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New Week Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>483142951

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
Looks like someone's gaming session took a turn for the destructive. Anger management classes, anyone?

But on the bright side, 'insanity IG rift' sounds like it has some killer moves in it... quite literally, I guess!
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in 20 minute we will have 2K players
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Best MVS ship.
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>The webm that granted Top Dawg Gang the victory against the tranny menace
Top dawgs today we celebrate
Halloween is in 3 months

Will we be solid by then?
2K has been reached bros...
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Honestly, maybe it never had a chance, not even in the beta.
Im starting getting the same people in many matches
it was a good run
>Nobody plays the game at 5:00 AM?
>Dead game.
I mean...
Your webm has nothing to do with my problem
If anything I'm losing to china rn

Pic rel is the BRAND NEW PERFECT CONDITION DUST FREE fan that refuses to work
The game is also dropping players on it's peak hours, retard.
Nah we actually regained players today
We are going to live FOREVER :)
looks like a shitcoin graphs
Holy cope, we're dropping to 2K today, faggot.
Superman is so dogshit now, fucking gizmo hits harder than him.
2,963 is not "just 2K", sorry.
Holy cope lmao
Yeah that sure is a good number lmao
If it weren't just a cough away from still being at 3K then yeah, I might agree with you. Of course you would probably argue that having 20k players is closer to 0 than 50k based on these posts so whatever.
3k is like the ride or die part of the community, based on the peak playercount and the now deleted steam achievement statistics. If these people leave, we won't see season 2.
Next patch has to be literally everything and more of what we've been asking for.
you clearly care too much
The game is nowhere near 20k or 50k right now lmao
holy reading comprehension
3K isn't a good number either.
Yeah, but it's only 5 in the morning.
8K isn't a good number either.
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it's end of june
chances are most of PFG's team are in vacation and nobody is even working on mvs right now
6 days since the hotfix. 5 days since CaseOh last played.
What was the original post
Beta was good, literally just lacked characters / BP content, it’s all people wanted. Honestly besides the gameplay the shit fucking ugly UI is the main thing stopping me from logging in.
triple digit lows next month
>Beta was good, literally just lacked characters / BP content, it’s all people wanted
hard agree
there was ZERO need to fucking restart the project all over and port it
It also regained players last week during a weekend (like a few hundred or so)
Then it kept sinking
>No new rift this week
I mean what do they expect at this point
For anyone curious, it took 5 months for the beta to hit under 3k players.
Release took less than 4 weeks.
I want to laugh and cry at the same time I don't know how they can mess it up that bad
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not a hit btw
this week's patch is an ultimatum, they can't fuck it up, what would give the game some hope? we know ranked will not be a thing this season most likely
get dodged by chadam bitch
Yeah, but the game was 2 years old on "release".
If they dont release a patch today nerfing the shit out of Bugs, WW, Harley, Shaggy, BG, and fixing all the jank interactions with Bugs, Steven, Gizmo, and IG, AND adressing all the progresion issues might aswell shut down the game until they fix it
I think they should release smith with whatever old changes they’re bringing back. Maybe a summer event similar to the “Candy” and “Cookies” events from Beta that got many anons like myself Calico Cake and Santa Supes. That shit was fun and I didn’t mind playing the game for hours on end
Yes there was. The netcode was the biggest complaint among the majority.
They could just have fixed it without porting it or doing all the shit they've done. The game is dead thanks to their mistakes.
No they couldn't have. They tried for months with beta. Netcode is a very finicky and extensive process that requires building and rebuilding the game to accommodate for it. They pretty had to rework the game if they wanted to rework the god awful servers.
*They pretty much had to
You don't know that, you don't work for their team. And even with that game ported to UE5 there are still plenty of netcode issues.
hello my name is john gamedesign here to teach you that using 3d models as hit/hurt-boxes is a good idea because it allows players to see what is happening in real time rather than having to make guesses about invisible framedata
>between entering queue (since they didn't rematch) and actually getting to move for the first time takes half as long as a match itself
Why won't they add more options to make 2s longer? Is it calculated for dopamine hits or are they really this ineffective at making the game fun
Beta was a mess gameplay wise, the boxes were worse and the priority system was even shittier, not to mention the autism substitution jutsu simulation gameplay, the progression and rewards were ok at best, a new player would still struggle unlocking stufd
try to catter to slowtards = game dies
Now im not saying current stuff is good either, just a little bit better
>just a little bit better
No it's not.
It's literally missing tons of features from beta no way it's better.
terminal autists who want starcraft APM and wavedashing can just play smash. i'm on multiversus specifically because i can clock in four or five hours a week while putting zero thought into how i play, and still manage a 50/50 W/L against "people" who proudly display their thousands-of-wins badges.
Gameplay wise, not feature wise dummy, read
>match with over9000 win goldname
>keep using default character portrait/background/etc
>steamroll them
>never have a goldname rematch
every time
Input buffer colors and swapping neutrals are part of the gameplay, retard.
>reminds people about that webm
Somebody get the soap
You mean features, colors are just QoL
how do i cure the glitch with gizmo that stops me from jumping
>and still manage a 50/50 W/L
See? Only shitters that are shit at the game like this slow speed lmao
Better not play a competitive fighting game at all if you're too retarded to, smash is already casual friendly as fuck
Honestly only comptards care about buffer inputs and swapping neutrals
big patch tomorrow?
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you're trying to play a party game competitively, you retard. when i think "this is made to tryhard", a platform fighter is the last thing i think about.
when buffer inputs are THIS high it matters for normies too. it's one thing to prevent mashing but you'll get washed out fast if you can't figure out why some people seem to be playing the same character twice as fast as you
Kill yourself or just die
Turns out every fighting games can be played competitively, retard. And casual audience like you also isn't interested in that boring slowshit or else it wouldn't be dying so hard right now.
platform fighters are not fighting games, they're party games. you're supposed to play for fun, not to compete.
And they also count as fighting games, retard. Or else mvs wouldn't have won a fighting game awards.
Really large patch with a lot of requested features today, Tony?
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marvin needs reworked. kit doesnt make any sense
What the fuck. Wasn’t it like 7k yesterday. That’s insane, and aren’t there Asia servers now too?
You main Banana don’t you?
if you think player counts are low now, just wait until more and more people start completing the battle pass and have even less of a reason to play the game
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You revisionist shills never give up.

The netcode was not the biggest complaint. I don't remember having netcode issues or seeing any streamers have netcode issues. Meanwhile, it's been the biggest problem of launch, so if taking the game down was supposed to make the netcode better, they failed.

The hitboxes were better in beta. They were the same as they are right now at the start of beta, but then they fixed them over a few patches. Later in the beta, no one was complaining about hitboxes. Now on relaunch, the game is back to having shitty hitboxes. They've regressed.

The progression and rewards are marginally better, but I'm actually not even sure about that. You got more stuff for free in the beta. Now you get bukkaked with perk currency and gem boosters - in other words, nothing.

If you play 2 hours a day, you accumulate fighter currency in launch at about the same speed as you'd accumulate gold in beta. If you play less than 2 hours a day, beta was better for unlocking characters. It was also more clear how to do it. You just played the game. Now, if you're trying to unlock characters, you have to navigate the terrible UI and figure out where they hid all the fighter currency and then specifically aim for it. This means doing things like arbitrary mission and the less-than-stellar rifts. For a new or casual player, unlocking characters is harder to do - there's really no argument here. For someone who just wants to play PvP or play with friends, unlocking characters is actually impossible. This was not the case in beta.
nope i just want more interesting gameplay than down attack, up attack
I get that corporate shit has weird timed deadlines that are hard to change but what the fuck is this wait. Theres no reason for it to be this long
Yep this is definitely over and I hope the devs get fired, their wife leaves them, and actually I don't even want them to die because I want them to suffer more, they go homeless, get hooked on heroin, live in a sewer, lose all their teeth, have to suck dick for a penny each dick, still always starving because they need to suck 100 dicks for dollar, and their legs get run over by a train, and they get beaten up every single day and stabbed constantly, and attacked by wild dogs, and they have rabies and super aids, and much much more
why would you want that lmao did you invest money in the game?
How do we rally for a new law to make it legal for consumers to find and beat the fuck out of developers and publishers that rape and scam the unholy ever-living FUCK out of us
Get angry at WB. A lot of this game’s issue are things that other games they publish are dealing with.
This, and the slow gameplay on top of it is garbage, they really made the game worse on every single point
If you're reading this and you had anything to do with this game you're a fucking rat nigger who deserves to get slaughtered
>no argument
I accept your concession.
I'm literally only playing for the dailies and then dipping afterwards. I just want the Uber Jason skin and once that's finished, I'm done until they actually fix this fucking game.
Swapping neutral is something anyone coming from Smash might care about, which includes a lot of casual players, but in general I'd agree it's mostly the pros who want it.

You're completely wrong about input buffer, though. High skill players don't care about the input buffer being 30 at all, because they press buttons deliberately close to when their character becomes capable of performing the move. The amount of input buffer doesn't affect them. It's low skill players who are negatively impacted by the input buffer being so high, since they're more likely to mash buttons or change their mind in the middle of inputting motions. They might hit Shaggy's side special twice to make sure it comes out, then towards the end press up normal in case the enemy jumps, but then they realize the enemy got hit by their kick so they try to dash forward - but Shaggy is now swinging up in the air like a retard because the game remembers them pressing up normal.

This is one of the biggest problems with the game right now and it's one of the reasons people say the game feels slow and clunky. Those 140,000 players who left aren't comptards, they're casual players who feel like their character isn't listening to them.

If you don't believe me (because you're low IQ, I guess, since I just explained it in normal-ass English) just go watch Void's reaction to Coney's review of the game. Void says Coney shouldn't complain about the input buffer because Coney's too good of a player for that to bother him, but Void does agree it needs to be changed; Coney then complains about it and Void laughs at him saying, "Get good." To translate: the input buffer is not a pro player issue, it's a casual issue.
Why are you so mad lmao? How much money did you put in that game?
Have you played the higher difficulty rifts?
Have you seen all the money WB is putting into tournaments?
This game isn't friendly to casuals at all.

>aren’t there Asia servers now too?
They're not playing this unfinished shit lol
>Swapping neutral is [schizo headcanon]
>I don't remember having netcode issues or seeing any streamers have netcode issues
i do, back in beta rollback meant you were actually rolling back all over the screen pretty often, doesn't happen anymore now
Kill yourself tony
what does swapping neutral mean?
i'm not tony and honestly I hate this faggot for killing this game but I'm not hating him THAT hard like you do lmao
then again I didn't put money into the game
WB told them to zoom in the camera? WB told them to take Iron Giant out of the game for a whole week just to make him even more of a joke? WB told them to make everyone's models huge as fuck? WB told them to slow down the gameplay? WB told them to balance the game like complete shit? WB told them to make the hitboxes complete shit? WB told them to make the UI complete shit? WB told them to throw out literally everything they had to redo the game from scratch in a new engine?
I don't doubt WB is responsible for things like monetization and arbitrary goals to hit, but a lot of the game's faults and the methods to achieve said monetization and arbitrary goals rest on the shoulders of Tony and the rest of PFG. Remember, WB wasn't even really responsible for Suicide Squad flopping and was fairly hands off - all of the decisions that made that game garbage were Rocksteady's calls.
Void is a retarded nigger that thinks he's a know it all. Totally insufferable.
In MVS, neutral normal is always something like a charged attack or projectile, while side+normal is a quick jab into a combo. It's the opposite in Super Smash Bros. Just spamming the attack button in Smash makes you throw out a flurry of jabs, while pressing forward and attack does something heavier or flashier.

In beta, from day 1, they had an option in MVS to swap the controls to make it more like Smash and a ton of people praised PFG for doing that because so many people have years of muscle memory telling them it should be that way.

Personally I like the MVS controls better, but the point is it's an option people want and was in the game, and now it isn't.
jab is default bound to forward tilt + a in this game
in smash its neutral + a
this is annoying and limiting, it prevents you from walking forward with jab because itll come out as a dash attack
void is literally a paid shill anon
i don't even get what's the point of having them swapped
I don't watch him regularly, so that might be the case, but in this circumstance he's correct so who cares.

And that invalidates what I said...how?
You don't get what the point of including the option is or you don't get why PFG made the default the opposite of Smash?

They included the option to make people with years of muscle memory from Smash happy. They made the default the opposite because they personally believed it to be more intuitive (I do, too).
They just tweeted that they're shutting down the game again and waiting for ue6 to come out so they can remake everything from scratch again
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That's not entirely correct

smash has three attacks on the A button, jab (neutral A) tilts (direction + A) and smashes (fast direction + A or C "cheater" stick)

Mvs only has jabs and tilts and depending on character they can be chargable
oh. i wouldve just removed neutral attack from that button since you already have a dedicated button for it anyway. just make it jab on neutral
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multiversisters... we're next...
why not just make it jab even when youre standing still is what i meant
i don't see what's intuitive about the very clearly side strong attack being on neutral button but i'm also very likely biased by smash and its way of doing things
Dash attacks are new, so that wasn't why people praised them in the beta for including the option.

That would require casuals to know more than four buttons, so no, they're not doing that. Also, I prefer the MVS layout and I'm sure a lot of casuals do, too. It should just be an option. And it was.
skimming the thread there's people waiting for a patch today, but don't they usually do them on tuesdays?
Special eos patch
oh that was the option? sry its so confusing discussing inputs
I bought the Tom and Jerry swimming bundle so when I unlocked the free skin I got jack shit, they didn't even give me gleamium back, so I just got fucking nothing.
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Paypiggie = Punished
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Fun fact shaggy can kill at 20% on batcave after landing a nair or jab while in rage
When there's too much space between me and the enemy, I can either walk towards them or wait for them to come to me. If I walk towards them, that's time spent being vulnerable, meaning I need my follow-up attack to be as quick as possible. If I wait for them to come to me, that gives me a moment to ready up a slower, heavier attack to greet them with. In that scenario, the MVS controls are more intuitive, because I'll be pressing forward when closing in, and forward gives you the faster attack. True, pressing forward also gives the player a sense of putting more effort into the attack, so Smash isn't "wrong" for putting heavier attacks there, but holding a button down longer also gives that impression and you don't need to do both. Also, MVS has crazier movesets than Smash.

Gizmo probably doesn't always want to walk forward when precariously aiming his bow, but he probably will always want to walk forward when hitting the enemy with a combo. Pressing right+normal as Morty and having him turn shoot his laser to the left to hit a grenade would probably disorient players. MVS could just make the default the Smash controls, but what do they do about these moves? If you keep them the way they are now, now these characters have jab combos on different inputs than everyone else.
Yeah last cent I give this blatant scam
I will try to explain it again in as caveman terms as possible.

B = Jab combo
Forward B = Big punch

B = Big punch
Forward B = Jab combo

Players coming from Smash:
>What? This isn't what I'm used to, this is so confusing!
Game developers:
>There's a box you can select in the options menu to swap them so it's just like Smash.
>Wow! You thought of everything! What great developers*
*did not age well
This is the second time they've done this apparently. They'll be refunding the gleamium in an upcoming patch.
B is the specials button retard
They need to get it the fuck together. We need to start tweeting at their family members and tell them to slap the devs in the fucking face and knock some sense into them.
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>they actually are selling that skin in the store
holy fucking kek, i'm convinced the store is decided by an algorithm, no way a human would fuck this up this many times
... unless...
When the fuck has B ever been jab
This is literally the only website they don't look at it, so if you want gleamium or for them to apologize and fix the issue, you should be posting that comment literally anywhere else.

Unless you're just shitposting.

I don't get why people call it %. It goes over 100 and people can die at 0, so what is it a % of? Is it a % of the amount of knockback the developers based the game around being able to kill someone from a certain part of some early stage?

Other video games do stuff like that, like the Scout in TF2 moves at 133% speed, but that's because everyone understands there's a normal "average" speed at 100% which the other characters are based around.
They need to change the name of the game from "Multiversus" to "Rape Simulation" and change the name of their company from "Player First Games" to "Rapist Scam Artists" because every time I play this game I feel raped.
Maybe I'm thinking of Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 4 because I played it more than Melee. I don't even remember what Nintendo controllers look like, honestly.
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Yeah it's.... Such a case study.
Nintendo controllers are ugly though lol
It was way more fun. I only played like 3 GameCube games, I beat the shit out of my PS2 and ever since I've been a PC gamer.

Also, you faggots could have just answered him instead of having me invoke Cunningham's Law.
There's seriously no word of a patch yet?
Uhh you know its already been over right?
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Nope, they're just keeping us in the dark. Potentially one today, probably more likely tomorrow.
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tfw i got the bugs taunt and i don't give a shit about the rest of the battle pass so i don't give a shit about the power pledge anymore
But sirs your gleameyum you are going to MISS OUT
100 gleamium
it's a fucking dollar
i don't give a shit it's not worth hours of my time grinding characters i'm never going to play
Please man please I'm begging you sir
oh damn i forgot to filter your stupid ass, not trying to give the tranny attention sorry guys my bad
Too late you already did
Good morning sirs,

On this good morning I will be doing the playing of the velly velly GREAT much fun rifts. Please be remembering you will do each and every rifts sir. The rift where you need to buy the costume is so velly velly much fentastik! It is the most fun I ever have playing. :)

Thank you sir.
where the fuck are those faggot pride shirts
i want to dress up like a rainbow asshat and make people angry
There's tons of faggot pride shit in the game. Just use steven universe stuff.
yeah but then i look like a steven universe fan i don't want that
>ask friends to play
>they tell me to quit playing that shit
Did they suddenly make it impossible to level up characters? I just did 6 rifts as Shaggy and I don't think the progress bar moved...

I think Western cartoons are hotter than anime when they want to be.
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They sound like good friends, unironically.
The rift where you must unlocking the costume it is better than elden ring sir.
>know their game is already hated for a million reasons
>purposely doesn't release pride skins they we know they made during pride month since they know it'll kill the game even harder
The only smart decision tony has made yet.
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actually yeah you're probably right, i hate pride shit and virtue signalling i just like trolling people
Sounds like a bad friend who wants you to play cod or fortnite instead. I wouldn't trust him.
I would main trans harley but it'd probably make solo queue miserable since I'd get targeted by both enemies
Yeah and I assume this is the normie sentiment everywhere, the game is fuckin cooked, it has 0 chance, people think something is fucling wrong with you if you play this. If you ask someone to play it or tell them you play it they ask YOU to stop. That's how fuckin shit the game is and how badly they fucked up and failed. Normies just naturally think you should kill yourself, Tony.
Should Smith refer to as “Mr. Universe”, or should he directly call him Pink Diamond
They had to push the game out before elden ring because they knew it would have 0 players if it launched after. So they took the money they could get and now they're done and the game will shut down.
He'll probably just say Steven or call him a kid like everyone else (devs reuse a lot of lines for diffrrent characters)

Now when Lapis gets in will she call him Steven or her boyfriend
I'm lv 69 1/3 can't wait to finish this and drop this dogshit
Same, after tomorrows dailies I should be finished and then I'll probably avoid touching the game until season 2
If I didn't have this general open in a tab, I would legitimately forget this game exists.

t. 80+ hours and counting
One of the most miserable experiences I've ever had playing a game in my whole entire life. Fuck you Tony you FUCKIN PIECE of shit I will spit in your FUCKIN FACE if I ever get the chance and knock you out cold.
I already gave up on the battlepass and am waiting for the unlikely event that the game becomes good before I play again
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i have maybe 15 levels yet and i haven't really been trying, so now i'm going to try even less because i honestly don't want most of what's on there i'll just let it ride out and pick up rewards for prestige or funrox and stockpile it all like a fucking gremlin on the offchance a character my penis wants in the game gets in
Uninstalled. Bye
Run far away and don't look back.
he did it JUST LIKE THAT?
>Beloved franchise
Lmfao put this on their tombstones
same, i'm level 52 but should reach 70 before the season ends. basically just waiting until i can get jason x and the bugs bunny matrix skin before i stop playing until S2, and if S2 is still dogshit i'll stop playing entirely
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>let make this retarded project that seem spiteful and mean spirit with the same universe of the arkham batman

what the fuck were they thinking. anyway ill keep drawing for this general untill it dies
as rick, how do you punish a joker or tom for trying to slide under your lasers
their slides just punch through my fart bomb, and the jet boots never fucking hit
sub 5k peak when
some time next week if not end of this week
>currently 5.6k as of 2 minutes ago
>17% drop from same time yesterday
game won't break 8k today if that holds up
at this rate, next month
We're in vacation periods right? How is this still dropping that hard?
Can you please draw Marvin and Starfire doing something wholesome? Thanks
Tony Huynh will soon be found in a bloody pool of cranial disfigurement by his little chinknigger kids after killing himself because he lost his job.
Never playing another game by a Chinese
same way you do anything as rick, mash fair out of hitstun
HOW do you fuck up this bad AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOW?????
very soon, battlepass completed drop is gonna hit hard
It is worthless unplayable dogshit that no one wants
dont use the fart thing or laser vs tom. idk what you do since i havent lost to rick but those things are useless atleast
Can't wait to see that green line flatlined even more.
Meeseeks? Joker's only low profile move that goes under lasers is dash attack and if he whiffs that you stomp for free after jumping over it

Also you're rick just swing the laser swords
>idk what you do
if i'm lucky and guess right against tennis balls, i set up meeseeks to reflect them and then try to approach to sword range behind them
if i'm not lucky i pray for a trade with a charged laser or transformation bomb that hits after tom's projectile hits me
I wonder what are the console numbers. It has to be completely dead right?
i mostly face console players. f2p games are rare for them would be my guess
If my anecdotal matchmaking is any indication, the game is doing fine on console. Nearly every match I play is with 3 console players.
my guess is around 15-20k counting all consoles.
Consoles are for age 2 through 9 so yeah a free game on a console will get a few toddlers that will play anything but obviously this doesn't keep their attention because it's so shit even a toddler loses interest.
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We are going to be okay
"I Am Not Blackfire"
Tony Huynh, when you kill yourself, i'll start beliving in God. That miracles are possible. I'd love to watch him livestream his own suicide
What happens if they touch?
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they missed a big opportunity to have tom wear his full body bathing suit in the skin
0.1% of a person played nickelodeon kart racers 3
We'll see very soon
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>the one guy who never had any problems in beta is yapping again like his experience was common
fuck now im pissed how did they miss that
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the shorts are based on them with the red coloration and the stripes on the legs and waist, but the full body bathing suit would've been more unique
holy shit im queuing 2v2 and getting all bots now
Yeah no one is playing
Ok now I'm playing banana guard only and spamming salt and teabagging every win and blocking all 3 if I lose until everyone is blocked
If everyone's blocked, nobody is.
I like the idea that Speedrunner A has been grinding for an entire year to beat jacqli's speedrun
Multiversus helped me cope through a bad breakup
Multiversus pissed me off so bad I freaked on on my girlfriend and we broke up
All of this happened because you people couldn't stay tooned. Shame on you.
>Come back
What the actual autism is this? This shit is why autists are not wanted, also Void is a paid shill like Nakat
I know people are getting so fucking pissed I'm doing nothing but side b but I don't care anymore this game is only for trolling now
>this week's patch is an ultimatum, they can't fuck it up
Anon, this is the fourth week in a row you've said that...
Wtf, are you clones of me? Or am I a clone? I played Banana Guard in PvP for the first time today just to get the Win 3 PvP daily over with because of how braindead he is
I'm aboutbtonquit the game but I'm just fuckingn around spamming side b right now to cause more pain
Sounds like black adam said
that nigga likes shoes and corndogs a lot
>Multiversus is doing good on Playstation
Is this meaningful. I don’t want a cope answer or a Doomer answer. Is this something worth keeping in mind
My win rate is skyrocketing do this btw
Ps5 has no games
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>I don’t want a cope answer or a Doomer answer.
>Is this meaningful
do you think the beta would have shut down if it was?
also ps5 has no games
I don't know what kind of answer you want. I don't even fucking know, man. It's playstation. It's a very different environment there.
I want an unbiased one. Not one looking to be overtly negaive or positive.
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>4 days old
>already aged like milk
fucking lmao
You see that? The week ending june 15th. That was a week ago and this week has bled more players than you'd expect due to how dead its been and the continued shit communication. I wouldn't be surprised if the next list multiversus isn't there at all.
Idk why they would post this when it's obviously going to single digits
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I know a guy leaked some of the upcoming events and sales and shit in the datamine a while ago, did it ever mention any sales on the Classic Harley skin?
I have almost enough points to get it and I'm considering if I should get it right away when I get the gleamium or if there's any good reason to wait until it's on a discount.
I'm just not sure about those sources.
>DRG being top 10 with last month's average at 16k (the bump with the new season makes it ~30k which is barely top 40)
>All those games above dota 2
>I would even argue Dark and Darker being that high is interesting to say the least
Other than that, with absolutely no doomer notion, PS5 is cancer. PS plus makes it so that you need to subscribe to play online for example Minecraft. Therefore, f2p titles like Fortnite and Multiversus, which do not need that kind of shit, are naturally popular.
It won't be
I saw a bundle for classic harley. It came with a couple of cosmetics, I think a "sticker" and a background... it came out to 1520 gleamium. So if you don't care about that you can just buy it.
This is why I never really felt like doomposting over JUST the Steam numbers. Consoles are where a platform fighter is meant to thrive.
Sales are entirely AI RNG. I'm not even joking.
The reindog shark skin was suppose to be a free event skin but their algorithm bullshit ended up putting it in a bundle for sale. They are now having to refund people who bought that bundle since it'll be a free event skin still.

This shit is beyond fucked.
They did the same shit with the Tom and Jerry skin. They are AI that won't learn.
Wait what, you have to pay to use your online for some games but some games you don't?
What the fuck is going on over there on playstation
wondershitters are getting off scott free for over a week and that's what really pisses me off.
Leveling is so fucked, finished the power pledge but I actually looked at how much XP I was getting and it's absurd. It's not based on time or performance. It's roughly 120 for a win, 50 for a loss.

No reason to not just suicide if you want to get xp to level up a character you don't play. You're not rewarded for having a tense 4 minute match or winning quickly or whatever.
does wonderwoman have an aged-down skin?
Not bothering with any of the rest of the events this season unless it gives you gleam or significant amount of fighter currency. Weeklies reset tomorrow and i'll easily be able to clear the last 5 levels of the battlepass and there will not longer be an incentive to play outside of events.

GGs, should've released ranked sooner faggots
Free games don’t need you to pay. Anything else that costs money does
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This is possibly the dumbest looking combo in the game rn. the ground bounce at the end is seemingly random it can trigger early or late into the loop for seemingly no reason if it does you can't continue the loop just jump and forward air and if they are at weakness 5 above 70 it should kill.
Ok I got Uber Jason. Tony ping pong fix your game before there's a lawsuit you worthless piece of fuckin disgusting repulsive shit fucking utter failure waste of life.
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Post ideas for more Iron Giant sized fighters
A second Wonder Woman, but bigger.
Its actually hilarious how you retards keep rewarding these fuckers for their greed, only for you to fuck yourselves over in some way shape or form with your purchase. Lmfao. Morons.
Cool anon, that's all I wanted to hear. I guess I'll save my gleamium a bit longer then, it would be cool if I could get a free emote alongside the skin after all.
>He says this as if smash bros wasn't mostly played on PC and all pros play smash on PC
kek, cope you player first faggot
>still haven't fixed the Dexter's Lab/Townsville typo
>still haven't fixed the Taz chicken gauntlet typo
>there are bugs still in the game since launch
I can't wait for the next patch where they add a cooldown to a move that wasn't overpowered and make the game laggier.

You can find vods of people streaming the game and beta reviews and you won't see network issues anywhere.
>Buy obvious scam package
>Get scammed
>How could PFG DO THIS?!
holy shit
we were at 8K yesterday at these hours
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for what it's worth the game is fucking playable now, as in i can actually get into a damn game
last week i could join 10 games and not disconnect for maybe 1 or 2, and the week before that it was network errors and desyncs making it ten times worse, fucking record is an absolute dumpster fire from this shit since all those errors count as losses
the great deku tree
>18% drop from this time yesterday
yeah guys the game is totally doing fine. lmao
Yesterday was Sunday
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No but she was drawn as a Loli for a banner
Get off to that before hanging yourself or turning yourself in to the police, pedonigger
Don't reply to me if you breathe through your mouth, you dumb nigger. I tried to educate you on why the input buffer being 30 frames doesn't matter to pros and only negatively impacts casuals and my explanation should've been enough, but since I predicted you had a room temperature IQ I also provided a quote from a pro saying the exact same thing. He said the input buffer change should be implemented but it doesn't affect him - how is that a paid shill thing to say? Which part is shilling? If you don't like that pro's word on it, I can just go find another one. I'm sure they've all said it. I know at least Mirrorman has. Or is he a paid shill, too? The guy who put his head in his hands and screamed, "They don't playtest their own game!" That guy?

Give your computer back to the guy you stole it from and go back to playing craps in the alleyway.
holy shit *cums*
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>"Between Two Finns" pack
>doesn't even have grass sword ringout in it
I honestly don't get who's still playing BG3. The game's boring after Act 1 and everyone should've completed at least that much by October, I would think; or February if you're Asian.

No one cares about ranked.
people discover games every day
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>honestly don't get who's still playing BG3
t. drider poster
>No one cares about ranked.
You don't care about it =/ everyone. There's a non negligible amount of people that are waiting for that, but obviously they left since there's nothing to do in the game except farming dailies and doing shit rifts.
Ok who wants to start a private lobby
I'll start one at 4 pm est if there's interest so 1 hour and 11 mins from now
i would if you could do rotations, even smash has that shit
the way it is now is autistic
Tomorrow is weekly challenge renewal and new event, I reckon more people will be playing then
I want Ralph from Rampage and Vertigo from Primal Rage.

Some people care about it. What I meant is that they lost over 100,000 players and the players who won't come back until ranked is added is like...5000? If they could do only one thing - or six or seven things - I wouldn't make ranked one of them.
put him in multiversus btw
>Power pledge ends tomorrow
>Have only gotten 7 levels despite owning the entire roster
I just... don't care enough. Not anymore.
it'd take me hours of grinding to get it and if i'm playing multiversus i just want to play 2v2s with one of my mains

and if i'm not doing that i'm going to play something else or generate furry porn in stable diffusion
What the hell? Are you watching? How are you so familiar with my routine?
>Some people care about it. What I meant is that they lost over 100,000 players and the players who won't come back until ranked is added is like...5000? If they could do only one thing - or six or seven things - I wouldn't make ranked one of them.
Why are you pulling numbers out of you ass? How did you even make that number up? Everyone i've talked to always complained about the lack of ranked. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean it's something only a few people want.
Bruh just play a few rounds with your least leveled, shouldn't be too hard to get to the end of it. I did it pretty easy
Oh cool. The game bugged an automatically purchased tooniverse Harley Quinn lmfaoooo. Well if I was debating uninstalling before, I'm definitely uninstalling now! Thanks PFG!
we are linked by spirit anon
What part of "I don't care enough" didn't you get?

Sounds a little too serious for me
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>gem just leveled up from level 9 to level 9
porn is serious
anon we all already knew that spamming input in rifts purchases some tooniverse shit weeks ago, it's your fault for being a slowpoke.
That's the thing dude. I didn't spam input in rifts, because I was aware of this fucking bug. It literally just.. HAPPENED.
you mean you were autopiloting and pressing buttons without looking
Yeah totally. Rim pfg some more bro.
Can i get the Tom and Jerry skin in 1 day or am i fucked
Didnt know the event was up, shit ass game
Some anons had this problem and got refunded just make a ticket in the wb games website
What the fuck did you want the game to do, send you a text message?
I'm good. Games uninstalled. Enjoy your sinking ship, sadomaso senpai.
Find out tomorrow :)
Yeah pretty much. They can post it on steam or something. Hate having to find all game news through xitter / social media now
You should know by now that it's never worked that way for anything.
You're right but i just want another reason to be mad at this dying game
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>finally i can have fun
isn't it kinda fucky that a game makes you say something like that?
You think the casual masses who've dropped the game did so due to the lack of ranked matchmaking in their free cartoony platform fighter? I mean, maybe. I just don't see that being a thing.

All live service games are like that.
>All live service games are like that.
isn't it
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I know it won't happen cause warner bros are jews and used it as a tax write off but chicks dig giant robots.
If the game was good, it'd be successful, and then something like this wouldn't be impossible. But now, Season 3 looks impossible.
Bat Harley when?
I've been playing diablo 4 since launch and I just pop in at random and stop playing when I've had enough of a season
there's no dailies or weeklies unless you count the weekly caches from world bosses which is just loot you can farm yourself anyway, you can just not log in for an entire month and not miss anything
I don't give a shit about the battle pass either but you can grind that shit out fast without even specifically trying to grind it
I wish more live services were like that
You guys are so dramatic.
>I honestly don't get who's still playing BG3.
It's one of the best cRPGs ever made it's going to average at least 20k players for the next 3-4 years
I've beaten BG3 on every difficulty aside from easy.
Playing through the game again on honor mode with mods and with friends is fun. Me and my friend group all have 400+ hrs into it, but we also all played DOS and DOS2 and enjoy these style of games.
>I want Ralph from Rampage and Vertigo from Primal Rage.
Holy fucking based omfg based omfg this might be the most based post I read on this site and I've been here since 2005
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>I honestly don't get who's still playing BG3.
the irony of saying this in multiversus general is astounding
Sub 1k this week
Having Uber Jason would actually be cool if the game wasn't shutting down next week
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the multiverse needs moms
Say something nice about the final, last ever, multiversus patch (this current patch)
Damn you Bruce Timm for not getting into porn
Holy fuck PFG please say something within the next 24 hours (preferably least PLEASE
steven is fun
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maybe tony will post another emoji...
It is pure ecstasy to block all 3 nigger-retards after 2v2
you get a boomer meme
I'm not even looking at the comments but I hope it's nothing but death threats
hahaha so funny lol :)
>I honestly don't get who's still playing BG3
a lot more people than mvs lol
this could have been a funny mode, better than their shitty rifts
zooming in and slowing down could maybe be WB mandates to make the game "easier to follow" for audiences
>people somehow still have faith in this shitty game
Those are bots
Anything when?
Anybody in here want to Duo before the game is dead. Drop your IGN
because it tells you how strong knockback is. also because smash used it so it stuck around, 100 is also roughly when kills become much easier (there's a reason every platform fighter has some ui tweaks when going above 100
Where's the fucking update?
They aren't capable of making it. They've been trying this whole time but they can't figure it out.
Added! Im going to try to complete a bunch of the event missions so ill be swapping around characters
>haven't opened twitter on desktop for awhile
>the new domain is stuck in a logout loop that won't let me login
Good job Muskrat. Twitter is the second biggest waste of development money after Multiversus
I'm gonna set my perks to have snowball effect for banana guard after this
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I miss silly mode
hopefully the next PFG announcement is Tony blowing his own head off with a 12 gauge shotgun after realizing he's a complete chink gooknigger. Hopefully....
i want agent smith...
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Likely tomorrow
But every day they wait it falls on more deaf ears. I am a bloomer for this game but I don’t like coping so I stay away from it. it’s getting bad things aren’t fun and if you don’t like rifts, it doesn’t feel like much is changing right now.

New characters and voice acted skins is why I’m in the games community and it feels like I shouldn’t expect much of that for a good 4 weeks. Theres no communication besides Tony’s tweet 6 days ago
are you fucking serious dude
guys chill
Top kek
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>Play on Townsville
>Required: Dexter's Lab
I'm a bloomer to for this because I love crossover stuff FOR the interactions and exchanges. If we got a new fighter each week, it could've kept the game interesting enough even for casuals, as having characters like Iron Giant and Batman did get my friends to play the beta. With such a lack luster roster (even Smash 64 has a better selection) thats all pay walled above a $60 price tag, casual audiences won't spend the money PFG desperately needs
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No but really though. What the fuck.
better shill out a hundred bucks to level up those gems then!
whoever is running their socials needs to be fired
either post something useful or fuck off and don't say anything until you can post something useful
>what can they do to bring back players!
i'm on the "just shit out a trailer" bandwagon and i just got this in my recommended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhJrTM7r1tE
you don't need to watch it but it reminds me of how even smash mods can shit out compelling trailers that can make you go "cool, i'll check it out" (or alternatively, "cool, i'd check it out if i could be bothered to look how to mod the game and whatever"). And this isn't even the better one out there, so yeah imho that's all they need to do, convey whatever "we fixed the game" news into video form with a nice trailer and you're done. And, for the pfg guy reading, make sure what you show in it is actually in the game, don't show skins that are still not in the game years later for literally no reason
>he doesn't know what chibi is
Tomorrow or I quit.
Didn't mean to rematch these faggots
This is fucking retarded
I'm raging not gonna lie but it's because of myself
God maybe that’s another thing bumming me out. Unless you’re playing Rick or Morty, you don’t really hear any new character interactions. I think banana guard says something when he’s with Finn? MAYBE Jake? But none of the old characters have any new lines. I doubt any of the old cast (besides Rick and Morty) will have anything to say about Agent Smith either.. Banana Guard would be cool
im at 55 on the pass. if i quit until season 2 realistically im not missing out on that much prestige, right? like 10-15k maybe? not that it really matters since they're already reskinning these oh so prestigious rewards from the prestige shop.
Just had to warm up teehee
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mvsisters... we won't even hit 8k today... our peak still keeps dropping...
Don't rematch these worthless retards
It's basically everyone asking where the fuck is the content, an occasional troll comment like "banana guard buffs when?" and the one lone comment standing out bluntly stating "I masturbate to multiversus"
In other words same as here
I would toast but I'm out :(
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how would (You) react if they extended season 1 by like a week or two because they're that inept at getting content out of the pipeline
pic related for me
Just like beta.
No surprise seeing as they've proven they learned no lessons.
They should all be gassed
I stop feeling bad for them. They have enough to get season 2 out, and if they don’t there’s actually no excuse
They absolutely would to appease the retards that dont do their dailies. If you arent 58-60 by today then you better haul ass.
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at this point there would be nothing besides a "of course they did that"
Lol shaggy is so fuckin easy
I can't play him because all I can think about is how much more fun he was in the beta
new shaggy feels so fucking slow
Yes I do. That's how rollback netcode works, everyone says that's how it works. You have to build the game with netcode and redo the game if you want to redo the netcode. It's why some games are unable to easily port over with netcode.
Shaggy is so braindead easy lol
Feels fast compared to everyone else on the roster. Save WW.
There were absolutely network issues everywhere. Even among streamers were teleporting to the blast zone, netcode was absolutely a major criticism, it's why they tried to market "reworked and improved netcode" for the launch. The only one who's a revisionist shill is you, trying to put the beta on a pedestal and projecting your experience onto everyone.
My b..
Shit i dont know what happened at the start there. My dude just fell to the bottom and wouldnt jump
That happens to me too, I think for me it's because of tap jump so if I have the stick up at all then jump doesn't work, so fucking retarded and untested, it should jump even if your stick is up. Fucking RETARDS that made this game and never played one.
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>our data shows that our patch fixed disconnection issues! there's less disconnections now!
>have been getting into much more laggy matches now
why do people do this
Do what
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What are Jasons good moves? Never played him before
Forward air, air grab, teleport, down b in air, up b in air and ground
Is the speed slow just because of the input buffer
they also literally slowed some of the animations down and added more startup and recovery frames to some moves
The input buffer is the most retarded fuckin shit I've ever seen in a video game on all of my fuckin life I swear to God
Why have NONE of these Smash clones ever copied the Smash Dojo? That was genius marketing.
Anon, I know people are still playing it. I have to know. Because otherwise my comment doesn't make any sense. Are you okay? Did you hit your head?

Haha. Show us you beating it on Insanity like that, Tony. Go on. Show us how it's done...
Black Adam seems pretty gud
Yeah he has a lot of good buttons
yes and no
it's slow both because of input buffer and because the speed itself is like the slowest platform game to exist
Gtg after this last game. GGs bro
Ggs man good shit
>play 1v1 PvP games
no, no I don't think I will
I was curious to see if I could reach gem lvl 10 since my purples gems are halfway through lvl 9, Guess I don't need to find out.
why would I
Anyone else want to 2v2?
Just add and send invite if anyone wants to
i caved
fern is mine
no regerts
you're welcome my purchase has extended the lifetime of this game by a week
whos fern
there retards arent doing any bundles with garnet
>velma getting stuck in grabs still hasn't been fixed
tony why do you hate her so
i'd instabuy frieren if she was in
Is there any command line argument to skip the seizure warning shit? Why is it so much longer than every other game?
What if you forget you have seizures
>my plapses! i cant play without my plapses!
what did velma mean by this
ive got a good feeling about tomorrow
the buffer doesnt really affect the speed at all
the "speed" people are bitching about i assume is because character movespeed wasnt properly adjusted to compensate for the change in size, everyones kinda slow and floaty
or just them whining that dodge jump cant be spammed endlessly anymore because the resource actually matters

the other "speed" complaint is hitstop, which is EXTREMELY excessive in the current state of the game and i cannot for the life of me figure out why they did it
theres no real defense of it, all it does is make 2s even spammier and cause problems with the buffer
and its not like the game has sdi, it doesnt actually influence your ability to not get comboed, so its not to the benefit of the casuals either, it just makes shit like shaggy side b spam even more infuriating to deal with if youre not good enough to stop him from doing it
Did they say if the supposed balance is gonna address patch this?
It won't
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Post 'fits you'd paypig for
>and added more startup and recovery frames to some moves
Taz's jab genuinely feels stiffer than Tony when he sees Bugs Butty and I'm sure he's not the only one who suffers from that. I don't think I want melee tier speed but faster startups would help the game feel at least a little more fluid.
All I think the buffers and animations did was just punish casuals even further because it feels like they have no control or that the controls are fighting them.
damn supes looking daddy af
IGN said the casual aspects were undercooked, roster small, stages bland and Jews. On netcode
>The large majority of fights have been smooth and responsive
GameSpot said the roster was small, took too long to unlock characters and Jews. On netcode
>the bulk of the matches played have been smooth sailing
The Escapist said the animations were sluggish, no spectator, can't do 3-ways, too few/bland stages, disappointing music and Jews. On netcode
>Though it boasts rollback netcode, that hasn't stopped some matches from being borderline unplayable thanks to laggy, teleporting characters
MockRockTalk complained about a ton of shit, I can't include them all, but on netcode
>the rollback netcode feels extremely robust for the most part. Rushdown Revolt is the only other platform fighter I've played which feels quite this smooth online; and even the occasional one bar connections I ran into were almost all surprisingly playable
Smaller channels either didn't mention it or said this
>great netcode: I've never felt any lag or disconnect ever
>Jumping online I was so relieved to see a mostly flawless experience. Having recently come off the shitshow that Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl's online, this was a godsend. Matches almost always ran smooth and I've not once had an issue finding matches with servers set to my region.

So it sounds like the netcode was a minor problem compared to the MTX, character unlock rate and content outside of PvP.

Then I watched The Black Hokage and he listed a handful of problems, including lag, but then he did something interesting: he went to Reddit. There, literally everyone was complaining about lag, to the point it surprised him because even though he listed it as one of his problems he didn't think it was that bad.

So that settles it: you're a Redditor.
Being evil is a small price to pay for the drip
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release game is garbage and is dying fast as fuck retard
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I beat every available rift boss and I don't even know if it was worth my time
Imagine they don't fix this
thanks for the reminder.
imagine if we find out smith is actually garbage after weeks of waiting for him and spending countless hours grinding shitty, unfun rifts
though they made jason garbage and he's supposed to be a premium battle pass reward so, precedence does not inspire confidence
He's going to be broken as fuck
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I'm gonna play until the game dies again because I regret not playing the beta as much as I could've.
you only say that because everything is expensive now
he fucking better be or i'll have wasted all this time completing this dogshit pve mode for him and then i'll just uninstall the game
I hope Smith is shit cause I'd rather not have a bunch of people abusing an OP character while all the people who don't have him just drop the game even faster because of the imbalance
Honestly it would be fairly funny and based if in the scenario that they knew they were going to have the plug pulled they just don't give a fuck and start doing shit like putting out skins of everyone half naked for the last season and the final rift is schizo shit
I think at least one game in particular has done something like that but I don't remember its name
>Game that I'm a double beta veteran of hits early access in a couple days
Well there goes all my interest in Multiversus. I'll be off playing a game that most likely will have even less players than it does. At least if beta numbers were any indication.
I hope you remember that sounds funny as fuck
what's the game name
i remember the Back To The Barnyard cast singing some penis song made up on the spot in the studio because they knew their asses was canned anyways but nothing vidya related
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it looks to be that way
is this like battlerite royale? looks fun and I missed battlerite
Unironically picrel, Adam West batman (with a sound alike, rest in peace), Lynda Carter wonder woman (with titty jiggle) and sprite cranberry lebron kek >>483345220
It's a lot of fun, but yeah ncsoft. Appropriate response really. I'm not actually gonna stop playing Multiversus, but it'll be a lot more days of just doing dailies.
this guy looks exactly like tony but fatter
Been trying to think of it but it might've been a hypothetical scenario for some game or what someone wished would happen
I do await the day though that some gacha game out there not many people know about just slaps in R-18 assets/content during the last few hours. The headlines would be legendary.
>Play Rick in 1v1s
>Stripe opponent who does the usual Stripe BS to keep me locked into combos, gets me down to 1 stock with him having 2 left, he spams taunt and sidedancing after both elims
>Force myself to lock in and begin relying on Rick's portal gun and blaster to avoid getting hit with any kill moves
>Succeed in the ultimate comeback by using galaxy brain starts, which also allow me to understand R&M's humor
>Stripe immediately refuses to run that fun as fuck match back when we hit the rematch screen
Wubba lubba dub dub scrublord
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>Rick vs Joker
>"If you say one thing about living in a society I swear to god..."
What makes multiversus rick actually funny compared to the real thing?
No one's a redditor retard, nor does anything you put change that servers were objectively a major issue that had to be addressed.
I don't give a fuck, dumbass. That's completely irrelevant to what I'm typing, fucking faggot.
Even the bot WW is a fucking pain in the ass to deal with on hard, fucking Hell.
Also, I still can't properly connect to games, which means I'm probably not finishing the "Lvl up" fighters event.
retarded faggot the game is dying right now so stop sucking it's dick so hard faggot it's way worse than the beta and everyone is saying that but you cocksucker faggot
He's being written by people who are probably focusing on when he was the funniest in the show rather than the unfunny writers his show currently has, maybe?
None of the reviews/critiques called it a major issue. Some called it an issue. Some said the netcode was perfect. You said it was the biggest complaint. I was there and didn't see that, and now I'm looking at actual complaints and it's not the most common one. Except on Reddit.
>This will include numerous character balances, additional content, and returning features such as spectator mode and free for all.
is that it? lmao
It was all over social media, not just Reddit. A few reviews don't represent consensus at all.
Again, I don't give a fuck if it's dying. That's completely irrelevant to my point you schizo. Take your meds and go suck a dick since you have nothing but cocksucking on your mind you fucking freak.
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>coming next week.
lmao even
>Taking the cocksucking thing literally
Holy retarded faggot troon lmao not only you suck the game dick but also real dick irls fucking kys you failure of a human being the game will die and you will kys once you realize you game sucks ass compared to the beta
the writers for this game had soul, shame the same can't be said for the ones running it
>nothing this week
>the only thing that they add is MORE RIFT and ffa / spec
this game is dropping to 5k MAX under next week
Beta sucks and never coming back, keep dilating schizo. The only failure of a human being is the one acting like a pathetic rabid dog over a disagreement. Grow up.
Beta is dead and so is this game little faggot lmao yeah the only failure of a human being is you, kys now
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>another week if nothing
What the fuck are they actually doing? I thought the team got bigger?
>next week
Kill them
I don't care, keep coping and dilating over your garbage test builds, loser. You're a complete failure in life to be getting this heated over fucking MVS of all things, get a grip and take your meds.
>committing to only doing one big balance patch a season
>with their track record of absolutely abysmal balance decisions
I look forward to the next broken character we’ll have to deal with for a long time
Masturbating nonstop
Literally every live service game does this pattern
Nah you are little loser, don't forget to hang yourself
You are unironically raging to the point you made claims irrelevant to the point I was making. And pretending that I somehow care over launch dying. Grow up and overdose on your pills already, schizo.
Imagine being this mad lmao your existence is an embarassment to your parents and to anybody close to you you should hang yourself fast
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>Letting the game fester in a shitty state will be our bread and butter!
You cant make this shit up.
...Metroman from Megamind?
I don’t know, they reference the fact that it’s a crossover way too much. It’s like the Die hard episode with how much it comes out
>next week
yeah this shit is dead lmao
Triple digit players within the week screencap this
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>character balancing
>shit that used to be in the beta
AND UH... UM... ERR...
Hal Jordan if Lantern gets in and he’s not the default, which would really suck. I wouldn’t expect them to put focus on lines for skins as much as the main cats
Oh boy, just one more week until we can have some of the feature we were missing from the beta.
>3 more rifts.
Assuming that the average rift has 3 levels that are actually reasonably completable, is there any fucking hope for people to finish that stupid fucking event without paypigging their gem level?
The worst part is that the update won’t do shit. Balance changes and QOL additions wont bring players in the same way new characters do. And I don’t even think that would be enough at this rate, the only people who care are ones already locked onto this game
I never rematch because it gives ME the power
>can't even fap to reindog in his cute shark onesie until next week
Dayum I'm pwning with gizmo
So you can't unlock Smith until the 8th. Which means he can't be purchased until the 22nd. And it'd be really weird if Season 2 began the very next day and added more characters, wouldn't it? Which means...
Oh my god they have nothing for a month straight, don’t they
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>next week
So literally fucking nothing for over a month! Great timeline Tony! Your game struggled to crack 8k today btw! It will probably be below 5k by the time you release your "big mid season update" next week because you refuse to do a single fucking thing in a timely manner!
Imagine if they actually spent the last year adding shit to the game instead of rebuilding it from scratch in a new engine.
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>We are deep in preparation for the big mid-season patch coming next week

Doomer response:

Maybe they're negotiating to clear some decisions with the scummy part of WB... MAYBE this next patch really will be all that and a bag of chips and actually fix the game somewhat.
That's literally all anyone wanted them to do
>Unfuck the netcode
>Add new characters
>Add more stages
>Add single player stuff
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I fucking hate the state of every Smashlike is dependent on DLC and patches instead of putting their best foot forward.
It's now Multiversus and modes other than 1v1 and 2v2, but I remember when it was Fraymakers and characters being delayed. And before it was Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl with costumes and items being delayed. And before it was Ultimate with Stage Builder and Home Run Contest being delayed. We never had it this bad in the pre-DLC days, these devs were forced to put all they had out there. Now this cycle is justification for lazy practices.
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>until the 8th
a little later than that anon
John Constantine should get added so he can manifest into PFG's offices and force them to actually do something.
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>Lose to a Morty once
>My mind for the rest of the week
Dilating schizo.
>Want to paypig for this since I already have 1300 gleam from bp+events
>Would actually have to pay $15 instead of $10 because of course the deal has to be just over 2300
So fucking retarded. Need to kill whoever was the faggot jewish devs who first came up with this concept
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(wins by doing absolutely nothing for 3 years)
no amount of time grinding rifts will be worth agent smith. just completely unnecessary and a way for get poorfags to keep the game's numbers up
Netcode isn't easy to unfuck without rebuilding, they spent months trying in beta.
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>have literal baseline competency in a field
>all your fucking competition's strategy is "shoot yourself in the foot until the bullet magically misses"
Why are all of the companies so fucktarded? Is Japan threatening to nuke us if we make a good smash game?
holy fuck I never thought about this.
I'm never doing these shit rifts again unless it has something I need.
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The game isn't going to be "fixed" just because they added back features that were in the beta. The beta was already an unfinished game. That's not what's expected from what's allegedly a full release, and it's especially not something that takes over a fucking month after the game releases to implement (and probably STILL won't have everything). The game is unfixable unless they make changes to things like monetization, hitboxes, UI, and fighter/fighter currency availability, and we all know that isn't going to happen.
I wonder if its the dev studio name that fucked them over. Player First Games, and suddenly everyone expected this random ass studio to be delivering a perfect product.
I will never accept that a game with 80+ characters can be balanced in any meaningful way
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It's hard for me to keep up the hopium, but I can at least believe this considering how shit WB's management has been lately. It's not like I'm going to give up on this game.
At least we have Shark (Swag) Week in a couple days, right?
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Agent smith isn't the only reward, retard. 3k FC is a new character of your choosing, 250 gleam (eh, it's free), and all the skins which at minimum are free prestige points.

That being said, it's a bit absurd. Getting smith actually won't be that hard since that's just
>8 easy/experience rifts
>8 crushing rifts (these are not difficult and don't really require a grind to get)
>4 looney rifts (will require some grind to get the level 7 gems), supposedly hard but I haven't done one myself yet
But getting ALL rewards requires you to do 4 additional and 6 insanity rifts which is retarded and will likely NOT be worth it. It's actually really gay especially since the max reward is SIMPLY 250 gleam. Not some super cool badge or skin or anything for putting up with the literal insanity
If you start blocking everyone every time you lose you'll feel better about the game trust me
There is no way this actually works.
Player Fucked Shovelware
I think doomposters are silly and don't understand what kind of playerbase game devs realistically expect from a live service project. I'm also fairly confident that the game is performing better than initial expectations even as we find the playerbase floor.

Anybody thinking they will shut down the game because they "only" have a few thousand players at a time on PC have nothing to worry about when even major brands like Halo keep their game going with only a couple hundred.
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Look on the bright side, anon... At the rate things are going, most if not all of us are going to get a refund from the game's closure.
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I bought the harley beach skin, game's dying before season 2 anyways so might as well enjoy it while it lasts
Cuck Fucked Garbage
I don't know whats sadder a doomfag or a copefag
No, that would mean the 8th rift doesn't get added until the 22nd, which is one day before the Matrix event ends. That doesn't make sense.
How did you lose to Morty?
>those beastly claws
sorry, but that ruins it for me.
A small playerbase means I have to keep playing matches against the same fucking people over and over and over again and it means I won't get to watch cute Japanese girls stream it when I'm feeling too lazy to play myself.

It could be the greatest multiplayer game ever, but if there aren't enough people playing, then I can't either. I don't care that 10 people fund it.
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I am choosing not to dip until I see what kind of new prestige cosmetics they introduce next season.
He read my side b charges too often.
What a cope. A low player count means it's harder to find matches, and when you do find them, it's more likely to be a sweaty tryhard. The lower the player count, the more likely this is the case, which means casual players are more likely to leave, which makes the problem even worse. It's a positive feedback loop - every player that leaves increases the odds of another one leaving, and so on until no one's playing. Games die if there is barely anyone playing them.
>Anybody thinking they will shut down the game because they "only" have a few thousand players at a time on PC have nothing to worry about
They have literally shut the game down because of low player counts before.
Ahhh, deserved. Very important not to get too predictable.
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fuck you for making me notice that
it'll probably be the rowdyruff boys skin that got leaked
>If you start blocking everyone every time you lose you'll feel better about the game trust me
>A small playerbase means I have to keep playing matches against the same fucking people over and over and over again
People who have complaints like this just need to do what I do: Simply never read the name of any other player in your match.
It just works.
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If it is that'd be pretty cool
pics of the RRD?
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I've been waiting for this since it was leaked.
this account leaked it https://x.com/AusilMV but it got banned
Lmao just wtf is this skin?
I like when I rape the other players badly
T. Pfg
I will say this though. If Suicide Squad lasted as long as it did than this will at least have some life to it
I bought Velma's beach skin, i already owned garnet so all i got from it was the icon, the chibi banner and the Velma beach skin.
Suicide squad is a paid game, they'll make money out of retards even if they only play it for a few hours.
Technically I think it's still "lasting". At least in the sense of how Jimmy Carter is currently doing.
more like yer a grand ol fag
Top kek
I love blocking niggers
>no unique victory animation so her dagger just clips through her jacket like she's stabbing herself
nvm this sucks. I hate you Tony. Fucker.
Should have gone with her examining the sword, since it looks like it's made of plastic and I don't think that material exists in Westeros.
wait... this is a purple outfit... does it at least have a unique animation at the start when you meet your opponents?
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The only thing unique about it is the idle stance in the perk selection screen, which we've all seen already.
I don't get why she's wearing what looks to be a semi-transparent suit underneath her clothes
It's her "beach ready" variant so I guess it's supposed to be her onesie swimsuit.
Though I guess it's also just a decision made so that faggots on twitter don't go "UMMMM SHE'S JUST A KID WTF PFG?"
But it's semi-transparent, meaning if she ever decides to go for a swim...
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What did Tony mean by this
I think we have at least a half a year or so before they call it quits, maybe Walter White will get fast tracked as a desperate ploy to save the game, which would cause another peak that would decline almost instantly.
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where the hell is this ringout
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Fun fact you can also do this by chaining the mojo saucer
>Weekly telegram for the MVPs!

>This week, there will not be a new Rift. Catch up this week and prepare for Megalodog's big entrance next week. There will be 3 more Rifts till the end of Season 1.

>We are deep in preparation for the big mid-season patch coming next week. This will include numerous character balances, additional content, and returning features such as spectator mode and free for all.

>Moving forward we plan to have one massive balancing patch at the mid point of each season. We'll still have fixes where needed, but the mid-season patches will be our bread and butter.
Bugs Booties losing to Black CHADams is an all too common sight.
Suicide squad isn't lasting it's on its deathbed only not being put down because they have a season pass they are obligated to release. 80% of their team is moved to the next game.
I bet you could do some really funky stuff in 2's with Marvin+Black Adam.
I'd main blue Diamond, plus another giant character.
speaking of Mojo you can just spam up attacks on him as Velma and get van almost instantly, makes for funny cheesy games if your partner can protect you while you call it in
how do you guys deal with Finn's sword
dodge and counter.
even pfg realized that appealing to SUfags will not make them any money.
Can’t wait to log in tomorrow and not get the fucking missions because i logged in too early, and all the rewards for the event will be that useless perk gem thing
Wtf is up with barman's cape? I just realized he isn't wearing his regular cape It's like split apart from the middle and it looks like actual bat wings.
Ask Morty, he has lots of experience handling Finn’s sword.
you dont
any subape retard can mash the a button on finn and autowin neutral because he has no recovery frames on literally any more
the vertical range is good but the horizontal range isn’t that crazy, play grounded against finn and don’t jump over him
some of the promo images are so jank i suspect they're genning with ai and just stapling it all together with photoshop in post, tom looks especially suspect in one of the other images where he's got weird fangs and odd coloration for no reason
I'm genuinely happy we don't have to do another rift.
You know I think if every single event wasn't just bullshit dailies and they were putting in limited zany game modes or copying splatoon like everyone suggested people wouldn't mind the lack of content.
They had to draw it at like a 70 degree angle so that it wouldn't be draped down and blocking the characters behind him.
He probably has a big fan tilted up underneath him so it makes his cape fly out of the way like Marilyn Monroe on the vent.
i love how our only defensive tool is a dodge that doesn't last long enough or go far enough to avoid all the attacks you actually want to avoid because they put out huge lingering hitboxes tha last three times as long as the iframes your dodge grants

finn can fucking backpack on reaction to you dodging an attack and he'll just catch you in it because there's no penalty for whiffing anything in this game you can just keep vomiting out hitboxes
>there's no penalty for whiffing anything in this game
yeah sure lmao
>literally another week of 0 content
>not even a new fucking rift
>no new rift also means they are purposely slowing down how fast we get smith even more than they already were
Holy fuck, I really hope they get axed before season 2 at this point.
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>there's no penalty for whiffing anything in this game
*blocks your path*
He keeps sucking me into his spinning air sword attack even though I dodged as far as fuckin HUMANLY POSSIBLE
why are you guys playing this game thats getting shut down in two weeks lmao? don't you have something better to do with your pathetic lives anon?
100 gleamium aka not fuckin worth doing because we aren't venezuelans you fuckin pieces of shit. This shit is fucking insulting and you will get your fuckin ass beat for humiliating me if I ever fuckin see you tony hwong.
where do you think you are
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yeah there's a few characters that doesn't apply to but it's most of the cast
see also
tom"s paddle
shaggy kick
banana charge
harley anything
True love
a game with low playercount like that means the playerbase is gonna be lower and lower and eventually reach critical points of low
can you late night niggers not play like niggardly niggerish sperg niggers exploiting infinite combos thanks
they're deliberately dragging agent smith out until july 10 huh
did they really have absolutely fucking nothing else planned for this season
Halo is a paid game and already made their money back and profits dumbass
This is a live service that's expected to always be worked on unlike halo, they're supposed to constantly shit out new characters stage and stuff like that, and they constantly need to get profits or else the game is shutting down. I can tell you have never played a game that died.
>8k peak
Nah this game is cooked bros. Not even shitposting anymore, devs really listened to the retards on reddit saying the game was balanced well while multihits and spam plague the roster. So many similar cases, good thing I never spent a dime on it. Hopefully you shills learn that relentless criticism against lazy greedy devs is a good thing. Enjoy your EOS end of July, it was a fun ride. But I wanna rub it in one more time. Game was 100% a broken no skill spammy piece of shit. We, the real critics, are VINDICATED!
buy the seven hour shoe
You're a retard if you think this game is getting shut down before the shill promo material comes out.
I hope Tony goes postal and shoots the WB suits that ruined his game and life in minecraft
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Stop getting trolled so easily holy shit
so theyy expect us to wait 1 month and 1 week for a ffa and a spec mode? lmao
They spent 99.9% of that 1 month and 1 week masturbating
Not that anon, but current Morty is a fucking beast. He can just spam Earth, Fire, Hammer Morty, and his gun with the splitting blast over and over without pause, and he's fucking impossible to approach.
>Don't approach, make him co--
You have to, Earth and his gun can hit you from long distance.
>big mid-season patch coming next week
But today is officially mid-season, next week leaves only 3 weeks left.
... Unless... they really are gonna fucking extend the season like >>483330295 brought up? And say they're extending it to "be generous and give people more time" when they really just can't get their shit together and get shit out on time?
>older steam deck models are 15% off on summer sale literally day after I start considering to get one
I reinstalked windows entierly on my computer and the fucking fan still wont run I undervolted the CPU and it still wont run I disconnected it and plugged it back in (only change was that it crashed instantly on startup when the fan was dissconnected)

Time to go to walmart and buy steam wallet cards I guess
I've got 50 bucks on steam and 100 bucks in cash so I still can't afford it right now
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please come up with a better joke to spam, these clowns don't deserve much effort but it'd make the threads funnier
>they're supposed to constantly shit out new characters stage and stuff like that, and they constantly need to get profits
So why aren't they shitting out new characters and stages for us to spend money on so they can profit?
Reminder they've "been cooking" that WB Lot stage since beta.
because this is a shitty incompetent studio
Dexter's Lab stage looks like dogshit if you really pay attention, too. The stage looks almost as if its a background element, and the characters are walking a layer on top of it or something. They're hovering above and in front of the stage elements. Looks like absolute shit when the camera zooms out, and it looked especially like shit on the scrolling stage. The stage would behave strangely when charging with characters like Shaggy or BG.
Thanks for buffing wonder woman.

I hope the man who suggested ww buffs, the balance team, and tony himself get genitally phlogged and mutilated to have neo-vaginas then forced fucked with a hot pike until they bleed to death.
so nothing this week and ffa next week
and since they consider this a big mid season patch except nothing in 2 weeks
but shark week! :D!
If convincing WB that MeTV Toons needs some kind of cross-promotion is what it takes to get Daffy Duck and Fred Flintstone in the game faster than so be it.
How many new characters would it have been if they didn't switch to UE5
Imagine if they actually spent the last year rebuilding the game from scratch in a new engine instead of masturbating the entire time
>Some Twitter random makes some 10/10 Daffy/Spinel animations
>Hire him within days of him posting them
>Do not add Daffy/Spinel EVER
Le sigh.
>>Some Twitter random makes some 10/10 Daffy/Spinel animations
>>Hire him within days of him posting them
link of those animations?
not sure about the spinel ones
this guy does more sonic animations than he does for mvs characters lol
hopefully he gets sonic in mvs if it doesn't eos
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>we are on week 100 of multiversus being released and still no spinel
he also did a gochad animation https://x.com/SonicpoX/status/1561162390611415040/video/1
the only thing that can save this game from death
Woke up from my nap, are we really not getting anything tomorrow?
It's not a joke
holy shit good
what a fucking hideous looking character
>what a fucking hideous looking character
thats steven universe characters in a nutshell
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ill hit you
Funny you should say that because in the code there were animations for an upcoming character. They were 1:1 the Daffy Duck animations. He's coming. Just not yet.
oh no fucking wonder
how do you see the game 2 months from now?
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Well based on the launch trailer it's actually finished, they just haven't fucking implemented it yet for some reason. I guess they're waiting to launch the Warners?
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>the horizontal range isn’t that crazy
good one
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>tom"s paddle
I fucking hate this move
I swear I can't punish it without taking a hit even if I'm next to tom
Toms paddle was worse in beta.
i don't understand why it lasts so long
or why he gets to move so fast during it
his fucking jab combo is aids too, huge area, moves forward, lasts forever

these moves don't kill but they're busted in 2v2 for controlling space, letting your ally do anything they want or stalling for your cooldowns to reset
no shit, most stuff was worse in the beta.
>lingering love had no cooldown in alpha
Not saying you're wrong, anon, but I do not remember dreading seeing Tom & Jerry appear in the loading screen in the beta like I do now.
In the triple digits (if we're lucky).
Won't exist
blud actually said....oh my days guv
The people streaming multiversus right now suck ass at the game
i tickle his frond til he spurt
multiversus is done for
>Play 2v2 with a Jason
>He's actually pretty good
Look how retarded redditers are
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SpongeBob won in the end.
*pees on the sponge*
Bros tell me the game will survive and that players will all come back
They'll announce a huge character who will draw many in after they unfuck the full release and people will enjoy it.
>a huge character
who will that character be?
Walter White, Goku, and Mario.
Based on leaks, either PPG or Jack.
those aren't huge characters
tony put in fucking lola right the fuck now and i will get her and buy every fucking skin and taunt and screenshot the shit to prove it
>PFG adds a new hyped up character to the game
>it's locked behind 30 rift bosses
>they timegate rifts so you can't get it until the end of the season
>normalfags are so baffled by how to unlock it that they quit within minutes of installing the game
>the game dies before anyone can even unlock the character
it's gonna happen
>666th reply
nice try satan
post yfw lola is a clone of lebron
>she does that niggerly chest beat
i'd lol
Fuck Space Jam Lola. Give me this stupid bimbo
What the fuck did they DO to character XP? Because I am WINNING matches as characters I never use, who are only Levels 1 and 2, and I am getting SHIT for XP.
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*fucks the squirrel*
>velma cooldowns
>Like 30 second cooldown on your grounded up special which is fine because it is bad and using it is almost always done by mistake.
>neutral special
>10 second cooldown per shot and regenerates shot by shot, and the first shot basically does nothing, so effectively a 20 second cooldown for it to do anything. Janky ass projectile that probably won't do anything anyways, kills at extremely high damage, but you won't
>down special
Somewhere around 90 second cooldown, even after its "buff" it is still long enough that you aren't using it more than once per stock. Can't kill unless your target is basically touching the blast zone, grants a brief buff to your cooldowns to make your neutral special ammo regen slightly faster I guess but it barely even matters

Lets compare this to some of the other characters' cooldown attacks
>bug's safe: roughly 20 seconds, has both absurd combo potential and good kill power
>Marin's rocket: roughly 30 seconds. an excellent finisher, and even when it is on cooldown you can still fucking use the move to do something
Feel free to add your own.

Literally what the fuck is this balancing. I don't get it.
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theyre under the impression that making players grind for longer will keep them around for longer
they did this same stupid shit in the beta and it just burned out players and made some not even engage with the grind
these devs don't understand human psychology beyond hooking people with FOMO
no give me the tomboy one with short shorts, exposed midriff and perky tits
I'm going to take a mean shit in EVERY Joker main mouth. I HATE this fuck.
>Somewhere around 90 second cooldown, even after its "buff" it is still long enough that you aren't using it more than once per stock
That is insanely fucked, most games I play are 2 minutes on average.
I "like" the game. But it's a fucking bad game.
>theyre under the impression that making players grind for longer will keep them around for longer
Isn't that what the new characters are for? We're always gonna be grinding if there's always new characters...
I could probably forgive the move being usable roughly 1.5 times per game if it ACTUALLY FUCKING DID ANYTHING
It's such a literal nothing move that you don't even consider it in your gameplan. It is an empty moveslot.
I literally just don't get it. What's the point of attaching the single most punishing cooldown in the game to a move that does fucking nothing.
OK, who gave the toddler a Reddit account?
reindog main here i don't have an up special at all
are you prepared to grind every day for over a month every season?
No, I mean... We don't have to grind for a long time with the current characters, because once we get the new characters, we can grind with them. Cause they're new.
speak for yourself faggot, i'm saving all my jew rocks and doritos for furbait characters and i don't give one single fuck outside of that, i will play bugs and reindog as long as i need to until then because i'm already happy with both
the superior mvs https://x.com/BrokeBoiRoland2/status/1802871005242654877/photo/1
Mods being forbidden is what really killed the game
Meanwhile brawlhalla still has them and is still doing good
even if all the characters were free, the game would still be lackluster, the main issue is that ranked are missing, there's no purpose in playing the game outside of the battle pass, all the events are literally the same ones reskinned with other images, they don't even bother making a custom event mode with beach volley or some shit like that
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ygf6gwboklA the mvs killer
>Grumpy Cat
>V for Vendetta
>Big Chungus/Bugs Bunny
>Caine and Pomni
>Freddy Fazbear
>Charlie Dompler
...Can they do that?
so basically the plan is to try to recover the game every mid season with a band-aid patch? you already know that next week we will get more bugs and errors in the game.
I don't understand
next week is the very big big big patch they are announcing? How long are we fucking waiting for the color input buffer etc fixes from beta?
I fully expect the balance and bugs to get even worse with the next patch.
other characters have stuff on that level too unless your name is jason
H-Heyyyy I'm the best joker player in the general
Should I cop the WW bundle if all I want is the loli WW pfp
The cutest one
I was hoping it was real, lol.
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Man, look at my game, bruh.
can't you just buy a new fan, given that one evidently stopped working? It's a thing that happens you know
It is a new fan literally less than a month old
methinks what we're waiting on now is them being done with a cgi trailer that comes with the fixes to make it appealing to casuals. Like, just shitting out the fixes won't bring people back, marketing will
doesn't really matter, if it died it died dude. Plus, you need to trubleshoot, and given you did everything software-wise from the looks of it it's time to take it on the hardware, so get a new fan
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>win game
>np ill rematch
>they win
>dont rematch
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>vs sweaty tryhards
>they're in the lead and about to win but run out of stamina
>exploit this to send them to narnia for free
>see them instantly ask for RE
>wait 40 seconds
>gg no re
>sweaty tryhards
as in?
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People with 10,000 more wins on their badge than me that I by no means should be getting matched with.
This game is fucking dead.
it just means you're that good
t. is routinely matched against people that just got the game or bots
Make sure you dont login for 4 more hours since the event is going to be bugged again.
tfw matched with ultra sweaty harley bullshit and i dab on her entire life with fucking reindog
the absolute state of this game lmfao
big patch coming next week, let them cook heads down on the game
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>not allowed to play or miss event progress
faggot game!
Remember to not login before 11 am est or you wont get quests for the event
Do I really have to wait 4 hours though
I got boned at the start of the jason event cus never got first day missions so I finally finished that today
Feels like they saved a million dollars outsourcing code to india and then had to spend an extra 3 million debugging it
I will blame the mimes
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>it just means you're that good
If you say so but I feel like I just got lucky.
Guesses on when the next characters are being revealed?
The sooner they get officially announced the better.
the witch is coming
screencap this
4 hours from now, got it.
Give me both with the ability to switch between each other like Pyra and Mythra
just make them different skins, characters with swap mechanics are gay and i'd always rather be playing one or the other instead of both
Jack next week.
Marceline is coming screencap this
will they give more options for keybinds or just allow the smash-like settings?
i dont wanna wait another week to find out
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>Think about watching this movie again
>This gets posted
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how do i reroll
If there's a CGI Trailer revealing Smith and Aquaman, plus a direct-style explanation from the devs, could drum up some hype
lul thats everyone except the paypiggies rn
you WIRR buy Jinkster!!
so is the new event bugged?
>plus a direct-style explanation from the devs
unironically that's not needed, they could leave it for changelogs. Just show
>new characters (Smith could be shown again cause why not)
>new modes (or "new" modes, like ffa or silly queue)
>new cosmetics
in a "cgi trailer, then follows gameplay shots and then a small card at the end recapping the new stuff" format and they're done
like i legit don't get why it's so hard for them, what i said it's just what every other game does
idk log in and tell me
ladies first.
yeah ok just checked its fine
you're not trying to give me the ol' spicy keychain right?
Screenshot the missions screen or fake
im just in here playing my favourite game multiversus, just join me guys the missions are great
Pennywise when
ok, I'll just log in, I don't even care anymore.
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>play yesterday
>mission that says "Play on Townsville"
>it actually wants you to play on the Dexter's Lab map
>don't see it once in 10 games
These fucking monkeys can't get anything right, can they?
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event is working properly I guess
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>requires not just a summer skin
>HAS to be a fucking DC summer skin
these fucking faggots need to be sent to the penis exploding chamber and have their penises exploded immediately
it's the same exact bug as last time, except it wasn't labelled before. As in, there was "play on townsville" weekly that actually only filled when you played on dexter's lab, this time around they added the "requires Dexter's lab" cause i guess they can't fix it saying townsville?
tldr lmaoing @ their lives
>nothing this week
so we can pretty much assume these faggots all went on vacation this week?
they're making a big trailer trust me
if they aren't then they're just that dumb
a big trailer for what? season 2 in one month? I'm afraid of how many players there will be left on this game at this point
>a big trailer for what?
the mid-season update, which is bringing back the missing stuff from the beta they can instead parade as new content to unsuspecting newbies
why else have a mid-season update a week after the actual mid-season (which is today)?
them being retarded is also a very likely explanation of course, we'll see next week
>which is bringing back the missing stuff from the beta
it's not even bringing back everything, just FFA and spec mode from what they said
>just FFA and spec mode from what they said
that's the "among other things" they said, which should be stuff like team colors and swapping side and neutral attack and whatever else, which is also other things they said they're bringing back
They're assuming people have the login one for Superman. The problem here is they're also assuming everyone has Superman unlocked. Whoever decided skins should be a requirement for certain progression should be shot in front of their family.
this only makes sense if they also put him on the weekly rotation and i'm highly doubting that
they never mentionned "among other things" on their post, and they've been very careful about what to announce or what not to announce, they said they were including additional content so that probably means just more shitty rifts.
I actually do play Superman so I'm not sure if he's on the rotation, but knowing these fuckers, yeah they probably gave people LeBron or some shit. You could try doing the first mission of the fifth rift that forces you to play as summer skin Wonder Woman and see if that works though.
Harley is right there in the prestige store anon
3 digit players this week
How the fuck is this real? Fucking kill them.
Oops sorry multiversus is closed we open at 11 pm
Guys huge problem. Ok so I'm working on fixing the code right now. I copy and pasted the code into chatgpt and asked it to fix it. But now the attack and special buttons got switched and I can't figure out how to switch them back, so that's juat going to have to be a new update to the game. Also I cant figure out how to get into a match now, it's not working.
Changing text is hard they have to ask their daddy first
They're working on getting through the elden ring dlc
Just let the thread die
This is as good a place to ask as any.
You know Inkling from Smash Bros? Squid girl? How good do you remember her being, without looking it up?

Is Marvin's jab 1 huge, then? Because he can outspace this with his own jab. If it's standard, chances are your character has something too
i remember people crying broken on release and then everyone forgot about her. Same with literally every other character, both new and old, save for Steve.

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