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Previous >>483440697

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/26
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM 2 Trailer leaked
>CLE Releasing Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- CN/KR .ver on 26th Sept
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>Demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is now available on PS4 and Switch!
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is live
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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This old logo is so much better
I will never apologize. Fuck NISA, fuck Geocucks, fuck Scott (rest in PISS), and most importantly, fuck YOU
Holy, the thread progress so fast today
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I hope they're the only C7 characters we get or atleast the only ones that are playable.
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Elaine, let me play with your clitoris please?
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Emma when???
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*stares into your soul*
I agree. We really don't need any more of them in Kai so hopefully Falcom held themselves back from adding in too many of those fags.
12 to 14 hours probably.
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Have you guys forgiven Crow for his crimes yet or will you need Hermes to help redeem him in your eyes as well?
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Here the new Kai scan with Emma and Rean (CS1 DLC Outfit) + Horse from CS1/2/3/4/5/Kai
>all buildup only for a lame reveal
I feel history will repeat itself once again when it comes to Kiseki storytelling.
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>Nudissidia that killed the series
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>reveal yourself to ban-san, who presumably tells his friends about your true identity unless he's being a faggot and hiding things again
>proceed to act like nothing happened
Pretty ballsy.
Dana is cute but she lost to Feena.
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There's space for more 3 characters, a rabbit and a cat?
Ok Gaius and maybe Emma. We don't need the others.
Hopefully never
Sorry, but the last 10 OPs were kiseki pictures, I have to give the Ys anons some crumbs once in a while.
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we dont need gaius a character so bland and irrelevant that falcom had to make him a gralsritter for people to even care. We’re good.
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Why her? They have no connection.
Unlike Kisekikids, Yschads do not care.
Europeans has already got their Daybreak copy shipped, I'd expect to see copies arriving within 2 days, probably. That would make it more than 1 week early.
He appeared in Kuso 1 so that sets some precedence especially if Kai is gonna be dealing more with the Septian Church.
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Rean, I kneel
ya seethe bitch?
If you had to start a whorehouse with six Trails girls, who'd you pick and why?
Banning Renne for obvious reasons. Be creative
White european chad men don't play this slop
They're both seen in their mechs in this screenshot. Potentially for a fight.
american/Canadian bros when is our turn next?
interesting how she's calling crow papa
>White european chad men don't play this slop
I'm a white European Chad man and I do play this goat do you have a problem with that tiny?
anies, elie, al*sa, juna, josette, kloe
they all are shitty characters I don't want to see again
Nice cope. Projecting loser.
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Renne, Clone of Renne, 2nd Clone of Renne, 3rd Clone of Renne, 4th Clone of Renne and 5th Clone of Renne.
So when did you guys realize Alisa was best girl?
I can break you with just my pinky dip shit
As soon as I saw her I knew she was going to be best in class for ryona
It's easy to talk behind a computer screen cunt. I'd beat the shit out of you.
Why do you sound so defensive and intimated anon? no need to call people names.
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Americans are descended from European rejects.
>I'd beat the shit out of you.
You right it is easy to talk behind a screen you little coward, I dare you to come to Europe.
rent free
They are descendant from Pioneers escaping religious persecution of their Protestant faith. Australia is the reject colony where they dump all their ill-gotten sons.
Buy me a ticket cunt. I'm ready to fuck you up.
I didn't know there sexy anons here yummy me like a lot.
>this is the best Ronnie could hope for
She isn't tho
You buy the ticket, I'll pay for the Cab faggot.
i had a feeling in cs1 but she completely won with cs2.
I'm actually a girl.
ronnie finally got something fufu...
I'm actually straight.
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Future Ronnie...
>Aaron joined the bad guys by will or brainwash only to job to Cao again
This >>483506230
that ain't it chief
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Finally I can bury these posg...
She's Gramheart's illegitimate daughter.
Right? I can't wait to see what she's going to look like in the Kuro character style.
She's actually Crow's daughter from the future.
do you feel good anon wasting hundreds and thousands of dollars? burnt up trash?
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I love Su-chan, Na-chan and La-chan!
But I've done that FOR FREE though? I'd go for SUL if I'm burning bucks but rather give it to NISA and Kondo instead of chinks.
time is money thougheverbeit
I've played it in the cagie. It's not like there's better thing to do
I like how this place is the repository of Falcom's most devoted enthusiasts and yet there's apparently only one of us left playing the gachaslop.
I'm pretty sure there's other than me. He got gayorc'd for talking about gachaslop sadly.
Please stay on topic, the gacha is not made by Falcom.
I will say that even though she is my least favorite "main" girl, and in fact I think Altina takes the main girl spotlight from her from 3 to Reverie, I do not outright hate her.
I actually like the changes her character goes through. However, I enjoy them because I find her attractive. She is very hot, probably the most conventionally hot anime girl to be the MC's love interest in Trails thus far. If I didn't like her design I would probably not be able to stand her, which is pretty much the opposite of how I feel about some of my favorite characters: that is to say, that I enjoy their personalities even when other girls have more boner-inducing designs to me at a first glance.
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Let's dance and make a wishy!
Post pantsu
I wish I could rewrite Cold Steel to be a trilogy, erase 98% of 4 and cram the remaining 2%, the only important bits, into Reverie.
Also I'd rewrite Rean so he has an actual personality and Emma is his canon waifu and Laura would join Ouroboros in Reverie since she'd literally unironically rape Rean in the cave and this would change both of them.
I don't like Alisa
Alisa's character arc of accepting who she is, coming to terms with her family's complicated history, navigating the complex relationship with her mother, standing up in the face of her father, and ultimately carving her own path forward in spite of that baggage is unironically some of the best content in Kiseki, but leave it to the brainlets in /fg/ to completely miss the point.
Alissa is a whore just like your mother lol
This animation looks so cool. Using this in combat is going to be hype
Thanks, Pajeet. You got me.
I hate Alisa
>Alisa's [The most overrated summary of her shit character's arc]
Emma's character arc of accepting who she is, coming to terms with her family's complicated history, navigating the complex relationship with her grandmother, standing up in the face of her sister, and ultimately carving her own path forward in spite of that baggage is unironically some of the best content in Kiseki, but leave it to the brainlets in /fg/ to completely miss the point.
This isn't the win you think it is.
*smokes crack*
ya seethe bitch?
Fie's character arc of accepting who she is, coming to terms with her adopted family's complicated history, navigating the complex relationship with her old comrades, standing up in the face of her father, and ultimately carving her own path forward in spite of that baggage is unironically some of the best content in Kiseki, but leave it to the brainlets in /fg/ to completely miss the point.
Laura's character arc of ... wait... what was Laura's character arc?
You left out the most important part of her arc; being completely forgotten by Faclom
>navigating the complex relationship with her mother
Irina is one of the worst characters in kiseki who loses all readability post cs3 after she goes from a profit-focused careerist who has seemingly sold her soul to fueling the empire’s expansionism in order to continually secure military contracts…to a throwaway npc who becomes one of the good guys again for no real reason at all. her relationship with alisa is never truly resolved or touched upon other than the occasional “it’s complicated”
>standing up in the face of her father
a non-entity because he’s distinctly a different person than Alberich, who possesses him, after which he’s just a standard jrpg villain with an incredibly forced (but superficial) connection to Alisa

And of course Alisa herself has no character outside of lusting over Rean’s cock. Kill yourself.
>Why is it called Crimson Sin?
>I don't get it daddy NISA
Unga bunga rape rean
Was planning to. Should I livestream it? I'd be happy to dedicate my death to you.
Is there a -END OF SAGA- song too?
>Why is it called "The End of -SAGA-"?
>I don't get it daddy NISA
That’s a little bit too gay, anon
Shame. I thought you'd get a kick out of it.
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wow, I'm over the moon to be finally done with Sky 3rd Chapter. It's impressive how this game perfectly captured the feeling of being stuck in a boring purgatory. I feel refreshed and ready for the next chapter, Trails from Zero. I hope it returns to the Sky 1 and 2 formula and some of my favorite characters return!
Van, Aaron, Crow... They are all cosplaying as Squall.
Yeah I just realized Crow's new outfit is in line with Van and Aaron's. They really wanna copy Squall.
Falcom always forget about they best characters
First Kevin... and now Emma
But one day... one day they will remember her like they remembered Kevin
Is it morally wrong that I sincerely wish that the people who tell me to kill myself because I have a differing opinion on a video game were forced to experience coming home to find their teenage brother slumped over in a chair with a pool of blood and revolver on the floor like I did?
I think you should probably stay off 4chan if that’s the case
Damn dude.
>opinion on video game
That’s your fault!!!
He probably saw you playing Persona 3
It depends... what's your opinion?
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So he's definitely pounding Towa at this point right?
I don't know, I use this website a lot and this is the only place that ever tells me to kill myself.
Not an argument. Personal anecdotes are not supporting evidence. Stop acting like a naïve idiot. It's words on a screen.
That's deep, bro.
Not sure what boards or generals you visit but it’s generally understood that you’re supposed to have thick skin if you post on this site. Things have changed over the years but people are still going to be edgy on anonymous, it’s just how it is
Emma’s sister
Crow dumped Vita though.
Who is more delusional?
>(1) Crow and Towa are more than friends
>(2)There will be no more returning characters in Kai
>(5)Kai is not Kuro 3
>(6)Hajimari is not Sen 5
>(7)Spriggans will be relevant in Kai
>(8)Kondo never lies
>(9)Kiseki fanboys that think Kiseki will be popular or relevant one day
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Today, I will remind them.
Christ that's a tough one...
Whatever you want to believe
I feel that Vita or Hermes would be better suited for him. Towa isn't exciting enough for an adrenaline junkie and thrill-seeker like Crow. He needs constant passion and excitement in his life. Perhaps Hermes could truly be the girl for him?
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Mister Van is mine!!!!!
It's already too many. Should just be Fie and Altina.
>All of us, as members of Old and New Class VII, are here to stop you, Gramheart!
>every member of Class VII gives a one line remark in response to Rean's speech
Kill me.
Kuro Crow is ugly
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I will never understand zoomers obsession with sales & player count figures.

It does not correlate to a good or bad game.
>the scene where Rean and Yun Kafai fight is going to be Yun Kafai testing Rean and have zero plot significance
haha please look forward to it
I agree
Trails games are bad and yet there’s more than 10 fans
They grew up in a judeo-hypercapitalist dystopia where you're either growing or dying.
God Reanfags are insufferable.
Ha ha!
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>me when Ronnie breathes near me
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Honestly Falcom does such a great job with their character models and textures, it's just the animations that are usually a little lacking. But it has been getting better for sure.
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>Great job
>everyone with the same fucking face
>characters reflecting light as if they were made of plastic
>no kai localization leak
kek where are the copers now
>Rene didn't get new art
Yep he's irrelevant it's over
>villain glasses
It’s not villain
It's the opposite actually.
They're hiding his new art, so that's how you know he's relevant, because it's a spoiler.
Same with Bergard.
Daswanigger is back
We win
I chose (10)
>(10)Rene and Bergard are villains trust me bro. Bergard is a simulacrum. Elaine is gonna die.
The Rat talking to the Crow and the Rean
I want the new Joshua figure, did they say when it is supposed to be released?
Rean is a manlet?
No they’re definitely just keeping his new design a secret haha
Didn't even notice him. He looks like such an npc in kai
What do you think the twist of the Trails world is going to be? That Septium Veins are actually the people from before the Great Collapse who got turned liquidated? That the rest of the universe was wiped out by demons and Zemuria was created as the last bastion and Gramhardt's mission will break the wall, causing a worldwide demon invasion? That Zemuria is just a simulation running on some corporation's supercomputer in Tokyo?
deciding between eng kuro and visions of mana
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>Thus begins a joint mission between police, the guild, Heiyue, and the solutions office
>token black guy
If "Angel of Slaughter" Renne the cop mass murderer gets off scott free, Arios gets off scott free for launching an unprovoked war, KeA gets off scott free for nuking an Erebonian base, Lloyd for allowing a world war to happen and becoming a terrorist, and nobody lifts a finger at Rixia who is a murderer for hire, then Crow has nothing to answer for either.
Not CS characters so it’s okay
Who the fuck are any of these people?
Everything is technology
People with magic are admins of Zemuria’s simulation
play kuro
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am i in the right thread
This week's characters are: Elaine, René, Kevin, Swin, Nadia, Rufus and Lapis.

>no ries
its OVER
I think it's time we all admit what everyone in the fanbase knows.

Renne is a mary sue.
This will make the Na-chan, Su-chan, and La-chan anons very happy
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Picnic kino!!
>kevin is teaming up with rufus
I kneel. Your localizations are actually 99% accurate! The chodes have to resort to nitpicking to justify their fragile existence! NISA will never not win.
Turn on your orbal televisions. It's time for SNL with your host Rufus Albarea
Fagcom's said they're disappointed with the sales of their games post-Reverie. The ultimate cope is to shrug off posts mentioning the abysmal sales.
I'm sure people will love to learn that this is about them going after anti immigration organization.
Because according to the Famitsu leak, that is what Elaine is doing.
New confirmed playable characters until now:
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Ah, so what Nina says in the trailer is directed to Rufus.
A face to face in the middle of nowhere. Masks off.
Left to right:

Police Department head Dasanwi
A Calvardian bracer NPC, IIRC he was mentoring a new junior Bracer
Bracer Alvis, surprised he was never playable. He shows up a lot.
Another Bracer, forgot her name, she has more screentime than the first one on the left but not as much as Alvis
Same as above
Don't care. Kai won't even get an MTL this time because the guy making the required tools was filtered so hard by Kuso 2 that he quit. You'll have to stick to living vicariously through Let's Plays, and lets be real, only total fucking losers watch others play video games, haha...
Kevin joining the picnic squad sounds fun
All of these Bracers have more intricate costumes than Kai Rean
The middle eastern bracer is La'Ahad and the girl is Regina. The one on the far right is Gray Arnold.
is anyone gay in the kiseki series
Did Elaine's boobs get bigger?
Here >>483491801
Yes. The player
We've seen the butts of all the female characters on that list
>investigating an anti-immigration organization
>has a summer uniform, facial expression looks worse than before
>four-eyes who can also shine in battle
>in contact with foreign powers
>pay attention to the information coming from his mouth
>planning to contact Rufus as part of some mission
>this has very big implications during the game
>crossbow looks like something from Super Robot Wars
>on a mission given by Rufus
>meets Kevin
>there's a pleasant scene/scenes involving him and nadia where nadia gets flustered
>more emotive than in previous works
>teases Kevin while staying vigilant around him
Rufus Albarea
>working behind the scenes
>making the best of his abilities while working with Lapis
>hunter on the run
Lapis Rosenberg
>has changed into a new body
>has become more sensual (?)
>sensitivity is greater than before, appetite same as before
author comment at the end:
>it's unclear if rufus is playable
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>Lapis Rosenberg
>has become more sensual
Lapis is more sensual and Nadia getting flustered? Classic Falcoom
we need to STOP the kiseki fandom's assocation with pedophilia
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7 straight hours of lovemaking sex.
trails into hags
Kai isn't kuro 3 since the series is heading towards it's conclusion.
Planning to announce something within the 20th anniversary.
Kiseki's conclusion will probably not take 10 years, 5-6 years?

So still seems like next is Sky remake and then the final arc to me.
go back to resetera
Daybreak has a large amount of homosexuals and transfaggots. That's why it's called Gaybreak.
>Doing cool thing
>bros working together

>Sex object
>Muh white supremacists!!!
ED9-3. Call it what you want. Won't change what it is. It was initially even called Kuro Final Chapter.
Women do not belong in vidya.
Prove me wrong.
I knew meme unification was gonna get an upgrade

Who is this ?
>who is this character from a 3 year old game
gee, i don't know retard
I only played up to Cold Steel 3 so far. Why are you so aggressive? Geez.
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I can't wait!
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Go back
bro... there are 5 games worth of spoilers happening right now... haha...
Neck yourself, Mondblut, you faggot pedophile retard.
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no, I think i will cum in cumdoll
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Only two of those insults are correct, one of which is not.
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Kuro has faggots and you have to help them realize their love if you want to 100% the game.
Sensual Lapis? So her and Rufus are pretty much official now
the faggotry ends up destroying their friendship though
Are you retarded?
>I think we were able to realize most of the story we had originally planned for KAI no Kiseki
Finally good news... or bad news
>Trails of Cold Steel took 5 episodes including Hajimari.
Cold Steel 5 bros we fucking won
>You may not believe it, but originally I was going to make it into two parts.
Fuck you... 5 games of Rean
>The fact that Kai is not Rei 3 is a sign that the series is coming to an end.
Lol. Kuro 3 is officially dead
>A certain character also appears, and I think that conveys our determination
>Nothing has been confirmed about the final protagonist or setting, and my thoughts may change
Not Cedric
>I would be happy if everyone could play and voice their opinions as if they were participating in the development together

>Kai has more exploration elements in the field and may feel like Ys
>Since the early titles are almost unplayable on current consoles, I would like to have an opportunity to port them or remake them at some point, but making them playable all at once requires preparation
No good pls no. Just finish this shit
>We will make some kind of announcement during the 20th anniversary, so please look forward to it.
Where’s Emma merch? Where’s Emma in Kai?
>I don't know how many years the Kiseki series will continue, but I don't think it will be 10 years. 5 or 6 years?
Putin and fat korea man will start a war and the world will ends before Kiseki ending
Lapis is basically Rufus' adoptive daughter/electronic pet
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Being a butler is rewarding work but the wetworks never leave you alone
he looks like a nightclub owner now
>>The fact that Kai is not Rei 3 is a sign that the series is coming to an end.
Is the series ending right here? No chance of an arc set in the dying far east featuring clans and villages warring over what little food is left? No chance to get to see the original homelands of the Easterners?
Yes anon, the series is lasting at least another 5-6 years but Kai is the final game
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Gotta feed the kids somehow.
4-5 games in 5-6 years?
If there is no new Kiseki game next year due to Xanadu, expect a kiseki game every year until the end.
Nothing is stopping this train!
You don't help them "realize their love.' The faggot is in love with the other man, the other man does not feel the same way, that guy's sister loves the faggot. All three are unhappy at the end. Well, the guy the faggot is love with is mostly just neutral. He's not really miserable. His sister and faggot are though.
Haha... it's not a train, it's tuk-tuk, sars.
>fag side quest
>fag bartender
>tranny party member
Woke no Kusoki...
Knowing that Sony fucked up and NISa are seething right now really warms my heart, bros <3
Someone should make a video laughing at them
It was not a catastrophic leak.
>CS3 leaked by geotards on /fg/
>I think CS4 leaked too but nobody believed it coz it was april1
>Zero/Ao/Haji/Nayuta all leaked on epic game store
idk about ys 9 and 10, but lol
Ok guys
I have a theory
What if Genesis don’t send people back to the past but... teleport characters memories to the next Zemuria loop... something like FF Type-0 (at the end of the world a lot of titans appear in the world and destroy everything reseting the loop)
Kea never rewind the timeline
CS1 intro happened in another loop
Musse didn’t see the future... maybe she saw the past... the previous loop
GM is trying to do something with the loops
Loop my nuts around your head
>daybreak 2 2025
Uh, bros? I thought it was coming in 2027!
>daybreak 2 human translation before /fg/
It’s obvious at this point that Zemuria’s Timeline happened more than once
>be Campanella
>not a SINGLE figure at all
Jesus fucking Christ my favorite character doesn't get one but there's so fucking many other ones
agreed, but still enough to make them angry, it seems.
even when they win, they do it with a L.
not really. the kuro 2 fanpatch was based primarily on sam farron's youtube playthrough
Yes, really. It happened with Hajimari. It happened with Kuro 1, and now it's happening with Kuro 2. You haven no way of knowing what your fuckboy's Japanese level is or whether any of it is accurate at all. Schizzy blindly added it to the patch and ESL MTL'd the rest. It's actually sad.
>youtube translation
doesn't matter how good he is; you said it wasn't human, and sam is human
It's not translation at all when he doesn't understand what he's attempting to read. He could be running a text parser and MTLing it for all you know. Or viewing it through Google Lens and formulating a more coherent, completely made up sentence.
Sam isn't a tranny, so he can't make a trannylation like NISA.
i never said it was good. you must really hate him if you assume i'm defending his honour when i already stated it was the "human translation" thing i was debating.
was he another of the people on /fg/'s rotation of people they obsess over or something?
>translators are NOT HUMAN
if inaccuracy voids a translation then nisa's doesn't count either.
stop being so angry at the internet and think rationally
We covered this in the last thread. Open a random page on the trailsintedatabase site and compared the Japanese text to the official English text. 99% of the text accurate and conveys the exact intended meaning without fail. It's a 100% human translated script with confirmed high degrees of accuracy. You lost.
Wait, what happened?
Daybreak 2 got confirmed for 2025.
Nothing major, if you have PS5 console set to english it will display the Japanese version of the Kuro 2 as the english version thus confirming the localization and showing the official english logo.

Means nothing, unless Nisa was only going to show the logo thus that "surprise" is now gone.
>99% of localisations are accurate
making up numbers is a really bad faith argument, man.
there are millions of lines in the series, quantifying that would be a years-long undertaking.
they change everything from names of characters, locations, game titles, nicknames. they also add unnecessary shit once every few lines, to the point they're memed for it regularly and people call it nisa fanfiction.
it's a shame we couldn't have an actual fun debate about this, but nisa bootlickers just can't stop lying, i guess.
sad hours, bros
Nov 2024*
People who "won" do not constantly need validation and to go around telling everyone they did. It's extremely obvious the fact Nisa was beat to the punch several times makes you seethe or you wouldn't constantly be bringing it up. Only insecure pathetic losers need constant assurance. The fact that all these fan patches live rent free in your head is proof enough of your failure.
Nitpicking and presenting said nitpicking as proof of 100% of the script being inaccurate is really a bad faith argument, and you dedicate your entire being to this on both /vg/ and /v/! Again, feel free to spend however long you want on comparing the Japanese and English lines in the database. Pick random pages and knock yourself out. Your narrative collapses in on itself immediately and the existential crisis begins.
daybreak 2 was supposed to be the BIG REVEAL for anime expo, and now sony fucked it for them.
this happened before and nisa warned them not to do it again, but they still did.
i think that's pretty major
not the second anon you mentioned, but i never said 100% of the script is inaccurate.
someone said kuro 2's patch isn't human, so i said there was a human involved.
someone (probably you) said it doesn't count if it's inaccurate, so i said that would void nisa's too, in that case.
you said it's 99% accurate, i said that's bullshit.
you accused me of saying the fanpatch is 100% accurate, which i didn't.
you're a terrible debater.
*correction: you actually accused me of saying 100% of the script is inaccurate in the xseed/nisa versions.
i didn't.
i said by your logic, their many inaccuracies would null and void their translation.
shit, even when i misunderstand something, i still prove you're a liar
The fact that kuro 2 comes out almost three years after the Japanese release is supposed to be major news is laughable, this shouldn't be a big setback.

But if it gets Sony to remove this stupid "feature", then all is fine.
It's irritating seeing my Japanese games either get English or Chinese names and art added to them in the OS.
it is laughable, yeah, but even that got fucked up for them.
the real interesting thing is how the west will respond to the clusterfuck that is kuro 2
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It's at LEAST 99% accurate. Again, visit the database and spend as much time as you want comparing the Japanese and English scripts. Pick any random line. By the sounds of it, you'd be surprised. The only thing I've said is that you have literally no way of knowing how accurate your fuckboy Sam's "translations" are. He could be using Google Lens on his phone for all you know.
This has always been your claim, and why you spend all your time spamming these boards with your anti-localization madness. Do as I suggested above. Even rough MTL of basic lines like this shows you how accurate the so-called fanfic is. Do this to 50k lines if you must. Haha... I mean, mother...
why do you people still respond to him all he wants is (you)s lol
Destroys your narrative, doesn't it? Daybreak 2 within 12 months of Daybreak! That's not 36 months, is it? Haha, bros... I can't handle this.
The only way I could ever give Nisa an applause if they somehow gets Kai out sometime next year, and even then I think over a year is too long of delay.
If they just get Kai out in 2026, that isn't a win, that is just finally getting back to the 2 years delay that were there with Cold Steel IV.
Kiseki Dissidia? A Kiseki Warriors game would be more fun.
i never said sam's translations were accurate, just that he's human.
and you still can't prove 99% of the official stuff is accurate unless you individually analyse the literally millions of lines of dialogue.
one page won't change that.
bad faith.
i can applaud their dedication to putting shit out post-haste, but it's difficult to get excited for their versions when they're peppered with stupid fan fiction like katy perry lyrics
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Don't you see the irony of this? You fags spend all day and night calling NISA's translations fanfic because of the most blatant nitpicking imaginable, yet you never want to confirm it for yourself on a bigger scale. Again, visit literally any random page on the database for CS3 and 4 and do the test yourself on the most basic lines you can find that don't require context that makes MTL shit itself. And the series doesn't have anywhere close to "millions of lines of dialogue." CS3 and 4 combined have around 90k.

There's absolutely no chance this is ever going to happen unless Falcom gets an in-house translator that works on the script alongside the writers. I can see them getting it done in 18 months at best.
>CS3 and 4 combined have around 90k.
At least a third of the "rows" are system or dummied text. It's substantially less than that.
>If they just get Kai out in 2026, that isn't a win, that is just finally getting back to the 2 years delay that were there with Cold Steel IV.
This is the best we can hope for really. Only way NISA is ever catching up is if Falcom gives Kiseki more off years. Kai out spring 2026 instead of summer is pretty much the only consolation prize on the table
Sunk cost is the only factor that kept me playing Kiseki
Why the fuck would you play this shit series instead of reading a good novel or watching a nice movie? Kiseki are poor videogames, they offer very low interaction and are completely on rails, the battle system is too shallow to stay compelling for more than half the games, the writing itself is fucking awful, you played one of these games and you played them all.
Kiseki are like the embodiment of what's wrong with jRPGs and plot-driven videogames in general.
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Tio lost
Everyone uniting against those EVIL anti-immigration white people. How much ESG money did Falcom receive this time around, I wonder?
Why'd Lloyd pussy out on a possible trio with Cecile, Ilya and Rixia? The chinese whore does things to me...
why did falcom and nisa both drop crimson sin from the title
Subtitles are cringe.
Having a subtitle makes it sound like it's an important game and Kuro 2 is filler. They dropped -End of Saga- because it wasn't really the End of the Saga haha...
so will they drop farewell o zemuria when it turns out nothing happened in kai
They always exclude them in the English releases. It's probably for consistency. As someone with mild OCD, I can appreciate it.
I wonder how many kuro games we would've had if it sold like sen? Kondo is such disingenuous fucking faggot, so in the end kuro selling 50k was a blessing in disguise, imagine if we had 2 or 3 games like kuro 2 or cs3/4 kek.
Falcom themselves got rid it for the Kuro 2 Switch port.
Kai no Kiseki will have a lot more open exploration and feel more like Ys.
i want the games to become LESS homogenized not more
kuros action mode gameplay already plays like a somwhow even shittier version of flash ys which i didnt think was possible
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can't believe nisa's fanfic TL will make kuro 2 actually good....
on Kuro 2, does the Marchen Garten have a Daydream/Door equivalent or is it just a postgame dungeon? I loved those and I hope we get more of them and/or more games with Cross Story desu. speaking of that, would games like CS4 be salvaged if they gave us a system like we received in Reverie?
Kuso 2 will never be good, just like how Corked Shart 4 will never be good.
hi, kea!!
>on Kuro 2, does the Marchen Garten have a Daydream/Door equivalent
No, but you do get the new final boss and extended epilogue if you complete it.
Will we get more scans shit quality scans today or it'll be tomorrow?
Still better than any Tales game made in its history.
High quality ones comes out around midnight Hawaii I think,
We'll maybe get some more poor quality scans an hour before the actual scans, which should happen in less than 6 hours.
not a very high bar
CS3 is actually worse than some tales games
No, they're actually bottom of the barrel-tier, even by Falcom standards.
>Kai isn't kuro 3 since the series is heading towards it's conclusion.
Why did Kondo even phrase it like this? He could've said it was both Kuro 3 and important conclusion to all of the previous arc, or did he mean the reason why Kai isn't titled as Kuro 3 is because it's heading towards it's conclusion? Do you think Kondo really axed Kuro 3 or he just combined Kuro 3 and another Hajimari type game that should've been released after Kuro 3?
Kinda true, but despite my hate for CS3 I still think it's better than Zesteria.
Haha, I don't. CS2, 3, 4 and 5 are just a different chunk of the same constipated turd. Kuro is the loose diarrhea that follows passing said constipated turd. I have no faith in Falcom anymore.
It's simple marketing. It's not Kuro 3, please buy our game. Good starting point, completely separate from Kuro 1 and 2.
wasting 16 hours of your life every day on board of a game series that you hate so much. not a good look is it anon.
It's the Falcom General, not the Cuckshitki General, and the only one spending 16 hours a day here is (You).
Why do we have a Falcom general anyway? 99% of the posts are about Kiseki, whenever a new Ys comes out barely anyone gives a fuck.
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>It's not Kuro 3, please buy our game. Good starting point, completely separate from Kuro 1 and 2.
Yeah, this general is 10 EXTREMELY obsessed individuals who can't stop sucking Rean and Van's cocks and give zero fucks about anything else related to Falcom, and that includes Sky and Crossbell. Mind Broken Kisekid General
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Treating muh white terrorists as a fucking DG cult level enemy just killed a lot of my interest in this game. Nobody cares about them, nobody asked for this garbage.
don't matter. it's fine to spend 16 hours on something you love but it's just downright unhealthy if it's 16 hours on something you hate. You might as well end it all now.
Yeah, you should get a life instead of spending 16 hours a day here.
Some tale of games have a good plot and characters like the Abyss, but I had more fun with Kuro 2 than all of the tales of games combined.
Some people like playing with their own shit. Just saying.
Isn't this the second time they spoil the Rufufufus twist in Reverie? the route actually was kino once they dropped the mask so I guess it's not that big as it's barely scratching the surface.
speaking from experience, I take it then?
We don't talk about our hobbies here. But thanks for sharing your experiences, tales of faggot.
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it was an olive branch to the other falcom refugees since kiseki is the only falcom series that can actually sustain a general on its own but instead of being grateful they have a place to discuss any falcom game they want should they ever wish to they just spend it crying about how mad it makes them that people talk about kiseki
Observation. You just confessed to having a good time playing around in the toilet bowl after Kondo took a shit.
nah you definitely have the aura of experience of having a scat fetish you disgusting monster.
I like Ys and Xanadu Next, but I don't see the point in discussing it here... will this general die when the last kiseki game releases?
Spoil what? It's a 4 year old game
Laugh at this poster
>he is a pedofile
>he has scat fetish
>he is a talesfag
>he is a homo
You L I T E R A L L Y professed your love for one one of the worst RPGs to ever come out of Japan and now you're trying to NO U the coprophage accusation, haha...
Yes, I am laughing at you, Mondblut. Your pedophilia is not something you attempt to hide.
yo fudgepacker, been fucking little boys recently and eating their poo?
>now he's actually hiding in plain sight by projecting his own fetishes and actions upon others
Haha, that's our Kuso 2 enjoyer!
wokefag has lost it completely.
didn't realise he was into scat, yikes.
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You know as someone who genuinely enjoyed Kuro 1 and thought it was a great start of a new arc, I feel really discouraged because of what happened with kuro 2 and now Kai. My only hope is that Kai will properly finish Van and co. story and character arcs, because despite having 2 games, I still feel like Calvard arc only started...
I see wokefag is back to ruin a thread after being completely drowned out the last 3 threads.
Rean cosplaying as Loewe lowkey makes me think he is now the 7th anguis and Class VII are the new stahlritter.
Haha, you call everyone wokefag. It has no meaning. You immediately attribute things you don't like to a single label, no matter how disconnected it is from anything. The guy sperging about Kuro being anti-white must kek internally each time he sees someone being called wokefag.
when will we get the ost preview i want to hear the singa bangers
careful, you'll wake up the anti singa brigade
When Renne sees Rean, she is going to be so soaking wet and beg him to take her in all holes.
the only times when /fg/ is bearable is when we get the news or when a new kiseki game releases. Daily reminder to not feed wokefag, he's also related to the tales of faggot who might be his different persona he uses to appear somewhat normal, but then he starts talking about his scat fetishes and it all loops back.
How long before we get an edited mtl patch for Kai after release? I'll take pajeet tier english over Nisa waiting times.
Wrong on all counts. Try again. The only accurate label here is Schizua, aka patchfag, aka the guy who's terminally online and always seething about NISA.
Rean-Kyoukan kakkoi!!
could pretty much be done the same day CLE pc version is out, but the quality will be subpar. it might be just about enough to understand the barebones of the story
Not happening since the guy who maintained the tools used to extract and replace game files quit. Unless they work on the CLE Kai port still.
There's not gonna be a patch this time, no one is updating the tools people use because no one cares about the series anymore
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Me and my wives.
Latest PS4 firmware isn't jailbroken
Good luck
CLE will take at least 6 months for a shoddy port (ys x)
Kurotools is dead, double goodluck

So enjoy your Chinese to JP to English MTL
If you faggots didn't start with the patchshit we'd be getting a spreadsheet from Zero Field. Now we don't have spreadsheets OR patches.
I don't even see the point of wanting another mtl slop again.
NISA will release Kai after a year of its jap release with their superior translation.
I'm glad someone said it.
/fg/ always take it too far then ruins it for everyone.
So who is gonna translate kai this time?
the earliest we are gonna get kai in west is oct 2025, that's still 1 year 1 month away.
>still doubting nisa

You'll get youtubers who "know" (wink wink) "japanese" that will do "translate" it while they do their playthroughs

then hopefully some /fg/ anons who "know japanese" will transcribe the entire into a script then some hackery into the pristine chink port, of course sprinkle in a bit of MTL because MTL never hurts nobody ))))
Took you this long to figure that out? Lol
The patchhomo's favorite terminology in response to this is "bootlicker." He has not once accepted responsibility for getting ZF shut down for using their spreadsheet for his patch. There was even precedent for what happened when someone announced intent to do the same on reddit, and he still did it. No one to blame but himself. The Zero Field fags already announced that they were working on Kuro 2 when it happened, haha.
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Seems like we will have a Rufus/Swin/Kevin/Lapis/Nadia group, if the Famitsu is any indication.
Next is probably Rean/Shizuna/Crow/Altina/Fie/Towa.
So the last group could be Cao/Tio/Rixia/Lloyd/Renne if they are showing characters who are already here along with returning ones together.
no Ries?
Lloyd isn't coming back.



If Crow is there, its very likely that Vita will appear at some point.
Vita in swimsuit for intermission, fuck yes.
They'll have to showcase Hermes too, right...?
Shizuna is back to working with Gramheart again
I hope is a really skimpy bikini agnes tier or an undersized school swimsuit because crow likes school teens.
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So I guess Van won't be able to romance Shizuna or other girls, so it's only Anies or Elaine according to the webcm... sad news really, Shizuna and Van have a way better chemistry in just a few scenes compared to Anies and Elaine who barely even have any chemistry with Van in a spawn of 2 games.
Lloyd not going after Tio is proof that he is the biggest homosexual in this series
why do all Reanfags have the same boogeyman? Reverie changed my opinion of him but it's not hard to deny that the writing surrounding him before that game was just dogshit due to Falcom not willing to bite the dust and having him be a paragon of justice for some god forsaken + a rehash of Kevin's backstory but a Ries that isn't even likeable + never being allowed to have a platonic relationship with any playable woman without the option for a romance. Crossbell suffered from it too but it's nowhere near as invasive as Cold Steel. Juna-, Musse- and Altinafags can suck my cock as their final bonding events are the worst offender, only topped by Alisa who's self explanatory meaning that Towa is cute and canon!
It doesn't seem like she's even in the game.
I still have hope that Celis and Rion will be playable again. Waning hope, but still hope.
Only the villains are pedophiles in this series, scumbag.
it's actually falcom's fault for being so unfathomably incompetent that we needed spreadsheets and patches to begin with.
the patchmakers did a good deed for the community
They will be playable since they were playable in Kuro 2, and there's no reason for them to fuck off like Rixia and Fie did.
Nigga he has a daughter and elie why the fuck he should go after tio? They are basically married since Ao.
to play devil's advocate, what's the best option, then?
fanpatches fucking up by mistake or nisa making mistakes on purpose?
either way, unless we learn japanese, we're getting a subpar translation, just for different reasons.
localisations, official or otherwise, are just fanfiction, adding and subtracting things either due to incompetency or politically motivated reasons.
learning japanese is literally the only option.
everything else is making the best out of a bad situation
Rean lusted after altina since the ending of cs2. They did a lot of stuff togheter.
>the patchmakers did a good deed for the community
Some of them

Zeromonkey was the OG and was based, so is Guren
Geofront definitely did it for the clout, especially since <they> run pretty much all the english communities
ZF largely did it for the community, based (thank you /fg/ for ruining that for us!)
That one little reddit group that wanted to do Haji but got an instant takedown? Geofront clout wannabe fags
anons on /fg/ who did it for "the community"? Cloutfags
I don't think it would've worked to begin with. they're clearly pushing Ellie and unlike Alisa, there's some actual common ground. she was willing to open up emotionally to him on her wishes for Crossbell's indepedence and they wish to attain the same goal. having it be Tio would take away emotional value from the fact that the SSS is a newfound family after everything she's gone through. having it just be Lloyd that meets her parents, and not her colleagues that helped her overcome her past, is just weird and stupid writing on Falcom's part. Tiofags can gargle on my ballsack and insert themselves in doujins but their headcanon is objectively shit
The "patchmakers" hurt the community for short-term vanity. The spreadsheets were around since Sen 3 and could co-exist just fine. Both Reverie and Daybreak had officially announced localizations. There was only one outcome for such shortsightedness. Falcom IS the true villain, though.
Ronnie eating cement after Caochad kicks his ass.
Geofront was shit. I puked playing ao\zero with their lolsomeme translation. Goddamnit it was so fucking awful but no other choices.
that's a bit rich to call anon cloutfags considering they are literally anons and unknown.
how can you do something for clout when you are literally anonymous
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Hermes and Kurogane both took off their helmet and mask in the same game, revealing a seemingly visual connection to Van.
there's also no guarantee nisa wouldn't have acted otherwise.
they might have, but we'll never know.
i can see why you'd not like the patchmakers for this, but falcom's boomer shit is why we're here, and nisa's bullying also didn't help.
singling out the patchmakers seems a bit odd for this reason
Patch anons are based and did all the work for free so we could enjoy the text in game rather than in overlay, they even translated npc dialogues. They didn't know that nisa were such a disgusting pieces of shits and would go straight to kill off zero field.
Kurogane. Kuro no Kiseki. We should've known that he would be important.
clout? they're anonymous, man. come on.
zerofield are lovely, i agree.
never heard of these redditors, but i think we dodged a bullet there.
as for geofront, they won't even reveal if nisa paid them for the patch, and they work for nisa now, so they're sellouts who betrayed the fandom, and now they do nisa's work on all online platforms.
fuck geofront, clout-chasing cunts
fucking based.
/fg/ patchbois made that patch because the spreadsheets were a pain in the fuckin ass lol, relying on remoteplay and lag which made a long game even longer.
nisa probably would've came for them anyway, /fg/ just accelerated the process.
it's all on falcom for being so slow that this situation even occured
You work on somebody's licensed IP you always run the risk of getting shutdown, if they were oblivious to that fact, they are fucking dumb

But the patchtards, patching the game, making it as "official" as they can with all the patching, custom branding and titles, literally going above and beyond for means for NO reason other than for vanity and clout....

But ZF got super fucked in the process, yes
Not odd at all. Someone announced that they were going to turn the spreadsheet into a PC patch and were shut down immediately by NISA. It was only ever going to end this way.
>You work on somebody's licensed IP you always run the risk of getting shutdown

unless you're geofront.
they did exactly that and nisa bought them out.
maybe zerofield and /fg/ didn't expect nisa to be hypocritical cunts
Crossbell wasn't announced at the time and was a NEVER EVER in the west. Imagine thinking making patches for Reverie and Daybreak being the same thing, haha...
not when you use nisa buying out geofront as an example.
they set a precedent for patches being not only okay, but also validated fan patches by doing this
maybe if failcom and nishart didn't take 3 fucking years to release games in english then there wouldn't be a need for patches and spreadsheets haha...
See >>483549593
i'm talking about the timeframe situated around the zerofield and geofront controversy.
nisa bought out geofront first, so there was no reaon for zerofield or /fg/ patchmakers to be weary of nisa.
they shut down zerofield after they rimmed geofront
>Irina becomes one of good guys for no reason at all in CS3
I know that it requires you to actually pay attention to what happened in the first two games, but you really should. The entire point of CS1 and 2 was smoothing out the relationships between the remaining members of the Reinford clan culminating with Alisa and Irina making up in the CS2 Roer visit after fighting the recycled sword bot from Crossbell. Alisa would have never worked for CS1/2 era Irina.
One is a project that would be a waste of time to translate from scratch. The other was in progress.
See >>483549593
it was risky at first, but nisa never alluded to taking action during the early days. it was risky, but they let it slide.
it was only after acquiring the geofront patch that they became heavy handed, but there was no way of seeing that sudden change coming when all nisa ever did was let the spreadsheets slide and then officially endorse a fan patch.
for that reason, /fg/ patchers had no way of seeing it coming.
the tacit threat of legal action always existed, butit really did come out of nowhere, and it was spearheaded as much by geofront being acquired as it was /fg/ jumping the gun
Schizua, you should just accept that you played with fire and other people got burned. It's as simple as that. Again, someone already announced that they were going to do the same with the existing spreadsheets and it was shut down on the spot. There was precedent for what would happen.
boring talk, let's talk about waifus in swimsuits in Kai. who will look the best
localising crossbell was a waste of time to begin with. they did it for easy money, and they're still hypocrites for it.
that they would so publicly expose themselves for that was unexpected.

once again, blame falcom for this whole thing.
spreadsheets are annoying, laggy and rely on multiple pieces of software and hardware.
/fg/ likely thought this too and sped things up for the western fans that falcom neglect for decades.
how dare they put the fans first? it must be for clout. yeah, that's why.
but no, let's single them out specifically, even though they were literally the only group in this whole esoteric shitshow with good intentions, and brand them clout-chasers, despite the fact they never attached their name to it.
they're not perfect, but most of the cunts in this fandom didn't deserve that kindness
i appreciate you for working on the patch m8, but just admit you killed ZF and all patchwork done in the future for a bit of attention
imagine being so miserable that you take the one group in the whole trails scene who acted selflessly and try to put a negative spin on it, while not saying a thing about how it's falcom fault any of it happened.

without that patch, you'd be waiting years for californian nisa slop or playing an annoying spreadsheet version and constantly dipping out via remoteplay.

but no, let's blame the one group that tried to do good and pin it ALL on them.
lol fandum
I hope that Fie, Celis, and Hermes get swimsuits that show off their butts. I'm not expecting Hermes to be playable, but if Nina could parade herself around in a bikini then so can Hermes
makes me wonder what happened to musseanon
Waste of time? It was a huge success. Translating the game from scratch would be a waste of time, which is why they bought the existing translation. You should be mad at Falcom, but someone else was already shut down when they announced a PC patch. The difference is they were actively working on those games themselves and they had been officially announced. You're delusional if you think they'd ever let that slide. Spreadsheets don't affect sales.
Schizua, you've been running from responsibility for over a year now. It's time to accept what you've done. You're directly responsible for the chain of events that got the one and only spreadsheet/fan translation group shut down. Why? Because you're better than NISA and must show the world how much better you are. Vanity project through and through, as much if not more so as the Geofaggots.
/fg/ being more active than usual means 80% of the posters are retarded and most likely come from /v/ to shit this general up desu. I appreciate the work they put in and we wouldn't have had the Crossbell games be as widely available as they are now had it not been for them. they made sure consolefwens were able to experience the game and good for them
No need to respond to yourself. You've already used up the allotted cope slots in this thread already.
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>How dare he have a different opinion than mine, surely he must be samefagging
I doubt we will get any new swimsuits. It will probably be the same as Kuro 2, where you could get them in Märchen, plus a new one for the new playable characters. I'm more curious about what new costumes they will offer as DLC this time. Kuro 1 had swimsuits, and Kuro 2 had Z1 Queen and suits.
>It was a huge success
we'd need exact numbers to ascertain as much.
>You should be mad at Falcom
i've said repeatedly that falcom are the root cause of this.
>Spreadsheets don't affect sales.
lol nisa fears zerofield. really though, if a few pan patches fuck nisa over that much, ditch them; they're obviously on the edge of bankruptcy if that's the case
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>kevin returns, but ries isn't in the game and he has to share his parts with rufus and his gang whereas rean gets his parts all to himself
Even when he wins he actually loses kek
Find a rope, find a chair, and make your parents smile for their first time in the last 20 years. You've been a failure your entire life, I only hope that you succeed one time.
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oh Shizuna.. you are so utterly fucked.
>we'd need exact numbers to ascertain as much.
No. Falcom already said they far exceeded expectations, and the concurrent player peaks were about half of CLE Kuro's. The production costs must've been close to nothing considering the scripts were already done. NISA "fears" Zero Field because you turn their work into PC patches, which affect sales. You're very dense.
Holy meds. You should legitimately seek help. Are you by any chance Mondblut? He is as aggressive as you, and as you know, an actual unapologetic pedophile. Maybe you should work on that while you're at it.
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yep hatguy is definitely C.Epstein
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You must impregnate Shizuna Rean.... you must continue the 8 leaves 1 blade bloodline to save humanity....
Belly dancer costumes for the girls and ninja/samurai/Eastern costumes for the guys could be fun.
lol Lapis actually got a new artifical body, one that can grow.

lolifags are losing every day.
I didn't though about that, but yeah, could be nice. Doing kimono would be boring
yep they basically milliumed Lapis into a homunculus body
>falcom goes woke
>lolicon pandering starts getting phased out
so it is actually you mondblut, suck on that you pedo twat, all your beloved lolis are growing too old for you. time for you to start considering the chair and noose you sick fuck muhahahaha
go back to xitter you subhuman nigger pedophile
blog on famitsu
the specific lines
>Lapis Rosenberg
Transferred to a new body AI
She's become a little more voluptuous
Her sensitivity is even greater, but her appetite remains the same.
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>She's become a little more voluptuous
>Her sensitivity is even greater, but her appetite remains the same.
high res scans should be out in approx 1 and a half hours or so.
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Is that a subtle way to say that all chinks look the same or falcom is just being lazy again?
>Some changes/evolution in the Van/Elaine/Agnes relationship
>I want you guys to look back on Van and Elaine talk in Kuro 2
So they are going for the canon romance route, aren't they
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thanks, keep us updated.
I want the female characters to receive Olympia's ribbon costume in different colors. It's a pretty cool and sexy outfit
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The RAT...
You probably should add 2 more hours to that, in 3 hours and 20 minutes.
Midnight in Japan is when the magazine comes out in digital stores, and then high res scans spreads out on the web.
Seems that way, I wish Van could reject both of them and go with Shizuna or Judith, but yeah...
Rean is such a fucking manlet lmao
How tall is Crow btw?
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It was obvious from the get go with how hard they pushed Van/Elaine and Agnes, and especially Kuro 2 where Van flat out said he still wants to pursue a relationship with Elaine, but haremcucks didn't want to accept it.
People reading too far into what is said in interview again.
Elie and Lloyd's relationship sure progressed and changed in Hajimari, didn't it...
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Canon harem or nothing.
Surely this time will be different, Kondo would never lie...
Let's just wait and see.
haremfags are coping pretty hard right now
Let's wait and see.
Lets just say he would btfo Van in height difference. He’s 185cm.
I just don't see the whole Van x Elaine thing that most people seemingly sees, especially in the marketing for Kai.
Almost nothing for her in store bonuses.
She seems like an obstacle between Van and Agnes for cheap drama.
The loser heroine which her fanbase can feel sorry for her.
An "mature story" of how high school romances not always goes as intended.
No real presens in the main story, attached to the anti immigration side plot.
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Harem chads will prevail.
Also as a harem chad I despise CS and Zero/Ao pick your waifu garbage, kiseki never had a true harem ending.
>fanpatches fucking up on propose for the memes or nisa making mistakes on purpose?
Whatever you want to believe
Crow is very tall compared to most of the playable characters in Reverie. So Rean really isn't all that short at all. It's just that Crow is remarkably tall by Kiseki standard.
Rean is 178cm, Van is 180.
>coldshitter can't have a discussion without bringing up Van
Whatever you want to believe
Struck a nerve huh?
Gonna be an awkward moment for Kusofags when Crow asserts his dominance by towering over him.
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Rean is so fucking pathetic lmao
>Elie and Lloyd's relationship sure progressed and changed in Hajimari, didn't it...
I mean Yeah kinda did when you play the game and reach Aromica
Are you of the retard variety? If the conclusion is within 5-6 years then it means there's no time for remakes
Do you think they press a button on the remake machine and a game comes out in 2 months?
Why is /fg/ full or morons...
/fg/ seems to think nisa has a button that they press that localizes everything so...
maybe he grew 2cm in the 2 years since hajimari? haha
>Says the IP Switcher
You faggots never learn huh?
Is a gap of 2cm really that large? I’m guessing crow would like a titan in this chart.
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Everything has been decided. Games will be revealed. Trails will reach its conclusion in 5-6 years.
>between Van and Agnes for cheap drama.
In the actual games and not your self insertion headcanon Van has no romantic interest in Agnes and has never shown any interest in her so it's completely one sided.
>No real presens in the main story, attached to the anti immigration side plot.
Because she's a side character.
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Why are Crowfags like this?
>muslim nazi
its pretty obvious we are getting sky remakes and one final arc for the series and that will be the end of the trails series.
it'll be like this
>2025 - Kyoto Xanadu
>2026 - Trails in Sky FC Remake with a little bit of SC
>2027 - Trails in Sky SC Remake with 3rd as 40h postgame content
>2028 - Ys XI
>2029 - Trails Finale Part 1
>2030 - Trails Finale Part 2
>2031 - Trails Finale Part 3
>2032 - Ys XII
>2033 - New Legend of Heroes series or a Trails spinoff game
>2034 sequel of above
>2035 Another Xanadu game
Why are you stalking people on twitter? Creep behaviour...
>character is attractive/charismatic and so they’re beloved by the opposite sex
>Somehow this is bad
Kek You tried
will you take your own life if you're proven wrong?
Which pronouns do you go by?
seek help mate, only mentally unwell people tries to encourage people to take their lives.
>Trails in Sky SC Remake with 3rd as 40h post game
Do you really, honestly, genuinely believe Falcom would give you 3rd on the house instead of selling it separately?
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They are very odd.
Not every woman on the internet is a tranny as you would like to believe.
Me personally i don’t believe in Lgbt.
Maybe some Blacklight District call girl costumes for the ladies?
No one wants another Shitadu.
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So many delicious girls and you're saying that Van can only romance two boring blondes? Fuck that, I want to romance every single Kuro girl, also Jolda is Van's new daughter wife and needs love.
i don't remember katy perry lyrics in any fanpatch, anon.
there are levels to this shit, my homie
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>Trails to Walk.
>Retributive Tower.
>Trails through Buckbreak
>The Grendal's All Yours.
>Beauty's Blade
>Archeozoic Big Hole
>holo cores
>bear the grendel
>shard swelling
>erika talks like a californian twitter femoid
>no na-chan or su-chan
>renne refers to herself by first person instead of by name
Weren't they wanting to do something different? They already did the Canon romance thing with sky.
>In the actual games and not your self insertion headcanon Van has no romantic interest in Agnes and has never shown any interest in her so it's completely one sided.
Of course Van is not going to be overly love with Agnes or anything, she's a minor and Van has already gone through a highschool level love relationship with someone else but it's slowly building up to something kind of relationship with Agnes.
The way Van is treating Agnes in Kuro 2 is already different from how he is treating her in Kuro 1.
Agnes is becoming a bigger and bigger part of Van's life, and it remains to be seen how Falcom will take it in Kai.
I call her Anies because I can never remember if it's Angés or Agnès haha
Why does kiseki and CS especially attracts so many fags and trannies?
I do. I actually enjoyed Tokyo Xanadu for what it is, a comfy, mindless game.
Excited for Kyoto Xanadu.
falcom are trying to shit out 2 games a year starting soon so this isn't happening
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>Is a gap of 2cm really that large?
You tell me.
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>The way Van is treating Agnes in Kuro 2 is already different from how he is treating her in Kuro 1.
True, he even started giving her compliments.
You're the one endlessly peddling your unhinged remake headcanon any chance you get, who's the mentally unwell one here?
You don't even like Sora Luke, why the fuck are you so obsessed with its remake?
So you don't know?
'fraid 'o.
is that british faggot still alive? I thought he died from illness or some shit.
I'm not Luke and I'm not the only britfag here.
>99% accurate translation
A+ harem. So many sexy babes
i'm waiting for the news
......Luke, I miss you I want to kiss you and touche you.
i think you should maybe take /fg/ a little less seriously as a new source on youtubers who keep 99% of the private lives a secret, homie
but I'm not Luke btw just a concerned citizen innit bruv
That's super ultra gay dude.
>but I'm not Luke btw
We get it Luke you just wanted to visit after a while
"concerned" is an accurate description, yes.
but i'm obviously rean
He was probably talking about a canonical love triangle, that's something new in the series.
just shut up and drink yer tea del boy
/fg/ said "luke is dead"
Most of the hardcore kiseki fans comes from UK and Brazil I find.
>canonical love triangle
It's not really a triangle when we have Renne, Judith, Risette and Shizuna entering the Vanbowl in Kuro 2.
This is Luke's younger brother, you people drove my brother into suicide with your incessant bullying because he wanted to share his passionate opinions about Trails with the world.
You are vile and disgusting, keep my brother's hallowed name out of your disgusting evil mouths and go back to talking about your 2D slags.
I will pursue legal action if you keep this up.
True but that's boring.
ronaldinho's a big fan. i hear he played cold steel 1 when he was in prison
>trannies boogeyman!
Success breeds jealousy i suppose
Aryton Senna would have loved Trails if he was still alive because he was such a simp for underage girls.
who the fuck is luke?
that's a tranny
>uses xhitter as hir main community
>uses the location in hir profile to showcase what hir's playing
I don't know, you tell me.
>uses /fg/ as his main community
>uses his untreated mental illness to get (You)s
>narrating his daily life again
The protagonist of Tales of the Abyss
i dont know either
You are actually so mindbroken by lgbtq culture that you question the legitimacy of any woman. I pity you.
Depends on how that's done if that's the case
You're the kind of guy who'd let a tranny fuck him up the ass and then tell your friends you smashed that.
We don't dissociate here.
Not sure about Judith
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There's nothing wrong with keeping honorifics in official translations
>but muh dub
Why would i care?
>he wont have sex because he’s scared that his date will be a tranny
Keep being an incel fat fuck then.
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Shit quality famitsu scans when?
>getting fucked up the ass by men is still having sex
>if you don't enjoy that you're just gonna have to be an incel
Let's just wait and see what happens.
>Why would i care?
Conversely, why would we care what you think?
honorifics has no place in Trails though, it is fine in games that takes place in Japan such as Yakuza for example.
They got teased in their connect event by her grandma. Also Judith needs to find a man to ensure that the next generation of grimcats will be strong and healthy.
Hush incel mentally ill weirdo who thinks all women are trannies. You lost.
Exactly. We'll just have to wait and see how the relationship between the two of them goes.
That's what Kevin is for. Perfect breeding stock for the next generation of Grimcats.
Kevin isn't a harem chad like Rean, Van or Lloyd. The only woman he'll get is Ries.
Sounds like you're constructing imaginary secnarios in your mind again, ally.
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another good example of honorifics in localisation would be persona.
we needn't be protected from japanese culture
you people have nothing better to do than stalking random kisekifags on twitter?
Nadia Raine: Her
facial expressions are more expressive than in the previous film. She
is wary of Kevin but still teases
him. She calls him "Hell's Onion" because his hairstyle resembles an onion.
>poor kevin, he's never gonna escape the onion tag is he?
They did. But we'll just have to wait and see.
>observing a public twitter account that was created to be seen
pick one, foo.
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>kevin will forever be known as an onion
It's so over Kebinbros...
Another Rean hater
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Everything has been decided. Characters will be revealed. The domino effect is taking its course. We'll just have to wait and see.
The most memorable character that the president puts forward is ◯◯.
After all, ◯◯ is the face of Kiseki.
I want him to play the main character again.
>oh no he's talking about Rean haha......
◯◯bros we're so fucking back!!!
Kondom is such a loser kek
Butt cheeks everywhere. Even little Feri is showing butt
That may be your opinion, but people will disagree with you, saying that Agnes is the obstacle for Van x Elaine.
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How the hell is this a summer uniform? You'd be roasting wearing this out in the sun.
Castle short is my favorite Kiseki character!
too many retards still thinking calvard arc will only cover 1 sept terrion. it's going to be 2 minimum, maybe even all 3.
Okay, how you know?
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True, she should've put something more light.
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Van will say something like this again while fighting the mysterious <<masked>> in Kai until he realizes that they're all robots based on the simulacrum technology.
kondo says Kai will put trails series at 90% therefore you have to wrap up 2 sept terrions in Kai at the absolute minimum.
Kai is confirmed as Kuro 3, seeing as it's tripling down on the wokeness
>Cops, bracers and Heiyue teaming up with no issues because oh muh white surpemacists
>Claude Epstein now a middle easterner
But hey, they threw in fucking Rean to save the sales.
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Van is cheeky in Kai I love it.
van should be the protagonist for the rest of the games since they fucked up calvard.
What is this site?
Van isn't even the protagonist of Kuro 2 let alone Kai LMAO
I honestly think that we don't know what Van is truly thinking. Remember the few times he was stunned by Agnes' words that he could say anything for a moment? From what I can tell, the two got closer. Not to have a straight-up romantic relationship, but by the end of kuro 1 and the start of kuro 2, there are signs they both got closer.
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>Elaine gets killed by some middle eastern nationalist
>Van joins the ouroboros and becomes white supremacist
Japs are allergic to him since he's not an incel self insert like R*an.
Just an blogger who leaks what is in magazines for years and posts random news.
It's the fastest place to know what is in that week's famitsu for example.
>i don't remember katy perry lyrics in any fanpatch
Really? I sure do Mondblut.
Rean is a bugmen's self-insert
Van is a white men's self-insert
Simple as
No such thing. This is just Kuro, therefore Bad people are white and white people are bad.
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Why didn't Van come out?
Really interested to see how it goes with him.
Feri is so hot and breedable.
Also legal in zemuria, from kuro 2, just to punctualize.
it's the leaker's comment, he said similar things for judith and feri. don't read too much into it, besides that the game will probably take place closer to summer than to winter
Most white men don't hate themselves. Therefore they should not play the humiliation ritual known as Kuro.
I don't expect much. They didn't even giving him new art or clothing.
>There's nothing wrong with keeping honorifics in official translations
The Trails world isn't in japan maybe when we go to the far east but now? no Van is the kiseki equivalent of an american him using honorifics make no sense other then to please the 1%.
quickest way to shut up the Vanfags they always go quiet about this humiliation on the grandest stage of them all
katy perry's too old for mondblut
Honestly those two are the only ones in the cast wearing anything suitable for summer. Everyone else has fluffy jackets and shit on.
We know, we know. That's Blackrock money for ya.
>They didn't even giving him new art or clothing.
Enami is just that fucking slow or falcom is cheapening on the art again.
HE DID IT AGAIN BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The worst thing is I tried to spoil azure to him but I was buried in thousands of comments.......... so my mission failed.
Considering he likes hsr he'll probably like cs too, it might even end up being his favorite arc.
Worst thing to happen to this series to be honest I really fucking Garnt.
nah you are the worst thing to happen to this series desu
we would be a much better fandom if you just died
100% dude loves harem disgustingly he will love Cold steel for all the wrong reasons
Scans when??
The cops and bracers teaming up with Heiyue actively makes me vomit in my mouth.
Isn't he going to anime expo? NISA should just put him in their panel and maybe meet Kondo.
It's okay when Crossbell does it however
yeah they did it for clout on an anonymous forum for a project for which they received zero dollars. it was just a bit of extra effort to make things nicer and more ergonomic, every fantl group makes a custom english logo cmon now
Cao giving the cops tips because it serves his goal is one thing, and Lloyd doesn't like it.
He couldn't wait to fuck off from the place Heiyue were camping in every case it happened both in Azure and Reverie.
This is the cops and bracers actively and in public teaming up with a mafia.
It's genuinely embarrassing to see this shit taking up screentime in what is potentially the biggest game in the whole series, and you just know it's going to lead to a Lloyd speech cringefest circlejerk scene about how amazing diversity is.
It's the same exact situation but you justify one and shit your pants for the other
No it isn't. Do you know what police informants are? Police irl will get info from shady ass sources.
What they don't do is use criminal organisations to help them raid a place
You guys are such retards you know that? everyone of you.
Lloyd helped Heiyue raid and take over the Sun Fort LMAO
But Kuro bad, right?
It’s wild how much Falcum used to take from Baccano when concept designing kekbell and early calvard yet they’re so bad at writing realistic mafia clans
The Heiyue wanking specifically stems from Kondom and his chink dicksucking.
We don't transcript our inner conversations with the voices here.
Honorifics in Persona are awkward, and I can't really think of any times the honorifics really enhanced the meaning of the scenes. For the most part, there's nothing that honorifics can convey that tone can't. It's my opinion that the ideal translation drops honorifics, and also avoids those weird translation quirks you get sometimes where they didn't really drop it properly, but just changed the honorific to a different awkward word because that's even worse. The problem is that you'd have to get a truly good translator to work with the text, and I don't think it's feasible.

??? Lloyd beats the stuffing out of Heiyue in the Sun Fort and makes them abandon it...
doesnt this guy do nothing but shill korean manwha now?
Can you faggots stfu and wait for the news like a good boys?
Is the next arc the final, final one
I love how Kuro is aimed towards the west and consistently shits on white people for 3 straight games.
Don't spam the thread with utter trifle, I want to put the scans in the next OP. Cheers.
I don't give a single fuck what you want, bitchtits
Kondom says 5-6 years left, so not unless there's several year gaps between 2 games or it's a CS length arc, which could actually happen if it takes place in chinkland since Kondom would draw that out for as long as he possibly can.
With the exception of the corset, I imagine it's all light, breathable, and nonrestrictive material she's wearing.
In fact, I'm going to post on cooldown just to spite you
Sky > Cold Steel > Kuro > Crossbell
It shits on white people? What are you talking about?
Sky is the worst arc
Nayuta was a great game and it's gonna feel great being up to date with its lore when it becomes canon while you all hurry to catch up
Thanks for proving my point.
That's Crossbell though.
As if you didn't do that already, little guy.
Honestly no hate, I could totally see how one would think that, if one were a lifetime denizen of planet Retard.
> I really fucking Garnt
that's pretty gay
Maybe if you actually read anything instead of holding down the button when the text appears, you'd know.
>doesnt this guy do nothing but shill korean manwha now?
100% he does, so why the fuck did this retard get into Trails how did he even find this series?
I didn't know it was the opposite day
Arc 1: Sky FC, Sky SC, Sky 3rd
Arc 2: Zero, Azure, Reverie
Arc 3: Cold Steel 1-4
Arc 4(cancelled): Daybreak 1-2
Arc 5: Beyond
Arc 6: Finale
Whatever you want to believe
I'm pretty sure he learned about it from a fate fan on twitch during one of his end of the year talks unless someone wants to correct me.
Should've noticed when you woke up and your mother told you she was proud of you!
Whatever you want to believe
Oh right fuck this nigger I can't believe his still playing.
I like Heiyue, they are fun to hate and that's very rare usually you don't care too much about villains or even root for them but to have a truly hateful group is very refreshing
I actively root for Cao to get absolutely destroyed
I laughed so hard when his little rat office got burnt in Crossbell
true, i should've noticed given she's been dead for almost a decade
The problem is that they're not supposed to be villains according to Falcom, and you're actually supposed to love Cao instead of wanting his rat face to get bashed in.
my condolences bro...
Love Estelle
Love Kevin
Love Lloyd
Love Rean
Love Rufus
Hate Ban
Simple as
The problem is
>Arc 1
>Arc 2
Crossbell and Erebonia
>Arc 3
You're weird
Least unhinged Kisekoid
It looked more like a joke to me. But who knows.
Van and Kevin are the only good kiseki protagonists.
Good for you.
Thank you
We'll just have to wait and see.
First half of Kiseki:
Sky arc
Crossbell arc
Cold Steel arc
Hajimari finale
Second half of Kiseki:
Kuro arc (cancelled)
Finale arc

kek Ban fucking killed the series with just 2 games
Scans any minute now.
What's wrong with him? What did he do to you?
He is successful, has friends and makes a living playing video games.
Whatever you want to believe
My online persona is based on hating Kiseki so I hate that there are two really popular youtubers who love it
Liberl arc (FC, SC, 3rd)
Crossbell arc (Zero/Ao)
Erebonia arc (CS 1-4)
? arc (Reverie)
Calvard arc (Kuro 1, 2, Kai)
It's on wiki you can check it.
He reminds me of what I could've been.
And you still can!
>He reminds me of what I could've been.
Brown filipino?
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Aaron being a clown to make Cao look good, Aaron simping for Ashen despite Ashen being a massive bitch that would gleefully kill Aaron if her man told her to do it, the Cao/Ashen romance and Gouran subplots that Falcom wants you to care about despite every character being a piece of shit. All this Heiyue content is specifically made by and for the Chinese audience, so even though they don't intend on making them hateable villains it still comes out that way since the chinks have a very different way of thinking.
cute art
What do you think would happen to Van if he started to randomly pinch the girls ass cheeks?
He'd finally have a personality and his arc would start selling copies
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Anies would get jealous
Rean's gonna steal the show with Kai holy shit it's gonna be so hype
A return to form for Kiseki after 2 back-to-back terrible games
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Okay, Angry Monk. Calm Down.
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love renny
Are Aniesfags ironic? I refuse to believe anyone could be that pathetic and delusional.
Whatever you want to believe
Her legs are so beautiful
doesn't even look like her
at this point I could dye my broom purple and you'd start uncontrollably yelling "love renny" every time I post a picture of it
Rean likes women. Crow likes women.
love renny
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>Have I met Rean Schwarzer and Crow Armbrust?
>Haha, yeah I did
>What gave it away?
How many playable characters in Kuro 2?
What did they do, now?
Kids do love dressing up as their superheroes after all!
Whatever you want to believe.
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They're self inserting as Van. Really they just want to fuck Agnes even though Van getting into a relationship with her is OOC for him.
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>Kids do love dressing up as their superheroes after all!
Agnes would probably like it, blush profusely, and be like, "Oooh Ban-san... tee-hee~!"
Elaine & Judith would punch Van in the dick.
Shizuna would be like, "Dude, wtf...?" while blushing.
Risette would probably be a bit confused.
Renne would be like, "Ohhh, you naughty boy~! ;) ;) ;)"
>>Kids do love dressing up as their superheroes after all!
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Is Musse the smartest written character?
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forgot pic
Whitest Reanfag
Darkest Vanfag
It's over...
Fourth dimension dynamics.
This seems accurate
There’s 22 playable characters in Kuro 2
Kai will have 56 + 15 “support NPCs”
>ReanGODs throw together a funny 5min photoshop for a laugh
>Bankeks waste weeks of their lives autistically crafting a styrofoam sword so they can swing it at their mother while they yell DON THE NIGHTMARE
So what's this obsession with NISA?
Did people prefer the very slow but IMO enjoyable Xsneed translations by Jessica Chavez?
Go back to trolling falcord you falcordfags, we aren't stupid you know.
They come here every single time we get news and have been for years. Annoying pests.
secondaries discovered Trails 3 years ago and speedran the series then once they caught up and had to wait years for the next entry their very very disconcertingly small brains had a massive meltdown over it and they decided NISA was purposefully torturing their previously mentioned exaggeratedly diminutive brain so now they are mortal enemies (NISA doesn't even know they exist)
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Exact same topic being discussed on falcord, could it be a concidence? Think not.
also to falcordfags, here's a clue for you. to all anguis.
I just want picnic scans
>to all anguis.
what did he mean by this?
I feel that Shizuna's reaction would be a bit more similar to Renne's
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See? Pathetic losers can't stick to their shithole, they need to come here to stink it up too.
Rean is not a manlet. Crow is just very tall.
I want Shizuna to use me.
Lorensgaming from falcord, you've been posting here non-stop schizo crap today. We caught you. You are a faggot schizo.
Don't act like you faggots don't go to falcord and r/falcom as well to spread the mentally ill /fg/ disease
it works both ways bucko
The difference is that I'm banned from falcord because they couldn't handle me so I've been lurking there for 3 years on an alt account just to spite them and laugh at their schizoness.
Musse is a fucking whore is what she is.
We know Mondblut, we laugh at you all the same but at least none of us got arrested haha
go back faggot
>What's wrong with him? What did he do to you?
You have to understand its very inconvenient when someone popular enjoys Kiseki, it ruins our hate narrative that we had going that's why we been trying to make the fandom look bad by being assholes all over the internet but if people start uniting and loving these games our evil plans are ruined.
or else what? are you gonna shit your pants? you are powerless you piece of shit, humble yourself and know your place as the worthless pathetic ant you are
I'm 6'2". Laura would not be able to rape me since I aint a manlet like Rean
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So the truth finally comes out huh?
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Van's used to losing to manlets, see >>483560869
>falcord tranny melty hour
>so I hate that there are two really popular youtubers who love it
I know Garnt is one but whose the other one that are playing Trails?
Who the fuck cares about youtubers.
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XSNEED > ESL MTL > NISA > geocucks
I care, I enjoyed Luke's videos on the series
I don't care, who is luke?
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to falcordfags
omgfloofy is a slut who would sell out her dead mother to advance her own agenda in the kiseki community
hamlock is an infamous pedofile
hellseye is a mega schizo who makes shitty theories that are proven wrong every single time
the rest are brazilian 3rd worlders who lurks there only because they get btfo'd on /fg/ every single time
falcord is just embarrassing
get back in your shitty box.
Why, though. Hanging around here with the other /fg/ anons is more than enough Kiseki content for me.
This thread.
It may be that I have searched for Kiseki content and thus I get more recommended to me, but Retrorebound? A lot of 2024 Kiseki videos have been making the rounds, especially "uh where do i start trails" videos
They were called Geofront, there's no c in the name so calling them Geocucks is not even witty
Call them Geofags maybe I don't care just try to be consequential with the source material when coming up with burns otherwise it falls flat
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>Ackshully, you should call them geofaggots instead of geocucks
Probably in about 10 minutes. Then it's midnight in Japan
Why do you know so much about them? Are you one of them?
Here's some fucking kiseki content you dumb fuck
What does this feel like bros?
We don't post selfies here.
Oh yeah him his pretty cool but I wouldn't put him in the same level as Garnet all he needs to do is 1 video on trails and insta 40 million views since his world wide renowned plus it helps that he knows people on steam,Nintendo and PlayStation as well as few developers in japan
hot, i would love a cumdoll footjob
If you truly love the person who's lap you are in, you feel protected and you can finally rest and not be on guard anymore
I'm VERY late to this but when Garnt start playing trails? and how did he get to finish Zero so quickly? not saying its not cool for us to have such a big name play our franchise just shocked
i think those ecelebs probably saw it when they do those seasonal pre-review things back when the northern war anime was going to air and somehow it went from there
i dont know if they actually do that im just taking a guess
>better than anything
t. nisa
May as well be a racist
Whatever you want to believe
cyrus bright and weaponsci have a lot of fans in the fandom
what's all this about floofy mentioning her dead mother?
anyone got a link via the archive?
>a lot
These niggas have maybe 1k people watching their stuff at best.
Written to be smart and smartly written are unfortunately mutually exclusive most of the time, this case included.

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