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Homage or Chinese Knock-Off Edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New info + Recent trailers: https://www.ign.com/articles/monster-hunter-wilds-the-first-preview

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>482983157
I love huntresses
I love huntresses
>double pink rathian on dunes
4U is such dogshit man
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petition to remove rise and add mhnow to the op instead
>the entire first area is a ledge
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>He's is not a Solo Hunter
yu fummed it op eedot
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World PC lumu room here:


>get hit five times in a row in the middle of a guard because the pink rathian tail whip hit at a slight right angle
>stunlocked until poison chip kills me
>fail quest 40 minutes in
4U is such massive unrelenting dogshit man
Qurupeco capture quest with invaders Jho & Bagel
winnie the pooh collab quest with a yellow arzuros
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>Thou does not hunt primarily by thy self
Retard actually tried playing guard lance in 4U kek
what if I hunt solp
You weren't supposed to leak the new wilds monster Solp!!!
Solpa de Great Maccao
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Good hunts! Room is 1/16 or dead.
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Thanks for the hunts. Lumu is kill
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Thoughts on Deviants?
And which one is your favorite.
only ones I fought before I've taken this really long break from GU were redhelm and stonefist. they could be annoying but overall not too bad
You only like grimclaw because of the bikini armor
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ps4 sunbreak lumu wumu
6CTG iJ8u 7jHy
1/4 (soon to be 2/4)
holy fuck bros
i finally get frontier
im not getting one shot in hr5 anymore without halk pots
its so much fun :D
love the really cool ones hate the lame ones
my favorite is boltreaver by far. but i think grimclaw, hellblade, bloodbath, thunderlord, silverwind are also really good
Give 10 min
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monster hunter now? moar liek soul hunter now!
I think they are honestly some of the best fights of pre-5th gen and are generally improvements on the base monster, some a lot more than others
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where are you
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this fotm twitterbait flopped hard
>Iceborne monsters take forever to kill.
Did they double the HP across the board or something?
>that new moistcritikal video
>shitting on people complaining about elden ring being too hard
>says they should just collect Scadutree Fragment in the game to make it easier for them because they clearly can't beat it on their own
fucking kek indirectly shitting on all the people complaining about spiribirds hahahaha it is funny though that fromsoft devs decided to do the spiribird idea too though maybe it'll become a staple of the genre now
You need to buy an ad NOW
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>another big creator says they're uninterested in wilds
hahahahaha holy shit it might actually flop seriously i genuinely don't get what changed from world to wilds to get them to do a total 180 on this series. i mean we all know worldfags never truly liked monster hunter but wilds is literally just world 2 so what changed in their minds?
world is the closest entry to the developers original vision as shown by the proto-MH1 design docs
cope tribortion
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>>another big creator says they're uninterested in wilds
>hahahahaha holy shit it might actually flop seriously i genuinely don't get what changed from world to wilds to get them to do a total 180 on this series. i mean we all know worldfags never truly liked monster hunter but wilds is literally just world 2 so what changed in their minds?
Better than Hypers, that's for sure
lol I haven't even played tri and third gen as a whole is one of the weakest gens in the series I just think it's funny that there's zero hype behind wilds when capcom is almost certainly pouring a ton of resources into this game
>lol I haven't even played tri and third gen as a whole is one of the weakest gens in the series
sounds like you never truly liked monster hunter
>big creator
I legitimately read this as "another bing creator"
This thread has caused permanent brain damage
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>either a genlet or rice tendie
>trying to shit on world by talking about some faggot zoomer "creator"
Somebody just asked moistcritikal on stream if he'd be playing the newest monster hunter and he said probably not and then dunkey didn't even acknowledge the wilds announcement despite mentioned almost every other game in his SGF video. The thing is these content creators don't actually give a fuck about world or monster hunter. They just latched on because they knew it was super easy views. Now that they're seeing there's zero hype behind wilds they're ignoring the series like they used to. If the demo in august doesn't wow people hard then I'd be concerned about sales if I worked at capcom.
don't project your newfaggotry onto me wilds has one last chance to salvage the lack of hype and interest with the demo
Not gonna read all that but you need to go back
cope all you want these big creators were a massive reason world got the amount of sales it did so the lack of interest from them is concerning. i'm sure capcom expects wilds to at least do as good as world if not better so it's not looking good
The demo is right here though
Still mad that they didn't release an actual demo for it
plus they padded the beginning of the game with 2hrs of cutscenes before actually hunting properly which zones you out of the refund period
didn't ask
Unless you guys are content creators I don't see why you'd care if wilds sold less than world. It's probably still outsell rise so while capcom might consider wilds a failure it doesn't mean the end of "immersive" monhun
world didnt have the power of asmongoloid
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rise sisters, play it tactical!
say that to the guy sperging about how wilds has "one last chance"
it did during the "return to world" meme campaign and he jumped on that for the easy views. wonder if he's even playing the next monhun
I will never understand why people on the internet take children's video games so seriously
to save the hype yeah hype was a massive part of why world did so well you know the iconic video of people screaming because of monster hunter looking so HD and pretty and all that and now wilds just looks meh to a lot of people apparently
I'm a millenial from the united states and the nintendo 64 raised me instead of my drugged out parents so I feel indebted to nintendo
didn't ask
my dad went for a pack of smokes and never came back, i am trans an a nintendie dont know if that matters
you're clearly bothered by this lol relax if people liked world that much then surely they'll still buy wilds even if streamers don't, right?
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What if monster hunter fans weren't autistic?
They probably exist, but not here.
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Anyone would like to play some Rise/Sunbreak on PC?
Lobby ID: Q2e03Rd7dTCrd468
Password: 8463
lmao even
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>he isn't a solo hunter
I will never respect you again
You need to be autistic on some level to have more than just a passing interest in monhun
You both are invited as well.
it wouldn't be as fun
Try again when people are actually awake
Assumed as much when there were no open lobbies .
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>Wilds comes out
>Newfags swarm in
>Thread becomes Rise Vs World Vs Wilds
>Wilds has nothing but ERP Rooms
>Thread quality drops even further
>Becomes /feh/ quality
>Anon kills himself or has to post about monhun on leddit or SHITter
>Anon Hangs himself
didn't ask
Truth hurts and you will kill yourself I foresaw your future cuck!
wilds hunters will be well behaved you tranny and they'll contribute valuable insight so you can go back to discord now
Say this again, but this time without crying.
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Oh god, I forgot about this "play it tactical" post. Imagine taking genwarring so seriously that you organize group tactics on how to "win" your genwar in forums. It makes me wonder if these people do similar things for other franchises they feel strongly about.
And on a related note, I find it so funny that a platform called Discord is the source of so much, well, discord and drama in communities.
I'm going gay if wilds flops
Discord has honestly ruined so many things for me, I hate using it but everyone uses it. Like modding Info? Discord! Art tips? Go to my FUCKING DISCORD! A single tech issue? Yeah I figured it out how about going to my god damn son of bitching discord because I refuse to just SAY IT so no one has to face this issue!!!
you're crying
based hope you like lancing!
Is this discord in the lumu right now?
don't encourage him he will never be able to play lance his asshole hasn't been gaped wide enough
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>Responded to the wrong post because he couldn't see through his tears
lol it's funny because lance players are really really gay man what a bunch of homos
sorry bro we're full
lolg is down the hall and to the left, or you can join one of the many gachafag generals littered across the board
>sorry bro we're full
woah woah well let's hold on a sec there anon we haven't even seen his bussy application he just wants to play lance we should hear him out
I miss the days of the internet when people actually wanted to freely share information and media about games.
The good old days of places like Geocities and Angelfire, back when everyone wasn't just trying to create their own little fiefdoms. Which is exactly what these Discord shitters are trying to do whenever they make their mods or their downloadable files only downloadable through their Discord channels. They do that so that they can feel like kings and have control over other people.
The current state of gaming social media also makes me miss GameFAQs. Because written guides on GameFAQs are always better quality than the video guides of YouTube that are ALWAYS bloated as a way to maximize ad revenue. GameFAQs guides were organized and contained table of contents (eg: "go to section 1.4.A to learn more about how to beat this specific boss!"). Meanwhile, when it comes to hours long YouTube guides, many content creators don't even have timestamps to specific sections. So many of these YouTube guides are also unscripted, with the creator talking about things adlibbed and just meandering and wasting so much time.
>bussy application
>lancefags are coming up with their own lingo now
you can't make this shit up
>the slightest bit of new MH info comes out
>8 30min videos from everybody about it
>n-not interested bros!
Using the term 'content creator' should be a ban.
You're talking about monhun youtubers that's not the same thing. Those guys put out content only people invested in monhun care about. No well adjusted person is watching gaijinhunter or rurikhan lol
now compare views
>actually wanted to freely share information and media about games.
Some people would make huge secrets out of findings and only share them with selected people. If they had the tools back in the day they would have acted as people do today. I'd get the hate for discord duo to its data collecting shit but it's usually just some whining cause of resources being locked behind joining a server which takes what? 5 clicks? or anons getting their arses kicked by some power hungry mod after they acted like retards on a reddit-tier mass server. Nexon by the way also required you to register an account to download mods.
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It's funny how these bingies don't realize that these pathetic flop predictions will be used against them when Wilds inevitably sells 50 billion copies. It's like they didn't learn a single lesson from all their pre-World "actually it won't sell" posts. You'd think that, after getting BTFO'd so damn hard with World, they'd actually wait to see if the game actually does flop to begin dogpiling on it. But no. These seethers seemingly have the memory span of goldfishes. Or, alternatively, they just hate World and Wilds so much that their hatred of it completely overrides any rational impulses.
I think they're too much designed around styles when most weapons don't have good styles so they have really unbalanced weapon matchups, more so than normal
this when wilds sells 60 million copes we'll show them
that's the problem they don't even realize wilds is going to sell 60 million copies because they're stupid
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I'm just not going to buy Wilds.
3 words
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>we all retreat to the last good monster hunter game's general on /vmg/ where we sit out our last days until we die of old age, happy, wearing a Navirou mask after having hunted 50k Pukei Pukei
Wilds will sell more than Rise but less than World.
World will forever be remembered as the pinnacle of the series.
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>nintentoddlers still trying to rewrite story
I think it's very cool and not gay at all that every zinogre weapon tree in MH4U turns into a Lagiacrus weapon tree and then needs you to farm black gravios extensively if you want to make a thunder weapon for some reason
Still true even 9 years later
Everything requires gravios mats for some reason in 4U, it's a sick joke.
yeah a bit after 4U release was when this general really started going downhill
3U era was so fucking kino man, I miss it so much
How's Rise on Steamdeck?
>first MH game with a massive autistic endgame grind
>said grind and high difficulty of endgame quests pressures parties into optimizing
>endgame grind and DLC dripfeed faggotry pushed people towards cheating which ended up destroying 4U online entirely
I don't blame the players, I blame the game for being everything a fun co-op game shouldn't be
Do you guys associate any monsters with a specific weapon?

Diablos and Greatsword for me.
>there is not a single mod or patch that gives pre-World games a normal analog camera
Pissing and shitting and crying
4th gen games have normal cameras
Room still up?
What the fuck
Nergigante and Hammer
they really don't need it though, there's rarely a reason to look up or down and when there is the segmented angles are just fine
Insect Glaive and Zinogre
Only late joiners liked the 4U event quest/dlc model cause they had anything unlocked from the go. However if you played the game at release you had to wait ages for decent event quests. The worst part is all the rewards and monsters were already on the card and the dlc only unlocked the quest. If someone unlocked a quest via cheats you were able to join just fine as long as they hosted.
that's some real schizo shit
I kind of feel worse about the ai dodogama
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Horrors, anons. Horrors.
Look at the brown thing on the left
What the fuck. Skyrim is so bad, I thought it was an AI trying to make a Skyrim video.
I feel retarded, after 400 hours of playong World with Lance I just discovered the Reverse Attack is a thing
>I feel retarded, after 400 hours of playong World
Don't worry, that's normal
It's ok, I discovered charge blade in world and I didn't know powering it up was a thing until I saw someone do a SAED during an SOS
Can you stop posting? I'm the only one making typos round these parts and you're making me look like a noob.
Is that bad-looking 3D animated MonHun movie in Netflix beareable in japanese
I mean it's not bad. It's light hearted and the Insect Glaiver dies so it's kinda cool.
It's better than the live action movie. I just kind of hate how much monhun side media hypes up monsters that shitters can kill without issue.
It's ok but they made the fights realistic again. I understand that move cause it's a bit awkward to have characters stabbing a monster for 10 minutes on a TV show but on the other hand too realistic fights arent faithful to the games.
is there anything new in 3U low-rank compared to 3 low-rank?
>on the other hand too realistic fights arent faithful to the games.
kill yourself gu/risesperm
Anon I'm aware that monsters die in a couple of seconds in World but that's not the norm for the rest of the series, and seeing it in a MH movie is just jarring.
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rent free
>monsters that shitters can kill without issue
nu-monhun issue early mons could fuck you up in the old days
>it's another risetard thinks zipping around in the air while double jumping while the monster explodes and teleports around is "classic MH" episode
"Realistic fights" in this case meant monsters going down in just a few hits. Which is not at all faithful to MH.
I know you were a kid when you played FU on your PSP, but LR has always been easy.
Whats the most forgetable flagship and why is Seregios?
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>this is going to be classic monster hunter soon
Seregios was a flagship?
I wish I could say Magnamallo but in all honesty I will never forget what a retarded design he has
Azure Rathalos
4U yes. For some reason they kept Gore on the burger cover instead of using the actual jp cover with Seregios like in EU
the reason being that seregios is shit and gore is cool, same way brachydios is shit and azure rath is cool, and nergigante is shit but rathalos cool
Lagiacrus at least has being the face of underwater combat going for it, even if that's kind of all it has.
>tfw Wilds will probably get another Rathalos cover in the west
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>6 years later and still making people seethe
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im the best
You know exactly what I was gonna post huh you no life stalker
Valstrax is the strongest fliying monster
he didnt fight fatalis
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Wilds will let you cook monsters
He didn't because while the hunters were too busy bringing down Fatalis. His evolved version took down White Fatalis.

It will be explained in MH Wilds.
>"We also focused a lot on the type of interactions you can find when exploring, like with packs of monsters, chasing down hurt targets, and how they conflict with other human hunters," said the executive director. "We also have these characters with 24-hour patterns of behavior that are much more involved than in previous titles. These details all show not only how seamless and organic the world is, but also how dynamic it feels."

This sounds like a disaster in the making
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>cooking palicos and palamutes
It's Velkhana, Seregios at least has gimmicky weapons
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I mean there's literally dozens of action rpgs you can play that give you that monster fighter vibe. Monster Hunter is an immersive sim so it makes sense that room temp IQ individuals aren't hyped about MH Wilds.
extremely important poll https://poal.me/rgxn8n
yet you can't possibly articulate why
It means the game will be unable to run on the switch
And on PS5
Normalfags want to watch shivering frogs while they jerk off next to them wearing the Ghillie mantle.
>tons of cheaters
>World released on PC August 2018
Tendiebros, mind explaining yourselves?
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There are more immersive movie games than good MH clones.
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Enjoy your unstable 20 FPS "performance mode" gameplay.
Meh, the Switch 2 will be out before Wilds
Alatreon and Faty technically fly so...
>monsters that can and will fly and even attack while flying
>anon claims that they technically can fly
What did he mean by this?
DD2 ran at stable 60 though. Same engine. Moern consoles aren't using 2015 pc parts.
>Capcom says they ported Stories 1 vecause their execs arent retarded and understand the 3ds store closing makes the game less legally accessible
Collection with Freedom, Freedom Unite, 3U and 4U soon bros
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>DD2 ran at stable 60 though
>I mean there's literally dozens of action rpgs you can play that give you that monster fighter vibe.
Literally name 1 good one
Relink was ass
I'll believe it when I see an RE classic collection, which would be much easier to slap together but they still haven't done it.
Oh you played it on PC?
My condolences. PS5 was fine.

The game has targeting combat and even if you dont select a target your character will automatically track the next available enemy. It also shows that they got themself Platinum staff cause the endgame is absolute ass.
>PS5 was fine
There are lies which are believable and then there's that.
PS5 version never reaches 60 FPS, outside of cities you might reach 45, in cities it's rare to get to 30, and doing 180 degree turn in guilds makes the game freeze for two seconds.
console warriors everyone
What in the world are you even talking about? It was totally fine and enjoyable. Did you even play it? Don't talk to me about numbers numbers because I don't know the technical know how.

All I know and experienced is there wasn't any problems with FPS or what have you and the game looked amazing. If it's 40 fps then it's 40 if it's 60 then it's 60 not like I can even tell nor do I have some line of text on the upper right telling me how many fps there is.

It's a video game not some research paper to cure cancer you ginormous nerd.
>brings up numbers
>Don't talk to me about numbers numbers because I don't know the technical know how.
>all of that cope afterwards
fucking consoloids
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>Don't talk to me about numbers numbers because I don't know the technical know how.
I know you don't. Because if you had a brain or eyes you would know.
Did you know sonys ps5 is popular in india?
console players showing how stupid they are episode #dvc52.c5.643
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>say wilds is on ps5
>cuhnsole wereyor
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PC and Xbox are more popular in that shithole.
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Why would you lie on the internet.
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Oh look the entire PC discord came out of the dilating room.

Had your fun now? Lol bunch of sad losers.
Retarded dirty hapa
Do PCs not count as consoles for these stats?
Where's PC?

Shitskin Pajeet.
the majority of PCs aren't even used for gaming retards
Oh, I'm sorry. Let met update that.
Retarded dirty hapa shitskin pajeet
brownoids fighting each other will never not be funny
>Let met
bloody bastard bitch
Its 5am. I'm sorry I made a type while shitposting.
You're trying too hard now, Pajeeto.
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monster hunter (main line at least) is shaping up to be like a playable rendition of the old entries' CGs
these were used as a reference, represent what the games were meant to be, pushed to the absolute ideal in an age where technology wasn't there yet
the funny thing is... this fact makes totes legit "veterans" piss and shit their jorts with utter disappointment and contempt
hmm... something is not right...
DosGODS are eating so good
Fun fact: What makes for good movies doesn't necessarily make for good gameplay
That's every single fandom ever. People who are heavily invested in something don't want change, for better or worse.
i fuck you bloody
you guys really believe this game will be like DOS?
by this game I mean monster hunter mobile of course
>pushed to the absolute ideal in an age where technology wasn't there yet
Not being able to walk while consuming items and superman pose sure where things they only did duo to technical limitations.
who knows. maybe it was because they couldn't work out proper transition animations.
you bloody benchod bitch preorder wilds for ps5 now or I rape u later
It's aping the aesthetics of the old CGs but the gameplay will be so streamlined and toothlesss that it's going to feel like a theme park ride
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my idea of good gameplay is me and my friends ride out of the city seamlessly into the wilds, hunting monsters with a unforgivably clunky combat system, bring the fucker down, high fives flying, chest bumping, group spitting and pissing in the monster's mouth, get back at the gathering hub and offer everyone a round of drinks
your idea of good gameplay is bing bong ding dong
we are not the s-hut the fuck up
Why is MH turning into another movie franchise bros...
This is what happens when something gets popular with normalfags
>release pure kino that happens to have more cutscenes than usual
>biggest sales numbers the company has ever seen
Your franchise never stood a chance.
looking at the wilds trailers again and that broken ring shape / mountain seems really familiar

has that design appeared before?
If they're going to make the game a seamless open world experience I want the ability to form an antiguild with a bunch of hunters and fight back against those glowies that only let you carve 3-4 parts off of an 8000 pound monster
the guild would like to know your location
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I'd love a spinoff mh where you're not playing a (((guild))) hunter
>use para knives on guild hunters during a hunt
>steal the monster kill
>They should turn MonHun into an extraction shooter
This fanbase deserves every bit of garbage it gets.
This is why I wrote spinoff, retard
If they did it with Melynxes and called it Poka Poka Palico Militia only on Switch U you guys would call it kino
I'm waiting patiently for the zoo management spinoff.
bruh whachu u think u gonna do with ur small bowguns and shiet
the guild got flying air balloons and giant ballistas u aint doin shit pussy
The guild literally needs a hercules tier hero to show up and kill everything any time there's a problem bigger than a bulldrome. They sent an entire multi generational expedition to the new world to investigate it and the whole thing gets solved by one guy and his cat in a few weeks. They're completely incompetent.
>If they made a game with soul you guys would call it kino
Erm, yes?
Both of you faggots are retards
Xbox and sony have constantly been switching in popularity here
In one way or another, xbox and sony have had their phases
PC + piracy overwhelms them both and yet... it plays 2nd fiddle to mobile
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still waiting for my monster hunter dating sim capcom
40 years and they couldn't navigate out of the ancient forest. Parallels well with the amount of old timers who also couldn't figure it out beyond corridor-arena-corridor.
>Parallels well with the amount of old timers who also couldn't figure it out beyond corridor-arena-corridor.
oh god it really does.
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>you play as palico's as they get enrolled for tailrider safari/meowcenaries/whatever
>it turns in a overly dramatic 'nam flick with scuffed apache and hueys made out of bamboo and shit
>fortunate meow plays
if you don't think this is greatest idea ever for a spinoff you are fucking gay
>heart of meowkness
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>ara ara hunter-kun, are you getting hit by my tailswipes on purpose?
>apocalypse meow
Capcom is not based enough to make this in current year
i'm more of "purr through the jungle" enjoyer myself
>full fur jacket
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>The localization team comes in to punch up the title
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Isn't that a good thing?
Weren't people despising the massive exposure to massive fucking faglords of gaymountains barging into the series uninvited and shitting out their useless opinions?
It is as if I, who never played fignting games beyond a handful of button mashing sessions in arcade, will start playing fighting games and voice faggot opinions about "DESIGN" and "DIFFICULTY". Like, who the fuck are you, nigglet, get out of here
massive hp bloat, you're supposed to be constantly playing the tenderize minigame and wallbang for a percentage of health. dogshit game
Is it your first monster hunter ?
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Don't play second gen, they don't let you tenderize white monoblos there.
>Isn't that a good thing
I never said it was a bad thing lol I hope wilds doesn't flop because I'm worried capcom will go full jew in the next game if it does but maybe if wilds flops they'll take it easy with the casualization and movie shit. Either way I'm just waiting for the demo to see if it's shit or not. I just find it funny how content creators seemed to have turned on the game despite it being literally everything they ever asked for.
other g/m ranks don't have that problem
>15 minutes per hunt average while progressing without using wallbangs or tenderizing
The horror. G rank hunts back then would take as much if not more time on average
There were a whole bunch of monsters in the old games where they allow you to fight it over several quests because they don't expect you to be able to hit it to death in one go.
Time to chill out with some Japanese LV140 GQ runs

wait 140 mons get new moves ? interesting might be worth the grind then
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I'm playing rise and I played world and other monster hunter games and rise is such a letdown.
>Online is SO SHIT why can't I just see the quests that are asking for help like in world? I have to select one and wait half a minute to see if there is someone there? I can join a quest, ends in one minute and that's it I completed it? Rooms of 4 instead of 16, lots of afk and trolls vs world which seems surreal
>Spirit birds are shit and don't make sense in many environments, same with other endemic life. A tropical bird in a volcano with lava, ok
>Narwa is a shit fight, almudron is shit, many monsters have tiny and wrong hitboxes and you end up attacking where you don't want to attack.
>Palicos and malamutes suck, I don't want to play pokemon
>Argosy, buddy grow, cantine... It's all worse than in world
>Hitboxes are wrong and gamefeel is worse than in world
>Rampages. Why the fuck is there a tower defense mode in a game that is not about tower defense and with a shit online system?
The only thing I would say is better is the switch skills vs the clutchclaw and maybe the wire bugs as a way of movement and giving some freedom to the player, but they seem too broken to me, it makes the game so much easier and chaotic.

Monster riding is ok I guess, it's cool to ram monsters, but is too easy.

This game took the japanese setting to heart, with all of the useless shit, overloaded particles, effects and mechanics and things being clunky, gatcha and shit for no reason.
worlo melty
worlo tuna melty
worlo bacon egg and cheese melty
>overloaded particles, effects
Even on the default lowest settings it's an obnoxious firework show, mods are absolutely mandatory to fix that shit.
this one is an obvious falseflag, can you fag give it a rest already? play the games and fuck off
Rise good
Nothing he said was wrong tho and I have nearly 1.2k hours in Rise
Thinking of getting a switch for GU after loving world and rise, are there any other non shit games on that console?
It seems that having any opinion of Risebreak that isn't the utmost of contempt is still taboo. I wonder how long you guys plan to keep that charade going.
Does it get better with sunbreak?
I'm starting it and have some doubts.
I enjoyed world more.
If they fix the problems world has in wilds and they use the good stuff of rise it can be a very good game.
You're better off just emulating. There's a guide in the OP.
and I have 1.4k hours and the only point I can agree with is that the online sucks. Especially the hitbox one sounds like pure bait.
Sunbreak is the best gen 5 MH, and it isn't close.
Anon last week literally showed how nonsensical the Zinogre boxes were
then link it
Just saw a truck that said ‘Dos Cafe’ on it. It’s a sign.
Wilds is combining all the worst parts of World and Rise
Not at a PC right now to troll the archives. Out watching a crew.
You can find it easily enough yourself.
Your burden of proof. I'm not gonna do your work.
so youre just admitting youre lazy i bet your mom makes your bed too
damn bro that guy said you don't make your bed...personally I wouldn't let that slide but that's just me
this guy doesn't make his bed? lmao what a little baby mommy making his bed for him
Sorry currently busy doing your mom :^)
nta but someone a fiew thread back showed gameplay with a mod that display hitboxes
while some of these might seem weird in term of size and active times but they actually make sense in term of game design, so they're not nonsensical and anon is retarded
i suppose you could open an archive and search by filetype and find the webm fairly fast
Raths with Hammer, Khezus with LBG.
The guy talking about it was only talking about a single move btw
way to embarrass me in front of the whole thread jackass you never think about other people's feelings do you?
What if gunlance had guardpoints when using wyrmstake or in certain moves during the upward slash combo? Honestly curious on how it and CB are gonna look.
>one attack hitbox was made easy to evade
that's it? and this is supposed to proof Rise "terrible hitboxes"?
guard point on reload, anything else would be unnecessary or too strong
If the guy actually played Rise, he would have given actual examples instead of trying to refer you to a webm posted by someone else. I haven't played Rise in a while and haven't started Sunbreak, but the only thing I disliked about that game regarding hitboxes is that I felt like most attacks had bad vertical hitboxes and hit you despite not looking like they should have.
The only issue I had with hitboxes is that SnS is sometimes too short. Some parts of flailing monsters can be extremely hard to hit cause of the clean hitboxes. The only instance of inaccurate hitboxes I know of is that on release the helm breaker wirebug move sometimes had dislocated hits but I cant remember if they fixed this later.
would be interesting to have a guard point at the end of wide sweep (you do have the shield in front of you) that could turn into ws
not practical in any way but why not?
>what if we gave the big move you have to time properly a tool for it to be safe
i get the idea alright the shield is here, but gameplay wise i'm no sure it's a good idea
>what if we gave the big move you have to time properly a tool for it to be safe
Every other weapon already gets this
>what if we gave the big move you have to time properly a tool for it to be safe
>not a good idea
kek you just described the LS and GS
I wonder if I should save this qurio aug for a different piece, one with perhaps worse skills but better slots? like the primordial mail for example
Yes. Farming for materials to get multiple copies of an armor is nothing.
MOH+CritElement will be useful for like 90% of builds for all weapons.
That's on top of the skills that Risen Kaiser chest already has.
Why haven't YOU done a solo, no-damage run of a LV140 guild quest?

you forgot your tranimal pic
I got 4U set up but haven't started it yet.
Thank the resident schizo for that one
this is the culture the general created when world came released. you reap what you sow.
Implies plurality. The rise hate is almost entirely one single anon.
Sorry. I should have known better than to ask a question about MHFU during World's heyday.
is there a mod for 4g without mounting and ledges?
Damn jho just kneels when you have dragon immunity and dual blades
Of course not you fucking retard. If you don't like mounting just don't use jump attacks.
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Worlo is on sale again. Even deeper discount.
just edit the files to deal 0 mounting damage
or give the monsters 99999 mounting status resist.

I'm sure the tools are there somewhere
I love huntresses
why is the general so slow this week? Like even for a Monday there would at least be a lumu up, what’s going on?
Are you living in a cave? there's literally no reason to be in the general right now. No news, no demo until august, no leaks or rumors about the next portable game, not even fucking music poll results. There's literally nothing to talk about and the rooms are clearly boring people at this point. Not to mention one of the regulars said he had a big college paper to write so he's busy
monster hunter....died
Doesn't solve ledges
tigrexposter mindbroke me into hunting solo
serious answer: got shit to do
Then play 3 and stop bitching
post favorite huntress if you love them so much
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Erdtree's lance won.
LSchuds keep getting mogged in every game.
>final erdtree boss spoiled by /mhg/ of all places
I shouldn’t have clicked the link…it’s over
at least post "spoiler" or something
You think there'll ever be a monster hunter game with both good camera control and no gimmicks?
what's there to spoiler? the DEEPEST lore?
love choco and also pawgtress
The gay sex scene
>naginata still carrying since base game launch patch
Sorry anon, but thanks to your sacrifice I didn't click.
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>Be me
>what do you mean you care about what the final boss encounter is
Same reason why I wouldn’t come to a monster hunter thread during a new game, I don’t want to lose discovering how to fight an encounter on my own
You know what
I forgive you.
An error shows that you have been manually typing these posts.
That, I believe, is more impressive than the alternative.
You deserve respect.
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Welp sadly for you I just leaked Wilds Final boss SSJ3 Rajang you little bitch~
It was a given it was going to be Radahn.
They kept jerking him off all the time everywhere.
I honestly dont care about design leaks. I remember people in disbelieve when Shara, Allmother and Gorm leaked. And for gameplay leaks you still have to press the play button.
Well, you've doubled down on the spoiler at least.
It's no Artorias of the Abyss
or Monster Hunter: Sh/4/G-arU
Remember when people were saying Gorm was Ibushi's and Narwas baby and was deformed because you kept kicking Allmother in the baby sacs.
And Gorm was Ibushi's Bull.
>Remember when people were saying Gorm was Ibushi's and Narwas baby and was deformed because you kept kicking Allmother in the baby sacs.
And remember when this turned out to be right and confirmed by the devs?
No they confirmed it was Narwa and Magnamalo were having sex while Ibushi watched
Well nevermind, I've been spoiled anyway...
world pc room?
the ripped model of Gorm looked really stupid but in game it was then actually pretty good. I wonder how bizarr the Wilds final boss will be.
I love that Narwa looks she has testicles and I love using Swaxe to latch on and blow up on them.
>you stayed here despite spoilernigger being in the thread
My sacrifice…in vain
Forgive me... Zanzilos...
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Can we talk about buggers?
Can we discuses how every weapon would improve with a kinsect??
Can we mention how they friend shaped???
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>Can we talk about buggers?
Yeah they taste great
>Can we discuses how every weapon would improve with a kinsect??
Yeah ever hunter would bring me a snack
>Can we mention how they friend shaped???
very friendly snacks
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I'm feeling Zamtrios coming back for Wilds.
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He's in.
I hate buggers
Every weapon had one (two) (three or four) (five on IG) in Rise and it sucked
They're enemy shaped

Japan doesn't even know the difference between bees and wasps and you expect me to accept their garbage opinions on invertebrates
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>Jobbing to an insect
stories exclusive monsters are the new frontier monsters they'll probably never make it to the main series
Big mode is too un-serious for MHY despite the fact that World's entire design MO was "take a brown creature and make it do something funny after a few minutes"

Don't forget the scoutflies
Oltura would KILL Fatty
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I enjoy bug friends
If you think Wilds isn't going to be full of the silliness MH is known for you need to go back and play the other games. They've been putting out banger after banger for 20 years now and the current obsession with trannies and kike funding won't change that.

Capcom might be a bunch of retards in a lot of ways but they don't seem to really fuck with MH much.
Every design decision in Wilds is made purely to make the game as appealing to western audiences as possible. I expect the worst.
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This will be in wilds
Sorry, no more spider monsters, think of the heckin arachnophobes
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yeah man, old MH was totally eastern and not made by westaboos
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The direction is just World again and World lacked stuff like the nice item pickup/carve noises, a solid percentage of the historically present weapon lines (including my favorites, the gunhammer and daora's ceti, both of which had every reason to be there), the SO TASTY, all sorts of small ungritty stuff
and the effort spent on not doing those things is instead redirected into a fully english voice acted inclusive romanceable palico
So yes I feel it is within my right to expect them to bungle it again, especially as they're completely ignoring G5.5 publicly which restored some small amount of those things but lacked in other areas instead
Asian here and I miss these aesthetics.
You don't belong here.
Every design in Rise felt like it was appealing to turbo-weebs and it felt stupid as hell.
why would you hide your name? what are you afraid of?
You breaking into my house and Marrying me.
I'm not ready even if I love you anon.
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And here I thought I was playing Monster Hunter.
>just wirefa-ACK
It's almost as though the eastern understanding of pleasant western aesthetics is not itself the same as trying to appeal to said westerners by imitating their extant franchises which have almost no artistic merit to start with
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I would have closed the roundslash while dodging the first tail slam, gotten red and rolled the second tail slam.
>not getting hit trying to get the last move of the full combo out
you're not a real LS main
so what's his name? you clearly must be cheating if you don't want to marry me
>You don't belong here.
Because I don't want MH to become just another AAA slop franchise? The series has abandoned just about every central part of its identity at this point, with Wilds even abandoning having a central hub and quests in instanced maps in favor of open world garbage. Just because open world is just the "in" thing now. And journalists are praising it, calling Wilds MH's entrance into a modern age and leaving "dated" design elements behind. It's fucking sickening. So at this point, why wouldn't I expect them to ruin the tone as well? All they've been showing us is storyshit and drab brown desert.
Mama mia..
What's worse is that he could have gotten the full combo out and also avoided getting hit.
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>do final slash
>get hit by the first tail slam
>do final slash
>manage to dodge first tail slam
>get hit by second tail slam because you have to slowly sheathe your weapon

I know. I use most weapons.
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does anyone have that pic of someone's ibukishi MH doujinshi collection?
John Rathalos
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You can fuck narga's AI when in proximity.
If you get lucky it might miss both hits because you are too close.
t. I've done it twice so I'm basically an expert
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Yeah, it's most likely possible, but I just prefer not getting hit in general.
I don't have enough speedrunner in me.
aisha is a proper girl she would never do this
What are the most iconic/recognizable weapons of every type for you?
>switch axe
random own-crotch-chopping garbage
>charge blade
sword and shield but gay
>insect glaive
retarded stick but you also have your only friend with you
About time. What took them so long ? The poll's been closed for a long time, I doubt the remix is done already, just why announce the winning theme so late
well at least they're finally doing SOMETHING
>good timeline
Orchestral remix
>bad timeline
Electricshit straight out of rajang’s asshole
Do you think we'll get to see Wilds gameplay before August?
>ruined timeline
Rap featuring american rapper.
Eat your hamburgers, apollo
Switch axe is cool as fuck
Charge Blade turns into a pizza cutter
Iverts are rad and better than mammals
Agito/Brunhilde GS
Devil Slicer LS
Dragon Breaker Hammer
Hi Frost Edge SnS
Dual Dragon Ultimus DB
Blitzworks HH
Regalia Ceadeus CB
Sinister Saints SA
Leumundsbruch IG
BeastKingThunderbow Bow
Daora's Delphinidae HBG
Island of the Gods LBG
Mostly the iron and bone lines for each
GS could go from Jawblade to Cera
Hammer I have too many favorites but the image of the normal bone fits (but so do the metal and rock chunk ones)
SnS makes me think of Jaggi's for some reason
Dual Swords probably the silver+gold ones
Lance the Babel Spear that Ace has
Gunlance the Striker line
Longsword maybe the eager clever but I've always liked seeing the Garuga and Yan Yue Dao polearms
Barroth's switch axe being one of the first ones available probably counts
The guns are probably Rathling and Blossom
Not sure about bow if you ignore stuff like Kelbi
Hunting Horn, Gravios unless it needs to be a horn

I don't think about IG and CB at all
>Orchestral remix
oh boy yet another boring live orchestra version of whatever wins. Cannot wait.
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>Rathalos front in center despite still not having his own theme
Come on now, also if Valstrax doesn't win I'll be shocked because the only other contender is Ceadeus for unarguable winner.
>doesn't like the yearly live orchestras vs. digital instrumentation
How can one man be so boring and still have the nerve to call other things boring
>cringe "I don't think about you at all"
>based "actually forgetting lance and gunlance exist"
All lances and gunlances look the same
>stick and table
>candle and table
And I never seen them unless I play it myself, and when I do play them, I forget I exist.
No one said that I dislike the yearly live orchestra but why would I want yet another orchestra version of a track that is likely featured there anyway?
The fact that NOW is starting to seem like an appealing MH the longer they keep updating it, says a lot about how terrible my mental hygiene has been lately.
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I think that Wilds' open worldisms will not lend themselves to social (g)rooms
Having said that, I, a lone hunta, will be unaffected.
>front in center
esl alert
ESL game
ESL series
ESL franchise
live with it or die with it
HH - Narga horn, Tigrex horn, and Seregios horn
SA - Seregios SA, Abyssal Lagi SA, Chaotic Gore SA
Sns - Hi Ninja Sword and Rathalos Sns
Stfu ESLs
>he IS a solo hunter
I'd genuinely love to hunt with you fags in a lumu, but fuck me are all of you insufferable in the thread
Think I'll be hunting solo too
... Provided I buy it
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Wild is set in India.
You will see street food vendors out in the wilds cooking with their armpits.
>one brainfart means I'm an ESL
Welcome to the shitskin side saar.
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I need a huntress with 4 arms and a giant futa cock.
It's nothing sexual in the least and merely pragmatic, I just need to spam the db aerial attack and see double the numbers and crits.
>huntress = better suited for DBs
>4 arms = 2 pairs of dual blades
>giant futa cock = pole vaulting to spam aerial attacks
>we track young Raheem's parents by sniffing footprints and collecting dung samples along the vibrant and dynamic streets of Kalforna
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah Ichinose save me
>huntress = better suited for DBs
What's your reasoning here?
I just want suzuki to make an expansion about middle age bohemia
>"dance moves" the weapon
Girls like dancing the most.
And also they are demons.
>girl are demons
>meanwhile in reality men go uooooh goon goon goooooon lemme cuuuuuuuum at the slightest sight of skin
yeah, that's me.
Bitching like a woman will not make you one
I don't blame anyone for not using lumu.
I only come to get Monster Hunter off my chest.
But you guys are gigafags and I'll never play with you.
no i don't i only say that when she shows ankle
It saddens me that this became the fate of every general on the site. Somehow a bunch of normalfags like yourself decided to latch on the hobby and stay for year all for the purpose of blogposting.
2012-3 /vg/ was peak where people would add each other constantly to play games. I'm looking at other threads like in coopg it's a bunch of sad fags like yourself ranting about playing with randos.
why are self hating males like this
Are you a copediver or a clicker?
I wonder if we've played together already.
Also was it you snitching on my post a bunch of weeks ago?
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Neither. I played vt in 2018 when vt2g was still a thing but even back then we never managed to get a group going. It was too far gone.
I stop by the drg thread on /vm/ occasionally and added the two guys that actually host lobbies as friend on steam so I don't miss them. Meanwhile the thread is 500 posts of retards arguing about meta garbage in a relatively easy game. A bit like here.
I'm gonna get another drink.
/sthg/ is better than /mhg/
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Prove it.

Oh nooo someone online thinks I lie noooo my world is over noooo my reality and high paying job nooooo
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for your education
report in.
>dead mmo slop
I had a lot of fun with the bros. Wouldn't really play it again.
i was going to say "at least you're white" and then i remembered that i prefer choco women
Hello. I am here for the huntresses.
>farm for Lagiacrus set before Ceadeus
>Need one horn, break Lagi's head
>Somehow no horn on rewards
>Try again, about to capture fucker with broken horn
> It tackles me at the same time it enters the trap, wasting my chance to throw the bombs before it wakes up
>No extra traps on me
I guess ceadeus can wait. Still no plate for the pants btw
Goddamn G3 molten tigrex is filtering me hard
Stfu cia you're reading your shit gets exhausting
This is why you should bring trap tools to craft new traps onsite
I had the plate issue. Desire sensor is real, just go into the hunt looking to mine pelagicite instead.
half the reason people jumped on return to world was because of wilds doofus
>actual ESL
>longest and skinniest foot I've ever seen in my life
You have the same anatomy of a leech person for the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring.
No one asked your opinion, Jolyne.
>no doujin where the mc out-teases Aisha, deflowers her and has kids with her living forever in Moga Village in peace
Stop with your gooning, Rad. Aisha is not real.
Blondie... my beloved....
You know what hurts the most? It's the fact that all these time the people you consider ""friends"" are the only trolling you. You niggers make Ryukishi and Doj look like sensible people.

Kill yourselves
who the fuck are you people and what are you doing in my house
Image how funny would it be if the Handler(does she have a name?) got a cameo in Wilds but she actually looked cute like Gemma and Alma do, as she was intended according to concept art
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Imagine if blondie wasn't a backstabbing crumpet crunching brit.
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>It's the fact that all these time the people you consider ""friends"" are the only trolling you
Yeah thanks. Bye.
kys NOW
>2012-3 /vg/ was peak where people would add each other constantly to play games.
because it was actually normal people who used 4chan then instead of only the rejects and crazies we have now. made good lifelong friends from the /v/ threads of games then before /vg/ was created
I miss the bots
>saying you'll leave
>not leaving
yep classic attention whore
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reporting from the retirement home
you weren't there stop lying
it was still better tho

Average monster hunter general poster:
Watch me
I don't think I enjoy the Guiding Lands and farming for decos. How is Sunbreak?
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Thread theme.
If MvC4 ever happens, would you like for them to try with a generic hunter again or have a Monster instead?
I hope MvC4 never happens. Corpo meddling ruined the last 2
Sunbreak has some of the better variety at the top half of G because monsters are split into categories and you can hunt one from any anomaly group for items you want and also shuffle between them and still progress AR
If you don't like the RNG armor stuff you don't have to use it but it's pretty easy to get good additions
I'd like to see Rajang or Fatalis.
Unnironically have Lute and Ratha
Rajang has been my pick for anything monster fighter related for a long time now because it just fits and is iconic enough
If we get a mon thats not Rathos its either gonna be the latest flagship or Zinogre. No in-between
/mhg/ used to have GOOD schizos now we only have the bad ones.
ᵍˡᵒʳʳʳʳʳʳʳᵖ...ˢʰˡᵒʳᵖ ˢʰˡᵒʳᵖ ˢʰˡᵒʳᵖ ˢʰʳʳʳʳʳᵖ...ᵍˡᵒᵇ ᵍˡᵒᵇ ᵍˡᵒᵇ ᵍʳʳᵏ...
>GOOD schizos
Uh huh. Gimme an example
often i visit this general and see someone respond to a post i made, but i dont remember making it
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>my huntress eating at the canteen
Whats the worst Lance matchup and why is it the Bagel?
No such thing as bad lance matchup, only bad lance players.
literally me
Anyone wanna grind Shara Ishvalda?
5 years too late
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>like 3 different grabs
>could have a taunt where he picks his teeth with a kirin horn while having a cartoonishly smug grin
Sorry for being late to the party, I'm a newborn in the franchise
That being said I really love Ishvalda, he looks like a cat
fuuka legs...sex
Try reddit or discord, nobody here plays the games.
Bad lance players, and not having Guard Up
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Me. I'm funny.
Is there a more forgettable monster than Fatalos / Rathalis?
Rajang/F. Rajang, Raging Brachy, and Fatty
Fuse two monsters right now
lolo and ray gougarf
trans gougarf
Plesioth + Gypceros
the water beam in now a poison beam
Nibblesnarf and Kushala
Kushsnarf would have the worst aspects of Kushala and Nibblesnarf making it cancerous.
I fuse mizutsune and rathian to make the most fuckable monster
thats a tranny
I'm neither Nergigante nor Magnamalo... I'm the Guy who's gonna defeat you!
*Fat Alice SHITS himself*
Golden rathian and silver rathalos to create a gold and silver tranny rath with both movesets in one
Tranny monsters would unironically be great because trannies are already monsters and I most people want to kill them, and you could fuse Teo and Luna, etc into a single harder fight with different color variants.
Purple Eclipse Soluna
Aurumargentum Rathalan
Stop playing Frontier.
>Platinum Flying Wyvern
What would it do if it met Black Flying Wyvern
But I was thinking about 3U, GU and Rise when coming up with the ideas?
Magnagante...has a nice ring to it dont you think?
>can flash
>can poison from the other side of the area
>that extensible tail sweep G rank gypceros do on a model with the shape and size of green plesioth
>run around like a retard
man i almost want it now
Monodia, it's a two horned monoblos
So hyped for a new valstrax theme
I want more jazz
>new valstrax theme
most of the fanbase played world, and in japan P3 is still the best selling MH, the only monster that is popular in these two groups is zinogre
a proper Jrock track would be of the best effect
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>feigns death
>wakeup hip check
>tfw I just found out you can jump on dalamadur's head and carve it
wtf why didn't you fags ever mention this ?
Sonic as the blue rathalos trying to fuck a huntress.
god i love it even more
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Wilds will give you a Grimalkyne Companion, and he follows you in hunts like a palico.
He will die sacrificing himself to the final boss monster
would result in me sending an insults letter to capcom, and a negative steam review regardless of the rest of the game
Normalfags love the cute companion dying in a serious game, like RDR2.
You will watch the Kot die
Wilds will have a jerking off mini game and other hunters can join in and stroke your cock.
Wilds will have a paizuri minigame
With hunters, not huntress.
Huntress is removed in wilds and sold as $30 DLC.
>Thank you for taking me along with you.... Meowster... but we both knew it was never going to work. It rained even on the day I was born
>You've got it all wrong, you were the lightning in that rain
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Default hunter is a big titty dickgirl and vanilla huntress is dlc
Did rise fuck up his theme? If not you're a faggot
That's an event quest, probably has special music
Black Gravios and Pyre Kadaki
I refuse to elaborate
I hope it's not Zinogre because we've already gotten like half a dozen remixes of it
But I don't see what else would be up there memorably
granted my favorite stuff seems to not align with the polling
i was. /vg/ exists because of starcraft 2
4chan never had normal people, only fucked up people that could hide what's weird about them in a normal setting because they were/are painfully self-aware.
You are not normal, you know full well why.
You might try to lie to me, or others, but you'll always know the truth.
Contrarily, there was a distinct lack of unmedicated early onset mental illness phoneposters which are an entirely different species than just being weird
that and the lack of a native extension or reply note kept the addy addicts away decently
i could see shara get it, genuinely among the best
i don't expect the poll to be any good, and rather reflect the bad taste of most
>That's an event quest, probably has special music
Yes, it has some annoying normalfaggot nigger wub wub unz unz.
choco time
As a black woman I would never touch any of you broke ass niggas
I love chocos
das rite gurl
choco doko
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>crying and shitting yourself over this
I got a reshade mod I forgot how Dull World is, which is a massive shame because my reshade makes World look really pretty, it feels like it was meant to be like this but someone later down the road dropped the saturation down greatly, like Tigrex is barely classifiable as orange.
Damn that sounds awful. Like one of those shitty YouTube comps for Asian phonk/techno
>unmedicated early onset mental illness phoneposters
You mean normalfags?
Because that's what being normal is: phoneposting and being miserable.
it's not really different from the music they've used for akuma for the last 30 years
I don’t play fighting games. My condolences to everyone that has had to deal with capcoms awful music direction for him
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>Wake up
>Go apeshit
>Everyone loves it
>Beat up an over grown Gurkin
>Everyone loves it
>Kill a horse with horn because I got hungry
>Universal Praise
How do I FUARKING do it?
Holy shit fuck nergigante
I have to farm just one more immortal scale from the fucker to finish my armor set
Thank god I switched to using a charge blade so I can atleast shield against his bs and hop away from time to time
He still whoops my ass though
Just topple him.
Imagine getting you ass kicked by the elder dragon of eternal topples
what do you guys mean by this?
I'm new to the game series in general
When you do enough damage to a certain part on a monster, or in some cases when you break a part, it'll cause the monster to topple (trip) and they'll writhe on the ground for a while allowing you to get some free damage. I think for regular nergi you have to break the spikes on his forearms.
thanks for the advice
I'll try to do that more often
Different parts of the monster have different stagger thresholds. For a lot of monsters if you attack the back legs they'll topple after either one or two staggers. Basically just attack the legs until it falls down then attack the head
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>first Iodrome, silver crown, killed the tenth Ioprey in the room he limped to to try and get away
>still killed him before the end quest 60 seconds were up
hey fuck you guy
Replaying World's OSt and man despite how well made the music is some are so much lesser like Zinogre has lost so much intensity despite his theme still being good.
Most of the Returning monsters have much weaker tracks.
Unless you are CHADjang's Jazz band.
amusingly enough the same direction that resulted in rajang's jazz is the reason why everything else is a muted masturbatory experimental ambient track
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Up you go.
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favorite monster you’ve hunted today?
The dark void and depressing sense of oblivion floating inside my head (triple carted)
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Finally sitting down and playing a real sitting of rise and man, as alright the game is (the returning mons are really good while most of the new mons I still need to hunt to form real opinions) Magnamalo is the blackest nigger coon of a monster I've ever seen in the series. Supposed to be a predator but the moment the likes of rathian shows up he shits his pants and runs away what the fuck? Do I just have all the beta male magnas or something or is this intended game design?
Truly a staple of the series, deserves a permanent spot in most games along with Jho.
He is based on a raccoon so it is no surprise
You know now that I've actually taken the time to learn the Dalamadur fight I actually think it's one of the better siege fights. Unlike the mohrans or lao that have mandatory waiting, you can pretty much be nonstop attacking dalamadur until it dies and there's always something to do.
>breaking both the left and right legs for the topples
>breaking the chest for the topple
>breaking both fanblades on its back for the topple
>cutting the tail off for the carve
>climbing on top of its head to carve then attacking the head for the topple
>breaking the face twice
>mining the meteors that fall for rare drops
by the time you do all that he's very close to dying so there's very little downtime and I like how you can attack multiple parts of his body at all times and you can climb the left or the right pillar to get really good attack spots. Don't get me wrong I think it could be polished up a bit more and maybe have the metors reworked but it's a fun fight once you learn it and I hope they bring dala back especially because some of his weapons are god tier
>I'll work my hiney off, I swear!
I'll work her hiney off every night, I swear.
that sprout quest is some fresh devilry but I didn't fall for it
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Now we're talking.
Hope y'all be havin' some good hunts no matter which MonHun title you're playing.
aren't you the guy that's really into hello kitty?
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Someone should edit this >>483353550
With Espinas eating the frog.
Like it took Rise for these bastards a reason to shiver.
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More-so Sanrio and cute things in general.
are you a tranny?
Until someone Mods Espinas into World, World is forever shit.
Absolutely not.
Wasn't there a hello kitty anime? I remember watching that as a kid. I remember this one episode in particular with diglet you know the pokemon. Really bizarre memory I should try to find that show
You don't understand! I need to feel good about my favorite game and call your favorite game garbage!
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I don't know why they have an aversion to giving bulldrome more than three attacks
it even behaves weirdly when not actually in hunt conditions
/mhg/ is dead
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THE RESULTS ARE (techincally) IN!! The order is shuffled but this is the top 10 finalists, if Zinogre wins I will strangle rathalos hatchlings and force you all to watch.
>velkhana's theme squeezed in
actually happy about this its a really good hunting track, the piano is rent free in my head
Not a bad selection but what the FUCK is Safi doing on that list
why not just take a screenshot instead of a tracking url
>half the picks are world shit
I mean it's not surprising at all but it's still disappointing. So many great themes that didn't make it in but velkhana and bazel are in. At least lagi and valstrax made it in
Velk's theme is great and Bagel's is the most iconic of World (if largely because base world had no other themes l m a o)
eh they're fine but we had better music it's not surprising at all though considering worlos make up 70% of the community now
>music that changes when you're the one with Safi's gaze
>that final phase
fuck the siege for being a grindfest and the fact that safi fucking sucks, but his theme is top tier
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Actual dogshit fucking list, all the tracks are practically identical. I don't even understand how anyone voted for this trash selection.
The rusted kushala weapons are still really bizarre to me. I understand them having weird sharpness because that's the gimmick rusted weapons wouldn't be sharp but why the super low affinity? Their raw doesn't even justify it half the time. I guess they assumed everybody would be running challenger this late in the game so that adds 20% affinity back at least. The only ones I see being usable are the rusted kushala GS, HH, and apparently I've heard the LBG is good. So at least they're not totally useless but damn if they bring rusted kushala back they at least lessen the negative affinity.
I think that Ibushi's theme is not rated as highly as it ought to be, granted it is hidden away in a glorified phase one and also a really awful minigame mode
but alongside Malzeno it's my favorite new one in G5
Magnamalo is also nicer than the fat cat deserves
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why are worlos like this?
Bring it back and Bludgeon as the main gimmick, make it so players want Red sharpness.
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>bazel made it
I was disappointed as fuck to see him rank 52 for the earlier monster ranking poll
I love his OST specifically because of the care they clearly put in trying to make him sound like an air raid siren
Well most of the list was entirely expected. Zinogre won the monster poll so of course his theme would be up there. Mizu and valstrax have been considered some of the best themes in the series for a while so those were totally expected. The bazel theme has been memed a lot too so that was expected. About the only really surprising one is velkhana and I think the worlo boost is about the only reason it's up there. Not a bad theme but cmon there are better themes
They could work really well with grinder actually now that i think about it
click the spoiler anon...
it really is a fucking crime malzeno's theme didn't make it into the tip picks
Tick tock
only a week left before the shame and guilt return
I hope they bring hot and cold drinks back
If they want the skill system to not suck after a second simplification, things like Cold Blooded and Hot Blooded would make for great situational choices
They're trying to force world back into relevancy
Reminds me of that weird Japan vs Worldwide CAPCOM games poll that nobody heard about until its results were out where it looked like it was engineered for sequelbait
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Good lancin'
Do people actually like lagi's theme that much of is it just lagifags wanting him back? I always thought he had the most mediocre flagship song just because it's used for everything in deserted island and doesn't really have that much impact.

Also I hope Ceadeus wins just because it's the best one. I'll accept Bazel too.
Too cool of an animation to be cucked by the riding mechanic, RIP
Reminds me of pokemon colosseum.
>glavenus(GU) and astalos theme not in the list
Yeah no probably worldfags botted the poll
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Monster Hunter Wilds will let become a real Guild Knight and Hunt down other people.
Damn so dual element DBs just kinda suck huh
No it's cool.
You kinda suck for being LAME.
Yeah, I got 4:26 instead of 4:15 in my fully optimised sneedruns so they're trash
D. Island theme is actually pretty good on its own once you detach it from having heard it so often before
Disland's theme is one of the best in the series
i completely forgot how generic most of worlds themes are
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Where's Espinas?
This is how I feel with Mizu

How did Brachy not make it in? I guess most people went for Raging Brachy instead, but Brachy's normal theme is great too
>of the top 9 out of 10 monster themes, not a single Rise remixed version made it in
>fans all preferred the original versions of the songs (like Mizu, Zinogre, Valstrax, etc.)
I'm willing to bet number 1 is going to be Glavenus or Nargacuga.
Does anyone actually believe a Rise monster theme like fartcat Mary Sue is going to be number one? LOL! Not even ricies are THAT deluded!
Yea I wonder how much the missheard lyrics video boosted this
It's not nergi but still a boring fighting theme.
>no Espinas
>no Ukanlos
>no White Fatty
>no Dire Miralis
>no Shagaru
>no Malzeno
>I'm willing to bet number 1 is going to be Glavenus or Nargacuga.
??? I'm pretty sure the #1 will be one of those 10 in the video so no narga or glav
Mizutsune is my favorite theme in the series alongside Chameleos
You know I just realized ledges in 4U are like walls in dos. If you get near them you can easily be combo'd to death. The differences is that occasionally ledges will save you as well while walls are just death every time
Tri had great field themes. D.Island is what Ancient Forest of World wants to be but better.

They really screwed up the Chameleos theme Rise alongside Teostra. Only Kushala was fine from the elder trio. Rise Mizu is alright there but I also prefer the Gen original.
about the only thing third gen did right was the music
I like Rise Chameleos. They're both good especially because of the way the fight changed to match.
The adjacent-area following version has a similar dim effect and tune to the first one
And the entirety of P3rd
yeah i really should get around to playing p3rd i only played like 5 hours of it before putting it down to finish other games but the village was great
not one Rise theme is better than the originals EXCEPT for Flooded Forest and Jungle, which are in my top 5 favorite area themes
all the other ones are (at best) acceptable but usually garbage
Tri still has the best overall soundtrack in the series. Not a single dud.
Sad that Rise ruined the Sandy Plains theme. It's completely unrecognizable. This isn't a case of Rise ruining an existing song by adding melodramatic vocals (like Mizutsune's theme), but it's a case of making a completely different song.
P3rd is essentially the lesser of three evils. It's only the best by virtue of it having no underwater combat.
Third gen overall is very weak, beyond its QOL improvements for weapons, like adding counters and shield advances to Lance or the addition of Spirit Roundslash and three colored charge levels.
For me it lacks a bit character that the original has. I also dislike that they added singing/chanting to it which happened way to frequently in Rise.

Both World and Rise have worse versions for most original themes. In IB only really the fatty theme was an improvement which isnt hard when the original is a 40s loop. SB at least stayed faithful to the themes with the only difference that they are recorded with live orchestra.

>Tri still has the best overall soundtrack in the series
Frontier aside I think 2n gen is also pretty good in terms of music.
>SB at least stayed faithful to the themes
Gore and Shagaru's themes were completely butchered. Like 100% unlistenable.
Is the Zorah armor worth it for early High Rank?
wtf is a zorah?
baits should be believable
>with the only difference that they are recorded with live orchestra.
yeah lets ignore the retarded chanting
It's not "lesser of three evils" it is the peak.
Smoother gameplay with improvements in every category before the series started adding more and more gimmicks in everything.
There's a reason why it is the best selling monhun in Japan.
>baits should be believable
says who? watch this

tri > world
but that's true...
>garbage with legacy
>garbage which shat on legacy
>world shat on legacy
well what do you know the guy fellating RiseBreak is a tendie with World Derangement Syndrome
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>game which continued shitting on legacy
pic unrelated?
Dont you have a street to shit on?
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I don't know what kind of nonsense you're spewing about Monster Hunter World, but let me tell you, you're talking utter rubbish! As a proud Nintendo fanboy, I am FURIOUS at your blind love for that pathetic excuse of a game! Monster Hunter Rise is far superior in every way, sar. The gameplay, the mechanics, the overall experience—it leaves World in the dust.

You think Monster Hunter World is the pinnacle of the series? Think again, sar! The graphics may look fancy, but the soul of the game is missing. It's a hollow, empty shell compared to the vibrant, living world of Rise. DO NOT REDEEM THE WORLD BLOODY BENCHOD BASTARD! Have you even experienced the thrill of Wirebugs and the fluidity of movement in Rise? Clearly, you haven't, because if you had, you wouldn't be defending that overrated piece of trash.

The monsters in World are so uninspired and dull, sar. In Rise, every hunt is an exhilarating adventure. The Palamutes, the Wyvern Riding, the sheer joy of exploration—everything is miles ahead of World. The Switch might not have the same graphical horsepower, but the heart and soul of Monster Hunter beats stronger in Rise. Your obsession with World is not just misguided, it's downright embarrassing.

I don't know how you can call yourself a Monster Hunter fan when you praise such mediocrity, sar. Rise brings the series back to its roots while innovating in all the right ways. It's a game made for true hunters, not for those who are easily impressed by superficial gloss. So, take your Monster Hunter World and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, sar. The real hunters know where the action is, and it's not in that overrated, overhyped mess you worship.

A True Nintendo Fanboy
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I wish there was a game that combined the quality combat of modern MH with the resource scarcity and inventory management of the PS2 games
I want meaningful preparation, actually having to go out and gather items before a hunt, being incentivized to avoid damage because potions are fucking expensive, having to think about how much to bring along on a hunt so you still have space for monster parts
It was kino
You mean the voices in your head?
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>quality combat of modern MH
Modern as in not on the PS2
I just Press X To Awesome'd your post.
i need a gif of chameleos tap dancing
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Hear me out, what if bludgeoner 2.0 that flips your weapons sharpness upside down?
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i expected much worse for the top 10 bmg, pleasantly surprised
the only one that feel undeserved is safi
as for lagia, it isn't that good but i guess that's a way to tell capcom that people want it back
>rise ost doesnt have autistic chanting in almost every song
okay schizo
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>retard cannot even read a full post.
Hate to break it to you but the Wii is old enough to vote this year.
As in the colors would get inverted? Gunlance usage would see an increase.
>turn gunlance into MH4U longsword
sounds like dogshit
hope a risebreak theme wins the monster theme poll, the seething will be unimaginable
music ballotbros...
I imagine most GL hunts would consist of spamming your shells for 5 minutes to get it down to purple before you actually start.
except at red sharpness (or purple sharpness in this scenario), gunlance can no longer fire shells so then you have to sharpen back to purple (red) sharpness and start over again with negative damage
How about
Get this
You have to hit 3 pokes to 'charge' a shell (you can hold up to the same number of shells as current for each type), which does 3x the damage it currently would and leads into a better poke combo (which doesn't charge any shells), the idea being you want to consistently land pokes and save the shells for openings where you can get the full better poke combo off after.
It's another build and spend resource mechanic but those are engaging and it would keep you using both pokes and shells and wouldn't gimp the weapon for once.
>It's another build and spend resource mechanic but those are engaging
Tell that to Diablo4 lmao
Diablows 4 sucks for completely different reasons
why do redditors always want to overcomplicate things
hammer should already work like this
>suggests nothing
Hello twitter
Of which a large part is the builder/spender spam that kills any engagement with combat since it all plays out the same. And this is what you want in MonHun.
Half this thread main cringeblade, lamesword and hunting horn and you're telling me there's no build and spend in MH and your point of comparison is Diablo 4
Anon, find your brain
It would be the ultimate slap lance build thoughbeit
>except at red sharpness (or purple sharpness in this scenario), gunlance can no longer fire shells
Why would gunlance not be able to fire shells at purple
And those weapons all have their own playstyles besides.
Stop seething for a second. Its making you mentally unwell.
because gunlance can't fire shells at red sharpness and in this theoretical scenario we are referring to red sharpness as "purple sharpness"
zoomies insist on trying to change things for the "better" but keep making them worse
now monhun is AAAA moviegame goyslop and still they insist on more changes
when will it ever be enough
Focus Mode will play like MHNow and you WILL love it.
>since it all plays out the same
And just spamming the 1 move with the biggest damage number over and over doesn't?
>how often you can use your best attack is dictated by the player via skill and ability to exploit openings
>how often you can use your best attack is dictated by the developer via resource systems or cooldowns

simple as
The sheer delusion
too bad when you can spam your best attack regardless of anything and still get it enough times. With cooldowns and resource systems you think twice before committing into it.
haven't played these games in a while, didn't really like world and rise that much
did they ever add more stuff like the cruel king of the sea or the double 140 apex rajang hunts
I remember having the most fun in those types of hunts in the old games where the difficulty was really cranked up and it was a solid goal to work towards
World zinogre theme feels like a Lesser Version of Zinogre, it good yet it lack that omph.
Then you mount the fucker for 30 seconds and I'm begging and crying that wasn't his normal theme.
Rise has the same issue it's just a weaker version of Zinogre's theme, I like the chanting in it, but not enough to be blown away by it.
If you didn't play Sunbreak's title updates they added a bunch of new "Risen" monsters, and the super high level anomaly autism hunts could be tough.
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>Be me
>Wake up
>Get a drink
>Get food
>I will never be stable I am stuck in an eternal topple
>With cooldowns and resource systems you think twice before committing into it
Sure worked well with bingbugs didn't it?
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>Hunter-sama I beg of you!
*Purple spit falls out of mouth*
>P-P-PLEASE... Don't... KILL ME!!!
Some moves would have required a longer CD but partially yes.
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*puts on lipstick*
Safi is cute
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>no IB version Rajang
Oh come the fuck on
>no scarlet feast
shit list
i said this when i played through world 6 months ago and the worlos seethed hard. it's some really bad knockoff john williams/movie orchestra shit and completely took me out of playing the game
haven’t done arch tempered but is it just me or is ruiner nerg way easier than the regular counterpart? His death bomb feels way slower and half the time he just wastes time farting spikes or doing the retarded wing flap that’s just a huge free damage window for the hunter. The fact I just killed him without carting once vs spending like 2 hours on the supposed weaker one like they did something right?
It's that time again
Post weapons you really like the design of.
Even if they're not that good gameplay-wise, post those coop weapon designs
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I really like how the Tyrannenarm GL has an eye in the shield that seems to follow the player
You really can't go wrong with the Gun Hammer design, especially that gorgeous spinning chamber
The properties of the sharpness wouldn't change tho
Damn that's a good one
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Can't decide between this and the... Whatever its name was, the metal cat looking switch axe
Reminds me of a kingdom hearts weapon
Grim Cat?
The one you responded to is a bot that goes to image/video sources and reposts comments from it here
Elemental CB was better in Sunbreak, and you refused to play it...
Do you have proofs that I'm a bot?
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Espinas Hunting Horn.
Gore Magala's Swaxe.
Malzeno Charge Blade.
Chaotic Gore Insect glaive.
Tetsucabra greatsword.
Seltas Hammer.
Espinas DB.
Zinogre Longsword.
Diablos Lance.
Malzeno Gunlance.
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Tigrex Howl
kill furries
dissect furries
dropkick a furry into the concrete
shoot furries out of a cannon into a brick wall
world pc lumu?
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Just regular Nergigante weapons and armor in general. They really capture that "berserker" feel.
I don't like the metallic stuff added with Ruiner Nergigante's weapons.
>outer left armour designed
Why didnt we get this. WHY Capcom.
muh spykes doe :^((((
>Could've had Not-Dalamadur armor
>Instead we get horrid shit
God damnit Capcom
I know the female armour is popular but I personally never really liked the male one. The way too big boots might be one reason for this.
The magala weapon eyes following the camera is just an optical illusion
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>he isn't a solo hu
why did they remaster XX instead of 4G
What kind of stupid question is this?
>cat is able to hit the head
>hunter isn't
Anon, you are losing to a decade old AI...
I go where the sword tells me to go.
You ever smelled a Tigrex’s breath?? I’d be swinging at the abdominal area too
gay retard
apparently that same post is being spammed across multiple generals. honkainiggers are pathetic.
Which one has the better endgame, Rise or World?
I have the better endgame if you hunt me
I get last post HAHA losers I'm just better at monster hunter. Kneel before me worms
oh so you're challenging me?
Lagiacrus better not be 1st

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