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Jazzy Dinks Edition

>What is this?
Second Life is a virtual world MMO with user-generated content, its own in-game economy and currency that can be traded for RL currency, and a large array of lands (sims) that can be independent or interconnected. Customize avatars, sell creations, explore, socialize, (E)RP, attend virtual events like concerts, screenings, meetings, etc..

>>Useful Links:

Create An Account:

Recommended SL Viewers:

Second Life Grid Status:

>>Related SLURLs

Interesting Locations:

Hair Resources:
https://pastebin.com/W9TeJHJi (List of Stores)


>>SL Events


Monthly Event Guide:

>Current Events (End Date)
The Arcade - Gacha (Jun 30th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Arcade/74/131/32
Jersey Shore Carnival (Jun 30th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grumble/138/58/22
4th of July Blockparty - Neighborhood Fun (Jul 5th): https://maps.secondlife/Lusca/203/57/58
Second Life Birthday: https://maps.secondlife/SLB%20Impressive/81/148/44
>Monthly Events (End Date)
No 21 (Jul 12th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/N21/134/124/2100
Summerfest (Jul 12th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/White%20Reef/128/128/27
uber (Jul 22nd): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uber/138/129/27

Previous Thread: >>482379821
As long as a mesh is mod, can I add my own BOM textures to it?
it doesnt need to be mod to add bom textures to it
There isn't a applier from the creator for the mesh either so am I screwed if they didn't activate BoM or can I just add the textures manually?
I love using hair that requires 5 attachment slots and is no mod so I can't combine it.
You should kind of know if BOM is activated on it
did you even try to add different skins on or add stuff to a universal?
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What is this body shape called?
Whelp, it's not BOM activated. Thanks for the help!
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Do trannies really require these signs up every where they go?
Just firestorm users and people who buy no-mod products.
don't forget the 404 Not Found group
I will
This is like the only place I've seen those signs up. Funny they have Trans Lifeline there when the owners blatantly misused their funds. Also they're furries so they just use being trans as a fashion label.
>words words words
Lefty humor
there's certainly elements of truth to what you're saying; perhaps it does beg the question why people will often go to sex sims and merely park there to be completely AFK or talk with their friends, but i'd say the counter-argument is that people are allowed to do whatever they please in this regard desu - being completely AFK does seem rather pointless tho
you said it yourself that you've managed to hit it off with a few people and i partially think that's just what happens, sometimes you gel when talking with someone, sometimes you don't; sometimes people are also just incapable of holding decent conversation
>they look at the persons avatar im'ing them first before even considering saying hello back
as hollow as it might sound, in a game where avatar customisation is the main attraction, it's not unreasonable to see why people use this as a metric
a bump and a reply

i don't go to sex sims but i afk at active sims while i do stuff because i like being around people. i like people watching and i like the option of conversation when i am not afk
>pretty sad how like 95% of the people there all use white skin on their avs too, seems dickgirls/trannyism is a mostly white mental disease
now that you mention it, most wiminz at diks look like the wimin in this vidrio
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>why people will often go to sex sims and merely park there to be completely AFK
I have a friend that parks their avatar at sex sims before logging off to bed because they find it funny waking up and reading all the esl and coomer slop they've received overnight.
What exactly is going on with the product images for this store's shit?


It's like they ran their screenshots through faceapp or something
Why did SL griefers of old get such a bad rep? I have watched a few of their videos and what I have found is genuine justice fighters

Here, for instance, you can see one of these heroes ruining a slave auction:

It looks like an AI filter of some kind
>the particles didn't even load
>Also they're furries so they just use being trans as a fashion label.
That's what it is though besides being a mental illness
and a nigga
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I miss interrupting people in sex and shitting on their sims
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miss my chance to sail around and do things in the sea
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Plot twist: the Justice League of SL were villains masquerading as heroes, who actually served the interests of slave owners and other vermin.
Sorry the new generation in effect doesn't understand this kind of enjoyment...
Are there no group of autists like this anymore?
They wouldn't really survive in today's climate where people can screenshot and record everything.
I'm a picky schizophrenic that has probably ghosted dozens of FBI agents trying to sting me because they weren't perfect enough for me
Nah bro you just a lazy faggot who info FBI agents bedtime stories
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nah you are
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go away
Tips on avoiding pajeet stalkers without coming across as rude?
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Its That Fucking Simple!
Pretend like you only partially understand them and answer questions in a deflecting manner or a way that stonewalls the discussion.
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Is Omidyar still playing this?

Smile :)
Is it a common thing for people to stand around and AFK for hours in SL? Why won't they just log off?
they might miss someone that wants to fuck
People's coom houses are amusing enough to play this game
ur mum's lul
lololololo! Low five?
Natalie's Fuckhouse. It's occupied by people like this currently. Otherwise, I'd take screenshots.
That's what I did but he kept sending me hearts even when I was offline.

Anon, that's rude.
Just turn yourself to a furry he'd understand and rope...
Some people literally just want to live on SL
Very well, I'll do my best to furry up. Will post results.
Wait! Noo please! Noooooo!!!
Less lonely feeling
When will the flat earther boardroom schizo notice me?
Is that you in the back? I'd suck your dick.
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New account
Looks like a place where witches would gather and get dicked down by baphomet.
>Paolo Maldini and Oliver Kahn still playan
>Windows XP still king
>PS2 still with the biggest installbase
>cellphones with Java games still dominating
>MySpace was a thing
>no Twitter
>Facebook only allowed college emails
>people still oblivious to the fact the economy was about to crash

That world was so different yo
Why would you even want him to notice?
this thing is so nigger coded from how it looks to how obnoxious it is in the threads
Did you get chudded too? I'm still recovering.
Wow, these chicks REALLY like the monolyth from 2001: A Space Oddisey!
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giv em a kis
They look so hot post edit.
Who is that on the right?
The one from last thread?
definitely not staroftheniggers alt no. 23523656767
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Yeah I already knew this person he a person who is connected with a person who I don't like that person on top of that person...
No his name is buggy in world he’s just a sassy gay man who says “yas queen” on voice all day
>sassy gay man who says “yas queen” on voice all day
Fucking destroyed my boner
Sounds very annoying :/
Care to elaborate?
Anon, stop pretending to be retarded fag, that not even a statement...
So, you don't know?
I'd know alot...
You tell me.
Share some stories anon, we're bored.
No you!

I'd didn't said I know it all did I?
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how afker view us
Is it?
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Stop trying to get me to go to None Found!
what the fuck is that worm headed thing behind him?
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simply ebin
are you sure this is a 4chan cool kids club?
i said nigger and they ejected me
what a bunch of newfags
didn't read but I see my dog mommy on the right I love her
They're a bunch of griefer rejects, a few of whom started taking estrogen, and the rest are /vg/ & Touhou castaways that didn't have another clique to join.
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Beware this person has sex with dogs...!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEWARE!!!!

Pig disgusting body that should be completely erased from the face of the grid.
yeah i dont recognize any of them
2022-23 was a bad year for this general

>griefer rejects
>ejected because someone typed the word nigger
yeah no wonder they were rejected...

thanks for free promotion my friend, ebin grief! :)
i am the dog you retard

ok well that was fun, have fun in your little sandbox griefer rejects!!! so cute :) good to know the uh... new generation, is keeping things alive i guess, if you can call it that.
dog fukr mad? ?
pot, meet kettle. dead horsley is the only normal one in that picture. the rest of you are furry/pony freak pooners.
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I feel bad seeing this
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Stop beating around the bush anon and tell us half the story then or I'll rape you!
i'm glad i'm not the only one who had a difficult time fitting in with this group ;-; i went there recently cause i was told it's a 4chan hangout
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Those poor trannies just want to make some friends.
Those poor trannies just want to make some friends
Theses poor trannies just want to make some friends
POV: You went to le based 4chan hangout and said the gamer word
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his husband
>Ladies, please, we can settle this in a game of BARE
>f̴̢͐u̷̜̿c̶̱̔ḳ̷͝i̷͙̿n̴̮̄g̶̪͂ ̶̝͝g̶̥̔r̵̟̈́e̴̺̔ē̷͉n̶̻̒ ̵̢̒f̴̝̀a̴̘͐ǵ̷̝ ̷͈̑t̶͙̎e̸͛͜x̵̠́ṱ̴͝ ̶̼̌i̴̠̕s̵͙̉ ̴̳͂b̸̙̿ȏ̷̢ȓ̸̝i̷̻͘n̸̟̈́g̸̥̉ ̷̪̈́t̸͔̒r̴̡̛ý̷̤h̶͖͝ã̴̤r̷̘̉d̴͍ ̷̰̀b̷̩̾i̶͆t̴͉͌c̴͙̍h̸̯̊ ̵̤̿m̶̘̕o̴͓͑r̴̡̾e̵̻ ̶̦͐l̵͎̋i̴̝̎ǩ̶͖ḙ̷̄ ̶͉͋i̶̻̓t̷̤͠
>hates brown people
>hates trannies
>are brown
>are trannies
>constant attention seeking bullshit like >>483633995
>seething at femboys for not wanting to troon out
why are they like this?
Why do they have to be so bad?
didn't ask
somebody post furrywaifu seething at the femboy again
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it him
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>4chan cool kids club?
it never was
Well, do they deserve new friends?
That person is a fucking cocktease. Never fucks.
Considering how they treat people (even their own), I don't think it's really any surprise that they're at the point of begging streamers to come to their sim.
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Why don't the trannies just rebuild their gooning mart at gender not found?
LL on the lookout
one ofthe trannies got perma banned for trying to be racist, Kek...

>trannies are not allowed to be racist
That's how it happens, yeah
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I don't remember Yugi looking like this...
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Jesus Christ what the fuck is that?!?
That's yo new daddy, sweetcheeks
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>yo new daddy
Nope, my only daddy is Devil Daddy
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Call me easily impressed, but holy shit the new lighting does look amazing on prims with just the regular shininess settings on.
We tried to tell you.
I hate the mouths/snouts on their heads
The weird looking snouts are very obvious on their dog heads but this is probably the worst it's ever looked.
Tell who? Was someone insistent on using PBR textures for everything? You can still get a lot of mileage from basic textures because of the new lighting engine. That avatar I showed was made of sculpted prims, it's like seeing something in an entirely new perspective. Makes me want to mess with some of my older outfits again.
He didn't get banned for being racist, he got banned because he made a mock 9/11 memorial at Onatopp. It pissed off the neighbors so much that they called the Lindens to ban them permanently.
PBR Firestorm gets me higher fps. Is nice.
I'm talking about the most recently bans
Having an environment map that's representative of the actual surroundings makes a world of difference compared to the out-of-place silver sky environment map we had previously.
what's got the jeets hopping now?
its you who jeets are getting hopped
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Hang in there, kitty!
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Looks like a bootleg version of this doggo head.
why do they beg people to come?
need friends
Me too
me ana!
you anal?
>tfw no futa mommy to blow her milky load all over my loli asscheeks
Yeah, go home and cry, lolishitter
im me anastasia.loxingly
I thought Ana was dead
No IM me: chainsword.audion
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don't bully I just want shebull semen to frost my cute and funny cake~
post avi
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Got room for one more loli?
no we're full up :(
I keep hearing about lolis, but I've never seen one out in the wild. Where are you hiding??
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sure! if it was up to me every poster in this thread would be required to be a loli or (futa)mommy
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you shitbags are so dead right now
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saw him at d.i.k.s as a femboy
I don't believe it
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ultimate puffy...
pics or rape
I guess it's rape, then
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sleazeballs get nothing better to do
I sleaze
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I know this one
who is it?
Patch.Linden's husband
The more I hear about that place, I wouldn't be suprised if all of them hate each other...
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>I wouldn't be suprised if all of them hate each other...
Ofc they do, it's a cesspit of trannies, furries and coomer incels all constantly trying to 1 up each other on meme speak and internet clout. Nothing good ever comes out of these places and they all inevitably end up in a massive ball of fire. Most of the people that frequent these types of places do so because they usually aren't welcome anywhere else.
oh.. robo, then.
funny how robo rhymes with pedo, isn't it?
robo the pedo
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image pretty much explains it d00d
gay furry
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Dis nigga done gone made the big boom boom in his shorts oh ma lawd.
>doesnt know who robo is
I just forgot he even existed
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pedo faggot spammer namedropping himself in the thread again
You fuckers sure have a talent for inflating the sense of self-importance of people you don't like.
At least your fucking white dudes Kat Doge and not dogs
they're all her alts anon
sweaty futa balls...
I actually miss robo, they would exchange music with me.
Got some to share?
I saw Robo like last week
Cool degeneracy.
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Anyone tried it out yet?
I didn't get an invite.
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That sucks
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don't @ me pedophile, 100% you're on a sex offender registry somewhere. did your grooming spots dry up now that you're spamming the thread samefagging and namedropping yourself 24/7. /trash/ hasn't forgotten
what are you babbling about?
bend yourself over loser
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What the dog doin?
would say would but would not a fennec nasty creatures
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good idea to get some quick lindens

Because we pissed off all the old dumb boomers and stood in their e-lawns. Literally would stand in their lawns or in front of their e-houses on the mainland looking goofy. They'd lose their shit.

When we found gor shit or slave auctions we found that shit amazingly stupid so we'd go in and fuck with them and watch them justify slavery and we'd pretend to be black and offended. Got a few "your kind being enslaved was your own damn fault and freeing you was the biggest mistake" from some southern losers.

Most of those people are probably dead now. Most were in their 50s and 60s in 2007-2011 when I played. Half of them sounded like they were one more donut away from heart failure.

We got a bad rap because people like Harry(Hairy) Linden and Robin (cunt) Linden were basically running LL at the time and they wanted a british style surveillance state. When the UK office closed the game became more chill. Though it made griefing less fun. All the fixed income people went to opensim and what was left was former griefers and troll shielding orbiters. Which is the /vg/ group and its various spinoffs.
We got a bad rap because some people hated fun, most griefing was pretty much prank level shit and having fun. When we did come across some pubbies who were going along with it, we ended up having fun with them and having chill conversations.

The JLU was run by a bunch of people who you'd find running an HOA. Taking them down was fun. Exposing the fact Linden Lab was working with them and cost people their livelihoods led to some lawsuits.
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Lowest IQ post in a while lol, the boomers are still around gwiefer lmao, the gor shit and slave auctions are still around lmao.. Didn't even read the rest of your post dumbshit lmao
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Very accurate. They will never understand going to karaoke places and singing dumb songs so the people got pissed. They will never understand the simple fun of home invasions, or taking a new or naive person to visit horrible places as a prank. They do not have anything like The Black Goku Experience, or Coby's Magic Show. These are strange concepts for people who think that the point of being griefers was to be toughguys, when the majority were merry pranksters and mad scientists.It is sad, and they missed it.
I'm guessing you're some 40+ year old drunk boomer dude thinking he's original, all of this shit happens daily.
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garbage cancer that is killing SL
Not from any of you.
cry more?
i love this image so much. they are sharing one brain cell
you just notice that!
ure sharing one brain cell, only one of them is esl, look at the color coded responses
which one you think is talking?
Por que no los dos?
Why are all of firestorms skins so ugly, inconsistent, and broken?
>Why are all of firestorms skins so ugly, inconsistent, and broken?
filter moment
Because they haven't been updated or new ones added in like 10 years or more.
this is the hottest dj in sl rn https://www.twitch.tv/itsseverus7
For example, just look at the resize handle hanging off the corner of the window: >>483918507
Even 10 years ago that would have been inexcusable. Now compare to a skin that's been touched-up by an autistic tinker tranny:
Oh okay. I guess I'd better believe you.
I think phedora made some shoes with their name. Are they important?
>make a cute girl
>add a penis
>call myself a boy and be a boy
how successful would i be in sl?
you guys seem like if a real woman started a convo with you in real life you would get a boner
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Are you OK, Fox?"
Ak'j lei...Aaaaahhhh!!!"
You would be on my dick everyday
in everyway?
In many places
what's the rest of this picture?
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which male lelutka head should i get? not that into any of them
they all kinda there
they're just there. no standout
i just use the androgynous heads for my male characters
you already know what's going on in the picture...
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did she pull over to take a pee on the side of the road?
Leave my gay cat alone
how are you in this fine morning
i am 57 brom brazil
not looking for cyber sex
I just use the demo one
You see, the people who got the maddest grief were either people who supported slavery, dog rapists, sickos with child avatars or slumlords

That is, people with guilty consicence who trembled at the sight of justice coming to them.

Anybody who participated in these actions has my sincerest respect and admiration
lol ok
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>people who supported slavery, dog rapists, sickos with child avatars or slumlords
so basically every poster in this thread you dumb fucking boomer shitlord, go be old somewhere else alcy.


You fucking pubby piece of shit, why are you even here? You sound like some fucking child who read up on the old days and wax poetic about it. It was a bunch of degenerates trying to be cool/funny to other degenerates.

Every single one of those people ended up being the things they hated. They all became furries, trannies, pedos, rapists, dogfuckers, and unironic racists.

Where the fuck do you think you are and why do you think you have a right to speak? Shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking retard and go fuck yourself.
why are you samefagging insulting yourself..?
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Typical male elf
>pussy builds strong bones
Good, because that's pretty much all they've got.
Imagine not just blocking and muting someone and going about your day
Oh sweet another banger from Derrick!
Yeah this one's batshit insane
>"your kind being enslaved was your own damn fault and freeing you was the biggest mistake"
How exactly is this wrong?
why are trannies like this?
just got my ass obliterated by futa orc mommy pp
today I will log on and scissor with my puffy cunny against another puffy cunny and maybe tongue punch some cute and funny butthole
best scissoring anims?
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I use whatever is provided by the sex furniture and I don't catalog anything so I couldn't tell you which is the best.
i tried all the demo ones and i didnt like any of them
Go be a furry then
Where can I meet people to scissor cunnies with?
i already have a furry avatar just so i could infiltrate their world, but im not a furry, i need a human avatar so i can infiltrate their world too
Post it
Breaking the TOS by threatening to dox, stalk and kill someone because they are allegedly breaking the TOS doesn't seem very productive.
The ends justify the means
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now post Steak, OH WAIT
The trannies are doing "prom" in June
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nice ass
>worried about everyone hating each other
>browses this thread
thanks bro
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I love when I hit on a tranny and they reply like total dudebros. "You can fuck this ass if ya want brah, no biggie. It's pretty juicy isn't it, yea?" Ooooooooh my fucking pp!!!!!
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hey whats the whitelisted ageplay sim that the touhou trannies moved to?
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none found is the only 4chan sim i know that has a bunch of trannies in it
Name? I want to fuck her.
fell off hard
Nobody cares child fucker, go be a pest somewhere else. You make us all sick
Somebody IM me @ Nuggetoverlord.resident
Don't do this it creates mustard gas
1 minute 5 seconds
What happens then?
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Gay shit..?
fuck off anon bro why you like this..
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Yeah, we know. All African Wild Dog users are extremely homosexual.
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IM me
shut the fuck up
Don't be a cunt m0
Gay shit in fact.
Are you online rn?
Unblock me...?
these cats are so cute, are they a band in second life? would love to have them perform at my house for my wife and i, just for a night
>are they a band in second life?
yes they're a part of my mother's band fuck off dick face
Act nice anon!
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don't be a cunt m8
It's a free mesh item that plays dinkiefied music and animates. Despite the thread name, I'm pretty sure thats a folk song band not a jazz band
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Same, I neeed this right rn...
Who's the final boss of Second Life?

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