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Previous: >>483425058

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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I love EU server
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My girlfriend is so cute
Create a support to unbrick Blade
Bros when is 2.3 gonna be over? I'm bored and I want to skip until 2.7
breeding sex with miss herta
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When I was young and stupid, my love
Left to be a rock and roll star
He told me, "Please, don't worry"
Wise little smile that spoke so safely
He booked a one-way ticket
Out west, that's where they make it
Six kids stuck in a bedsit
To sunswept poolside riches

He met a girl who wore Versace
Pink feather coats and jumbo jewellery
Gonna be a hoop phenomenon
He's gonna be Hakeem Olajuwon
He's got a gold Camaro
He said over the payphone
I try to keep my cool but
My life turns in slow motion

Bye-bye baby blue
I wish you could see the wicked truth
Caught up in a rush, it's killing you
Screaming at the sun you blow into
Curled up in a grip when we were us
Fingers in a fist like you might run
I settle for a ghost I never knew
Super paradise I held on to
But I settle for a ghost
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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Herta is a stinky whore.
Who are the Russians of the other servers?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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>Aventurine keeps buying me shit
It's too late, hoyo. That's not enough to yumefy him for me. You need to do better.
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Is it normal to get aroused by doll joints?
I hate losing to fucking ruskies aiieeeeeee
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I’m visiting Vietnam tomorrow, what pagpag should I eat to honor Nguýên Mei?
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Another day, another day where I have not coomed deeply and lovingly into Silver Wolf's lewd body
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Yeah we know you've been busy with the DU, Screwllum
Flashbacks from my dota q's back in 2016
go to china instead
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>2 Bronyas in this game
>Only 1 Seele
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Anyone has any idea on the reruns?
There are a few Eidolons I want to pick up.
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These tug at my heart strings despite already having rolled her LC since day 1 of her banner
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I only play along and pretend I know what pagpag is but in reality I have no idea what that is
Did this guy get bumfucked by some indonesian or why is he having a melty here?
Also didn't they ban 4chan in that country recently?
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Your seele bruja?
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Is there some kind of patch or update schedule somewhere?
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Next MoC is gonna be easier right?
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Preservation unit
Talents: increase all FUA and ultimate crit dmg by 100%, if there's a destruction path character in the team increase their max health by 20%
Skill: Create a special shield on 2 ally targets that lasts 3 turns and increase shield damage absorbtion by 40%
Ultimate: For 2 turns every character will gain 15% Advance Forward at the end of their turn Give 70% of this characters HP to an unit but increase their DMG taken by 30%,
Except half of Europe also hate the Anglo? And by that I mean western Europe.
Do EN VAs do it for money or attention?
my son...
Can I get a non-pag take on E0 Firepag’s relevance in MOC/Apoc?

I’m 50 rolls in and feeling uncertain
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Perfect navel and tummy, post more
She's amazing with Ruan Mei and HMC. Truly T0E0S0 unlike Brickeron
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>Kafka Blade Luocha
Senor Juan that team might not be the greatest.
>supporting a game that doesn't honour sanctions against Russia due to their invasion of Ukraine
Do none of you have any pride?
I just hate hearing american voices
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Is it just me or they made those fucking clock puzzles harder? It took me 5 minutes to do one
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I don’t spend in Star Rail

I only spend in Genshin
For me, its "hủ tiếu giò heo"
It's Nguyễn bwo.
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Why is miss Fu so fuckable compared to every other character? What makes her the best one without any competition?
outperforms e0 acheron if you got RM too and have HMC ready too
How the fuck is it possible for me to have only gotten this one ATK body with enough farming and synthesis to get this many crit rate bodies? There is zero fucking way ATK% bodies are a 20% drop.
Red Seele when?
Ukranians are just ziggers with a different coat of paint it doesn't matter
Her hips are too wide for her height
Topaz skippers have you realized your mistake yet?
You can literally not have her equipped with any relics and she'll still perform better than most hyper invested DPS characters. Super break is a meme.
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Go look up what Sonetto sounds like and then realize she is one of the main characters.
The JP dub is the same level of quality you would expect everywhere.
okay so i got e2s1 firefly and e2s1 ack. i'm good until eos, right?
delete any fire weak side or even a not fire weak side, but i hope you have ruan mei!
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i really want to pull for it because i really like the art but the cone itself is so painfully mid i just can't bring myself to roll for it fucking hell what the fuck were they thinking
So my dick is telling me she'd be a good mother. Makes sense.
Nothing more erotic than tiny flat women with child birthing hips
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Yeah, sure. You're "good" until eos kek.
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I knew she will be a brick yet I rolled her day1 because of her looks.
pho as always
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Is there a worse feeling?
Shut the fuck up Basil and have your melty somewhere else
They're a dime a dozen in China and none of you find Chinese women attractive.
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>EN Dub
The speed debuff is massive and it's actually at least a 50% damage boost because of it. if you're not using RM
Pho is overrated as fuck.
Bronya but instead of an ATK buff her Ult drains HP and gives Energy for the whole team
>nothernlion is a IPCchad
I don't find any Asian attractive really. Their faces just don't do it for me.
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For me, it's vintage pagpag made from the remains of American soldiers killed during the Vietnam War.
I hate brick effect shilling
like clockwork
Where's the italian dub
That would be fun
A good bowl of pho is way better than meme Ramen or chink noodles imo.
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Why are the lolis in the Honkai games gives me boners while the lolis in Genshin are unattractive?
Based eggman supporting the winning side
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His wife is a ratpiss fujo kek Fucking based
a guy in my friendlist had e6s5 daniel and jingliu...
he uses fua and e6s5 ack now.
Wouldn't know about chinks but during my first visit to Japan I was struck with extreme yellow fever
asian women look like bugs to me, but 2d asian women are flawless
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Only the Vertin the MC, Sonetto is supposed to be Italian but is voiced by an ESL chink but most characters are voiced by an actor from the actual country so there are a fair amount of americans because that is where the early chapters were set. I haven't played since the end of 1.2 so it may be different now.
is it Basil or Hapanigger we keep changing the name of the schizo everytime he appears
Pho is like a specific type of noodle dish while there's hundreds variations on ramen and thousands to ten thousands variations for chink noodles.
Because the “lolis” in Genshin have the potato body shape and do not look human
every rerun "leak" with a precise date is a speculation from some faggot cloutfarming on xitter so it's about as accurate as retards posting on 4channel
that being said chars take roughly half a year to rerun
>1 anon mentioned how he liked the EN firefly voice
>dub war and JP melty ensue
>falseflagging starts
why are you nigs like this
is 2.3 really that shitty of a patch?
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>Ying Xi Ping
3d Asian women look fine but only after 2lb of makeup and extensive surgery.
>schizo is a dubfag
lmao, doubt he even plays the game though
god her feet are sexy
welcome to hebeCHADhood
>brickle the worst limited 5* harmony
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>How lucky can one shizo be
>He gives me the (you)s for free
>Like the /v/GOD once said: "Ain't that a keking pagpag~
*Trombone noise*
>The thread was completely stacked.
>I shitposted and shit flew back.
>Like the Bronyanon said - quote: Ain't that a morning of God~
*Trombone noise*
>The thread keeps spinning
>As I post yuri ship - I keep grinning
>The burger hours are - beginning
>The thread is gonna become un~use~able~
>I've disinfo enough to spread
>Just like cum2play once said:
>"Tell me quick, ain't /hsrg/ like a kick in the head?
*Trombone noise* X2
>Like FatRaiden once said: Ain't that a cramp doooorhoooole
*Trombone noise*
>Like Paimon.jpg said quote: Stelle mogs Caelus in cock~
*Trombone noise* X2
>The thread keeps spinning
>As I post Caelus - I keep grinning
>The burger hours are beginning
>The thread is gonna become un~use~able~
>He's telling me to "kill myself"
>I post him a Firepag.jpg
>I couldn't lose sides better or I'd be dead
>Tell me quick,OH, ain't /hsrg/ a kick in the head?
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Himeko is cannon in your IPC fua team, it also explains why Jade was so keen on recruiting her.
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These are actually made for straight males
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They're one and the same anon
2.1 took way longer to devolve into shitposting... just saying...
There's different types of pho too you swine. But in terms of the most generic of these 3 noodle dishes, I think pho is the best followed by Ramen. Chinese noodles I was never a fan of in any variation.
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>13% over Aeon
Be grateful Firefly, I took this from a shoeless orphan.
i have severe schizophrenia
Isn't basil some mentally ill women from /gig/?
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Why did you skip Robin?
You misspelled best
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>Jiaoqiu's ashen roast only counts as a DoT if you get him to E2
Damn, why are they so dead set on makin him Acheron exclusive? He would be a great substitute for RM if that was part of his base kit
I feel like this must be a mistranslation.
>Tfw it's been so long since I've gotten exp that I didn't recognize what it was
what the fuck firefly i got your e2. that's much better than your lightcone.
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but this moc is very already easy
Pho is just another type of your meme noodles bwo. Try bánh xèo or gỏi cuốn.
me too
/assg/ schizo
used to be a schizo in the dokkan general in /vmg/ a year ago or something
I know retard, I'm saying you can't really encapsulate Viet noodles to a generic term like ramen or chink noodles beggars there's shit like bun bo hueh etc etc. Variation in pho is more like what toppings you like but the base is the same.
I didn't but I failed to get her cone though
Why was this deleted
The FF side is.........
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I wonder if they explored each other’s bodies…
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I hate how shit like this compels me to spend money for jpegs. Stupid lizard brain.
still looks like a bug, maybe it's because of the soulless eyes
>"mentioned how he liked the EN firefly voice"
>not outright saying EN numba wan and starting the dub war >>483427828
ENfags being disingenuous what a surprise
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cause I already got RM
I don't get it.
most likely a mistranslation
/gig/ is laughing at us...
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Because Fu xuan and silverwolf are JC
while Nahida and sigewinne are JS
Both are loli types in the end
Yeah but UK and muttmerica exported Jews everywhere, making the entire world the clown show it is now. Russians being snow niggers is preferable to this
I'm more baffled as to how much Russian schizos blame the fucking English monarchy for controlling the world or something.
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But I didn't? Definitely should've skipped Topaz though
>Meme pancakes and meme noodle rolls

When people think of pho they have a clear idea of what it is. Same with Ramen and Chinese noodles. Not sure why you're so hung up over this.
I thought those were videogames reviewers?
to be honest, lolis in genshin look like shit
doesn't matter if they're JS or JC
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>TFW Mihoyo has successfully outsourced having to make endearing character moments
It's amazing they do as well as they do with no screentime for any characters, no charming character moments, AND no sex appeal. How do you get away with that in a game where characters are the main seller?
>Mong Trong Mong
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I drew Firefly
Firefly lost
Sigewinne won
I kek'd
I fucked up and started rolling for no reason on Ruan Mei and didn't stop (used everything I had), luckily won 50/50 at 79 pulls but now I have 0 currency left and I can't realistically get her cone in 2 weeks. is she usable at all without it at e0? how big of a mistake was this
I already got your E2 and even rolled your LC. Thanks for giving me 2 copies of it in a 10 roll, Firewife!
I do have RM but what happens if the enemy hides toughness bar
No cone is fine, Memories of the Past is the best alternative
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It was very ironic how Putin lifted a car to Kim Jong Un during their treaty signing to create a defense pact against NATO... but the car was a BMW lmao
>is she usable at all without it at e0? how big of a mistake was this
Ruan Mei doesn't need her cone and she's doing great at E0. Give her memory of the past or meshing cogs.
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Hi /hsrg/!
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you didn't skip, right?
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Why if there's some random /pol/ shit here it's always MUH RUSSIA?
SEA monkeys should be banned from this website with prejudice.
I got her cone. Imagine coping

>Couldn't be me
i mean he's not wrong
the EN one sounds better
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>You forgot to mention they hack in the origami bird game
Why do no one call out pol shit when i get called a pag?
I started 2 weeks ago
Even if you like EN firefly I still don't know how anyone can stand EN Sam. JP Sam sounds very mechanical and fitting as a system voice for a mass produced mecha suit. EN Sam sounds like a 50 y/o dude who smokes a carton a day.
Maybe at S5
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Nothing personnel MoCkeks
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>3D Chinese gacha with bikinis alts and actual panties
Why can't we have this? Why doesn't our game even look like it was made by real otakus?
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>DU V6
>godlike run
>final boss Cirrus
>can't kill everything before berserk
So should I just restart, why the fuck is Cirrus acceptable for V6? This is bullshit, doesn't matter how jacked you are, you can't kill everything in time period.
I have the four apex ones plus their cones, so no, I didn't skip.
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Me and my Ukrainian(Betrayer of Belobog) wife, Yelena!
I have adult woman fetish
I skipped
someone is spamming CP in /wuwa/ again
Because the homo from tennessee chose this place as his new home for some reason
Two words
Himeko in a lower tier that Herta and Black Swan for PF is laughable. Same tier as Acheron is just pure cope by the author.
>"Impregnation... I will bear a... human creation!"
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How do I make my Acheron better bros. Guin and Pela with the cone that applies debuff on hits on Fu Xuan just doesn't cut it. Do I need to roll for Acheron's cone on a rerun? Do I need E2? She's just not dealing enough damage on ult(relic problem but still) and takes way too long to charge her ult.
I wish we got CP instead of some faggot posting zigger corpses
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Her name is Jelena albeit
Soumi my beloved
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consider this.
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do you love her?
if yes, go for E6 and her cone
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Cute and funny
EN weebshit will never sound better
used to watch that guy's Isaac runs religiously almost a decade ago
one of the videos made me laugh so much because of a stupid joke he made and I can't ever find it because he made like 2.5k of those and I don't even remember what year I watched it
There was a video someone posted a couple days ago with him at E2 on the DoT team and it was actually pretty bad. I think it took like 7 cycles or something?
why are they mindbroken by this time?
Who bitch this is?
It already does and it has for years though.
God damn that's a nice ass.
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this fucking face reminds me of it
How many Russians would Firefly be able to kill?
Because our game didn't flop hard and needs to recover with coom skins.
Also EN never ever
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>Jelena goldstein
total european death when?
e1 sigga
in all seriousness this team is fine though, but e2s1 acheron has the big benefit of gaining 3 stacks per turn. as a whale i run sigga/ach/pela/gui gaining a minimum of 6 stacks from non-ult actions a cycle, less whaley setups are just a bit slower
As far as I can tell, the only toughness-hiding enemy in the game who is truly a problem right now is Gepard, since you can't wait it out or otherwise end it early.
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Iktfb. >>483425219. Acheron is not a good F2P character
It's impossible for it to be better because saying Japanese names and terms in English is already awkward
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I hate ziggers as much as the next guy, but this really isn't the thread for it.
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>it's just cartoon characters
You got me excited for a second
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>real otakus
EXCEPT for the part where GF2 decided it didn't want to pander to otaku and instead be le serious game which is why they shipped one of the girls with a dude and caused huge drama and pretty much killed their launch and their reputation to chase normal bucks.
So yeah, don't even try to bring up GF2 lil blud
Jing Yuan can always boast the coolest ultimate in the game regardless of his meta status, stand proud
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At the same time as total mutt death and total pag death
What Japanese names and terms? 90% of the names are English localized and the others are mostly Chinese, not even Japanese.
...I like their women though
Who is a good f2p character? Besides Firefly that is. My Firefly demolishes her fire weak side so quickly it's actually funny.
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All you can do now is farm better relics and max traces. But I believe in you.
ok ziggerfly
sounds good to me
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How mentally ill and/or asshurt do you need to be to spam /pol/shit in a gacha game general?
Her LC is like the single biggest delta of any characters' sig LC. If you were to ever roll on a LC banner hers would be the one to get. E2 is worth if you have a built sparkle to pair her with though with how long it will be for a rerun you are best off just rolling Jiaoqiu first to replace pela/gui.
Supports 160 speed and Trend TB.
Get proper relics (the hardest part) and you will be fine.
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>on Fu Xuan
Level FireTB and make him super fast, roll SW and her Cone, roll Acheron's Lightcone. No need for E2. E1 is superior since E1S1 Ack can equip ATK% chest while retaining 100/200 Crit Rating.
I believe you can write it in English the following ways: Jelena, Elena, Yelena and it'll mean the same thing.
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KEKYPOW! So true, they tried to ditch otaku and waifufags but when that didn't work they now have to go all in on it. I hate those weird ass mfers
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Post your bird stats.
Prove you never lost.
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>/pol/ niggers in the thread
wuwa really is dead in the water since the schizos have come back
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I lose a lot.
kys ziggermei
JP is derived from chinese, they use the same characters and it's why they get natural sounding things like Mitsuki Nanoka instead of March 7th
I probably drop the game if coomer shit like this appear. If I wanted to goon, I'll would just watch hentai.
There's a massive difference between fanservice, and gratuitous sex shit that I'm surprise people can't seem to separate.
I was going to but you yanqing'd me so now you are not even getting E2 anymore
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I dunno bro, if paying for onlyfans is normal, then paying for any kind of pixels is normal
Zoomer or troon? Both maybe?
It failed to even crack top 5 in china.
Chinese sounds nothing like Japanese friend. They're very different sounding languages. The only similarity would be the Kanji and their meanings.
Why are russkies ziggers
you haven't been drafted yet?
kys zigger, every single other country is full.
>mild titillation makes me instantly want to jack off and watch porn
Projecting trannies like you who have porn literally rent free 24/7 in your head are the most mentally ill freaks I've ever come across. Rope yourself.
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Soon you will be moving out to another life zigger shit.
They'll just have to settle for LINE hours instead I guess..
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>i wish i could move out of this shithole soon
If you end up moving please learn the local language first. I hate Russians (could be Ukrainians idk how to tell them apart by just speech) walking around in my country like they own the place and expecting everyone to speak their language, just becuase our country was in the USSR's sphere of influence until the early 90s.
>e0 Firefly
FotM waifufag kys you don’t deserve Firefly
>e0s1 Firefly
True lover of Firefly, has a sovl
>e1s0 Firefly
Poorfag and also a metafag worst of both worlds
>e2s0 Firefly
The worst posters in the thread. Absolute scum and don’t deserve Firefly metatrannies
>e1s1 Firefly
Went for cone instead of E2, loves Firefly
>e2s1 Firefly
50/50 chance between metafag without a soul or a lover of Firefly
>e6s1 Firefly
Whale who doesn’t deserve Firefly. They are also husks of humans who will e6 the next meta waifu
>e6s5 Firefly
The true kings and queens who love Firefly more than most people can comprehend
I've always found it ironic how a lot of Anons with brainrot praise Russia as some based and redpilled country, but they'd probably be thrown in jail if they actually lived there since talking about the government in any negative capacity puts you on a watch list.

Stay strong Russia bro.
>n-no u
Stop thinking about porn 24/7 you disgusting freak of nature.
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My favourite tag is "man in beautiful young girl's body"
Honkai star rail!
lol just kys zigger
can you fuck off to /pol/ and kill yourself?
So I said the names translate naturally because of the structure whereas with EN you have to make either nonsensical names or make new ones entirely
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video games
Me, the list-dodging e5s3 fireGOD
Just make porn already
What is even their endgame?
stop crying AAAAAAA
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>just becuase our country was in the USSR's sphere of influence until the early 90s.
Now which Balkan country would you happen to be in anon.
Bro, just say you addicted to porn.
We're talking about the dub here, right? As in spoken not written.
Feels good to be a E1S1 chad.
Why did you retards link this in /mhg/
I've always found it ironic how some niggers spam /pol/shit in a gacha game general
mental illness
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Make a /hsrg/ thread on /bant/ and find out
Go back
it's a fag linking it in other generals right now
It's one of our local shitposters sorry for the inconvenience just ignore them
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It's an edit
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Eastern europeans are subhumans and should have been all wiped out, those apes are worse then niggers, they're a biblical plague upon the earth
Don’t mind the lonely incels who constantly seethe at fujos who run this thread. They aren’t human.
Yeah and the dub is based around anime sensibilities. If you think chinks watch EN dubs with their anime you're delusional.
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why is your guys thread like this? it wanst like this back when i was here in... january or something
I rolled e4s0 what you gonna do about it chud?
I don't think I've ever heard or seen any info about this game that wasn't about the feet.
>game is slowly but surely walking into must roll E2 or brick territory
How do we fix this?
100% Georgian
GFfags are known to be liars and mislead people into playing their slop
You said that about Acheron, you said that about DHIL, and you'll keep saying that with every new release and be proven wrong every time.
I haven't rolled E2 anything other than acheron. And I don't even have her S1.
I will roll E2 sparkle on the rerun though.
Niggers are unironically cool outside of the US, but amerindians? Fuck those people
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More like CuckFrontline
How exactly was he proven wrong? All those dps are kinda shit pre E2 or E1
How do you build Xueyi?
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Nice try
You could fucking murder someone at 15 here and not be sent to actual jail what the fuck are ziggers on
What did the lil subversive cunt expect? Thats treason.
Who's she shipped with?
You don't, now that boothill and firefly exist she's a dead end brick
What if I lost every 50/50 with all pity going into the high 70s-80 and still got E2S1 Firefly
Because "listen to *thing* in it's intended language"fags were always full of shit since the very beginning.
Bros I need help how do I become as cool as Hanu
She wants every single dps stat to do mediocre damage so you need some relics with godrolls
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Attack orb, break rope
0 speed if using sparkle or bronya, some speed if not
I will get my sigga when he reruns and probably ACK as well
How? Dude must have dog shit builds
Didn't some kid's father got sent to jail because she drew some anti-war shit as well? They're very touchy about the war it seems.
Be a furry
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How do I do more damage? He's kicking my ass before I even get to him.
>GFL is a game with OATH and wedding skin gacha.
HI3 has wedding skins, but as far as I remember, they don't have oaths.
...these are 5 star designs?
It's a mod you dumbass.
The post literally mentions that GF1 Soumi wore something like that
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how does /ourgirl/ do it?
by whaling hard I assume
They actually had impossibly good builds. Had over 140% EHR while using a crit chest and shit to make sure his damage was higher. He's just not good as a replacement for RM in DoT teams.
It actually generated this!?
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Firefly killed /hsrg/ with her slow ass banner.
People really gonna sit here projecting their own horniness and then think they can get away with acting like you're the weird one
t. E0S1 poorpag
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Owari da, 5*Arlan...
they did when gfl and hi3 collabed :^)
Accurate, this game is cancer. Yanqing not being reworked is proof of Mihoyo ill intent
>it's real
Russian firefly bwo i wish you the best of luck
Is any cone as important to get as Acheron's?
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>La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, ooh
>Everybody's going to the party
>Have a real good time
>Dancin' in the desert
>Blowing up the sunshine
>Everybody's going to the party
>Have a real good time
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He'll be good with Jade, TRUST!
thats on a private server since side 2 argenti is using the same background as cocolia whereas live server its the penacony dance stage 1. Means besides e6s5 on all the 5*s they can also get impossible cracked relics fitted for all of them
All cones are mandatory, anyone who says otherwise is poor or a lucklet
Ruan Mei wishes she was that good at vocals
Black Swan and Blade on the top of my head
Retarded whale.
Wtf is wrong with you guys. You've never even been to Eastern Europe probably. Everything you know is from the social media or this website and you hate their guts to your core. Mentally unstable people should lose access to the Internet.
Its hilarious to see people here shill that mediocre light cone as a "symbol of love". Its either cone coping or a legit shill
Can a basic e0s0 firefly/RM/gallagher/TB team easily bruteforce MoC 12s?
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Buddy, we're in a gacha generals. We're all porn addicts, stop pretending. Sick of people arguing when we're all different shades of blacks in the end, we fucking wouldn't be in 4ch otherwise.
looks like a young ben shapiro
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Maybe I'm just spoiled because of how busted Acheron and Firefly are but the upcoming characters seem kind of meh.
No lol
That's cognitive dissonance dude. I have no idea what you're prattling about or how it relates to what we were talking about.
I didn't spend any money tho... I saved up all my rolls specifically for her.... I just had really bad luck.
You're not supposed to take any jab to your country of origin seriously anon
How? Firefly is already strong as fuck at E0
If it can be bred it ain't a loli
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Bruh...your future healer wife?
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Yes but there's a difference between being a horny retard and acting like a pretentious hypocrite looking down on people enjoying sex appeal when you're even worse. Way to miss the point retardbro.
Yunli buffs?
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unless its about br*ts
I hope they dont nerf her LC, it looks amazing for clara
Feixiao is probably gonna be broken too
You know right now its the firefly shill phase right? Once Mihoyo stop with the break effect tailor made challenges and starts shilling counter feetloli patch you will see how she struggles with normal content.
yeah as long as they lv.80 with good relics and traces.
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>there are people ITT who unironically listen to the commiefornia Xitter activists' dub
Imagine choosing a random nobody who got their role for sucking dicks and pandering to troons, than a professional VA with 20+ years of experience.
Couldn't be me.
>but only after 2lb of makeup and extensive surgery.
That's all women
Yeah sounds like some weird ass mfs to me anon
I've been using her in normal content for the past week. She's busted. I'd argue more so than Acheron even due to how insanely high her damage floor is.
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Like this.
Requires fofo e1 and ruan mei to reach min glammoth speed requirement, or e2 bronya.
Play her for superbreak damage.
She needs really, really good relics.
Sex with Verina and Encore
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>have to roll Yunli's cone for my Clara
>I already have Clara's cone at E2
If you play this chink game in anything but Chinese, you have brain damage.
Kafka sucks without her cone.
Nah, I've been around the US and Europe and that's not really true. Most of the women who aren't overweight at as hot in the morning waking up as they are with makeup and dolled up. It's cope to say otherwise. I know it's cool to hate on Western women these days, but hot damn it doesn't change the fact that they are a gift from God.
Shay lost btw
I'm just glad to have someone other than Topaz to take into fire weak stages
I hope they nerf it so I don't have to roll for it and integrate part of it into Yunli's kit.
>Saving for X, pulls on every banner
>Just 1 more pull, maxed out credit card
Holy fuck this is exactly me friend who plays this game. He has every character and 2 maxed credit cards while living with his parents and still being in school
Why have pantyfags STILL not dropped their resistance to spatisfication? You VILL masturbate to spats and you vill be happy.
They changed the name of block to parry, looks like thats all in v2
>Most of the women who aren't overweight at as hot in the morning waking up as they are with makeup and dolled up.
lmao even
yeah somehow it generates the most niche shit though but the options for gachas are a bit generic
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Not really, her damage is still decent with S5 GNSW, you just need even more spd on her because you don't get the stacks that PAYN gives.
>2 maxed out credit cards
>in school
>living with parents
A-atleast he's in college, right ?
You forgot to attach your picture of a white woman layered in makeup.
Hottest on earth and it's not even close.
We share a border with the most western of you cunts and they are already thieving subhuman crybabies.
The brickening has begun.
They censor the trailer panties of her but her ingame panties are proper (also since you are able to freely move the camera in the drom you can get some really nice angles). They literally took the snowbreak route and focus more on the coom part now.
You would have to save for an entire year with no pulls to be able to afford that as a f2poor, I don't believe in you. And if its true then you are even more retarded.
Happy Yuri Day /hsrg/!!
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I mean Ack and Danskibidi are still good and can 0 cycle so I doubt Firefly will be any different.
You can stop trying to shill your dead cuck game bro
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he made an edit of this image where he replaced Kokomi with the head of a dead guy
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Would you topass?
Good. Traitors should be shot.
Can you Slavs stop killing each other and go back to farming already, bread price just go up another 15 cents (for real)
Most of the ones I know don't wear much makeup and they're beauties. Eastern European, Western European, doesn't matter. They're so hot it's no contest.
Now that hoars english release is confirmed. Black Swan's Milkers tickling my nose
Yeah that's what I was talking about
Ah, the same shit with Acheron, huh? 'It's Acheron shill,' 'She can't 0-cycle vs Kafka,' 'Needs 2 Nihility,' 'Acheron E2 is a must.' Just admit it you're just shit at this game
Hey /hsrg/ what do you think of Neuvillette?
It is occasionally difficult telling apart a Western woman from an actual horse.
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Bros I came back to hsr last month, got Firefly and ruan Mei
Is Clara lc viable on firefly ?
I've heard him say funny words so he's a funny man to me.
That's some cope to make you feel better. It's like you're rolling a boulder up a hill at this point since the facts are obvious for anyone to see.
>What do you think of Neuvillette?
Fujos should be shot. Fujo enablers that allowed the cunt to self-insert her perfect autistic boyfriend in the game and deny THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME her godly throne should be flayed instead.
They probably will. No way Yunli gets released in an absolutely unplayable state.
The cone will likely still be good for Clara, but probably not for Blade.

I can see something like this working:
-aggro removed -> put on base kit
-every time character uses a follow up gain 1 stack, every time character heals with a skill gain 3 stacks. At 3 stacks gain one layer of protection against crowd control effects. Starts battle with 1 layer, caps at 3. Will stop getting stacks at 3 stacks when 3 layers already exist.
Damage the same, but starts with 1 stack lasting 1 turn.

Then just auto charge her energy to 120 at battle start if it's lower.

Kind of, actually
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Summer event doko?
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Shouldn't have said it was fake
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>topaz light cone on ratio
Lemao this anon right here is a nigger
>Is Clara lc viable on firefly ?
Is trash, use the herta store cone
Okay when I say i didn't spend any money I mean I didn't top up. I still got the express pass+BP.
Stop sending the losing side money and telling them they can win so there are actually some left to farm the grain.
The difference between them and Firefly is that they don't rely entirely on a specific mechanic to deal damage, especially Acheron who literally just needs to ult. If Firefly isn't breaking or super breaking she's doing fuck all.
>new elite/boss enemy have a phase that makes them immune to break
>firefly is instantly reduced to garbage
NTA but it's that easy
Yeah for an art degree, he's in debt for student loans too shocker. He's the most irresponsible person in my friend group and I haven't spoken to him in months because I got so fed up with him
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love him !
i will cope with that

i was trying to get a lc for welt bwo don't care about topaz
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You know after using Firefly/RM/HMC/Gallagher I've come to the conclusion that 90% of the teams in this game suck complete dick and to actually make a decent team that can compete at end game you need literally everyone or else you can get fucked.
>muh 4* clears
Disingenuous, not repeatable whale shit that requires relics from the gods.
that was just me pretending. Welrod is my wife btw
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>i wish i could move out of this shithole soon
Time to get good at Counter-Strike
Call me again when mihomo kills DoT, because they will come for that first before break.
>art degree
Well, I should've expected that then
are you implying that there's no such thing as a loli?
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>literally just needs to ult
Hope you got pulls ready for Fox boy once the 100% Effect Res bosses start getting churned out
They already kinda did with enemies that cleanse and lock their weaknesses, one big strength of dot is the break dot damage and turn delay Ruan Mei provides
Yeah, and the JP dub for that game is ass and lazy.
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Can ever I learn of a Japanese thing while it's still happening in Japan? It's 3 AM the next day over there, why the FUCK did nobody discuss it on international forums until now? It's almost not the 25th here either.
Do you realise how bad that would be for sales of any future break character? If they haven't made enemies immune to debuffs to brick Acheron teams, they aren't going to do this. Yes I know enemies that lock their weakness bars exist even now but I'm saying that if they keep doing it in the future with newer enemies, it's just going to affect their sales.
Well, there is a reason why this game is know as powercreep festival by other gachas
Incel here but does this girl have a lot of makeup on? She looks cute and natural.
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If you used Firefly, your clear doesn't count
The only way they're "killing" DoT is by not releasing another 5* DoT character. It has literally no dedicated supports right now with 2(two) 5*s and is still meta as fuck despite people continually going "DoT will be bad SOMEDAY!".
Based Weltchad
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I love hags
They've already been doing it and it's a non-issue. Further bricking toughness bars just hurts everyone so they won't do it.
We've got a dedicated break support, a dedicated FUA support so we could probably do with a dedicated DOT support.
>they already kinda did
Then they did a bad job because I'm still 0 cycling MoC with DoT hags and fofo.
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I fucked all of them
what is a 'surprising' curio?
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When is the next harmony? What will she do?
>Seele Acheron
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Dead cuck game, it is funny seeing then have to kneel to waifuGAWDS though
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>All this eastern european talk >>483444575
Doing anything tonight, Blueyes?
Not only that but if you are using any 4* you need it to be at least e4 for it to be actually usable and you also need to s5 4* gacha cones or they are also garbage.
Not even talking about the absurd rng level of relics with good substats you need to roll for each team.

New players are doomed here
It wouldnt be much of a surprise if we told you now would it?
You lost Shay
She's very strong and is the easiest DPS in the game to build by every metric (stat requirements, team requirements, cone requirements) but there is legit no reason to pull for DPS in this game unless you like them. She will probably get powercrept when Feixiao gets shilled, it's smarter to roll for harmony or harmony eidolons if you want "longevity."
Considering most players beat the last MoC, designed around FF, before she even came out, she is hardly a requirement for any content. Although she does invalidate AS, you can still use Himeko or even Hook instead and only clear it a little slower.
They're never going to do that. That would be like making an enemy that's completely immune to debuffs or DOT. You can theorize "hur they might make shit to counter her" and it will never not be stupid. It won't happen.
KEEEEEEEEEK how is it so good
Why are you in every fucking gacha thread? There's no way you can actually play all of these games at once, right?
Behave yourself before someone posts one of the various asian woman makeup webms
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Considering GF2s profits? Nah. Kekypow!
Based Shay
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>Asian script tattoo'd on neck
And nothing of value was lost.
I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm saying they went from 1.2 all the way to 2.0 with only Kafka and some 4*s for DoT, they're not exactly opposed to neglecting it.
No, RM doesn't count, she's a general buffer with some break focus.
Yeah. Every guide assumes you have S5 lukacone meanwhile I'm over here without a single one. And since I'm new, I don't even have tutorial cone either. My pela is gigabricked until this stupid cone drops for me.
>shits on WuWa, blue archive, nikke, Uma and im@s.
>Defends the cuck flops (girls frontline 2, hi3)
I'm noticing, unironically.
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>sales of any future break character
>it's just going to affect their sales
They can always move on to shilling another team archetype like counter (Yunli) or summons (Feixiao) and intentionally brick people who invested in break so they can sell their new shiny units instead
I like BROmania, but I live south of the Danube.
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We already have harmony for FuA, Break, and crit Hypercarry so if I have to guess, probably DoT support or maybe a 5 star version of Asta with a focus on SPD.
Next Harmony is Sunday bro.
This but grabbing her cock!
Rather than intentionally neglecting it seems more that they're just busy with other shit.
But we love WuWa here
>make enemy break immune
>cuck over every other character anyways
Jingpoo is a case study on what happens when you can't break due to being off element.
Star Rail for this feel?
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>try to shill your slop
>get stopped
Weird ass mfers
She's not even ugly honestly, it was just a bad screencap time.
Every single one of those games is bad.
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It will be Sunday forma negro, the first male harmony
And you're not gaining a single cent from it, wannabe shareholder
yuri is based and not cuck shit
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kafka... flopped...
Futas should have average length but below average girth feminine cocks you faggot
>muh meta
now, post your cycles and retries using the hoyolab app on your phone.
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Bigger than mine
Probably because DOT is already one of the best teams in the entire game so releasing a dedicated support for it would be overkill.
Jingliu loses like 40% of her damage without her cone
I took the surprising curio you fuckheads and it ruined me
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should have started playing sooner, enjoy having missed 60% of the game premium currency
you're confusing damage resistance with breaking
jinglue kills ice weak enemies before she breaks them unless you bring rm+pela
All DPSes kinda suck without their dedicated.
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>me taking a cut of GF2s sales when they're already at GF1 level
That'd just be cruel
Feixiao uses summons but leaks say that she scales off break. Lingsha is supposed to be a break healer. New March 7th form is half break. They just introduced a completely new archetype through HMC with super-break meaning more and more break characters are gonna come from now on. If you unironically think they're going to brick multiple current units and any future units that scale off break, you're actually retarded.
By the way the Jade bracelet Jade is wearing is from a dead man. You will soon join the cuckgamelist you so much hate.
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>They gonna sluttify Sunday now that he will be playable
Pls no Mihoyo, I'm okay with the color change to black but let him keep the suit without the needless breast window.
but she's cuter without makeup...
>Do I need to roll for Acheron's cone on a rerun?
She is a meme without her cone. Even if you have S5 GNSW, if you lack SW and Pela you will still notice that your damage is mediocre, and her stacking is always slower.

>Do I need E2?
No, E2 just makes 0-cycling easier. It neither enables 0-cycling (she can do this at E0S1) nor increases her damage to the point where, if you can't clear now, you will suddenyl be able to clear. If you can't kill stuff in 3-4 cycles even with a cope team you're either playing wrong or have a shit build (or both).

If you lack SW and are not planning on getting her, I would urge you to pick up the fox homo when he comes out. Unless you don't like him, then skip him. He is a straight upgrade to Gui for Acheron.

There are no DPS in this game that need any eidolons to clear MoC, especially the recent, meta units (BH, FF, Acheron). If you feel weak at E0S0 there are likely other reasons to it than you not having an eidolon.
Yeah I'm so scared of the imaginary enemies that you can't break like uhhhhhhhhhh SAM which Firefly still 2 cycles and ummmmmmmmmmmmm errr the sanction bot which gets broken by Gallagher before he can enter sanction mode and............................... errrrrrrrr
every single dps cone is mandatory
I'm hoping that's the case myself. I can't complain about DoT's performance anyway given how much of a boost BS gave the team but it would be nice for half of it to not be general supports.
And yet Jaioqiu is going to be BiS for Acheron, curious.
>some break focus
The fuck are you smoking? She is good in almost every team but she is still heavily break focused
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>leaks say that she scales off break.
So is she going to be the 5* Xueyi or will that be Punished Tingyun?
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Eh I'm fine with it. I started during sparkle banner and I was able to get all the characters I wanted+finish all end game modes. My Acheron just feels a lot weaker since I don't have the cone on pela.
>And yet Jaioqiu is going to be BiS for Acheron, curious.
Yeah but he's barely an upgrade over SW. He's not making any waves like a dedicated DOT support would.
Firefly doesn't need her cone thoughever
The gay fox is just marginally better than Silver Brick lol
>old corporate scam hag is used goods
Who could have thought?
Firefly cone is kinda meh, everyone seem to going for her e1.
>it's ok if our game has it
Enjoy having spend 50% of the games currency on powercrept characters and guessing if somebody is still gonna be good in 2 months.
I just buy a acc with whoever I want and your 1 year of daily time invested is worth 50 bucks.
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So he's still BiS for the best character in the game currently?
I hate those eyelids
clara sex
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Because her e2 almost doubles her damage, retard
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>average length but below average girth feminine cocks
Those are femboys you fucking faggot.
Futas for actual straight GODS like me should have thick juicy cocks and huge soft balls.
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Will Stellar Shimmer give Erudition traces as rewards for my Jade?
The QQ cosplayer is really fun to watch
>The gay fox is just marginally better than Silver Brick lol
the classic
>black swan is just 10% better than sampo
based hydro yume
Name one thing
I want to worship mommy Kafkas huge swollen balls and make her feel good, seeing her lose composure as she cums a huge load. No homo
Ok seems that the smartest thing to do would be to get her cone on a rerun and get Silver Wolf. I don't like Jaioqui in the slightest so I'm absolutely skipping him. Definitely feels like the biggest thing is just how slow my stack building is currently since the damage can be improved with better relics. I'll see if I'm still feeling in need of it by the time she reruns and then I'll decide. Though for all I know they might release a decenpt cope cone for her in the future that builds stacks faster or some new character that isn't Jiaoqui will be leaked. We'll see I guess. For now I'll probably just continue farming for my Firefly and stop caring about end game. Thanks for the tips bros.
>ruan mei is an asta sidegrade
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whi is the pyshco who drew this, why would you do that to her
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Don't think so
They already released a copecone for her (it's worse than GNSW) and it doesn't improve her stacking, they probably won't release another one.
If you are using GNSW at all you should be able to clear MoC with that team, especially since FF can carry the other side. Which cone are you using on Acheron right now?
No plenty of people stop at e1, her e2 have nothing to do with it. They simply choose it because e1 is stronger than s1.
In term of of limited DPS, Firefly probably gain the least of all the dps sig LC.
Yeah that's pretty true.
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Bros this just came to me when I logged into the game
How do I build Ruan mei for Firefly team?
Is there any reason to build Sampo or Guinaifen?
Wtf bro
only the first, "big" event of the patch gives a noticable amount of traces (for the first char of the patch)
when the "small" events include traces it's some minor shit like 3 blues for every path
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she's Croatian
BE>bulk(hp and/or def)>spd.
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You don't have to do much, Ruan Mei is pretty much a non-combatant so Firefly can kill her easily.
If you stacking feels slow all you can do is throw pearls on another Nihility unit, Trends in your sustain and get better speed substats.
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Wait it says "and other rewards" so there is a chance that it will drop erudition mats. I guess we will know more when the hoyolab post comes out.
Fuck you Kai Leng
>Aventurine is a GODpard downgrade
It's gonna be so funny when we'll see GODpard stonewall Firekeks when Mihomo stops feeling like shilling her.
They are clearing focusing on break right now and we just got off of a bunch of FUA-shilling, and even though the next 2 5*s are not break characters, March2 is both a FUA and Break support, and Feixiao is allegedly FUA, so we're still in the midst of them propping up those 2 archetypes.
I don't think DoT will ever get as much shilling as the other playstyles, just because it's not as popular (look at both of Kafka's banner sales + BS's sales, despite DoT being the best team for a patch), but they will certainly add a few more characters for it later. We still lack a real DoT harmony and sustain, while Break will have 2 sustain soon and FUA has at least 1 character for each role, and multiple for a few of them.

t. nihility collector who will probably E2 Jiaoqiu to help with Dawei's new car fund.
7 tickets and no Hotaru
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how to get into honkai? i know i'm probably pretty late and missed many things, but still wanna play the game sometime whenever i'm bored i also wanna get Misha asap
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/hsrg/ character for this feeling?
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S4 GNSW. But my relics are REALLY fucking bad. To the point that 4 out of my 5(not counting the crit main stat) relics don't even have both crit stats on them. I'm at 42/168 for my crit ratio. That relic domain fucking hates me.

Maybe having more SPD on my supports would be a good idea. My Fu Xuan is at 143 which is the fastest of them and my Pela and Guin are at 138 and 135 respectively. They both also have literal zero investment with Guin being E0 with like level 4 traces.
your dot sustain is fofo, take it or leave it
they're not making one that reads "enemy takes more dot damage" or something.
Any woman who tells you "they don't wear makeup" in public is lying to your face. Just because they don't look like a stereotypical bimbo doesn't mean they're not wearing makeup.
>junli is a clara upgrade
>Sparkle is a bronya rand upgrade
>Adventurine is a gepard upgrade
>huohuo is a bailu upgrade
>jingliu is a yanquing upgrade
Welt upgrade soon.
I still can't believe how much this community overvalues DPS. It's absolutely ridiculous that Prydwen had RM lower than Acheron for this long and only put her on the same tier because FF came out.
RM has easily been the best character for months and is the closest to a must-pull unit in this game. Acheron isn't even the best DPS anymore.
Am i the only one that feels some sort of fucking eldritch pull to look up Firefly's skirt everytime the wind blows in her idle?
How fortunate for you. Misha and the rest of the break shill brigade are on banner right now
>getting owned by a train conductor
>how to get into honkai
Install the game on your device of choice (Smartphone or PC), launch it, login/register, and then play.
>missed many things
Only rewards, really. You can experience the story of past major events like they're normal quests, just with less jades rewarded for clearing them.
>wanna get Misha
He's on the current banner so there's a decent chance you get him if you start playing now and keep rolling.
I still have no idea wtf were they thinking with this character. Apparently he gets even worse in one spin off in which he eats his most hated enemy's cereal to "show him" kek
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What about her relics?
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Please roll on the new genshin banner, passion project bwos.. Don't let genshin be #3 on this month's revenue sales
File deleted.
someone had to do it
No, but they could make one that heals on DoT or has a DoT of their own on basic (like Asta), which increases total team damage.
I don't hate running Fofo in DoThags, but its's still a niche that's missing, while FUA has Aventurine (provided, he works everywhere), Gallagher (who is also decent in DoT) and soon Lingsha. They will 100% make a DoT harmony or preservation eventually.
Same for harmony, RM will be tough to beat (speed buff making Glamoth easier to use + break extension for extra DoT ticks, on top of her other buffs), but they will absolutely release a nihility or harmony for DoT eventually.
Memories of the Past or S5 Cogs
Any relic set, it doesn't really matter. Watchmaker is nice, but not necessary.
Any planar set, it doesn't really matter. Vonwacq is best because it makes her go before everyone else so you can make sure her buffs are up from the start of the fight, but it's not a dealbreaker.
Energy rope.
SPD boots
Lots of SPD and Break Effect substats. Those are more important than set bonuses.
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Also it was really funny to me seeing cucktone unable to beat AS when I managed to do it with my Acheron team while my supports were built like this.
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How the FUCK do i make Welt work?!
I have him at 80, lvl8 traces. He's E2. I just dont know how to make his obsolete ass work.
But it would be very funny if that actually happend
so will there be a global server?
>Huohuo is a bailu upgrade
Huo doesn't have damage reduction in her kit
Huo doesn't have revives (in her base kit)
Huo doesn't have an emergency heal ult
They're don't even remotely fit the same fucking niche
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Genkeks losing to WuWa babies would be hilarious
no retard why do you think they even added that animation
I assumed it was TB off screen saying it and laughing at her being cute
Skipping Firefly because 3 months in I'm still farming Acheron relics and don't want to add to the backlog of units to build
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>quid pro quo
what in the goddamn
Is there any way for me to get trace mats so I can use my new characters in the story or am I stuck with just the same boring team until I catch up? Also most of my main characters are level 60 but the game says my shit is under powered even against level 50 shit, should my LC levels match my character levels?
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Meant Gallagher and Lingsha for break, not FUA, obviously.
Also meant DoT abundance/pres, I'm a little high right now.
What I don't understand is why the fuck he puts Acheron in the general DPS category when she is as much of a build around char as Kafka and Firefly. It's E0 Acheron too.
Make it a soundpost
go superbrick
NAS brimstone from niggerhell
2pc SPD, 2pc BE and just get a lot of SPD and BE but not really a lot of BE cause you don't need it. ERR rope.
Firefly is very easy to build, just get SPD (rarest substat) and make sure all your subs go into BE (impossible), then repeat for other 3 team members
I don't have lukacone and I didn't want to waste resources on another lightcone so I gave it to her just for the hp and def stats lmao.
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finally got a footjob irl and i understand the appeal now
i'm sorry for spending so many years ridiculing you footbros
Returning player, anyone want to drop a Link Invitation Code?
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i think i'm on time still? i started to play like a week ago anyways...
got it, thanks for the info! i hope i get lucky on my rolls
I still can't believe this character was fucking real! He felt like something that the creator of 'Mass Defect' would create for his shitposts in his videos.
The same way you make Yanqing work
Nah, I'm spending on Jinhsi to make sure Genshin is 3rd
Hey bros. I realized I haven't seen her in a while.
so is feixiao FuA or DoT?
If they nerf yunli in any way I'm quitting. The ult counter mechanic looks like the most fun in the game.

I'm also rolling for Jade for my not optimal lesbo team and nobody will change my mind.
Tbh I don't get why so many men seethe over femoids wearing makeup these past 10 or so years. I get the complaints when they have it caked up looking like a bimbo clown but if it's light or nothing too clown tier it's fine. Even weirder when most of the dudes bitching are the ones who simp for onlyfans and cosplay hoes, keeping this retard feedback loop going in the first place
FUA and break with some dots
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Super Break unironically
His slow is perfect to keep enemies perma broken
Did you try farming the calyxes?
>should my LC levels match my character levels?
I'd say at least within 10 levels of the characters. It's not as important because it's just raw stats but the extra bulk and damage still helps.
Follow up over time
let's see how it goes
You hope to DaWei that Mihoyo turns this to a 5 niggas in a row game.
I don't got a pella pic handy but mine is about 160 with Vonwac and this is my Guinevere.
Most feetfags don't even want to fuck feet
They only want to lick and suck on them
Which unless she's freshly showered or you're a degenerate most people willing to try feet stuff wouldn't actually like
I mean the boss mats you need. I’m still only in space china.
If anything they need to buff her, she is really struggling right now.
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>still caring about the living corpse that's wuthering waves
Don't worry, kokobwo.
Elden Ring's DLC buried that game and the playerbase is shrinking at an alarming rate everyday.
The Homoverse hegemony still reigns supreme. Kusogames can't compete with us.
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Let us see... This guy's achievements amount to....
>breaking into Anderson's home just to eat his cereal and piss in his plant
>jobbing to you
>sending you THAT
>jobbing to a guy that was on his fucking death bed
I would say KING, but this nigga was way too pathetic. Not even KING deserves to be compared to him. Closest to him would be Scaradouche in our sister's game.
this is a gacha general bro everyone here is a virgin
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>Topaz looks at Jade like she's an angel
>Numby hides behind her scared
Sure bwo
Ice Hunt Break FUA DOT HP scaling
>twitch views
shame on you, at least use twitterbux
What grooming does to a mf
I skipped all the DoThags and males. Didn't regret a single bit
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does it matter if FF has 153 or 163 spd? i'm trying to min max BE and spd
Just go back to where you fought the bosses. If you mean they need stuff from bosses you haven't fought yet, then you just have to progress because there's no other option.
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Fuck me it seems
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Who was this slut again?
June 25
Speak for yourself. It’s never been easier to get laid especially for early thirties millennials
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mitsuki nanoka
Sampo aint a hag
Lil Gui aint a hag
Luka aint a hag
Stop calling them dot hags
I'm doing the same. She's awful at E0S0
September 11th
Luka hasn't been DoT focused since RM came out, bwo.
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What set does Gallagher want in a Firefly team?
Speak for yourself, I hooked up with a chick over World of Warcraft 18 years ago.
It couldn't even get to top 5 in the china chart kek
>Sampo aint a hag
>calls himself old man all the time
>keeps referring to others (like you) kids
>complains about the lingo that "kids nowadays" use
>complains about stairs due to his age
>all of his VA are literal grandpas
its amazing how homos completely ruined the series
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'king's disciple
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Thanks m8
What do you call a male hag, then?
I feel like this can only ever be an issue if they put Gepard on both sides of moc for some reason. His toughness lock is the only one that's an actual problem.
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>its argenti
>then huohuo
>then dr. ratio
so i should just continue to save, right?
4pc iron calvary if you've hit the BE thresholds
Otherwise mix and match 2 pc as needed (thief, watchmaker, calvary, messenger)
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what does that have anything to do with speed tuning? take your grievances to /a/
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The OG
The endgame
Your canon wife, March 7th
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>Geppie can't outshield the DoT Skelly Butler
Didn't this faggot literally lose to an alien that was dying from his illness? As in, this alien was one step from his grave yet this "super skilled assassin" ended up jobbing to him? kek
Wow, I never realized he’s literally me.
I forgot

Feixiao is confirmed a Foxian right
Take your pick
2pc BE 2pc Hackerspace with multiplication to maximize his speed and weakness break (assuming you don't need to skill heal often)

4pc watchmaker if your HMC isn't running it. Also fine to just double up for more buff uptime.

2pc wanderer 2pc BE if you need the healing.
All he wants is lots of SPD and break.
So 2pc Break 2pc SPD and Kalpagni (or Fleet if you want to buff Firefly instead) would be "optimal", but if you have a rainbow combination that will give him more SPD then it's better than set bonuses
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newfag here
should I use my fuel to farm mats for Firefly's traces? or it would be a waste?
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Firefly love!
>Getting laid
Yes. BW for some reason thought that adding "Yanqing" tier rival would be a good idea.
March was for (You) in 1.4 and then never again. Seems like it may have been testing the waters for Firefly's portrayal as it resurged her popularity.
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Latest leaks states that she's not not a hag which means she has the Tingyun model instead of the Yukong model
Gallagher can't proc Watchmaker
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Why did Sparkle do that if she thought it was gross? Is she stupid? Some kind of fool maybe?
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I'm nooooticing
You can't really "waste" fuel. The common opinion online is you should save them for relics once you hit EQ 4(or 5?) where you guarantee two 5* relics per domain. But the flip side is if you use them earlier you hit that EQ level earlier too and van just use your normal TBP to farm instead.
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Chat is this real?
I think traces are always the better option since it's an guaranteed upgrade instead of relic gambling. You will stay in the relic mnes forever.
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You'll get more out of trace levels than relics if you're a real newfag.
Outside of white collar millennials are eating well. Zoomers are easy and millennial females don’t give a fuck about anything but how exciting you are.
wtf is that random wink
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I did 2p spd to make him go fast.
>Acheron team with only 1 Nihility
>Boothill out of nowhere
>Triple DPS with Lynx
>Double sustain and double support
What the fuck is this
Fucking STUPIDfly.
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>got destroyed in du3 by argenti
i know my blessings were kinda shit but i didn't expect to get filtered this early, even sigga+fu can't survive
Prydwen is run by Acheron glazers,they have her in T0 for for PF (same tier as Himeko) which is absolutely ridiculous, especially when she is just an accessory to DoThags. FF is also T1 here when all FF is good for is driving Himeko.
But they literally changed their simulation rules for Acheron because of how cone-reliant she is. Before her, they would test characters with F2P cones, with Acheron they tested her ONLY with her sig and S5 GNSW, neither of which are easily attainable F2P. Then because of the backlash of how biased that was they said, "Going forward, since the game has been out for a year, we'll allow characters to be tested with S5 Gacha cones" which is also retarded.
I'm a day 1 whale and I didn't even get 1 copy, let alone 5, of GNSW before Acheron's own fucking cone banner, and I rolled on cones quite a bit.
>if you're a real newfag.
I started playing two weeks ago
Basically get relics that have the right main stat then upgrade traces and weapons because there is no rng. As long as you are spending fuel on something permanent it is never wasted.
DU sucks absolute balls. It's pure RNG if you aren't running firefly super brick.
>be born in 95
>Apparently neither millennial or zoomer
>Never had sex or a nostalgic childhood
Well, I don't mind it staying that way. I could just go gay but ehhh
Okay thanks, I think i'll just go 4pc IC + Forge for the SPD, don't really have it in me to farm two different sets
>he never got a wink or a giggly smile from a woman after doing something silly/romantic
Wizardbwo... Your power level is showing...
Definitely go for traces then, relic farming is a huge meme before TB level 60 or so and it'll take you a while to get there.
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i'll lose the next 50/50 for sure...
if you want to rush content yea sure, mostly though, if you're low TR lvl, and not in a rush i would wait until you unlock more difficulties as they can improve the overall drops
Just needs to play nevermore at the end and it's perfect
>Zoomer women
Yeah, I'll just stay alone. I don't feel like getting witch hunted for dating a woman younger than me
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Bwos.... I already miss Penacony *sniff*
You can choose which axiom ....?
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Me too brother.
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Traces are fine to farm but keep in mind only the numbers in orange on the description increase with level. Most characters will have one or two traces which you can leave at level 1 without consequence. Saving the mats this way is important for newer players. For firefly it's her basic attack.
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Oh cool she actually talks about her.
I thought hoyo would just forget about them.
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>he didn't roll best girl
Skill issue.
Yes, but besides getting the nodes with stat increases and the passives, don't bother leveling anything other than her ultimate. Her basic/skill multipliers are atrocious, all her damage comes from super break, and her talent is just trying to make her tankier which will only really matter once you are doing MOC against annoying stun enemies.
Very wholesome
zamn, leave some acherons for the rest of us
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Zoomers are too easy and most millennial women are insufferable. I'll just fuck men instead
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I'm pretty fond of bánh giò and cơm tấm
Why does BH want crit subs? I thought he was bricker-only dps?
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Kafka has nothing to do with brick effect though?
About who?
Character Uncap (Not level) > Light Cone Level > Traces (some of these require you leveling a character) > Relics
As some another anon said, some traces can be ignored, but this is your general priority for gearing as a new player
Seems like you're super bricked by not having Firefly... lol!!
The forgotten hall memokeeper
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>break effect tailor made challenges
Literally every fight is a tailor made break effect challenge when Firefly can implant weakness, like the only way to counter her is blocking weaknesses altogether
it's better that way
I wasn't made to be in a relationship anyway...
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NYOOOOO DON'T LEAVE ME i don't want china wank yet....
The ripped off the menu from Persona 5
This seems like something Blade would post.
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>penacony was good because of the zone design!
>penacony was good because of the story!
>penacony was good because of the characters!
>penacony was good because of the factions involved!
>penacony was good because of the fights!
>penacony was good because of the minigames and side quests!
>penacony was good because of the themes and darker tones!
People try to use all of the above as reasoning
But honestly. Penacony was good simply because there were no chinks.
>Character Uncap (Not level)
what do you mean by this?
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>>Sparkle is a bronya rand upgrade
meanwhile men are always naturally beautiful (no i'm not gay)
>Penacony was good simply because there were no chinks.
Dont use Robin when posting your poltard takes
I genuinely think the background story of Mihkail and his comrades and the liberation and creation of Penacony is the best and cleverest thing they've ever wirtten.
that's not true, anon
I'm ugly as fuck
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Why are we so dead?
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based and true
But you said brick effect is needed to clear DU.
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Any lorefags or philosophyfags explain Gallagher lore?

Is he even a real person ?If he is not a 'real personhood' how can he maintain the memory from the past? Does he even have a physical body exist in real life???
MOC Gepard doesn't have that mechanic
>Men constantly shit on foids for not looking pretty and always tell them to put on make up
>They do exactly that
>Be surprised women are caked up in makeup and try to look like Barbie dolls
??? Shit like this makes me glad I'm gay
probably shitposting somewhere
enjoy the quiet
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Elden ring has too many line hours
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why is this character so autistic looking?
But the ghost hunting event was good though
it's made after you
He's a dog
I'm gonna miss it a lot too...
I liked the dream leitmotif
>huaiyan, the only interesting character will be the one who won't be playable
it's not fair
What did she see?
my little pecker
Hate DU... builds feel even more random...
He DOES have a modelled sword though, so maybe in the future, who knows
>Get this, she's called banjo mei...BECAUSE SHE HAS A BANJO!
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Fan made birbs
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>no more HSR kino until we get back to another non-china location
>another 5 months minimum until then
they really really wanna force you to play ZZZ
>first area of zzz is chinatown
Hmmmmm nyo
creation of history fictologist
a made up person that was given life by enigmata, like a homunclus built on a bunch of little truths but one big lie, exists in real life too, cause enigmata is not limited to memes
when sunday figured him out, he died cause he was uncovered so his existance collapsed
he was still a person so he had his own agency and memories
Stelle is autistic coded
I'm kinda nostalgic for the Xianzhou and I can't wait to return
Jade thread
Nobody says this.
You were not here during 1.2 and 1.3 then
Durarara is peak
No one actually cares. I was dating a 24 year old and no one gave a fuck which says a lot because I can’t fucking go anywhere without running into people that know me. Even later on when I was seeing this 30 year old it turns out they knew each other and were friends and she never said anything about the age gap. A lot of problems I see brought up online don’t exist in real life. Nobody has time for that shit in real life when the economy is in shambles and rent is sky high and inflation in general has made wages a fucking joke. I can only afford luxuries like gacha because I have a side hustle AND inherited my house.
>Fu against Argenti
lmao drop that goblin and just double sustain with an Abundance
her brain cells entered into a suicide pact with each other
I still take too much damage because of the bulky adds anyway, but yeah she's not optimal at all
e0 is the only sovl one in there
Save your fuel until you've unlocked the max difficulty on whatever you're farming. There's no point in rushing your farming before then, because at the same time you're not going to be challenging endgame until your Equilibrium is at that level anyway. Once you hit that point, just use it on whatever you need at the moment.
The bosses that summon mobs can kind of be cheesed but you need a strong aoe dps + the Rememberance and Hunt blessing that stores damage. Argenti basically just dies if you Acheron ult or something while there's like four mobs surrounding his ass if they're dissociated. DU is dogshit all around though.
>not optimal
More like bricks your run. She just eats shield like nobody's business and now your defensive blessings don't work.
It's basically 3 vs Enemies. Either use her or Aventurine, choose one.
I didn't? Someone claimed I didn't roll best girl, and she's Kafka.
You can get a character to 70/80 and leave them there instead of wasting money and EXP to put them to 80, until their traces demand it (or they're a DPS). New players can quickly run out of EXP/money so you should be frugal with it whenever possible.
This isn't really an issue for old players, but it's a reason many people kept supports at 70/75 (to unlock final traces) the first 2-3 months of the game, when it was too expensive to field a roster of 80s.
firefly isnt a literal child.

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