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>Previous Thread
>>482536125 Thanks to the other anon but I want more
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Scout! Have sex.
>It's another "solutions are pointless if they aren't totally perfect and foolproof" retardpost
The point of anti-cheat in online vidya is to filter out increasing numbers of cheaters and botters to the point where the regular player is unaffected in the majority of matches.

You start with 100 potential cheaters ruining 100 matches. The most basic-level anticheat gets rid of 40 underaged middleschoolers and mindless monkeys who only know to search up "X game cheat program free online." An update wipes out another 40 using outdated cheats or extremely obvious botting software.

The remaining 20 cheaters using subtle, updated pay-to-use stuff are now only ruining 20 matches instead of 100. Of that 20, 5 are whales who get scared by the ban waves and stop cheating because they're worried they'll lose their inventories. Another 5 are thirdworlders who decide paying monthly fees for a paid cheat program is too expensive; 3 of them give up while 2 find new workarounds.

12 cheaters ruining 12 games. Then the devs sue a cheat seller and another 4 cheaters get frustrated and move on. 8 cheaters ruining 8 games. Another anti-cheat update catches 4 and bans them. 2 of them move on, 2 of them go back to cheating on new accounts. 6 cheaters.

The goal is never "here is a perfect solution that can never ever be fooled" but to increase barriers to entry, stakes and costs on those who cheat and bot. It's only so noticeable in TF2 because cheaters and botters here operate in an ideal environment. They don't need to fear punishment because Valve has abdicated maintaining the game completely. They don't need to be sneaky or subtle, not even on their main accounts. They don't need to jump through hoops to get their cheats. They don't need to pay money since botting scripts are on public GitHub, free for anyone to grab. AND they have a decent-sized playerbase to fuck with.

Usually this sort of environment only exists for very short periods of times in small games.
Didnt read, tl dr
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A captcha won't work. No, not even a retarded jumping version. Reason being that valve won't do it. Spam valve's shitty servers with bots and beat the hosters with swarms of fake players. Let valve spin up servers endlessly to host bot farms.
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Fuck Engineer. Get head from Engineer. Highlight Engineer posters. Fuck Engineers on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into him. Snap off Engineers overalls. Follow Engineer threads. ERP with Engineer posters. Cum inside Engineer. Hang Engineer in shibari bondage. Have Engineer make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into Engineer. Fry Engineers brains with sex. Toss Engineer ssalad. Urinate into Engineers mouth (he's into it). Judo throw Engineer onto a bed. Blackmail Engineer into sex with his dox. Twist Engineers nipples. Report your love for Engineer to Valve. Always uber Engineers. Split Engineers legs in half. Sexually heal Engineer. Give Engineer surprise buttsex. Critically hit Engineer in the prostate. Mpreg Engineer. Get trapped into sex by demon Engineer from the underworld. Dump sperm into Engineers cum dumpster. Submerge Engineer into a vat of cum. Suck Engineers dick. Dissect Engineers clothes off. Dominate Engineers. after defeating them in MGE. Slap Engineers face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give Engineer health packs. Make Engineer suck'em. Cream inside Engineers hole. Lobotomize Engineer into a sex slave. Mandatory slut training for Engineer mains. Give Engineer your love paste. Drown Engineer in mad milk. Whip Engineers ass with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with Engineer. Invite Engineer to your mvm lobby. Feed Engineer your semen. Give Engineer your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck Engineer like an alligator. Slice Engineers clothes off with the half-zatoichi. Clone Engineer to have 2 of your favourite fuck buddy. Goon to https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/15/Eng_aerobic_02.mp3 daily. Have your way with Engineers while they're idle. Take a sign professing your love for Engineer to Valve headquarters.
Don't be greedy you tard, you already got something for free just for begging for it.
Go commission someone if you want something better.
>Goon to https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/15/Eng_aerobic_02.mp3 daily
...bro you are just fapping to Grant Goodeve at that point.
And I want more Zhanna pinup art but you don't see me begging for it, faggot
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It was a mistake for airblast to displace enemy players. Shit's fucking busted.
So the idea is to also host bots, but program them to remain in lobbies that cheating bots are found in, so that they'll all be clumped together in their own lobbies, cancelling each other out? And then real players will have a much higher chance of finding real players?
CS2 has the same cheater problem but has 100x the player base
Valve ain't giving them attention, we do and they thrive off of from it. You fuckers even gave him free commissions. Why do you think he'll stop at any point?
To add, Valve doesn't even lift a finger for cheaters populating high elo CS2 games which is a cash machine on its own. What makes you think they will do anything for TF2? A seventeen year old game that can not be compared to Dota 2 or CS2.

Whenever they try to update the anti-cheat, which is not an anti-cheat but a suggestion of it, it won't last long against them and they won't walk away from this easily. It's either "treadmill work" or filing lawsuits when they managed to deduce the targets. Obvious spoiler for the end of story: they ain't gonna spend a dime.
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Titanfall 2 GODS:
>Gentlemen, our favorite game is being neglected by Respawn Entertainment in favor of some fotm battle royale slop. Script kiddies are DDOSing Titanfall 2. Let’s DDOS apex legends until Respawn capitulates to our demands!
>Titanfall 2 chads follow through with their plan and actually get the update they wanted.
Titanfall 2 GODS:
>Well done, us!.
Meanwhile team fortress 2 fags:
>Guys let’s draw gay porn of this bot hosters oc it will save our game from neglect and totally not render our movement even more laughable and unpalatable for the average normie this will save tf2.
Benevolent and Sympathetic Titanfall 2 gamers who realize both games suffered very similar fates:
>Maybe do what we did? It worked for us, we got our game back. We sympathize with you, we have also had the misfortune to be fans of the magnum opus of a once-respectable company who turned on its own fans. Maybe you should try to make Deadlock unplayable? DDOS Deadlock!
Team fortress 2 fags:
Titanfall 2 chads:
>…good luck with that pal
Its odd being a fan of these two wonderful games and seeing how much more organized, calm, and strategic the Titanfall 2 community is than the team fortress 2 community. When Titanfall 2 got DDOSed into unplayability, the players responded by creating the Northstar Client where you could enjoy your game in peace AND with aggressively ddosing shitpex legends (a game that actually deserves to be botted and reduced to unplayability). Northstar was supported by a large percentage of the dedicated, small, but well organized community.
Masterconfig is creating the retvrn to quickplay which is being neglected by most of the playerbase.
Yes, exactly. And every petition signing faggot can be guilted into running anti bot software or told to shut the fuck up forever.
nothing could possibly go wrong with this idea
wtf are these posts? CSGO does not have botting anywhere near the scale of TF2 lmfao. and Valve does regular banwaves in CSGO while the same bot accounts in TF2 are still here months later
>t. troonic bot hoster
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Need mentally ill tf2 gf
Bot hostGODS OWN TF2
Not sure how that follows anon. valve says bots are fair game, and we don't want to play with bots. There are more people who hate bots than not. It's not like they're gonna be cheat bots.
Why don't governments and the military just hire bot hosters already if they can instantly bypass any hurdle or challenge put in front of them?
I didn't say botting. I said cheating
botting is exactly the same problem as cheating
CS2 does NOT have the same cheater problem. Cheating is rampant in CS2 and there are bots farming cases in Deathmatch lobbies, yes, but even so the level of cheating and botting are not comparable to that of TF2. CS2 gets regular banwaves and it's likely that its version of VAC does get updated occasionally instead of being fully and totally abandoned like TF2's VAC. In CS2 they're an irritation, in TF2 they're a primary driver of player loss and reduced new players.
>You fuckers even gave him free commissions. Why do you think he'll stop at any point?
Idk what you're talking about regarding commissions but I assume "he" is the bot hosters. There's more than one. There's a whole network of them all sucking each other off in their Discord servers and competing to see who can #KillTF2 harder.
>2 months ago
there's been a huge banwave already since then
>Youtuber of [online game] cries about cheaters! This means other games' situations are equally as bad as TF2!
If you swing and miss with a captcha your users lose and your game is forever worse for no reason. Valve doesn't want to add it in the first place, so you can imagine how enthusiastic they're going to be to remove it if it were to prove ineffective.
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holy cope. i can look up videos of yout*bers complaining about cheaters for any online game, that doesnt make any of them as fucked as us lol
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I want to try playing each class, outside of the usual ones, in a 'support' role and have concocted a loadout and playstyle for each. Please give me your opinion on them. Assume the map for each is Payload or maybe A/D because that's all I seem to be able to find games for.
Mad Milk
Candy Cane or Fan O'War
Simple enough, the goal is to provide debuffs to enemies and healing to teammates, using the Shortstop to fight at medium range and play defensively or around the objective.
Stock, Back Scatter or BFB
Atomizer or Wrap Assassin
This one is specifically to make my way to enemy spawn and destroy teleporters, then harass players coming out of spawn or waste their time having them chase me

Cow Mangler
Any banner, probably Buff Banner
Disciplinary Action
Play defensively, spam Mangler charged shots until I have banner ready, then use it to push or counter an enemy push. Use the whip to boost a Heavy while I have banner up.

Degreaser or Stock
Manmelter or Scorch Shot
Homewrecker or Neon Annihilator
More of a boring choice that aims to defend an Engineer or Medic with airblasts and spy checking, using a flare gun to harass enemy snipers.

Scottish Resistance
Ullapool Caber
Aims only to stickytrap and to melee if desperate.
Loose Cannon
Chargin' Targe
Ullapool Caber
This is to specifically deny uber pushes or mobile explosive jumpers using the cannon's push.

Huo-Long Heater
Dalokoh's Bar
Fists of Steel
Spychecking, and buffing with the chocolate while tanking damage with the FoS. Can stand in front of an allied sentry gun to block projectiles.

Stock or Diamondback, maybe Enforcer
Stock or Spycicle
Cloak and Dagger
Similar to the second Scout loadout, designed to harass the enemy team's spawn or poke at Snipers, Medics and Engineers with your revolver and keep them on excessively high alert.
>Scottish Resistance
Titanfall 2 won
cs2 gets regular banwaves and yet there's still a MASSIVE cheating problem in cs2
wow what a coincidence that's almost exactly what we've been trying to tell you will happen in tf2

hasn't done anything. I don't play cs2 but everyone is complaining about cheaters in cs2
> It certainly hasn't gotten any better.
> Can confirm that it got way worse

I didn't say "as bad as tf2". just that it's the same cheater problem (no working anticheat)
someone sprayed "it says gullible on the ceiling" and 3 different people walk up to it, look up, and then killbind
>"Banwaves are meaningless because it doesn't exterminate 100% of cheaters permanently!"
>cites some leddit post
Now you've made your bait too obvious anon
I can cherrypick too
>I feel it’s gotten way better. I almost never run into cheaters as of lately but I remember 2-3 months ago it was a spin-bot every other game.
>Yesterday was the first time I have come across a cheater
>havent seen any blatant cheaters on my main
>"Captchas are meaningless because it doesn't exterminate 100% of bots permanently!"
>cites some leddit video
continue playing with bots
>another banwave
continue playing with bots
>yet another banwave
continue playing with bots
>even more banwaves
continue playing with bots

yeah i'll say banwaves are meaningless

even in your cherrypick'd statements people came across a cheater for the first time after a banwave

I promise you if you force me to do a captcha before playing tf2 I will crack the captcha, open source it, and dox myself
hahahaha ehehhe=eheheehohohoehrujfhutijrhtusj4trztERDTYGC%EXV TYhcnsdfx4v7utrCYJVKH loooooolololol
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>acthxkuhally even when you do a banwave it doesnt get literally all the cheaters so fighting cheaters is meaningless
you're the kind of nigger who sees the treadmill work meme and not only accepts it but starts promoting it arent you
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also post the full comment
> On a new account I got cheaters every single game in COMP (not even premier), but havent seen any blatant cheaters on my main
cheaters are not gone
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He will put in a ad for onions in his video.
This was his goal all along.
Everytime I see some faggot with an unusual I just laugh at how he wasted money on a dying botted game
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Remove random krits for pyros. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
no one claimed the cheaters were all gone
>Ugh there's so many mosquitoes this summer that keep biting me, whatever will I do?
>Why don't you use bug spray?
>What's the point? It won't kill them all now will it? There will just be more and more each summer, *sigh* guess there's nothing I can do *gets bitten repeatedly*
>use soap
>only kills 99% of germs
soap is pointless.......
>ban 1000 cheaters
>500 of them make new accounts to keep cheating on and get filtered into pisslow comp matches
>this is somehow the same as just not doing anything about cheaters
pseuds like you should stop eating, you will get hungry again later anyway. starve yourself to death and leave more oxygen for the rest of us. retard monkeybrain nigger
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>the only way to browser the community server browser
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Randomly crit pyros with your cock. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
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>Want to combat cheaters and bots? Well you better create a perfect and eternal solution or there's no point! Just give them free reign you chud!
I wonder who's behind these kinds of posts.
>pisslow comp matches
>Is out of control, at this point it makes no sense to grind Premier or even playing it just for fun. I move between 16k and 19k and literally in my last 10 games I played 8 with cheaters.
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you know that the bot hosters are script kiddies because they don't know how to grief the community server browser. all they know is how to copypaste cathook from github. all valve has to do is update VAC to detect it and 100% of them will be gone
>Huo-Long Heater
>Dalokoh's Bar
>Fists of Steel
I'd get shotgun with Huolong and perhaps Eviction Notice. If you want Dalok and FoS that means you want to be mobile. Huolong heavies are either cart heavies or ramp heavies that peek from stairs or perch on the sloped surfaces. This way the ring of fire becomes harder to leap over for spies at least. Still not impenetrable but they need to time the attack if they carry cicle.
In short HLH heavies are not exactly mobile, I'd replace HLH with Natascha to be honest. It also grants you some damage reduction at half health when revved up.

>Degreaser or Stock
Definitely stock flamethrower if you are looking to care after engi nests. Degreaser only valid if you can counter jump with rockets to bait them with a shotgun or flare.
>Manmelter or Scorch Shot
I'd take shotgun over Scorch shot if you gonna babysit the nest. Scorch is fun when you lit, juggle and crouch melee with axtinguisher though and destroy stickies when you roam. Shotgun is consistent and reliable against enemy pyroes, spies and scouts but I think the best investment against snipers would be manmelter if you have an enemy pyro to feed you crits.

>Scottish Resistance
>Ullapool Caber
Get Zatoichi, you can setup three different sticky groups to kill three different groups and just suicide blast whenever someone steps into your personal space?
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>Randomly crit pyros with your cock. Fuck a pyro on the control point.
Swap these two I messed up the order when adding the new part
100% of them will be gone for all of 5 seconds before the botDIVINITIES that play this game create a workaround
>guys all valve has to do is block cathook guys. that's all valve has to do why can't they just block cathook. it's so simple guys just block cheating software
it beats doing LITERALLY nothing which is what they've done. valve is so cucked they wont lift half a pinky and diehard valve dicksuckers will bend over backwards to justify it by jerking the bot hosters into omniscient omnipotent superhackers when all they have done is grab shit off a github from 2017

kill yourself
um yes chadface? the script kiddies don't know how to make anything original, so blocking cathook blocks all of them. they would have to wait for an actual developer to troon out and make a new system that isn't similar enough to cathook so VAC doesn't see it
Uncomfortable fact: Mastercomfig quickplay isn't a solution. You can't download it and it isn't open source, so there is nothing stopping xer from blacklisting servers out of personal vendetta
Good thing no one is using it
ngl the botGODS shit has the same vibes as redditors treating 4chan as le spooky hackerman site despite it being the 2024th Year of Our Lord.
maybe you didn't understand me let me repeat with even more sarcasm
>all valve has to do is block cheating software guys. why won't valve just enable vac anti cheat on their servers. the anticheat that blocks software. the anticheat that already exists and already blocks the open source version of cathook. why won't they just use the anticheat they already have the blocks the version of cathook they already block and enable it on their servers where it's already enabled
There appears to be an active telegram channel for ongoing cat hook development in their super sekrit private repos. The hosters might be drones, but a new version will come out for the sake of spite if the first was somehow detected and banned.
>they don't know how to grief the community server browser.
They literally have, they just don't bother because community servers have human jannies that ban them instantly. We had one that used to come here who sent his bots to creators.tf
>Finish a match of pl_upward
>Check thread again
Is the pseud still going on about botters being untouchable outer gods? Holy bvckbroken.
What do you mean anon? You mean they can change md5 hashes and signatures with ease and already did it? Oh mi god! They has to be GODS to code something like that! let's all praise them sarcastically why mud flinging each other
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>give your money to some rando to buy his highschool class project to cheat
there's "people" that do this and it's gross
I convinced that guy and the true chad he is, he did it. Props to him.
i assume you need to pay money to have access to the latest and greatest version, which would filter out the hosters who don't want to pay for it
no i wrote the community server browser, not community servers themselves. look at how the cs2 server list looks like if you want to see what a griefed one looks like
zhe's moved on to banwaves and anticheat itself being meaningless
What if we actually put a substantial challenge in front of the hoster like having to detect whether their bots are actually interacting with real players? I doubt they could crack that.
The most substantial challenge we should put in front of a bot hoster is a bullet to the skull. The only thing society would lose is some gunpowder.
Most of the hosters have means and spend money to maintain their bot swarm. It's not a grassroots campaign.
Well it would work for a few weeks, before a workaround is found. But yeah this is the case, most botters/cheaters don't really know anything.
Cheat devs don't normally use their stuff as much as their consumers do, so it's really up to them to fix it. And the longer you go at fixing the shit the more people are gonna get tired of making workarounds every couple months, ultimately reducing the amount of cheaters/devs.
Treadmill work goes both ways.
t. valve software
All it needs is to become something you can access in game, through a custom hud. Of course we'd also want to fork it so that mastertroon isn't the one deciding the server pool, but that's phase two.
>false narratives
oh boy, I would love to see how he will defend using a janky ass site instead of the usual petition sites to collect signatures and not having an actual plan on how/when to deliver the petition with no invitation to visit valve (no id no party) and why they delayed it so hard (no valve isn't magically going to pull a bot fix in like a month for summer update) (lets be real here he will pull some low hanging fruit and be like "erhm I love this game if I wanted views I would just make a mvm facts video #5340 so you can't accuse me of clout chasing")
Nope. Two kinds of bot hosters. First are the main menu idlers who do it for item drops because they come from third-world countries and 0.10 USD is an entire day of food for them. These guys run tens of thousands of bots and likely do spend money on maintenance for their bots.

The other type are the aimbot hosters, the ones where their bots actually go into games to ruin matches for human players. These guys are running hundreds of bots at a time. Because TF2 can be run in text-only mode and they're using scripts off a GitHub, the hardware and software requirements for this stuff is minuscule. A number of aimbot hosters have public Discord servers where they've talked about salvaging old computers from dumpsters. In their case the only money they spend is electricity costs.
should I try making a shitty balance video essay as bait and see if it works
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TF2CHUDS kneel to botGODS
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they're digging computers out of dumpsters, they don't have any money
Do it
they have money to spend on discord nitro every month
So does any troon on Discord, that shit costs what, a dollar a month?
just as food is an essential cost to humans, estrogen is an essential cost to trannies
10$ a month
any suggestions I was just thinking of doing some shit about how sniper is...le GOOD in an extremely irritating monotone voice that tries too hard to be chill
>false narratives
That's a pretty good mental stop-phrase so you know when to tune out. The narrative is that he a dummy, but I imagine if you told him that, it would probably elicit a response of something like:
Dude tons posters on /g/ do the same with decommissioned Lenovo thinkstations or other e waste available in large cities because it has incredible compute for the price. You're overly concerned with the garbage aspect and ignoring the fact that this isn't a last resort but savvy.
those computers are still sold by the businesses that are getting rid of them, they aren't throwing them into dumpsters
Isn’t the spy already a front-line class?
me on the bottom
herro tf2g so sorry this is imposter man not me prease keep buying plenty of keys from varve while I huff gaben's farts ho lee fook wi to lou bang ding ou
He has to control the sheep before they start thinking for themselves
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Why don’t we call a 4chan NVKE on the bot hosters?
they're all broke russians or germans using old laptops to host their shit because it really isn't that resource intensive all things considered. They really don't have much money, mostly
who should tell them
Wrong the bot hosters are actually geniuses with NASA supercomputers and valve with their infinite money IS POWERLESS AGAINST OUR BOT HOSTER GODS
I think this shounic namefag is alright. He's funny
realistically theres maybe a dozen of hosters and they are all obvious (probably all using the same ip)
so why wouldn't it work that Eric takes 5 minutes of his workday to wipe them once or twice a week
what do you mean that's the real shounic
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if the bot hosters were smart, they would be making their own clients that just send network packets instead of running the text mode tf2 client. it would only take 10mb of memory per bot. they really don't know how to do anything besides clone github repositories and dumpster dive
fucking fempyro is treadmill work
>all probably using the same ip
Y'know sometimes I forget the average age of tf2 players is like 16
I should stop being so mean to you guys. You don't know any better
Treadmill work I take pride in!
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Buff demoknight
Nerf heavy
Nerf engineer
Buff scout
What are the chances of Valve just stopping support for Linux and this help stopping bot hosters because it could be more resource heavy after that point? What could possibly increase their weight to lessen their impact? They shouldn't be able to host 100 instances but 10 because it'd be so heavy on their system after a point.
I know it's not a training or bootcamp platforming captcha but what are the odds of pushing this forward?
0 chance, valve are huge loonix shills thanks to the flop deck
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My face when retards keep talking about how the captcha or the parkour maps would stop the hackers on steroids bothoster geniuses
nothing the botters are doing can ONLY be done on linux
This anon is right I’m a bot hoster and I use TempleOS :-)
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medic booba
removing support doesn't magically stop existing clients from working. valve has to completely change the network protocol to actually break it
He's an insectoid, get it right.
let me explain this to a retard who doesn't know how to tie his own shoes yet
you know how engineer's sentries go boom boom when explosions hit it?
demoman is like linux
soldier is like windows
medic with stock syringe gun and holding w is like templeos
Who's the best server provider currently?
Valve, during peak hours. Fuck class limits and other troon tier rule changes and fuck community moderators.
unironically RFGIclan
this but soldier
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>Stock or Diamondback, maybe Enforcer
Enforcer if you gonna harass medic. Just put on an obvious disguise and shoot them in the face upclose when they chase you with ubersaw.
>Stock or Spycicle
Stock for consistency, cicle for half-baked gunspy, preferably with Diamondback or stock. Enforcer is not bad if Engineers tend to wrangle or you face a Vaccinator.

>Candy Cane or Fan O'War
Fan O'War definitely. Candy Cane never have been good. You need a medic to pocket you to even survive a rocket blast. You need something like FaN to flank people with it and even then it's not reliable. Go for Fan O'war.

>Stock, Back Scatter or BFB
>Atomizer or Wrap Assassin
If you gonna go with Backscatter you need winger or atomizer to jump over people or flank them. Babyface need some sort of bleeding effect to keep it such as Wrap assassin or guillotine.
Bonk is VERY specific on the loadout. It can be used as a substitute uber if you can team up with a power class against sentries that are set at enclosed space WITH low ceiling. That would force engineer to use wrangler or pyro to act for airblasting you and this is when your teammate(s) supposed to dispatch him and sentry together. Unless you come across this, you're better off with anything else. If you try to be cheeky with Backscatter pyroes gonna chase after you once you get behind the sentry line with it anyway. So it can be good for distracting pyro but usually doesn't work for that either.
it always impressed me that demo was able to twirl an entire sword in a single hand and swing it with that same hand hard enough to sever someone's neck
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Hey I was just in that match
t. spider
jacking off is treadmill work so I've been gooning for 73 hours straight
I keep cumming inside but she keeps demanding more... bros my balls can't take this treadmill work
>Allowed Zesty's server which has seen an increase in players
If he's gonna allow zesty's server I don't think he's gonna blacklist anyone lol
>expecting soldier to not equip gunboats
>surprised when he rocket jumps away
c'est la vie. Don't follow soldiers through gates, demoman and heavies are more reliable to keep around. I keep reading thousand hour soldier complaints here how medics refuse to heal them but heavy or demoman and they "lost". This is the fucking reason why: as a stereotype soldiers bait and ditch medics for dead. Only people who endure their shitty behavior are the medics with thousands of hour like them who damage surf away and get away with sliver of health. Be strict and refuse to heal soldiers unless you see a shotgun and ensure they have means to use it or just grab QF.
>botting is exactly the same problem as cheating
Ok but was the guy he was reacting to actually for real, there's no way someone can come up with such dogshit reworks and think they're good, the video had some good effort put into it with actually showing the supposed changes, no way you'd put that much effort into a troll
I like ubering pyros they're always ready to charge into the enemy team
I like getting ubered as pyro it always happens when I'm 100 feet away from any enemies
mimi took virginity
i'm spent
At least with Pyros you don't have to worry about reloading
>Ready to charge
>Demo/Soldier keep firing 1 projectile at a time on an empty clip instead of fully reloading
true I always feel bad when I Uber a soldier or a demo without checking their clip first
explain how it's differently. or better yet explain how vac will be able to ban one and not the other
I'm a bot hoster and when I got banned I just made a second account and I haven't been banned because that would be treadmill work
fempyro took 15 cumloads
falling back to reload
Just pander your changes to 6s and comp in general
cheating is treadmill work
good idea I'll keep that in mind
that's way too many
I have to keep going or I'm afraid she'll kill me
i wonder how many tf2 jokes go over peoples' heads
like australium being a play on AU (gold) and AU (australia)
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don't go to backpack.tf and look up the account with the ID 76561198868164015 and scroll to page 7, worst mistake of my life
forget page 7, what about page 14
>average /tf2g/ anon
so that's the guy running konata.tf
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Botting is cheating on a massive scale and is much worse
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if users can detect disruptive bots, then bothosters can detect anti-bots. so they update them to take account for the anti-bots. maybe if there's a majority of anti-bots they go to a different server or something until they find a majority of human players. calculate an equilibrium to maximize number of bots/anti-bots in a server thus maximizing player dissatisfaction
all your proposal does is clutter up even more servers with more bots instead of slots being used by people
I just wanted to play tf2 classic but every time I start it it crashes again and then says error recording consent popup. What’s going on?
fempyro hypnotizing me to keep cumming inside her (I'm under her power)
But how would the bots detect the antis when their entire goal is just to be undetected? They would just be random identities, and probably donated steam accounts. The bots have to know not to shoot each other, and not to stay in servers with only each other. They rely on white lists.
me after i get hypnotized into becoming fempyro
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what the fuck do i do
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I touched it up a little
yes we can detect bots spinning around, but no one can detect a bot that acts human-like. even the offline bots have good behavior that would not be detectable without the hosters constantly watching everyone and adding the anti-bots to a list
Uncletopia, hands down. Furry Pound would beat them IF they weren't furries that moan into their mics.
why is tf2c so fucking secretive
you cant join their discord
you need express permission to communicate in their steam group
its impossible to talk to them if you're having a problem with tf2 classic
And if players themselves use their own accounts to run this software and get added to the list, they gain immunity for themselves
you aren't missing out on much probably just find a support email or better yet a dev email
on the second hand, how would the anti-bots know who the bad bots are? if this becomes widespread, then the bot hosters just have to set their own bots to act like humans so people can't easily add them to a known list of bad bots
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Which would lessen their virulence, which is also a win.
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Bots communicate via sending messages to the server that only other bots can read that says "I'm a bot, don't shoot me.". As long as the spinbots communicate with each other, anti-bots can use that against them. This is why servers are just bots on both sides sitting on the point and not engaging in a spinbot war. They're programmed to only kill human players and distinguish one another via these messages.
Using the same lists that tranny jannies compile to keep safe their sanctuaries like uncletopia
you mean to tell me i changed my avatar, name, and spray and got rid of all my binds so that i could play tf2c without getting banned and those turds still won't help me when i crash instantly upon launching the game? why would their discord be such a sekrit club?
>sending messages to the server that only other bots can read that says "I'm a bot, don't shoot me."
Can't Valve honeypot this in some way then send out a ban wave?
it's der 'cord what do you expect
Would be treadmill work, and bots banned could be replaced and messages retooled. Presumably these channels have some legitimate purpose.
>botting is cheating
thank you for proving my point
vac countering botting is the same as vac having to counter cheating. and we've seen from cs2 valve is incapable of doing
What's the most computationally expensive thing you can do on a tf2 game server-side as a client? There's a video topic for Shaunic. Have the anti bots do that.
Would it really be much better if the game was being spammed with spycrab bots clogging up teams with useless idlers? VAC would not fix this
This is why I refuse to pocket brain dead Soldier mains

Now where are the competent Heavy mains at?
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If valve doesn't update cs2 tomorrow with something big then we can expect something like savetf2 but for counter strike
fans are not happy, they've been asking for a new operation and something to be done about the cheaters for several months now or so I've gathered
Valve are such fucking retards
The logic would aim to fill and seal servers full of bots. If working as intended, you would at most see more 'players' joining and immediately leaving
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i don't like it
really? they aren't just putting their bot IDs into a list to automatically ignore their own bots? haven't really played casual in a long time to know if bots from one hoster attack bots from another hoster
I hate soldiers that don't know how to use a medic. You're right there and giving him such a massive advantage, yet he jumps away to solo anyway like a retard.
(voice) spy: pornography
These days they are indeed using whitelists, but what that poster said was at one point correct
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practicing some pixel art, what do you anons think
will fap to this later
Not just that but the pyro holding w at the medic right after the soldier jumps
Why does no one take the time to help shoot the rocket jumping "trolldier"? A pot shot here and there and suddenly they can die in the approach to a shotgun. Instead I always have to go sniper and shoot their heads off.
I never shoot at trollgers since if they get a kill they've earned it
>uber stock heavy with no cosmetics or unlocks
>he gets 5 frags, destroys the sentry, and wins the match
>uber "I'm sorry" with his burning teams captain and comp medals
>he rocket jumps away and leaves me to die
total soldier death
i will find a way to fap to this
Holy fuck fempyrofags are annoying and gay
fempyro cumshot
I'm dead
cute fempyro

you're annoying and gay
Dude they're farming my retard team and making it so I can't exist in the open. I have to put them down to play the game.
I was the stock heavy btw. We are out there. I look at the medic on my team, thoughtlessly pocketing the unusualfag soldier, unaware that I am the one topfragging, and I scoff at his short-sightedness
Just play heavy or battle engineer and spam mini sentries
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one time on frontier i decided to uber our sniper but he turned out to be a blatant hacker and he killed the entire enemy team.
shortly afterward i decided to charge into the enemy team and got 5 consecutive crits with my conscientious objector before i died. it was the coolest shit ever but i couldn't record it
whats the point in the replay feature if its always disabled?
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Dirty WHORE medics always go for the unusual wearing SOLDIER mains
They never go for nice heavy mains like us. Heavy mains finish last
>be heavy main with FoS
>medic heals me
>being confident with this whip out brass beast
>turn the corner and medic disconnects the heal beam
I felt betrayed.
truth. i had to spend 500 dollars in cosmetics to make medics stick with me
Personally never been a fan of fempyro with exposed skin, but still cute
My problem isn't with killing them, I just don't want to have to switch classes and dedicate myself to doing so doing the effort could be shared. Why do all my idiot team mates GETTING KILLED never work out that it's a good idea to shoot these fuckers even if they can't secure the kill themselves?
Get a load of this blud complaining about the meme spoon in 2024
Is there a better feeling as spy than tricking the enemy medic into ubering you?
Not being a spy and tricking my teammates into following me around until i schadenfreude in their face
Backstabbing a medic as he's healing you so he assists his own death
Telefragging engineers
diamondback critting a snigger from across the map
Damn right. And the worst part is how they complain when you dedicate yourself to mopping them up. At least spies understand they are vermin. They're only slightly better than demoknoghts desu
nothing better than spies killbinding
give the pyro a harpoon gun
firing harpoons at fempyro (she's into it)
There will never be another game that captures the same appeal as playing Spy in TF2.
firing my harpoon INTO fempyro (the harpoon is my penis)
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Doing that and then leading a charge into a sentry nest
I ran it by shonic and he said it wouldn't work, sorry.
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so FixTF2 was a complete failure, wasn't it?
not really. it was a failure in the sense of making valve do something. it was successful in showing everyone that valve doesn't care and will never do anything, therefore we have to take matters into our own hands. I think the age of mass vanilla community servers will be upon us soon
It has failed so miserably redditors are drawing gay porn of omegatronic's ocs
what config is this
Valve's silence means that they are working on the fixing the bots and they don't want to give away their strategy!
its tf3
sfm is boner killing dogshit when will they move to blender
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There will never be another game that captures the same appeal as playing TF2.
I am really glad I was not inflicted with the sort of autism that causes one to masturbate to SFM porn
A few have, it's rare though
with which kind of autism were you inflicted then
the gay autism, obviously
Whatever kind of autism that compels someone to post on 4chan and play TF2 for 5 hours a day
wasnt this made by an ow porn guy. usually any and all good tf2 'orn is made by an ow guy
Hey GPT 7, give me a class based shooter in a comic book style with 9 playable classes each distinct in their role and appearance whose gameplay emphasizes individual player goals and a casual experience while having some mechanics reinforce team play. Reduce roster diversity to minimum (yes I authorize the use of extra tokens for this) and make sure my playable characters mock each other.
current dev team are a bunch of faggots. old dev team from 2015 wasn't so bad. current dev team doesn't want anything to do with old dev team, refuses to acknowledge first 6 years of the projects life, refuses to acknowledge where they came from. bring back daniel and 404 ffs, I'd rather have those two spastics in charge of tf2c again instead of the current gaggle of faggots.
Axi Stryker does do a lot of Overwatch stuff yeah but he also does a fair amount of TF2 stuff
I am unconvinced that someone would be that skilled and autistic to make facial flexes for Femscout's vagina in SFM, you will need to provide some more proof than mere word of mouth.
AI will never be able to do this btw
You're incredibly naive or new to SFM porn to think vaginal flexes are unique
Get this some have anal flexes!
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>facial flexes for the vagina
me on the left
you on the right
no I already said I'm on the left
naw what the heck bruh why blud look like that lmao goofy uh
me on the right
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me on the left
can you guys just fuck already
I will but only once anon delivers on their promise of becoming fempyro
I wish I could have sex as fempyro.
I wish I could have sex with fempyro.
i'm fempyro
What did he mean by this
by "good" he meant "quick and lazy"
this was right when they muted F2Ps and called it a day
>americans go to sleep
>people are ERPing as fempyro and posting fempyro porn
yuropoors not beating the gooner allegations...
https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1dnya21/you_need_to_treat_the_bot_crisis_seriously/la675f4/ you mean what did zhe mean by this?
I'm american though
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what's wrong with erping as fempyro
I used to make shitty sfm porn for myself but I also shared some with a friend
share some with us!
I'm pretty sure making shitty SFM porn is a requirement of downloading the program I've done so too
skibidi toilet is moderb vagineer. think about it
Absolute state of eurofags
dead game
dead general
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It's simple, Valve needs to kill the bots and make a system that encourages people to stay in casual servers after mapchange. That's the perfect TF2 experience. That's how it should be.
fempyro game
fempyro general
the only sfm porn I wack it to is the gay kind because I hate women and genderswaps
any tf2 'orn that includes another merc is automatically worse because its like watching a clown fuck someone. the inclusion of heavy however is a complete boner destroyer, his legs are too tiny and his hands are too big to look good
>Some guy makes a post about bots
>"Hii are trans welcome?"
Trannies wouldn't be half as hated if they didn't behave like this. Just bizarrely aggressively in-your-face all the time and constantly seeking validation. The weird thing is I've run into maybe 2 trannies irl and outside of looking physically disfigured they behaved like normies for the most part, e.g. one works at a stationery store near my uni and they just take your cash and hand you your change. Is it just some terminally online shit?
I’m going to host bots and make a fempyro oc. in lieu of monetary extortion I will provide bot immunity for those who send me artwork of my fempyro oc that is to my liking
>um, actually, wiping away 99% of bots is useless you might as well not do anything at all!
Who popularized this retarded cope
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I disagree, it adds credence to it being in the same universe which helps muh immersion. If it's just some random buff guy fucking fempyro I immediatley know it's just some random buff guy model shoved in there and it looks out of place
Sophisticated sfm porn connoisseur
Uncouth gooner
not at home right now, remind me in like 4 hours
just have buff shirtless pyro as the guy
problem solved
Pyro on pyro? That's forbidden love...
SFM porn without the civilian as the man = garbage
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the only attractive tf2 characters are the anthro engi buildings
i wish i was into fempyro and miss pauling but latex and secretaries do nothing for me
faggot who thinks the tf2 mercs are clowns even though Medic has a lot of tumblr fangirls like Kimberly
Youtubers and pseuds retroactively trying to rationalize Valve being moneygrubbing retards
>All video game companies do treadmill work to combat cheaters + bots in their games and keep them to a minimal level
>Valve puts far less effort into it than devs of other online games because they aren't actually reliant on their games due to Steam printing money
It's literally that simple, they can afford not to care, but that doesn't make a very good two-hour-long Youtube video essay from some guy with vocal fry and nasal congestion. So instead it's "The Terrible Truth Of Anti-Cheat" [1:47:18] where cheaters and botters get blown up into untouchable elder gods with unlimited resources and time. And then you get their legions of mindless viewers parroting retard talking points like
>But combating cheaters costs resources!
>But workarounds exist!
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thoughts on femscout?
ok so i'll be mimi instead
is that better
>bots goad players to play on community servers
>head figures telling community to not spend a dime until traders break price
>figures that started it have realized they can profit off from drama
<insert two astronaut meme here>
>"Wait, so hashtag Fix TF2 was supposed to be a failure from the start?"
>*points gun* "Always has been."

There are benefits to all parties
too old
>ok so i'll be mimi instead
sounds like you just like robots anon
yeah what's up
I don’t play mvm often but I bought a ticket recently and ran into this faggot.
This is a real conversation I had with an mvm fag. Mvm players, this is your mindset.
>WeezyTF2: I love MVM I love the strategy I love the gameplay I can’t stop buying mvm tickets even though I’m supposed to be the figurehead of the fixtf2 movement I’m just that addicted to mvm’s gameplay even though it’s the same fucking thing over and over again and I’ve learned every strategy and every layout for every wave on every mission in the game.
>A band of murderers and thieves (my name): ok then why don’t you play boot camp? It’s free and you wouldn’t look like such a hypocritical douche for claiming to be a leader of fixtf2 while also spending such a good deal of money on tf2 for your tickets. Boot camp is a completely free alternative.
Right after I typed this, weezy called a vote on me and I was quickly kicked before I could screenshot the conversation.
Why did he kick me? What the fuck is wrong with mvm players?
And then everyone clapped
chat is this real?
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>play medic
>have a bad time
Explain this
Not trans
you cant be an sfm porn connosisseur because sfm porn is shit
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>cheats on pyro
inconsequential. youre still worse soldier
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classes for this feel?
bad teammates
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Now that the dust has settled
Was he in the right?
That makes it even more shameful, not less
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Valve has FORGOTTEN about tf2…
Who the fuck is Weezer, isn’t this a rock band
reddit finally woke up
>Is it just some terminally online shit?
Pretty much
>wiping away 99% of bots
>...for a week
medic is an exception and even then he has sausage fingers
Try hours. They always have spare accounts they hold at the side since game is fucking free-to-play.
btw engie buildings are all artstyle breaking SLOPPP
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your inventory
make it public
remember that one Dane comic where he kills a bunch of niggers? what a weird guy he is
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I like the dispenser lady, she fits the art style 200% better than Mimi, mostly by virtue of having more angles and a face screen instead of a literal face
hey i think ive seen that guy on mannpower
Mimi Sentry is the gayest shit in the world. It's on the same tier of utter slop as those "little pogchamp" videos. YouTube has recommended that slop to me many times and I have never clicked even once.
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>join game
>filled with bots
>join game
>filled with bots
>join game
>join game
>filled with bots
>join game
>more faggots
God damn it. Community servers are dead at this hour too so I can't go there. I should start making a public list of these giga-faggots that ruin servers.
If I were these jewtubers, I would be absolutely spamming every journalist in existence with "TF2 IS OVERRUN WITH BOTS SPAMMING CHILD PORN IN THE CHAT" and make that the primary talking point
Why not the engineer? He’s also intelligent, rich, and handsome, so he’s pretty much everything a girl wants and then some.
So how attractive is Pootis Spencer?
I’ve mentioned this before, but I’d like to imagine we’re all getting Cheater’s Laments for not being bot hosters.
>um bro why wipe your ass if its gonna get dirty anyway
The engineer is a manlet
>muh Irish Curse
Trust me, it isn’t real. Even if it were, size doesn’t matter; it’s how you use it.
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Engie bros...
I'd love for engi to ride me at night while making breakfast afterwards
ideal househusband
the gay porn movement is pretty cool if i say so myself
hey he's my height, its not that bad imo, i've seen shorter
kek what a manlet bitch
manlets, when will they learn
yo same, we'll never see real pussy lol
i'm a woman
I am a robot! I am here to take American jobs!
god I wish that were me
its easy to become a woman
eh not really, you wouldn't want to be me xd
why not? I've always wanted to be a small woman
>small woman
5'7 is not that bad, unless you're 6'5...then yeah it is small
It's not too late for HRT sister
anyone under 6' is small
>80% of the world population is small
damn...well i dont mind height either way, you cant really help with it that much anyways
I don't think 80% is right but either way that's what everyone tells me and everyone else, being short is a huge disadvantage
>anything but Badwater or Upward gets picked
>they afk
Truly a competitive experience, Dane!
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Is the whole thing just some elaborate grift on his part, or is he actually that stupid?
The actions most likely to have a real impact(boycotts, more people at Valve HQ, review-bombing other Valve games) are all the sort of things content creators don't want "staining" their reputation for endorsing. So the underaged fanboy viewer population gets stuck in an anemic loop of "we have to DO SOMETHING to #FixTF2 guys!" but doing anything even remotely heckin' problematic is totally off the table, so they're all sitting around like good little cucks waiting for their precious petition to be delivered.
Knowing Weezy he's delaying as long as possible to accumulate a ton of mvm tickets before officially backing a boycott.
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When are we getting the heavy update ?
I love heavy so much, I want to have hot sex with a heavy bear
Do you think Valve will care of a boycott coming from 20 or 30,000 players ?
Steam has like +100 millions players
And honestly no one like the TF2 community, outside of tf2 players, even most normies who used to play tf2 hate the community
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im not sure if doxing is illegal where you guys are from but for a french like me it is. though for you guys it may not be so people out there could scare the botters away.
Dont forget the modern internet is just pozzed in general. When signanon's visit to valve leaked people on other sites were worrying that the devs might feel physically threatened or saying that it was a dangerous move to do in "the current political climate" The carebear hugbox bullshit and its obsession with being wholesome 100 all the time has taken over completely
>Is that.... is that a guy dressed as a character from one of our bideo gems? AIIIIIEEEEEEE POTENTIAL TERRORIST SPOTTED, SECURITY SAVE MEEEEE
>Do you think Valve will care of a boycott coming from 20 or 30,000 players ?
I don't think Valve will care unless Gaben leaves his early retirement home in New Zealand, physically flies back to the US, personally murders the current pack of MBA drones leading the company in his stead, and orders them to act like a normal video game developer again.
doxxing is illegal nowhere as long as the information wasnt aquired illegally and its not coupled with calls to a crime.
Big News
Valve are the one hosting the bots
Just got off the phone with Gabe Newell AKA Gaben for you gamerfolks. He's told me that Valve has been secretly honeypotting the bot hosters for the last 2 years after #SaveTF2 and they're almost ready to send death squads to all of the botters' irl homes. Expect public executions themed after various Valve games soon
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Starting today I am emailing valve every day to tell them that TF2C is available for download after they told the devs to take it down. I want valve to DMCA. The backlash if they do nothing to fix tf2 but take down tf2c would be priceless.
Valve shits
The playerbase swallows
And the Youtube content creator wipes
why doesnt lucid want 2forttwerkers on ufr?
>scrolling tf2 fanfiction because im bored
>62 chapter female self-insert x medic fanfic that has been ongoing since 2017, last updated less than a month ago
yeah alright im starting to get a better understanding of that tumblr girl that gets posted here every thread
It is illegal in the UK if there was proven malice behind the doxxing or if it leads to very negative repercutions to the doxxed, no direct call for a crime needed.
Havent check french law like froganon but it could just be similar there.
dispenser down push
He already said he stocked up on Mann Up ticket right before he started FixTF2
>the Youtube content creator wipes
Thats treadmill work
I swear you can get arrested in the UK for thinking the wrong thoughts
doxing should be called a real crime despite the other stuff they call illegal
If having kitchen utensils without a license is illegal, then surely doxxing would be too over there.
>I cant freely dox people, this is practically making thoughts illegal
>the west has fallen, millions must die
he's too afraid of the truth and knows he'll spill his spaghetti with no counter-arguments
fanfic name?
post feet
ew no, i have yeti feet that nobody would want to see
So what are the odds the petition is botted to shit and has a 100000 signatures that just say nate higgers or adolf hitler or whatever? reddit seems to be in denial about it even though it's clearly possible. if it's possible for one person to sign several times surely it could be automated to do the same but faster no?
official /tf2g/ fragging gear
also available for people who don't main medic or pyro
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That's not how you handle an N64 controller FOR FUCK'S SAKE
it is for some games
That's why they are putting off sending it to valve.
It's bad game design that you can top score as soldier without actually being good at the class or the game.
They don't care, the "DMCA takedown" was entirely for show.
If you own an IP you are required to protect it or at least appear to do so publicly.
All of the games worth playing on N64 used the analog stick and/or the Z button.
Where is this from
tf2g doesnt even play on konata
skibidi toilet is sadly a household name, all the tf2freaks shticks are a step too vulgar for parents to abide
who is megascatterbomb
yuro moment
>you need to be ok with people sharing your home address and phone number with harmful intent because.. you just HAVE TO OK! boomers had local area phone books so it's the same thing as thousands of mentally ill neet kiwifarmers online being able to target you because someone said you are a xyz
the transsexual cries in fear as her(his) home address is leaked
It's been over 15 hours since I asked the niggers on steam support if the can bring my deleted cheevo items back
still no response
what the fuck are they doing over there, lazy fucks
It's funny how this took less than 24 hours for them to become afraid of the discussion where multiple people started seething out of their ass.
Hiiii 4chan are trans girls welcome here?
My wife is called gooner allegations
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Reddit is actually fucking FURIOUS at weezy lmfao
This movement just died
weezy made literally one video about fixtf2, collected his patreon donations, and then never talked about it again, what did people expect?
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>redditor e-celeb already backtracking about sending the signatures into valve HQ
these guys are so fucking retarded and pathetic
did it finally occur to this 2 braincell monkey that you cannot, in fact, just walk into valve hq carrying several boxes of unvetted material?
i am willing to bet you those sigs will never get anywhere near valve
fuck this movement
i'm gonna play sonic 3d blast
god, i can only hope.

i miss having a good community server to hang out on all the time with a bunch of other regulars.
>its symbolic, not practical
wasnt he literally the guy that said "we should be doing everything we can, what is there to lose"? Its weird hes saying we shouldnt do anything now because nothing will work
its genuinely amazing how fixtf2 has actually been worse than savetf2. I can only hope with peoples limited attention spans they'll forget any of this happened when the summer update drops
yes, he was LITERALLY the guy that made the most hostile video out of all the e-celebs where he advised that it's time to go gloves off on valve and not be nice until the situation is resolved
then they lost their minds when 5 random redditors left a negative review on cs 2, oh noes, the epic tragedy
looking forward to all the 'tubers uploading their UNBOXING 100 SUMMER 2024 TF2 CASES!!!!! 3 UNUSUALS??!??!?!?!! videos soon
iirc they stopped doing that.

kinda stupid though, because they did it for me and the items I deleted over 10 years ago.
yes :)
It's falling apart. Since now they won't even confirm to anybody that the signatures are real or not that even Valve won't know or not. It's such a shitshow.
So what are the chances the youtubecucks back out of the in person visit and just email the thing to valve lmfao
>the signatures are real
apparently the petition is poisoned because half of it is not only bot names they're full of profanity so they dont know what to do anymore. Either purge it or dont send it. Making it fully anonymous would defeat the purpose
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>#Fixtf2 ends with only some random anon from tf2g doing anything other than jerk off an online petition
Jesus that's funny. They really should have done a public petition from the start.
very likely, and the community will defend it anyway
>do you know how hard it is to print 300k signatures and deliver it??? people have lives you know???
do weezy, thewhat and shork (and whoever the other 3 guys are though i dont even know why you need 6 guys to deliver a bunch of paper) even have real jobs that would justify them taking over a month to find a date where they have time?
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>Bot hosters swatted and doxxed me because of my retardation therefore you have to listen to ytcucks ;((((
>Posts all his info online for all the world to see because young people have no sense of data security and c*ntent creators have even less
>Gets doxxed
Who the fuck even is this fag
you're pretty mad today omegatroonic, not enough free gay porn for ya today?
I never hosted a single bot in my life you faggot
I do like watch you seethe at them though
Go sign a petition or something, I'm sure valve will listen this time™
Literally when the fuck is the summer crate. I can't wait to spend money on it
2nd - 3rd week of july
>ad hominem
Maybe he was playing “The New Tetris”.
Boycottcels gonna be seething over lootboxcore Vegaschads soon once the Macau-coded gambling arc kicks off, can't wait for microtransactionlets to start yapping over the skibidi key cosmetic season
>using latin words in an english conversation to try to sound smart
boycott will fail because tf2 losers have been conditioned to gamble and they'll refuse to actually sell items and delete their steam accounts
english is a weird trade language mangled by 50 different groups tho
what does ad hominem mean thog
cant be a normal human being if he likes potassium bonnet
>sell items
Althoughbeitfully the Youtubers organizing the petition should mimsy groth outgrabe the jabberwocky fifthy tobes.
fr fr
>Tfw in 2 years they make #recreatetf2
>Fixtf2 in total collapse
See you all in 2 years for #HelpTF2
>Youtubers try to create #helptf2
>Nobody listens
>Valve wins
yep yep yep, feels good being a valvechad
It means attacking a person rather than his arguments. For instance, I’ve been called an AI by many in this thread for suggesting that the Brass Beast could be paired with the Dalokohs Bar and GRU. This is an ad hominem argument, since it attacks me rather than the statement I put forth.
"Ad hominem" is a basic term for any individual with a three-digit I.Q. though.
It means attacking whoever you're dealing with on who they are instead of what they say.
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Someone with photoshop skills AKA not me should edit this pic of Marvel presenting their future slop plans with various variations of #HelpTF2, #RescueTF2, #RecreateTF2, #ResuscitateTF2, #UnbotTF2 at 2-year increments.
he's not publicizing the gays doe
"a term ancient because debate never settle" - me, now
did you know that science gets settled
lol that would be pretty funny
my fat, sweaty, musky nutsack settles over your face and causes your pupils to turn heart-shaped when you catch a whiff of their virile scent and feel their heat
theyll make #fixvac in 2 years when cs2, tf2 and deadlock are all botted to hell
They should get more pathetic as the timeline goes on, like 2026 its
by 2034 its
>skibidi toilet is sadly a household name
yes that is because its KINO
kek, the irony being everyone will just be forced to play on community servers
wtf does "slash youth" mean
honestly i don't get why people don't already do this
i mean i get that most community servers are shit, but it's cheap enough to start your own
mannpower has more regulars and is more alive than vanilla servers, and its only available at the bottom of matchmaking
i'm gonna start a server in july and it's just gonna be vanilla and 24/7 running the same map, the only map i play
and i'm gonna ban every single fucking transphobe that joins ngl
duels shouldn't count assists
>being botted
do you tftroons really believe that
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>retarded faggot fanbase of a retarded faggot game surprised that the retarded faggot protest orchestrated by a retarded faggot is gay and retarded
Imagine being scammed by Valve for years and then scamming the whole community in return.
The tf2 community deserved this fucking fate for the shit they did
who cares about &urope
The funny thing is, one of the bot hosters did complain about other bots because while the bots can recognize bots from the same hoster, they apparently cannot recognize anyone else’s bots and so would never leave the server.
>literal who on 4chan puts on a whole cosplay, travels to Valve's office and stays in front of it for a day talking to anyone willing to approach just because he thought itd be amusing
>reddit can only muster the courage to make ms paint porn of a bot hosters robosona
>Weezy goes all "U-um the signatures were only symbolic guise"
>TheWhat saying he just cant go right wait for summer update
What a fucking clown show of a protest, how come all the big talking people did jackshit while some chinese anonymous person from a basketweaving forum did SOME actual protesting at least
Id be embarrassed if I were these tubers
I wonder if thats why some bots votekick other bots
Is this why people have tried votekicking me from casual matches?
> reddit can only muster the courage to make ms paint porn of a bot hosters robosona
Wouldn’t this only work if they send them straight to the Russian government or do they think Putin is just going through the entire intent 24/7 looking for Russians posting gay things?
Would it be possible to hack the bots themselves?
Because they sat in a discord circlejerk full of yes-men that validated their underwhelming ideas. Its not just TF2 but internet discourse in general is like this.
Plus, the zoomer generation is too pussified to take any meaningful action.
4channers are built different.
Yes, let me call up the hacker Anonymous, I've got him on speed dial
protestors on steroids
It is possible, you'd have to gain access to the machines running the Tf2 instances (Very hard to do).
On it boss
Yeah and at that point you might as well just fry the computer they are using.
Amazing how retards don't understand that the only way to make valve care is to stop making the hats or maps
Workshopfags literally make money for valve, it's them who decide on fucking everything
all bot hosters suddenly dying is more likely
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>think I said would happen happened
I would feel vindicated but it was so obvious I genuinely feel no joy over this. I just feel tired
weren't worksloppers in the emporium discord protesting the protest, especially the boycott part, because getting their garbage added to the game is how they make bank? lmfao
The emporium was sad that signanon didn’t get shot
no you dont understand we NEED 6 people to drop off the paper to valves front desk
how else will the youtubers get brownie points for doing it
Bots currently rely on whitelists to recognize each other, and not all bot hosts use the same software or are affiliated. Occasionally smaller bot factions will encounter the larger ones and they'll treat each other as players. Bots vote kick players to avoid the possibility of being locked in bot only servers. A bot that simply sees bots, appears human and votes no is a great counter to all existing bot implementations.
>some retard got fake bot hoster doxxes and got an innocent person harassed
>now everyone is against doxxing out of fear this may happen again
kys discordnegro go back and stay back
There's no mastermind
When your opponent is so utterly fucking retarded, you win by simply being less incompetent
so clearly we just need to raise our own army of bots to fight. Sounds more fun than gay porn I guess
It should also have #bringbacktrading or something
knowing that bot hosters will never have 'za delivered to their homes... it is quite sad
It's worse than #savetf2 since Valve didn't even answer. Despite being more organized this time it was still a mess (organizers refusing to boycott, reviewbombing not even being in the original plan, no "phase 2" after June 3rd, STILL haven't delivered the signatures, etc.)
We technically have to see what happens after the signatures are delivered (if they manage to even get in) and if there are any early fixe in the summer update (lol)
its just unbelievable. these fags are more likely to dox eachother over petty drama going on in their shitty discord servers, than to get doxxed by the tf2 community
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TheWhat, Weezy, and all the other ““content creators”” organizing savetf2 are fucking retards. The protest was so disorganized to the point that they kept telling their communities different goals. Because of this, no one actually knew what the fuck to do or how to support other than LE PETITION. So, now the hype is completely dead and they are still waiting 2 weeks to do anything with the petition. This was not organized in the slightest before the protest started.

Yeah, I’m sure Valve is gonna be pleased to see that petition. They’ll be able to save money on toilet paper and put more money into Deadlock.
It's so unorganized they don't even have dates to go to Valve yet, they really just expect they can waltz in there whenever they feel like it. Can't wait for the cope when Valve ignores them and they get a security guard's boot print stamped on their ass
There's your protest measure. Bonus points if the bots can somehow make the game server use more compute. Your botnet would be all the virtue signalling petition signing Redditors.
also wasn’t weezy the one that hoarded mvm tickets before the protest dropped so he could be like “look at me im not buying anything off the store! :))))”

then he got called out on it and got upset lol
fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice...
? Did he do this before or something lol
yes lmao, for savetf2
Why couldn’t he just play boot camp? It’s free!
jesus fuck man that guy sucks lol
Fempyro is actually me btw
The jokes about him being a gambling addict aren't jokes
The only attractive tf2 character is engineer
It be funny if the summer update never comes
It's ok I'd still top him
Dont forget he was also incredibly against the idea of a financial boycott and said it would be bad for tf2
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Isn’t it a work day? I can’t believe Bagboy got fired after years of faithful service bagging groceries.
new thread image holy kek
No way! The Save TF2 Cinematic Universe!

What content creator gets to start the next one so they can stay relevant??? I hope its Elmaxo :)
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it's funny how tf2 wankers blame each others instead of focusing on the real deal : Valve
It's all up to them, they can shut down the game tomorrow and everyone would stop giving a shit about tf2 after three months
Redditards who think it will change something to hand over a handwritten petition are just foolish,
same goes for 4chuds

All you have to do is stop giving a crap about the future of this game, move on chuddy
Kek, not bad
Cashiers do the bagging themselves + Tuesdays are my day off
Redditoors next move: Class Action lawsuit against Valve
They seem like the type of people to reject an idea over and over again and when they decide to go with the idea it’s already too late to use said idea, and only after their own retarded idea have long since failed.
>WoUlD YoU SiGn mY PeTiTiOn ?

Total retard
So, what will the cope be when Valve inevitably ignores them?
>We reached out to Valve and they didn't answer, there's nothing we can do...
>Oh we totally went to Valve HQ and delivered the signatures! We...just couldn't take any pictures as proof that we actually went...hehe *sweeps signatures under the rug*
>Actually going to Valve HQ wouldn't do anything...
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I don't understand why they don't try to convince Joshie to do more to #FixTF2 since he's one of the few people left at Valve who still cares about the game. Maybe he could make an actual gameplay update if people pushed him to do this.
>The movement derailed way too hard, we decided not to deliver any signatures because that's not important right now
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I don't understand why they don't try to convince Joshie to do more to #FixTF2 since he's one of the few people left at Valve who still cares about the game. Maybe he could make an actual gameplay update if people pushed him to do this.
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>people actually get turned on by this
fucking Americans
There wasn't any organic reason for a protest to arise at this exact moment. The bots have not even successfully conquered casual, and I have rarely been unable to locate a playable game in the past three years, even if it has been at times an extreme annoyance. The 'people' shouting "#fixtf2" are the same that will tell you they know better than valve about random Crits or class limits, or who think themselves too good to have to kick a bot or two. In other words, it isn't an issue that affects them because they don't play casual. So of course they don't care enough to actually follow through, they're carpet baggers.
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here is mine with stolen low effort artwork
what the hell is wrong with americans
>In CS2 they're an irritation
because you're stuck with them for 20-45 minutes. in tf2 you just requeue or
>join a fucking community server for once

they are different and both driving players away but cs2 is worse tbqhb.

valva crazy, casuals dont want to play them and they're driving away their veterans with neglict and/or stupid shit design choices. vac update in general solves 97% of problems for literally everyone (valve included) except cheaters.
I don't know if it's a good idea to harass a freelance contracted employee to fix tf2 as a whole, the decision to not work on tf2 anymore comes from an higher hierarchy in Valve HQ, most developers don't want to touch this game anymore.
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>Commie bastard forces local employee to work on a 17 years old game
>the game is old!
Nethack is 36 years old and is still updated regularly
Valve = government (bad)
tf2 wankers = proleteriat (fighting for good)

really makes you thenk...
>patching and fixing roads
lmao those old things? move on to trains bro
gee i wonder who is behind all the spergin-i mean, doomposting lately. couldn't be the bot hosters themselves.
not like one of them has been posting a link to their video on how to host bots + schizoposting, bot hosters aren't aware that they can astroturf here nope
Is there anything stopping a custom HUD from replacing the queue casual feature with a macro for searching a community map matching the desired parameters (as read from checkboxes) prior to falling back to the valve casual queue? Mastercom's random match button isn't the solution, but if server hosters could attest to their servers meeting a casual spec, that could be a pretty slick solution.
Fucking salty ass nigger legits
anonymized autism is a powerful force
same goes for Dwarf Fortress
because the devs actually care about their games, and have fun working on it

Unlike TF2, I can't imagine the nightmare of working on tf2 code

>But hire some new employees for TF2 !
They hire employees for all games or projects, not juste one
Except that would be an actual good idea (because it actually has changed Valve’s policies and is why we are able to refund our games) it’s just that redditors would be too stupid to ether go with it or know how to even start a lawsuit.
If there were a suitable replacement I'd leave
ur trolling yourself and your team if you don't use scatter
>Cow Mangler
direct hit. charges faster/more damage for "support" + actually deal with engi
>Any banner, probably Buff Banner
good but batts charges quicker. conch situational. batts best but i do like buff banner. still worse than gunboats.
>all of demoman
you're trolling yourself and team if you dont use stock sticky + stock GL/iron bomber + whatever melee. you should be able to "support" them with this.
i think what you don't realise is the best way to support your team is by being effective by yourself.
it's not a bad loadout but you'll do more just playing as a spy normally would (see kunai, sometimes yer but only with l'tranger).
>no piss sniper

>not just playing medic, engineer or pyro in the first place
It's not doom-posting, it's realism and stoic posting
Some of ya'll act like spoiled childrens, you are not paying taxes for Valve, they are even allowed to shut down the item server if they want it, legally speaking
Enjoy the good old times you passed on TF2 and just move on, or make your own TF2Classic server with no custom weapon and live happily ever after.
>medic is on my team and we're bantering
>map switches and he's on the enemy team
>kill him nonstop till he stops talking and then just says 'gg' at the end
it was so sad, but it had to be done
killing you was my job, man
christ, the first one was funny this one is too much
>it's realism if i say it's realistic / the truth / objectively correct etc.
it's also realism if i say no one would miss you if you died
There are options other than valve fixing it.
get cancer and fucking die
also i have 100% pikey blood so this curse will stick, you daft nigger cunt
watch out, you're gonna get some real bad news about your health in the next month
You don't need to play class shooters for all eternity, pick something else you ape
>tf2c shill
kill yourself
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>Hhuhh don't insult my game!! stop doomposting, I'm gonna cry and piss my pants

When did redditards invade tf2g ?
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don't make me tap the comment
>you VILL play ze 5v5 moba shooter and you VILL be happy
you're the only one here speaking like a redditor you fucking nigger
i'd fucking peel the skin off your face and grill you while you're still alive
And what about when I do feel like playing one? The consumer isn't wrong for wanting the product.
Deadlock isn't even out yet and tftrannies were already mindbroken by it
200 rupees have been deposited in your account, deadonarrival shill
The issue with trying to disrupt the flow of golf, soccer and basketball is that those things are done in real life, so the people overseeing the game can pull you out, and the fans and players can just beat the shit out of you because you are in their physical presence, that and people that due try to disrupt one of the bigger matches of the games would get the police and security called on them.
>Valve when a gambling addict and a nerd with a toddler's voice storm in with a bunch of signed toilet paper
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>Still seething about his dead game

Cope kid, just cope already, I'm imagining you furiously typing on your sweaty keyboard kek

>Bu..BuT you do not write like us, you need to talk like an uneducated reta...aACK
just give up bro
t. totally not tf2c or deadslop shill
he brought up the analogy because it's retarded to dedicate yourself to disrupting the flow of a game either way
>it was so sad, but it had to be done
>killing you was my job, man

this is the warmth you will receive from the average tf2tard
Deadcuck general when
kek, post this on leddit
no new game
no new generals
just stop posting on 4chan
>posts frog
>"you're responding so you lose" argument
not making yourself look any better
Deadlock scholar, who is your main?
>they know better than valve
i mean they do because valve has been completely retarded when it comes to tf2 since 2015
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Get your logical fallacies right tranon, answering to an Ad Hominen is superfluous
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too true
this is how thirdies respond if you fuck with their footy
I am just saying the reason why most people don’t do it to real life sports is because they are actual real life consequences to doing so such as someone getting pissed enough to actually kill you.
>working on tf2 is a nightmare, because... shounic said so!
>Public execution of a murderer who killed in broad daylight is suddenly bad?
Do tf2 players really?
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You know your protest is retarded when r/tf2 is smarter than you

I haven't had the chance to play Deadlock yet, probably Lash
completely justifiable reaction
shouldn't have messed with me footy simple as
>batts charges faster
it doesnt
Just post your steam account on the thread. I'm sure one of the anons will invite you.
Use your brain for a moment, most valve coders weren't fixed employees, everyone came in and went back to whatever project they were working on when tf2 still had major updates, as a result, the code is a total clusterfuck, pajeet style.
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Then again a single troon managed to fix most of the leaked source code so it doesn't seem like an impossible challenge
>5 valve employees team up and rewrite the entire codebase to be more coherent
>break trimmping
>break obscure rocket jumping tech
>break item interactions
>break random achievements
>the entire community starts to seethe
So... why should valve update again?
Honestly sports fans get violent when their team loses, imagine someone just walking in fucking with their game?
I mean they think you shouldn’t dox the bot hosters even though they were doxing people, imagine if they learn a bot hoster was killing people they probably would go “ we shouldn’t give them the death penalty or murder them we be no different form them!” Or something stupid like that.
Not a single one of these questions will be answered
>and THATS why nobody works on tf2
>totally not entirely because its a failed esport and therefore not profitable
theyd rewrite this shit from scratch like they did with cs if it was making big bucks like cs.
That's unironically what the modern day judgement system is like.
>What? You've murdered 4 people? Ermm, 50 years to jail. because, uhhh, your life is more important than the victims.
thats a lot of effort, so im assuming valve in this hypothetical valve actually cares. in that case, theyll release weekly patches like they did with cs2 because the movement wasnt smooth enough apparently
also this just reminded me that the average cs player knows more about movement than the average tf2 player despite one game having practically no movement tech and the other being full of them
Thankfully in the case of pedos, the other criminals won’t tolerate them, Infact didn’t one of the bot hosters get arrested for something like that?
Botfags outright got a person swatted, and people got killed before due to being swatted so they definitely attempted murder at least. Guy was only lucky he wasnt a muttmerican or hed probably been shot.
>lack of communication
That would mean fixtf2 leaders and valve have done something in common, imagine that
>so-called "free thinkers" when the map is tc_hydro
So then why do they care about casual if it's bad and they don't play it?
So many people in shounic's stream chat who hate hydro...
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erm are we playing on tc_hydro? UGH!!!!
Wtf is this map
!nominate upward
!nominate badwater
trannies are so common in the programming world because locking yourself alone in a room to work on a project that's left to rot shouldn't make you wonder why you go mad.
>on uncletopia, 1v1 a demoknight and die because he held w+m1, duh
>he laugh taunts as if that shit took 1% of the skill of actually playing the game
>finally break and call him a faggot
>only get warned, not even a temporarily mute
nice. i thought i'd receive a worse punishment
>run into "Coffee Addicted Femboy" in yuropean pub server on the 9th of this month
>on the 21st of this month run into the most retarded player who happens to be from my cuntry
>tell him to 41% in our language on his profile
>on the 22nd of this month "Coffee Addicted Femboy" and he sucked each other off in their comments
Yuro pubs are really just like 2000 people total or something. The game's become fucking SMALL. It'd be good if it wasn't all butthurt belt sodomites but it fucking is.
i bet these people havent even touched a misc map that isnt vsh or shitbyen
one time I said nigga and got banned for a week.
another I was being rude to trannies but they caught on to my "bigotry" and banned me for a week there too.
yeah, probably on a watchlist to get banned now but i hardly talk there, usually i just stomp the server and have a good time (besides the fucking demoknights in every round)
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NA is worse. These femboy types are all we see over here.
this happened to me a year or so ago yet the items i have would be enough reason to get me banned. somehow i'm fine
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dashie is in jail doing mge with tyrone but he wasn't a bot hoster
1st warning: we hate troons but support femboys here. watch yourself
> ezgif
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XD I cant believe my favorite tf2bers are gunna go to VALVE and fight for us little guys :3 this CERTAINLY wont go badly and end with nothing happening XD
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Its kind of funny how gamers will preach about how important video game preservation is in regards to emulation, rom sites, and decompilation projects. Making games that are years even decades older than TF2 playable for future generations, but when you dare suggest that maybe TF2 should also be playable, they'll turn around and tell you to let it go because it's old and you need to move on.

I'm starting to think Valve fans are even more cucked than Nintendo fans at this point. At least a lot of tendies fight tooth and nail to keep their favorite old games playable on modern systems, creating even better versions than Nintendo's official re-releases, while Valve cucks are purely at the mercy of Valve when they could not give less of a shit about their old IPs. Every time Nintendo does something retarded every single corner of the gaming press, whether it be YouTubers or j*urnos, rightfully shits on them relentlessly, but all sins Valve has partaken in are fully forgiven because they made good video games like 30 years ago.

I know a good portion of the people telling you to move on are likely trolls, but there are tons of extremely sad, nihilistic people who genuinely believe in what they say and cannot comprehend why someone wouldn't want to partake in shiny new product. Its a problem with gaming culture as a whole really where video games and systems are just seen as disposable products.
>Uncletopia mods have nothing better to do than examine every word said for slurs and skim every item of every player for offensive renames
>Meanwhile their overlord happily sings a song where he had to make a rhyme with nigger
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the high effort shitposting tf2 doesnt deserve
he was a jesse
he was a footrest
can I make it any more obvious
>dbznigger is back at it again
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I just want tf2 back. I like when the fat guy says pootis and the spy says suprise buttsecks
the reason why they say to let tf2 go is because its a multiplayer game, and multiplayer games, unlike singleplayer games, couldnt be experienced anymore after a few years. of course, nowadays everythings live service which ensures that each game lasts a million years (thats why mp game sequels dont really come out anymore except for cod), but that notion has still remained
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True. Every time you actually try to explain how casual, the most accessible / primary gamemode being pretty much unplayable harms the longevity of the game they just ignore it.
Don't mean to be a doomer but damn is it impossible to convince anyone not already on board, they always say "move on, I moved on to slop so you should move on too" or flat out "you deserve to have your game ruined because of Youtubers / redditors." Pic related taking all of the common ideas and saying "nope, won't work :)" didn't help either
wtf i dont remember him having a tail
so it's a big snake turd?
>Weezy is gonna make an epic style hit video about whats been happening
>TheWhatShow said theyre taking so much time because planning a trip of a group of 5-6 adults is dificult
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>plan to just leave the signatures in the front desk and leave
Man they really want to milk this for all its worth in tuber content dont they
yeah its a buttplug but i dont care about semantics like that.
shounic never said tf2 should fail. Just that #fixtf2 isn't going to work because the problem is much more complicated than valve said they're willing to put in. he's said on multiple occasions the treadmill work excuse is bullshit and they should just put in the effort
So this thread is infested with soitoddlers, uttppedos, foodistscancers and lastly the heroic dbs posters... Truly this is the worst thread on /vg/
I get that. Multiplayer games as a whole are mostly disposable products, but most multiplayer games that died, died a graceful death after most players experienced everything the game has to offer or something better comes along to replace it. TF2 is deliberately being killed by outside forces and neglect from it's developers. Thousands of people still want to play and experience TF2 which is compounded by the fact that there's never been a true successor. I'd even argue the game would see a resurgence in player numbers from tons of oldfags who left after MyM if Valve brought back quickplay, but the state of the game is so pitiful even most new players coming in will see it for what it is and leave forever.
This is why I fucking hate generals on this site. I'm only here because it's the only place I can remotely and consistently talk about this game. This board is ass
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Not me, that's a lesser ape KEKjitaLARD
the fuck do half of those even mean
>Masterconfig literally remaking quickplay
So how hard would it be to make a mod that implements it without opening up the browser, reminds me how Titan Fall 2 made their own client.
There's HUD mods on gamebanana already attempting to do this, so I give it a few weeks while they polish it
Imagine zoomer pedo dens where people convince children to cut their names on themselves all ironically of course. That's >>483453164 what uttp do, and also foodists, and also soiposters but only on discord.
There could be a thread here with nothing but gay porn and it still wouldnt be the worst one because gachafag generals exist
>#fixtf2 isn't going to work because the problem is much more complicated than valve said they're willing to put in.
Yes, if you don't see how someone trusted coming out and saying "you guys are naive, valve won't listen. here's a bunch of reasons why your movement is doomed to fail. but you can keep demanding support if you want, I can't stop you being retarded :)" does harm to the sentiment then I don't know what to say. Shounic didn't do it on purpose, but he took the side of the antis
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CHADgon CHAD ZLORDS own this general
Other moenime need not CRAPply
Dorf is a bad example, that guy spent 5 years just to remove keyboard controls
All he did was tell the truth. Daily reminder we didn't even get a tweet this time
>shounic's chat filled with anti sniper shitters
>"the truth"
Yeah that's obvious but even the amount on euro servers is quite a bit. Most of them are fucking polish.
It's just shocking how often I see the same people in casual. It only sucks when it's so many degens but I guess it's a given on any online community now.
>1st warning: we hate crossdressing men on estrogen but support crossdressing men (likely on estrogen) here.
just so we're clear, the tf2 community in question is just the redditors, right? X'ers (the only relevant platform) have completely forgotten about it by now, yeah?
> X'ers
It's called twitter
Jesus reading shounic stream chat makes me want to blow my brains out. I fucking hate these normalfaggot zoomers infesting the game with their dogshit opinions
You're grasping at straws right now and it's a little embarrassing ngl
That's okay repeat after me. "Of saddest words of tongue and pen, shounic was right again"
femboys aren't gay or crossdressers by definition. it also takes more effort to earn that title since you need to be extremely adept at taking care of your appearance, as opposed to trooning out since that's just calling yourself a different pronoun. also koth is the best gamemode
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This is literally me and I have 350 hours with Demo
>wojak ai meme slop generator
this thread is officially at the lowest point possible
i drew it specifically for that post
>they're complaining about crits now
>A graphic video surfaced online shortly following the incident that shows medical personnel reassembling Otávio's body.
Why and how and what?
>femboys aren't gay
Yeah BY DEFINITION. ONLY 99% are in reality.
>or crossdressers by definition
Nigger what
noone on konat... le sigh...dealing with retards in pubs it is then...
ooooh theyre gonna have to glue you back together... IN HELL!
trvth nvke
Forcing teamkill mechanics in casual and all community servers is the only way to fix tf2
It's TFC demo.
It's AI generated, what did you expect?
>2 hours
i ain't got time for this
lucid needs to get zesty to be actually confronted by someone who doesnt cry about sniper like a baby on ufr, like gabber
Lmao that part of the stream was hilarious, there's no way that guy was for real with those changes
>guy spams nigger
>messages just hidden 2 times before finally being banned
this nigga permamuted me for saying that a text document on github was dumb asfuck... is he BIGOTED?!!!!
>Referee stabs someone to death
Honestly, what did he expect to happen? This was a perfectly justified reaction, and eye for an eye.
>femboys aren't gay
tell me 1 straight femboy who doesn't have a mommy dommy kink and lives in a happy marriage with kids
spoiler: you can't because they don't fucking exist, every femboy I've encountered was deranged gay, a pedophile (or the one who got groomed) or had a milf twice his body size
>by definition
by definition they shouldn't even exist, cause they all would be in therapy for abnormal behavior
any non tftuber chud could verbally molest zesty in a debate
>decapitating someone and shoving their head on a pike is justified and acceptable
Smelling pretty brown in here
gabber would be so much fun to have on UFR
that and having richter overtime there at the same time. it would be a clip factory
>Kill some guy
>Gets killed in return
Yes, justified and acceptable. I would dare say that they had a moral obligation to demonstrate that this kind of conduct from a ref is unacceptable. They did that by brutally killing him, I don't think many other refs will entertain the though of killing the players anymore.
Having a thing for dominant women makes one who only dates women not straight?
No man who shaves himself to look more appealing in female clothing is well adjusted in the slightest degree. This should be obvious.
guys... we shouldnt do that because then wed be just as bad as him... im trans btw
>so you said gunslinger was op?
any and all arguments instantly shut down
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Why yes, yes it is.
this, in a civilized society more "people" would get that punishment
The state should be executing criminals, not a bunch of brown barbarian soccer niggers acting like animals.
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The state is full of fags and too pussified to do it in proper time
>He thinks an eye for an eye is a valid justice system
Turd world moment
this, it's cartel land, maybe the cartels would've hired that referee to kill more people
Scatterbomb sisters... redditors are talking shit about the fixtf2 leaders under OmegaScatterBomb's post
>that enforcer """buff"""
No way this isn't a troll
>turd world
ok so if someone stabbed you in the arm you wouldn't even budge? damn i wish i were you
eye for an eye is a valid thing, unless you're fucking buddha and nothing ever bothers you
>he doesn't respect the footy
Escort this gringo.
>email it to valve
At least we know Gabe Newell reads his e-mails.
Didn't read
Sub 80 iq mentality
nah they'd say some shit like
>uh w-well we saved a bunch of trees by not using the paper i dont wanna harass anyone i mean think of all that paper the employees might get paper cuts we shouldnt stoop to the bot hosters level
>someone stabs me
>stab them back in revenge
>their friends stab me back in revenge
>a family member stabs them in revenge
>their family stabs them in revenge
Great system you got there
ok then tell me your wisdom if you're 170iq
>huo long is fine
this man is retarded, loses every heavy v heavy!
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>predditors make porn of an underage b8's donut steel skibidi toilet/pyrocynical OC
>they realize this is wrong
>... because it's making fun of le gays
They literally never had a chance, bot troons won
It's very likely, I want to see what cope they will formulate when they get denied access since they STILL haven't organized anything with Valve about going there.
>just email the thing to valve lmfao
lol if their plan b is to send 330k emails to Valve or Eric they're going straight to the spam folder and will never even be acknowledged
join konatatf
Even if they do, do you guys in the states even have paid leave days guaranteed by the gov?
skibidi toilet mechs look cooler than omegaytranny
>the year is 2030
>all casual servers are full of bots and anti-bots
>community servers are dead, the last of the human players left years ago
>steam reports over 200k active players, all time peak of 500k
>inexplicably the game still has an active trading scene
>the price of a key is 1000.33 refined metal
>why are community servers so dead?
I like community servers. I just hate lucky star.
He's legit seething, I left a comment calling him a hypocrite on a video that's not even on his channel, not directly linking him or anything and he responded to it within hours. He's likely combing through comment sections and social media with ctrl+f weezy looking for people to argue with. Anyone who's made a video on him or fixTF2 that is in any way critical he just calls bait, he can't cope with being the figurehead of the movement because he was a dumbass who thought everyone would rally behind him regardless.
or maybe he's just defending himself. ironic since i've seen the same people circlejerking about how tf2 players don't deserve anything on every video "critical" of (shitting on) fixtf2
fuck off, i dont join "le old quirky anime" servers
it's just a basic ass vanilla server dude
You don't have to defend yourself if you stop actively seeking it out, just ignore it. By responding to it you're validating the opinions of nobodies like myself who would be otherwise filtered out.
what vanilla servers are there to play
konata is permadead
castaway is for aussies
zesty is us only and also permadead
I'm American and at work
maybe... maybe shork taking the spotlight was a good thing
grouch should put me in charge of his balance mod. i would #fixtf2sbalance in an instant. i am the greatest idea guy who has ever idead
konata is alive sometimes exclusively thanks to muzzies, yuros are too stuck up even though there are actually literally no other vanilla servers here
>no switching teams
>no spectating
>no scramble
>round based instead of map timer based
ummm this isnt, like, vanilla and stuff
>They did that by brutally killing him, I don't think many other refs will entertain the though of killing the players anymore.
honestly a lot of people don't seem to understand how powerful a tool fear is.
Zesty's server is getting more traction now especially thanks to that community quickplay
If it keeps this up a EU server might happen
imagine if Zesty fixed tf2...
Maybe we'll get a savetf2 version 3
Just trust the plan
next OP image
Hopefully the community has learned its lesson and just starts the movement with gay porn production next time
Version 3 will actually work because valve fears the number 3
That many 'players' has to cost something to host servers for. At least valve gets to suffer too in this ending.
Community quickplay?
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The only reason why Zesty gets to own everyone when confronted is because the average TF2ber is dumber than a redditor
Literally any normal adult would make him look like a pedo retard
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traderbros... it's not looking good here
just trade with the bots
wait Zesty is based?
While I understand that trade bots are how Mannco.store and Marketplace.tf function, he probably got banned for that comment.
Valve is just as bad at balancing the game, the only difference is community balancing likes to be overcomplicated and bad instead of just bad
>dumbass soldierfag
Like clockwork.
>join valve server
>it's hydro
>just about everyone there wants to be there, and having fun
>>>>>it's only a 1 in a million chance of queuing into hydro
>doesn't say why
every time
>Guy behind this is a """game dev"""
It gets even worse
its mostly because tc is really confusing for new players which directly goes against what tf2 is supposed to be (a very accessible game and easy to understand game)
also because if both teams rush out at the same time (which they most likely will), then 1 guy is bound to sneak past everyone and backcap. last 2 casual matches ive played this happened on every single area and it sucked balls because the match ended in <4 minutes
It's sold out and this website is impossible to use if you don't have an account
don’t forget he has 50 hours in tf2
Yeah, gotcha
If you consider being a transsexual pedo as based then yes
this happens all the time, it's just an automatic anti-spam thing. the valve jannies unban you if you contact them
I'm honestly not convinced he's played against real players before in a regular server. When you consider he plays against bots for the entire video, it begins to make sense that his opinions are formed from playing against bots rather than real players.

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