawns
This MIGHT be First Instance
imagine this but it flashes gay porn
Can somebody record gameplay of that sling Mandela mod? I don’t feel like playing it
i remember the 'roon saying genesis was better than that song
guess you could say the clock reseted for xer lol
This but the Soft mod. I'm sure communitygame or flippy will play it
There is a video up. Go find it.
i shit you not, it's just first instance, but somehow worse
this is just dead air but bad
Iron de sagitario played it
man she is massive compared to him, like not even just height, this bitch is big
i am pretty sure they both have such moments
remember that art of him being carried by her after getting blue balled and has hearts in his mind?
now he's stealing from Lyfer . just sad
Sling, if you're here can you make a Mr. Winkle song for Jeffy's Endless Aethos?
it was ok
the songs and art was ok, the writing was pretty cringe though
for a mod named fnf soft there's a lot of violence, senpai pulls a knife on bf and shit
also you 'lose' the last song which is weird since nothing really changes which makes me question how winning works in the fnf universe anyway but whatever
it was ok
so senpai still is cool ?
she is maybe 3 inches taller than him
i am sick of people drawing bf like he is a helpless dog more people should draw gf being doted on by bf
stress is right there yet everyone ignored it
senpai is cool because he called darnell a nigger and is transphobic
why do shaders just not fucking work for amd gpus
it should be something thats possible to fix
also this sounds like shit
no he's a retard
he gets mad at bf because he broke gf's heart despite gf being right there saying not to get mad
he's also really edgy and the voice actor is doing a really shit corpsehusband type voice
no i mean in the art itself they made her humongous
yeah bf will have more moments like in stress probably
oh yeah? well FUH Q
I find a lot of funkin girls cute but not in a 'I want to bang them' way because the general artstyle doesn't do it for me in the r34 sense
that sounds hilarious i have to play this now
it's pretty funny desu
be warned the main menu has trans colors if you don't like that thing
Wait you guys actually meant the whole "ama just doing what other horror songs did but worse"? I thought that was a joke.
is soft boyfriend trans now? is that why he sounds like a girl?
really? it's probably my favorite sling song currently
probably just voiced by one like bart or ash ketchum
they didn't do a good job sounding boyish though
and yet they're still not the worst voice there
oh yeah DPZ also worked on this
he just likes to wear faggy pins but OH BOY you are not ready to hear about Soft Cassandra
>getting mad at some dude for not liking YOUR girlfriend
now im not one to raise ntr accusations
>Soft Cassandra
excuse me what
It looks so basic and boring, the dubstep part at the end was kind mid. I remember when favor was going to be in Mandela mod with as above so below and it had a bunch of really good art made for it. Too bad that didn’t happen because of the dirt slingo had and the artist end up kicking him off and end up repurposing the songs to be for his own mod being AMA.
>Soft Cassandra
>trying to make a softie version of a school shooter
oh my my my please tell
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is she better or worse than d-sides cass?
i know the one senpai x gf shipper must be really happy
she's trans, there's no way they didn't make her trans, that's a guarantee cmon
This is not an official D-sides design this is a design someone random made
I could’ve sworn they made it official
Maybe I’m misremembering things
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Gee I wonder why
I might be killed for this, but whatever.
You know how in LCA, the penilians were discriminated because of homosexuality, right?
You see, In the soft universe, their especies are persecuted because they are all black, and Soft Cassandra is the blackest of them all. The reason she did the school shooting was because she was called slurs and many other things, leading her to do the same events as Pico's school. She also supports BLM and ACAB
>Soft Cassandra
what do you mean SOFT CASSANDRA
man Pico's dad loves his car more than his own son
Darnell's parents are divorced
Nene's parents are fine with using her and her sex addiction as an ad for "The big Gulp" drink they sell
none of these trio have the best parents, no wonder no one was there to guide them and they all ended up fucked
Since soft mod is just the but soft what if there was a mod called the hard where everything was super dark gritty and fucked up
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I'm glad they kept her with Senpai and didn't do anything retarded like have her realize she's lesbian and she loves b3 gf
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because the original Cassandra also died you retard
Berserk fnf
good joke Anon
the joke with soft is that the artstyle is pastel and then the story is the most dogshit 'dark' and 'realistic' thing you could think of
he said it because they tend to regularly kill themselves, you retarded troon
Oh ok
Thanks for telling me!
she looks like she fucks dark skinned males
Senpai acts like a Cholo in this mod, so he fits the bill
She looks like she gets breast implants
>soft senpai is a fucking cuck
well at least they share one thing with base game
i wish i was joking
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/r/-ing this with softpai
kill yourself faggot
I was pointing out the obvious reason why they're dead retard
how did she move on from Soft BF that fast
>they cut the soft bf vs regular bf week entirely
can't post it since I was kicked from the mod before they could shown me
well, that was kind of underwhelming. after 2 years i'd expect something a little better but, nope, still very mediocre.
So it's just the normal 6 weeks now? I just realized they might do the weekends if they feel like it too.
so besides senpai is there anything new? etc is tankman gonna be like?
sure sure...
please no, I wouldn't want to see my chud man being butchered more than Dave could do
they replaced all of the base game songs with new songs
All of the songs that were previously just songs from the base game were replaced with original songs. as for anything new -new, nope just senpai which we knew about a long time ago
>unironic softfags in the thread
>my chud man being butchered more than Dave could do
outside of the design, basenell seems to be pretty in line with his normal self
Dave didn't even finish butchering him yet
i really liked the presentation of the mod like the haxeflixel intro and menu
what the fuck are you talking about with this "butchering"
It's better than slingslop
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that's it?
no he definitely acts dumber, unless he knows it's stupid to go to DD but just doesn't care because he thinks he can take him down himself or maybe he doesn't know he is a demon
still he wouldn't buy cheese from a pizza place, that's just flat out retarded
Some got really pissed over darnell buying 3000 cheese circles
I wonder what hyperingaround director of the tgt mod that is still in development and hasn't gone past the first arc of tgt is up to
masturbating to his ntfs
i was hoping they would also include score animations of soft-bf being fucked by pico, but no
probably farming more xitter likes with his interaction art
Are you actually serious?
funny joke
Is it just me or are the characters heads too small in the dialogue portraits? I hope it's still possible to skip the cutscenes by pressing shift. Based on what I'm hearing here I don't want to listen to the terrible voice acting
yes you can go back to the threads where anons were reacting to the comic and it spawned a long ass argument. i'm still convinced it's all bait just to get conversation going
nta it's less about that and more about Dave writing the characters to be a bit more retarded for goofy humor or some shit
wait, there's voice acting? That's fucking cringe
the entirety of the mod is cringe anon
Fulp wrote a couple of jokey bio descriptions and funkin("""pico""")fags took them seriously. That's the problem here.
soft was shown off at funkkast and its update released. you know what this means! yup, lullaby is releasing on halloween
>Artist also drew picobf
Well that explains stuff
Who is the artist
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they redid the art too i guess, and they awkwardly shoved in the v-slice results screen but you can tell they did it last minute because it's not animated or anything they just use a PNG of soft bf
>they got rid of the cigar horns
holy shit father fairest fnaf 4
Out of everything in those bios, the only things that are actually shown in the stuff they're in are
>Pico being homicidal and wanting to be a dj
>Darnell being a pyromaniac and (maybe) having 5 years to live
>Nene being a suicidal sadomasochist, having herpes, and being lactose intolerant
In the fulp/mc stuff, there is no sign of pico an insomniac, obsessive, or a schizophrenic. There is no sign of darnell having migranes, being hormonal, and being a supergenius. There is no sign of nene having add and enjoying necrophilia or bestiality.
Half of the shit that Tom wrote in those bios are jokes and nothing more, as these characters are not meant to be taken seriously in the slightest. They're supposed to be characters you can just mess with and have fun with. The sooner people realize this, the better.
I'm evil...
they are cartoony characters, you are meant to do goofy shit with them
Darnell saying he has 5 years to live was obviously a lie and a tactic so he could win class president or whatever he was trying to run for
where are those bios
skip to 34 seconds, as anon said, they are not meant to be taken seriously
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people take these fellas seriously?
If you have been here for more than a week you should know the answer
you can't really have fun with these little shits beyond using the same shticks over and over
it's always
>Pico is either a normal kid or a badass with a heart or a complete asshole murderer
>Darnell is the sidekick or the rival or the mischievous pyromaniac who uses the same 3 or 4 weapons
>Nene is either the damsel in distress or love interest or sidekick or rival
these characters kinda suck, mainly because people don't really do shit with them
>you can't really have fun with these little shits
if you lack imagination maybe
>mainly because people don't really do shit with them
exactly my point
Every character has the same shtick to do over again and again, what matters is the execution, and a good chunk of the execution is usually a fun watch or play
people don't do anything new or interesting with them, it's always the same formulas
they fight each other or fight an army of something that's really it, I mean what exactly CAN you do beyond that?
He's baiting and is trying to make you angry just don't respond
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I said what I needed to say to him, I'm not gonna bother with anything else
I am genuinely asking and not getting the answer
anon, one of the most popular pico games ever made is a dating sim
you want an answer? look for yourself
Heart soles are so cute
ough nene ass
cant wait for her to appear on furnace whitty weekend
never saw something that makes use of the goofy nature, like I don't know pulling a chainsaw or some shit
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>they removed Jeff replacing Santa
fucking SOULLESS
desu there was no reason to have Jeff as the Santa if they weren't gonna show him getting shot
simple and stylish is key to some of the best fan art of these three
Someone just killed themselves because of the Tricky mod
this is a weird way to announce your own suicide
i guess clown really did kill you.......
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Holy fuck
fnf but it has the style of a frank miller story
Real reason β€œβ€β€she””” is dead is because Pico took β€œβ€β€her””” out old yeller style before assimilating the other goth punks into his crew
I don’t know how I know this. But I think it would be funnier if troonsandra ACK’d himself canonically
Also fun fact, this design was made by that weird troon who had an obsession with making remix mod GFs canonically transvestites to fuel his weird self insert fetishism
shes just like me fr fr
>lagtrain remix song
>it's ass
goddammit, but at least that means i can post my favorite version of lagtrain to cleanse my mind
moonbase alpha is always based
d-side cassandras neopussy is
I want these two to end up together but I know they just wont, oh well
requesting an edit where her ass is out and shes sweating
fuckkk i love humping polygons so much. i cant stop cumming on polygon women
I’m pretty sure the devs didn’t really care that much about soft anyways so it had slow dev time as a result
They should do week 7 and have Tankman torture softBF
>the weekends
Darnell’s vocals are horrible and don’t deserve any fansongs, kawaisprite and Ivan needs to be forced to completely redo his voice at gunpoint
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i'm killing myself this mod sucks
one polygon...
not everything has to follow base game
then why are you playing it?
do you just enjoy the taste of shit
that's what you get for playing a soulless mod
i drank an 8-ball of coke
yo onions girlfriend left right up down back turn girlfriend soft mod girlfriend rank 374700
i liked some of the songs in this mod and i figured i’d revisit it
No you fucking wouldn't
I genuinely would
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wouldn't it be funny if Cass appears for literally only one song and before she opens her mouth Pico immediately shoots her and we never see her again in any week or weekend or free play shit or anything else at all?
fuck you faggot i'm not playing your shitty slop
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why does he have marios nose and mustache and why is he wearing an arm band
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nobody has finished the music yet so i am once again sitting on assets waiting for someone else to do something lol! but repost because i still like these so whatevs
because its marnic horex
same unironically
Soft BF and Pico die from AIDS after the story and nobody attends their funerals
your artstyle is atrocious, atleast for an fnf mod
character designs are whatever
And Senpai from Friday Night Funkin' himself (not soft senpai) walks up and says and that boys and girls is the average life story of a faggot, any questions?
Boyfriend’s choker makes him look really faggy. Aside from that it looks good
I despise the OC on the left, looks like an FTM's self insert
I'm sorry but this art style is just not it for me
anon it doesn't just look like one, it is one
i mean hey at least it looks better than my old sona because my old sona was awful
I have bad news
why do you ftms never try to look or be like real men?
tranny sona, tranny artstyle, etc.
what does a "real man" look like to you, funkg anon?
someone who isnt a woman with a vagina that acts like a woman with a vagina and draws herself as a woman with a vagina
They’re mentally ill and probably got touched as a kid, plus they’re still women so they aren’t exactly logical
what does etc mean in this context what does any of this mean
im watching a ytp
I kinda agree with >>483224761's opinion but you went out of your way to also draw BF and GF in the style which I can respect.
As long as the tunes are bangin' (above decent) then I'm sure people will like it. I mean if people liked fuckin' Bambi then anythings possible
Csn you give them black eyes please this is scary
ive got matt$ and bruhmomentlilac making music for it so yeah, bangers potentially idk man
You want to be a man, yet you refuse to draw yourself with any ounce of masculinity. What's up with that?
let the man be a twink
I would agree with you but the rest of the general would crucify me for doing so
i am literally just a dude idk what the issue is LOL like im not gonna draw my sona hyper buff or with facial hair because thats not preferable for me
style more repulsive than looking at that image of your sona and british mark's sona fucking
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i beat the whole mod
the story is still the same self-insert wattpad fanfiction stuff
the new songs are a better than the v1 ones overall, I like rozebud's roses remix the most
there's a secret goku song by top 10 awesome in the files
6/10 overall, decent songs but retarded story and very frequent art clash.
can you draw kitsuism sex mod fnf
Where's your penis then?
Im giving him a chance because of the rockette song...
Where are the jannies
All that for a self insert mod? You narcissist.
or better yet why does "he" have a vagina
when the friend of people has friends make music
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>matt$ and bruhmomentlilac
idk who they are but if they are composing music for an FTMs mod they likely are getting titty and pussy pictures in return
ah yes because i, someone whos retarded, can figure out to make music that sounds good within a decent timespan so my art doesnt age
good idea, anon!
does anyone have that one concept someone posted of spidey vs venom? think it was based on the 2000s game.
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Shake those fat fucking FTM titties around bounce them bust that binder
>someone whos retarded
how did you learn to draw then
im that kind of autistic, simple
this is such an insane post holy shit anon youve made my day with this
a mod shows it's age when it has that fotm composer as a joke
I just don't like how this looks sorry
You’re the one who’s so self-important that you make an entire fnf mod about yourself. Self inserting really is woman-like, ironic that you’re trying to be a man!
>you make an entire fnf mod about yourself
If he was doing that then you'd see yourself, but that's not yourself, that's just a self insert character
>still no debauchery flp to this day
Couldn't have said it any better myself. Foids can be many things, fat, annoying, ugly. But a man is one thing they're not capable of being.
Will you all shut the fuck up I'd take more Softposting over this
this is such a counterintuitive comment because most fnf mods with ocs/self inserts are male characters
genuinely who is the target audience of your mod? aside from yourself i don’t see anyone else giving a flying fuck about it
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hey leave her i mean him alone (can i see your boobs now that i defended you ma'am i mean sir?)
anyone honestly! not trying to impress too many people i just like posting my shit and trying to do my own thing
after the initial liminalstarboy/hifidemise shit happened i chose to fuck off and do my own thing. im not letting popularity really get to my head anymore and i chose instead to just do things that make ME happy, so
Why does bf have a choker
Because an ftm drew it, of course the male characters are going to be feminized.
>aside from yourself i don’t see anyone else giving a flying fuck about it
Not even him but isn't that how mods should fucking go? what happened to making shit for fun? is this place so throughouly corrupted by clout chasing niggers?
Wait for a video playthrough, I don’t think anyone cares enough to download it
It was alright, it wasn’t that interesting
oh hey i recognize that name
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I'm 90% sure that song got replaced with a longer, metal or hyperpop remix like everything in the mod once had
Well this thread has gone to shitty interpersonal drama so I'm heading to bed see you /funkg/
I love Furnace
goodnight cutie~
its not really drama anon they just dont like me LOL i didnt even do anything but post some art
Does anyone know what mendos purpose in FaF v2 is is he the gf replacement or the villain or what
The owners of said characters are barely men, they’re faggots and they waste all their testosterone by masturbating several times a day
satisfying aqua’s autistic obsession
"mascot" that has his own week
can i help?
This is not really drama though
so like pico?
Don't say that
it's as if pico was always alongside bf and upstaged the original mod's villain and was only relevant because of a youtube video
JOIous from hit single
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trans snowbunny
the rayuquirky has sakkth begun..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
the most forced schizo obsession out of all of them funkg has to offer
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but yeah i really dont know why me of all people caused such a stirup LMAO just minding my own business and being a lurker here and yet somehow everything happens now
yall r fun people despite the shit thrown my way so thanks for makin me laugh tonight i appreciate it
Seriously I'd rather bnuyschizo came back at least he was funny
post your ass
IMO you should flatten the colors, fnf icons tend to be only a single color for most of the head, having a separate hair color feels weird
which funkan girls aren't snowbunnies?
i cant think of a single funkan girl that doesnt take black cock
you know how you can have Morgana in your Persona 5 party even though he's useless? it's like that
Morgana isn't useful, his big soft butt can be used as a stress toy.
they want to have a way to tie all the bonus songs together into a single story so they have mendo act as the one bring BF to all these places
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for the funny lollll look at this character scott doesn't give a fuck about and only appears in fnaf world being your tour guide through this bloated overworld isn't that quirky and unique
stylize my fnf icons and my sprites just to stand out a litte, i think they look nice and i get its not for everyone
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awful thread
do it
For once I agree with you
>Annoying Orange? Trending in this day and age? Guessing the twitteroids figured out that Dane trooned ou-
is that genuinely all that is on your mind ever
get a life
the reply's genuinely confuse me. theres no way you actually think that right? i hope not. fnf fans cant possibly be that psychologically neutered. i pray that its just bait. there isnt a single other fnf song atm that sounds anything like favor
im glad you liked it anways, although the dumb ass sounding alt ending to the song is not what i expected someone to highlight. have any of the people who played the mod found the secret hidden ending yet btw?
Postcord schizo?
sling? if thats you can you make a mr winkle song for jeffys endless aethos?
no. were doing a mr stitches song for ama instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sFiKh2ZEy8
he just cant help but knock off the people he claims to hate can he
sling? if thats (You) can (You) make a mrs rayuko song for workbenchs wacky aethos?
i don't CARE for ama though...
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no thanks sorry anon i dont wanna really put my face or anything like that out in public anymore
is this some kind of alien language
>rappists reference slop
just your ass
holy NEWfriend...
How about you make a song for Rick May? https://youtu.be/ftSn9mIywC4?t=182
>anything like that anymore
You sent people your ass before?
Is that Dismissor
u are trying so hard bro and for What...
stop talking like a nigger and show that ass
yeah people i was dating have lol
deranged, you are
do it
i cant help but feel genuine distress reading more of these replies. are you guys ok? you dont ACTUALLY think it sounds like first instance right. your just baiting me
it doesn't sound like first instance or anything pre-existing at least in this scene, but it does have this sort of dead air feel, which isn't a bad thing
ryann come on
any reason why not?
me no no wanna
well trolmongus directly told me "lets just make dead air sprites" after i made a sort of cutscene for the ending instead. i get the comparisons to dead air but my intention was just to make a evil sounding breakdown. said video can be seen here btw https://files.catbox.moe/r5v6pa.mp4
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Pico is overrated and i’m tired of these autistic retards discussing it like it has the deepest lore imaginable
finally a good post
you know why you dont? because you know its a female butt
>Posting the inferior tranny while rayuko exists
Who the fuck is this ?
They look nothing alike
ok man
what the fuck is this referencing
with a pussy between the thighs too
you know that booty is never gonna belong to a man
Trying too hard
there is no deep lore and its not meant to be taken seriously, it's just autist being autist that can just be ignored
see here >>483218567
pico as a whole is more of a postal 2 than a postal 1 regardless how much people overdramatize the school shooting
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shitposter raid
just report them with off topic
people really like those first few seconds of Overdue huh
youre delusional and i dont get why you care so much
hi thats me! i just post my shit here and for some reason it causes "rahhh tranny" uproar, so
just stop replying to these fuckers
you feel that squishy moist disturbing hole? thats no cock
HOLY RAYUKINO..................................................................................................................................................
what are you socials
>autistic retards discussing it like it has the deepest lore imaginable
He’s right though
shut the everlasting fuck up. don't you taint your tranny obsession filth with sudas works.
You know how to twerk?
not gonna drop my twt or anything, but feel free to go searching and find it on your own
I like Milk (VS Sonic.exe 3.0) it makes me happy :)
I’m over here actually, pattern monkey
i dunno what the fuck you're talking about when it comes to overrated since still only a good subsection actually know the actual thing
but you're one hundred percent on point with the autists things its genuinely concerning
Your tits are huge.
I HATE Milk (VS Sonic.exe 3.0) it makes me ANGRY >:(
>saying this like as if dead air was ever good
okay anon!
FTMs are cocksleeves for MTFs
you didn't fix his post you just replied to it
this but unironically
Why would you put FTFY if you didn’t fix his post
/trash/ says otherwise
erm ...
You do know how to twerk?
yall have some wild takes on the Main Thread of all things like what even sparked this
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darn ive been found
You're a thick ass hoe.
>"Dude im so fucking cold"
>"I gotchu bro"
>*takes out a flamethrower and sets him on fire*
>"Thanks dude"
why do you keep responding holy shit
Why do you keep posting these
Nobody cares about illegal instruction/avery/harbinger guy
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you can't tell me what to do!
Women love attention.
bored + this is getting laughs outta my friends
I drew fatty pico a year ago
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don't be shy show the class
Why does he reminds me of N (Murder Drones) in this pic
are you girls having a slumber party?
I prefer the canon heights but I don’t mind when people make gf super big compared to bf
Also I never finished some requests
I took here a long time ago so sorry to anyone who got scammed
Hours is long time!
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>in this pic
that's the secret anon. he's always looked like that
Some have tried to extend it but it never turns out well
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good one anon
anyways heres actual content before i probably go to bed, never meant for my stuff to explode like it did but im glad tonight was relatively entertaining
thanks for the laughs funkg :salute: see u tomorrow or somethin
Well, it seemed like hours! Anyway, I was falling, nothing below me but BOILING LAVA! Good thing I found a Magic Balloon...
>thanks for the laughs funkg
how can I make you laugh
shitting up the thread with off topic shit because you are bored makes you a shitposter
don’t be a shitposter
Twerk for us.
honestly? never meant to be off topic and i do sorely apologize, i literally just posted my stuff to the mod anchor and it blew up. never meant for it to do that and i just kept entertaining people and i probably shouldnt have
i will do my best to avoid off-topic convo next time i am here though, apologies again
Ya didn't tell me you were bringing a secret namefag, /funkg/!
kill yourself faggot
That's /munkg/ to you, Mario!
What is your problem, dude?
Hehe monkey funkg hehe
Why are you so THICC?
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how does /funkg/ feel about custom bf chromatics
depends how good they sound
why does this exist, why does a fucking green mountain song with an emotional lyrics section exist. is self awareness dead?
also unrelated but
>revie wrote the lyrics again
but she β€œjust so happened” to come across green mountain, right
I liked the one that AdamMchummus would use, as well as that one in Kromer Konundrum
oh hey you're the fag who was in the jewtango few days ago
>>483237119 (me)
wait I just remembered his "BF" chromatic is just his own voice that he used for Gray too nvm
>More lyric slop
do you think grace is into knife play? why did she nab a bad boy senpai with a knife?
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>Kromer Konundrum
don't think that was a chromatic bf's vocals in that mod were pure sex
Girls love bad boys
did twitterfags know that green mountain is cancelled
i like the ones that are used in singular songs and then never again
woah its just like mario (creepypasta)…
What bullshit is for this for? Clearly it’s not Hit Single unless Lectroanon is a lying kike (probably is if he’s working with Sturm in current year)
Those extra drums are too high quality
All the other Schizo Neo musicians have since abandoned their extended projects
What really? No way
good, they can give a unique flavor to songs
why is the song weirdly good for no reason
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womp womp
>aethos as a hashtag
I wonder how Aiden feels knowing sml (but fucked up and evil) is his legacy in this community
Holy shit is this sturmcore?
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so why do good girls like bad guys?
i've had this question for a real long time
I've been a bad boy and it's plain to see
so why do good girls fall in love with me?
this is funky as fuck and i hate its a song about sling
check the /trash/ thread
niggas be screaming fnf emotional lyrics be like
with some gay emotional instrumental
oh you’re the cherry monster gf guy right?
https://voca.ro/19ZE4kuX1ptl how does it sound so far?
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>Hey sling wanna play with my dingaling
i hate how catchy this is
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include me in the screneshot kek
im honored, thank you anon
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gimme some stuff to draw
No, kill yourself.
a huuuuuge pair of tatas on your favorite girl character
it sounds better than anything he could make, it's making fun of him, and to top it off it's beyond stupid
just enjoy the funkiness and laugh at the absurdity
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Angry Birds ahh beat
draw scrapper with big pointy boobies
This guy had an absolute blast mocking this kid and it shows good lord
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why are you still here
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here's that clout for ama you asked for mingo :^)
only a handful of them are good, hell even i made one but i'd rather stick to base bf
Did you know that on release, VS Scrapper was mistakenly labelled as Automated Musical Assessment due to reused code? Blame Waldo.
hey sling. wanna play with my dingaling?
is it bad that i really like how this sounds?
whats the point of living anymore bros
sturm can really sing
it wasn't a lie that this is a twitter general
Lyrics are stolen from this
what is this a reply to screenshot or gtfo
uh oh!
>Buddy, our legacy is over.
>but if he mentioned there’s no McDonalds there they’d kill him instantly and escape
exe execution broadcasted to the public with week 8 release
Scrapper x Zandaluri Beats Boyfriend
This is actually good and I hate how it was wasted on this
probably just something to do with monster
Watch the retarded fans (you guys) take this obvious joke as canon fact
who the fuck is that in the middle
sling but shorter hair
Legacy will include a McDonald’s in some shape or form
but aren't the guys on the sides sling
Nevermind they're alive
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nowd be a good time to bring this back
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oh wow you're right
Shut up nigger
No because the base game will just do this but better
what's this from
I'm missing some samples but i actually have the flp to original debauchery, its since been remade however. Should I upload it?
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what did i miss?
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Wow looks like my faker sky cult grows stronger and stronger each day

Until we hear some week 8 tracks, I'm gonna hold my tongue on the but better part
Here it is https://www.mediafire.com/file/8wjgny7np9to4gh/DEBAUCHERY.zip/file
>phantom said he wants to cross over with the modding scene
>this shit being relevant
oh FUCK off dude
bad boy senpai
you guys like to fearmonger alot.
isnt there a mod song called monger
Uhh why is it relevant again?
Yeah for cassette goon
Looking forward to this just being some monster bullshit with the weirdos from the art book and all this being for nothing
they were actually credited properly in the original post and they were just changed slightly to fit Green Mountain
and also got Sturm to sing it since the original singing sucked ass
is it good?
What the fuck is Green Mountain?
why is it so funny to have this spooky sonic impersonation sing a sad ballad about missing a face
MARIO (sonic mix)
because it's stupid
Explain it to me like I'm not an /exeg/fag please
sonic fangame that popped up out of nowhere where you platform up a mountain kill a sonic clone with no face and then slowly become it, repeating the cycle again
Can you blame us for being so paranoid? Awful stuff happens in this shithole every other week, of course it’s going to be the worst possible outcome every time
adding to this, there was supposed to be an arg but it got cancelled, the story is about a confession of 3 people who murdered and buried someone at the top of a green mountain (hence the name)
But things have been better lately
>Funkg is still talking about exe stuff while everyone is talking about soft senpai and null day 3

man,you guys never change
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Yes schmorgas my new ticket into faker sky lore is me making a cult for her everlasting devotion.
be the change you want to see
>original singing sucked ass
>sturms god awful singing is a million times worse than the professional vocalists that they took from for the og singing
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i tried making the change and didnt work
I do not want to talk about soft, I was never interested in corruption, and only maybe 5 anons are talking about exeshit stop overexaggerating
faker sky's feet on your face
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You're right I will be the change u want to see.

Fuck soft boyfriend he's a shitty little bitch.

And fuck soft senpai he's even worse and soft pico is so ass.

And fuck fnf soft pretending that it's dark when it's the most wattpad fanfiction ever.

It puts helluva boss to shame with it's garbage tier soap opera bullshit and why do the characters keep YAPPIng
You're 10 times more annoying than the ones you complain about who cares talk about what you like
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That's the spirit
the world can always use more Soft bullying
I'll screamslaver you
damn that’s crazy
>Original song with cool singing: BAD
>Song with genesis soundfont and singing with a shitton of effects on it: Good
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>700 posts in
>no fc anchor
soulless thread
They should add a final story song to that mod you unlock by beating both tracks where you fight the egg salamander
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These niggas had the audacity to put normal bf and gf in the mod and have their shitty self insert scream at them like a little bitch.

How pretentious do you have to be to do this. How far up your own ass does you're shitty yaoi fanfiction have to be for this to happen.

And fuckers consider Benjamin to be a good character the little shit spends 4/4s of his screen time sulking about how much of a bitch he is.

Fuck it I'm gonna say it even that ass hat soft pico deserves better than this.
churgney is not a bad singer
youd have to either be sling or retarded to think otherwise, i guess those both go hand in hand though
I want soft senpai to shove the hilt of his knife up my butt
there's your soft senpai discussion
that week was removed in the update actually
> These niggas had the audacity to put normal bf and gf in the mod and have their shitty self insert scream at them like a little bitch.
They removed normal bf and gf in v2 althougheverbeitso
Ya know what good job now I don't have as much of a reason to hate fnf soft.
I wonder why
when will funkg will heal
How did soft bf survive getting every bone in his body shattered at the end of week 6
when people learn to I&R and stop letting shitposters hold the thread hostage
This feeling is so weird it's as 2/3s of the hate I had just vanished is the power of autism. Maybe fnf is healing
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I’m going to be so sad if that annoying orange song that came out is going to make people start raving about annoying orange like aethos did with sml
just don't use xitter mate
ew gross it’s a third world british creature
hey anon guess what
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what's wrong with british people anon?
What if cloud met bocchi
i played some fnf mods with my friend today, was a nice time
thats good to hear anon! was it an irl friend or a online friend
Did you play any fnf multiplayer mod?
that’s your first mistake, cloudnigger
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Taking editing and color requests
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catbox is down for me
there ain't no other requests so yeah
Gahh it was an online friend who im planning on hangin out with in real life at some point. Played a bunch of older mods and some newer ones too!
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give the australian nintendo man some colour
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color this one please
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lucky you! hope you two had fun
Thanks anon!
can someone post sven's sprite sheet?
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at this point just use AI
When will you drop the "Gunk" act, it's really boring
Just Gunk it out
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that's when you know you successfully made a sturmcore song
look at em dance
This is so generic but it's better than aethos at least
this sounds weird, it's trying to be aethos with being a sturmcore song but it sounds more calm than anything
who is that again
Good lyrics, terrible execution
At least they're audible rather than being drowned out by the inst and becoming a garbled mess
JLTfags get the fuck back in here
I don't know who this character is
compare it to Your Copy and you'll see the similarities. hell, Your Copy and Legacy are THE sturmcore songs that other composers try to replicate
no other song can compete with Your Copy tbdesu
What do you think of Grandpa Death?
silly billy
Triple trouble
Final stretch
Fresh erect mix
speaking of
these are pretty cool but whatever happened to classified
looks like knuckles with an eye scar
I guess
two of these songs are lame as fuck
not even the same genre
you proved his point
None of those songs are bad you just have no taste
no, you just have low standards
>listen to playtime again
>still remember how good it sounds
>check out the mod page
>not found
no what happened
No you have low standards
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The Huggy Wuggy mod... Is lost media?
kill yourself underage
I still have the build for the game should i upload it to archive dot org
Yes, archival of mods is important.
2:00 sounds like they're chanting their god churgney
why do you want to archive toddlerbait mods
that mod is actual history same with the rainbow friends one
VS Huggy Wuggy is emblematic of the FNF modding community
When an outsider thinks of FNF cringe, they don't think Dickless.MTF the donut steel, they think of Huggy Wuggy's mod
same with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_WxT7odKm4
>exefag telling someone they have low standards
>anon greentexting
its the reason for twerking ihy luigi
new fred???
nobody remembers how
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The Page 10 Incident (DO NOT RESEARCH FURTHER)
i spammed guro in the alexis thread
cosplay as senpai
had to pull something out of my ass because none of you seemed willing or able
you know the next time a dramawhore shows up, instead of indulging them why not ignore their shit?
I'm attracted to super horror mario
it's the best part

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