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>Newbro guide


>Yuppieraids guide

>New Moon Luna Preview
[YouTube] New Moon Luna | Preview (embed)

>6/20 (Thu) Update https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10233419?boardKey=986

>Increased Rates
Immortal Wukong & Ruyi Jingu Bang 6/20 ~ 7/4
Bellona & Iron Fan 6/20 ~ 6/27

>Mystic Summon
AYufine, BM Haste, Sage Vivian, FCC ~ end in 13 days

>/e7g/ Guilds
Pantsu, Lucklets, Cope, Partyvan, Netori (Make sure to include /e7g/ in your greeting)

Previous: >>483054069
>you don't gain points for arena rank and you get half the progress on the battlepass per battle
you didn't get rank points when flag dumping before either and battle pass progress is capped to 50 (10 npc flags) per day, why can't we just auto 10 npc battles is beyond me
You can do 10, it's part of the monthly $5 now
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>What was the point of-
welcome back yuppiebro
now you can dump your flags into npcs to get those
Flag dumping wasn't for that the fuck? You're literally losing out on flags to use when you stockpile so it's less points
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>You're literally losing out on flags to use when you stockpile so it's less points
erm you just pointed out the reason you flag dump fucking retard
In starting to think you're retarded and don't know what flag dump is
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erm whatve you ever thought that you are the retard
i love kronii
bros if I click arena right now, will 10,000 homos attack me
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What's up party house rockers in the house tonight
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bros am I the only person bumping this bread?
yes you tranny, just let it die already
Anybody have that rabi standing over a dead Paimon with a knife?
no but I have the dead rabi
i never really gave a shit about climbing in bot arena and i was just chilling in champ, but now that i have to, wtf are these cancer teams? why does blonde hair homo stun/def break my whole team while ingoring er and this black hair homo just one shots my team? all these fags constantly crying about candy/ayufine when they were never at this level of cancer to deal with, and don't let me get started on the shota vamp (his counter rate has got to be super bugged there is no way it's "30%" when he counters every time i hit him)
ML Politis existing means your entire fucking team is forced to be cleaving because otherwise you'll get obliterated by ATywin def breaking you
erm laia exist
>gets pushed back
Nice unit
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Just get rid of this
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erm I already lost 400 points eithout playing
I hate this new Arena system. I immediately have been saturated with attacks and don't have enough flags to defend myself. I'm just going to go rot in Gold and kiss the Champion+ Skystones weekly goodbye. It's not worth the time investment from me anymore.
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Why the league system is so punishing?
dios mio huemonkey
arena todos los dias
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I dont get why these fucking pussies are complaining, everyday you get 24 + 5 flags, you can just dump into bot arena for 145 exp everyday
they want to eos this game so hard with these dogshit changes.
you get 50 exp max daily on your pvp pass retardbwo
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so that makes people look even more retarded, you can dump the 5 + 5 when you login everyday into bot arena without even touching pvp arena
umm bwo I'll kick you out of gold
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CG sets are trash
make a real doujin or dont make anything at all
That shit was obvious when he said he didn't like roana
it's over this retarded ape is broken too.
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oh another homo thats insanely overpowered and busted? colored me shocked
wow bros super tank build anti pen anti crit anti suck my dick also does insane damage on even lower cooldown than cuck senya woohooooooooo
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this arena update was very deliberately constructed to make arena a far more active and daily activity for players with this new system you have to play nearly every day if you want to get max rank and the gear rewards you're discouraged from doing NPCs battles heavily as they not only offer half exp, they offer no extra skystones and you can't auto-clear them for some reason
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bros canna has a e6s5 female ras, is he /ourguy/
So, the developers completely killed the desire to play from such seals like me, who were sitting quietly in Champ V and everything suited them, but at the same time, they gave nothing to those who were at the top of the Arena rating.
And people will still say males are underpowered
>albedo is s-s-shit, b-b-bronzie
i just wait till sunday night to go into arena and do a couple matches to stay in champ v
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ermbro is there anything similar to the netorase linked in the last bread https://mangadex.org/title/90733c69-f962-4001-8724-a080e87e3a25/linda
welcome back eulagro, we all thought you overdosed
5 Centimeters per Second
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this game is too ez
that 1's just realistic tho. barely any childhood sweethearts make it to adulthood still loving each other especially if they go no-contact.
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lemeow what a pussy ass bitch
now that all the gold players have been exposed when is the superguild champ+ merge happening?
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my friend ceci
>read it
lmao is this how author's childhood went
We just need wait for the tryhards to climb to emperor and then we can go back to comfy camping in champ.
I dont even remeber having a female friend when I was a kid....
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i didnt even know safeway could give you meth
erm of coarse they got to carry it, how are they going to compete with the independent molagora dealers on every block
38 days to complete the arena pass? pretty good
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this a good idea bwos
wat is this piece of doodoo gear
yea spilling boobs senya seems pretty good for quick skip arena
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bwo it would be my best support gs hp chest
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>this is luckletleader's actual rank
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None of the e7g guild leaders actually play the game.
When was the last time we got a waifu that's not a support?
when was the last time we epic rised....
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2 spots in netori
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Goodnight gamers
When they released fire Lidica.
babro its 7pm
Uh oh reddit seems not liking the new Arena changes...
>reddit melty
its actually over
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e7g for this feel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZjBnnE8RXw&ab_channel=Backups
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>leave my auto labby bot on
>get enough powder to +15 8 pieces of gear
erm why isnt everyone doing this?
bwos she has a cute gyaru voice
You're still baiting?
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she's so cute gros
bwos lunale said he dropped 1600 for the lethe event to get a 330 ran
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tick tock jenakek
wait where is my gold from hall of trials? it says in "maintenance" when i click it, i need my million gold sg i'm broke af....
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death to all epic shit streamers
I don't play this game anymore can someone post what ML Senya looks like
Total chinaman death
fuck off rabibro
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there ya go bro
im surprised hes even still considered a e7 streamer still. whenever i see him streaming hes just losing in DOTA
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bro even if you missed ml senya you can still come back for ml luna
goodnight bro
bros if you want to keep a high rank in arena do not enter until a few more days have passed
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Why is that?
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you're leaving skystones on the table if you dont arena on cooldown all week
Right now everyone is climbing so you'll get attacked but if you wait a few days people will have gotten to higher ranks and they will no longer be able to attack you
as you did since the release of the game?
erm u get 150 skystones by doing 45 bot arenas
why are her boobers so big
trying to appeal to the nikke fan base
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>e7 players be like
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I like boobs
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>even lagari's wife is passing jena
its over for that white man
she looks like a zero damage debuffer
And he is a fat retarded chink whos voice literally dries up every pussy he has ever come close to so what?
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>im surprised hes even still considered a e7 streamer still
He's an E7 jewtuber
he gets 100k views per e7 video bwo
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bwos is unicorn overload a good game to take a break from e7
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is that fluri wtffff
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and lidica
epic eight looks like THIS?!
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i did it bros i have the flags to go to emperor but not sure if i'll do it
is the arena pass really free, you retards told me it was a paid pass
go back
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its the new era bro, check the episode 5 final boss
please join netori
>certain units have special voicelines
Too bad I have character voices on perma mute
>another waifu debuffer
make it stop please!!!
How the fuck do I even use ML Luna without Eda, are there any units like her who self push when an ally uses a non-attack?
Mudwig? technically you have to soulburn though
use ml roana
kill yourself dramanigger that's not even related to epic shit
I don't have that homo because I was saving up for ML Luna for all this time
See above
Why yall niggas not happy hahaha
being a pedo in 2024 does not look good bwos ,remember when Michael Jackson was allegedly a pedo, no one cared
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Allegedly, everyone including the supposed victims denied it
MJ got slandered so hard
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I'm not happy because i only get PURPLE in this fucking Rift
What's this thread about
>even til this day by e7g
mostly about BA enjoyers
He (Barely) Put It In Without A Condom.
yooo are you saying that.... yooooo wtffffffff
I reached that too and then got my ass jumped by like 10+ people and dropped back down to Challenger I
I told you to not get tricked by riftniggers and go hard on lethe and overlord...
aieeee bros the homos are attacking me make it stop
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its not regular maintenance bro, the servers will still work just avoid doing gw during that time period, they are changing the arena quick battle button

i told you to wait a few days before claiming the arena rewards bro...
erm the battle pass exp is limited per day, are you trying to brick my battle pass progress bro
why do I have to fight for my life to keep my champ V rank now I'm getting attacked nonstop aiiieeeeee
do epic shitters really?
nyes [you only need rank 34 for the neck gro surely starting two days late will not brick it that hard/spoiler]
bwos girls won't even look at you unless you make at least 120k~ per year now
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
about what gwo?
ba sluts are good
My cums gonna run down your chin retard
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whats a retador?
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check this shit out rabi finally won
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lets go
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im rifting so hard rn
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please join netori
whats your team bro
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It's been over 5 fucking years, how long are they going to keep blueballing us with this beyond timegated arena story?

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maybe after episode 5 bro
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epic kino for this feel?
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goodnight bros
what is it dwo
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Night bro, sleep well
do these not give skystones anymore? what are they for now?
coping while getting demoted to gold
Those battles counts towards the free battle pass and the weekly milestone rewards (15 battles equal 50 skystones) so if you cant be arsed to do battle against reall opponents you'll get 150 skystones a week just by going NPC battles, altough they give half the amount of exp for the battle pass, this is balanced as there is an exp cap of 50 per day altough we''ll have to wait for the math to see if you can complete the battle pass with only npc battles (the battle pass is free btw and there is no premium version) it also has the slate at 22 and you''ll get the arena gear that usually was on the shop for free
khm is streaming tankdown bros
so i can spend my arena coins on charms now? epic generous
bros if i were stuck in a time loop i would rape
uhh ok
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bwo dont do it... is fine to seduce but dont rape...
the karma tribulation system will punish you if you fall into rape madness...
erm it's not forced if you master hypnosis
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So...what's the e7g consensus on the new arena system? It's bad like reddit said?
havent played yet it but its automatically worse if i have to play epic shit more
I hate the change but only because they put effort into something that no one asked for without adding the one feature that is the most requested. Let people watch how their defense performed.

in reality its probably a sidegrade.
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epic shit
I think the issue it that the negative outeweights th positives like the battle pass and the weekly milestones because they are trying to make you play more bot arena and everyone hate bot arena, specially on the current meta, at least you were not forced to play at all on the old system, this system can be fine if they go remove seasonal demotions or buff the skystones you get for finishing on challenger and just let champ+ be sweaty as fuck, maybe add it so you only lose poins on defense loses if you are above challenger 4 and thats it
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what does jena say about the new arena system?
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rabibros stay winning
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this decade old game has better live2d than epic shit
maybe if gooks focused on actual improvements that people want instead of making gookgrind worse then we wouldnt have the current garbage arena.
First of all, that's 3D. Second, epic seven doesn't care about characters so much that it actually doesn't have live2d, just animated sprites. Live2d would imply that it reacts to touch
if you want live 3d then just play outershit
It's over for epic shit
Okay.....now show it's gameplay and skill animation
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please join netori
>you only get 2 crests for losing quickmatch
huh? it used to be 3 for losses, no?
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Do NOT browse r/epicseven right now.....the amount of doompostings are tremendous....
>can't buy the piece I want on demand
>have to grind through shitpass instead
It's garbage.
at least now you''ll conquest point will direclty towards charms bro, the question is how long will season last and how many days can skip and complete the pass if you only do the npc battles
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Lin You
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kys niggers with ur forced arena shit
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stop playing pvp game then retards go play pve only shit, the arena change is the right direction
rip bro, i think it should calm itself down after a week, everyone has hundred of flags to burn now
is this what death of e7 looks like..?
it depends on how they fix it
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Rabis Never Die
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good morning
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Love Emilia
i really hope they nerf the exp required for the pass, i dont really want to grind even if its free
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imagine if juna kim gave naked dogeza apology haha...
morning bwo
i salute the rabi
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i saved 190 flags to try to hit emperor but i give up bros, furthest i got was champ 4 5317 points and hovering around rank 103-120 in overall ranks, i still have 60 flags left but i dont think its gonna be enough
elvemage is streaming
so you're the reason i'm in challenger ii
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Kronii is love Kronii is life
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Join Netori
i salute the rabi
yep thats 100% of all my bot arena comps now, fuck this homoge
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hey bros wanna hear a really fucking funny joke?
defense scaling units
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give me ONE(1) FUCKING REASON not to leave netori
your netoribros...
just need to give them a passive 50% damage limit and we will see who will be the last one laughing
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Give me one reason why I shouldn't quit this P2W garbage game.
i cant so take me with you
I can't, Uma is coming we are all jumping ship
Arena should've stayed as a dead game mode.
the changes are purely to fuck the F2Poors, yunakim only wants the whale audience
>nooo, i want pvp rewards without playing pvp
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Thoughts about new arena? I kinda liked this changes, now we can burn our arena tickets faster against NPC for arena currency since they wont go on cooldown

Some people may thing its annoying to need to reach higher arena rank now to get the same amount of crystals, unless reaching legend where is you see the extra crystals from this changes... I... dont really have an opinion here, I would feel annoyed, but I dont have the right to complain about that since it doesnt affect me.
correct, its been like that for 6 years
lets be fucking honest
the new arena changes would be amazing if it wasnt for the worst homo defense meta in the history of epic shit
ignoring ER and ignoring Def without the requirement for player input soul burn is fair and balanced what do you mean every team is the same garbage?
the only thing i liked about the arena changes is the fact that after 5 years they finally removed the NPC dialogues
erm i like it, i can spp jenua cleave everything, low rng and fast matches unlike the retarded candy/ayuppie/belian defenses you needed to slowly slog through a few months ago
worst so far you mean
because it'll get worse than this guaranteed
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we need you more than ever
your bros
Harsetti, ml alencia, ml ilynav and young senya are coming bro
make loli senya a lhc type dps that scales with def and give her a passive that doesn't allow the enemy to ignore my ER and my def that's the only way i will return to epic shit because i quit today
cunny senya will be a useless 3* rgb soulweaver lets not kid ourselves
the ai doomposting was getting stale, this new update doomposting is much better
unironically this, she will 100% be a gag character like kizuna ai
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Ceci in E7 when
ml haste should be nerfed
you cant fool me reposter bro, thats from stove
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what is it bro?
who the fuck is wu chen
literally me bwo
hey bwo
We already have a Ceci that is superior in every way.
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i think it would be cool if she was ranger and her attacks used alencia in dragon form
give me ONE fucking reason to hate netori
llewdd's treatment
there is none
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for me its casual Kluri
>ml ilynav
She is fucking ugly gro, her normal version looks infinitely better.
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bro that is the NPC or moonlight theater version, the final version will be even better, the same thing happen with ml luna
what if they have penetration resistance like wu kong, i think a defense scaling speciatly changed unit that has penetration resistance on its runes will be the ultimate turn 2 bruiser sa you can't seal runes
its a pokemon
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>the same thing happen with ml luna
does that include the 2 years wait time?
hopefully not , altough i could use with a small break and some safe to skip ml5 to build my stash
homos would go crazy
How exactly is homonkey supposed to counter jenua? He just explodes.
50/50 coin toss on crit resist and pray you can tank with pen resist
haha just seal the monkey
what have you been doing for the past half a year? all the ml5s were safe to skip
I don't know bro, I haven't used him outside of the rift.
>dk sharun
biggest homo killer
most meta defining hero in years
>selector in the middle
Do I do it?
>zero damage
>zero bulk
>zero speed
>slow, with no damage and no bulk
Wait I just realized I have no critdmg ffs
its not awakened yet you dummies
When's the next buff patch?
stop being a metanigger
use destruction set instead bwo
i think its this friday or the next
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which girl looks like e7g?
this vtranny lucklets shilling has to be a netori psyop to make everyone hate lucklets
and its working out
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please join lucklets
What's netori's vtuber mascot?
kronii obviously
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Ermmm Kronii belongs to Pantsu, sorry.
ive checked the misc category for the first time and its crazy how much bbc netorase chinks and seanigs pump out
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Bros leddit is seething about the new arena changes because... they actually have to play the game now and can't camp in chall/champ 5
>doing gookgrind chores is le gameplay
kill yourself
>reddit seething about arena
>e7g seething about arena
wait, don't tell me...
>doing le gook chores le good when it's a sidegrade that doesn't give you anything new
thanks bro I want to spend more time on e7 doing things that aren't grinding for gear!!
you get to buy more charms
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PvP game, retards. If you consider it a "chore" then quit. Players abused the old system for years to get free skystones without any effort. Now you have to earn them by being active and *gasp* playing the game! And if you can't reach your old rank then you didn't deserve it in the first place, bronzie.
rta >>> ai poopsocking arena
let me waste my time there
weak bait retard
nobody is stopping you if you want to slave away for pennies
>use my daily auto battle attacks
>back to the champ
>almost never attacked back and the few attacks are people inting
same shit, different day
don't come to the arena tomorrow, i will be climbing
I'm this close to uninstalling and I'm only staying to wait for ML Luna, fucking nigger
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Same here bro.
I'm probably uninstalling right after I get ML Luna and gear her. I've waited too long to quit right before she is released.
umm bros stayyyyyy
are there really masters RTA players who can't climb 200 points back into champ 5? how do you get your masters, play 300 games with 30% WR?
bro they may fix it and now you get 150 skystones every week and dont have to do npc battles every day
New non dps support waifu when? cause we don't have enough of them....
bro ithose posts are bait so you get mad and quit
well it's working
send the trucks or i quit
>check https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/
>last one was shalltear but she turned out very mid. basically same niche as lpk
and then... it just goes back and back to 2023... fucking nhomoturd game
bro i do think the new arena is shit but its not as bad as you may think, there is no longer weekly resets and reaelistically as soon as people figure some quick play teams you'll no longer have to even play to climb back after season resets, sure it sucks losing some skystones if you were in champ but it compensates it with the new weekly rewards, specially if you were not doing all the npc fights in cooldown, challenger income is still 600+ aand you'll get 150 from weekly rewards easily even if you just do quick play on the npc so you areo nly losing 60 skystones
What grind? I played 15 matches to get back to champ and now i'm enjoying my weekly skystones without anyone bothering me
Methinks people who have no problems are all SPP Jenua users
I don't have either of them.
aria roana auto wins
i was right in saying only SG can kill epic shit
homos are very pleased with this update

50/50 death to jamal
We switching to horses very soon
When is the e7wc?
very stupid decisions and now we enter very competitive gacha summer
expect 50% playerbase shrink
>i know you don't want to drink gook cum but i promise you'll get used to the taste
the absolute state of slurpers
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e7 for this feel?
What's the pattern bwo?
And it works but she's not going to be meta and I'm not going to spend money on her
i dont get it
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>it works
>I'm not pulling tho
I rather spend on more Firefly copies
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Ever since I began playing R1999, I've started to feel that these coomer designs are disgusting desu.
stay gay and away
what the FUCK i knew r1999 was made for homos, glad i skipped it
Nah, R1999 is honesly just soulful as fuck.
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FUUUUUU why couldn't this be hp% neck
Reminder that no matter how bad the gook grind gets you are here FOREVER. you said you would quit numerous times and yet you are still here because you are a weak sorry excuse of a man
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I'll never quit as long as I have my netoribros
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congrats bro
I think it would be for the best if e7g distanced itself from this toxic bitch
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Buy an ad
the character design for R1999 is incredibly soulful. Its a shame the game is boring. There was no PVP either when i played and it felt like i was hitting the paywall.
Also all of the interesting character designs aren't 6*s. Pic related and Bed-ridden sick girl were my favorite characters.
Who cares about all those putas the PC is sex-tier and no other girl comes close
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Goodnight gamers
holy boobers
donate 100 usd saying epic boobers for an epic kronii melty
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>new summer hero and event revealed tonight
>zero hype
wtf bros why aren't you excited?!
already spent all my monthly dopamine on holojustice
only thing we are getting this week is the moonlight theatre and new coin shop rotation
also homo overbuff notes
ML Roana on coin shop please
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Why are we in page 8....? Where are the bumpers...?
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What sort of retard made this? AI?
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collab when?
is it safe to enter the arena yet?
i would wait until one more day or at least until asian hours are over bro
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goodnight babro, sleep well
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owaria da....
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please join netori
What reason is there to ever be hyped for epic SHIT? It's the same old cycle of release new char > pull it > still bored of same old gookgrind pvp
please disband netori
i hope ml choux or ml haste are on the coin shop rotation bros, i have been sitting at 80+ coin for a year at this point
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Why didn't you spend it? Are you seriously telling me you are a metanigger?
bro having strong meta picks allow you to play more niche picks on the rest of your team, they are power multipliers and can create fun team comps sometimes its not about the unit itself but the units it enables
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bro thats really good for ran
I think its start next month as preliminaries are almost done
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i should have not claim my arena rewards on monday...
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bros polish food is so good
i have never gotten polish food bro, shill it to me
It's over for E7. The old king of rta is back. Yeonhee sex.
bro if anything that looks like the hundred different mobile mmos ragnarok releases every year
Zoomer put some respect on the OG gook pvp god game
Polish Sausages are top tier
nice updates. another dead week.
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New Summer units and anniversary soon bro
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>no ml choux or ml haste on the new coin shop rotation
next time for sure
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we got the new rift and challenging hall of trials last week bro its just that hall of trials is having some issues
ml ilynav doko
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new ml theater about ml luna,fceci and ml yuffine and no maintenance
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Night bros
Uhmmm where's the balance patch notes
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goodnight bro, sleep well
those happen on friday's
evens - eat healthy and spare saved money on furina
odds - pig out on takeaway
enjoy your healthy meal bwi
now you have to buy e7 packs RETARD
later bro
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khm is streaming tankdown bros
wtf he is rank 1? is this finally gonna be his season?
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what happens to defense units now that almost every new unit has some sort of ignore defense

a lot of new heros have some form of ignore defense.

smilegate has only been releasing atk or hp scaling units recently and no defense scaling in a long time

is there even any hope for defense scalers
lol no
hes always top 1 until the last 2 weeks when actual good players start playing and he gets his ass handed to him by cleavegods
wtf why does anyone even watch this loser who can't speak english then?
he is cool bro
Turn2cucks that play the same cuck playstyle
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because these fr*nch freaks love to stick together
cute doll would fug
holy kino
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join netori
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me omw to job(I haven't learned from my mistakes)
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will e7 summer burqas compete with this?
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ML Luna will lead us to the glory rise, trust the plan bros
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>seapoli/jenua/mltywin in every arena defense
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whats the appeal? are you saying thats better than this?
We'll figure out a way to beat it bro
>wukong anti-crit fails
>fucking dead
Jenua wins again
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bwo you're getting cucked by a fat fuck...
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bwos nikg is cuckposting the collab
reminds me of glorious e7g times...
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It's so over for nikkers.
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join netori
gays are welcome in fact we're about to celebrate Pride Month this weekend in the FC
WTF my guild leader banned us from mention anything about Pride Month...I guess I choose the wrong guild...
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today i did not job
we have a weekly penis inspection btw
>fat fuck
ermmm thats me
i cant deal with that either bro
well done kotbro
doesn't he have anti pen too?
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please join netori
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>use spoli jenua bsenya bhaste
>win anyways even on quick battle
is that real?
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lmao cucknale got banned from e7wc qualifiers
aithercuck next
maybe they got mass reported bro, unless they were cheating i doubt they will remain bannedd
Love the clock
good morning
love the clock
>unless they were cheating
yes, both niggers are piloting $100k+ accounts they got from other people
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you love to see it, this is like the equivalent of getting a ML5 on covenants.
uhh clock milk
wtf how
grats bro
>half of global qualifiers are seanig pags playing on accounts of their rich overlords
so just like every e7wc qualifier in the past
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>4 days of free unequip

>gooks on arca compiled a public shame list of global cheaters
>smilegate is acting on it
holy fucking based
the seanig fears the gook
big if true
clock milk
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I'd compile a public shame list of netori jobbers if I weren't one
shorter list if you make it for the non-jobbers...
i literally dont know. i can assume draws = victory in quick battle, but how did we draw? none of us have any DOT effects that would proc if i was attacked and we both died which begs the question, how the fuck did we draw lol
>none of us have any DOT effects
jenua splash into adin counter you retard
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sup BAbro
>congratulations on joining Netori, anon
>let's conduct a skill granting ceremony before assigning you to guild wars. surely someone of your level will be bestowed a magnificent skill and contribute to the guild!
>lets see lets see, your skill is... [Jobbing]..?
and then i woke up
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jobbing is not a skill, its a way of life
hey babro, hope you have been well
stop being mean to my bros...
make you dreams come true, join netori today
i don't get it, did they make shit up or do they have solid proof
its public knowledge you moron
i think ab is the only that hasnt publicly streamed his shared account footage like all the other morons but its 100% confirmed he's piloting the current #1 global account
wtf bros, I was rooting for lunale and ab
is light still in?
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gooks are out for blood, get fucked seanigs
is Chakey also on the list nyooo
he's like the main suspect with most evidence piled against him
retarded seanig kept piloting accounts
>/ourgweilo/ poopest still safe
its over for chinkoids
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Arena changes are, as a whole, a step in the right direction. The new change encourages people to play the game, which is definitely a positive change. You can now get most/all of the rewards simply by playing a few games a day (regardless u win or lose), and use the crests to buy charms.

The skystones from NPC is converted to 50 every 15 games. Not gonna do the math but by guesstimation I doubt it is a material decrease (if any).

For too long this mode has been neglected as a "just reach champ and afk" mode. Reaching a certain rank and just basically neglecting the mode as a whole doesn't really make sense. Pvp is supposed to be competitive.
Damn, epic shit esports is serious business.
it's still a "just reach champ and afk" mode
I want to impregnate this semen demon
are we winning?
bro chakey its not from sea, he is from TW fand a ormer sc2 pro
now that i read more about the new bot arena mod, i thinking its more of an over all improvement
That's a child
out of 10!
why bro?
you no longer need CQ for arena gear, you just need to spend 5 flags or 10 flags on npcs to get all the rewards from the battle pass
your rank dont decrease every week, only when the season ends
it probably sucks for the lazy ppl that dont even want to touch arena tho, but i always use all my flags on the NPCs so its a good change for me.
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they also moved the slate, i think it comes down to how hard is to max the pass every season, hope you can still get most of it even if you only play 4-5 days every week
vikchun is streaming
it takes 38 days to max it and an arena season is 4-6 months long
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my new and improved daughter
I have lewd thoughts about your daughter bro
what does artifact do
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it's a symbol for knights bro
>using homo artifact
you dont deserve your daughter
i see bro, is that more damage than the buffed flag?
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>got attack 17 times last night
get pregnant
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e7s for this feel?
I don't think so but I don't have a mlb flag and when I get it I'm probably giving it to rabi
hope it slows down this is my win rate so far >>483533421
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you're done for kid
why are you still running rem/fceci/landy defense?
im not bro, my defense is meta as fuck
Top Model Luluca
lets go
what's your rank?
hope they buff her, fire charlotte meta was my favorite
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bro they have cabbage and these dumplings called perogis and good sausages i think pollish food is top tier
what will happen with the e7wc now?
is there maintenance tonight?
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bros i just faced an ml choux that has like 200 ER and no crit chance
Was champ 4, but now I'm back in 5
>only been attacked 5 times
>lost 2
>everyone else is getting stomped and crying
lol ok
maintenance for WHAT?
was she good? sounds like a jp build.
They usually do this to avoid getting mlhasted, I'm thinking about changing mine too
not sure but it was really obnoxious because her fixed damage was still high
So the e7wc will get canceled now that 90% of contestants are fucking cheaters?
i dont know bro, was it really cheating if they were just coaching other people account in discord
Account sharing isnt cheating in the same way win trading is but it is against the ToS
yeah bro im sure seanigs desperate for pennies from coaching will have the moral integrity to play a tournament without "help"
once they make it to top 3 its anyones game in person
it's not even account sharing in some cases, just whales dropping the game and selling their accounts to other whales (what happened to caerliss and ab)
>no mystics
>no bookmarks
>no skystones
>no molas
>no catas
>no charms
>no gear
>no units
>no verification required
it's over...
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You still have your bros, join netori if you need mystics even if you job you'll be allowed to do gw,
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thanks for the reminder bro, forgot to add
>no boxes
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bros don't forget to claim your free pizza before it expires tonight, it should be in your mailbox
at least there is free unequip for the next 4 days bro
I might do this too to survive haste. what's the build look like? spd + res set and all in on spd/hp/res/def? because her fixed damage still makes up for it if she gets to live longer.
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from light discord, crit chance is optional
I'll check the perogis, dumplings are pure kino
light is streaming
seems good desu
is bastion of hope mandatory
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hope we get some big gibs soon
4chin slow for anyone else today?
not really bro
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So...any progress on the guild merging talks...? I can't go another week without bluebox...
dead guilds are held hostage by indifferent leadership who dont want to lose their "prestige" aka contribution points. anyone left jumped guilds already or they also semi-quit and dont care about the box anymore
merge between who
I don't think anyone in Netori or Cope wants to merge
>cope doesnt want to merge
>copeschizos were literally posting merge terms and conditions last time this discussion happened
>zero response from other guilds
see >>483642657
what were their merge terms then
"join cope" is not exactly a merge term or condition
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Roana, Kluri and Ilynav
um reinbro, what are you opinions on SG bleaching ilynav?
They posted an actual document that was surprisingly coherent and thought out last time
Hi bwos I have a question
I checked out https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10247651?boardKey=986 and the title says update content but I don't see any content is this a glitch?
errmmm.... I think it's an attempt by Yuna Kim to rewrite the history of e7 against the choco lives matter movement
>spent whole time buying proof of honor
>now turns out I need bastion of hope
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bros wtf
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it's not bleaching if she is white to begin with
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bros imagine the feeling of being like 7ft tall and fit like he is and cumming deep inside a minor
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join pantsu
goodnight gamers
>every click has a purple and blue sparkle
fuck these dumbass gooks
Oh? I thought we would've gotten wukong side story, I need more sky stones and bookmarks
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epic bumping the epic bread
doing funny things with ceres in aa3!
Thanks for the bump bro
after trying the new arena update for a few hours, can we please just delete jenuga from the game? seriously fuck whoever at sg thought this guy is balanced
This also Ayuppie. Please tell me how are you guys dealing with this bitch, bros
Jenua rapes both, just trigger his immortality before yours does
fuk u
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i luv u bwos
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<3 you too bro
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nahkwol actually goes hard in arena rn with all the jenuas mlsenyas and mlhastes
Why could that be? Perhaps because she is fucking broken?
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limited when?
Dead dogshit game
Epic Shit
All homos no future
Alive catpee game
epic pee
all yuris unlimited future
cringe doomposting bump bot
based hopeposting bump bot
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are you using speed imprints to outspeed the spp's?
goodnight babro, sleep well
nice work reinbwi
Ummm why is the arm brown???
khm is streaming tankdown bros
wtf is that real
Depends on who you have and the rest of the team bro, if there is no A tywin you can run wukong/yulha , abigial + politis , if you have bm haste you can run aria, chirstybm haste, there are probably more options though but they may be a little bit more rng if you cant outspeed and cleave it
forgot to say but singelica and blue dps + amid still work in bot arena if there is no a tywin or bm haste
no bro I just cleanse stuff
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I luv kronii
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believe in the rabi that believes in you
if you can't donate to kronii and get her to say i love rabi then she's not a rabibro or welcome here
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Night bros
wtf bro
how can kronii be a rabibro if she's a gook bitch
goodnight bro, sleep well
she's not thats why she needs to say it bro
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I still remember when we were competing with FGO and GBF as the top dogs of /vg/.
wasn't /drag/ our main rivals?
later bro
cleaning out my gear box, do you throw under 80 gear score or still check the stats?
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It's been up for a while, retard
I just wake up bro....you don't have to be mean....
pre or post reforge? regardless iif they are very unique or high rolled into a single stat i would keep them in the storage specially fi they are high speed pieces
stop being mean to my bros
lets go, the new login screen is also up and is kinda cool
oh nice
ur bros are retards lmeow
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Fceci.....has a love interest it seem...
its me its me its me
Wasn't it stated to be her brother or am I schizoing out?
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>Voiced story
YOOOOO we are Epic Rising!!!
yeah yeah
>macro click spam
Holo Ceci > e7 Ceci
>Holo Ceci

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this kinda doesn't look good.. but I'm still gonna ask. who wants this?
mod hp and it can be a cope piece for alaika or some other high speed dps
fakkin' cope piece. thought so
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Explain why our clicks have to look like this now.
wtf is this tranny shit
you only stored lv 85 gears above right? I also forgot we have storage
it looks good bwo
yes 85 and 88, altough the 75 red sets you get from the new account rewards are solid specially the health seth so keep them
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fire rabi can use that
I'd need to mod out crit to critdmg huh
wait even then it's a fucking crit set... nvm my ravi has better stuff
>crit rate set
holy cope that's instant -18gs
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Rose looks.....off
what a dorky vtuber
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Join Netori
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Who can use this....?
You could cope and use it on someone like Eda or Zahhak
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Uh can anyone use this?
choux if you use her for pve
Arabi I guess
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Ilynav is here! But her ML design seems not much different from her counterpart?
Apoc rabi
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man I heckin' hate boobs... I need more naked men like ran or ml naked mort
maybe its like ML Luna bro, remember that her theater appearance its nothing like the playable one
Mage Luna was revealed during the Vivian cuck event
wtf does empyrean mean
I don't have her...
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The boy that Velvet gets to diddle forever at the end of her game.
nice ml choux piece bro
holy kino
thats really good for ml landy bro
meganebros won
im glad i quit this garbage game
>As she felt his penis enter, XXX realized.
>This pleasure was something she should never have discovered.
>It was the moment XXX surrendered not just her vaginal but also her anal virginity to YYY.
fill in the gaps with e7 characters
ur mum
i like the femcel rose look
theres always that one netoribro that spills the cocaine at our meetups
Then why are you here? What mental illness is this?
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>3600 mystics only for ML Luna
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i wonder how they are going to buff our friend FCC in the coming patch
good luck bro i hope you get her on your first 10 so you can save for harsetti and ml ilynav
i wish us both luck bro...
i think she'll get an EE + balance patch buffs
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for me, it's taking my netoribros for granted
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if you need mystics you can join netori, we allow newbros to do GW's.
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please save netori...
You have to kill her bro
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you got a fucking problem with netori's management punk?
um am i the only one that dont like ml ilynavs design? i like her RGB design a lot more
i think it looks cool bro remind me of this >>483647614
Coomers don't have standards
I think so too bwi. Her ML design looks bland and generic
elvemage is streaming
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She looks a lot more like Horta now
It's the pose.
ML Luna also has garbage pose
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maybe im just coping that ml ilynav would look better once she's animated
is that why you only have 19 people doing gw?
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summer steam sale just dropped bros
what are you getting? im getting dave the diver, tales of arise and frostpunk
nothing because i already have all the good(there are like 3) games that have come out in the past 20 years
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I think i'll pass this time bro, i don't have much money because im saving to buy a gpu in the future, maybe i'll get age of mythology retold if it turns out to be good.
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what are you buying bwo do you have any recs for good anime games or loot based games
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bro send me your bitcoin wallet ill give you money
dave the diver is great bros
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thanks bro but it's alright, have fun wtih those games, dave the diver is great
If you like cultivation games check this one bro Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion
tales of arise is good, easily my top 3 favorite tales games of all times next to eternia and phantasia.
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Ni no Kuni II is alright if you like anime games bro
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The neptunia games I'm missing
dont waste your money bwo
i used to love neptunia games and collect them but after trying genshin/honkai i can no longer go back, they aged very badly
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anyone have no more motivation to play actual games anymore and just play gachaslop?
i used to feel the same but then i realize its just that all the new "AAA" games are woke shit that want their women to be fat, unattractive, nickavocado looking ogres and all the games that has hot women are gachaslop...
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>lucklets only have 10 people doing gw
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yeah bro, outside of some indie games is hard to find motivation to play most shit as i have played similar games to death .
I've been mainly playing gacha for the past 10 years
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Genshit sucks, I already play sr but I want to play with my neps
you can't even participate in gw with 10 people
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we lost
love landy
bwos What's a defense I can make without any new ML5 in the last year?
ml poli ml tywin ml landy
do you happen to have ml haste bro? i think he is the most brokne ml 5 currently otherwise i really don't know it depends on who you have but i would say something with at least celine , politis or summer luluca so you dont get instantly kill with spp , maybe belian so you look hard to cleave then its up to what units you have, keep in mind that a good defense is a defense that looks really annoying to cleave so even things like Mort can work, do you happen to have any good meta units?
>annoying to cleave
well that's one angle, i have to manually pilot my jenua cleave because single target, but if you make something that falls to aria comps i can just autobattle slam aria/christy/roana into it and win even faster, besides jenua bullying t2 chads really got a qol change and once we get aria 2.0 that can beat the latest cancer it will be smooth sailing

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