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>Launch Trailer
>Official full OST

>Regarding Final Omega Strikers Updates

>Steam page

>Check rank & stats by username here:

>Check ranked match history by username here:

>Mega dump of emotes, models, etc.

>Latest Balance Patch

>New Character

>/omg/ Cup tournament archives

>/omg/ Custom Games Sheet

>/omg/ Aggie archive

>Previous thread
I need micropatch
microkini micropatch
this week
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My micropenis makes nao laugh inside
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I Love Juno!
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i'm not going to tell you how to spend your own money on commissions but that's fucked
if you drew it yourself it's slightly more okay
i think i recognize that style from the drawpiles
Nice Omega Strikers discussion
This is pretty on brand for /vg/.
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>tourist walks into an in-joke
>"whoa, nice on-topic discussion, you fucking nerds"
Laugh at him, he doesn't get it
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CUTE! I like that swimsuit design, I hope we get one like it during the next summer event!
Not a tourist, just patienly waiting for you fags to move to /vm/ where you belong.
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>Not a tourist, just patienly waiting for you fags to move to /vm/ where you belong.
>I'm not a tourist, I'm just a ritual poster who only comes to the thread to ritual post
Damn, I got got
Would. Based hairy pussy enjoyer.
surely it is us that should give way and not jpeg purchase gacha # 457 or "just a place to post deviant art porn" threads like sonic and bowsette
truly the ones who actually play a real fucking game should be the ones to make way huh
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Stupid wojack simulator I found on twitter
Full image?

cum verson too maybe?
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>"I'm a midfielder" -- he's just a bad forward
Holy tomboy sex
>Unholy tomboy sex
that pic may be unholy but tomboy sex is not
I'm hardstuck high gold bros
It's over
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Nobody told me sloptavia was this well endowed...
I want to live in her boobs
Total. Oni. Plappregnation.
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>all chat
I wish there was an all chat so I could communicate with my team a little more
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That is the full image.
all chat is just the official or competitive d*scord
mind the gap
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Turns out having to look at two places at once doesnt make for a great map, ody
not everyone is playing on their fucking phone
skill issue
if the average player is too stupid to play your map it’s a bad map. know your audience
>Forced to trust my team unless I want to 1v3
>Guy on my team is mid plat
>Plays like he's in silver
>Watch the core pass directly through him and into the goal when nothing was on cooldown
juliette has a broken hitbox? is this about the kick-punch stuff or something else?
in summary, ahten city is a land of contrasts
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aimi feet...
+1 playerbase
I had a dream that Odyssey was aware of the fact that Ai.Mi didn't have nearly as many cosmetics as she deserved and they announced that they would be making real full skins for her only.
>"aw man, we gotta regulate the heckin' AI field, it's going to heckin automate the heckin data entry, voice, and functional art fields and make a lot of heckin jobs obsoheckinlete"
>actual AI sloppa:
>"but think of the heckin potentialrino"
It's been 8 years
AI has plateaued, it's a shitposting medium
Any growth the field makes is to make the shitposting a little funnier
>aesop missed his opportunity
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Man Juli is so much fun when you're doing the wall dance all game with another Juli.
I LOVE Juli.
Ah my bad, I thought you drew like the upper half and you cropped it to be her lower half
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>trying to find motivation to sort through all my saved clips
Playing the game is so much more fun than this.
go strike
page cock
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I believe you
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Happy Birthday wife!
It was just the oni twins' birthdays less than a week ago!
And Kazan's like two weeks before that!
September isn't National Rawdog Month!
labor day gets strikers fuckin
what's with the flying spermcells
My sperm cells flying up Asher's uterus.
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Don't forget to get some of Asher's favorite thing for her birthday!
its a party. that is a ballon and string
feel free to give her some sperm though she wants children badly
*omega sniffs Era's pits*
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Rum raisin...
>ffxiv enters two-day maintenance
>chaiko is online again
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the Balmung Catboy...
>era is secretly super rich
>kidnapped and brainwashed kai with her vast wealth
>turned him into her personal catboi maid
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>implying kai isn't working at some host club as a favor to the owner
>implying era isn't there 100% of the time when he's on shift
>implying he isn't weirded out by this creepy goth girl he doesn't recognize every time
>he doesn't even realize she's on the same team as him or that she's there multiple times, that's how little he notices her
>he's just fulfilling his duties as a host and being polite
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Happy Birthday to my wife Asher!
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I can't believe two diamonds and a challenger lost because
>finii goalie
Dirty thoughts about Asher on her birthday...
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Playing Finii with abilities indicators off is a fucking nightmare. On top of having to hip fire already clunky primary there's some kind of cast delay after you press the button during which you can still fuck up the trajectory.
you’re not that guy pal, the REAL finii doesn’t use ability indicators. step up your game, poser
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Cursed. It's supposed to have a black outline. I can tell by the pixels.
AI has failed me...
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turning ability indicators off made it way easier for me to use the forward part of her primary before it switches directions
I don't play Finii a lot, but I preferred to have them off once I realized that
>both goalies suck
>both other forwards suck
>lose because the enemy forward runs a mobility character and i don’t
the only way to climb is to play someone with projectiles mobility or both. brawlers will get you nowhere
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You just aren't killing them enough, you are supposed to make them scared to even be on the same quadrant as you
killing people is hard. unless you get god roles you’re lucky to get 5+
also they can just go where i’m not and easily slide past my other forward
games these days are just mirroring the only competent player, hoping you win the midfield strike war, and then popping both barriers in 10 seconds.
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ULTRA STRIKERS are laughing at us...
>If you made any purchases in Starsiege: Deadzone or TRIBES 3 before June 27, 2024, you’ll receive credits towards our new game, Ultra Strikers.
Can't believe they ripped off out game AND our Announcement...
What are they going to steal next, our players?!
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They already abandoned the new Tribes? LMAO
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Did it even last 1 year?
>One win: +36
>Another win: +10
I wish I understood this game's rank system...
aesop hates you
This game triggers my inferiority complex
Just play better
All this smoke and mirrors about how they are not the same company (the HQ is a 5 minute drive from Hi-Rez and owned by Hi-Rez) and how Tribes 3 is an opportunity to start fresh, at least according to the damage control threads not a minute after they got a blip of a thread on /v/, and they are making it just like early Ascend! Turns out they already planned to abandon it WHILE IT IS STILL IN EARLY ACCESS?!

>We’re doing our best to support TRIBES 3 with limited updates
>statement confirms they were actually banking on this not being total shit
>hoping and coping on everyone having a goldfish memory when it comes to how Hi-Rez operates as a whole not to mention the retarded CEO Erez
And now they are trying to rip off Omega Strikers? Just kill off Hi-Rez, please.
I never played tribes, I only know hirez from smite and paladins
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Hey when do NA customs happen? I'm new and wanna get better at the game! I think I want to play goalie!
Omega Strokers surely didn't
They happen somewhat infrequently and kind of late...
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Nonners how am I supposed to get notified... Stare at the thread? I should be awake until 4am est tonight if anyone wants to play.
>Stare at the thread?
Pretty much. There's also usually a stream to go with them. We kind of have a Google doc sheet that people can put their name down for but people haven't been using it lately, just inviting people and using the code in thread.

I should be available for customs starting at or a little bit after ~30min from now.
They seem to happen around this time, or sometimes at like 2am eastern because half the playerbase here are neets or college students with fucked schedules.
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It's still in early access and they were pretty clear about intending to abandon it for new Soon To Be Announced ShooterBall Game (Ultra Strikers) even before early access launch so I guess you say it had negative lifespan.
I'm down for customs with the new guy now if there's some more who want to join.
I haven't used ability indicators in forever. I've forgot what they felt like.
Probably bad now.
I wish I could toggle ability indicators for only certain abilities
Stuff like Estelle snipe I want to be 100% sure what I'm clicking on
Heed the call for customs.

LastsMitesBrows <- (that's the custom lobby code)
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Newfag here. In an entirely awful turn of events I can't play until tomorrow. I truly apologize for getting your hopes up. I have a discord I use for 4channer interactions if you want that.
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join the /omg/ discord? They use it for customs voicechat and playing other games together
Shame. Some other time then anon. Out of curiosity, who's your favorite striker? Both to play and for peak SEX factor.
google spreadsheet has been updated
Active night tonight
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Give me the invite?
Play? I don't know yet! Asher maybe?
Sex? Rune easily
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customs stream, may turn on vc later.
>can't turn on VC for the stream because TBC is breaking ToS every 30s
those teams are not balanced at all
What utter destruction did I just tune into?
It's okay, it was fun
it's such a weird change of pace to actually be playing with all green pings on my team again instead of 2 yellow 1 green or 1 red 2 yellows
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sorry bro
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I want to fuck Nao,
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i love when era mains join customs because snek immediately makes sure they're on his team
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She would fuck (you)
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ggs customs
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Good lord, Triple Luna is scary as hell. Thanks for the customs /omg/ it was fun as usual! I hope I'll be able to make it to more in the following days.
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ggs customs and happy birthday Ash!
It's expired desu.
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Should work now
Sorry, Asher, my birthday gift takes 9 months to arrive.
Do NAggers really?
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NAggers should play EU norms every night to tank their fellow trooncord scum and allow real gamers to snipe in peace.
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I would like to hear your voice anon
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hard R
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I love when Era mains join customs, because I can make smelly girl jokes and they'll hit better
and they'll never suspect I'm a weirdo who's into that
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>"gonna do 2500 bicep curls in 10 days, 250/day, hell yeah"
>day 3: can't even work up the energy from self-loathing to attempt my first set of 40
I'll never be the true X at this rate
Fucking cringe
motivation is a fake idea. just do it
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>set of 40
Nigga that's just cardio at this point.
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Eat 250 bowls of soondubu a day and become like Dubu
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about to get my 6th ascended frame
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>goalie routinely forgets to use coreflip and is generally performing poorly
>after calling "use energy burst!" a few times at them, they...
>walk directly up to the core on faceoff, flip it, and instantly break both barriers at the same time on Gates of Obscura
>then immediately give up the game-losing goal
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unfathomably based
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I'm blind!
Congrats on your Era ascended frame!
I love my retarded wife Juli!
Smurf-ass normals full of salty caramels begging to get sucked clean and self-satisfied wankers spamming Surrender and I have No Life emotes
but I don't swing that way
I dun get it :D
>he doesn't enjoy the yapping during customs
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No you wouldn't
I saw this and thought of the e-celeb vs events.
summer finii...
Orange Juice Juno...
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+1 fren online :)
The speed at which you logged in and replied is deeply concerning.
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I have a fast pc and the thread open :)
Now invite me to party.
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losing to who?
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5/6 EU
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>can't connect to cytube because it thinks my clock is incorrect (it's not)
let me know if EUbros need a camera. I can log in and idle in spectators while streaming.
It's because their certificate expired again.
If you're in firefox, "Accept risk and continue" on the cytube channel page itself and here:

EUs are trying to custom, turned on stream and now i'm afk
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poor ai.mi
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>EU customs
>they need a filler friend for a full lobby
customs dead...
EU more like Peeyew cause they STINK!
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Our resident rune main is in the draft diff 2 tournament, this game is not being shown on stream but one of the players is streaming!
>Such a high quality Mako
>Just for a foot pic
It fucking hurts
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lets go dendi
Dumbass NAgger.
he put AiMiPat so its all good
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I want Estelle bush
I want custies
our boy on main stream soon?
>click onto stream
>match over
>our boy won
What the fuck is going on in here
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sleepy clip editing. these replays aren't as good as I remember them being when I hit the save button.
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Goodnight /omg/
Night thread
Hope it's not dead when I wake up
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You guys forgot to laugh when i posted about my micropenis earlier
Couldn't see it because it was too small.
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His autistic widow getting desperate, undressing like that.
>autistic female character help up as a sexual ideal and object of idolatry
>mentally slow character is universally loved and respected
>curvy character with hygiene issues is held up as an equitable sexual ideal to the autist
Have we been enjoying one of the most woke games ever released?
It's way more simple.
>game is made by canadians (faggots)
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what does it mean
more tomboy plz
juli plapregmarriaxe love sex corestrike
The blobbo has fallen in love with the chocolate tomboy!
Choco tomblob.
Sir, a second barrier has hit the core.
barriers don’t hit cores
That's what they want you to believe
When the core hits the barrier, the barrier hits the core. Don't think so? Then why does the core go in the opposite direction of the barrier after hitting it, huh??
the core is barrier racist
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why did he write core cat twice?
Alright fine, I'll fuck Nao.
muh dick
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>artist watermark is RIGHT THERE
>still can't find them
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shit, no aimi sex
Have you tried detailed mechas?
At that point it stops being conventional art and turns into technical drawing
I'd sooner commission an architect or an engineer to realize a mecha concept before I'd hire someone who draws Hex Maniacs
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>Specifying "adult"
AiMi /ss/ confirmed
aimi loves young users since those are the only polite ones that treat her with respect. she rewards them passionately for treating her kindly
why she look retarded bro
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Mecha dodgers are second class citizens. Their artist license and human right must be revoked. All money they earn from commissions and donations must be distributed among indie mecha game developers.
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custies tonight?
I suppose
Start earlier this time, I don't want to have to stay up until 3 AM...
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Is now a good time?
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Sorry I was set to the wrong region and had to destroy the lobby so I could fix it.
NeedsTrulySlomo is the new code
>Does not exist or has expired
I can only play two matches, besides I've never not been a goalie.
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I'm sorry, 160ms and being forward really makes me trash tier.
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Ah, EU I take it? We'll get you some EU customs at some point.
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I'll try to be back for more if they're still going in a few hours
Are you EU or west coast?
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everyone is too busy playing customs to post
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I think I will be leaving custies soon, we will need 1 more to keep it going.
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>Kazan players
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If they call him ChaikoDog why does he main a bunny and a cat?
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you literally had no impact on that game, all those kills were just showing off. you win in the draft alone, you’re too arrogant to realize
Have sex with me
He's got that dog in him if you catch my drift
>11 friends online
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>alive game
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Turned VC on for the stream, some of the /omg/ers are very drunk.
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Thanks for the fun customs once again /omg/. I'm glad that we also learned a valuable lesson today. Do not believe in me. It makes me Juno shake in real life.
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loser can’t carry but emotes like he can
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That's not my intention! The only thing I'm gonna carry is myself to blast zone when I get bounced around between three players!
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I'm going bedge.
Stream has moved to https://www.twitch.tv/xen02o

idk if there's more clips from tonight.
Names you are really good at the video game holy
ggs customs I'm tired and sleepy and have a headache but game fun
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ggs again
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GGs customs!
EÜbermenschen, we can't let NAgger get away with having daily custies.
aw nobody clipped the funny dubu super that made chaiko panic? cringe
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why is the resolution so low
i screen recorded it off my phone
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micropenis next week
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Ody clearly have given up on micropatching considering how there haven't been any since season reset.
And that's a good thing because every single micropatch so far has been complete dogshit with either nothing of value or downright malicious changes. At least I have time to get used to current shitty meta before even shittier one replaces it. Imagine if Vyce got another 3 buffs since the start of the season and all good maps were rotated out. Fuck this shit.
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2hu in an hour or so. Should be our stage debut I think.
You can watch LoLK preshow for the time being.

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