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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>483068141
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What do you expect her next alt to be? New Years?
I oink'd
R-Core tits
any funny engage or gullveig meltdowns today?
The Ignatz test
*does a dance*
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>*kicks her*
New years is probably nidhoggr and one or both of the alears.
Gullshit is just a worse Veronica
Kek based
Anyone have the summer banner sales
flopped to the bottom of the sales farts
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Maybe one of those random new seasonal themed banners
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They really need to give hot springs another shot. The first one just had weak character picks.
New resplendent soon but we already got Ayra so I don't give a fuck who it is
>the most popular character was the one not on the banner
>the four on the banner were all the least-popular Fates royals
>3/4ths of the banner is flat girls
>1/4th of the banner looks like Voldemort
It's insane how hard they fucked that banner up
We just got another Olivia, so unless we're getting another Nah, we'll probably be getting Resplendent Olivia in a few months. The JP VA hasn't recorded anything there in YEARS.
Didn't ryoma score better than any fates royal during cyl 1?
I forget the actual spot he held when I looked at it a while back but he was higher than expected.
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IS rarely seems to actually use CYL to determine alts. Otherwise, Camilla wouldn't have STOPPED getting alts after winning.
They seem to use this really old poll instead to justify things like Niles and Oboro getting alts, or into Warriors. And if that's the case, Ryoma was lower than all three other brothers.
Any fates royal besides camilla*
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>first fucking reply to this comm is by an angry F!Edelethfag
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No, he only beat out Hinoka in overall ranking, and she's right below him.
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Because we're pals, I went and checked.
Leo and Takumi placed 9th and 10th for the men's side, and Ryoma was below Xander.
Even Sakura and Mamui placed above him. Ryoma was genuinely second-to-last for Fates Royals in CYL1, with only Hinoka placing lower.
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Two (2) years of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
>no fallen
>no legendary
MShez deserves better. His sister deserves more, but he deserves better than he gets.
>rarely seems to actually use cyl to determine Alts
>camilla whining
That wasn't what I was getting, and it feels like you just took the comment as an excuse to complain about Camilla not getting Alts, but it was silly of me to try to use cyl as a reference to measure popularity in the first place.
I was way off, and have no idea what I was looking at. For some reason I had the idea he was top 15. Thank you for correcting me.
I just used an example, and it proves my claim right. I'm guessing you just don't like Camilla, so you're saying the point doesn't count for... some reason.
CYL has no correlation with getting alts beyond getting a Brave, and sometimes IS will intentionally fuck the fans for it like with Tiki's win. If anything, it feels like many characters are more likely to get alts if they have not won yet.
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does not explain Kagero at all. compared to how few alts characters in the middle of the pack have or Oboro just having ONE alt.
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>does not explain Kagero at all.
Because IS realized that Kagero should have been the foil to Camilla instead of Hinoka, and they'll gladly shill Hoshido whenever they get the chance. Fuck, we have three Hoshido holidays every year.
They know Oboro fell off, so they swapped her out for Hana.
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>I asked if Ryoma was higher than other fates royals and instead of disproving me you went on a mostly irrelevant tangent.
Except you also ignore that I did disprove it.
>It's just the constant whining schizos and shitposters did for 1-2 years
It's funny because it was even longer without her getting an alt. It was like 39 months. Over 3 years.
Camillafags should have whined louder.
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Thoughts on Fire Emblem if/Fates for its 9th anniversary?
>I just used an example and it proves my claim
I asked if Ryoma was higher than other fates royals and instead of disproving me you went on a mostly irrelevant tangent.
>I'm guessing you just hate camilla
No, she's fine. It's just the constant whining schizos and shitposters did for 1-2 years that she was mistreated for not getting her umpteenth alt and that Maeda* was plotting against her got annoying very fast.
If I wrong jumped to conclusions then I apologize
>so incredibly wrong that he deleted his post to try again
fucking lmao. We're done here. Even you know you fucked up.
gay nerd shit don't click
Why does pigzig keep spamming this same picture over and over for the OP
That is LITERALLY the first time that picture was used.
If you think it was used a second time, prove it or shut the fuck up.
>you ignore that I did
You didn't. You said IS doesnt use CYL, the poll in question, and instead used an older poll that wasn't cyl and is generally stated to have a heavy voter bias to skew data. Not only that you stated " if that is the case" Which implies you don't even know if they do use that older poll, and that you are only referencing Ryoma being lower on that poll, and NOT CYL, the one I was asking about.
>Camillafags should have whined louder
that's the kind of shit that sounds like camillaschizo whining, especially considering how many alts she still had.

You got me, anon.
>correcting a mistake from auto correct
I guess that's fitting for the meme, but this just proves I'm right, you are a schizo.
>but this just proves I'm right
Aren't you the guy that said that Ryoma was the highest-ranking Fates royal? >>483305218
You don't have a great track record.
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Shut IT!
It's valuable information related to Fire Emblem Heroes.
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Don't ever ping me again, schizo.
Cool entry that did tons of experimental stuff(PvP, Mycastle, buying skills, a NG+ feature by turning your units into Cipher, etc) that would either be used in future entries or never seen again. Doesn't deserve the hatred it gets in the western side of the fandom due to Smash Bros and the localization controversy due to Treehouse.
Built for rape and impregnation.
How did everyone's AR week go?
Pitch me a cute and lovey dovey Byleth/Shez fic prompt
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I love Shamir more than anything
after the war is over and peace is restored, mercenary demand is at a historic low, and they talk about finding new jobs. if it was up to me, byleth becomes a teacher and shez stays as a mercenary since she (correctly) thinks she'd beat him or anyone else in a fight. maybe changes her mind when realizing how bad byleth's upbringing was since jeralt stayed a merc. is she really thinking about bearing his children? such drama
3Hopes is 30 dollars everywhere but the eshop. why doesn't nintendo update their prices?
Nintendo has their own consumer base that will pay for their games because they're actually games.
Wasn't even my thread, glad you like the picture
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Retailers hate you doing this, because of shipment costs etc they could sell digital lower but it makes them seethe even harder
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Bros??? Camilla is being mistreated AGAIN
>people say it's time to move on and close the book on engage
>But also ask for 3Houses again but with Hopes content
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Poor MGrima…
I like 3 Houses.
she looks like she fucks shota robin while fingerblasting veronica
Horny MGrima plap plap plap mating pressing this Plegian whore...
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Summer H-words
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Resplendent for my cumdump wife tonight
resplendent gullveig kills that character
Resplendent is made even more lolified by Amagaitaro
Yep, I'm thinking it's resplendent Shez for the anniversary
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>dark elf fshez
I would die of dehydration
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You're obsessed with responding to me

Eh, their art is better than Himukais, they'd do her better even if it's not perfect
Shez pits (post-training)
What was the potion?
Forced to fuck this ugly pudgy pig
Weird that the most vocal fans are slop enjoyers obsessed with shit people want to move on from like dlc for a 4 year old game or a demake
Why can't they ask for brand new games like normal people
Attention all. I have prepared a Haiku for you all. Please enjoy.

A saga of slop
Awakening, Fates, Engage
Killed our beloved game

Thank you for reading
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I forgot to add "slop" to my filters so thanks.
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Manuela Bikini alt soon!
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add sex to FEH
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Any good FEH content?
In 2024? No.
Are Calbert and Raul still skipping their medication and therapist appointments?
Bed shaking womb filling sexo with my wife
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It's really detto round here.
Heroes Journey
Tempest Trials
Hall of Caedas
Resonant Battles
Lots of powerful Seasonal units you can roll for currently
Micaiah's disgusting banner
New Emblem Hero soon
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and have a femanon dress as gullveig
Awakening did nothing wrong.
If you're actively wishing you could kill me then you need to reevaluate your life
lmfao the brainded returd is so fragile
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Correct, if Awakening is flopping it's because ISIS has mismanaged the game and forced loyal fans to quit, which we know to be the case.
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Uhh yeah so?
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Princess of Sex
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Nikke won again
The only thing this loser could rush was marriages.
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My wife...
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That looks delicious!
the sandwich ain't bad either
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>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
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If gods don't need to eat or drink anything to survive, what happens to the food in their stomach? Do they digest it or does it disappear? Are most of their organs just for show?
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Probably looking for the cure for her scat bitch disease
What that means?
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Weird commissioners have too much power. I could commission 100 pics of your favorite girl making out with Batman inside Waffle House and you would be powerless to save their reputation.
Everyone is busy not discussing FEH so surely no one will notice me posting yet another Crown for the collection.
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If you know you know
Weird fetish porn has a noticeable aesthetic but it's hard to describe. Like all the characters are bimbos dressed up as another character and the lighting is too harsh.
Kek to this day I don't understand how Lucina fucking spiderman "ruins her reputation"
If a nonsensical crack ship *ruins" her for you you're not a real Lucinafag
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Cool I managed to maintain Resonant Battles Tier.
If you keep it up, you'll be able to change the traits of one (1) unit in 20 weeks!
Just dumped a ton of grails into Sonia
This evil hag better get a good prf and resplendent, so help me
Neat, what Harmonics did you use?
And that is one additional unit he can change the trait of every 2 years compared to the lower tiers!
I'm in the mood for Anna cunny
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A +3 Duo Roy and a Bride Catria. I think it’s cause it was a Thracia/Binding week, and there’s like no Thracia/Binding harmonics.
Kek just remembered Engage Anna is the least popular Anna
Do "you have to +10 a unit to really like them" people think it's cheating if you get a forma, use an otherworld bond or trade toilet paper for a combat manual?
Why should you care what that retard thinks?
There are so many 4* Special demotes now, that your Arena ticket should just show you what five orbs appeared on the summon screen.
Prove me wrong.
Most collectors seem to seek out blue stars so the first one is okay at least
Why would it be cheating
Whatever is the most inconvenient and expensive option for you, that is what the answer is.
My bad it was Echoes/Binding. Still barely any harmonics from those games though.
I fucking had all the TMS units +10'd already and I forma'd them all only because I wanted to get some better skills on them and now I don't even use those fucking skills on them anymore. I regret it so much, fuck those blue stars.
Kek you're fault for having ungodly shit tastes, you KOWAISHITTER
We're most likely about to get an Echoes harmonic in two weeks, but yeah it's hilarious how rare either are.
Blue stars should only be on someone that is blue like Dimitri, maybe Resplendent Leif.
some shitposters wanted to argue that it's cheating because you didn't roll for the fodder normally with your hard earned orbs, you got all the good shit for free and it was easier. This notion died out because people collectively realized it was retarded, even the shitposters.
Ah very good, my unmerged Catria got me demoted out of T20 (lol, if only Harmonic Linde had shown up in my free rolls. The difference between having a second Harmonic and/or merges is massive.
You should +10 every version of your waifu. It's not cheating to use combat manuals for any unit. I would personally frown upon having your waifu or one of her alts Blue Stars'd. 2nd favourite girl/character and beyond? No problem. But your waifu should be pure of any forma usage.
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I prefer forma units because the blue stars look cool because the color blue is cool and looks good with the blue heart option
Kek whoever thought that shit up is an absolute retard
You still gotta grind for the TP
Only a terminally online mouth breather like Tharjatrans could think something like that up
I think it depends on the unit. If it's a blue unit, then absolutely.
>But your waifu should be pure of any forma usage.
Nah you're a retard
I've had my waifu +10 since day one for 4 years now. If she ever shows up on a forma and there are skills worth getting for her, I'm getting it
This but me and Engage Anna instead
it's strange because some of the arguments boil down to "You didn't spend enough money to say you LOVE them!" and the extended logic to that you would need to fodder every individual rank of a skill to show that you actually love your waifu and are willing to spend money on them, but no one has ever done that because it's fucking retarded and no one is going to roll 3-4 copies of a unit to get ONE skill.
Okay, you're sucking her soul out and putting it in a shell body.
Kek no wonder FEH ranks used to be higher if a bunch of retards believed this.
All it took for me to +10 mine was $500. But if I could've gotten more copies with less money or for free I would have also taken and accepted that
>Emblem Marth has Potent 4, a skill with no 3* variant
>also has Atk/Spd Finish 4, a skill where there is only one source of a 3* variant
>also has Inf NFU
>you would need two Marths to inherit from to get everything
>and you don't get to keep them if you inherit, unlike attuneds and rearmeds
>AND you need to merge 11 copies of Marth to get the dragonflower effect
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I think we could get some mileage out of "you can't fodder skills from male units to your girls because then another man's essence will be inside them"
Oops I didn't mean to post that. Silly me!
Looks like AI slop attempt at making topsana slop
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If you can't figure out what's AI by now then you're a lost cause
Pretty sure that's exactly why the "claim" never took traction.
Which is hilarious, because we're now at the point where any "true" fan has to put the ring of another man on his waifu(s)'s finger.
Kek topsana got insulted by that comment
Congrats on getting another faggot award kek
All those skills, including his very special Potent skill, are on other units now in less than 6 months. Patience is the key to FEH. But there are whales that just buy 20+ copies, I'm sure.
I don't normally do this, but I think it's one of the rare cases that it's extremely warranted.
Find a rope, find a chair, and make your parents smile for their first time in the last 20 years.
You've been a failure your entire life, I only hope that you succeed one time.
Basilio mating pressed Cordelia
Yes, but the issue with "patience" is that the skills also become outdated.
Unless you're a melee cav, you probably want Laguz Friend over Potent now. And they're putting Finish skills in the grail shop, too, so that means IS are about to creep it in CYL.
So just never roll for fodder at all, and you'll have as many orbs as you need!
This is true
Kek funny coming from an Anna pedo
If anyone's parents would smile at their son necking themselves it'd be your parents or any person's parents
Get to it, you failure
that post demolished your brain
Sorry topsana, fact stands, people would celebrate a pedo dying way more than a guy who opposed this pedo shit in our vidya
Do you guys ever get sick of arguing with each other? Just reading it is exhausting enough.
>if I wait too long I'll lose out on fomo!
Here's a very secret secret anon. The latest super OP unbeatable, massively overpowered, mega super ultra chocolate covered gigaskill is... only slightly better than the last one and has it's own weaknesses and limitations.
Stop projecting
Dead game
Emblem Celica will save FEH. She'll make minced meat out of Attuned Micaiah.
Just noticed Riev's damaged art shows his abs for some reason
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Some people just love their character that much, look what I ran into a little while ago.
>actually does have Heavy Blade 4
>heavy blade 4
Kek just remembered Elincia always flops
Here's an even bigger secret!
Rolling for skills is retarded in general. If their prf ain't shit, don't inherit anything ever.
How does merging work lorewise? Do we have to kill 10 people to make one superpowered person?
It works however you think it works
It's just variations of them being "sent home"

Sending home is going back to their world and leaving behind feathers

Merging is sending home and the remaining unit getting stronger from their "essence" or whatever

Same with skill inheritance/manualing
Head canon
Another weird thing is Formas. They're apparently empty husks unless you buy a lava lamp with their soul in it from Asgard.
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shamir is lesbian and hates men with cranial damage
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You are the 13th emblem, the Fire-acklem
You got an R-Dollar!
Your current balance is: 1 RD!
Combining the knowledge, skills and abilities of 11 different variations of the same character from 11 different worlds. The ones that get merged in just go back home and life continues on.
Raul and Felixschizo are here. Let's get Namschizo up in this beeotch
Felix winning really hurt you
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What's the point of using synonyms like that, are you trying to make it so the same phrase doesn't show up in the archive so many times and proves how obsessed you are
Blue stars are really cool looking
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I swear its been years since I've heard someone use the phrase "chills" for an actual good reason.
should I promote Yuliya or am I going to get put on a watchlist?
look, they're talking about you.
The Holy Trinity has arrived.
*kneels swiftly and fervently*
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Stop trying to make Felixschizo happen, its not going to be a thing
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kek just remembered engage flopped to the bottom of the sales charts and killed the FE series
should I lick Yuliyas cunny or am I going to get put on a watchlist?
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Did that anon ever come back and draw, since Hrid got a Summer?
>Flood of summer Gullveig fanart next year
Andrew garfield.gif
Can we get Anti-Hrid schizo in here too?
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I got a few dozen images out of it, so I'm happy. And still more on the way.
What a time to lurk. I was going through the five stages of grief this week. Give me some time to recover from my humiliation, man.
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It's fine, I can wait.
Thanks for understanding. I'll deliver when I can.
Unirionically go kill yourself
Your parents would be happy for once
As opposed to you, your parents will never be satisfied with you
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Does Felixschizo still melt down when you say his name?
What about when you point out /v/ laughing at him?
Trailer tonight?
Just how many generals have you been kicked out of?
>A few dozen
Bitch now I know you lyin'
I fucking hate Flavia and her down syndrome looking face. GIVE ME EDWARD YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!!
Yes I know you have schizophrenia, now answer the question.
I can’t answer the question it’s directed at you. Retard
His sudden bout of word salad is quite literally the answer.
Your autistic tics are getting worse
Now I remember why I stopped coming here...
At least you can go home because your parents care about you
>the schizophrenic retard thinks anyone will respect it enough to answer its demands
Freaks like you don't even count as human. You answer to me, not in reverse. Which you obediently did. Finally.
I have somehow never gotten a blue Ophelia or The Luke. But I have gotten way too many Siegberts.
Kek you’re so easily manipulated, you just replied like that. If you weren’t failing so much maybe you’d make a good slave.
>But I have gotten way too many Siegberts
You and me both, brother.
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No, it's true. I even had to make a subfolder in my Gullveig folder for them. A bunch of very-large images (probably commissions) and then a few dozen other images.
Granted, this does also count the few "summer" pictures she got before that, but they're the minority. I just slotted them in there, and then saved any new ones I found straight to that folder.
I wonder if he'll ever get help, or remain like this for the rest of his pathetic life. He's probably 80% as schizophrenic as Calbert, and that's no joke. Although Felix's flop was a pretty good joke lol
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My goth wife Shamir is getting a world of steel resplendent tonight
Who let Felixschizo out of his chastity belt today
Near Save seal when? I want to run Near and Far Save on one unit.
Hey R-Dawg, just saw some great Gullveig art.
Bet it was commissioned, FehOwl
Does Calbert still get mad at popular Tiki or only Gullveig?
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Who has the most kino damaged art?
For me it's Garon
Who can kill this?
my penis
probably emblem marth
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Here you go anon. I did say I can't draw for shit but I went ahead and made her Raulcore too. Not going to lie, Summer Gullveig got me all bricked up gotta crank one out after this.
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reddit garbage
Emblem Ike
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Goddess, it's so fucking hot that Raul constantly seeks protection from a mentally ill Canadian. I would dump Catherine for someone like that in a heartbeat. Pic unrelated.
Nuh uh
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Murdock. He's unphased and still coming to mess the other guy up.
Raul is all you think about
No, YOU'RE Reddit garbage.
Yah huh
Wait that post was already directed at you to begin with lmao

Seriously though, you are fucking obsessed
I lost. I got BTFO. What the hell do you want me to do? I have better things to do than shitpost for 15 hours a day about a nobody shitter everyone forgot about by now.
2024... I am forgotten...
Not really. She looks way better than that toilet snake
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It's extremely feminine submissive behavior, so it kinda makes sense that a dyke would be into that.
Are we really 50 posts away from image limit?
The image limit on /vg/ is 375, newfag
Her chest is still the biggest. But I think her butt has been powercrept by Nerthuz.
I've been here for a while and could've sworn it was 150... Oh well, I guess.
>haha dumb spic Shamir would never be attracted to you for being obsessed with Gullveig/whatever the fuck it is you people complain about me
>but our waifu would totally be enamored by us obsessing over a random Mexican online
The fate of every book 4 OC, remember when people cared about Plumeria?
They changed the max "recently"
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deato gaimu
Namschizo's damaged art is my boot up his ass
>OC doesn't have an obnoxious vocal retardbase
>they are le forgotten XD
step on every gulltard's neck
Literally when was the last time anyone brought up Freyja or Plumeria in a positive light?
Bros they stealth patched 3H
Shamir's likes list now includes "girls with brain damage"
and her dislikes list now includes "boys with brain damage"
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Plumeria's (dead) fanbase was very obnoxious though. Remember "PLOOM" spam?
That took WAY too long btw, Jannies.
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She still has better art than anything we've seen recently.
>Typical recycled shitpost response
You're boring.
YOU may want to see scat and links that literally don't lead to anywhere, but I DON'T.
Bros they stealth patched 3H again
Felix's likes list now includes "Fire Emblem Engage"
and his dislikes list now includes "people who don't spend on FEH"
You can report stuff without posting how much of good boy you are by doing it.
Ironically you're more likely to get banned by announcing reports than the person really breaking the rules.
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Fucking based. Into the folder it goes.
Oh shit! They even patched in the Diacrystfujo, although there's this weird bug where she kills herself if Felix wins the White Heron Cup
Bros they stealth patched Engage
Young Tiki was removed and replaced with Tiki
>You can report stuff without posting how much of good boy you are by doing it.
I literally didn't do that in the slightest, but ok.
see >>483368718
Sure you did, little good goy
kek, felixschizo actually sat there stewing for 4 minutes trying to come up with an idea to retaliate with, and it was a complete failure
What happened to the Genny guy and the Mozu guy? Did the schizophrenia scare them away or did they jump to another character?
Day 50 of Mr TD scraping the bottom of the barrel with the lowest quality Larceis he find to upload on Danbooru
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The holy trinity of patches...
You think about him all the time
Every time I go look up new FE art on a booru site his uploads are there so of course I would, MrTD
Stop uploading this shit and I'll stop bringing you up
>schizo be like "grrrrrr i wasn't looking for HIS art i just happened to see it!"
>downloads it immediately so he can post about it on /feh/
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CLAPPED! That was a critical hit!
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does Mr TD still seethe uncontrollably at Gullveig and Engage succeeding while the FE4 remake was cancelled?
How can you cancel something that wasn't in production?
That explains the mental disorder, kek
I'm feeling left out. What character should I start seething about? I want to blame my problems on Xschizo.
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Sigurd. You can blame him for his legendary being aids, or something.
Good suggestion. His Emblem will be cancer too since it gives +1 movement for free.
God, I really need to finish Echoes so I can start 4.
Or should I play 3 first?
do you mean 3 or it's remake?
I had a lot of fun with it's remake, and have heard that the original FE3 is solid in its own right and worth trying out.
That being said, both games share several maps from FE1 but are they are revamped and the FE3 versions generally play out in a more interesting way.
Judging from its passive-aggressive literal tranny comment, yes. Yes it does.
after 40/40 rolls i got micaiah
it could also just give the "charge" buff, which is potentially worse.
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>Seidr instances want to hold hands with (You)
Bro failed English
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and how does that make you feel?
one less summon to worry about
I have the SNES games sitting on my 3ds.
>Attuned skills cannot be given to units with PRF skills except for play, dance and sing skills
Wait, so I can give X skills to the Mythic Fairies?
Can't wait for him to be mentally fucked by IS I'm September again when a new FE is announced
You're out of touch
3/4 of the fanbase thinks it was or is in production
>thinks it was
>>Attuned skills cannot be given to units with PRF skills except for play, dance and sing skills
No, I accidentally gave the oath attuned skill to my LAzura and she can't equip it if I have Grey Waves 2 on her.
What would be good content for a FEH iceberg?
>Seasonal characters are trapped in their clothes forever
>Freyja and Freyr are Njordr's kids
>Arete is from before she was turned evil
>Sothis is bad because you could get her easily once
>Blue Dress Lilina
>Characters get bad refines because not enough people use them
>Characters get bad refines because too many people use them
>Giving florets to Askr trio
>4* Halloween Henry
>Building Merlinus for Pawns of Loki
>Naesala with Heavy Blade 4 is broken
>Yenfay gaming mode
>Feathers are plucked from Feh (do not research)
I'm not helping you make your cringe youtube video
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Feh kidnapped xander and he hasn't been seen in the story since, unless he appeared once and I forget.
Around book 2-3, Xander had been missing for a while and there was a FEH channel with a description about how Feh and Xander were enjoying a beach vacation together. She had an obsession with Xander and after that vacation he wasn't seen for years. Now that Xander is gone, she has moved onto the buff stag-guy from book 8. Evidence of this is from the recent Feh channel and how she seems to pine for his thick thighs.
It should be
>characters get good refines because nobody +10'd them
>characters get bad refines because everyone already +10'd them
>everyone had Sothis from Herofest, so she got an awful remix and refine
IS changing CYL rules to accommodate their favorites
how do these even work? Just random beliefs in a fandom or something?
Sharena is at least 21 due to a year passing between each book
Freyja vs Nerthuz vs Gullveig vs Cornelia bust size debates
Jorge was botted in
if it were like that gullshit would not have won
I don't personally believe IS "rigged" CYL7, but if I were a contrarian like that, I'd say "Of course they'd want their OC to cuck Bernadetta, a character not made by them."
Because that's absolutely what they did with Alfonse and Manleth in CYL8.
You start out with common knowledge, then more obscure facts, then really esoteric stuff that slowly blends with memes and absurd stuff
IS doesn't mess with the results themselves, they just make sure to change the rules to benefit their favorites and screw over the winners they don't like.
>Merged votes for Marth
>Second place prfs for Marth
>Removed midterms after CYL5 because the characters they don't like benefited from them too much
And the much more petty
>Make the winners they don't like into shit units and the ones they do like into broken units
Eh, I still disagree. I still don't see how Alfonse more than doubled his votes. Hell, a new game got added into the mix as well. Where did those votes come from? Even when Gullveig won, people said "yeah, I threw her one vote," and when Gatekeeper won people had hearty laughs and posted their ballots.
Turdfonse was just botted by somebody else
Kek true
Yes, and I believe it was IS.
Why did Lagger abandon Eitri?
>no gulls on final roll
Still, 2x Gully and 1x Hrid isn't a bad result for 40 summons, I just wish I got more Olivias than one
OCfags are like the least loyal fanbase, followed by FatesAwakeningfags
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Stop doing full rolls to save orbs, cheapy. Sniping is superior.
I know but this was an edge case, I had to get the spark before my feh pass ran out, which was today.
Kek clapped his ass
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He finally stopped being in denial that its a troon
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Check bottom right…
>Lysithea image attached to a low quality post
Don't be a chud
Shamir the scat puta took a shit on the corpses of Tamara Sivenkova, Maria Sivenkova and it’s assbaby spawn after the Russian soldiers killed them
>no post in over half an hour
>page 3
Let me guess there's a retard spamming something?

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Kana. Either one of them.
Mentally ill hobo, actually.
/feh/ is basically a ghost town nowadays
Nowitranny and Namschizo killed this general
I would actually sub for Clair
Me too, and I'd give her Luin
One guy slams scat and gore (well, I guess you can say they both spam scat Kek) and the other guy spams Nowi and gets his discord pals to brigade the thread.
>the other guy spams Nowi and gets his discord pals to brigade the thread.
Is that true? Or did you make that up?
all time bit to not give Hrid an A-slot to fuck over people who got him on the way to the spark and only want to use his fodder
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here's your sword valor fodder dipshit
Fucking Chromdev
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Engage culture is centered around troons. They have support conversations for troons. They have gay wedding rings that transform characters into troons. They listen to troon voice actors. They voted a troon up in CYL. The characters are dressed and designed flamboyantly like troons. They base the entirety of their interactions from troon animes. They post sassy gifs about femboys. They play Heroes only to summon the most flamboyant troons and ocs. The biggest voting event of the year involved them rallying against straight characters with troons. They use troon slang like "stan" and "ick". When you say "divine dragon" they're not thinking of a sexy loli. They're thinking of a femboy. Their threads are completely overrun with troons. They worship their Komuro supports disproportionately filled with gimmicks and their colorful cast of troons. The males sit around feminised like troons while their women cuck them with troons. They worship troon characters like Forrest and Rosado while attacking the characters who actually carried banners before sales dropped due to troons. Their discords are filled with troons and their top ships are troon pairings. They do challenge runs with troons and celebrate Lunatic clears with troons because that game is a tough Fire Emblem gameplay challenge for speedrunner troons. They play to a point where "stat bonus" does not make them think of equipping weapons but about Alear when he's working out. They will tell you how much they hate troons and that 3H wasn't a real Fire Emblem and Engage characters are just avatarsexuals but the evidence speaks for itself in that Engage has always been and will be a game of troon loving troons.
>They use troon slang like "stan" and "ick".
Worse, that's w*man slang
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Would you let your daughter dress like this?
>because Chrom has a Brave, he's going to have THREE resplendents
Fucking hell.
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Hero or Dark story?
Judging by Resplendent Hinoka’s lines, Kiran (Us) have shit taste in resplendent attire.
That should be years away, like four or five. Now, if Chrom was from Tellius, that's a different story.
Three, max.
>Now, if Chrom was from Tellius, that's a different story.
He has Aether.
Both arts are pretty cool really, I just sleep on most males
eos soon
what mechanic should FE drop ?
Milas turnwheel
Chrom deserves it. He's the main lord from the game that saved the franchise after all. He deserves so much more than we can ever give him in return, but it's a start. I will be buying Feh pass to express my gratitude and so should you.
the garbage monastery
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Akariss doesn't approve...
Nice image for ants retard
It's what this general deserves
This but unironically
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Battle of the Sword Autists
>Engaygeslop AGAIN
Fuck do I back Ayra or Mareeta?
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>no Hanabanana
What a disgrace
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Ayra, just to laugh at IS if she wins.
It really is just ceaseless slop. Where is our respite from this? The next emblem will likely be Fateswakening as well.
Camilla and Ayra were pretty cool, and the Emblem is most likely Sigurd. Otherwise it's Celica.
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Baby-ass nigga
She is slop personified, filthy coomer. One of nuFE’s sloppiest fighters.
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Yeah, her blowjobs do feel better than the ones your mom gives.
Double Clap!
Sex with Tomboy princesses
It's alright but I prefer Haccans art.
Now that assassin's strike lost almost all its value due to BoL4 being everywhere, which B skill is the best for melee cavs? Potent? Tier 4 traces?
Flow Guard 4, seriously.
Assassin's Strike is your least effective option into BoL4 specifically but people will move onto the next skill in due time. Brash Assault 4, Flow Guard 4 and Trace 4s are all good alternatives to get slightly better effectiveness in BoL4 meta.

The Russian soldiers nutted on Maria Sivenkova while assbaby spawn clenched onto its miccy mouse doll, praying it’s mother will be alright (it never saw its mother alive after that again)
Did it? Even with the start of combat damage removed, it still has that mini luna effect.
I want to kill gullveig for spd/res canto and spd wave 4. I don't have a duplicator ready and I only have 1 unit I want to give it to. Should I still wait for a duplicator or not?
Do you have a duplicator with Flared Sparrow yet?
No I don't. I don't have any ranged cav/flier duplicator. I do have a ranged one but she's set up for a different skill set
I'd hold on then. Being able to pass around Flared Sparrow is pretty valuable.
Is it worth to use flared sparrow over finish for 'glass canons'?
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Bitch on the left: Is he still any good or has he long since been powershat?
Bitch on the right: I'm thinking of replacing the A slot with the powershat Still Water and her S with regular Still Water, but I'm open to suggestions.
Still water for Loki is better than what she came with yeah
Finish is infantry exclusive and Flared is Flier + Cav exclusive.

someone commissioned fuckin nifl art for some character outside of the FE universe.


Doing a galeforce crackship for heroes journy in hopes I get most of the blue quest out of the way from the autos.
I just put flared sparrow on mine that was +10 merged since 2nd rerun :)
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Lyon: yes, he's good; also, his hof is going to rerun with a sparkable banner. If you have a spare forma soul, then consider upgrading him.
Loki: yes, do that.
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That's a nice one.
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Once upon a time we were falling in love
But now your kingdoms falling apart
There's nothing you can do
A total eclipse of the fart
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Incredible value to pull a red shitter GUARANTEED and imagine all the offbanner reds you get for practically fre as well.
Insane orb value in this one.
Link the tweet.
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I love it
>Engaygie on the banner
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Need to motorboat
She'd let you with her deadpan expression
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That's even better
This is the SECOND time I got cucked by one of the Alears on this banner btw. I pulled Female Alear not that long ago.
flared sparrow is a meme skill now that we entered the breath of life 4 era, go with finish or clash/excel depending on the unit you plan on using
Kek, just saw the gauntlet lineup, this is embarassing.
>please Please PLEASE like floplix, look we gave him ultra fodder and powercreep and pitted him against demotes and grail units, so DON'T LET HIM FLOP AGAIN
That's nice perfectly sane anon but Ayra is gonna win.
Felixschizo has once again reminded everybody that its mind has been warped beyond repair
Meanwhile IS keeps shilling its two Jugdrool dev favorites and nobody bats an eye
Why do zoomies not play these
You got a problem with getting buttfucked?
More so the fault of LEGO than zoomers honestly. They've done jack shit with Bionicle.
Yes. Especially when it comes to my luck in these shit games.
Genuinely what do I do with her? She's not good at all.
build her.
Why? Like I said, she's not good lol.
Because, it will be fun.
You make a good point. Any ideas on builds for her?
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So...like do you just wake up and immediately start thinking about your nemesis?
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one of these things is not like the others
Yeah, the other ones are sword autists, she's just autistic.
Offhand? Not really. She could take a generic arcane Lance flier build, or maybe you could do something silly with one of the ninja weapons for a brave effect.
i just can't get the skills i want in hall of forms.
just the same garbage skills i don't want show up.
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I don't get it
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hope marisa wins
This one's weird for me. I like Chrom but no matter how many times I rolled I never got this version.
So this would just be my first copy
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Ayra overtook her in popularity but I hope she can get to the final
They have drained all my orbs...
>He rolled
oof, that's rough
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Is this true, /feh/?
Yes. Notice how you hear "Engage has a bad story" but they never say why.
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Just stay on X, ma'am
Waiting on the emblem trailer reveal before this becomes me.. I really want Nerþuz and Hríd for fodder but the triple blue share should be insane-o on the emblem banner so.. can't decide
It really doesn't. The writing is genuinely sloppy
Because... uhm... err... *farts*
Mangs said the story is bad and that Andaron Saga has a better story and I believe him as he would never lie
Wait, who are the bleu candidates of this months lego/mythic/emblem banner?
Do you honestly expect an adult to waste their day typing out why a children's video game doesn't have a genuinely good story? If you weren't 15 you'd be able to figure that out yourself.
So you don't have an answer.
Stop deflecting and answer the question, retard.
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Mangs is boring
>Alear has amnesia for no reason, there's no actual payoff to this.
>Thanks to that pointless gimmick, Alear never even remembers meeting Veyle despite the story spending so much time with the idea that they were very close to each other.
>It's a plotline that Zephia has no idea that Lumera has a child despite being alive for a 1000 years
>But actually Alear's existence is common knowledge to everyone else in the world
>The game likes the idea of villains using the Emblems, but it doesn't want to deal with the moral or emotional implications of legendary heroes being used to slaughter innocents so instead they write "Dark Emblems" which are conveniently consciousless and emotionaless.
>Sombron gets a power up from eating kings/queens...for some reason...
>A plotline that already doesn't make sense by itself but the story goes out of it's way to say sovereign instead of "royalty" so it doesn't have to write the rest of the royals into this pointless storyline
>Veyle has a random ass split personality because writing an actual character arc is too difficult
>Sombron is actually from a different world, because he just is there's no other explanation for this.
>The Emblems randomly have the ability to seal something for some reason
>The Emblems randomly have the ability to power someone up (retroactively adds 2 plot holes to the story)
>The Emblems randomly have the ability to turn someone else into an emblem.
>Luckily there was no one worthy of this ability 1000 years ago!
Just off the top of my head and that's without going into the juicy vein that is it's world building
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I like how 3H fans don't even try to hide their support for grooming minors
kek got his ass
The emblem itself, attuned Ivy and attuned Caeda are current predictions since L!Caeda was banished to Hall of Forms banner instead
this is like complaining alear can wield a sword for some reason despite his amnesia. holy nitpicking
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>"Do you honestly expect fucking autists to be fucking autists?"
Where exactly do you think we are? It doesn't take all day to type out "I liked the 13th emblem twist" or "Diamant and Celine's countries feud not getting resolved is dumb."
Not really, what a pointless reply.
I'm right.
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Let's talk about something important, niggers. Which (dev favorite) unit will be the next to inflict the frozen debuff?
I'm thinking Ice Tribe Duo Fjorm, but what about besides that?
Your mother
Winter Ursula
You're at least lucky that the summer 1 banner typically runs through July. So you have plenty of time to get ~300 more orbs.
Oof, that's tough...
>Duo Fjorm
Probably this.
They're not doing this >>483431038 even though freezing is her prf skill.
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Does the feh pass stop giving you loyalty rewards after a while?
I think there's like a week grace period to resub
I'm gonna cancel this shit until they give us a good resplendent
Ayra, now Chrom? Too much slop in one period
>stay at T21 AR for ages
>suddenly get promoted to T31
>whale teams everywhere
I don't like this place. Let me go home.
Don't worry Edelgard is next
that's who you had a problem with, and not the fates guy we just got today?
okay contrarian
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Be sure to pick up your Micaiah before her banner ends in 2 days!
Snackybros what happened I thought we were OP
>Erm you don't like the characters I like??? How can this be?!
What even are those percentages?
>Fates guy
Was it not chrom?
Ayra is peak slop regardless
Meant for >>483432791
Kek Ayrafag is really ass blasted no one likes his slop character
Okay, that makes way more sense. He was definitely pretty autistic for not knowing why people like chrom more than hinoka
>Oh my heckarino! You don't like this side character from this niche 1994 SNES JP game you need to learn how to use emulators for, but I'm too autistic to realize most normies don't have the computer literacy or interest to learn how to emulate, you just have le heckin autism!
It's a well known fact that the two hinoka fans in existence have severe brain disorders
Critical hit!
The autistic hinoka fag (literal cocksucking faggot) fainted!
Attuned/Ascended Nifl
I see there are tons of people excited for this, if the replies to it are any indication
Her gimmick is anti ranged abilities with her special, not debuffs.
The closest you would get is a gunnthra alt.
>gunnthra alt
No thanks. I'm good on slop.
Usage among max glory players that took part in the survey, I think.
Her special will just cause a debuff.
They're going to give Fjorm a prf Special, a prf B slot now, and also she'd have a Duo skill.
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Summer Sonia with Tropical Fimbulvetr
Lads, what's your glory?

>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
This is the Fire Emblem HEROES general btw
yes and genealogy of the cucked and burned crusade is featured in Fire emblem Heroes TM, glad we agree.
>Jugshit is so irrelevant in FEH that fags forget it's part of FEH
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>Fjorm will get an alt of the new gimmick that Reginn introduces
Reginn is October, Fjorm is September.
This will be Reginn's first alt in three years, and Fjorm's latest alt in one year.
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*STOMPS on Gullveig's skull*
those look heavy ma'am lemme hold them for you
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*sings for you*

Go Basilio go!
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I lucked out and rolled Miccy on the very last circle before spark. But I don't even want to use her, I just wanted to give Far Trace Echo to my lovely L'Arachel.
Basilio's snake was bigger than Gullveig's and tamed her easily
AMiccy's kit hard counters hers
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I had to go to spark for her, except i gave her to Reinhardt.
>book 2 Cav Chrom in Nifl
God back in the days when banners had random alts that were just regular ass units

I mean it's not a literal who but fuck this game is exhausting
why are you so obsessed with getting attention from us
you mean like how adults wasted four years arguing about basic character attributes and plot points in three houses?
>well uhhhhh that was good though
it isn't
>he says, replying to me immediately after practically waiting for me to post
Can confirm that Bat Wife is indeed still broken in Chaos Season
I want to give it to magic Eirika, but I need some fodder to dupe first.
It has brain damage, and no sense of self awareness.
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We coulda had this for brides but instead we got lesbians and a anorexic bitch
Is that a touhou character
Does Embla count as a hag? She's mature and has a villainous personality, but she's also skin and bones instead of having the curvy body hags are associated with. I need an expert hag taxonomist.
You could have gotten a flop just as bad as sanaki or young tiki? Damn bro that's crazy
She has a son.
Hags are just older women so yes Embla is 100% a hag. She's more hag than most FE characters identified as hags.
The word "hag" implies they are sinister in some way, but heroic figures like Nerthuz are labeled hags while Niime (a literal crone) is almost never called a hag unless someone is trying to bait hag enthusiasts.
Crouching tiger hidden penis.
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Kek saw this thought of Gullveig
Niime would be the classic definition of a hag. A literal old lady who's a bit on the mean side. Embla is God so she fits the classic definition as well. Here on /feh/ you'll see female characters in the 20s called hag as if that's the ultimate compliment thus you won't see them apply the word correctly to Niime.
She is very much a hag.
>but she's also skin and bones instead of having the curvy body hags are associated with
When was sex appeal ever associated with being a hag, i.e. an unfuckable older lady besides one schizo here?
The opposite is true of Gullveig
(this upset the braindamaged spic and its fellatiocord)
You're a transexual loser
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Where did that delusion even come from? Trannies like you are statistically more likely to be pedophiles.
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>greatly written
Hagposting is not inherently reddit, but it can become redditsexaul if they start talking about "dommy mommy" and making self-deprecating jokes about older women buying them chicken nuggies.
The troon got really mad
>Diamant and Celine's countries feud not getting resolved is dumb.
Brodia and Firene??? What feud? Holy shit you people are dumb.
Is the braindead retard still on that cope that the breidablik has a mind of its own plus time travel powers, just to avoid admitting gullveig planned her demise and tricked the curse?
You got 1 R-Dollar!
This wouldn't even be a hot take for anyone without brain damage.
Around the time she says she tried ending her life, it became pretty clear stopping the curse was imperative to her
I wouldn't rule out breidablik transforming into a mythic hero that remembers everything Kiran did in the last book, it sounds like the corny sort of thing they would do
I haven't played Engage, but i remembered people talking about it being dumb that one country/kingdom/whatever repeatedly invading another wasn't really resolved, just not which two, and i had to guess.
Even if they dedicate a book to a twist about a universally powered sentient gun, it won't be used to retcon book 7, because books always designed to be as independent as possible. Same reason those theories that "Njordr was butthurt about his children" all got squashed.
>isn't greatly written
>isn't smart
>is not unsettling
>her entire existence is just "uwu I wuv you Kiran"
Now that I think about it, did they explain how Njordr's kids came into being? Did he do the ritual with a mortal before he came to hate them or is he powerful enough to conjure them at all will?
Fehbros....sweeties .. THOUGHTS on the DR DISRESPECT SITUATION??? Pedo or no?
But enough about Tharja
What the fuck does that have to do with Fire Emblem? Fuck off.
The scene where she kills Njordr by making him experience all the horrors of aging he feared in a couple seconds was kinda unsettling
>She totally sent the gun on purpose
>Even though it wasn't on Kvasir and Gullveig says nothing about sending it
Smart writer: makes smart character
"Person" who was born with brain hypoxia: that's not actually smart! I didn't get it!
"Kinda" at best. Shit like Laegjarn having her eyes burned out because of Surtr or him killing Gunnthra is just as "unsettling" which is to say not really.
She's both, really.
She takes glee in killing Njordr every loop, but she also wants to take walks on the beach with Kiran.
For future reference it's Diamant's and Ivy's nations that are constantly feuding over resources but the rivalry isn't fleshed out and nobody holds any grudges. So complete fluff that adds nothing.
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>"Smart" writer: creates baby's first time travel plot
>"Person" with brain hypoxia: "THIS IS THE BEST STORY EVER"
Yeah Alfonse doing shit like burning the hay or calling Hels bluff or faking out Letizia was all pretty smart moves, sorry to hear about your illness
This isn't Fire Emblem related at all.
Considering the Projared and Chugga situations, you would think people would wait a minute before trying to cancel someone, and considering one of the accusers seems to be using it to shill his band, i reserve the right to call bullshit.
Now try and stay on topic anon.
I still find it funny that Book 7 was a better time travel story than both Houses and Engage.
Everyone ignored you again, so here's a pity reply and some advice. If you put your tripcode back on when posting incorrect information, you'll get more responses.
>gun gets blessed once
>gets blessed again
>this is totally infinite power even though it only happened twice
>doesn't affect anything after that
The "great" writing of book 7
Kiran's gun has gotten a bunch of upgrades that didn't do anything for the playable summoner. If the game were soulful, it should've gotten a buff after you finished the relevant chapters.
>even though it only happened twice
this isn't what happened
It happened every loop. The gun was essentially on NG+++++++++++, and the blessing granted a very slightly greater power than the curse gained, until eventually the blessing was stronger than the curse.
7 remains dominant.
Is this the Golden Seer's curse? To have the following books be much worse than 7, for eternity?
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Every book was worse than 7 anyways. It was the only one with a halfway-decent story, and would only need minor touch-ups to "fix." The rest of the books would require heavy overhauls or rewrites to fix.
Do not slander my big titted yandere villain wife.
Who cares.
Projared was in the right for cheating on his controlling, abusive hag wife. Chugga simped for tranny feet and that is shameful.
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Forgot pic
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New Gullkino
The perspective on this is fucked
>haltertop with abs
>panty strings above jeans
Fuck yeah, Shez!
No, this is what the story tries to claim happened, but the gun only gets blessed twice. Nerthuz explicitly states that in the Japanese script.
The loopis just a flimsy excuse, either the gun should already have infinite power before getting reblessed, or it shouldn't have it.
Not to mention that you'd think that having access to supposedly infinite power would have some ramifications to the overall plot, but of course, it doesn't, it's just the book 7 version of the plot power that's required to beat the book villain.
Do you have a link to the japanese script where this is mentioned?
I was under the impression it was more him having an autistic fixation with shoes like one would have with model trains, but regardless, fuck trannies and Tim is a good friend.
**Shamir:** Gullveig, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.

**Gullveig:** Shamir. You have a keen eye. It is not often that someone can find me so easily.

**Shamir:** It comes with the territory. As a sniper, you learn to read the environment and track your target. You seem troubled. Something on your mind?

**Gullveig:** My existence is a paradox, Shamir. I am both the past and the future, bound by an endless cycle. It is... burdensome.

**Shamir:** I see. Carrying such a weight must be difficult. But you don't have to bear it alone. You've got allies, people who care about you.

**Gullveig:** Allies... Do you truly see me as an ally, Shamir? Even knowing what I am?

**Shamir:** Of course. Everyone has their burdens. Yours might be more complex, but that doesn’t change who you are to me. You’re strong, wise, and a valuable comrade. More than that, you're... important to me.

**Gullveig:** Important? Me? Despite my nature, you look at me with kindness. It is a rare gift, one I have seldom received.

**Shamir:** It's not a gift. It's how I feel. Gullveig, I want to help you. Whatever it takes to ease your burden, I’m here. Not just as a fellow warrior, but as someone who... cares deeply for you.

**Gullveig:** Your words... they pierce through the shadows that cloud my heart. You offer hope where I thought none could exist.

**Shamir:** Then let’s face your future together. No matter what comes, we'll stand side by side. You don't have to walk this path alone anymore.

**Gullveig:** Shamir, your resolve... it strengthens my own. Perhaps, with you by my side, the cycle can be broken. Or at least, endured with a lighter heart.

**Shamir:** We’ll take it one step at a time. Together.

**Gullveig:** Together. Yes, Shamir. Thank you, for being my light in this endless darkness.

**Shamir:** Anytime, Gullveig. Always.
I didn't read any of that
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Alright, I got some bad news. Not only can I not find... whatever you're telling me to scour the page for. But it also states that Kvasir brought the Breidablik back with her. So your "sentient gun" theory is shot.
This is like posting a +10 gullveig for him. Everyone already knew it existed, everyone already knew the truth, except him. Which is why nobody bothered to appease a BDR
And no, that just says that that the gun moved back in time when Kavsir was, which was never in question.
I don't even know what you niggas are arguing about and frankly it's probably gay as shit
The only thing I can find on the page that MIGHT be what he means is
but that is just saying "And now the vessel has once more received power." Even when I plug it into various MTL websites, I just get variations of that, and clicking on each individual word for synonyms in DeepL just gives the same results, like "Now the vessel has my power again."
For about a year, a guy with his trip off has been trying to poke plotholes in a very tightly wrapped timetravel plot that ended half a year ago.
His main argument now is that the gun we've always carried around is actually sentient and also has its own time travel potential like Gullveig.
It's very faggy, yeah.
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>Even when I plug it into various MTL websites, I just get variations of that, and clicking on each individual word for synonyms in DeepL just gives the same results, like "Now the vessel has my power again."

That's an interesting and easily testable claim, let's check that.
Well, either DeepL works differently for you and me, or you're lying.
>even the alternative text still disproves your point
This isn't your day, huh?
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Is sexy.
*boots up Ultimate Schizo vs Schizo 3*
*selects team*
ready up, little bro. go on, pick your team too.
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Pick a side, /feh/
>the robins
This is so unfair, it's not even close.
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>ruining Sakura's peak cute design
Absolutely disgusting
Good for him
Wtf bro those are all top tiers
Please do us all a favor and die a horrible death. Thank you.
*selects team*
I'm going with Fellatio Crew for this match!
>Warriors had supports between some of the characters
>there is still only two supports with Byleth; shez and jeralt
Man. I'd like to see Byleth and Camilla talk.
Calbert is like the vanilla mvc3 tron of Schizo vs Schizo
>tons of iframes
>can't do anything on his own
>only exists to protect his master
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They should bring back summer lolis
ISIS is gay and should die
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IS should add a loli in a school swimsuit.
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closest we got was Elise.
Aside from that a "school swimsuit" would probably be something ugly like the sauna outfits from 3H so no thanks.
That's a fertile female with a working vagina, unlike you with your oozing axe wound.
stay fragile tranny. ywnbaw
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>heh, you like attractive women? that makes you trans! bet you don't like them now, huh?!?
That's a cartoon depicting a 10 year girl, fucking weirdo.
The pedotranny diaper shitting is always instant. Always, no matter what. No wonder pedotrannies are rejected by every existing society.
Lana has no confirmed age in the pokemon canon
Do you have eyeballs connected to an occipital lobe or not?
Hey bro you're trans too right? I remember you shitting your diaper and dilating furiously when Tiki beat Young Tiki, which makes perfect sense considering your fucked up brain chemistry.
Nonsensical post
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Wow the kogut is mad at chino today for shattering his cope kek
You should kill yourself and make your parents happy
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When it's time to replay FE13 I'm gonna kill off Nowi immediately
That's it. What are you expecting, some long about it?
I just thought it was strange that you brought that up randomly especially since it's off topic.
>more pedotranny fragility
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go skibidi yourself
*fires an R-Flare*
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Hi mommy
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She needs more seasonals.
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I think that's the first summer Eirika fanart I've seen that has her swimsuit colored right.
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Closest you'll get is a Near Save Echo that Hopes Edelgard will debut
Can we please just get a decent amount of Houses War Arc units before we dive into more Hopes versions of characters?
>good inheritable skills
lmao, they invented Distant Ward just so you couldn't inherit DC off her Brave.
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Impressive, to be fair her Swimsuit is quite elaborate.
Next month for sure...
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>best version of Ingrid still isn't in
>gonna have to be a lance flier again
It's a blessing and a curse just how many looks there are of 3H characters.
It's more the fact the yellow frills completely cover the bikini top making it very difficult to tell if Eirika is wearing a yellow and red strap bikini, or a plain old red bikini.
Next month's banner is War Phase Bernadetta, Felix, Lysithea and Marianne for the 5th anni
Felix and Bernadette are getting War phase alts for their Braves. I find this highly unlikely. You're more likely to see them get swimsuit alts.
I do think it is possible they start phasing in the war phase stuff now. They've started doing it with the merchandise. But like, why? Why ACTUALLY wait five years?
What does fanum tax mean
>fifth anniversary
how in the hell. what manner of thaumaturge is this?
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>3H is 5 years old
>Heroes is 7 years old
>Fates is 9 years old
>Awakening is 12 years old
And Raul is 37 years old
He's 28 or 29.
He's mentally 7 according to the doctor.
Because "time skip" is five years... IS is that autistic, yes.
Sorry I meant 6
They don't even have the full 3h cast in with their school outfits.
Well first they've already sold all the MCs War phase versions as Legendaries. Second I don't blame them for wanting to sell each outfit in succession. The big problem is they wasted banners and even some alts on Copes instead of finishing Academy phase.
I wonder if namschizo's doctor ever told him his mental age. he's clearly insecure over it and wouldn't tell us the truth, but it could be fun to guess.
>anons just make up my age
>anons just make up where I love
>anons just make up who I live with
>anons just make up how I get money
>anons just make up crimes I've supposedly committed
This is absurd
You're absurd
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*beats the shit out of you*
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Exactly how much money has this guy burned on this crap? 5 figures?
Ask him
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That's a cute Maribelle
Raulypoo call off your attack dog NOW
calbert is one of the few people who protects the spic, definitely the most zealous, and raul is ultra mega fragile so he'll never give that up.
What would be the reaction to Gullveig if Raul liked her?
Impossible scenario. She likes Kiran.
He does actually like her, but because she's a Kiran fanservice character, he's angry because he can never have her. She's essentially just Tharja as a lord.
"Stop pretending to like her you lowlife piece of trash."
exact same as Azura in the past
If he liked her everyone else would have to hate her. But let's face it, he can't like her because she's clearly in love with Kiran (the character, not (you))
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Sweet can…
On time
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This thread was empty of value. But I updated my Minerva so that's something.
Nikkechads dab all over fehbros

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