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Nobody is Finishing This Quest Edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty - top layer is currently being reworked)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (two of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:
>Human, Elf, Orc, Skeleton, Lizard, Lycan
>races have small stat differences and are buyable through shards - a currency earned or bought

Beginner tips:
>This game is not forgiving, you will die a lot at the beginning and when you get better you will die even more
>You don't have to take every fight; sheath weapons (X) to run faster
>Moving backwards (S) is slower than forward or strafe movement (W/A/D)
>Look at your map to find the exits marked in blue
>The game is in Early Access, so it is constantly changing and receiving new, often weekly updates that significantly impact the core gameplay

https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Dark_and_Darker_Wiki (some pages may be more up-to-date than others)

Ryan6DaysAWeek has an entire catalog of guides for game mechanics, bosses, and clearing PvE: https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek/videos

Recent news:
>Druid released
>New weapons and gear
>Dungeon recovery service
>Ice Abyss (final layer of the Frost Mountains)
>Ice Wyvern boss
>New Frost Mountain enemies
>Reworked AP system and official beginning of Season 3
>Free-to-play (Squire Edition)
>Now available on Steam and Epic Games Store

Plans for Season 3:
>Arena mode (trios only) that has its own PvP leaderboard system
>Upgraded matchmaking system that removes pre-lobby
>In-game Gathering Hall and social hub
>Experimenting with randomly generated dungeons layouts

Official Dark and Darker discord (see announcements for all hotfix/patch notes):
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dead game
God this game sucks so fucking much
>sowwy I know you're pushing me while I have an empty crossbow out but you're hitting me with a gray rapier and I have a blue spear I win xd!
>pedophile general
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how do I stop getting myself jumped on by rogues in solo <25
You know it used to suck even more when there were 2 grey tiers and when I asked to remove the stupid doublepoor tier everyone called me stupid
sounds like the rogue's guild has it out for you , stranger...
The /vm/ thread is way too slow for this...
Game sucks
Remove warlock
Remove gearscore
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I honestly think this game is extremely shitty and low effort, nearly everything about is bad and the devs should be ashamed.
But I cant stop fucking playing it
Why do I keep seeing clips of people throwing drums?
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it's fun
Do you ever use voice chat when you play?
Perhaps the worst menus I've interacted with in a modern game
The devs went out of their way to do this, why?
>Hear warlock behind door
>place trap and wait for 3 minutes
>He takes the longest possible way to enter my room without being heard and then runs straight for me while I'm in the dark
Give it to me straight, how many cheaters does this game have?
Why? every battle or time i see someone I try to make realistic conversation and only about 10% of the time people respond, usually walk into rooms asking if anyone is in there and fags just give me that NPC stare
personally I think it's in bad taste to talk to someone as I'm trying to kill them
Many. Any competitive game has cheaters nowadays. It being on steam only makes it worse.
did you have pots on your belt? it's easy to see someone in the dark with potions
How do demon and animal transformations work? Do you keep stats from gear? I assume you attack with empty hands, but what about armor and trinkets?
voice chat is off by default
yes you need those stats to make use of the animal forms
unironically why the game will always be slop
>Ranger sitting in a corner for 3 minutes after placing his loud as fuck trap
>dogshit asset flip
????? holy fucking keks batman xDDD
Competitive as in has pvp
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Wizard gods.
>pick the wrong class
When are the devs gonna remove the shimmer from wizard invisibility?
what's the best duo partner for a fighter, with cleric we just instantly fold to warlock
Never, babies got too butthurt that an invisibility spell made wizards invisible so they changed it to the current system
Who knows
I have no friends, is bard good solo
If you want anti heal go wizard :) if you want to just kill warlock, rogue or ranger.
It’s pretty good.
I am too dumb for bard I get overwhlmed trying to play my songs mid fight. I will try something simpler like ranger.
Bard is the best solo class but you would do better to learn the game on an easier class. Fighter or Cleric would be best for learning but ranger is not bad, you can learn cheese spots and go straight to inferno and if you are good at aiming pvp engagements are way easier.
Every class is wrong for me
Your move
pick a better asset flip to play
>pvp class game has counters
this is the case for every class/character-based pvp game
>glorified rock paper scissors
dead game
>go slightly over 25 in gearscore
>get absolutely bodyslammed harder than a Gaza kid and farmed until dry
And they wonder why people review tanked the game on steam.
I do wonder how many people played the demo, hated it, and didn't bother to leave a bad review.
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why though
Yes, the filter is that stupid. You can't even use the word "knight" because it contains "nig".
hello i just got into my first pvp fight and almost won. It surprised me because my enemy was level 37 and I am level 2. He had a sliver of health remaining when I spectated him right after.

Thank you for reading.
Based Timmy
Wizard feels so good when you have a full kit. It’s the best class for interrupting someone fighting boss cause of chain and invis lol
congratulations anon
Imagine the game we could have had if someone competent had come up with "Tarkov but Dungeons and Dragons" first.
I tried Dungeonborne when it had a playtest and as many complaints as I have about DaD, I hated Dungeonborne way more.
I paid 30 bucks for it at release on impulse and regret that decision to this day. I barely got to play too because the game died immediately after release. Honestly they don't deserve the success they got, they should've been fucked by nexon.
>because the game died immediately after release
What were the player numbers before it came to Steam? Do we have any official stats?
They are doing exactly what Tarkov did, charging way too much money for their tech demo, because they know its just a fad. The combat and enemy AI will never ever be better than the survivalcraft high school project we have now
>Torture Mastery now triples warlock spell costs instead of doubling them
Does this finally kill the infinite health torture warlock? At least in <25 dungeons where they aren't stacking crazy amounts of magical healing?
it had at least six months of healthy player count, but right before steam it was dead, like 5k, and reddit kept begging for more empty queues so you'd get lobbies with 3 people
I'm having a blast with druid, but I don't think I've managed a single extraction yet.
Hassling players in rat form is too fun, but it always kills me. Either that, or an archer mob because they fired while I was too close to them.
Maybe I'm snorting weapons-grade copium but I'm still holding out that someone, somewhere, with even half a brain, will deliver a real fantasy sim.

The difference being Tarkov actually offers something whereas DnD is literally just a series of Unreal Engine modules cobbled together. I'm not going to give IM points simply for trying something 'new', an idea of which wasn't even theirs to begin with.
The change where druids can now jump while shifting has made rat-jumping through doors way, way easier.
whats your build?
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they function exactly like archers, just stand 1m away from them and hit them
lost a nice kit today because I got cc'd by a nightmare bola running away from a barb
bola gobs are the biggest griefers of raids
No, healing is still good but it disades torture locks from taking hydra, the better version of it is life drain hydra anyway
Best perks for solo beast druid? So far I have Shapeshift Mastery, Enhanced Wildness, and Thorn Coat, but none of the remaining ones look particularly good. Dreamwalk doesn't seem very useful for me since I'm rarely in human form, and the 3 second duration of Force of Nature makes it seem like it would be tough for me to get use out of it in solo.
Does Sun and Moon apply to myself? Is it just a free +3 vigor?
If nothing else I'd take Natural Healing, but 1 health every 3 seconds seems pretty pitiful.
Dreamwalk is still good, especially if some one W keys you with a mob train on them, rat/chicken might be risky in that situation. Just get hit once and phase through them
Now that you mention it, occasionally I've positioned myself badly in a room and been boxed in by a mob crowd, and I couldn't even rat/chicken away once I'm hit because of the bleeding. Dreamwalk would have definitely gotten me out of those situations.
>Does Sun and Moon apply to myself? Is it just a free +3 vigor?
To answer my own question, I just checked and it does once you're actually in-game. It doesn't in the lobby, though.
Does quest progress/merchant affinity reset every wipe?
Reminder that you shouldn't spend the whole time actually just looking at the ore while you're mining. You can move the camera a huge amount away from it, even more than you can while opening chests and looting bodies. The pickaxe doesn't even have to be visually hitting the ore.
You can use this to watch for approaching players even while mining.
Dreamwalk is OP
>get someone in full blues down to 1/4 HP before they finally kill me
>they teabag my body
>I'm in full grays with a green mace and necklace
I mean I knew what I was walking into, but imagine gloating about barely surviving that fight.
Also after that he fully healed at a campfire and was then immediately beaten to death by mobs.
anon thats over 90% of the playerbase, even the most skilled players in these threads gloat and complain when they cant only kill players that arent a threat to them. Complete brain damage
Who the fuck was saying they made the character models uglier? These original elves look atrocious
I wonder if anyone's ever used the skeleton skin to successfully trick a player into thinking they were a mob.
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>equip just two greens I don't even care about to get into >25 lobby
>run around as a rat ignoring all mobs and chests
>beat a bladelock to death in bear form
>free blue set
Teabaggers are cringe fags who usually get ruined in pvp lmao
It happened much earlier on in the games life cycle. There are videos on Jewtube showing it. To be fair it could probably be done again with all these new players.
I don't know.
Half the appeal of the game is in its simplicity and slower pace. I've been wanting a grounded, slow and heavy crawler for a while and this is basically exactly it.

I feel like anyone else working with the formula would add in fancy attacks and cool animations and particle effects and movement options or whatever, which would ruin the appeal and make it into something totally different. A good comparison would be PUBG vs Apex, or TF2 vs Overwatch.
>I've been wanting a grounded, slow and heavy crawler for a while and this is basically exactly it
I'd prefer if it were slow because each enemy were a challenge to fight, not because they're health sponges.
The latter just encourages me to ignore all mobs and blaze through the dungeons, which I can often do because they're so dumb and predictable that you can reliably open and close doors around their attack patterns. Or with druid, I don't even need to do that. I can just mousejump through the doors.
Yeah that's true.
I can see another studio making DaD and turning it into a first person dark souls with a stamina bar and iframes.
But, in practice, DaD isn't really a dungeon crawler, everyone past a certain level plays it for PvP and just goes around running at people with their uber unbeatable gear and inventory full of heals.
Sub 25 is a more equal playing ground but then it has the opposite problem where at least half the lobby dies to PvE
dead game
dunno what heathy player count are you talking about, at release you had to wait full time for lobby to gather and start with around 3 players
It was asked before, but does anyone have an estimate on how many points in STR/AGI it takes for the animal forms to be viable? I don't want to one shot people or anything, but I do want to use the animals for more than just breaking shit, mobility.
is there only two matchmaking pools for <25 and >25 or is there more?
it's 0-24 and everyone else, only these 2
there's no point in joining 25+ for pve
I don't have any info about panther, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0qQJijJeK0&t=732 goes over some STR -> damage numbers for bear. Keep in mind that this is probably relative to the training dummy who doesn't have armor, but still. Also I assume this is for a headshot with the bear's RMB attack.
>32 STR: 140 damage
>36 STR: 170 damage
>40 STR: 180 damage
>45 STR: 215 damage
>52 STR: 243 damage
>65 STR: 253 damage

I've got 15 STR in gray gear and my bear RMB headshots do like 54 damage, which I think is slightly better than my gray mace. But the other big advantage, aside from the bear's PDR, is that if I wanted to run up as a rat and then whack someone with my mace, I'd need to pull it out first. Animal forms can attack immediately, meaning I can weave between mouse, bear, and panther as the situation demands without ever having any downtime.
another bard nerf incoming now that a streamer made a video showing high tier lutes keep you under 25 gear score while outclassing everything in melee at that score
why would they nerf bard when they could just change the gear score of instruments?
how do you deal with "can't see shit" problem in animal form
Is Harmonic Shield worth using? Or should I switch it for something else
I can see just fine.
how is new map so fucking shit
why is it impossible to tell if exits have been used or not
why the fuck are there no portal and just like 3 stupid stairs at the end of mile long caves
>why is it impossible to tell if exits have been used or not
Only Goblin Caves has this problem. On Howling Crypts and the ice map, if the gate is open, then if the torches on either side of it are lit it means no one has used it yet and unlit torches mean it's already been used.
Also every map does have a couple locations where there are three exit portals clustered together, as well as other evac options like ropes/elevators/rafts/etc. These are all marked blue on your map.
I literally ran circles around this stupid ice mountain crap and didn't find any portarls
Very fun to check every single cave for stairs, which all don't fucking work and you have no idea why because you simply run into invisible wall with no indication of it being closed
fuck this gook cashgrab
>Be me
>Playing Fighter
>In the Goblin Caves looking for loot
>Run across a warlock
>Crouch and hold torch to signify peace
>He obliges
>End up teaming up with him
>Kill some mobs in the next room
>Warlock spots another warlock
>We decide to kill the warlock
>Rush the man down
>We murder him in cold blood
>Share the loot with my impromptu adventure buddy
>Split up
>I escape via the rope
>Spectate him
>He makes it out as well via an escape portal
I love this game
>check every single cave for stairs
They're marked on your minimap. As blue staircases. You can see them from neighboring rooms.
>you have no idea why because you simply run into invisible wall with no indication of it being closed
In Goblin Caves at least when a staircase has been taken it caves in and is visibly blocked with rubble, but yeah in the other two maps you just have to know to look at the torches.
Also it turns out I was wrong about Ice Caverns having portals. Pic related is the full map and all exits.
The raft exits don't get "used up" and instead run periodically throughout the round, like the lift in Goblin Caves.
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Forgot the pic.
>solo High Roller
>90% of the lobby is in gray gear, maybe a green or blue weapon and one or two pieces of green armor
Is HR trios where all the geared people go, or what?
seeing all the same-size square room next to each other makes the map seem so soulless
their plan is for each room to be randomly placed in the future - that's why they're all the same size
you just got a shitter lobby, most people are geared in my lobbies
They kinda did this when they were experimenting with goblin cave layouts, but I hated it. There were so many dead ends where doors used to be, it felt lazy.
Guess they felt the same way, which is why they replaced it with a fixed layout so they can iron out the kinks of the RNG based map
they are marked but they are in the end of the cave and you can't tell if it's been used or not until you go all the way
how do people rat jump consistently, it's so fucking hard
Makes no sense that staircases are only for one person to exit. Why the fuck can't our whole team use thr stairs
>it felt lazy
thats because it is
devs are dumb riceniggers
Everytime I see a clip of someone winning a 1v3 it's always a ranger, is it the strongest class or what?
I really like how unlike a lot of other extraction shooter the players in Dark and Darker are way more likely to not instantly try to kill you and will leave you alone (or even team up with you) if you show you mean them no harm.
Ranged attacks in general are stronger (in a meta sense) than melee attacks because you are either up against another ranged fighter, which means you're on equal footing, or you're up against a melee fighter, which means you have the advantage because you can damage them and they can't damage you. There are multiple ranged classes, but Ranger is the all-around strongest among them because they can carry a billion arrows while Wizards have finite spells before needing to rest and Warlocks have a relatively short range on most of their spells. Arrows also travel faster than any other projectile, making them less easy to dodge.
I have shit on Rangers as a beast Druid multiple times, but that's because they're unable to kite me due to my rat form - I just run up, turn into a bear, and maul them. They don't have the burst damage output to deal with me then. Normal classes with normal footspeed, though? I can see a ranger managing to kite them with good footwork and whittle their HP away.
Bro is enjoying <25 gear lobbies
the greentext I posted about me teaming up with a warlock was in an >25 gear lobby
Bowniggers: The Game
is mining profitable? seems like cobalt ore is a big waste of time, I'm amazed lower tier ores even exist, never seen them in game though
Is a fighting with a bow significantly weaker than a ranger with a bow?
>the rangers reaction when I use my shield to block his stupid arrows
>never seen them in game though
I've seen iron ore in the mine section on the north side of Goblin Caves, the room with all the purple crystals.
Notably, iron ingots can be crafted into lockpicks, which is the only source of lockpicks in the game aside from finding them randomly in the dungeon. It seems like many players either don't know this or can't be bothered to spend the time, because last I checked a stack of 3 lockpicks was going for 120g on the marketplace. You can get 2 lockpicks per ingot and you get 2 ingots from 3 ore, so that comes out to each piece of iron ore being worth about 53g when turned into lockpicks. I think each node contains 5-6 ore, so if you can manage to hit two nodes in a round that's 530g-636g worth of lockpick iron.
Note however, that it seems like you can't just become a lockpick factory. When I crafted the set of two lockpicks, that option disappeared from the service menu. It was back there later (after I had played some rounds) so I imagine that you can only craft such things once every so often. I don't know what the time frame is exactly - if it only requires you to go into the dungeon to refresh, you could simply join with default gear and kill yourself immediately every time to still become essentially a lockpick factory, though slower and more tedious.

I don't know the market rates of any of the other ores or the things that can be crafted with them. I imagine rubysilver gear goes for a lot, but that requires you to go to hell.
>a fighting
I meant a fighter
Unless you're talking about a pavise, he can still hit you.
I don't actually know the specific stat breakdowns, I only play casters. I do know that Rangers get bow-related perks and abilities like a three-shot rapid fire. I suppose it also depends on your definition of "significantly" though.
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On that note, how do you use lockpicks? The thing happens too fast and there's no tutorial. I tried to hit yellow sectors with left click and it did nothing. Am I supposed to hit space? I could test every single key but they are too expensive.
dead game
Yeah, hit space when the line is over the highlighted section. I think the smaller red portion in the middle instantly opens the chest whereas the yellow portions on either side simply continue the lockpicking and could lead to a second or third check, but I don't know that for sure.
Intense focus is the only thing making wizard slightly viable if you are not high gear
Are either of these bard skills worth a shit?
>The one that makes enemies target the nearest target besides the performer
>Peacemaker, which says it just removes the will to fight from players and enemies
Peacemaker can be gimmicky, spell casters casting soells while melee users cannot swing weapons. The first song you mentioned seems like the most useless one
every single time I do this they try to kill me btw
>>The one that makes enemies target the nearest target besides the performer
It's good for solo PvE when there's a bunch of enemies
>enemies start attacking each other
>stop playing
>free hits
>play again
it's not super reliable with some mobs but it's better than attacking 5 mummies or 5 goblin archers with a grey rapier
If you are playing rogue you deserve it
I kill on sight. If someone asks me to team up, I'll either murder them outright or betray and backstab them in spectacular fashion. If I see faggots teaming in the dungeon, I will drop all my loot in a dark corner and make it my life's mission to murder both of them. Begging for your life over VoIP only encourages me to kill you except now I'm going to take my sweet time and make it agonizingly slow.
Is the right click in bear form ever worth it?
>unironically getting hit by bear
just say youre trash
bear form M2 can smash doors/chests and it's better than mashing M1 because headshots, but spear stabs are better if you don't need the physical damage reduction from bear
You can one-shot players if you max strength.
40+ strength does 240 damage to the head, legit kills anyone not bringing 50% PDR in one hit.
The right click scales with strength by 200% or something, used it a few times.
>>The one that makes enemies target the nearest target besides the performer
Would be fantastic and funny, but is coded like complete shit and doesn't work correctly most of the time.
>>Peacemaker, which says it just removes the will to fight from players and enemies
Duo with a wizard/warlock and use it against barb/fighter assrushes
>way easier to headshot enemies because you come down directly on top of them and it has a pretty large hitbox
>puts your own head out of reach of most enemy weapons while you're rearing up
>in fact pulls much of your body length in general backward, meaning the enemy will need to step forward to hit you at all, which will put them in your M2 hitbox as you come down on them
>makes it tougher for the enemy to judge how far they need to be to not get hit because as you're returning to all fours after rearing up the hitbox is moving forward quite a bit (the length of the bear's body.)
While bear form M1 probably has higher DPS than M2, fighting it is also more straightforward for the enemy because they outspeed you.
>wait for bear's M1 swipe
>step forward and stab it in the face
>move back to dodge following swipe and repeat
Sure, they could do this against the bear's M2 as well, but I think how much the bear's body moves around during the M2 at least makes it more difficult for them.

I like bear because if I were using a spear, I'd have to pull the spear out every time I shifted into a human. As a bear, I can just run up to someone as a rat, shift into a bear, and immediately start mauling them.
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Am I retarded for using the rogue backroll? I dodge a lot of attacks with it and all rogues skills are pretty shit except hide
What about the ranger backstep? It seems pretty good for <25 dungeons, when you dont have gear to make the other skills too useful.
rogue backroll is viable cuz everything else is pretty shit yeah
Probably nothing sweeter than finding this warlock who started mouthing off at me in voip because he thought the escape he was next to hadn't been taken. He tried to run into it and obviously didn't escape. I have never felt more superior whilst calling him a dumb new faggot whos fucking shit while caving his skull in hahahahhahahaha
Alright, calm down Griffith, go back to raping your friends or something
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>see people listing some kinds of blue gear on the marketplace for as low as 35g
>after the 15g listing fee they'll be making literally less than they would if they had just sold it to a merchant
I only go into games with base gear because I have absurd amounts of gear fear
What do you do with all your accumulated gear and gold, then?
I sell the gear and just stockpile the gold
lol sad. Many such cases
You know all that gold is going to disappear when the next wipe happens, right?
Might as well use it.
>Am I retarded for using the rogue backroll?
Slow animation windup, anyone with more than 50 ping gets a free hit off on you. I'd suggest pinpoint or silence.
>What about the ranger backstep?
Incredibly broken, can be used mid-swing animation or while in the air. If you're an adderall aimjunkie, you can backstep + pointblank shotgun headshot instakill everyone with grey gear longbow outside of high PDR fighters.
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I really wish spears were available as base gear
>you can backstep + pointblank shotgun headshot instakill everyone with grey gear longbow outside of high PDR fighters
thats with the 5 arrow single shot skill right? Its so clunky I havent figured out how to use it correctly. I normally just run backstep and the arrow volley
>thats with the 5 arrow single shot skill right?
Yeah, 5 * 60 (unarmored). Wonky as shit though and gets neutered if someone tilts their view backwards.
They are. Raising your affinity with the merchants by completing quests gives you more base gear options.
Completing the Weaponsmith's first quest (Aiding A Legacy) will give you access to base gear morningstar and spear, among other things. Same goes for the Leathersmith giving you more base gear leather armor options and the Tailor giving you more base gear cloth armor options, etc.
why did most maps disappear from this shit website?
no ruins available at all
outside of godrolls it's pretty much useless to pick up greens and blues since the market is overflowing with trash
you can vendor blues but 99% of the time actual treasure will be better for gold
Ruins doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for a long time lmao
It's being reworked, been missing for the last couple months
>heading to stairs
>ranger is waiting for them to unlock
>save ranger from a ball of enemies using peacemaking
>he proceeds to shoot arrows at me
>use enemies as meatshields while waiting for stairs to open
>they open
>we both make a run for it
>buff my speed
>debuff his speed
>walk in with him right behind me swinging at the air
>spectate him until he dies
fuck you
What classes are the most "evil", aka the ones most likely to kill or betray you in solo?
Barbarian 100%
>>save ranger from a ball of enemies using peacemaking
lmao why would you
Barb, Ranger.
Definitely rangers. Rogues are suprisingly ok, mostly because they will run away the moment they see you.
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I always betray people and I play rogue. Im goofy in voice chat leading a trail of enemies, they are usually nice and help me clear the wave, then I go invis and kill them while they're looting
so ruins of the castle is crypts?
ffs got a head hit from a goblin, died at 50% hp lmao
holy shit that came out of nowhere
only pve rogues would run away, and pve rogues are retarded
When I play wizard everyone is kill on sight because people tend to hide around corners waiting for me to get in melee range.

On my fighter I am friendly unless doing a quest or something
it does my heart so much good when you walk into a 3 way standoff, and you and one of the other guys go
>hey wanna team up against this [absolute nigger class]
>fuck yeah man lets get him
What's the best barbarian weapon? I've been enjoying the double axe, but everything feels like ass
Can a druid use the instruments in any useful way? Or are they in the set gear thing list for shits and giggles. Cause either way I might bring at least one with me
It's dungeon etiquette to bring an instrument and poorly play it when you see someone else doing so.
dead game
Is slayer fighter still the meta
The devs implemented a multiclassing system several months ago, so they needed every class to be able to equip instruments in case the player wanted to multiclass into bard. There's not really a reason for it anymore. Drums are good for throwing, and the flute can be used to block then follow up with a parry attack
Rogue is honestly one of the harder classes to play. in a straight out fight you'll always win but if they get the jump then just lay down, thats it.
Listen for other players, look for signs of players, simple as.
t. Barbarian that has never been jumped by rogue.
idk I smacked some rogues but they were stupid and naked
geared rogues kill me before I can turn around
Bardiche and Viking Sword
>Spend a bit of gold and use a looted item
>Ice caves
>Spawn in the area with the giant berserker
>It kills me
Very cool!
a fighter rushes me with green rondel dagger
I drink a def potion and smack him in the face with my grey mace, I'm also a fighter
I die, he's at 40% hp
does green dagger really makes that much of a difference? He didn't even have dual wield because he was wearing plate. I could've probably ran away because he was slow as fuck (slow enough for me to chug a blue bottle anyway), but I thought the odds were in my favour
At this point I just don't go in ice caves. It's a dogshit dungeon with no loot and stupid overtuned monsters at every corner. If ice caves are on rotation, it's trading time for me.
dead game
>so they needed every class to be able to equip instruments in case the player wanted to multiclass into bard
But why wouldn't they just give the player that ability IF they multiclassed into Bard?
It's not like Wizards are able to equip plate armor and a longsword just in case the player wants to multiclass into Fighter.
because the playerbase is fucking reddit and niggered their pants when universal instruments were removed the first time
I love ice caves because it's the one map I can always guarantee PvP, so long as you path towards the wolf caves.
Because of people farming wolf pelts?
Why wolf caves
Bro he would of hit you 2-3 times to your one with the mace. Running mace as fighter is kinda wack though there is really no benefit to it.
Because wolf pelts.
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>solo troll
>finally get a troll pelt
>barb walks in and oneshots me immediately after the troll is dead
>havent played for months
>gear score
>no circle
>noone pvps
Devs still have no idea how to develop a game i see
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Are dual wielding daggers good now with the armor penetration bonuses? Still not sure if its worth the movement penalty...
It’s good against pdr with dagger mastery thrust and weakpoint
isn't druid just better than cleric in every single way
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>found two perfect ancient scrolls in the same chest
>almost 300g from the Collector
>faggot rogue refuses to engage
>keeps running away and shooting
>realize I will never catch him
>let him hit me one time
>act like I'm hurt and run away
>lock myself in my spawn room
>he opens the door
>comes out of hide and starts trying to stab me
>decapitate him with one mighty swing
eat shit and die rogue niggers
Based never trust rogues
Is there any reason to pick wizard besides chain lightning
The spiders ruin this fucking game Im done
Right now? I don't think so. Fireball is nice and all, but wizards suffer so much in so many other areas that I feel like warlocks make better spellslingers right now.
>limited magazine that requires you to either burn an ability slot, fill your inventory with campfires, or spend an eternity normal resting
>not to mention almost all spell counts themselves have been nerfed so the limit is even smaller
>even if you do take Meditate you'll still be spending a lot of time sitting around
>Haste nerfed so hard the effect feels barely noticeable
>Invisibility nerfed so that you can't use it to lose pursuers or gain distance anymore because the enemy can see shimmers of where you're going
>can't outrun anyone except maybe a barb with his weapon out, despite wearing lighter armor than any other class, and when they eventually do catch you you're fucked
>PvE is doable, but a slog
Sure, you CAN be a good wizard, but doing so feels like scaling a mountain because the devs have tried their hardest to shit on wizards as much as possible.
>be warlock
>instakill all spiders chasing me with Flame Walker or phase through them with Phantomize so they can't bodyblock me
>be druid
>simply ignore the spiders entirely and mousejump through the door into the next room
Also the spiders always cluster up while chasing you and a single strike from a gray longsword can kill them, so you can just wave your sword around and poke all three in one hit. It's that easy.
Spiders really only gave me a problem as wizard because they took three staff hits to kill and the staff has a shit hitbox.
what should I run in <25 lobbies then?
arming sword kinda sucks
>the dark grows darker
>Running mace as fighter is kinda wack though
Wasn't high-high-high high roller trio meta a fighter with a regular goofy mace because of how action speed affects weapons?
longsword + empty shield offhand or longsword + crossbow if you're willing to spend a little gold
claymore or spear if you're willing to spend even more gold
realistically you should just pick up whatever trash you find from the first mobs you kill that is green and isn't like a magic weapon
Yooo, clarity potions are back? Guess I need to start hunting for herbs now
Yeah, but they don't just passively restore your spells like they used to. They simply improve the rate at which your spells replenish while resting, but you still have to rest.
Grey crossbow is free on fighter
Honestly that's the reason why I switched back to fighter, was playing ranger before but it fucking sucks. This game really has a problem with different weapon types not being balanced at all, and better types not being available in lower tiers. You can't get them from squire or buy them from vendors, you have to trade with players. That means you can't train with the weapon you want. It fucking sucks.
Since I didn't want a bow but wanted a crossbow, I figured I might as well just switch to fighter.
>longsword + empty shield offhand
But is longsword even any good? I tried it and it was decent for pve, but I'm afraid to even attempt pvp with it (not that I have a say in it), it's too slow. And what is empty shield for?
Xbow + spear is what I wanted for archer but spears aren't available on vendors
>realistically you should just pick up whatever trash you find from the first mobs you kill that is green
I do but some weapons have really shitty moveset which I can't tolerate, like hammer or viking sword. Falchion is kinda bad too.
fucking koreans crashed my game again
u got troled
>But is longsword even any good?
It's one of the few weapons in the game that can parry attacks. That by itself makes it useful
LMAO if you have no idea how to play Cleric, sure.
I guess now that armor pen is a real thing the mace could be good for fighter. I'll have to try it out.
Why the fuck last elevator in goblin caves takes off more than 1 minute before timer ends?
this game fucking sucks
you do everything right, win fights, get loot, and inevitably get backstabbed by shit fucking korean design
I'm so done with it
no matter what I do koreans will find a way to ruin every single game with new broken shit
>go into Howling Crypts to complete a quest
>apparently the dungeon has multiple layouts and not all of them contain the same rooms
>can't do the quest because the room I'm supposed to visit doesn't exist in the layout I randomly got
How annoying.
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>cant kill skeleton mages for quest because it keeps killing itself as the last hit
Do the stat bonuses on my weapons only apply while I have the weapons out? Like if I've got a shield with +1 Additional Damage, does that affect the damage of my two-hand weapon in the other slot? Or what about health? Do I gain/lose max health depending on whether I'm wielding my +Health weapon?
If the bonuses apply as long as they're equipped, but not necessarily wielded, then couldn't I just stack two daggers that I never use in my second slot, purely for their stat bonuses?
Only applies when its out
So do druids not get any benefits of their weapons at all while in animal form?
Is the damage of some weapons dexterity-based? Or are all physical weapons strength-based?
Because Rogue has pretty shit strength.
Most weapons only take strength but sometimes some also use magic dmg like crystal sword or magic staff. Dex makes it so your attack speed is faster, also interacting with doors, swapping items, using consumables. https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Stats#Dexterity
tarkov general just die
Are there any classes that get a perk that make unarmed damage not shit?
No. Just have good strength. Play barb lol
How do you find people in this game I wanna fight niggas
Learn where the high-traffic areas of each map are and head there. Start ignoring mobs entirely and just blazing through rooms. The more you move around the map, the more likely you are to run into someone.
For goblin caves it’s just the middle elevator room right idk for ice caves and crypts maybe wolf room but idk
I am going to intense focus spawn rush. ALLAH
In goblin caves go top-right corner where ore spawns. In snow mountain go left where wolves spawn. Idk about crypts, they are usually chill and I don't meet anyone, but when I do it's 2 or 3 solos rushing me in top-right corner for some reason
do I need to buy the goyim edition or is free version good enough?
See >>1341938 for all the differences. Whether it's good enough depends on what you want/what things you care about.
There's nothing stopping a free account from climbing their way to a set of purple gear and stomping lobbies (although no High Roller, so no leaderboard/Adventure Points ranking) but not being able to sell things to other players means missing out on a lot of gold from rarer items you find but don't need, and if you decide you want to try a different class you'll be starting from square one rather than having access to all the gold and items you already built up with your earlier character(s).

You can upgrade at any time though, so you don't lose anything by trying it out for free and seeing if these issues really inconvenience you.
Depends on what you want out of the game.
Legendary Edition with the High Roller dungeons is the true Dark and Darker experience
Not being able to try every class out without killing your progress on other characters sucks but they need to sell you on the game somehow
Oh right, forgot the last thread was in /vm/. >>>/vm/1341938
but what about dungeonborne?
I feel like DaD is actually pretty generous as far as limited/trial accounts in vidya go, overall.
I played the demo during Next Fest and I absolutely hated it.
Movement felt even slower than Dark and Darker, and playing as a magic user is much less complex. You only had two spells, your mana recharged incredibly slowly and there was no meditation equivalent, and while you did get a staff that could cast magic and could be recharged manually, it didn't even deal enough damage to kill a single mob before running empty. Playing it just felt like an awful slog the entire time.
They are some parts need to suck enough to motivate you to buy.
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Is there any class that feels more rewarding geared than wizard 40+ knowledge with magic dmg
how do I fight warlock as lv1 fighter?
A geared bear druid can one-tap most classes.
Though I suppose it depends on your definition of "rewarding."
If he used phatomize try to explosive bottle him because he takes increased dmg. Crossbow is really fucking good against warlock if you find one. They have to move slower while they are casting a spell which lines them up for you to shoot them. You can Use shield to >>483568780
block curse of pain and jump so it’s hard to hit your legs around the shield or just sprint rush at him and hope you kill him.
Just good or strong I guess. It could also just mean fun if you want. Never really played Druid cause idk how to build them.
Meant to say shield also can work against wizards if they are zapping you like warlocks do with curse of pain. Most will try to shoot your legs but you can make it more difficult by jumping and trying to angle the shield to block them. Sometimes shields are kinda troll and just slow you down so some people just use no shield to move faster and sprint at them lol
For beast-focused druid, just pile on as much strength as possible.
You could also go panther and stack AGI instead, but panther's squishier than your human form whereas bear is tankier.

I don't really know anything about building a caster/human form-centric Druid, though.
I remember seeing a post complaining on how you really REALLY need a shit ton of strength to even out dmg a grey mace. Makes me ask the question for how Druid is even playable in PvP without annoying others by blocking chokes with thorn wall/treant and just annoying others with rat form escape. I guess panther can shit on wizards with cutthroat but that’s it.
yeah druid shapeshifting is dogshit without actual gear
What's better for Rogue, Dagger Mastery or Thrust? Or Jokester?
I feel like Hide Mastery and Stealth are kind of mandatory and I want Pickpocket as well.
>how you really REALLY need a shit ton of strength to even out dmg a grey mace
My bear form RMB does like 54 damage on a headshot with gray gear, it's not so bad. I've killed with it before.
Running pickpocket I would recommend jokester. +2 attribute makes you pickpocket faster. May benefit from smoke pot. Tbh if you want to kill people I would recommend getting rid of pickpocket
Dagger mastery thrust weakpoint good for fighting armored opponents, duel wield dagger more armor pen. Ambush very good same with stealth.
dead game
We in /vg/ now lil nigga pipe down
It’s crazy how base ranger is faster than rogue for mining. They start with higher resourcefulness and I think also agility which makes them mine the fastest compared to every class. If someone tries to fuck with you, shoot them with range and you have traps LOL. Rogue literally only has stealth going for it
Ambush seems weaker than Dagger Mastery because Ambush only applies to the first hit after coming out of hide. Unless you're suggesting stacking both of them.
>Rogue literally only has stealth going for it
And is beaten by druid.
>oh, you get to be invisible for 25 seconds, on a 25 second cooldown?
>I can hide behind a chest or in a crack in the wall or inside a mob corpse as a rat for as long as I want, with no cooldown on shifting into or out of rat form ever
I’m suggesting both of them. Ambush and stealth are 100% necessary if you are running hide imo. Unless you really are adamant at going pickpocket, if that’s the case then you really should give up on killing anyone and just put all your perks and skills into enabling pickpocket.
This guy is one of the most experienced rogue players to ever play the game. Here he is practically over your shoulder giving you advice on what to run for rogue. Be sure to tell me what you think.
Without Pickpocket to hide the items on your waist, do you just need to never keep potions in your utility slots? You can't hide in the dark otherwise.
TRUE LOL. Rat can also go through so many open holes in walls that are in crypts. So annoying to chase and deal with. Rogue players can still be annoying with hand crossbow or landmining tho
You don’t need to hide for long. Just camp an area, wait until you hear footsteps getting closer or a door opening and hope they didn’t see you through the window or hear you. Go invis with hide and try to landmine them with headshots if they are not a barb or fighter. If they are a barb or fighter. Just kite back with hand cross or throwing knife and be annoying. When you think they are low enough, run up to them and then just use hide in their face to get ambush and finish them off. Can use rupture spam on throwables for good poke. Can use weakpoint for stealth all in or rupture
Forgot to mention ambush also price on throwables and crossbow I think so you could do that too if you wanted
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>riding the lift out of the goblin caverns
>nearly at the top
>the fucking goblin mage who I can't even SEE at this point arcs his fucking shot over the edge of the platform and headshots me
Yeah I've found if you leave the mage alive the balls will chase around the platform and still hit you through it. Needs to be cleared 100%
I mean you can juke them easily enough, I was just standing still because I thought I was in the clear.
Is this game worth getting into if I have no friend and have to play solo?
I have almost 100 hours in it so far, all solo mode.
try it it's free and like 8 gigabytes
I think so, I play solo primarily. 700+ hours If you wanna play with people could group on discord/gathering hall/here. But desu solo is also fine
The game is perfectly viable for solos only, I have at least 1000+ hours that are just in solos.
What class do you primarily play? Do you have any advice or techniques for it?
Regional pricing when? I'm not gonna pay over 150 bucks for a video game let alone one in early access and dollars are irrelevant to our economy anyway i can buy food and snacks for the whole month with 150 bucks but (You) can't buy dinner with 30 dollars
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I play Bard but if you're new I don't recommend it because you need a strong understanding of the game and its mechanics before you can do well and appreciate the value of your songs.
That being said, the game is the most balanced it's ever been. Any class can be effective in solos if you build properly and know what you're doing. My advice is to pick the class that is most interesting to you personally, and you will find success.
Could never make bard work cause I buff up but still lose melee fight
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Fuck this faggot and his quests
I honestly hope people keep saying Wizard is ass in normals. People always rush me thinking I'm an easy kill, but then it turns out I'm a tanky ass bonk wizard. I've even swapped the book out for a crossbow sometimes cause I don't care if people catch up to me in a fight.
It's a difficult class even if it looks simple, certainly up there with Wizard and Druid
I voip in pre-lobby and tell everyone to meet me in the centre for pvp or they are pussy faggots. Some times it works, other times I have to go hunt these poofters down.
Bonk wizards always seem to think they can win against my 45pdr/45mdr cleric, When will they ever learn?
how the fuck do people manage to carry 3 drums on their belt and not get overwhelmed with pots and bandages management
Glass cannons don't need to heal
So what do you do in this game?
>left click on rockem sockem robot AI
>press F to watch 'Do Thing' wheel spin
>right click take shinies
>left click sell shinies
>make small number big and blue
>die to bigger purple number
>worship at the altar of koreaslop
whatever you want
there's a lot of things to do from quests, getting better gear, fighting bosses, exploring, fighting other players
Rush the boss to farm loot. Do quests. Do meme builds. Laugh at killing people. Loot dopamine
I'm still so mad about the zone removal, there used to he so much action and pvp in the final circles, it was so fun, why do people unironically defend this change
My wife's boyfriend said he liked it, so it's here to stay.

Circle kinda sucks cause you’re really advantageous if you get there first and it feels bad playing into it.
If they don't release the arena in a week I'm gonna be fucking pissed off. This is a goddamn pvp game not a run around and hit shitty unreal engine free assets game.
>"i dont want PvE slop!"
>"i want **PvP slop**!!!!"
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>log on to test meme build idea
>first raid get ambushed by literal thanos
>collect 10k kit and log off
How is everyone else doing today?
>get really high and duo caves with ranger friend
> place traps beneath dead mobs and ass fuck people while screaming kill this nigga
>high roll chain lightning 2 times off of boss to fry geared people
Pretty good
>my secondary modal colloquialism is the correct usage waaa
Esports and its consequences were a disaster for the human race.
>nightmare gobbo mage
dead game
just strafe like the regular mage
she only fires in one direction
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Why do devs do this? They have the money and attention to make their dream games but they just make horrible sewage. What were Dark and Darker devs thinking with this horrible PvE experience and nonexistent melee combat?
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You will farm for slop.
And you'll be happy.
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
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lot of crybaby faggots in this thread
True. Just keep on thuggin’ nigga.
I actually enjoy AP grinding
It's the only reason to engage with highroller
Kek. Who do you think plays this game if not crybaby faggots?
It can feel monotonous at times but maybe I’m doing it wrong. You must be playing a fun class
I just enjoy trying to beat my high score
Have you hit Demi before? I think the most I’ve ever hit is the rank after you get the skin. It was on wizard I don’t really have a strategy
I hit it in the first season yeah
Doing it on wizard would be a pain in the ass unless you just avoid PVP on the ice map
I'm doing it on barbarian
dead game
I thought w+m1 was how you win fights on barb but I do that and still lose when fighting melee against people. Is it because the battle axe is that bad? I’ve only really played barb in <25 gear
Is highroller fill with people gunning for PvP, or will I be able to see someone and we go our seperate ways peacefull?
battle axe is shit tier every other 2 hander is better
there's too much to lose for most people so I can't imagine people ignoring you unless they went in with zero gear and are actively avoiding every fight
I remember queuing for goblin caves trios and only finding 1 or 2 groups in pre lobby. Pretty ghost town if looking to farm
>play solo
>escape pretty often, win pvp encounters about 50% of the time, make money
>playing with randos, still escape regularly, pvp is hit or miss, make ok money
>play duos with friend
>almost never escape, almost always lose pvp, actively lose money
Fuck, it sucks so much. We've been playing together for the last year and he never gets better.
If i buy the game on steam can i download and play through the launcher?
I want to play druid but dont want to lose my bard. Should I pay $30 just to play druid
Do you find yourself feeding with him just to try to not make him mad? Some of our friends just suck shit man if they get pissed because you are smarter and still alive and they’re fucking dead that’s on them
I haven’t really played Druid but I see a lot of other people playing them. They are good in trios because their thorn wall and treant can block choke points like doors and separate trios
Don't do it bro druid is just flashy but bard is way better
unironically yes if you're enjoying the game
I suspect more things will be Legendary Edition only in the future too like Arena mode
what the fuck is parry on longsword supposed to do
it straight down doesn't work
matching timing doesn't work
following the weapon with cursor doesn't work
it does fucking nothing
skill issue
parrying/blocking is client sided on the enemy side
if you're playing on us west, don't even bother blocking players because it's probably some chink who wont see you raising your block 5 seconds after you actually did it
i thought druid was good? feels fuckin ass. only reason i'm still playing it cuz I like people watching as a rat
druid was never good for anything but a health battery
I was waiting for an elevator in goblin caves for 3 minutes and it never came. Thankfully I gave up and found stairs. What the fuck is wrong with it?
>Accidentally queue up in 25+
>Manage to kill a purple rogue without even knowing I'm in 25+ queue
>Manage to escape, spectate other players
>There's at least 3-4 other rogues in the lobby
Did they buff rogue or was it just a coincidence?
>accidentally queue up in 25+
>nobody joins
>it's fucking empty
>pve mode finally here
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I miss the good old days when clerics had 330 movement speed and could do this
there's literally an op cleric build right now that has that much speed and 1 shots with smite
I haven't played much with the new gear rebalance but I guess I'll try it out
It's not timing-based, all that's necessary is for the enemy weapon to collide with your sword while you're blocking.
That said, it might not be working because of >>483639936.
its this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcbjjtR3vnc just skip his yapping and go to where he shows the build
dead game
I feel like I have more player kills on my druid than on my warlock and wizard combined. I really love his ability to just instantly disengage from fights whenever he wants. No one is fast enough to chase me in rat form and most ranged fighters aren't accurate enough to kill me from a distance.
I like rushing up to someone while they're fighting mobs or looting a chest and just turning into a bear and instantly mauling them.
it's not the same. it was fun using the walking stick and weaving in spells between bonks. I'll try it out though.
I miss bonk cleric so much...
I thought faithfulness didn't affect smite?
>try non-spellcaster for the first time
>invis potions have a knowledge requirement
Imagine being too stupid to drink liquid.
The top cap has child safety caps on it
imagine wanting to guzzle bottles of cum
Semen retention maxxing
dead game
my noobposting keeps the thread alive, suck it
just threw free juiced kill because my ability keys were swapped and I did a mental connection error right in front of him as he's whacking me trying to understand why my ability didn't proc
Intense focus spawn rush maxxing
I wish I could bind items to separate keys. I get confused when I am juggling instruments. Let me just each instrument to their own key
Why you say that?
>to get affinity with the Leathersmith, you have to escape Goblin Caves a few times
>to get affinity with the Weaponsmith, you have to find some Rare weapons
>to get affinity with the Tailor, you have to go to Hell and kill demons
The Tailor is a fucking asshole.
It's le difficulty. Korean devs have the same philosophy as dark souls devs. The challenge is controls.
Even funnier how garbage the combat is, it's basically minecraft combat.
idk don't you have to go to hell anyway to get rare weapons
Mood nigga
I was intimidated too but once you actually get there it's chill, the demon zerkers and centaurs are easy to fight once you learn their moveset. just don't be my dumbass buddy and wake everything up at once. if you don't have ranged attacks to pull, just throw torches.
Wizard gaming
>it's another Frontline is a pussy episode

Why do you ask for buffs, only to camp a door and not even threaten to push? You're taking crossbow damage for nothing every time you peak. At least fucking run.
Minecraft PvP is unironically more complex
Play wizard of you just want to fucking send it and not be a pussy
He is like slightly better than wizard solo in default gear, with gear druid scales hard and unlike wizard people ignore a good druid in solos HR. If you get a purple spear PvE becomes a joke
For me so much as changed in the last year, I never used to do HR because 75 gold felt like to much. Now on my warlock I just que up naked and hit purple ranks with out dieing. I hope they keep the gold cost a little longer, plan to hit demi then go back to my wizard
My problem with teams is unless you are a frontliner, they freak out and body block half the time another player shows up.
I miss the ruins, I could actually fight without my team bunching up on my ass and making it impossible to move.
dead game
No, you can find blues in the regular dungeons. Not even High Roller.
It might be uncommon, but it's not difficult or anything.
I've just been using Warlock to nuke everything through the unbreakable doors.
Is it worth using a lantern as a rogue? You get free stat boosts for no movement penalty and a free light source, but you can't turn the light source off which might fuck up efforts to hide while you have your weapon out.
I don’t like lantern because it takes up stilletto dagger slot.
Will the red gunk ponds in Hell hurt me?
I'm too scared to touch them myself to see. Enemies seem to walk through it no problem.
The timer should be extended by 10 minutes
Ok but re add circle
Attack the same static mobs over and over again until they die
>back on /vg/
Lysithea and HereComesAFighter, if you're out there reply to this post
we used to game on playtest 5
the question is whether a good lantern is worth it, usually they're overpriced.
to be fair, endgame tailor affinity is one of the easiest money makers in the game.
What do you mean liar
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Finally watched some gameplay of that dungeonborne game and what the fuck it looks 1000x better than this shit. The melee combat actually looks interesting and enjoyable.
What do the rest of you think of it? I cant believe an anon said it had worse combat earlier
did you just started playing, anon? he prints money for cheap if you complete quests.
Not difficult but you won't find shit. You find a lot of blue armor but weapons are rare. Going hr for blues also seems like a bad idea, but a quest is a quest I guess.
ice cave pyramid is a guaranteed blue weapon spawn
Melee is more casual and I don't like it, even though I suck at darker combat. And I think main problem of dad melee is that it's balanced around high action speed but by default everyone has low speed. And also a clear division to good bases with good combos and complete shit that I have no idea why even exists.
But magic looks so much better in that game.
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What? The attack patterns actually have interesting combos and change your movement, just look at the dual daggers in that game, DnD has the worst combat a modern game can possibly have, its the same as every other low effort indie survivalcraft game, the worst of the worst of the worst. Attack, walk away, attack, walk away
How? Doesn't affinity only impact the selection you have for base gear?
affinity improves the gear the merchant sells you AND allows you access to craft-able gear in their service window. Tailor has some of the best and most applicable pieces of gear that most classes can wear which is why he's a crucial merchant.

If you level him up you'll get access to him selling you purple gear and craft gold gear and the like.
>I cant believe an anon said it had worse combat earlier
That was me and my impression was based entirely off of playing Wizard during the playtest a few months ago.
I don't know how much they may have changed since then, but at the time Wizard felt like shit.
I just watched some jewtube videos and the melee combat specifically looks so much better, like an actual thought out game.
>magic looks so much better in that game
Quick rundown? During the playtest months ago casters got two innate spells and could use rechargeable staffs to shoot staff-specific spells that were borderline uselessly weak, and that was it.
Has anything changed since then?
>low health
>try to pick at a demon dog from a safe place
>hitting it with a projectile kills me
So I guess that's what those electric enemies do, huh.
Me after I get away I’m rat form for the 5th time
From what I can see, nothing changed. But that's still better than dad
once there was one at the start of the castle and our wizkid blew himself up by magic missling into it
>But that's still better than dad
I disagree. Even base kit wizard in DaD gives you five spells, and with gear you can afford to take Spell Memory II and have up to 10 options.
I like to play magic users because I like having as many different tools at my disposal as possible. In Dungeonborne I was effectively just a Pyroblast turret, and that was boring to me.
What's the best way to get the blue runestone shards/triumph levels? Playing HR?
Also, are they character-specific, or account-wide?
I've got over 100 hours so far, but in mostly Normals, and I'm only triump level 2.
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Awww yeah nigga wizards nigga
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It’s over
>only need to kill one more demon bat
>they only spawn in one room in each version of Hell and I can't fucking make it there alive because I keep spawning on the opposite side of the map
>friends only want to play under 25s because gear fear
i just want to play geared wizard man
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Ya, but eventually I grew to hate it because you would have rangers crouching in bushes with a dozen traps around them. I think they need to redo crypts to make more areas open instead of a hallway train simulator. Especially now with trent/hydra summons blocking more shit.
Do people from here ever play together?
I generally stick to under-25s because I'm often completing quests and such, but I've stockpiled enough green/blue gear that I'm running out of inventory space on multiple characters. It wouldn't hurt to burn through some of it.
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I just started the game because a couple of friends play it. Picked Ranger and even though I've been getting absolutely shat on, I'm having a pretty good time.
Solos seem hard for the comparatively low health, but I met a cleric that healed me while I was fighting some spiders and I threw down a blue candelabra I picked up as thanks. I think its a cleric item, but I'm not sure.
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>enemies maintain aggro even when you go to a different room and shut the door, so they know you're there
>enemies are completely capable of breaking down doors
>enemies will simply stand up against the door instead of trying to break it down and get to you
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When I played it it felt to arcadey, like a first person MOBA. When I unlocked Death Knight I was shitting on lobbies and still not having much fun.

I had fun for a little bit in Marauders but balance was shit with weapons and you could lose at the start of a match because someone could board your ship as soon as you spawn in or get blown up by a team with a capital ship.
>Centipede has aggro on you at start of match
>Ditch the area
>8 min later it shows up to bodyblock you in a corridor

Those things are nightmare fuel.
>and I threw down a blue candelabra I picked up as thanks. I think its a cleric item, but I'm not sure.
Candelabras, along with many other "decorative" items, are just loot. Their only use is to sell them to the Collector for gold.
The only class-specific items (as in, unusable by other classes) are weapons and armor.
Centipede is ezpz. Its physical attack is heavily telegraphed and easily dodged by strafing left or right and you can dodge the acid spit by ducking and looking all the way down at the floor.
Ah, I assumed it was a casting instrument like a wand.
I'm assuming that was a crazy one-off, though? As in, players don't normally act friendly and its mostly just attack on sight?
Cool, I'm still not wasting 5 minutes killing it and chasing it through poison filled corridors when it runs away
>Ah, I assumed it was a casting instrument like a wand
The only casting implements (currently) are staffs, spellbooks, and crystal balls. Also musical instruments, but that's specific to Bard.
>I'm assuming that was a crazy one-off, though? As in, players don't normally act friendly and its mostly just attack on sight?
It's not THAT crazy, but it definitely is unusual in solos. Most of the time, it is attack on sight. A decent chunk of the time, two players may see each other and mutually decide to go their separate ways, possibly because they don't think what the other has is worth potentially losing what they've gathered, or because they're trying to complete quests rather than PvP and whatever loot the other has isn't worth the inconvenience of dying. Crouch spamming is typically the way this sort of thing is communicated.
True cooperation is pretty rare, because you can never be completely certain the other person won't stab you in the back. I feel like cooperation is far more likely (than it is by default, I mean. It's still unlikely overall) if both parties have voice chat, though.
>get a centaur hoof from the centaur in Hell
>apparently it was a requested item for a quest from the Tavernmaster that doesn't even seem to exist anymore
Is it worth keeping?
It's probably one of the questlines that unlock every week. If you have shared stash just move them over to a hoarder character
>The only casting implements (currently) are staffs, spellbooks, and crystal balls.
Anon, your magic sword?
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>Crouch spamming is typically the way this sort of thing is communicated.
I always kills fags that do this. Use the proximity chat, its immersive.
why did they have to be such jews with the price bros none of my friends wanna pay 30$ for early access
Whats the point of using the Castillion and Kris dagger when it gives no armor penetration?
Because they have no intention of coming out of early access. They're just trying to make as much money as possible then run, happens all the time with these "extraction" "games"
The price tag could be a lot worse. Just look at Tarkov.
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I can't stop myself from hoarding quest items for my other characters. It won't all fit in one inventory, in another I've got 8 more intact skulls, 5 ancient scrolls, and 28 old fabric.
>need to visit a particular room in Hell for a quest
>three fucking times now I've been down there and gotten the layout where the room doesn't exist
Fuck quests like these.
>"nOoOoOoO!!11!1! you HAVE to buy the slop!!!1!11!"
lol fuck off nigger
Tailor is gay fuck blood platforms
>finally get there
>on my way to an open portal
>literally in the air in the process of falling into the portal
>get instakilled with like 5 seconds left on the timer
What is this bullshit? They couldn't make an accurate countdown?
which class is objectively the best one for sub 25 gs? Ranger? Bard?
No idea bro sorry
the one you that interests you the most
I'm interested in killing these niggers playing warlock and druid
>getting filtered by shitter classes
skill deficiency
Ranger counters rat form, but only if you have good aim.
If you don't have good aim, he'll run up to you and turn into a bear and you'll be fucked.
dead game
can you push the bear back with that push skill?
you could also multishot it with a longbow and probably kill it instantly
do headshots work on the bear? because thay would make them an easier target
Headshots deal more damage to the bear just like any other mob, but the bear does have higher physical damage resistance and health overall, so it won't kill as quickly as it would a human.
Uhhhhhh chat, you told me Bear Form was OP?????
I don't believe I've ever died to a ranger as a bear form druid. Whenever they do kill me, it's because they oneshot my rat form or I go panther to try and rush them and they kill me because panther's squishy.
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why'd they do it?
>kris dagger
bussin moveset
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>just want to get to hell
>sit in a dark corner near a staircase the whole match
>someone stumbles upon me a minute before the gates open
>won't leave me alone even though I'm not attacking
>have to wait another 10 minutes to attempt again
Enjoy the gray gear, fuckwad.
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>turn on my ESP
>see some retard squatting in a dark corner near the hell portal all match
>probably a chinese bot trying to goldfarm
>not today fucker
>waddle up to him and bash his wu lung ting pong head in
>go next with a full smile knowing full well I saved the market from this chinamans greedy ways
>steals your potions
>pisses on your corpse
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>get to Hell
>it's the wrong layout
>for the seventh time
ESP cucks are literally the same type of subhumans as RMTers
I never killed a bard solo so I guess
Warlocks also seems pretty gay but I have no idea how they make a warlock in white full plate so fast
>it takes him FIVE minutes to kill a centipede
>he CHASES it instead of letting it run back to him
Do warlocks get darkness shards from killing mobs, or only from killing players?
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i do both
I hate you so much man cheater asshole
I’m getting sick of loading into a dungeon just to try to go down to inferno for my quest
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I fuckinghate cheaters
the eternal f2p threat, the chinese menace
I only bring my better gear into hr just for this and I'll still get range hacked by a rogue nigger but at least its less common
report and move on, if you're f2p then buy the game to avoid this :)
I bought the game
I don't understand how fuckers get away with legendary equipment in normals
higher player base = more dilution of cheaters / ultra tryhards, so its moreso luck of the draw on how long you can run your good gear before getting stomped
can a druid realistically kill a warlock if they get locked out of shifting for the faster forms after getting a dot?
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where is sis going?
the ice level kills me with over 10 seconds left every time while goblin cave gives me like 30 seconds over time to live
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
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*shoots you*
Do you do highroller?
Does anyone want to play this video game with me add scrimrot and reply so we can play this video game thank you
>Get hit by pain
>Warlock can't spam pain which is their main damage
>Throw hots on self in spirit form
>Panther rush and chicken jump toward them as they run away
>Back to human form to hit them with spear
>They turn around to hit you with pain
>Dreamwalk up again

That passive is ridiculously OP the only class that can sorta counter it is wizard but you have a better chance of finding a unicorn.
i audibly lol'd
youre going to fucking die if you actually try this lmao
What I find funny about Dreamwalk is that it doesn't even interrupt actions. If you're in the middle of opening a door or portal when you get hit, you can finish without worry. Hell, you can use a health shrine mid battle because the enemy can only hit you once and then you finish using the shrine before they're able to hit you again.
remove rat form
remove suvival bow
remove phantomize
remove hide
remove shriek of weakness
there I fixed the game
I WILL force you into a yakety sax chase sequence as I scurry all over the dungeon in rat form!
How good is Druid for a new player?
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What the fuck am I looking at?
It's good in the sense that it has high survivability with regard to mobs/PvP because you can turn into a rat and disengage whenever you want.
It's not so good in the sense that if you're a new player you're not going to know where all the traps and such are and floor spikes will one-shot you if you're in rat form. Pretty much anything will, but floor spikes in particular are something you won't see coming because your camera is so low to the ground.
You can mostly mitigate that issue by just not running long distances in rat form until you've got the map layouts and common trap locations down, though.
Wizard gods
I do not understand pvp in this game at all. I am playing cleric and I literally cannot hit anybody because the range on the mace is fucking zero and I am slow as balls. A fucking druid just danced around me with his spear and gay ass tree (that he could resummon for free?) and I couldn't touch him despite being 2 feet away
Solo wizard into trio goblin caves intense focus rush
you're witnessing millions and millions of dollars and the best minds of Korea at work. Sounds like the druid had better gear, better luck next time!
You should’ve used judgement or holy strike cleric has shit range otherwise
Use a morningstar instead. Good range, good damage.
I need to kill a bard, warlock and wizard so bad for my quest can you guys queue
what are the first quests I should focus on as a noob?
Is it possible to disable the Squire message about gear score of 25 every single time I want to join a game? I don't need a confirm button every single time I hit ready.
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it depends what class you are.
dead game
Mining as a rogue is peak comfy gameplay.
stack movement speed with double jump and the backflip skill and you can poke whoever tries to kill you with rupture and a hand crossbow indefinitely.

I make it out every round with 800-900g worth of ore and while you can get more in high roller or by bossing it isnt anywhere near as comfy.
this game is balanced around few weapon bases with good reach and movespeed dominating everything. Expected outcome.
>mandatory warning message every single time you queue
>doesn't even tell you if you pass the condition
>doesn't even tell you what's your gearscore so you can verify it yourself
Korean dev everyone
I don't think that much ore even spawns in normal dungeon
Did they change it so druids corpse spawn as human?
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Do I have to go into the gathering hall to find a trio, if I queue solo will it never autofill me?
Goblin caves has heaps of ore and copper sells from 220-300 a stack depending on fluctuation.
so 2 stacks of copper and 2 stacks of whatever else and you are balling.
You will never be autofilled most players suck if you are going to try to play with them gath
Gathering hall wise* get used to them dying and then getting mad at you
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OK this is just getting ridiculous
Cursed dungeon
>doesn't even tell you what's your gearscore so you can verify it yourself
You can see your gear score in your inventory, at the very bottom.
Unless you mean the squire blurb specifically should list it.
I keep on queuing trios to find a bard to kill and I can’t find one
Has anyone tried to go solo against trios? Is it possible at all?
Low roller yes haven’t tried high can post clips
Sure. I love watching clips in these threads, always the most high effort posters
Does anyone know which server has people more likely to talk? Tokyo, US West and East all seem pretty quiet
the fight is too long so streamable isn't letting me upload all of it im trying to figure out how to post all of it
WebMforLazys you can compress it from there
idk how to do that without making it unwatchable its 950mb and over 3 mins long lol
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You can upload it to catbox.moe or pomf2.lain.la (I prefer Pomf because Catbox's bandwidth is shit and if often buffers) and link it here.
except you need to open stash tab to see your inventory
this dialog is the least useful thing one could make
You should at least convert it to MP4, if not WebM. Browsers won't embed MKV, people will have to download the file in order to watch it.
MP4 conversion can be done with FFMPEG and won't change the filesize or anything.
my mistake ill do that
D stop it
might be able to compress it to 360p and get by
>first guy ate a fireball, two ice bolts, and a chain lightning, and it still took another fireball to bring him down
If he wasn't a coward he would've just rushed you and beaten you to death within the first 10 seconds.
Still a neat clip, but I don't think Wizard is capable of 1v3ing a team of halfway competent people.
>Watching video on "Advanced solo bard"
>Guy is going to show off PVP
>First opponent DCs before they fight
>Second guy doesn't immediately start attacking
>Third guy literally stands there and video cuts to them getting killed by mobs pulled from another room
>Broadcaster nearly died in both fights they got into
Maps badly need verticality, this is pretty unacceptable in the current year
fuck verticality
the modules in this game with verticality are all cancer
Stick to Wizardry shitter
I don't even play wizard you nigger
Im talking about the dungeon crawler game Wizardry
I need like 3 more fucking maps in general
goblin caves has 2 layers on most modules
what more do you want?
those "two layers" act like two floors with hardly any interaction thats not true verticality
Do shields and pavise block your back when they're not readied?
you need some verticality to hang yourself asap fag
I have judgement but whenever I try to use it on a player It tells me I have no target. I was trying to use holy strike but truthfully idk if I missed them, it's a bit hard to tell with spells like that imo
>I have judgement but whenever I try to use it on a player It tells me I have no target.
it has a range limit and it's really bad with ping
dead game
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Don't know why a plate lock needed so many campfires but ok
Warlocks trying to phantomize against spellcasters is always funny
>finally get a full inventory
>no exits anywhere near me
>die to floor spikes I can't see while wandering around looking for an exit
Ya got a link fer that video, pardner? Could sure use a chuckle...
Hopefully you've learned to make note of extracts you see on your minimap to path to when you're ready to leave as well as the importance of traversing areas with your torch so that you may see floor spikes in advanced. Tip, most wall spike traps are visible on the minimap and you can see the holes in the walls
Tarkov is actually nice for having the hideout. DaD just need a hideout-like mechanic and it will be much more fun
I only know where one extract is (the rope in a bag room).
I have no fucking clue how to get out if I'm not in that part of the map.
>get into a fight
>start shaking
>cant focus
>start crying in real life
It will get better but if you have shit worth anything it never goes away
How are you supposed to clear floor spikes if they occupy the whole floor? I have tried jumping but I still get hit by them, it seems like the jump distance is not high enough to fully clear
You can bait the spikes sometimes. Use a torch or inch up to the spikes to set them off without being in them, then walk over them after they retract
FUCK those rats
What are the most fun weapons to use?
Longsword throw the drum
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post pics of the best bis you've crafted/looted
>last season
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>he can only enjoy flavors of the current month
>spawn 5 meters away from frost giant shielder
>run in another room
>he follows you despite having no line of sight
>get in another room
>it has another frost giant shielder and yeti who attacks me immediately at doorstep
nice game gooks
what the fuck is lantern shield and why doesn't it have lantern?
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am I retarded?
you have to press a button for the lantern effect
I think you press R but the light kinda sucks and i dont get how the counterattcking works
does the leader board rewards only apply to that character you earn ap points on or all of them. Also when does the season end
Only character you earn AP points on. Season end timer on leader boards
what's the problem?
What class should I play?
Bard, so I can get the quest kill
the one that interests you the most
bard so I can get the quest kill too please
A video said Cleric is the most OP class in the game and is way overtuned.
What's so good about it?
Buffball enables clerics strengths. Good
Spells. Good skills. Good perks
It feels so bad magic missiling and having someone stop your channel with their shield
Getting pretty old simply dying to people with better gear, go into normals with all purples and blues and get rolled by someone with all legendaries. What a joke of a game, how can niggers defend this shit at all?
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Intense focus rush with me pussy or ranger trap them or just kick their ass bro. Stop malding and just break down doors and try to kill them with me. I need to kill a bard.
Yet another confirmation it's pointless to even enter ice cavern because there are no exits
How significant are these low numbers? When I see +3 STAT is that a massive bonus? What about armor? I can't really determine the range of these values

Also how do I kill the halberd wielding frost skeletons? If I shield, they still hit. If I back up or sidestep, they still hit
The staircases are all marked on your map in blue, you can see them as you're walking around.
You can also just look up a full map for every level online and use that to navigate.
Make sure you're crouching in midair after you jump, it pulls your feet up just a little bit more.
If the reward is a skin, it applies to all characters because skins are always account-wide. I'm pretty sure the same is true for emotes as well, but I don't know for sure.
If the reward is like, gold or something, that only goes to the character who has the rank.
dead game
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I love creating increasingly pedophilic names then going into the gathering hall and trios to have some uncomfortable conversations. Pretty much everyone said they like my names
The impact of stat bonuses depends on scaling, which I don't fully understand. But as far as stat bonuses go, +3 for one piece of gear is pretty decent.
Generally, gray gear has +1, white gear has +2, green gear has +3, and so on.
Also I forgot to mention for the halberd skeletons: Make sure you're angling your shield to match the direction of their swings. If they do an overhead swing, you need to look up with your shield. Otherwise their halberd will just go over the top of your shield and hit you in the head.
If you want to dodge instead, against enemies with reach weapons, make sure you turn fully around and run away rather than backing up while looking at him. You move faster when moving forward instead of backward, and you need the extra speed against reach weapons.
It drops 3 times each round, I think.
So cleric is just unusable in PvE? Every class with a ranged attack can just walk backwards and there is nothing the cleric can do besides gay ass holy strike. Judgement refuses to lock on, even when they are 8 feet away

Who should I re-roll?
that's bullshit
it goes up and down almost immediately, all the way till the end of the game
until I show up and want to use it, then it just stops
I've been spectating other players and they extract with 1 minute at the timer just fine
I wait starting with 4 minutes and it just won't come down
fucking bullshit
>nobody playing Bard
>it goes up and down almost immediately, all the way till the end of the game
That's just not true.
Why are you so set on extracting with the elevator anyway? With 4 minutes left you have more than enough time to hit multiple different staircases.
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Are you fucking retarded? Its probably the best PvE class, bonuses against undead, self buffs, access to weapons with insane range and damage
You need to unequip your armor like so for the movement speed
Many barbarians have got demolished, never landing a shot because I can just walk away from their startup animation and bonk them with my staff
getting ganked by a trio as a solo player is pretty fucking gay. finally got to experience the pleasure of having that happen.
Because somehow just because a game has mobs it attracts pve trannies even though its a pvp game. So these people whine and whine about pvp until the devs cater to them. Nevermind that this is a PVP game.
Pve retards must have some sort of retardation
>wowie i love smashing the same pots and opening chests over and over again and fighting the shitty asset store mobs rather than having fun
pvp is literally the only fun thing about this game. The pve is fucking garbage and boring and i wouldnt even call it pve. Its a fucking pvp game
The mobs are basically just environmental hazards meant to complicate PvP, in the same vein as spike traps.
dead game
Is Blood Pact good?
Trying out Warlock as a noob and when I use it and it just kills me
Because it makes sense to do with 2 nearby ladders being used up?
Surely it should come after I wait for 2.5 minutes? It does not and then I go to check 3rd ladder, it's used up as well, then I go to the rope and the game kills me 1 nanosecond before I reach the ceiling.
It's just how the game kills me with bugs.
Why should I leave elevator if there's more than 4 minutes on timer and if it arrives, it departs immediately so I literally can't look away for a second? It's the only escape method that's reusable, that's why. Why do you ask dumb questions? I'm the dumb here.
why would you queue against trios, there's no benefit
This game wouldn't function without pve retards, you get loot from them, retard
I open up the map and click goblin caves and then click go
is that wrong?
Is the hellfire spell for warlock dogshit? It looks good on paper but the projectile is so slow I can't imagine anyone being hit by it
it's phenomenal for PvE
it is
dungeons rotate now, one for solo, one for duo and one for trio. You pick the one that is currently open for solos and then it will rotate to other solo dungeons automatically
basically you don't pick goblin caves, you pick solo mode
>It's the only escape method that's reusable, that's why. Why do you ask dumb questions?
Hey buddy, you're the one who can't seem to find his way out of the caves. But good luck with your "reusable" escape method, seems to be working out great for you so far.
It's the reason why Warlock is the meta for soloing bosses. It absolutely shits out damage, especially on large/slow enemies. It's great for dealing with smaller mobs too, because you can kite them and they'll just blindly walk into it. You can also abuse it in Hell by aggroing enemies, having them chase you to a door and shutting it behind you, and then nuking them through the door since all Hell doors are unbreakable.

Against players it's primarily useful for temporarily blocking doors/choke points. Since it deals so much damage and moves so slowly, players aren't going to want to get near it, so it can buy you a few seconds as they wait for it to pass.
elevator is consistent you just have to play around it. it comes down three times a raid and stays for roughly 12 seconds before it goes up whether someone gets on or not. I think the exact timing can vary but I've been on one that left with ~60 seconds left in the raid.

it makes a big fuck-off noise when it starts to descend, and then it makes another big noise when it starts to go up. it's a really simple mechanic, but if you are a solo player you don't really need to prioritize the elevator cause there are plenty of solo ones around the map you can take.
that's lame the fucking ice one has no exits
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What are you, blind?
this map is so fucking gay I have literally never even gotten far enough into it to see a blue exit symbol on the minimap
no I'm not looking up the maps online or looking at yours what would the point of playing the game even be if you use that
>what would the point of playing the game even be if you use that
To fight other players.
You're not seriously playing the game for the PvE, are you?
I fight other players when I see them (they kill me)
>far enough into it
The map 25 rooms. There are 13 exits. That's one for every two rooms.
Literally any room you could possibly be in is bordered by at least one room that has an exit, if the very room you're in does not itself have an exit.
removing the circle has to be the dumbest fucking thing these devs have done. Completely unfun now. Noone wants to pvp and everyone is hiding. Everything to cater to pvebabies
>Noone wants to pvp and everyone is hiding
I WANT to PvP and I still go entire rounds without seeing people, even if I'm doing nothing but running through room after room without fighting mobs or looting.
>need to kill ranger for quest
>can't find any
Is there any affinity level which lets you get white gear as base gear?
Loot and “gear” is the worst part about this game, why call someone else retarded when you have zero eye for quality or game design
>actively go out of my way to find someone
>find no one
>try to do some shitty pve quest
>every single faggot in the server tracks me down like bloodhounds
What the actual fuck
Normals didn't let you bring in Green+ gear before you F2P shitters started whining about it. High Roller was the gamemode to get constantly dunked on from high tier assholes
play goblin caves go to the middle of the map where the cobalt ore is always pvp in or near there.
Couldnt reply earlier. I had the same thing years ago raiding in wow as a healer, turns out I have extreme anxiety. Go to your doctor and tell him you want anxiety meds. When he suggests SSRI anti-depressants which also are used to treat anxiety state you have medical objections to all SSRIs so now thats not an option whats the second choice. That should be Lorazepam or a similar benzodiazepines. Theyre losing the patents on shit like Ativan and people can buy generics so they try to make you take something else thats newer and less tested etc. Medical objections are your friend, doctors arent allowed to force shit on you if you protest for medical objection reasons. Just use that until you get the actual meds you need. TLDR you take that shit before anything stressful and you can suddenly focus clearly without shaking.
Weakpoint or Rupture? If I'm ambushing someone, a 40% AR reduction for 3 seconds seems great because I can get a lot of hits in. Rupture is nice for being able to add damage to things like throwing knives and hand crossbow shots, but 20 damage seems kind of ass. What's the cooldown on Rupture?
This is the worst advice on the planet you’re a fucking pussy who put zero effort in. I have anxiety disorder as well but this has nothing to do with it, everyone panics in pvp games like this.
The more hours you put into the game and the combat, the more comfortable you will feel. Don’t see a shrink, you’re a literal retarded pussy
You give terrible advice and should stop giving advice. I have a gut full of ulcers, your anxiety is not the anxiety everyone else feels.
You take pills for a video game, kill yourself, did they stop your ulcers?
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what the fuck happened to the playerbase. Why are there so many pve faggots?
>PvE is good
Does this person have actual brain damage?
I fucking hate kobolds. They're the only non-flying enemy in the whole game that is fast enough to keep up with the player and prevent you from being able to just go room to room opening and closing doors without taking damage - they always catch up to you as you're opening a door. Also it seems like over half of them are archers, so you have that to worry about while trying to kite the kobold horde.
if i have legend status, can i take a friend who isn't into high roller dungeons?
this is how my little brother used to troll people when he was twelve
What do you mean legend status? Like you're using a Legendary piece of equipment?
I'm confused by the question. You can enter HR while using Legendary equipment, but using it is not a requirement to enter HR. Why wouldn't the both of you be able to go in?
the free experience is called squire
if you pay for premium, its called legend status
he means the premium account
Oh right, I forgot about that.
well, like... can i??
pls respond... i cant find any info online
Sorry, I don't know either. My guess would be "no" but I don't know for sure.
Do you not have a Legend account right now, and this would impact your decision on paying for one? I have one, so if you post your name I can invite you and we'll see if it lets us join HR.
No you can’t play high roller with your poor fag friend he has to buy the game too
Sorry, I am NOT building my wizard like this.
30% pdr for free
-20 ms weapon with armor pen
free smite damage
has the best armors in the game
free 15% damage
perks negate a lot of cancer like ranger traps and curse of pain
the only thing this class needs to do to win is stack movespeed and hit with bonk stick
talking about classes that matter
Getting high and dungeon crawling no better feeling
It's not
>Want armor? You have to be slow as dick for it.
Enemies can and will just walk away from you. Your ranged options are terrible
>Armor pen
Outside of fighters, this means fuck all since armor just makes you slow
>15% more damage with blunt
This is actually very good
>20% bonus to undead
Combined with the above this is great for PvE
Slow to swing, negative reach, high damage.

Clerics are great for PvE but you *will* get fucking rekt by anyone faster than you (everyone), whether it be a bard sidestepping and poking you with his rapier or a warlock literally walking backwards and casting spells.
Both of these are kinda true. I have mained solo cleric since P4 and I got demi season 1 / voy season 2
Cleric is slow as dicks and you have to invest a lot into agi to keep up with faster classes
Because of this, you then get stat checked in most melee encounters so you're forced into playing spell cleric with the melee as a finisher if they catch you. The new meta is pdr melee cleric, which just reverses the scene; you get kited by faster classes unless they misplay and you statcheck everyone in melee combat, but if your opponent is decent at the game they'll just 180 and walk away the second they see smite or divine protection used.
tldr cleric isn't OP, people are just stomping timmies who don't know anything other than w+m1 with him right now
insane self report my dear shitter
how am I ever supposed to practice fighting goblin cave bosses when there's a billion people always fighting them at every opportunity
kill them then kill the boss pussy
Cleric is extremely tanky while also dealing really good damage. Their biggest weakness is being the slowest class in the entire game by far and having like one viable ranged option. They'll never be able to catch up to another player without a shit ton of agi gear, but instead of running away and kiting forever, players get impatient and think "ok I hit him with 2-3 ranged attacks/spells, time to run into melee and finish him off" only to die and realize the cleric still has 2/3 health remaining.
But I feel like this has literally always been the case so I don't see why it's suddenly an issue.
This and flame walker are what make warlock the best AP farming class, or in general if you want to solo everything
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Forgot pic, and this isn't even doing stuff optimally
can I equip a decent item and still get into under 25 lobbies?
I've only ever used Squire gear
Green boots (gloves too maybe I forget) or one accessory should keep you below 25
yeah it sucks, unless I have a quest to do I just sort my inventory and sell shit on market when ice cavern is on
boats are fucking broken just like elevator and never work
stairs next to a boat are always used up for that reason
stairs next to pyramid also used up because it's a very popular
every other exit is inaccessible beause they're too far away and you need to go through like 4-5 rooms full of gay overtuned mobs nobody kills because they are fucking overtuned
very fun
every single faggot rushes me on sight and has no instinct of self preservation
what are you talking about
circle was better but you don't have pvp for another reason, because people spend 5 minutes looking for exits.
>boats are fucking broken just like elevator and never work
I have escaped on the rafts multiple times. What do you mean never work? You literally just jump onto one as it passes by, and when it carries you into the tunnel zone, you escape. That's it.
>every other exit is inaccessible beause they're too far away and you need to go through like 4-5 rooms
There is an exit adjacent to literally every room. LITERALLY every room. In fact, looking at the map, every room without an exit is actually bordered by at least two rooms which have exits, either cardinally or diagonally. Some rooms are bordered by three rooms with exits.
Now sure, you might have to go through multiple rooms to find an unused exit, but that's not the same thing as the exits being "inaccessible" and if you're that worried about it then just find one to camp at the five minute mark so you can enter it when it opens, before anyone else does.

>but you don't have pvp for another reason, because people spend 5 minutes looking for exits
Even if this is the case, it's still ultimately due to people being spread out over too large of an area.
>What do you mean never work?
I mean I spawned right next to one and never saw it appear. I literally have no idea what it looks like despite hanging around the spots where they should be all the time. Not a single time one appeared.
>that's not the same thing as the exits being "inaccessible"
it is when every room has giants, yetis, wolves and a billion of kobolds who nobody kills
>it's still ultimately due to people being spread out over too large of an area.
obviously, but what does it have to do with people not wanting to engage?
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>but what does it have to do with people not wanting to engage?
Nothing, I'm saying them wanting to engage is irrelevant. Whether they're looking for an exit or for another player, the outcome is the same if I never see them either way because we're always in different parts of the map.
It takes a bit of time for the merchants to "update" after you raise their affinity. I don't know if this applies to the squire offerings, but it applies to what they sell and what they'll craft for you.
For me it usually happens in 5 minutes or so, or after playing another round.
>I mean I spawned right next to one and never saw it appear.
I don't know what to tell you. I've seen rafts come through multiple times in the same round, and have used them to exit many times. You can even hear them when they're moving if you're in the room, they make a distinct wooden creaking sound.
>it is when every room has giants, yetis, wolves and a billion of kobolds who nobody kills
Learn to juke enemies and move from room to room without needing to clear all the PvE trash. This is easier with some classes than others, but every class can do it.
The yetis are a problem I grant, but there's only like four on the map, and one of those is locked behind ice blocks and the other is in a room that's a dead end anyway.
I’m strongly considering just playing warlock instead of my class to boost AP
Do it. I gave up on trying to solo cave troll with Wizard and switched to Warlock for farming, and it's a breeze.
>defending this garbage map
> I gave up on trying to solo cave troll with Wizard
It’s possibly one of the worst classes to do it with but it can be done. It just begs the question why when you can kill all pve to get AP faster with warlock. The only downside is I actually enjoy PvP with wizard when compared to any other class
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why do gooks think this is fine?
I wanna try buying some gear from market and going into dungeon with over 25 gear score.
Any tips?
It's a bad map, but not for the reasons anon is complaining about.
Mostly I just hate the kobolds.
Why are you buying market gear for that? Have you not stashed up at least some green gear just from venturing into the under-25 dungeons?
make your own, it's way easier
you're going to lose everything
f2ps waste money making nice kits and have zero skill to defend them
>it's a trade page has multiple cheap epics/legendaries but they're for classes you hate playing.
>they sell so quickly you can't even attempt to buy them to flip it.

What possesses people to sell BiS purples for 100-200 gold is beyond me.
I usually sell everything.
so it's fine to just slowly upgrade into green gear as I pick it up?
One green weapon or a couple green armor pieces is going to put you into >25, which you may not want if the rest of your kit is gray. But you can definitely be keeping green/blue stuff in your stash until you get a full kit's worth and then equip it all at once. You may still get rolled because there will be people with blue/purple/orange sets in that mix, but the only solution to that is just saving up for/finding even better gear.
If you do want to buy gear, some pieces end up on the marketplace for quite cheap because they're quest items and such, and the guaranteed supply drives down demand and thus price. I've seen blue armor pieces on there for 30g-50g before, so cheap sometimes that I sell mine to a merchant instead. Other blues can run as high as 100g-200g each though, depending on what it is and the stats it has.
Fun fact: If you get to 75 affinity with a merchant, they'll start providing white gear for your base gear options from them instead of gray gear.
Does the magical damage stat for spellbooks and staffs and such impact things like healing spells or summons like the hydra or treant? Or is it just for spells that deal damage directly?
there shouldn't be gear matchmaking pools at all, just make gear upgrades not that strong. I just don't see a reason to play above 25gs ever.
That's not the point. Gook economy is completely retarded. Shit costs thousands of gold but you can't store or move that amount in a sensible way, and a fucking bag that holds 1000 coins costs 6000. How much chromosomes above the norm they need to have to look at this and think it's fine?
it's literally on a wiki
it only offers gear you can equip though
I think they do heal more but that’s just a guess, why else would clerics upgrade spellbook
Just ranger trap them bro
>Shit costs thousands of gold but you can't store or move that amount in a sensible way, and a fucking bag that holds 1000 coins costs 6000
The only people buying those bags are the people drowning in gold who can no longer be bothered to even farm the cave troll or do the goblin merchant's quests to get more.
The economy in game is set by other players, not the devs. Keys are worth more than what you would actually get out of a treasure horde, but are still used as a high tier currency. It's retarded
Not everyone has read the entire wiki. I've never even looked at the Squire page, personally.
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>gear up my druid in all greens
>29 STR
>mace hit to the head does 85 damage
>bear M2 does 125 damage
Last round I just ran up to a warlock and punched him in the head twice with my bear and killed him. He was in blues/purples, but made the mistake of wearing a white helmet.
why the fuck do I even keep entering ice caves
it's so fucking pointless, go -> waste time -> lose your kit, it's all there is to it
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Sounds like a skill issue to me.
When can I try to fight this cave troll?
Can I do it in grey gear?
I spawned next to him once and he oneshot me, haven't seen his room since
>Spawn on the left side of the map
>Go kill some wolves and zombies
>Spawn on the top right
>Go under the pyramid, get a shit ton of loot and rings/talismans
His room is underneath the Goblin Town area, the part of goblin caves with like three levels full of wooden ramps and bridges and such.
At the ground level, there are two ramps at the edges of the room which lead down to his room.
You can fight him in gray gear, and in fact most people do, because he's so strong that even in real gear just a couple hits from him will obliterate you and then you've lost the kit. By doing it in grays you might get killed in one hit, but at least you're not risking anything.
Which ring is better for a bear druid?
>1 STR + 1 true phys damage
>2 STR
I'm wondering if the strength scaling of the bear's attacks might end up having a larger effect than +1 damage.
on developers side
Just bought the game today after playing for 30 hours as a free fag and reading the thread made me feel like it might’ve been a bad choice but if theres people that love the game ig I didnt cuz im having a blast. Thanks anon :)
Yep the difference is too great I'm having way more fun in normals now it's kinda dumb when you think about it.
I'm just saying, plenty of people manage to extract from the ice caverns. Someone's using all those exits, someone's completing those quests.
What's the difference between you and them?
Im not trolling tho
sure that's why I have to wait full 3 minutes in <25 to start the game
best build for fighter?
Maybe it's the server you're on. I almost never have to wait more than 30 seconds for any round to start on US West, and most rounds start instantly. I don't even have time to hit the training dummy.
Barb cant do anything against a longsword "
>Is... that a tight corner!?!?! NOOO I LOST WITH MY ZWEI!!!!!!!
>Is... that a teammate?! NOOO I KILLED HIM WITH MY ZWEI..... SAD!
Do you get a lot of talkers on US West? I play on East despite living on the west coast because it seems to actually have more talkative players. Tokyo servers are silent as well
Now that you mention it, I realize I'm probably playing on US East, actually. I don't have the game open to check.
I live right in the middle, so it's the same difference ping-wise.
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>buy okay blue's
>get into goblin caves for some bossing
>get to troll
>game dc's me as soon as I land a first hit
Are you going long sword, slayer, or pdr?
You haven’t ran into a felling axe barb yet
>roll warlock
>Breeze through all PvE with insane healing
>Bumble my way through PVP because hydra is amazing
>Falchion and longsword are both great
Wow can't believe I wasted my time on cleric
Man I cannot play the ice dungeon. The regular fucking skeletons just destroy me. Not only are they tanky as fuck but everything slows you down
What class are you playing? Hitting headshots is very important
The only reason I’m not playing warlock is because I don’t really like the PvP
>The only reason I'm not playing warlock is because Im a fag and enjoy the company of men
Skeletons are the smallest problem. They are a bit tougher than normal skeletons and can take 1 more hit sometimes, but everything else is just the same. Well, their numbers are also double or triple of crypts. Yeah, ice cavern sucks.
When you get overwhelmed look for cheese spots. You can get on top of shelves where skeletons can't reach you. Well, they still technically can, but if you hug the wall they will miss 90% of time. Enough for you to survive bullshit. I managed to cheese a giant that way too but for whatever reason he didn't follow me to the cage with a shelf but was hanging out in neighboring cage, like he couldn't pass through doors or something. But I'm pretty sure they can pass, his pathfinding just broke. Another way to cheese melee skeletons is to use slopes and steps (in a pyramid). They try to walk to you before attacking even if they can reach you, so jumping up a slope will make them go the long way. They will counterattack when you hit them, but it still makes it much easier to deal with them, and doing rounds around slopes helps you not pulling more enemiesnfrom somewhere else?
The real problem is archers. They shoot through fucking walls. Fucking cancer.
Favorite part of ice dungeon is when it says theres a minute left but the blizzard kills them anyways.
I can't stop hogging gold in <25 and I'm scared of buying equip because I will get backstabbed by rogue inevitably. I spent 6000 on tabs and never geared for 25+, not even once
It happens in every dungeon, just now I got killed by gobling mines at 55 seconds standing next to portal
for me it's the giants; takes two minutes of kiting to bring one down.
also the yeti. still haven't killed a fucking yeti, those things destroy me.
I hate using the felling axe. You have to be in the enemy's asshole to hit, and the recovery animation on a miss is brutal
>tight corner
>lost with my zwei
nigga just like rotate your camera
why is this game so fucking stupid
jump over a barrel, get jumped on by centipede, can't jump back
what is fucking wrong with it, why would it not allow me to go back, it's fucking dumb
Skill issue. You have to crouch jump onto barrels and most objects
What spells should I use for Longsword Warlock?
squire gear
Bloodstained blade curse of sacrifice
no shit, nigger
it doesn't work if there's no space to execute it
double nigger
git gud maybe
got stuck between 2 skeletons
couldn't go any direction
how does korean cum taste?
you tell me youre the one getting fucked by basic baby game mechanics
Probably 1 str 1 true but not sure with bear scalings. If you are under 15 STR probably 2 str + slightly more health with that.


This is old but I think its still accurate
Try going invis sometimes you are lucky and they walk away
As much fun as Barb is their weapons suck, most swing down so fighters can easily block most of them. Felling Axe is good against blocking if you aim for the toes but if you go for a headshot against a half decent player you will miss or get blocked.
that's how my first wipe went, everything went into stash tabs and coin bags until it got wiped and i realized it would've been more fun running one juice kit until I lose it
The fact is you're going to lose the first couple of your first kits to skill issue, but if you get comfortable running good gear and are able to keep up with higher end pvp then it'll only help you for later seasons
I would buy kits if I had friends, but losing to a rogue is not fun. And I haven't won once against rogue.
longsowrd and longbow its viable?
I just realized reward tokens carried over from last season, I got like 25 on my lvl 17 cleric
rogues are fucking gay in pvp
yeah invis gank me while I'm fighting a miniboss cool man
solo dungeons fucking suck as solo I'd rather be alone in duos
The best way to deal with Rogue was the voip bug two wipes ago, if someone gets in range your voip icon turned on. This should just be a passive feature, make an item that vibrates/turns on when another player in range is loaded.
fucking warlock won by ignoring 3 clean hits to his face, I swear this game is rigged
Is there anything you can get that saves if you delete your char and remake?
Like skins or something?
I more prefer crossbow but do you man
How the fuck do you survive in Inferno as a solo? Everything hits like a fucking truck...
You have to control your pulls. If you pull too many it’s over.
Be a warlock and just Hellfire everything through the unbreakable doors.
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Would it truly be game breaking if we could see damage numbers and health bars on enemies?
movement abilities like backstep and especially backroll will always glitch you through passed enemies
I literally ran between 2 skeletons, there was enough space, but then the game said fuck you and rooted me
kek I love doing this to autists, even if they kill me the mobs always get them eventually
>decide to try out rogue
><25 dungeon
>see barbarian across the room
>run into cleared room
>take potions off belt
>hide action
>he breaks down door and bee-lines for me while I'm still invisible
>hits me one single time
>back in lobby
well that was fun I suppose.
just what a troll would say
plus that name you have wont trigger anyone
damn guess i wont be buying legend status :/
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Im not trying to troll or trigger anyone, just find likeminded people
Is curse mastery worth it on warlock? I thought I was being clever by taking
>Heal on hit
>Torture mastery
>Curse mastery
>20% magical healing
Perks on warlock but I'm not sure if the extra duration is worth losing the will bonus. Also is life drain just garbage? Using hydra+life drain takes forever to kill mobs, it seems more efficient to use hydra+ pain

Finally, why do I see people using the longsword over the falchion? The longsword deals like 5 more damage, swings much slower and requires that you switch weapons to cast
Essentially be really good, or know all the cheese spots to jump on and trivially whittle them down. Warlocks aggro demons etc, then close a door and hellfire them through the door over and over. Really lame. Watching someone actually clear the lower levels is painful.
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>The longsword deals like 5 more damage, swings much slower
You can get 2 quick strikes if you parry an attack first. It's significantly harder though. Also Dark Knight/Longsword combo is peek aesthetic.
less retarded swing arc, 1 parry kills all trash mobs, decent moveset and range
It sounds like I'll have to learn to use Hellfire to play Warlock, from this thread.
goodbye hydrabro
Can you block/parry any of the Ice Wyvern attacks?
Stealth and hide mastery should be combined into one perk. They've gutted Rogue so badly that he needs it
How do you parry?
>not having both
what are you doing
hold down block > block enemy attack with the tip of your sword > right click for DOUBLE DAMAGE after you hear CLANG > right click again if you wish to do a secondary attack from the parry
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I've seen things parried that shouldn't be possible, so I'd say anything from the wyvern that's a projectile or melee attack should be parryable
How's everyone's leaderboard progress? I have a few days off this week for the 4th so hopefully I push to demi before they roll out the matchmaking changes IM has been promising
How the fuck do you beat the Yeti?
Just dodge him, bro. This video does a good job of showing how to avoid ice cavern enemies
Whoops, forgot the link
>How's everyone's leaderboard progress?
A little scared to play high roller. Feel like when I do, I don’t see too many players. it’s a pain in the ass farming AP on wizard and I haven’t really gotten around to biting the bullet and playing warlock
yes but it's not easy
nice cock
maybe, i love that feature in games
Do any of you people want to play the game with me? Idc if you are new I’m just bored
Are you a pretty female?
Come on dude only guys play this shit and you know it
the answers no then
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>never played an extraction game before
>roll fighter
>find goblin as first mob
>get my head smacked by a goblin through the shield and die bleeding out
i'm too retarded for these games
Do I have to watch video tutorials to learn the PvM in this game?
I've been learning this pretty naturally (and dying a lot)
Blocking in this game is actually hard. Honestly this game is just unintuitive you are likely to die many times before your first escape
Are there better drops in 25+ gear score than 1-24 gear score games?
No, it’s just high roller vs low roller and how much luck your character has
The shield covers only a small portion of your body, you can still be hit anywhere else that you are not covering.
You can cover your head with the shield if you look up.
Someone make a new /vg/ thread.
Extraction games probably have the lowest IQ out of most gaming audiences
/vm/ is better
/vg/ we were pushing on page 10 way too many times, wouldn't be surprised if the thread just suddenly died

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