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Previous: >>483358526

>[Campaign] "TSUKIHIME" Global Release Celebration Campaign
2024-06-19 21:00 - 07-06 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Campaign
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] "Main Interlude: Ooku" Release Pickup Summon
2024-06-20 21:00 - 06-27 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/ixetqz.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

The absolute state of this game.
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Lmao what is even going on.
Just claim the rewards and move on, stop creating drama out of nothing
Jannu TANKED this btw
Haha I got the exact thing happening too
Fuck you albert
Fuck you lasengle
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Stop shitposting on 4chan and go fix the game, Albert.
The High Queen is here, /alter/
Behave yourself
So did Tamamo in that Learning with Manga animation. Class advantage.
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My cute daughterbookwife.
3 free sq
I don't even have enough space on my device anymore
It's been bugged since at least yesterday. Already sent them an email but you lot should do the same too.
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Yeah I got this too
No more expeditions so there's no need to fix it
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>not sperging out over a buggy popup that doesn't affect anything makes you a cuck
I only needed to download 200+ mb though??
You are probably replying to cuck stancer
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Stupid sexy snek
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Why the image spam?
Can you make more of this, AIbro? I wanna see oppai loli Lip fucked gently (or roughly).
We ran out of images last thread. It made people a bit antsy.
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Oh you know, cuck stancer off his meds again
Okay, that's a damn good cosplayer. Especially with the crazy eyes she's got going on there. Definitely makes fear of Kiyohime a lot more understandable.
>indian tranny
Is this new or was I blind the whole time?
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That Class Group thing is definitely new.
That's a face I would NOT want to see outside my window in the middle of the night
Filter for Shielder lol
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No, I don't give a shit
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Oh sweet, a slut posting
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This is 2B from Nier Automata
>three knights
>four cavalries
kino naming
>extra I
>extra II
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>AI companies are being sued since they classified as copyright infringement for courts now
It's over...
Sminem is way cooler than that nigger
>still no separate Extra I and Extra II slots in supports

Fucking lasagna...
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His dialogues are well conceived, and I love that!
I honestly don't get that image
Just leave him be, he will post his images and then fuck off, whats the matter
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That's a face I would want to see on my bed in the middle of the night
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Hot. How about vaginal sex with Gudao without the stomach bulge? A creampie would be great, too.
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52 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
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My king...
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Arc sex...
>and then fuck off
He doesn't, that's the thing
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let her cook
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>my face when whales and veterans breathe a sigh of relief this anniversary when FGO2 isn't announced
>my face knowing it'll be announced next next year for the 10th anniversary, with a global release on PC, Mobile, PS5 and Switch 2 (JP and NA EOS announcement with it)
Ah yes, another thread of cropped porn spam.
is that ivan...?
Yeah Albert finally found him for you guys.
>8GB download
It made Bob sings lol https://voca.ro/1fiG77DBCv3u
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His vengeful ghost haunts the game.
Anniversary probably has all the QOL updates through current JP.
Wouldn't surprise me if they announce they're adding the QOL stuff JP gets for their anniversary as well
What's the point of spamming porn on a dead general?
since we've decided that we are a cuck general and willing to suck albert's cock, which one of male servants would you like the most to intercourse in a sexual activity with your waifu?
In the shop or in my room?
Nobody understand what goes on in that brain of his. If there's even anything in his brain at all.
In the shop.
Lobo fucks Shiki blyat
They've been playing catch up QOL wise for like 3 years now
They'll never merge or speed up unfortunately but a QOL catch up isn't out of the question
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You have no idea what you are talking about
Speed ups are usually killing games
And merge is equal to EoS
In case of speed up you're going to miss on servants 100% because of highly conjuncted schedule
In case of merge you're straight up deleting the content from the game
I advise you uninstalling the game if you have it that much
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Imagine losing your mind over 8 (eight) gigs update in the current year
You are so pathetic
This has nothing to do with that. This shit happens to random players once in a while, especially after maints. For some reason, some players will get hit with gbs of update when most players only get the stand 200mb ish. If it's something that's meant for everyone, that everyone would get the 8gb update too.
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>Ivan, the vengeful spirit of NA server unjustly killed by Albert and his interns, is back after half a year
Many bugs sprouted out since the previous data update
>Many bugs sprouted out since the previous data update
Name 3
was this english?
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Isn't that the iToddler exclusive update? FYI Apple forbids devs from compressing packages so they can justify selling phones with higher memory. That 8 GB update is probably worth 300 MB of content.
You don't want speed up, and you don't want merge, that's it
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There are no bugs in my fang mines.
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>onii-chan has a 30 hours thread
>constant talks about cuckshit
Same, I feel like people are complaining for the sake of complaining
>>onii-chan has a 30 hours thread
And it's a bad thing because?
Oh yeah? vmg has months long thread
I'm going to enjoy your seethe when fgo2 rolls around.
Tick tock, the aniplex account link is a sign of what's to come
I remember when /fgog/ threads had Gilfags and Jetfags shitposts with random BeoCHAD posts in-between. Now it's just cuck this cuck that everywhere. A really sad state.
I would gladly take 30 hours threads over threads filled with mindless complaining and insipid images any day of the week desu
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>b-but mah mah fast absolute dogshit quality threads!!! g-gotta go fasta
>Viewing certain Servants' profiles may cause the game to freeze.
>Portrait display glitches for some Servant dialogues in My Room
>The one mentioned above
Visual bugs don't count, stop being autistic about it
>BetterFGO is still not updated
Okay Albert, just please don't fuck up the ascension sq reward. That's the one and only favor I ask of you.
>nooooo how dare you point out the fact that every other gacha is treated better!
>I'm a poor neet so I love the dogshit way NA is treated!
Never said any of that, perhaps you were supposed to quote someone else?
logged in and made my blapples. personally, I'd be fine with another maint now to get more apologems.
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the fuck is a BetterFGO
>quick Github search
>"An APK with forced NP widescreen, 60 FPS, Altria changed to Artoria and NP skip."
>Altria changed to Artoria
Are people still hung up on that? Might as well change Meltryllis' name to Meltlilith, then.
You know what I really miss? The Selected option being within reach at the top instead of having to scroll all the way down past all the new and mostly useless filters. I use it to mark current bond targets and not have to move servants in and out of the Archive.
Artoria is correct and Altria is wrong and Nasu tarding out
I'm using it to play on an alt. I don't care about localisation changes but NP skip is life changing.
Fate is almost as big an autism magnet as Sonic, so of course people will never give up on that.

Meltryllis is the correct name since it's a reference to the amaryllis flower. Then again there are retards who still use Mashu instead of Mash, so the fact it's correct is irrelevant.
Bros? Why is the game unplayable?
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>when I started this game I had a low paying job and this was pretty much the only entertainment I had
>now I have high paying job but not a lot of time to play

Idk which is worse
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its Matthew actually
It's more of fucking with Nasu at this point, because if he decided it was "Arthuria" or "Artura" / "Arthuretta" (the actual female equivalents to Arthur) then people would accept it because he'd be being 'more accurate'
But altria is just him being childish and refusing to admit he was retarded and mistranslated his own name
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That was simply the result of Nasu being terrible at English. Her name has been fixed and is always Mash in romanizations.
can't yiu do homeoffice? I'm currently doing ooku while listening to some retarded meetings
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>It's Friday night, I can finally relax and play some vidya!
>doze off 10 minutes after sitting at my computer
>Then again there are retards who still use Mashu instead of Mash
Why are you outlining yourself a retard by calling others retards while it should be Matthew?
Working from home really is the best thing born from Covid. It has actually improved my productivity by a lot since I'm allowed to be much more flexible and don't have to pretend to be busy.
>>Altria changed to Artoria
>Are people still hung up on that?
Yes, and they believe it's something worth getting banned for
Nasu just has to make it Artura.
All autism will end when Nasu admits Altria is both a bad translation and not an actual name.
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Looks like nobody bothers to update the wiki.
The latter is worse, you are trading your life away for money, and when you will have lots of time and lots of money to do anything you want, there won't be enough energy to keep things going, the ultimate trap for your soul
Yeah man, this will happen any day now.
You probably chose the wrong career path, most of the time you end up with more free time the more you move up.
That said I've considered switching to trucking because even if the pay wouldn't be that much of an increase and I'd have less free time driving doesn't stress me out at all and the wheel calls to me (I used to drive delivery), plus I only sleep on my couch anyway so awkward sleeping conditions aren't a big deal to me
>oh no it has been 2 hours since recent update
>why is the wiki still not updated
Your parents never loved you, huh?
im a weird cripple and cant keep a job or afford a car. i'm pretty much dependent on other people for the rest of my life unless i get magic powers and get a cool new body.
Oh it won't happen, and the autism won't end on either side.
That's just how it is when an autistic creator of a series that attracts autists makes a mistake he's too autistic to admit was a mistake.
you know what must be done
MTLdom and Honkpress are dead. NA is declining.
Cuck voidstance?
What's happening in JP? Why's their game broke?
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I'm ready, brother. Send in the magic beads.
Good. My dream about FGO NA shutting down before 8th Anniversary comes closer with every day.
Constantine's rateup ended on the 22nd of May retardbro. That page hasn't been updated in over a month.
/fgoalter/ - Complaining faggots general
Faggots complaining while some retarded slavic trash spams cropped porn and pics of dogfaced cosplayers
You have to understand, this 8 GB update? I cannot download it, my internet is too slow and my phone does not have enough space, what the fuck, Albert? Buy me a new phone NOW
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it's actually not that bad. my tendons are garbage and start fraying even from standing from short periods at a time and i have fibromyalgia so i'm in pain 24/7 but it's not like it's intense pain all the time. i also have the tism which fucks things up for me and i sweat really easy. nearly died as a kid because of how bad i sweat.
but it could always be worse. i could be wheelchair bound or missing limbs or whatever else. it also lets me chill out at home 24/7 and just collect a small pittance of cash from the government. sure i have lots of problems but at least i get to chill.
Your fault for buying apple garbage in the first place
Hey wait a minute Michi had a son too?
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i would just end it if i was in your place
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>Nooo you can't discuss the game in a general you are supposed to discuss the game
It has nothing to do with apple, dumb fuck
Go to my room -> settings -> click download all, everyone has it
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JP Server Translation
>Caster Artoria
>Yousei Kishi / Faery Knight
>Haven Nyan
>Abyssal Worm
>Hoshi / Star
>Handomeiden / Maid
>Lordless Camelot
>I'm sorry

NA Server Localization
>Caster Altria
>Tam Lim
>Abyssal Wyrm
>Roadless Camelot
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Home comfy is great so long as you have income. Even on vacations I just like staying at home.
This time we are not losing on crucial content, yes, dishonest rat.
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So are these voidstance's discord buddies? The same style of hostile posts happened during the previous days too around these hours.
i've considered it but i've got a good few friends and a loving mom and sometimes my luck pays off. it helps i'm also kind of easily satisfied when it comes to certain stuff.
life could always be worse and i don't wanna check out early just cuz it kind of sucks right now. it could get better for all i know. hell, that might be part of what keeps me going.
how embarrassing would it be if it ended up that the day after i killed myself that a solution for all my problems showed up? gotta keep hope alive.
either there's an afterlife and it's worth waiting anyway since you don't know what it's like or there isn't an afterlife and it's worth waiting anyway.
ye ye. it's only like 1k a month but it's something at least.
Yes, sadly
Okay, but what's the plan after your mom passes out
my friends say they'll take care of me. they're been really generous and sweet. my bro even told his girlfriend that if she wants to eventually get married one day she's gotta be cool with me moving in with him when that time comes because that's just how it is.
i dunno what i did to deserve kind people in my life but it makes me happy.
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What does this 8GB install mean for lipbros?
>my bro even told his girlfriend that if she wants to eventually get married one day she's gotta be cool with me moving in with him when that time comes
I'm impressed, never had that kind of friendship in my life
Your phone will explode immediately after, stay away from that update, I repeat, STAY AWAY at all costs
I've know him since we were little kids. like 8-9. Even though I don't see him much anymore cuz he's always working he's still super kind to me. love him and hope nothing but the best for him.
i hope you can get a friend like that too one day, anon. i wish the world was kinder in general.
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She was a mother of a son and two daughters.
Bakin and her son died 10 years earlier than her and her daughters were all married. Her late years might be a little bit lonely so she kept a personal diary on her daily life. That's where the diary dialogue at the expedition panel came from.
Morgan is cute
Kuroha is genuinely the ugliest cosplayer i've seen get simped over
It's okay bro. Maybe magic is real and I'll win big or something!
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Damn he's really going at it today, huh
I like your outlook on life, keep fighting bro.
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Thanks, bro. I hope it inspires you to keep going too.
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Hey wait a minute you are not Lip...
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>I will shitpost and spam cropped porn in their general, that will show them blyat!
>barking and moaning in the background
he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror today, be nice.
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What's with the porn spam? What spurred this?
Gotta preoccupy himself with something whilst his servants are getting trains run on them.
The usual suspect is bored again
why do the mods never do anything
>NA Server Localization
>>Caster Altria
>>Tam Lin
Good, fae knight was half assed
This is fine, a Japanese word isn't going to be part of an English nickname
>>Abyssal Wyrm
Worm was always Nasu fucking up somewhere along the line translating back and forth. It's the NP of Vortigern, aka the white dragon, thus it's a wyrm.
Yea this is dumb
>>Roadless Camelot
Yes this is dumb
There is nothing wrong with this
This is almost fine, but it should have been Ashe or just Ash
Yea this is gay and stupid
Jannies only act if someone insults Melu.
So what ticked off the autist this time?
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lavi I'm going to rape you
>This is fine, a Japanese word isn't going to be part of an English nickname
Mecha Liz is called "Eli-chan" in NA. BB and Mashu call (You) "Senpai". (You) call Yu Mei-ren "Paisen".
I got used to 60fps bro, I can't look at the native apk's menus anymore. And the NP skip is also huge.
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>fall asleep before porn spam
>wake up to porn spam
>spam isn’t even good (as usual)
None of these are as C tier fan translations as refusing to translate nyaa to meow
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Yea I don't get why people still think Nasu's intent was worm
It's a giant armless dragon. It's clearly a wyrm.
That mecha man... He's taunting me because I didn't get him. Coaxing me to waste the free 40 saint quartz next reset on this banner grr...
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Everyone agrees turning a neet into a weeb was dumb
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>it’s real
What a cruel update, the delusional urge to gamble & hope are spiking again
>NA Server Localization
>Caster Altria
Arthuria sounds better but doesn't look better so whatever.
>Tam Lin
TM literally changed back to Faerie Knight themselves lmao.
>Abyssal Wyrm
The dumbest part of that drama is that they used Worm/Wyrm interchangebly in LB6 part 2 then did a full rollback to Worm.
FSN reference clap you won.
...No comment.
>Roadless Camelot
It is correct. 辿り着けぬ is literally "Can't be reached (after a struggle)", "There's no road to".
Matthew doesn't sound like a female name so whatever.
You could say Ash but Cnoc and Skaði are there. They tend to keep the origin.
What does Oeibros feel about her southern accent again? Especially after this event?
Same as "pickled radish" to "pickle", "dango" to "dumpling". I don't see sometimes it's good to mess around the original meanings.
worst part is that this spam might be manual and not a bot
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I love her more than anything
Knowing how online sucker can be (leaving his Shikis to be raped by everyone else), it’s most likely manual
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I hope this game is good for another 2 years.
>then did a full rollback to Worm.
Wait did they actually?
Wyrm is blatantly the right one based on every event of the story.
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All my fellas...
I'm gonna pet these good boys every day till the event ends.
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Post supports
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Check the Atlas yourself. It's always the most up-to-date.
I'll miss the good boi squad
That's stupid, but it reinforces my theory that Nasu often forgets why he names things the way he does then comes back to it later and doubles down on things for the wrong reason.
I think Worm was him doing a play on words in Japanese.
Much like I think Alrtria was him stupidly thinking Arthur was supposed to be Althur.
Where's Beast?
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Aoko in 670 days
>thinking Arthur was supposed to be Althur.
This shouldn't make as much sense as it does
>bonus Nursery Rhyme
Love you AIbro
How do you pronounce this? Just "Knock" like "he knocked on the door"?
With a hard R
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mods = fags
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what are we rolling bros
Anyone else here skipped the event because it looked like dog shit?
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>dog shit
fuck off with your ads
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>got Kiara
>+2 interludes
Just what I needed for another 10 quartz
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miyu sex
What game?
What is this.
Also translate stuff to english before you post things here this is the NORTH AMERICAN general.
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At least it's not cat shit ft. Toxoplasmosister
>wake up
>this faggot has been spamming for actually 9 hours
why are the mods like this?
Why did nobody have Bakin during this event?
Usually I can always find the event servent for support.
>love straight-cut fringes
>love twintails
>love small
Nemo was made for sex with me.
I spent my sq to get Hokusai.
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I skipped it because it looked like dog shit wrapped in cat shit. Literally the first time since playing this game i skipped something and felt proud in doing so.
It made me realize im breaking the addiction.
>not many wanted her
>close to anniversary so those that did rolled little or just skipped
>general curse
It just seems like it was bad luck for the servant and his fans.
Because everybody already has Da Vinci.
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Grand Summoners.
They're doing a 2nd collab with Fate soon on the Japanesse version of the game.
They will be also rerunning units from the old collab like Shirou,Salter etc. with this and those are the new units coming with the rerun.
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I wanted the robot (& failed)
Because he is friends with one of them most likely. Mods here would rather erp than do something for this website.
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>Jannies are trannies
No way................................
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I did though
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I didn't put on support... yet.
It pains me a lot that I couldn't go all-in. But since I don't have main goals next year I will get more copies in rerun.
>mysterious burning berserker
>sent to fight (You) in Traum
>lasted to the last break bar before she starts thinking (You)'re Anchin
She put up a better fight than I expected.
jannu I love u
plink sex
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>I will get more copies in rerun
Nobody tell him
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>he does it for free
The only 2 reruns we are going to have are Steggykino and Nerowank
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is Bunnytoria still awful to use?
Why would you assume anything changed
I doubt
Meh. They can't touch Suno with arguments like that.
She can buster loop
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Woah there, you can't just go around saying things like that. You might EoS us.
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Problem is her damage sucks
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Kama Love!
Blame the class
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Bakin has a rerun banner in feet pic event, after OC1 tho.
It's not going to be in July because Saber Medusa will be in the 8th anni GSSR. So it's most likely next year June.
You know there's a thing as too much content right? I was in the madoka magical gacha and let me tell you the amount of stuff too do was just too much and that's why it died.
Don't tell this to retards DEMANDING a speed-up for 7 years
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She was always good. She's a crit support who can get cards for your main crit dps on command. Only retards didn't understand how to use her because they can't wrap their brains around something else other than looping. I've finished CQs with her.
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This game has better crit supports
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Nigger, I know you can't read, but most of us are here for the story and a speedup is the only way to ensure it doesn't end up unfinished at JP EoS
>come back after months to see what the general looks like(the seawater monsters event)
>cropped porn spam
i made a good choice to leave this shihole
clean it up janny
>She's a crit support
lmao this is just cope. Hans is a crit support. Bunny artoria ain't it.
> I've finished CQs with her.
And people have cleared CQs using random low rarity like 100 hassans.
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This place went to shit during the great reddit raid of autumn 2019.
Now this is a reference that made me laugh... and also made me slightly uncomfortable.
start with 50% charge CE and unlocked mana loading, press Oberon's party wide charge and your friend's Oberon, NP, she refunds 20% on NP
PRESS FRIEND'S OBERON' NP CHARGE, BUSTER BUFF AND YOUR OWN OBERON'S BUSter buff, plug in Vitch, use her skills on Bunnytoria, MP gg
>crit support
My guy, her star gather is for herself and her two attack buffs are also for herself. It's one thing if you're using her as your crit based damage dealer. It makes more sense to use the shuffle so she can be the one criting than trying to claim she's a fucking crit support holy shit. This is ALMOST lancer mikon fags tier of 'she's good honestly!'
i guess we are not hitting up image limit by 600 posts, shame
i was looking forward to it
How the fuck can you love someone as retarded and as useless as Jannu?
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Because of the sword art online romance! ouuuhhhh i LOVE FORCED SHIPPING!!!
Fate was before sword art online, retard
The entire website went to shit when Moot sold the website to Hiroyuki in 2015
>forced shipping
Jannu getting cucked, fucked over, abused and laughed at is like her entire reason for existence in Fate
Based jannies dabbing on cucksucker
She is very adorable and amusing ins Riyo's manga.
Time to save.
Endless thread...
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Cute mama
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Time to speed up this thread, we need to finish FASTER! YOU HEAR ME? POST IMAGES
I'm here for the waifus lmao
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Good moming
Oh yeah? Post who you managed to get as of now
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>The Command Spells are connected to around ten types of Servants, including Scathach, Perseus, Jason, the Hydra, Scylla, and Dong Bai.
Which one would (you) choose?
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H-hewwo... I just, uh, wanted to post Quetz. I don't I hope all of you are having a nice day.
How can you call her your waifu if you won't even read her shit
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Fun fact: there was an experiment in the 70s where 10 people with completely different backgrounds(ethnicity, relationship status, thoughts on religion, age, etc.) were put on a raft and sailed across the Atlantic without surveillance to see what they would do(in terms of would they kill each other or make love). (Btw it was just them and the guy that designed the experiment). And at the end the 10 participants did want to kill someone, and it was the ‘scientist’ guy because he was being an asshole to them. And even when interviewed about it years later they all said that they were still great friends and that they all hated the scientist guy.
Oh, hey, Schez, you found my sextape?
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>based jannies
They let him spam for days before doing anything. Now he'll just evade his ban and start all over again.
Fuck hiro, fuck mods and fuck jannies. They are the reason why this website went to shit. I unironically hope these massive faggots get shot
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Can you keep up with me?
Por favor, my name is Quetzalcoatl
I’m a millennium old lucha libre otaku (wrestling fan for you non hombres). I practice lucha moves in my garage and spend my days working out and watching superior mehican luchadores (el santo, blue demon, espectro I)

I train with my plancha every day, this superior crossbody block can smack through dame dame goddesses because it is folded over a thousand guacamoles and is vastly superior to any other technique. I earned my lucha license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak mehican fluently, both Nahuatl and Espanol and I know everything about lucha libres and their máscaras which I follow 100%. I also have a collection of mascaras, some of them I won in Luchas de Apuestas against Island Mask (you should see the face on Amakusa, guano was so bueno when jaguarman woman went all Caballete on his ass).

When I get my shovel, I am digging under the wall to illegally crossover to prestigious mehico to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become the next Masked Marvel

Wish me luck in mehico!
Fucking casuals
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I'm here for the husbandos
Because it ultimately doesn't matter in the slightest. The whole "well uhm Servant isn't really the original heh and also can be influenced by summoner", existence of Alters and other similiar shit mean that none of the storylines matter, they are just something that happens to some other variant of your waifu that has nothing to do with yours and also you don't even need to pay attention to her actual character since it's all malleable and not set in stone and, at the end of the day, is working on "it can be changed at will to suit the story" clause.
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Que bonita la güerita
Cortes when?
Wasn't this the Acali something experiment? I kind of listened about it before while grinding lottos...
Well, would you look at that, a picture that doesn't give him a weirdly big body and a small head so he does actually look attractive.
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Cool, you should visit /bag/.
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Holy sexo until the room stinks.
Why did you say that.
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What are you implying? I'm fine with having servants not for me
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Wait, so Ooku was just being added to the main interludes shop? It's not a rerun?
Is it worth buying if I already went through it twice?
Yes, its a main interlude
Yes, its worth it because of the SQ
Nah, it's not worth your time, fuck Ooku, fuck Kama
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Is anything happening today for the anniversary?
It's a main interlude and you have all the time in the world to play through it again.
Yes we are getting 30 SQ and we just had maintenance
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Thank you for your input, kyoudais. May you be blessed with good rolls and good health.
Why were chinese emperors, alone, so obsessed with immortality?
You don't really hear other world emperors being so obsessed.
Wait, where's the free Ooku interlude???
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Kama, my beloved...
In the RP shop, attention span-let
In the RP shop
All main interludes are free now so its 0 RP cost
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Sorry, I need RPs for bond grails...
Reminder that all shippers are subhuman
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Her shuffle boosts party-wide crit and it allows you to deselect one servant's cards. Her attack buffs are secondary because unlike Hans, she also does DPS. So yeah, you missed it.
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Because they know that money and power are basically worthless if you're not alive so they chase things to make them live longer or live forever.
It's only the poor and retarded masses who think that money is everything and will magically solve their problems.
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Is there any reason, ANY REASON AT ALL for Gogh to be so fucking annoying?
Extreme mental illness
>fuck Kama
Will do
Have some standards, coomer
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Kama made me lunch bros...
Doesn't stop Ishtar from being at least somewhat bearable.
You sound like you're fine with anything really. That's the most generic lifeless slop I could think of
That's putting it in a way that makes them seem enlightened, chasing immortality is quite the opposite of most spiritusl teachings.
And what of other world emperors? They weren't peasants. No Roman emperor is well-known for chasing immortality.
Ancient Babylonian and Egyptians are obsessed with it too.
No? It's about dedicating your love to someone who is available to you
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>No Roman emperor is well-known for chasing immortality.
They weren't concerned with that. These emperor love Rome above all else and knew that Rome would last and reign forever even after they're gone. And they also were confident that after they died, they would ascend and be exalted as gods.
I'm not a coomer. And sakura is my gold standard so guess who just meets said standard.
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>109 replies deleted
Come back!
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NP goal?
Would I guess.
I’m so alone.
I couldn’t secure the one bag I had.
Not my fault she’s across the ocean.
Is my fault I couldn’t say what I wanted to>>483418068
>These emperor love Rome above all else
This, while the Chinese ones were more concerned over staying in power and not getting the shit they did to others done to them.
Your standard is very low because Sakura... well, you know how she is
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Two weeks. Which one we are rolling, bros?
It's like 15SQ+a lore and costs nothing, just skip that shit
im gonna go finish the old thread, bros, come with me
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Going to farm this node.
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nah lol
Jesus fucking christ
Chinese rulers, even when compared to other rulers, lived in an environment that was so utterly divorced from the rest of the world that it's no surprise they acquired an air of mysticism, which means they get portrayed as being somewhat more refined, intellectual and flat out magical than their european counterparts.
They had a somewhat higher rate of mortality due to all that constant infighting and were far less concerned with China as a whole and more concerned with keeping their own clique in power so that they don't get chopped to bits or boiled alive (something they probably done to their enemies at least once themselves).
There's also difference in mentality and religion, and lack of external influence and all that jazz.
She is great. A good person, good with chores, good cook, a fun person for the most part. And of course very attractive.
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I love Kuroha.
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Kama wife, Kama life...
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>they would ascend and be exalted as gods.
I've always found Apotheosis a cool concept.
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I may be somwhat gay for Nemo.
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I love Musashi Miyamoto
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I'm not sure why but Melusine's face here gives me the heebie-jeebies. Maybe it's the extra setail in it or something.
Do you like Ritsuka Fujimaru, the character? As in Gudao?
Nikke has guaranteed SSRs that you can pick. There's no excuse to not have the same for this game.
he might as well not exist and it won't change anything
It's the Itachi lines
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>And they also were confident that after they died, they would ascend and be exalted as gods.
That would explain a fair amount.
So Chinese emperors didn't believe they'd go to heaven or anything? But isn't their whole thing 'the mandate of heaven'?
It should. It's a face of shock from your destined lover.
Has Melu ever made that fucking GudaGuda-worthy face?
I think you might be from reddit. You're getting the fear that you might get banned.
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>the destroyer of multiple worlds and killer of trillions of people, known for having a legion of heroes as his soldiers
Will he be summoned as a God-tier servant or Angry Manjew-tier servant?
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>Nikke has guaranteed SSRs that you can pick.

FGO too. For 30-45 buckos :) with that "destiny" gssr
fuck off
im just ordinary guy
The anime adaptations just sealed the deal how utterly useless he is overall.
FGO should've had Mash or Kadoc as the MC, or been focused solely on Servants being self-summoned to deal with world-ending threats, with multiple anonymous Masters or even no Master at all, just to Counter Force doing its thing.
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Good morning bros
Oh no no no
But jpeg, she she said she loves me
Good morning bro
its 15:50 retard
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>get a login bonus 30 sq
>do a tenner on kiara
>all the loading in the world
>rainbow sparks
>moon cancer card
That's right, Jinako!
Fuck this shit, man, the worst possible spook.
AIbro, can I have some loveydovey Melu stuff? Also some sex too.
Mandate of heaven doesn't mean they become gods or are actual gods like the pharaohs. In fact, thanks to stuff like Taoism and imports from India/Buddhism, they're very much aware they're mortals in the mortal realm and can't just go to heaven just because they're rulers. That's why some of the later emperors like from the Tang dynasty also tend to build temples etc so they can accumulate more karma to go to the heaven realm. Some dynasties even have a tradition of sort where princes will temporarily be monks before resuming their royal duties.
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>There's no excuse to not have the same for this game.
FGO is for master-race only. Such pity is for slave-races.

>Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on ressentiment—devaluing what the master values and what the slave does not have. As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it vilifies its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as good.
Yes because he makes cgdct cuck incels seethe and rage.
Since he is willing to go through extreme measures and horrific crimes just to save humanity, he certainly qualifies to be a Beast, an Evil of Humanity, perhaps the absolute most powerful and most broken to possibly exist.
What would a Beast Guda be like? (Unironically though, not the joke Gudako gacha addict before you make any comments)
i need more freebies to waste on nun
captcha KYARA
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lick lick lick
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Morning bro
>the mandate of heaven
This was the reason why chinese emperors were concerned with their survival. Their dynasty could lose mandate of heaven and therefore get fucked over. More than that, this mandate wasn't a will of any diety, it was more of a system, a natural law, which meant that the emperor was just a man, no more and no less.
Meanwhile european monarchs were explictly crowned by God's (or Gods if we're talking about even older times) grace and therefore had a divine right to rule simply by the virtue of being who they are. Sure, they COULD theoretically be overthrown and painted as sinners and shit, but it was nowhere near as straightforward as it was with chinese approach.
They need the money so that they can make more content for the game. Only you can keep this game from getting end of serviced.
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you know what to do, piggy
clear fuyuki retard
>killer of trillions of people
Also don't forget that eurotrash monarchs abused the church so that they can gain power and influence.
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No it's 9:54
extremely cute Nobu
Good morning, Mombro
Good morning, Abbybro
Good morning, Kamabro
Good morning, Suzukabro
Good morning, Quetzbro
Good morning, Archimedesbro
Good morning, Castoriabro
Good morning, Nobbubro
Good morning, Takerubro
Good morning, Lizbro
Good morning, Muramasabro
Good morning, QSHbro
Good morning, Xu Fubro
Good morning, Goredolfbro
Good morning, Mashbro
Good morning, Bobbro
Good morning, Bhimabro
Good morning, Morganbro
Good morning, Jannubro
Good morning, Gudakobro
Good morning, Kriembro
Good morning, Arcbro
Good morning, Okkibro
Good morning, Nemobro
Good morning, Gudaobro
Good morning, Catbro
Good morning, Oberonbro
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The proof is that I made it the fuck up because I hate that there is one TM protagonist who isn't a piece of shit like the rest of them.
Hello sir
>and therefore had a divine right to rule simply by the virtue of being who they are
And why that's a good thing.
all me
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hi :)
I didnt get my anniversary 30sq though???
The issue is that FGO's player character doesn't have a 'specialty'. Well, we're told that the character is charismatic which allows getting along well with all the servants, but we never actually see that being demonstrated since the game's choices tend to be generic 'we need to save those villagers'. Look at say Case Files, Waver can't fight for shit either. In battles he's similar to Guda, let others do the fighting. In turn he's the magic detective who figures out shit.
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its fucking afternoon
Still mad that your game is now irrelevant to something like BA?
Ending a whole Lostbelt means denying the right to live of any inhabitants of said Lostbelt's entire timeline.
If murder be defined as 'denying the right to live', then that's what Gudao did.
1700 days, I'm a bit late.
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
His specialty is that he's a competent master. He fucking mogged daybit despite being a dead and having no master rights.
Go shill your gooktrash somewhere else, seamonkey
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It's 7 am.
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based retard who skipped 1 day lmao
>If murder be defined as 'denying the right to live'
And if retard be defined as 'literally you' then that's what you are. Convenient.
I have to assume Type Moon is not on good terms with playstation right now since it's not getting the global Realta Nua remaster. They literally spit in Takeuchi's face when they censored his artwork.
>lived in an environment that was so utterly divorced from the rest of the world that it's no surprise they acquired an air of mysticism
I don't think this is appreciated enough. China's one of the cradle's of civilization, yeah, but Qin Shi Huang didn't live till a century after Alexander the great. The world from the Indus valley to the Atlantic Ocean was already interacting. Hell you can see it in the tin trade before the bronze age collapse. Tin from Afghanistan and Cornwall making it to Egypt and the Hittites. The precursors to the silk roads weren't doing much to reach China.

>european monarchs
The idea of divine right monarchs is older than European civilizations. Just look at the Pharaohs. Pretty sure even the Sumerians did the Gods put me in charge.
>he's a competent master.
And the story never really demonstrated that.
good morning bro!
Yes, FGO is irrelevant. If we didn't have that fucking image spammer, then this thread would be dead as shit.
Bruh, the Church itself had an army and an Empire and went to war to gain land.
That's all fine by me, just don't pretend they were that much more virtuous than any other monarchs of the time.
Whatever keeps you delusional and helps you sleep at night, maga redneck
It would be funny if they talk about the circular power struggle that charlamange forced on the church. It was probably one of his more brainless moments.
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ANAL Gogh.
Are they still censoring?
I thought them funding Steller Blade was a off-hand way of saying they weren't doing that anymore.
That's because he's a self-insert plot device meant to drive the plot forward. Not to mention, he does and contributes absolute fuckall overall throughout nearly the entirety of LB7. You could honestly remove him completely from almost every story chapter and barely anything would change.
>Self insert
Why are you conceding?
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>he's a self-insert plot device meant to drive the plot forward
wow just like shiro in fgo/staynight
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Cute girls making such faces really activates my paternal instinct.
Shiro's retardation is a character trait and not him being le plot device.
Good morning, Shishoubro
Good morning, Lipbro
Good morning, Alterabro
Good morning, Goghbro
Good morning, Aokobro
Yes, and shiro was a bland and useless character up until HF.
That aside, Heaven's Feel centres entirely around his evolution from wanting to be a idealistic hero to a more self-centred human.
engichan is a girl bro...
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>implying you'll ever breed anything in your sad, pathetic life
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Servant for this specific feel?
guda irrelevance is a character trait and not him being le plot device.
>as if a blank slate could ever be compared to someone like shiro
Shirou is an actual fucking character, with a backstory, personality, character arcs in different routes, motives, set of beliefs, actual relationships and a fighting back bone. It's not even close to even try to make a comparison.
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Good morning, Vitchbro
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What do you mean "how?" Any servant with at least a 30% charge can loop. Some 20%ers can as well due to 10% refund and such.
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nta but he is just generic vn self insert, theres nothing special about him
nekopara mc > emiya = guda
Don't forget that >>483412526 applies in this case
Female GOOD!!!!
Good morning, Dracobro
Narration in first person?
Self insert
Narration in third person limited?
Self insert
Narration in third person omniscient?
Self insert
Good morning, Janebro
Good morning, Bloodaxebro
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You know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone say they like Mikiya.
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Draco love?
Good morning, Toukobro
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morning =)
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Good morning, Carenbro
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Character i dont like?
Self insert
Character I like?
Not a self insert
I like Mikiya. He's obviously not quirky like other TM male leads or anything, but his uncannily accepting attitude towards Shiki's fucked up aspects made him likeable to me. Guy is just head over heels for his fucked up girlfriend.
Cute smoochable feet
my favorite mc isnt selfinsert because he just isnt
I'd insert into Shirou if you know what I mean
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They censored the artbook that comes with the physical Tsukihime release. Ironically the switch version is not censored. California needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.
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Switch is the better console anyway. Only poorfags and raging leftoids who like ugly monkey women don't have a switch.
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>Shirou is an actual fucking character, with a backstory, personality
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>need 8 fucking GB to update the game
>personality, character arcs in different routes, motives, set of beliefs
lol no
that's just you doing mental gymnastics over the bland cardboard cutout MC for a porn game
The main problem with guda is that mash acts as their voice so most of the character goes to her, this can be seen the most in part 1. This in turn makes mash a less fleshed out character on her own so you end up with half a decent character from 2.
What are the downsides to punching Morgan and Bob in their ugly whore faces?
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I love old men…
There isn't one, punch away
I'm glad they didn't make Ooku a rogue-like like Imaginary Scramble
But this time you can spam the Batty radar so it would actually be easier
They unironially should remove the fog of war in Ooku
The downside is that they will kill you before the punch even lands
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>I've lived long enough to go from Genesis does what nintendon't to Nintendoes what Sony don't
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Mash/Guda dynamic has absolutely fucking ZERO reason to be in a gacha game. It just doesn't fit at all.
It would be kinda acceptable in a normal VN, but not in FGO.
More meltdowns, schizo tantrums and "servant for this feel" posts, I guess.
This. 200+ MB for fucking what? Why don't they give us a changelog?
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Chaldea is for Lizzies.
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Might lose your hand, or your head at worst
Women love nintendo though.
If a woman has only one console, it's a nintendo.
And women are leftists.
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>Game requires more memory than my old Moto-e phone had in total
I bred ur mum and spawn your faggot ass though
It is just that robs both of actual character. That's why LB6 was great, mash had adventures and guda got to be with castoria. Guda and mash just don't seem too have much chemistry as they are both quite bland and not in a funny way
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arceuid requires alot of MB for her stuff, please understand
Take emulator pill
There are changelogs but most of the time there's just "we changed some stuff lol" written in them.
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You downloaded 8GB update, right, /alter/?
I have 6gb.
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I can relate, my fellow /vr/oomer.
Guys, what numbers and stars should I pick for euromillions?
If I win, I'll support the server by rolling for summer Skadi
The lottery is just a stupidity tax
I have no idea what are you talking about
Enjoy your extra 2GB botnet
I could but I don't want to
Euromillions= national lottery for Europeans
I.e. that poster is a moron.
I think I'm in love with Arceuid.
I don't know if that's okay but I don't care.
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>Guda and mash just don't seem too have much chemistry
Probably because Nasu doesn't actually give a shit about Mash. He's tossed her out the door for multiple heroines who were playing love interest roles.
>>Nasu fgo heroines
>Saber Wars II
Space Ishtar
Honorable mention Jeanne alter since her wrote summer 3. She's really higashide's baby.

Mash is Nasu's red haired step child.
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Guess its that unity update
Do you have a boner for her or what?
Charlotte Corday is so UGLY!
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Gollum hours
Isn't gacha also lottery?
>She's really higashide's baby.
then why does she get abused and fucked over in her every appearance?
There's no cosplayer who could adequately convey how punchable WHOREgan's face is.
Didn't even get an option for that.
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>they added a button to remove the UI
*Voudstance hours
I don't know man, I feel like you can do it if you try
Servants with rizz?
only barely had enough pages/nuts to level her first 2 skills and not the third, sorgy
Not if you're F2P
And yet the sprites are still low quality jpg trash
Her staciness made reddit piss and shit themselves.
>only barely had enough nuts
At least he's posting Kuroha...
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f2poors are not welcome
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Kama…defeated (for the 3rd time)
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>Real Gacha
close enough, but not really
>virtual gacha

A lottery has a set number of outcomes and if you buy every ticket you're going to win because there's only so many outcomes and only 1 chance. You'd probably lose money buying every ticket, but you'd still be the winner of the lotto. This is similar to getting Capsules out of a machine. Where if you buy every capsule you guarantee a win assuming they didn't rig the machine to not have the toy you want/machine already gave someone else the toy you want and it's no longer in there when you start so you could never win in the first place.
Virtual Gacha there is no way to guarantee yourself a win because you get 1 ticket per "drawing" no matter what. the number of outcomes over time doesn't decrease over time like an actual capsule machine, and you can't buy every ticket for a single draw like an actual lottery. This system is completely divorced from boy real world equivalents.
The fact a pity system exists for virtual gacha is proof of how fucked it is. Virtual Gacha really has more in common with Roulette then lotteries/raffles or real gachapon capsule toy machines.
what about f2p+?
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No such thing, if you've spent money on the game you are not free-to-play anylonger
>GSSR is looming
>Cringe non canon master
Glad i never watched this
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Absolutely mogs every other cosplayer.
Canon Master is a LizCHAD.
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Happy Anniversary, bros!
cute glasses
can't believe it's been 7 years
>competition swimsuit
>booby window for infinite drag
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Fgoalter threads are for discussing the game.
Real women smell nasty
Only homosexuals want to fuck them.
Posting 3d women means you're shitposting and gay.
Kuroha smells good
I didn't post 3d women
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Liz is so smart!
I hate all women, 3D or 2D.
What did we do to deserve seeing this review brah looking ass bitch every day
Ok, Agravain
Same, only 1D women are pure
Someone not doing the needful on cucksucker’s head
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This one is really hilarious. The contrast makes her manface so much worse.
You think she plays FGO?
no idea.
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We love men here.
>Castoria just hit bond 15
It is so over...
I haven't seen her explicitly post her account but she talks about playing a bunch of other obscure games/gacha and she definitely played GB at one point
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This was my Kama
you can roll for summer skadi and loop with jets now
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You know who we should actually punch?
No reason, I just don't like her. Her hair is stupid.
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rare image of her not smiling like a psychopath
I think she's very sexy
I'd lick her navel
I love you molay
How many men are with the Void Shiki right now?
How much cosplay spam is there? Every image counts for one man or dog.
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>cosplay posting
>nobody posted best girll
Are you fags even trying?
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kuroha my queen my love
>Suddenly getting a lot of friend points
It feels like bots are spamming who's on your support All slot.
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2d is best
why do we have two threads
>It feels like bots are spamming who's on your support All slot.
That's exactly whats happening.
They are, put Beginning of the Journey on them to almost x4 what you'll get normally.
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Time for a new phone
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This but unironically.
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(Me) and my husband
>to almost x4 what you'll get normally.
moar like x40. I usually get like a few hundred and now i get tens of thousands
The usual suspect spammed for 9 hours straight and cosmos denial happened. But just usual he came back to spam again.
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My 0-dimensional waifu > your 2d whore
>covering her tummy
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Bongs servants eats beans for breakfast
They braaap the whole day. Morgan is not an exception.
Ohhh, they must have done some optimization with this update too. This is the first time my toaster of a phone displays total damage after NPs, it usually just skipped it.
Looks like they ported a lot of stuff in JPs side to ours.
Reddit exploded because they are full of retards that cant tell the difference between fantasy and reality so they threw a fit over helena, jack, chloe, and melusine.
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I really like these new filters.
I hate women
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I still remember the Summer Chloe reveal video got r/grandorder banned kek
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Same, and yet I yearn for one. I wish I was gay.
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Filter vegan
>anglo '''''food'''''
Pick one
hot take: I think some women can be cool, while others can be shitty.
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miyu summer this year
Not flat enough
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How many statues and monuments to complete one class's Class Score again?
Yeah, 2D women are cool, 3D women are shitty.
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What business does Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Underworld, have being this thick?
She looks jewish
That's still 2D. You have an X and a Y-axis.
>8gb download available in my room
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Thanks. Looks like I don't need to buy statues anymore.
the point represents an infinitely small point in space and is only enlarged for visualization purposes.
for gugalanna and nergal
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>the point represents an infinitely small point in space
You should have just attached a picture of your penis then and we would have understood the point.
4/10 for effort
Don't care.
There just going to give her a clown suit like they did for chloe and melu
Stop protecting
now say what you really mean oberon
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need a gf that looks at me like that bob looks at morgan
LOL REDDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's almost every summer servant though. Although it's understandable not wanting more summer servants added.
>they actually let us say goodbye to the doggos right and proper
And here I thought we were just going to be throwing the ball as hard as we can and then abandoning them in the middle of a game of fetch. And then they go on a Homeward Bound quest to find us that they'll die in the middle of because home is a magical submarine island they can't get to
Melt might as well be 1D with that figure.
Still 2D though.
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I'm going to miss those doggos... SOUSUKEEEE!
FGO TCG when?
>What does Oeibros feel about her southern accent again? Especially after this event?
It's not southern. She's got an Edo accent (so Tokyo), with a pretty unhinged working class delivery. This is actually really hard to get a bead on for English when it should fall under heavily-modernized (like Suzuka and Sei). If it were up to me, I'd go mining for recognizable early 20th century idioms and pepper both her sets of lines with those.
>The dumbest part of that drama is that they used Worm/Wyrm interchangebly in LB6 part 2 then did a full rollback to Worm.
No, dumbest part is the JP game files say insect in English which only needs touching on for the prophecy of him eating away at the world's foundations. Meanwhile, Albert trips over his own stupid ass with worm/wyrm and confuses you too in the process because dragon autism isn't important.
>They tend to keep the origin.
This was always touch and go and I suspect only became policy because of jap name-ordering carrying on into the modern era. Every one of these should be considered case by case.
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Witcher style minigame in the next musou.
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I'm actually working on a Hearthstone clone.
Goddamn it. The only minigame we should be getting in Samurai Remnant is Sugoroku from SW2 in the FSR style.
The Japanese says 虫, which can mean bug, insect, worm or snake. Worm is what's meant in LB6, so that's the correct translation.
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Gudao has a nice bulge.
Seething fatty
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It's referred to as both a worm and a dragon.
Akiha sex
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Yuyu was saying something about "finally being time to make some dog stew" and i smell something delicious wafting from the kitchen
Puffy Vulva...
JP files say Insect in plain English, not simply mushi. Which makes me consider it a pure localization decision Type Moon didn't intercede for.
>Worm is what's meant in LB6
Worm is what Albert decided on, with aforementioned dragon autism getting in the way.
Oberon still has dragon trait even as an insect, so you don't have to care.
when do we get the summer illya banner
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Abby will be happy.
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Today I will remind them.
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>game won't start
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Damn, 200mb update? Kinda big, innit.
I wonder if it's Oberon or Vortigern with the Dragon Trait and it's a case that Oberon is the Worm and Vortigern is the Wyrm.
Obviously being the same spirit origin means the distinction is technically irrelevant but I'd be curious if that was the intention.
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>jesus called gentiles dogs
>abby is a gentile
is she saying she wants to kill herself?
Do NOT hit download all in the options if 200mb is a lot
quite a stretch to call a dragonfly a dragon
Vortigern has dragon's blood like Uther, dummy.
If that's the case, it was translated as insect by the people who translated "my body is made of swords" in English as "I am the bone of my sword".
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I personally believe you are spot on in your theory. But maybe that's giving too much credit to Nasu. He did already have one equivalency with star and planet but that was in Japanese and wyrm=worm is an English equivalency.
And? Abyssal Worm is part of Oberon.
Why not?
me when someone calls kuroha ugly
>California needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.
Hear hear!

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