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Duel Links Speed General #2463

You thought it was over? edition

Dev favoritism >>482011553

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
>Sherry rerun

Upcoming Events
>Flush unlock (dead month)

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
tranny OP
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
>Dgayed wanker malding over the scam site not being in the OP again
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I love the Slifer Red Uniform.
you'll NEVER be a gia dumb troon shill
It’s been years he will never get over it lmao
Damn I like that duel disk
It looks more in line with the original Kaiba design while modernizing it without losing the cyberpunk look.
Unlike the dogshit GX toy duel disks
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
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Yep, those Yugioh online 2 duel disks were metal.
But enough about Trey...
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Ash for non NPC players when?
Are you still seething over dlm coin?he's explained why he did it you know. It's so third worlders could enter tourney's without jumping through hoops and exchanging their filthy brown currency to ameribux.
Sure it had nothing to do with the sponsorship money that Rally coin handed him, right?
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I love Sora.
finally saw the banlist, wheres the battle chronicle skill nerf?
All they get is a ban on heat wave
Mizar Sexo
She's probably the last ghost girl we're getting so maybe next year in a selection box.
another tripfag added to the filter
Fleur Crystron is pretty fun, the deck can actually do something on your first turn now instead of just
>summon Citree/Rion and pray
you didn't earn that board
>she didn't filter the brown spic already

well the skill was fun while it lasted
Mega sized leaks and hot new update coming soon
oof did I miss the event with the epic new skill
>new update
It’s a flush unlock
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>try to open game
>there really is an EoS notice
>Sept 25th 2024
Bros…not like this…
new player FAQ gives 404
just go to GameA
Don't click this link >>483259443
It's a scam site
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>Turn on DL
>See this
What the fuck? The Rush Duel protag isn't an asexual autist like rest of the shows?
Is this why you guys hate Rush Duel so much?
redcoat looks like a Tales of character
>brown girl
Uh oh guys I’m feeling the urge to rush for some reason
you only see if that you go to duel asana with yuga. something you have to tell us anon?
I'm not hiding the fact I play Rush Duel mode.
I get free gems for my speed decks and it gives me nostalgia for the UNGA BUNGA days of Yugioh.
I'm not involved in this meme fanbase war or whatever.
Gotta get them gems my ninja
guess i will quit the game for 10 days, see ya
Speed deck build box coming, trust the plan
>open game
>rush minibox
>rush event
>close game
how long does rush diarrhea lasts? guess I won't open this thing in another 2 weeks
>no main box since it released in September
at this point they just should cut their losses and axe flush
how is that a bad thing you retard, this game is greedy enough as it is
Brown autistic waifu...
I love Nephtys servants too.
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summer duel links.
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Does the skill somehow make Aleister a viable deck?
Or the powerceiling still too high for it to compete
Have you tried it out on ranked? I'm interested in making some aleister plays too and already have most of those cards in the deck.
Yeah i think i'll give it a try
>Rush duel garbage
See you all in 10 days
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yeah it takes too many normal summons
i don't know what deck to splash it into
Yes but your build is wrong
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yea figures, it needs sauge and a good deck to latch into
is it infernobles?
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You can run like witch or sangan to search aleister for turn 3. On turn 1 if you summon aleister/witch reduce them to level 3,if sagan dont change his level. Skill to summon level 2, use his effect to boost it to level 5. Then make clear wing. Necro effect to summon glow up bulb. Make mathmech synchro. Activate glow up. Skill it to grave for a sorciere de fleur. Make bishbaalkin in ed then sumon token to lock monster zone. Opponent will be forced to pass. Turn 3 link bish and token into phoenix. Pop backrow id any then summon aleiater, make purgatrio and you got lethal over tokens
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that's very sinister anon, i like it
I dont know of it works but see if you can make caliga with token and aleister in grave. Then you cam bishbaalkin and prevent them from breaking the lock
is the tournament thing an event or a new casual pvp mode like the rooms?
It might be a duel room thing
cool let's do it, no meta shit and no staples
it works anon, but people have a way to deal with bishmaalkin and put me in a lock instead lmao i cant link the tokens
it won't move anons bro ..
Duel rooms get like 3 people on a good night even without meta slop in them
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>Perfect Design
>Perfect Character
>Perfect Voice
>Perfect Deck
Everything peaked right there.
His deck is far from perfect
It's the most fun fusion deck in Yugioh
Is Asana a loli?
Are you perhaps have a des fleur combo with stromberg too?
There will be another, to take its place. Someday...
I mean you can do the same combo with stromberg, but you need pentestag in ed to lethal
no that's hero
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the best Yugioh couple and sadly led to nowhere in terms of relationship development.
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Tag force world...
whoever designed the female gx uniforms is a god amongst pitfags
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Back to your 2 week thread faggot
Not yugioh.
I love my sick and frail wife Cali.
Certified real Yugioh
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It really did.
Arc-V turns bad once Sora leaves. Coincidence? No, they just realized nothing they could do would ever live up to him so they gave up.
Not yugioh
I have run the tests and can confirm this is in fact Real Yugioh
Why does it look like gayblade then, Konami shill?
Samefagging, retard.
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OCG stories world anytime now...
Really sad to see Yugioh sunk so low.
So, when is this fake format not Yugioh event ending so I can come back to playing/posting here?
Just accept it, the era of Aleister is over. Hope for a new game with a rebooted carpool to get another chance to pkay invoked in a competitive way.
10 days, I think? At least we're in the last phase of this cursed month.
It stayed decent until the Legacy characters started showing up.
Sora and the goosebumps kid filtered me from watching ArcV as it released from cringe.
don't bother coming back
B-but think of the company. We must consume regardless of quality or they will lose money. Also, no one likes that shit Kazuki style anyways, everyone is into baby artstyles nowadays.
Why not? I like this game for the most part.
Long vacation, I guess. I already KOGd during the weekend so I'm set for the month. See ya, fags.
Monster world...
Beyblade looks better
This, unironically. People are insulting Beyblade when comparing it to Yugioh rush.
People came up with the meme day 1 and it just stuck.
She's one of those unusually gallant young big sister types who make it easy to forget how young they are, like Triela from Gunslinger Girl and Tiger from Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens.
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Why can't Konami have artists make new CG for Duel links? It gets kinda boring after so many years seeing the same sprites over and over.
Man, I envy these anime designs. If shitvens looked like this I'd actually give it a shot.
Where's this from? Cross Duel?
LOL instead of "She's actually 1000 years old!" it's "She's only 12 years old?!"
Is there a Rukka version of this? She also dueled in a skateboard, right?
>is actual fag
Every time...
It's from one of those duelist packs, back when they were releasing one for each element. He was in the cover for the Earth pack and made new art for the occasion.
she takes the rushpill later and acknowledges it's the real format
Reina was best girl. Autist girls are always the best.
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It looks like nu beyblade even the main characters look like background characters
Unironically sevens looks like a ripoff of this anime Buddyfight go or something which itself looked like absolute soulless shit already.
>thread is nothing but seething and dilating over based Rushkino
criminy just let the thread die and bring it back whenever the next speed thing is lmao
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What are you guys playing now that duel links is untouchable for the time being? I intend on finishing WCS 2011.
Emma pussy is for Playmaker only. Akira can have Emma after Yusaku's done with her same as Aoi.
Tag force 3 English version with Japanese voices. Thanks for the modified rom, Clickaxer, you glorious bastard.
Misaki was my sexual awakening.
Catching up on some vidya currently playing through persona 3 4 and 5 after finishing smtv
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Akira is spoken for
She could have been our Vrains' Carly. Instead I think she never even played a single card.
True but she was cute at least,I think I remember her being slightly crazy and/or possessive too at some point. I also liked her button nose made her stand out.
>What are you guys playing now that duel links is untouchable for the time being?
working through my old fashioned dungeon crawler backlog with some etrian odyssey gamrd
>I intend on finishing WCS 2011.
I was actually playing that a little while ago but got disheartend by the fact I couldnt make any new cool decks early one (that I hadnt already used for WC 09/10) and how bullshit the random npc duels are. Random dickheads in the starting town are so much harder to beat than yusei and co
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Zoomer. Harpie Lady Sisters turn boys into men.
Blue skin just doesn't make it for some people.
Are you gay perhaps?
>one woman man
not a chance.
i got banned from duel links back in 2020 for using an auto clicker to duel aigami over and over during his event for points. its been 4 years should i bother making a new account and coming back for speed duels?
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This game isnt worth shit anymore
>4 years ago
You wouldn't enjoy the amount of toxic bullshit balance the game has fallen into in these last 2 years.
fair enough, thanks
playing rush duels
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I've been too busy to make any recently but when should the next duel room be?On the weekend like always?I don't mind waiting a few days to make one considering it's been a month since the last one.Just let me know when you guys are free.
Friday 5:40PM PDT that's when my niece leaves after babysitting her
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kys for real
Wait till tournament mode
>getting their feathers everywhere
>tearing up your furniture with their feet
We should get next months updates soon. Place your bets on the July unlock
I'm happy as long as it's not someone from gx or arc v and obviously not someone from flush.
Cathy or Marcel
>Arc V
Not likely since Dennis will have his rerun next month
Is nearing the 2 year mark with no updates so it may very well be
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hopefully my boy
Is there a combo which break the nee skill at turn 2
I mean we got two free summons, what's the worst that could happen?
>Fuck my sister Jaden the Rhodes bloodline must go on
Wasn't he a ladies man?why didn't he just do it.
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gay fusion man number 3
Not a chance. They are going to hold him for a month where player counts are down
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He didn’t want her to just have sex, he wanted to marry her off
Why would they want to lower them on purpose
joeri is wanted but not "holy shit I'm reinstalling just for him" levels of wanted
I almost thought you only need one ale bcs it's searchable
Only found out witch cant search ale :(
It loses consistency from 92% to 75% man
I also try slapping in tachyon galaxy eyes into it for turn 2
By this point there is no character like this to add.
Do all obelisk girls look like this at the beach
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chinks would totally reinstall if they heard that a cute anime girl who dresses like a cat was added
Gato sexo
Too bad we have an ugly one
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Sora returned in great style though, saving Yuzu's life in the process. Without him both sides of the war would be screwed. Yuya would fall into a bigger depression than he already was, and Leo would never get Ray back.

Sora's return in Synchro is easily amongst my favorite parts of Arc-V, handled so well, without the need of some revenge duel against Yuya for the nth time.
Dumb mindset, considering one is a cool double agent and the other is a comic relief.
What is she doing with her dress?
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Yuzu after I, a 40 year old overweight balding man, confess to her.
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Monster world...
Are we gonna pretend to be shocked and betrayed again when the Go Rush world is revealed in September?
literally who?
BOOBA world
Pogchamp world....
so many good monster world picks
cartesia can be my deck master any time
i got this recommended to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVw98-CMRzw
Give me Eclessia first, monster world.
Cucklessia got mogged so hard
>HE left years ago and yet still provides the best site
>anons still seethe
Glad to see nothing has changed in this relic general
why is it called dlsg now though
We split cause the flush fags got annoying
>Dan Green plays Rush Duel
Speedbros... it's over
Do you guys prefer Duel Links or Master Duel?
I rarely touch master duel but I play this almost every day for like 30 minutes
He has to or he'll get fired. Meanwhile some retards do that and a lot of shilling FOR FREE. KEKW
Master duel but it gets boring real quick because the events all suck.
That "Speed Duel Gem Resource" is still in the game? KEKW
md, although i only play enough everyday to get my daily gems and don't care all that much about ranked i am having much more fun over there than on dl
Sadly, yes.
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Add nobel angel.
DL is comfier but MD has the cards I want to play
Rush Duels
A shit
there is a rush only app? forcing this shit on dl was even more pointless than i thought
rush won...
And barely anyone touched it on top. Total flop.
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Tag force world...
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POV you are Girag
.....the worst ygo format award
Why spend so much effort animating this stuff but forget to make the boobs bounce??
the one with crafting
that would be master rule 4
Buddyfight is soulful and cool you absolute FAGGOT.
>Look it up
>Sounds like Pokemon + Yu-Gi-Oh
>Made 10 years ago and still going
Is this some Yo-kai Watch situation where it's only got a strong following in the East or is it like Digimon where it's just known but unsucessful?
Hot takes time, starting with me:
>VRains is worse than Arc V,
>The Sevens anime is indeed bad, poor, to mediocre at best, but I don't think the same way for the Manga.
>Sevens and GO! RUSH! are Yugioh, albeit definitely inferior to Kazuki Takahashi's Season 0, Duelist Kingdom, GX nor 5D's or Zexal.
>Sevens would have been better had Takahashi still been alive.
Vrains is boring arc v is at least entertainingly bad,that isn't a hot take.
>Flush slop
Stopped reading
kaz was still alive during all of sevens, he only died a few months into go rush
tfw it'll be 2 years since his passing in 9 days
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arc-v needed to rewritten from the start. It was very clear that anime wasn't going to have a satisfying ending.
DL now that it has traptrix. MD is too slow. It's like the DOTA for LoL.
The second one that had way lower budget and shitvens still looks like a ripoff of it.
akira's ninja girl
I hope that when she's impregnated by girag that aoi's boobs grow.
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girag lived centuries before vrains happens.
He some ageless alien guy now
how do i even play this borrelsword deck? can i get a qrd?
I have all the cards but didn't bother learning the deck yet either
The combo string is long and gay so I won't type it out here just go watch a video about it, you're supposed to end on the link 3 pointing at your opponents field with ib on the zone that your link 3 can't reach and the ritual monster turn 1, turn 2 just go ham and combo off of stuff till you win.
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cute boy
she cute
Weird eyes
Month ahead in 75 minutes. Predict the July character
I honestly dread it if its anything for ArcV, VRAINS or ZeXal since it probably means more broken shit
Camula or Chumley
GX hasn't gotten a character in a while and I feel like they're saving Atticus for something special
I honestly pray it's anything for arcV,VRAINS,ZeXal since it probably means more broken shit.
Shouldn’t be Arc V, Dennis still needs his rerun before they move on
That venominaga teacher. With skill that will surpass sherry
Luciano soon
The only 2 that makes sense are GX or Zexal. Isn’t July the no box month?
This is the first year with flush so it's a wait and see for now.
Even with Flush, if they drop a low card count character like Atticus or Vector I could still see them doing no box and just a pickup or deck build
She lures young boys in Link Vrains to a private server to have sex.
Why did you lie bro
He lied yesterday too it's usually the 28th when they do it
Nah there’s no pattern, last month it was on the 24th. I thought the flush unlock was tomorrow. They don’t drop the news on top of an unlock. So month ahead is tomorrow night
Uh leaks?
Nah...we don't need any of those if we already have Aporia.
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wtf is metaphys armed dragon doing on a r*sh card GIVE HIM BACK
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>says this when the game has Placido
Are only the Jobbers allowed?
Nobody cares about Ra Yellow...
Primo was such a flop they just didn’t bother with the other two
someone pls make a duel room
It’s 3 in the morning my man
sorry I ate some 2 year old apple pie from my freezer now my tummy hurts I'm in no condition to duel
I would, but you would not believe who is playing Mario Run on my phone right now
Any updates?
EoS announced
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I wish
Sex with aoi
dead thread rush won
>rush chad gods getting delishus brown loli
>speed cuckholds crying as always
Ofc it's going to be dead. We have no content.
Anyone is having troubles connecting to the app?
Like the other flush characters she's ugly as shit I don't know what you fags are bragging about but I guess you'll take what you can get after the drought you've had.
It's not still going, it got axed years ago and it was making more money than flush.
rush lives so rent free in your heads lmao. no wonder rush won
Whatever helps you sleep, fag.
>"wins" by being a dead format that tried and failed to canibalize the DL audience.
>phoneposts in under a minute to not look like a samefag
lmao we can tell you're the same person
>no one even mentions flush
>Fags from the contaminant general come here (out of boredom from lack of content) to promote their company cock sucking ways for free daily
Yeah flush sure won alright,just buy an ad faggots.
Can't tell. I don't intend on playing till next week at least.
>schizo flush retard forgot to take his meds again
All we can do right now is hope for a Monster world.
>Just discovered WCS 2008 characters have unique sprites for win/lose that were never released anywhere else
Show us, brother.
>1 minute apart
you aren't even trying to hide it are you?
>Flushtard embarrassing himself again
Oh boy..
imagine calling it "flush". so fucking cringe with your 2nd grade insults
I know, that's why I call it rushit
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sex world...
You're the wooooorst!
Some retard gets really triggered by it, that's why I personally use it.
I have a topless Kylie edit and I can't post it here..... curse this blue board of ours....
Sure, I'm going to try and screenshot them all first.
There's Catbox, brother.
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Don't ever forget what they took from us.
This, I'll hate black wings as a long as I live
I misremembered it's actually Vega not Kylie
>not Kylie
Don't care then
Same but both for Luna and ArcV getting screwed by him instead.
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I guess there is still hope for humanity
yep and some retard really gets triggered when rush is mentioned, that's why I personally talk about it.
>turd wolrders hate rush
white mans game. no wonder it's so hated here
White man can't even play flush only yellow man
so you admit that you are a shitposter and rush is nothing more than a tool for your shitposting?
at least the other guy isn't going into rush threads and posting about speed duels
he only targets you, who is posting in the wrong thread
nope. this general will always be /dlg/ and you trannies trying to force /dlsg/ will always be laughed at
cry harder
the split happened because rushies like you are insufferable
/dlsg/ lost... rush chads won... he's right... we would revert back to /dlg/
Yea it was stupid that the split happened in the first place.
I don't like the name change either and the rushfags weren't as bad as some people say.
I feel like the anger from some of these anons is that there will never be a non-rush duel world again and they directed their hatred towards rushfags.
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Today I will remind them.
Yes they were annoying as fuck, plus they have a whole stream of content that has nothing to do with Duel links that would shit up the thread even further.
You only shill flush out of slurping Konami's dick like the average Pokemon mindless consoomer.
All one person, btw.
>flushtard outs himself as a troll all along
That'd be somewhat more dignified than actually shilling for K*nami's shit ripoff for japanese toddlers. Still, get yourself a better hobby, man.
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Skins when? I don't want to live in a world where I will never get to see Blue eyed Tea Dueling in her Battle City outfit.
Sign me in right fucking now, brother.
I got a bunch of tickets that are about to expire, should I just let them rot?
Yeah, because westerners aren't in control of shueisha so more yugioh rush series and Daima will be coming out.
Speedcuck lmao
Depends on what decks you already have. If I were you I would just go for some eternal staples.
Wait, so the R/N tickets are not just garbage? I'm sorta new, idk what these "eternal staples" are
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duel links would be geniuses for doing this since master duel refuses to fucking do it
it's definitely a market they could tap into
You didn't mention n/r. Those are garbage.
I think they might know but they're afraid it could damage their physical game sales.
I don't know what that anon means either. The only thing close to a ticket staple in R is Sanctuary in the Sky and maybe Harpie's Feather Rest. SR has Gravity Blaster and Solemn Scolding while UR has the trap stall statue and Starlight Road.

Every old staple like E-Con or Champ Vigiliance is either Limited or Semi-Limited. The meta staples now are Forbiddens, Knightmares, Compulsary Ejaculation Device, Crackdown, etc. All UR box battle tricks that comes in different boxes or 1-of in Selection Boxes. Best use of N/R tickets is to get 3 of each spell and trap that you can't get from farming characters and pick up whatever Extra Deck monsters you can make in SR/UR.

Dream Tickets and Box Tokens actually matter thoughever, don't squander those.
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>Ejaculation device
>no speed box or event
>already KOG'd weeks ago
Just sayin' if they wanted to randomly drop EOS on our heads, this would be a pretty convenient time for me.
They might as well but I still wanted to get Yuri before that EoS
that's not me you retards. flush won you stupid schizos
These retards Believe there's only one person fine with rush, that way they can feel they are right only because they belong to a fake mayority, pathetic really, but what else can you expect from speedcucks
Best girl status?
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romin my beloved...
whats a good video where i can learn the combo quick then?
even if what you say is true and you aren't the only one here, the fact that there are multiple shitposters that love to post off-topic just means that it was correct to remove the rushies
4 posts in a row, and all of them are off-topic
none of you can follow the rules, why would anybody want to have you around?
imagine how awful the thread would be if rushies were actually allowed to post about rush here
it would be 100 times worse than the few shitposters that come here are already making it
I'll never forget how you fuckers acted back when you were still allowed here, and even now you all continue to act like a piece of trash
the most recent and memorable example was when a rushie wanted to fight because "speed cucks are weak" or whatever their bait attempt originally was
the moment someone wanted their address to actually take them up on their offer, they got scared and posted a fake address
rushie's opinions are not valid in my eyes until they either stop posting off-topic and shitposts, which means leaving the thread, or posting their own address and letting anyone come over
if you are going to reply, include your real address and invite me over to your house
Gee I don't know type ygo duel link rokket link on YouTube
Rush shitters are always either gigapedos or Konami cocksuckers thay will swallow any this Konami releases, no inbeteewns
And they wonder why we kicked them out.
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What's the fastest way to grind to level 45? Jaden Yuki (OG) is the only character I've got maxed out. The most I can do for these guys is 30-36.
Trying to max out Jesse Andersen for the Crystal Bond card so I can experiment around with Crystal Beasts, currently sitting at 31, and goddamn does it take forever even with the Duelist Pass. Do I really have to paypiggy the Vagrants?
didn't read faggot.
tldr: I hate flush because my parents beat me and I'm still a virgin at 34 years old
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I hate flush because I will never settle for less. Konami owes us and their shit low budget products will get called out for hat they are.
Speed format WARPED you
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Sherry LeBlanc's theme is such a banger.
She truly is best girl.
I hate flush because it's ugly, that's it. I'd be happy ignoring its existence but Konami had to step so low and force it upon everyone.
B-but the based company...
Ash blossom box dropping anytime now...
we'll get her with monster world
I want to get her feet pregnant
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Just waiting for a exp multiplier event. Farming the standard duelists like there's no tomorrow when one comes around then.
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box is out!
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>tfw no autistic brown waifu
You're gonna have to wait a month it literally stopped two days ago
Ranze character unlock event when?
>Only 300 gems
>Spread out over 2 fucking weeks
>A useless Sr dream ticket for flush that im gonna let expire in my inventory
Wow thanks
I sleep
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Monster world...
Uhhhhh speed duel box doko?
>one free Talismanic Seal Array
based RUSH
Konami wanted to shot themselves in the groin, so only rushit stuff for the time being.
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Why is the flush faggot all uppity again?
I only see a speedtroon being a negative Nancy, quit projecting
Correct me if I'm wrong. These don't exist anywhere else, do they?
He finally gets content after a drought of like 3 months, he'll repeat this process till he ack's or eos which ever comes first.
>don't be negative towards new products!!
Literally >>483626063 's pic, lmao.
He's mad no one is playing his fake format.
>less than two minute response
Holy shit go outside or something faggot kek,how defensive are you that you're looking at your computer screen 24/7 for someone to even say anything bad about you or flush.
rush is as real a format as speed lmao. real yugioh players play master duel
I can go play speed format physically if I wanted to can't say the same for flush since Konami knows it'll sell like shit outside of Japan and has no fate in it physically. They barely had any fate in it digitally too it literally had to leech off speed duels so it wouldn't die like cross duel.
Who knew something good could come out of this cursed month. These are great.
how many Grimmos and the cat do I need to make a functional fabled deck with the skill
>rush hater is a disgusting ESL third worlder
love to see it
he is a shitposter
he gets off on being an annoying piece of shit
Fables are dog shit don't bother
To my defense I was seething about fate earlier today so I got my words mixed up.
your attitude is dog shit kys
Enjoy scooping after getting interrupted once then shitter
>still coping everyone who hates rush on the internet is one person
Holy fuck retard, you just don't get tired of making a fool out of yourself, do you?
reading comprehension bro
Unironically most tush players on DLM are third worlders with no standards.
only 300 gems?! not 1000, not 500 to make 1000 with the box gems. no... just 300... and yet konami expects me to play rush...
>super rush was so busted at that time it was arguably better than econ
jesus I miss that
Yeah I dreaded the moment my opponent would flip it over and it'd win them the game
Do you guys try out old decks from time to time?these guys are pretty fun.
Its a mini celebration that rolled around with a box release. They're still gonna stick to their monthly gem quota for the most part
>Just learned beatdown went from being able to be used every turn so long as you had a lvl 5 or higher monster on the field to only once per duel
Duel links 2.0 will take us back.
Naturia is the reason why it was nerfed first I think I'm pretty sure fur hires were the reason it is what it is now though.
35 minutes till the month ahead post. Predict the July unlock
You said the same thing 2 days ago
I mean it this time :)
Of course, promise
Uh bro? I clearly said 24 hours and 35 minutes from now
Okay mister but no more anal stimulation for you if you're wrong this time...
Play Sky Strikers or smell Roze's feet. Your choice.
Can't I do both?
My nose doesn’t work right unless my tongue is involved
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wake up and smell the rozes
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Ocg stories world...
So when are we finally going to get the backstory on why Verre is an 8 year old little girl?
It makes my penis hard there's the back story
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>hero kid
>neo bubbleman
Why did they pick two that are so irrelevant?
Lovely sibbling. Nothing weird going on here.
Any chance glow up bulb gets nerfed on dl? I just blindly sunked 500 gemmies trying to compete the ftk builds to no avail. I just thought about this after post nut clarity
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manjoume's voice actor passed away. RIP
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Manjoume... SANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rest in Peace.
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I prefer the edgelord dragon deck version from the manga but RIP
Wtf? She was still young, I think?? What happened??
Typo, my bad.
>not having 3k+ orbs
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>not having 8k+ orbs
post wagon icon
wait for speed duel box news or splurge 32 pages of gems for 2 more copies of sauge de fleur?
i feel like the skill will get raped anyhow in 2 months
RIP, King.
>Taiki Matsuno passed away on June 26 due to a right cerebral hemorrhage
Vaxxbros... we lost another one...
What does this mean for any future anime game projects?
>duel links becomes master duel lite
>paper game has never recovered from POTE
>master duel in eternal snake-eyes format after the tear eternal format (tears are still viable, btw)
>voice actors die too early
>kaz himself died too early
the last few years have just been awful for yugioh
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Spirit World...
damn, while I grew up with the 4kids dub version with the smoker voice, the original japanese versions still hold a special spot for me
Sad news to wake up to. F.
While I haven't grown with the voice, seeing him in the OCG Stream with the new LaDD cards was very touching to see. RIP
i like this character a lot
>Chazz never scored Alexis
We don't really know, it might as well have happened later.
Erm it's chazz it up
Next box will be a mini, so save [80 x 50 x 3] gems first, then pull for Sauge. It's not getting an emergency nerf but it's likely to get hit on the next list.
>new skill needs level 10 warriors
Is there a way to get this shit without going into the box? It's triggering my OCD.
They will have to get a person who can mímica the voice decently enough. They have done that sort of stuff before for characters.
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Did they though? iirc with the new yubel stuff they just reused old voice lines for the commercial
>7yrs later to become meta (alebit due to nuDon)
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Where did we go wrong?
Anime took a nose dive after zexal so there but nothing can be worse than what's come after vrains
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Even the girls are a downgrade in Rush
All the worst girls are shorter than Aki. We need tall (Japanese-tall) girls.
Porni is based though she's the only one that scored with the mc
>we will never hear him do lines for the new armed dragon 1-10-100 etc effect
Not like this…
Nowhere so far
I wish his original VA from the first few episodes stayed, he didn’t sound like he was trying so hard to sound edgy.
Vrains is easily the worst point. It was more of a recap show than anime.
No, Yubel had her lines recorded a couple months prior to the VA dying. So Duel Links was her final roll
Weird thing was like a year later he came back to voice the one off shuffle them boys real good character
Story wise. ArcV. Design wise, shitvens.
How is Romin taller than Tori?
why is there suddenly a hooker in the 7th spot?
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Cross duel world...
>sex times 8
nothing wrong here
Post the reaper of the cards girl
dude, none of them are over 17
And that's a good thing
Is this official art?
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out of 10!
It almost picked itself up in Vrains with Blue Angel but then it dropped again with Blue Girl and Blue Maiden
Aoi is the queen.
Post the Art of her big fat ass
in her avatar form sure
Boobs too big
Seconding this
Didn't that fag just get cancelled?
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Yeah. For a minor mistake.
fuck you carlos
>I found this this way
Aah fuck
Glasses girl is the best tho
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I'll call her to your bed chambers as quickly as possible Mr Armstrong.
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Isn't this the first time Konami locks a skill behind a paywall?
>big Kimbo Slice nigga
Would you prefer girag?he wasn't reborn yet so it wouldn't make sense.
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fire up the room
Worst girl.
...at the ugly girl Olympics
well she was the only eligible participant...
on the B side...
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Monster world...
The same way Trudge was randomly in 5D's Johnny Steps appears in every Yugioh series to impregnate all the white girls
wtf is this chink speak in response to a pic of chazz? Its "chazz it up" you uncivilized swine.
Trudge wasn't random
DM, GX, and 5DS were originally all part of one timeline
Kaiba, Pegasus, and a season 0 character besides Trudge also had appearances as names in 5DS
plus Neo Domino City is just Domino City that exploded and rebuilt itself
god cards were also mentioned because Zushin is also supposed to be a god card, except it is common and hard to summon
the yugioh timeline only stopped being one obvious timeline around Zexal when the only mention of the past was the stone statues in the dojo place Yuma went to train in, but even then it could just be that Zexal is way farther in the future than the other anime and there is nobody left alive to make a cameo
since Arc-V did it's different card dimension stuff I have no idea if it fits in the timeline, or if the previous timeline is still canon
but there was originally only a single timeline for at least all three of the first shows
Where is mibry art of delicious mocha
only minorities watched GX dubbed
>dude I'm gonna heckin go on an anime website and post in a thread about a game made in japan and pretend I can't tell the difference between chinkspeak and nipspeak!
yea we get it bro you're trying to do the "all rook and sound same" meme.
Finally dual kog again
I fucking hate flush so much
I've been saving gems for salad support and that shit is never coming.

they should have nerfed blue eyes, then at least that would have forced me to change decks. knowing shitnami they'll put a limit one on dingirsu for no reason

skytranny is nerfed
trans genius is a coombo timewaste
ogdoadics have a shit skill
rest is meme shit

it's impossible they made the de flur skill good by mistake
is rush meta just as bad with skill shit
it's even worse, winning 5 times in a row for kog is just infuriatingly hard especially since it's still prebanlist
duels are arbitrary as fuck, you either play shit that bricks or mom saids that never brick because skills allows you to summon tribute summons for fucking free AND lower the attack of your monsters
I don't even fucking get it why there are skills when the irl game doesnt have them,
there's only like 5k-10k flush players that got to dlv max at all and most of them are filthy jap paypig whores
speed duel had like 30k+

>inb4 muh flush thread
I hate this shit so much fuck flush fuck paypigs fuck shit taste pedophiles watching this mediocre shit
it's pathetic what I do for 200 gems
From what Ive seen of it, the skills are pretty strong. Machine and Cyberse have really good skills but the Machine one is strong moreso because of good quality cards with the skill being a plus
Even then its not a huge deal as far as the ladder's concerned since you dont have rank down stress (despite having the same winstreak win for KOG) and anything from f2p harpieshit to dragias aggro can get you there with enough games
I like both
Month ahead post today for real this time
skysissies how is our deck looking?
Wait till fairy's get ack'd sis it's all we can do
>Hates flush
>Plays it enough to kog
Stop trying to fit in flushie
I'm just so happy they got killed 3 times over. fuck them.
Month ahead post goes up in 43 minutes. Post your prediction for the July unlock
They're gonna make Dkayed playable with a LITERALLY POT OF GREED mat, BANEESH card sleeves, and he'll have Sealed Tombs as as a skill but it'll be labeled as Sealed Wombs
oh and you get to take your pick between a Ninja, Aromage, and Handless Balance structure deck
also 3x Kiteroid in HIS level-up rewards
On God?
Im destroying your bussy in 15 minutes if we don't get anything
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Would you?
Is this Carly
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>im here on vacation
Who that
>Uni and Corn finally in
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Why would you want to go to Duel Links for vacation lmao
It’s not Atticus it’s Dumon. He claims to be on vacation when he first encounters the group
>all the Barians are in
Based. Fuck Shadow Riders. Fuck Dark Signers and fuck the Knights of Hanoi. Zexal won.
We still don’t have Vector
Ok so we know for sure there is no box in July since we already have all the Star Seraph shit
Vector is 100% getting in so that's a foregone conclusion.
When Zexal dropped I figured they would skip Girag and Dumon since they have the smallest decks and minimal plot relevance. Girag just triggers about 20 filler episodes and Dumon lost his place as the pseudo leader almost immediately. Still a little surprised we got the whole set after what they did to the dark signers
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>get the Star seraph character
>they are already permanently nerfed because of the stick/chair combo being used by other decks
Yay for dumon. Though to think we get him before vector.
they could give him a skill to work around that
Vector is the most popular Barian so they probably want to end on him. Dumon barely even exists as a character so he is bad to end on

Now the question is, which event brings Rio and Shark’s Barian skill
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>2 years without a character
Being a gxfag must be suffering,not that'd I'd know.Losers.
They already have more than enough
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Fire up the room
Next month for sure
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My niece is staying over tonight and she's absolutely glued to my phone playing Mario run
Shut up nigger
Who tf the unlock
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this faggot and his star seraph deck
Her reaction when she hears my pants unzip
I would be really HYPED for that, actually.
Where that nigga mouth be at
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Imagine him up in the club
>hey baby, what that mouth do
>"mmfmfff mffff mmmffff mfmfffmfffmmf"
>wtf, kenny soundin ass
>z*xal unlock
Worse than r*sh
Zexal is proto-Rush
The budget went up instead of down though.
I thought all his cards were already in the game and he never got support afterwards.
I don't know why they made Tori's skirt so short. Even in the show it shown to be impractical since she always a strong breeze away from flashing her cooch.
>Fuck Shadow Riders
Honestly surprised Camula still haven't made it in. Would Vampire really be that broken or is GX dead?
>tired of duel links, tired of master duel
>play world championship 2011 for some comfy duels against thematic decks
>get stomped in the starting town by optimized meta decks of the era
I guess no place is good after all
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Bubblegum bugglegum for me
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what are your thoughts on this girl: Carly Carmine
Those two guys are newbie traps
You're supposed to follow the natural progression, otherwise you get shitstomped by those asshole cowboys
Made for fucking once then dumping.
We're miss his ace and the chaos xyz version of it other than that we have everything
What about it is proto flush exactly? Just because the cast is younger? Arc v has the same problem too then and zexal was one of the more gorey seasons considering what vector did to his dad and galaxy manlet dying on the moon.
Depending on who you ask early Zexal was kinda goofy before Black Mist and Kite popped up. I never watched Rush but it seems more kiddish so, maybe that's why Anon is saying Zexal is proto flush.
I'd say because of Zexal was conceived as a soft reboot aimed at kids, similar to Flush
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I can't believe RUSH won...
I think you got it wrong retard, /rdg/ is where you should be.
All the ygo shows are aimed at kids though , they're trying to get kids to beg their parents for cardboard. Flush looks like dog shit so I can't stomach it visually nor does the gameplay appeal to me so I won't watch or play it.
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What do you guys do when they force flush content on us? luckily for me another game I play started a new season this week so it has me occupied for awhile.
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I grind for gems to save for any future speed content I might enjoy
Seeing how next box is going to be an ExSHEET box with a character no one gives a fuck about coming the next month is going to be GRIM
As all girls should be
GX hasn’t gotten content since June 2022. Seems to be no priority to them
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>dug in the box for borrelsword
>never ever used him
5k gems I'll never get back
Does anyone have the fanart of the Reaper of the Cards girl avatar from Cross Duel with a big fat ass? I originally saw it here but haven’t been able to find it again
I ain’t no flushy but I would not hesitate to pour beers down this hags throat
Can't fully blame you. Borrelsword is a staple for stealing games or just churning out and OTK. Except in Duel Links everything can just OTK because 4k LP so it's redundant.
Outside of shivers kid and fish cunny Arc-V's cast is all around DM/GX's age
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Monster world...
The 3 jobbers from Reiji's school
Reiji's sister
Entire xyz cast except for kite and shun
Ritual cunny
Yu boys
Bracelet girls
There's a few you're omitting
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The ojisans that work for Akira are so lucky....
>The 3 jobbers from Reiji's school
>Yu boys
>Bracelet girls
They're all 15
Google says the yu boys are 14 and same goes for the bracelet girls.
Rio's real boyfriend finally being added to duel links.
R. Y (OTK channel) is having a field day with this fucking skill. lmao
You know remember Yuma fighting off a Bear
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>Mindlessly wandered into DLM without realizing.
>see updates
>Dumon is coming
Boy these 5 days can't go by fast enough so I can get back to farming gems to get ready for him.
He looks like he's gonna be this year's grandpa muto (doesn't really add anything) since most of his relevant shit's already in
July's usually a skip month for boxes anyway so outside of pickups/deckbuilds/structures, I dont expect anything till early august
I need more skysissy cards... release them!
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I just realized this will be the first time we see/hear him duel in his human form. He never had a duel as a human like the others did
I remember Girag setting one bear face down and ending his turn
>gems expiring
>no speed duel box this month
why the fuck did I waste my gems on traptrix
It's only natural to kneel to ToT
You know why,
>tfw built a traptrix deck but too ashamed to go to locals with it
Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our decks
This but the vrains characters when?
None of them duel outside of vrains
I remember Girag setting Tori facedown and ending his turn multiple times inside her
Soulburner did in a flashback but we only see him play Phoenix Gearfried and Valkyia Knight
I also remember this happening
Zexal girls best girls
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What? 2 FTK variants isn't enough?
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GX has my number one girl, but Zexal has the best full roster of girls overall
With late bloomers, like Aoi
I like that all of spectres cards can kill him if he's low enough on hp same with kozmo
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>opponent gives me Iblee
>I can use her as a cost for my skill
What are the best boss fights? Yubel, z-one and marik are my top three but maybe i'm missing some good ones
I’d like to shoot some of my love deep into Yubel
Revolver vs play maker is pretty good, playmaker plays around a ulinked board with nothing but a top deck.
My personal favorite is when Blue Angel’s biggest fan, Spectre, duels her and sends her face first into the pavement after he styled all over her with my cool trees
I don't know but the worst one was everyone vs Zarc. Like 5 episodes of side characters jobbing and then Rayra/Ray push the "I win" button".
I feel like the secondary characters often have the coolest fights in the shows
joey vs odion, chazz vs adrian, kite vs mizar on the moon
I'd like to add Jim vs Supreme King jaden but the ending felt kind of bullshit to me, super poly always is
>since most of his relevant shit's already in
Don't forget how decisive skills can be when it comes to making a dexk meta out of nowhere, bro.
Didn't the VA for Yubel also pass away recently?
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2017 was 7 years ago anon
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>2017 was 7 years ago anon
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