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Previous: >>483396248

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
wuwa won
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Intelligentsia Guild good

Genius Society bad

Simple as
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Besides buying TV and more tokens, is there any other way to use golden tokens?
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How do I kick Black Swan out of my train
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Ratio you have to let go...
this is screwllum slander
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Genius Society is literally the best faction
No. Also, buying the TV gives you cheevos when you try to sneak into himeko's room after turning into a gremlin.
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Get off the fucking train, stinky hag!
Uh, is the entire Dreamjoy Memoir event really just filler movie text you have to skip through and drag and drop gameplay? What the hell were tehy thinking? I can't believe I have to play through this shit without getting the limited time rewards. It feels like they made it a permanent event just to torture players.
Sparkle is still a friendless clingy pathetic loser.
I can't see them..
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QQ is 140cm.
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My girlfriend is so cute
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>Ying Xi Ping
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I wish i had sex with girl that small. I am 190cm btw.
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Chill tf out bitch. I got it already.
Why is she crying now?
>normalfag game
>manga stuff
>manga stuff?
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Cute shorts
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God I want to fuck her so bad.
What happens if you don't take a selfie with her?
Does this message interaction simply not happen as a result?
>E football 2023
>Line corporation
>kaka Japan corp
??? Bro what am I even looking at?
I owe her sex
One anon still got the message even though he rejected her.
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How's you ER playthough coming along?
genshit bros? What is this?
She sends you nudes instead.
>>Line corporation
>>kaka Japan corp
Manga stuff, I think.
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Come back to Genshin please…
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something2 firefly love
>event skipper with a sub-reddit tier opinion
Too good for Yankek.
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Jadebros how are you holding up?
Did you guys already farmed for her?
2 and 3 are messengers like whatsapp
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I can almost...
post tiktok hours instead if you want to stir shit
I'm sure you read through all of the movie text, retard.
DU planar farming is actually so fucking nice. I'm actually willing to go through farming planar now.
I gave her E1, but she aint getting the png until thebrerun
>installed a mod to remove the bra peek
next level faggotry
I beat Radahn.
Everyone! I am going to pull for her.
How much time do i have to recover since Firefly?
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
You know what I want da wei.... A full Deyha rework and nothing less. No I will never forgive, I will never forget.
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>No separate icons for both TB so I put them together
>No info on Yunli yet
2 and 3 says Manga in their name.
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Where are all of these crit stats when I actually want them?
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Where's wuwa? Didn't jinhsi get released?
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This game really needs to give you more agency over your choices
yes? of course i did? i'm sorry you have reading difficulties anon but this is a text-heavy game, maybe try genshit or something
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I hate this DLC. I am radhan and im already done. If I have to fight one more spastic boss I am never going to touch another fromsoft game ever again. Its not that I cant do it, I cant fucking SEE ANYTHING ON MY SCREEN FAGGOT MIYAZAKI. STOP MAKING ALL BOSSES 100FT TALL AND BREAKING THE CAMERA.
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I haven't even played elden ring, open world dark souls sounds like a good way to make yourself allergic to soul slop from over exposure
i would have wanted to pull for Jade but firefly is depleting me of all my pulls
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Same, I'll give her E2S1 next time. I need to stay my hand for the upcoming fox ladies...
3 days away
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I, Trailblazer, temporal manager of the Reverie, hereby give you all a day off.
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Can she be used in any comp?
E1 or Cone?!!! Somebody tell me quick
I didn't know liking boobs made me a faggot but you do you anon.
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Danhomo if you don't have sparkle.
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I will have 300 rolls (+65 pity) by th time her banner comes out but i will stop at E1
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I think Firefly uses atashi
Dan and Jing(?)
bra peek (rare, unique in star rail, sexy) > exposed cleavage (everyone has it)
>worms her way into your text messages after getting rejected
Nice game railkeks
Dan homos cocksleeve
More personal dmg: S1
If you want to never run out of SP, wich helps team dmg: E1
That's cool, but i don't understand what the numbers mean and for what they are.
>Ying Xi Ping
These are the only units for which your trash waifu with slowest clear isn't an absolute SIDEGRADE for kek
>reddit is shitting on Jade already
What went wrong
E1 is better overall.
>What went wrong
You mean what went right?
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Nta: It's for how fast some units clear on average in their teams. Shitkle is slowest. Slower than even free 4* as you can see. Just a proof that she is garbage for anyone not quantum brick or Daniel.
She so desperate...
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I am a broken man. Did 40 rolls for 1 copy of Gallagher while on a guarantee, did not even get him once, and I'm now going into her banner with 40 pulls and a dream.
>"trying for a 4*"
I know. I hoped the sigonian luck would be with me and luck it was only in a different way.
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>noooooooo stop showing skins
Who did they write Sparkle for? Is there a market for ugly, friendless loser girls?
Cone is more personal damage, more team damage because of the delay, and cheaper. It's better in every way.
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>She can ask Silverwolf to shopped your face to her photo
Yandere mode build up
Read the filename. It's self explanatory.
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>Bricked people getting uppity again
What TV?
why is Firefull Flyshine allowed to have pantsu but noone else?
Shitting how?
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>Place Television down
>Get put into the wallspace next to March's room
I think I might carve a little peephole and live in the walls.
>conecoper fell for the shitposts
Kill yourself, humblebragger.
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>Extreme durability
>powered up state that allows for additional attacks and status immunity

Firefly is a 5th Edition Barbarian.
At least you got the free one right? That's something.
I want to get Jade for PF but I don't have the resources to build her
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>March's room
Bwo that's Dan room.
end yourself right now fucking shitter
There are no smells in space!
Enjoy your Acheron cope Even she has faster clears with Bronya unless Brickle is some whale level. Truly the biggest harmony limited bait of all time.
So She worships Qlipoth? What's wrong with that?
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>Genshin got beat by Love and Deep Space
Damn that's harsh.
Lmao you watched that shorts as well? It's a bait man, he pick some rando on X to make it looks like a big deal
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Oh it's Dan's room nevermind lol
>hagpedo rolls for m*les
of course they are mentally ill
swarm disaster and gold and gears are such a chore
Why is everyone saying Feixiao will be meta? She is a Wind Hunt, that's like saying gigabrick times two.
why is the baby black?
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Step-sis get out of the walls, this place is mine.
>humblebragging and being a brainlet at the same time
My Acheron with the cone is literally a brick next to Firefly. What the fuck is this? They really fucked up balance with Firefly.
I am lucky, never said I wasn't grateful. Its amazing that I lucked out on a break team. Would've loved if I actually got the character I wanted instead which was Gallagher instead I have E20 Misha.

The free one took me to E1. The rolls were for E2 since I dont have a second sustain apart for Lynx who I really fucking hate.
Im not building that piece of shit.
Anon that's Dan's room and TB already sleeps there.
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Firefly yells too much in battle...
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Eternal curse of his majesty the KING upon thee
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Help me step sis I have gotten stuck in the wall!
Arlanchads, we all spent the 4* selector on Arlan, right?

i had all the others at e6, i had to
how can hoyo further expand SU (or DU)?
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I think this is my fixed team for PF
just like how destruction was brick until it wasn't?
>instead I have E20 Misha
All that bad luck had to go somewhere
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imagine what she's like in the sack.
We're getting a copy of him for free I think.
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Cant smite me with that shit because I already have E3S1 KING from standard banner. I honestly dont mind getting him to E6 at this point.
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That's a blanket anon.
Wind is an element in this game?
destruction was never a brick
>dan 2 was meta when he came out
>jingliu was meta when she came out
>firefly is meta
destruction units are all good rolls, at least until they get powercreeped. hunt and erudition are shit on release
Should I get another BP cone or is Meshing Cocks okay for Ruan Mei
small indie company lol
Why do we even have namefags here?
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Give her the cock Trailblazer
you're a newfag we get it
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>destruction was brick
It never was.
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Uh huh
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kinda speaks for itself.
10% of the female cast has exposed cleavage in hsr lil bro. chinese game
what is a namefag? is that what we call someone who likes a character too much, like caelusfag and firefag?
Firefly Guide
4pc Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge, you can use 4pc Quantum or 2/2pc BE% as cope sets while farming for the new 4pc.
2pc Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern, Talia set works too, but Kalpagni is preferred due to the 6% SPD buff.
Signature > Hertacone >= S5 Misha = S5 BP Cone > S1 Claracone
Her signature LC is ~15% better than Hertacone.
Don't use the MoC cone with Sam's picture in it ("Flames Afar"), it's useless on her.
>Relic Stats
Body: ATK%
Boots: SPD
Orb: ATK%
Rope: BE%
>Stat goals
360% BE while in battle.
As for SPD: with Ruan Mei and the Kalpagni set she's already reaching the 210 SPD which is needed for 4 actions under Complete Combustion.
Focus your Substats onto BE% and ATK% rolls.
>Alternative SPD
165 SPD before Complete Combustion allows for an extra action in the first cycle, this is 155 SPD on her character page and 165 after factoring in RM buff (in battle).
Only useful for 0-cycle or minmax.
Harmony MC is mandatory, Ruan Mei can be replaced with Asta or Pela, if you do this Firefly performance will be 2~3 cycles slower.
She can work with any Abundance/FX unit but Gallagher it's STRONGLY recommended due to his SP printing abilities and matching element with Firefly.
>E1 vs S1
If you can get E2 do that before S1, if you can only get E1 or S1 then do E1, S1 is not that big of a boost and the SP freedom is really good.
>S1 vs Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei.
>How does Super Break work
It only scales off Break Effect, Weakness Break Efficiency, Enemy DEF, Enemy RES, and Vulnerability, it triggers when you hit a broken enemy.
Break Effect = Relics, Harmony MC
Weakness Break Efficiency = Complete Combustion, Ruan Mei
Enemy DEF = Relic Set, Ruan Mei E1, Firefly E1
Enemy RES = Ruan Mei Ultimate
Vulnerability = Complete Combustion, Her Signature LC, Gallagher
>Which ATK% buffs work with Firefly?
Everything works except Robin ultimate and RM's E2, every other ATK% buff works.
They are about the same, but the cone is cheaper.
However E2 is a massive improvement.
E0S1 > E1S0
E2S0 > E1S1
If you are aiming for 2 upgrades go for eidolons only.
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Left - ordered
Right - not ordered
Das right, Mihomo. I only pay for girls
>Literally just 8% better than maxed out Aeon on most testings
>20% delay being better for team dmg than not slurping all sp so HMC can also spam skill
because people are dumb enough to reply to them
Some people pretend to be thread celebs
Fat fucking Firefly udders
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didn't read lol just ruan mei and win
humblebragging nigger you can just select gallanigga from the event.
why are these so fucking expensive? I had a friend who bought them regularly about 5-10 years ago, and similar ones in terms of quality used to cost like $100 instead of $300
Very based.
read >>483413335
Just don't reply to them. Ignore them like You ignore streamer bullshit.
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Is this enough?
Destruction before DHIL was ass
We could get away with them back then because we were stuck with MoC 10 enemies
How much bwo
I want Fu cunny too
>250 BE minimum
Looks great.
how do you have perfect relics already, I haven't rolled ATK% chest, SPD boots, or BE rope yet, how does everyone here get them so easily???
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>not building Bailu
You lose
The prices went up a lot with covid.
My HMC always spams skill and my FF is E0S0. That team doesn't have SP issues whatsoever.
Maybe you should stop using a 110 SPD Gallagher without Multiplication.
Look if you are going back that far of course, we literally had fucking 2 to go off from and blade was still considered meta that far back.
>imbibbler daniel
>a worse qingque
yeah bro he really saved destruction from bricks like... clara...
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My luck goes all in relics.
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Clara held up well for a standard character, for a couple patches.
It's obvious you don't even have him when he first came out, he was good.
The subsequent Destruction characters were just better, especially JL.
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Save for the Snek.
If Lingsha ends up being sp neutral or even negative then you're fucked
Based fuck m*les
>chink slop
>chink slop
yawn, when will that firefly figure go up. I hope it doesn't take 2 fucking years like with Raiden+Zhongli Nendoroids.
Labour costs have increased dramatically in china in that time, its why some some companies have shifted to SEA for production.
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Sexfox is cheap.
ok so now you remember
>Due to high traffic on our website, the maximum number of simultaneous connections has been reached.

>Please try again a little later.
T- thanks.
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I'm saving for the superior sex snek
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Miku won...
i really miss nilou but i also quit at dehya release
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>Firefull flyerfull only has 142% BE with aeon out of combat
How over is it for me? What BE should I aim for? I'm not getting ANY pieces in her set with it...
fuck the coof and all the shitters that found a way to get rich on our expense. fuck the retards who keep buying like nothing happened too
Step 1: Break Effect
Step 2: Ruan Mei
Step 3: Enhance Break Effect
Step 4: Add Harmony Trailerblazer
Step 5: Kindly add more Break Effect
Step 6: Exceptional amounts of break effect
Step 7: Fucking break effect
Step 8: Fully onboard the break effect train
Step 9: Exclusively caring about break effect
Step 10: Consider Gallagher
Step 11: Totally all about that break effect
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Have some cake
I'm putting Lingsha on my feixiao team anyways
How do you rate each 5* you have gameplay-wise?
I am.
I don't see mobius coming to HSR anytime soon anon, it's time to let it go.
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You'll get Dehya 2.0 (Jade) and you will love it.
1/10 is too small.
Just reload bro.
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It's even cheaper if you get it from japanese sites like amiami since the yen is just falling and falling.
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Can some anons post their Gallaghers? Do people really run multiplication on him?
How long does it take to unlock the material farming bud in Penacony?
The Hanu TV you can buy from a vendor in the Dreamflux Reef
all bricks
>If Lingsha ends up being sp neutral or even negative then
then she's gonna be dogshit and an unironic downgrade
What path/planets will she even be on? Maybe when we go fight Yaoshi on some tropical planet?
Really wish she had gotten leaked along with Yae, Dracula and such,
Blade was literally meta on release.
He fell off because they refuse to shill Wind ever and because while everyone else got stronger and stronger supports Blade just stagnated.
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Support the IPC
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Just need to get a better atk chest and BE rope and she's complete
Predictable manlet inflating himself
I want to start playing your game, but I got hit with "too many requests, please try again later". How long do I have to wait before trying to login again?
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massive clownfeet
arlechino doesnt look hot tho she looks cool
TB missions, normal quests, clockwork quests, chests, puzzles, clockwork quests, lordly trashcans, origami birds. Am I missing any source for clock credits?
Why did they bring Up fuel out of nowhere? I thought the express is running on hope and dreams?
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I regret picking Welt from the selector, I don't think I have ever used him.
I gave up. Can't believe they spent years of dev time making this slop instead of Sekiro 2 or Sekiro 1 DLC
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Depends entirely on what she offers in return
>arlechino doesnt look hot tho
Nta but yes she does
Literally who
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Rated based on how auto-play friendly they are
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Plot device to make us touchdown on spess Greece
His 4* cone is good for his personal damage and burst healing, but that is not really that important.
Multiplication makes him go faster which means more breaks, more ults (consistent Besotted uptime) and more SP.
Well Lingsha is rumored to have an ultimate where she sings (maybe like robin? who knows) if that's the case you won't have any issues since you won't use her skill.
Please stop posting Acheron images.
lol not reading any further
Then everyone will skip her just like FlopFlop
Her kit is nice but I don't like how E1 is basically mandatory to use her outside of PF
That shit was part of the Gallagheranon faked kit bro, she literally wields a fucking lantern, she's not gonna sing
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Who's the NTR queen of star rail?
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Give it to me straight bros, is bronya even worth it anymore at E0? Who should I even get from the selector? I have 10 rolls and Im waiting for the shop to reset to get to 300.

I have boundless choreo S5, should I just get welt since I have that because I dont have acheron.
>Goo monster LARPing as a snek
Shit taste you fag.
Oh... Well shit
Doesn't really matter to me I have a E1 FF but still it sucks
She is definitely worth more than Welt or any other eidolon
Where is my stellleboyfriend mihoyo
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Although she's not currently meta after a year of being meta, she at least occupies a more obvious niche than Welt
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What did you expect?
The ones on my friends list have 250% BE and 140-150 spd out of combat
>trace 1: when feixiao defeats an enemy, deal additional damage with her next attack equal to that enemy's max HP.
>skill: attack an enemy and mark them with "overpowered" for 1 turn. If the enemy was not already marked with "overpowered," feixiao takes another turn.
still a brick? Everyone thought hunt was just better because Seele had a mechanic to nullify the downside, there's no reason Feixiao won't have the same. Or she can just do a bunch of damage, if you can one shot the boss you don't care about AoE.
Yes but only if you don't have Sparkle, newer meta teams, or if there's just no better options.
Yeah just pick her, the only other option is Clara E2, I guess.
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snek tongue is seggs
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If only you knew how bad it really is.

This nightmare machine? 1000 USD.
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I see. Thanks anonymous.
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Here you go bro. Multiplication is great, he doesn't really need the BE from MoC cone since he gets so much from RM+HTB
Wait a minute, areolas are allowed on a blue advertised board? Why wasn't i informed about this?
>I thought the express is running on hope and dreams?
Got there me on the second half.
>Thinking peoole will skip her if she gives shit like BE efficiency and is a DPS herself like Aventurine because of sp
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Aww, man... wait, with Aeon? Or Firefull cone/Mishacone? Would it even be possible to hit 250% BE out of combat with Aeon?
I wish she would handle my balls like she handles her cornerstone
how the fuck do people justify wasting more than $50 on plastic? it's something you buy and then it collects dust on your shelf until you get bored and store it or throw it away. zero use zero value
E1 is just a more comfy experience by far.
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smelliest feet in hsr discuss
Bronya or E2 Clara (unless you plan to roll Yunli). There is no other choice.
At E6 perhaps kek
Should've said Gallagher because he at least does do damage when put in actual break team.
Well it'd be any of the girls who walk around barefoot. After that it'd be Seele's since she lives in a tent.
>Gallagher claimed to be 13

What are the chances he was telling the truth and he has indeed only existed for 13 years after being created by a History Fictionologist?
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Rich people are scary and I wish I was one.
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Wife Mei
I have 190 with Aeon.
Just get more BE substats.

250% seems impossible
220% should be the cap
Gallagher has so much break he can break elites by himself already to allow Firefly to go all in, he already acts as a sub-DPS and he buffs break damage, all while being an SP machine.
If she wants to replace him she needs to be a total monster without any downsides.
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How much better is E2 Clara? Im planning to roll Yunli cone for her anyway. I dont have sparkle anyway and I use IPC + the newly completed FF superbreak team.
As someone who got Welt as his first 5*, likes the guy and kit, and has been trying to make him work for months: Get Bronya. Welt can work, but is super niche where he's useful. Bronya is just give your hypercarry an extra turn, pretty hard to beat that.
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So what the fuck happened here?
probably he's right, because 13 years is old for a dog. Gallagher is a literal dog entrapped into the dreamscape
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Yanqing looks very girly here
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notice how there's barely any HSR Bwehs?
I'd say 30% ATK up per ult is pretty good.
>IPC + the newly completed FF superbreak team.
Oh yeah these doesn't need Bronya.
Nigger, sigger does no fucking damage that is worth a fucking mention. Should've said Gallagher, because he CAN do fucking damage in full BE oriented team.
Sigger is a joke unless you go full whale on him so he can be proper dps/sub-dps.
Yunli doko
Still waiting for her arc to continue...
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Someone in the office made it in their free time and it felt like a waste to not use it.
Can't imagine Gallagher getting crept out of the E0S1 Firefly team unless Lingsha literally powercreeps every sustain in the game with buffs+sp generation+reasonable enough sustain
Seems like it'd be easier to slot her in a Boothill team instead since his only must-have are Ruan and Bronya
>wearing panties over shorts
Space fashion is ....unique
It wouldn't make sense, since the og Gallagher existed during the Watchmaker's time. Micah had to turn into a dream meme to survive that long, so would be stupid for og Gallagher to do the same and then create a fake version just recently. He could be created long ago, but put in sleep mode until news from the express arrived. So 13 years awake. Or it has some symbolic meaning. Or it's just Fictionologist bullshit.
I would just get a Himeko Eidolon. The only team I use Bronya in these days is for Boothill.
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I am poor and i buy figures.
Gallagherfags are the new Luochuds
You really lack imagination if you think it's difficult to one-up him.
What if we will go back to Belobog and this will be the outfit of a new March path?
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Here's part 2:
Ruan Mei does something autistic. The end.
>the only use i have for bronya is [this practical use]
really thought that one through didn't you
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>shoe camera
ethically dubious fap
Then why leak it a year before that happens?
You certainly can one-up him, it's just that the stuff you need to one-up him to justify using someone else would also insanely powercreep every other sustain in the game
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What kind of name is Ruan Mei? It'd be like calling a western gacha character Banjo Johnson and expecting us to take them seriously, so dumb.
Not a huge increase, but one step closer to E6. Worth it if you like her alot.
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Should I just quit and play wuwa or something
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Are you living in a hsrkek state on gigtroon state?
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>B-but Lamia don't exist in hsr lore.
No way, the likes of FX, HH and Aven are too unique to be directly powercreeped.
At worst it's just Luocha and Gallagher.
I hope Lingsha is a good sustain with non-Firefly teams too...
The banner that flopped bigly was.... Boothill's banner
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Good point, March 7th
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Why would anyone be in a relationship with a poor neet with terminal aids when this mature rich beauty is right here?
does atk do anything for her other than giving extra break?
Mine has 254break 154 speed but only 2.2k atk
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More like EPICALLY dubious! Get over it, nerd.
Okay straight bros, let me get it straight. Now we got Firefly and maybe Jade, then the cute Yancuck's gf. And then what? What girls do we save for?
I'm having fun, people complaining are shitters honestly. Apparently Radahn is actually hard but didn't get there yet, still need to kill Romina.
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There's a famous Australian poet called Banjo Paterson. Famous enough he's on the 10 dollar banknote. It happens!
Feixiao Lingsha Tingyun (evil), Rappa
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At least the NEET doesn't do swimsuit issues.
soo after I'm doing with v6 no point doing anything higher than v4 for completing the dex?
All Lingsha has to do is provide break efficiency, stack it with Ruan Mei and you won't even need healing since enemies are perma broken or dead. She'll trade greater offensive power for weaker healing.

The age of hiding behind healing or shielding like a cuck is over, now it's steamroll the enemy before they can even damage you
you're not poor if you have money to spend on that shit. you don't even know what being poor means until you dive into a dumpster to find food
Despite that shitty luck you got her to E2 at least. Or did you perhaps plan to roll more Eidolons for her?
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>Spending money
>While rolling for eidolons, no less
Bwo... you activated the whale detectors, now they're gonna milk you as dry as they can...
Is running a sustainless E1 Firefly team by using Boothill instead of Gallagher a good idea?
Maybe they made it to sell it as a costume, realized they will instead do path changes for her so they decided to save it for then. Yet it was already written in the quest itself, so they kept it in. But I don't know, her outfit also doesn't make sense if it was just a costume. And it is way too much effort for the 5 minutes they showed it. At least the switch to save it for the path change kinda makes more sense than them just not making a custom shop for some reason.
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Limited only
You are not poor either if you play gachas and post on the internet.
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Robin has a nice AI on auto
even when ultimate is ready she checks if skill is active and if not she will press skill before ulting
question about codashop: if my country is not in the list I'm given when I first visit, can I not send my friend primos? can I just pick UK even if I'm not from there?
ruan mei is a sustain though
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Come back to WuWa....our big update is tomorrow and our thread is 7 hours old....
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She's a young lady.
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Dan Heng you retarded fucker, why don't you just come hang out with the group instead of being a such a faggot.
just started 6hours ago and it feels like the hailigtree difficultywise
friend of mine said it just now punishes the people that used the zero skill cheese builds
>current FotM
She's 2 months old now, anon.
Sanhua bro...
Finally, the perfect relic for Firefly...
Will visit when Jinhsi drops.
What about her? It's about time we got a girl with boobs as big as Himeko's.
>RM does cute shit randomly in voice acting
>Has emotion in her voice and what she chooses to say, at least in playable lines
>Canonically weird and emotionless, acts as such in the story, couldn't care less about anyone else unless they contribute to her research, and even then only to that end
Why is her characterization so all over the place? Like, in-story it's pretty consistent, but some lines make me feel like she's sillier or more caring than she actually is. Is it masking?
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Sorry anon but I'm playing Elden Ring once I finish up these new sidequests
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don't worry, it probably wouldn't roll well anyway
sorry, I tried your game and it was worse than genshit. they could give me 500 free rolls and I still wouldn't reinstall it

also fun fact, punishing gray raven was more fun for me back when it came out, and I logged in much longer before I eventually dropped it
why not both it's not like hsr takes more than 15mins a day
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How do I find the source?!
>Newer characters have better AI (mostly)
Who would've thought?
AIEEEEEE i got this oneright after that!
Sound the horn!
Yep, that works. Also, E1 means you don't have to worry about SP.
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>effect hit rate
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we'll all be back in 3 days
don't worry we don't have anything to do here anyway
hmmm did you know that ruan mei raped me?
I spent too many rolls on Degenbrecher so my monthly gacha budget is going to Arknights. Sorry Fireflybros
I left that general as soon it got gore spammed
All into EHR, lets go!
Did this a few hours ago and I was so fucking disappointed. Why did they make Dan Heng so insufferable?
Keep on coping
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This mine based on characters I actively use.
No. Got E2S1 just like I planned.
>Spending money
Didnt spend anything it was my roll savings (all of them)
It's just 6 minutes of exactly what you seen. No panty shot, no nipples, nothing. Don't bother.
I still haven't found a boss that's Malenia tier of bullshit, maybe Radahn will be. And there's still cheese builds, I've seen people go with fingerprint shield and basically kill every boss barely taking damage.
so is the new Planar better than Talia for RM?
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Your Ruan Mei should be on Vonwaq
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>talia for rm
>Empty Ring
Lol, piece of empty open world shit.
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>WuWa flopped at launch
>Shitposters got tired and are returning back now
>Now they have an empty general
He refers to them being the current "DHIL/Jingliu" aka dps strong now but who the fuck knows where they will be at in 2 months from now on (if not sooner) kek
Does the person have any other good shit
You will be missing out the AoE for PF, but other than that, it's superior.
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Firefly is sterile and can't propagate her bloodline, stop lusting after a genetic dead end
Yunli, March 8th, Luocha + Yukong E6.
Advance forward supports for Yunli fuck up her cone effect.
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Hoyolab really is something else
>ask for toot
>everyone wish for bad rng
>turned out decent
Even RNG always do the opposite of what 4chan says
Understand. At least you are done now and didn't get spooked by YanKING.
>He stopped gloating
uh oh
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You're rolling for Yunli, right?
I bought a wenkin on Wuwa.
is this really what a website would write? looks like some fujo's tumblr post
No rolling for chinese characters
What is her cone effect?
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Why is her womb so poochy and huge there, then?
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Part of your humiliation ritual?
JL got months of shill.
DHIL is still relevant enough I think, there's plenty of IMG weak MoC and PF, right?

It's just how women are.
>skipping Argenti
Man, even for girls he's so niche, my husbandofag friend skipped him too.
No, I'm saving for Feixiao and Tingyun Forma de cinco estrellas
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Does HP/DEF main stat planar orb matter much for Ruan Mei? I got an attack main stat vonwacq orb with a shit ton of speed that would otherwise be great on her
That place is full of trannies and fujos. What did you expect
purely gameplay
characters that have nothing to be aware of or fun tricks are ranked lower
Thats a keeper for a while. Happy for you anon.
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I don't know bro, i just found this one vid.
Sparkle really is designed to the very last atom for corrective rape, huh
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I'll have to test it myself, multiple times.
>don't even know what it's called just use jenshin term
many such case
2 turn buff
based Ching Che
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>Brutalized by DU into playing on manual even on overworld encounters
Maybe this is what I needed. It's weirdly nice to actually play the game again.
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And you think WuWa is any better?
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did you get it?
can someone explain what tiktok hours mean? like when are people more active on tiktok?
>All female characters except Furina flopped
It's over...
5.x Natlan is about to become a homo patch 2.0
It doesn't but helps to prevent her from getting one shot or combo'd in hard content
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It's only been one patch and you've already forgotten about her?
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Another Stelle/Firefly tiktok thingy

Just get Silent hunter bro
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The icon looks too much like Clara, so no. Why would they put her in that outfit?
nah I feel like it's too expensive unless it has player profile icons you want. I already have sparkle's
At least my quests don't get cancelled when i decide to explore.
Literal underaged faggot
Never expected much from the fucks who frequent the forums on there
Attack orb makes her breaks stronger. It's optimal!
Filler region and filler waifu
nice one whale
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Hopefully I can grab some Eidolons after I grab his LC...
only if she dies it matters
She has trust issues and the whole "you will forget about me because of this magical potion" thing just confirms that she cares what others think. Her parents death most likely made her form a barrier around her emotions to never get hurt again or something like that.
is there a point in doing anything higher than v0?
Sis.. e1s1 is a pretty good stopping point, no need to get more
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Seriously considering it. Sam looks cool, and Firefly looks very cute. Love the art of that outfit
>Advance forward supports for Yunli fuck up her cone effect.
they're her best supports anyway
Tiny shorts somehow make me harder than panties
It's like: every girl wears panties, so no surprises, but you have to be somewhat slutty to decide every day to put on tiny shorts

The mihomo standard serves me well.
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I'm never going to pay 10$ more just for a jpeg and 4 fuel. I'd rather spend that on another BP.
Idc. If not being cavalier with my money makes me a poorfag then I'm a proud poorfag.
remember kurukuru poster
Permanently in my main team...
Nothing aside from bragging rights for the title
Bragging rights, faster progress to level 60 and a shiny badge on your trailblazer profile option in social settings
Do they make models with actual pantsu and then add the mandated shorts.
Did asta wear a thong in the beta? Or was it a mod
shut up poorfag
after the 1 time rewards? doesn't seem like it
What was even the point of this Trailblazer Mission?
I feel like most of it could've just been skipped or become Firefly's story quest instead
Help pls
What is that outfit supposed to be? It reminds me of a certain character from a Nintendo SRPG...
I had to farm those synchronicity rewards so might as well limit test a bit I figured
never doing it again after the first clear though
2.3 is a filler patch
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the point was making femcels and trannies seethe
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Based as hell
it's implied that she mindwiped herself multiple times since she couldnt deal with her parents dying and "disappointing" her grandma, and also her own "broken" promise. She's basically the most autistic genius we know by far, she doesn't know how to deal with complex emotional situations so she just avoids them, but isnt actually emotionless
Do you even realize things like icons were not designed for you anyway? No company ever cared for f2poors. If your monthly spending isn't at least 3 figures, you literally don't exist for them apart from baiting whales to install their game.
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Did you pull for Firefly?
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Hmmm, maybe if nothing else is coming out soon after him that I want I stop at E1. I'm hoping Moze is a 4-star.
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>he didnt get her
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>Why aren't you using my bird, trailblazer?
They're trying to save money and skimp on rewards by putting the companion quests in the main story, please understand.
Who gives a shit about ER quests lol? I'd take 10 thousand missed side quests over pre-school level puzzles for 1/16th of a pull
discord raid
I want to but I'm already using the blade icon from 1.2 bp.
Are you playing on PC or Phone?
I'd stuff this birb with my thick cum
I think Asta could potentially have been atashi and it'd still fit her well, otherwise it's a perfect distribution.
>hags use watashi because they are too mature for atashi
>non-hags like Silver Wolf and Herta use watashi because they want to sound neutral and not "cutesy" (though atashi is much milder than actively "cutesy", which would be using your own name as pronoun)
It would fit her
Waiting for her rerun to get E1 and maybe her sig. Boring ass character but her gameplay and design are great
she's kinda tame, Mihoyo don't have the balls (not that they are allowed) to make a brat and actually got brutalized Syuen.
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>It is
Wow, the fuckers. I hate those greedy-ass chinks so much.
No. I don't to lock my Ruan Mei in her team
I want to use your pussy
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Bro you're just seeing things, any similarities to a popular female lord from a certain SRPG franchise is just pure coincidence
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I missed the one weapon I wanted to build around because I killed some pots that attacked me first

there's no excuse for such shitty design
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Robin flopped
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You have it, right?
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No I'm pulling for Jade.
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Not strong enough for metawhoring like TBird of FireBird
Not soul enough for bragging like SilverBird or March Bird
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Why are QQ poster like this?
Anon.. she mind wipes you so you don't spill the beans after the truth serum wears off...
Flop this *whips out floppy dick*
why are artists drawning Robin with cow tits, they are awfully fixated on her for some reason
>open world
>single player
you will never be an MMO
if I wanted walking simulator why would I not just play an MMO??
The pela side grade is the only useful one there out of those?
Who they are trying to fool?
Why go through all these hoops? Just say you want to roll Jiaoqiu
She was doing it so you wouldn't tell anyone. She WAS literally growing a clone of the universal blight that threatened to devour everything in the basement, after all. I'd be cautious, too.
Now explain her phone message which implies that the serum never worked
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If you cared enough to spec for a specific weapon and failed to correctly follow the steps to get it that's on you for being a shitter
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>Soviet Union domain
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I already got your e2s1, cutie.
5* BE Abundance

Deal damage
Deal more damage plus higher break efficiency
Heal + remove debuff
Places field (3 turns) and does AoE damage. Gain 1 SP.
Field heals party if an ally attacks an enemy.
While field is up, this char ignores element when attacking.
Party break efficiency and break effect up.

>Trace 1
+10 energy if using BA or EBA
>Trace 2
While field is up, this char's BA become EBA, CD 1 turn.
>Trace 3
+50% self eff resist

There, does not directly powercreep Gallagher or Luocha.
started over, but am stuck on what to build
i might go STR FTH/ARC, but i kinda want to go STR INT
Another year stretch where there are no more girls added to Genshin would seal its fate
It doesn't help that HSR is soaking up all the good girl designs
We are literally siphoning off Genshin's life force like Cell
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How does this picture make you feel?
>Gain 1 SP.
Literally broken
Because single player games don't need to be mutiplayer?
Sushang belongs to Lil Gui reeeeeeeeeeee
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For HSR to reach its perfect form, it needs to absorb HI3rd and Genshin... Sorry but sacrifices must be made
Luocha smells really good
only good soul game is Darksekiro
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I once got tricked into buying the more expensive BP because the graphic made it look like it gives you another 680 jades
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I like Argenti ex machina. Hopefully his feats get more and more ridiculous.
>i will curse you with this
>what does it do
>makes you live longer lmao
make it make sense
>already trapped by Jingliu's ice cold pussy grip
Sushang will never win Otto's heart in any universe
>There, does not directly powercreep Gallagher or Luocha.
You just copied Gallagher and made his healing work like Luocha. That is the most blatant powercreep you could have made
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Like this but my eidolons are all over the place.
why would you play a single player walking simulator way my question
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Someone explain the appeal of this character to me.
Search for "honkai star rail too many requests please try again later" in google. Saw some methods at the top searches there that fixed the issue for many.
Code Vein*
i like sluts
If it has neat world-building, good scenery and/or engaging gameplay, it's fun
why the fuck would I roll something that doesn't powercreep a 4 star or the worst 5 star in the game?
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>told myself I would skip all of space china
>want Yunli as soon as I saw her design
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She's a good girl
>the worst 5 star in the game
that's jing yuan or blade
He's already powercrept by FohFoh in all of his teams.
>You just copied Gallagher and made his healing work like Luocha.
Gallagher is a weaker, 4* Luocha, anon.
>That is the most blatant powercreep you could have made
Nah, doesn't inflict debuffs, no emergency heal, doesn't remove buff, doesn't gain extra turn.
There is none, which is why her popularity plummeted after 2.2
Just did Ruan Mei's questline on the ship for the first time with Firefly and Ruan Mei in my party. Feeling very conflicted and quite frankly I'm starting to think RM needs to go.
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Cute design, thats about it. I'm on full copium hoping that her alliance with Jade will lead to some good character stuff cause she really needs it
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gachabrains are so easy to trick...
how would you fix Abundance /hsrg/? overheal? free buffs? speed buffs? immunity debuff?
>hoehoe on a brick effect team
the cope is reaching new heights
How? FohFoh is a fool and does no damage
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dew it
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There's nothing to fix.
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Reminder that QQ scored more goals than Blade
god dang it not again
Overheal's the easiest one, just make the heals increase character max hp when they overflow.
Abundance is fine, they all double dip into doing something else too.
This is common in games, unless you balance the hell out of it.
Ask people who play GTA aka one of the best selling video game franchise ever
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Well, she didn't get any time for character development because she wasn't one of the two characters that hogged all the screentime in Penacony, but her fan content is extremely cute. I like a girl that gets flappies when she's happy.
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They will make an abundance unit that will straight up negate few instances of damage in the future
Trust the plan
bladebros we're back
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Ok these numbers are getting ridiculous
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Gallagher shizos are literally ex Pela shizos aka "Nyooo she's still as good as Silver Wolf and RuanMID!!!!" LMFAO.
Is Jade going to be a strong character? I'm not sure if i should go for Firefly's busted E2 or Jade considering i will skip the gay fox man and Yunli. What's Jade's best team anyway
I think Im done relic farming her for now
134 speed - 96 crit rating (with cone) - 180 crit damage (300 after her passives).
Working on the ascension mats and trace farming next
maybe if you have autism
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>Enemy doesn't have fire weakness
What now, big boy.
congrats you wasted a turn dealing 0 damage going into ult, your enhanced E will deal 0 damage too and break half of the enemy's weakness bar
>Gallagher is a weaker, 4* Luocha, anon.
The major difference between the two is that Gallagher only heals when a character hits an enemy, while Luocha's field also heals the party. In super break this doesn't matter, but for teams with Bronya or Sparkle it does. Your version is basically Gallagher, but removes this weakness. That is why I called it direct powercreep, since it's just an improved Gallagher that also makes Luocha almost obsolete.
>Nah, doesn't inflict debuffs, no emergency heal, doesn't remove buff, doesn't gain extra turn.
You're mixing the kits of Gallagher and Luocha now. Your +1 SP on ult functions basically like Gallagher's action advance. So the extra turn doesn't matter. Debuffs is relevant I guess, but that is only for Acheron teams that already has many good sustain options. The other two are Luocha's kit, and most people don't consider that important enough to place him above Gallagher. So again, Gallagher already kinda powercreeps Loucha and you removed the biggest reason to use Luocha in certain teams that can't use Gallagher.
It does functionally powercreep them, just not directly.
They all have some small niche that can be what makes you pick one over the other.
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>Gallagher schizos
Those don't exist.
Is Gallagher retarded in anyone else's auto mode? He won't heal anyone and keeps auto attacking when people have no hp like a total idiot.
it doesn't matter because she's going to take 15 turns anyway
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Stelle has some funny reactions sometime
yeah silver wolf is so much better than pela h-haha
>134 speed - 96 crit rating (with cone) - 180 crit damage
Is this achievable natty?
Guess I'd rather have autism than being miserable and whining about other people's enjoyment because it doesn't match my own, but you do you
wish granted
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the doctor is IN
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Are you using him with HMC? He pops ult all the time when HMC's ult is active.
how come? they got written off from the story?
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is this supposed to be for FF or Galanigger
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Shes a cute
Happy Yuri Day /hsrg/!
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Are the erudition, nihility and preservation cones in the herta store any good? Or should I just buy up 4 imprints for the next good one?
Jade’s main utility is Pure Fiction. If you wanna use her anywhere else you’ll need to at least e1 her.
She isnt anything I’d consider meta so if you just want power I’d skip her
Best teams
>Hypercarry: Jade / Bronya / Sparkle / Huohuo
>Subdps: Blade / Jade / Bronya / Fu or Yunli / Jade / Robin / Huohuo

> FUA - Jade / Topaz / Aventurine / Robin

> Subdps - Jade / Herta / Robin / Aventurine
> Subdps - Jade / Yunli or Clara / Robin / Aventurine
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So true, sister!
Gallagher bros have nothing but supportive of him, no "schizo" behavior at all.
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>just spoil yourself bro
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Lolno. The crit rate accounts for both E2 and S5 and I refreshed twice per day since her v1 kit came out
>What's Jade's best team anyway
Blade or Yunli or just go Jade hypercarry.
She's not very good, she'll get better if we ever get a blast character that scales ridiculously with speed.
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Yuri has a day??
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She has a lot of funny reactions. I really like how far the narrative drags us into her dipshit brain sometimes.
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Heads up
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I can smell the disturbance in force.
Shizo hours approaching.
Once again I am asking where the fuck this gif is from
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I'm noooooticing a very persistent Fofo shill on /hsrg/ lately.
My IQ is lower than Stelles
Yeah that was super weird, specially when you consider shit like the empress side quest, where they kept killing her just to fuck with her
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Wait, she's a Blade buff? i've been waiting for someone that directly boosts Blade, but from the way you guys are saying it doesn't look like its that good
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I think that anon has to be very lucky to get that
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Social anxiety
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Would you take it?
That doesn't even take advantage of BE much. here is a better one.

Provides a small heal + small damage reduction to each unit based on their BE up to a cap for X turns
Unleashes a poison debuff that deals continuous toughness damage to all enemies for X turns
Poisoned enemies when their toughness is reduced converts toughness bar damage into partywide healing

>Trace 1
When enemy is weakness broken and poisoned, turn poison into DoT which heals as if character broke the enemy's weakness herself
>Trace 2
Units gain effect resist based on BE when under small damage reduction skill
>Trace 3
Every unit poisoned gives 10 energy back when broken

I only wish Lingsha would have a kit like this.
Good but not Aeon tier
>the rest
They have some uses but they're mostly just bad
Hoyolab is poorfag central, USA, EU and SEA don't spend money in gachas
>The major difference between the two is that Gallagher only heals when a character hits an enemy, while Luocha's field also heals the party.
His EBA heals the party, but at their core is similar, attacking the enemy heals someone.
>In super break this doesn't matter, but for teams with Bronya or Sparkle it does. Your version is basically Gallagher, but removes this weakness. That is why I called it direct powercreep, since it's just an improved Gallagher that also makes Luocha almost obsolete.
What? Improved Gallagher is just Luocha.
Luocha is better than Gallagher outside of FF/Fire Break teams.

>You're mixing the kits of Gallagher and Luocha now.
>Your +1 SP on ult functions basically like Gallagher's action advance. So the extra turn doesn't matter.
It does because Gallagher does a lot of toughness damage with EBA.
>Debuffs is relevant I guess, but that is only for Acheron teams that already has many good sustain options.
It's still what makes them different. Gallagher will inflict 2 debuffs with ult + EBA.
The good sustain options are limited characters, no other 4* can inflict debuff, there's Fire TB, but . . .
>The other two are Luocha's kit, and most people don't consider that important enough to place him above Gallagher.
You're crazy if you think the emergency healing isn't something significant.
Buff removal is basically a bonus sure, but still decent.
>So again, Gallagher already kinda powercreeps Loucha
You Gallagherfags sure are delusional.
>and you removed the biggest reason to use Luocha in certain teams that can't use Gallagher.
Luocha is already phased out in most teams anyway and Gallagher is only really worthwhile with FF or Acheron.
Oh you're gunning for E6S5 then?
Then those sstats would make sense and I wouldn't feel so bad about mine.
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>Add sugar
>shake vigorously!
Daily reminder, Misha and Firefly is for Clockie
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>More BE support for Firefly
Please no, I want to skip the whole 2.4 - 2.6
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She’s slightly better than ruan mei dps wise when taking into consideration the typical Blade / Ruan Mei / Bronya / Sustain comp. Thats when it comes to moc.
In PF it becomes sort of a god comp, but I think Jade + herta is still better there
You deserve flat attack for that
Not him but Jade hypercarry it is then. I'll try for E0S1 but I barely have any rolls after Firefly.
She's amazing for blade since her health drain counts for Blades talent and everything he does is blast, it's only that Blade at this point is pure shit and she elevates him from that to just bad.
Blade Jade Sparkle/Bronya Sustain is legit.
you realize this is literally worse than gallagher, there's no team dps increase and gallagher has break damage vulnerability
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mmmmmmmm myes
Yeap, I feed my bricks enough cash that they turn to gold.
My relics are still mediocre desu, but I kinda wanna do other things with my stamina for now.
>That doesn't even take advantage of BE much. here is a better one.
It's not like Gallagher take advantage of BE either beside the increased healing outgoing.

>damage reduction
>continuous toughness damage
Too many gimmicks.
>fu xuan
>perma benched
show your DU 6 clear
We know, Caelus
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>a turn
A move* since FF can still move 3 times in that same turn lol
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>it's actually a SR state
I honestly wish I was in a GI state. Fuck chicango.
Depends on buff and weakness really
Will we ever get a character that makes Blade viable?
Not now Firefly/Aventurine
>"I only wish Lingsha would have a kit like this."
>Write a kit worst than Gallagher,

good thing we already know part of her kit and she want to spam her skill to do break damage.
Jade gets a 40% damage increase on single target damage with her E1. It should have been in her base kit. Her E1 completely changes her character.
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As you are feeling drowsy, you notice a rotund *thief* sizing you up slyly from the other end of the long table... She seems to have no qualms about openly showing her evil (hungry) intentions.

>Give up all food-related curios.
>Enter 1 very difficult battle.
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>It should have been in her base kit
Communist thinking.
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Would (You) fuck Stelle?
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When do you even need Fu for SU if you got Churin lmao
Preservation shields are just that much better
Star Rail god won?
is it 40% flat or is it added to element% like other dmg%s
Stelle is the cutest girl in the game tbdesu
How much does Jade need her E1? Should I roll for it over her cone?
Objective wasn't to directly powercreep and it would do the one thing Gallagher and any abundance unit absolutely sucks in: preventing one shots. There is no dps increase, but she gets break damage/dot even when she doesn't break instead. Could have thrown in break damage vulnerability though.

>Too many gimmicks.
The poison is both the toughness damage and DoT. It's literally 2 gimmicks, the poison which heals + damages and damage reduction.

>Real kit is going to imply she is SP negative
I actually hope not because then she will be unusable on Firefly without E1.
Why would she need a friend if I'm already filling her every hole?
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both her skill and LC make it seems she want to spam skill.
He meant her calc'd dmg increase is 40%
>Control f
>No Jingliu mentioned
What went so horribly wrong? I skipped Acheron because I was confident my JL wouldn’t be powercreep
Do (You) want to use her outside of PF / Hypercarry - E1
Do (You) want her to win more in PF? - S1
Just use a ERR rope on HMC+motp
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I saw that joke and it's the one that felt unrealistic. The trailblazer seems like the type that would be standing there as you pull back the curtain while getting out of the shower and they ask if you've seen the remote.
Sex with Vidyadhara women.
No. She looks like she smells.
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Don't you live in an ostensibly commie country, Mr. Wei?
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Stelle is very cute
JL can barely bruteforce shit nowadays, the enemies' HP bloat is crazy
>the poison which heals + damages and damage reduction.
I'd say this does too many things.
It's the kind of buff Harmony would have or debuff Nihility would have.
Preservation and Abundance should keep their gimmick simple.
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Jade's kit looks like absolute shit compared to Firefly
Talk about favoritism
dude is postin old man ass
Jingloo is fine.
Whats screwing her over is boss design. Basically everyone resists ice, and the boss that’s Ice Weak (Aventurine) has a phase which fucks up her damage cadence.
In a “training dummy” scenario she’s still fine. She just needs a new ice character to show up so she can benefit from the shilling
Who is your favorite DPS and how long until they get powercrept, if they aren't already worthless?
Dawei looks like the guy who played the MC of Godzilla -1
>Do (You) want her to win more in PF? - S1
You are better off going for E2 it hats what you want. Or you could simply build your Himeko
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10000%. So goddamn dumb, it's really good.
I bet she would be up for a lot of stuff
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why tho
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Fofo is returning in 2.4. you have been warned
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I didn't save it, so I hope this is good for you.
Again, my eidolons are weird. Some of my 5 stars are e6, some are e0 and coneless. Fu is benched because my aventurine and fofo are more highly invested.
what's the site that has the leaked kits for jiaoqui and yunli?
japs love the new cunny
It's a curse because now the deranged space chinks will come kill you just for existing.
I've been cycling between Himeko, Ratio, and Argenti since the start of 2024
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This sidequest was surprisingly fun
Skipping her useless ass again lol
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What do you do in this situation?
Call me when Tail gets a solo unit.
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>SP whore
>Boosts speed when Firefly's easily in the 200's and inconsequential and Boothill is basically 160 if using his cone
Who is she for, this is actually a doompost wtf. That's actually useless.

I am not even sure what motp is honestly.

Huohuo gives attack + energy buffs. Fu Xuan heals you and gives crit buffs. I don't think those suggestions are reaching too far, it's just reverse Fu where you give less reduction but heal more and hurt toughness rather than give crit.
Stelle would love (you). She would also use you as a pillow for everything.
Is playing this game in windowed while your lurk this general the patrician way to enjoy this game?
>What? Improved Gallagher is just Luocha.
I wouldn't say that. Luocha's main niche over other 5* sustains was SP-generation. But Gallagher beats him in that. So the only niche is Luocha being able to heal non-attacking party members. But your kit just does the same, plus has the +1 SP on ult. So you now have Luocha that generates more SP, a.k. direct powercreep.
>You're crazy if you think the emergency healing isn't something significant.
It's nice, but it's not required to sustain. Otherwise Fofo would be doa. And I don't think having emergency healing is worth sacrificing the extra SP, that is also why I said Gallagher kinda powercrept Luocha.
>It's still what makes them different. Gallagher will inflict 2 debuffs with ult + EBA.
Sure, I admit I overlooked this aspect because I don't use Gallagher with Acheron. And the fox replacing Trend might make Gallagher the better sustain for Acheron teams. I guess your vision then is for your kit to powercreep Gallagher in break teams, but not in Acheron teams? I still don't fully like the kit, but I do admit the lack of debuffs does make a difference. Would still say it powercreeps Luocha, since you can always ult with another character to emergency heal the entire party.
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I have this set ready for her but as much of a Bladefag as I am I actually don't plan on pulling her, she seems so useless and I can already clear PF with DoT and Lionman.
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>8 hours left to release
Fuck you for making me open that shit again.
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Speak, fool!
No one orders me around!
Memories of the Past LC.
>He didn't get E2S1 FF
I've been telling you Lingsha is for Feixiao
No the only to play this game is by wearing your official Silver Wolf buttplug
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But I already post my AS clear Jingloo.
She is okay but DU enemy is filled with fire.
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Your honest feelings about this girl?
This dnf mobile game must be the best game ever
She's out in Japan already.
Streaming for Caelus(me)
Clockie onahole when?
When are we getting more girls with lizard tails.
Just go Remembrace fool
What are my options for Jing Liu team if I am a bronyalet? I have Sparkle, Tingyun, and Hanya
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Why is Firefly's skill so fucking satisfying? That nuke sound fits so well with supa break it really sounds like Im atom nuking the enemy behind and the pose goes so well
Yes and buy BP and pass while you shitposting with us
>Boosts speed when Firefly's easily in the 200's
Now you an give FF atk boots instead of spd
CCP can't use the tencent revenue, this is why shills hate that company.
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UMMMMMMM EXCUSE ME FELLOW FOFOPOSTER? You're not being evil right now, aren't you?
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Where can I find more games with narrative like this? With A kind of second person shitty text adventure that grinds up against the narrative/mechanics of the world type feel, shit like "You want to say that, but your profound stupidity prevents you from doing so."
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Nice pic
DU is not fun.
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I can't beat DU, that big bad swarm just one shot all my characters
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She looks like she says skibidi toilet unironically
Your Hook, bro?
use firefly to kill the swarm for kino
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She is still good but most people who play her are metawhores so she doesn't have a lot of players who play her past the point where she's the top DPS, unlike Blade and Seelefags who still play their characters regularly (although Seele is still good unlike Blade).
Surprisingly even Dan has more longevity than her, it goes to show how retarded it is to release a character who never even interacts with the player.
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she smells bad
>Just hiding her pom-pom under her huge hat and she's actually like 30 and just mooching
Would be kino.
Oh, oh...honestly that saves like 1 skill point only from HMC, I already run her on motp S5. It won't make much difference.

That still makes Lingsha's cone pointless. I am going to cope and assume it's a harmony Herta harmony cone or something and not actually Lingsha's.

But Feixiao is a follow up DPS. Also I thought it was confirmed Feixiao doesn't scale off BE but Lingsha does.

Okay, this is fair, but at the same time it's anti-whale because the speed boost has to stack meaning your first cycle or 2 as Firefly without speed is literally ruined, Lingsha prevents 1 cycling so is more of a nerf than a buff.
Do I look like an underage, zoomer ironic weeb?
Fuck off, kid.
Trying to get other underages like you to purchase it as well so they can feel part of a group? Kill yourself, cancer.
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Sparkle & Ting
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Imagine feeling March's breasts on your dick
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Undertale is full of introspective prose like that but the artstyle is kinda tumblr, Homestuck stuff too
Or they can make the LC broken, it's not like other units could use it.
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Clara is so strong. I love Clara. She is the best.
>Mr Pokke beat AS with Seele
But you guys told me Seele is shit...
I'm pulling Jade since I never got a single Himeko as a day one player.
Is there any way to fix Misha?
I was thinking Homestuck, actually. A lot of the narrative feels like less cringe Homestuck or a very watered down Disco Elysium, both of which I have an unfortunate soft spot for.
probably a whale
oldfagigachad based
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>you NEED kafk-ACK
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She's the 3rd best quandtum dps, soon to be 4th
Who said FUA can't scale with BE? Look at Xueyi
Sparkle, Ting, RM, Pela, Silver Wolf, Robin. Basically any combination of 2 of these characters will work but speedtuning her with Bronya is optimal.
For sustain, any sustain works but Fu is best if you aren't at 100% CR in schizo state, otherwise just use Huohuo (especially if using Ting) to increase schizo uptime.
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With dick
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I haven't grinded it yet but it feels like budget G&G already
what does hatblazer do on this team?
kusogaki kora
is this real chat
Genuinely asking, who is Hanya even good for aside from IL
Keep in mind that this is a super early description of the cone, its possible that it ends up giving all the speed FF needs in Lingsha's very first turn, and if the latter ends up being SO negativr or neutral the this helps with SP generation but making RM and HM faster
Seele is probably the 3rd best character for Cocolia after Acheron and FF, I don't know why people think that character is trash. And she can clear faster than Ack if you have strong enough supports too.
She consistently has the lowest-cost 0-cycle clears and is basically the only DPS that is good in all 3 modes without relying on a specific team, although after Jiaoqiu comes out Acheron will be as versatile since she won't rely on dothags to work in Pure Fiction so she can use the same team in all 3 modes.
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>have 70 crit, 230 crit damage jingliu
>7k hp fu xuan
>do literally 0 damage on DU Threshold 3
Is jingliu really this bricked or is there a good setup to go for over remembrance or hunt?
I've only done it twice and there's just too much. My five SU runs a day feel less cumbersome. The only QoL thing I like is the autoable planar farm, but even that I don't feel like doing through DU.
fucking hell i hate the fact that the LC with this guy face is the only thing i have for BS
I tried using her for dot teams and wasnt bad but there are better options i feel
She was OK for Dan2 and QQ before Sparkle came out, but post-Sparkle she's basically worthless unless you like her. She is probably the only 4* harmony that is almost never useful, there are edge cases to use Asta and Yukong (especially E6) over the 5*s but I can't think of any to use Hanya.
If Burden was a debuff she'd be extremely good for Ratio and probably decent for Acheron, but unfortunately it's not.
She's not terrible, obviously, but if you have even 2 5* harmonies there's probably no teams where you'll want to use Hanya instead, or instead of Pela/SW.
Hunt being a meme is a meme by itself
jingyuan, aregenti
>I wouldn't say that. Luocha's main niche over other 5* sustains was SP-generation. But Gallagher beats him in that. So the only niche is Luocha being able to heal non-attacking party members. But your kit just does the same, plus has the +1 SP on ult. So you now have Luocha that generates more SP, a.k. direct powercreep.
And way more healing, and emergency healing that can remove debuff, plus buff removal that can handy at times.

>It's nice, but it's not required to sustain. Otherwise Fofo would be doa.
Not required but helps a lot, I don't see how HH would be DoA, abusing her healing is easy as fuck.
>And I don't think having emergency healing is worth sacrificing the extra SP, that is also why I said Gallagher kinda powercrept Luocha.
1 extra SP per 4-5 turns isn't much, plus Sparkle exist, I'd take the emergency healing.

>Sure, I admit I overlooked this aspect because I don't use Gallagher with Acheron. And the fox replacing Trend might make Gallagher the better sustain for Acheron teams. I guess your vision then is for your kit to powercreep Gallagher in break teams, but not in Acheron teams? I still don't fully like the kit, but I do admit the lack of debuffs does make a difference. Would still say it powercreeps Luocha, since you can always ult with another character to emergency heal the entire party.
It powercreeps Luocha but it's not so significant that you'd want to spend 1-2 pity on it unless you don't have him or want to maximize the Break team.
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>Robin for FUA and DoThags (kinda) team
>Ruan Mei for almost every team but Acheron
>Nihility bricks for Acheron team
>TB for Super Brick team
What is Sparkle even good for
She's only good for 4* only showcases, if you have sparkle, she's useless, even at E6.
e2 ack
Fatasses like Daniel, Juan, Yunli
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She has some esoteric rizz that I like
The problem is the cone is awful and not broken at all unless if it's just for someone like Feixiao who we can't see the kit of yet. Every BE character is fast by default because they literally only care about BE + speed stats and nothing else. They don't need the speed whatsoever and their breakpoints for any performance increase are sky high to the point it won't be enough probably.

If Feixiao has Xueyi split scaling rather than something like Boothill where you no longer care for crit even when you gain it then she will be hell on earth to build. Even worse if needing a full team of buffs and cones just to get going, would be retarded to release that and no one would pull.

Firefly needs like 40 speed. That's a bit too insane on turn 1 and would usher in a 200+ speed meta for other DPS's which would break the game. If SP was the problem then just give a small refund on skill like some harmony cones does. Only thing I could think of is unironically her summons may have speed and the LC actually boosts their speed in the action order, but that is a super convoluted way to do it.
With how many times I’ve emptied my balls to sparkle she’s been the best e2 I’ve ever rolled
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She help Firefly 3rd date with becautiful fireworks so she is okay in my book.
But for serious answer, your typical crit dps team
Dan Homo
>Yunli can't implant weakness/reduce toughness bar outside of her own element
Lol. She's going to flop so hard after Acheron, Boothill and FF
monoquantum hyper ultra carry QQ
>they land on ice planet
>Stelle and March are prancing around in miniskirts, while Dan isn't much better
>immediately lampshade it with "we are just warmed by our magic. Deal w/ it, nerd"
I love everything about anime.
I don't know why you fags are crying about abundance powercreep. The path is dogshit, and needs something OP as fuck to be relevant in most teams now. Gallagher just works because broken enemies don't one shot your characters.
>he can't play the game without weakness implant
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jing yuan
yunli soon

One funny thing a lot of people don't realize is that you can speedtune Sparkle and Seele since Seele easily gets over 160 speed once she gets a few kills, which gives her about 8 gorillion turns if there's adds or in PF, it's pretty funny.
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Sorry for your loss
alright, who the hell let Aventurine boss in to DU? Why did they give him a 3rd phase?
Monoquantun and hypercarry she powercreep E1S1 rand. You can use both for more DPC turns.
>since you can always ult with another character to emergency heal the entire party.
Huohuo already do this, albeit more restricted.
what the fuck IS that
I don't think anyone is gonna roll for Yunli but I guarantee you she'll still sell at least 2x as much as Brickhill did
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Ship mfers be like
>I'm not a cuck I just ship them!
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Kek BE Sampo with BS is pretty underrated. I even used it in 2.0 MoC against the same enemy, just didn't have super break
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the creature
lmao even from a metafag point of view Yunli is much more future proof than super brick effect
they even made AS niggas attack a shitton and that's not limited mearly weakness breaking
they will just put more gimmick fights like Sunday boss and aventurine
Your character stats dont matter as much as your blessings
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