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Previous: >>483165207


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
tekken 7 was on top....now temu 8 is dead asf......
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My Husband
>temu 7
mid as hell
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My wife.
I will sodomize every doom poster in this thread, meet me somewhere
it's impossible to play this game without GETTING FUCKING PISSED
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How about the corner over there?
Report the doom and Tifaniggers
Announcing a report is bannable :))))
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I know why the Japs love Slime Spammers now, it plays just like phone games.
I talk to myself
bamco should remove every move from every character but leave 10 universal moves so that each character does the same thing because tekken characters have too many moves and it makes my pussy hurt too much if i have to learn more than 10 moves
im also a huge fucking faggot that loves 18 character rosters and claymation graphics
they should give every character a bajillion moves and add a bajillion characters and turn the game into mugen that woudl be epic!!!!!!
Aris is playing press circle around the leg or the head simulator again
Yes actually.
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Reminder /fgg/ raids this place and /sfg/ since their threads move at a snail pace now. Their discord meetings to raid are pretty cringe too, so don’t be alarmed
dead game
dead general
im a faggot
>tekgen last thread
>1 day ago with tournament btw
where do i sign up?
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DLC chars should always become free after 6 months. Fighting games can't keep do this pay to win shit for $70 games.
yeah it would be like fortnite making you buy the new weapons on top of skins and shit
Harada is already putting only the deluxe edition on sale, it's over
spend 1000hrs on $70
Meanwhile at /sfg/
i’m not spending $6 to lab eddy, murray. shove it up your ass
that was my shitpost, did you enjoy it? wait until I start the weekly unhinged Bryan player larp this week
it’s not a larp this game actually makes me that mad
get raped by eddy then
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id make tekken a monthly paid subscription service just so i wouldnt have to deal with broke miserable complaining niggers all day
they get plugged and blocked
they have to actually release content for that to happen
are you paid for the servicing you’re giving harada’s cock every thread?
people have money for everything until it comes to $6 dlc for a video game
then its obama phone and shrieking
i still dont know if his 4 hits safe string is counterable or steppable or not
and lidya is around the corner too
i really think its time to stop being a good boi with 0% plug rate
fuck harada fuck murray fuck nakatsu choke on my sweaty cock
just press between her 2000 power crushes brother
You are not a NPC.
id gladly pay money to not have to share this platform with you miserable faggots
>announced another useless maintenance
>no Lidia in sight
game needs Josie fast
evo lil bro
at this point it's evo or they're the most retarded company in the world and will repeat the evo japan incident again
thats fine the gen is dead anyway
THE Phantom is the soul of Tekken.
I can't afford neck support and my neck feels like it's going to explode
such is the life of hwoarang players
ran into this on r*ddit

Thanks for showcasing Alisa and how fucking strong she is at the 'Only The Best' tournament. The devs have been turning a blind eye on this character for far too fucking long and it's only a matter of time now after seeing Arslan winning a tournament (And winning it easily over Mulgold in the grand final) that she finally gets nerfed.

Please Arslan keep playing Alisa and winning tournaments

i cant think of a single OP move alisa has
I discovered from muscle memory after years of playing that this game is not about not pressing and pressing when you have a chance, but about always pressing until proven that you shouldn’t press and always seeing if the situation doesn’t shift so you can press again

Pressing at all times until proven wrong, always fill the screen with buttons, at all ranges
btw this shit was liked over 400 times
blud thought mashen was a meme
this but release dragunov
no sadder being than the creatures who organize raids through discord. it's almost beyond comprehension how low on the social ladder you have to be to center your life around desperate attempts at making more functional human beings as miserable as you. god have mercy on them.
theyre literal trannies so thats the least of their problems
Dr. Disrespect
Are they ever gonna bring back Leo's debut costume? I already miss that jacket
This is valuable insight.
this shit was on page 9 earlier but some kind soul saved it from archiving at 240 posts
lets play some t7
I told Dr disrespect he could do what he wants with my ass pussy and he turned me down
Powerlifter and fitness streamer Julia Chang squatting 405 pounds when?
i got butt blasted by the high high spins into unparryable low into full combo the other day
>-10 on block
Dead game.
Dead general.
>i stop posting
>suddenly whole thread goes quiet
alright then, guess i have to go schizo again
duck punish
simple as
let me tell you why your character needs nerfing and mine needs buffing
the matchmaking change is so inane, especially in quick match
>wait 10 min because it can't find an opponent in 270k bracket
>parameters loosen each time you decline someone in queue
>decline too many times and the matchmaking shits itself and you have to return to the menu (checks their connection quality but never matches), this also means if the retard on the other end doesn't press ready, your matchmaking potentially gets fucked
>end up playing against greenies anyway after all the waiting
every time I try to play the game it just ends in frustration because getting a match is such a chore.
why is paul, the mall karate guy, so evasive
marshall law teached him wrong as a joke
*judo guy
Yeah everybody is dying to play pussybitch7
After evo
Integrated Martial Arts Based on Judo guy*
Bravo, personaposter.
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lobby up
Are we still getting guest dlc and if so are we ever getting Tifa? Tekken needs more money and so does Squenix
two flops don't make a dollar
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heres your guest char bro
Tifa would be so lame but I can't think of anybody who has a better chance of getting in.
Imagine if it was Aerith instead
FTKA: contacted tekgen -- no reply 7:47 PM
what the fuck
>Tifa would be so lame but I can't think of anybody who has a better chance of getting in.
So are we getting a guest or not?
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yeah i love tekken
how could you tell
I want to break that buck
everyone in blue rank legit t7 overlord rank
Im a vanquisher
me the strategist god
I'm a cuck
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for me? 'nov
there should be a chatbox at the end of the match
many time i want to tell my opponent something and harada cucks me
i wanna tell my opponent i'll suck his fat girthy cock and bear his children in my bussy hole at the end of a match
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eos time
its over
eos saved tekgen
Black dick is CRUCIAL for a white man's health
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one character
two downplayers
street fighter 6 has type arcade
tekken 8 has le...?
well it was fun while it lasted
sf6 has pic related
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ok maintenance
east coast is fine too
oh great, maintenance happens on the first day in a while that i'm actually in the mood to play lol

>xhe thinks Michael schedules maintenaround xir schedule
murray broke into my home and killed my dog
maintenance around* sry I'm drun t. Drag main
I'm voluntarily celibate.
dragunov drone posting conveyer belt golem xhe xir 2016 wants its meme back rhetoric. who would have guessed?
im a xim not a xer
Missed your hrt+ssri cocktail Lil sis
So, how's life? I caught up with Lilianon the other day. She's a fulltime homemaker now, quite busy, but we still managed to fit in some time to go a couple rounds just like the old days.
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let me know when t5r (aka REAL tekken) gets rollback
dragunov main is posting his reddit memes again oh boy
feel guy is peak 4chan get the fuck outta here tourists
think you meant homewrecker lil bro. that tranny is nasty.
aite u niggas would rather trannypost than play tekken might as well move to blue archive general
I just got tekken 8 and it will be my first fighting game since sf4
I actually struggled to the very first kazuya fight in story mode so we'll see
who are you going to main
I don't know, probably paul or some shit
I want a character I'm familiar with from tekken 3 but he's also gotta be easy to play because I suck dick
>I want a character I'm familiar with from tekken 3 but he's also gotta be easy to play because I suck dick
then paul is a good choice, have fun
do not pick fraudulent character from the get go
learn to play honest tekken
Why was t7 so low-poly compared to t6?
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It was higher poly. Just had much worse art direction.

It is low poly by the standards of a 2014 game, though.
In terms of head models T6 beats T7 by a little bit (~2750 faces vs. ~3190 faces)
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>3w Lee
>1232w Lei
I actually got a set off him though (1-2)
anyone would be down to play in eu now? I want friends to teach me the game
I read the op and shit too
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I think the online is under maintenance right now, for three or four more hours
downplaying how? Jin has nothing special
good ruck i berieve in u
but holy shit fuck hwoarang
beat him 8 - 1, t8 ranked niggas would never
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5 hours of server maintenance just to tick a checkbox that allows users to purchase fight lounge avatars that are already present in the game files
I just now opened the game because I actually felt like playing but then I see this bullshit. I hate this fucking game. Why can't maintenance be 2 hours tops?? They're literally just adding their shit tier skins.
I don't care if the servers come back
who did she settle down with?
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i love dix
I'm destined to be the first man capable of impregnating a ladyboy
Should've killed Heihachi in his sleep
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>Fighters, maintenance has now started and will last until 15:30 JST | 08:30 CEST | 23:30 PDT
>Online features will be disabled for the duration of the maintenance.
Hope you like free hats
You're a fool, Anon
Fight lounge is the single most embarrassing temu aspect of this middling muttslop
nigga it's a cosmetics update
these niggas really gon go two months without a fight pass bruh
I just want a date bro...
incel ass reply
I'm gonna try Alisa out for a while before they shoot her out of the sky with nerfs next year.
Maybe you should try tinder or grindr for a date then
Lars and shitty dragon ball custom outfits, name a more iconic combo
>235 viewers
Bravo Murray
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it's over
lars and alisa
My dad showed me tekken before he abandoned me
this geezer does tweet at lunch kek
That's not a tweet, that's a whole dissertation.
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hes not very well mentally saar
no sane person could conceive t4, tag 2 and t8
delete this fucking "game" right now
is that the sus guy
I've managed to stop being angry that I'm peaking at rulers with whoever I play and suddenly I'm way calmer, managing to sidestep and actually seeing my opponents freeze up because I'm not just mashing like a retard
feels good
Ranked creates shit habits
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playing golf with Lee, his new friend, and his family in the distance
Don't get me wrong I'm relieved to finally get the new distraction tweet from H but I can't help but wish it was Waffle House themed. Been a while since we got one of those kinos
yeah it really does
nice pic
No way Lidia is dropping before Evo at this rate. I'm guessing Lidia will drop right after Evo top 8 alongside new Battle Pass. Maybe they will also reveal the entire DLC lineup at Evo too.
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>/tekgen/'s morale is in the gutter due to the "after evo" shitposter
it's over
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>niggas are so impatient and horny they can't wait another month
Faggots. The lot of you.
>No way Lidia is dropping before Evo
Do you not remember Leroy 7
Bros holy fuck i need another update, a 32+1 roster where everyone has 100+ moves isnt enough for me i need a fucking update i need to downloard more data i fuck fick fuck where is the progress bar where is the update notification ahhhhhhhhh
I wanted to see what all the SF Dix craze was on Twitch but all I can find are nip vtuber streams??? Does anyone play this in the west?
i shittalked someone and now he keeps adding me as a friend, guys. what do i do
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discounts have started
Don't these idiots realize nobody cares for arcade hub?

I'll admit, I was pissed about the 5 hours of maintenance, but THIS... Now this, makes it all worth it!

Bravo, Namco. Bravo.
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>only for the avatars
Are these people retarded?
SF xisters... this clearly means the game is dead! Dead I say" *proceeds to pleasuree xerself on a Manrisa statue*
the legacy costumes ported directly from previous games with ai upscaled textures slapped on top are too valuable to discount at this stage. please understand and get ready for the next battle pass!
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new leak is out (real)
i'm so excited for absolutely nobody to use him again
why would they discount the things that people are actually buying?
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Heh... nice try, buddy.
Can't believe they're actually going to reveal Marduk next month at the biggest fighting game event of the year
>Tekken 8
>400 viewers
>no Jin
>no Jun
>no Kazuya
weren't those preorder bonuses or something
they came with ultimate edition
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Ok my bad then. Didn't know aobut Ultimate Edition bonuses.
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Jesus christ how horrifying
shit looks like a temu zbox avatar
>tekken 8
>503 spectators
it's over
this is bullying
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Wow Lili is so stupid
there are funnier ways to highlight the sad state of this game than spamming/flooding the same post with different numbers every thread
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>Leroycucks still think they have a chance
same energy
>the underage white woman loves the harada self insert
what did they mean by this

>H pays a Lili cosplayer to be on every episode of his show even when she has no speaking role
Um sweetie you don't get how hard us bryan mains have to work to take you down to 30% off of one whiff interaction
Anoooooo... Bryan is honest. Knee and Jimmy J Tran, the two greatest Tekken players of all time, main and work honestly hard him. Please understand.
>fullscreen homing random launcher into fullscreen homing random launcher into fullscreen homing random launcher into fullscreen homing random launcher
welcome to neutral with the hardest character in Tekken™
I'm so fucking tired of this match up. It's a constant game of chicken where risk reward is MASSIVELY in favor of the Bryancel whiffing shit into frame traps.
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xiaoyu is everything
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context is everything
hey guys, just letting you know Tekken 8 is the worst fighting game of all time. ok bye
Slime spammers exist so no.
thats the 2nd worst fighting game by a very slim margin. But 3ddy is unforgivable. Ok by, see you faggots in 10 years when Bandai makes a "return to roots" tekken and drops Murray
Is there any honest character left in Tekken?
3ddy is noob filter and not even that. Slime Spamming perpetuates Dix from beginner all the way to evo top 8.
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What the fuck are you idiots getting hit by? The only homing launcher is 1+2,2(with heat)
, the only full screen launcher is ch qcb1 and everything else is sidesteppable.
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stop downplaying or else you'll forget to take your hrt dose lil sis
Yes just avoid Lars, Alisa, Bryan, Drag and Shaheen
let's see you step qcf1+2 in heat consistently
>i-its a noob filter
kek the amount of cope. in no other tekken game ever could you rank up to red and higher spamming 1 button. the game is trash and aims to be fun for zoomers to watch and make frauds feel good rather than be a technical fighter

this is really the worst fighting game ever.

also the characters all look like faggots too. You have Paul ITS MA'AM Phoenix and Eddy looking like a faggot zoomer's avatar

what a shit game for shit people

ok bye for real, later retards. Remember when you finally uninstall this game, I was right and while you were wasting time playing this shit, I was having secks with your mom
See you in two minutes slime dix shill
For the love of God I don't care about the shitty /v/ phoneposter screencaps you take talking about sf6 and I don't care how much sf6 mindbroke you to post the exact same shit about slime or whatever the fuck over and over. Go whine in fgg or some shit goddamn.
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Have you done your homework?
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this dude did a ten hit combo
this dude's doin STRINGS
Why are we still allowing off topic Tifa OPs?
i want to put your head in a vice and squeeze it utnil your eyes pop out
because nobody bothered to make a real one
maybe apply yourself in the future
Kys slimenigger, we were still on page 7 when you forced this Tifa shit.
kek same thing happened to me. I got bodied and had to turn down difficulty. My hands got sweaty as fuck. It's so different coming from 2d fighters. I hadn't played a 3d since sc2.
wasn't me even, just stating facts
be the change you want to see
After evo
page 8 actually, barely before 9
Next OP should be Vergil
Tekken 6....what a dog shit ugly abomination. It nearly killed Tekken. Can't believe we went straight from peak Tekkino to its lowest point. Also the most cancerous newcomers in Tekken history that still plague the series.
It's not a shitpost. 4 champs a year means 1 every 3 months. Reddy was released 04 April. So there's no way Lidia is releasing before 04 July. But since there's also Evo around then, it doesn't make sense to release her before. Probably will have a Marduk trailer at evo and announcement that Lidia/summer stage is playable in a few days. Marduk will then be in early October.
I'm buying a few of those 'tars
Close but autumn is Snake Plisken
Jack, dragunov, lili, asska
It's ok the series survived long enough to give us an all time great game in T8. Tekken will always be in gkod hands with Harada and Michael.
Kreggen 8 will finish the job
I am not even joking when I say Lili players might be the most spoiled competitive video game players I have seen in my life. The closest thing that comes to mind is Hecarim players in League?
try a less faggoty comparison
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>/v/ continues to dunk on SF6
i wanna spoil lilianon rotten
why he posts his samefagging on v and why it's here
and yet has higher userbase, we really got the worst possible scenario in d8 and it's about to get even worse with more DLC bloat
king players don't know real tekken they can only power crush, grab, heat smash, that low kick, and lagswitch
that's real tekken for king
Panda is the local bicycle AND this IS CANON.
use grabs on them, they will get mad very fast and do nothing but throws back. from that point just duck frequently and send them back to stone ages
That's pure tekken lil buddy
i plug them after i fail to break two grabs in a row
why would you duck when they just made throws steppable
what happened to her?
knee vs DONG
i want his knee on my cock
how do i play jun well? I want to have sex with her
just pick dragunov
Drop Jun and embrace Leo
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stop horny picking
t. ex-reina main
who do you play now
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akira yuki
akira brought me a rose this morning
Ok, Pai
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It is an abomination. Truly 'Jeet Slime Spammers Dix characters in Base Roster.
>muh userbase
Fortnite has more so therefore is better right?
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>watching JDCR stream
>he's facing Dragunov
Why is Dragunov so KINO bros I can't
how did dragunov end up nerfed each patch and still top 5 today
Xiaoyu's POV before SEX
He has all the tools but they can only be unlocked by tekken masters who have the discipline, fortitude, and passion for the game required. This is the power of a true honest fundamental based character.
Yeah, Dragunov is more complex than I expected after all the bitching.
Jackbros how we holding up
did they add photo mode yet?
Good one
i'm still jackin it
he has been top tier since release and only getting buffs so you should be good
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*enters thread*
then why aren’t anakin and saint winning
washed up by choice
plays tekken 7
joecrush and joey fury are the best performing americans in the meantime though
Even better lil bro, they put a bunch of fight lounge avatars on sale!
The only thing little is you, "bro".
Anakin is washed. The Joes are better in NA by a lot. Saint and Meo-il are hiding Jack tech for Evo
Shut up niggstein
Lidias Tekken talk?
After evo
during evo
Surely they're not retarded enough to repeat Leroy 7 with Lidia 8, right...?
Leo singing me to sleep while I cuddle him
filling leo's vagina and watching it stretch and grip onto me as she bounces up and down (in Secluded Training Ground)
eddy sales tanked since he was just a regular high-mid tier overshadowed by the current unbalanced mess
to counteract that, lidia will be tier 0 character until season 2 starts
>dude actually wants to cut Leo's dick off and fuck the neo vagina
i dont know what a neo vagina is but if it means "perfect fertile female pussy set" then yes, I do want that
railing leo's ass
Lidia is going to have perma armor through stance dancing and an armor break mechanic.
>he thinks a cut-off-dick hole is an actual vagina
why cant you just tap that asshole like a normal human being
yeah but imagine marduk in october
Leo (pronounced Lay-Oh) is a biological female.
Leo is male.
HE is in my bed as we speak.
Eleonore (Eh - Lee - Oh - Nor) is my wife.
if leo is a girl then whose cock did i just suck
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thanks for reminding me that katarina isn't in this game now i'm sad
ya'll ever just scream racial slurs when you lose
No, where I'm from we just want to get very intimate with the opponent's mother.
No, Rip.
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same whenever i fight a steve
I just insult the character to be honest
sometimes but I try to cut it down so I don't make it a habit and say it in work calls or whatever
I just sigh heavily in both win and loss
>Win because I went into heat and used it more
>Lose because I didn't get to do it sooner and/or died before I could
same whenever i fight a jin
>Leo = 3 letters
>Boy = 3 letters
what did they mean by this?
>Dick = 4 letters
>Girl = 4 Letters
>Jin = 3 letters
>Gay = 3 letters
>futa= 4 letters
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Eleonore 8 letters
Feminine 8 letters

When is a muay thai character coming I'm so tired of playing the ultra faggot Law just let me play the real game already the whole roster sucks fucking dicks.
>those arms
holy fuck I can't stop laughing
all the better to jack me off with, my dear
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I almost don't react at this point, only scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER every time i eat ra or play against ling or bryan
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Tanned PUTA!
where is the new stage murrayyyyyyyyy
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where's your wallet broooooooooo
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did anyone really like that character
they should add a third bear
tekken was better when snoop dogg was involved
Kuma will never get with Panda because she's a bitch, nigga deserves better.
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she's my bitch
calm down bryan
3rd DLC? Polar Bear from Antarctica joins the battle
There is something very amusing to me about Lee bullying Reina, probably cause of the Heihachi connection.
Just look at that face
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I'm sick of the tension, sick of the hunger
Sick of you acting like I owe you this
Find another place to feed your greed
While I find a place to rest
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why won't people play the game? is it because my rank is low?
looking at the red bar in bottom right his PC just caught flames and he had to run to fetch a fire extinguisher
Yeah cause they know that they can beat you by just standing still
His shitbox is dying in real time
Device dying or plugging
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I think it's time to pick king
>his pc is on red the entire 2nd round
that's why
pick goh
He's right about everything. Literally the only cope slimenegroes have now is "playerbase numbers!!". It is a geniune phone game.
stop replying to yourself
continue replying to other people
i will NOT stop replying to myself.
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
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Love John LOVE LOVE!
>Thread is now an anti-Tekken thread as more and more Capcum shills pour in from Discord
Holy hell what a shitshow
I tried. Stance shit is too wacky. Not enough personality in him to "brave the storm" to be a based Leo main
whens ceo?
can you like stop your schizophrenic crusade and please stop replying to yourself for 6 hours straight everyday, this is cringe
go find job or something useless fuck
this weekend
>Try to find a main for my first tekken game
>always liked all-feet/all-hands characters
>both steve and hwoooraggu are considered troll tier simpleton characters
This. Slimenegroes need to fuck off to their dead general.
have you considered not being a faggot and just playing who you like
>steve and whore are considered troll tier simpleton characters
huh?????????? maybe hwo at low level but steve????????????????????????????????
>sf6 mentioned
oh yeah, the better GAME
why do you care about what others think? If you like hwo just go with hwo (or steve whichever it is) and make scrubs mad
>wifi scrub
>tries to rematch
miss me with that gay shit LULW
Lee really needs a wife. Imagine one day all that hard-earned money and his company going to war criminal of all people.
Lee deserves more taxes and regulations, the fucker.
what should I do against Jims 1,2,3?
can i just reliably dickjab after the 2nd hit?
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Dishes need washing, Law.
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it's lunchtime time for an essay about the better franchise

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I need Harada and Kojima to collab over lunch
Why don't you lab it
If he delays it you can sidestep it
If he doesn't you might be able to reversal it idk but dickjab is just as fast as regular jab and at that point if you can dickjab it why would you not want to get a ch jab string instead
I don't think there's an option that beats everything so you just have to guess essentially
you can dickjab to beat both 123 and 124 but your reward is pretty low and he could just do 12 and whiff punish you
if you aren't against a wall then reading a 123 and stepping can be a good option since you can get a big punish and getting knocked down by 124 in the open isn't that bad
it's also safer against stuff like 12 into movement since you aren't throwing out a button until you confirm the whiff
a more niche option is something like a parry or a kick sabaki
those have the possibility to beat both 123 and 124 but once again leave you vulnerable to 12 into something non-canned and thus are quite risky
I have yet to see a Jin that just does 121 randomly in neutral as a string mixup so I haven't labbed if it goes over the dickjab, how well it tracks steps and if it can be parried but it's launch punishable so just blocking kills him for it
speaking of, just blocking is never a bad option either since it's not like there's a low mix from 12 or anything
you can just block whatever he does and then keep moving around or something
He probably sees his asshole of a dad in her. They're very similar in their worst aspects.
Why did they think niggas would be head over heels for lounge skins???
So many dope outfits to potentially sell for charaters and none of them see the tekken shop.
It's us that see Heihachi in Reina, as far as the cast is concerned only Nina knows of their connection. Jin would have known, too, but he is so forgetful these days.
Considering these all feature default outfits, I've seen people speculate these might have been made sooner and released slowly over time to create impression of regular updates and to buy time till they do something actually new.
It would explain the lack of legacy outfits, which people actually really want.
It was probably already decided on a product management level that every character would get avatar skins and emotes and they have to get those done first or some shit.
>plugging dragunov
unlimited joy
I would love to see the metrics for time spent in the lounge , people who actually bought lounge skins, and what their ranks are.
This can't be netting them significant profit in the long run.
Only the ultra casuals (kids, shitters) will be there and those are the types of people to stop playing pretty early on due to thd s+kill gap. So what's the point of selling them shit? Majority of the player base is not there.
plug this tail in your butthole
It probably does net them a decent amount of money, some skins making them more than others. But as I said it doesn't matter if it was already decided that that's how it was going to be, because it was already decided and finalized beforehand regardless.
if I wear my tail how will you sex me
i would never touch a gross retard
that's not true or you wouldn't be able to masturbate
I'll use your mouth honey
I'll introduce explosives in your mouth honey
why fuck others when we can fuck ourselves
we all fuck ourselves, we're playing tekken 8
I fuck your mother.
my mother plays tekken though
Nice own there, slimenegro.
Can we talk tekken now? You niggas must huff dick
You're forced to check her after she goes into chainsaw on block.
we're not scheduled to talk tekken until friday
are u free for some sf6 play bro
Autumn is so far away, my curiosity is burning to know what will be in story expansion besides Eddy joining the Jin dick sucking party.
why dont you try playing her
nothing else those story updates will center around dlc character during story mode I bet there will not be a after story thing besides Jun awakening
Maybe Tekken is better off dead
maybe virtua fighter is better off alive
*ducks laughing*
*sad akira noises*
y u rude
too bad the fgc is too gay for doa
booba game
I play gen fu though
Oh I was talking about something more subconscious, in a "You reminde me of someone" way.
honestly it has some of the worst booba of all the 3d fighters
how much a flaming faggot are you? Christ.
If only that were true
men are better anyway
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Asuka has insane booba game in the shinobi outfit. Especially when it gets sweaty. Don't have picture though.
>worst booba of all the 3d fighters
Name them
Honest question, why is reina's winrate as low as it is? I kinda wanna learn her but I'd like to know if her gameplay has some massive hole that explains the winrate. Also in regards to the recent nerfs she has to be more committal to high crushing stuff now and ff2 needs the 2nd f input to be held a bit so it helps with tracking right?
Wish we got more scenes covering that, at least it wouldn't look like some random weird girl got into rebellion's inner circle by batting her eyelashes.
she relies on stance a lot and cant block in it, so you can just mash heat, armor or rage to not guess or kill her
all of her lows are shit too
popular character with new players -> they tank her winrate
also a "mishima" so a lot of those new players are overcomplicating her gameplay and trying to do some wavedash electric bullshit instead of learning the game further tanking the winrate
also despite all the ff2 memes she is still a very fundamentally solid character so her effectiveness scales well with player skill
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I feel like anyone spectating Lee's fights should be given sunglasses as promotional gift, so they don't go blind from the light effects.
>Lee is supposed to be the playboy character
>turn him into some random soldier grunt
What a misfire T8's art direction has been.
/tekgen/ lobby invites (You).
Region: Any
Name: tekgen
Passcode: 1122
Everyone welcome.
Soul Calibur and Dead Or Alive are booba games. Virtua Fighter is better than tekken but not by much. If they had brought Eliza back things would be different but they didn't. Oscar has to carry the whole game and she's mogged by multiple SC/DoA characters. I'd take Sarah and Vanessa over her as well.
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It's all Jin's fault, had he not started a war, his uncle would still be focusing just on robot business and women.
mashen 8 died LMAOOOO
If they would just release characters in a timely fashion we wouldn't be over here starved for content.

With that being said, release Lidia nigga.
I hope you're not one of these mid-level elitists, /tekgen!/
I will take Helena, Mila and Christie (doa) over Eliza and Oscar all day they're more than bobba jokes
All dead games,seems like booba is a detriment
Isn't there some thread on /v/ for you to shill Dix?
Bitch looking DOPEY lolololol
Fuck is that stump on her shoulders?
Where's the LENGTH?? hahahaa
Looking like a fucken sped.
What good is BOOBA when they're attached to this?
Meds, slimenigger.
We lost to Slime Fighter, didn't we. If I look for Heat 8 on twitch there's barely a stream, meanwhile dix is exploding with jappas
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Is Tekken also Chipotle-approved? Does Tekken need in-game ads?
He's right though, Harada and Murray deserve lashings until Asuka has a neck again
Lee could solve wars forever if he just focused on robot women for everyone
Tekken 8 so dead that nigga obsess over sf6, never saw this type of shit in Tekken 7 tekgen
The only one that knows how to make realistic robot women is Bosconovitch, and very few people would survive Alisa's emotional outbursts, so I guess it would solve wars if everyone is dead.
You need meds to delude yourself into thinking that she looks right.
he's alright bro she looks off not as bad like sf models but still
>lows are shit
I guess that makes sense, a lot of replays I watched had like 1 or 2 db2s at most, ss4 seems decent being 0 on hit I guess
Why "Mishima" though, she seems more of one than Jin. Also ty for the answers anons I'll get to some preliminary labbing on her, I've only played against her and the matches weren't very useful
DoA might have flopped with whatever the fuck the last game was and idk what's going on with vf but sc6 was very successful, namco just decided not to keep supporting it.
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>no outdoor swimming pool
I feel like this is the thing why I can't really imagine this place as Lee's home. Well, that and lack of a sexy secretary with deep cleavage.
more like TekCUNNY
Lee has hostages in his basement
lucky bastards
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Thread dead asf just like d8
EU bros finna have dinner they'll be back
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483439904 look for a job useless neet
no difference between a neet and a tekken project dev
Tekken devs have kids
nakatsu has a wife and kid
murray has a wife and kid
harada has wives
i have kids inside my bussy
>murray has a wife and kids
>harada has a wife
Those poor souls
that explains the state of the last two games then
nakatsu mentioned he has a son and wife
Do you think Clive would be a good guest character?
It seems that we're straying farther away from traditional martial arts and hand to hand combat so fuck it why not?
They could use his slash into magic blast combo as a string or mixup.
harada has a kid too
he has a lot of bastard children
imagine being the son of someone that approved Jin, Hwoarang, Ling, Eddy, Marduk, Steve, Lars, Alisa, Claudio and Feng into this world
Steve is cool
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Why ling?
Imagine being a slimenigger. That's even worse.
I have digital vampire wife
imagine being the son of someone that increases the (You) inflation
we need real tekken i.e two kazuyas spamming 50/50s, electrics, and wave dashes over and over
I looked for a job and I got turned down from everywhere.
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Ling Xiaoyu a beautiful treasure blessed whoever in charge of designing her
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Point proven slimer
Pre puberty

post puberty
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Puberty hit hard
Netherlands is losing and you're posting about green and a monkey?
nobody cares about Netherlands in future they will sink anyway
got jack and paul to blues, what now?
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Sink? Why not just get dirt from other part of your country? LMAO
She was 19 in 3 tho
Oh nonnonono NAFO bros???
*16 she is 19 now
16 is already post puberty for girls
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What it just says BOCEMb, i've seen weirder shit on german trains
never told anything about puberty just about her age
whats the next tournament to watch?
The process of maturation doesn't end by 15. Puberty is more than just the first menstruation.
Welp the /v/ thread dunking on SF6 got nuked by jannies. I'm guessing Capcom shills mass reported it.
CEO of madness
Maturation doesn't even end by 21
It ends when you're a hag or if you take off your woman egg (uterus)
So Reina still has a chance to grow some ass?
Anon I can't predict the future
But no she doesn't
She's still growing
was arguing with a fromfag who said I'm a shitter who hated hard games because I disliked Elden Ring and I mentioned I like Tekken and he called it easy compared to Souls

Why are they like this
Hope Asuka's tits grow even fatter tbqh
it is easier to mock
Id rather fight against Melania than a Hwoarang
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I fucking hate t8 lili disgusting retarded bitch on par with reina, even facing 10 kings and 3ddy not that bad or getting juggled by bryan
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Imagine waking up to this
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Imagine waking up to this
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I have found her neck. It's succulent.
cococo+ this face= Asuka d8
Why is the slimenigger still seething?
Bryan iws3 or u4.
Call it.
Any /tekgen/ approved pads for PC for around a hundred bucks? My 360 controller is falling apart after 10 years
His T3 moveset was the best. DJin could never replace it properly.
t3 Jin is superior to stupid terrorist fag we have now
Using mods is cheating.
And just use any pad that is comfortable, or a leverless if you can.
You want a controller with decent dpad. Dualshock 4 has an alright one and you can play other PC games with it too. There are also pads dedicated to fighting games but I always felt it was dumb to buy a game pad for one game. I find the Dualsense too imprecise for Tekken but some people like it and even use it in tournaments.
do top tekken players make tier lists or does that brain rot only exist for 2d games
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ayo it's shaitan mishima
I prefer my laptop keyboard to a 360 controller
Kinda weird that Lee still mocks Heihachi long after he died.
Dead general
Dead game
Dead gamefaqs message board
Dead subreddit
Dead by daylight
Non existent player base
Non existent viewership
Non existent fight pass
Non existent lidia
The sad part? All of that is true.
just gooned
i use the hori fc octa
it's not great but i like it more than the ds4
i'd stick with the previous hori fc since the dpad is superior but i needed a ps5 pad for locals and a converter added too much input lag
I dropped tekken when they revealed the initial heat trailer. How is the game nowadays?
of course the game is dead we're all waiting for Josie to be added
bison releases tomorrow right? the hype is real
just one thing

fighting game are something so shit

pretty good
483458008 has dead opportunities to find a job and being someone worthy
dead chances to have a better life
Then the sad part all of this is true for his useless existence
ass, you were correct to not play it
It's good.
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Who do I believe?
try it and you'll be surprised at how fucking shit this game is after all this time
it's lee chaobla
That shit is DLC? How despicable.
i have a gut feeling that we'll get heihachi as DLC eventually (cause harada copies dix)
they really put v trigger in tekken. what a joke

it's finally here
And we get......oh
Thanks Harada.
>dix has released 3 characters in the time it took Harada and Murray to shit out Eddie
nigga if you want to post x, screenshot it I ain't goin there
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Noob Saibot
Conan the Barbarian
Holy slimenigger cope
When is janny banning this obvious as fuck Dix shill that keeps doomposting literally every single hour of the day?
probably never, /vg/ has non-existent moderation
When is anon going to understand that it's not just one guy but rather half a thread posting about WELL DESERVED praise of other BETTER games?
Neva he doesn't do his job and that useless human being will be posting until he has to masturbate again
Haradas incompetence is not Dix cope.
>yuyu invited to redbull golden letters
why is she getting invited everywhere she's not even good
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Play Stellar Brat
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I could never hit diagonals consistently on Dualshock-style dpads for some reason. Anyone know if pic related is any good? I grew up with a Genesis so I have a pretty good idea on what I want out of a dpad but also heard Retrobit's durability/quality is kinda sus. I'm looking at that or the basic 8BitDo retro one, though I prefer just getting a versatile pad with two sticks

Yeah I'm aware leverless and keyboard are better but I already get wrist strain from being on a keyboard all day for work
Raven DLC fucking when
She's the world's best female player
cuddle core is better i think
knee playing steve when
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cuddle core has autism
that some sunny nigga vibes nigga dem
girls are cuter when they are a little retarded
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Fag should be paying for his crimes
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Paying for your crimes is cuck behavior.
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His head looks tiny in 8
>>I knew, that the soil and currents of such a large organization "just happen from Things that are happening due to delusions caused by the group mind And a head appointed solely for career advancement, with no love for that game title and no long term vision, cannot be good for the survival of the series or the fan community

Harada is literally our guy
War crimes are cool Jin isn't
this is predatory behaviour, they seem cute cause they give the impression that they are easier to sleep with or so.
we are all rapists by nature
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Richie got buckbroken by a Yoshi
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guy i can't stop to plug dragunov, even if i win or i am about to win, i just have to do it
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take that, reina (binch)
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Disgusting fag I believe in my heart bullshit
That animal has no neck
i'm a faggot, why isn't xiaoyu after me?
You need to do several war crimes
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No he's ugly
I look exactly like that
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youre jealous
Yes, I admit it I'm jealous why he can have xiaoyu and not me
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What happened to Steve
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18F is seeable
I remember when he used to make ltg rage quit, same with Negan. Good times
18F is way too old
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She's cute. Looks like a chipmunk
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Pissing our pants yet?
sometimes i can't react to orangusuka unlockable nigga
You guys ready for the Slimenigger steamcharts spam when Bison is released for Dix?
nobody is talking about you and your useless boyfriend got and kiss him instead
8am and we get bison, keep it in your pants till then bro
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Okubo won
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Psychologists could do a formal study on the way Tekken is so difficult that it turns the mid level players into "elitists" desperately digging for every reason to feel better than other people at the game lmao
genius posting
Jiyuna already did that, and every tard here laughed
psychologists could do a formal study on why we keep playing this garbage shit game
is jiyuna a prodigy? No so we didn't care
yes, he's the only /jp/ poster that got laid
why do the 'hype' mechanics for spectators also have to break the game
I play Tekken. I'm better than you.
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Does jiyuna look like this? No only prodigies
what's the point of kazuyas combos in t8
This has happened to me too. Slow mo just breaks the fucking game. Worst is when slow mo activates and it's not a guaranteed death on touch. It's so stupid.
make some noise please....please
Go and fuck your boyfriend instead meanwhile you introduce your post in you anus
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this game is an embarrassment to bamco. which is saying a lot because they specialize in anime shovelware.
wrong, they make toys from manchildren, and then anime shovelware for manchildren
harada probably hates every tekken player and murray is an imp
His genius caused baldness
Slow day in /doa/
hey janny fuck you
I immediate lose any respect when I see a bald man, which is why I trust Nakatsu, Murray, and Harada with Tekken
I'm bald...
they're all mentally bald
You're sexually bald
what's the difference between a passive and a bottom
see Marduk gameplay vs everyone else in 5 months at this rate and find out
I'm bald down there uwu
on second thought, I'm gonna goon to women today.
bald people shouldn't have human rights
Slimeniggers not giving up.
unironically I think king will be better than marduk when he comes out
they will make raw tackle less viable in neutral (like how they nerfed ultimate tackle) and nerf his oki + give him a worse armor move
blud thinks they're finishing the season pass before eos
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What are some of the best lewd mods I can use for Nina and Xiaoyu? Would prefer if it's possible to use different one for each character..
Please tell me Tekken 8 has some lewd mods
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bald people shouldn't be allowed to internet
blud is talking about a new DLC char like they won't give him at least 5 degenerate new moves
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There's almost zero new players and not much of oldfarts left, lidia is even less interesting than eduardo and then they'll announce a fucking marduk to trigger mass ptsd and turn online into aids simulator, why..?
Marduk was really watered down and weak in 7 compared to before yeah bro
I cant even tell if the photoshop guy made his bigger on this one
Special intro between Marduk and Leo, how would it go?
the maid outfit for Ling
did the update last night give us lidia>?
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this wojak generator thing works better than I expected
no but tonights update on sf6 will give us bison
fits so well on her for some reason
is there still no release date for lidia? this is getting ridiculous
2 more weeks trust the plan
it's not ridiculous until there is an on-site playtest for the character that doesn't allow video or photography and they refuse to show any footage or announce anything
Lidia's VA sounds way too old
>learn new paul combo from shredder kicks, does 71 damage
>wonder why no top player does this combo
>try it in local
>second move in combo (df4) whiffs every time
>lab it, turns out it always whiffs if i'm even a tiny bit off-axis
make sure your combos are consistent bros
shredder kicks are kinda shitty as a launcher anyway, only good for specific situations
my combos are always fine cause i made very solid macros.
kazuya main btw
who bangs Lidia daily? she has to keep her political power
john probably
what does lidia even do? I never played t7
expose her toes
screams extremely loud, switches between stances like Reina and spams ff move like Reina
Drinks alcohol. Steals EU bux. Acts butthurt over EU aid to Ukraine.
Wouldn't Lidia try to have Dragunov convicted as a war criminal?
marduk: I always get what I want
>gets fucked in the ass by leo
What would be Marduk's tier list for the Tekken women
What happened to tekken? Why is t8 so soulless?
Marduk would fuck anyone even panda he doesn't discriminate
Tekken 8 has tons of soul
there's one real war criminal in tekken drag crimes are nothing compared to him
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Get this fucking thing, best pad ever
i miss Kazumi.
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this photo is fake.
the credits are real
>street fighter is an Indian game
That explains why they hate us since we're a Pakistani game
'jeet Fighter
what's wrong with India, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan?
Street Shitter 6
>Saudi Arabia
Saving fighting games
holy cow prodigy is live let's goo
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this bad boy, 35 euros
They don't belong to china and they should
overpriced and shit dpad
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At 1:12, Steve gets hit by Bryan's f4,1 and then recovers doing a backflip. What is the backflip and how do I do it?
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Season 2 leaked
I switch to the straight tab today and I discovered I couldn't get it up. I went back to the shemale tab and shot out a geyser. How over is it?
back quick recovery
basically hold back before you hit the ground (also good to mash punch/kick buttons in case you can do a regular tech roll)
damn they put in arnie TWICE
cyrax actually so based on the classic mks, just behind smoke
I sleep
>No Jason Voorhees
literally whos
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No alien
No Jason
2 evil superman
I sleep
Boomer MUGEN
Better than mashens season 1 and 2
it would be if NRS knew how to design movesets, animate, or more generally make a game that's fun to play, but alas they are not capable of such things.
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
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Need an MK x Tekken collab
Would be lit seeing my boy Liu Kang flying across the screen towards Dragunov
I can't escape this hell
I can't get a job
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How do I fight Hwoarang and Xiaoyu?!
TMM: there is no rank inflation in tekken 8 it's actually getting harder to climb!!!
The average tekken god currently: x.com/TheMayorNT/status/1805639628948435363?t=OUHuwsveLGslpDf--RYO3g
im sure theyll expand the rank system at some point
NA is dogshit and always has been at Tekken so their ranks don't matter.
bruv got god with prepatch leroy and mainman got god in freeu
No we don't
Learn to sidestep better, learn to do low hitting mids more often for xiaoyu, learn when to dickjab against hwo, and learn to fuzzy block. Also just get better at guessing like with every other matchup.
isn't this phidx person supposed to be good?
He can't win without Noctis.
it's up
He's as good as Lil Majin
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you become the hwoarang, and beat the xiaoyu
Hell would have to freeze over for me to play Hwo, Xioa, and Alisa.
our nigga speedy up next
we're all having a blast playing tekken and watching TNS lil bud
aye bruh majin way more decorated than
>I frauded out arslan ash once
I love this stage
Junchads.. we're so freaking back
Pling is garbo and Jun broken
any bros wanna join my joonsesh
post credentials
Jun's jet black bush
any former heihachi mains that have started to feel more feminine after maining reina?
I started wearing skirts and having sex with men after I picked up kaz
Goodbye JoJo!
what would you guys think if I started posting lyrics from songs I like with pictures of characters I like/fantasize about
jun is cool
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Do it I root for you, annon
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Its gonna be a long season
I shat myself yesterday
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>Bottom 5
I'm tired of this meme, it hasn't been true for a while now.
Ew no
my bear took bottom one day and he said on second thought, get on your hands and knees you saucy little sissy
then who are actually in the bottom 5?
the characters i play
Based Dragunov enjoyer
so remember...
Reina, Devil Jin, Panda, Raven and Zafina.

March on, /tekgen/ners!

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