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someone else better make the threads

>The Final Shape

TWAB (06/20/24): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-06-20-24
Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_0_4

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Clan: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/4995217

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>me with my Truth
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Subjugator feet.
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piss status?
remember that all warlocks are chubby, all titans are muscular and all hunters are thinspo
surges removed from raids tomorrow, and the -5 power delta too I think?
GM's tomorrow
COWABUNGA GUARDIAN (skimmers around the EDZ)
titans are in a bad state
khostov and speaker mask to be nerfed due to yellow & red minigamers
truth got buffed (try it)
piss status?
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needs a bigger butt
Please marry me, Truth poster.
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Demons are now in destiny what kinda weapons would we make them into?
delta isn't going away, everything is just getting a invisible surge slapped on(even kinetic)
also is truth actually good?
another weapon of sorrow thats a special weapon, kinetic shotgun with a dot?
Any good prismatic warlock builds other than getaway artists?
Swarmers with the seasonal tangle explosion thing
Use threadling grenade, use the 'when kill with X type spawn a subclass element of that type' to spawn more green shit
Devour gives back grenade energy and the threadlings tick it three times with the nade alone

Apotheosis Veil with Song and Flame, but more star eater shenanigans

Osmiomancy class item with Verity I think it was, coldsnap and devour feeds itself

Honestly the getaway+bleak is the best of the Warlock prismatic, everything else you'll find is subpar and more about trying to make it work, than it actually working.
osmiomancy on the class item works with any nade so you use vortext with the weaken fragment and get giga regen
It's not that much regen to be fair
Thanks. I'll play with swarmers for awhile, just tired of using getaway + bleak
you get 75% easy and more if tag a higher tier enemy
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Play Gambit.
I got my pathfinder done and abandoned the match mid game.
sorry anon, Truth is my one true love
give me ONE good reason
Getting RICH!
wtf i want to bank motes now?!?
Drifter helped me pay off student loans
saving this rare Truth post
You've devalued it fool
gambit is great, it just needs a best of 3 format and like 3 new maps.
>gms drop tomorrow
>Used to only have to have +5 and pinnacle a year ago to be at light
>Xp gains have been throttled to hell in tfs
>have to have +15 artifact power on top of pinnacle to do gms here
This whole dlc is just slimy in the ways they've tried to force player retention
>1 artifact power below the limit
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Dude DMed me during the match getting mad lol.
fucking FINALLY
how many truth kills does truthposter have
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after beating me in a match again with his buddy he kept dming me.
i got gambit hatemail once while I was farming for trust
I got a 4 piece invade and started getting really mad DMs.
I wasn't even using xenophage, just a normal lmg
shit was wild
what is the best roll for Summon Bonum?
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i use xenophage everytime i play gambit because i want everyone to know how shit the gamemode is and not enjoy it like i do
Unrelenting + Chain Reaction/OFA
i see, so this is mroe an add clear and not a boss weapon
>drawing an art
>have trouble visualizing the forms
>what the fuck is a cylinder
>realize i'm never clearing verity
you sound ready for salvations edge lfg
i'll watch the 8 minute guide and bring arc titan with my favorite double primary loadout too
.......do people really not know basic shapes you're taught in elementary school
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This is your superblack hunter in crucible.
what the fuck is a shape?
>he doesn't know about the final shape
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>Introduce Micah-10 into the game finally
>Realize in 7 years or whatever she'll announce her GF making her the first transbien character in the game
We joke about how much Bungie hates non-lgbtqia but I think they just want to make everyone gay, regardless what they are. Why can't they make Micah fall for a guy and it be a wholesome "i was a boy, now a girl and here's my husbando" straight relationship? My trans gf pointed out how they'll probably go this way with Micah and she's probably right.
I kind of love getting hate mail. Takes me back to the Halo days. But also, I'm so dogshit, that getting hate mail is like vindication that I'm doing something good.
Sometimes its just funny, tho. I was in Control last night trying to get six sniper kills for the Ritual Pathfinder. And being dogshit in general plus a shitter who never uses a sniper, it took me 5 matches to get done. I got lucky in match five and got three kills with it. Rocked some guy with my crappy Volta Bracket with this wild midair no-scope. I didn't even mean to shoot. I just panicked.
And the guy got so salty messaging me about botting and shit. I'm a damn playstation shitter. lol
Felt good, man.
Why didnt they use rivens wish magic to kill the witness?
Why didn't the witness wave his hand and kill everyone
why didn't we just load a billion rounds into izanagis burden and fire in the witnesses general direction
Why didn't we let Savanthun protecc the Traveler and make a fake one for the Witness?
Why did they remove the character development Zavala got during haunted just to repeat it again in TFS
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idk, watching Zavala lose it while reliving his farm's assault was kino. man was in the corner freaking out over his personally tailored Vietnam flashback. hearing him unhinged was some peak VA work
>delta isn't going away, everything is just getting a invisible surge slapped on(even kinetic)
Why cant they just get rid of surges and deltas? This is fucking retarded.
This is also a good question

I just dont like the idea of “wish magic” existing in any setting because its retarded not to utilize it to resolve every conflict
because that would mean admitting they were wrong, which is not what modern game devs do(especially the ones that are like the ship of theseus)
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kek tfs killed destiny earlier than expected
4 hours 50 replies, why tf is there a general for this dead ass game, and this is 2 weeks into the expansion lmfao
Who would have thought that a game with FOMO passes/seasons and content you also need to buy to keep up which also both have been performing awfully is not drawing in new players, while pissing off vet players, isnt doing good?
>doomer spam samefagging
>tranny grammar
many such cases
Except I'm not samefagging, maybe you find it hard to believe that D2 is just an absolute fucking shitshow for the past 3 seasons?
>tranny grammar
Terminally online brainrot causes people to make up retarded terms like this and I wish I could have the honors of ensuring that your ballsack could get snipped off so you would not be able to reproduce and ensure the future generation to inherit your dogdick IQ
oh my god i hate indians
>tranny grammar
wtf even
After slamming my head into a wall since Friday, I finally went flawless and got both a good pvp and pve roll of the new adept heavy burst this morning. I had a 10 match losing streak on Saturday and a 7 match losing streak just earlier today, I can’t fucking believe I did it. Persistence pays off, lads. Also, fuck all of you Khvostov meta-slaves. I’ve got you figured out
... are you going to use those rolls?
>Another 6 hours maintenance
>Each week
Man, Red Death feels so good on prismatic Titan. I feel like an idiot for not swiping it from the season pass or pulling Crimson from my vault until just now.
The pve one that I have with slice/threadling+golden tricorn works quite nicely in my strand build. As for the pvp roll, I honestly don’t see myself using it much. I haven’t tested it, but I’m guessing it’s going to be very mediocre. It’ll get the job done, but not as well as my Blast Furnace
red death is just good for anything since it keeps you alive and works at a distance
Will the remaining 3 or 4 hopesisters finally admit that the doomers were right and that an expansion has never been so unpopular? The numbers are alarming and they're only going to get worse, because 1- there are 3 and a half months left before the season ends and 2- bungie has done absolutely nothing to stem the hemorrhage of players, no "into the Light" 2.0.

All bungie had to do was to do their fucking job: create interesting and rich content. But no, they preferred to pay a scam company, I mean a marketing company, to come up with a name change (season -> episode) and to slow down in-game progression as much as possible (pathfinder, giga nerf) instead of making interesting content.
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tick tock warlocks
True. Devourlock plus Red Death must be nuts with the potential facetanking.
WWWWWWEEEEEEELLLLLLLL i would say THAT considering they both do the same thing so its not like you should being using it on warlock when you can get a full heal from either devour or red death
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>pic related from May 23rd, 2024 TWID
>there's actually 56 static pathfinders according to the API because it just uses the same system as triumphs/seasonal challenges/guardian ranks
I do.
Most developers that say something is "procedurally generated" (unless the entire game is based around that core idea) are usually lying anyway
Bungie themselves did this before with Curse of Osiris' infinite forest
Oh wait, yeah. I'm a retard. lol
so that was just a lie
Who's hyped for 30 minutes of "new" content today? I hecking love EPISODES.
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i only bought the pass for the dungeon key
probably a bad idea considering ghosts of the deep and how its progressively gotten worse somehow
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I'm not really surprised that this is real but it's still amusing to see nonetheless
i believe they nerfed class item drop from chests.
of maybe 4 autists that I saw who actually tracked how many chests they've looted the pattern I see is that you either get one somewhere around 30 chests or you get one somewhere around 80 chests
YOU >>HAVE<< TO USE THIS BEFORE SURGES GO AWAY FOREVER!! | Leviathan's Breath vs. Witness actually cooks??? | VOID SURGE EPISODE: ECHOES ACT 1 META [Destiny 2] (Still Hunt WHO?)
levis being good feels like a fucking psyop to me
everytime i use it i get shit results and looking at the numbers they're terrible even compared to shit like sleeper stimulant for total and bust damage
so why the fuck do jew tubers keep recommending it
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I'm mostly shitposting
I just got out of a checkpoint and I used Levi instead of Microcosm out of curiosity, and it's about the same
Nova Bomb
with star eaters? nice
levis and microcosm are terrible for witness dps
titans are terrible for witness dps
tomorrow yeah
always yeah
use still hunt or get kicked
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>forced to play hunter if you want to do more content than normie strikes

Hunter is the final shape. Literally.
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More like still hunting a girlfriend
still using double primary with the sword from eater of worlds
not true, warlocks are still the best in pvp
especially now that you can slap anyone infinitely without a cooldown
don't joke about that
im relationshiply disabled
relationshiply divergent
god i want a gf so bad
*gulps nervously*
wanna... do ghosts of the deep(arc only)?
What massacred the hype?
Bungie wants me to play at my own pace which means not playing until all the timegated episode content that they paced out for me is out
the excessive lens flares and bloom scattered throughout every map
How does it feel to know that every arc, strand and stasis DPS weapon is dying today and being permanently replaced by void and solar weapons?
they brought challenge back to destiny
that's bungie's fault for not releasing good weapons for different elements
still using cataphract
not using apex predator
I don't care
I don't even have a Warlock and I hope this thing doesn't get nerfed. I don't care if its busted in PvP, I'm sick and tired of PvE taking hits for the sake of "balancing" PvP.
Just remove all abilities, exotic armors, and armor stats from Crucible. Remove all buildcrafting and turn it into nothing but generic FPS gunplay with primaries. I don't care if it's taking what makes Destiny what it is out of PvP. PvE should forever and always remain priority for the sake of the game's health.
PvP has its place, yes. But when PvP "balancing" starts killing PvE, like it has been for a long while now, there is a problem.
There was a Reddit post not long ago basically stating how it sucks seeing the PvE community fear incoming nerfs just because something is "too strong" in a game mode that doesn't even apply to them.
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Just replace all gamemodes with Hardware Rumble. The target audience for red minigame would love it.
Here's hoping I can find a teaching VoG group today. Really been wanting to get back into raiding since I've pretty much skipped raids in D2 except for the raid lair SotP.
Vex will be mine soon tm
I'll be farming VoG exclusively until I get Vex to drop and whatever it is I need to do to get its catalyst
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Ah yes blame PvP and not Bungo for being lazy as shit and not changing a couple of keywords. They couldn't be bothered changing YAS to ability gain on damage dealt to COMBANTANTS and on kills to GUARDIANS so they just murdered it. You could literally just increase the cooldown of orbs in PvP and potentially hit Khvostov.
Or at least Trials and Competitive. I'd say Iron Banner as well so you'll have it in a 6v6 playlist too, but seeing as they've started adding PvE turrets into Iron Banner, I don't think their aiming for it to be a more competitive 6v6 playlist.
>How does it feel to have even more confirmation that Bungie are stupid as fuck
Just an other day.
The ability regen changes in Wish would've killed it anyway.
Bros... we are getting euphony today if you trust the plan
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How do (You) intend to spend your day during Maintenance?
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titans are the most oppressed class in the game
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reckoned and dredgenpilled
powerful attraction fast fill let's me get 15 in less time than it takes to get to reach the bank
I work 6 am to 3 pm EST so it works out for me nicely.
Any warlockbros around to give me tips on a good class item roll and prismatic build to go with it?
Geataway Artist.
Osio+Verity/Star Eater/Apotheosis/HOIL are all good for warlock
I dont really like having synthos or assassin's cowl on any of the rolls because of how bad the melees are but it could work with threaded needle.
Swarmers, Starfire Protocol rolls are glimmed because no Evolution fragment on Prismatic and starfire forces you to either run empowering rift or need some other cuck on well.
fucking obliterated
i was told to bank as soon as you got motes every time and my win rate when dramatically up
idk why people save till 15 but i guess this shit gamemode baits retards
So why did they immediately abandon the idea of exotic rotator missions dropping old seasonal red borders and armor?
>didn't equip reckoner just in case
Rookie mistake
*executes you*
They don't? I thought they did, wouldn't know since I didn't skip content like an ungrateful break taker.
still can't get plunder weapons unless they're from xur even though i payed for witch queen
run after run, attempt after attempt
dipshits still can't avoid the giant yellow areas on the ground or jump when the loud and easy to see tell happens
They still do
They have a retarded drop rate though
Unless Light.gg is wrong, Avalon is just Vexcalibur.
what does ingame menu say
>Implying they can hear the resonance beams charging over their 500% volume mumble rap
Oh I thought you were referring to missions that did have them when they initially launched and were put into rotator, not ones that never shipped with them in the first place
Yeah I don't know why they stopped doing that
>can't do witness dodges
Thats a kick
>need super to cheese beam attacks
That's another kick
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I saw a YouTube video of a titan holding up his banner shield during DPS and his other fireteam members were still dying because they were ignoring it
Increase the damage of Fist of Havoc by 0.4%.
Many don't even know what a banner shield is
Buffs to non melee shit
the sheer amount of people who do unironically avoid standing in banner shield because they think their bullets don't go through it is actually really sad
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rework wishful ignorance or retool other exotics to not be melee slop
All they need to do is undo all the stupid nerfs Titans have gotten since Lightfall.
Especially the nerfs to Arc Titan's Storm grenades, HoIL, Synthos and Wormgod with glaives, and THROWING HAMMER
buff hammer throw and thundercrash
A lot of Destiny players may actually be retarded. Matching colours and shapes is too hard for them. They can't read an analogue clock. They can't count backwards from 10. They don't notice their screen has turned green. They don't understand one person, one cubby. They don't know the difference between inner and outer, or left from right. They can't label 3 objects in order from front to back. They can't read a callout that was typed into text chat for them. They can't spot which of 4 plates is glowing green and need prompting. They won't move out of the fixed, predictable path of a fire tornado.

If this weren't a video game, they would have been evaluated for learning disabilities for persistently failing any one of these let alone all of them.
those people? all titan mains
I don't understand front and back for VOG, they're all in front of me. Close and far is better.
>count backwards from 10
Crota's End chalice I assume?
>their screen has turned green
No idea what this refers to
Front and back are just ambiguous, same with Oryx. Just use close/far and L1,R1,L2,R2 to make sure everyone is on the same page. Latest trend I've been nooticing is people confusing left/middle/right callouts on third encounter of Salvation's Edge, because one person calls out starting plate and the other the ending one.
It's top and bottom for me
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i’m a bottom
>Crota's End chalice I assume?
That, Warpriest, gaze for Golgoroth... lots of encounters need a countdown
>No idea what this refers to
Golgoroth gives one player unstable light that makes them explode after a countdown of several seconds. They need to get away from their teammates or it will kill them. Does lots of damage to the boss, though.

I actually do use close/far for Atheon. I was referring to planets. For Atheon, I only give them 2 oracles because the 3rd is known by elimination.
>Increase base Thundercrash damage by 100%
>Remove nerf to roaring flames when using Synthos and wormgods
>Remove cooldown to crystal creation when on Behemoth
>Increase Twilight Arsenal damage by 30%
>Rework wishful ignorance so it's worth using
>Change Pyrogale so it works with Hammers instead of Burning maul, so it can used at range or against aerial enemies
Best we can do is to nerf synthos again.
it can do decent boss dps too
relentless surrounded

those 56 combinations were almost certainly "procedurally" generated
Can the cryptarch allow class item focusing pls
I will pay double of anything if we can just focus it for gods sake
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>Collecting seasonal challenges.
You're kind of retarded, huh?
>58k current players
you titans deserve nothing
>A year, still don't have any Neomuna weapons craftable.
Not that I wanna craft any, but holy shit that was stingy as fuck. At least I don't have witch queen weapons because I bought that DLC a week before Lightfall so I only rushed through the story and exotic quest, but after spending a year on neomuna how the fuck are these drops so stingy? Is witch queen the same? I already have half the pale heart weapons craftable and I only finished the story and sidequests.
>tranny starts talking about castration fetish
this is /dg/, not /d/
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D1 weapons couldn't take shaders. D2 can.
I'm hearing the game went down for good. Lot of people are saying it.
What if I think both are ugly
Many such cases.
you can't make a gun uglier?
a massive loss
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>top looks like frozen cheese
>bottom looks like bones
zavala... easy on the snow cones
Give up on the class diversity idea and give all 3 a good damage super and a good defensive super. It was a nice experiment, didn't work, time to accept that the game isn't suited for it. Especially because of things like >>483415681
get superblacked guardian!
After the "buffs" to hallowfire heart and behemoth titan effectively being crippling nerfs Id rather they just left everything alone and added new shit to prismatic instead.
If you thinks shaders can only make things look uglier you belong in resetera, not here.
isnt that what y1 was and every pvpnigger hated it?
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Not happening, Fallen are basically indians now
a nigga named pooya
Warlock hands typed this post.
Does it actually work on the witness? I might actually use it there if does work because my team is too retarded to dodge the attacks
use bubble
it does but you need to tell your team to sit on the back edge of the platform
alternatively you can also place a bubble on said edge and anyone around it will get an overshield strong enough to tank his attacks
Whatever they charge, they know endgame players have hoarded enough for dozens of focuses. Then it's goodbye Dual Destiny/Overthrow engagement metrics.

Lightfall was the stingiest they got with red borders. They did add that weekly guaranteed one from the weekly campaign mission (100k+ score IIRC) but I don't know if that's still available.
Witch Queen was more generous with the random drops but also more obnoxious with Wellspring, which is going to be a nightmare to farm now that it's a ghost town.

They seem to have learnt their lesson on the red borders so now they're dicking around with XP/season pass and these exotic class items.
It's a "party mode" that I think was added in Wish. All it does is disable every ability but jumps.
>Whatever they charge, they know endgame players have hoarded enough for dozens of focuses. Then it's goodbye Dual Destiny/Overthrow engagement metrics.
They can just make it a reward for doing normal excision or even it's GM
eventually they will just buff the chest drop rate
i mean cmon
this is textbook bungie play
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How incompetent do you have to be to have problems with dual destiny
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>yfw the strings and flute in verity
just do overthrow lol
Can bungie stop doubling down on darci and queenbreaker and just put it in the special slot for God's sake
I dont get their fascination with having heavy weapons do the equivalent of special ammo damage
i know people who just cannot handle too many things at once, they got a physical barrier of too many things going on and they either start getting a headache or get mad

but i dont think casuals actually care about the exotic class items, they are pretty lame unless you are interested in minmaxing
As a Titan main... absolutely. A hundred percent.
Just let me punch something. You guys do the mechanics.
would rather do dual destiny desu
you're not even good at it stop playing solar and pick fucking strand dick ass do you hate being powerful?
It would go well with GM Excision
please invent a slur for titans so i can call them slurs
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i'd rather open chests gambling than ever play gm excision again
Titards as existed for a long while, Anon.
bungie released GM excision long before anyone could have 2020 power, tempting people to do it at -40 power
malice or stupidity, you make the call
Offset by there being 12 people. You need to really shit the bed to not complete it desu.
just because you can complete it doesn't mean you will enjoy the experience
Titards, lance chuckers, barrier babies, melee sloppers, punch fags, Kevin yanes sloppy seconds class
give me 1 reason to care about powerlevel when some no lifer can do it for me
i already have good loot with excellent perks and stats
my (((friends))) did it without me
and that was the final nail in the coffin
it drove us apart, we are not raiding anymore
we aint friends no more
now dg trannies are my friends
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I brought a speaker's healing build and past the initial clusterfuck the mission was barely challenging due to how broken constant resto x2 spam is, very retard proof and I assume it will be the meta for GM this season at least until Bungie nerfs the combo into the ground due to yellow minigamers.
when did we accept downtime every time they release a patch? This is unprofessional shit. What were they thinking?
Gambit is honestly what a PvP gamemode in destiny should be. If only it was properly balanced and wasn't so short.
>wasn't so short.
Nah the length is perfect. It being too long when you were being snowballed was not fun at all now I don't give a fuck anymore if I lose. I just wish there were more ways you could fuck with the other side other than invading and sending blockers
it is both impossible to die if you just camp near the saint bubble, it is also pure tedium because if the enemies actually just bumrushed you, everyone would be dead in seconds
so you just take potshots at champions with infinite heavy ammo forever to get revive tokens and finally reach the infinite witness dps phase where you dodge left right left right while shooting your infinite heavy ammo
Nigger, it's not hard, just don't rush like a shrieking retard, this fucking thing can be done by 6 people
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it's a 10 year old console game
>20 Expansions / major DLC later
>still only 3 classes
>no playable Eliksni
>no player HQ you can fill with trinkets and trophies, a display cabinet for favourite weapons, armor mannequin etc
WOW is older and more complex and doesn't pull this shit. Fuck off with your excuses
Euphony Warlock pumps out crazy damage with only a secondary.
Xur buckbroke the entire company and game.
do you think they take if offline because it's funny or what
Crayon eaters has been around for years and years my guy.
I remember playing D1, saw the Vanguard table and how ridiculously big it was for just 3 Vanguard leaders and though "oh that's probably because they will add more classes over time". How fucking naive I was.

I assume the next game changing how classes are handled and allowing you to pick and choose abilities will lead to new classes.
read my other posts you kneerow
No I am aware they take it off because the devs are incompetent and programmed a shitty game. The age of the game is irrelevant it's the spaghetti code from garbage devs.
Reminder that if you don't have this, you did not finish the story and did not complete the game.
If you didn't do the red war campaign you didn't beat the game
If you didn't kill Aksis archon prime you didn't beat the game
I have that though so I completed the game
You mean the emblem that was available for like an hour all while the servers were shitting the bed from how many people were logging in to watch the ball heal itself?
Doesn't work as a slur because they embraced it. A slur needs the mystical power that "nigger" has as the atheist version of blasphemy
you mean the event that happened like 3AM for europe?
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Euthanize apes in red minigame.
It's not even cool. Pretty lame actually
>completing the game = being kicked from the city every 2 minutes as people just wait hours for a cutscene
I only use the nessus pink emblem and I will only use that and I will only use pink shaders.
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I never really understood how much bungie hated their players until I started to follow some of the communications from the warframe team.

They are constantly communicating their planned buffs and reason for them and also whatever they have planned with news sections in their actual game, while in destiny we have to crawl all over the internet to get actual news, with them saying they are going to do maintenance in twitter first, with them giving interviews to random fucking podcasts about their plans for pvp and pve buffs and nerfs, random fucking devs making random tweets about nerfs and buffs and then we devs who actually fucking hate their players and try to antagonize at any chance they get.

Why the fuck is bungie like this? And how are they like this when destiny players is literally t he only reason they have any money whatsover
If you crashed from the tower during the tower event you didn't beat the game and your fate was already decided from the start
Why change when their fanbase accepts it and defends it? Any community I go outside here, reddit, facebook, twitter, bungie forums if I express your take I will be called toxic and evil and hateful and get death threats and personal insults hurled at me. This is one of the worst most cuck communities out there and it's why I will never buy Destiny 3
WoW is also not on decade old consoles
I don't remember if I have it and I don't see it on my collection in DIM
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>reflecting on his stupid assumptions by making more stupid assumptions in the process
I don't get why they don't use the chat to send messages, even if it's something basic like
>Important news! Check our social media
the prompts that cover the screen only show up when you go to orbit and doesn't always work
Seriously, how the hell did bungo get such an insane cult around it, years after their Halo years to boot, I don't think there is any other company out there that has literally only 1 IP and such a rabid following
Our devices which include PCs have nothing to do with their garbage backend servers. WoW ran on PCs with specs much shittier than a PS5
>powerful attraction picking up motes
no fucking way that works
Iconoclast will the real Godslayer title considering how bad people are at this raid
Destiny is the only Destiny-like game
Why else would Bungie end how classes are done? If you make it so anyone can use anything that means it would be easier to add more Vanguard classes. As it stands now for each class you have to maintain and balance a ton of different subclassess. Remove subclass diversity and you can add more classes easily. How are you retarded not to understand this?
>the prompts that cover the screen only show up when you go to orbit and doesn't always work
And might disappear before you can read them if you click the wrong place or straight up delete your character like it was happening last year
Just make void good. I want to use ursa with unbreakable but i have to either pair it with controlled demo and lose out on free grenade energy or bulwark and lose out on survivability.
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The chat has two profanity filters, one of which can't be turned off, and is broken as fuck.
God I hope bungie combines some of the void titan aspects to make it more fun
Step 1 pay the guy that created the Destiny subreddit in the old D1 days to stamp out criticism on their subreddit and control the narrative
Step 2 give that guy a job at Bungie as a reward

I hate that games (((journalism))) is arguably worse than actual journalists and don't research the conflicted interest of them hiring cozmo. I feel like the only one on the planet who sees that and rolls my eyes over that. He even survived the layoff Holocaust.
>then we devs who actually fucking hate their players and try to antagonize at any chance they get.
This used to be DE literally all the time, what are you talking about.
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Keep venting, anon. I know you truly believe the diarrea you're spouting.
But someday you'll look back to when you naively believed your assumptions to be true and everyone else retarded for "not understanding it" just like today with the more subclasses because big table thing.
What does he even do? I remember he was in the chat after the original TFS showcase for a Q&A, but that's the only thing in the last few years I can remember.
that is the exact wrong answer
that is how you kill actual build diversity
>doesn't refute any of the logic I say
>is just going through pms and angrily replying "you are wrong" over and over with no context because he is going through Destiny withdrawl
I accept your concession anon.
I still laught at how the current owner of that subreddit did everything he could to get a job at bungie the only thing they ever gave him was a CM job for a mobile golf game and then he had to say that job was his lifelong dream job to save face
That guy is a power mod and sketchy as fuck. All power mods are. He comes off as a real dick so that probably plays a part in why they refuse to hire him
I presume that messages from Bungie themselves wouldn't be subject to the filter, but it wouldn't surprise me if they are
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Wait what?
Also what? Are you still steaming mad that Yanes told you that they had no plans on returning Twilight Garrison as an exotic in D2?
That SINGULAR incident?
Yea that guy said he was like a programmer at a major company and now is CM of a top golf app. Yea something doesn't add up
Muh build diversity
Shut up faggot
*stabs you with rusty switchblade*
*your knife hits my threaded specter*
*threadling jumps and goops on your face*
Honestly I thought the game would die after Steve left but it's been the contrary, Rebecca saved Warframe and the mini update/events are actually fun to play.
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kek anon, there's no logic in baseless speculation
I already accepted your concession pms anon we good.
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Looking forward to your future post reflecting on your (retarded) assumptions and speculations taken straight out of your ass
game is down for 2 hours and /dg/ is losing it
>he's still going
We are good anon you conceded already
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If you don't have at least one of these I don't want you on my team
They just need to turn their brains off and have fun.
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Steve is literally the physical manifestation of the Idea of an Ideas Guy.
The game was coming apart at the seams because he put a Destiny 2 destination in his hallway shooter without realizing how to actually join the two. And then he responded to the bad feedback by making 2 more, each more unfinished than the last. And then after that he made a genuinely TERRIBLE space sim shooter that was completely fucking broken, and then wasted 2 years of dev time making them fix it.
Thank god Rebb and Pablo quarantined him in Sovlslop or whatever the fuck.
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Since the game is down for an hour due to maintenance can someone look at pic related and explain who the fuck the 5th Ninja Turtle is?
I also never understood why so much of the game was kept obscured like that. This is the first game where I'd miss most of the shit in it if I didn't play the Bungie ARG crawling across the internet to get basic information. Like really think about how every youtube video at the start of every season is explaining how the seasonal activity actually works. Every single season. You can't be this lazy by mistake. You can't fuck up like this without it being by design. There is some level of distain here even if they won't admit it. I can't imagine proper tutorials and notifications being over delivery right?
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what did she mean by this?
Their justification is that translating it into all the languages they want to support would be too hard.
Jennika/Jenny from the IDW comics
Why can't Destiny do cool crossovers like this?
Ghosts of the Deep is absolutely the WORST fucking dungeon in the history of the game.
Spire got away with havong a boss with a FUCKTON of HP because the dungeon itself can be done in like 20-25 minutes tops if you know what you are doing and the dungeon gimmick is actually fun.

Ghosts has NONE of that, it's slow as shit, has TWO terrible gimmicks (slow as fuck underwater traversal and everyones favourite memorize the gylphs minigame slop) and besides the armor, there's not a single weapon in the lootpool worth using or that hasn't been powercreeped already.

I can actually feel myself aging whenever i start the dungeon, i don't care how good the exotic is, i'm not dealing with that level of brainrot.
might of the traveler (99%)
this patch will finally fix invisible assets glitch rite? :)
What the fuck. Why not continue the Italian artist theme names?
>there's not a single weapon in the lootpool worth using or that hasn't been powercreeped already.
Still the only stasis wave frame
Still the only good stasis rocket
It also works on the data fragments in Breach Executable!
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fym we already got le peak 90's kino
The next dungeon is probably going to be worse. Bungie went all in with the "everything must be tedious and slow" game dev philosophy.
cuz she's not part of the original 4 siblings and has no reason to share their theme theming
Warlord's wasn't as much of a slog, but it has plenty of other issues.
>no skin to make a trace rifle look like the ghostbuster gun
next dungeon would require voice comms and not be possible to solo. imagine meltdown.
And that is pure bullshit, smaller games do that, fucking hell they already pay their localization teams so why not use them for that, the real reason is either laziness or actual disdain for their playerbase
>Still the only stasis wave frame
Lost Signal basically rendered it useless forever
>Still the only good stasis rocket
I guess? considering the number of top-tier rockets in the game and stasis being a shit subclass now that prismatic exists, why bother slaving myself in the worst dungeon ever just to get a good rocket when i can just craft every other godlike one i already have?
Why can't they bring the icebreaker back and simply disable it for PVP use?
Why can't they simply disable PVP?
To be fair to Warlord's, the gimmicks are actually pretty fun and the bosses aren't AS tanky as Ghosts, hell i really enjoyed the platforming on the last encounter WAY more than Caiatl's "stay still, turn your brain off and end her in a single rotation"

Ghosts final encounter actually feels like pulling your teeth out of their sockets.
muh can't have two sandboxes, probably some equaly retarded reason for No Land Beyond still being locked in D1
my hearts a stereo, it beats for you so listen close
Honestly just give back the super energy on light attack. You could make Fists of Havoc last a long time, which might as well considering its an ad-clear Super.
That and bump up the damage of the heavy slam. It's pitifully weak and eats a ton of energy.
Yeah I wish gave a larger damage bonus. As it is now, Flechette Storm isn't worth running over Into the Fray, and the damage it offers pales in comparison to Synthos and Wormgod.
Was also hoping this would be like Pyrogale and turn Bladefury into that one-and-done beyblade spin attack.
The problem is especially relevant with Titans. Other classes can tank and self-heal just as well, if not better, than Titans can. So Titans are left being the melee class only, which Hunters have surpassed us in. And ad-clear isn't a viable niche for an entire class because weapons can do that with ease.
We can have both. Buff weak aspects of other classes AND bring those to Prismatic.
Like imagine if Controlled Demolition granted full health on killing a Volatile enemy and that was brought to Prismatic.
Yeah Void sucks. Especially Unbreakable. Part of it is because it relies so much on Overshields, which are hot garbage since they get show off too easily.
>next dungeon would require voice comms and not be possible to solo
iirc Bungo said all dungeons are designed to be soloable in some way, Warlords has the switch section after the first encounter and it only really fucks with duos-squds as you are forced to comunicate in some way.

imo the must fun i had with this expansion was with the co-op story missions to get microcosm, obviously you can't solo it (there is a way but it's akin to completing raids solo so it doesn't really count) but how the missions are structured as long as you use the chat function you can do them.
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I still haven't done the Microcosm quest.
You don't need to farm for Cold Comfort, but for most endgame players it's the only thing left they could farm that will make a meaningful difference to their DPS rotations
How to fix void.
1.- Change Volatile's behaviour from being a shitty aoe explotion that does no damage "refreshable" debuff like Jolt, proccing an explotion whenever you damage an enemy afflicted with the volatile debuff that grows after every tick, once 5 ticks explode it creates a singuarity that pulls enemies (not as strong as the nade pull, but just enough to pull some red bars together)
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Sounds balanced to me.
>playing the seasonal mission on hard
>assume since it's hard retarded normies understand you collect materials inbetween rounds
>both rush to the next checkpoint as if their lives depended on it
>I still try to collect as many mats as I can as it keeps pulling me back
>they die and rage quit
I don't get these normies. It's been 3 weeks now. Nothing clicks in their brains about maybe they should slow down and collect materials like other people do? Do they ever think "how come I can slam that garbage can thing sometimes and it showers me in items and other times it doesn't"
>"they just want to speed through it, they know"
hunting for mats maybe adds 2 extra minutes and is worth it for what you get. It's not that.
Like every time we get one of these faggots me and my friend say in chat "here we go another retarded low IQ Puerto Rican we are playing with"
it's up
get down
oh boy guys it's up. Are you ready? Are you ready for another week of grinding and making numbers go up? Man in 20 years we are totally going to look back at this and remember this fondly and not how we wasted our lives. Here we go anons another week of grinding destiny begins.
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In the HELM during Season of the Lost.
Considering the mind-numbingly broken shit prismatic warlocks can pull off with some of the exotics they have, would volatile not being a shit debuff really break the balance of the game?

Both Jolt and Scorch already do some mad fucking shit, both are add clear-centric debuffs that also have big-dick damage conditions that can be met with little compromise (Jolting with heavies/grenades and high scorch stacks)

What the FUCK does Volatile have? a shitty aoe effect that barely does any damage and one that usually procs after every enemy is already dead.
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shut the fuck up man
im so fucking tired of the elemental debuff wankery
3.0 was a mistake
>I'm so tired of the thing that saved Destiny
stasis is still the beginning of destiny decline
this is facts
Elemental Wells
Charged With Light
Warmind Cells
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The first Destiny TV series is announced but it's not about giant battles or guardians or the darkness it's a political thriller about The Speaker navigating the role of leadership in the early years of the city. Conflict between the factions and the current Vanguard leaders of Osiris, Saint and Caliban-8 with only occasional appearances from The Fallen and Vex. How do you respond?
bro nice reddit opinions
might be neat
put a cameo of Ghost asking the speaker something and I'll watch it
>the speaker is now a black woman
Why would the vex show up?
player count?
He receives a transmission of Saint getting gaped by them on Mercury
Because Osiris something, something.
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just a friendly reminder that /dg/ only allows anons born in the year 2000 into the general.
so if you currently aren’t 23-24 yrs old, please kindly get the fuck out
samefagging during maintenance
Who are the 7952?
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I wouldn't watch any sort of destiny show unless Genndy Tartakovsky was making it
>old people trying to gatekeep
fuck off boomer
How long until the maintenance is over? I've got a couple of hours to kill in endless class item farming
20 minutes until it gets extended for another 3 hours.
What's the chance this is sold during solstice? I mean, we had Forsaken and three awoken seasons but it never happened, so either it's really never or it's a possibility in any season/episode/event.
We are the most inclusive general on this board just look ar our beautiful representation like Nimbus
The Solstice stuff is already in the API, just not named.
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I wouldn't even be surprised, anon
how has it gotten this bad where we are unironically referencing r*ddit? do you guys have any shame? their ideas are almost always shit, they’re almost always bad at the game, and they’re notorious bungie bootlickers. whatever reddit says it’s more often than not better for the health of the game if the opposite is done
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>"Tass said the new episode sucks
Don't worry, Byf said it's good.
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datto shitting on everyone with titles
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>Couldn't even finish the raid in the first 24 hours
[Depressing News] The player count of Destiny 2 dropped significantly, the copium huffers blame the "maintenance"
>gets filtered by the witness
>loses day 1
>most likely used still hunt for day 1 dps
lol shut up tranno
I smell an unfunny chain of posts coming from unfunny losers
The Witness only took them 3 or 4 attempts, they got filtered by fucking Taniks and Verity.
One moment please...
is shitstainy 2 live?
SMG is good with bonk titan with well rounded and incandescent, a bit better IMO than my Calus. Not worth farming however.
we defeat maya with siva
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Indians and trannies genuinely deserve nothing but the worst for ruining this game
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Anyone know the best frame for Wolfpack rounds ergo sum? 12 glimmer to whoever answers
>Fixed an issue where Storm Grenade was receiving 40% more energy than intended from perks that grant instant percentage chunk energy such as Devour or armor mods.

Shit I use using this with Osmio/Star Eater and it felt amazing, time to go see how bad it is now.
Everyone already got what they wanted.
Just revert the 50 fucking nerfs since lightfall. Hell revert half of them. And fix thundercrash holy shit i am tired of fucking sliding past targets who tested that shit and thought it was good.
Yeah I know.
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Vortex is what I heard.
>Removed surges from raids and dungeons and added the equivalent damage buff to all subclass and Kinetic damage types.
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They're scared, look at the player numbers.
Layoffs are in the cards and bungie is scared they can't fix it in time
Titans received 8 nerfs just in the TFS patch.
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it is over brothers and sisters
bungie should bring back adventures for world drops
kelgorath should pick himself back up, get some wins and become the new taken king
I think destiny would be best suited as a set of animated short stories in a miniseries.
>1 story of the fallens journey from riis and the gradual change that happened
>maybe add scenes of self sacrifice/conflict as the ether starts to run out
>1 story about the pilgrim knights add in the scene from ursa's stand
>another episode about the six coyotes
Maybe end on the battle of six fronts as a high note, focus on the events before the game starts.
Mara should become the new Taken King
Mara didn't beat Oryx, so she can't.
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that would be pretty wicked, but Bungie isn’t competent enough to do that
Titan buff?
that sounds interesting so I'll watch it for 1 season until american brainrot sets in and the writers make it about current day political shit
Don't know about the current numbers but they probably have to buff the damage of most supers by a big fucking chunk. Thundercrash on its own needs to be buffed to do double it's current damage at least. And give them at least 2 more ACTUAL ranged Supers. And just fix the hit registration on most of their shit cause they all feel so fucking wack. None of the other characters feel like that and it's not lag so whatever they did, they should fix it.
buff female awoken titans?
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The traveller is giving me a very strange vision....
She was already able to give us Torn during one of the Ergo Sum missions.
I'm struggling with damage set ups for my Titan
>Consecration so I have something to spam during Prismastic mode
>Shackle Grenade
>Exotic Mark with Abeyant and Scars
>Berserker for Woven Mail on orbs
So far I've been using the Call to make sure I can get easy Restoration thanks to Scars and then I string things up for people and go slam mode during Prismatic. Then I run Indebted Kindness and Microcasm just to have hard hitting weapons.

I'm not sure what else to run to have good damage output. What other set ups hit hard?
give me one good reason WHY titans need a damage super? That’s the hunter identity
It's going to be 80% focused on Saint and Osiris being gay and that's going to get old after the first episode.
Let me shoot through bubble OR ELSE
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I got the fixed roll for pve. Only reason I played comp. Now I regret ever stepping foot in that playlist, just let me have my golden tricorn perk you fucks.
All classes should have at least one high-damage Super they can use on bosses. Hunter's shouldn't have exclusivity on damage.
Let Nova Bomb be a Void nuke on bosses.
Let Chaos Reach be excellent for sustained DPS.
Let Thundercrash be worth using considering they have to throw themselves at the enemy.
Let Twilight Arsenal's axes explode for extra damage instead of being a gimmick you can grab after.
And why not give all classes some more options for one-off Supers, even if they aren't boss killers?
Fighting for exclusivity to hurt a boss with a button press just sounds so needless. It's a video-game, let others have fun.
Micah-10 being mating pressed by a Fallen Captain...That's why she's blushing while describing it all.
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>Osiris... OSIRIS?????????
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Glad i did my grinding
I haven't even unlocked the mission yet because I have been busy and I can't find anyone to do overthrow 3 times with me to even unlock it.
>episode 1: faggots
The power of gay sex breaks all brainwashing
>have to wait 3 weeks for more content
You're kidding me
I know it's a bug and technically they're supposed to fix it but is there really not a single person in the team who realizes that player interest drops when those double loot chest bugs are fixed and they could look the other way for a while? Or take it as a hint that the intended loot is too little for the effort required? Fucking hell
They're still working off the assumption they can replace lost players with ESGbux.
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round 2?
>no one doing master vog
Same reason hunters should get a defensive super.
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Yoooo i can't believe failsafe just went for it
>Fixed an issue where Storm Grenade was receiving 40% more energy than intended from perks

You mean to tell me the only thing that made Prismatic worth it aka the ability to chain turrets was a bug? The laughs never end.

She's FORTY?????? She acts like a fucking hyperactive teenager. How old is Datto? Is she a groomer?
Even then that doesn't mean they have to actively drive players away.
>Fixed an issue where it was possible to earn double Exotic class items. To compensate, the chest now drops that by default so you don't have to do the cheese anymore. Yes, we noticed what everyone wants and that's the best feedback.
there, guaranteed 5billion updoots thread on reddit and interest in activity increases, all for zero effort. dmg04 you faggot I know you read this thread, feel free to steal it and pass it along as your idea. Just get them to fix this shit.
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lol what the fuck was going on with the xbox
>Saint: I'm not even real, there's no point in me existing.
>Ikora: Saint you're gay!
>Saint: Thanks for saving me.
What the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with Bungie writers?
Sounds cool in theory, but you know that if it was actually made, it would just be scenes of women and gay characters discussing thinly veiled allegories for modern irl political discourse and there would be no actual focus on the Destiny stuff
give all classes healer/support supers as well then. where’s my hunter team healer options?
But that doesn't improve the engagement numbers for the Sony Samurai. They want their cake and eat it too, and if they feel they can get rid of 'greedy chuds' while keeping their bottom line, they'll happily do so.
Bad code on the xbox side.
[Sad News] The fans are vocal and not happy
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bungie, uh how do you say, didn't cook with echoes
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It's actually annoying how much faggotry you have to sit through with this shit.
10 minutes of my life, gone, AFKing while two faggots tell each other they're alive because they're faggots.
Fuck off.
I hope bungie studio gets shot the fuck up.
Fuck you dmg, faggot, I know you browse here, I hope your "DeAtH ThReAtS" turn real too.
based failsafe
>Taken a shit
I don't think you understand what this means.
It means you found a turd and took it.
>that was the entirety of act 1
>3 weeks of nothing until act 2
This happened to me. Would open up prismatic and my xbox would sound like a jet engine and get hot for 15 seconds before simmering down
what does this even mean
He's mid-30s I think, but she's definitely a groomer.
Vex gotta be seething.
Countless eons and millions of bodies sent at Saint, only to keep getting defeated, and all it took to beat him is a buttplug.
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oink oink get the rope
She turned her social filter off. Now she can be a cunt as much as she wants.
They should've been there the first time around
tfs was really good though? as usual we reach the core problem of bungie
they didn't release enough.
Literally since year 1 it's been the same complaint
>I really like this game, but I just feel like I run out of things to do right when it starts to get good.
Unironically, if bungie were a proper developer lightfall never would have happened, they would have dropped a mini expansion season ala warmind and released lightfall/tfs as a substantial expansion with two zones and a 3 act story that we wouldn't see people finishing for at least 3 days.
This is actually not that hard (ff14 does this) but bungie just don't have the same dedication, it's clear they have the talent because they keep winning back fans, they just lack the desire to truly make a great game.
As a developer they are literally the kid that goes
>yeah I could get straight As but why do that when I could get straight Cs instead
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I can see the Tassi articles already
>yes the show said vex are time traveling robots, but it's time to address the ugly part of the fandom which is not ready for a Speaker that has been accused of "grabbing warlocks by the pussy" and
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Ah-ah-ah! Look around you! With your importation of 850,000 foreign workers, your country is now DIVERSE and STRONG! You have no more power! You...shall drown in the Deep.
Of course this guys a Disney shill too
Why do they call it taking a shit, instead of leaving a shit. I mean, you’re not really taking it anywhere?
Okay no but seriously why did TFS flop?
TFS is good but it would never live up to the hype that it had to be the best one ever to save Bungie. Doesn't help that Failsafe waifu is the only thing carrying Echoes.
Echoes sucked, raid difficulty scared away the casuals, and shadow of the erdtree and dawntrail came out.
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Surely bungie wouldnt design this sick as hell space for us just for one single mission, right?
I always assumed it was short for taking a break for shitting
The battlegrounds might use it.
Wait they expect me to pay $15 for old ornament sets? These are offered fir dust eventually, right?
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battlegrounds battlegrounds aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
there's an episode of Hotel Hell where Gordon Ramsay orders a $70 chocolate cake.
He actually finds it delicious. The problem? he paid 70 bucks and they took a whole cake, cut it in half and only gave him half.
He asked what the hell they were keeping the other half for and the owner says
>for the next customer who wants to order it
That's the same sensation I get whenever I buy a destiny expansion
You can just do it at your own pace, doesn't really have to be all 3 in a single run, I relogged multiple times between overthrows and had no issues.
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>waa waa disney shill!!!!

he isnt wrong though, acolyte has a targeted review bomb against it the show is "okay" its better than ahsoka, kenobi and boba fett but thats not a high bar
>Weekly challenge says to complete the specimen quest
>Isn't available anywhere
Bravo bungie
It's better than LF and WQ but that's a abysmally low bar. Destiny needs another TTK or forsaken to save the game alongside a total overhaul of the content release structure. Seasons are terrible and episodes are somehow even worse.
>Literally since year 1 it's been the same complaint
>>I really like this game, but I just feel like I run out of things to do right when it starts to get good.
For you, maybe, but for most people this was not an issue. Only retards and poors expect infinite contents, anyone with an IQ or bank balance above double digits understands content is finite and plays multiple games.
The entire industry was ruined trying to appease brainless sub-human garbage like you. Timegating, constant influx of pointless tiny shit instead of a single meaty drop that can be fully experienced, it's all done catering to your nigger kind. World would unironically become a better place if you put a loaded shotgun in your mouth and pulled the trigger.
Nah it's the worst Star Wars related thing ever made
From the previews of the Episode I thought they might update nessus.
That's too intelligent of a move for Bungie. You'll never see it again.
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holy shit i thought you were exaggerating
>For you, maybe, but for most people this was not an issue
it is that's why the game loses players to other mmos
no one is expecting infinite content they just want there to be more than a day or two of content with their expansion purchase
>act 1 is over
hope you liked it
come back in ...20 days
It was about one week of content and then the honeymoon period wore off and we saw it for what it was, which was just more reheated slop
WQ's campaign was better just because it wasn't getting the band back together again, but now with trauma(except Ikora).
A lot of English vernacular got truncated with time. Taking a rest = Taking a moment to rest. Taking a walk = Taking a moment to walk. Taking a shit = Taking a moment to shit.Etc...
>le saint isn't le real
this is actually, literally impossible.
He has the light, he has a literal soul. By definition he cannot be just a copy or simulation
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that would be the rise of skywalker

you cant say that acolyte is worse than ahsoka, the show that absoloutely assrapes the lore, makes thrawn (the guy who's whole thing is "hes smart") a dumbass all to just jack off ahsoka with shit like forced inclusion of rebels characters and anakin
Jesus christ this shit screams maintenance mode. And we have to deal with this shit all the way to october.
WQ also had genuinely better and more original encounter design. TFS's mechanics are literally just Vow symbols, the VoG shield and the Prophecy mote plates. The Savathun fight was WAY better than the Witness fight as well.
This. Fucking remove the cooldown from throwing hammer wtf.
Poor difficulty balancing. Horrible matchmaking decisions. And it didn't help that the accompanying episode was touted as a new model that let you experience content at your pace with more control and it turned out to be the most restricted and timegated update in the history of the franchise.
All of those deserve low ratings then. Games journalist conditioning people to think that a 7/10 is a slimy turd and anything below that is so shit it must be undeserved has been a blight on media
he isn't wrong.
add a windup to throwing hammer
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We never left the infinite forest.
>it is that's why the game loses players to other mmos
Except it doesn't. Nobody's quitting Destiny to play WoW, fuck off you little bitch. People are quitting the game because of the timegating, recycling, and overmonetization.
What kind of logic even is this shit? "HuRdUr QuItTiNg FoR OtHeR MmOs" MMO is not a fucking, does your infantile brain REALLY believe that there's some kind of massive overlay between Destiny 2 and Maple Story? Fuck out of here with this false equivalence bullshit. No, Destiny is not losing players because of other MMOs, Destiny is losing players because of Destiny. Please just drop this retarded shit bait I refuse to accept you're stupid enough to believe otherwise.
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the titroon cries out as he strikes you
It's gonna be like this for a YEAR, anon. Echoes, Bloodborne, and Hiveshit will follow the same pattern of three weeks plot, three weeks nothing, until Frontiers comes out and ends it all.
>nobody's quitting destiny for other mmos.. except for the reasons people are quitting destiny for other mmos
Do you think these are mutually exclusive? People like the skinner boxes mmos like destiny provide. When destiny sucks, people mass exodus to other games.
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Why don’t we have strike exclusive loot like destiny 1?
>the REAL saint 14 believed he and osiris were brothers, as shown in the comics
>the FAKE vex simulation saint 14 is gay for osiris

what did bungie mean by this?
What exactly do you think nightfall weapons are?
A poor mans version?
It will be revealed the original Saint-14 never died and he will kill his doppelganger while calling Osiris a faggot on top of being disgusted by him for fucking a clone of him thus ruining their previously brotherly relationship. And everything will be alright with the world again.
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>Do you think these are mutually exclusive?
Yes. I do. There is some crossover between people that like first person shooters and people that like RPGs, for sure. But stop, if you think massive amount of call of duty players love nothing more than to boot up barbie horse riding adventures, then you're actually lobotomized. There is no massive exodus of people from Destiny 2 to FFXIV. There isn't a significant crossover. You're lying to yourself. You can run the comparisons yourself and see there's no marked increase in any mmo or MMO field overall when there's an exodus of players from Destiny.
Firstly because gaming is not, say it with me, it's the favorite phrase of you pseuds, that's right, gaming is not MUTALLY EXCLUSIVE.
Any Destiny player that wanted to play another MMO, is already playing that other MMO alongside destiny.
Secondly, no, nobody's looking for "the skinner box" It's a method not a genre. People that like discounts might buy something on a discount they wouldn't buy otherwise, but most people aren't going around buying discounted tofu cubes when their favorite cut of steak isn't on sale.
This is why I called it false equivalence, because correlation is not causation. For the millionth time, NO, nobody's quitting Destiny for FFXIV, Nobody's quitting Destiny for WoW, Nobody is quitting Destiny for Ashes of Creation. They're either playing those games already, or they're not switching. You're lying to yourself and expecting everyone else to be stupid enough to play along, this is not how markets work, what the actual fuck is wrong with you, are you a teenager or a minimum wage worker because anyone with an education above a GED could have told you this shit, the fact I need to explain this to you, presumably a grown ass man, is fucking pathetic.
"We can finally use the conductor and the infinite forest to eliminate bigotry by replacing everyone with a better version of themselves!"
Jesus Christ tl;dr
>What exactly do you think nightfall weapons are?
Nightfall playlist weapons.
A teenager then. Good luck with never being able to get a job with ADHD so bad you can't focus enough to read six sentences.
I quit Destiny for FFXIV during Lightfall
>this wall of text just to dodge the point
destiny doesn't offer enough content you pay the equivalent of an elden ring+ dlc every year to get a fucking fraction of that content
it's pathetic and your attempt at defending it is even more pathetic. But sure all those players just vanished into the ether! Let's go with that! I'm sure the shareholders at bungie will share your sentiment
>I'll yap about nothing because I have no argument
If a restaurant sucks I'm gonna go to another restaurant. If a store sucks I'm gonna go to another store. As simple as that dude.
I don't give a shit. You don't matter, we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about a consumerbase.

I didn't dodge anything. I explained it to you in so much detail that a nigger would have gotten it by now. Cope.

Games are not restaurants or stores. Nobody's eating at multiple restaurants simultaneously, it's incredibly common for people to play through multiple games simultaneously. Your analogy is shit.
your own logic proves how stupid you are, if every destiny player is already playing those games then they have an exact point of comparison so when they see destiny is scamming them while the other games they play offer more for less well then they're just gonna quietly stop playing destiny.
Which leads us back to the problem that destiny gives you jack shit despite charging an arm and a leg
>Hawkmoon disabled in red minigame
>not a single note about it in the patch notes
Thanks Bungie
I quit FFXIV for Destiny during Lightfall
>moving the goalposts
concession accepted I win byebye nigger
>Nobody's eating at multiple restaurants simultaneously
nobody plays games simultaneously either
you go out to one place for lunch and another for dinner
you play one game for a few hours then play another. Some people don't play that way at all either though, lots of people hop in for new content, play it, drop it, then go back to other games.
All the stats show is the game fails to hold these players for more than a few days, meaning the game is bad and needs to improve asap and no amount of cope will change this
>get refuted by 3 different people
>variations of "nuh uh" to all of them
bungie shills are as lazy as their devs!
>Saint-14 never died and he will kill his doppelganger while calling Osiris a faggot on top of being disgusted by him for fucking a clone of him thus ruining their previously brotherly relationship
that would have been too fucking based for bungie
uh oh this one struck a nerve with the bungie defense force
>Ur rong
Anon, you think it's my first day here? I knew you were gonna be a contrarian cunt the second I corrected to you and you decided to act like you're illiterate.
>kikelocks trying to steal titans insults the same way they had to steal air dodge
Trust not the kikelock.
Oh, dear listener, allow me to elucidate why the title of Scarab Lord in World of Warcraft is not merely a trivial in-game achievement, but rather a pivotal emblem of one's virtual valor, an insignia of unparalleled prestige, and a quintessential testament to one's superiority in the MMORPG cosmos.

Firstly, the title of Scarab Lord is a rarefied distinction, attainable only by the most illustrious and tenacious adventurers of Azeroth. It signifies a monumental feat of orchestrating the grand opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, an event that echoes through the annals of WoW history. This isn't just a title; it’s a veritable badge of honor, akin to holding a PhD in Dragon Slaying or a Nobel Prize in Epic Loot Acquisition. It sets one apart from the mere mortals who trudge through the digital plains without so much as a notable accolade to their name.
So is Destiny a looter shooter or an MMO?
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So much for a nessus upgrade.
on a side note, seems like autism anon came back, hope you had a nice break!
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>saint is quite literally fake and gay
It's both. MMO is a sub-genre. Any genre can be an MMO. Not like there's a rule on how many genres a game can cover.
The only redeemable thing about this dogshit season is Failsafe
been playing ER and still had the controller plugged in so i thought why not try out destiny with a controller and its not awful
but how the fuck do i use my class ability
it literally doesnt say how to in the control menu and online the best answer i can find is to double tap B but thats just crouch
so... wtf?
Hold the circle/B You were right on the button but wrong on how to hit it.
thanks :)
also why is there no slider for how much rumble i want? its on or off. like fuck me its like holding a jackhammer anytime i do anything
but i dont want it off either so... fuck me i guess?
okay, this season is awful, but its has top be better than some of the other seasons. right?
There should be in accessibility I think. Not sure why you're not getting the slider, but I'm on PS5.
yeah but now she isn't bipolar and is just the edgy one with a 'politeness filter'
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>but I'm on PS5.
im on pc so maybe its a pc thing
also thanks :)
Brand new player, started last week on PSN, I've got the Lightfall and Witch Queen DLCs, just finished the first area and gone to the tower.

I opened the game back up after finishing the tutorial area, only to get thrown into Act 1 and did the first mission of the new DLC. Since then I've helped the AI Failsafe get uploaded to the HELM with Osiris. Plus some Cayde-6 memories and searching for a hidden cache.

Bit confused as to what I'm supposed to be doing,would appreciate any advice. Just mainly been doing Vanguard missions to try and get the Pure Poetry Hand cannon.

Is there some sort of main story quest outside the new DLC I'm supposed to follow or have I missed the boat on that one?
The Final shape sucks. This season is dog shit. Go jump into active traffic Bungie shill
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The fuck you say yt boi?
>Is there some sort of main story quest outside the new DLC I'm supposed to follow or have I missed the boat on that one?
devs removed 90% of the story
so either watch a youtube video explaining it or... well thats the only option
what do bungie employees actually work on?
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>they finally fix the shader at the pale heart
>but there's no NES0003 quest available, as its bugged
>also shattered throne still using surges
how the hell does bungie manage to do this
>everyone is my personal boogieman!
He cries out as he strikes me
well they nerfed several things from last week, including double drops from the new exotic class item mission.
Knitting, cooking, and dilating.
So how would I go about looking for a group willing to teach VoG, fireteam finder isn't really helpful and it's mostly people cp farming from what I can see.
Do I really need to hop in the discord for it? Unless the D2 app has something better
just host a fresh run of vog from the start
But I agree with that you fucking moron. I literally never said it was good even once. Yes it's garbage, but my point is people are quitting because it's garbage, they're not quitting for other games, they're just quitting.
Jokes about mental illness belong in the dark age of 2018, it was a different time.
>lobby mmo (tab target, bad lore, good story) is vastly different from lobby mmo (fps, good lore, bad story)
They're both slop games that you play between launches of real games, like Elden Ring, FF7r, Infinite Wealth, Stalker 2 etc.
/xivg/ literally has a contigent of Destiny 2 expats who left after beyond light deleted half the game
>they're not quitting for other games
Thats retarded. This game is literally designed to play after reset then fuck off to another game
this retard genuinely cannot conceptualize dual equivalencies, like the fact that mmo players like playing mmos and people quitting destiny naturally also in turn seek other games to play. Please stop feeding him.
The Glassway gm is cancer.
people rarely cross genres
people who hate destiny just leave for other shooters or quit gaming entirely
>NOooooo You've proven statistically I'm wrong but muh dual equivalences.
Didn't ask. All three of you are free to go back to sucking each other off in the discord.
>no argument
what an ugly piece of shit this gun is. shan't be farming any more of these. people are too retarded when it comes to glassway. not worth the time
Good luck explaining that to these retards who think there's a massive exodus of people leaving destiny for WoW, when their main draw is completely different. They don't understand that an MMO is a sub-genre, not a quantifier. Not all MMOs are the same so there's not going to be that much crossover, especially when Destiny's main draw has always been the gunplay and the bulk of the playerbase has always been the halofag.
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>because I do things this way so does everyone else
So is this a zoomer thing or a retard thing?
>>because I do things this way so does everyone else
Sorry I'm trans, this was meant for
>Sorry I'm trans, this was meant for
oh ok it all makes sense now
Why are you trans?
What are they quitting for then, golf?
>What are they quitting for
It's like you have actual brain damage.
answer the question. What are they doing after they stop playing Destiny?
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Why won't you answer the question, anon?
Okay. What MMO are they leaving for?
If not a single MMO has gotten a playercount increase when D2 got a playercount drop. What MMO are they leaving for nigger?
I already did, you're just too stupid to understand it so I'll try to simplify it.
>answer the question. What are they doing after they stop playing Destiny?
They're continuing to play the other games they've been playing.
Let me guess, this answer doesn't count either because you're more deluded than a tranny.
heh i'll make an argument that can't be proved either way and pretend i win
call of duty
>Let me guess, this answer doesn't count either because you're more deluded than a tranny.
Sounded about right.
>n...n...n...no u
I accept your concession retard. Try arguing with your brain turned on in the future.
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>They're not quitting to play other games, they're just quitting.
>What are they doing after they quit?
>You're a tranny
bungie can I have a failsafe season please
just one
give me a break from the fagtastic duo for just one season I beg you
heh i'll interject pretending to be one of the guys arguing and say some dumb shit to get them both mad
i just woke up so im going to assume based on this post it would be better i dont scroll up
Right OK. This makes a lot more sense now. I'm just gonna concentrate on getting gear and working through the DLCs I've got
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I'm a business casual player, and I was running out of stuff I wanted to bother with after a week and a half.
That's another thing that people don't consider in these arguments: Yeah there might physically be content to do, but most players have a limit of stuff they actually want to do in the game, and that usually represents a tiny fraction of the physical content D2 releases.
I'm not going to put together the squad to farm Salvation's Edge 3 times a week for all 3 characters. Even if I wanted to, the schedules just don't line up, and LFG in this game is generally pretty garbage. I'll run with /dg/ and my usual crew, but otherwise I'm not gonna bother.
I COULD go farm out Overthrow chests for Ergo Sum godrolls and Exotic Class Items, but I don't really care. The odds that I'll get something I want (and don't already have) is so astronomically low, which completely slaughters my motivation to go grind it out versus playing any other game that would reward my time better.
I barely cared about farming playlists for the weekly BD with the previous system, and Ritual Pathfinder has made me care EVEN LESS about that. And I say this as somebody that genuinely enjoys Gambit and Strikes. I like the content, but the rewards just aren't there for me, so I'm going to go do something else.
I could go grind out Echoes patterns, but we're heavily timegated by Acts, so I'd rather save my Echoes grinding for when all of the weapons are unlocked. It's also the first season of the year, so I'll have at least a year to farm those redborders.
I could work on grinding up my Power Level, but the only power-gated activity I have left to meet is GM, which has dogshit loot, and Fireteam Power means that as long as SOMEBODY autisms it out, I'll be fine.

TFS was good while it lasted, but it hasn't had much staying power for me. LF and WQ both re-engaged me with D2 after the Last Season Lull, and had me playing almost daily for months after their releases. TFS hasn't had that.
>he thinks he's not one of my split personalities
heh, get real, me
people quitting gaming is not rare
people do stop gaming one day
[Sad News] There will be even more gay shit in act 2
i make sure to give all the /dg/ boys that hawk tuah <3
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Which one? Because it's not any of the existing ones.
>I accept your concession
Way to self-own.
[Good News] MASSIVE gambit update coming SOON!
Ever considered getting a second game?
>episode plot is about a lesbian going to war with two fags
hold on a minute...
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Trust the plan, Gambitbros
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Being doomer is so fucking boring.
fuck you for reminding me of that glob*l exist
[Cataclysmic News] Nimbus will be a main character in act 2
Predict the player count in November
I have multiple games I cycle through. A big part of my gaming habits is evaluating time-to-reward efficiency, because I play a lot of games that ask me to grind, and I'm old KMMO blood.
Right now, Destiny 2 is asking me to put a lot of time in for almost nothing worth having.
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red war(vanilla d2) removed
the first 2 dlc removed
forsaken(first expansion) campaign removed but dreaming city still there and dungeon still there
shadowkeep onwards, campaign still in game
but all seasonal story and content from forsaken onwards is deleted
so the way it works is seasonal content stays around for the time between when an expansion releases to the time the next expansion releases
so all the seasonal content that came out during the "year" of lightfall is gone never to ever return ever
but we dont know when the next expansion will come out or if it ever will
so we dont know what is going to happen with episodes(seasons but worse and with a different name)
>in the discord
what? do you have brain damage?
there are people in this very thread that bought the annual pass, despite it being painfully obvious episodes were just going to be phoned in, drawn out seasons, and despite ghosts of the deep and warlords ruin being absolutely miserable. Let that sink in. mobile games give a better return for your money
Don’t forget they removed Titans too
im gonna be realistic and say 65,297
>Best seasonal weapons in literal years
>It's the biggest piece of shit season since Hunt
I fucking hate how extreme bungie is with.. basically everything.

Reminder that they increased the price of the expac because they included the season with it.
only the male ones
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is the ai right about us, have the machines analyzed us?
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I'm going in
weaker seasons always bring out the heavily mentally ill crowd since they have nothing better to do than accuse each other being being a troon for hours
>is this true
yes, down to a T
Is the mission Starcrossed dropping a pinnacle?
as a Destiny 2 player, I respect women
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did they fix the double class item exploit?
Not according to the director. It seems like they didn't bother to put anything in the loot pools for it or Avalon, so it's just their respective shit exotics.
hey, thats me!
i was born in 2000!
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mother fucking bitches
and they haven't done anything about getting more of them have they?
you WILL do Destiny 1 material farming.
you WILL get a [Dogshit/Dogshit] Roll that's an instant glim.
you WILL NOT have fun.
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perfect time to take a break :)
play ffxiv :)
you guys don’t honestly care do you? $.69 steam porn games have better stories than destiny seasonal content. is anyone really on the edge of their seat waiting for part 2?
>get all my red borders
>go play ffxiv
>come back after the week of content in xiv is done
>act 2 is here
>rinse repeat
>take break from both when real game releases
ahhhh comfy gaming...
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i don't even want to play anymore
doomers were right, fucking being a hope coper
>$.69 steam porn games have better stories than destiny seasonal content
name 8
i am this cat
enhanced clown cartridge on the new rocket launcher doesn't do anything different from the normal version incase anyone was wondering
this is false
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i am so fucking upset about the class item drop rate nerf
seriously bros, it was the only thing i cared about in this game for the last two week
everything is bad now
its been like 6 months but im going back to street fighter
what if the witness used siva? would we have still won?
I'm kinda confused. Do guardian actively avoid Nessus? Failsafe makes it sound like she hasn't seen us in years, but would vanguard ops still be ran there by other guardians?

or doe she mean US specifically?
There was no need to go to Failsafe at all anymore
God this well nerf fucking blows
Genuinely not a single fucking one applies to me. Usually at least one maybe two of the phrases applies but in this one legitimately not a single one.
Us in particular. Other guardians just go there for routine patrols, and crucible matches in the Nessus maps. The door to her chamber is also implied to be closed most of the time and opens up when we get close, like the first mission in Nessus in year 1 (which is why the fallen nearby don't just walk in)
>lol thanks guardian
>go back to helm
It's dropping now? Not the Uzumi ? (I haven't logged on yet.)

I'd run heroic to get some drops since I do like fusions.
it is not false, I wasted an alloy to test it earlier
>play ffxiv
i tried to get into it but i couldnt, unfortunately
3 week break
No, they actively avoid Failsafe specifically
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>There's an entire month between the end of act 2's story and act 3
The butthurt and coping we're seeing now is only a taste.
But I gave her a bunch of cookies for the dawning!

then they're probably dicklicking hunters!
Failsafe was universally despised in year 1
you cannot convince me all the failsafe posting is anyone other than bungie shills trying to astroturf now that they've made an even worse character (nimbus)
well it won't work
failsafe should be fucking deleted from the game
which is bullshit because I visit failsafe regularly
It's okay they changed her from Quirky Bipolar to Woman Moment!
Create a post here on the weekends.
when are we getting more lore on the nine?
if I didn't get well nerfed this would be easier - saltagreppo
what did he mean by this?
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Don't worry, Nimbus gets to make xis reappearance later this episode.
>if I didn't get well nerfed this would be easier - saltagreppo
well was getting nerfed regardless of what he had said
ego maniACK
nimbus killed destiny
Why would anyone listen to this washed up boomer who lost kangaroo zoomers
Nimbus is also the only reason we got something resembling a Darkness race.
Failsafe is insufferable, and the double personality thing she had that originally was developed due to years of being abandoned to "just being a random politeness filter" is stupid
i bought a bucket hat
>can't split failsafe's 2 personalities into separate bodies anymore
>Whole fireteam wipes because whoever designed the Gate Lord boss arena for Echos is the very definition of a poopy head.

>Soon as everyone wipes Failsafe starts having Nam flashbacks about all of her friends dying.

Did not expect these feels from sister sunshine. I want to protect her smile.
this is why I must always wear hazardous propulsion now, I can't leave her behind
Good heavy for Kell Echo in Prophecy?
i use dragon's breath
cataphract/edge transit/still hunt
No, no, yes
Veist just shit out the same Linear 100 times and call it a new model.
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There will never be a linear fusion meta again.
Is the game still down for maintenance?
you DO have other games to play, right?
>X was universally despised at the time and is remembered fondly now
this is the entire relationship of /dg/ with this game
BxR? More like BAExR! Am I right, fellas?
What did Bungie do
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tvth nvke
into the light was the best season ever because it was solely focused on gameplay and not stupid ass gay story dogshit
>I don't care what they tell you in school but
Whoa grandma, slow down with the far right anti-scientific conspiracies
ammo bricks are very stingy with ammo for LFRs now
I can't wait to see this only suddenly NOW being a problem as more people realize how absolute dogshit this grind is
Oryx is trans. Mara is bi. Nimbus is nonbinary. Micah is trans. Devrim is gay. Ana Bray and Camrin! Chalco and Ikora? Saint and Osiris? Crow and Joylon? Wei-Ning and Eriana? Eramis had a wife! Maya and Chiomi?
Their damage has also been nerfed so many times that they have lower total damage and DPS than rockets and GLs while having a comparable ammo economy.
>Cleopatra was black
Niggers are so good at stealing they steal fucking irl historic characters lmao
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i really hope theres actually gonna be change to how we acquire them
just let us choose whether we get ergo sum or the class item in the pale heart
>need to kill 150 cabals
>there's no cabal onslaught
>need to get in and out of strikes because the other alternative is 150 motes in gambit, or jolt red minigamers
i love it
>Try to make a build with Battle Harmony and Song of Flame
>Never able to notice the exotic doing anything
Is Verity's really the only option if I don't want to play not-Sunsinger as a healslut?
>Oryx is trans
xey are NOT beating the "all trans jokes are either sex or hehe i kill you" allegations.
Doomgods won
All mogged by Drifter and Eris
A pairing so powerful they refuse to show it onscreen.
a normal couple threatens the homos world view
They shouldn't show it on screen. They shouldn't show any of these fucking garbage ass romances on stream.
Why is Bungie doing this? Fucking stop it.
>Why is Bungie doing this?
The writers have never had true friends and desperately seek validation from creations they've coopted as their own.
They (very, VERY briefly) showed Crow and Amanda.
I actually don't mind that Devrim is gay at all, because he has a character beyond his relationship with Marc, and interacts with characters other than us and his lover. Marc isn't even onscreen; he only appears in lore tabs. He feels like an actual cool older dude that happens to be gay, and periodically tells a story about Marc.

I used to not mind Osiris and Saint so much. Saint being depressed over Osiris being in a coma is pretty legitimate, and Osiris taking a moment to muse about the exploration trip he and Saint wanted to take is a good character moment in Spire that doesn't linger. However, since WQ (and arguably before that), too much of Saint's character is tied up in the relationship with Osiris (who doesn't have these problems and has multiple other conflicts and character moments without Saint). Even the "Am I a real boy" bit gets quashed by "bro you're gay, get back in there". Nobody else in this game is that one-dimensional without the plot smacking them for it. Only way this shit would have payoff is if Saint or Osiris died by the end of it, or if Saint confronted his own character flaw of not having a character beyond Osiris, but Bungie is too cowardly to do either of these things.
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They're so aggressively gay because the lead narrative designer shipping them is the reason they're gay at all. It was purely fraternal before him.
>or if Saint confronted his own character flaw of not having a character beyond Osiris
The issue is that Saint does have a character beyond Osiris and the majority of his entire life was living up to that image and living for the people of the final city and wanting to see the Final City fully developed and prosperous. The entire character's history is just a conga line of pain, selflessness, and self-sacrifice with an even larger slice dedicated to the vague mysticism parts of Destiny in general and the speakers in particular.

But the writers at Bungie aren't the same so all that remains is he's a gay boy whose life revolves around being a gay boy and his only goals and aspirations is to finish an obligation so he can go on gay adventures.
Love how BROTHER was in BOLD yet the writers are so incompetent and retarded they still went for the pederasty angle.
>Saint went from the FALLEN genocide man and vex scrapper to a massive faggot who almost lost his mind because he's fake
best example of humiliation ritual
Remember Bill Nighy was in this game?
No but that's the thing: Osiris ISN'T aggressively gay. If you take Osiris' comments in a vaccum, he's relatively normal. He's an autist that realizes he gets too caught up in his own shit and needs to pull back from time to time and appreciate his lover. He has multifaceted character traits beyond his relationship with Saint.
If you do the same with Saint, it's pretty much obsessive yandere behavior. That lore tab where he revives Savathun repeatedly to kill her is probably the best display of what his character currently is: obsessive over taking vengeance, not for Savathun's misdeeds in general, but because she hurt Osiris even though she really didn't hurt him much at all, and arguably helped him in the long run, with Sagira being the real casualty here.
They also retconned the gender of his Ghost just so they could make a Pinocchio joke.
There’s nothing homophobic or wrong about not liking Osiris and Saints gay relationship. It was a preexisting well established dynamic that was perverted by a gay fanfic writer. Who according to that one quote if I remember correctly believes all male relationships are inherently gay.
How is Bungie allowed to get away with blatantly retconning shit like this
It was Osiris's retardation and Xivu that forced Sagira to kill herself, Sav just took advantage of the situation. She didn't even mistreat Saint or anything, "Osiris" was just described as being distant, but Saint still felt the need to spend a full day spawn killing her and then go home and cry.
Continuing, nobody is bothered by original gays like Devrim and Eramis. It’s this one relationship that’s clearly a hack job.
i know it's a glim but how did i do pve sniper bros?
was the speaker a guardian? I honestly don’t even remember
Devrim's cool, though he's helped by Gideon Emery's voice. Eramis was mostly just annoying because she's a bitter idiot that they kept trying to paint as a sympathetic character that deserved a chance at redemption.
Many people don't even know Eramis is gay, which I think is fine.
I'd wager that a lot of players don't know Devrim is gay either, since it's only in lore tabs, which are competing with Raids for "shit D2 players don't do".
No. It was ambiguous in D1 because he had a bunch of Ghosts floating around him, but he was just a mortal man in D2. It took until Dawn for them to explain what Speakers were and what their history was.
>actually you have to know several shapes
you giant nigger, fuck you
a destiny show would only work as an anthology series and i will never back down on that hill
How does Triple Tap interact with the overflowing mag from Reconstruction?
They could've fleshed out the Zavala's Prelude trailer, but I'm sick of the buckbroken smurf's dead wife and son shit after TFS.
>You can see the future weekly challenges on light.gg
>Act 2 is only going to be 3 weeks long with a 4 week break to act 3
Literally the same amount of story and content as seasons just spread out more
it doesn't do anything until you get under the normal mag size
a destiny show could be good if bungie was far away from it as possible
So either Chaos Reshaped or BnS for a DPS rotation with some kind of auto-loading heavy.
reminder that the REST OF THE EPISODE is going to be about gay shit with maya and chioma

you cant make this shit up, its just gay shit for the entire thing
>wanna... do ghosts of the deep(arc only)?
I'm not the original guy, but I'd be down to try that later tonight if you're still here.
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>Entire episode's content is already in the game
>It's being timegated because????????????????????????????
Do they really think people are coming back for this dogshit before all of it is out?
I'm just going to put a mark on my calendar for when the 3rd week of Act 3 drops, then I'll log back on.
do you think they'll have a gay contest with saint and osiris?
That's what everyone said but the shills were certain it would be different
about 30k on each platform stay no matter how shit things get
Until TFS, I was one of those 30k, and I'm taking a break for at LEAST the entirety of Act 2, if I don't start sooner. I'll keep up with news, but I probably won't log in for more than an hour or two during that 2-month period, if at all.
If Bungie wanted to help treat addiction, this is a good way to start.
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You're forgetting about the most important part.
i skipped everything from guardian games to TFS and i thought i was done, i thought i was out. a solid 4 months where i didn't touch the game but alas...
>make drastic changes to Nessus
>only in missions though, patrol is the same
Act 2 has a full month of downtime between its last week of story and act 3. I think Solstice might happen during that, but the datamined models for the gear look like ass.
>No Hesitation
>Speakers sight
Yeah, it's healslutting time. Is restoration x2 on No Hesitation a bug?
Yes. Enhanced Physic is just supposed to extend the timer, apparently.
Bungie's already said they intend to fix it, but we've had 2 patches since they said that.
The astroturfing by Bungie is so obvious lmao
players would lynch bungie if they changed the cistern
Sister...I've been doing No Hesitation and Scars mark so I can heal with No Hesitation and when I swap to the Call. I wish we had a heal number shown so I can feel extra good. How's your mog? Are you wearing cute colors?
Saint has done literally, absolutely nothing since his season ten years ago.
All he's done is literally get faggier, and as of today we have yet another 'sad titan' storyline
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If they're gonna dedicate this much time to Saint/Osiris, next season better be about Drifer/Eris or, better yet, Zavala/Caitl
Or we could make it about Destiny 2 again and fire the retards who keep making stories that do nothing but ship two characters together.
don't forget to heal the balls
Since he lost his light and it's a mortal now, he no longer can carry Caiatl.
how do you ship fictional character? what address do you send shipment to?
Yes very funny.
He still has superhuman resistance or the stasis stuff would crush him.
Now that we're doing expunge again I'm thinking of that guy who said his friend would absolutely refuse to do any platforming section because "it's a FPS", he'd go to orbit and he'd join the rest of the team once it's over.
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welp i've had my fun with prismatic
>plays solar warlock again until the end of time
isn't it kind of implied that the darkness lets you do basically all of the same shit? prismatic's entire thing was "YOU CAN USE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME THIS IS TRULY UNPRECEDENTED AND INCREDIBLE" and the game constantly goes on about how basically all character functions are fueled entirely by your light.
Harmony is currently bugged doesn't actually work atm
I admire that player's nuts. If Bungie openly advertised it was a platformer too I wouldn't have bought in.
my biggest gripe even with normal subclasses is the lack of heavy drop from abillity kills. i can clear one side by myself during the witness raid fight using prismatic warlock but i wont generate any heavy for myself or my team.
based friend
bro? your exotic primary?
i know but when your abilities kill everything it dont generate shit so you have to avoid using your abilities if you want ammo drops
bro? your rocket sidearm?
I hate raiding but I hear VoG is easy and that's the one for this week. Brainlets can do this, right?
Prismatic is different from what The Guardian did pre-TFS, or what Drifter is doing now. Ghost mentions it when you unlock it, but you're blending Light and Dark together in perfect harmony to the point that the seams disappear entirely.
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are warlocks getting halfed rewards from nightfalls?
They're receiving halved rewards from all ritual playlists for some reason.
Yes. I noticed it was fucked last week. Bungoed again.
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did the warlocks get overthrown in bungie internally, we used to be the pet class what the fuck is going on?
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They remembered how to use Backstab.
fuck huntroons
what the fuck are they doing during the 6 hours of maintenance if they aren't fixing any bugs
>we used to be the pet class
Besides well fucking when?
bladedancer return when
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Not too bad
Oh...you can't go beyond level 100 in the season pass until the next act is out? I thought you could go on gaining XP and just couldn't claim the rewards...
you will consume the slop at BUNGIES pace, not yours
If you can play Simon says sure
A titroon will whine and say Twilight Garrison but they shouldn't have gotten that exotic in the first place and bungie admits that
what do people even use LFRs for nowadays

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