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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

CEO 2024, June 28th - June 30th: https://ceogaming.org/
Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Anime Expo panel July 4th 11:30 AM PDT: https://www.anime-expo.org/ax/schedule-2024/
3v3 Team Mode TBA
Season 4 Reveal: EVO July 19-21st

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.07/Slayer fix is out)

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (16th Volume)

>Latest Patch 1.37 (May 30th)

>Current Balance Patch 1.33 (December 8th)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

>OP Images

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>482795606
from now on you're in charge of making the threads
are you fucking kidding me
i'm studying how anji spin works and shit is fucking weird. You can prc an autoguarded move only if he cancels his spinning into fish. Basically the startup frames of midare is the ony time when you can save yourself with rc>deflect shield or rc>reversal. Did they change how things used to work? I remember you could prc whenever you wanted
do some brown feet for the next thread
you masto undastando anji needsu itto
if it's like that i'm just gonna mash rc like crazy during the whole spin and if he does fish i'm safe at the cost of two resources
you have to swing 5K constantly in the anji MU so you can jump cancel and not lose neutral at character select
how can i jump cancel if the move is coded as whiffed if it hits spin?
test it, pretty sure it works
what are you coomplaining about now anon
when was the last time we had a /ggg/ tournament?
uh, interesting. Gonna investigate more tomorrow. It's 5 am here
we only have them when gogetabro feels like it
What about that one tournament from a few days ago for money
did a single person sign up for that
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how much Japanese cross dressing hookers did diasuke get with the SBI money?
has to be in the hundreds
Excellent OP. Absolutely bang up job.
The trannies didn't, no
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Hag feet...
Is it bad manners to throw opponent 5 times in a row?
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That is my game plan with May.
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I need this on my face
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No, I do.
>Johnny May
Makes sense in a twisted way with a forbidden Father/Daughter bond. Johnny touts himself as the ideal man, May wants to be seen as a woman...
>Chipp May
Makes sense. He took care of her in Xrd, proved he didn't have bad intentions. Obsessed with Japanese. They've stayed in touch, even training Dodomezaki.
>Faust May
Doesn't make sense. He's BALD.
>Bridget May
This fetishist wouldn't even be allowed on board May's Ship. Johnny taught her to be wary of men since he's radfem adjacent.
gayest post in the thread
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>Potemkin May
slayer is busted as shit but I don't see too many posts complaining about him here
leave me in heat
Just throw him
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what about the secret Sol May
>forgot to add the tournament
Template fag never reads threads lol
No, if it works it works. Can't have your strike/throw be all strike
holy order leo when??
>lv3 flashkick
Please fucking help me sir I am Indian
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I want another cute character like her
I would edit out a image for this but im too lazy for it and im at work rn, this list sucks but eh

Guilty Gear Characters and their favorite books

Sol Badguy - Moby Dick
Asuka - Frankenstein or Critique of pure reason
Faust - Probably Faust
Leo - The prince (has not read it but wants to look cool)
Happy Chaos - The Stranger
Chipp - The book of 5 rings (has not read it)
Slayer - The Great Gatsby
Raven - 50 days of sodom
Giovanna - Probably something by Clarice Lispector due to their matching personalities
Goldlewis - 1984
Anji - I am a cat
Millia - Anna Karenina
Zato - The posthumous memoirs of Bras Cubas
Testament - Its a poem but I dont have any options, The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
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Most of the fanbase has yet to realise May is designed to be a ragebait character
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breadly sin
>Slayer - The Great Gatsby
i unironically never read a book in my whole life. No wait harry potter in elementary school and i found it boring and never finished it
HP does suck though
Start with the greeks
What about May?
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Yes, I'm 800+lvl May and I constantly do stupidest shit, like 4 whales in 1 round and it even works.
Same, my ADHD will never allow me to read 50 pages of information that could be summed up in a few sentences.
SOMEHOW even on floor 10 and sometimes even in celestial, these fuckers just DONT BLOCK RESENGEKI
or they don't believe it can come out so fast
The moment you start fucking with its timing it's game over
Also nobody will say it but axls tornado is OP, gives axl so much priority and has great combo potential and is bullshit combined with the whirlwind resen followip, free charge dust combo for half health everytime. Not to mention bomber loops, sick fucking timestop combos, double timestop TAUNT combos, I mean God damn he has it all
I love axl
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Actually, it's the weird monster guy is what we all need
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patience my friend. Leopaldon WILL come
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But I want arakune in strive
I want to shit out as many bees as I can with little to no effort Just like in calamity trigger
trying to find an ergonomic tented hitbos
>ergobox is gone
>everything else is diy contraption that requires me to learn soldering, 3d printing and compiling my own firmware
alright guess i will postpone going to events again till i have the energy and time to learn all this shit. No i'm not gonna use a flat leverless cause it kills my wrists. I have a tented kb at home
since we are in the realm of impossibilities i want gio to play like valkenayn. That is such a wasted opportunity i hope they at least had that idea in mind at and ditched it for time reasons, that would give me hope for the next gg installment. I mean they clearly considered it right? It's the only reason to make a character with a pet companion, to either control it or turn into it. Please daisuke
tested and it's fake news
But what if gio actually played like Carl&Clover?
that's good too
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a dude at my locals had some 3d printed ergobox and that shit sucks. a regular hitbox is already plenty ergonomic and doesn't make you look like a faggot that's desperate for attention.
>what are 3d printing services
>what are brook/gp2040ce boards
>soldering anything in 2024
sounds to me like you're just incompetent
hello btw factoryreboot
how did you not break the paper?
Very carefully
draw me some gio
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Rev 2 lobby is up.
Name is gilly gear.
No password.
Hosted in NA west coast.
Unfortunately for you I'm allergic to drawing women
And drawing in general
>be pedo
>pretend to be offended when called pedo
why is sneed like this
faustbros how will we ever recover
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Why would you cheat on the perfect woman with some weird dolphin throwing goblin?
cards are more fun than coins
Only 3 years for the next Guilty Gear.
time flies
i'm happy arcsys finally found their footing with this series
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Summerly Sin's mom.
I've been playing since the beta and this is still my main game
I thought Tekken 8 would kill strive for me but it just didn't feel as fun as I would have hoped
Here's hoping for Zappa next season, and that the next Guilty Gear build off of the foundation of Strive in some positive ways
Will there even be next? They nailed designs and graphics with Strive, you just can't go above that unless you want fluid motion like in Tekken but no one would like that for GG.
Giovannas theme shouldve been inspired by the better Red hot chili pepper songs
i use lossless scaling and it doubles the frames. The game looks so much better and clearer. They need to drop this 24fps just like real anime bullshit. Actually anime and cinema have to drop it too, the soap opera effect is just a matter of getting used to it. Can't believe we still look at slideshows just cause it feels ''weird'' to adapt
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one big thing will be using high quality models only instead of switching to low res versions during fights. That was a limit dictated entirely by shitty consoles
Doesn’t bumping the frame rate make the animation lose some impact?
This is what the GG community is all about
Isn’t Gio’s theme just a Beastie Boys - Sabotage homage. What RHCP song inspired it too?
mmm not really? Haven't noticed anything different besides fluidity, not even artifacts. Even the input lag is the same.
Honestly for 4 bucks it's worth a try. The app is so black magic i'm fine with shilling it.
Maybe i will record and post some videos later
Got celestial challenge again
Wish me luck soldiers
I've still never done it
kinda late in the month for it
Eh fuck it I'm already here
It's just so intimidating
I'm pretty damn good but celestial just feels like a whole other level
And winning 5 games in a row against these monsters takes so much fucking work
it's bullshit. Not even seasoned players can do it reliably first time. Don't take it that seriously
he's going to press the little button on your head and give you firmware update
6k putting out the cig
i'll join if I win this
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I don't think so, I think it's a stylistic choice
people say Rin is reactable and yes it is but it has no discernible visual cues and looks like every other anji moves with the sparks coming out too late in the move. 5D is faster but way easier to react automatically to the orange even if you never saw that particular animation
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Would love to see it, interpolation in anime looks like shit.
>They nailed designs and graphics with Strive
Xrd is better thoughbeit
>The game looks so much better and clearer
This is because you're a retard, hope this helped
shit taste
Looks like they have something ready to release for the game. I wonder if the release dates will be a double feature with EVO so close to the Anime Expo.
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Id say cheap booktok-esque romance about platonic love since she lacks the smarts to read a actual high class work, probably some marine biology stuff on the side but she buys the books just to see the cool pictures of the fishes
Gentleman-ish book so why not, ig Dracula and Carmilla too because of the whole vampire stuff
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>since she lacks the smarts to read a actual high class work
How DARE you?
May is intelligent and sophisticated!
>Source: my ass
Fluid is bad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atifmEsQ7_Y
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it looks choppier than normal
looks unironically great
Oh yeah? Ask her to name 10 books
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So which pros are actually repping Slayer?
I think I'm gonna be sick...
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1.- Lolita
2.- Uh...
3.- hmm...
4.- Eh...

OK so maybe she doesn't read but pls no bully her.
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His answers were: Nage, FAB, Umisho, Jonathan Tene and Mocchi
I am once again here to seethe about the fact that Pot has the dumbest fucking air normals
Like, seethe about how bad they are? I don't get it.
Is there a way to actually check your input lag
with a camera
Can she join strive?
Lobby when bros
Give me a character whose gimmick is teleporting. Not a character who has a teleport. I want Asuka's tele ALWAYS.
Launch an older GG title and play Chipp like the gay nigger faggot you are (I fucking hate xrd and +R Chipp if it wasn't obvious)
There's also Answer in Xrd.
It's not a teleport in functionality but Slayer in Strive also teleports during animations and can do that to even cross people up.
Also the lobby's back up.
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is there a reason why the la vocal tracks aren't in strive? do they not have the rights or have to pay royalties or something?

also i look EXACTLY like this
going to steal her burger king crown
The thing is, I want cool teleports in Strive.
With how much Daisuke hates nooch I'm shocked that after 3 years the closest we have to teleporting behind you is Slayer running all the way across the screen and doing it with a dash on wakeup
That would be very upsetting
literally whomstve
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kil blahaj
Wait for Answer in season 4
Testament also has a teleport and you fags keep ignoring that, go play Testament anon
What can you do to reduce the input lag for this game other than turning v-sync off?
Testament teleport isn't good though.
You're not good enough for input lag to be a factor in the outcome of your matches
I'll TO a tournament this saturday
Really wish Ephelt had a marriage/divorce mechanic.
>Boot up Strive
>Floor 10
>1 opponent out of 3 is a VIP / Celestial
>everytime the set goes 2-1 or 1-2 because despite my average level, you can rob people in this game
>It's the usual Johnny, corny big ass buttons + zoning
>will proceed to dodge me if I swap to A.B.A
>It's the usual Milia/Chipp, maybe they wander in floor 10 because they get bodied in Celestial dunno
>Mix mix mix, 2F grab. I proceed to wake up DP, wake up mash and again it's 1-2 or 2-1 per set despite their rank
Floor 9 is peak Guilty Gear Strive.
lol who's this dude fucking destroying Marvelo like it's nothing. Slayer is so overtuned
>he has never heard of Cowhunter
marvelo, I'm sorry
Marvelo... Isn't very good...
strive is... bad
Slayer having big damage and plus frames is okay.
Sol having it is not.
And I'm being 100% genuine.
Did Marvelo make top 8 in any major, ever
no one wants to admit bridget is top tier for some reason
What, I thought Bridget was in everyone's top 5's alongside Leo, Sol and HC with a random 5th
>why am i not having fun on retardproof characters?
i love this game so much unironically, even more now that i've found a stable group to play with. I wish for more and more seasons. Now i wish i could convince some of my irl friends to play it and learn the genre tho no one has the autism i had when i started
Potemkin is so fucking hard man
anji frito is such a dumb character. When a char can win just by using specials and almost no normals you know it's retarded
at least he has bad defense. is what i would say if he didn't have the best 5f move in the game and a 30f active parry to beat safejumps and counter projectiles and also has extremely high hp ensuring that he gets at least 2 more chances to survive that he really doesn't and also he has an air stall so he can just air dash out of the corner and get a free punish if you try to hit him on the way down
Leo is fair and balanced because his stance is risky.
finna hunch
show me the frames on leo's parry vs baiken's and tell me that.
show me the frame data and hitboxes on his backturn buttons and tell me that.
Kybros are we no longer Z tier why is a Ky in grand finals, winners side
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do we like dany?
No we hate him because he's gonna get our already low tier main nerfed
Nage is legit a god. He's the best GG player imo and it's not close.
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make 1
Honestly can't tell the difference. I guess that's how great the animations are by default.
wife fight back
Lobbys down.
Not gonna host tomorrow cause i have to attend court.
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Does borderless vs fullscreen actually add any input lag or did windows fix that yet?
one of my proudest achievements was killing /ggg/ with soiveposting and game warring
Stop matching me with the trannoid who's afk in training holy shit
its 3am e Ess tee
strive is a meme
Strive is fun.
Jam but with nunchuks
bruce lee 2
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sisters I want to pick up Elphelt, could you recommend me a cheap, afforadble but decent dog clicker?
who is this
My wife
what's her name
Good morning /ggg/
I love Jacķ‐O so much!!!
why would you ever want to play in borderless windowed?
i want a toblerone...
Only when I fight Bridget players do I sweat and emit a powerful masculine scent to let them know I’m ready to mate
Leo's parry is not good even when it lands
I miss when yozansen was fullscreen and parry did 80% health
wait, blahaj is a tranny eceleb or something? I kick that dude's ass in park all the time
Switched from xbox gamepad to ps4 gamepad and looks like I need ~20 hours just to get used it completely, that's more time than some life changing games I played but for online games it's fucking nothing, ridiculous.
why are you switching from diarrhea to vomit? Just pick up a leverless
This but the dude sounds like a casual gamer and game pads are fine for that. Leverless is an upgrade but why bother learning if you aren’t going to play too much or too sweaty.
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>Leverless is an upgrade
that was debunked
Why is her head so small
why do dlc characters get unreactable safe on block loopable high-low mix with absurd reward by mashing a single button but base game characters have to solve a rubiks cube to get middling fuzzyable mixups and you die if they block
her neck is also insanely long
slayer/johnny/aba are low tier
you're retarded
Johnny gets more top 8's than most characters
Body shaming
I'm shitty anatomy shaming
Sol? I-No? Millia? Zato?? Nagoriyuki???
When's steam maintenance?
floor 4 nigga really tried to sneak I-No in there
So she's your boogeyman of made up ahit?
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They shouldn't have nerfed parry with the other dps
Not even Daru blocks I-No consistently. Quit yapping.
oh nyoooo, not the 2k, I-No gets sooooooo much damage off her 2k!
release timing. Most of the base game characters are simpler and lack tools and moves cause covid fucked their schedule so they had to cut stuff. You can see how each dlc (besides elphelt) is getting more and more complex in number of moves, special outro animations, interactions etc.
I wish i-no and ram were dlc, we might have had way cooler versions
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leaked season 4 bedman? change list

Bedman's P and S errors have a new special property, where if you use a special move while its respective error is stored, it will upgrade the special move at the cost of the error

>236P while !P is stored causes the spike to be electrified. It passes through the opponent, then after a second, it returns back as a thunder bolt, pulling the opponent in and leaving Bedman? plus. This uses up the error. By holding P, bedman can do a normal 236P and keep the error

>236S while !S error is stored causes the spin to overheat, grant slightly higher damage, a higher launch, and a hard knockdown. S can be held to do the normal version and keep the error.

>The level of 236H now increases slightly increases the size of the !H explosion

>5K can now low crush, similar to Goldlewis 5K

>f.S recovers 1 frame faster

>2S now becomes active 1 frame sooner and recovers 2 frames faster

>2H now travels about half a character length farther, making it a bit more consistent

>super jump now goes slightly farther

>airdash distance slightly increased
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kek, besides the troonage the total degeneracy of the gg fanbase is hilarious. Better than having twitter prudes spamming ''no horny'' and all that shit
the rizz is out the charts
It's a good thing 6H gatlings naturally from it, huh.
thank god you aren't a video game developer
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Calling Ky honest is illegal
Why does bandit bringer have such a huge hitbox holy crap
>thread is completely dead
what south NA countries got ranged banned from 4chan?
You don't understand, full combo + corner carry into wall break if you want to isn't good because
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SS tier that no one plays
no lobby
What's the fucking way to get in after a super wallbreak with slayer all my crap gets grabbed after K mappa
U guys wanna play? : 3
post a lobby code then
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How is it possible to have any slayer players below celestial?
How is it possible to have any frogposters in 4chins?
>getting mad at images
go back to twitter or reddit
IAD jH gets 6p'd on reaction too
You're literally posting a r*ddit image
>thinking that poster is me
You don't, which is why he's not a good character
>literally can't move forward without being negative and right in their face
thats not axl
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Op's pic made me visit the thread for the first time, now what?
play guilty gear
do you have fighting game autism
You win, bought the most recent one just now.
I played blazblue casually before, but I sucked.
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>Hags in childish clothes
I can get behind it
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Good catch, hoss.
How do we downplay now I-No sisters?
Coom magnet
Why is /gbvsg/ so much more alive than this place despite their game being about 1/10th as popular?
All you faggots ever do is bitch and complain, nobody wants to talk to you.
Lose everything anyway
remember that the full corner carry wallbreak combo does 40% as opposed to 60 or 70
we play we don't talk unironically
>we play
we gay
*kisses you*
I'm too busy playing blazblue centralfiction
just not with you ;}
if anyone here played the game there would've already been a complaint about how no one can connect to a match right now
works on my Giga Machina System ;;;]
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But I did play today, I just have to go wageslave for the remainder of the day
I really wish I bothered building muscle memory for confirming CHs, I keep getting some (not talking about the massive white text ones) and do something really shit instead of some easy CH combos instead
Plus steam maint should be over now
Oh no, 40% off of a high/low mix straight out of neutral!
being a 2 touch character is standard for any good character on the roster.
Bridget is an even lower damage character but still top tier
The average HC interaction isn't higher damage than the average I-No one in most cases
Will you downplay them next
That's because those other characters can't force you to coinflip on whether you block or get hit, retard
>We actually play the gmae
4 minutes later
>Bridget is top tier
play dead
catching may off guard in a time of vulnerability and beating her back in
i look like this
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kys frogfag
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her pits are right there
unf... holy fuck i can't take it anymore. i-i'm gonna... i'm about to STRIVE
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Ugly fatass
cute fatass
>enter thread
>ctrl+f lobby
>no lobby
>leave thread
One agp Elphelt gf please
See >>483491076
Enough about sneed
Love this artist and how big her boobs are
okay now I post that I hate the artist and how big her boobs are
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That's rude, she can't help how big her boobies are
my mistake, princess with the 2nd most beautiful nipples
Why is keygrab +2 ob?
>1400 elo Baiken
j.S j.S j.S YOZANSEN 2H 2H KABARI KABARI KABARI, Parry on every wakeup
>1900 elo Baiken
j.S j.S j.S YOZANSEN 2H 2H KABARI KABARI KABARI, Parry on every wakeup

Low sentience creatures.
baikens grumbly voice is scary and mean and violent
anyone NA wanna do some quick park games?
To stop you mashing?
i'm the tiny exile
just rizz
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so if she hits it she gets to transform for free, a chunk of meter
if it gets blocked she still gets some meter and she's plus
sounds fun
low tier and hard to play btw
Nobody says either of these things, what are you talking about?
no she didn't!!!!
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low tierstament
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the last two threads were pretty slow. is everyone busy playing the elden ring dlc?
nvm. nobody here is worth playing atm anyway.
I'm playing smtvv
I'm watching The Urban Rescue Ranch
the tranny menace must be purged
i'm mostly playing offline. Trying new characters, labbing them, taking notes and then trying few fights the park just to get a better understanding of them.
the "hype" for the new character died off and everyone who returned remembered soive killed guilty gear's soul and left
I bet I'm better than you
videogames don't have souls, nor humans
save me from celestial boredom.
typical soiver
you know what just say something if you go in
Every time I click on a potnigger video I just KNOW it's going to contain the shittiest gameplay known to man, I hate them all so much and wish the worst upon them.
Literally me
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I just bought this game last week with the expansion packs and I picked the vampire guy with the wedding suit and just hit floor 10. Is floor 10 considered to be good?
Small world
Is the game so bad that Celestial don't play in Celestial but stay at Floor 10?
It's alright. A lot of the playerbase gets stuck there, so there are a few different power levels in floor 10. If you can make it into Celestial and get the Gold VIP Poster, then you're competent.
It's kinda like Monster Hunter where the tutorial isn't over until the credits roll.
Fatalis is the final tutorial boss
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This guy draws some very nice Baikens...
She loves her chao
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What are 5 characters with heavy execution in Strive?
- Zato?
- Millia?
- Asuka?
- Potemkin?
- Bridget?
I want to see how far I can push myself on Pad.
Jack-o is the character with the highest execution requirement in the game, it's not even close.
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POV : You are about to fail Celestial challenge
Why does Round Start Pilebunker work so well?
i'm slowly becoming an household name in my gg community, should i slowly reveal my true transphobic/racist self? I always presented myself as a bit edgy but never really crossed the line, just small hints. We are not an anglo community, people are less pozzed here but we have an online presence and are known internationally so maybe saving face matters to the admins. What would you do? Pretending to be something i'm not is tiring and makes me feel dirty. I'm not saying going full schizo, just kinda making clear i'm not an "ally" and politely invite trans people to steer away from me, especially at offline events i don't really want to interact with them
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I hope this is bait and you're not really this annoying to be around
Guys, get it?!?! It's thing, but a thing that I like!
You're a thing that I like
>I played blazblue casually before,
youd throw up from the casualness if you were to play strive after blazblue
I actually don't get it
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yes but im on the last boss so i will be back to suffering on my low tier very soon
must suck having to actually interact with enemies huh
+R was the first GG I played and I gave Strive a massive chance since the only friends I have who like GG solely play Strive and ask me to play it with them all the time. I kept wondering at what point do I have fun with the game. As compared to all past entries, it looks terrible, the movement is terrible, none of the character kits are fun, and all of the character designs look terrible (except for Baiken since she's just an Xrd copy/paste).

At all times, I legitimately wonder if Strive's popularity is a massive psyop or if I'm just "not getting it," because the difference in playability between Strive, Xrd, and +R is so immediately obvious from just opening the lab in either game and figuring out your BNBs. Is this solely because it's the most recently released GG? Is there anything legitimate about Strive as compared to Xrd/+R?

I have probably bummed/stressed myself out more than I would ever need to by repeatedly making an attempt to understand this question. I dislike Strive so much that even just scrolling past discussion of it causes me to not want to browse /ggg/ since nothing about it inspires me and reading any discussion of it again builds up needless anxiety in me by making me repeatedly contemplate the question of "How can anyone possibly like this game?", which then leads to me opening Strive again for the 500th time, having absolutely no fun, and losing enthusiasm yet again for GG as a franchise by proxy. So now I mostly just live on Discords devoted to +R and Xrd.

Can anyone care to shed some light or is able to relate to any of this? Genuinely trying to understand Strive and not just trying to shitpost, but Strive discussion is genuinely why I don't come to /ggg/ anymore.
Choose another girl to be footfags about I don't want to be associated with you people
bro, didn't you hear?
people are catching on that we don't have any bad matchups
im a zoner in every game ackshully
this nigha's blessed by the scadu
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GGST merch:
Bridget - multiple high quality figures
Faust - a paper bag
Yes, and? He also has a mask and shirt
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at least Faust gets some merch, unlike my boy pot
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As long as the girl are cute/sexy and the gameplay is fun I probably won't be disappointed.
Played a little bit today, can't say I dislike it so far, cool music too.
>be in biggest regional fgc discord group
>weeb nation
>pinging for strive matches gets plenty of responses meanwhile no one answer for sf and tekken
>normies get mad cause a weeb game gets more attention than their "respectable" series
love to see it
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I just beat the dlc last night but I'm gonna start a ng+ base game run using dlc weapons
Slayer's 6H is what I want Ky's 2H to be
what if sol was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the backyard?
so is the tower the worst lobby system of all time
She's fat as fuck
even if you accept it for what it is, there is zero fucking reason to be as jank as it is with the cabinets constantly bugging out and the forced interruptions every time you go up or down
They should ease the celestial challenge with 1 more loss and give floor 10 a challenge too then it would be better
Plus bring some form of approximate ELO indicator I guess
2h should just get a small disjoint at the top of the hitbox to anti air and pop the other guy sliiiightly higher on combos
they should let you redo the challenge over and over if you fail without having to get a win streak in floor 10 again. Just let me retry till i pass, like every other test on earth, i already proved to be above floor 10
>Just let me retry till i pass, like every other test on earth
most tests that matter have a required wait period between retaking it
Yes, but I finished it yesterday.
waiting yes, that's passive, being forced to redo everything that led you to the point of being able to take the test is retarded
Ky's 2H is an 11f startup wall, dude.
And when was the last time you used it like a wall
Last time I played Ky.
When was the last time I saw it used like a wall? Last time I played against Ky.
When was the last time you saw May 5H used like a wall?
Round start Pilebunker is fun
>K dandy to evade their retarded roundstart button that cucks all your other buttons
>Force them into the corner immediately with good damage
Yeah I love it too, it feels like saying get fucked in game
le elden fart DLpee le real sutoraibu killer...
still around?
Just host a lobby if you want games here anon, more likely to get people to join
I host sometimes it's just usually I only want to play a few sets
park ft10 is a comfortable set length
I was going to play but after consulting training mode my fingers no longer work after a week of elden ring and booze. Why are there so many other games / expansion coming out leeching my learning time from this game. Dawntrail soon too. Fuck it, more booze is the answer.
kys furfag
playing with people i know is doing wonders to my temper
kys furfag
oh you won the last match? too bad, i won 2-1, get destroyed bitch
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pouring one out for gio sexo
Shut up bitch you got downloaded and your avatar knocked flat
darkness rides
Lobby pls
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Can we talk about the downplay on Johnny?
Johnny is annoying but the only people who downplay him haven't played him against a good player and realized "oh, this is all fake and I literally can't move at all"
If I do, then PepperySplash will have some words with me.
Someone pull up that one Peppery quote
>literally mashing 5f move on wakeup
>Get punished with a throw
>Meanwhile if I press a 5f before blocking a move the game will give me my 5f after blocking it so I get CHd by the followup that happens after 2 seconds of blockstun
>every drunk is the furfag
Will we ever have lobbies again
BSU's oki is so fucking bad, what are you even supposed to do after it? There's literally no real mix outside of the very risky press 5d in the corner
GCyoshi beddoman vs Apologyman Faust losers finals atm
skill issue
I'm a top 50 johnny and I literally never struggle against johnny on my secondaries. You're just shit bro. Learn the match up.
Alright give us some good anti Johnny tech then anon please
MF is -14, punish it. That's literally it.
>inb4 guard crushed
If you let him get to that point it's a skill issue.
>MF is -14, punish it.
he's too far away, now what?
Counterpick Johnny and MF to punish MF back
Use the time to close the distance? If you end up blocking he's forced to MFC away to try and stay safe or try to sneak in a cheeky card which is easily punished. Both of these options leave you at advantage. If he tries to MFC throw and you let him I don't know what to tell you.
doesn't seem like it :(
Mist finer cancel pressure resets and mist dash throws are unreactable
it's time for bed gramps
You cannot be serious nigga.
i haven't played johnny since slayer came out so i'm rusty af but play me rn faggo i wanna see how shit you are
ok make the lobby bitch
I think you may have read the post incorrectly
Actually... I wrote the post incorrectly, I meant to say "upplay"
2D into BWA grants an unmashable mixup with dandy. If you don't have BWA then 2D still catches mashes and jumps after BSU. If they're blocking just go for it again/throw em. But BSU is balanced by having bad oki since it would be way way too oppressive otherwise
Punch Slash Hslash Dash
Kick Dust Empty RC
we're the same guy
I like this creature, how can I get one?
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These wait times make it really hard to ever want to post on this site. Guilty Gear.
party in shark
misto fina on block is punishable, use your dash block, if the tries to deal a card without hkd you can straight run at him and punish. His wallbreak safejump doesn't work vs half the cast and you can either mash 5p or super. Vault in neutral is punishable. He cannot move on the ground safely without hkd or the threat of a card, dash jump is predictable. Card goes away if you hit him, etc.
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>you will never be frosty fausting top 8 material
>you will never join sharkparty's raunchy orgies
>you will never taste the sharkpussy and your semen will never get mixed with those of pro players of the caliber of leffen and supernoon
why even live?
How ok are you with loose sluts?
your BRC, sis?
Because 7 8 9
to this day the only things johngoloids are able to bring up to pretend that hes not top tier is "but the fullscreen mixup is -14 on block you can just punish it with your furthest button 12 framer button after walking into range for 200 frames every time god johnny loses at character select"
Did they make mist finer 214X instead of 236X solely to make it fucking impossible to TK out of jump cancel?
I'm gonna be honest I just don't see what's good about a move if you first have to guess right on the throw that deals very low amount of damage itself and then have to spend 50% of some kind to get any pressure out of it, it's not like it's yozansen that covers your ass even when you're wrong or has lots of utility outside of the said mixup either way.
Why not just use the said meter to do any other mixup? The universe buff does help with extra damage but it's not like you're doing anything bad with FRCs
They changed the input back in Xrd so you wouldn't accidentally kill yourself trying to cancel it and honestly I liked the change then and I like how it is now
"Strive makes people think they're better at anti-airing than they actually are." - LK
"/ggg/ doesn't play Guilty Gear." - LK
He's very mad that air dashes are reactable. Remember, he genuinely believes the Console input delay is truer then what everyone plays on. He made that whole video about how Millia air dash SHOULD be unreactable bc Console is the standard with shitty input delay.
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He's Baiken for fags and zoners
Marriage orbs
explain this shit you've been spouting for days
Didn't they publish a patch that put consoles to the same-ish lag to PC's like a month after that too
50/50 slot machine chars that refuse to interact with you. Instead they try brute forcing their game plan.
Yeah that sounds right lol
"LK isn't good at Guilty Gear"
Is bridget anji's worst matchup?
Why would Bridget be the worst matchup for him?
I'm new and I'm asking because that's the only character that ends up controlling 95% of neutral whenever I fight one.
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input your spin and skip neutral please
youre thinking too hard
>fags and zoners
>avoid all the zoning shit
>land a spin and proceed to fish
>they PRC into DP
>back to the bullet hell
unga can't solve all the problems
Then go tell TOs to stop banning the best Sin player in the world from /ggg/ because some tranny leftist are seething about lolis Lord Choke.
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He could at least try to be less of a pedo if he wants back into the Guilty Gear community
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>log in
>its still just a knowledge check
>lose games
>close game
i love playing millia
How mentally ill do you have to be to be still playing strive?
out with a whimper
do you guys have any warmup sequences you do prior to heading into pvp? i'm looking for lighter ways to use pre-match because i usually play for like an hour, get comfortable with a stopping point and quit out, so i feel like my best place for performance improvement is prior to matching
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What the fuck dude, just launch the game and play
Thinking autistically like this is just gonna make your mindset worse
baseball is so sexy
well i dunno about that, prior to jumping in against players i'll usually sit in training for at least a couple minutes anyway to get my brain engaged, so i'm just curious to see if anyone has a regiment they follow that applies to all characters
Can someone tell me why Ram's 2k low profiles stuff
why not?
I love her big balls
name 1
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pretty bad
What's the strongest 3v3 team /ggg/ could make?
sol, axl, aba
What are their names? I bet Sneed solos
My name is not important
I-No Millia Sol
Our best players all main or have a pocket Anji
sneed is the only good player in /ggg/. the next strongest is gogetab. everyone else is a casual.
ok well the triple anji, while funny, is gonna get trounced by a single millia/aba/asuka.
gogeta couldnt cut 2k
the other good player is the axl
i beat gogetabros in our only ft10
Gyatt I look and dress exactly like Leo I'm so cooked chat
i like that we don't get to know the actual lyrics to the songs until naoki decides to tweet "hmm, doesn't it sound like this?"
Not watching your video fuck off
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Would it really have been too much effort to make this into happy chaos
I remember when Gogeta tried to push this narrative
I also remember when he gave up in tournament to someone who was not sneed
What, Millia is still a good matchup for Anji
Shame about the rest though
Any pro elphelt players? I just want to see how she plays at a high level for once
I want to use alternative play poster's back as a stand for my stick while I plow her into submission, getting perfect after perfect on her Jack-O until she breaks.
I mean bump.
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So we have like 8 good characters left to add?
I think our Jack-O player is super cute... but they went from "hey! who wants to play games... i'm ready! >:3" to "aight ggs bro" after we played...
our 3 best players were sin zato axl in some order when they were all playing.
Is it actually possible to get a taunt combo with Axl's time stop in a real match or is that just a meme that gets you killed?
doable and makes people livid
I'm becoming an axl main...
Did you dominate your Jack-O? They have a bratty temperament and need to be reninded of their place time to time to show you affection like usual.
Just denied a level 400 Ephelt's celestial challenge with my level 80 slayer and he let the ending screen time out no quit or anything. A feeling better than sex
safe taunts are gay
framekill taunts are based thoughever
The other day some ABA kept t-bagging me despite losing. All I could wonder is if there was input error or if it was intentional.
people play weird all the time and i only get suspicious of something if they're winning. if you still got rounds on the ABA then it makes no sense for them to taunt. to me it's only a sell if they suddenly quit after beating you just enough to even the winrate, then you can tell they were intentional
So you fags are so dead that no one posted this yet?

The thing is, they were too weak to even the score up. I think they just didn't like Slayer.
>minor balance patch in July after EVO only for characters “that haven’t reached their potential” (low tiers?)
>and WA reworked
That is going to be a funny nothingburger lol
twitter leffen
>over a year without proper balance patch
>remaining new moves for characters and 3v3 mode still vapourware
anime is the best decision to make the ip popular
Has Sol ever been ass in any GG?
They also say they're gonna reveal more about the new season next month (probably evo) in that which is nice, maybe we'll actually see the next char
I believe thats the point. They sniffed casual money so much they now focus more on outside media than putting resources into actual games. Strives success will affect all arcsys games from now on which is simply grim.
You jest but he still doesn't have his new move
Is arcsys bankrolling the entire production ? Not that 12 ep anime seasons are that costly anyway
wheres gio sexo
I am already dreading the idea of staying up until 5:00 AM to watch a trailer for D*zzy and 6 new specials for the gayest characters in the game
i always lose because i cant suppress my blood lust
Vastedge I think
Sol is going to be able to use WA no less than 6 times per round.
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Anybody got any good Pot reaction images
StriveBvlls, I just told my wife that I liked Guilty Gear and she asked which one, but when I said "Xrd" she laughed me out of the room. Long story short, to try and keep my marriage from falling apart, I need to make Celestial by Saturday or she's calling a VIP... I'm floor 4, where do I start? It's really hard playing a real fighting game.
Pick Ephelt and win solely off of people who don't know the matchup and anyone who does know/learns block them and dont rematch
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this is kinda true tho
So which characters still don't have the new moves they were promised?
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Not a reaction image but still
Nago doesn't need more shit
So what moves are we expecting for them bros
I just hope Sol gets sidewinder and if not that just another meme DI and not something completely new or the stupid bandit knowledge check
If Ky gets grinders I will personally shit on the mouths of all Ky mains god that was a boring gimmick
he should get a new special that acts as a low, and then remove the low property off of beyblade.
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Dead, away for an extended period (intentional), away for an extended period (hospital/psych), or schizo-shifting to a different personality for the foreseeable future. Nobody knows.
He needs a move that empties his blood gauge even on block from fullscreen :)
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What buffs are we getting this patch
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Every single Slayer player in the bracket, and damn this general needs some LIFE
>"major" patch isn't until November
Aint no way he did CH 2H into mappa, I think this dude has landed like 2 decent combos total
Why do they keep saying they, it's clearly two niggas
When I do 2H CH > P dandy > cS > 2S > K dandy > Pilebunker > cS > 2S the last cS always hits otg so the opponent auto techs before i can 2s or 2h what am I doing wrong
Nago is a skill based character
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wow, this mod finally made Baiken playable https://gamebanana.com/mods/505362
i only count 5
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I-no pussy on my face
>characters “that haven’t reached their potential”
cant wait for the sol/leo/nago/HC buffs
I finally cracked top 100 and am #3 on my character, am I good enough to post here now
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Fine. You can post.
yes, post elphelt pussy
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>reach floor 10
>everyone plays like EVO champion
it's over...
you should have picked a game with player expression
Picture this: Jack-O Valentine winning something. Eh? Eh?
>reach celestial
>everyone is a mashing scrub
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Join my tournament tomorrow. I don't want to give gogetabros free money.
I don't like when money enters the scene on very small and niche groups
You also shouldn't be giving reward money if there's no tourney dumbass that's not how it works
so would you join a tournament if there was no prize?
If I'm free at that time I would consider it, why not
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I hope Johnny won't get buffs
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Me on the right
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the random girl I saw working at the theme park near me was 10x hotter wearing khakis and a collared shirt
that's not the point, you fucking philistine
remember to brush your tongue anons
Would be hotter without the tats and with the original outfit.
I've been playing elden ring but yeah aight sure
I'm new to fighting games. Should I learn Sol in GGST or is Johnny viable? What is the best button layout for an 8 button stick?
Didn't you say you were leaving this general like 6 times, all after being shown you suck playing this game already you attention whore
No more (You)'s
Hey guys remember Hotashi?
I took a round off him once when he joined a lobby
been calling myself an evo winner ever since
Nigger who the fuck cares about viability if you're brand new holy shit
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>Jhonny does an air dash attack
>"alright time to 6P"
So why did I get hit by an aerial move while anti-airing with 6P?
This game man...
I see 5p not 6p
thats not 6p, thats why
either the game fucked up or the opponent fucked up your inputs with that crossup air dash in such a way that you did not get 6p but got 5p instead
damn you're right that's 5P... I got crossed up...
I'm going to touch you retard
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Shake his hand bro
Literally nothing he could've done in both cases
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nothing warms my heart more than seeing leffen get rocked
just play whoever you think is cool or whoever you want to have sex with
But you're not a playable character
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but since you're gay, definitely consider ABA
you did 5p, and besides 6p isn't invulnerable to air moves, it just moves your hurtbox down to your knees
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Wait a second our Johnny is not inspired by Bravo but pic rel...
Their logo is also "just keep walking" which is very similar to "just lean"....
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He's a reference to led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Johnny winter and Jimi Hendrix(Johnny real name) retard. Did you actually think he was a reference to an American cartoon?
i knew the others, but what's the led zeppelin reference?
>American cartoon
You fucking retard
It's a whiskey brand and you can literally see Johnny's walk in that logo
yeah u niggas post this shit and then cry about ai art

The glitters is gold attack which is a lyric from Led Zeppelin's stairway to heaven.
I'm talking about the even mentioning or saying
>our Johnny is not inspired by Bravo
part dumbass. Yeah Johnnie Walker might be another inspiration or reference for him but that text implies that at one point or another you thought he might be inspired by Johnny bravo.
sometimes I wonder why those 400+ lbs guys don't just stop drinking soda
even vile evil art is of higher worth than ai trash
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How do you RC Drift consistently?
I'm on Pad and use L2 (RC) and R2 (Dash macro). I read that you should press both at the same time but it seems to only work if you press Dash macro slightly before RC.
you're doing it. all of these are drift RC
what you're having problems with is the fast cancel
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Slayer is just nago without the blood meter. Add a blood meter to slayer so he can't spam his jewish tricks anymore.
And yet he is 100000x more tolerable
Slayer is just May but without dolphins and anchor and with punches.
I don't do dash macro on rc shit, I just spam the direction and before during and after and I get it every time
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It always bugged me that WWA beats IR supers, then again so does danzai.
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You have multiple people who call you tranny? That's actually funny, just like your life and how your entire family killed themselves
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Does anyone wanna fight 7F Sol for a bit? I feel like playing. I promise I can learn, I'm just a little drunk but I'll make a coffee.
Year four of knowing Millia is going to Kappel and there's nothing I can do about it
how the fuck is jimi hendrix an inspiration for johnny?
How the fuck are you not fighting me and instead I'm having to get owned in park?
Airdashes are reactable in old GG games too, especially if you're looking out for them specifically. It's just harder, and unlike with Strive's slow airdash you can't guarantee that you'll react to 100% of IADs while focusing on other things as well.
nta but Liquor Bar & Drunkard does kinda sound like Foxey Lady iirc
Damn she said Mr Yamada
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Why are they like this?
i too hate the terran republic
trans thursday kappachino
I hope Johnny gets nerfs… I’ll just grind harder
this thread is so dry, what the hell happened? i was only gone for 2 weeks
le elden fart DLpee le real strive killer
Funk you up
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How would you fix this super?
When's Strive pools continuing
I like playing the game, hanging around shitposters not so much.
It's UP
Who're we hype for bros
How do you uhh... Reset your level?
Its been a while since ive played, 2 years... The games completely different now
just delete your save data or move it to a different folder
why this nga aint sending any 2ds?
That doesnt kill your DLC does it?
Jesus Lucien has 0 adaptation HC players are the most carried shitters ever
>Wow I keep losing to this one move with a very clear counterplay better keep doing what's getting me killed over and over instead of the counterplay
Me when I fight my way out of the corner against Anji and then eat shit to his parry.
What if the mystery girl is the one Faust saved?
Please don't lose Marveloo
I dont think im having fun coming back to this game.
Ive wanted so badly to return and its just not working
>It's just harder
Even on the current PC ports?
>Why would you do this to me sister?
>75 lbs
How does her ass attack have any force behind it?
who asked?
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>You stopped me from sneaking into your bed to lick your delicious brown pussy.
>This is the consequences of your actions.
Sorry but I hate that guy
anything good happen in CEO pools i haven't been watchin
HC, Leo, Goldlewis in repeat. so no
elphelt would say this for sure
I'm finally back from the land of shadows, what did I miss /ggg/?
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/ggg/ tournament in 2 hours
How long till our top 8
>LK eliminated by HC
keep crying about faust you dumb nigger
>make an entire video about how may is OP
>never fight one and lose to an honest mid tier like HC
whats gonna happen
not much probably
>my wife Umi won
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Can I get an update on the current Leffen status?
there is no one in the seats for strive and the online viewership is lower than killer instinct
Blame HC and Leffen
Sajam is also streaming it, total of strive top 8 is more than KI by 1k atm
why are there so many low tier heroes playing HC this tournament?
don't they know he's pretty much unplayable right now?
This, why aren't they all playing Anji who apparently took his spot this patch?
this nigga getting grabbed by every single gazelle step
is this why they complain about sin being S tier?
/ggg/ tournament stream
sorry there was a cute girl at the chinese place I had dinner at
>communicating with server
goated match
insane ending
the arcsys mafia wants you to believe that "aboii", "cheryo", "rediamnot", and "lucien" are real people who deserve to be in the top 8 of a major tournament and aren't just randomly generated NPCs
ggs, thanks for hosting
kindve nice to get washed. makes me want to play more
ggs i don't need the money give the 2nd place to bedman instead, not earned since it's only 3 people
aye sure
I dont want the winnings either, just wanted to play some good ass soive
thanks for showing up, guys. It was a great time!
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Ggs everyone, was nice playing with you guys again despite it being 3 people.
Donate the winnings to an lgbt charity that’s what the clique decided
ok i'll take it then. just dm me on challonge TO, i feel bad because i almost missed the thing anyway
t. gogeta to avoid confusion
yeah, hope he does it again and gets more, was fine to me besides the ft2 grands
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Tbh, I'm surprised not more joined for the payout.

To the TO: Apparently I need to verify my email to send DMs on challonge. I'll try to do that to send you my cashapp.
t. kymonkey
aye aye, I'll keep my eye on my messages
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Money received. Thanks for running the event despite the circumstances.

Time to watch some disgusting ass gear. Patch cant come soon enough
>top 4 is HC/HC/Leo/Sol
kinda glad i didn't watch this tournament at all desu
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What happened to lil bro?
ty for the money, hopefully i can actually get the withdraw working on here, never used it before. maybe do a vote to figure out what to do next time? idk, i tried something like that but still only got 4
that's why i (almost) always show up for the /ggg/ tournaments, no leo or HC mains dominating everything
>Tbh, I'm surprised not more joined for the payout.
People play here for fun
Lost to HC iirc
yeah just checked it. Lost 3-0 to Umisho and 3-0 to Lucien (HC) as you said.
Bro got washed
I enjoy the game too, it's just an extra reason to join.

> no leo or HC mains dominating everything
Yeah, I'm reminded how much better this game would be if you removed or heavily nerfed a few characters.
did slash make top 8?
>loses to two Top 4 characters
>"please buff my waifu"
wrong priorities
>Tempest, Umisho and Leffen in Top 3
>3 EVO champs
sounds like a skill issue desu for LK
doesn't look like he was there from start.gg
Interesting that when there's stuff to play for Tempest isn't whipping out his Elphelt
he played some elphelt on the way to top 8 in evo jp. How good those opponents were, idk
>winners/losers finals of a major tournament going on
Why is no one here? Why is no one talking about it?
refer to >>484043408
No one actually cares about top level play, it's just "He's in / She's in!" smash roster faggotry, coomers and trannies
For once I was playing the game.
Risc is a good addition to the game
As usual. Tempest, Umisho, Leffen. Boring
The only good thing about Umisho playing Sol is that he exposes every other Sol fraud for being terrible at the game
>guess wrong a shimmy
>Literally take 80%hp
This is actually hilarious how this game can survive competitively with such bullshit.
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Reminder that is Leo. Imagine this on Chipp, Millia lmao.
Hormones and Dopamine are kicking in, Leffen is done.
It's funny how every time Tempest stomps Troonmisho at events he's extremely nice and respectful, but when Troonmisho barely manages to eke out a win he acts like an obnoxious faggot.
This but also shit on HC abusers
As much as I hate umisho for being a tr*nny he literally stopped playing HC because how much of a boring top tier he was
Leffen dominates every round in early and get 2 wallbreaks then cannot confirm the round and dies off 2 interactions, not gonna lie I'd be seething on twitter too.
Leffen deserves it for being a swede and a HC player
>Leffen dominates
Bro is getting washed right now
puppygirls.... WON
Lmao, Tempest and Leffen were free. So this is the power of Umisho in the zone (Hormones Activated)
Jesus seriously, I hate Leffen too but just going lol 6 rounds repeatedly without first doing a handshake is IRL taunting but nobody will say shit because it's a troon
If Leff did it people would meme it for two months
whats really fucked up is this is sol without his new move kek
Nice kusoge, strivefags.

This will never be a real anime fighter.
seethe. Strive is the only anime game alive lmao
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You don't get it, the new move will be his old DI which will actually be a nerf because it'll compel Solfags to DI into losing the game as is the law
Leffen did his best
real talk how can umisho be so good if casual melty blood was his only previous fightan experience? He is not the only sol player
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We're getting THE crossover champ instead, cope
You now realize that Strive is also a casual game.
Wheres the Leffen tweet?
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Stop misgendering her or you'll answer to me pardner.
retard shut up. He consistently beats everyone he is clearly superior, but how? How did he get so good in such a short time?
>leffenfags coping already
Some people just have the gene
tranny game
trans tuesday kappachino
He should play Slime Fighter if he's so great. It certainly worked for Sonicfox.

Oh, wait...
dude even egirls can win in shart fighter lmao
How many made top 32 in Combo Breaker? How many made top 32 at CEO today?
fuck if i know, who cares about that garbage lmao
Pride Month buff too powerful.
The only way for leffen to regain some honor is to smash his cock with a brick like umisho did.
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the only way for him to regain honor is to fucking kill himself
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In other words, egirls aren't winning in Slime Fighter.

No matter how shitty the current entry is, SF has proven time and time again to be the great filter for fraudulent players who play fraudulent games.
I can't check to verify because that faggot blocked me but I know in my heart this is faker than the moon landing
>slime fighter
yeah filtering brain equipped people from the retards who play it LMAO
It's funny how every Top players cry about the game.
Then a random will say "This game is bad or not fun" and they'll jump that person lmao
Bro what
Have you never heard of Ricki Ortiz? AKA the original fighting game tranny?
You said the exact same thing about Jive and it filtered the SHIT out of Sonicfox and Leffen.
No, but I do remember that time when a tranny that lost to Knuckledu's Mika at Capcom Cup and never recovered.
>dude i don't wanna play this dumb ugly game
>lmaoo filtered lololololol
Holy ESL
Leffen is very clear about enjoying the game but hating this specific season balance though, same with a few more pros
It's the dead of night here. I'm too tired for grammar mate.
bloody hell innit
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Jebailey is a massive fucking cunt and I hope CEO becomes irrelevant with saudis and CB growing
Transphobic post
How would you go about this situation in his place? There's not a huge amount of money in his in the FGC and I imagine of these events have a tight budget. Getting asked to shell out an extra 2000 or 3000 bucks because of a mandchild's whims would annoy most people.
It wasn't about the MK-bab being a bitch that nigger should pay for sure
Ah, then I have no idea what you were referring to. Excuse me.
kirk franklin music is good for playing strive to
>Duality by Slipknot
>Big fat fucking Redbull
>play Sol Badguy
Whats going through Leffens head right now?

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