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Previous giant pickaxe: >>483055891


This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.400


New machione gods trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk9U-4jU93w

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.1.2

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
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Are we ever going to get the PDF outfits in darktide?
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With the 2nd part of the Penance update
Sisters of Darktide..
We won
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>uploaded the wrong vox (teasing radium weapons, not Secrets of the Machine God)
>named a character Swagger, in 40k, in 2024
>left the mouse on the screen when recording the trailer
>bolt pistol mag is clipping through the mag-well
WTF is going on at Fatshark. This level of incompitence is striking for a studio with this much experience.
bow before the sacred cursor of control
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the pick and its moveset looks like absolute dogshit. especially when you sprint with it
Where do I get to see gameplay?
this tranny's gameplay video just popped up in my youtube recommendations
>special attack is a hook that drags enemies in
holy kek
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i cant watch this retard play. and why does he have a popup that takes up half the fucking screen and lasts 50 years?
same, he also talks like he has mild brain damage
Is the narrator a TTS?
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Wait so we waited half a year for this? 4 weapon types and a new map? What the fuck are these devs doing all day? Where are the new classes?
It's MtF
There are 3 variants right? Surely not all of them are too unwieldy to be good.
looking at his youtube shorts, no. just an incredibly effeminate man
i may just be a bit biased, because of the person playing. it's possible that it feels a lot better when you're the one playing with it.
wouldn't be too excited for it either way
total transsexual? yes
not as cool as tanner though
shut up tranner
rent free
the attack animations on the pickaxe are too floaty, and the special attack looks janky as fuck
I think the guy playing is just utter dogshit and obnoxious. He dodge slides with literally every single attack when fighting poxwalkers for no reason
>enemies covered in snow
dun like it, me
What is he doing nowadays
This is a weapon made after their lead combat designer left. That's all that can be said. This is the quality you can expect going forward.
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>Shock Mauls
Cool, probably pretty good
>Bolt Pistol
>Double Barrel Shotgun
Cool, will be fun for meleevet/zealot
Need to see all variants before I pass judgement
>4 damage stats
fatshark needs to fucking kill themselves this is going to be abject cancer to roll for
>59% damage
>78% first target
>365 lights, 436 heavies
I'd be completely unsurprised if this was designed with the new itemization in mind.
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good thing I autistically played this game when it came out and don't have to worry about things like that
OMG guys a pickaxe just flew over my house!
Bolt pistol is DoA
Nigger I have like 200k plasteel and I still will fucking abhor this because I'll have to click through 500 weapons from brunt until I get one thats good (then delete all the bad ones)
You have nothing else to do but roll. You've had every other weapon perfect for months
there's a mod for that
no shit? whats it called
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Sure, by this time tomorrow I will have near-perfect versions of every new weapon. That doesn't mean it won't be annoying to craft them.
needing a mod for inventory management is an admission that fatshark have completely failed basic game design.
You bought the game. You know they failed on everything but the gameplay
the music is decent
I'm phoneposting but there is one for bulk scrapping and been few different ones for buying. specifically one that auto buys from brunt and auto scraps anything below a certain rating
Buy Until Rating
For me it's that you need to mod in the capability to sell gear at Hadron.
wow waching that mick is painful
I see a trailer in my recommended
"It's so over" status?
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are you niggas with the picks and bolt pistols using some third party app to buy them when they're not supposed to be available or something

or am I just getting the usual shopclick jewing where new weapons aren't a priority so you see nothing but trash instead
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It only takes 100k gold to get a 360+ weapons with good stat spred , then you will probably get one good blessing and perk when you upgrade it and you are good to go. Why do we need a crafting update again?
thanks kings
they aren't available until tomorrow
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You are now aware that in the opening cinematic for Helldivers 2 none of the rifles have magazines.
because it doesn't work like that at all
They were shooting on a sound stage with paid bug actors (who were all harmed in the making of this film).
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How were they harmed with no bullets?
>chinks are creatively bankrupt and only know how to copy each other
Kek, every time.
would be in theme as a hastily prepared propaganda video since they're hemorrhaging troops, but i doubt that was their intention
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I count two in the first 15 seconds, and I'm not checking the rest of the video because you're a homo
He told you, they were paid to be harmed.
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is this bait or you're genuinely retarded? I'm asking because there was some college dropoffs in this thread yesterday so I just want to be sure you're not one of them.
all the damage on-screen is special effects
they were only harmed after filming when they were beat up in the locker room
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I'm ready for the update
>less than 100k dockets
Oh wait, that's the trailer, not the intro.
You're still a homo, but they probably gave the mocap guys bad props, likely not bullpup guns, and the animations were clipping through the mags. Or they just forgor.
>66k thronenaridoos
wew m8
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Here's 5 more. So I stand corrected that none of them have mags, but you're still a fag.
>0 money for a decent roll
my condolences
>>uh it's bad models
>it's clearly the correct rifle
>>animation clipping
>mag wells are clearly empty
Why are you shilling so hard for them? Alexsus is that you you fucking s*rb
>he thinks degrees matter when literal ghetto goblins with room temp IQ just passed through due to DEI policies and that tons of people with degrees are more retarded than a lot of dropouts anyway
lmao, book smarts education has lost all it's meaning and actual value thanks to DEI.
grandpa college is for the retards now
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>the entire intro sequence was some fucking Kubrick set
kino kek
remember to check every tier of every blessing on the new weapons, they redo the numbers in the weapon files and all it takes is a misplaced decimal for 5% damage to become 50%
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>lvl 480 zealot
>"vaccum capsule!"
>dies on first horde

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How to trigger uneducated rentoïd zoomers : just tell them you have a degree lol
>he doesn't know the kind of literal gorilla niggers they just flag through thanks to DEI now and how much of a waste of time it is now as a result
gunnerbros, how is your build with mortar rounds OC? I went with 31222
>they try to get us all pumped up for Moebian 41st with sam fisher goggles for the penance update
>they're fucking beige and blue with no goggles
I just maxed the radius and splash damage and put the Damage Resistance at full ROF on the last one cause 10% damage won't make your Mortar Rounds one-shot Grunts outside of like Haz 2
why do you curse me like this? I genuinely dislike most of the moebian loyalist gear
Which is to say the build was 31223
33222 but I'm considering going back to 31222
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>bleed on ranged
im so excited to try out the new meltas tomorrow
what is the difference between bleed and fire anyway outside of visual cues?
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>advertised as 'written by Dan Abnett'
It was just an elaborate scam from day one onwards.
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>the guy responsible for the fucked up marketing is french

>bolt pistol
>cattle prod maul
judge dredd time motherfuckers
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good question
I guess the main thing is that both can be applied at the same time. Unlike two of the same status.
Also there's at least one talent out there that synergises with bleed and not fire
If I remember right, they announced Dan Abnett to soften the first delay back when we knew practically nothing about the game. His name was always a marketing stunt. And if I don't remember right well fuck Fatshark anyway.
the damage control on youtube was strawhat
You mean people bleed when their skin is punctured by bullets? No way
holy shit the bolt pistol firing animation is so fucking bad
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They are going to release the 2h-chainaxe by the time everyone forgot about the game.
Bolt Pistol : 8/30 ammo
This guy fucking sucks
nice try pajeet
I think they picked him becausee he's as good as the average Darktide player and he's not problematic like Telopots
I think the average person would have more than 3 stacks of bleed after getting hit by a bolt shell
what's problematic about telopots other than his annoying dicksucking fanboys
But we need exaggerated recoil so you can't just hipfire into a crowd of specials like the fanfire revolver.
Because one good blessing and one good perk on a 360 with shitty substat spread isn't an ideal weapon, it's a holdover at best.

Good weapons are 370+, with a "dump" stat no lower than 60, and ideal perks and blessings. This is the shit any decent player expects to see when you're loading up for Auric Maelstrom, and if you don't have something close to these requirements, anybody with a brain in their heads immediately recognizes you as a reddit-teir asshat who's getting hard carried before going down six times like a bitch.
he swears a lot :3 not good for marketing
So why is he one of their testers
seems like both a terrible roll but fun to use
>quick swap for a shot
>now everything is bleeding
are you retarded?
Nah bullets and shrapnel don't make you bleed it's all just a hoax perpetuated by Big Tourniquet.
Off-putting voice,, holy shit.
Have the players used it with a veteran? Exe stance might tame it though its not the best pick for a pistol build, taking this choice is to patch up a weakness rather than compounding advantages.
This isn't Tanner Lindberg, so it's reddit trash and I'm not watching it.
Does the bleed apply to the AOE damage? More often than not the target will just get instagibbed by the bolt before the bleed even matters.
I was hoping the pickaxe would be more like the combat axe
That assumes the explosion counts as a ranged hit from the weapon. But if it does then that does have potential with 8 rounds. It also means it will help take care of near-kills with only a bit of HP left to go.
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>cattle prod
It's just V1/2 one-handed mace with LE SHOCK. We were waiting six months for that?
cheers, feels like the 30 % spread reduction helps when baseline is 100 % spread
How does one make the Tigrus II Eviscerator worth using on the zealot? I'm struggling with kill times on dreg ragers and crushers.
don't play ratranny game, don't care
dash and do an alt heavy. I use bloodthirsty blessing to chain ragers or crushers (but with the mk xv)
>replaced the mourningstar theme
Nooooooo, Moebian Domain forever!
Since dash auto-crits, is bloodthirsty really necessary? I'm ussing shred and rampage on mine, and with auto crits it basically one-shots anything lighter than a dreg rager with a head shot heavy 1. I'm apprehensive to mitigate the damage of my two blessings by adding crit on alt attack since I already get free crits every few seconds during mixed waves/horde clear.
it's for groups of elites, the dash guarantees the first crit and bloodthirsty guarantees every charged heavy after the first kill is a crit as long as it kills (which it always does). it's not necessary I just think it's fun. with the mk xv if you have any other zealot passives that increase damage you 1 shot every crusher. usually you do anyways because something else has done a bit of chip damage
Grievous Wounds Talent (+50% stagger on weakspot), the Tigrus II heavy1 will interrupt both rager types with a headshot, plus knock down dreg ragers for easy bullying
Add Hammer of Faith to start knocking down flak ragers.
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>boltpistol has the recoil sway of a normal bolter, completely unusable
>shotgun is broken and straight up doesnt work properly with a camera bug
>pickaxes are useless
>shockmauls are okay
>one map
>no itemization update whatsoever, likely going to release in 4-5 months time
What an amazing patch, truly worth the almost 7 month wait.
How do you know how good the weps are? The patch isn't out yet
/ourboy/ trannypots is straming!
Toobers have already started to release weapon reviews. Or are you one of those retards who thinks you can't tell if something is bad unless you literally have your own hands on it.

Bots 9
Why do people here hate telopots? He's a really good player and doesn't really say much that I can imagine most people would find offensive.
nevermind something came up
there aren't any bad weapons in darktide though
I think it's the normal, merited disdain people have for wannabe e-celebs. He is really good and I generally agree with his opinions on the game, however his cargo-cult Discord fanboys poison his reputation quite a bit by being annoying fucks trying to be him in-game. VACUUM CAPSULE XDD!
Atrox IV and Achlyss Combat Axe are pretty garbage, as far as I can tell. Doesn't mean they're unusable, but I don't really see why you'd pick them over anything else.
No, but there are weapons much worse than the rest, in fact you could almost say that they are bad (comparatively).
He said the guy who made the mission board should die (in minecraft), and that he should fuck off and work on spreadsheets or something because he can't ruin those. That's pretty offensive t b h
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damn i had some decent rolls coming my way
Why do you care? He's your digital boyfriend or something?
Because I want to know the reason why bitches are bitching.
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goddamn the persistent bodies is no joke for ST:E, my game stuck in 30-40fps when it gets intense
I don't know why you keep bitching everytime trannypots is clowned on, that's why I'm asking.
I've literally posted in this general four times (including this post) ever. You sound paranoid. Did trannypots steal your girl or something?
>2nd scout refuses to at any point stand in the objective circle for refueling
>2 oppressors eventually push in and we wipe at 95% charge
ah yes
You have a script that dings you everytime your streamdaddy is mentioned?
Yes. Telotranny rewards every chudcel I piss off in these threads with five minutes ravaging his tasty boipucci mmmmmm.
Ugh. Trannies literally cannot keep themselves from being repulsive and insufferable
trannypots is cringe ngl
Are trannies in the room with us right now, anon?
Am i in the room with you right now, tranny?
Yes, you are in the room with us.
desu it never occurred to me to look at streamers playing coop games
Anon, I'm sitting in a NY Yeshiva private computer lab. I highly doubt I'm in the room with you.

This is an incel forum on the internet. Get your facts straight.
>decide to check the faggot
>spidey sense
lol but of course
isnt this game like mega shit? i thought it was basically dead on arrival
I guess that was a humble brag, but I have no idea what that is and I'm not googling it. You are getting really defensive tho.
it is, I just reinstalled to see what kind of a shitshow the persistent bodies update would bring and boy they delivered
Far away from any children, i hope
Why the fuck every trannytide streamer has a teenage boy voice and a hecking wacky-edgy persona nowadays? Where's our korean semen demon?
All the weapons look good at first sight. Nice.
bolt pistol and shotgun are trash
>Or are you one of those retards who thinks you can't tell if something is bad unless you literally have your own hands on it.
This is infact how it is. If I believed every random retard onwhich weapons are shit then every weapon would be unusable trash, including the plasma gun
Bolt pistol is fucking trash. Fuck all damage and retarded recoil. All that when zarona still exists.
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>scouts are standing in circle
>but they keep whining that I-- the Engie with Defender system sentries-- am outside the zone cause I need to restock the guns since I can't just put the sentries in the zone with us since Defender System means no 360 degree radius detection-- which means I have to go outside the zone to keep them loaded
Lick my taint sparkling clean you "stand in the circle" spastics, just shoot better and/or don't bring 2 fucking Scunts to a mission
New ogryn melee weapon?
>spend the entire phase of "objective" not being in objective
>blame others
Sentries staying loaded so we don't get fucking mobbed that much faster > standing in circle

Ligma balls Scunt, just shoot better.
telopots is from my country but he's from the bad part where gay people are, he's still ok though because I said nigger in his chat and he didn't ban me
The few times I've looked at the category it was all people with those animated furry avatars so I just don't even look.
he is not-so-subtly racist and makes constant references to racist 4chan memes like niggers being too dumb to understand what-ifs and being unable to picture an apple in your mind, he clearly browses although probably not /coopg/
So you think the bolter recoil is good then? Fun weapon to use?
yes the moral of the story is I'm not saying you leaving the circle is a problem, I'm saying the guy who never touches it was the problem
Looking at gameplay, the AoE is about as strong as the regular sized bolter - which is to say it's not strong at all.
I don't think the the bleed would apply to the AoE either, because Fatshart. Doubt they can work it through their spaghetti code properly even if they weren't being busy guzzling Ahmed's cum.
If the game had consistently functional audio, there probably wouldn't be the need for a mod like that

Git gud. When trappers, pox bursters and hounds stop spawning silently/teleporting/throwing their voice, I'll unstill it. Until then, cope and get carried.
>twitch bottom boys with stale excuses on cue
lol lmao
Your concession has been noted
>people who are smarter than I am are all f-f-f-f-f-aggots!
lol how's quick play heresy treating you these days?
Stop cheating anytime, shitter
You can tell that to the silent poxbursters
>shitter who is so shit he doesn't even recognize how badly Fatshit has shit the bed with their shitty audio
Git gud, shitter.
>I'm so le smart I NEED cheats to play
Or fatshark, but you know how they are
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>noooo bro, there's totally silent bursters under my bed
>wdym you can win aurics without cheats??
>Literally a clip with a silent poxburster was posted
>No guys darktide doesn't have any sound issues
Okay bud
Post your scoreboards, bro.
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>p-pls check my cope on why using cheats is okay
ded general
Not when Fatshark revives it tomorrow
>streamerfag shilling the shotgun
>plays doom music as if it's anywhere near that powerful
>unloads in to a group of the weakest enemies in the game
>kills 2 poxwalkers, staggers a few more
Wow, I am kneeling, so cool!!!!!!
Yeah it definitely is no super shotgun. Looks fun though.
The update will not save darktide
Yeah, I've imagined it as a human sized kickback and it's just some anemic fart gun.
>doom music
the faggy 2016 version or proper e1m1?
>they can't even release that tox cannon ogry that was spawnable a year ago
im convinced more devs are working on the new game and vermintide than darktide lmao
Take a guess
The darktide team can't do much. They can't even do a couple of relatively simple changes to the crafting system to hold people over until the "overhaul"
streamers are posers so the new shit with way too much bass and way too little soul
All in all I love the game and ratclick. Why do these fucking Swedes always shit on me?
lmao that's disney's atlantis.
Swedes hate themselves, imagine what they think about you. Unless you're brown.
The bolter is a good weapon and fun to use yes, especially on zealot, but also on marksman focus vet if you want it to be a sniper weapon
>inb4 screeching about how I mustb e playing on malice etc
>new shit
2016 was 8 years ago you fossil.
how has his voice managed to become even faggier? even troons overdosing on estrogen can't warp it like this
The game falls apart the second you don't have basic communications with your team, that honestly holds it back the most other than the Low framerate, and it being early access it should have been in development for at least another year
and 1993 was 31 years ago making 2016 the new shit in comparison.
tfw 2004 was 27 years ago
With a margin of error of 7 years, of course.
I am 31
i'm a few years younger than you but I'm not sure how many years because I don't know my age right now without calculating it
doom 3 doesn't exist
>check to see who tanner lindberg is
>10 minutes of flustered femboy noises
Tomorrow, take a shot every time somebody posts "bolt pistol is just revolver but worse"
I never liked how cutesy of a term "femboy" is for a gross faggot who has aids and poop on his penis
Take a shot every time an ogryn says rock and stone!
Nah people can have awful, shitty taste in every difficulty. In fact it's normally the nolifers in aurics who perpetuate that garbage weapons are actually good because they somehow feel validated when using the less popular ones.
Kill a swede every time you hear someone say "for atoma"
Less than 24 hours until fatshark disappoints
I don't even want to save Atoma anymore.
>poop on his penis
no thats the other guy
>"bolt pistol is just revolver but worse"
It's so much worse than that
I just want the bolt pistol to be my anti-carapace for my heavy sword zealot.
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so uh, about that itemization
i dont speak your silly language pendejo
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please be fake
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>Come back to DRG after a good chunk of time
>All the good mods are broken
>All the bad mods are broken
>Kobold mod is a rotting corpse
Thank FUCK Lego Yoda fall sound is still updated.
>Tweak your weapon stats
>Still have locks
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what is....that
why does it look like a flash game
>Bar goes up for more weapon goodies
Does it go up with use(xp) or by dumping mats into it? This could be very important.
looks like you dump more mats into the weapon to make the bars go up but it keeps the shitty 2 reroll restriction for some reason
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I think it's cool that your cape gets torn up
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I have to believe it's real just because only fatshark could be this out of touch with their playerbase.
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snip of the website via google translate

"We want to create a link between the players and the items, so that the players feel close to what they get," the studio mentioned, and for that they will move away from Vermintide 2 to have a system of items and individual elements, and for this they will They have added new Blessings to the game and increased the number to twelve Blessings per weapon.
You just lack the skill required to use a weapon with a skill floor, doesnt mean the wep is bad
What is this and why is it in portuguese?
best psyker melee for critical hits?
This time for sure we'll get the weapon tassle to hang by our portrait.
yes, it's pretty clear no one in the company knows what the fuck the lessons learned step is in any project management or troubleshooting system.
Anything with a critical bonus bar.
Too busy trying to reinvent the wheel to understand what made it work in the first place. I still think there's a certain amount of planned incompetence to artificially inflate play hours for gear and to "fix" it later for community credit
they cant learn and it will kill the company
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This is not real. I do not see it.
Itemization rework is real!


thanks, all the funny markings over letters were giving me a headache but it went away after taking my plasma gun pills.
This is standard practice for video game companies for the last 15 years or so now. Forget lessons learned in the last game and rediscover how to make fire and why the wheel even works before they can start reinventing said wheel.
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Do you think they knew, somehow, someway, all the way back then?
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Holy shit those stats.
Man I can't wait to get the update in 2026
cause it's early as fuck previews, probably not even meant to be actually shown, and they just useplaceholder graphics
I mean you can literally see the dev console in the bottom left on one of these. I wonder if these spics were meant to release this at all
OOOIIII!!! We cleavin'
>450 points in cleave damage
Oh yea, we cleavin alright.
How does this happen? How does a random mexican outlet get pics of the upcoming crafting system? And not even official, nice, press release pics. These are literally screengrabs from a dev.
I...I don't think I've been angrier at fatshark than before now. I'm so frustrated I'm kinda at a loss for words. How can you possibly be so retarded and out of touch?? I I don't even
These >>483367453 >>483363785 almost make me wonder if they just pulled it out of their ass for clicks, but it's such a niche game that doesn't really make sense either. Why would there be six identical stats?
Bro this is literally some WIP shit not meant to beshown. Look how the wep has 6x cleave damage on it.
I'm not putting it beyond them to be retarded enough to leave locks in, but I wouldn't take this as proof is all I'm saying. It might just literally be unfinished and they didn't bother removing the lock graphcis/elements yet.
so uuuuuh when is the patch dropping?
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How did our boy ALBERTO get this information? Mexican intelligence.
when I'm ready, and not before
It's only like 5AM is Sweden, so probably not for a while yet.
What time does darktide usually update?
Please understand much like the event it's their first time doing this
a week before swedish vacation usually.
I understand that they invited ab unch of journos to write about it soon, together with a reveal and info drop on their own. So far it makes sense. Then I also understand why Alberto released it now, he's probably retarded and got the date/instructions wrong.
What I don't understand is how our friend Alberto got his hands on clearly not-for-public-release material. Like those screenshots aren't something you give a journalist to release. This shit makes no sense
This happening right after they accidentally release a youtube video about the radium gun, then claim it's a plasma gun in a panicked fit of damage control REALLY makes me wonder what the fuck is going on at their office
good that shit was OP
no one gives a shit about that
Just shaking things up a bit before vacation :)
telopots demonstrated it earlier on his stream
Fuck off niggerpots

The website says you can increase the stats of the weps.

We going to 100% brothers
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When did Fatshark abandon the Darktide website's News section?
haemorrhaging staff, there have been multiple CMs over the last year, the game designer quit last october, arrowhead put out an open call for devs, they both use bitsquid for an engine and are based in stockholm, all the art assets are outsourced chinese shit so they dont need artists.
when did the game launch?
I assume thats some e-celeb you're obssessed with
The last post was last month's teaser for this update.
I guess they locked the main page down out of embarrassment
His darktide videos are actually quite informative, nice.
Any diver lobbies? Down for whatever
I have auric storm survivor, that makes me better than 95% of coopg
Nice ASS bro!
*farts at you and walks away*
i have auric exemplar
I hope the new map is good. I hope that fatshark doesn't let me down with the itemization update. I hope they realize 40k has a bunch of cool weapons they could use instead of autoguns, and axes.
Ogryn will get a new grenade next upgrade. It's a fistful of dirt
Ah, but do you have power cycler 4?
I have darktide uninstalled, making me the victor.
I have every blessing in the game unlocked. Not joking.
1v1 me darktide. Oh what's that, you can't? I guess you forfeit, making me the winner.
I don't even doubt it.
Hopefully the patch is live and works when I wake up. Good night anons
hehe wait until anon finds what I left in his bed
fucking how
reminds me of vt1 traits upgrading
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I checked the armory for level 1 and 2 blessings a lot and exclusively spent my weekly contract currency on tier 3 and 4 blessings I didn't get naturally through crafting because the items Melk offers are never worth anything anyway
vt2 is a chud's game, the wheel must be reinvented in the name of DEI
can they do a single fucking thing right?
I still think they don't want to go straight to the vermintide 2 crafting system because they can pad out the update contents.That way they can pretend to work and not add meaningful things
Fatshark strikes me as a highly prideful company and doing it the VT2 way when all their playerbase is begging for it would mean admitting they fucked up. The #1 most hated feature of current itemization is the locks and they're doubling down on it, unsurprisingly. There might also be a misguided desire to add more treadmills to boost player retention when that ship sailed long ago. The current crop of addicts don't need more numbers to chase and any new/returning player is going to be scared off by how annoying crafting appears to be. No one wants to be told they'll get their ideal weapons if they just mindlessly grind for 100s of hours. All they're missing is some kind of upgrade failure mechanic that destroys your weapon we'd be full Korean f2p design philosophy.
touch grass
>All they're missing is some kind of upgrade failure mechanic that destroys your weapon
Her name is Hadron
good old plasma grass
I guess... are all swedish companies like this or just vidyas ?
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>wake up
>Darktide is NOT saved
plasma gun
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rockay city is such a meme, even a 7-11 is turned into a club for some reason
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any swaggerchads in chat
yes, i got it from a random drop. i have witnessed people shrieking in excitement upon crafting it
>Con este trabajo copando la lista de "tareas pendientes" del estudio, el equipo de desarrollo trabajó a medio gas en contenido de peso para el juego, y aquí está el resultado.
>the development team worked at half speed on substantial content for the game
You got that right!

Also, regarding SWAGGER
>FatShark team spoke of him as the Merchant from Resident Evil 4, who will move through the levels without us noticing. "There are times when he will appear in areas we don't expect and offer us some kind of help," they cited from the studio.
>those rough mockups
yeah no wonder they delayed it
meanwhile, VT2 is getting maps and other new shit left and right.
i play shade in vt2. am i bringe?
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How many hours until update drops?

A few more tid-bits
>there are secondary objectives on Atelium Fountryplex that change, to enhance replayability
Quoting fatshark regarding the itemisation
> "A much clearer route to follow has been established so that the player knows which item they can get at the moment and which in the future," they cite from the studio. It may take five hours or eight, but there will be greater clarity and stability when following a "from novice to hero" path to achieve improvement.
>"We want to create a bond between players and items, for players to feel close to what they achieve,"
Bugdiving at pic related. steam://joinlobby/553850/109775244010484110/76561198059669689
Will wait about 5 minutes then launch regardless.
no, shade is meh now unlike oe/gk/necro
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We're never getting red items, are we.
Do we get new penances and rewards to go with the new map?
>the best pickaxe is the worst looking one
>the worst one is the best looking one
Hilarious, fatshark
they all look bad to me
I figure the best one is the boro-whatever the horde clearing with the wooden handle is with headtaker and thunderous

No, jtclive, i won't be doing heavy light on hordes and fancy combos, it's gonna be all heavy attacks on everything
We've been saying that for a month already
variety is the spice of life anon
So that Portuguese leak about a resident evil style mystery trader we interact with in missions as part of the item upgrades seems to align with this mystery nigga right?
>Be lucky enough to have a weapon with perfect blessings and perks
>spend hours, possibly days leveling weapon
>'master' the weapon
>FS does a balance update/ map drop
>random blessings are worthless or bugged/broken
>have to do it all again
>for every weapon

Yeah sure go fuck yourself. I hope a nigger bombs your HQ
it can cause bleed, push things away from you and not have to be aimed
when today is the update?
I’m confused, wouldn’t this still force us to rng grind for the best possible weapon before further refining it beyond what is currently possible?
probably 10 hours or less
>swedes gotta wake up
well time to go back to elden ring and beat shit up for my wife Ranni
>I’m confused, wouldn’t this still force us to rng grind for the best possible weapon before further refining it beyond what is currently possible?
Given that the weapon still have 2 locks. Yes.

If this is what they arrived at after 2 years of 'cooking' imagine what they'll come up with after summer. Sweden was a mistake and norway should have murdered every single one of them.
This 'leak' >>483363785 claims that enhancement increases "Modifications capacity" which would imply removing locks, but of course all this could just be placeholder or a poorly worded translation.
>norway should have murdered every single one of them.
they're conjoined twins, the few conflicts they've had were denmark telling the norway head to punch the sweden head.
She has a 3m tall werewolf boyfriend, anon.
You got a link for that radium gun?
It didn't say any of that, just that Swagger appears mid mission to help unlike other NPCs which is something Fatshark has already said about him. They compared him to the Resi4 merchant but that doesn't mean he sells stuff.
I got ASS and the no downs on auric maelstrom one within 2 days of the penance update dropping, and I hadn't been playing DT for months.
I'm better than 99.9% of copeg
Let me know when it can kill things
Have you been to MY aurics though? Don't think you have.
What else would he be doing? He says himself he isn't a man of action.
Just dropping by to add to the vox chatter, probably. You don't seriously think Fatshark is capable of implementing mid-mission shops, right?
>mid-mission shops
can you imagine if they actually did manage to do this just to make the shopping even more tedious?
I figure he has some sort of mini-event for us (or just thanks us for doing what we were already doing) and rewards us with a lump sum of xp for our current weapon explained away as him giving us imaginary crafting mats.
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Over there! It's Swagger!
Tanner is blacklisted for all the other things he publicly posts. Fatshark is still a company and has to do company things to protect themselves.
You got carried
I'm always most damage by a few hundred thousand
>I coop harder than you!
Scoreboards were a mistake.
So you kill a lot of poxwalkers while the big boys handle the dangerous stuff. Good job
Compare teh video to the comments.
I also always have most elite and special kills
Shows my familiarity with 40k slop, I thought that was about the shotgun
You literally don't, though, since you are getting carried through every mission like the shitter that you are
But I do
No, anon, you don't
Anon what the fuck are you talking about?
>reading the itemization from El Manuel knowing that THAT is the version that got delayed
sissies pls
You bothered to reply, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
you mean his schizo rants or his masked porn baits
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>all those braindead retards thinking it's melta when it's obviously radium weapon
It's the good ol' plasma rifle
it could just as well be volkite weaponry since they're talking about burning and it being ancient, but that's generally Warhammer 30k fodder outside of Mechanicus special characters and the gun imposed sickness definitely makes a much stronger case for rad weapons
Yes I'm sure they delayed it because they had a moment of clarity and are busy whipping up a new crafting system that will make us weep with joy. Not because they realized they had fuck all prepared for the anniversary in 5 months and benched it until then.
>this anime profile pic discord tranny, along with others of his ilk, is the only channel of direct feedback to FS

There was never any hope there, was it?
How else did you expect the "itemization" to go though?
1. The locks obviously can't be gone because the entire reason to keep playing long hours is to grind for a better weapon.
2. The complaints are very specifically summed up as "progress too slow and RNG, uh I guess locks bad".

Thus the logical conclusion is a way to release the locks through some form of progression system. The time sink is still there but its no longer RNG or at least its RNG that is endlessly rerollable instead of bricking a weapon and requiring you to build another (after finding another to begin with).

Really, this is fine enough. The real question is how Red weapons will be implemented. Will the above cover the request to reduce RNG on endgame Gold weapons in a legalistic way, then when they introduce the Red quality tier it will be RNG 2.0 that can brick weapons yet again. But hey you were completing Auric Maelstroms with Gold tier weapons, why are you complaining now that super endgame makes-game-easier Red stuff isn't an instant gratification system? Spoiled rejects.
No you niggers. FS is already in damage control mode and confirmed to be just the 'good ol' plasma rifle'. That's why people are memeing it.

They're so inept they couldn't finish radium weapons in time so they're gaslighting to save face. Simple as.
don't radium weapons kill you in real time unless you're a skitarii?
An argument to be made that this is much to do about nothing is that radium weapons would outright kill operatives within minutes that no amount of pills could prevent. These are weapons which barely-human cyborgs in full protective suits still have to be careful with and still slowly get eaten away when using them. So they still have leeway to handwave it as not actually meant to be rad weapons.

But this is also a game where our characters are practically space marines in performance, so practical sensibilities have all gone out the window. You could also argue that these are toned down rad weapons that normal humans can use, so Fatfish is 101% responsible for releasing the "wrong" vox snippet and the listeners are not at fault for reading too much into it.
Hank there isn't saying anything outrageous or implausible so I really don't get what problem you're trying to highlight.
no, radium weapons kill you in real time even if you're a Skitarii, but slower, while blasting undepleted uranium bullets and turning the battlefield into neutron radiation hell

the pills are space dark age bullshit and the Emperor protects our retard rejects, it's fine, the rad poisoning you don't know can't hurt you and there's probably plenty of donor organs to spare from our dead colleagues
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you know what, I will fix the crafting with a few simple steps
>remove locks
>let us upgrade bars with mats
>remove all blessing tiers/only one tier
>let us convert plasteel into diamantine and vice versa
there no need for anything else, scrap that shitty rework and focus on new maps
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basically every scoreboard screenshot I have
at this point i think the space marine 2 team bought them out and waits till release to ransack them, trying to milk the local paypigs
What a fucking joke, that's basically the spanish kotaku, they just pull shit from their ass to get clicks
they are hellbent on keeping the same spirit of "player retention" that totally works.
nah, she has a 3m tall wolf guardian whos a cool bro and doesnt care that i get to rail his mistress every night
Why are you posting my scoreboard?
typing on phone is hard
this sounds too reasonable for fatshart
>boltpistol has the recoil sway of a normal bolter, completely unusable
and? you say that like it means something, because that was only a problem if youre going full auto on the bolter
Mayhap the bolt pistol will be good with the bleed blessing. So you can shoot most specials and they'll just drop dead a second later
I know and I simply don't care for their embarrassing gaslighting. It's blatantly rad gun in their vox.
how do i start getting legendaries in vt2?
red or orange ? Down to luck but you easily get oranges as you progress. Raise your power by equipping your strongest shit number-wise, never keep your crates. If you really want to gain some chests fast go play chaos waste the roguelite gamemod
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>never keep your crates.
which ones? why?
>The locks obviously can't be gone because the entire reason to keep playing long hours is to grind for a better weapon.
I played ratclick hundreds of hours more after I got reds of every weapons (except a handful I don't like) and enough curios to equip most builds.
>The complaints are very specifically summed up as "progress too slow and RNG, uh I guess locks bad".
The locks specifically are reviled because to get a good weapon you need:
1. To roll a high stat total.
2. That the stats are also in a optimal distribution.
3. To roll useful perks.
4. That the perks are also high tier.
5. To roll useful blessings.
6. That the blessings are also high tier.
Now I'm bad at math but I'm fairly certain the chance to obtain a godroll weapon was 1 in millions so in their infinite wisdom Fraudshark allowed us to change items 3 to 6 as needed, but only allowed us to do it twice in total. With only two changes allowed, the amount of resources required to get the godroll weapons I want for each class is more than I have been able to acquire after 330 hours of play time.

The removal of the locks would be the easiest and simplest way to turn this endless time sink into one godroll every 1 to 2 hours.
>The locks obviously can't be gone because the entire reason to keep playing
It would be for red items.
when you finish a mission you gain a lootcrate, the difficulty and tomes or grim collected dictacte the quality of the chest. The higher the quality the bigger the chance to gain a legendary item.

Don't keep them because your loot is usually tied to your character and item level meaning if you keep the same shitty equipement you gonna stagnate really quick. FS games are sadly the kind of games that get really fun once you reach level 30, as I said play chaos wastes because you tend to be on equal footing with everyone since it's a roguelike
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Delayed due to technical difficulties, ETA: end of the month
but what about my condemnation chests?
i see ty
after I finish launch
EDF6 up for preorder
tho I warn you, having good equipements isn't what's gonna make you good. Even with a full red loadout a shitter is still a shitter. This game is appreciated if you try to get into the flow of combat, being one with your weapon and all that. Just keep playing and opening the chests and the good equipement will naturally come to you.

Also maybe stick to kruber or the dwarf they are a bit more forgiving, if you can manage to level one of the dudes to 30 you gonna get good trinkets and they are shared with all characters meaning your next one can start with some good defensive stats from the get go
heldoiva patch dropped
spear don't crash no more
>here are 4 new weapons
>buuuuut the itemization rework wont be out for months
so nobody will play this update because why bother?
The itemization never kept me from playing darktide
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no that's vermintide's kruger...
>removing locks
nice, can you like do that before the rework? like change those two lines in the code, cheeky hotfix
when dorkshite?
don't check the community tab
praise be, kindred
after summer + post summer vacation adjustment period + slippery autumn conditions + now we're into christmas + it's snowing

see you in spring 2025
the truth that secrets of the plasma gun pills is today has not been changed yet though
The stupid thing is, how much work would it be just to implement 'Remove a lock at a cost of 1000 Diamantine'. Suddenly everything is saved
what the fuck are you saying
go eat your porridge, pappy, the able minds are talking here
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>could have announced this to everyone with the itemization delay, maybe even written a dev blog on ideas you'd scrapped and what you were working towards
>instead go full radio silence, letting your community boil over until a leaked interview comes out then damage control in a discord post
It's starting to get concerning how bad at their jobs they are.
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Fatshark is just the best, I wish I were swedish and could work for them
Ah yes, Darktide
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...is what I would say if the Darktide patch was up!
People still play this?
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What am I supposed to be seeing there, anon? Other than coomers.
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tanner's community tab you moran
whos fat son is this?
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fucking finally
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Kek I didn't know Tanner was a fatty
>Helldivers mentioned
>Instantly retards go with the "dead game xdd" meme
This "dead game" is more alive than Darktide, a game you fuckers never shut your mouth about
Who said anything about Darktide? Rent free much?
i like from the slightest visage of his eyes you can tell he looks malformed
rent free
>no regional pricing
it's ogre
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I'm partial to skull boobplates myself
I'm not paying that much for a literal shovelware game
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Tanner hamplanet confirmed
who the fuck is this fat tranny and why is he posting pics of himself?
So you were all being literal when calling that thing tranner. I thought it was because he sounded like a fag when I watched 30 seconds of a video once.
tanner probably thought he looked good in this pose in his desolate attic bedroom
I'll believe that when I see it. Until I see some actual proof I'm just going to assume they got some shmuck CM to do damage control
> t. only knows /coopg/ because of helldivers 2
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coom to them or not, imagine your kid ending up like this
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wait, this fat tranny thinks he is the most popular darktide jewtuber?
tanner godlessberg
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>Tannerposting is back
Well at least he's not a ped-- >>483400389

Oh, nevermind then.
Don't worry, it's fatherless behavior. Just be present and your son won't turn out like that.
>regional pricing is fucked
>DLC not included
>no deluxe edition
wtf is going on with the nips
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>helldiver chads
>talking about gameplay, lobbies, patches
>discussing trannies
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I hate sweden
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educate yourself on tanner lore, newfag
they don't have anything else worth talking about
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one more hour and Darktide is SAVED
did they ever even say when the update was live
sugar daddies dont count, tanner
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>preemptively kick chinkrune nicknames before they get a chance to deploy
it's that easy
chinkrunes as in square boxes?
there's a 50% chance you'll hit a slav
but it remains a 100% chance of removing a pest
is the update
>bolt pistol is just the bolter, but smaller
>still an absolutely abysmal shooting experience
>pissbaby explosions that tickle enemies
unreal, how do they manage to keep doing the most iconic 40k weapon completely wrong
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40 minutes
Honestly good question in general.
>they can see stuff like Genshit and WuWa are mega popular
>SE and other companies insist on sucking DEI cock to their own detriment
>non-woke Japanese companies just seem to outright refuse to actually produce anything good, half-ass it or it's shit like no regional pricing, no DLC included, etc.
Like what the actual fuck is the play here Japan? Why are you just sitting on your hands/sucking the cock of some limp dick jew to the detriment of your companies?
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no the guy who said 6 wasnt the one
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peak physique: off
This but unironically, and it's so pathetic it's worth a singular kek at least.
sounds like you should stick to the good old plasma gun
>it takes a little over 1 second for the bolt pistol to recenter itself after shooting
>for the majority of that the gun barely moves, as your character ever so slowly lifts the gun back into place, making it borderline impossible to tell when the recoil is actually done so you know it's ready to take the next shot
how did they look at bolter's recoil and go "yeah, let's do that again, clearly no one hates this already"
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peak physique: on
cool, now put the perk on armor that doesn't look like shit and give me my combat knife that one taps hunters with the perk active
We did it fellow varlets! Dorktide is saved. After the next round of vacation(s) we can finally close the shop and play the game.
problem here is edf 4.1 and 5's launch was fine with the regional pricing. Somehow they fucked up regional pricing for 6
It's like how Fatshark just deleted all the lessons they learned as devs from VT2 and are trying to RNGmax DT2 cause one of their leash holders has a raging micro-erection for Korean gacha tier progression RNG. Just companies being retarded.
I'm /coopg/'s strongest warrior.
>non-woke japanese companies put bare minimum effort into letting non-japanese play their game
You're so close to having an epiphany here.
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It's not even about non-Japanese. The games are just lackluster in general regardless of who they're for. They're genuinely getting mogged by chinks and that's not a good thing.
Atoma's Chris-chan
I am...
a warrior...
You know he would show his face if he wasn't just an ugly male man dude guy in a dress
Why is /coopg/ back to talking about a random degenerate youtube kike with a mental illness?

Can we please go back to shitting on Fatshark, calling HD2 slop and ignoring DRG players?
We'll be right back to shitting on fatshark once the update becomes available
and it's a miss
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Where is his brain, bro?
You can keep shitting on the darktide for having no idea what they're doing if you want
Plasma pistol fucking when?
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No update....
I'm so confused by this I have two questions. One, why would the swedish developer release and article in Spanish? Secondly, does this mean they planed to have locks still but changed their minds at the last minute? I guess we dodged the bullet there. That probably would have been the nail in the coffin had they kept the locks.
>why would the swedish developer release and article in Spanish?
based retard
Spanish games journalist was invited to a content show-off, with a few other games journalists.
Who knows they they are the only one who has publishd the article so far.
They gave them an interview and then either forgot to tell them to cut the parts on itemization or the journo didn't listen. Like the good old plasma gun teaser, there's probably some mismanagement going on. This also doesn't rule out there being some way to remove locks that you still need to grind for.
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Still no update.
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More like CACAdia!
hype levels?
Negative "hype". No crafting update, and the update they spent probably months on was garbage.
Ave Maria
>and the crafting update*
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To be hoenst, I'm super hyped. We all know Fatshark is a quality studio and they always released qiuality content, even if it may be true they like to take their time haha.... but I prefer a good delayed update, because a rushed one will be bad forever! I also can't wait for the cosmetic shop rotation in 2 days, I have some Aquilas to spend haha *wink* *wink*
Negative. One map ultimately means nothing. The new weapons are dogshit, and there is no hope for a chaos wastes type mode anytime soon, especially with the crafting fix being relegated to fucking fall.
hype is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Prepare for bricked weapons.
Bro? Your chaos wastes?
>22 pages
Oh boi a lot of bricks incoming
I was more hyped a month ago. I figure the only weapon that's worth using is 1 of the 3 pickaxes
Say goodbye to Brutal Momentum.
I think they already nerfed it on this patch, Bromentum doesn't apply to crushers/bullwarks/reapers anymore
Say it isn't so
They better give the axes and shovels a massive buff in innate cleave to compensate.
Expected nerfs:
>brutal momentum
What's the 3rd one /coopg/?
Next to none. If they couldn't even shit out the crafting update over the last 6 months of nothing, I don't expect much from this. I'll enjoy the new weapons and new map for a bit, probably will feel pretty mixed on whatever buffs/nerfs they make and will drop the game again for months.
It still works on live. When this fella >>483369192 was freaking out, I went into the Psykhanium and tested it with the Creature Spawner mod.
As of today, Ogryn shovel with BM can cleave 4 Crushers.
brutal momentum, perfect strike and uncanny all three are buffing some weapons to do shit they arent supposed to
>confident strike
bloodletter bros... I got a bad feeling...
rending talents, cdr talents
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>locks being removed finally raises the cap from 80% to 100%
>all weapon stats nerfed by 20% to compensate
>talks about buffs and nerfs to BLESSINGS
>names talents
Blessed retard
>get called a shill for saying the locks on the leaks are probably just leftover visuals on a clearly unfinished weapon card
>fsrtshart comes out and confirms it
fuck you nigger!!!!
If brutal momentum really does get gutted then i'm dropping combat axes and ogryn shovel
>fatshark adds new weapons but makes several old weapons worthless
That was clear as day that they planned on soft-deleting everyone's progress one day. I expected red weapons or something just as retarded. But the grind has to go on.
you have to pick one.
ogryn shovels were op though and you could not possibly add any new weapon without it just being "shovel but worse"
i think it was justified in that particular case
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Not so simple. May of the modifiers are highly non-linear.
Take for example quell speed. Going from 80% to 100% takes you from +40% to +100%.
How about adding new, fun and viable weapons that compete with the old weapons by offering unique utilities?
The shield still had much better horde clear, faster attacks and killed groups of non carapace elites faster
that has got to be false and just shows that way, doesnt seem consistent with every other stat
BM isn't even OP.
1-hitting more than one crusher is very rare.
The biggest benefit of BM is that it stops one little pox walker from taking the entire hit from your intended target.

Yeah, it doesn't really matter how it behaves. That part of the bar isn't in the game.
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>How about
"How about fuck you? You get nothing but the good old plasma gun instead. BORK BORK BORK"
- Fatshart
How about you start accepting the combat designer is gone so all they can do is remix existing concepts?
Heres how they ideally deal with 100% on bars
>orange weps still cap at 80% of all stats
>red weps let you choose one or two stats to put to 100% so you can actually get a meaningful choice
all my reds will be mobility and defence MAXXED, the only stats that matter
The update is live on steam!
No patch note yet.
if they balance it right and make the bars exponential as another anon suggests then this would probably be actually an option. Imagine if you got another dodge and 20% movespeed out of picking mobility
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>mfw Fatshark is hiring random youtubers to do Darktide cutscenes.
>skeleton crew confirmed


It was never so over.
what the
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How can a fat guy get into crossdressing
mask hiding the fat face and a voice some find "cute".His comments simp for him
That isnt too uncommon, especially with how long janfon has been doing animations and how refined they got over time
this is literally an inherently very meritocratic process
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
Ford Strong
The carnival update was 10 GB, and it was just a map and nothing else
probably the only way they could get the work done, in house staff are layabouts and real cinematics companies cost money
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Not just any random youtuber. A fucking brony.
what are these retards doing
>20 maps = 200gb gone on SSD
>gotta update my mods
>His comments simp for him
That can end badly if his subscribers keep enabling him.
You don't have to update them. Just re-enable. As long as they haven't changed fundamental elements of the UI or inventory (which the lazy fucks haven't) you don't have to update.
Reminder that VT2 was over 100gb until recently, so give Darktide 2 or 3 years and then Fatshark will finally compress the files
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>end badly
>he kills himself or he untroons
objectively a net positive for the world either way
remember if you lag like shit down to like 40 fps it happens every update just restart the game
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>new cutscene
>CM slower than patch
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>can't buy the new pickaxe from Brunt

had two of the three pickaxe variants appear in the regular shop
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Game over.
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what the FUCK are these numbers?
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>Removing the locks took them six months
>Stiill not releasing that update alongside, because they need to reinvent the endless grind for items
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>BM isn't even OP.
It's very powerful. It's often the difference between killing 4 guys in 4 hits or 1
The ogryn folding shovels can easily kill several crushers in 1 hit
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>immediately crying to a dev via private message
>map still not available after some maps deleted
I hate this shit
Dear Lord they have outdone the catachan sword
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"I'm sorry, Reject, I'm afraid I can't fix itemization."
patch notes up in community hub steam
>Updated Crosshairs
I hate this
They confirmed it's not coming out like this so i don't see the problem.
My advice is: don't get disappointed in advance. At least try the complete version before you cry.
Seems like they still have no idea what they're doing
so what were the nerfs
>Lowered the amount of hits that do increased damage on a critical hit string:
>Columbus Mk V Autoguns from 4 to 3
>Braced Autoguns from 3 to 2.
>Chastise the Wicked’ and ‘Fury of the Faithful’
>100% Rending -> 100% Melee Rending

the latter is the nail in the coffin for flamers
>Paul buffed
Yeah! Let's go Paul! WOOO!
>add new weapons
>none of them are available in my shops
cool update
thank you fatshark
looking forward to you vacationing for another six months
>100% Rending -> 100% Melee Rending
>recon damage profiles and economy buffed
>can now shoot through allies with lasguns
Yeah this patch wont be fun to play melee as
please tell me they killed shout and plasma gun fuck vetnigs
The double barreled shotgun should do more damage than the kickback with the double shot
No but recon las is op now and shoots through allies so you will never get to hit a poxwalker again
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since fucking when is this how bolt weapons worked
No, me and my frens do white weapon runs in maelstrom. Crafting is still shitty cancer I must agree.
>Chastise the Wicked’ and ‘Fury of the Faithful’
>100% Rending -> 100% Melee Rending
>Brutal Momentum doesn't effect Ogryn now
>Zealot charge no longer effects ranged weapons for EZ crusher kills
since always, shitters dont test their weps in the psykharium so they dont know how they work
Sounds like they took inspiration from arrowhead in terms of randomized firearm autism.
The kickback is the only good shotgun in darktide. Every other shotgun in darktide should be balanced around having the same ammo effeciency as the kickback
>>100% Rending -> 100% Melee Rending
>people thought this was a weird bug at launch
>dev eventually confirms its an intended interaction
>then they patch it out
They are so painfully incompetent. Surprise, surprise, the patch is incredibly underwhelming and filled with baffling decisions. Another banger, Fatshark!
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this actually kills my current knife + columnus build, guess its back to revolver or trying out the bolt pistol
>'Brutal Momentum' weapon blessing:
>Removed Ogryns as possible enemies whose Hit Mass can be ignored.
sooooo one shotting several ogryns in one hit is no longer possible?
Alongside the zealot F nerf I'm starting to think Fatshark hates fun.
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no, I mean in the setting
knife is already a top tier can opener dude why bother running revolver
how does he eat?
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>enforcer armor set
Ok, I'm piggin'
I dont, I run columnus with dash to kill maulers/crushers as quickly as possible, now that I cant do that I need a swap out for quick carapace kills
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No way. Everyone's progress is deleted.
Yes bolter rounds are self propelling and contain an explosive payload thats the whole point
bro got his itemization rework
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Can you give us a screenshot of everyone's class? I still have points from the game's launch days.
>now that I cant do that I need a swap out for quick carapace kills
no you don't, see >>483415029
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You're still missing the point anon. The bolts were explosive before and after this patch. The patch just adds a minimum range before it's armed, just like real life RPGs.
that's what that clip shows
it also shows them not needing distance to arm
you arent reading my post clearly enough, I know the knife can do anything in the fucking game, I want the ability to quickly delete several carapaces with a gun, and without having to spend stamina for it
This game is so dog shit.
>get people hyped up for new map
>no new map to play still after 40 mins
That quote is breaking the third wall.
>it also shows them not needing distance to arm
There are several meters between Titus and the orks. And it's not like that game decides what is and isn't trve canon.
Punishment is now useless.

Went from max 150% to 25%

It's over, zealot bros
I knew that over a year ago, and I'm still waiting for it to not be shit before coming back
>zealot getting nerfed
>I want the ability to quickly delete several carapaces with a gun
In no world can revolver kill a crusher as fast as a knife,k and it's even worse at killing several
>but it has to be a gun, I'm scared of melee!
Swap to Vet then lmao, run plasma
stealth knife zealot is literally untouched though?
Thank the emperor I'm not playing that trash game anymore
Untouched by a woman lmao
dont care
the second kill is no more than a couple feet away and this game is the first time I've heard them ever requiring significant distance to arm
>he doesnt know
hit the lab
Doesn't matter. The pickaxe just made zealots superfluous
Cba desu, everyone gets enforcer armor, just with different adorements. Psyker won't get the same helmet, it's some psy collar instead. Ogryn has mthe same armor set but BEEG, looks brutal.

For real tho, just install the mod and check this shit yourself.
>Can't buy new weapons in armory
>only options to play the map are hunting grounds, where you wait for someone to shoot the 1hp dog off you, then waits for you to shoot the 1hp dog off them, or sedition
Immediately off to a abysmal start
You're right. I tested it in the psychanium and it seems like the arming range is maybe 4 meters or so. 12 to 14 feet. But it does full damage regardless, it's just a visual thing.
I also can't remember hearing about it in the lore, but the bolts are literal RPGs so it does make sense from a realism standpoint. But then again why are we adding realism to 40k idk.
No, the minimum range was always a thing. The patch just changes a vfx to emphatize it further
>they made brutal momentum not go through crushers anymore because the pickaxe can also oneshot them but it doesn't have the blessing so they wanted it to compete
>except none of the picks have ANY horde clear since most of their attacks are strikedowns and the movesets all involve weird shit like slide attacks into special into heavy or light to optimally kill heretics
>meanwhile mkv shovel still JUST heavy attack spams mindlessly for good horde clear with brumentum and special heavy attacks for elites
>you can still kill several elites in one special like ragers and maulers which are the most common elites you'll be oneshotting more than one of with a single swing, doing the same thing with ogryn enemies was rare since they never come in enough numbers and they rarely stack
They barely inconvenienced ogryn shovels for a weapon that was outclassed from the start anyway.
minimum arming distance isn't required in real life, it's a safety feature
>believing in fatshark
It's so sad. Players of darktide are like beaten house wives who claim their husband is "still a good person"
I think you're confusing "minimum arming distance" with "the bullet wont hurt"
no it will still hurt and kill. It just wont explode.
I have played with you, you were not remotely special, and you ragequit at the end of Consigment Yard after getting outshone by another vet with a Kruber name.
I think you're confused, I never said that
I said I've never heard of bolts having a minimum arming distance at all
One of the pickaxes has vanguard heavies which does like 600 damage whereas the shovel heavy sweeps do about 190 damage

You're just gonna be spamming vanguard heavy attacks at anything that moves and completely slaughtering it. It's a very straight forward weapon
Are accatrannies good now? I already have a Mk VId with infernus and headhunter, so should I try the other marks now?
he doesn't know...
still worse than the columnus V
I know but it's still a thing.
but one would wonder why it's a thing with bolt weapons, since half of them are given to soldiers that don't care if the bolts explode too close and the other half are given to soldiers that nobody cares about
fatshark works in mysterious ways
Yeah i don't think space marines cares about a little bolt shrapnel with that power armor. I'm gonna make up some headcanon of Rejects blowing themselves up so Hadron came up with this solution.
i can see the weapons in brunt now
anyone try out the bolt pistol yet?
i crashed but if the guy that asked is here, double shotgun doesn't seem very good on zealot at least
It was for melting bosses and carapace with the Onslaught talent. Definitely nowhere close to the Columnus but it's a fun memebuild and I got tired of the laspistol.
Garbage attack pattern that isn't perfectly horizontal unlike shovel heavies.
>but shovel only deals 190 damage
Yes, 190 base damage that with ogryn's talent tree full of melee damage and heavy melee attack bonuses, on top of brumentum, oneshots poxwalkers
i don't know. pls tell me
Then what exactly was your point with that webm?
>Garbage attack pattern that isn't perfectly horizontal unlike shovel heavies
But with over twice as much damage
>Yes, 190 base damage that with ogryn's talent tree full of melee damage and heavy melee attack bonuses
Which also applies to the pickaxe which can oneshot a hell of a lot more than a poxwalker
were you the zealot that got ledged?
read the reply chain from the beginning again
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ok this is a good blessing.
You shoot 2 shots when ADSing. 1 shot when hipfiring. It's like a faster mini kickback.
Yes your point seems to be that there's "no arming distance" in that webm. The rounds don't explode in your webm though. Proving there's an arming distance.
If that wasn't your point either then sorry, I can't read your mind, learn to articulate your point better.
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Whether the bolt arms or not does have mechanical consequences.
Is the bolt pistol good for armor deleting? Need something for my heavy sword build. I'd test it myself but im stuck at work for another 6 hours :(
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>The rounds don't explode in your webm though.
They do though. The gore just isn't as good as shopclick.
It's absolute dogshit because it has the same sway issues regular bolter has when you ADS
>Is the bolt pistol good for armor deleting?
It is literally not good for anything
>the rounds don't explode in your webm though
are you blind and retarded? the bolts detonate in the far and near targets.
Bro thats not a bolter round explosion. A bolter round exploding would leave a smoking pair of legs standing.
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It seems the problem with that shotgun is that it simply doesn't have the penetration or spread the other shotguns have - especially when you're comparing it to the kickback.
Ok so damage is the same but the shockwave aoe thing only appears when armed. Thanks anon.
fucking clown, die
>janfon actually worked on official content too
what the fuck
Makes sense tho
Aw shucks. I'll try it out and then back to regular bolter i guess.
Lol I don't know why secondaries try to talk about 40k. A bolter round literally gibs an entire torso if it goes off properly. If it leaves a bullet hole then it wasn't armed.
>devs did a BIG patch recently which buffed quite a few weapons
>took them 1month total
yeah? why wouldnt they?
fucking clown, die
Man shut the fuck up. It's a visual explosion.
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That's actually cool fucked up, janky body modification fitting 40k
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>‘Chastise the Wicked’ and ‘Fury of the Faithful’
>100% Rending -> 100% Melee Rending

Uhh Zealotkeks how the heck are we supposed to blast apart Crusher and Mauler packs without our OP "make my gun good" button?
That's not an explosion thats the trail from the self propelled projectile
Must suck being retarded. Just google how bolters work, it's explained there.
Use real guns instead of your shitty pea shooters.
i'm gonna assume you're trolling
It's a good change because it singlehandedly makes the bolter relevant again for hipfire raping elite packs. They need to keep stuff like this up
The only bad aspect of it is that the flamer just lost its sole niche
still not playing til they fix the crafting system
Suprisingly grimdark for darktide. That's what you would get if you had your lower jaw torn off. P cool.
just 2 more months anon!
and then 1 more month for good measure. And then it's delayed 2 weeks. And then it's out! See you then!
It doesn't need faster reload, it needs actual killing power. It does the same damage as kickback with twice the ammo wasted
You switch to ogryn like you are supposed to
>4 power mauls
kek. Patch day games are always fun
No you're just retarded. Notice how when you shoot something in Darktide with a bolter it gets its torso seperated and the explosion staggers nearby things. That's how bolters work in 40k. Thats the effect a bolter round exploding has. You can literally google this and get autistic detail about the kinetic force of an exploding bolter round. That bolt in the space marine webm is not exploding. And infact here's gameplay footage from space marine using the bolter:
Notice how the rounds are armed here and they literally fucking turn em into red mist. Stop being a retarded nigger man. Accept that you didn't know something and move on instead of being an obnoxious fucking smartass.
>took them exactly two years to fix the game
I kneel, lazyfish-sama...
I know all about this. I covered it here. >>483419379
I said:
>The gore just isn't as good as shopclick.
How is this hard to understand? I agree the body should explode into bits, but it's a 13 year old game and they settled for a little VFX. And you can see the VFX. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. kys.
You can literally see that there is vastly more gore in the video I posted than in the webm you posted. Both from the same game. It stands to reason that the bolts explode and cause red mist in game at a distance, but in that webm titus is too close so the bolts don't explode so there's less red mist.

Keep projecting faggot. You're the one rgasping at straws trying to somehow legitimize your point as if you had an argument. You could've just asked and people would've told you instead of doing this obnoxious argumentative shit.
I don't even know what you're arguing any more. We clearly both know how bolters work but you're upset about some detail in the space marine main menu. Whatever dude.
Rate the new weps F - S where are we at?
Shut the fuck up faggot and dont start arguments if youre gonna be a little bitch whining about being proven wrong
(F)at - (S)hark
what exactly have you proven?
prove my balls
Insane?? And on first try??
Too early to tell
So nothing. Good talk.
Looks nice.
Bolt rounds are meant for tough targets. If its passing through a very soft target it may go through and into another before its fuse concludes. Something harder would absorb more energy and velocity from it.
Who asked?
yep, that's the lore. But how game developers choose to implement bolters (and other weapons like meltas) changes from studio to studio.
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>new shotgun once again has tier specific blessings you will never see unless you get lucky with Brunt or make a new character to farm them
Ha. Ahaha. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. How I hate them.
I deleted the character i made to get flechette (tier 2) for shotguns a long time ago...
At least bolter has 1.33 more mags now haha
it's so fucking tiresome
Does brunt spawn T4 blessing in his shop? In 300 hours of playtime I've seen him spawn 3 or 4 tier 3 blessings. Just wondering if it's even possible to see the T4 unicorn
>Game is bleeding players like a stuck pig
>Let's nerf a harmless mechanic that's been a staple for zealots for no particular reason to make dealing with the most annoying enemies even worse
What the fuck is Fatshart thinking?
This one seems cool
i dont think adhesive charge needs the bonus damage against ogryns and monstrosities, its already really good against them and can perma stun bosses
>they didn't buff the useless perks
Guess i'll continue to not ever pick 10% extra crit and weakspot damage
No, Brunt only has tier 1 and 2 blessings on his equipment while Melk usually only has 3 and 4 with the occasional 2.
fatshark makes balance changes based on popularity, and that weapon is not often used so they buff it.
>30 bolt pistols bought
>highest is 358
>shit stats
They'll fix it in the itemization rework anon. Trust the plan!
but that just means more people are going to be pigeon holed into the stickies, if they wanted to get people to use it, they shouldve done more exotic rounds as blessings or more ammo, which is the primary reason why its not used more
So the funny mystery nigga guy is obviously an Eldar, right? Lanklet proportions, elf hood, talks like a retard.
Brunt has 3s. They're rare but they do happen. Don't gaslight me, anon.
Why do you always need to verify the gamefiles when darktide updates?
No he's just a nigga, they talk stupid too
Because the Swedes want to make sure they didn't fuck your game files with their retarded spaghetti code. You can just hit no though.
>It stands to reason that the bolts explode and cause red mist in game at a distance, but in that webm titus is too close so the bolts don't explode so there's less red mist.
I've played the game recently and here you can see the effect of a bolt pistol point blank. Arming distance is not a thing here. Whether or not it should have arming distance is up to each and every development studio. Kinda like how melta guns in dawn of war is a single target weapon, but in space marine it's a shotgun with wide spread.
A flower. Placed upon Catfish's grave.
The graves location? Fatshark HQ basement.
any broken mods since darktide update ?
>Kinda like how melta guns in dawn of war is a single target weapon, but in space marine it's a shotgun with wide spread
NTA but I feel like WH takes stuff like this in to account by having a gorillion different types of the same gun. Hence why they all have their own pattern. Godwyn etc.
no lmao
What if he's a nigga Eldar? Black Eldar. Dark Eldar if you will, but not a Dark Eldar, just a dark Eldar.
it's a very handy lore reason for giving creators space for creativity. Since arming distance is literally an optional safety feature, both things can exist in the lore based on weapon mark or ammo type like you said.

Speaking of marks. New bolter types when?
>goes right back into trying to argue
read the fucking reply chain you will see what you were proven wrong on, delusional faggot
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Karsolas Pickaxe feels the best one. Sweeping vanguard heavies normally, with a strikedown heavy that can be chained off the special pull.
>>goes right back into trying to argue
No it's a genuine question. Just try to summarize your point without insults.
>Just try to summarize your point without insults.
follow the reply chain
i like the bovorian more but they all feel awful to use
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There was already a clip demonstrating bolts having no arming distance and exploding at point blank range.
The clip shows an immediate burst of blood from the penetration of the bolt, followed by a small explosion from the bolt detonating after penetration.
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>they didnt even bother adding the basic commissary skins for the new weapons
The reply chain is unclear, i see proof going both ways. I'm asking for a simple summary of your point. What's your point in all of this?
They will be in the next shop rotation, be patient Regrets!
Don't like the double barrel. Will continue to use its skin on my Agripussy
How's the new maul?
You can only roll reds from anything above soldier's chest and only after you hit level 30 so you might want to hold on to the highest tier boxes until you do. Apart from that, open everything as you please(there's a slight chance to get reds from commendation chests too but it's like 0.5% so it doesn't matter).
pretty good. You can stun bulwarks through their shields
>the pickaxes are just the war pick and billhook turned into one weapon
shameless but at least it feels good apart from the special pull looking janky
The mexican website took down the leaked images. Funny, Juan probably didn't udnerstand Svens swenglish and just thought it was ok to put those pics out.
Can you taze CRUSHERS[/spoiler
I mean you could make it make sense in that context. A power-armored Marine might not really worry about detonating grenades at arms length but a normal human might worry about silly things like fragmentation.
run n gun for laspistols when?
humans also worry about being melted by a venting plasma gun, or mishandling a six foot tall chainsaw they're swinging around like a sword
administratum, quartermasters and command don't care about the personal safety of disposable soldiers
Combat designer isn't doing animations. It's the animations that look bad.
Same glitchy looking snapping the bolter has
>Combat designer isn't doing animations
pretty sure a part of his job was to oversee everything in regards to combat. so it would have mad sense for him to make sure the animations both match the flow of combat and is visually impactful
if he was still here he likely would have went
>Hey, Lars. Pull Mohammad and Gurpreet from the new project we're working on to fix these animations. They look and feel off.

but we all know fatshark doesn't do QA and only hires sycophants to suck their chode and tell them everything is perfect
The way i understand he had a large part in determining what "felt" good too which would include guidance for animators
The game falls apart when it comes to basic mechanics. Moving, shooting, feedback when you shoot enemies. It all feels bad.
There is no martyr's skull in the new map or at least there isn't a penance for it
So the bolt pistol is just a worse revolver?
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RIP chadgryns, how can we cuck columnus shitters now
>humans also worry about being melted by a venting plasma gun
it's ok we have pills for that
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How do I identify decent teammates earlier in a run?
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Wish I had a laser UZI and two-handed chain axe for my zealot.
>nerfing the recon lasguns, even though no one used them after the previous nerf
So they dont play their own game I guess?
They kill stuff and don't die. Why do you need to identify them anyway? Just don't be a shitter and your team will lean on you instead of you having to lean on them.
wasn't it overall buffs with minor tweaks to blessings
tho i am surprised void staff got buffed again
>not wearing prison garb or recent shopslop
>not using meta builds like plasma+PS, ogryn shield or knife
>original username that isn't a preset or a sex joke
>isn't an xboxxie
good point. I will use this lore explanation.
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>they'll NEVER change it!
>the ranged rending is intended!
holy fuck, remember those arguments in here? get fucked lol
Looks like air conditioning. Controlled by the shittiest servitor in the hive.
Actually I had more trouble as a Gunnergyn with that. I'm a team player that tries NOT to hit my mates.

But with today's update I can spray and pray to my heart's content.
I sure do. Zealotkeks eternally BTFO lol, only Vet is allowed to have insane ranged rending damage.
>CA confirmed it was working as intended
>didn't change it for almost 2 years
truth has changed once again
map them with bursters. If they get uppity tell them to position better with a smiley at the end :)
wait what? Do we no longer block shots?????
they were buffed
at least the right veteran build let's them pierce crushers at a mediocre rate now
>something is obviously broken
>no one's sure if it will be fixed
>left untouched for years
>becomes build defining for that class
>gets tacit dev approval
>weapon changes blatantly take it into account
>one day it's fixed in the footnotes of a random patch with no compensation to the weapons dependent on it
One of the many Fatshark specials.
Thread is dying so I feel at ease saying that I still seethe over the moonbow and javelin nerfs
the devs did literally confirm it works as intended before this fix tho. Youre acting like people are deluded when the devs just flip flopped
Based retard ogryn
Skill issue
huh? you want attention? post your discord
I don't get it.
>devs on damage control in this very thread

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