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Partners in Crime & Time

>Previous Thread >>482692417

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and gay sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the astonishing supernatural power of being gay. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (DE)

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

>Upcoming Merch:
Life is Strange: Heatwaves - July 30th 2024

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874000
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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I'm yet again asking for recommendations of 3D smut creators that do animations and accept commissions.
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Before Episode 5's release:
>Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true
>Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story
>We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals..
>Jefferson knows about Max's powers
>Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us
>Victoria's with Max,she'll save her
>(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave.
>Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream
>Blue Jay's Chloe

After Episode 5's release:
>Mari's shitty cliche theory became right
>We visited the SF art gallery for 3 seconds. FOR 3 DAMN SECONDS
>Jefferson became a silly bad guy from Disney
>David came to save us.He's a former-soldier but he can't even fight,just listens teenager's orders. Even he doesn't know she has some time travel powers.
>Victoria's with us in the dark room.Laying there and we can talk her or not.Just it.
>Nathan get killed,Victoria too
>Nathan knew something about the storm but they cut it.
>Warren explained Max's powers(!)(thanks warryn) We found out her power causes/related with Chaos Theory and storm.It's not like we didn't know or something.
>Storm is only coming for Bay because Chloe lives in there but Max's the one who keep changes the time
>Prescotts story erased.Nobody even mention their name.
>Rachel's story fucked too.She isn't or butterfly,bluejay just spiritualdoe
>Spirit animals thing died.Blue Butterfly's storm summoner just it.
>Chloe dies again in one of endings (unpredictable) It gives you a lesson: You shouldn't have used your power.And you shouldn't play this game.Now erase your choices and cry like a bitch.
>The other ending's short but it's less cliché than other.We saved Chloe,storm's hit the town and gone.That's it
>So, once again we got the fact that our ending always will be BAE>Bay
Artist name?
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Safi and Max are going to have an intense lesbian tribbing session, kissing, and spit swapping, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. The destiny has been locked in.
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Thanks for making OPs, it's been hard for me to keep up with the thread because my laptop blew the fuck up, and with expenses fixing my car and expanding the coffee shop I've had no money to replace it.
Sauce was posted on last thread.
That's haram tho
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>gives the bottle cap to Max
>she does what he told her do to
I miss Victoria...
Max’s powers are pretty cool i think they’re my favorite out of any powers in media
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Why does Rachel have such a giga slut energy? I have noticed that even people who are not familiar with this series will assume she is highly promiscuous.
No. Safi is culturally a lesbian.
They are gonna make it optional too, don't worry.
still waiting for part 2 OC anon promised btw
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For those worried about Pricefield in DE:
A recent autistic analysis of the trailer and stream has shown Max wearing multiple different rings. Two jewellery rings on her right hand (all screen grabs), a plain banded ring on her left hand that seems to be Chloe's ring (some screen grabs) and what looks an awful lot like Joyce's engagement ring on her right hand (some screen grabs). What is notable is that we never see Max wear the plain banded ring at the same time she is wearing the possible engagement ring. This seems to suggest that what ring she wears is tied to if the player picks Bae or Bay. This suggests the following.
>Bay timeline
Regardless of what option you pick regarding Chloe, Max wears Chloe's ring.
>Bae timeline
If you are just best friends with Chloe, Max only wears her jewellery rings.
If you pick that you are in a relationship with Chloe, Max wears the engagement ring.
I think I only missed two over the past month or so. I have been doing my best to keep on top of things with the OP.
Currently planning on overhauling the template sometime after gamescon. By then we should know more about both DE and LR.
I miss her two.
She may be a distant second behind Chloe for me. But she still is my second favorite LiS character. Something about the combination of her personality, VA and style just really stands out to me.
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Looking back at what D9 delivered in the past, this leak doesn't sound THAT unbelievable now.
It will be a mandatory scene.
Gonna laugh so much if they end up putting more effort, resources and time into the Pricefield fanservice scenes than they do with the rest of the game.
Moses is an embodiment of Chronos.
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I can believe this one since the leaker correctly named the side characters before the extended trailer dropped.
She’s just got the look and vibe of one I guess. And the canon even supports it
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Why does this general hate the older Chloe design? She just looks like she's moved on from her shitty teen years. It's not bad, just different. Plus you're missing the real important thing: Max likes it.
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sounds kino
save safi from being stoned or thrown off a roof
(X) Save Safi but let her family and others close to her and Max can get murdered
(Y) Let Safi die but any and all conflicts are resolved, peace is established

Assuming if that actually happens, which one are you picking?
Having to cover a tat with a shitty ass sleeve to hide it is the opposite of moving on
Bye bye Safi, Max feels like a friend after a decade and you’re a literal stranger
Whoa it's like bae without the upsides
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>xe/xem thinks Chloe will be in Life is Strange DE
The sooner you accept reality, the less painful it will be once you learn the truth.
Goodbye, ugly pajeet.
We got strong copium here. The high is gonna last a while
That’s what we’re all doing though
This time I will let the girl die.
Don't care about the new characters at fucking all.
Until I see otherwise, Pricefield remains.
same, wouldn't even bother pirating this shit if it wasn't for max
It is also possible that the name were taken from the official screenshots relased in the sites when the trailer arrived, I wouldn't call it a definitive proof
Did anything come out of the Livestream with Katy, Rhianna and Kylie yesterday?
Could be but the official Square Enix blog post which include their names was made after the trailer was released. Amanda was mentioned a day after that even.
I believe these to be 95% true. I will post my theories on why I think these leaks make sense later tonight.
>I've literally never wanted to play a game more in my entire life!
>You say that now... ;)

>leaker "The first part of the game is good, the second not so much"
Not sure if I believe that leak but I do believe D9 being capable of delivering a game that is basically a soft reboot of the original.
You should post them as soon as you can , and possibly with proofs.
Yeah I am expecting a mid game at best.
Signing copies of a poster for fans, but Katy explicity said that due to NDA none of them would have given new info.
They got drunk and made out. It was so hot
They gave a generic sort of "Happy it's been announced, we're as excited as you are."
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Rhianna said something to the effect of "I'm glad it (DE) was finally announced" at one point.
So taken with the mocap and VA work for mystery game she lists on her site, this really just leans more on the soft confirmation of Chloe side of things.
I'm expecting a pretty bad game over all. Really I'm only playing it for Chloe and fully expect her moments with Max to basically carry this mess over the finish-line.
I really do not think we are getting another game in the series after this.
I think the future depends on the performance of DE.
The 2nd comic seems ot have been universally panned, the Steph novel was great, and i'm sure the sequel will be good too as it's in the same timeline. But Novels don't sustain a brand.
saw the new trailer. looks kinda cool. wanna play the other games. do i have to play as a lesbian or will it not make sense? i dont really wanna do gay stuff but i wanna play the whole series
If you don't do they gay, you might as well not play. The non Gay routes are much lesser in every aspect.
how the fuck did a game series last this long on only gayness
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The future very much depends upon DE.
If it does manage to hit those sales targets then I expect we will get another game (bets are off as to if it will be another Max game or not) and likely that Dead Space styled remake of LiS 1 so many people seem to want.
In LiS 1 and TC you are really missing out by not being gay. Basically the entire story of LiS 1 is based on the assumption of being gay, to the point that the guy option is now outright non-canon. TC is less strict on this in a story sense, but the gay option is again clearly the best one.
Very, very few game series are as overtly gay as LiS. This means that over time it has built up a pretty large and dedicated fanbase of queer people.
This sort of thing always happens when a product really plays to an otherwise under-served demographic.
It certainly worked here, /lisg/ has been going for almost a decade, almost 2k threads. Most of the posts during the quiet years that kept this place going were about gay ships between the characters.
Is this game inaccessible for non-gay people? Will they only get half of the experience?
If this games gives a nice, if not extravagant enough, definitive nice ending for Pricefield, i'll be happy. The leaker talking about Chloe turning up at the end in a Bae playthrough will do, as long as they kiss and make it clear they're ride or die.
As a token straight, not at all.
It's not, shall we say, overtly rainbow flag pride super full on gay. It's a story about the reuinion of two girls, who are quite obviously in love since they were kids if you pay attention to all the side stuff and don't just rush A-Z.
>Is this game inaccessible for non-gay people?
Well I mean you are playing an established character in both LiS 1 and TC. They do not necessarily have to reflect your true sexuality. Playing as some gay girls is not exactly something I think is going to harm you.
>Will they only get half of the experience?
If you go with the male options?
In LiS 1 you are basically knee capping the story.
In TC the male option is more viable. Steph is still clearly the better character by far. But due to the romance being less tied to the story, you sort of have more freedom here.
Fuck that. You guys know you're on 4chan right?
>I really do not think we are getting another game in the series after this.
If that's the case, lets look it from a poetic side; LiS started with Max and Chloe, it will end with Max and Chloe.
As long as we are still in contact with Chloe during the game (texts, phone calls etc) then I would basically be fine with that leak. Especially in light of the ring thing.
All they have to do is make it clear Chloe and Max are in a serious relationship, we get to see that relationship via text messages/pictures and at the end of the game Chloe turns up in person for the big kiss and to carry us off into the sunset for a wedding.
You know that you are in one of the more gay generals on 4chan right?
Normally we mostly just talk about gay fanfiction and relationships between the characters in the series.
Yeah, somehow fags decided that this franchise is their own
>Like they were really her second family so her loss of
In LiS1, Max only ghosts Chloe if William dies, and the Max in that timeline is a shut-in loner with pictures of people in her journal and descriptions of what they *might* be like, with her only personal connections being the extrovert nerd interested in dating her, and the Good Christian Neighbor next door. The rest of Max's dorm is legitimately surprised Max even knows their name, and you're *allowed to get that question wrong.*

Meanwhile alt!Max from Episode 3 is assertive, has plenty of friends (and has Victoria Chase aka Queen B>!itch!< eating out of her hand), isn't afraid of actually submitting her photography projects or putting herself 'out there', and actually drifted away from Chloe naturally over time, while keeping contact in at least some form while she was in Seattle.

The only difference between the timelines is William living or dying.

Max is in the Price family photos. She was a second daughter to them, and William was a second father to her. Losing him *and* Chloe on essentially the same day -objectively- fucked Max up.
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X of course. This choice isn't any different than the one in the first game.
>the same types that have always bashed and made fun of the first game decided that they are now the actual target audience
Fucking kek.
No you don't have to be gay. All games have a hetero option and you can just ignore romance entirely.
I think TC railroads you into it.
not if you say no homo
I meant the Romance in general.
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Max x Gwen?
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Haven't seen honkers anon in a bit.
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TC very much pushes you down the romance path. Just not as much as the first game.
Combine that with Steph being the stand out romance option and naturally Chenrich becomes the main ship of TC.
Thank god. I much prefer the other AI anon.
I know right? Why the hell is Destiny photo bombing a picture of a trans/nb couple?
Don't be transphobic, chud.
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>tfw you didn't just elope with Chloe
What outfit mods would you like to see? Personally I’m hoping for some jarringly out of place sexy ones RE style
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At-least RE is a wacky enough setting where those outfits don't really tend to upset the tone. I mean, it is not as if the likes of Claire Redfield is a particularly complex character, or the situations experienced particularly serious. If you are going to be punching boulders anyway, I do not think any outfit could undercut that, ya know?
Besides, the only real outfit mods I know of for the LiS games are an emo outfit for Max in LiS 1 and a full nude mode for Alex in TC. That last one not being totally bad as it very much enhances one particular scene.

I doubt DE will break the tradition of there not being much in the way of mods for LiS. Nor would I really want it to.
At most, I would want to see Max have the option of wearing her Jane Doe outfit from LiS 1. Since we already have the creepy Chloe cosplay as official content anyway.
>I would want to see Max have the option of wearing her Jane Doe
MFG, time to move on
Max cosplaying as LiS 1 Chloe (complete with blue hair) is literally an official piece of DLC. I do not see what the difference between that and one of her own LiS 1 outfits could really be.
If anything, Max dressing up in her own old clothing avoids the creepiness of a Bay Max cosplaying as Chloe, ~10 years after Chloe's death.
>Chloe's death
Chloe's dead? How could they do that to us?! Fuck Square Enix! I'm literally gonna cry!
Still waiting.
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>Chloe's dead?
Only for bad people that opted out of the story.
For everyone worth considering she is alive and well.
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I hope Steph returns.
I hope Kate returns.
>brought a bunch of returning characters that no one ever gave a shit about in BTS
D9 hates Kate.
She’d be busy in DC being a GOP congressional staffer
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I can promise you that she will not be.
The best you can hope for is for an easter egg that references her from before TC. Such as Max having a poster for Steph's old band because she happened to be a fan or something.
Based on what we know so far, Bay Max was at-least in the PNW when Steph had that band and was Seattle based. So it is possible.
Not happening either. They don't want to invalidate choices and letting Kate kill herself was technically a choice. They cannot implement a 'choice check' dialogue for every single decision in LiS 1.
As much as I would love to see a picture of Max and Chloe attending Kate and Victoria's wedding. It is just not happening.
This is what happens when cowards are in control of a project. They really should established a series of canon choices and gone from there. Because now even if our Max did save Kate, we are not going to see or hear from her again.
Despite saving her life.
I'm happy that we got more of the second best character in the series (Victoria) with BtS. But they really did her dirty there. Zaks drugging fetish aside, I hate how little time together Victoria and Chloe got, since they hardly ever interacted, despite being some of the most fun characters to see interact with each other. Real missed opportunity.
The lack of Kate also sucked. But I get they could not include everyone. Just due to the nature of only a small part of the story taking place at Blackwell and the fact that Chloe does not have a dorm room, so her 'home-base' is not even there.
I'm honestly surprised that they were able to include Dana and Juliet as much as they did.
Kate is dead
Victoria can return since she survives both endings canonically.
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It seems like Loretta is her replacement in DE. So I doubt Victoria will pop up. Even if she technically could.
We can just pretend that Victoria and Kate are living a happy life together in Seattle.
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She's not like that
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I'm pretty sure they would not accept anyone living an 'alternative lifestyle'.
she lives on the west coast, not in WASP land. She's gonna be hanging around pretty chill people (pending where she goes to school), like she's entering cringe tattoo Christian who listen to Creed and a a bunch of Latinos. Unless Kate has some repressed hatred against Catholics she should be fine
You could literally say that for all the wish fulfillment fanart that suddenly turns her gay for the sake of fluff
And busy protesting / firebombing planned parenthood buildings
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I suppose that I personally just prefer the idea of her living in Seattle with her wife, Victoria.
>Unless Kate has some repressed hatred against Catholics
Aren't her family evangelicals? If so I expect they would really hate Catholics.
Even if Kate has mostly deprogrammed herself, I think she could still come some deep seeded biases.
I agree that there is not much to suggest that Kate is gay. Unlike with Victoria.
But given her family, I think it is perfectly possible she could have been closeted. Her family were the big motivators that saw her ending up on the roof of the dorm. So I could imagine this being a breaking point where Kate finally decided to assert her own identity, rather then the identity imposed on her by her family.
Plus she just make such a cute, perfect partner for Victoria.
Victoria is def teh big gay
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I always interpreted her bullying as being rooted in possessiveness. She has a thing for shy, introverted, passive girls like Kate and Max. But she cannot express these feelings in a healthy way because she is so closeted.
So in order to be able to interact with the girls she likes and get attention from them, she resorts to bullying.
schizo headcanon
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I did say that it was a personal interpretation anon.
Please work on that reading comp.
The emphasis was on schizo

Verification not required.
>All character motivations must be surface level
>Attempting to read deeper meanings makes you a schizo
God this place is depressing when we have tourists.
It really is no wonder that /v/ is as media illiterate as they are if this is the prevailing attitude.
>Attempting to read deeper meanings makes you a schizo
Seeing everyone as gay is definitely makes you one
>we have tourists
Been here from day one
>/v/ is as media illiterate
Never been to /v/, sorry
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>Seeing everyone as gay is definitely makes you one
Seeing everyone as gay is a pretty big part of the LiS fandom. Have you ever bothered to look at Ao3? Even just the fanart that gets posted here?
Victoria is just somewhat unique, because unlike many popular characters used in gay LiS ships, there actually is enough to her that she can be interpreted as gay. Unlike someone like Riley who also gets used in almost exclusively gay ships, despite there being nothing about her to suggest it.
>Been here from day one
Then none of this should be surprising to you. You should actually be very well used to the all of the gay shipping.
Should that actually be true.
>Never been to /v/, sorry
I just do not believe you. If anything I think this is over playing your hand.
>Everyone I don't like is /v/ tourist
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>(Y) Let Safi die but any and all conflicts are resolved, peace is established

Plottwist: in that timeline the killer isn't caught and goes scot-free because time travel/shifting was used, Max is already the next target like they've already established with the bottlecap "covenant"- both Max and Safi hiding secrets, Safi dies right after reveal, they're now hunting Max for the exact same things so she shares the same fate as Safi.
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Gay ships just make up a large amount of what gets posted on /lisg/. Had you been here for years, you would know that.
If you don't want to be called an incel tourist, don't act like one.
>they're now hunting Max for the exact same things so she shares the same fate as Safi.
This is why it kinda makes sense for Max to leave that town regardless of the ending. Assuming the leak is true, of course.
>they're now hunting Max for the exact same things so she shares the same fate as Safi
Wasn't something like that in one of the early leaks? Like Max could survive only in one of the realities
>If you don't want to be called an incel tourist
OH NOOO! Don't make "this place depressing" for me
Yeah but would she be able to do that in time with everything going on? In the reveal footage there are shots of her demolished room, as if someone broke in and looked for something (the secret, perhaps?). Plus, someone's pointing a gun at her too. In the concept art Max is investigating alone in some woods/rural areas that seem dangerous.
Moses was already warning Max that if she plays the game it'll come for both of them the same way (aka double death). And I think Moses is definitely working on Max to reveal her secret too.
The promo vids for DE say "the same murder across two timelines" so it's not that easy to escape because she's in both of them.

>Wasn't something like that in one of the early leaks? Like Max could survive only in one of the realities
Maybe, I don't remember if that was a leak or a theory.
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the future is gay
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>safi & max in front of chloe's rotting corpse be like
Gonna be so dismissive to the new character as much as possible, so goodbye ugly arab bitch.
Safi is eating out Max while Chloe's corpse is still rotting in the dark room.
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Dangerously based.
Why? She seems cool.
What a fucking slut.
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Swann a cute.
It's unbelievable because there is no way Dick Nine would be this based.
Who is she shooting at?
innocent children
I've been here now for.. 20 years.
There's a reason/v/ has such a shitty reputation now when it used to genuinely be one of the best places online to discuss Vidya.
Gotta make sure the bitch stays dead.
Chloe has a boyfriend, which left Max lesbianing with Safi.
I can buy the killer being Max from another timeline.
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holy shit this is some impressive pixar level shit
haven't nutted a big load in a long time, thanks
Max peropero-ing Safi's clit.
is that supposed to be david or frank?
>Alt Max convinces main Max to let Safi die because her being alive only leads to more tragedy, misery and death
why does it seem like girls enjoy kissing each other much more than they enjoy kissing men
being rachel it could be literally any guy
So is the whole "No need to play the previous stuff" legit, or in the same way they said it about FF7 Rebirth?
Max only enjoys kissing her brown girlfriend/future wife. Max didn't enjoy kissing Chloe.
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They signed ndas, it's over. Roachyl, Steph and bts Chloe are back
Non canon. Max didn't write those.
Quite literally from her journal entry, retard.
Probably technically true but it will be a worse experience for sure.
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>blue flannel shirt
Gotta be Frank.
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no. Rachel did that. Max is for Safi only.
cockRoachyl was dead and buried for being a cockhungry slut nearly a year before Max could canonically write that in her journal.
Makes sense for D9 to re-use cheap voice actors again.
Rachel came back to life and stole Max's journal.
True, because she would have never showed any kind of romantic interest on Chloe herself.
>I kind of regretted not kissing her when she double dared me. Maybe if she had double dog dared me
And this is what you get when you don't kiss Chloe. Basically the same thing.
this picture alones proves that amberniggers haven't actually played these games
Legit. This game is essentially a reboot.
These retards still think Loretta is whorechel or something, lmao.
if only Rachel/Jessina/Jesse had 1 appearance
The more I think about the comic and its depiction of Rachel the more I hate it. And my opinion wasn't particularly high to start with.
I wonder how different things would look like in BTS if DN were in charge of it.
Chloe gets mating pressed by several men on a daily basis after her break up with Max.
At least one Rachel and Frank on-screen kiss scene
/v/ hasn't been usable since 2011.
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Forcing herself to like it?
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They wouldn't have an issue showing Jefferson raw dogging Rachel on campus like what happened canonically.
is she practicing?
I bet she would have tried to trap him with a kid had she lived
How do Pricefielders cope about Eliot?
Oh, she LOVED it. Chloe is, in fact, a natural, as if she was designed specifically to take cocks.
Plot twist: Rachel was pregnant of Jefferson, hence why he set Nathan up to get rid of a kid he didn't want.
amberpricers hate him more
does she need practice at this point?
Killing an unborn... now Kate is gonna be really angry
they do mental gymnastics to try and redefine what losing virginity means. like ive seen massive cope reddit posts about how chloe saying they "hooked up" means something completely non sexual
Or why Chloe keeps a condom on her. Is it so hard to accept that it's not unheard of to fuck with the opposite sex for a bit before figuring shit out?
As a wizard; Yes.
he was right about rachel, unironically
This. Makes me chuckle
These are the same people who think Rachel was just friends with Frank (or Jefferson).
That they were just tea buddies and weren't fucking in every corner inside his RV to the point Pompidou is left fucking traumatized.
That condom is for balloon animals. You never know when you'll need to make one.
>These are the same people who think Rachel was just friends with Frank (or Jefferson).
Wait, what?
AI guy, get on this visual, expeditiously!
they were in massive denial over troubled, misunderstood human bean rachel uwu fucking men and not fucking chloe
The first game pretty much slaps you in the face about Rachel being a town whore. Have these people ignored the game as a whole?
Yes. I'm willing to bet these weren't gamers, just streamer cultists who watch someone else play and then browse through fanart and fanfics
Where is the theorycrafting anon with his wild speculations when you need them? They claimed to post their theories at some point but that hasn't happened yet.
other than the schizo chronos theoriest, the other one hasn't posted anything else
Like a vision from my dreams.
I think she looks fine. I'm looking forward to getting some in-game footage so that we can really see her interact with the other girls.
Nora however remains a gay dreamboat and best girl.
4chan as a whole went to shit with the eternal summer of '09. '11 was just the point when /v/ fell, but by that point it was just another domino.
What exactly is there to cope about?
Yo do know that for many queer people uncovering your sexuality is a journey, right? It is not unusual at all for people who go one to identify as lesbians to have slept with a guy in the past. Sometimes it is part of the process of self discovery, sometimes it is done out of a need to force yourself to conform to heteronormative societal standards.
If the objection is that Chloe was not a virgin when got into a relationship with Max, so what? Most people have had sexual partners before they find the person they love. Max herself was just an exception here.
You do know that condoms are not just a thing for heteros? Please tell me you are not another person that does not understand why a lesbian would have condoms.
A reminder that Chloe and Rachel canonically kissed passionately. That means Chloe has been tasting several male semens (especially Frank's semen) left inside Rachel's mouth.

Meanwhile, Max and Chloe canon "kiss" were only a 1-second peck, as a dare. Only when you choose the "sacrifice Chloe" ending (If you romance Chloe enough) do you get to passionately make out with her. Even "Victoria" in Max's nightmare got a mouthful of tongue action going on when Chloe kissed her. Baecucks LMAO

>Chloe x Rachel kiss
>Chloe x Victoria kiss
>Chloe x Max "sacrifice Chloe" kiss
>4chan as a whole went to shit with the eternal summer of '09. '11 was just the point when /v/ fell, but by that point it was just another domino.

I'd say it was the 2008 Scientology raids where it passed the point of no return I became a newfag because of that shit lmao
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this game is certainly lacking, but not in the lulz department
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>A reminder that Chloe and Rachel canonically kissed passionately.
Optionally, you mean.
So that means that CANONICALLY Jefferson tasted Frank's semen. And Frank tasted the semen of God knows how many men prior him.
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stop posting this
Don't ever stop posting this based canonposter.
The thing with Chanology is that while it did bring in an influx of new people. Most of them tended to assimilate, at first anyway. I mean this was back when /b/ had an actual board culture if you can believe it.
But over time they stopped attempting to assimilate and one by one each and every board fell. By the time losers from Stormfront came across the corpse of /v/ and turned it into the sad mess it is today, the site as a whole was pretty much dead.
If it were not for /lisg/ I would have stopped coming to this crypt years ago.
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>Optionally, you mean.
Well, if you're going to play that game, then Chloe and Max never kissed at all because it's also optional. Chloe FUCKED Rachel, btw.
tfw /v/ became nothing more than twitter screencaps and ragebaiting
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True, it's just an option. Just like kissing Rachel as Chloe.
But you know something that is NOT optional? Rachel fucking Frank, Jefferson, trucker guy and so many guys I can't count and literally getting herself killed for being that much of a whore.

>Chloe FUCKED Rachel, btw.
More like Rachel fucked. A lot of guys behind Chloe's back that is.
the only rachel ship that actually made sense
Chloe sucks the cum out of Rachel's mouth and also her pussy. In fact, Chloe is Rachel's personal cum cleaner.
Makes more sense for Frank to play that role when it comes to Jefferson.

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brunette Chloe is so cute
nobody can convince me that she never did something like this before in front of him
Blue hair Chloe > partly blue hair Chloe > strawberry blonde Chloe > green hair Chloe
she was always blonde, but deck nine fucked up
Chloe loves the taste of semen.
She can't get enough of it.
Chloe is addicted to cocks and semen.
She loves getting bukkake'd by many cocks.
Chloe is a cock-succubus cumdump slut.
She did but often times the pencil (pen?) was his penis instead.

Sounds like you are accurately describing Rachel. And quite literally this was her cause of death.
I remember that legion anon being bullied for saying max and rachel met in another timeline, then 2 years later... the comic depicted just that...
Speaking of legion, why aren't ambertroons bashing Max anymore like they used to in 2017?
That makes the blue hair even worse
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Chloe slurrrp slurrrrp cocks
Her asshole is full of cum
Her womb is full of cum
Her mouth is full of cum
This but with Rachel.
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This has to be one of my favorite recent pictures from AI anon. Not only does the 2d AI style just work better then 3d.
But Chloe and Max going to prom together is always something I have wanted to see. I bet they would have been so cute together.
Rachel is really the only character were that is more or less canon.
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>BTS era: Max is such a boring, uninteresting character! She can't stand on her own. S1 was Chloe's story, not Max's. Max is irrelevant now. D9 are gonna make the prequel canon and erase the original game for good because I said so! (started harassing D9 developers when that didn't happen)
>now: Max is the face of this franchise and always was, no one cares about Chloe! Safi for the win! This game is gonna outsell the original game!!! Thank you D9!!!

It's funny to see such a group of mentally deranged spergs that have consistently proved all these years that they have no... consistency. They have no horse in this race and yet they produce the most shit.
I wonder what is going damage control like after they show Bae Max in a confirmed relationship with Chloe like the leakers (including one with proven credibility) have stated.
At least they are no longer pretending to give a shit about Chloe now.
Honestly I'm getting tired of all this bullshit, I'll rather discuss with the theory anons that have to give more airspace to those morons who can't distinguish between a new character like Loretta from Rachel.
Don't tell me they still think Loretta is Rachel...
loretta will be roachyl in my game, i will mod her in & voice swap with ai
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Some of them still do, but frankly they are an irrelevant minority.
Make sure to swap Safi's model with Chloe, if there is a proper appareance of her.
Those are different peeps. Max has much larger fan base. I mean, I've never seen someone wanting Rachel to be in the new game, everyone wanted Max.
Here's my theory:
DE's endings are going to be focused on reexamining Bae and Bay. Offering the choice for Max to effectively go back on her decision from LiS 1, with an associated price for doing so.
The conversation with Safi where you pick Bae/Bay and Chloe's relationship to Max happens at the very start of the game. Whatever ending you pick (Bae/Bay) becomes canon in this timeline, associated with the color blue. The red timeline is introduced later and is the timeline where Max picked the opposite choice from what she did in the blue timeline, so if the blue timeline is Bae then the red timeline will be Bay.
Safi dies in the blue timeline, but is alive in the red timeline.

At the end of the game, Max's powers will start rapidly fading and she will soon lose the ability to jump between timelines forever. The final choice then will come down to making that last jump back to the blue timeline or staying forever in the red timeline. The endings will break down like this:
>Bay timeline is blue
(A) Max stays with Safi and Chloe in the red timeline, functionally undoing Bay and now having to live with it's loss
(B) Max returns to the blue timeline, having to come to terms with the loss of Safi and Chloe forever
>Bae timeline is blue
(A) Max cannot take losing both Safi and the Bay again and stays in the red timeline, functionally undoing Bae and having to now live without Chloe
(B) Max returns to the blue timeline, losing both Safi and the Bay forever

Much of the emotional weight here coming from Max getting to see how things could have been had she made that other choice and ultimately deciding if she can live with the loss of Safi or not.
Bae Max getting to talk to some of her friends from the Bay (Joyce, Kate etc). Bay Max suddenly getting to see Chloe again, a ghost from her past.
we have remastered Chloe, dw
but wouldn't that mean Safi lives if you picked bay? Since orange was always Safi = alive.
Also speaking of the color timeline legend. There's a moment in the stream where Max's room is clean and tidy, in the blue timeline it's ravaged/messy. It might tie in to the house break in and Max investigating who just broke in.
It might have to do with Max being involved with Safi's murder, and whoever killed her is on the search for Max, since I don't see the detective guy making all that fuss by himself.
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I think the red timeline is just both timelines merged, if you look at the moon crescent thing that shows at the dialogue, there's an empty gap at both timelines, so if anything, chapter 5 will be most schizoistic one so far (theories about Chloe's ghost showing up seem to be turning more and more true)
Whoah what the fuck is that?
relax, it's fan made concept to illustrate it better
Make it clearer then, because there's people who might unironically fall for it and start spreading it around the internet as if it was true.

But yeah, I see your point.
>but wouldn't that mean Safi lives if you picked bay?
Not necessarily.
For Bay the ending choices would to either stay in the red timeline and undo Bay (Safi lives) or go back to the blue timeline (Safi stays dead).
>Since orange was always Safi = alive
I have not seen that association elsewhere. But if it is true, then nothing really changes about my theory beyond the timeline colors being inverted.
>here's a moment in the stream where Max's room is clean and tidy
>in the blue timeline it's ravaged/messy
>It might tie in to the house break in
My theory here is that the detective did this. In the blue timeline he suspects that Max murdered Safi.
Well the only options we have seen are a blue and red crescent. One for each timeline.
I think the idea of a third merged timeline is pretty fanciful.
you say it's ch5 is schizo on the base of Max confusing the timelines and being unable to tell in which one she is?
or she's just being stuck in a nightmare for 80% of the chapter?
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the detective is snooping in Max's apartment at some point

I refer to Max confusing the timelines and don't forget that in the stream, the devs said that will happen
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>My theory here is that the detective did this
I don't think it was him, seems like a very rushed and messy job for someone that is already in a position of authority as a police detective, and could easily request a proper warrant for search.
It might have to do with the camera Safi had in her hands when she died in the Blue timeline, there's something that might reveal who's the killer, and that person wanted to get it back.
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so who plays who?
Are there any other images?
Sailor Uranus >>> Sailor Mercury
I can place almost every character we saw in the stream.
Then do it.
Safi's mom:

Double Moon Black girl:
Is this how chapter 5 of Double Exposure is going to look like?
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deck nine so original, kino
What the fuck
>Max, never Maxine
dontnod too
I'm curious to know the black girl name in the game
What an ugly collection of people
not cool anon
They just look like normal people anon. Were you expecting models?
Heck, second from the right is actually really cute.
butchanon you have no taste
I make no apologies for the for the type of women I'm into. Besides, second from the right is futch at best.
Not even in soft-butch territory.
Moses will breed Max, and he will inseminate Max's fertile white girl womb.
this was the worst pride month
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The main thing that disappointed me was the lack of some pride themed merch to go along with the DE announcement. That would have been easy money.
I have actually enjoyed the more subdued rainbow-capitalism this June. Smaller community focused events are always superior to anything that features a pride float from a massive global company. I have personally had a pretty decent Pride to be honest.
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It is insane that anyone ever convinced themselves that "lesbianism" was a genuine sexual orientation

Two Lesbians have been "making out" with each other for the last hour and it's like watching two retards with muscular dystrophy headbutt each other
Go tell them that and see what happens, loser.
They have sex in front of you to prove you wrong?
Worth a try.
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The official account posted a video centered about Max and immediatly privated it. Sucks that I wasn't able to watch it, because something fishy's going on.

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>Who is Max?
I expect this is going to be a basic recap of what we already know from the stream. What her job is at the university, what she has been doing for the past few years, her powers and the fact that she is secretive about her past.
The optimist in me wants this to be a video about both Bae and Bay Max in DE and how her decision in LiS 1 has impacted her and continues to impact her life. But I doubt we are getting that.
Habbo and Hal Turner. The glory days.
you guys only like Max because she’s cute-cringey and likes photography and has cool powers and likes girls and listens to good music
Isn't she the coolest(lame[affectionate])?
it's SE's budget falling, still cant believe Scott Blows's wife is paid to make life is strange tiktok edits
How long unitl we have a proper lenghty leak about the stort of Double Exposure?
I genuinely forgot about that, fucking D9
Max is the timid nerdy gf we all wish we had
You are really selling me on this Max character anon.
My money is on September. Sometime then we are going to get a full story leak. You will know it's real because D9 will be deleting all the posts about off of the LiS reddit.
Max is fine. But I would personally not want to date her. More hang out and be friends with her.
Now Chloe? She is the badass (but still sensitive) punk gf I wish I had. Unironically my favorite character in all fiction.
Chloe looks like she posts videos on sicflics
someone should compile the chronos theories
The theory anon always keep repeating how they will post "later at night" but so far no substanciated theory discussion has been made.
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I will post more when we have a proper preview of the statues that are on campus. However, we were shown another statue in gameplay video, so I assume it's Copernicus (Blue and Gold/Orange).

Copernicus put out the scientific side of the solar system.
Chronos put out the myth side of the solar system.

But anyways, other than this color legend, I don't believe anything else is relevant.
red - the end (?),

Symbolic colors
purple - chronos association (amethyst),
green - meteor,

Timeline colors
blue - safi ded (original timeline - also refers to sapphire - Chronos association - blue butterfly/Chloe),
orange - safi alive (anomalous timeline)

Purple & Blue - Chronos association - Detective.
Orange & Green - Meteor and Aphrodite connection.
But what is exaclty the Chronos Association?
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Chronos (in mythology) is associated with sapphire (blue) and amethyst (purple). The Detective had an aura with exactly those colors in the trailer & overall the reveal trailer combines those colors a lot. You can dismantle this association of the Detective and Chronos by shoving onto my face the photo of the said Detective snooping onto Max's apartment with only a blue aura. But in this scene (which happens either in ch3 or ch4), he just held Max at gun point.

At the gun confrontation scene, Max tells Moses about her power, saying how "she had been at this point before" (referring to Arcadia events), but the Detective shows up. Probably he wants to arrest Max, but she's like, wait, I have proof of something, grabs her bag and the cop dumbass just brings out the gun.
>by shoving onto my face the photo of the said Detective snooping onto Max's apartment with only a blue aura
But we have seen that the Detective is investigating something inside one of the campus rooms, not Max apartment. And also makes little sense for him to break so abruplty into Max house by breaking one door and messing around the room.

I believe whoever broke into Max apartment is someone that was looking for something, and that something might be the camera that Safi was holding in her hands before dying, which contains the proof of her murderer.
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Will it be good?
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Something else I noticed is that there are also certain posters in the game depicting the entire split timeline thing. But here's the catch, this poster doesn't only depict Safi's Alive/Safi's dead timelines. Those timelines are featured on the left side (Blue and semi-Orange tint). There's an extra two more timelines on the left side, red (storm havoc) and white (?). If you think about who wears blue and orange, you got Loretta. If you think about who wears red with white, you got Safi (refer to their exterior outfits).
Who? No one cares about these characters anymore
What about the posters representing aliens? Do they have something to do with the story as well?
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The first novel was really solid, so I'm expecting it to be pretty good. I'm not going to let the nightmare comic taint my view of it.
I hope we get some more Izzie.
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there are conventions, but they don't exactly have any sense with the specified date
>march 6th, 7th, 8th
Wasn't the game supposed to take place during the christmas break (hence the decorations)? It's true d9 writers said over winter break, but I don't think they mean much other than: here's some bait, uhuuu, aliens gave Max powers, go theorize this!!!
The writers are absolutely shit, they said Max found Safi dead in the woods, then they said Max found Safi dead in the snow and in reality, Max found Safi dead sitting on a bench. At the edge of the forest.
Entirely likely. Steph's Story is the best non game bit of the series.
when they will stop producing Steph and Alex comics/books, that's when lis 5 dev will start (which will feature them)
I feel like Safi's death was something they changed up a bit from the final relase.

But curious to know how supposedly Chronos and the "red storm" will actually make sense with this supposed leak >>483199393
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>I feel like Safi's death was something they changed up a bit from the final release.
They did, compared the "pre-beta gameplay" vs reveal trailer. More like reveal trailer has "pre-beta" footage and actual gameplay video is pre-final instead.

>But curious to know how supposedly Chronos and the "red storm" will actually make sense with this supposed leak >>483199393
Chronos was the project's name and I heard of the same early 2019 leaks too. But what that anon mixed up info about is that the first TC+DE leaks weren't from Diaz Lobos discord server, rather they were from Wolf's den. After the first wave of leaks of Alex (lis3) and "M+C game" (lis4), Stop me oh started selling the same info on her patreon... and yes, dontnod was semi-involved with DE at pre-production. There's a reason as to why lis 2 files had a Max test model.

Back to the main topic, I do sort of believe it too, because deck nine 100% doesn't know how to handle the mythology side of things. If the leak is real and Chronos isn't mentioned at all, then deck nine seriously scrapped the foundation dontnod put up. What I don't think is real from that photo leak, is the rural area part where Max gets shot. Max does explore abandoned buildings, but she does it with Safi as seen in the trailer. No mention as to why the Detective holds Max at gun point or how Max tells both Moses and Safi about her power (later in the story). Deck nine still refers to DE internally as Chronos and the statues on campus surprised me. They also put emphasis on Saturn. Maybe it will be like bts again where Shakespeare rolls into his grave, but then again, Zakk's gone. We will see, if they cut everything Chronos related, sucks, but it is deck nine.
What if the killer is Max herself from another timeline because Safi being alive only lead to more and more trouble?
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>Max Caulfield
>Sign: Virgo
>Chloe Price
>Sign: Pisces

>Sexual & Intimacy: 99%
>Trust: 65%
>Communication and intellect: 85%
>Emotions: 95%
>Values: 75%
>Shared Activities: 99%
>Overall Compatibility: 86%

Virgo and Pisces represent the axis of the exaltation and fall of both Venus and Mercury. This makes them partners with greatest challenges and the greatest potential for love in the entire zodiac.
If they stay together for long enough to understand the benefits of their contact, they might discover that the love between them is the only true love they could find in this lifetime.

I do not know if DN just picked the birth dates at random or not. But however the dates of Chloe and Max were decided, they ended up with one of the most compatible combinations of signs in the entire zodiac. I mean, that summery is kinda spooky given LiS 1 and even BtS.
I'm fully on board with them being 'The field where I died' style soulmates.
>Zak's linkedin
>Deck Nine Games
>Chief Creative Officer
>Jul 2019 - Jan 2022 · 2 yrs 7 mos
>DE apparently started production around 2021 when TC released
he still touched this game
I bought this book. What am I in for?
Looked like a sort of accompanying guide to the first 2 games about the lore
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>Timeline makes no sense
>The book flips halfway through to a much less interesting touristy thing about the Bay more generally
>Canon contradictions
>Shit tons of Rachel despite it making no sense
>Nathan damn near revealing the dark room publicly for some reason?
>Most of the side characters only have cameo notes and are at times out of character
>The amount of notes from the characters falls off dramatically the farther you get into it
>No new character insights
>Wants to present itself as being an 'in-universe' book, but then just gives up on that when the author runs out of ideas
It could have been fantastic. As it is, I do not regret buying it. But it is only like 10% of what it could have been with just a small amount more effort and commitment to the concept.
I also get the feeling that the author mostly used the wiki as a reference. Rather then having played the games. So many timeline problems. So many comments that are generic enough to belong to anyone.
I give it a 4/10.
>The field where I died
"The souls... come back together... different... but always together... again and again... Evil, returns as evil, But love... love... souls mate eternal."
That sounds dumb and corny. I can see D9 make it happening.
i liked it for what it was, i liked the general Arcadia Bay info and the funny inputs from characters
imagine the ending scene being Max focusing onto the photo Safi took (in alive timeline), do tear apart timeline thing and be able to walk through photo boundaries with intent to kill Safi
Nice, if a bit odd.
The idea is it being an old Blackweell guide that has been passed around the students, rather than everyone writing in it at the same time. It's why Rachel has stuff in it, replied to by Max who she never meets. Some Pricefieldy bits.
>Max does explore abandoned buildings, but she does it with Safi as seen in the trailer.
Could be possible that the scene happens but in a different circumstance than what has been shown by the trailers. How much do you think is possible for Safi's family, her mom specifically, to be involed in something shady?
why would Safi's mom get Max out of freelance hell tho, that's already shady enough
I wonder if his imput to the game was the Aperture leak. We know that at some point DE had the name "Aperture" set in it, and it was supposed to feature Max fully within the post- dead Chloe timeline and being able to use the camera as a way to use the rewind, instead of the shifting timelines.
we will know on 14th or 15th of october for sure, based on datamining (genuinely curious if they have any leftovers of customizing Max's apartment or if there are any medieval arc leftovers)
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Was Joyce a good mom?
Never post this again. BEYOND cursed.
I imagine the Apartment customisation stuff will probably still be there.
>we will know on 14th or 15th of october for sure
I'll avoid this place like the plague by then

>any leftovers of customizing Max's apartment
I thought we could do that with the game already?
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Did your mom never kiss you on the mouth?
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I'm pretty sure that DN even said that The X Files was one of its inspirations. I know there is an X Files easter egg in LiS 1.
'The field where I died' just lines up so well with Chloe and Max that I refuse to believe that it was not a direct influence. I do not know how anyone could look at them and not see soulmates who were just meant to be together.
Cursed shit aside.
I could imagine Joyce being the type of mother who would be slightly too supportive of her gay daughters relationship.
Maybe as a way of reconnecting with Chloe, she just gets a little over enthusiastic. That is my read of her anyway.
The theoryanon said that Safi's mom type of clothes were very intersting, but I don't understand if she's working there at Caledon or being a rich backer.
I know we like to portray Joyce as completely oblivious to the gay, but I think that eventually, when the match strikes and she has the eureka moment she would go completely overboard. Make flags and cakes for Pride like it's gay christmas etc.
Not sure if I really believe the other leaker but... to be fair Safi's mother does look like the wife of a mafia boss or something.
Now THIS is cursed posting.
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is she CHrOnOs?!!?!!
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She's a wizard for sure
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this sounds dope actually
Always post this gain. BEYOND blessed
I know there are so many signs about gods, astrology and colourschemes in the preview stuff, but I still have a feeling it'll all be build up for nothing.
what if Chloe gives the brooch to Max? in the bay timeline, Joyce gives it to Max instead (in bay, 2013)
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>I know we like to portray Joyce as completely oblivious to the gay
Everyone does love oblivious Joyce.
Always ready to rationalize the sounds coming Chloe's room when Max stays over the night.
>when the match strikes and she has the eureka moment she would go completely overboard
>Make flags and cakes for Pride like it's gay christmas
This is exactly the thing I was getting at. I fully, fully agree anon.
I picture her as one of those types that would just go totally overboard attempting to support her daughter. Rainbow flag in the front yard, asking if every female friend is her girlfriend, treating June like it was a holiday season. Just really wholesome stuff, if super embarrassing for Chloe and likely also Max.
What's the matter anon? Did your parents not support you when you came out?
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>mid to boring story but good tier Pricefield fan service
Sounds like Deck Nine alright.
>dream sequence
deck nine cannot make a game without them
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And what if the "killer" are both Max and Safi from the alternate timeline and that death is "self-murder" but we don't know why it happened? Must've been some extreme circumstances though, so she offed herself? And I'm thinking we've already seen very similar circumstances before, hence the connected flashbacks. What is important there is that we get the "I caused this" line, then the shooting happens. When was that?

>blue timeline, Safi dead
>2 hanging (?) people, blue color, top tight corner
>game title: Double Exposure
>Moses tell them "you two and your secrets", gives the bottle cap to Max, then tells her "you're next"
One of the many clues maybe, the other ones in the Safi's death scene
They seems mannequins to me

Hey theoryanon, how much do you think Safi's mom will be a key character to uncover her death? And how this supposed leak may fit the symbolism?
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>They seems mannequins to me
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>Warren is not even going to be acknowledged in DE
Based D9.
Square never should have forced DN include him anyway. If they really just had to include him, they should have at-least given us the option to tell him to straight up fuck off. Maybe even have Chloe knock him out if he doesn't take the hint.
I noticed that >>483275554 is the same room at >>483313748, if the Detective is looking for stuff there, I don't think the human figures on the roof are real living humans, just props.
It's Moses's research lab. There's a section where Max encounters him and has a choice in the livestream to take or not the detective's business card.
Warren is Max's Eliot after Bay
>and has a choice in the livestream to take or not the detective's business card.
This choice is going to cause some big fuckery isn't it
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>knock a 15/16 year old out for 3 SMS
yea, totally healthy individuals here
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if you select not to take it, Moses is highlighted
can anyone run the card on 4k res and adjust the view properly? we may be able to get this guy's name
out of all the skin photos, Max's only smiling in this one, what did deck nine mean by this?
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1) Warren is 18
2) Warren is a creep that literally stalks Max around campus
On reflection. I would actually like to see Chloe to break one of his arms.
Those eyes are amazing. Like two little freezing moons.
>detective is searching for something in Moses's lab
>Moses gives the bottle cap to Max
>behaves weirdly in the stargazing scene
>tells Max to come back when she goes looking for Safi
Do they really
Warren is 16, why lie on the internet lmao.
All your other arguments have probably the same truth and strength,
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>Warren is 16
Because of a single asset that did not get updated once everyone was aged up to explicitly be an adult later into development.
Blackwell is a pre-college academy and Max explicitly says that he is her age (18). He was clearly intended to be 18 and was in fact mandated to be 18 by Square, but clearly not even DN cared about him enough to update his student record asset. LiS 1 is filled with many of these sorts of mistakes, just look at Victoria's birthday.
The important thing is that I really do not care if he is 16 or 18. I would still very much like to see Chloe shatter the creepy incels jaw.
Schizo max has taken on the persona and soul of her lost missing half. She will be as dismissive as possible to the new characters, mute wherever possible, and onlky act positively to memories of Chloe.

She will put the heebie jeebies into the others, and at first chance will sacrifice them all.
You mean that Moses is going to be the one who has the powers to fuck up the timelines other than Max?
Yeah, turns out that people who fantasize about a teenage girl being raped, tortured, and murdered because she does not conform to their idea of what she should be like? Not very sane and well-adjusted individuals, apparently. Whoda thunk it?
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>Max is hunted by the Detective.
>You can trust me.
>Max and Moses break into the Detective's dark room and found TV tapes of him doing experiments on animals.


>Max and Moses visit the place where Safi died.
>Don't despair!
>I have been there before.
>I travel between realities.
>The Detective is eavesdropping.
>Caulfield you're under arrest.
>Wait, I have some proof in my bag!!
>Doesn't give a fuck anyways, shoot Max!
I just now noticed, Max and Moses are talking about Safi's death. Yet in the timeline where Safi's alive, Max sees the Detective with blue aura. So the Detective ends travelling with Max between the timelines?
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same energy
>found TV tapes of him doing experiments on animals
What the hell does that mean?
>Fan Favourite
Why must they taunt us Chloebros.... We are a already an abused lot.
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>Loretta Rice
I can't cope with this name.
>Max doing her best cosplay of Taylor Swift
>Answer her questions
>Call her bluff
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so what's up with this screenshot?

why is it happening in Safi's alive timeline, yet the gameplay version, it happens in Safi's dead timeline
I can't picture Max being a Taylor Swift fan.
But I can imagine Rachel and Victoria being die hard Swifities.
The question changes between timelines.

"Were you the last person to see Saffi alive?"
"Are you a massive lesbo who saved your Wife over the town?"
>It has been a decade since Chloe died
>A mentally broken Max still dresses up as her lost love daily
>Still occasionally catches herself talking to Chloe as if she were right beside her
>Constantly mutters to herself about sacrificing the town to bring back Chloe
Boo. I wanted to see Max dressed up as a new romantic and Chloe dressed as prime Adam Ant
Maybe it is something that happens twice from Max's perspective? Once in red timeline the other in blue.
Obviously the second time it happens Max is going to be more aware and have different answers.

look at Rice's hand, the clothing is clipping
compare the posters, they are totally different, same thing for the font & Max's hair arrangement

more like, it's an old in-dev screenshot
Ghost chloe timeline, like Reznov in Black Ops.
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Just discovered Victoria survives all endings, even the one where the town is destroyed. What are the odds that she make a return?
She's on her honeymoon with Chloe. So none.
I'm expecting a mention to Joyce or David at fucking best.
your Sean and Daniel cameo?
Seems like the first screenshot is an early version and the one under is closer to retail
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>Schizo Max cosplaying as Chloe attempts to describe to Safi the horrible decision she had to make in her past
>Ghost Chloe is being lewd in the middle of the cafe
Basically zero. Sadly.
It looks like they basically have her archetype covered with Loretta.
We will just have to pretend that the second best character in the franchise is busy living in Seattle with her wife Kate.
>Ghost Chloe jiggling her boobs behind Saffi's head. Max tries to stay clam, despite the heat rising.
It would have been hilarious if the Bae cameo end up giving more acknowledgment to side characters VS the other ending in DE like they did with in S2.
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Ghost timeline.
What about the Bae timeline?
There's a single "Wowser" in the script.
>The back half of DE copies the multiverse concept of the comics
>Max travels across multiple different timelines
>We get to see punk Max with a shy wallflower Chloe
I would be willing to forgive most other things wrong with the game. I think that would be worth it for me.
It would be the souls of a thousand bay residents haunting Max for the rest of her days
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Laugh at the Baycucks
Ok, but what if DE is a success enough for Square to make other LiS games, and Lost Records ideas for multiple sequels get scrapped due to it being a financial flop regardless of quality?
At least it's the better ending song
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Uh oh.
i wish Max and Chloe were my parents
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Say whatever you want. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bay ending was actually intended to be the canon ending for LiS 1. You can tell by how much effort and care DontNod put into making the sacrifice Chloe ending when you compared to the bare and generic sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending.

In the Bay ending, if you sacrifice Chloe and romance her enough, you will get a unique exclusive scene only for this ending, where Max and Chloe kissed before saying their goodbye. Not only that, I felt that the Bay ending had much better pacing and emotional closure compared to the Bae ending.

Meanwhile, in the Bae ending, you didn't even get to kiss Chloe, even if you romanced her. All you get is a scene where Max silently sits in the passenger seat, somberly looking out the window of Chloe's car and contemplating the consequences of her choice, as Chloe drives the car, leaving Arcadia Bay. That's the only thing you get for this ending. No kissing scene. Not even a satisfying closure. There is not even a moment where Max and Chloe say their final goodbyes to the deceased. Yeah, I guess fuck Kate, fuck Joyce, and fuck all those innocent dead people, I suppose. At least they could try putting up some sort of memorial to remember the life lost before riding off to the sunset.
>At least they could try putting up some sort of memorial to remember the life lost before riding off to the sunset.
Bae is about leaving all that behind, a big fuck you to the universe.
No image spam? :(
>Bae is about leaving all that behind, a big fuck you to the universe.
Just like Chloe's tattoo from LIS2
>I wouldn't be surprised if the Bay ending was actually intended to be the canon ending for LiS 1
Well, actually Bay ending wasn't even envisioned until later on in development and Chloe was meant to survive regardless. With Bae being in their original plans from the beginning, so if anything Bae is closer to the one they intended.
And the price of final kiss over the possibility of countless ones ain't worth it.
>It's like a desolate landscape and the whole song is like, getting over a trauma, but the trauma doesn't go away and it multiplies from one into a bunch of furies, which has kinda to do with the Greek myths of the furies, who would haunt families and generations."
>multiplies from one into a bunch of furies, which has kinda to do with the Greek myths of the furies, who would haunt families and generations."
Sums up Bay Max's mental state perfectly.
Oh shit, Chapter 5 screen leaked!
>With Bae being in their original plans from the beginning
Then DontNod must have a very low opinion on Chloe's existence. Deck9 has at least given Amberprice good fan service for their ship. You're saying the option where Max chooses to sacrifice countless innocent lives for one girl that she supposedly loves has the least romantic route? That's quite a grim outlook.
I just hope they find a way to put Obstacles into the game somewhere. That song is synonymous for me with the first game.
On the contrary. She was meant to survive regardless of the endings since they planned the storm's existence being tied with the native american spirits and the Prescotts. And there is plenty of evidence that they cut a bunch of other moments with explicit romance, like them kissing after Max returns from the AU timeline. Also, a kiss in that moment when the storm hits the town wouldn't feel appropriate. Many baytards and Priceifeld antis already feel pissed off at the idea over them getting together after that.
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Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was her problem?
Raging insecurities and the pressure of having to live up to her family name.
she couldn't sleep her way to the top with jefferson so she took her frustration out on others
she's in love with max...
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>Do it Max
>Unite us
>Block the exits
>Burn them all
I wish Chloe was my girlfriend.
>a big fuck you to the universe
Yes. But that 'fuck you' is in service of both Chloe and Max refusing to allow themselves to be separated ever again.
One of the big themes of their relationship (really reinforced in eps 4/5) is just how often they are cruelly separated from each other and how badly they suffer when separated. In Bae their love for each other is so strong that they are basically willing to stand up to the universe itself and refuse to be manipulated no matter the personal cost.
I still think the endings should have been about Chloe and Max refusing to be separated by the universe again. Give them some agency, something that Bay totally fails at. My ideal endings would be:
The girls refuse to be separated and want to live the remainder of their lives together. But must pay for that by losing the Bay.
>Tragic Romance Genre Ending
The girls refuse to be separated but cannot accept losing the Bay. They decide to end their lives together by jumping hand-in-hand off the cliff, saving the Bay due to Chloe's death dissipating the storm.
>there is plenty of evidence that they cut a bunch of other moments with explicit romance
We know they cut most of the Chloe/Max romance content.
Hell, one of the last cuts they made to the game were trims to the Bae ending. No kiss allowed, hand-holding only.
Just listen to a line they cut from it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHYYfoQ1-00
Being a closeted gay with a bad habit of forming possessive crushes on shy, passive girls.
for me it’s the BGM of LiS1, they made such an atmospheric and captivating BGM, a lot of times i’d just walk around for hours in the environments
Unironically did nothing wrong.
>She was meant to survive regardless of the endings since they planned the storm's existence being tied with the native american spirits and the Prescotts
Whoever comes up with this retarded premise should be fired. I, for one, am glad we got what we had instead. Imagine if DontNod decided to go with the native American curse spirit and the Prescott family being some kind of descendant of a colonizer who partook in the massacre of the native Indian or some shit, the game would definitely flop and be forgotten, just like what happened to LiS 2. LiS is better off being a video game revolving around a cute girl with time power and solving murder mystery.
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>Imagine if DontNod decided to go with the native American curse spirit and the Prescott family being some kind of descendant of a colonizer who partook in the massacre of the native Indian or some shit
Based upon the scraps that have come out over the years. The actual story seems to have been about the spirits wanting to stop the Prescott's from further ruining the Bay. The breaking point seemingly being the building of the Prescott gated community they were building and the associated environmental destruction.
I agree that it would have been a bad story. But at-least it would have really explained the storm, Max's powers and not left so many plot threads blowing in the wind.
Hell, I would have loved to have seen side-shave native Chloe.
into the trash it goes
Hell no. LiS is a millennial core game. We don't do that zoomer hairstyle.
Objectively one of the most attractive hair styles. Right up there with a short undercut.
I just wish I had more examples of LiS characters with them.
Imagine thinking that side-shaves are a zoomer thing.
It is not a broccoli cut anon. It has been around for decades.
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>Objectively one of the most attractive hair styles
how is it possible to have such trash taste?
Gays but smaller.
Victoria deserved her own game.
this look is hotter on dudes
I have not even got into my preference for butches yet anon.
Anyone else notice how Chloe always ended up in the leadership role when it came to her and Max?
From them playing pirates as kids, to the relationship dynamic they have as adults. I'm sure there is nothing deeper to read into that.
God I would love that. Victoria really does deserve her own spin off.
Second best character in the franchise.
You do you anon.
I think dudes are gross.
That hairstyle for females is like the equivalent of giving every black character in a video game, film, or TV show nowadays the same killmonger hairstyle. It's stereotypical and has been done to death at this point. It is basically a Zoomer artist solution for every female character who is either masculinely strong, a butch lesbian, or has a rebellious attitude.

In the 2000s, any girl with that haircut was either a butch or a crackhead. Everyone would definitely make fun of Chloe for even trying to go out in public with that hairstyle. That hairstyle doesn't fit Chloe's character at all. If you're confused about how teenagers in the early 2000s and 2010s dressed, you just need to watch how Hayley Williams, Amy Lee, and Avril Lavigne dressed.
>masculinely strong
>a butch lesbian
>has a rebellious attitude
Oh no, not that! Anything but my exact type!
>It's stereotypical and has been done to death at this point
Media saturation has no impact on what I find attractive.
>any girl with that haircut was either a butch or a crackhead
I would argue butch. But I think I recall a few mall goths with it back in the day (~08). Going back further I remember seeing a video of some west coast punks in the early 90s with side-shaves also.
>Everyone would definitely make fun of Chloe for even trying to go out in public with that hairstyle
In 2013? No way.
People would just assume she was gay.
unironically, none of them
>that one time afterlaughs got harassed to death by ambertroons simply because she said she won't do more amberprice shit and that the BTS stuff were just for part of a commission requested by SE
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Okay, now I know you're a zoomer and one of those trans freaks. Why do you need to ruin Chloe by turning her into one of your hideous experiment-gone-wrong golem.
Some people are just cunts.
Millennial actually. Like almost everyone who regularly posts on /lisg/.
>and one of those trans freaks
It is interesting how you assume that because of a preference for butch women. My understanding is that the vast majority of trans women are femme4femme.
But I do not expect people like you to have even the most basic insights into the community you hate.
>Why do you need to ruin Chloe by turning her into one of your hideous experiment
Butch women have been around for longer then you have been alive.
The moral center of the world does not revolve around what you personally find attractive.
Yet another /vpol/ incel.
>the most basic insights into the community
lol, fags really think someone's interested in understanding their psychotic disorders
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>Millennial actually
No you're not.
>because of a preference for butch women
>trans women are femme4femme
A tranny self-insert fantasy because of their inability to attain a feminine figure, hence why transbian exist with them being the butch. You're a freak of nature, and I believe Mr. Jefferson wouldn't think twice about gunning you down like dogs for defiling the purity of women with your degenerate crossdressing fetish.
>Butch women
And do you see any butch women in LiS1? How did you manage to play the entire game and have the entire 2000s trends and culture fly over your head, freak? Do you play with your monitor off, Zoomer? Are you blind?
>I think dudes are gross
fucking rude
anyways, a part of me died when Skrillex ruined himself and turned into a generic fuckboy
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It's funny to see these scumbags still being delusional as ever. They unironically believe Loretta is roachyl even after her character reveal.
I finally figured out what fic I want to write!

The Doctor arrives in Arcadia Bay the day Max discovers her powers
>No you're not
As much as I would love to still be in my twenties. Sadly that is a hump I have since passed over.
But feel free to believe whatever nonsense you want tourist. It is clearly already the driving force behind your world view.
>A tranny self-insert fantasy because of their inability to attain a feminine figure
So now you think butch women are 'failed' trans women? Even I didn't think you were that ignorant of reality.
>And do you see any butch women in LiS1?
I don't see the point. Fanart is a mutable medium. If it did not allow for change or reinterpretation, we would just be posting screenshots.
I like butch women. I like LiS 1. I like seeing LiS 1 characters reinterpreted as butch. Really that simple.
But feel free to keep on seething incel. I'm sure you will feel better about yourself one of these days.
for me, it was Matt Smith as the Doctor.
s5, 6, 7.
Matt Smith was incredible but when I heard in my head Capaldi telling Max "Oh, you stupid girl. You poor, stupid, wonderful girl" I knew he was the one to use.
I wish Rachel fulfilled her dream of being a whore on camera in LA
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Capaldi/Max dynamic would be phenomenal
She never would have made it to LA, anon.
Even if she got out of the bay, she just would have ended up in some shallow grave alongside a highway in northern California. Lots of women not all that different from Rachel go missing every year in the US and are never found.
Your degenerate fetish has no place in this world, nor does it belong in Life is Strange, freak. I am so grateful that LiS 1 didn't get tainted with woke tranny culture. It's unfortunate what they did to LiS DE when they reveal that disgusting tranny self-insert like you to the game. You can literally see the two clashing cultures between LiS 1 and LiS DE, despite DE being the supposed sequel to the first game.
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Please do keep seething tourist.
I'm sure you will win that culture war if you post enough embarrassing meltdowns on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
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She would have made Riley Reid look like a fucking nun in comparison.
I don't even need to lift a single finger to win anything really.
>Tranny color flopped
>LIS 2 flopped
It's like watching the Titanic sink on the sidelines.
So are you saying DEI is gonna flop?
Why do you think they brought Max back and recycled the same plot from the first game?
>It's unfortunate what they did to LiS DE when they reveal that disgusting tranny self-insert like you to the game
lmao imagine getting this fucking threatened by a trans character existing in a game
you polniggers were never the audience for these games anyway
TC sold better than S2, though.
Thanks to Alex's fat ass.
Has Steph ever rubbed her face in it?
the hate rachel gets is so forced and unwarranted
Shut up, amberturd, you're ruining our comfy atmosphere!
>you polniggers were never the audience for these games anyway
This is why it is best to just ignore them. Their exposure to the series is mostly limited to porn anyway. They are explicitly not the audience for these games and that comes from the narrative team.
They will lose interest in /lisg/ soon enough and slink off back to /v/ or /pol/ or some other such sad incel hospice.
fuck yeah
True. She was no worse a person than Chloe.
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nah, the whore actually deserves it
and her retarded tranny fans deserve even more hate
she would have been kidnapped and trafficked and put in a saudi prince's harem
The hero of the first game is a white conservative man
why would they want (extremely) used goods?
That gets BTFO by some artsy teacher without Max's help and becomes a wanderer hippie later on.
The only girl who is not worse than Rachel would be Victoria at best.
probably as a sex toy of retribution if they ever felt like hurting something from america
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Inside a barn somewhere in Illinois, more likely
Poor Victoria.
delete this, have some respect
what is the story behind this pic anyway
Name of the pic. 2-minute read in Wiki
Which one of you was it?
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why not just work your ass off then just go to LA through paid services, or does us not have any airports?
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You might as well not reply to tourists, the sooner they go back into their holes the better.
did anyone buy the game on xbox or microsoft store? they started preloading on xbox and curious what's the file size
Have we already finished all our theorycrafting posts?
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I'm still theorizing how much lebsian sex Rachel and Chloe had in their prime vs how much Max and Safi will have. Should have it on your desk by noon tomorrow.
None and none?
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Max tops.
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>I'm still theorizing how much lebsian sex Rachel and Chloe had
Chloe rubbed a lot by herself and at best they shared some kisses, but Rachel experienced the Jefferson and Bowser cocks in plentyful fashion.

>how much Max and Safi will have
None, 'cause Max is a faithful future wife and won't cheat on Chloe.
You can't be faithful to someone who's been dead for ten years.
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don't show deck nine or SE this, they will die
Not canon
That won't be the case in my playthrough.
Chloe and Rachel had a healthy amount of sex.

Safi and Max regularly had 300 sex sessions in just one week. Max has been living in Vermont for about 6 months. That's a lot of sex.
I hope Chloe has a cool new design if they are going to show her again in Bae.
Chloe is dead and will not be appearing in DE except for the shitty photograph. Max already has a better Chloe, aka Safi, anyway.
Chloe wont be dead if you choose to keep her alive, we'll probably have lot of text messages, diary notes, photos, calls and possibly even an appareance in person.
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according to stats the majority of players (52%)
i never really not about this ship, but i kinda see it
so true bestie
>Chloe and Rachel had a healthy amount of sex.
They never had sex. But Rach plenty of sex with Frank and countless other men.
So tired of them pushing DEI
That's some skillful cropping work
Chloe and Rachel fuck on a daily basis. That's why Chloe can't stop thinking about Rachel, even when she's with Max. Their sex was so good, it completely made Chloe addicted to Rachel's pussy.
Rachel fucks hundreds of men on a daily basis. That's why Rachel can't stop thinking about Jefferson, Frank, Natha, Damon, trucker guy and innumerous other men and even pomidou. Their sex was so good, it made Rachel completely addicted to their penises.
it's almost as if D9 designed her character for the purpose of cock taking
roachyl is the only unique bts character that doesn't have a horrifying face texture
Chloe would clean all the cum inside Rachel's pussy regularly. If she's being a good girl, Rachel would treat Chloe to eat the cum dripping out of her asshole.
this is actually lore accurate
this is actually lore accurate
That could have been somewhat true if Rachel wasn't straight and actually liked Chloe, but as far as canon goes, Jefferson had more of a taste of other men's (and dog's) cum in his mouth than anything.

Funny how even people who are not familiar with this series will think: ''Rachel must be a fucking whore'' when seeing her character for the first time
Those who actually have played these games are SURE of it.
if you take away the whorish aspect of rachel then you are left with only 1% of her ''character''
Bay timeline features Chloe Silverhand.
Moses is trying to convince Max it's something to do with the Comet.

>"Watch out Max, this nerd is talking you in circles. Steal his weed and go turn off the power.'
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possessive vic drives me crazy.
i love them so much. my favorite characters by far.
Steph crushed on Rachel, didn't she? How did she cope after finding out she is straight?
Rachel is so Onlyfans coded, it’s insane. The type of content creator to constantly travel to collab with other onlyfans male content creators. And Frank would let her cuck him with other dudes because well they got bills to pay, baby.
In the novel she feels kind of mixed about it, she's not a weird incel like the freaks in here so what she's depressed about is that she lost her life and not that she was straight. But she points out Rachel apparently wasn't ever quite the girl she and especially Chloe thought she was.
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Just letting /lisg/ know that the commissioned sequel comic to this was completed tonight. And will be posted to commemorate the 1200th thread.
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Bit of a shame we might never know if Kate survived the storm or not.
>avoided the trouble of having a toxic, manipulative cock hungry slut in your life
>find yourself a cute thick gf later
It's a win-win all the way.
Victoria deserves her own game.
Rachel is nonstop fucking Chloe that it made her into a lesbian.
Rachel is canonically straight, though.
chloe so lesbian she runs around with emergency condoms lmao
roachyl sucking pompidou's little lipstick dick is more believable than her getting with any girl romantically
of all the romances and "gayships", the thicc girl from True Color being gay is the least believable
What are you talkiong about? The player can romance Alex if they want.
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She would have been like one of them twitter e-whores who complain about female sexualization in fiction, only to have a profile picture in very revealing clothing and a link to her onlyfans (lots of hardcore stuff) in the bio.
Reminder that she doesn't carry condoms in the first game and the anon claiming it lied through his teeth.
Alex is canon Bi, she's had both guys and girls in her past relationships. All you need to do is pay attention to her journal, texts messages and so on.

I swear half the people that play these games just whizz from A-B, skipping all the side content and half the dialogue.
I swear people didn't even realize TC had a journal
oh i get it now it's the thousand cock stare >>483447580 that gives it away
Or even the original game.
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the game forcing everyone in these games to be gay and "being believable" are two completely different things.

I know that every LiS game has 95% of all characters being gay. Wouldn't surprise me if David is retroactively gay too
>Nonstop fucking Frank
Gay =/= bi. They are very few gay characters in this series. All protagonists swing both ways. Even Steph, previously thought to be the one lesbian character, has taken cock.
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Chloe loves the taste of Rachels. She can't get enough of it.
>Wouldn't surprise me if David is retroactively gay too
Post S1 David could be.
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Rachel loves the taste of old men. She can't get enough of it.
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Rachel loves the taste of dirt, she canmt enough of it
Chloe don't really care about Max, she has Rachel all to herself now.
Is that why Rachel left Chloe to fuck Frank and hundreds of other men beind her back?
i wonder if nathan ever had a taste of her pussy before she was buried
i wonder if she ever fucked damon too
Max broke up with Chloe and left her to fuck Safi for six months in a row now. Chloe was left alone, and then she was gifted the power to rewind time, where Chloe used her newfound power to be with her Rachel.
>to be with her Rachel.
Too bad Rachel in reality would be too busy swallowing Jefferson's cum for breakfast to ever give a shit about Chloe even she was alive.

A more believable ship than amberprice, no doubt.
Through her newfound power, Chloe saved Rachel in the last moment with a backup from the police. Then they fucked, nonstop. David and Joyce were uh, didn't want to disturb them, so they just left Chloe and Rachel fucking and sucking each other's off for straight days as their moans could be heard throughout the neighborhood.
There is a higher chance of roachyl having sex with her boyfriend's dog than her ever touching another woman.
I think the reason Rachel wasn't seen carrying condoms around is because she only fuck guys with no protection.
DeckNine fumbled before the storm pretty badly story wise. All they really had to do was a rehash of Laura Palmer toned down for the sensitive video game audience and ot would have been fine. I wanted to see the fall of Rachel Amber as the story: How does one live a double life? Why does someone live a double life? Those are more interesting questions than the weird ham fisted luke I am your father stuff with Rachel's mom that we got. I did like the some of Chloes characterization though.
Chloe will never be touching or going near Max again now that she has Rachel.
Rachel will never be touching Chloe, especially after she canonically had Jefferson.
D9's stories are really mid which is why I believe the leaks pointing to a soft reboot in this game is very probable.
makes sense because she mostly banged old dudes with plenty of experience that know when it's the right time to pull out
Jefferson is in prison. Since both Chloe and Rachel are now canonically dead (the Bay ending is canon), at least Chloe can see Rachel again in the afterlife.

Pricefield is dead.
Long live Fayfield (Safi Fayyad x Max Caulfield).
>at least Chloe can see Rachel again in the afterlife.
Rachel would still fuck Damon over Chloe, though. More likely she already did before he died,.

I'm amazed she wasn't getting pregnant left and right all the time.
Nahh, Chloe and Rachel will be fucking each other nonstop in heaven.
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Rachel didn't even want to fuck Chloe when she was alive.
Not my opinion, just facts backed up by canon.
Chloe and Rachel canonically fucked, thoughever.
Possessive Victoria is so good.
As cute as she is with Max, I think Chasemarsh is actually the superior possessive Victoria ship. Kate just takes everything that makes Max so great with Victoria and turns it up to 11.
Looking forward to it.
Looks like we will hit the big 1.2k sometime in late July.
She very clearly does.
I would love to play as adult Victoria in Seattle, juggling the competing demands of her business and her wife (Kate).
If I recall correctly she has some condoms in her room in LiS 1. She does not walk around with them.
Please tell me you know that condoms are not just a thing for hetero couples.
Rachel was mostly just a character point for Chloe and Twin Peaks reference in LiS 1. That is how she should have stayed in BtS.
Ideally BtS would have been exclusively Chloe's story and only in the last moments of the game would we have seen her (wordlessly) run into Rachel.
Actually learning about Rachel and the exact nature of her relationship with Chloe damages her character and narrative role in LiS 1. It should have been left ambiguous.

As it is, Rachel was reduced to one of the most horrendous characters in the series.
Frankly the fact that she did not manage to get Chloe killed along with her is probably the best ending to her life that anyone could have hoped for.
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Canon Rachel only fucked Nathan, Frank, Jefferson, trucker guy and other 100+ unnamed males.
In fact it was due to this hunger for cock that got herself killed in the first place.
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Does he know something that we don't?
Canon Rachel fucked Chloe nonstop.
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Pompidou is more used to the sound of Rachel moaning in Frank's RV than he is to the taste of his food at that point.

>FANON Rachel fucked Chloe nonstop.*
Fixed for you.
I bet even Nathan had more intimacy with Rachel than she ever did Chloe.
Canon Chloe still fucked Rachel nonstop.
Actual CANON Rachel fucked Jefferson and other men, but not Chloe or any female.
Actual CANON Rachel engage in a tribbing session with her CANON girlfriend Chloe for the entire day
HAH! He said the thing!
Real Canon Rachel engages in raw dogging with a creampie finish involving Frank every night. And little Pompidou cleans the mess.
Chloe is addicted to eating out Rachel's fat ass.
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Rachel is addicted to sucking and having Jefferson's big, old meaty cock inside of her all the fucking time.
So much so she literally died because of that.
it'll be nice when Schizo stops arguing with himself for a bit.
Rachel loves eating out Chloe's pussy. That's her favorite dish, "The Chloe's Special."
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I thought that by having a new game so soon we would have stopped this demented shipping shit.

But anyway, am I the only one who noticed something interesting. Seems like the Chloe model used for this photo has been updated compared to the remasters one. Does someone here has a ripped version to compare the fingers with?
Rachel using Jefferson's cum as toothpaste, conditioner and face lotion is 100% more canon believable.
The nails seems slighty different, more detailed, but the head doesn't match Chloe model for the remastered edition. I'm confused.
90% of these generals is some random stuff about sex/cooming anyway
Rachel shagged Chloe and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
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I will take a good old fashioned Rachel/legion schizo compared to some of the tourists we have had since the DE announcement.
It is almost like being back in the BtS era. It just sucks that they insist on arguing with themselves.
Clearly an updated model. But most of the differences comes from the art style shift.
I fully expect we are going to see LiS 1 era Chloe in a nightmare or flashback section, so this is probably why this model was even made.
Basically all /lisg/ threads typically focus on wholesome shipping for the most part.
The coomer shit is the product of LiS threads on /v/ and /aco/. The people posting it are not /lisg/ regulars.
Rachel got rawdogged by Frank more times than you can count and there is nothing that you can do about it because it's CANON.
>Clearly an updated model. But most of the differences comes from the art style shift.
If a base 19 year old Chloe model has been made or updated for only a polaroid photo in the Bay timeline, I won't be surprised if there's also a 29 year old Chloe model for the Bae path that shares the same rig with.
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>father dies
>life is shit
>horrible home life
>finally find someone you like
>she disappears
>rewind and meet old friend again
>find out your last gf was a ho cheating on your with half the school
>also she died
>rewind and die
>have death of hundreds on your conscience to save you
>Max breaks up with you anyway
Being Chloe is fucking suffering dudes
Rachel has been peropero-ing Chloe's clit for so many times.
>I will take a good old fashioned Rachel/legion schizo compared to some of the tourists we have had since the DE announcement.
I'd take tourists over legiontroons any time of the day. At least SOME of them can be reasoned with and are willing to make real discussions. L*gioniggers on the other hand... are beyond redemption. The real cancer of this fandom.
Rachel has swallowed a bigger amount of cum than most sperm banks have in store.
The remaster models actually look worse.
Haha, you have no picture to post with anymore. Loser. Rachel is fucking Chloe, Amberprice won.
I've just thrown a quick comparison with the LiS1 model, just for fun. There seems to be some small differences, and definitely doesn't seems like the same model from the remasters.
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>if I keep posting shitty fanmade content of my retarded dead crackship which never had the chance to live to begin with it surely is gonna make me win!!!
Kek. Legiontrannies are on another level of delusion, holy shit.
No matter how much you sperg, it's never gonna change the fact that canonically Rachel died for being such a cock hungry slut who never liked or cared about Chloe in any way. It's the truth and always will be.
I think it is pretty clear that Chloe is going to pop up in both the Bae and Bay timelines. Just based off of the apparent voice of Rhianna Chloe during one part of the stream and the leak that claimed Bay Max was basically haunted by her choice and having nightmares about it.
So I think Bay players will still see Chloe (in her 19 year old form) during these nightmares. Bae players obviously getting to see 30 year old Chloe 'in the flesh' and maybe the 19 year old model in photos. Logically both Chloe models would absolutely share rigging.
Just based on Max wearing Joyce's engagement ring in several shots. I highly doubt that Chloe and Max have broken up in Bae.
Especially since the narrative lead seems to be a big Pricefield fan.
Generally I would disagree with you.
But looking over the majority of the last ~100 posts. I'm increasingly in favor of total Rachel schizo death.
That is absolutely a different model. Since they are not going to make a new 19 year old Chloe model for just a picture. I think that really suggests Chloe focused flashbacks/nightmares. If not outright time travel.
Chloe and Rachel are sucking each other off, and you can't do anything about it. You're helpless.
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At the end of the day, Rachel has been dead before the first game started on the hands of her actual lover. She fucked Frank, Jefferson and other guys. No romantic involvment with Chloe was ever implied in canon whatsover.
Canon was never in your side which is why you retarded kind wanted BTS to retcon everything.. and that never happened!
>I'm increasingly in favor of total Rachel schizo death.
one of the founding legioncucks killed himself not too long ago, can't remember his name
Why are we talking about Rachel when we should be discussing how The Doctor would alter the course of LiS1?
Chloe is currently with Rachel in heaven. Having nonstop lesbian sex, drugs, and playing punk rock music.
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Canon Rachel is currently in hell having orgies with Damon and other drug dealers. Or maybe hell is not the right term because fucking bad boys would be her very definition of heaven.
>That is absolutely a different model.
I've thrown around also this comparison with Chloe's remastered hands, and I can see a difference in quality between the two assets. It isn't the LiS1 original mesh, but doesn't seem like the remastered one either.
Rachel mogs hobo Max and Chloe
Pure angel.
Ghost Rachel would hang out with Jefferson in prison instead.
So sad you ran out of pictures to post, and the best thing you can do is post a sad, pathetic cropped image. Rachel still fucked Chloe, and Chloe loves every second of it.
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This thread gets weird
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I would be down to see Max and The Doctor (10th) fighting 'Native American Spirits' in an attempt to both stop the storm and save Chloe. Really lean into the cut parts of the story.
Bonus points for the 'Spirits' being embarrassingly cheap looking rubber suits and the CGI for the 'the storm' being one step above a default after effects plugin.
The hands are a good example. But I personally think you can see the most difference on the face.
The assumed new model and remaster have totally different jaw lines, chins and eye shapes.
You can post as many roachyl pictures as you want. It's never gonna change anything established by canon which is Rachel fucking Jefferson and Frank, not Chloe. Go complain with the devs if you have a problem with that.
Cry more, loser. Haha. Canon Rachel FUCKED Chloe so many times, her scent etched onto Chloe and became part of her.
I think legioniggers have more reasons to sad and mad (which they always are) because canon doesn't back them up. Rachel only ever truly loved Jefferson, she literally died for him.
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It is like we have traveled back in time ourselves. Back to the BtS era and the prime time of the Rachel schizos.
I'm still disappointed they never went through with their threat to stage a physical protest out the front of the D9 offices. That would have been so funny.
Is that cum on the corner of her mouth? Lmao.
Good riddance! Hope other legioniggers join him.
>Hey Chloe, look at that shrimp dick loser RAN out of pictures to post. What a pathetic wimp with a microdick! Let's point at him and laugh. After that, let's say we go grab something to eat before engaging in our daily sexual routine in your bedroom.
>''Hey Jeffy, look at that sad, pathetic man''lady'' abomination. He thinks posting fan made content of me with a girl I couldn't care less about is gonna change the reality of our deep romantic relationship. After we are done with the dark room photo sessions, I say we head to your crib and start banging until night turns into day. I promise I won't moan louder than I usually do.''
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I used a no light render of the original Life is Strange Chloe model before, but you are right. Expecially since the Remastered Collection uses the same Chloe head mesh for both 1 and BtS, which means the model is not based on the remasters but directly from the LiS1 mesh.
>still disappointed they never went through with their threat to stage a physical protest out the front of the D9 offices
They are mostly russians. Thankfully none of them live near D9.
But it would be so hilarious to see one security guard alone making a bunch of mentally deranged neckbeards run in fear after they protest to undo the whole story for the sake of their dead waifu.
>They are mostly russians
The only American amberprice fan I know is Chris Chan.
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Here's a final comparison between the original LiS model, the Remastered one and the photo depicted in Double Exposure
Chloe canonically FUCKED Rachel
Rachel canonically FUCKED Chloe
Jefferson is rotting in prison forever
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Jefferson canonically FUCKED Rachel.
Frank canonically FUCKED Rachel.
500 different men canonically FUCKED Rachel.
Jefferson is rotting in prison... and Ghost Rachel pays him a visit everyday. She loved him very much.
that (canon) pic makes my dick hard
Chloe is gay for Rachel and Rachel is gay for Chloe.
I wish we could talk about Rachel without it ending up as one of the two extremes.
Rachel is straight and for Jefferson (or Frank before him) only.
Rachel is like the Nikocado of this franchise. Her ''haters'' understand the character better than the fans.
What's the matter? You don't have any more pictures to shitpost with? SAD and PATHETIC. Thankfully, you will get to see more of Rachel and Chloe WINNING and exploring each other's bodies.
I prefer the typical stance that /lisg/ takes with Rachel: Don't acknowledge her.
Talking about her just leads to the same arguments that have been done to death here for the better part of a decade already. At there worst even attracting a Rachel legion schizo to shit up the thread like what has happened here.

The thread quality always improves when we just do not talk about her or engage with her schizos.
If I keep posting a picture of a green sun everyday, will that make the real one change its color?
Rachel fucked Frank and Jefferson, died and never loved Chloe. To say otherwise is ignore the reality established by the games which is something all ambertards do. They live in delusion.

That actually makes sense.
Rachel fucked Chloe in her bedroom, in Chloe's room, in Joyce's room, in Max's room, on the rooftop of Joyce's house, inside David's truck, and so on and so forth.
Frank fucked Rachel in his RV, at the beach, in the woods, little corner over the campus and so on.
Jefferson fucked Rachel in his class, his car, his bedroom, the dark room and so on.
The trucker guy fucked Rachel inside his truck, behind the Two Whales and so on.
Nathan fucked Rachel at the Vortex parties, his room, his car and so on.
Countless men have fucked Rachel inside her secret gloryhole location.
That just proves ambertards are a bigger cancer than tourists.
Chloe loved Rachel more than anyone in the series. Rachel loved Chloe more than anything. Nothing will ever change that.

Max, on the other hand, abandoned Chloe for Safi. Max and Safi are perfect for one another, just as Chloe and Rachel are perfect for each other.
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We have had some pretty fucking awful tourists recently.
But honestly I think I have to agree with you here. When ~15% of the posts in the thread are the same Rachel schizo, it is hard to argue that they are not a bigger cancer.
This place would be so much better if Thread creators could moderate their threads.
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I want to fix Victoria
Rachel loved Jefferson more than the entire universe. Nothing can change that.

Rachel on the other hand, ignored Chloe, her family, her ex boyfriend Frankie B and everything else just to be with Jefferson because she really loved him. Jefferson and Rachel are perfect for one another.
That sounds horrible. You might as well say you don't like this site.
Pricefield losers had to cope with using fanart of Max and Chloe kissing because they don't get the same affectionate scene as Amberprice, and also because Max canonically doesn't have any romantic feelings for Chloe LOL
You have no pictures left to shitpost with. You're irrelevant and washed up now. Rachel will be busy having sex with Chloe, Mr. Irrelevant.
Jesus fuck, why the fuck are we here discussing about Rachel Amber? Shouldn't we talk about shit like Lost Records or Double Exposure?
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As the anon that has been responsible for the vast majority of the threads this year (I even set up a bump limit alarm) and a good chunk of them from years past. I can assure you that if I had the ability to moderate, Rachel shit would be verboten. It always just leads to shitposting, arguments and schizos.
/vg/ is probably one of the boards were such a system could actually work. Long running, insular generals with their own established culture and regulars are just a different beast from your average thread on /v/.
It would certainly make /lisg/ more usable during these unusual periods of greater attention.
I think around late 2021 to mid 2023 there was one janitor that deliberately deleted or banned legion types of shitpost. That period was quite comfy for this reason.

One legiontard can produce more shitposting in one thread alone than 50 visitors in a lifetime. It's not even comparable.
It's funny when you think it's all done by the same person. Others are actually trying to bring some discussions unlike you who have no business in here outside sperging out and being a fucking retard that even tourists find braindead.

>You have no pictures left to shitpost with. You're irrelevant and washed up now. Rachel will be busy having sex with Chloe, Mr. Irrelevant.
Do I have to post a picture of the sun to prove its real color? Rachel loved Frank and Jefferson, not Chloe because otherwise she wouldn't have died. No amount of spamming of your dead and irrelevant ship will make any change in canon.
Yes keep posting more fanart, Pricefieldtard. That's all what your dead fanfiction ship is good for.
As far as canon goes, only amberprice is dead. Dead on arrival. Killed by Rachel herself!
4chan isn’t a hugbox
But enough about Pricefield. Safi is busy gorging on the buffet special course called Max Caulfield.

At least, Chloe and Rachel can be together again in the afterlife.
>At least, Chloe and Rachel can be together again in the afterlife.
Rachel getting with Damon and Frank in the afterlife is a lot more believable. She didn't even want to be around Chloe when alive, so...
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I mean fucking hell, it' been hard to follow this particular /lisg/ today because of the endless back and forth between one guy and his other personality. I imagine he's sat waiting for the seconds to tick by between posts.
>all these low res pinterest files
Holy fuck at least put some effort into your shitposting.
Max is gay for Safi Fayyad. She found a better replacement for Chloe, which is the reason why Max canonically chose the Bay ending.

Chloe Price is finally at peace with her wife, Rachel Amber, where they will be spending eternity frolicking in the garden of Eden.
Rachel Amber is finally at peace with her boyfriend Frank (he dies in the canon ending) where they will spend eternity fucking like wild animals in the garden of Eden. Little Pompidou will make them company too, how sweet.
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>I mean fucking hell, it' been hard to follow this particular /lisg/ today
Honestly, when I saw the amount of new posts when I woke up I assumed that a new DE trailer came out or the story got leaked or something.
Imagine my disappointment when almost all of these posts came from the same loser.
>I imagine he's sat waiting for the seconds to tick by between posts
It really is like being back in the BtS era.
>Despite being in small numbers, ambertards account for 95% of the general's shitposting production
>Mr.Irrelevant thinks he's on the team
Who invited this pictureless shitposter in lisg.
I don't think I need to post any picture to prove that Rachel never loved Chloe but Jefferson instead. Any person with more than 1 braincell who played the original game is well aware of that.
All I see is you admitting that Rachel canonically fucked Chloe.
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I would be lying to myself if I ever did that, because canonically Rachel's dating history is entirely made of men.
Rachel Amber sucks cocks in hell
That never happened. Max has never met Chloe since their five-year separation.
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Is it really hell if she is getting to do what she genuinely enjoys?

Max came back to Chloe. Unlike Rachel who gladly ditched Chloe to fuck old men and died because of that.
Rachel literally looks like Sasha Grey, coincidence or nah? Porn coded whore
>Max came back to Chloe
Max came back to school
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>You are the real thing, Chloe.
But was Rachel to her? I guess no.
Max has never met Chloe in five years since their separation. Max watched Chloe die in the school bathroom, and that's the canon ending. Life is Strange DE will not feature Chloe because she's dead. There is no new model for Chloe. Baetards only get a photo of Chloe as consolation prize. Safi is now Max's new Chloe.
Destiny brought them together. Because they are SOULMATES.
Cute. I want a love letter written to me :(
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I’m a femanon and I’m jealous of Rachel’s cock count. Sometimes I fantasize about being her so I can gobble a bunch of cocks. I wish I was Rachel, bros.
Max got together with Chloe years after their separation. Max and Chloe watched the storm ravage the town, and that's the canon ending. Life is Strange DE will feature Chloe because she is alive. There is a new model for Chloe. Baytards only get a letter from Joyce about how much she misses Chloe as consolation prize, with no mention of Kate, Victoria and the rest of the side characters they killed Chloe for. Sofi is just a placeholder.
Baetards didn't get a passionate kiss scene like Amberprice did. The only way Baetards will get to see Chloe and Max passionately kissing is if they pick the Bay ending when Max was about to say her goodbye to Chloe. LOOOOL

Pricefield? more like KEKfield
>I smile when I think of us together, let's just drive out of here forever, Love u always
and amber''pricers'' still exist LMAO
Remember, Rachel fucked Jefferson and Frank CANONICALLY and also died for whoring out too much. All of that without any player input.

They refuse to live in reality which is why they are ambertards in the first place.
>I would be down to see Max and The Doctor (10th) fighting 'Native American Spirits' in an attempt to both stop the storm and save Chloe.
I'm gonna do Capaldi era Doctor, but I think the general thrust will be that he at first believes he's somehow caused Max's time traveling, and he's going to try and fix things only to realize this is all outside his control and start trying to figure out what's really causing the Storm, Max's powers and what kind of crazy mystic shit the Prescotts have gotten into.

The biggest question now is if I'll use any of the companions. Maybe Bill, she seems like a good fit for the teenage angst and heartache going on.
Poor little Cuckoldfield. Their ship was ultimately ruined by the arrival of Max's true girlfriend, Safi Fayyad. I'll be enjoying my time ripping Pricefield with spoilers of Max kissing Safi, fucking Safi, and marrying Safi. It will be a delicious experience to rip them apart, slowly but surely.
Random involvement of K9?
Pricefield can still live in the proper canon Bae ending, unlike amberprice that is still dead in every canon timeline and would never be able to live even if whorechel was alive because she never loved Chloe to begin with.
Proper canon ending? so "canon" that Chloe is nowhere to be seen in LIS DE HAHAHAHA

>Proper canon ending? so "canon" that Chloe is nowhere to be seen in LIS DE HAHAHAHA
This is huge coming from the retards who still think Rachel loved Chloe after being exposed to facts that deny that entirely, lmao. And one thing? They could have made Bay canon and it still would make Pricefield less one sided than amber''price'', because the feelings were fucking mutual, unlike with Rachel and Chloe.

Correction: Rachel fucked Frank and Damon in the afterlife.
I don't come here very often but I guess people are right to dislike amebrfags.
Chloe is dead in the school bathroom, Nathan killed her. Max watched her ex-childhood friend death unfold and didn't do anything. That's the canon ending. Hence, Chloe is nowhere to be seen in DE. Chloe is now in the afterlife with Rachel, forever united and blessed.
They are so insufferable, their attempts to make a discord channel with other amberfags server failed because of never ending dramas between members. That is how BAD they are.

Arcadia Bay was destroyed. The storm killed it. Max watched with her soulmate the whole event unfold and didn't do anything because that's what she wanted. That's the canon ending. Hence D9 are leaving the Baest ending for last. Rachel is now in the afterlife with Frank, forever united and blessed.
They are normally not this much of a problem. The resident Rachel schizo we have had for the past few years normally just makes several Rachel posts, gets laughed at, has a meltdown and leaves.
This new one is much more like the type of legion cancer we had to deal with back around BtS.
>This new one is much more like the type of legion cancer we had to deal with back around BtS.
I remember a day around late 2017, I woke up around 7 AM and saw some ambertards shitposting like usual. I only came back around 8PM and they were still at it.
Cuckoldfield doesn't have many scenes of Max and Chloe canonically together because the Bay ending is canon LOL

Throughout LiS 1, Max and Chloe have only spent time together to solve the case of missing Rachel Amber. Chloe barely even thinks of Max as anything other than a friend. Max made sure to return the favor by sacrificing her and saving Arcadia Bay (Canon Ending).
They could have canonized Bay and Pricefield would still be objectively speaking a much better ship than amb*r''price'', without any question. Since it's confirmed both parties actually love and cared for each other, unlike Rachel whose death is literally tied to her lack of interest on Chloe.
even in these screenshots you can tell rachel doesn't give a flying fuck about chloe lmaooo
Cuckoldfield is in their death throes, knowing Rachel FUCKED Chloe without stopping. Don't be sad, at least we will get to see Safi Fayyad doing Max as a consolation. Max's girlfriend is cute, and I can't wait to spoil and spam their kissing scene here to finally be able to purge the hideous Cuckoldfield shippers.
I sleep well everyday knowing Rachel canonically fucked Frank, Jefferson and never liked or care about Chloe in any regard and that amberprice will never be canon, because that is something established by the game without player's choice. Amberniggers are so cancerous and mad all the time because they know they support a dead ship, not because they actually care about both parties involved but because they want something to use against Pricefield, which is a canon ship.
Can't wait until they show Max and Chloe finally engaged in the Baest ending. Of course they are gonna give an optional romance in the baytard's ending with a character that happens to be Chloe 2.0. So even when Priceifeld ''loses'', it still wins. It would be hilarious if they pull a ''I wish Chloe was here'', lmao.
Long live the eternal empire of Fayfield and Amberprice, down with the decaying rotting corpse of Pricefield.
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Long live the eternal empire of Pricefield, down with the decaying, rotting corpse of Rachel and some people of Arcadia Bay.
I don't want to say the corpse of Amberprice because you can't be dead if you never lived to begin with.
So mad he can't even properly link the post, just like how dead Pricefield is as a ship.
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gonna laugh so much at ambertroons if this happens
I care about spreading the message about facts which is rachel being a dead slut who never loved Chloe in any capacity.
Scale is way off
>says the dumb faggot who is too afraid to quote
Shartfield, also known as Pricefield, is a dead headcanon ship solely being clung onto by the delusional Baetards. Their ship had been brutally massacred and genocided by the Fayfields, the true ship of Max Caulfield.
Amberprice is a dead ship that never got to make its maiden voyage, one that has a following mainly made of delusional deranged trannies that cannot accept better maintained vessels existing since they have nothing on their own.This ship was completely destroyed by half of its crew members (Rachel) before it could leave the dry docks, making the Titanic look like a sucessful product in comparison. The remaining crew responsible for sabotaging, left for a vessel where they have a captain known as Mark Jefferson.
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It pains me that so much of this thread has been taken up by the Rachel schizo.
Posts that could have been about how perfect Kate and her wife are together.
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Oh, the pricefield hoes are really, really malding. Such angers. Let it all out, Cuckfielders. Fayfields are here to stay forever.
How you can be angry if the things you care about and are supportive of have foundation in canon? It's the ambershitters who are always in a pissed off mood, because what they supposedly are in support of are not backed up by anything canon, only against. So much so that they end up pissing off other ambershitters for being such toxic, drama driven retards.
Is that you whatsaytheyou?
>This ship was completely destroyed by half of its crew members (Rachel) before it could leave the dry docks
That is a damn good analogy.
meant for >>483504447
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Don't get yourself overdosed on that copium, cuckoldfielders
Fayfields just caught a whiff of fresh blood in the water, and now they're in a frenzy state and can't wait to feast on the dead corpse of the Pricefield ship.
Anyone remember when onegirllis aka Russian tranny made a amberprice site called amberprice.org and that shit failed so bad. Literally got abandoned within 3 days because of no activity… LMAO. Losers
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Dead as their ship, and Rachel. Good fucking riddance.

>think he can accuse anyone for being high on copium
Your entire deceased, idiotic crackship only exists in fanfiction and is utterly massacred by the entirety of source canon material. What to expect from retards who deluded themselves into believing the folks over D9 were gonna retcon S1 in favor of whorechel? I fully believe D9 are gonna make ambertrannies seethe and cry again.
Cuckoldfielder got mindbroken so hard that he started yapping his own nonsensical fanfiction babble as a coping mechanism. Such is the life of SHARTfield. Pricefield is dead in the water. Chloe is dead in DE. Max found a new girlfriend named Safi Fayyad. It couldn't get anymore grim and "its so over" than this for the cuckoldfielder HAHAHAHA
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>We could be talking about how Victoria realized that her bullying was just form of possessiveness over girls she had crushes on
>How Kate came out of the closet by rejecting being the girl her family wanted her to be and instead embraced her authentic self
>Instead it is just schizo posting and people engaging with schizo bait
Remind me again who were literally the ones who refused to accept the existence of the original game beacuse it goes against the things you made up inside your little shallow head, i.e: Rachel fucking Jefferson and Frank? And got angry, to the point of harassing developers when none of that delusion turned into reality? Kek. Amb*rtroons are on a whole new level when it comes to self-delusion and mental illnesses in general. That's the mindset you gotta have when you simp for a disgusting whore who has been dead for nearly a year before the events of the original game since she was a cock hungry slut who never loved Chloe.
Maybe, but a robot dog is gonna be harder to slide into the goings-on of Arcadia Bay. I'd need to pull something out of my ass but doing a Bill, Doctor and Nardole trio feels like the move.
> I would still very much like to see Chloe shatter the creepy incels jaw.

With what? Her weak woman arms? Warryn beat the shit out of Nathan and will do the same to any aggressor, including delusional bitches who think they are men
Max deserves to be with Safi. Max abandoned Chloe during her most vulnerable moment. Max didn't talk to Chloe for five years. When Max did return to Arcadia Bay, she didn't bother to hit Chloe up because she forgot Chloe existed in her life. Max then saw Chloe in the school bathroom, arguing with Nathan, and just watched him kill Chloe. She then had the audacity to just leave her corpse there for the police to find.

I can see why Max tried to escape Arcadia Bay to forget her traumatic past. It's a good thing Max found a better girlfriend, named Safi Fayyad, who can console Max whenever she feels clingy or wanted. In other news, Rachel is now happy that Chloe is finally there to meet her. Now they can spend their eternal lives lesbianing with each other in heaven.
Max deserved and WANTS to be with Chloe and vice-versa. Max returned and saved Chloe at her most vulnerable moment. Max literally saved Chloe's life and restored her will to live again, spent a week in which Chloe described as the best days she had in YEARS. When Rachel started ignoring Chloe, she didn't bother telling that the feelings were not mutual, instead she continued to whore herself out to hundreds of men because admitting so would make herself look like a horrible, toxic and manipulative and her ego is that gigantic enough to admit this being the truth. So Rachel thought she could make a life entirely of lies. Until she found a guy that she judged to be worthy of her attention and end up falling in love with him, her one true soulmate. But she soon realized this was a mistake because there is always someone better than you at your own games. No pity for this.
God I hate amberfags so fucking much.
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I just wanna use your love tonight
I don't wanna lose your love tonight
Nice fanfiction, but Pricefield is dead. Deck9 and Safi Fayyad did make sure to kill Cuckoldfield in DE. Amberprice remains the only legitimized ship for Chloe. Chloe is dead and is then welcomed by Rachel in the afterlife, ala Gladiator's ending. There Chloe is showered with many lesbian sex with Rachel, like a dream finally come true.

I thought it was just the ambertards here that were extremely delusional. But it turns they are ALL equally fucking autistic, with no exception. Having fewer brain cells is mandatory if you wanna go for amberprice.

kek, looks like the sperg coward finally had balls to quote
>Amberprice remains the only legitimized ship for Chloe.
Is that why Rachel sucked and fucked many men behind her back, right? Talk about true love, lmao, y'all are called ambercucks for a reason. Meanwhile Max was willing to let an entire town for her actual girlfriend, Chloe. Rachel would have left Chloe to die if it meant getting a rough dicking from someone like Jefferson. Ambertroons have replaced their headcanons with what is actually canon, because if they cared for canon just a tiny bit, they wouldn't have been amberpricers to begin with, having good sense and being an ambertard cannot mix together. Seems like DN already killed your crackship because as it stands out... it never got the chance to breathe. It was killed by the amber part of it.
Damon and Frank are having a threesome with Rachel as we speak. They are the kinds that Rachel have always loved. This OT3 is more believable than amberprice could have ever been btw.
Amberprice just can't stop winning. Bay ending being canon is already killing the Cuckoldfield, and now they're going to snuff the life out of SHARTfield decomposing corpse by making Fayfield canon. Thank you, Deck9. Thank you, Safi Fayyad. Enjoy your new white girlfriend.
>still a fucking coward that can't reply
amberniggers actuallly love portraying themselves in a shitty light
amb*r''price''tards stay losing regardless of Bae or Bay being canon since Whorechel was dead before Max could even dream about making the final choice. And Roachyl died because she didn't want to be with Chloe and taste so many dicks instead! Thank you D9 and DN for canonically making amberprice a dead before arrival crackship. At least Rachel can have company in the afterlife with Frank and Damon, you know the ones that she is really into.
>Max and Kate are Victoria's two most common ships
>Both are Virgos
I think it is clear that a fiery alpha leo like Victoria naturally pairs well with stereotypically shy and loyal Virgos. I personally think it is the shyness that gets her.
It really makes me wish we got to see more of Victoria and Chloe together. Since I think a big cat leo would positively devour such an emotional, defensive and shy Pisces like Chloe if given the chance.
Even cancers like Dana like and Alex could work for her in theory, but I think a naturally overly blunt leo like Victoria would have trouble getting through their shells.

Fun astrological facts about Max and Kate:
>Both Virgos
>Both have Libra in Mercury
>Kate has Virgo in Venus, perhaps why I think she has greater romantic compatibility with Victoria
>Max has Libra in Venus, that really explains why she is so into Chloe more then anything
>Both have Scorpio in Mars, the Mars sign most associated with a preference for kinky intimacy and alternative relationship dynamics
Max and Kate are both bottoms. Too much yin (feminine) energy as the chinks would say. They each need a strong male personality like Chloe or icky Vicky to balance out
Pricefield is dead
Long live Amberprice and Fayfield.
Amb*rprice died before it could have been shat into the world.
Long live Amberson, Ambowers and Pricefield. (Actual canon pairings)
Cant believe people here are giving attention to that troll. Ignore them goddamn it, it's the only way to have a proper readable thread.
I'm choosing to ignore (You) instead
Cuckoldfield never had any chance of living in the first place because the Bay ending is canon. Now, another girl named Safi Fayyad comes to swoop Max Caulfield's legs and makes Fayfield the official ship for Max.

Amberprice and Fayfield should have a double date to get to know each other. That'd be cute.
I only like Victoria and Kate as a non-consensual relationship
I support their efforts as I find most Pricefield shippers to be as obnoxious and annoying as whatever this Amberprice garbage is. Let you fuckers have a taste of your own medicine
Ok schizo. You’re samefagging but go be schizo somewhere else, faggot
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I actually like BTFO'ng legioniggers since it doesn't take much to get them riled up.They like to play tough and mean but they are fucking pussies and hate receiving the taste of their own medicine.
Nice to see even tourists finding them to be a fucking cancer.

Amber''price'' never had any kind of chance for survival because it was killed by half of the ship. Be it Bae or Bay canonized. Rachel never loved or cared for Chloe. Her love for Jefferson was that deep, moreso than the hole her body is buried.
Like always, why do you legion cucks hate Chloe? Why call her a cuckold? Oh right because Rachel was too busy sucking schlongs in the blackwell bathroom.
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If anything it's the amberniggers who are getting a taste of their own medicine. They are the ones who started with all this crap. There was no anti-ambertard sentiment before an anti-pricefield one.
You like to talk and posture a lot but at the end of the day, you are a weak transsexual or woman trying to project strength that you do not possess. A single slap would knock you on the ass. Drop the tough guy act.
>Max and Kate are both bottoms
Well I have been saying this for a decade. But I still get push back on it.
Even putting birth charts aside (you could tell from them alone), they are clearly bottom coded.
>like Chloe
Chloe is harder to say. She assumes a more dominant position with Max, but Max is positively loaded with submissive energy.
Chloe does have Aries in Venus, so I think she does have a dominant side in relationships. With someone like Max, that side is just pushed to the front 24/7.
But otherwise she is a Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn Pisces. That is a pretty clear sign that she is a massive sub assuming she was in a relationship were she was able to get some push back on her fiery Venus.
Basically, I think Chloe is a classic brat-sub that would absolutely be the bitch of someone like Victoria, and love every moment of it. But with someone like Max where she is not going to get challenged in or outside the bedroom, she naturally becomes the dominant in the relationship and is ok with that.
Really makes me wish there was more Chaseprice art.
Victoria as a classic Leo would clearly naturally be attracted to both Max and Kate.
I think Max and Kate would even really like how stereotypically possessive, domineering and controlling Victoria would be in a relationship. The real downfall with Virgo - Leo relationships however is getting the Leo the open up and not be so blunt with a sign that can be really sensitive.
Since we know that Victoria has a more sensitive side she keeps hidden (and as far as we know has only ever shown off in private to Max and Kate), I think both Chasemarsh and to a slightly lesser extent Chasefield would really work out well
At this point I think anyone actually replying to the schizo is a troll looking to shit up the thread. Assuming it is not just the schizo themselves.
Sounds like you’re not very self-aware, incel. I bet your favorite character is Gwen because you identify with it. Lol your tranny sister onegirllis killed ITSELF lmao
It's hilarious to see ambertroons using the word cuck when they support a ship where Rachel basically fucked the entire town behind Chloe's back.

Cope. Literally all of amberniggers are made of mentally ill trannies, there is a fucking reason why Chris Chan is one of them.
This pic really proves ambershitters are still delusional as ever.
>pricefield sequel no one wants
>more money the merrier right?
I have no words……

You people should love troons given that this entire series is made around people who worship them and oppressed minorities like the beaner brothers in 2
>you people
Huh yet you’re here….not very self-aware I see. Interesting
Cuckoldfield status? Eternally gets cucked by Amberprice and Fayfield
Amberprice status? Cucked by Ambowers AND Amberson, two canon ships.
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Stop giving attention or replying to the Rachel Amber fan, they want that and they are desperate for it.
The character I identify with the most is Jefferson
Safi Fayyad is busy eating out Max Caulfield in the next room. Please try again. Rachel x Chloe is the only good and canon ship for them.
You can't cheat on someone you were never in a relationshio with, but still canon accurate.

I can't hear you from the loud sounds of Rachel moaning as Jefferson is buries his dick inside of her ass. Amberson is the only Rachel pair that made sense since it's canonically a thing and the player cannot change or even influence that.
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Max is living happily as a couple with Safi. Amberprice won.
Rachel is living happily as a couple with Frank in the after life. And theyalso dated before the after life, how cute. Peak soulmates.
>Amberprice won

How? They're both dead
Now I understand why they are so hated.
Cuckoldfield doesn't have their moments in the game because every time Max tries to talk to Chloe, she's only interested in finding her missing true lover, Rachel Amber.
They're now living a blissful eternal life in heaven.
And Rachel is fucking Damon in the afterlife.

Yeah, we spend the whole game finding out that Rachel was massive whore who never liked Chloe.
Post, Dykes!
This is the smug face of a girl who got what she wanted (Chloe Price).
That's the face Rachel would make if she could have Jefferson (her true love) again.

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