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Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)
Magfest Campaign - (06/10 - 06/24)

Unite & Fight MC skin - live
Side Story menu update - 06/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/21 - 06/28 Unite & Fight (Dark favored)
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
07/07 - 07/14 Tales of Arcarum: Hanged Man (rerun)

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Previous thread >>483234861
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hope the farming is going well
i love my wife
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When will we get a horse racing event?
I am a hater which is why I top 90k every GW.
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it's going well, thanks.
also i love my wife as well
Reminder that we collabed with Uma and they are our cute and popular and fuckable imouto and cygames is retweeting them from grub social media as we speak, it's OK to talk about them unlike most offtopic slop.
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Next grubfes alongside our EoS announcement
Those weren't "oversea branches", they were offices that dealt with merch delivery.
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I'm sure Relink would've been aborted if not for uma money.
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grub will really end with the horse zodiac...
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Of course I’m not a hater, according to /gbfg/ I “don’t play the game” enough to have an opinion on grub.
So this is what KMR meant when he said 10th anni celebration is just starting.
God bless.
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Uma EN? Who cares...
>you roll the horse zodiac
>fate episode automatically plays
>she gets isekai'd to uma's world
>disappears from your account
>die to sumo
>reborn to umabliss
I'm having whiplash though..
>had to desperately rush the announcement out because they knew it'd be all over if gakumas english was announced first
>imas game
The real 10th anni celebration was freeing me from GW and showering me with horse pussy
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Higher chance of Iori being an anal virgin than a im@s game getting an english version.
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>character of extremely questionable popularity has more strips than 6 of the last 7 zodiacs (you can very easily guess who the totally non dev favorite exception is), in just 2 years, and more than the last 3 zodiacs, the ones since her release, combined
>calls like this are totally not the reason this game is dead
>no release date
meh, I'm still shackled to gw
You'd think the announcement of an EN Uma game would be exciting because it moves the fucking retarded faggots out of the general to play something else but no. They'll still be here, bitching and whining
>>calls like this are totally not the reason this game is dead
Pushing homoflops like Raiden and Troonlogia is why this game is dead. No one cares if a cute girl is pushed as long as she's cute
Why does FKHRT love Pigpag so much?
What’s the easiest way to make an auto-repeat macro with some variance?
>inb4 ”UNDETECTA-“
Yeah, yeah, I don’t care at this point
>character of extremely questionable popularity
her Xmas alt was one of the biggest twitterbuck of last year
she IS loved, but ignored by FKHR for some reason
Yuni really isn't that interesting
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Yuni would have been a better Zodiac than Catura Makura or Payila however.
>20 comics
>has an alt
>ignored by FKHR
>no release date
>currently 3 years and 4 months since jp launch
They're going to fuck that up no matter what.
It's either going to be worse than Pricunny with nearly 4 years of future sight or a turbo whalefest.
>go to check out the uma reaction in their gen
>see this

kek what the fuck is wrong with doomtroons man
wasting the limited female slots on literal whos like trooni is why the game's gonna EoS in the future
you get poz -> shilled female -> mugen -> shilled female -> raiden -> shilled female -> lancelot -> shilled female
then you have the actual heavy hitters warming the bench until said EoS
>original Yuni not ringed
>original tigers not ringed
You will never be a woman.
>kek what the fuck is wrong with doomtroons
Been asking that for years
I'm so flaccid
Some people are that retarded to believe that a language barrier isn't an overwhelming challenge to getting into a game.
This might come as a surprise but the game doesn't give me unlimited rings to use on every version of everyone I like. And no, I'm not paying KMR for more no matter how low the yen goes.
buy da scamcha
he's going mad over the uma victory
>game has little to no gameplay and is just about talking to and interacting with your horses
>everybody who’s interested in this game clearly knows Japanese or is willing to sit there with a guide open the whole time and has already played it
These niggas are nuts
I'm so erect
There are 11 rings you can get from RoTB, monkey. I’ve only used three of them. No excuse.
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You can get a total of 23 rings without spending any money.
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THEY will save grub.
sorry, saving for s. golshi
...? Whats Uma gameplay actually like, then?
Im not getting into shit if its an autoclicker or autobattler type of game
>I’ve only used three of them
Sounds like you just don't have enough characters you enjoy in this game. I'm sorry for you sister.
You too
why are they having a schizo episode about rings
is it at least published by cygames themselves? or another outsource like crunchyroll that's gonna eos in one year?
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>12k now
sequel confirmed
And you’ve only used four, retard.
I will enjoy whatever porn comes out of it
Post all 23 of your used rings
>calling out someone for making retarded claims is “having a schizo episode”
I haven't used all 23. I've used enough to know that if I ringed every version of every character I like I wouldn't have enough, as I said in the first place. This isn't confusing!
It’s a raising simulator, you have to raise your chosen horses stats between big races.
>dragalia with nintendo
>priconne with crunchyroll
>uma with ???
>retarded claims
That he ringed characters he likes?
See a therapist.
Post your rings
They sell Tamagotchis for 10 bucks at walmart
They sell jpgs for... well actually they are free.
But are those tamagochis cute girls with good animations?
your rings
The Angewoman ones are
If Uma EN EoS you will never see the end of shitposts here
That there aren’t enough rings.
See an english teacher.
>implying /gbfg/ will still be alive by then
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Well if Raiden ever gets a second event you will also nev-
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>that dude that FKTRN sent to infiltrate this thread actually managed to get galge players to fight each other over rings to deflect the subject of xir's incompetence
Why are you so scared of posting your rings
There aren't.
See a therapist or a rope store.
Uma is free albeit
800 milly for 1(one) sand
Considering GBF will EOS first you’re absolutely right, I won’t see the end of it here. And neither will anyone else.
riot games
>poo archive has porn so that means it wins, okay
>uma doesn't have porn, but that doesn't matter, okay.
the cognitive dissonance that schizos suffer from is somehow both hilarious and boring at the same time.
There are.
See a brain surgeon.
They're forgetting someone, grub bros.
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Funny how people talk about pandering because its clear Cygames doesn't pander to people that will play their game anyway, no matter how much they bitch and complain.
"But muh 4%!"
And you're a part of it, don't you feel special?
post your rings
of course it will eos
uma is doing shit in even china
global is the last place a horsegirl idol raising sim with ridiculous grind and powercreep does well in
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Uma Musume is an SFW yuri game. No cocks allowed on that pure yuri game
your rings
>newest grand blues is a jab at omnipandering
actually funny
Why are you so scared of posting your rings
The FKHRT psyop never ends.
>maleringer headcanon posted moments before disaster
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Uma and BA have one thing in common.
>And you're a part of it
I’m part of the 13.4% albeit.
Yup that's Fate/Galge Order for you
where is uhm... you know...
total shitted death
They’ah duin be’er than grub?
But where is grub????????
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feito... grando orda...
Our invisible sales aren't counted there, sis
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Galge Fantasy
kinda insane fgo is that high from a rerun gacha
I've posted my rings countless times and I don't believe anyone else has all four of those characters ringed. I'm not reposting them for seething GW seasonals, go look up "post rings" in the archive if you actually care.
>uma doesn't have porn
It's out in the open, no one is hiding them. They've been getting more popular since Elon recently made twitter Likes private.
Very interesting how male-only games never make it there
gbfgods aren't dead enough to be lumped in with those losers
>runs away
kek, coward
Based Elon. This was all to hide Uma porn from the Yakuza.
*tourists not seasonals
The artists are coming and the yakuza mandate can't stop them.
oh, and they're western...
How is anyone supposed to know which ring post is whose, retarded anonymous? Do you have a male ringed and afraid of getting bullied?
Uma is dying in Japan and they finally pull out Global. How did Cygames fuck up a golden horse so badly? Uma took over Japan.
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Remember when Grub was the unironic rival of FGO.
What the fuck went fucking wrong?
Cygames are professional fuck-ups.
they never transitioned away from being an mmo-lite. real mmos are dying left and right and yet you think some cheap knock off version could keep itself afloat?

grub should have become a moba or battle royale
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xe can't help xerself
KMR chased fujobucks while FGO never bend their knee
nwyelll...definitely deserved...
A typical campaign run last for 20min~30mins

You grind for three things the various different events, min max for best horse stats for different races and uma version of gw.
There are various event grinds the most you can expect is to do 1 run per day to get all the rewards.
Min max your umas can take multiple runs or forever if you want to make the best horse to get best rewards.
Their gw last the entire month. It doesn't end there are no breaks. There is a daily quota to meet and you will be kick if you can't keep up.
All of the above isn't compulsory the only trade of is a lower f2p gem count. You can just play at your own pace.
Their recently most popular characters are males you fucking braindead galgetard
I really wish there was another game with similar gameplay and artstyle to grub
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Why hasn't Narmaya gotten her own event yet?
shit like the post above you.
FGOs nickname is Fujoge you moron
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three words: ACK
You saved it as a JPG, dumbass.
Uma's gacha is stalling because they stupidly announced in advance of 3 new game scenarios in one year. So realistically, no one is bothering to whale until the new scenario gachas hits.
osrs is still doing great however
Raiden turned out to be more popular so he got 2
*cracks open Monster can*
/gbfg/ during its golden age was having shitposting wars with FGO. we doomposted /e7g/, /drag/, and every new gachashit that came out.
Now those were the days.
Granblue Archive
doing my daily runs took over an hour btw
just to drain my stamina
couldn't fully auto since you needed to choose options
idk if they changed that in the years after
this game will crash and burn in global
>this is what 40 year old osrs cultists still believe
Pointless character. Either she will be obsessed with danchou or Okto
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It's because she is going to get her own vidya game and movie.
And they are not fujobait. Improve your reading comprehension, Padjeeta.
Why would you want them to ruin Narmaya when every past attempt of them making an event for their popular females end up driving away their fans
File deleted.
She's not a character with organic popularity like Raiden.
"The compulsory grind isn't compulsory if you just wanna have fun :)"
Dodging this shit immediately I aint falling for this type of "Its f2p friendly! " Bullshit ever again
>earth is gonna get grand raidened
deserved, fuck earthfags
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Uma doesn't have cool old men.
Btw this one's old. The intern snuck in a couple of bunnies so they are 6v6 right now >>483284947
Probably the reason they are bringing back raiden
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It's unironically a Shiny Colors clone.
>/bag/gots are the karmic ghosts of /gbfg/'s past
>And they are not fujobait
lmao even
It's so over
he'll be seasonal at worst.
worst outcome is him being core, poor dirtfags...
I'm not a nonce and an autobattler is nothing like a turn based rpg
Feel free to prove me wrong. I actually play the game to know how things are over there, as opposed to your pathetic shitposting.
Core how?
Earth already has the best HL team in the game
i love aletheia, he's one of the characters that made me start playing and i put him on my teams whenever i can. i'm hoping for another release some day. i'd take a spatula/tongs dual wielding summer griller version at this point
Imagine Cygames trying to compete in Global with fucking Uma Musume when games like ZZZ are coming out.
Has earth solo'd hexa/faa0 yet?
All these other games you’re shilling don’t have cool characters like Lobelia and Monkey and Faa and Tigers so I don’t care about them.
their burst could use some savin', couldn't it?
sure you do little man, go ahead and drop the pixivbux on em
Shouldnt have been a low IQ padjeet if xe wants to be liked...
FKTRN has been malding a lot after the clown edits.
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Narmaya unironically has some of the most depth and good writing out of any Grub character.
For (you) characters like her are actually very independent since the writers despise making them interact with danchou outside their designated scenes
Naru has her whole thing with Okto, AND also her whole thing with Azusa, neither of these romantic and both of them completely independent from danchou
Meanwhile characters like Cupitan will always be muh ris this and muh ris that, never anything else. You can especially see this in Cupitans summer version, where she went from wanting to be friends with danchou and the all crew, her having a actual character outside of Ris, but getting flanderized to being all about Ris and nothing else, not even being able to hang out with danchou unless it's related to Ris
what element do you think Bremerton would be
niggerflops stay flop
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grub is an autobattler
At least they don't block your progression with blue paper etc behind forced gw participation.
>feel free to prove me wrong
>w-well no u
So no proof? Dont talk about games you dont play next time.
>spatula/tongs dual wielding summer griller version
pagmaya is irrelevant shit
>literally 1(uno) pixivbux
>wake up
>Galge English release announced
>total maleringer meltdown
Just another day in /gbfg/
Grub = Coke
Granblue Archive = Dr. Pepper
Uma = Pepsi
proof little guy?
war of the visions

one of them is EoS looming though
I'll let you guess which one
spoilers: it's the SQEX one it's fucking always the SQEX one
How did this happen then >>483287923
I fucking love coke.
Read my post again >>483288214
Slowly this time. I know English is hard for literal thirdies.
shilled homoflops stay flop
If it was an autobattler, I would’ve been abke to set a raid on autorepeat while I’m doing other shit
Prove that you play the game.
Go ahead I'll wait.
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having fun with GW grubbas?
>no Man o’ War
>no Seabiscuit
>no Secretariat
>not even Pay the Butler
Why should I care about Uma when it just has irrelevant Jap shitters?
It's only an autobattler if you have the time and correct grid pieces/characters. Otherwise you manual.
You are not bringing back soda shitposting
Uma has a Secretariat descendant though.
>dead British scum
>dead British scum
>dead British scum
>dead British scum
Yep yep galgeGAWDS can't stop winning
Fuck gw, rather shitpost here.
10 more minutes until we're done
Is there some way to get a sound notification for when a page changes in chrome? Tried distill but it doesn’t work that way for some reason
Wotv art deserved a better game...
Sure? Fujos are literal pariahs in FGO.
Bosstits' voice really does remind me of Neco-Arc
soon I will meet nyier...........
soon i will meet polaris...
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>Golden Week only when neither games has banners up
>sensor tower is SUDDENLY accurate data when it shows the 2 games I dislike doing badly
>ntrhime still alive
holy heck
Is it true that Uma gameplay is just staring at horsegirls running on auto?
soon i will meet God...
>>sensor tower is SUDDENLY accurate data when it shows the 2 games I dislike doing badly
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I love gameplay comparisons
>not even the current event
Nice stolen screenshot bro
Man, you guys are useless
>sensor tower is SUDDENLY accurate data when it shows the 2 games I dislike doing badly
You are going to send blud into another 16 hours meltdown...
Better than grubbers staring at black screen which they press f5 manually to see
uh oh
KEKYPOW grubshart in shambles
There's nothing wrong with this.
That's a screenshot from earlier this month which is why I took a while to dig and reply. I havent updated my app to take a new one.
Galge Musume won
c/u/cktrash lost
HIVtrash lost
All of those are American horses.
>being proud of being a gacha addict
do grubbas and F(a)GOs really?
This is a gacha general
MMM my beloved…
All americans are brits, but not all brits are americans.
could be worse
could be taking pride in shitposting about gacha
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Got me to reply.
>uma: no refresh black screen
>grub: refresh black screen
Uma wins this one lads
dont you dare call me a filthy bong again
I finally finished Celestial Sword, whats the best celestial weapon after that?
Stay in your lane 4%er grubsharts.
Imagine wasting your life looking at a black loading screen LMAO
staff then fist
stay in your general umabagsharts
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Only to be reward with baha horns or some anima KEKAROO
>delay GW skin by 8 months
>it releases
>unused flop
>no unique BGM
>no unique ougi
>not voiced
What is blud doing?
What are you doing in Granblue general if you are not a 'grubshart'
death to all mixed toilet games, their devs, and their players
just grubtard things
I was wondering between Staff or Fist...isnt the only grid that uses alot of Staff if Magna only Fire now?
'turds really are mentally ill
I kneel to UmaLORDs for carrying our dead homoge for all these years. Fuck /bag/gots though.
genshin and star rail don't even celebrate golden week lmao
>no unique ougi
What? No way
>-76%, -70%, -67%
Fleet is disbanding after their performance for round 1
Dabbing on your decomposing corpse.
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You can always wait until axe/dagger celestial comes out
grim, actually lower numbers than last year's dark gw
laughing at you
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finna coom to nyier tonight to celebrate.
Fell? Off.
Golden Week doesnt exist in China, duh
I do play Granblue albeit, just the better Granblue.
U RIKE??????????????????????????
it's finally happening
thank god
expect kmr to reduce 90k to 70k next gw
Doomposters and 'other game posters' are, in fact, former grubbers that have been wronged so bad they turned into vengeful wraiths.
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>kmr calls you a mindbroken slave in the flavor text
>MHA collabs with Grub
>gets cancelled 8 months later
Wait, really? Lmao. All those powercreeps and for what? No, really, why are the numbers so low?
Not even celestial grind and gw skin can save your GW grind anymore KMRat and FKTRN. YOU ARE COOKED
>change 80k to 90k after last year's dark gw
>change it back to 70k after this year's
>a story reaching its conclusion = getting cancelled
>we endured 2 personie collabs
Fear the grub
Unfortunately I'm still top 60k this GW
But otherwise you are correct.
>Juri event
>Siete event
>Pozmott event
>Kolulu/Chicken event
>Humanmurai event
>Raiden event
gee I wonder why everybody quit
those are last light GW not last year's dark
tho the point remains that nobody likes playing d*rl
pretty sure the ougi is unique but the rotb skins have fancier ougis if you even care about that
Troonlogia release ruining dark grand line up as well.
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The Nazgrubs....
No she didn't
>the game's fun, raiden's back, come b-ACK!!!!!
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mamalogia* is beloved thoughbeit
So happy this mixed toilet pyosg is finished.
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the real reason is because of settes and vtubers and 000
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>all that red
You love to see it.
so fucking true
Elden Ring probably contributed to GW numbers too. But yeah lotto, settes, 000, the shit writing and many others fucked up grub.
>only the gigaslurping poopsockers are still sticking with the game
I hope grub has plans to keep those 2k people lmeow
>settes and vtubers and 000
what a year
I know, retard, but the numbers are actually lower than last year's dark, just go check the wiki
They still announced xer as a male. Xer is a male in the trailer. Dark is ruined because of this troon.
>>Humanmurai event
It kept me, at least.
That's FKTRN shilling the homoflop because he's mad everyone loves Momoilogia.
he even doent look like a grub character idk how the fuck he fight look like unplayable npc
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>JJKgalgeGAWD is a east coaster
>Lraph is a commiefornian

checks out
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how do you play that game on pc?
>GalgeGAWDS are red-blooded Americans
>maleringers are pajeets
Checks out
not him but probably blue stacks
i don't read fujo slop
msi app player
I still remember when sette nerf made the grub twitter drop below 1M followers
Summer daily singles without skyleap crystals will save the game!
It's funny because that actually isn't me but I AM playing Gakumas on my phone and that's the exact same timezone I'm in.
Marge why’s Trooneraph galgeraging over Galge Kaisen?
Of course Gakumachads are all east coast gigachads
Released on fathers day btw
I thought he was a bong?
that's shittey, retard
Xe’s from Indonesia actually
This confuses the ringtard, for whom ringing is the equivalent of signaling to like minded ringtards.
One day off actually
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>East coast
You okay blud?
>missing the DC at the end
Are you okay, bro?
>too retarded to read the DC part
Oh no no no no you'd better delete this....
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Oh no no no no no nonononono
I hope you were baiting. Funny though.
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Washington DC, maleringer. Learn your geography.
Shay = burger
Xeraph = burger
Alex = burger
Rex = burger
John = burger
Br*t = burger
Marie = burger
Stuey = bong
Ledouche = bong
Pedobrit = bong
Bleachschizo/Tikou = slav
Huangyume = scandie
Lichtroon = SEAnig
Momoi (True) = bogan
JJKgalgegawd = burger
Dxitaxis = padjeet
EST is galge
PST is maleringer
I'm not a pajeet albeit
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>fuck, what do we do?
>i know, we do sumo 2! that will save us!
>/gbfg/ loves raiden! they talk about him all the time!
>people will love us for it!
who tf is marie
>Level 143
let me guess
SQ account
burgerbros we need to do better...
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>you spent a HUNDRED…
>on SUMO MAN 2!?
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I don't need to do anything and the creature keeps taking Ls on his own.
Just mentally ill maleringing HIVbrain things
>maleringer is a burger yet doesnt know Washington is different from Washington DC
pakistani, same dif
Its not too late to delete the post...
Proves my theory he is an indian immigrant
YOU okay, blud?
The Californian "education" system at work.
more than half of the shitposters are mutts and yet you retards still love to blame us seachads for the low quality of the general
>Can play as a female trainer without this general screaming not canon gender
>can take horse cock without it being gay since the horses are male IRL
>Prints money for Cygenerou
>Ran by FKHR and KMR
>Can't do any of the mentioned Uma can do.
the state of maleringers holy kek
Meds. /gbfg/ really can't go a day without thinking about him huh?
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oh shit nigger you're retarded
so when is the english version of grub
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I'm burger. I like neechang, draphs, dragons, dark skin women, and hags. Granblue is pretty cool. I want more of this new Bastet char too.
>Be grub
>Used to be the king of gacha game
>Now reduce to 4%
how did KMR do it, it kinda impressive to sabo a game so much
the problem with the general is slurpers, so...
>All those powercreeps
none of which are being used by people below t90k because of celestial farming.
Maleringer and Djsaar have taken so many Ls over 48 hours you can fill a dictionary with them
>f5 simulator falseflaggers complaining about the gameplay of another game
KEKYPOW maleringers aren't sending their best
Searoaches shit up the thread in a boring generic way while burgerGODS have mastered the craft
>jitarager out of nowhere
I'm starting to think the de la flopper is a projecting self hating pajeet...
Why are you referring to yourself in third person
On the other hand you seem to have never gone a day thinking about geography....
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i used 5000 meat and didn't get a single celestial.
Is fenie staff still good at 0* or do I have to FLB?
I say this
I don't recall posting something this based
>force FKHR to make sequels for WMTSB
>okayed the summer lotto
>cancel the summer legfest
>settes nerf, holofes, and 000 scandal all in the same year
>everything about GW
he's lucky he's the CEO because he deserves to be fired
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post My Page characters
Please contain your schizos.
All these are FKHR's fault
no refunds.
you must redeem the damascus ingot
Facts. People forget that at the end of the day FKHR is still KMR's lackey.
>padjeeta is a newfag
They're yours now, horsefucker.
I thought there was an update to show all the side story shop items in one screen, is that not the case?
Enjoy, this is what you fuckers deserve.
All of you are filthy pizza crust eaters
hes not the ceo
grow up and eat the crust, its tasty and garlic flavored.
Same as before.
FKHR? Needs to be removed, physically if at all possible.
Ringing males? Even in my nightmares I commit seppuku before I let it come to that.
GW? Ain't playing that shite.
My neechang? The bestest.
Me? Of course I'm Danish.
Quit being afraid of bread. You can always just go for a walk or workout while you grub jeez.
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Hasn't changed.
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>doesn’t eat the crust
Maleringer moment
He’s a co-founder, so while not ceo he’s pretty high up and has infinitely more sway than FKHRT while being just as much a pain in the ass.
Most SEA grubbers are vietchongs, singapoos and indomiesians for some reason
He's the executive director, which is a title interchangeable with ceo.
surprising, i know
by the way who decided that you can't use a character's default appearance if they have an outfit equipped?
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can't use it and have both on the homescreen because reasons
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fuck i'm retarded, forgot pic
Cantate eats the crust
>who decided that you can't use a character's default appearance if they have an outfit equipped?
Probably the same guy who left it only at 6 slots like it’s still going off what party you’re using.
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There's a reason we call her Crustate around here
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ain't no way
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Nia number one
Kek holy shit Uma general is a dumpster fire right now

Granblue Fantasy
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You mean gbf handbook?
yeah that's my wife
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So they get to experience an average hour in /gbfg/?
my wife
I guess but i was searching to see which premium draw tickets i missed
They're not used to it....it's like bringing someone from North scandinavia to the equator
am i supposed to feel bad?
I kneel
It's like a baptism by fire, I'm ok with it.
Reminder all the horsegirls are men since they're based on real horses. Don't fall for Cygame's psyops
>game iz dying in japan
>launch it in the west now
lol cyshart
Maleringers do be like that
Who /0-2/ here?
they probably had it planned out for a while and figure they might as well rob some whales in the honeymoon period before killing it off quickly
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beautiful and cute nyier
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Is it wrong to fuck this?
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grubs for this feel?
Eternal winner
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>they probably had it planned out for a while and figure they might as well rob some whales in the honeymoon period before killing it off quickly
>game is full of women
oh hey
the cuck poster back from another thread already
Why are maleringers like this?
I don't know how to get to this page anymore but I've been using S.Friday's for years now and I don't think I'm changing unless they release Hauhet
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Fucked up bigly
The problem?
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i wonder why cuckkek love cuck
Bro don't look up the voice actress......
Maleringers have drain
So Galleonfags fucked their mother?
What the deuce…
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>anon love galleon
>Galleon love role playing as mom
>sO GaLlEoNFagS fUckeD tHeIr motHer
smartest cuck btw
Maleringers are clinically retarded like that
Oh shit.
Still would.
People that haven't accepted Raiden Grand yet
>On March 6, 2020, Aoki publicly came out as a transgender man
>check out xir youtube
>still dresses and wears make up like a woman
Maleringers make me so angry I just feel the need to scream
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Why aren't you buying comms like this with your waifu?
what do i play while full autoing
my dark is good so i'll have to start new runs pretty frequently, can't be something with no pause like the galge dlc
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>On March 6, 2020, Aoki publicly came out as a transgender man
is this real
what xher real name?
shin megalge tensei vv
I'd tap that
I already shit on the floor in a public toilet today to give maleringers a little extra surprise
Why do you care? Just let em live their life
Reminder Sieg’s VA has a troon kid
i just want to know, anon
it seldom to see 41% on jp especially seiyu
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FtM troons are as retarded as their male counterparts
You made me check and yeah she still looks completely normal. I guess it's a case where a chick claims she's a tranny just for the attention
Granblue Fantasy
>Why do you caAAAAAAAAAACK
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"Feminine Men are A-Ok!"
"Men that dress feminine though? Thats a problem!"

Just saying but they should put Yuisis' sister in a skimpy swimsuit, just a thought
Answer the question
Fiorito’s VA will probably troon out in a couple years
>checks his wiki page
>he has 2 wives
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The horse yakuza won't let her do that.
Because she's not an actual trans, she only said it for attention (2020 was like the peak of lgbtcrap craze). She tried dressing like a man at first but quickly got tired of it. She also had a bunch of rainbow and troon flags on her twitter bio but now they're all gone kek.
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>dad married multiple times and all ended in divorce
>kid from 1st marriage troons out
many such cases
She’s half Egyptian, the religious zealotry embedded in her genetic code won’t allow it.
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Dunno how you got that from what I said
Would. It's insane how much better looking asian trannies are compared to western trannies.
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Bros why can't our Leviathan be this cute?
The most disgusting consistency shared in gacha fanbases is a complete lack of empathy and humanity towards the people that make the games they obsess over to begin with.
And i only say "Gacha Fanbases" as a stand-in for reactionary communities.
I bet FKHR had something to do with this
Our Levi is better, that’s just a bitch with fin ears.
that's not zettai bouei levia-tan
This is a product made by a company, not your friend, America-man.
homoknight effect...
What does Faa have to do with all this
FKHR is my friend
I look like this and dress like this.
ok faggot
Also fun fact, reactionary communities seek out individuals to blame all their problems because they can't conceptualize that corporations are a group and not a bogeyman.
Im sure you're well aware.
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>FKHR is my friend
Oh, he woke up?
FKHR personally came to my bar mitzah
I hate Cygames and I send out waves of negative energy daily to quicken their downfall.
Individuals like...the director of the gacha? The one who decides the DIRECTION of the gacha? Fucking retard.
Usually an individual is appointed has the head, someone who bears the responsibility of everyone below him. If something goes wrong, that person, as the stand-in for the entire team, gets his finger pointed at.
FKHR was my mohel
his talking points give it right away
They already did that with uma global.
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On the contrary, I have plenty of empathy for the people making the game. The ones I DON’T have empathy for are the people giving them orders because they don’t care about anything at all.
>someone who bears the responsibility of everyone below him. If something goes wrong, that person, as the stand-in for the entire team, gets his finger pointed at.
wyell......shyut up
should i ticket bowman or tyra
Get tyra
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>complete lack of empathy and humanity towards the people that make the games they obsess over to begin with
Do normal substitute works for Spabaha's Sirius origin?
you ever notice how in the early years of grub localization every instance of the word "Prominence" got replaced with "Resolution" or "Resolute"
it's how we got complete nonsense like "Resolute Reactor"
Why is /gbfg/ discussing the inner workings of Modern Day Capitalist dictatorships called corporations
then who
Bros im turning into a horse
Some people think corpos are their besties instead of a tool
Slurperaph is from Commiefornia.
how could this POSSIBLY be reversed? no joke answers
I'm going to draw porn of you
we love minori around here
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Is this a good character design?
Commiefornians have been utterly buck broken by corpos
That's why it's a dystopian shithole
I think a post about a voice actor got misinterpreted to be about FKHR
no and it's a fucking tragedy we won't get the actually good design of that character instead
Yeah she's hot
people already do I'm sort of a sex symbol round these parts
How hard would it be to marry a Japanese voice actress?
Much hotter than the regular boring humantrash design.
doesn’t Cyberpunk 2077 take place on the west coast too?
Honestly, as >>483301210 said, I'd take this over "Primal that looks just like a regular human" any day of the week.
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>generic girl with a stupid hat and a frying pan
>7 foot tall four armed dragon woman
Become capable of ejaculating diamonds without getting blood on them. You will be able to woo any woman.
Maleringing shittedcuck is losing it
she's the mc's mom she's not supposed to be a disgusting freak
Ngl Im a meta ringer but breast girls are still my fav
I'm halfway there, just need to take care of the blood problem
grandad's into hmofa
Cope humantrash design is boring garbage only liked by normalniggers
>introduce granmom in versus
>no one cares
meanwhile the MSQ is speedrunning to a shitty end
where the fuck is the update for the MSQ anyways? Werent we supposed to get one already?
She's a deadbeat piece of shit, she might as well look fuckable
Yes and would why are people mad lol
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Die /gbfg/
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tetsuya refuses to listen
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>Werent we supposed to get one already?
Uhhh.... somewhere around Summer, grubba.
It's amazing how you guys just move from one topic to another so fast like we were just talking about some tranny seiyuu or some shit a minute ago
*kisses u*
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She is stealing a spot from a popular character like Mugen.
>introduce orologiamom in main game
>no one cares
I thought you guys said the issue (granmom) was that she was introduced in spinoff, where's all the mamalogia art, huh? I have seen two (2) pictures of me, the mc, fucking her...
I like female boob Draph. I wish to mate with them. Hallessena is a cutie.
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No u
Learn to adapt kiddo, this is quick high IQ discussion for geniuses who are attuned to every data-point.
Gran's dad is gonna be a gigachad to have impregnated this
Attention spans are for normal gamers
nobody actually likes hags
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Hard to have empathy when you actively mock me for doing what you ask.
>heehee he farmed the best revans by a mile, time to nerf as we roll out a new grand weapon type
>lol he trannyscended the jews, opuses now require blue paper which at this time can only be gotten from serial codes if you already emptied VB stock
>we’re making a zoi anni event, come check it out! we promise you’ll love it!
>you like the draph evoker? TOO BAD
>you paid us for valentines cards because it’s the only merch your girl will get? oopsie daisy, delayed! now enjoy some more cafe trash! featuring homoknights! AGAIN
>*raughs* thanks for playing GW, slave!
These halls of knowledge discuss a multitude of topics in quick succession. All in favour of deepening our wisdom.
Yes but more inland. Nevada I think.
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troonlogia will never be my mom, way too old and ugly
You wouldnt fuck your mama, would you?
Nobody in to that troon shit.
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Reminder there's a literal padjeeta turd worlder from pakistan/india timezone making gran/jita and hag/loli shitposts.
This woman abandoned me at birth and never explained why. She’s not my mother either. I have no mother.
People realized mamalogia was tacked on and immediately tuned out.
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>we’re making a zoi anni event, come check it out! we promise you’ll love it!
Most likely the same turd worlder who seethes at Raziel x Gran posts because the creature seethes at Gran every day
Remember when we got zodiac summer events but then FKHR said no more of that?
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become your own father
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>har har! ure dead inside from farm!! get it gruba!?? raugh!
Remember when we got homo sumo summer event no one asked for and then FKHR said more of that?
homoflops stay flop
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I will, with the mama that wants me though.
No. Fuck that. I don’t want anything to do with her.
flopping on each other
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That’s a man wearing a diaper on his head.
The same creature was also seething when people were shitting on sumo 2 event
My favorite is when they openly mock GW in events but do nothing to fix the problem, and instead make it even worse
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>shows up to save us from GW
>does nothing
nobody wants harvinflops
Based and real mama
Love that shit.
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maleringer moment
>I manifested in order to save them all!
You okay there buddy
This is Yaoi fr
>captcha GAYM
He is powerless against KMR's will.
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hags event doko
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>your "mom" randomly turns into a creepy looking dude with aids
>troonlogiakeks are fine with this
Take the skirt off
too busy in my bed to be in an event
Remember when Yuels entire fanbase was waifufags and all hee art and doujins were done by waifufags? Then FKHR said the best way to move forward with her was to give her a summer version that's complete yuribait and has her act completely ooc and then when it killed her popularity he said we need more of that and didn't give her shit for years until the dual unit which was more nothing happens shipbaitslop?
It’s okay to have sex with men as long as you don’t ring them afterwards.
I don't seethe about those posts but I find it amusing how we all know you're going to turn on her when her alt's fates drop in five days and she spends them on a double date with Sandal and Raiden.
Anon, the local term is othernigge... I mean otherworlders
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She's not wearing a skirt. It's why she is allowed to show off her thong in the photo mode since it's not an upskirt. She's just wearing random strips of cloth.
I say this
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>your mom is a cute draph with huge milkers
yep mamalogiaGODS are fine with that
>I don't seethe about those posts but [seethes]
I open the Overlay Network and using Osiris and Ra to summon Rank 12 ZEUS.
>all sex with her is automatically consensual because she chose this outcome
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Something change? I cannot spy my crew honor i remember I could do it
Grubbers who love their homoangel lore would definitely love the tweaked homoangel lore in elden ring
Don't larp as the original Momoiposter you retarded turd worlder shipcuck.
None of our homoangels are as galge as Miquella
Shitter crews don't get to see the whole crew's scores I believe
GW jams
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looking forward to summer grubbas?
We love Momoi Taro here.
mm first time being tier B make sense
Summer Sakura and Rosanna’s gonna be great.
Which angel is for (You)?
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Facts, very based seasonals
So I can have 140 stickers but my friend only 99?
How does he get to add more to his pool?
Peak performance body
she might've gotten art if she looked like that...
I want to give her a wedgie
Just Lucifer
He is for everyone, in fact
Kekcifer is dead and cucked forever.
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Probably good enough.
See >>483302147
summons? 000 and death?
Dino DNA grubs when?
xingflop dead and buried
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>dark flb unit is a CA bot
>boss seal CA
with doctors
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Just shartgames things
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Death turn 1, Luci turn 2 (for the dispel cancel). It's 000 x Luci with this.
I love my doctor
Where are the Tyra lewds?
Or at least a AI Lora so I can make them myself.
Your S. Sleepyhead?
nice...hades grid?
There's enough lockout from team double strike to use the herb on MC without losing time.
don't have the stones for her
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You were warned...
I have H. Tikoh but I’ve never used her other than killing her for blue pots.
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Japs have the stupidest clothing
my cutechang
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40/61 at least units are usless,filler or outdated units
4/61 are ex+ bots
my dark sucks
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What did the nip mean by this?
Bless these basteets today
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sorry danchou... i can't participate in days 2-4 of guild war i am going to be busy rerolling for nier!!! in uma
all cats must die
danchou here, same
hedonism leads to anhedonia; grub leads to misery.
FKHR killing Bea in Wising
>all cats must d-NYACK!
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this but making koikatsu porn with Nyier!
i want to have sex with lucifer
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i don't know how to do nm150 without kengo
"Outdated Units" can still work if you know how to properly build a team
You have Fedilich as a good base for FA, but you also have an unorthodox defensive core in Vikala/Anthuria, who offer really easy double dispel
Not to mention great units like Bowman, Kou, Orchid, Toga, Azusa, Lowain
Ramens a pretty good battery at the very least
Youre fine, if youre losing its not because youre lacking for units
>more aislop
xingflop stay flop
Ok Im gonna say it.

I really don't get the horse girl thing. Horse ears and tails are not attractive additions to a girl's design. Feels like something people who have never interacted with horses might like. Or white girls but you know...maybe I just hate hoeses idk
CA lock
where is my dispel now...
1 dispen is not enought
Remember when maleringers said Tigers were bait and are going to be useless for GW? What was THAT all about?
maleringer moment
the trick is being attached to a cute girl
i'm not attracted to cat ears or dog ears or fuckin boat parts but on a cute girl they're great
Remember when Galgetards said Bowman is bait and is going to be useless for GW? What was THAT all about?
they didn't announce a release date
you know what this means........
Brownman is useless tho
>Feels like something people who have never interacted with horses might like
what about cats or dogs
hell what about erune in general
though i don't think uma musume horsegirls are cute (at least the ones i've seen, other than rice)
>turned out to be true
Fuck, galgescholars are WISE
galgegods spitting facts as usual who the fuck is using that loser
NM150 today
Maleringing HIVbrain already coping lmao
Yes but I specifically mean horse girls here. I don't have a problem with erunes or cat girls or draphs. Just something about those horse girls really turn me off and I can't really put my finger on it except maybe I can't seperate them from horses enough cuz they have those twitchy ears and whipping tails. Or maybe their designs don't click for me in Uma Musume idk
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I just imagine putting a saddle on them and watching them earnestly try to carry my 300 pound body
No I legitimately do not remember this. They were very obviously important.
But I pulled and ringed them before even looking at their kit
nm150, can't wait for tyraflop to not be used.
>they use the exact same face we do
Uh, I thought only /gbfg/ was obsessed with this frame? Slurpsisters?
Lraph is not gonna like this..............
Slurpschizos are coping mentally ill schizos like that.
Ayer is galge however thought albert
ngl i'm glad this guy moved on from my wife to galleon
Why? He doesn't hate the tigers
Which awakening for siete axes?
Wheres brownman??????
Don't know what MD skills are good for nm150 overtrance secret triad wild magica?
Heavily depends on intended comp use sorry
>needing to pull out md in 150
it's over for you
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What's going on here
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>moon wep
>moon summon
>moon man
>withe outfit
Top 10 has a lot of maleringers
Rank 4 is an Aglovalefag
straight men no longer play this game after all
Not surprising after the Raiden 2 announcement
this is why top 10 will never be indicative of the playerbase...
YumeGODs run this shit
Only fujos and homos play D*rk nowadays
Why is faa getting art with gran instead of djita then
yumes play gran, just look at Emiri.
Just as galgeGODs play Djeeta.
Women play as Gran
hmm nyes i'm sure yumes are the ones fantasizing about gran x faa
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well some "yumes" have more in common with gran than jita you see....
is there an advantage to keeping the party as small as possible?
less lockout
Women hate Djeeta because she's a bimbo and men hate Gran because he's a little bitch.
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What's up with Shieldsworn
trust... the.... p-plan.....
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>she didn't roll for them
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would save the game...
I have all of them but I shan’t be using Shillkoh albeit
Troons hate Gran because he reminds them they will never be women.
desperate attempt to get gran to be liked
Reflecting the CHAD players
padjeeta is Granraging again huh
Thinking about Emiri and her unwashed 40 year old single hag pussy
shes married
pagmayakeks are delusional
lobelia isn't real.
padjeeta melty over neechang
I'm literally the "Washington DC" galgegod however. GakuP mogs the fuck out of Gran.
To me
Post timestamp
>looks up GakuP on google
uhhh yeah sure sis...
Meanwhile emiri is just taking ikemen cock and covering all of their expenses including their gacha (mihoyo games) adiction...
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need feditits on my face
GW slurpers would be like that.
Indian IG profile
>light homo maleringer (also urack buyer)
>not ringing males in other elements
nyou syee.........................
Gonna goon to Marge until round 2 starts
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Remember when they gave her a pov uncap art and everyone got excited but then stopped when the cuck fates got revealed?
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Remember when Grancels cried about Djeeta being depicted as stronger than them in the anime and Versus? Good times.
yeah, my wife
Remember when mfers said Fediel is the least popular 6D despite having the most fanart after Galleon? What was THAT about
I don’t believe you, she’s pure and saving herself for Lobelia. That’s why she only uses the custom made Lobelia dildo she had Cygames make for her.
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I remember when she had really nice big choccy milk titties on release and still does, good times.
Oh no, fkhrxisters, the JP players are turning on us... they aren't loving us...
She ranked lower than Poo Woh in vtines chart
this will be tefnut in a few days
>told dancho that i will skip gw to play elden ring
>i am actually playing Sekiro with Nier!
uhhhhhh but /gbfg/ told me that nips loved the sumo event......
yeah that's mt wife
That’s a SEAmonkey not a Japanese.
>sumodjeeta can't save it because fukuhomo put her in the ugliest shit possible.
Same chart where TikohSUCCESS btfo'd Cassius? Yep yep.
not even minigob slurps it kek
Fkhr is cooked
how devilish
i've been playing monster hunter rise instead of gw and also got my friend who i scouted to the crew to play with me
Gobu won
>THEY WILL LOVE......hate us for it?
This is the guy that was (rightly) mad at the Sette nerf and then slurped a scam the next day from memory.
kept trying to tell ya tikoh is cute and beloved
This is how we lose artists. We get shitty events that don't give them anything to work with, and then other/game gives them galge in swimsuits (real).
My doctor is a based organic success like that
Monster Strike literally has no doujins or fanart yet they beat us in revenue.
Because it is simply the better game
That was a different one. This is the c/u/ckshit artist who only lets Monkey fuck Gran and makes the others yurishit.
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good night grubbas
all these years i still dont even know what monster strike is.
>got the least amount of art
Galge & dragons beat us in revenue AND collabs
gn anon
>meanwhile his last arts were of dragon and bunny fucking gran
nice narrative. tamarun is a blessed artist. one of the few good artists we have left.
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>got the least amount of art
at least it's not:
>not a hag like kanna
>not a loli like nmgk
she suffers from being in the middle of two warring factions
wrong he's the sexo one
just FKTRN things
We seem to get the comedy events on pairs: two Meg, two zodiac, two saunas now two sumo...

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