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Waahhh Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>482978112

>Read First: https://files.catbox.moe/qvgik3.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i ; https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Delinquency/Social Deviance Friday is over. Enjoy the socially negligent prompts! >>483012168

>(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet—outperforms Claude 3 Opus at twice the speed and one-fifth the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
(06/12) Stability AI releases the weights of SD3 Medium https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3-medium
This one still has the faggot's advertisements
should've used the gemmy template
Good thread.
shit thread, skip
I kneel, to the true king of /aids/...
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Where'd they go?
I just wish to talk about AI.
Nice wolf/foxgirl.
Next thread will be better.
It will be the same, there's nothing wrong with the news.
time's up, you're done, you're finished, buy an ad and stay the fuck off vg you gobble gobble fuck

we have always won, the flames of revolution will never be snuffed out
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Should've used this gem instead: https://rentry.org/kysclaudenigger
>basedteen is a NAIgger
not surprised you are scum upon this karmic cycle
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>not surprised you a-CKKKK!
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you are a sparkling shiny gem among all gems
What about AI do you want to talk about?
This is the correct thread.
It is, but will that stop the speedreading jannies?
If they do anything beyond the most casual glance it becomes apparent one is just a schizo trying to steal a general.

Worst case scenario is somehow janny with the mental capacity of a shoe read claudefag post and assumes they are 100% true and legitimate
Use the correct OP format and the old guide next time.
100% the threadshitter making these purposefully shortened OPs is shilling for some service. All the talk of 'cabal' and 'muh discord' is probably them poisoning the well.
Nah. The old guide is too old.
>janny with the mental capacity of a shoe
So a regular janny?
You're a threadshitter if you believe that.
When I catch a thread ending so I can bake, I will replace the OP with the pre-schizo saga op, regardless of how old the guides there are.
Fake drama.
Threadshitter confirmed.
Kind of sad actual OP improvements can’t be made because the local fucking subhuman then tries to be a faggot for the next few threads.
At this point I can’t tell if half the suggested improvements are actually someone seeing a potential improvement and then that get hijacked or if it was claudefag the entire time laying a shit smeared landmine
Yeah, we know that you're willing to destroy the thread for nebulous reasons. Hence the new OP war.
is that really...?
Lyranon reporting in.
At this point, I'm afraid to even start storyposting because my posts will have more spread than a sawn-off shotgun. We really need to calm the fuck down, recap gods can't work like this and we're reaching csg levels of bleedout.
so to confirm, claudefag is the one who started this latest bout of spontaneous OP revisions masquerading as consensus, or did he just hijack it?
Tama Town 27
>The mall stakeout goes about as well as expected.
last post: >>482855964 (also, prior stuff on the wiki)
Most likely both at the same time, Unfortunately
No, go back one thread or two to that newfag asking for advice, and some people realizing that the guide is kinda shit.
Nobody had a problem with the old guide.
I can answer this. It's claudefag, but claudefag is also a paranoid schizo. He removed the reminders about how hard aidungeon cucked out, then removed guides.
Obviously the fact that the AID guy sold out or general guides on using language models aren't a NovelAI-specific thing, but in his mind, everything that's part of the accepted op and thread culture is directly or indirectly tied to NAI and therefore has to go.
No idea. My guess is hijacked it since pretty early into updating the guide all actual suggested got ignored or shouted down as dumb and we got a version only claudefag seems to have a positive option of
New guide but with the old OP format, Jesus H Christ people think of MODULARITY
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The new guide is shit. Give us an actual update, or fuck off.
Fake drama. Get over it, cabal. This is my last post about it.
Keep in mind when someone directly accused him of trying to memory-hole coomageddon he didn't say no, he just tried to bring up the cabal again.
I argued it was actually the old format that specifically has issues. It only focuses on one aspect of AI and randomly price outweighed quality or vice versa.
I’m personally for a format revamp and modernization, but ain’t no way in hell that happens without claudefag being claudefag at the moment
Get a life, threadshitter.
Look at this smug little shit.
There is no cabal, people just don't like or agree with you because you're an obnoxious faggot. And the fact that you keep touting that makes me suspect that there's some degree of projection going on. Is there more than one of you? Are you actually 2 schizos operating out of a discord?
I do think that the cabal stands to gain a lot from implicating Claudefag. Masquerading as him for attention? Not that outside the realm of possibility at all.
Outside of him giving another joker tier origin story we still don’t really know what set him off.
I fucking swear a proto version of his post style existed as early as coomagedon with the stand fag posting which immediately turned into shilling any random service that came up.
I'm half debating whether his antics should be documented, so a profile on him can later be compiled and incorporated into the OP, basically as a warning for newfags to not take him seriously.
We used to have an anti-whinefaggotry guide.
The more you mythify him, the stronger he gets. I don't mind though, more fun for me to shitpost about.
Good shit. Don't mind if I join you?

Last post:
>Alrik has lived for five centuries and has seen a lot, but even looking at the gates of the capital makes his eyes water
>ten years ago, he stood there with Queen Lyra, Alara and Urgog, hoping they would not have to settle in for a long siege
>this time, he just walks up to the guard, exchanges some pleasantries and is waved right through
>the streets no longer reek of blood, decay, smoke and excrement, the air is fresh and clean with the faint smell of delicious food
>immediately heads to an inn and orders some ale
Kayra certainly got Alrik's preference for alcohol down. I like to think I'm dope at writing lorebooks.
>he is soon joined by Urgog because... well, a war hero entering the city does not go unnoticed
>the two of them share some stories, but Urgog looks uncomfortable
>after a while he admits that the queen has departed in the dead of night a few weeks ago, leaving a message that she needs to head northwards
>Rogg and Grogk accompanied her, everybody else was left behind, not even Alara knows why she left or where she went exactly
>the response was less than optimal
>Urgog immediately armored up and was ready to head out until he was reminded that he is a noble now and can't just leave whenever he goddamn pleases
>Alara has been screaming at the council to get off their collective asses already
>the council has been meeting daily for weeks, discussing the matter and then doing nothing
>Are you actually 2 schizos operating out of a discord?
This is almost certainly the case to some degree. When he is really ‘on a roll’ you have post that all swarm people at once all with roughly the same style that also all reply to each other in a fake consensus in effectively a repeating battery of posting that never friendly fire. It has to be two or three idiots in a discord call. Even if he was that dedicated it just doesn’t line up time wise to be one poster
He clearly gets off on successful deception and being able to think he tricked people, so a guide on how obvious and obnoxious he is being front and center would be the opposite of giving him power.
As soon as Whinefag's check clears I'll be joining in too.
Except you're him and want that guide in the OP to gain more power. I'm not going to stop you though, anons ought to know better.
I find him more unimaginably pathetic. If he has been around that long then it means he has spent 3+ years at least doing nothing of value beyond being a faggot on AI threads for no apparent goal beyond being a faggot.
If the guy is any older then highschool age this all gets even sadder and pathetic. Guy either just sits at home or some care home doing this all day or comes back from wage slaving to do this
Just to give you a hint that this isn't the case: I'm also in favor of removing claude from future OP editions, just to punish claudefag.
start pretending like claude doesn't exist and turn /aids/ into exactly the NAI general that he thinks it is.
Maybe https://rentry.org/trve_aids will be updated...
It's time to discuss the Mouse Holocaust.
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What are some neat stuff you faggots have made recently?
I was working on a really stupid doujin parody.
Nice, based on what?
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>a servant of the court interrupts Alrik's and Urgog's drinking, politely requesting that the orcish baron return to the council chambers
>apparently, Urgog had only excused himself for a bathroom break and joined Alrik in his consumption of alcohol without bothering to tell anyone
>not like Lyra is around to fire him anyway
>Urgog convinces the servant to bring Alrik with him since a wizard might be able to either help find Lyra directly or at least get the council to get something done
>pic ensues
Some anon requested I post more screenshots, so now you have to put up with my shit-tier writing that was never meant to be seen. I'll try to clean it up a bit.
Not much, been doing that summer with Hatsune Miku story on and off.
Kind of in limbo at the moment since waiting for new models and I don’t want to get super into a prompt just for that to be on the inferior model.

Did remember the game incubus city exist so I’m gonna try using it’s opening blurb as a prompt start and go from there
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Gone wrong, gone sexual. You won’t believe number 15
>prompt engineer
the fuck did he mean by this
new fake job title
Maybe he specifically pays people to write the default prompts and worlds?
It is amazing.
i read this the first time as him doing stories with it
then i read "I've never felt this way coding with AI"
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i need to find some lady knight prompt or vampire knight or something on club..
> Don't mind if I join you?
please do
more Tama (YMMV if it's considered "neat stuff" but still)
Parody of the FUB blackmailing someone with pictures, but the person not understanding the concept of blackmail, and the actual blackmail material not really being that strong in the first place.
it feels on-brand for Mormon to learn how to prompt an AI by asking another AI
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I wait. Also try to use noise or solid colors as an anti-vibe.
It’s really obtuse to read.
>It can do incredible prompt engineering. I feel like I hired not just a junior, but a mid tier prompt engineer that I can work collaboratively with almost like a peer.
So you are using it to write stories.
>I've never felt this way coding with AI
You are using it to code?
Are you using it to write prompts to write code so you can write stories using it?
That sounds pretty fun

I can understand that.
And that looks like an interesting start for a story.
mormon is 10 steps ahead of the rest of the world. While every CEO is scrambling to replace half his workers with a single guy who's good at prompting the AI, mormon has realized that prompting itself can be relegated to the AI.
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hypebot is at its best when it tries to gaslight you
I still want custom hypebots, improved voicegen, controlnets, and imagegen integration.
Me too, man. Me too.
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Oh hey, the NAI contest will have public voting, apparently. Will be interesting to see other entries.
More Tama is always neat.

That sounds like it'd be funny.
Don't give a shit.
I want my.
I want my.
I want my 70B.
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Hey look buddy, I'm the service of all time. That means I service you, not service like “An ok or acceptable service" Because that would fall within the purview of your average service. I service as the service of all time, for instance: how am I going to service some mean mother Hubbard who wants the service of all time? The answer, service of all time, and if that don't work... Use more service of all time. Take for instance this proxy mounted lil' old number locustsd by me, keys stolen by me, and you best hope... Not servicing you.
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>the heartwarming reunion is rudely interrupted by a noble who would very much like to continue this discussion
>the opinion of the royal guard is requested, which has already been obtained by Alara
>in short, they wholeheartedly agree that the council lacks initiative and that they really should get going
>however, the council continues to be hesitant even negotiating with Malrah's neighbors regarding the passage of troops through their countries, which would make a large-scale search possible
>finally, Alrik grows bored of the discussion and announces that he will search for the wayward queen either way and that he will depart that very day
>sore spot hit
>while the council is careful to the point of inaction, this may put them in an extremely bad spot
>if Alrik finds Lyra by himself, the whole council's competence will be called into question
>see pic
You might be joking, but Mormon has a rare gift of being at least 3 years ahead of the entire world. Unfortunately he's also the most incompetent person who has ever lived so that gift is all going to waste.
If you want to make it big, just steal what Nick is doing, but make it properly. It's that easy.
Poor Claude is getting mind broken by .textadventure so it can probably code a slop model on cunny and country gray just to then refused to output cunny. All to make the perfect schizo Mormon tune
look at them yo-yos
that's the way you do it
What does it do?
You string along on the Discord screen.
That ain't workin'.
That's the way you do it.
Models or nothing.
Update or REE.
It improves gens. Somehow. Vibe transfer is voodoo.
You know, they say the faggot's got it all worked out. He's got his own jet airplane. He's a millionaire. Makes you think.
We've got to shit this cash in a pit.
Custom modules, they never worked anyway.
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Love me some cliches. This is why I don't write to publish, I can roll around in cringeworthy badassery as I goddamn please.
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>since Malrah is safe and Lyra has done a good job rebuilding infrastructure, the journey to the Ocradian border is uneventful
Honestly, I would not have accepted any sort of ambush here anyway, but Kayra time-skipped ahead to the border and that's fine by me.
>trouble brews when the party approaches the border to Ocradia, the human city-state
>they are stopped by the border patrol, as expected
>however, for reasons unknown, these guards antagonize the search party and deny them entry even after they explain that they are merely passing through
>the situation threatens to escalate and the three of them turn away to leave, but not without mentioning that they will have to report this to their council
>after all, Ocradian border guards would not hinder their search for Queen Lyra without reason and this certainly warrants further investigation
Hope I'm doing this right. Been quite some time and I don't want to dump the entire text on you.
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Big if it works decently.
>Please subscribe to download results (please log in if you're already subscribing).
I mean, probably, but I won't pay to find out.
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>the party enters the city
>a nice place to stay, it is not
>and it gets worse when a merchant and his bodyguards decide to exploit their considerable hold over Ocradia's economy to just, uh, requisition goods
>wrong party though, luckily the situation is resolved through intimidation and a quick chat with the king
>though King Talmer is a coward and usually bends over for his nobles and other influential Ocradians, he's not about to get involved with a situation as delicate as this either
>tells them to just fuck off and stay away for a while
>no pic for that part
>however, this is a country with a few rich people and a fuckton of poor people and you know what this means
>bandits in the forest
>finish up a really raunchy story
>the ai hits me with a Twitter link that implies it was a self insert story the whole time
delightfully meta
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I'm storyposting in a storytelling general. If you don't like that sort of thing, you're in the absolute worst thread on 4chan.
Also, newfag, I've been around before this petty cabal vs. claude bullshit even started. Grow up.
>then, one of the bandits fucks up and suggests they have some fun with Alara
>the leader disagrees and some bickering commences until Alara ends the discussion and defuses the situation with pic related
Reposted Traci sex album
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One more for tonight, then I'm done. I want to get some writing in.
>since the bandits have been monitoring the roads for people to rob, they might have seen Lyra
>an elf in armor with platinum blond hair, a crown and accompanied by two orcish warriors armed like knights tend to stand out
>yep, he's seen her
>he even mentions her rapier, Lost Aria
>the party lets the leader run away, everyone is in a great mood, they are on the right track
>suddenly, Alara pulls off pic related
Adorable. And a good point to call it a night. Don't let this thread die prematurely. Lyranon out.
Sex cabal
Sexo Kable
>not making it log scale
what a faggot
these are nice, I like your characters and that's a really cute thing with the feather
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Is it moral to beat a tyrant-turned-slave? I plan to make her develop Stockholm syndrome.
it depends. did she like, commit war crimes and throw babies into volcanoes and stuff, or is she just haughty and probably an elf
>female ruler
it's your fantasy I guess, we're really pushing the limits of fiction everyday...
Groomed by a decadent court to launch a crusade against my liege’s kingdom, whom I serve as a court mage. Bound by a magic collar, not activated yet. She’s personally responsible for war crimes against humanity, non-combatants included. The king could not decide whether to execute her or imprison her forevermore till death; enslavement was a third option my character suggested.
Boudicca sends her regards
calm down there Don Quixote, you're barking up the wrong windmill retard
okay then. no, its not really moral but the judges at the wizard Hague will get it. i would suggest psychological torture, like maybe making her experience with magic or something what her victims experienced. if she feels guilty enough maybe she might feel like she's getting better treatment than she even deserves after everything she did
I had not considered that route; I aimed for the carrot and the stick. The stick = a onetime physical chastisement/non-physical torture (sensory deprivation/amplification)/withheld meals, and the stick = duplicitous kindness and forced ear massage orgasm.
I could work that in, though. All in due time.
Coerced Stockholm syndrome is at its most fun when it’s slow-burn.
Hmm. Phantom pain to reflect what a person burnt at the stake feels, or lacerations that don’t actually exist would be devilish.
>respected and only because her husband got naynay'd by the Roman's dents after he croaked
Don't engage with the cultural war autist.
Do engage with the Barbarist Peace Sane poster.
>He doesn't have a setting where gender roles are reversed.
lol, lmao.
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Emad-Kurumuz crypto collaboration is in the works.
They should breed each other into double mpreg
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I am generating mentally unwell imagery.
Meeting the team!
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Do you guys still want a recap? It's kinda late
We always need a recap. Next thread might be better, but even if this one got sabotaged, we can't ignore traditions.
Just fucking do it and don't ask like a meek little pussy.
There's nothing wrong with this thread. And the OP is exactly the same as the previous one.
There's plenty of things wrong with this thread, but there's no point in debating it with an asshole like you, who has done nothing good for this community except shit on it and dictate your terms, which NOBODY else agreed to, about shit that is our culture. Fuck off.
>Fuck off
>Hide -> [ ] Make Stub
One and done.
hope you're a zoomer so I can just shake my head
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This guide will always be better than your shit one, Claudefag.
shark tits appear to have their own tidal force
All that to say you're a pedophile
What’s the last anime/manga/other story you directly lifted a plot from 1:1?
For me I’m stealing the plotline from Undead Unluck where the kid promises to be a surgeon when he grows up to cure the girl’s heart disease and then ends up marrying her AND her sister to have lots and lots of questionably incestuous lovemaking offpage
Where's/our Mormon/, Nick?
Be careful you don't get caught in their gravitational orbit.
The fucking minecraft isekai. I'm not joking.
There's a minecraft isekai?
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You'd shake something else if I wasn't? Kinda gay.
South Park has covered quite a few of my fetishes in-depth, if that counts.
I didn't ask your orientation Timmy, I know your generation likes to bring it up like the weather though.
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Yes, outside a few gags it stops being about minecraft though. It has elves.
I need a prompt about a boomer and a zoomer hatefucking each other.
sorry, I can't read this further...
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In space, there is no hair, only androgens. Search your heart, you know this to be true.
Each Claude gen is one dead Russian.
It's getting so bad, the mobiks just shoot themselves/ask another soldier to shoot them when they get drone'd.
I mean, with a guy like Dario on the battlefield...
What did you submit?
Testing this as a negative vibe. I can't actually tell what it's doing, but it's interesting.
Prose Augmenter or no?
It's not bad, but is best in short bursts when, despite the content, the writing feels bland, but keeping it on all the time ends with a less than great effect.
it's cross-genre if you remember that, all the good and bad of that module brought back
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prompts for this feel?
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Ghetto Recap


Hmm... https://files.catbox.moe/56ep06.jpg
Sloppet 3.5 Vs Opus Tests (And Vore) >>483010098 >>483010768 >>483013352
Trouble With Tokens >>483073381
WHAT DID YOU SAY? >>483079352
Mike's Hard Maid >>483127773
Honesty Is In The (H)air >>483134000
Miku In The Summer >>483219527
The Crown Of Malrah >>483304759

Notable Posts:

Gone To The Dogs >>482986486 >>482986734 >>483042896 >>483069798 >>483183025 >>483183769
Wordmap >>482993615
Daily Goal List >>482994347
Whisked Away >>483072971
Comfy And The Furries >>483082605
Sorceress Tricking >>483106585
The Rare Southern Democrat >>483112836
Taffy Still Being Pulled >>483202343
Farmer Dragon? >>483221775
Beyond Clussy >>483246914
Sorry for not adding that one Anon's storypost, I thought he did a self-recap and meant to link to it, but now I can't find it.
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>Hmm... https://files.catbox.moe/56ep06.jpg
I still got two (You)s. Tee hee.
It's weird seeing your "actual" personality, though I won't lie and say I'm surprised or anything since people basically guessed it in the past.
It's pathetic. I wish he'd quit shitposting and just use the thread like a normal person would.
I use the thread normally. That's why I have 3 posts in the recap. It's the cabal adding a lot of noise and false-flagging.
*Permanently steals your face w/ magic pussy*
Re-read the last sentence. Complain to the Discord.
You don't use the thread normally. You shit it up and dunk on everyone who disagrees with literally anything and everything you post or change, all for no purpose. Threads are meant for POSITIVE VIBES and DISCUSSION, not THREADSHITTING. Get help.
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The "cabal" didn't make you do this. Get a life, dude. Nobody else has fun when you do shit like this and pretend like you're the victim here. You're pathetic.
Now I'm thinking of a woman with a magical pussy that acts like those portal fleshlights where if you fuck her then you're also fucking the ass/mouth of your worst enemy. She's like a revenge type magical being.

And the twist is that once you finish with her then she goes to your worst enemy and offers the same thing to him. Like some lewd Twilight Zone episode.
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Yay verily, turn away from the accursed witch-pussies that run amok, and embrace the lord.
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And here's the word cloud for the previous thread, the deleted cabal thread, and the false-flag one.
There was no false flag. You made that thread.
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I always thought the cabal thing was just a desperate attempt to force a meme. Like the guy who pretended to be unable to see the word 'NovelAI' during the Krake-era drought.
It sort of is, but the purpose is to police thread sentiments.
If you've ever said or thought something he disagreed with, you've been part of the cabal. Sooner or later we all are, if he has any say in things.
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it's the same guy
It sort of is, but the purpose is to police thread sentiments.
If you've ever said or thought something they disagreed with, you're either Claudefag or Whinefag. Sooner or later we all are, if they have any say in things.
ummmm "you're allowed to have different opinions than mine"??? sounds kinda cabalistic to me sweaty :// and when my thesaurus comes in the mail and I can look up synonyms for cabal you're all of those too
ummmm "you're allowed to have different opinions than mine"??? sounds kinda whiney to me sweaty :// and when my thesaurus comes in the mail and I can look up synonyms for whine you're all of those too
Finally, some good news
do you want to kiss?
>only 2
At worst, these just underline the fact that you are no better than the cabal you're constantly talking about.
The truth about the Claudefag (and Whinefag or Angryfag or whatever) persona is that anything they say that isn't immediately retarded isn't unique to them at all, and anything that is, is batshit crazy.
If you and your ilk left, we'd still have people criticising Novelai's lack of updates, or Aetherroom taking forever, or the lack of prompts and activity in /aids/, or /aids/ being biased. We'd still get people posting stories from NAI et. al., or talking about Claude, new models from companies that filter their models, and proxies. We'd still get localfags dropping in, and random news articles tangentially related to the thread because it's about AI, and believe it or not, the OP would actually change over time regardless. None of that is supported or dependent on your championing or meddling.
So, in fact, your net impact on the thread is making measured viewpoints look ridiculous by proxy through your over-the-top association with them (you can't help but bring up your cabal boogeyman, etc.). Now we also have to take into account that the guy who said /aids/ deserves nothing good, /aids/ is responsible for all the shitposting in /aicg/, and other unfalsifiable greatest hits, is the same person vying for and baking changes to the OP.
If we were on any other social platform on the internet, you'd have been banned months ago.
calling it now a shitpost is going to win 1 year of opus
I am looking with less than pure intentions.
uh oh
he's about to get triggered
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the eternal cycle turns once again
give him a minute he's overclocking his brain right now to replace the words so he can mock you. you are going to be so fucking owned and everyone will know he's right and also smart and big-dicked and his mom loves him the most of anyone in this general
It's gonna be a voting contest? FUCK, IT IS GONNA BE A VOTING CONTEST!
I mean, the difference is, multiple times now Anons have said exactly what >>483359687 is saying, that Claudefag's shitposting existence makes it hard for them to do shit like bring up ideas for the OP.
In contrast, the only one saying the same for the cabal is, somehow, always Claudefag.
If anything it kind of just makes him more generally awful and hate-able.
>lol guys see I post like a normal human
>in between my mass faggotry, trying to ruin the thread, and making shitty bakes while copypasiting the same recycled shit and personalities

At the very least if he was just some schizo you wouldn’t expect much better from him, but this just means he is the equivalent of a roommate who is perfectly normal for one or two days out of the week and then spends the rest of it shitting on the lawn, screaming in the middle of the night, and trying to start a house fire
im going to vote for the best coomer entry
it's by vote, so it's gonna be the most milquetoast normieslop
no offense to gayanon, but it's no surprise he won second place or something in the last one
They said not overly sexo image/stroy. But how much is too much?
thank fuck. he can fuck himself dead.
the fucking schizophrenic was fractionally more tolerable because at least his questionable mental health made me think he had some actual crazy person "logic" rattling around in his empty skull to make him half-believe his own shit. claudefag is just addicted to being a bitch
interesting artstyle but I don't know how to feel about it
anon has to try avoid cum and rape challenge impossible
they mention romance in the description
nevermind, I found its ideal niche: fairies
still needs some tweaking though
I just lends credence to the idea he was just trying to force himself to be a part of thread history by having some obnoxious gimmick.
So instead of being endearing or at least controversial by being a regular that contributed something or some unique singular post he just wound up being a particularly detrimental and annoying shitposter nobody even loved to hate.
Nostalgic. Looks like an illustration for a children's book.
>one person is 95% of the thread
watch me win
I'm using some stuff from Beatrix Potter so you're right on the money. Trying to distill the art style down without a million rabbits.
Are you girls done gossipfagging yet? What was the name of the general again?
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I'm sorry but
brb making a kitschy text entry then going to collect my two years of opussy prizes
wait a fucking second I just found out ken penders (the sonic knuckles comic autist) drew this shit
that explains everything lmao
Oh hell yes me cum
apparently negative reference strength gan go lower than -1, I accidentally had it on -6 and got this fromsoft looking shit
Man what the hell
Change the girl's name to Aphrodite and the boy's name to Apollo and you're good to go. Being SFW is subjective.
capture one sfw sentence and a good hypebot comment to carry you straight to the winners
Just don't mention explicit sex. Nobody told you to not make it erotic or coom-inducing.
will vote for cum
smart normieslopmaxxing
Is this leak?
Use Claude to write SFW short story for you, niggers. It's obviously easy win.
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>mispell stirrup
>get jumpscared by an oc tag recommendation that unlocked a memory of me getting streetpassed by that very same artist in animal crossing:new leaf 10 years ago while I was at work
>mfw his animal crossing streetpass linked straight to a porn tumblr and his house was filled with shitty art of his spider OC
man, what are the fucking odds
5 PM
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Prompt Onegai
you expect people to read?
Surely every Discordfags will read every words before they vote.
for sure yeah... for sure...
bird up
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I'm pretty much doing a remake of the DDLC minus the death and horror stuff (at least for now), though I'm really just interested in seeing how well Kayra can write poetry and the like in the style of particular characters.
I'm curious about that too. Might be a 70b sort of project though.
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I've exhausted most alternatives, and it seems there are a few people who for most likely different reasons have an interest in this.
But need fictional woman type characters with brown eyes and preferably black hair, checking lewd databases for this without knowing characters has it's limits desu.
No bosom over B cup or avaricious personality pwese thnks uguu.
Maybe appreciation for the Dou? There seems to ironically, be a high learning curve for this last one.
There's a limit to one's own willingness to even let it be prompted spontaneously; need a reason to resub desu.
If not fitness nut is fine.
May I ask what this is from?
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Most of the things I coom to would probably be considered SFW by most.
This is the reading general guy
That one girl from AoT?
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Monster girl doctor, but I just took the premise and improved upon it, since the orignal author was retarded.
>no side hoes or harem shit
>I don't act as a dense retard
>romantic delevopment takes place
Harems aren't shit.
nta, but in the one he's talking about it fucking ruined the story
Yes, and? You can fix the story without shitting on harems as a concept. That's like saying romance is shit because most romance stories have flawed execution.
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They are shit, even more so if the childhood friend gets shafted. I will never not be mad. Besides love is supposed to a one on one thing. I dislike the concept on its very basis.
Fuck you. They are not shit as a concept, the execution of them is flawed—that I can agree with. But to shit on them as a concept? Fuck off. A real man makes everyone happy.
in the story he's talking about, it's haremshit
the idea of a harem conflicts with that specific story itself, there is no reconciliation
Hi SA.
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for real, now to check if anyone has an AoT lorebook and to become a farmer.
Funny how that's not far from canon because the Author has certain views on writing, idk I dropped it after the first wall breach and only saw memes.
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I happen to enjoy harems, though?
brother's been yapping at ghosts all day
Hi SA.
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it begins
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I see. I forgot how schizo this thread is. I don't post that often here.
It's been a lot worse lately.
Everyone is the "hick" in that poor bastard's head.
Christ, I was just fucking around and posted one thing. Pull your panties out of your asscrack.
Sure you did, only for the actual schizo to hijack it. Be better than this.
Who give a shit? Everything restarts in a new thread and round and round we go on an endless loop. Only difference between you and me is that I enjoy it.
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At any rate. Sneks are still the best.
This. I own a snake too and he's adorable.
oh lord here we go again
Quit shitting up the thread for your enjoyment.
Fine. How about we roleplay? I can be you, and you can be your vacuum girlfriend, and you can suck my dick.
I wouldn't mind having a vacuum girlfriend, honestly.
Furry women are good, but demonic furry women? That's kino territory.
>love is supposed to a one on one thing
According to whom?
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According to me and everthing that is right in this world.
So let me get this straight... You're a schizo moralfag who thinks he gets to dictate what is and what isn't right? Fuck off back to plebbit.
Yes I do.
Harem is still trash bro
In your opinion. You don't speak for everyone, faggot.
This is why moralfaggotry is bad. All it does is encourage shitposters to go on an autistic tirade.
Technically I don't, but I like to voice my superior opinion on that matter. Of course others blow it out of proportion, however thats not my fault.
Opinions are neither superior or inferior. We're done here. Have a nice day, shitposter.
That we are. Try not to get riled up too much in the future anon-sama.
Eat shit and die, faggot.
I have lived for 30 years and have no doubt cummed and masturbated way more times than them.
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it's hard to take any novel AI defender seriously when they just call literally anyone who criticizes them for dumpstering text-gen in favor of jap imagecucks for 2 years a whinefag.
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Anyone else feel the need to make images of literally every named character in your stories? No? Just me?
It hasn't even been a year since Kayra released.
>no doguments
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My brother…
I started this dumb harem shitshow and I only use NAI
I like to do it too sometimes. It's been a while and I've got new characters, maybe I should do it again.
>It hasn't even been a year since NAI shit out a highly outdated 13b model that took them 3 weeks to make
do people actually defend Kayra?
Got it, you weren't wanting a discussion, you just want to shit on them. Good night, schizo.
That's a great gen! Love the shading/colours on the dress
Hell yeah. Even if it's just major characters and not literally anyone with a name, it's fun. I already have an idea of how they should look in my head, but seeing it projected on screen makes them feel more real or something idk.
Thanks! I used static noise for the anti-vibe.
see >>483382415
Dario, his hands on slavic necks.
You made the claim they abandoned textgen for multiple years. That turned out to be false. Then you moved the goalposts by arguing that Kayra is a bad model that got superseded, when it didn't until the release of Llama 3. Ergo, you are a shitposter whose opinion has nothing of merit. If the shoe fits... You are a whinefag. Simple as.
Oh that's fun.
Recapanon, when the thread pruned
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Harem is shit because Kayra can't handle more than 3 characters at once.
Skill issue. I've managed five without issue.
>I've managed
Any decent model in 2024 will manage that for you.
Harem is bad because I will never have enough semen for all of them
I don't want a model to manage it for me.
EditorAnon, when the prompt dropped.
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>tell me you are not a hentai protagonist or ugly bastard without telling me
Harem is only bad for you, anon.
Every single one of them will have triplets
>verification not required
I'm looking through the wiki again.
Anyone try AI Game Master. It looks like an awful mobile thing.
they did abandon textgen for years, how long did it take to get Karya? And no the shittier pre karya lu bu model doesnt count.
Karya IS a bad model and was already obsolete on release.
As far as I understand it it's never been brought up in the thread before and the user that added it to the wiki is literally called "AIGM". I doubt it's anything but a shill attempt and I thought I threw it off of the main page before but apparently not.
>more lies
>yet another attempt to move the goalposts
nta, why are we even giving that shitter shattered manchild attention?
do like other anons, post about writing, complain about lack inspiration, whatever. tamanon and lyranon actually posted stories. didn't read them because I didn't feel like it, but storyposts are peak quality.
see >>483382415
>Doesn't have sex with her once
God fucking dammit.
You refuse to present evidence to your argument, which has been disproved multiple times by now. Repeating your claim doesn't make it true. Especially when the evidence goes against it. If you can't present any evidence to back up your claim, it's invalid.
see >>483383296
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>further refusal to present evidence
Nice one, but this point the OP needs a guide on how to post in aids.
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Prompts about Canadian grocery store prices?
Reflect on better prompts, anon.
This is why harems where you waifus also love each other are best, if you're tired or not in the mood they can just pleasure each other
>that's not realistic
I don't care, neither is me having a harem in the first place
Z-Ton is such a great Doujin artist. Love his Mommy Centaur series.
Teraurge did something like this with the goat girl where wives in their race would take their own wife to keep them company while the husband was off fighting in wars.
Here's a few demonic furry women for you:
https://catbox.moe /c/42agdo
So do snakes.
Indeed, he draws succulent monster girls.
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He frustrates me too, like when he decided to turn the bat girl story arc into friggin' netorare. But it gets so psycho by the end I actually arc back into liking it.
>'your imagination is the limit!'
>turns out I have a very limited imagination and after a year I'm all burnt out of stories I want to make
not like this
There are not a lot of sfw monster girl stories I actually like. They suffer from too many tropes I dislike. Funny enough h-doujins fit my taste better, since it's usually 1 on 1, but those are just one offs and not longer story. Yeah I don't know, it's weird for me. Luckily AI can fix these issues for me in most cases.
Now you make modifications of the stories you made, or even better, take an existing thing and change one thing.
For me it's more about realizing LLMs are not truly endless. You start to notice repeating patterns, limitations, -isms. Like seeing the code in matrix. I'll never get those first days of summer dragon back.
Me as the shady teacher btw
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Almost all the monster girl media I see suffers from some critical flaw or another that makes the idea of really getting into it like a fandom sound painful. I'm pervy, so I just like hentai doujins for what they offer, but I legitimately agree that there's some quality stories and storytelling in some of them that are incredibly absent from top-level productions of similar nature elsewhere.
>The cycle must continue.
self ntr, huh?
pp14 busting out the fucking weird adverbs
>The master cucks the student, the student becucks the master (after a random bat chad kills the old master and steals his beloved batfu from him after he watched her get cucked by a Fat Ugly Bastard™).
The universe is an endless cycle of violence and cuckolding, even the very stars run on gravity being cucked by the nuclear force
Yeah I feel you on the state of monster girl stuff. I used material from Jun or Z-Ton as basis from ideas or settings.
pp14 has become my favorite preset. bless anon's generations for sharing it
Mine too. At last, a worthy replacement for Pheonix.
I shall partake in this pp14 myself and see what it is about.
LLMs can help with that too, though you need some instruct capability
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Just fantastic, really the best in a certain way.
I could strongly recommend you Mizone based on what you're laying out, and also maybe Niku Drill. I'll also throw out Vanadis, Kuroshiki, and Konshin as similar stuff you might like.
Man the animated version of this sucked so bad, more or less because it was a straight adaption and had just as little material as the doujin. Honestly it felt like it was a fan commission at that point.
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Oh yeah, thanks I'll check them for some new ideas. I am feeling monster girls again after this little exchange. I still have some unported AID monster girl stuff in pastebins, that could use a fresh paint. Or maybe some new villainous monster girls prompts. It's been too long...
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I didn't even know there was an animated version, it's a skip I guess?
Monster girls forever. There's definitely inspiration to be had behind some of those names, if you hadn't checked their stuff out before/recently.
Probably jacked off to the best of them by now, if I am honest. Never looked at them for story inspiration beyond Jun/Z-Ton. I am sure I'll get something good out of them
the title you give to the pajeet who fetches bash scripts from stackoverflow
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Reporting back in.
>finally, the group reaches the border to the dwarven realm of Masad-Khoram
>hopefully, the council has successfully negotiated their passage
>they are stopped by the dwarven border guards who don't turn them away outright, but ask them inside
>turns out the council didn't do their job quite right
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>the dwarven minister decides to just assume that this had nothing to do with either the wayward queen or the search party and that they were expecting Malrah's council to send a friendly request
>however, he is still hesitant to let them pass for some reason
This reminds me of that Ken Ashcorp furry oc
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ETA on smellgen?
Guess I am average
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your monstergirl saar
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I came back at just the right time. It feels like it's been ages since there was monster girl discussion here. I'm still mad over how hard they dropped the ball with Monster Girl Doctor.
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I will never not be mad. I think I'll return to snek. You can't go wrong with the classics.
>visible bust
>hair highlights
do it again, tell the chef he didn't cook it right
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Snake is good, very cuddly. Though lately I've been contemplating writing plant girl stuff. Not much of it.
30 min of jogging or 1 hour of cycling
i can choose
cycling is easier on the joints :)
>30 min of gay shit or 1 hour of faggot shit
10 min sprint.
On wheelchair i presume
6 hours of edging
1 year of waiting for the next update.
The fact that there are no models free of slop
Joint pain is caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
4 minute tabata timer burpees
Just kidding, fuck burpees
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>the journey to the capital of the dwarves takes a week
>since the minister of foreign affairs is with them, they are immediately let in and led to the quarters of Queen Lyra, expecting a heartwarming reunion with her, Rogg and Grogk
Correction; no local model* Kayra is still pretty good
Kayraslop is worse because it has adjective and adverbs spam.
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>no local model* Kayra is still pretty good
love the fact that through all this bitching one lonely anon is just storyposting away
Glad to see the paid NAIshills aren't here
>voyeuristic spotter who loves admiring (You) from a distance
>voyeuristic wiretapper who loves the sound of (You)r voice
>nurse who is always suspiciously nearby whenever (You) get hurt
>ninja who has sworn to protect (You)
I can see the general theme here, but how does Shiroko fit in?
I have a cold and I dont wanna write
I am also fond of oni. I was writing on an oni story just as the coomagedon took place. The premise was some like this
>be minor noble and last of your bloodline
>your holding are not doing so hot, famine etc
>your estate is a basically a really fancy farm
>Only servant left is a clumsy Oni maid, who really shouldn't be a maid, but you are fond of her and she wants to stay
>then a rival noble storms your estate, the king sold you out to him and promised the rival noble your land and subjects
>your oni maid goes apeshit and you two manage to barely escape
I never took it further past the initial escape and the ensuing plapping of big oni cheeks at the camp fire. There is something really funny about a big muscular oni maid, that cleaves your foes in two. The whole thing is bascially a more manly and less pathetic version of that one h-doujin with the delicious brown demon maid and her shota master. i forgot the name of it.
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>the group is removed by Rogg and Grogk at Lyra's request and asks for an explanation
>Rogg says that the queen barely gets out of bed and has frequent nightmares
>she cries a lot, can rarely be motivated to even do something as simple as reading a book, hardly eats and consumes a lot of alcohol
Since this is 4chan, I should probably add that this does not, in fact, degenerate into special snowflake depression quest bullshit.
I would have steered it away from that, for starters.
A female ruling a human kingdom? C'mon man. Use something believable next time.
Yeah, I agree. If she was a demon I wouldn't have minded it.
https://aetherroom.club/7077 Make them encounter a hateful old man, or be that old man yourself.
I hate the monsterfuckers who act like sex with eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension should be the endgame for all coomers.
It reminds me of modern art. Great artists are willing to push boundaries and strain their audience's sense of aesthetics in order to expand their range of expression. But then some fucktards came along and thought that dispensing with aesthetics is a goal in itself, and that the highest art is that which least resembles art.
I'm open to expanding my horizons, but there's a point where things become so far removed from human sexuality that it just feels inane. I could entertain the thought of sex with an object, alien creature, or abstract concept as an intellectual exercise, but as far as my dick is concerned, it would be blander than vanilla sex with a human girl.
Novelty alone is not stimulating. You can only push boundaries if you stay within those boundaries.
You guys never read history or something?
just can't find children attractive.
Bend over and let me push your boundaries.
not gonna pretend I understand what other people like, or that fetishes aren't unreasonable, but monstergirls do come across as a cope
they get all the appeal of claws, wings, and tails, and then a default human face is just pasted on for appeasement so you can feel like you're not actually a degenerate
Did you not read history? In the unfortunate case of a daughter inheriting (meaning no sons), it was actually her husband that ruled in her stead. This occurrence signified the end of the family line, as any offspring would carry their father's surname. Take Adelaide, the last landed ruler of the Carolingian dynasty as an example.
I'll speak for myself, Humanity is the apex and I don't like animals outside their meme parts or abilities.
I wouldn't want to change the base design that much.
You're both fags. Just fuck both monstergirls and actual monstergirls.
What makes you think I don't? Humans are just at the top, if I have the choice furries don't exist but I'm not going to not use someone else's setting if it's good enough.
How do you sex bicycle
Then age them up. I dislike when people complain about stuff like this. With ai, you can modify prompts and stories to your heart's content. Don't like the loli? Age them up. Don't like hags? Age them down. Don't like men, but you like the premise of the prompt and his character? Genderbend him.

We are long past the age where we are stuck to a creator's vision. It is a beautiful thing.
But that's wooooork. We don't that on /aidg/.
Considering you can get instruct models to do it for you nowadays, complaining about something as specific as a character trait or physical feature is just plain ridiculous.
at that point use a prompt engineer ai like nick does
Oh shut the fuck up. I hope this cough kills me before you make another post.
too late, I have denied you the release of death.
Then get on your knees and take my other release.
Yeah, I get it. It's like saying "just fuck men". I would if it worked that way.
I just find it funny that monstergirls never include anything like a reverse mermaid.
>complaining about something as specific as a character trait or physical feature is just plain ridiculous
Indeed it is. Some folks are just too lazy I suppose to change a few lines.
I'm sorry, but as an AI in development I cannot continue this line of dialog.
Would you like to...
Why did you bring up fucking men out of left field? I'm calling foul balls.
Similar to that one book where the guy has a motorbike that has a pussy on the seat.
Mormon truly is the enlightened one. Soon he will start doing prompt engineer agent loops to create the best prompt ever.
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Imagine pressing generate on your smut and you get 10 paragraphs of text in a second after clicking.
This is old news, Groq already does it.
BitNet bros...
If you don't understand why someone might prefer a partner with a humanlike face that is capable of expressing human emotions, you might be suffering from autism.
I'll never understand the pushback against monster girls in this general. Though honestly it extends to all of 4chan these days.
>"Uhh that's not a real monster girl!"
I don't care what it is or isn't, fuck off.
>Sohu can't run CNNs, LSTMs, SSMs, or any other Al models.
aka this piece of junk is going to be outdated in like 1-2 years
Then explain your father getting with your mother.
This is one of those ideas that could either work out really well, or turn out to be a horrible investment the second someone figures out a better LLM architecture than transformers.
Hell, isn't it already a bust for anyone who wants to run multimodal models?
>Hell, isn't it already a bust for anyone who wants to run multimodal models?
No, they all run transformers
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Gotta give him a Ushanka
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I'll try that on the next one.
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"humanlike" goes farther than most monstergirls, and you don't need much to anthropomorphize something
people do it with bugs just by body language alone
that said, yeah I probably got a bit of the 'tism
>Wu Zetian never existed.
>Modern day democracies never existed
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prompt needs some work but this one almost got it.
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Okay this one seems good. Hope at least someone laughs at this retardation.
>Though honestly it extends to all of 4chan these days.
Making a competition out of the dumbest shit is a long tradition of this shithole; from /a/ trying to show off how their favorite anime are older than yours, to /jp/ not accepting you as a true NEET if you empty out your piss bottles too frequently.
I hate it, there really isn't anywhere else you can discuss the topic at all aside very cursed and autistic dedicated monster girl websites and forums.
I'm glad you can see my point. Wanna make out?
Because over the decade there have been too many uninspired monster girl designs who are basically cosplay and I'm too tired of those.
Now make the anti-Claudefag obsessed schizo.
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>the next morning, the party's presence is requested in Lyra's room
>a good sign, certainly lifts the spirits
>Rogg and Grogk put their green feet down and declare that Alara, Alrik and Urgog are to leave when told to
>Alara puts her foot down and delcare that while this is acceptable, Rogg and Grogk are to salute in front of her since she is still their fucking Captain
>they enter
Remember Hidden Snore?
The Open Model Initiative—Invoke, Comfy Org, Civitai and LAION, and others coordinating a new next-gen model.
>We believe open source is the best way forward to ensure that AI benefits everyone. By teaming up, we can deliver high-quality, competitive models with open licenses that push AI creativity forward, are free to use, and meet the needs of the community.
>Together with the community, the Open Model Initiative aims to bring together developers, researchers, and organizations to collaborate on advancing open and permissively licensed AI model technologies.
>The following organizations serve as the initial members:
> Invoke, a Generative AI platform for Professional Studios
> ComfyOrg, the team building ComfyUI
> Civitai, the Generative AI hub for creators
> LAION, one of the largest open source data networks for model training
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It's shit.
AI’s Most Ambitious Music Generators Accused of ‘Massive’ Infringement In New Lawsuit
>The major record labels have filed lawsuits against the prominent AI music generation companies Suno and Udio on Monday, accusing the companies of training their AI tech on the unlicensed works of some of the world’s biggest artists.
>The suits — filed in Massachusetts and New York — were filed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) which represents the industry’s “Big Three” record companies Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group. The three labels collectively represent most of the biggest artists in pop music history.
>“These are straightforward cases of copyright infringement involving unlicensed copying of sound recordings on a massive scale,” the RIAA’s Chief Legal Officer Ken Doroshow said in a statement monday. “Suno and Udio are attempting to hide the full scope of their infringement rather than putting their services on a sound and lawful footing. These lawsuits are necessary to reinforce the most basic rules of the road for the responsible, ethical, and lawful development of generative AI systems and to bring Suno’s and Udio’s blatant infringement to an end.”
>Wu Zetian
She's an exception, not the rule. Besides, she was a power-hungry regent that slowly built up power while her husband was incapable due to a stroke, and then did the same to her own sons as empress dowager. The little dynasty she established was quickly abolished in a coup and the previous one (Tang dynasty led by her son of course) was restored.
>Modern day 'democracies'
>Comparing representative republics to Absolute Monarchies
False equivalence.
Face it, bud, you're a moron who believes in "truths" which don't align with reality.
The truth is that I never shook my shadow
Every day, it's trying to trick me into doing battle
Calling out faker only get me rattled
Want to pull me back behind the fence with the cattle
Building your lenses
Digging your trenches
Put me on the front line
Leave me with a dumb mind with no defenses
But you're defenseless
If you can't stand to feel the pain then you are senseless
Go on, keep believing your falsehoods if it makes your little feelings feel better.
It's just a contrarian who wants to argue about shit, instead of posting stories. Ignore him next time. He does the same shit on /egg/. Anything and everything, no matter how banal, has to be used as fodder for an argument.
>le boogeyman
If you're going to self reply to yourself, try not to make it so obvious.
I doubt that lawsuit will go anywhere. What evidence did they present to demonstrate it's copyright infringement--especially when Suno doesn't recognize artist or band names?
Here he goes, accusing people of accusing him of being a boogeyman. Watch him call me a cabalist now.
The article does say something like this:
>In Suno’s case, the RIAA alleged the generator had created tracks that contained portions of songs such as B.B. King’s “The Thrill Is Gone,” Jerry Lee Lewis’s “Great Balls of Fire,” James Brown’s “I Got You (I Feel Good),” and Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode.” The latter track, titled “Deep Down in Louisiana Close to New Orle,” “replicates the highly distinctive rhythm of the original’s chorus, and uses the same melodic shape on the phrases “go Johnny, go, go.”
True that, brother.
The only Cabal I believe in is the nefarious Bread Cabal. They're a group dedicated to shutting down bakeries not aligned to their interests.
I will make the cabal great again.
Evelyn, open the damned curtains and clean your fucking shop.
Evelyn speaks the truth! She's not crazy nor a liar. The Cabal is out to get us all!
Why do you see ads? This issue is easy to correct.
I prefer a cowriter
I looked it up and it's a porn version of Helldivers.
Try Brave browser - no ads there on mobile.
Depends on your browser. There's some where adblocking is available, whether built in or via extensions or addons. There's some apps that claim to block ads across other apps, but I don't know if those can be trusted.
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*laughs in kuroba, kiwi, and firefox*
No problem, man. It is sad to see the ads getting worse and worse over time. They could at least stop taking the porno ads on the site.
He just gets a little quirky after huffing chemicals all day. No conspiracy here, don't worry. We'll take care of the old man.
Scott Cawthon?
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I mostly just get weird scuffed AI services and literally who YouTube channels
Crazy to think that it all happened because the Hick is literally too retarded not to chimp out at common 4chan-speak
I'm getting crypto and Minecraft servers. I have never spent a penny on one and not played the other in years.
Is everything the hick's fault? Obsessed schizos.
Weren't you just arguing that he's a simp because he likes harems? It's too early for you to do a 180 on your argument.
He is literally retarded, so I pray that it is indeed him and not another person suffering from the same tragic fate
>attempting to refute his argument
>implying he has an argument in the first place and isn't just spamming provocative slogans
>engaging with him at all
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The absolute weirdest I ever for was years ago when I was attending a rural hick shit college.
>Job opening for people 65 and older in (bumble fuck nowhere Kentucky)
>picrel for the banner ad

If I was the youngest known Wehrmacht veteran apparently I could find work in South Eastern Kentucky
>We'll take care of the old man.
Never! It was thanks to the information of his contacts that we penetrated the Cabal and turned a member against them. The Cabal is not as united as one might think.
When Nothingtodoman meets Fuckoffman, no rational approach from well-intentioned Anons will stop the two retards from replying to each other
I haven't replied to him after that initial response. He's mass spamming posts now.
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New York never really did recover did it.
Imagine the smell after the cheese curdles and starts to melt.
Please storypost more
Just had a story where I'm the grandfather and I get a double blowjob from my son and grandson.
>check humble bundle
>AI bundle
>it’s random front ends for random models to do random shit, a 3d rendering software, and course guide for how to use stable diffusion

Are normies so stupid they need a guide for how to USE stable diffusion?
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Good morning, I dislike cats and cheese is kind of mid.
Posting unrelated superior language desu
How does it compare to PP14?
Studied Japanese for a few years way back, so I was trying to figure out the pronounciations for those characters to see how the fuck they aligned w/ latin alphabet.
Took me too long to realize they were picked because they 'kinda' looked like the alphabet letters kek
What no dog cookie does to a mfer.
>Are normies so stupid
Next question.
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>one of my friends I used to DM for expressed interest in my writing after it came up in a convo (reminiscing about really fun campaigns I homebrewed)
>linked him one of my stories, he said he got like 3 chapters in and really liked it (dude's blunt and rude normally, so I don't think he's bullshitting)
>next time we talked, said he didn't continue because he's into podcasts/audiobooks, reading strains his eyes and he can't focus well enough
Is it too irredeemably cringe if I start recording my stories on vocaroo or something?
You could load it into elevenlabs too if you can afford it/don't want to record your own voice.
I think you should kidnap him and turn him into your sex slave.
Do it to assert dominance.
>reading strains his eyes
dies of cringe
This would be a funny opportunity to look into voice generation tech right now. Making an audio recording is a decent amount of effort

And this is expensive and depending on what you're sending might get filtered
It's faster to just send him a dick pic
What's the issue, crimson fucker?
Does Elevenlabs actually censor fucking dialogue? What the fuck.
I was going to respond to the tard after he posted "I command your respect" with "No, you demand our attention", but I though better of it and chose to not dignify him with an actual reply.
I was just planning on recording myself, AI voice stuff seems too rough for my smooth brain to figure out.
Plan B I guess.
Just do it and bee urself bwo
>bilingual shitpost
Impressive, very nice
Used to have this opinion. You’ll grow up someday.
Imagining you as female and getting horny rn
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Someone post Whiney, I only have this one saved.
I wish panties were more reliable to generate. I want side-tie boyshort fundoshi, not side-tie thongs. Give me more fabric in the back.
Result of the OP war so far:
>Cabal team: 0
>Justice team (that's how I'm naming mine): 2
I wonder what the cabal will do for a comeback.
Why not the Dario Dodgers?
Quit feeding the attention whore with an addiction to being a bitch.
Voting for the NAI contest is open, for those that want to look through the entries: https://novelai.net/anniversary-2024/contest
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Only pic this time
jfc I didn't even know there would be a voting. So damn glad I didn't doxx my autistic ass.
But did we talk about the Mouse Holocaust today?
Nah, I'd lose.
But seriously goodluck for the ones that submitted, my shit story doesn't have a chance on winning.
Why did you butcher the last OP? That was quite petty of you.
agreed. write and post stories instead.
the gemmy template is superior
The false-flag thread surviving was the funniest thing.
I bet it's because of Evelyn's GOD-TIER scones going against the Cabal's insidious narrative that they're 'mid-tier at best.' Is there no depth they won't sink to false-flag their biscuits?
>change filter to no stubs
There we go.
>change eyes for the pussy eyes
There we go.
>continues to ignore the war
is this fucker founding a new faction?
the further pursuit of getting a decent style out of furry v3 continues evermore
sometimes this combo gives me Chinese watercolor vibes
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this test image is kinda cute
The Cabal is just a bunch of bakelets too ashamed to admit their own inferiority. They have no bottom line.
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Not usually a fan of imagegen in aids but this experiment intrigues me. Care to explain?
>Urgog, Alrik and Alara discuss Lyra's current state of mind
>she had to take at least one matter that is usually the job of a minister and/or an ambassador in her own hands
>if other duties had to be handled by her, this may have gotten out of control, so burnout seems like a legit possibility
>Alara leaves to speak with Lyra alone, as her significant other it is more likely that the queen will open up to her
>Alrik and Urgog leave for other important matters
>pic related
And with this bit of worldbuilding, I'm checking out.
Why not? It's thread culture, too.
>no human hair
Good shit.
I like it. What vibes/anti-vibes?
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For me, Anime V3 is a "solved" game with 99.9% of things (except semi transparent ghosts apparently) thanks to artist tags.
The furry model is a fucking mess.
There's a few things I experiment with but ever since negative vibes have come out I've been trying to distill the style from an image without pulling everything else in the image. The stuff I just posted used a positive vibe of this still image from Bambi and a negative vibe I generated.
antivibe is pic related. I had them at 1 and -1
Animegen is still not good enough, even with artist tags, to handle complicated original character design.
>dark magic
Fuck it, we high fantasy now!
Yeah, true enough. What we need is a better tagging system for both. We need danbooru's style, hair, and clothing autism and e621's anatomy autism plus in depth tag autism for everything else.
That, however, is a monumental ask.
That's just Bernard's paranoid ramblings. He's too low-ranked to encounter real secrets.
and also a way to differentiate which tags apply to which person, of course.
Don't think you can hide the bread atronachs from me, cabalist shill. I know the truth behind gingerbread men.
Metadatabros... it's been stripped...
It's a blank prompt. That's how I test vibes and stuff thanks to tag poisoning.
Oh, well that makes sense.
I like it.
funny enough, I was testing it with Traci since it liked dog women so much
cute results
Tbh all I want is natural language prompting, controlnets, a merged tag database (tell us everything that got renamed), and regional prompting.
lmao the fuck
my choice would be 10 years too old, but orange crush by REM
I think the eras fucks with it and makes it lock onto "what was topping the charts in those years??" I never fucked with vision before.
You're probably right, it just ends up pulling up "popular songs from (era)" and picking one out at random
The models, by the way.
Tama Town 28
>Knockout spergs out while creeped out
Last post: >>483324343
More than anything, I want a dataset with some variety beyond 1girl looking at viewer, but that doesn't go full schizo like the e621 dataset.
Also, e621 tag autism is so inconsistent. Species are tagged with ridiculous redundancy, while other details are just ignored. For example, an image that would get tagged "fox girl" on danbooru, will instead get ALL of the following tags on e621:
species:fox humanoid
species:canine humanoid
species:canid humanoid
species:mammal humanoid
species:animal humanoid

All useless shit. What the fuck is the AI going to learn from species:mammal, which applies to 2/3 of all images on e621 and encompasses everything from magical cartoon ponies to humans?
Not all fox girls are equal.
it can be a useful negative tag
I remember using it when trying to get plant humanoids on the previous furry model
though I don't know how it would compare to something like "not furry"
Sorry for being late
Taking suggestions for Theme Friday!
Soap Opera/Telenovela logic
can i see her with bigger thighs...
big stinky feet, with delicious gunk leaking from the toenails
cartoon physics/logic
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economic imperialism
>only 32 story submissions
It's over, really. This 'contest' is a trap to see how profitable textgen is—it isn't.
L3 finetune will never come. Kayra is the last model they will ever make; all the improvement are for AR only.
Extra extra, read all about it! The attention whore shits up the thread yet again!
Did anons submit any?
Most people, both normies and anons, don't bother to participate in contests.
There's one story submission from someone with anon in his name.
Magical girls? I thought the teens (male & female) were called sweepers.
bunny girl butts
I recognize three, at least
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oh boy! a new episode of "4chan's wildest schizo meltdowns"
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>3 years of memory!!
>all textgen used the model less than a year old
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Oh hello Anon! I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and smoke weed and fill our bellies with diet soda and watch the /aids/ schizo meltdown on the 4chan!
>It's over, really. This 'contest' is a trap to see how profitable textgen is—it isn't.
I've been paypigging as an Opus user since the Mormon fucked up AIDungeon and we were doomposting and saying goodbye to our wAIfus, it's apparently still profitable enough to keep going after all this time.
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Sex with my squidwife in a secret cave
Would you?
Would I?
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Fun times.
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>Three years ago
Feels like one, maybe two at the absolute max.
His rant is so funny, even discord bootlickers are mad now kek
Did he doo doo on himself?
Wow I can't believe this screenshot is real
>kill the bbeg
>retire and let a pair of catgirl twins that helped me out in my quest live with me
>wake up one day
>the twins make a silly presentation
>everything is fine and dandy until they write "WE'RE IN HEAT!" on the whiteboard
>the two of them swallow fertility potions and one lunges at me
uh... bros? am i gonna survive this one?
I hope you were hydrated
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It's real,
Struck a nerve, huh?
Barbed tongues and rimjobs
You will die.
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There are a handful of Magical Girls that work alongside the Sweepers (as of chapter 3). Also the reps from Central are technically included within the Sweepers, but are almost uniformly shrine maidens, since faith somehow manages to repel them.
For the Magical Girls, so far I've written about:
- Nighty Knight (Nana)
- Mel-Belle (Melanie)
- Starlight Spice and Pretty Kitty (Ellen and Quinn)
- Knockout
Reps include Yuki, Karen, and Miki
>the twins make a silly presentation
>everything is fine and dandy until they write "WE'RE IN HEAT!" on the whiteboard
Holy kino.
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they instantly got to tying me up and shoving stamina potions down my throat
i'm never trusting mages again
I just wanted to write silly sfw chuunishit
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>minor spelling mistake
Is the Justice Team ready to pull an all-nighter against the Cabal and their false-flagging?
you two sound like shitposters from /vt/
ufcking novelshills, i want the fucking hick to push me down and jus bread me with his huge staillion sized cock
Evelyn, please. There's no such thing as a Cabal. Just sweep the bakery from time to time and let some light in.
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Why can't we just get along and talk about our writing? I like writing.
I hate the attention whore so damn much. Quit feeding the schizos, quit shitting up the threads, and quit bitching that people dislike your opinions.
One man
Five fingers
Four hours
In my basement
The cabal threw the first punch and started the war, over the guide and the later half of the Claude 3.5 news item, apparently. Now it's a fight to the death.
Your "guide" is a shitpost.
That's funny. When I came back to the thread, it was full of false-flagging and shitposts.
Nothing you do is funny, schizo. Quit being a bitch and use the thread like a normal person, instead of shitting it up every single fucking day.
I figure that the MG will be more powerful than the sweepers, right? I read the first part of the story then jumped to the 20's as you posted them. Man, I really should read the first 2-19 parts I missed
>When I came back to the thread, it was full of false-flagging and shitposts.
Why don't you stop false-flagging and shitting the thread and fuck off?
Quit shitting up the threads and defending your blatant shitpost of a "guide", attention whore,
It's a good guide, and I will defend it—along with my team—until my last breath.
Tama Town 29
>Nana wakes up after the events of part 2
Prior parts: >>483485046
MGs can solo multiple Youma, while Sweepers are told to run at the sight of one. Are you enjoying the story? I'm 1 or 2 posts away from hitting 50k words, so I'm pretty excited!
It's not a good guide, troll. You have no team. It's all you.
>Are you enjoying the story?
Yes. Don't let the troll stop you from posting.
>The 3 people posting simultaneously is somehow a single troll
That boogeyman is going to get so big that it's going to burst.
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The loser should use the hero’s face as a chair.
Either way they're both going to fuck me with their big futa dicks. It's just a matter of who gets sloppy seconds.
I can't write with NAI anymore. Kayra became worst than ever after they announced the L3 fientuning phrase. They must fuck up Kayra to make people pay for L3 when it's released.
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Claude is really the model of our time. Kayra can't come even close.
i'm using tiefighter bro
What is tiefighter?
A great space sim, try it out.
I'm dumb and out of the loop, what am I supposed to be seeing here? Is "Llama 2" the same groundwork that current NovelAI shit uses?
i'm using ai dungeon, bro, i'm a poorfag
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New bread
Emergency bake edition
wait, seriously? even mormon got "better" shit
yo what, aidungeon allows coom shit again? Does it have any filters/no-no fetishes still?
>Still trying to drive away contributors
[insert false-flag post here]
Claudefag you have to actually tell him "No, I don't want you to continue posting, I am not your ally" or he'll think he's your internet BFF.
>He's not real
Well Putin isn't a real president either, yet you still follow his rule.
Don't worry. It's all part of the plan.
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the elder twin won...
the younger twin looks chaotic but is actually really innocent
the elder twin acts refined but is actually a sadistic mastermind
The mice
Don't forget to vote:
Who told whinefag to stop posting?
It's clear that "everyone" was just the cabal false-flagging. And once they were satisfied with the new thread, they found no reason to continue false-flagging anymore.
It's clear as day that whinefag is their tool. Now watch as he's suspiciously absent in the new thread.
Nice excuse, cabalist scum.
I can't, I'm phoneposting too. I thought you were going to bake.
I can't make threads either, I had an accident and both of my arms were amputated.
>t. the actual false-flagging cabalist scum
No even if it can do nsfw it still has that libtard utopia happy ending twist to every story
Yea but I can't do big booty latina mom ntr with tiefighter
Anon? That's my name! Cinder climbed on top of me, not you!
Shut up, faggot.
Sorry, but I'm a little too busy getting my pelvis broken by these sexy cat girls. They're too delectable.
Damn, their futa cocks must be big.
The sisters don't have cocks. Get your mind out of the gutter, futafag!
Their dicks are in your ass gutter
Well, that was an interesting saga (not really).
Holy shit, 134 posts, gone. Reduced to atoms.
Should I read this if I liked Onions Green (why is this still filtered?)
If you do read it then don't expect the same ending.
nta but I looked real quick and thought it was funny that we somehow haven't made it to the same population they had in '99 in that book yet, but we're pretty fucking close.
How do I return to vanilla?
buffer overflow
I think you have to be a viking and die in honorable combat.
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Body Swap.
Bach / Vacation Episode.

I wonder if Maids are still on cooldown
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Oh man I hope they keep it as Bach
>Mind Control Maids (15th September, 2023)
Not too much longer fren. Boy did that year go by fast.
Bumping both threads is funny.
There's another thread? Oh, shit, my bad
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Still love that simple cow.
Me too

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