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Previous thread: >>483299462

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/12-6/26][EPOQUE Re-Edition]Kjera
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Next 2 operators posted fuck each other
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Amiya needs to masturbate more, she is way too horny.
Sex with a Cautus.
Sex with MULTIPLE Cautus
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That one 9CDfag
What's the best way to complete runs in IS4? I'm new and I don't have a lot of built operators
This but I only have sex with Ray
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Favorite character and why?
Borrow someone's reedter and learn how to draft around her and how she decimates like 90% of IS4 stages.
elfy welfy!
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Post operators that are chronic masturbators
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I love this dork
My wife, because we're married.
Should've waited a few minutes for the new thread, oops.
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Doko's dokos......
Borrow a friend's op (only possible at the very start of the run).
Go for lots of emergency stages and Bosky passages in the early floors so you can get extra rewards.
After the mid-boss, use your foldertals to avoid particularly hard stages (turn them into shops etc).
Don't worry if you fail a number of times, that's normal for the start of every IS until you've grinded out more permanent buffs and gotten familiar with the stages.
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Blaze. There’s a lot of reasons why, but I love her earnest and hardworking personality.
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reserve operators don't need to masturbate they use their sheer numbers to rape doctor
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Amiya after Blaze bought toys for her.
Thank you. Any operators in particular I should look for? other than reed alter
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Retiring with Horn and having babymaking sex at the hotsprings every day
>Stainless is in no stun
I need to see this
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I skipfagged
What was the event about
We won't tell you
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Sorry, autists only club.
File deleted.
Yes Horny
I vetted the clears not remotely carefully, I would assume it was just s2 with wonky timing.
Victoria jobbing
Actually scratch that, 3 gives attack speed, it could be either.
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Click while thinking of big cat men
clown explores kjerag
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Margaret with her legs spread on her bed. One hand holding a raunchy romantic novel, the other fulfilling her carnal desires...
The only thing you need to know about the plot is that they censored Sciurus mentioning she was pregnant because of SEAfag spergouts
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Bro, I can see them...
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Take responsibility
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dead thread post more bunny
people said degen would save this thread
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Happy Birthday Breeze!
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The cuter bnuy
Are you not meant to be able to get everything in the event shop? Even with all the extra sanity I'm getting as a new player it feels like I'm not going to be able to clear it out. Guess I fucked up playing the story. Didn't know how insane you would have to farm it.
Also I've hit a wall at level 6, not sure I can go any higher level 7 is asking for elite two characters. I still don't have one so I can't borrow one either and I'm not sure I'll be able to e2 before the event ends.
Hideous creature.
My wife is a lupo?
Degen was newfag bait, I can't get her e2 or skill mats until I practically beat the game and it's frustrating. Her level 6 skill mats come from freaking chapter 13. Why doesn't the event give mats for her?
she's a draco
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the fuck does amiya get a long tail in her guard form i just noticed that shit
If you can clear stage 6 without a support just farm Polyester forever, dump 100% of your sanity into it
If you can clear the earlier stages that's fine too, since event currency is 1:1 to sanity. Ignore the Harold pots first thing and go for the mats.

Bwo your green certs?
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No? Are you seeing the tail of the dragon hovering over her?
>Bwo your green certs?
You can't get her mats from the cert shops.
Poz is weird and fat
>Are you not meant to be able to get everything in the event shop?
You typically can, but a newbie who can't clear all the stages might not.

There will be EX stages on the 28th that give one-time clear rewards (60 per stage, see the Tourists To-do List). Otherwise just grind for as much currency as you can, the stamina:currency ratio is the same across all stages so you're not losing out if you don't grind the highest stages.
It's her ponytail.
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*pisses on you*
You'll be glad you rolled for her in a month or so when you get to the hard parts of the game (which by then you'll be able to get her mats).
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She is weird but I can fix her
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Always has been
I got Lappland pregnant
Are these things important to get?
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You can usually get everything in the shop, you just have to focus on farming. Don’t worry though, you still have over a week worth of sanity to burn through, you should be able to buy most of the shop.
Regarding E2s, 4 stars are quite cheap to raise and some are fairly useful. You might be able to get one to E2 before the event ends. If you can’t, don’t worry about it. It usually takes a while before new players can completely clear all of an event’s stages anyway. EX stages can be especially tough.
Rita toppled me
You can get everything from the shop by just doing the event and farming almost nothing else except for the weekly annihalation without any extra sanity from level ups.
It took me 10 days to get my first E2 4*, thats what you need to do too. Focus on buying out the lmd and exp from the shop, get a team to E1 30 and then take one 4* to E2 20 at a time.
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Never forgive Muelshite for being the cause Vigil is bad.
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I'm retarded
>makes a thousand degenerate tentacle doujins
>also makes the best vanilla doujin we have
What is up with LSC5?
Welfare male doesn't deserve to be good
No, you are entirely gated by the base module blocks you get way more of those than it's possible to use.
Dont worry too much about it, I started playing before lone trail event and got filtered by boss because I didn't have any E2 units and akg laughed at me
Specifically save those for last, they're the easy part of modules to get, its the module data blocks that are high value to save up.
It's like 500k free LMD, 3 rolls, tons of EXP and skillbooks, and a shitton of mats, plus furniture (which also means you get cert tickets for mats in a year during the rerun). So yes, the best thing you can ever do in this game is farm the event shop until it's cleared out.
Also the event stages have a higher mat droprate than their equivalent story stages so even once the shop is cleared out you should probably be dumping your sanity into them.

They're useful but not the most useful thing for a new player, they're used for modules which are upgrades you can give to E2 operators after level 40/50/60 (depending on * level). Some operators really need their modules to be good (Skadi, Mostima, etc) but they're typically meant as a way to further increase an op's power once you've already done levels and masteries.
Anyone have that chart that shows what mats the upcoming events will drop?
Yes but as a newfag you're awhile a way from needing them. I would prioritize buying the rolls, one copy of Harold, and mats that help you get your first E2 (like exp, lmd, and mats).
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bro, your golden retriever?
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We know, (me).
They’re used to give modules to Elite 2 characters. Since you don’t have E2s right now, you should buy out the other stuff first. The other main way of getting these materials is SSS, which is late game.
You didn’t deserve to get laughed at, sorry friend
E0 lv1
How nice of Blaze to be so willing to help out her fellow operators when they are needy.
Probably the same as the shit with Horn/Wood. Can make good vanilla shit and actually enjoys doing it but degenerates sleep on money and commission him to draw fucked up porn and the money is too good to pass up. The difference being that when Horn/wood does it he kind of gives up on and half-asses it while LSC5 at least tries to make it look somewhat decent no matter how trash it is
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Cucks mindbreaking artist
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which one of you fuckers is this
Nutting in Sciurus.
Hornwood's Mizuki art is commissioned??
>playing LOL in 2024
gotta be a woman, not from here though
>gotta be a woman
Pornsick trannies aren't women, anon.
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>The difference being that when Horn/wood does it he kind of gives up on and half-asses it
I can respect that in an oddly fucked up way. If they keep paying him for badly drawn monochromatic garbage, keep feeding them garbage and go back to drawing a new solo Penance piece every day for fun, or whatever it is he's doing
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Mommy gib milkies
look at this fucking shameless slut
For me it's WAmiya
i could use a guinness right about now
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I need to cum inside a lupo girl so bad
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Kal's gonna freak
Are you sure? Lupos are canonically high maintenance. A lupo wife is already financially draining, having a lupo child is basically killing your bank account.
Retard skipfag
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You can't call Typhon mommy just cause she has big tits
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I am prepared to do whatever it takes
Being a perro and barely able to sustain lupo wife's lifestyle...
The hands need to be darker
I swear I’ve seen this posts and images hundreds of times already, come up with new bait
At least this is new, still kill yourself
You need to be deader
The hands need to be brighter
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A post isn't bait just because you dislike it.
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W content SOON
How is it not bait when you've been forcing this ship at /akg/ ever since Ch14 dropped?
>that horse game is finally coming to global
Nearl bros... I'm sorry... it's been fun...
Not even that, he only started posting after the anni ended, when people actually discussed the story zero WAmiya was posted
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See you tomorrow
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melty in progress
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Do you think the art that's been coming out since Ch14 is bait too anon? I've liked these 2 forever anyway, there's just more of them now.
This is a shitpost because I say so
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Why are you encouraging them by replying instead of reporting? It would be more effective even your report does nothing
>Do you think the art that's been coming out since Ch14 is bait too anon?
Where have you been before Ch14 then? I didn't see your ass posting this shit so much before so what gives?
oh lawd he's going into orbit
Typhon would make a terrible mother, Lunacub-tier
Do not fuck devils.
>reporting for posting pictures on an imageboard
>including me
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It was discussed sometimes in this thread, there just wasn't much art for it. Since ch14 like 3 artists have been semi-dedicated to them so there's more content.
Still a schizo, just of a different variety
Its good to see my W(ife) and daughter getting along so well
I was telling him to report it if he's so upset since it belongs on /u/. That's why I said it wouldn't do anything.
>Harold was going to launch a military invasion and destroy the cultural landmark of Kjerag
>but it's okay because he felt bad while doing it so all is forgiven
What the fuck, Harold and his goons should have been expelled from Kjerag at the very least
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appeal of fermented dead plants or whatever the can stuff is?
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>ignore [thing I dislike], people quickly move onto other topics
>throw tantrum over [thing I dislike], people post more of it
Hmm...I'll pick option 2 because it's the smart thing to do!
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I was gonna tell you to go back to /u/ but then I checked and there isn't even an arknights thread. >https://archived.moe/u/thread/4206353/#4206353
>Last thread in May
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>Add someone for S3M3 Eyja alter
>Turned down

Exactly why they should go back. They need to revive the thread
Maybe you shouldn't be an eyjalet then
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it's arknights art so what's the problem?
W and Amiya is bait, it's a troon ship just used to troll, which you are attempting to do now. He is 100% right.
Mindbroken retard
>What the fuck, Harold and his goons should have been expelled from Kjerag at the very least
And who's going to force them to leave?
Based yuri/ntr/waifu/ship/divegrass/xfag/schizo/othergame GOD
Its not a ship, its W being a good mom for her adopted daughter
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Why so mad at WMiya?
For Wfags, wasn't it nice to see W not being smug?
For Amiyafags, wasn't it great to see Amiya being the dominant one?
*falling in love with the daughter of her dead lover
Again, kill yourself
Black Souls collab when?
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It's not Wfags or Amiyafags upset over this. It's anti-Wisadel fags. This is all just thinly veiled seething over Wis'adel.
You are too sane for these schizos
Nobody wants to see your ooc yuri fetish crap. Go to one of the containment boards for that. I just want to discuss Arknights here.
Where's the lappsmart edit when I need it?
Why don't you also complain about coomposting?
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/u/ is not a containment board.
My seething hatred is endless, the boiling rage it rots even the Sanguinarch away. There will be no respite, there will be no joy, there will only be malicious anger and pain.
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Pretty much
Isn't this the game where she gets knotted?
Yuri is kind of retarded but you don't have to be rude
Explain why the yuri images haven't been deleted then? Surely if it was a containment board, its content would be contained there. /mlp/ is a containment board and their images are deleted on-sight outside of their board.
im about to cum keep posting yuri
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>It's anti-Wisadel fags
Call them who they are. Waifufags and malefags (faggots) that are seething that W is a main character and got vip treatment while their dogshit waifu/husbando was forgotten and became irrelevant
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For me it's Texas x Lappland
I fucking hate yuri, but man do these particular xfags deserve it...
The Silverlances
Kjera if she wasn't such a pussy
trying to deflect and "whatabout" doesn't change what you're doing (Trolling). Shitposting will always be shitposting, which you are doing and trying to ruin the thread. I don't know what upset you here so much that you have to resort to that, but grow up.
>BSOD on the final event cutscene
God dammit that's gonna be a lot of ffwd.
Correction: its baiters posting yuri that includes characters to trigger yuri hating fags, the characters are stuck between two shitposters and are largely irrelevant to the topic
Kjerag is still growing so they really have to tiptoe these situations even if the other party is in the wrong.
Once they're properly armed this kind of stuff won't be so easily forgiven.
im about to cum keep posting lupos
>i-it's a falseflag!!
>ruin the thread
truly ironic considering how you derailed the thread with your tantrum lol
I think you're the one who needs a little growing up
Nta he didn’t throw the tantrum I did
These threads will NEVER be better, they will NEVER improve. They will always be worse, because you are addicted to the madness, we are addicted to the madness, I am addicted to the madness. No matter what this truth remains constant
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It really does just boil down to
>anything I dislike is shitposting and a targeted attack at (me)
huh? Whole thread might as well call foul any time an op they dislike is posted.
Cute extremely subtle smile
i agree there's too much yuri
can we post canon hetero ships such as silverash x degen instead
Wfag.. lol jk Wfags don't exist
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>Whole thread might as well call foul any time an op they dislike is posted.
Already happens with Mumu. Mumubros are the most oppressed citizens of /akg/.
How about you go shove a dick up your ass faggot.
I'm not even the anon you originally are arguing with. I just saw your crap and wanted to say you are a whiny bitch that attacks the thread every time you get butthurt in an argument about something. That anon is 100% right. You have fetish boards for your fetish spam, go there. Your yuri shipping is just a form of derailment which you are doing to troll because you are upset (about something, I don't know).
Grow up.
Should have grown a backbone and become the oppressor when you had the chance
nobody likes mumu
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they need to make more healers with animal ears
You deserve it for the whole "canon wife" spam we had to endure for months on end when LT released
Operators that are libtards?
Operators that are cuckservatives?
Operators that are fence sitters?
>about something, I don't know
You can't even come up with a reason. Sad. Just goes to show how baseless and pointless your walls of text are. Grow up.
1 more year of mumu hate and we will allow you to post mumu in peace
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You promised you would love Mumu no matter what form she takes!
I hate it. Texas is for Sora.
Please kill yourself
It’s me I detailed the thread
All these things happen today because that one anon forgot to post reset pram yesterday. The Kjerag's rage is upon us.
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Your gay, Docktah
Damn, didn't know 2 lines was a wall of text. Why are you upset anyway?
Speaking of, one of the Reedfags have Elf Victory on their profile.
I don't understand either.
I dunno, why are you so upset? A lot of vitriol in your posts.
Shut up Amiya, you're gay for W
Go fight Exu about it.
My gay what?
What happens if, god forbid, there's an elf alt?
I think mass suicide would by the only proper response
Her shoulder is fucked up.
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Popular operators today:
>1. Typhon.
Yeah like her Blacked form, or herm form when she's getting fucked by dogs, cuck
What shoulder
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>he hasn't seen Gamepress killed itself
It's over. They remade the whole site just to spite Typhon.
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Vigil don't look
>it's real
Why do we hate?
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love this gremlin
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Exu is already corrected.
I can't find the colored squares image on my folder, so have a Talulah.
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Yuri spamming schizo fears canon straight hetero ship. At last, it makes sense.
Because God created us that way. Yes all evil is because of God
It’s amazing how it all goes back to Mumu hate here
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Someone post the Nachzehrer King saying to fear his seething hatred
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>kentllaall is alive
>he posted vermeil
On another note im glad he is feeling better
me in the middle
Let knife be knife, a weapon it must not.
Thank you.
Still don't think that Vermeil is ever getting a skin
So when is he going to draw her getting the shit fucked out of her again?
Red has a knife, she has a knife
That tiny doc... knowing what he drew in the past, I can't see it as cute...
So did he actually get blacklisted or was that just speculation?
Now to wait for him to draw her getting absolutely fertilized in the same outfit by doc
So what did we learn today?
I doubt he got blacklisted, probably just got a bit of words for making it public.
Nothing, we learned nothing at all and never will learn anything
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That was just anons running with a theory
Really what happened was Kent had a mental health issue back in what october 2022?
Had most of his art taken off boorus and took a break from online entirely till about newyears last year.
This is the first full image he has posted under his name since this one
/akg/ is shit
did any other arknights artist drew lewds of their characters?
Artist try not to have a schizo moment and delete everything challenge
I want to see Nori lewd drawings.
I believe one or two of the artists for some male ops daw yaoi?
dont remember which ones though
post operators getting fertilized
Stay private about your dear little girl.
Starshadowmagic, Reed's artist, did.
Still is.
That the WAmiyafag won’t go away for a long time, Reason with him? He keeps going, Throw a tantrum? You basically give him what he wants, Ignore him? He’ll just samefag and keep posting. Today I realized I can’t do anything and I apologize for shitting up this thread in vain, I was a schizo and a retard
I think Liduke did some implied Hellagur buttstuff. And she drew coomalicious swimsuits for various characters. But I think that's about it.
I think chestnuts artist does?
That I need to be careful not to win too hard in /akg/ arguments or my opponent will be so upset they'll start trying to derail the thread.
Namie has to have drawn some porn of Mizuki
She's been openly horny about his armpits but never gone that far
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The shit black souls does to a man.
>Naming a secret battleship "Chestnut"
A true Zalak.
It's quite common for people to lash out and attack those they love, especially when they are uncomfortable with their own feelings.
It's also common for people to do that to people they hate but still
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>Not naming it Dreadnut
I'll point out that you never attempted reason but at least you understand your fault
That's Suss cosplaying as Vulcan.
Why does it look like Asher is standing on a stool here?
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Better question, is this one of you guys?
Viccy's are shorter than Doc
The artist should've let his hat lower, or make him faceless instead of raising his collars.
i think fiametta is a popular name irl
i've seen it a few times in writing
1st guy isn't anyone from here, 2nd guy probably is.
I might’ve forgotten to clarify, I tried to reason with the WAmiya poster in threads way prior, and I also tried to ignore them for the majority of the last month, this was the one thread I just couldn’t take it anymore and the result was the derailment of today. Once again sorry, my mental illness took a hold
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He's just going to switch a different pairing to shitpost eventually
Why did Leto not lash out at the elder Paleroche like she did at Arctosz?
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i havent started reading the story yet
is it any good? is it short or long?
I was so busy with elden ring's dlc...
I dont think she realized the dude was her gramps till after they departed
>insulting yourself
How dare you care about your favorite operators and the thread quality. Have some spine.
Who the fuck was the one who spread misinformation about Gnosis and Monch being set up to meet only to stand around awkwardly before leaving in this event when no such thing happened at all?
He got the hell out of dodge before she knew they were related.
The one and only, Sciurus.
She's a treasure.
Some cutscenes can be long but nothing out of the ordinary. No 6D chess bullshittery that you can't understand, it's pretty straightforward. I like it.
Classic /akg/
Did you know that the heavily memed Projekt Red/Crownslayer dialogue of "bye" and "die monster" didn't happen either? Fun fact.
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While they werent exactly set up to meet
they did awkwardly stand around before they left
I wonder if the reason we don't have an elephant operator yet is because they can't decide how an elephant kemonomimi should look.
Canonically every interaction between them ends with Red leaving unperturbed and Crownslayer pissing herself.
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Same energy.
That one was mtl early on. You know what is fake? Red being called Il Cacciatore.
It was more they glanced at each other and remained silent. They were there for other business and refused to acknowledge the existence of the other. That and it was much briefer than the posters made their supposed union seem.
Inb4 there is a medusa cutie under that mask
When did that happen?
It's a bear. Do you really think Ursus would trust a non-ursine scum to become an EB?
I think that happened around the time of Il Siracusano. Also the same time when the fake information about "green eyed hounds" from Columbia was posted.
would you fuck savage?
When a screencap about it and Columbia's Green Eyed Devils used to get posted around Il Siracusano's CN release.
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You guys weren't lying, that was a pain in the ass. I actually found a decent setup but he still nuked my ops by the end of Phase 2. Thankfully Arturia reminded him that he's an old fart and he wasted away before reaching the blue box. Probably skipping this EX boss again.
That's not true in the slightest
How the fuck is Harold, the old man who's a cripple and works as a medic, able to withstand Degenbrecher for long enough to exchange words?
Go back to your wife, Yucatan.
i like the getup
going in my rhodes uniform folder
How many do you have? Post some if you may.
He's got his goons helping him, it isn't a 1v1.
now that you mention it yeah
could totally pass as an elite op
To me it's even funnier because it sounds like he's just shouting at her from behind a wall of dudes. The injuries he took were from when she broke through, then he'd go behind another wall.
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not very many only six with the addition of lappland
also have Flametail, Mlynar, this one, exia, and maggie
His goons got shocked after one line of dialogue but Harold is somehow able to tough it out enough to have a full conversation? He even intercepted an attack which is Bullshit
I have this one by the same artist as the Lapp one.
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My soulmate...
I've seen the Flametail one. Mlynar though, that sounds interesting. Not sure if he'd look good in uniform.
Last one I have.
Vulcan have a hell of a time making those, I bet.
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>both AK and my side gacha release a cool male after months of women and twinks
Ulpipi...I'm gonna be bankrupted 6 months from now.
Do not fuck devils
So what was Gnosis' brilliant plan that would have kept the peace to where he felt entitled to calling Degenbrecher and Silvarash retards?
Hi Emily
Fuck off faggot
Thanks mate.
*furious paizuri*
Hello discord
This isn't a RI uniform
He literally said his only plan would be to sink the vickies into the lake with casters and snipers. It'd win them the battle but they'd get a war on their hands.
I'm talking about before with the Trilby Jobber
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So is Leto, you know... good? And will they ever replace Lappland in the 5* Lord department?
no and no
Nothing special, she can attack fast though
She sucks eggs
She's ok.
No, especially not after modules and HG being allergic to making GREAT 5* in the current year.
Make love to devils
>after months of women
that's bad?
God dammit.
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Buona notte.
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NTA but it's okay anon
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Too late
gn, lupo homie
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Sleep tight
Any news? Gamepress is kill so idk whats been happening in cn
Kazdel omnibus will be getting a PV this week, possibly tomorrow. That means new sarkaz 6* and 5*.
No nyews. CN is doing a rerun, we have Ray next
Two different flavors of murder kot.
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You have 30 seconds to find your wife here.
top left, took 5 seconds
It took me 2 seconds because I've seen this image before and already took the time to find my wife then.
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Damn bratty Wuh
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Bottom right
Congratulations, you get dreadnought Kal alt and Mon2tr as a 5*.
Lupoanons sure work fast.
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The MCs of the Hypergryph-verse.
Reed beside Aak.
Loughshinny at lower-middle-right.
Next to Kafka
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15 seconds for my second favorite
5 more for wife and 5 more for third favorite
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Hiding behind Croissant and Spot
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even with her whole family
5 to the left of Silverash
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*animalistic thrusting for 7 hours*
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Its just a fact of life
Vermeil was simply designed to take doctor cock
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Cute Doc.
File deleted.
Poor little fox can't handle the lupo style from Doc...
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Holy shit, Kent-sama came home for Vermeil's birthday.
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Bad crop
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I think we should get more browntail content
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Only a couple seconds.
Browntail sex
Sex with all Browntails
Wanna be Vermeil
he posted that art the moment the date flipped in his timezone iirc
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Almost went over, not really sure why I didn't start at the middle.
ALL of them?
To the left of Pallas.
2-3 secs
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you heard the man
all of them
I found the serval. We're good.
I'm more surprised that Silverash is bigger than all the main characters. I think he might even be the biggest in that pic unless we count Mountain's knucks.
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I can't find the montis...
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>images that will not age well as early as tonight
bruh bad timing to post that pic
I do not know about the sports, is there some joke about the oilers or something? Do they have a prairie dog as a mascot?
this is currently happening
there's no joke, people just put sports jerseys on random anime girls, /sp/ is full of them
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Fuck, me too. Nyosmyontis tyoo smol
Comforting Gravel with cuddles when her team is losing...
although Edmonton is in one of the "Prairie Provinces" of Canada so there's some basis here
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Fucking Gravel as a consequence of our friendly wager after her team loses...
People like putting characters in sportswear
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gods i wish to make gravel a mother
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I think she's behind someone since I can't either. Look at what they did to Snowsant
Why do Typhon's horns look tacked on? Is she a wannabe devil? Around here wannabe devils get full nelson'd, no question asked.
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Did the artist actually skip Rosmontis?
isnt it a headpiece from her deceased mom?
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I've looked it over 5 times now and still can't find her. Someone find her and put me out of my misery.
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>no bulge
I've gone over it many times, I keep finding characters I missed before but no sign of Montis. She might really be dead bros...
Looking for her too. My assumption would be either with Blaze or one of the other elites, so only Logos but no dice. Starting to wonder if the artist might've accidentally swapped visibility on her layer or something.
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goat milk goat milk goat milk
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Rosmontis... Forgotten...
There's more missing than just Rosmontis, like Mudrock
I dunno if im blind or if there just isnt a shaw in this image...
Since the Vermeil artist made new art of her, does anyone have the original art he made that got him in trouble with HG?
Mudrock and Rosmontis were probably on the same layer since they were released together. I don't see Whisperain either.
I found Shaw on the search for Montis. Keep looking, she's smol but she's there.
I have been looking for Mudrock because I thought if I could, I would see Kekmantis next to her...
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He never got in trouble with HG but you can find the porn on gelbooru
>Banner name is Forget Me Not
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Found her!
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There ya go. Now help me find anon's lost cat, jelly and rock devil.
bets on the summer alt that is unreasonably overpowered and will make people seethe for the next 12 months?
It's also worth noting that it's a work in progress. The last update with Walter and Theresa is from the 9th.
Surtr is also missing.
Lostmontis alter.
You can find the porn on rule34 and pahael. Gelbooru is missing a few.
>summer swimsuit montis
I feel like that could be dangerous
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I feel I can see where Forget me Not banner would go in the group, but odd choice on the order
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Alright yep, I'm convinced the artist just forgot some ops. Like the others said,


are all missing. Side note, Mousse and Gummy were just as painful to find as Shaw so maybe there's hope for Smolmontis.
Do yourself a kind favor and find Surtr, Rosmontis here. For they are all here.
>banner name is forget me not
>Rosmontis forgotten
Why tho
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>yuki spotted
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Swimsuit Sussuro and Myrtle crossed that line ages ago.
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I thought Vi^3 would be there for ex Astris since she is the app icon, even if we play as Yan. Hope to see more of Astero too
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This fox is trying to seduce me
Operators that would be dangerous in swimsuits?
Sussuro has some of the most degenerate Chink coomfics I have ever read. But at least the ones I read are not gory.
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you might be onto something here
requisitioned for dronemontis
The one I posted was the most up to date on Twitter, figured there was more on chink socials. Took me no time to find Whisperain.
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Good lord. Fat purple vulpos in swimsuits.....
Is Viviana's candle trust line actually intended to be a sex innuendo?
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Real answer? No
Was it intended to be able to be taken that way? Almost definitely.
Probably not but it certainly sounds like it
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There's innuendo in a lot of trust tap lines so don't read into it too much. I think Ambriel reminds herself to put up a do-not-disturb sign for the next time she and Doc hang out to watch a movie.
How the heck Indigo did her hair.
Someone stop Mudrock she's about to kill Montis!
yeah she puts up a do-not-disturb sign so she can watch a romance with doctor
Nyo, Rosmontis and Mudrock are frens
They're both quiet and autistic
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Would be cool if we knew. Wonder who taught her all those hair care skills.
That one is less innuendo and more just pick if you read it as rated G or rated R18
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Pumping Amiya's womb full of cum.
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Would you marry this mongoose?
This but ___
Lillia is one fine, too hot for her good, bitch
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Stop posting from doctors terminal amiya
Dr _
Thank you Toddi for carrying my sorry ass...
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26 seconds for reed
What's she worried about?
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she's a woman who knew what she wanted and that's hot af
But which Reed did you find?
I'm sorry Gravel but felines win again
Folinic's father could have been a good father to her. Too bad bro got killed too soon in her life.
He was probably breast fed by Lillia even...
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No. Fuck no.
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thats the daughter you are thinking of
The one to the right of humus
Then I found the reed next to aak. I was too blind...
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Confine and rape correct her
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good night bwo
I got a Pipi on SSS today
Other operators who would wear stirrups?
da fuk?
I want to smooch the green cat
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a good girl
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>give her a coomer design and skins
>but she is shit for gameplay
Why, HG?
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Rolling for Lee, got Penance instead, guess I'm a metakek now.
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She is pretty good for a 5* though
Next operator posted is wife.
HG budgets every operator with a triangle of
>For (you)
>Coom Value
>Meta value
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I already pulled it out...
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Is she really that bad?
Nyo, she's a hard hitting caster with a good CD mspd down aoe
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Easy. Top right, below Ray and to the left of Leizi
Indigo is better
There isn't a single bad Mystic Caster.
The bindslut that does no damage is better?
Binding up naked Indigo and leaving her in a seedy back alley...
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That's why we love Mumu. She hits all 3 criteria.
4* have a higher budget cause they don't sell and even then NL tuned down the for (you) stuff.
What the fuck guys I genuinely can't find my wife.
who's your wife, bro?
>For (you) 6/5
>Coom Value 1/5
>Meta value 3/5
Maybe she hasn't been released yet
no one asked
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She's good, especially in IS.
Didn't ask
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I asked. I care.
Guangmi why are you here?
Doc... don't cheat.
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I think she is cute
Just wish they held back a bit more with her
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Suzy run
Here >>483367472
>one of the worst 6*
>Spend a huge chunk of her event simping for Saria and Kristen
>Forgives the birdslut that tried to kill her and hoes on her friend
Held back a bit more with her what?
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Suzy row
Forget me not operators (and Surtr) weren't in that picture bwo
Did Namie draw this?
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>nori is based
>doesn't matter she's with doc now
>forgiveness is a sign of maturity and wisdom
Any other points you want to get countered on?
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held back a bit on how for (you) she is
i like her personality/design and her story meshed fairly well with doctors in LT in my opinion
yeah she simped for them originally but she also aknowledges she was a third wheel and ditches it, and her wanting to put shit behind her with ho'ol is actually a good point imo
nice bait.
jus' 'nother 'andom 'itter 'tist
That's some bullshit why not.
I genuinely don't know what you mean or implying.
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They likely fucked up the layer those 3 were on while making it. Follow the conversation from earlier
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drunk wolves...
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what the fuck is that dance
nearl is a goober
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Mumu's gameplay is pretty good
The art's fine
She has attachment issues cause her race is deaaaad you fucking bigot.
Her experience has helped her understand Ho'ol's desperate need. IIRC Warfarin and Kal lobotomize Ho'ol so she should just be a snuggly sex borb.

>The good news is that my lifespan will have me dying before you do.
>As for the bad news, your existence will be passed down through my bloodline, and you won't be able to escape.
My ass is prepared
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Dork behavior
I love it
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are dangerous
>The good news is that my lifespan will have me dying before you do.
Warfarin actually learns what causes that and fixes it in exchange for Snakebird memory magic/science
Literally solves like the most major issue for ho'ols race
Ho'ol's for (you)ness is still so weird.
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Queen serval tits.
You are going to be the middle part of an elf and snakebird sandwich doctor
>Literally solves like the most major issue for ho'ols race
Now that get to be sociopaths with extended lifespans and magical knowledge...
Good god, there's going to be hundreds of snekborbs swarming auntie warfarin for centuries
Schizo wife
I love her
She is a historian, still, and has a fetish for old things.
Doc is probably the oldest thing she will ever find.
Kal'tsit can breed them. Look how well Heidi turned out
Calling Doc old is bullshit and we both know it
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Best wife. Only wife.
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Eh, Doc is a relic.
Wait, is Harold weaker in EX-8 or did a wiki editor have a stroke while writing?
yeah you right
doc is fucking ancient

Arknights wife for this feel?
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Ho'ol or W
read ability descriptions, especially second phase
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Hell yeah
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I wanna fuck Amiya.
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Just get agneses permission first doc...
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I guess the map will accommodate for that.
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I think there are way more heaters?
I want to ___ with ___
Cuddle with Asky...
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make small Lapplands
Where? What did he write?
>we got dungeon meshi
>not frieren
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smooch with Harmonie!
frieren is only good for porn of the fat purple haired bitch
dungeon meshi is a better series
Frierenfags would just complain about powerlevels
Kiss Indigo's baby with Indigo
I don't watch anime anymore so I'm just happy to get free pulls during collabs.
Marcille is wayyyyyyyyy cuter.
Dungeon Meshi is better
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Who's better as a basic 4-star sniper for IS, Jessica, Meteor, or Vermeil? I have them leveled a little each but need to decide on one to max out first.
May and Meteor
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The most smoochable cat of all...
Damn they emptied stretched the budget for W'altah then.
I wish Frieren was never turned into an anime.
Ambriel, followed by May
vermeil is cuter
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Small Lappies?
All in on meta bby
W is for Amiya
Amiya is for (Me)
Therefore compromise with a threesome
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Walter is for Theresa
Am I supposed to be using 4*'s in IS?
>male bearded Gummy as a teaser operator
>Both dupes

I don't know if I should be happy or angry.
some of them are useful
click is good for fucking up the duck lord, probably some of the 4* snipers are useful, jaye is usable
max all your 3*s and cope
>2 6*s in one tenner
>"grrr curse my shitty luck"
I will kill you with my farts
I need so so many fucking orirock bruh, when's the next event that drop em? I know texas rerun had it but I was busy spamming the alloy farm stage instead, which got me just barely enough to last for the next six month anyway.
How about you hotbox yourself
Farm 1-7.
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Back to the 1-7 grind doctor.
Could Mostima beat Frieren?
You have no idea how many jims I went through.
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Mostima can suck my cock better since she can do infinite sucks a second
Bro...your Shu funds...
What the fuck is the intended way to fight the second IS4 boss? There has to be something that I'm missing here they can't really be expecting you to have 4 units capable of hard stalling him
Say nyo again and see what happens
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This week's annihilation missions + next week's gives 4000 and the weekly + dailies give 2300 together so that's 6300, or 10 pulls. The event store itself gives 3 permits and you can buy more from the store for green certs. Once July comes around, the store will reset so that's another few, let's say total 10 permits if you combine all of these. That comes to around 20 pulls. You'd be better off farming side stories to get OP's to convert if you really wanted her and had nothing else.
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Meta does not matter.
Danmeshi was actually good and there's no reason we wont get Frieren in 2025
Bro...your Ascalon funds...
But is she good at it?
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I like emotionful elf like Marcille more than emotionless elf like Frieren
She hasn't resumed time yet so I don't know
I don't have May and all of you gave me different answers so I'm still unsure....
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It's over......
The only sarkaz I like is named Ifrit. Everyone else can suck a dick.
Sarkaz sucking dick...
Meteor she gets good anti-air and the def debuff utility. May is also passable if you get her from recruitment. Good damage and stun/slow utility.
Don't use Vermeil. Her damage and max hp is low so she regularly has problems. She's also expensive since the multi-shot's damage is low so you end up having to m6 for a sniper that's worse than May in both damage and utility.

Ambriel is a deadeye and mostly for global range abuse. She isn't for sniping drones.
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Yeah, mine
Shit taste
Have someone with a healer block him at spawn while you deal with the rest of the map and then kill him slowly while you prepare people to block him after each dash.
He only dashes when you deplete enough HP so you can simply stall him at the top left until every other enemy is dead, redeploy, then leapfrog two sets of ops.

Imagine the friction taking effect and exploding your dick into gibs

Snek talent pot helps
I'm so happy that Paprika has an artist who often draws her
There's also the EX part of the current event, right? Or will that unlock after her banner ends?
reed alter s2 or s3
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the ONLY?
Meteor is built to dab on fliers which wildly swings in usefulness between versions and the armor shred makes her still contribute against bosses. Kot is the most generally useful if you want them to damage to everything. Vermeil is a shit.
That explains the whole Ambusher class
There's a time stop of Doc and Mostima double teaming Fia out there (not futa)
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Dr. k...
Nah, he's right. Frieren is a fucking bitch.
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Say something nice to Ceobe!
Nyoposting is cute! And you're cute if you do it!
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I want to watch Amiya and Rosmontis masturbate together.
Ascalon is vr vr strong! Core for relicless a15 and as good a pick as Ela! Stop this slander! She just reruns!
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>t. 45 y.o sweaty guy
ceobe is nonbinary pog
Yeah I'm not clicking any of those
There's literally only 1 bad ambusher.
if your dick looks like this see a doctor IMMEDIATELY
More female elf operator doko? We need choco elf badly.
Never happening because originium kills them in seconds when they breath
As if Ceobe had the mental capacity to know what those words even mean.
s3 if you only use one. s2 is crazy good if you sandwich
Yea the EX stages should unlock during the event. The OP's from the event will help but it'll take 34 to convert into 10 pulls. The event with all it's challenge stages gives 28 total.
Fuck that. Give me an egyptian motif choco jackal drawn by Hot Spring Melon.
Why do people act as if Doc having a hand in creating originium is a bad thing again?
They all become bubbles in the end according to Muelsyse IS4 lore. It will never happen.
Jessica jobs to may which he should get within a month of recruitment/gacha anyway. He'll get her before he finishes with Meteor

Kirara's the only "bad" one and you can still use her fine for a number of things
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Weren't you a Chloefag, you fag?
For me, it's Etolinde.
Good call it's just ugly slop dicks

Post your tuye.
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>not picking the angel with the fat ass
I'm an Ochlysfag
Okay thanks. I think I'll go with Meteor first for the anti-air. Vermeil is cuter but it sounds like she isn't worth leveling right now.
>taking a yurishit as a wife
Good thing we don't have any Virginiafags here...
>Slut is only wearing bloomers
I Nyopost, I nyleave.
I love my cute e2 70 mod3 m6 vermeil but bless her heart as soon as there's an hp check from split-target/splash/global aoe she's the first to die.
How many LMD has Bison spent on condoms fucking the penguin girls?
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Based, I really love elves that look like Muelsyse
as much as you
Don't compare my Etolinde to Muelshit you piece of shit.
>Unicorn zoomers, Frierencoomers, and Meshi shitters shitting up the thread with their garbage elves
>bison fucking the penguin girls
Bison was built to take it in the ass anon
Those lesbians wouldn't fuck him. Also >>483377575
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Excuse me, but Bison is property of Swire.
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This is bisons fate anon
Did Chloefag die?
Im gonna make bison my woman
These need not be mutually exclusive.
My wife because she's cool and strong and timid and cute but fiesty and I love I love I love I love I love I love I love
Bison taking away all of Doctor's women and making them his bitches
Inescapable fate
I dont think the penguin girls need condoms to fuck bison with a strapon...
Two giga sluts and a virgin...
Bison is my woman
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Don't worry, I will take Reed's virginity.
So how strong are Trillby Ashers anyway? I get the feeling that they’re fairly strong but more in terms of tactics stealth and evasion. Wouldn’t they get their asses handed to them if they went up against other nations’ elite troops?
What's the optimal starting team in IS 4?
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My wife because I find her wanting to live her life to the fullest is endearing and I want her to have a happy ending.
Feeling Bison's prostrate throbbing as he cums in my wife while I soak my dick in his ass...
Bagpipi holding Chen in a standing full nelson while Reed creates an heir
they lost to Ascalon, that should be sufficient information
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How much longer do I have to save up for Ela? I'm fucked if I don't whale aren't I?
>shitposter tries to cuckpost with bison
>anons would rather fuck bison
reminds me of that one time with mizuki honestly
that was a lot of homoposters...
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Ceobe because she's cool and strong and retarded and cute but retarded and I love I love I love I love I love I love I love
Aacalon has Three Outstanding stats!
If my understanding is correct, the steam knights formerly were Victoria's giganiggas. The trillby's were created as Caster's pet cucks for the intent of running around and blowing things up and assassinating key opponents. It's not intended for symmetrical warfare
Mumu spends a lot of time on the internet
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essentially this
the only reason the steamknights got btfo was because they got betrayed by the victorian nobles
Literally why did you roll you fucktard? You have roughly 3 months. You'll make it but you flat out can't roll on Shu period. Keep the orundum lotto rolls.
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Blemishine because she's perfect
>Takes no shit
>Isn't full of herself
>Thankful and understanding of others sacrifices
>Puts in boundless effort
RA2 comes with Shu? Or later?
Another pipi to the slaughter...
>Trapped in a cage
>So filthy it needed cleansing
Deep concern
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*lapps seductively*
I think Mizuki is weird for NTR, he's a little jellyfish boy/girl/hideyoshi
Bison fits much better because he's a literal bull
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I wanted gote. To be honest I don't really care about Shu so I'm perfectly fine with that. Ela is only 150 rolls to spark right? If I'm not bad at basic math I'm already at 75 I think.
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am i fucked for walter
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Blove (Blaze love)!
I think RA2 was later but oh well
Both are fucking garbage for incels afraid of real men T B H
literal bull that looks like he masturbates with his ass and moans like a girl
Guys my new operator won't shut up about macroeconomics
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Its the counter response to Mizuki being built for bitchgasming while bouncing on the Dock
Not garbage as characters but garbage as in "holy shit this is cringe and ooc"
You'll get Ela from the first pull, King.
Bottom middle took five seconds
God I wish, my luck is nowhere near that good though.
God, I love Reed so much,.
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wheres the incest option

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