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GOATvinnik edition

>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Cracow International Chess Championships | June 22nd - 29th
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Baku Open | June 28th - July 7th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy - Internationale Dortmunder Schachtage | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Women's Grand Prix | August 14th - 25th
- Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival | August 14th - 25th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd
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I was preparing a special Wethley appreciation thread.

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Damn, bitch, you play the opening like this?
I play two openings that can go in to Botvinnik variations and I am bad at both of those variations. I am starting to get a hold of the English Botvinnik but that's only because I learned a sideline of it that is easier to play. Botvinnik never played the sideline because it's a dumb sideline for shitters like me.
I'm a London one-trick.
I've been exclusively playing bots and doing puzzles for a little over a year now. Real players make me too angry.
It's been like two years since I tried improving or played more than a couple times a week. I'm maintaining at around 1800 chesscum rapid.
that's pretty good isn't it?
Depends on your perspective. I can smash newbies but I'm a low to low-mid player among people who have been playing for a while.
Im playing this guy thats rated 900 uscf. How good is that?
I don't like chess puzzles enough to bother properly calculating them
It's pretty bad, like someone who has been playing less than a month or two
Thank you for your cervix
why is hikki such a pathetic human being
Hikaru has some kind of personality disorder. I don't know what it is. I don't think it's autism. Magnus? Magnus is autism. Hikaru is something else.
it's the same shit that happens to every "gifted kid". at least he got a career out of it instead of burning out and living in his mom's basement.
hes literally just a faggot, theres nothing else to it
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The first game of the Ryuo tournament is being played between Kazushi Watanabe (sente) and Nagisa Fujimoto. The time control is 5 hours per player, and the tournament is single elimination followed by a best of 3 match between the last two players. The winner of the tournament will face Sota Fujii in a best of seven match for the Ryuo title. The winner of this game will face Satoshi Takano, who won the fourth group of the preliminary tournaments (see pic related for the tournament layout).
The opening is double static rook, with Nagisa choosing to play Gangi, and Watanabe playing a rapid attack strategy with S-37 and P-35 against it.
no one cares about anime chess you fucking weeb faggot
I care
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chesstempo gave me a low rated one again but for this one i'm not mad. It's satisfying.
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sad that Ryo McChinky is not going to play due to the accident, I hope he gets better so he can destroy the competition
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>opponent plays some shit like this
>trade all the pieces off
>purposefully take a long time between each move
>win by queening a pawn
It's fun abusing blitz tourists when they show up in rapid
how the fuck does mr KGB babby have any fans? you must be a commie to overlook all his disgusting shit.
convince me to stop playing the caro and play the french instead
Play a Sicilian.
Chess fans care about chess. Not politics.
nobody cares about that you retard
next you'll be surprised tiger woods fans continued watching him for like 15 years or whatever despite his infidelity and failed marriage
The amount of copypasted posts the last thread might have set a new record here.
LOL comparing getting divorced and hosed for millions by your model wife to... supporting commie genocides.
anon I didn't even know about what you were talking about until you brought it up
I'm not gonna do an internet deep dive on every known chess player to see what skeletons in the closet they contain, faggot, and neither is the general public
forcing opponents to throw through blackmail and commie tactics goes beyond politics, the guy was simply a piece of shit hack
he was also shit talking Bobby yet played like a coward against him
so cuckvinnik fan = spineless commie coward
simple as
I'm working my way up to it. Its pretty overwhelming. And then theres different sicillians like the dragon and naidorf and that sort of thing, I don't even know where to start
Hmm. Try Nf6 scandi. e4 d5 exd5 Nf6. This is fun, dynamic, and good enough to last several year even if you're a committed adult improver. I'm really not a fan of beginners inviting white to close the center as you do in the caro and french.
Hans Niemann.
Hikaru fears him.
uh oh, /chess/ is gonna seethe
i love how hikaru always uses the ugly photos from him in thumbnails, such a petty faggot lol
I cannot fucking believe how good you have to be to beat 1400s on chesscom these days haha it's kind of crazy how good they've gotten but it's normal though it's normal that they just don't make any punishable mistakes haha
it just seems like they don't make mistakes. if you do a game review and check the eval they pretty much always do
just the other day I beat a chesscom 1400 and checked the game review and I hung mate in one during the game which both of us missed lmao
sounds like an overrated lichess fag can't handle the worlds number 1 chess domain
I reviewed the game and all of his moves were top 3 engine choices that he thought for no time to find so no he didn't make any significant mistakes

Lichess is even worse than chesscom with people aborting anything that isn't 1.e4, I don't play there
>I reviewed the game and all of his moves were top 3 engine choices that he thought for no time to find so no he didn't make any significant mistakes
might've unironically been a cheater then, happens. if you're suspicious, just report him
Thanks for the info about chesstempo. The puzzles are really fun.
why does every shitter on the planet play the london please make it stop
because they like gotham and andrea botez
Play b6 against d4, the fianchettoed bishop can stop the London immediately by taking the knight before their bishop is out. Engine thinks it's a little stupid but if you think they won't know what to do once they're out of the standard London setup it could be worth it.
easiest way to fight the london is to just abort because it's not a 1. e4 opening :D
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I actually like playing against the London. Boring games are rare with my Qb6 setup and if they do end up boring it usually means I fucked up somewhere along the way.
But if you really really want to spice it up, the two sirs/ double fianchetto is always there. In short, skill issue.
Since the thread's on /vg/ now I feel much more compelled to just reply to any post with skill issue.
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>Play b6 against d4
There is an improvement to this. I assume you mean 1.d4 b6. Instead you can play 1.d4 Nf6 then follow with b6 if they play Nf3 or Bf4. This is actually engine approved, not that it matters. b6 on move 1 allows white to get e4 in and transpose to something you probably didn't want to play. Something like this is really common to get on the board
1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 b6 3. Nf3 Bb7 4. e3
From here you have a choice. You can continue trying to annoy the Londoner by playing the Two Sirs Defense (g6) or you can be somewhat more conventional and go for Nh5. If Bg3 you take it. If Bg5 you play h6 and g5, then you take it and play Bg7 after the recapture.
To be fair, Hans has a face that needs a good photographer to get the best side of
Oh there's one other line with this move. It's stockfish's second choice. I have it in my notes but have never had it played against me. It's annoying. If you see that fucking Ng5 move land on the board, white might be cheating. Put your knight back on f6. Don't take the bishop. Playing f6 with the fork idea is a blunder. You technically can take the bishop but it gets sharp, white can get all up in your nethers in unpleasant ways.

1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 b6 3. e3 Bb7 4. Nf3 Nh5 5. Be5 d6 6. Ng5 Nf6 (yes Nf6)
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Visual aid.
The french is dynamic and fun, the caro is scared and cucked. That one tempo makes a huge difference.
Seethe harder, bronsteinchud.
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No. Instead I recommend that you consider pushing the c or e pawn one square further.
I love the backstory behind that gif.
Fischer had been struggling against the Caro-Kann the whole tournament and multiple Soviet GMs saw that and were playing it against him.
Tal eventually plays against Fischer as black, pushes the pawn to c6... pauses... and then pushes to c5 before giving Fischer that big shit-eating grin.
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>return to 3 0
>flag slowbrains left and right
God, I missed this
faggot youtubers that's why. Nothing drains my enthusiasm for chess like coming up against hundreds of people playing the new 100% WIN RATE BOBBY KASPAROV HOLY FUCKING SHIT opening again and again and again but the London takes the cake. It's so fucking boring.
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Please won't somebody just play the Sicilian properly so I can try out the Fischer-Sozin and LARP for a game. I'm sick of Dragon players not knowing what to do and just pushing random pawns
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thank me later
If you get tired of alt moves popping up you can opt out of all puzzles that include them in the settings. I turned alt puzzles off because i got tired of finding a mate only to be told there is a faster one.
I'm 900 chess.coom

I play the.... *drum snare*... London, Italian, C-Cuck and recently been trying to warm up to KID (won my last game as black in it yay). What opening do I add as my 5th?
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>plays the nimzowitsch
>spoils your day
>you win because the nimzowitsch sucks but it doesn't feel good
>the whole game leaves a sour taste in your mouth
>black will offer a rematch
>you won't want to accept
>black will insist
Lot of fun ways to generate tactics with it, read some Tal and Alekhine games for inspiration
Better to know one opening for white and two for black really well. Learn something like the Ruy Lopez for white (Evans gambit is pretty good too and leads to fun games) and one defence for black against E4 and one against D4, so like the accelerated dragon and the KID respectively, although the KID can lead to trouble, and you'll end up really cramped. Benoni can be fun as well.
>London, Italian
Pick one and focus on it. These aren't just two different openings. These are the two main arteries of chess. The e4 complex and the d4/c4/Nf3 complex. Trying to learn BOTH simultaneously as a beginner is too much. You will learn nothing and suck at all of it.
I like tactics over positional and whatmore Tal is a chad so I'll def look into those, thanks.
>I like tactics over positional
why play the london and the carocuck then?
Learn a bunch of gambits you will eat people alive at that rating
Probably a Roz boy.
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Sneedireza is gonna win GCT Romania btw. I believe.
shill me your best black openings, I'm currently using the modern defense as a 1100 elo shitter but it's not really clicking with me
French is an underrated beginner opening in currentyear (zoomers instead shill the caro). However, if you don't play 1. e4, you should play e4e5 as black. You ought to get familiar with the opening arising from the open game at least from one side. Against d4 you should be good boy and play the QGD, or at least the slav. Don't play hypermodern shit until you get stronger.
the problem I have with the french is that more often than not I feel like I cuck my right bishop and I feel cramped when developing my pieces
Literally doesn't matter. The french is an aggressive counterpunching opening and your primary objective is to destabilize white's center.
1400 feels really off for this
it is definitely an interesting tactic but i think "discovered check to win the queen" is already pushing it as a 1400 rated puzzle. to decline winning the queen and look for the superior checkmate feels way more complicated than the avg 1400 puzzle
French is slow and positional what are you smoking
isn't this dependent on whether it goes into the winawer or not?
pretty sure i've heard the winawer is relatively very sharp
Do you ever wonder how much cheaters impact the winrate of the top engine move in the lichess database?
Do games from banned accounts, which is a very small % of the total cheaters, get removed from the database at least?
an anon found a puzzle by a cheater on Lichess, and the account (obviously banned) was playing against other banned accounts, 98% accuracy both lmao, so I think that yes, they are taken into account
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is it true that he is blacklisted from the standard cycle of super-GM tournaments? Has this happened to any other top-level GMs before? I know in the cold war era there were super-strong Soviet masters that weren't allowed to compete for political reasons.
>French is slow and positional
Carocucks unironically think this.
>top-level GMs
World Rank Active players: 39
Rating std 2688
he blacklisted himself by playing like shit
>is it true that he is blacklisted from the standard cycle of super-GM tournaments
He wasn't part of the standard cycle to begin with, but rather a wild card/replacement for that particular St. Louis event. Of course you could make the argument that he was young and this drama hindered his potential growth, but as it stands right now he is simply not good enough for most super gm events (outside of the US). He's back to 2700 though, maybe if he maintains or even gains he might have an argument for invites next cycle. It doesn't help that he's a massive sperg and trashed his hotel room in STL though, especially because Rex seemed to be one of the few ones to give him grace. I doubt we'll ever see him in any meaningful event that includes Magnus though, at least classical.
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>4k games in the sicilian
>relatively decent rating
>smith in his name
>gets brutally banned, dead lost on move 8
Dragonfags when will they learn?
I like playing benoni and benko against 1.d4 type stuff, sicilian and pirc against 1.e4
Based taste, but that's a truly awful repertoire to rec to a 1100 lol.
>1100 elo playing the modern
why are you retards like this
Shitters are terrified of e4e5 and d4d5.
i'm not actively playing the modern defense, it just so happen that I like fianchettoing the bishop that way early in the game and that's how it's called, I never studied a defensive opening with black I just play by instinct
my first opening was the Alekhine and it was fine
it can transpose to e4e5 fairly often at shitter levels thougevertheless
hello fellow chess enthusiasts. how are we doing today?
Good, though a bit underslept. Played through some games in Logical Chess today. Seems Chernev did not approve of the Stonewall Attack
>Seems Chernev did not approve of the Stonewall Attack
ultra based
st*newall fags will never recover
I like to do exercises on lichess
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>AI memes are indistinguishable from posts here
I don't know if it's grim or hilarious
Maybe granpa seethe has a point
>stonewall? not in the spirit!
Yeah sounds like our guy.
can it slurppost though
Give me some AI Nepo edits and then we'll talk.
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literally me fr fr
kys pbt
>my KYS PASTEBIN TRANNY post got deleted
kek what a reporting little bitch
London as white
Slav & French as black
Drop caro, it's too hard for you
KID is whatever, play it if you like it
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I'm enjoying this slop too much
the virgin rapid player aka slowbrain aka flaglet is at least half of /chess/
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>Win: feel nothing
>Lose: insane seethe
>cries when the clock hits 5 minutes
More like "cries when the clock hits 1 minute and he realizes he can't convert a winning endgame without increment".
>win: feel like 200iq ubermensch
>lose: feel appreciation for my opponent's play, immediately analyze my mistakes, eagerly post mortem with my opponent if he wants to
Happy with where my mental is lately
Chad mindset. I find that I think like that more often when I play otb or online slowchess.
OTB I'm like this but online makes me seethe like no other for some reason.
>win: feel like 200iq ubermensch
>Lose: insane seethe
simple as
>is it true that he is blacklisted from the standard cycle of super-GM tournaments? Has this happened to any other top-level GMs before?
No. He is banned from St Louis club because of the hotel incident. As other anon explained, he isn't quite high rated enough to get invites to closed super gm tournaments. Those tournaments are hard to get in to even if you're well liked and sufficiently high rated. Arjun Erigaisi had to grind rating in the opens to make a case for himself. I'd say quietly making his way in to the top 5 ought to do it now.
He should get some invites if he makes it to 2720-2730.
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>Win 8 out of 10 games and rating goes up: not happy, opponents hanging queens, making obvious blunders etc. feel nothing
>Lose 3-5 in a row: completely destroyed, throw games away, never convert winning positions or fuck up the same way over and over, even when analysing I learn nothing.
I'll be honest, I have no idea why I play chess guys. I lost to a royal fork in 4 games today, I was up a full rook and somehow completely went retarded and fucked up a simple ladder checkmate. I get no joy from winning and intense frustration from losing
>cant mate with k+q vs k
If you really want a peek into how unoriginal zoomers are consider the fact that at /chess/ tournaments they wear huge headphones even when they're not listening to music... because that's how it was done in the 1990s! Even the language and references you hear are identical - "Bruh homegirl went super saiyan for a moment bruh".
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>ugly photos
You can't buy or cheat good looks, at least not yet. That's an uggo manlet right there. Yet another case of zoomers having worse hairlines than Gen X'ers due to pharmaceutical runoffs.
Hey PBT why are you here? All your friends are in /tg/
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surely any photo would've been better than this one? i think bruh even asked his editor to touch up his face to make him look even more like a disgusting troll.
holy shit this actually looks worse than if he was just his regular self
it's so touched up they almost look like cartoon characters
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AI bringing the heat with this one.
Fucking kek
meanwhile .cum just got the best idea for their next epic meme bot
>"I'll beat anyone fair and square" -- *Butt clenches*
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where is the kramnik one?
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Came out kinda meh.
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I included "about online cheaters" in the prompt but it's still kinda shit, seems like schizonik is not big enough news for AI to know the fine details
yeah the hans one is based
this one's cringe. we all know he's a former champ and an "old man". nobody rags on him for that
oh great /chess/ is talking about e-celebs again.
oh great /chess/ is talking
oh great, chess
chesstempo really showed me how dogshit I truly am at the game
Good. Identifying this and coming to terms with this is the first step to getting better.
>Lawyers paid in stockfish eval
oh my god that one was good
11/10, top kek
> "discovered check to win the queen" is already pushing it as a 1400 rated puzzle
Maybe you're not used to the chesstempo rating scale? It's not like lichess where 1400 puzzles are complete baby-tier, it's closer to something like fide rating.
gct romania round 1 match-ups:
KWABireza - noncebi
Chadirbek - Pragghahshshartnandhana
MVLEL - fatpo
Pookesh - some romanian faggot
Slurpri - Wethley

Big things happening for Slurpposters in about14 hours
Nice lineup. Do we know who's commentating any streams? I swear if Danny shows up I'm gonna be mad.
I looked it up and St Louis Chess club will be streaming. We'll see if any other streams pop up for it.
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Yasser + some thot most likely. Comfy.
this one is good
You are playing the monthly crazyhouse arena, right?
yeah must be it, i've never used tempo
i'm not really saying anything about whether a 1400 should be able to do it or not, but yeah, just the puzzles i'm used to seeing at that elo range are never that "hard"
chesstempo puzzle ratings are somewhere around 600-700 points lower rated than equivalent difficulty lichess puzzles. That is right around where the difference appears to land for me based on my results. Meaning 1500 chesstempo puzzle would be rated around 2100-2200 lichess, or so. Here is another 1400 tempo puzzle
Does being short make you better at chess?
Hasn't helped me.
No but it can make other areas of life harder so might as well double down on the autism
fuck I got my shit kicked in i hate no increment
>that image
holy slurp
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Holy shit this puzzle. White plays two response moves in the solution and I predicted neither of them ahead of time. All I did to solve this was find the idea, find no refutation, play the first move, white spills spaghetti all over the board for two moves and I win. This is the chess equivalent of making your opponent lose bladder control by virtue of the raw unstoppable power of your winning idea.
the rating is 1531. i don't like that sites hide puzzle ratings before you play them. i don't see the purpose of that.
This is one of those puzzles that makes zero sense to me at all. I get the queen trade, but why does white just give up the rook?
The problem is black's passed pawn. White can hold on to both the rook and bishop for a couple moves but it falls apart as soon as black is able to get in a3 and a2. White can't stop this idea. The most troubling variations for me involved white pushing f3. I hesitated on the second move because of this but it's okay. You can ignore it and push a2.
f6 sorry
That's ok, Ben. They're pretty much the same.
The truth hurts.
It was the first "opening" I decided on. With 1...e5 (and usually 2.nf3 nc6) I stand toe-to-toe with white and lock horns in the center, refusing to concede space or development. The move says "Oh, you want the center? Me too. Come and take it from me."
Dont let it happen again
It's pretty common in chesstempo puzzles for the computer to go for some crazy sacrificing bail-out, and you have to accept that you found the main idea, and the main-line is very pretty, but now it's time to just take the material and be content with your winning position instead of demonstrating the critical line
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lichess insights says I don't know what to do with my rooks in the opening and it's right. i don't know what to do with my rooks in the opening or often middlegame in general. how do i learn how to place my rooks? i try to put them on files i anticipate will open but obviously this isn't working out.
Here's a nice 1600 puzzle https://chesstempo.com/chess-tactics/91179
I think it would easily be 2300 on lichess
rather than asking us for general advice, you'd probably be better off analyzing specific games where your rook moves are labeled inaccuracies and trying to find a pattern
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>look up the carlsbad pawn structure
oh, no wonder I never see that in my games. it's 1. d4 trash. shan't be playing that
Seizing the opportunity afforded by the opponent's negligence and immediately stationing a rook on the 2nd rank. Nimzowitschian
>Rooks must be developed as early as possible. With such a foundation established, the other pieces will surely take care of themselves -Anon
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Yep that's a pretty average 1600 tempo puzzle i think. Took me an embarrassing 15 minutes. Of course I spent a solid 10 minutes on stupid piece sacrifices and ideas of trying to get a passed pawn through in a knight vs rook endgame.
Wait. Wait hang on. The simplification idea does work. I have alt-containing puzzles turned off so I assumed this puzzle was in that same group for some reason. One of the lines I looked at was the queen trade followed by Ra5. That idea is winning. Winning! I couldn't tell. It looked complicated so I kept calculating for something more forcing and puzzle-like until I found the best idea.
Schizobros how do we respond without sounding mad?
There are several things that I have noticed over the many years of playing chess online about chess cheating that people seem to be unaware of.

1) chess servers are way better at detecting cheating than most people realize. Cheating for a prolonged period of time without getting caught is actually really, really hard.
2) as a result, there are fewer active cheaters than people think. And those that do cheat usually don't hang around for very long. Chess doesn't interest them as much, they just go for rating and tournament results.
3) people totally overestimate their own ability to recognize cheaters. There are some really obvious ones, but a large number of them are quite hard to recognize by even strong players. (Kramnik is a sad extreme example of this.) Many get caught without anyone ever suspecting them, and in many cases where a player suspects another player of cheating they're just wrong about it. High accuracy certainly is a poor indicator.

That said: cheating in online chess just is not worth worrying about. There are too few and they're too hard to spot. Trust Lichess (or whatever server you play on) monitors this well, and just enjoy the game.
This is chess site forum boomer cope. You ask them to cite source of this theory. They dodge and ask you to cite source on why you think cheating is bad. It's like arguing with a cult member.
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>15 years never played a single cheat!
>talking about cheating just encourages more people to cheat!
Found the /chess poster
What a gemmy thread
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>low rated
>outrageous estimation of % cheaters
>druk nigga
>they do it for free
the perfect profile doesn't exis-
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>are you even having fun putting in the moves you're told to play?
You know I do wonder about that sometimes.
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>source source source
no. boomer feels is boomer truth.
all brought to you by team kramnik
it's like a mexican standoff of boomer fee fees
funny thing is if you go to that guy's profille and click on his rapid his second highest rated win was against a cheater, too bad they don't show lowest rated losses anymore
>too bad they don't show lowest rated losses anymore
How come they don't anymore? I would like to see that in my history.
Part of hiding the cheating problem, I had 3 banned accounts in mine before they removed it
All 3 I had played in tournaments, I never seen people here point this out but i think you are significantly more likely to play cheaters in arenas, it's a combination of not being able to abort, getting matched with overperforming lower rated players frequently and the extra incentive to cheat so you can win or get a good placement
>I never seen people here point this out
cmon now
What is the most NPC youtube tier opening? Vienna game?
Caro Kann
>A matchup against someone
>starts to get my ass kicked
>He gets all my pieces except of my king...AND THEN HE STARTS TO GET 2 (TWO) QUEENS
>Draw because drowned king
How do you even blunder something like that...
Really easy but really neat, feels like a composition
This is why I don't get two queens in a completely winning endgame. Its to protect myself from being retarded.
>watching some old streams/videos while having my morning coffee
>Watching Eric Rosen play gambits in a lichess arena
>is getting mauled by some 1900
>he resigns in the middle of the game, he's a cheater
>Indian flag
every time.
>Uh ACKCHUALLY I lose all the time because 75% of my opponents are cheaters, not because I'm a drunk retard
>last thread took 5 days
>Opponent plays shit in the opening and most of middle then makes top engine moves for the rest of the game
2500 = GM
2700 = SGM
2800 = SGMG
2900 = SGMGSGM
I remember checking the PBT general and it was at like 5 days and 70 posts lol.
Why is it when I win a game my accuracy and centipawn loss is always around 80-90% and under 50 but when I lose it's always some total blowout where I sit at like 60% and 120cpl or something lmao. There's never some middle-ground just peaks and crevices.
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>just drew r and 3 vs r
how the fuck
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currently it has 19 posts in 2 days and 14 hours,I guess talking to yourself all day gets tiresome even for someone that insane
I panicked and went full retard in mild time trouble, happens quite often
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Woo! Slurp gang, Aftermatch
Look at these two
Anish, So (Damn)

There they go, shakin' them hands o'er the board'
Slurpin' and done in 10 moves
The way they're playin' them moves
They always just wanna go home

e4, e5, go Ruy
Draw rule's up, quit the chess club
Don't forget clothes, get your sheet signed, get out
Get stopped, get asked, interviewed
Cristian + Christian – pure flip, praise God
Get a new draw, hit the studio, praise God
Keep your game clean, get a routine goin'
Still got a few rounds to draw to keep my rating
Hans was depersoned when the beads vibrated
I was welcomed as soon as I immigrated
I need some tips because of my lisp and that was it
I got to get AG here to sing some shit

Pawn to e4, Ng1 to f3
I play like a pussy and I like good tweets
Stream so much chess, you wouldn't believe
And I get mo' views than the toiletgate
Pawn to e4, Ng1 to f3
I met Sopiko last night in the D
Let me tell you how I made her leave with me:
Conversation and elite wit
I fell out the motherfuckin' rating top
Heard motherfuckers talk, seen memes drop
My tweets are my weapon, I'ma type up a post
And when I clown on yo' ass, I'm gon' continue to rock

(Now) Shake that hand for me
Shake that hand for me, come on, Giri
Shake that hand for me
Shake that hand for me, ah, Giri
Shake that hand for me
Shake that hand for me, come on, Giri
Shake that hand for me
Shake that hand for me

We're live https://www.youtube.com/live/dQCRWUp0ZOM?si=JpZ16x7uRHEjrx5S
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SlurpGODs, it's over
could you include the original song in the posts slurpanon?
I enjoy your works a lot more when I know the song
Nate Dogg Eminem - Shake that
most of the rap songs are terrible so you're really not missing anything
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What all those niggers (including people commenting) don't understand is that they are only thinking about the -1 IQ cheaters who put top moves after top moves, the dangerous ones are the intermittent cheaters like an anon was saying before, those that just turn the fish on when they feel uncomfortable or don't know the opening sequence or " I know this ending but I can't be bothered, let's turn it on"
Fabi's haircut is bussin fr fr
did Fabi straighten and puff up his hair
Big Vlad kino
Chokeuana playing like he's up against some random 2500 in a farmer's open
he has reasons to believe that he can get away with it against sneedireza
Stepjan bros... we messed up our move order... all this theory studied... TO END UP LIKE THIS?!!

slurpgods where's the fucking threefold
trust the process
Drawnish is simply taking the long way with the Scatalan
they got outslurped by mvl and nepo. shamefur dispray.
Unironically before I make a move I think to myself "What move would Botvinnik make in this position?" and it's helped me win games I probably otherwise would not have won.
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Unironically before I make a move I think to myself "What move would Tal make in this position?" and it's helped me lose pieces I probably otherwise would not have lost.
Unironically before I make a meal I think to myself "What move would Nepo make in this position?" and it's helped me gain weight I probably otherwise would not have put on.
Unironically before I make a move I think to myself "What move would Wesley make in this position?" and it's helped me draw games I probably otherwise would have won.
the queens are off, we're going home now
lately Nepo has been making a good case for himself to become part of the slurp gang
even in the Candidates the only time he played combative was against Alireza with white
god I love 0.5/0.5
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what the hell was he thinking?
Unironically before I make a move I think to myself "What move would Kramnik make in this position?" and it's helped me do the procedure very well (block and report).
Maybe he thought Firouzja is a prepbabby and wanted to get a non theoretical position in order to outcalculate him.
Unironically before I make a thread I think to myself "What thread would PBT make in this position?" and it's helped me include the pastebin and calendar I probably otherwise would have forgotten.
Unironically before I pick an opponent I think to myself "What move would Alireza make in my position?" and it's helped me gain rating I probably otherwise would not have gained.
>Maybe he thought Firouzja is a prepbabby
which would be funny because i distinctively remember alireza saying there is no chance in going into theory against someone like fabi (i think this was said after he BTFO'd magnus in that one .scam event). in fact this really might be a opposite situation to magnus': fabi has outright stated that he doesn't see the "talent" that others (read: magnus) see in alireza, and combined with the fact that he has lamented that he WANTS to play exciting chess but usually can't, and his score against alireza beeing good so far maybe he just got a bit cocky. he's been pretty sloppy for some months now though and it's not working.
Sounds about right. Nezh would apply to that as well.
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lmao @ cuckri
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*age gaps you*
why isnt this streaming on chess channels with david commentating
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So it happened again...
the st louis chess club is the primary sponsor of this tour
Why do commentators and books sometimes include the starting square of the pawn as well?
Like f7-f6 instead of just saying f7, what's the point?
Cristian is a whore. That's all.
i miss david, this old white guy talking gives me the creeps like a catholic priest that rapes little boys
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He does it to himself
he has the pillow for modesty
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>Ynr that the World Chess Classical championship 2018 was decided by rapid games
Why is chess so fucking retarded when it comes to tournament set up? Why is the candidates made up in the most awkward way possible? Why is the Chess World Championship not some big knockout tournament featuring the top 16, 32, etc. in the world based on performance rating for that calendar year? Why are draws worth half the points of a win and nothing something like a third or a quarter to discourage bullshit grandmaster draws and make a win more attractive to get?
This Alireza-Fabi game is a fucking snoozefest. But all games in the first round of a big tournament are boring I've noticed.
Because your games are mostly decided by large blunders on either side. If they blunder and you punish it correctly, hold the advantage reasonably well to the end, you get very high accuracy. The analysis is less harsh about calling things inaccuracies when everything is winning. If you are on the losing side of this it will ding you for the blunder(s) pretty hard..
I wish Fabi would lift weights. He looks like a child next to a man. Can you believe his Roman ancestors conquered Chirila's Dacian ancestors? Looking at them side-by-side, I wouldn't believe it.
It's the old algebraic notation I think. Someone said they did that originally because white didn't automatically use to go first.
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'Sup /chess/
why is bro so fucking slow
>Yass taking shots at Bitchkaru
>clocks don't make sense cause it's white to move
>it's black to move
>blames yasser
Jovanka being a priceless addition to the commentary as always lmao
I honestly believe she has some drug addiction and always gets high before commentating
Slow and steady wins the race
>indians using ancient chinese proverbs against ding liren
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>e4 games are total slurps
>d4 games are kino
uhm, e4 bros...? were we the slurpers all along?
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>Why is chess so fucking retarded when it comes to tournament set up?
Because FIDE is a retarded organization
>Why is the candidates made up in the most awkward way possible?
Same answer
>Why is the Chess World Championship not some big knockout tournament featuring the top 16, 32, etc. in the world based on performance rating for that calendar year?
There have been talks about this but they seem to like the boxing style of champion rather than an annual or biennial world championship tournament. The boxing style champion is better for audience engagement and probably better for advertising. You have one guy, he is guaranteed to face a challenger in a lengthy match to decide if he remains the guy or the other guy becomes the guy now. The big tournament is reserved to select the challenger
>Why are draws worth half the points of a win and nothing something like a third or a quarter to discourage bullshit grandmaster draws and make a win more attractive to get?
Several tournaments have tried alternate scoring systems like this. It's questionable how much difference it makes.
age of constent LOWERED
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>it fucking worked
I wanted Alireza to win
the sicilian dragon is such an indian opening. hate dragon players so much. never in my life have i played against a good dragon player. they only play for cheapos.
E4 can slurp
D4 intends to slurp
the cope pee4 sissies have to resort to
>they only play for cheapos.
You kind of have to a lower rated dorgan player. The one thing you learn real quick about that setup is white can run you over if you are not fast about generating a counterattack.
the dragon is the official opening of india. thank you very much sirs!! yes i will sac everything and when my attack doesn't work i'll try to flag! thank you saaar!! india #1 fuck britishers java programming best! dragon best!
The official Indian defense is the Two Sirs played against everything. It may or may not take the form of a hippo.
>the Two Sirs
This is the double fiancetto right? The name fucking kills me every time. It's so funny.
Yes sir very strong bishops sir.
E4 black slurps
D4 white slurps
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What compels a person to join a chess site and spend his days doing this?
they're not bishops. we are hindus. they are brahmins.
>tfw i spend far more time posting on 4chan
i probably make like 50 posts a day over various boards. back when i was neet that number was probably in the 300-400s per day.
I don't really see jeets playing the dragon, and if they do, I'm happy to see it. Maroczy and the yugo are both enjoyable for white and black can't scam his way out.
It's the elephant in chaturanga, saar.
me too sis. hopefully he starts going to the gym though to get rid of those stick legs
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Nah men are only supposed to build their upper body and women only their lower body.
>women only their lower body.
You should watch competition sport climbing events. Your opinion on this will change.
>wanting an imbalanced physique
Based women's backs enjoyer
2700 GM female when? we need nu-judit
I was just memeing, I climb and one of the reasons is the hot chicks. Still, there's something kino about the highlighted sexual dimorphism between a guy working only upper body and a chick working only ass and thighs.
how did you get this picture i took of my boyfriend?
I think putting more focus towards those areas respectively makes sense but you look fucking stupid if you let it get too out of balance, a well-rounded physique looks better on both men and women than a disproportionate upper/lower body, no matter how built
Judit might have been a once in a century rarity. There are no junior girls who look like they have that potential right now. All the adult women GMs look to be at or on the downslope past their peak.
I love the cunny defense.
>even alice looking like she might peak in the 24xx shitter squad
grim. well on the bright side she can be the gothamchess of the next gen
>Judit might have been a once in a century rarity
She was literally raised to be a super GM. Her father (Laszlo Polgar, author of the famous 5334 book) wanted to prove his theory that that any kid can become a genius at anything if you start teaching them before age 3. He got married and had 3 children specifically to make this psychological experiment

Given that Judit went on to be good enough to beat literal world champions, i think he was 100% spot on
>that any kid can become a genius at anything if you start teaching them before age 3
>i think he was 100% spot on
come on it was a sample size of 3, all related to each other and him, he likely had above average intelligence himself and they got 3 significantly different skill levels he didn't prove shit, only judit can be called a genius
I agree that it she won't be matched anytime soon but people acting like the thing was a legit experiment or proved anything triggers me every time
yeah, this take I agree with
the three polgar sisters are all good at chess, obviously, but only one was truly stellar. you don't need to be a born genius to reach IM or even standard GM level
> he likely had above average intelligence himself
Yeah... an experiment on how "anyone can become a genius" probably shouldn't be run using hungarian jews as subjects kek
Judit was actually a man. "She" was hormonally transitioned by the IDF and implanted with a stockfish chip in her brain in an attempt to make it appear as if women aren't biologically hardcapped at 2400 elo
Guess the rating of the #100 female player in the US (from the uscf list as of June, 2024)
I thought probably around 2200. Guess before reading the answer Jocelyn Chen, rated 2000
see how well that experiment would work when you adopt some kid from africa
Jesus, lol. There are probably some anons here who could beat her in a straight-up game.
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he said he could do that lol
he planned on adoption but the wife shut that shit down
dude was a weirdo
Now that would have been truly fascinating, and honestly, the kid would probably be a NM at least, and if he got lucky with a top 10% kid, FM.
Beyond that I suspect would require a really lucky selection. If he had raised Maurice Ashley, maybe he would be 2700
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>opponent plays a weird move in the opening
>have a short think
>figure out how to punish it positionally and squeeze that advantage until I can cash it out tactically
Yeah I think I'm gmi.
positional play is so satisfying... too bad it's mostly hard-gated by tactics below 2000
chess is hard gated by tactics at any level(and that's a good thing)
The Ruy Lopez
>too bad it's mostly hard-gated by tactics below 2000
I don't think it's that, exactly. It's accuracy and thorough positional understanding. I sometimes get amazing squeezy positions but i fuck it up a lift the squeeze, all the murderers escape from prison and i lose terribly. These are my worst losses. I had +5 or something and just piss it away with clumsy play. This is why i think aggressive play constantly trying to set up tactics is a better shitter strategy. At least with that your opponent's piece coordination and pawn structure gets screwed up as a consequence of defending (i also lose like this a lot).
Ryu Lopezu
A lot of the time I lose games because I'm positionally up like +2 or +3 and then I end up liquidating the pieces off the board or playing in a non-aggressive way which lets the opponent get back into the game
If that's the way you're going to play it you should at least make sure you draw those games. Throwing away a possible complicated win for a simple draw is justifiable. If you do that only to fuck up the endgame and actually lose then you should seriously reconsider what you're doing.
Just a consequence of me being inexperienced
Opponents are better than me at making moves and decisions in middlegames and endgames. I usually do well early on
So lay off the opening theory and start doing the reps you need from Dvoretsky's endgame manual. It's going to be a lot more relevant than knowing a bunch of stupid gambit lines or 30 moves of main line Ruy Lopez theory.
What do you call it when an Indian plays the Spanish? Rue Shitez
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Just completely vaporized some guy's asshole with the marshall. I'd expect people at 1800 chess.com to at least know one of the most common lines against their main opening, but maybe that's asking too much.
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>guy trades off all the pieces into a queen endgame
>trades off the queens
>i have better pawns so i'm obviously winning
>he gets mad and abandons
brother YOU traded the pieces
>playing rapid late at night
>tired as fuck, keep missing stuff
>not sure if finishing the game is worth it
>check opponent's profile picture
>switch to blitzbrain mode and flag him while he tries to calculate around the empty threats that I'm shitting out at 0.3s per move
Many such cases. Some people just refuse to consider the future consequences of their decisions
I frequently calculate a line, conclude that I don't like the resulting position and then play the line anyway. I don't know why I do this.
Ben Finegold talked about this phenomenon when shitting on beginners while pretending to give them advice. Apparently it's not uncommon.
I do that too. I lost a game to a /chess/ fren after I calculated a line, decided it was worse for me, and then played it anyway since it was the only thing I had calculated and didn't feel like checking another line
>shitting on beginners while pretending to give them advice
Eh, I don't view it that way. It's just a different way of teaching.
I appreciate being told sometimes that I'm a fucking retarded nigger and I need to make x change to my game so I no longer am one.
Some people react well to that kind of feedback and it's unironically more effective at helping them improve.
>Ynr that the World Chess Classical championship 2018 was decided by rapid games
Yeah, and?
>Why is chess so fucking retarded when it comes to tournament set up?
You haven't provided a better alternative.
>Why is the candidates made up in the most awkward way possible?
They should just get rid of the rating qualification and give an extra spot to the Grand Swiss.
>Why is the Chess World Championship not some big knockout tournament featuring the top 16, 32, etc. in the world based on performance rating for that calendar year?
Sounds gay. The World Championship format of a match between the current champ and a challenger predates FIDE. And when FIDE attempted your gay little tournament idea, nobody took it seriously or the "champions" the format produced.
>Why are draws worth half the points of a win and nothing something like a third or a quarter to discourage bullshit grandmaster draws and make a win more attractive to get?
Norway Chess does this. There's still lots of draws. Turns out when you have two incredibly strong 2700+ GMs playing chess against each other, they are both often equally good at making and defending threats.
>actual FIDE shill
holy shit dude
>bitch and moan about the world championship format that predates FIDE even existing
>gets (rightfully) put in his place
Sit down bitch, the adults are talking.
>the adults are talking
you and the rest of the children get a good view of them talking from your chair on the edge of the room, yeah
Discuss Superbet
lichess and st. louis must have kissed and made up because their tournaments are showing up in the broadcast section again
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I made a brilliant move this evening how about you guys?
I'm too much of a shitter
I hung my queen
Damn Alireza really was a chud after all, he’s a closet Trumpcuck as well as a Tate fan
He’s probably been shitposting about the Jews too at this rate
I played bullet and muttered to myself about how much I hate my opponents
Missed mate in 1 in a blitz game earlier. That happy about it.
wtf? I love Alireza now
I was so happy to see this. It was about time. I don't wanna shit on .cum at every opportunity but it's basically unusable for events, thank God for T-Bo.
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him and Wesley are chudpilled
albeit differently bit still
Rapport is too
>get into no increment time trouble
>heart goes 150+ bpm
Lately when I tilt I've just been playing complete meme pawn structures and giving them silly names. I'm trying to be more positive when I play (and lose). I call this beauty the Glissando because I pre-move a6-h6 and clicks in rapid succession. It reminds me of when I was a kid and would slide my hand up the keys of a piano. Ended up 2 knights mating this guy lmao. Feeling satisfied enough to retire for the evening.
look at that widows peak!!!! it's sad he can't afford the hair plugs like Magnus
I'm scared to wear a monitor when I play. I don't think I would like what the readings have to say.
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unironically as a shitter this is what i fear the most
>you premove a6-h6
>this retard playing white has that small of an amount of space
holy shit this has to be like 800 lichess
That's a man
Riley Reid is a woman, anon.
it's actually 1800 liblitz
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please don't talk about me boy like that
I've won many games with this system
Muslims love Andrew Tate
I wonder how people will take Alireza being a fan considering Andrew Tate's been spamming "nigger" on his twitter for ages now.
Tate's half black so he can say that word (I think).
George Floyd?
You sound like a massive faggot
It's up
I wish the indian players had more... personality. Or something. Vidit is the only one of the bunch who seems like he is conscious and has a functioning brain. Prag and Arjun, often Gukesh as well, are all so robotic.
Idk fabi is more robotic than arjun, part of the 'tism
they act differently when speaking english. if you watch the kramnik training videos, they were all cracking jokes with each other in tamil. btw pragg is funny when speaking tamil.
>actual unironic poo in the thread
This post smells.
Based jeetanon
Literally who?
Let's talk about the "chess smurfs." You know, those oh-so-talented players who get their kicks from creating new accounts just to demolish beginners. I mean, come on, what’s next? Bragging about beating kids at checkers?
Picture this: a chess smurf sitting in their dark lair (probably their mom’s basement), cackling as they decimate another 800-rated player. “Haha, take that! You didn’t see my Sicilian Defense coming, did you? Oh, wait, you don’t even know what that is! Pity.”
Wow, such talent, much impress. I bet they even tell their friends (if they have any) about their incredible achievements. “Guys, guess what? I totally crushed this noob who barely knew how to castle! I’m basically Magnus Carlsen now.” Sure, buddy, and I’m the King of England.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are just trying to improve our game without getting steamrolled by these undercover virgins. But hey, if it makes you feel superior to beat up on beginners, who am I to ruin your fun? Just remember, deep down, you’re still that player who couldn’t handle losing to people your own skill level.
So, to all the smurfs out there: enjoy your fleeting moments of fake glory. Keep dreaming that you’re a chess prodigy while the rest of us continue to play fair and square. And who knows? Maybe one day you’ll grow up and realize that real accomplishment comes from genuine effort, not cheap tricks.
Until then, we’ll be here, honing our skills and getting better the right way. Happy smurfing, virgins!
Took about 20 words to realize this is Grok or some other AI.
Not reading the rest
Are chess.com ratings still gradually inflating? I took a long break from chess and now everyone seems playing worse than before. I casually mogged my old peak rating by nearly 100 points while getting like four hours of sleep per day and feeling like a zombie.
Just a redditor
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What is your favourite opening to force your opponent to move away from what they want to play? Like playing the Scandinavian against E4 players or Englund gambit against D4 etc. I've been tempted to try the King's Indian Attack against the French, the same way how Fischer did. I just love annoying opponents.
Same thing, llms are literally trained on redditors.
i fucking suck at this game
Two sirs against the London is alright. I like it more than the c5 Qb6 lines.
I also play the chudcore 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d3! because I don't want to give the two knights player what he wants with 4. Ng5.
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what is wrong with some players
morra players have just 1 trick of playing Nd5 lol. bit pathetic desu.
I play the KIA vs the French. It's fine but it's not a silver bullet. Most French players have their own pet lines vs it. With an early dxe4 or switching to a sicilian the structure changes drastically and you don't get the usual attack that easily. I'm still playing it but probably switching over to the advanced variation.
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>c4 e5 d3
Alireza is such a faggot
Slurpireza Snoozerouzja
lmao can we fucking switch to 960 already? this is so boring. or just do what carlsen wants and stop playing classical; play blitz and rapid only. fuck these slurpers.

i hope that gay german billionaire keeps pushing 960 or "freestyle" chess as he calls it lmao
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If 960 becomes too popular they won't sell as many chessable courses and opening books to people who don't need it
desu I have zero interest in classical chess. slowest time control I'll play is rapid, and that's slow enough
kinda glad things turned out that way because fuck draws
it heavily depends on the line up. with THE giga slurpers there was no chance. bless fabi's heart for trying though.
Fabi is most likely more jewish than italian
Don't blame it all on the gang. Alireza vs Nodirbek was supposed to be THE game today and the lil faggot decided to turboslurp. What losing to Fabi's b6 d6 g6 does to a player.
his height is undeniable proof of being a sicilian mutt
He's gotten molested by Fabi so many times by now I doubt it was because of that. Can't remember the last time he brought the heat. You'd think with his crush Tate being there he'd put on more of a show.
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>this is what playing for a win with white looks like in 2024
Going through the games of players like Steinitz really shows how much currentyear amateurs ape cutting edge theory for no good reason.
Classical is without a doubt the highest quality chess, though, which is hard to move away from. What you really need is to try and remove draws from being worth it somehow but in some weird way. Having them be worth zero points would be a start, I suppose.
Going through the games of Steinitz showed me he sucked
>KIA vs. KID
that's actually a thing in classical? I thought people only played like that in bullet
I'd buy a 960 course
Nobody ever accused you of being smart anon.
He was still way stronger than you, and that's the point. His openings were fine and you'll piss away any theoretical advantage you get from 2024 openings anyway.
Not true there's multiple queen sacs
Just hit 99th percentile in chess.cum rapid. Soon I'll catch up to the roidmidget eceleb.
Why does Alireza keep doing London nonsense? Is this all he knows as white?
Opening theory is one of the most captivating aspects of chess
he's an andreachad
Give me an opening against d4 faggots. Something aggressive to panic my fellow shitters. Nimzo?
I typically just play the nimzo yeah. it doesn't really make d4 players panic though. the nimzo is fairly expected to the point a lot of them will play Nf3 instead of Nc3
KID, modern, tarrasch, dutch, modern benoni
Take your pick.
Another riveting opening discussion down in 700 land.
>nooooo you can't just tell a beginner which defenses to d4 are sharp!
>give me an opening against d4
>people do
>discussion over
I mean I'm not exactly sure what you expected
let me guess you need "more"
Thank you anons
>seething at chess being discussed in a chess general
commit suckcocko
>the low effort whiny bot posts STILL get replies
at this point i'm convinced he does it to bump the thread. what a bro.
This but unironically. We need to gatekeep chess.
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Wesley bros...? Slurp status? Tell me it ain't So... Insult to injury is it happened against a complete meme line.
the Slurpri chads are laughing at us...
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Londoncuck btfo
I managed to mate a 2400 FM in 3 min, that was cool
show game
Congrats anon
Meanwhile I got brutally exposed by an FM in 3+0 with some total meme g5 ccountergambit
I completely shat the bed
But that one anon was right hes still a fag.
>t. Londontard
Still a dogshit meme opening, cope.
Fabi considers it a fighting opening thoughbeit
alireza's interviews are pure autism kino
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alirezasisters we won! and the weird rasp in his voice is also SO cute. tate must be proud of our boy <3
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>Jesus coming through with a solid for Wesley yet again
SlurpGODS we're so fucking back
i hate chokiano so much its unreal
same I'm literally shaking right now I'm so mad just thinking about it
It's how I felt watching his last candidates game against Nepo. Bastard robbed me of seeing another American world champ in my lifetime
and you know he's gonna go on another "stomping everybody and qualifying for the canidates in 300 different ways only to choke when it actually matters" cycle. he's a fraud.
>"weak enginge, should go to lichess, don't tell danny though"
KEK based Wesley
I love this dude
holy kek
wish he'd go back on xitter, man's got bants
all the e-celeb talk always ends up in the same place
>e-celeb tries to get pussy
>does something a tiny little bit improper in trying to get it
>enemy e-celeb and their fans are made aware of the impropriety
>shitstorm ensues
/chess/ e-celebs are no different
What are you talking about? Take your delusions elsewhere.
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>the londoncuck does the only trick he knows
> Bf4 and Nb5
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knight can only fork pieces on same color squares. if you keep that in mind you will avoid most time trouble forks in endgame by keeping your king and your rook on different colors at all times. If you need to avoid immediate followup checks by a knight, the optimal placement of your king is two squares diagonal from it. Pic related here. It's useful, when possible, if you have an attack going or an imminent pawn promotion coming up and you just need that fucking horse to fuck off for two moves.
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We all do
hell yes
but he's too much of a good guy
the twitter trannies would not leave him alone for being based
I am confused about the rating of the lichess daily puzzle. It's sitting at a hair over 2000 right now which seems a bit high for this kind of tactic. Maybe people are getting caught on some alternate idea that kind of looks like something and missing the win. ...hmm, oh maybe it's the move order. I can see an issue there possibly.
You're not getting points if you're getting a puzzle through a link?
i don't know
I looked up the original reddit post, but still believe it's an llm. Even a redditor wouldn't write something that formulaic and sterile
I guess I'm a one-man voight-kampff test, the llm stench is unmistakable to me
or you're just full of shit. that's more likely
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>Cristian can't hold a camera straight
>Fabi unironically played some London type set up in a fun blitz game
>Cristian brought the heat and sacrificed something every second move
>former 2700 tried to castle out of check
Pretty kino. They also said 2+2 is training for an upcoming match so Hans v Fabi match confiremd???? Would be great.
It was the gypsy stray dogs barking like they'd just seen a ghost for me
>Fabi unironically played some London type set up in a fun blitz game
And that's a good thing considering his biggest problem was that he used to only play giga dogshit in fast time controls
>upcoming match
That millionaire thing with nepo, hans and nodirbek i'd assume
any germans ITT? my german opponent said "hanswurst" in the chat and nothing else. what does this mean?
something like idiot or clown lol
wtf, bit rude
No, I'm not. You've never seen Grok 'roasting' someone and it shows.
Alternatively, your mind is simply not attuned to stylistic nuance in language.
Either way, it would appear that you're out of your depth here.
Show game
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pic related
no way, i don't want more germans to start insulting me
Budapest Gambit
dunno what that other anon is on about, it's definitely llmslop. anyone who's spent any significant amount of time using these things should be able to see the formula. a good tell is the way they begin all their sentences:
>I mean, come on, what’s next?
>Picture this:
>But hey,
>Just remember,
>So, to all the smurfs out there:
>Keep [x]ing
>And who knows? Maybe one day
>Until then,
they love going into these extremely generic starter phrases with minor variations based on topic instead of making any cogent point or developing a real train of thought
what does that mean? please stop it.
Coward. I'm just bantering, anon. I don't mean it.
Aka the chudfeld
>That millionaire thing
That's 15+0. The only otb match where there was a 2+2 section was in the Vidit v Hans match. They've talked about it a lot too. Maybe I read too much into the time control and it's just general time trouble training.
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Not that unexpected but Hans and everyone else kept saying they signed the contract so still a little surprising. Shame, it would've been the perfect meme tourney.
who knows but it doesnt matter any way because of >>483741627 and i'm sure this was filmed before hans made that decision
Trash variant idea: any piece (except the king) can un-promote by reaching the 8th rank, whereupon it will reappear on the 2nd rank as a pawn. This is only legal if the required square is free
The King's Indian Defense
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Peter Heine is blowing a gasket about some russian rapid and blitz event
He's positively seething about towarich chud and chudette facing off
I don't understand why Peter is so obsessed with Russia. That's all he talks about now.
The only real use that I can think of is king and knight or bishop vs king would become winable(which ofc would all kinds of other drawn endgames winable too) but the funny use would be neverending games to punish never resigners
>four pawns attack
Now what idiot?
I’m stuck at 800 Elo on chesscum for about a month now. That’s the same
For rapid, blitz, and dailys. My puzzle elo is 1800. What so supposed to do to get better besides review games, follow lessons, study openings, and solve puzzles? This is a *game* where 1200 is considered “low”. How many hours a day are people grinding this? I’ve been playing pretty consistently for about a year and a half, but more so in the last eight months. I have about 5000 games total (3500 are blitz games).
>3500 are blitz games
found your problem
If someone's 5'3 they can spend all day and night practicing basketball, but they'll never be better than random niggers at the park. You're in a similar boat
>800 rating
>5k games
quit chess it's not for *people* like you and please never reproduce
This isn't just 4chan edgy banter, I truly mean it
Go over your last 100 losses and identify the reason you lost each game, then work on your specific weaknesses. You get better at chess by making less mistakes, so the first step is being aware of what mistakes you're making.

If you got money to throw around, you could hire a coach and have them spoon-feed you what to work on.
don't give up, the grind is never ogre
his wife is a member of parliament in lithuania or something
>>3500 are blitz games
>found your problem
Yeah I actually stopped playing blitz for precisely this reason, daily games give me a lot more time to evaluate the position and have helped me improve even in my blitz game when I do go back to them once in a while.

>If someone's 5'3 they can spend all day and night practicing basketball, but they'll never be better than random niggers at the park. You're in a similar boat
>>800 rating
>>5k games
>quit chess it's not for *people* like you and please never reproduce
>This isn't just 4chan edgy banter, I truly mean it
Yeah I do think about this at times. I'm just bad at anything competitive. If it's goal-oriented, like you just need to meet and or exceed some challenge, I can do it, but when it's PvP against someone for a scarce resource like victory I always suck. I also have 4000 hours in counter strike and I'm only like 7000 ELO in premier mode, or gold nova 2 in the old system (on average).

>Go over your last 100 losses and identify the reason you lost each game, then work on your specific weaknesses. You get better at chess by making less mistakes, so the first step is being aware of what mistakes you're making.
Thanks, I know my biggest mistake is losing ground quickly in early games against hyper aggressive opponents. I think I'm developing my pieces yet somehow they almost always get through and get my queen. If I can make it out of the opening game then I usually fair quite well.

>don't give up, the grind is never ogre
Thanks fren
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Disregard the demoralization poster please. You can get much better than you are. I know this by virtue of your caring enough to ask how.

Puzzles are good. Make sure you calculate everything. Play nothing until you are sure. Spend as much time on analysis after your games as you spend playing the game. If you're always on the defensive in the opening, take a look at why. Are there basic endgames you don't know? Learn them. If you always blunder in time trouble, or in anticipation of getting in to time trouble, play longer time controls.
You probably have the worst pattern recognition ability ITT. Try doing some HIIT workout, take a cold shower and finish it with tea with lots of sugar, then start your rapid games (avoid blitz). Take 5-10 seconds for each move for the first 10 moves in the game and then from there on at least 10-30 seconds for each move, losing on time is OK if you can at the very least manage to get a winning position, then you can improve your time management.
If you are addicted to porn then stop it, you will start to perform better. If you want to skip all of this for mental clarity and marginal IQ boost then try taking adderall, nicotine and sugar before your puzzle and rapid sessions. Understanding the concept of tempo, spaces and force will help you more than copying random moves from a youtube opening tutorial.
>800 elo
what's this in lichess terms? 1500?
I'm that anon, I have a lichess account too I play a lot less on, but my blitz is consistently around 1150-1200
This is my profile btw https://www.chess.com/member/check_mi_out
To add on, when studying the games you lose and win always take a look at the minor mistakes and why they were a mistake instead of just asking the engine for the better move, if you can notice a type of inaccuracy where you blunder a pawn or something in a similar fashion every few games then you know you exact weaknesses. However given your pattern recognition is shit you wont find anything so maybe ask someone else to help you analyze your games.
Most players who play the London or any similar setup based openings at lower levels have only a few ideas in mind, they keep making the same inaccuracies over and over without realizing, like not knowing how to respond to queen targeting the weak pawn and making a random stupid move every single time because thats what theyre used to and they never saw anything wrong with it because, these kinds of bad habbits acquired from playing setup based openings instead of understanding the basic principles of tempo, force and space holds back many players from IMPROOOVING
1200 with the rating deviation low
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got it
are you the pbt?
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You don't care about king safety, you play f4 when you could've defended your knight to develop a piece, you trade everything, and well... Read something like Chess Move by Move
That one match you chose is the most recent one where I tried something completely different because I'm frustrated. 90% of the time I'm white I'll go for the Italian.
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>1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. c3 Bc5 4. d4 exd4 5. cxd4 Nxd4 6. Nxd4 Qf6
This is the starting of your last defeat. If your opponent is blundering a piece in the opening you should take it easy and play simple moves that don't do anything aggressive, since this is blitz you would win on time most of the time.
> 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. d4 Bd7 5. d5 Nd4
you are black in this game, you panicked and made a move took quickly after the pawn attacked your knight, move a piece defended by one pawn and two pieces is always a bad idea, this was a 10 minute game, do you even think anything before making your move? the rapid games will at most last 50 moves, theres no reason for you to be making 10% of the move in the first 15 seconds, take it easy and actually THINK before making a move.
Just pick any basic chess book, it will teach you about tempo, force and spaces which you clearly don't understand. While you're at it also study about pawns, knowing about pawn structures, how to build them and how to properly attack them will also improve your game.
In this game you lost only because you ignored the passed pawn. Your made the TWO most retarded nigger tier move 30... bf7 31 ... kg7, like fucking why? I know it may not be easy to see the right move but even then you had seven minutes, passed pawns should be your number one priority in late middle game, ignoring passed pawns is basically a fail state. You clearly are dont know the basic principles of the game, pick up a book maybe and think more before you make a move.
I played f4 that game because I'm pissed off that I keep playing hyper aggressive players that immediately come to ME to trade my knights for their bishops, so I wanted something else.
>move a piece defended by one pawn and two pieces is always a bad idea
moving a piece to position defended by one pawn and attacked by pieces is always a bad idea.* forgiv for esl..
>Just pick any basic chess book, it will teach you about tempo, force and spaces which you clearly don't understand. While you're at it also study about pawns, knowing about pawn structures, how to build them and how to properly attack them will also improve your game.
>In this game you lost only because you ignored the passed pawn. Your made the TWO most retarded nigger tier move 30... bf7 31 ... kg7, like fucking why? I know it may not be easy to see the right move but even then you had seven minutes, passed pawns should be your number one priority in late middle game, ignoring passed pawns is basically a fail state. You clearly are dont know the basic principles of the game, pick up a book maybe and think more before you make a move.
This is awesome thank you, I will review this thoroughly. I didn't realize I'm retarded about tempo, force, and spaces but most of my theory training is just following chess com tutorials which I haven't seen talk about that. I mean I see the phrase "win a tempo" occassionally and I get how threatening a piece making it retreat wins a tempo but it's something I want to understand more
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Read this
My chess struggle in eval line graph form
>both sides have winning chances
>both miss them
>ends up a slurp
don't worry anon that's your average 3000 elo bullet game
Tempo is basically just getting a lead in development. Every time you force your opponent to make a move by playing a move that advances or develops your position is called winning a tempo. Usually you win tempo when the opponent
1. moves a piece more than once in the opening phase
2. brings out the queen to early
3. goes "berserk" by trying to attack with like 2 pieces.
4. you sacrifice a pawn or give up some positional to advantage to speed up your own development.
The idea of space is simple, how many squares do you control with your chessmen on the opponent's side of the board, the more the better.
The idea of force is also simple, a knight and a bishop looking a square which is being defended by opponent's pawn, knight and a bishop means opponent has more force on that square, you should either put pressure by having more pieces looking at that square or avoid pushing pieces to that square because you will almost always lose a trade (not always true because there might be other forcing sequences, but even then you can take your time to calculate)
Strategy is also important, a good rule of thumb is to look for opponent's weak pawns and put pressure on that square, this way you might end up winning a piece or a pawn if the opponent is careless, other than this you just have to make sure to not blunder a piece with a move, blundering a tactic with a 2-3+ moves is fine for your level but making one move blunders is stupid and easily avoidable, for example you might initiate a exchange thinking you have more force but you forget to take into consideration that one of your pieces is pinned so now you lose, anyone should be able to avoid one move blunders, and like I said, its ok to lose on time if you can get a winning position because the pattern will be etched in your brain and you can perform in a similar manner much faster in the future.
This is a great book.
One final tip regarding puzzles, if you are brute forcing them you will not learn anything, the only way you learn anything from a puzzle is by solving the entire thing in one go, or else you will not develop the patterns in an efficient manner.
got the book ty!
>Tempo is basically just getting a lead in development. Every time you force your opponent to make a move by playing a move that advances or develops your position is called winning a tempo. Usually you win tempo when the opponent
>1. moves a piece more than once in the opening phase
>2. brings out the queen to early
>3. goes "berserk" by trying to attack with like 2 pieces.
>4. you sacrifice a pawn or give up some positional to advantage to speed up your own development.
>The idea of space is simple, how many squares do you control with your chessmen on the opponent's side of the board, the more the better.
>The idea of force is also simple, a knight and a bishop looking a square which is being defended by opponent's pawn, knight and a bishop means opponent has more force on that square, you should either put pressure by having more pieces looking at that square or avoid pushing pieces to that square because you will almost always lose a trade (not always true because there might be other forcing sequences, but even then you can take your time to calculate)
Strategy is also important, a good rule of thumb is to look for opponent's weak pawns and put pressure on that square, this way you might end up winning a piece or a pawn if the opponent is careless, other than this you just have to make sure to not blunder a piece with a move, blundering a tactic with a 2-3+ moves is fine for your level but making one move blunders is stupid and easily avoidable, for example you might initiate a exchange thinking you have more force but you forget to take into consideration that one of your pieces is pinned so now you lose, anyone should be able to avoid one move blunders, and like I said, its ok to lose on time if you can get a winning position because the pattern will be etched in your brain and you can perform in a similar manner much faster in the future.
Amazing, this is so comprehensive! should I still read the book then?
Thank you. Here is a question about puzzles. I have all puzzle types enabled so I get them at random, in hopes that I will be able to recognize what type of puzzle it is in real time (therefore being able to recognize what my opportunities are in a real game). Is that the right way to go about it? Or should I filter my puzzles to one type in order to focus and train that one particular skill?
nta, but you should know the themes first. Try this book
are you guys paid shills or what
>Amazing, this is so comprehensive! should I still read the book then?
Yes, and try to solve all the quiz and tests. Go through every single annotated games, ideally with engines instead of otb because if you have doubts regarding why a move is bad or good, or if you think theres a similar or a better move, the engine can help you understand better.
idk if chesscum has this feature, and even if it does its probably a paid feature but lichess can give you puzzles for your opening of choice and puzzles for things you suck at based on your games.
If we are going to keep shilling books then id add Tal's Winning Chess Combinations by Simon & Schuster as well, beginners tend to play alot of random moves in late end game even when they are winning because they dont know how to checkmate with certain pieces, even worse they end up in a stalemate.
Admittedly there probably is a better end game book out there and you may not like it because it uses a different notation for moves. But this is what I used to learn endgames. libgen dot rs (if its still up) will be your friend for chess books.
True, it would enable endless re-setting of the 50 move rule due to pawn moves.
One other situation I thought of where it would have a use would be certain desperado or clearance sacrifices.
You could checkmate via discovered check with unpromotion of a blocking piece.
You should read some basic tactics and strategy books. You won't be able to fully implement them until your board vision improves, but you don't want to just bang your head against the wall with no idea what good play should eventually look like

The main skill you need to get past ~1300 is to consistently see your opponents hanging pieces, and not hang your own pieces.
As for strategy, the main principles you need at that level are to develop your pieces and try to keep them defended. And know how to count attackers and defenders.

I haven't looked at your account yet, but I hope you're playing five minute blitz, three minute is way too fast for you, you shouldn't play faster than 3+2 until you're over 1500 imo (for most of your games at least)
no he's not I am
you replied to me, what is pbt?
My chud wife!
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So I played my first game in the Dutch and although I won and the game was fun, the first thing I'm noticing about it is that I don't have time to waste building up a solid position and slowly pressing like the QGD trained me to do.
Every mistake I made, the engine is screaming at me to stop pussy-footing around and just go for the opponent's throat all ready. Even if I don't stick with this opening long term, I think it will be good for my overall development as a player.
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Basically yeah, you're trying to win the tempo battle and start throwing pawns at white while he's standing around with his bishop in his hand.
Just be careful getting cut up on the diagonals since your king is slightly exposed to qb3 and their LSB.
Its fun though
>Just be careful getting cut up on the diagonals since your king is slightly exposed to qb3 and their LSB
Yeah, that's why I moved Kh8 but even there the engine said "nope ATTACK"
I guess it's because even though white had their Queen on b3, they had no other threats beyond just a spite check.
Correct. That's how those openings work. They are only kind of okay/mildly dodgy because of the amount of pressure you are able to apply early on. If you don't get after it and try to fuck shit up you just have a loose and leaky position for no compensation whatsoever. This goes for the Dutch and all aggressive gambits. And the Sicilian in several cases as well.
I think some people are prone to getting some mental blockages on some issues and being unable to move on. Trump derangement syndrome is a clear case of this
I always wondered what it meant
FIDE is a branch of the KGB. What you shouldn't understand is how Peter is the only one who cares.
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lichess keyboard shortcuts
Under table footsies...
Thanks anon, needed those branch commands for some time
i was wondering what that vertical squiggle character was but it's just a lowercase L.
I didn't get a reply on /TG/ so I'll post here: New variant: pawns promote to kings, and you have to checkmate all the enemy kings to win. How should I call it?
Korchnoi x Petrosian fanfic
I think maybe it's time for me to learn a 'real' sicilian and not my dumb sidelines and my shitty accelerated dragon. How is the classical? The classical looks enjoyable.
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Who would you rather have in this endgame?
white king is too close to the kingside pawns
Seconding white but I would fuck this up for both sides in anything shorter than 15 10. It looks to me like black doesn't have enough of a promotion threat with the connected passers to prevent white from blockading, picking off one or two, eventually sacking the knight if needed to get a promotion in.

However, since you're asking, I;m guessing the wet blanket engine is calling 0-0 on this or black is better for reasons beyond comprehension.
>very hard
>not sure about my solution but i can't find a reason it doesn't work
>play it
Yup you guessed it right the engine does give that position as a dead dead draw.
I actually managed to win the blitz time scramble tho because White was too cowardly to sack the knight during my unsound pawn advances until it was already too late, lol
Yeah that figures.
Whew, if this is how you react to botching a puzzle, what happens when you lose a game?
I have damaged property.
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Is blocking a check with discovered mate the coolest move in chess?
Elliott Rodgers
>faced the Berlin more than any other varient of the Ruy Lopez as white
I can see this happen in a chess anime.
good morning sirs
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>the queens are already off in two games
Just broke 1800 chess.com rapid!
Jovanka got fat.
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Good job anon! Did it take long?
>anastasia is 42
wow she looks pretty good
Yes, but that's because I didn't put in much work and frequently played like 1 game a week for months at a time.
fairly tasteful filler and botox
any tips for a 100-1100 shitter like me?
kramnik and his influence on chess has been a disaster for the human race
the best tip for a shitter has been given by another anon *in detail* on this thread, please scroll up and help yourself
mvl is so fucking washed
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Consequences will never be the same
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i support his crusade
this old man is something else
Jesus christ kek
Me any time I lose
I can't wait for the livestream of the no-knock FBI raid on chesscom headquarters.
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How can literally anyone, sans cheaters, hate this man?
firosisters... it's happening again...
I love my chess nerds itt :3
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MVL keeps waxing players in the Berlin endgame
I bow down to the french pervert
There are two types of people in this world, and nothing in between. You are either reddit or 4chan.
Even people who might hear such a thing and go, "I've never heard of either. I'm blue collar!" They too fall unwittingly into one of these types, same as Adam, before he met Eve, was nevertheless a man.
Peter is reddit.
even better if it is blocking a checkmate
I'm also fond of double checks where both pieces are hanging, since neither can be captured or blocked.
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>War of the MVLs
all slurpers in honor of giri's birthday, watch
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MVL jobbing out of solidarity with King Slurp
Fuck I don't know how I managed to forget Tal. Anyway, he's reddit.
man, the dutch defense feels awful
>After securing the funds to enter the event, I started to have doubts about the tournament’s legitimacy and way of handling business. I heard reports of the organizer potentially financially supporting other player’s entrance fees, and after requesting the organizer to confirm or deny this, they failed to comment.
Hans confirmed browses /vg/ and saw Karla's comments
dynastic chess?
Where? I missed that
This >>483198639
(I assume it was her because of the legal angle and my gut instinct) but anyway,
Days later Hans posts that tweet
You can't tell me he doesn't seem like he would be here kek
>Oops - you gave up a queen. You ignored an opportunity to capture a free queen.
it hurts bros
Every time you see someone pull the "Hans was just a widdle kid being bullied by the big guys :-(((" meme it's him
Admit it, you would have fucked up that endgame against Firouzja too.
Nah that's you
nah I would've stomped him lmao
firouzja's trash now, he's just another hardstuck 2700
I mean he was a 19 yo kid being bullied by the biggest guys of chess
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Nah, I'd win
I really believe Hans lurks here. He's also Fischer-pilled so he def belongs here
what comes around goes around. he's an antiscoial freak and even when he was handed the opportunity on a silver platter to turn his reputation around (le >bullied by the biggest guy of chess angle) he still managed to fuck it up and remain absolutely detestable. it was so fucking easy and yet he goes and gives borderline schizophrenic tv interviews and trashes hotel rooms like he's some rock star lmao. fuck this fat balding faggot, i'm sick of having to hear about his hardstuck 2690 ass, even as a joke.
Gen Z "bad boy" Andrew Tate enjoyer not lurking 4chan would be more susprising than not to me
He would be way cooler if he was actually good. It would be like Fischer's spiritual heir.
Magnus also has bitchass behaviors that are excused because he's Magnus. Always arriving late, throwing temper tantrums. But being barely 2700 isn't going to cut it
What a boring day in St. Louis, my God.
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Yesterday I decided to take a break from chess and enjoy eldenring dlc instead
I didn't realize just how much stress and dread chess was giving me until now, feels good being able to actually relax in my free time
chess had become like a second job when I come back in a couple weeks I'll be more relaxed about it
he's entertaining to hear about but good lord his online persona is a joke
I hate people like that who inherently aren't cool but try super hard to be cool
MVL is bad at chess.
>I hate people like that who inherently aren't cool but try super hard to be cool
forgive me for sounding like our resident schizo here but that's most of the ~Fischer-pilled~ zoomers. it's so contrived. don't compete where you can't compare!
carlsen good
nakamura good (only at blitz and bullet)
everyone else bad

that's the objectively true, 4chan-approved analysis of all chess players
0 real championships, got pressed by the asslifter, mail-order bride, got mogged by a fucking leaf etc etc
>mail-order bride
>he doesn't respect Shitkaru's cutie muslima bride who is taller than him

Hey everyone I wanted to say thanks for the advice and pointers last night. I picked up the book, took my time on some puzzles, and took what you guys said to heart in really taking the time to make sure I'm responding to my opponent and reading the board in terms of tempo, force, and space. Since then I've played 13 rapid games and won 11 of them, gaining 48 Elo overnight. I realized that being more careful and taking a lot of time to think about EVERY move and to not mindlessly follow the italian game I am doing a lot better.

Again My Profile here ^

I've been improving a lot since last night when I posted that, I think a large part is that I'm stopped clinging to my usual opening (italian game) and I only get a move or two into it until I start responding to my opponent (they usually come out hyper aggressive at my level. it's annoying but if I'm careful then they wind up giving the game away to me)

Yep I'm implementing what people suggested last night and already winning a ton by just developing while letting my opponent throw their games away. While most of my blitz game last year were 3 min, since about November last year I don't play anything faster than 5 minute blitz, and I actually prefer dailys and rapids now.

Thanks! I've done 16 quizzes and 12 tests so far. Now at the "Laying Traps" section of Chapter 2.

Thanks a lot, I've been applying these principles and it's helped so much me not screw up my opening and also letting my opponents screw up theirs.

Been reading this since last night, I'm almost finished with chapter 2, I like it a lot! Just making sure I count the force on relevant squares is helping a lot.
>italian flag
you're talking to zoomers rated 800, retard. half of them cheat when it comes down to it.
well you've always got your hilarious peter svidler memes! s-s-slurp hehehe
>Consequences will never be the same
another millennial meme from 20 years ago...
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>Since then I've played 13 rapid games and won 11 of them, gaining 48 Elo overnight
Well done, lad.
this shit is so funny
like is this all just a ploy to get in the spotlight again because he's mad he's not the man of the hour in chess anymore? or did he go full Fischer?
>another millennial meme from 20 years ago..
Only another millennial would know that..
>17 friends
>you are 865 rapid
>unironically the best out of all of them
based, keep mogging all those fags
No. Vladimir truly believes there is a deep seated rot that must be cleansed. He is correct. The most shocking thing about this to me is the hordes or corporate apologizers who readily dismiss, minimize, wave away the problem, gaslight anyone who points out evidence that things are not right. Very common is to say, yeah well you're not qualified to know whether anyone is cheating against you or not.
Keep it up anon I am rooting for you from the depths of 600.
Just enjoy the cool breeze on your exposed king.
I'm having fun castling long in a slow game.
I'm literally shaking right now
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Dubov immortal blitz game:

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Svane resigned a move before this. It's a nifty mate in 4 using my favorite checkmate motif. I didn't include the queen sac as part of the easy puzzle here as black doesn't have to take it. Black avoids mate with Qc8.
You should be, Danny.
Name one person who is inherently cool
they're pretty rare. can't think of one off the top of my head
Cool as in cool to most people or just to retards on 4chan? For the former, someone like Alain Delon.
Dr Disrespect
Robert Hess is actually the best speed chess commentator. Better than Naroditsky and Hambleton.
You're the only one that thinks this
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This is a great puzzle and I am very upset about getting it wrong due to one slight miscalculation on move 2.
I think Hess is best when he and Naroditsky are paired, but Naro is better overall because he adapts better to pairings with other people
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That's... certainly a chess game
That's a nice one. But how did you miscalculate?
I assume you played Ke4, hoping for kg5, rg5, kh5, and rxh7#? (But kh6 instead escapes)
white was never better and that's what's important
real kino graphs look like a sine wave
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what am i supposed to do in these situations? I feel so tangled, my first plan was to attack his queen with my knight and hope to unlock the situation but he abandoned the game right after lol
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Little late to the party but
Hmm... I hate them all
Stop projecting, peebeetee.
Well first of all you don't want that position. You don't want to give his bishop that outpost when you don't have your own to contest it (now you can never advance c6 and you are worse in an endgame). If the bishop weren't on b5 you'd be playing Rb8, probably looking to double up and find some action there. In your current position what you always want to do is improve your piece which you can judge by whether they restrict your opponent's. Not Nh4 like you thought because you're correct, he moves his Queen and you haven't accomplished anything. But Nf4 looks good, that's a dangerous knight that he can't kick with g3 (Nxh3+), so if he panics and wants to trade with Bc1 you can play Nh5. Now all the sudden you can see how the position is starting to open up and give you activity for counterplay. If I were playing white and we were the same rating you would lose 10 out of 10 times though. Try to remember the point of the game is ultimately the endgame and letting your opponent lock up the pawn structure in an unfavorable way with a bishop shearing uncontested through your shit is not the way to win one.
>Shartnanandhaa threw a winning K+P endgame
>Hacksime choked a winning tecnical position with 25 minutes on his clock
>Slurpsley didn't even try against the lowest rated player with white
>Soiri vs Fatpo lmao
>Nodirkek played the London and GODbi tried to mix it but it petered out too
I'd say you're justified
play a waiting move and let your opponent fuck up first
alternatively, write "nigga dis pozzish ain't bussin got me yawnin frfr" and offer a draw
kek that's a new one
is this on youtube? why isn't youtube shilling me this?
you don't want to watch that anyway. go watch some speed chess or something where shit actually happens
englund player detected
Yes that's what i did.
thanks for the help, I need to work better on my black openings
Bwos... my team just got 7-1ed in divegrass...
you listened?
what team?
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This is why puzzle streak is bullshit. Every once in a while it gives you a puzzle like this in the mix.
You think okay it's 1500 nothing puzzle, push, bring the king in promote win rook or whatever. Play b2 Kd3 in two seconds. Wrong! Wrong because Rb3 Kc2 Kb4! promote, rook captures king captures Kxc3 and white gets a passer through over on the h file. That is a 1500 (lichess) puzzle in a challenge mode that is game over on a single wrong move.
I got it first try and I'm a shitter. Just push the pawns, white can't get em both.
You did calculate Kd3. You just pushed shit without thinking and won. That is why that puzzle is 1500 in the first place. I got it wrong because i didn't find Kb4! (only move) in the two seconds i took.
some good books that solely focus on e4/ italian game openings? I like playing Evan Gambit or Nakamshon Gambit when it happens, I'd like to try something else
I just tried it and saw the forced win, and found no reason to delay and calculate a line where you bring the king in.
Yeah that rb3 is a nice move that I didn't see, but even Ka2 is enough to prevent you from winning
imo you should have calculated at least until a successful promotion
Why is that even a candidate? What does it achieve? Is it a natural move for players stronger than me?
Ka3 c2 Ka2 is also a draw
Ka2 was after Kd1, I was editing the post and got confused. After c2 you can take b2.
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Skill issue, sorry. If you knew the technique for winning a Rook vs. "Two connected passers on the sixth rank" endgame (which is very simple and a common enough situation that everyone should know it), you wouldn't even consider moving your king after Rb8 because c2 is an extremely obvious win.
big brained thread
yeah we're all 2900+ armchair chess theorists here
Giving away a pawn on move 3? This not how I learned chess.
>not giving it away on move one with the scandi/old benoni
*gasps in Russian*
Spassky is definitely 4chan.
The unofficial first world champ Paul Morphy is also 4chan.
>Fuck I don't know how I managed to forget Tal. Anyway, he's reddit
Tal played chess while blackout drunk. Him, Fischer, and Morphy are this general personified.
Otherwise, good list.
Fischer is 4chan as a whole personified honestly
>everyone playing the cow against anna
k not gonna lie this is getting kinda old now
Morphy is as reddit as it gets. There's a reason he's turbo redditor Ben Finegold's goat
Morphy's playing style is the most anti-reddit thing to ever exist.
Which is why hes the GOAT (after Morphy)
How often are you guys getting games where sacrificing piece is worth it? I relentlessly look for sacs in every position and rarely do I see lines where it's justified. Am I missing stuff or does it just not happen often?
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Botvinnik is based

For your information, this is a Botvinnik board and we will not tolerate such blatant disrespect.
funny, the precursor to shogi had a piece that promoted to a "Crown Prince", an extra king. If present, it also had to be captured or checkmated to win the game.
It happens literally all the time if you have an aggressive opening repertoire and is tactically sharp.
a lot of the tactics in my games come from complex lines, but sacs aren't necessarily involved
I am a positional player though by nature, so that probably matters
Morphy was an autistic incel who was only ever good at chess and nothing else in life. He's 4chan.
Also, Finegold's opinions on chess are based. It's when he opens his fat mouth to speak about anything else that he becomes reddit.
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Morphy was a great man afflicted by mental illness.

My dear friend, let’s move beyond the memes and consult his biography. I believe that Morphy could have become US president someday if the ‘tism and schizo effective disorder didn’t get him after his failed law career.
Either I sac or the opponent sacs in at least 33% of my games. Probably more.
iirc he also memorized the Louisiana legal code, pretty impressive (even if he never had a successful legal career)
Playing blitz on touchpad is rage inducing. Get flagged in winning positions erry time.
Very often, and I play stuff like the Queen's Gambit without any attacking ambitions.
If you keep putting positional pressure on the opponent and improving pieces, very often there will be a chance to sac something with good compensation. Especially if you include pseudo-sacrifices which gain the material back within a few moves
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why am i like this
rapid is impossible
What time controls do you usually play for both?
how is that even fucking possible
if you have the chess knowledge to be 1700 chess com blitz you should be like 1900 rapid or higher
this is what happens when you play fuckin london
I love Dubov, he's the Tal of our generation, a combinatorial genius. Latvia should give him honorary citizenship

my opponents just make no mistakes for 20 moves and i get bored and miss some 2 move tactic in the midgame
I am 1700 chesscum blitz and barely 1800 rapid. I think the ratings get even closer across rapid/blitz as you get higher rated.
>playing blitz on touchpad
Why would you do that to yourself? Just use your phone if a mouse isn't available
>counting on your opponent making a mistake to win
Your problem is that you play hope chess. Stop it.
no, while you were making that comment i tried to lock in as hard as possible against a 1400 shitter
i blundered in a winning position because our clocks went under 30 seconds
1400s are literally just built different in rapid idk how to explain it, they defend like their elo is their bank account
Lol. It's literally "le SACRIFICE!!" "le BRIALLIANT!!" His most famous game is tryharding against an amateur. There is no player more reddit in history
>tryharding against an amateur
not part of the comment chain but anon, that's about as 4chan behavior as you can get
>t. assmad redditor who plays chess like a pussy and felt called out
>the guy sorting champs into faggit/4troon categories is an absolute retard
Calculate deeper. Play 15+10 instead of 10+0. If you're almost 1700 com blitz there isn't really a reason why you should be losing to 1400s. They blunder totally braindead 3-move tactics all the time.
No, it's reddit behavior. Redditors identify with him so strongly because like him, they feel like the only reason they aren't better regarded are circumstances out of their control. They too are underrated geniuses. And Morphy's games come with mental pictures of GothanChess soifacing in a shower of chess.com's Brilliant marks. It gets the sort of redditors who post things like this https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1dqapz2/possibly_the_greatest_move_ive_ever_played/ and think it's deep
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>calculate deeper
uhh yeah if either of us could see everything we would be titled players, obviously it's what you want to do but you miss shit, that's what happens
look at this game i just played, the engine liked all my moves this time
but what the engine doesn't know is that i completely missed b3 and b4 as potential escapes when i committed to the attack
there were ways to continue and still win if he had played them
but i didn't see them ahead of time, so it was basically a coin flip despite me thinking i had calculated everything. and he's a 1500. so i could very easily have been lost against him, precisely because i tried to calculate deeper
if anything i should be calculating shallower and playing safe and letting them blunder

also 15+10 is aids, i played it in the past but it sucks even if you win more consistently
>keeps bringing up/talking about plebbit
>is a plebbitor
of course
kill yourself
Ask yourself why you're so mad
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and when i say "when i committed to the attack" i mean here, deciding not to take the rook (which is equal)
so i thought i had calculated deep enough, but i hadn't, which obviously means that i do not have the calculation abilities that can consistently deal with rapid 1500s
in fact i think i will try playing some hambo-approved habits chess for a while and not sacrifice anything and see if that helps catch me back up
>has an opportunity to take the center for free
You didn't play bad for your rapid rating but not gonna lie i cringed at this moment.

Also when i said to calculate deeper i didn't mean just look to look 10 ply deep in only one line, you should've considered his defensive resources more carefully. If you have a mate in 1 threat you should look at all of the ways he can stop it (e.g. b3 and b4). That's why i said to play 15+10 instead of 10+0, you can't just look at all this stuff in fast chess without experience. You aren't just gonna grow an instinct to quickly see every good response from the opponent automatically without learning how to do it slowly (and accurately) first. I don't know the reason why you think 15+10 is "aids", but you aren't gonna get good at anything other than "i hope he doesn't see it" chess if you simply never play slow games. You have to develop the skill of proper calculation.
>And Morphy's games come with mental pictures of GothanChess soifacing in a shower of chess.com's Brilliant marks
you are so stupid and delusional it's unreal, I hope you are a teenager at least
this guy is right on the money>>483934679
That said that reddit post and the other subhumans patting him on the back for such a basic bitch tactic is hilarious
if you try to occupy the center in an offbeat opening like that you're going to get your ass beat if you don't know the lines, and i don't know the lines, so i try to force them into the boring slop openings they want to avoid instead and make them sac a piece if they want to have fun
i dont see openings like that often enough for it to matter much to me yet
anyways 15+10 feels like shit because the games are still decided by one move blunders in even positions just as often, but people play on and you wind up just grinding so long that the inevitable win doesn't even feel good
classical would be one thing, but spending 30 minutes in a winning position in an online rapid game is just not fun
>spending 30 minutes in a winning position in an online rapid game is just not fun
You'd rather spend 30 minutes in a losing position?
Just kidding. But seriously, converting a winning advantage into a full point is a fundamental skill. The reason never resigners exist at that level is because they know things can get very tricky in an exchange up/piece up endgame and they might get away with a draw or even swindle a win. It's up to you to hold on to your advantage and convert it. I hope it goes without saying that larger advantages than a minor piece should be trivial enough to win pretty fast.

That being said, never resigners on 15+10 chesscom start becoming extremely rare at as early as the mid-1500s, FYI.
There's something massively tilting about losing to some faggot who's blitzing out moves from an opening video he just watched
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Is there a more cultured opening game than the Queen's gambit declined? Even typing it out makes me feel powerful
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Extremely so. It's also unsettling as I wait to find out whether these rapid fire moves, even after opening theory has likely been veered away from, are engine best or the guy is just trying to bullshit me by playing fast without any plan. At my rating if you're playing super fast in the middle game it means you're either cheating or full of shit. Nobody down here is any good at speed.
the feel when i play qgd is this is... fine. it's adequate. i have put my pieces out and castled, i have achieved an opening.
>Even typing it out makes me feel powerful
Kek I can't believe I'm not the only one.
Ruy, Grunfeld, and Sicilian give me this feel to an extent too, but not to the same degree
Hey anons, have an irl chess tournament in a few days. Are there any tricks I could do to psychologically intimidate my opponents (ie, wearing reflective sunglasses).
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Yes wear reflective glasses to throw your opponent off
draw a swastika on your forehead
If you recognize the opening, blitzing out your opening moves is good. Looking around the room like you're bored on your opponents time, bumping your elbow/knee on the table every now and then, occasionally smiling after your opponent makes a move, hitting the clock kinda of hard
Cute girl, she looks like she's not bipolar at all.
>took me more than 10 seconds to mate with Q+K
fucking slowfingers over here
admittedly my playing situation was not ideal but still
No, it's NOT and saying otherwise WILL end LEGAL action. FBI has notified about this post.
don't wash and stinkmaxx to distract your opponent passively
Pretend you are stressing out over every move.
This is how I feel about the main lines in the closed ruy (breyer, zaitsev, chigorin).
Garry "Chess" Garry Chess "Garry" Chess in da mothafuckin building
how many slurps today?
after yesterday's snoozefest I legit forgot about this
I just need some background noise til divegrass so I remembered
damn souless
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>humanity lost the opportunity to witness this
nodirkeks it's happening again
Wesley WILL win
God willing
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holy shit he's playing the fat fuck, i forgot he was in this
is this from a real game? it is pretty nice
Would have fit in here. Too bad his parents never got him into chess
I was walking by a game shop once and saw a card tournament (maybe Yu-Gi-Oh) going on. I was curious so I stepped inside. The smell in there was unbearable. It must have been several people with BO because the whole place stunk.

We are better than them, right?
do chess players have a bad rep for that kind of thing? I've never heard about it personally
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>come to /vg/ to look for the /chess/ general
>must compulsively click on and peruse all the ecchi coomer-bait in the catalog before I continue
>12hrs later finally make it here
such is life on /vg/
I want to do the Hero's Journey cliche of suffering a defeat and then going into intense secret training and emerging from that baptism a new and formidable force of nature, but I can't resist playing randos online.
just bookmark this
Truly a cancerous 3rd world board
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>it's another episode of boomers not knowing how to use filters
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fucking lol
under 6k peak today hopefully
99% of the chess I play nowadays is anon bullet, improving is too frustrating; I think it served its purpose in my life but my days of trying to actually get good are behind me
>play 15+10 per anon's suggestion
>my 1300 opponent plays with literal flawless accuracy for 30 moves straight
very legitimate nice matchmaking pool, great suggestion
post the game review, I don't believe that
the level of cope and excuses you have for being comparatively bad at rapid is ridiculous
Play otb tournaments, it's more chill than online bullshit and less morally degrading.
I've found that the higher the time control (within a specific time control category), the higher the level of play. So 5+3 players are much stronger than 3+0 players in the blitz pool. So 15+10 players will be much stronger than 10+0 players in the rapid pool.

If I spam 5+3 games in blitz for a month or so, my rating will settle somewhere, then I switch to 3+0, my rating will increase 100-200 points pretty easily just because the 3+0 players are so much weaker.

Similar could be said for rapid and 10+ vs 15+10
It's the other way around actually. 3+0 is the strongest player pool on either site and 15+10 is the weakest.
15+10 is full of adult improvers that got told to play longer time controls because it's better. 3+0 is a mixed bag because it's either players that want a fast dopamine hit and can't handle thinking and also good players that want to avoid cheaters.
Nta but 10+0 is the weakest pool on both sites by far in my expirience
I agree in blitz and bullet the shorter the tc the weakest the pool, 10+0 is the exception because it's the default on .scam i guess
*The stronger the pool
Nodirbek vs MVL wasn't a slurp
yup and for some reason that obvious fact triggers 900's here
Chess club rooms and tournament halls smell fine. I have never played anyone with a hygiene problem. I did attend a fighting game tournament once. They had big fans going full blast and it still smelled like gym locker.
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>it's another episode of zoomers not knowing what ctrl+f is
Why do people keep repeating that 3 0 is the strongest pool like a religious dogma. 3+2 is way more difficult because you actually have to close out games and can't just cruise control a safe endgame into an easy flag.
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Every time control is the hardest one when I'm playing...
I love Marc, but it makes me laugh every time he tilts after he gets flagged in 3|0 calling his opponent a bum and unsporting.
The National Open in Vegas earlier in June had a few smelly ass dudes. Smelled like old dried sweat. Idk if it was just because of the desert heat in Vegas or they wore the same shirt two-three days in a row
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>using the search function when I can have the generals I want always be at the top of any board and highlighted
>using the search function when I have thread monitoring
shiggy diggy
It's incredible that regardless of rating people will still pull the "my opponent should've just let me win" routine. Interestingly enough Magnus doesn't do that.
>The National Open in Vegas
How was it? How did you do?
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>Lose 4 games like this
>Tell opponent to kill themselves and then delete my account
My seethe is actually mental illness.
Bullet is actually an exception. The 2+1 pool is strong compared to shorter bullet TCs.
>The 2+1 pool is strong compared to shorter bullet TCs.
It is? That's funny. 2 1 is the only bullet I play. 1 1 and 1 0 is just too fast for me I'm not even playing chess at that point. 2 1 is okay because it allows me to use ten seconds once or twice per game to come up with some kind of plan.
You must live under a rock. It happens in jewllywood movies literally all the time
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>Calm down, make a new account
>Play a 1600 and 1862 rapid player
>Beat them both
What the actual fuck lmao.
I thought you were karla from the greentext but she wouldn't think she's the problem in this scenario
>inb4 another commie jew manlet poindexter thread
I will always take responsibility for my autism. OTB I'm gracious as fuck but online I tilt very easily.

"Flawless accuracy" just means that his opponent isn't falling for any of his blitzbrain tricks and it makes him mad. Many such cases

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