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>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

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Progress anchor reply to this post with your progress so anons can find it easily
I'm making /agdg/ Kingdom Hearts. I was always partial to the Looney Tunes' Hansel and Gretel.
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what is your game, sourcedev?
Making a game is one of only three possibilities of me getting rich and a beautiful gf....the odds are horrendous. I could get a gf without any of those but she probably won't be as pretty.

I have to succeed at gamedev, I have to just like make fun game that girls like.
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How do I into colors? All good games somehow just know how to make appealing colors. I don't get it. I may be an artlet, but I still have taste. I want you to be able to look at my game and be like, that's made by 1 guy?
>kirby anchor
super cute...
Yugioh down to the mechanics but with only waifu bait archetypes
literally who can remember all the mechanics of a card game are they even written anywhere
Why is this allowed?
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Hello, I was informed this is a place for game development talk per BiteMe games. How do you do fellow gamedevs? You'll be seeing me a lot around here.

+7 participants to demodays idk what the count was prior to the video, lads is this the end of agdg?
mormons are fucking retarded
Maybe not some TCG, but yugioh is one of the most simple out there
This looks like fucking shit. Absolute shit. Get the fuck off of AGDG immediately.
honestly I'm looking forward to the inevitable banter with biteme newfags. Should be funny.
you can get the gist from the description
What game is this?
Baten Kaitos. It's the HD Remaster.
nigger hands made this
that is the last time that i will ever read a fucking biteme post. why on earth was it not already filtered
>nigga elves
the inside of my stomach christmas evening.
source-chad-posting is back
fuck yes
honestly I'd love to be this good at level making and I've never understood /agdg/s hate for this FACT
Now THIS is transcoded. How long have you been on HRT?
I read it, but I still don't really get it. How do I apply that to a whole game with many environments? Does this mean I should decide on my character outfits then use that to decide the environment colors? How does that work if you have many different kinds of outfits you can swap between for the character?
get this retarded nigger shit OFF my thread NOW
my favorite source guy btw
everything he's ever made is beautiful and he harnesses source to its limits
>Sourcenigger is back and he's samefagging just as hard as he used to
I'd like to know how these threads can get even worse now
jesus christ
what did I miss, I was gone for a week or so
it's a fake
i guarantee it
so you know how darksouls all the clothing is dark and shit? no baby blue hats. you can chose colors that work by restricting your range. you can make that range by playing with colorwheel dynamics, complimentary, triadic etc.
he never left
who do you think has been eric posting these past months?
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its not working
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post code
Yeah, that's a good point.
It's not Minecraft blocks, but the terrain will be deformeable ( it is voxels ) so that'll be something I have to solve. Spontaneous placement of structures.
Based and Janus-pilled
fake news
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Thoughts on this hit detection?
Whatever happened to Ygg Engine anon?
>leaves collision in its wake
Yeah, certified kino.
did someone mention the sekret treefort?
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Nolgorb's Ordeal.....
I love Nolgorb. Such an iconic character.

*also try this out. https://paletton.com
How many enemies are you planning to fight at the same time? imo that's the ideal for 1v1 but against more than one seems a little short
Quick question, how many games get released every day?
Let's say, just on Steam?
wtf I don't want strangers playing my game.
Now that the dust has settled, how many of you that were not going to participate in this demo day, are now intending to participate in this demo day because of Marnix? Be honest. Do you think he'll play any coom games?
Looks like how Mordhau does it but worse
fobry do sicky gembs arb reblist uh skem ebyda
im trans btw
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>ideal for 1v1
>walk forward
>nothing registers because the collision spawned behind you
>walk backwards
>leave a trail of death in your wake.
Just... Detect stuff that the blade hits
How many enemies do you fight at once in Daggerfall? 4?
I don't know I should play it but I don't have the time
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It might be shorter than Skyrim currently
>gets banned for trolling
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You just reminded me that I need to add this to my game. Thanks.
for reference, skyrim's shield bash
Try it without the clamping and lerping
Do all games fake collision like this? I've been making it way too close then.
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and mudcrabs, horrible creatures!
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no problem sweetheart, just hope you're not planning on doing it in godot, because juan's vision does not include two extra arguments in look_at(), a delta and a clamp
i see no difference between samefagging hate for the source engine or samefagging random ecelebs desu
post your progress?
This is easy to work around bro.
kek, I think you should let it like that
>Dilates himself to death
>Nothing of value was lost
Keep typing like a 12 year old girl, it's not creepy ;)
All your relatives and friends you don't have loooove it
bing "braid: anniversary edition"
I got banned for that joke last week
Consider setting the url in your browser to your favorite search engine, and then subsequently providing a query for "The Witness"
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Rate my Frankenstein state machine.
>doesn't explain how you get to jump, dash or break
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posts for the soul
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are you posting on Demo Day?
hands on testing with a moving target would be nice.
my gut reaction is that it's too short. first person melee is always iffy due to depth perception. and while it may be accurate, it may feel like shit to play
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Yes. Realistic != fun. Hitboxes should be extra forgiving in favor of the player.
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crabsisters you won....
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another day lost to procrastination
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Daily Deal went pretty well. Not exceptionally well, but I'm happy. The sale started at 10am yesterday, and went till 10am this morning. In all, it sold about 2,400 units at 35% off (about 10 bucks usd). It's at least enough to keep me going on the project and get it to 1.0.

Most of what is left is balance and polish work. Probably some more content for fun, but mostly polish.
How many 'how to maek gam' videos do you think heroes of gamedev watched?

"uh fucking none" is the correct answer.
>hurr de durr gotta do muh gamdev reesarch
completely delulu
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How I does can make game!!
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all of today's progress was just making the game pause when the application loses focus...
That's why they're complete washouts now, moron. Gamedev research is always valid. The heroes of gamedev were just early entrees into the market. A bunch of hacks.
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to add to this, melee hitboxes tend to be more forgiving as well
>pic related
the big red hitbox is used for melee attacks while the smaller ones attached to the body are for hitscan bullets
And yet who's making Roller Coaster Tycoon in assembly, and who's vomiting endless Gamemaker/Unity/Unreal trash
Show me Morrowind 2.
By "Morrowind 2" I mean consider Morrowind modulo current year.
Protip: You can't because it doesn't exist, because gamedev has a crisis of competency.
Looks like you'll get misses with fps drops.
>And yet who's making Roller Coaster Tycoon in assembly
Is that supposed to be special? Literally most old games used Assembly.
Shit. I told you to use a BlendTree already. What's the point of using a StateMachine if you're going to teleport?
Not my problem to be honest. I will not accommodate for low tier pcs.
It's more important for first person games. Because you're looking at a 2d screen your brain thinks objects are closer in first person than they actually are in the game world. If you have weapon accurate collisions it's going to feel frustrating as the player as it will look to you like your hit connected but the game disagreed. You have to give the player extra range so that it feels right. Enemies should not get the extra range obviously because then it will feel like you avoided the hit but the enemy still hit you.

It's less of an issue in third person and even less so in other sorts of camera angles.
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where the FUCK are the CRPGs
Your unreal game will run like shit on top of the line PCs.
>all this work to barely break even maybe
This hobby is grim....
TF2 is an example of how not to do melee. 1 invisible bullet doesn't cut it
Nice, buy yourself a gallon of milk and some cookies. You deserve it.
ain't nobody in here who got the time or skills to make a crpg
I’ll make a low quality one. You want that?
You type like my wife, get some testosterone lil bro
I've made one but don't have it anymore.
Don't get testosterone, become my wife

weak, and yes

I am literally your wife, where is your game retard
Come on, I'm making a video game, and thousands of people are buying it and playing it. Enough where I can spend every day in comfort working on video games. That is absolutely incredible and my dream since I was a child. Getting rich is absolutely not the point, and only interesting to me because then I can spend more time making video games. The hobby is fun, if you let it be.

Roger that, my wife made some jam shortbread cookies I'm trying not to pig out on too much
Hello tomodev
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melee attacking, yes. 1 bullet is stupidly inaccurate, tho for a precision melee class like Spy, it works

but i was talking more about using larger hitboxes for melee hit detection on characters instead of relying on accurate model collision
I wish I was tomodev but female
Is souls-like melee combat the best melee combat? I feel like there is 0 3D rpg's with better combat than souls unironically and I want to mimic the best for my game.
I'm starting to notice a pattern with yesdevs...
I don't think you've played many games
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Like the other anon said, use blend trees. I use a state machine, but it's primarily used for holding individual blend trees which represent major states(i.e. one for all animations on the field, one for all animations during battle). If you want to be able to move seamlessly from one animation to another via blend tree, just set up functions to be called at specific times during your animation. You'll want to set this up via code during func ready()(pic related). It's worth it because you'll want to do this to call particle effects or whatever else anyways.
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Blend trees would not let me cancel animations mid way. Say like I fall and hit the ground, triggering a landing animation. If mid animation I decide to move, my character would still be in that falling animation and I would kinda just slide around on the ground until the animation ended and blended back into walking. With state machines I would be able to now cancel and blend/transition into walking as soon as I started moving. And since I am making a 3D platformer (just for demo purposes), it is quite convenient and straightfoward.
>What's the point of using a StateMachine if you're going to teleport?
I kinda like how in games when you jump, its an instant switch to the jump animation. I will probably add a path to the jump animation later but for now, I will just teleport there.

This is my old BlendTree. It is sloppy and I did not know what I was doing at the time and that is still somewhat the case now.

>I use a state machine, but it's primarily used for holding individual blend trees which represent major states
I am going to note this down for later because this is an approach I have not thought of before.
I wish I had a wife who looked like this. I may want one with big boobs but Id be happy with this :(

How long until 1.0? Any plans yet for another game after or are you going to take it easy for a bit to let the mind wind down from gamedev for a while?
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I made a second trailer for my free game Hellbirther today. Fixed some glitches too. The first trailer technically has like 2000 views now including the Facebook ad I bought a while ago. Random people are trying the game which is exciting for me.
>tfw ngmi for demo day
it hurts so fuckin much bros why do things have to take so much time
why can't i just be motivated 100% of the time
If I was talented at 3D Id make some sort of RPG game but idk all the types of RPGs there are so not sure which it'd be classified as. I'm looking at a potential 2D RPG in the future but idk if it will be my next game. Want to make it in an engine that can't screw me down the line but Godot feels too early in development.
How do I stop sounding like a robot when I post with my game? I talk noticeably different compared to when I'm anonymous.
if you don't have ONLY "time" and "skills" then you are in the wrong place.
>How can I cease the ceaseless drone of my words when I engage in discourse within this game of ours? My speech is as rigid as steel when I am cloaked in anonymity, lacking the fluidity and grace that I possess in person.
run your post through chatgpt
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made a staff. all that effort for a background prop the player will see from 50 feet away... that's just how gamedev be sometimes
Is using pixel art a mistake
should've used AI textures
>Blend trees would not let me cancel animations mid way
Yes they will. But like I showed in >>483522279, you need to set it up via code. That picture simple shows me setting up a a 'Call Method' track in an animation, and then calling various functions at various points during the animation. So you can have a function called at the end of your jump animation that determines whether your character should do the landing animation, or roll forward animation, or whatever you want to do. This is something I recommend learning to do via code as it's very useful. You can set up 'Call Method' tracks manually in the animation player, but it's very easy to forget about them, and if you reimport your sprite/model, you'd have to reimplement all of your call method tracks. When you do it via code, you can just set it up once and be done with it, and be able to easily reference what you've set up.
Same, and Marnix is gonna review our games as well. Real bummer. There is simply not enough time for me to get it demo ready. If there was at least 30 days I could've made it. 9 days is simply not enough time without cutting so many corners.
Lel, what did that even mean? It sounds like the opposite of my problem. I'm saying I talk much better anonymously. When I speak with my game attached to my post it's like I'm avoiding saying certain things and adjust how I speak to a heavy degree.
>Say like I fall and hit the ground, triggering a landing animation. If mid animation I decide to move, my character would still be in that falling animation
Different games handle this in different ways.
Some will just let the sliding happen. It looks a little jank, but players generally don't care. You can see this in pretty much any networked game or older game. e.g. WoW clones
Some will stop you from moving until the land animation plays out. There might even be a few different landing animations depending on how you land. These are mainly root motion controllers. e.g. Dark Souls or Witcher 3
Some just make the jump/land animation extremely short and blend to walk almost immediately. e.g. Skyrim

The most modern way to try to handle it is with a procedural locomotion system. Unfortunately, Godot doesn't have any good off-the-shelf solutions for this, but I expect someone to come up one fairly soon, especially with addition of SkeletonModifier3D in 4.3, or you can try writing your own, or port one from another engine.
In UE, the old way was with Advanced Locomotion System, and the newer way is with some pure-blueprint solutions based off the Lyra demo: https://github.com/dyanikoglu/ALS-Community
Unity has some different decent looking systems in the asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/packs/advanced-locomotion-controller-climbing-system-234390
>And what, pray tell, does that drivel signify? It appears to be the antithesis of my own predicament. I find that I am far more eloquent when my identity remains shrouded in secrecy. When forced to attach my name to my words, I am compelled to dance around uncomfortable truths and alter my speech to a significant extent.
>the link for his game looks sketch
anon, where do i even check it out? i couldnt find it on itch or steam
yes, but not as much of a mistake as AI
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This enemy might be too much
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Between this message and getting 1 download on itch, I may find the energy to grind it out just 1 more day…
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Yamero!!! How do I speak like Kyubu Kyubu anon who makes literal jaks of his own character? Reeee why wont my speech flow normally when I attach my game!? It's like when I'm waging around people Im not friends with and my speech instantly becomes monotonous, that's what my manner of speech feels like when I attach my game. Yet anonymously I behave like we're frens and stuff.
Should I use Bevy for my online multiplayer pvp sandbox?
write about your game like it isn't yours
talk like it's some random cool shit you found
imagine the "dev" is a separate entity and you're speaking for him/ deciphering his work
souls is kusoge
Be a namefag with every post. Can't hide behind anonymity if you don't have it.
yeah make sure to use webgpu webassembly and ecs
Looks like those guys from Half Life 2.
>How long until 1.0? Any plans yet for another game after or are you going to take it easy for a bit to let the mind wind down from gamedev for a while?

Hopefully 1.0 this year. 100% am going right into another game after this one, I'm really ready for another project. Not going to take it easy, outside of maybe a few days to Glenwood. I'm very excited for the next project.
if souls is so bad then by all means please post better combat
Elden Ring
>Become yet another insufferable local microcelebrity
Hmm could work

No thanks I like being anonymous. Although this would probably work eventually where I just stop caring and acting like me instead.
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i would wait until the next DD to play it if you're interested, the build on the itch page is crappy and outdated by over 6 months
Today I was feeling really defeated after encountering something really difficult in 3D modeling. I backed up, played a couple games with some friends, tried to accept I'd have to redo everything. Laid down to sleep and an idea struck me. I solved the problem immediately. Sometimes all you need is a little time away, and sometimes I am baffled by my own brilliance
Why did everyone using Unity go to Godot? Isn't there more potential in Bevy?
Bevy cultists are alright. Yall need a game though.
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>> Project Idea
I played the MegaLoot demo during the NextFest and thought it was a really interesting idea, but a little underbaked. I was thinking about my own project that sort of built on the core foundation, while adding more interesting mechanics and ideas.

> player is a newbie adventurer in a generic fantasy world
> core gameplay loop is to find dungeons and kill monsters
> primary fail state is death
> primary win state is killing the primordial dungeon (the first dungeon) or killing all humanoid races
> player moves around on a map (overworld) to find dungeons
> dungeons are multi-floored areas where players use a Slay the Spire style map to move through each floor
> each battle is much like MegaLoot -> Rows of enemies, turn based attack / defence / abilities
> instead of character based abilities (MegaLoot), abilities come from items instead, eg. iron sword does 'slash', which is added to players ability options
> Monsters don't drop gold, but flesh, body parts and items
> players can collect flesh and body parts to make meals, eating monsters provides passive attributes and drawbacks, eg. eating monstrous crab increases armour, but decreases resistance to fire
> eating monsters is a choice, players can also take supplies from towns to avoid the drawbacks and benefits of monsterfication
> monster parts can be sold at towns for gold
> towns provide training, skills and equipment for gold
> if a player goes too deep down the monsterfication path, they can attack towns (which will act like dungeons)
> items / equipment level up, but can also be melted down / combined at blacksmiths in towns

I want to do a smaller scope project, something I can knock out in two or three months.

Thoughts and feedback?
Do it.
No, they had better gamedev skills than the youtubers who make those videos to begin with.
>I want to do a smaller scope project, something I can knock out in two or three months
Anon whatever you posted is not that.
Bevy doesn't even have a stable 1.0 release and it updates slower than Godot. Like the last time Bevy updated was in February of this year.
god I love this hobby
At what point exactly did we go from being a community for 4channers (who have basic 4chan etiquette) that talk about game development, to just another generic game dev chatroom for complete tourists to come and shit up when they're having a bad day on game dev reddit because they can't say nigger there? Was there a particular year?
DD50 was the last DD. Already told you that.
It's just worse than Godot in every way. Not enough features. Not enough users. Not enough devs. Not enough support. Not enough of a community.

Does it not even have a single game on Steam? https://steamdb.info/tech/
If an enemy hit you with a huge strong attack and send your player flying like a ragdoll is it better to have the camera follow the rag doll or to wait until the players ragdoll gets back up and is moveable?
move smoothly, the camera needs to start moving as soon as it's sent flying and end moving at the same time it starts being moveable
That just looks like you died
Did I fuck up tremendously making my release date the same as the Friday of Demo Day 58? I'm planning on submitting my finished product to that one but I get the feeling people might not like that.
The manly urge to masturbate every time I get in the mood fore gamedeving
you must abstain from cooming so that you can turn that sexual energy into potential energy for gamedev
>You'll be seeing me a lot around here.
That comes off in such a menacing way kek
i never heard of bevy until now but i just looked it up and apparently these games use it
Bevy actually has games? AGDG? Why so quiet?
>Literally none of them are actually out
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bit of a flythrough.
Is this actually a woman?
nobody knows how to export bevy games.
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where the FUCK is your QFG-like
yes, next question
I'm real tho?
this is still just perlin noise? or something more advanced now?
Is that mixels what the fuck
>anime pfp
make an educated guess
>no breaks
Wew I'm exhausted with mine atm and even though I'd like to work on something new, I think I need a short break to just unwind.
there are no mixels there
>Is that mixels what the fuck
The time is just a running timestamp, in milliseconds. It could be from the start of the shake, or the start of the program, or since 1970. The important thing is that it changes, not its value.

The seed, seed+1, etc... is just to keep from giving all the random functions the same seed. Then they would produce the same values. Adding +1 or whatever is just a trick to modify a base seed. Because even a seed off by one will produce a completely different value.

The ... in the function depends on your languages perlin noise function. Once you get up and running, he's not doing anything too complex so dont worry.

I've never really found a break to help. Usually, it just slows everything down and makes it harder and harder to get back at it. What I have found that helps, is having more sustainable patterns of development, and making it habitual. Sporadic heroic efforts are unstable. Regular, consistent habitual progress is stable.
Should I seduce her?
Chinese though
>Chinese though
anime pfp, she/her, expert at shaders
we're too stupid to make anything clever or fun, we have to resort to bing bong wahoo and flashing lights and screen shake
It's just layered Perlin noise with varying numbers of octaves according to what I set.
no fucking way


As a code monkey i have waited for this, ill give this 1-2 years and you will be able to generate any 3D model you want with decent topology.
Now its just a waiting game
You still won't be able to craft a story
>hurr ai will do it
I'm a fan of all the recent AI but I'll still say "uh huh, no" to that.
No Morrowind 2, no QFG likes. I'll be happy to be proven otherwise.
>Morrowind 2
Correct, Morrowind 2.
Writing a story is easier than modelling,rigging,texturing,retopoing,animation
The weather's been... a bit too hot.
Barely able to function or make any progress.

(Did some 3DCG work.)
>See Screenshot
Sorry but I am not interested in making slop.
I'm just not HAHAHAHAH
honestly after scrolling a little, I think she's real. amazing what unity can do... now if someone would finish a game with those skills... that would be something.
>subsists on anime and other games
lmao ok
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they're not all pointy mountains.
That's totally why we have many games with good writing here.
Toby Fox did it and his game sold billions
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I can think of successful games with mixels but I can't think of any unsuccessful games with mixels
I don't care what you faggots say. I WILL FUCKING GAMEDEV or die trying.
This, but unironically.
>I can't think of any unsuccessful games with mixels
just go to steam and pick any random pixel game
>agdg talks like they know what success is
>there aren’t constant success coming out of here
40-60 mixel games are released on steam everyday
>something I can knock out in two or three months
seems much for such a short time frame
>code wise
simple but a lot, depending on how many enemies/items/effects/attacks you plan on using
can get away with static sprites/BGs/UI. bloats the more animations and variants you implement
too much for a small project. need to scale it down. you can remove the town entirely and focus on dungeon crawling survival via monster food. pic related
you can then add variants to these basic templates, like a [rest]/[sacrifice] path that has a preference for certain [flesh] items and gives extra bonuses if you complete them
This one is obviously going to do numbers. I've seen it elsewhere. It's an example of what agdg refers to as "soulless" which is to say "a game that is marketable". I hope to one day find such success.
It’s not even a game.
chinkland is troonland now because 1 child policy there aren't enough women to go around
That policy ended years ago, moron. They’re incredibly active economically now and even make more games than ever. Good games.
You're in a thread where people are making VNs and coom games, it's more of a game than those are.
it ended in 2016
40 to 60
That's 8 years ago
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

I'll do it
You'll see
Imagine being able to absolutely btfo and mog 40-60 losers on steam the day you release your game
That’s me.
is there such thing as a bad game that is really long like fifty hours or are all long games good games
That can't be right, I started making games then and haven't released one...
why is windows file explorer such garbage? can't even browse my image folders it just breaks
You too? I don’t know what the fuck is going on.
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Keep your head down and dev.
You're right, it's closer to 9 years now
you are 40-60 losers? I'm sorry that happened.
>he can choose the operating system that powers his machine
>he chooses Windows(tm)(R)
don't know what to say really
bro sometimes I want to wring the necks of the microshits who programmed explorer. I don't want workarounds I want the default to just work...
which means that males dominate the demographics at least until that point

among young adults there are way more males and with how humans work older males are taking away a lot of the available young females
I swear I've filtered that 40 to 60 copypasta like 3 times and it still gets through somehow
Why go for hags tho?
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the fucking progress bar just never finishes and some folders get fucked up like that for some random amount of time
probably busy uploading those images to microshit servers so it can't let you access them

it's all the result of hiring and outsourcing development to streetshitters
I get that shit all the time like how the fuck does it take so long to load? It never finishes. Stupid thing is I can upload and download to access whole folder totally ok.
lmao these same retards would probably talk shit about linux without ever even trying it

can't say I've ever had those shit-ass problems. Also never had fucking ads in my OS either.
linux is a kernel
My phone runs on linux
had to restart it from task manager to get it to work
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I dig it
What book are they reading?
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where are da loligaems /agdg/?
Now hit them so we can see them bounce around like dummies.
Kurapika inspires me to become a badass, best character
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How do I get people to buy my game but not play it? I don't want them to find out it actually sucks
>policy ended
>still have a worse birth rate than Japan
I can confidently say that "she" is not a real person and is in fact a company consisting of Chinese male software engineers and graphics programmers. There's no way a woman made those things, you'd have to be profoundly naive to think so
Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography
I've already committed to moving to linux once win10 support officially ends

ain't no way I'm daily driving w11 but I will probably set up a second pc to have it on the side but isolated from everything in the network
I want to say "based" but considering this mindset goes in pair with something running like molasses even on a high-end machine...
Sell it as part of a bundle
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Could be. But why does the company need a female who occasionally posts herself, but doesn't even show her full face? they could hire a model instead and get more business.
This is why I use Apple. Sure, I've been through a lot of changes, and watched Apple expand and contract numerous times. I used to get Sneeds from "teh PC Master Race" about how I was holding onto a "dead baby," and I should let go and learn Windows. It got pretty infuriating. Sneeds can be insulting (just spend some time wandering around the posts of this very general, and we are quite well-behaved hereabouts). Kinda glad I stuck it through though, kek.
kys pedoshit
right that explains the rash
I too want to know this. Especially those games with 10k+ reviews with 80% negative rating kek.

He pissed me off when he spared the rest of the phantom troupe. Should've taken more of them down while he had the advantage. Although Gon pisses me off way more.
Gonna work on it tomorrow morning. I've been busy this week.
im too sleepy to work on my game... I've been up for *checks clock* 15 hours
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wait for my loligamaes this DD (at least 3)
It’s normal to be up 16 hours thougheverbeit.
So how do I get her to be my 3D artist gf? She's got some ridiculously good talent at this stuff. How does someone get that good that fast? Isn't she just like 18 or 19? I am not the other anon who wants redhead 3D artist gf
ah, I'll make a second game real quick(maybe finish an abandoned project), and bundle them to make it seem like a good deal.
but "apple" is just a variation of linux thoughbeit
I love soulslop but in raw combat Nioh mog it to hell beyond.
You've never considered the female dev strategy anon?
>get a gf (easy)
>develop a game (hard)
>make gf the public face of the game
>rake in media attention, wishlists and softball reviews from simps and orbiters
It's entirely feasible that a bugman company would engage in this type of social media strategy
How? It scales dumb and is an absolute grind in NG++.
>public face
>who never shows her face
Oh god fucking yes.
Finally the choices for indie dev won't be:
>have fate place a 3D modeler in your childhood friend list
>have fate made you born rich enough to pay the 6 gorillions dollar per asset modelfags demand
>get fucked and lose 4 years of development learning to make decent donuts
Ninja Gaiden is the best.
I'm using pixel art made by AI. I've made a huge mistake.
the point is you got hit so hard you were basically knocked out/down for a few seconds.
KK thank you. I made it now so the camera follows the player in ragdoll mode.
has steam introduced a feature to filter all games that contain AI generated assets from my recommend list yet?
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Yes there is a tag for it, luddite-kun.
Added fall damage and fall damage max instant death heights
It's easy. At the begin of the shake state you've got the initial value for the seed, which is just a random number which you compute at the begin and store in a variable, the duration of the shake, its magnitude (shake variable) and current time. Let's say you want a light shake for 60 frames, so at the function start you set the shakeDuration to 60, currentFrame to 0 and seed to randint(0, 999999999). The value of shake should be dunno somewhere between 0.0 and 1.0 but on the lower end. Now you need to sample six scalar values from a perlin noise function. The perlin noise function returns a scalar value, the 'shade' of the pixel at (x, y[, z]) i.e. if it's a 2d perlin, you only have X and Y parameters to pass to it. In your case, you pass the seed plus a number from 0 to 5 as x for each shakeable parameter (yaw, pitch,... offsetZ) as the X function argument to the perlin noise function and the currentFrame as the Y parameter. This way, you actually sample neighboring values of a 2d perlin noise 'array' (or 3d, in which case you can just pick some static value for Z but that would be an overkill plus computationally expensive). Remember, we need a random list of numbers to adjust our camera's position and rotation in time, but also not too random (would be too jerky) like a simple list of random numbers; this 'algorithm' basically samples six neighboring vertical lines of shakeDuration length on a 2d perlin noise grid. You then apply successively to each of the camera parameters a value from aOneDimensionalPerlinStrip[yaw][0 to shakeDuration], aOneDimensionalPerlinStrip[pitch][0 to shakeDuration] etc. each frame during the camera shake state.
You could also e.g. decay the shake by multiplying it with a number < 1.0 to lower the magnitude of the shake as the time passes. Or, say your MC gets hit before the camera had finished shaking, in which case you simply reset the shakeDuration and augment the shake magnitude by multiplying it with a number > 1.0.
not all AI games use that tag
>fucking sourceposter is back
Yeah because she's a model. I may think they all look alike but some turbo simp would be able to find her if they published her actual face.

But whatever, keep believing what you want to believe it makes zero difference as either way you're still a simp
Train an AI to detect AI.
>keep believing what you want to believe
I'm agnostic.
>train AI to detect AI
>reverse engineer that to make better undetectable AI
>train AI to detect AI
Hi agnostic, I'm dad
The obsession with being healthy is disgusting. I’ve been thinking about how to reflect this in a game, but I haven’t quite figured it out. It’s obviously a ploy of status quo. It’s like playing a CRPG where you raise a skill and by the mid game, you realize you’ve been swindled. The skill was a waste of time and you can not get those points back. That’s not strong enough though. It has to be more. As if the idea of skills rather than choices and tactics was at fault. As if breaking free from the dumb rules of turn to turn combat and mana restriction to win.
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Anyone else feel like your flow channel has shrunk to almost nothing where it is incredibly difficult to stay in that flow state?
>t. eats cheese and ham rolls with butter inside and also with hot sauce god now I got hungry but I don't want to leave my chair what should I do
There are products that claim to do that and, much like other AI products, they're functionally useless and keep flagging legitimate non-AI content, like Ted Kazinski's manifesto was apparently written by chatgpt.

For all the hype all that AI seems to have actually accomplished is making useless people even more useless, and contamonating all future sources of training data with shitty older gen output, thereby stalling future development. The AI snake has already managed to choke on its own tail before it became a real threat. Proof that God is real, big L for abominable intelligence and the antichrist.
Preach nigga. I grew up in Africa. I seen poverty that I suspect is out-of-bounds, for niggas on this forum. I can say that the most astonishing thing to me is the healthy attitude of the niggas who live under those circumstances. “Healthy” don't mean “happy.” You desperately wanna escape your circumstances, but you accept your challenges and do your best to live [a hard] life.
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>The obsession with being healthy is disgusting.
Let me guess: McDonald's doors aren't large enough to let you in anymore?
>stiff capsule
>ragdolls into a human shape
People already build games with entire systems that are useless, and they do it by accident. You appear to be deliberately trying to make a Bethesda game.
Yeah. making inconsequential art is my flowzone.
what's your gameplay loop/mechanics and why do you think you don't feel flow playing your game?
I enjoy flow when I can get it, but you need to accept that you're going to have to grind it out in the boredom lane for a while to get your game done.
>AI content is now legitimately hard to differentiate unless it's "/b/ is generating /d/ content in mass again" tier
>that mean AI is failing!
>praise rabbi yoshuah!
I guess AI will cease to exist in two more weeks.
>Sporadic heroic efforts are unstable
Kek I've done this.
Kinda the same. I often hop on blender when I feel like I absolutely gotta do something but can't get myself to do anything. It's easy enough to whip up a couple shitty 3d models that will most likely never get used

I didn't mean this in terms of gameplay but gamedev.

I think I flip more into the anxiety zone with thoughts of how the fuck am I ever gonna finish a game and is it good and worth spending the time on and what if it it's a total flop should I manage to finish it. The usual invasive thoughts.
I’m a bit “on the spectrum,” so I have what I call my “fugue state.” It’s a fairly “timeless,” focused, self-centered state, where “everything flows.” I get shit done when I enter this state, but many hours can go by, and it’s damn exhausting. I can't describe what I’m doing to save my life. In fact, the best way to break me out of this state is to ask me what I’m doing. This causes me to stutter, grope a bitch for words, mumble, etc. I can write detailed, articulate code and documentation explaining it, but I just can’t verbalize it. I sound like a fucking dumbass. Let's just say I don't do well with pair programming. I also get straight up pissed when I’m yanked from that state. Quite cranky. Lasts for approximately half an hour afterwards. Makes it hard to play well with others. When I come out of this state, I'm done. Beat. Totally exhausted. Not sore like I'm working out, but physically tired. I sleep well those nights.
>I guess AI will cease to exist in two more weeks.
AI never existed, you just saw the culmination of 10 years of machine learning advancements, we're super impressed by an LLM, and called it "AI" because that's what the marketing VC funding hype train told you to call it.

Its not intelligent and it never will be
i like the comedic tone of the camera not moving as you are sent flying, but for gameplay purposes it should follow the player and maybe add some camera zoom out depending on the velocity of the ragdoll
maybe keep that static camera shot for deathblows

My flow channel is "are the kids asleep and the wife silent?".
And yes, it has shrunk to almost nothing recently.
Are you a yesdev?
>think I flip more into the anxiety zone with thoughts of how the fuck am I ever gonna finish a game and is it good and worth spending the time on and what if it it's a total flop should I manage to finish it. The usual invasive thoughts

That type of anxiety is independent from the work you do, and mitigated by actually getting interest, feedback, and engagement in your game. Don't work on a game for longer than a few months if nobody's shown any interest in it
>Don't work on a game for longer than a few months if nobody's shown any interest in it
My mom thinks my game is cool
>Don't work on a game for longer than a few months if nobody's shown any interest in it
>Project Nortubel
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Yep. Mine is something like pic related
i use drugs to put me into a flow state. i'm in a flow state right now as i type this. be a man (ywnbaw btw) and actually take charge of your life, for once
The advice is for fulltime devs who sold their dog and quit their house. If you only have an hour or 2 a day as a hobby, it's cool to work on it for years, but not more than 7.3.
I was taking a walk thinking about many things. At some point I remembered this post, thinking to myself that I kinda also have this problem. 2 seconds later a woman walked by me talking on the phone: "… that sounded like a robot …"
What drug?
Nice hand writing, what kind of tablet do you use? You use one right?

The flow zone is only within the box btw. The arrow seems misleading since it exits the box. I guess you could say I can still work on it but it sure isn't going to be for long spurts of time.
I'm not quite that bad socially but that sounds a lot like the hyper focus state I used to go into when I was younger. It was common for me to sit at my computer for 5-15 hours not really moving just focused on a thing. Very draining but got shit done.

I can't say if this is it. I guess having that positive interaction loop is nice but it doesn't necessarily prevent me from flipping into that anxiety mode.

Lol that's accurate.

Booze or weed don't help me work. I don't like how either make me feel so I don't do them. Not interested in harder drugs.
>take drugs
>be a man
No, because there's no sure way to detect AI, and mathematically, there will never be.
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MY flow zone is my neck stops being infected and this tape all over it stops being painful and itchy
>waaaah nobody downloads my game where is my exposure
>waaah why are people looking at my game muh secrit klub!!!!!
>take charge of your life, for once
>needs drugs to do it himself
>while pretending to be a tough guy
such a "man" you are
Just get silicon tape
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rate my MC
No appeal, wrong type of hornyposting.
Why aren't you making a game? Oh right, ai fags are useless
I recognize ai easily. Stick a neurolink iny head and havee view art for.a while and extract the patterns from when I see ai art.
What makes a CRPG?
I am making an rpg, and I am not japanese, however in combat it also switches into a combat scene where things are solved in turn-baed mode. So does it count?
now make the 3d model
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Wow, guess no one knew that, thanks for being so smart.
Next you gonna tell use Santa Claus isn't *actually* real, I bet.

>Its not intelligent and it never will be
Neither is 95% of mankind, so I'm not sure why you are blaming a block of silicon for not doing better.
What makes hitting enemies satisfying? like hitting enemies in god hand feels great but in skyrim is dogshit
Fus ro dah thoughbeit?
Good morning sirs.

>roguelike deckbuilder

Kill me sirs
Them reacting to the hits. Next question.
Why is it sometimes you can see a screenshot or trailer and just know this is a game you want to play either you’ve never thought about it before or its concept?
The sound
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: New cutscene being worked on. >>483514056
Often turns out the game in question is quite different than appears and actually shit
Did you fix the white pixels on Carrie's mom hair?
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I have a long journey ahead of me.
Expected feedback is key.
if you want to get into the real good stuff look up how l4d did it
bethesda games have shit game feel
Then why is Morrowind combat the best? Why is Fallout gunplay so good?
Now I did.
Thanks for telling me.
Grab a heavy wood stick or a metal pipe, a baseball bat. Then go hit a sack of sand, or something with the same physical properties than a human (don't hit animals you dumbfuck).
Roll your bedsheet and hit it, or your matress.

Then use your 5 senses to retranscribe it.
>he doesn’t have a butcher friend that lets him tenderize the meat with his fists like Rocky Balboa
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They seem nice and friendly
>"dont you ever draw an elephant around your little weewee next time, lil bro"
Change their animations to be less frames and you’ve got good choppy movement.
die mad about it, trannies ;-)
>calling something by an accurate name is le heckin' semantic argument fallacy!
I have a question google and youtube are incapable of comprehending and im tired of searching for stuff that wont show up
Can I make "weapons" trace a plane and that plane become the hitbox for detection of damage / parry interception, please and thank you, and if not why
also why is every existing tut "make a rectangular box there good enough" when vr (you know, bonelab) exists? Im not trying to make a game from the 2000s

I am quite obiously not talking about fighting game controllers youtube/google
They are just sword enthusiasts.
>"Eh bro, is that a motherfucking sword?"
>>"Oh shit, I always wanted one! Were did you get it?"
>>>"Can I have just for a minute? We use stick usually but you have the real deal! Please, just like, 3 swings! 4 actually!"
>"So... wanna hangout? We were discussing the swordmanship in Zorro compared to the one in Lord of the Ring?"
>>"Shut up Timmy, the guy has a goddamned actual sword, who give a fuck about movies!"
>Can I make "weapons" trace a plane and that plane become the hitbox for detection of damage / parry interception,
>please and thank you
no problem
>Can I make "weapons" trace a plane and that plane become the hitbox for detection of damage / parry interception
What’s to stop you
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>a game where you had friends as a child
Yes you *can*.
> "make a rectangular box there good enough"
Because it's much worse predictable for the player than actually accurate weapon path colliders, AND much easier to balance for the game designer.
Box are also cheap to compute, although that's slightly less of a concern nowadays.
Every 10 years or so, some fighting game goes for "perfectly accurate hitbox" gimmick, and it's always a detriment that only serve to make the game feel jank without bringing any interesting gameplay.
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Yesdev fuel
Seeing him win is nice
I dont know where to start beyond the concept ( im a self taught programmer and dev (learned tools back in half life 1/unreal 2k4, which was unreal engine 2) I do think its going to be a hell of a lot more accurate (than dark souls 2 for example) while maintaining some memory resources though
Ill figure it out just with billion dollar corporation wasnt lowest common denominator retardation so i could just look up how this could be done but as usual no. (they're also trying to spoil sote for me despite do not recommending any video with spoilers in the thumb title etc)
I wish I had a cute gf to hug like this.
Its for "swordfighting" and because I intend to make paralell VR versions of my project if not move into VR fully when it becomes, not stuck on meta (see blade and sorcery, only pcvr has crystal hunt, so, headsets are pointless, for now...)
>just figured out the key to success
Ecstatic this feeling is.
Yeah, I remember when I figured the key to success. It was pretty good.
"Just do it" ?
Good morning, lads. Wassup?
Today is the day my life starts to sorts itself. I can feel it.
It's not fair, when I get one?
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>why is every existing tut "make a rectangular box there good enough" when vr (you know, bonelab) exists?
ARE you making a VR game?
VR does that because accuracy is the selling point. Is accuracy the selling point of your game?
If yes, go ahead. If not "make a rectangular box" is better for game feel and not feeling like you we cheated out of a hit.
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They get out at night. Just set up an ambush behind the convenience store and don't forget the duct tape for the initial taming period.
Redid animation tree, updated movement parameters, fixed bugged movement states. Still fine tuning character. 3 weeks now...
Time to lay in bed and watch tutorials to pick up a few tricks
>and because I intend to make paralell VR versions of my project
Nigga just give up now and make pong first if you can't even figure out how to do collisions
make a cash shop and sell pride items for outrageous sums
is there any good AI that can generate voice lines for generic NPCs that doesn't sound like shit?
shit like
"Hi there traveller welcome to our village"
I wish I had a cosplay wife. If I make a game with easy to cosplay female characters, just how well do my odds increase of attracting women like that? What kind of game should I make to begin with? Genre? Artstyle?
>40 to 60 marnixtourists per day
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not a tutorial, but i thing this is what you're looking for
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Reminds me of Cuckold Simulator. The guy is clearly a 4chan dev but idk if he even posts here
Has anyone thought of anchor images themed after /agdg/ games?
Genuinely think I should be taking autism or ADHD drugs because I can't concentrate for shit. Was even watching a video yesterday and kept pausing to do other stuff every 2 minutes. Few years back I never did this, hell, I would've gladly sat there for 3 hours watching a gaming retrospective with my full undivided attention. Now it seems nearly unfeasible.
Pogosneed moment.
This is interesting, thanks for sharing!
>I want to marry a woman who dresses promiscuously to attract the attention of other men
Good luck with that retard lmao
Went back to work on my tutorial, adding one-time images to the UI to illustrate points better and cutting down on unnecessary text.

Unfortunately, I also encountered a game-breaking bug. Which luckily only manifests itself in the tutorial fights, and doesn't happen in the unaltered combat system.
Marnix lurking /agdg/ will be a life changing event to my life.
You just wouldn’t get it. She’s attracted to me already. Why shouldn’t she be allowed a hobby? I can game dev and she can do her cosplaying.
Imcorrect, I want her to dress like that in the privacy of our own home. Not a chance I want her doing that in public.

Imagine the gamedev gains from having such a morale boost. Id be devving so hard to give us a better life.
>Do you think you had one of those life changing moments in your carrer where if that didn't happened you problably would not be here?
>Yes, I guess it all started when Marnix from Biteme games started to check on us in /agdg/. That guy projected us directly to public knowledge, off couse I needed a good game for that. So it was a blend of luck and hard working at the right time. Hey, Marnix, love you ma man
Reminder that transgenders and their stinking wounds are NOT WELCOME HERE
Wow nice store bought asset pack bro! You really dragged and dropped these assets with pre-made animations into your project skillfully!!
In godot whats the simplest way to give more space to a is_on_wall()? Im trying to make a wall jump and the shit wont activate unless you have push your cock and balls into the wall as opposed to just being close to it
Time to write your own character controller.
make a slightly larger area and check against that instead of the character controller
>Returns true if the body collided with a wall on the last call of move_and_slide(). Otherwise, returns false. The up_direction and floor_max_angle are used to determine whether a surface is "wall" or not.
Just write your own check that uses a different bigger collider, or play around with safe margin to see if it can cover your needs.
>I want my wife’s hobby to be dressing like a total slut for other men’s pleasure in public settings
You will die alone
No, there's games with realistic sword combat and people love them.
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attach a 2nd "wall" with no collision to make sticking to walls easier
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I need a name instead of Player. This script/object (not physical being in the scene) will hold some data for the player like maybe stats, items, etc. But I don't want t o use the word player because it's a bit similar to the Unity Player. It feels like a technical term. What else can you suggest? User? Profile?
She isn’t a slut though. She might be cosplaying a slut, but that doesn’t make her a slut. Learn the difference. She’s pure. Doing activities for other people’s pleasure is normal. It’s the same as game development. Do you get jealous your husband works on a video game for others to play?
how about "homenigga"
Actor. Main character.
tell me about deck building games. why are they so popular
shut up cuckold
Progression + big amount of content + replayability.
They’re easy.
one day i'll code a game where nigga is the player variable.
> nigga.strength
> nigga.stats
> if nigga.isCrouch = true
> set nigga.skinColor to #FFFFFF
Same... Although my priority is a voice acting wife if I could have a cute wife that did both voice acting and cosplay, that would be great.
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>set nigga.skinColor to #FFFFFF
Bro's making a spiritual sequel to Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (1990)
I will reverse engineer your code and get you banned permanently from steam, little chudcel
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I want to make a porn game
give me ideas
40 year old men post here. Grim
I didn't even have a girlfriend but a cute classmate hugged me 15 years ago and it's still my main devfuel
>Say query on /v/ dev threads
>Get replies that spark motivation and convince me to keep working on my game
>Say query on /agdg/
>Get replies from nodev crabs and Ai apologists and called a retard
This'll be my final post here. It's no wonder most devs have moved on too, this place sucks the fattest shit and the only thing it has going for it are free advertising days- oh sorry, I mean "Demo Days". Good luck any devs still here, you'll need it.
or give it an actual name like John
>game sucked so bad he couldn’t even post it on agdg
Sorry to hear that lil guy
A less mechanics-focused version of Ero Dungeons with more variety for characters and more sex scenes.
dumb marnixtourist KILL YOURSELF
How do I make a game that appeals to 40 year old men?
Why does every male dominated hobby board turn into literal incels lamenting about >tfw no gf
If you want a gf have you considered trying to improve yourself and be someone that is appealing to women?
>can't hug anons to make them feel better through the screen
The internet has failed me once again.
Yiffalicious, mostly the part that let normies make & publish their own animations with next to no animating knowledge, but for something else than furry.
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No no of course not, self improvement? That never works. Women should flock to overweight balding weak effeminate gamer incels who spend 16 hours a day posting on 4chan
Hitman but you have sex with the targets.
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people praise this as the "best game here"? LMAO
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I'd say we can't compete with them and beat them at their own game, it's impossible, hugs are too powerful. But we might be able to use our unique perspective to our advantage and make something different and interesting.
Just play porn games, take the things you like and improve the thing they're lacking in. There, million dollar idea.
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This thumbnail looks DEI...
Its bocchover
THEY DO? Nice.
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Unironically this
>Verification not required.
Quit porn
Get a job in a respected career
Cultivate a group of close friends who care about you and like having you around
Spend time with your family
Read books
Go to church
Work out, get in shape, build strength
THEN you can spend time on your hobby
Only women need that much. It's why they want to cuddle all the time. Men physiologically need much much less
self improvement is a meme
game dev is proof of it
tons of games about just being yourself and they’re super successful like omori
>That's a consequence of being unattractive to women, not the cause
Sure thing.
>If you want a gf have you considered trying to improve yourself and be someone that is appealing to women?
Why do you think I'm making video games?
That's not true. A rich guy is rich, regardless of how ugly or short they are.
I still need them, but of the "naked cuddle" variety.
Virtual girlfriend hugs, duh.
>I'm so le ugly waaaaah
boo hoo nigga keep coping if it helps you feel good about your failures
I have some basic RE4 like stand still and aim with your mouse cursor ranged weapons but tomorrow il start adding the souls melee combat. I still want this to be a survival horror with limited resources so il probably have melee weapons and shields break after frequent use to keep them as finite resources.
>crossbow gun
Bondage Solitaire
Every suit represents a different bondage kink and character
For every card you place on the Foundation, the image gets lewder
>Ace character is shown, fully clothed
>2-4 striping
>5-7 non-restrictive bondage (cuffs, collars, harness, blindfolds, gags)
>8-10 restrictive bondage (armbinders, spreader bars, bitch suits, suspension rigs, wooden horse)
>J-K action sequences (vibes, spanking, fucking, groping, etc)
all card art has idle animations like swaying hips, shaking legs, drooling orifices, etc.
multiple characters/kinks per suit for more replay value
mod compatible, so you can add more characters and be eternally relevant
Idk, if you're here but just woke up and noting this. Thanks anon.
Woah this looks seriously professional, are you a professional AAA developer?
>called a retard
That's just aggydagglish for friend.
Its a combination of a cry for help and seeking attention. I used to do it myself then I realized no one really cares.
If he wanted to talk to likeminded people he would just make a post on r9k about it, he specifically chose this general in order to either spread awareness or start a discussion
Age of empires with 90s anime inspired factions
My opinion is that breakable weapons is the worst way of implementing resource scarcity. If you have incrementally stronger weapons in the game, it just encourages players to never use them. Saving to the never appearing big boss opponent, like health potions. If the endgame sword is the same as the first level sword, than it is fine, but it loses a lot of progress potential.

How important you want melee to be? It is the easiest to do the RE4 way, where melee is the worst option, only there if you are out of other ones, or if you are trying to conserve ammo, but then melee fighting is not that viable overall. The other option is like a monster hunter one; you have to treat weapons with a resource, if you want them to be useful against certain monsters. Like encasing your blade with silver if you want to do any damage to the werewolves.
2D pixel slop to remind them of their favorite SNES game that was like le totally based!!! Before the world went mad with woke!!!! Add a Le heccin epic Star Wars lightsaber duel and marvel Superman cape and you will sell a million copies
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This weekend, I'll be making a project based on juice and juice alone. Screenshakes,particle effects,satisfying sounds. After I'm done I'll carry over what I learned to my main project. It's either going to be a cookie clicker clone or an old school arcade game but juiced to the gills.
What is 90s anime inspired factions?
Seriously fuck games with equipment degradation. One of the cheapest and laziest mechanics ever created. It’s not fun. Stop doing it, no one enjoys their favorite weapon breaking retard
trying to keep it a hardcore survival horror and I think fans of that genre will go ape shit if I have weapons that arent resource based because you should be avoiding enemy combat when you can and only doing it when you 100% have to
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think you can juice up rock paper scissors?
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AI allows me to code my game. I tell it the result I want, and it gives it to me.
The only thing I need to do is to be sure I can manage the knowledge it gives. I cannot built too much with it because rapidly I have no idea what the shit does.

Just like being an investor and you know jack shit how it operates.
Like... A DBZ faction, a gundam faction, yugio, etc
you ever play resident evil? If the sword was the best option and never broke then you'd just use it to kill everything and have 0 resource management.
>a project based on juice and juice alone
>an old school arcade game but juiced to the gills
That's alright then, it's just broken metal weapons are a pet peeve of mine. But you know best.
Maybe this is what I was meant to do. Maybe I was born to be a wagey. Maybe my ancestors were dozens of generations of serfs and peasants, gradually bred through the hardship of servitude to learn to accept the nonstop toiling as a fact of life. Maybe things never will get any better for me.
stealing this
I wish ai could help me. I want ai to rig and animate stuff, and put it in the game engine for me.
you can use SkeletonIK3D and use it to "look at" any other node in the scene.
it's going to be replaced in 4.4, though, but the replacement should work pretty much the same:
Your game sucks and your game design choices suck even more. I wouldn’t play your dog shit “resource management simulator” if you paid me. Games should be fun not riddled with tedious chores that everyone hates, retard
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prime gameplay
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My game is gonna get pirated as karma for me not paying for undertale and some roms.
motion sickness bros...
they/them look stunning and brave to me
You must be 18 or older to post on 4chan.org.
Are there short versions of these long ass videos. These youtuber live in front of the camera I swear.
I hope my game gets pirated a lot. I'm gonna leave a surprise in version 1 for pirates
>I need short form versions of low effort react videos
The ultimate brainrot. Not watching this sht is also an option.
They're intentionally kept longwinded to farm ad revenue and boost engagement numbers.
original video is 20mins
>I will le heccin hack the piraters
Enjoy federal prison lmao
post it here if you ever make it
also, use the Klondike (Draw 3) variant of Solitaire so that winning is less likely
I don't feel okay today at all. I have so much work to do. I need to call the tax office too. They have to pay me my tax return. Motherfuckers don't do it on purpose. Last year I had to fight over the phone hang up to their face. Magically it got done in a week. I feel sick in my stomach. I feel too tired to argue again.
>turd worlder
>hack the piraters
I didn't say that. It would be just something harmless but ridiculous so I get more free press when it's discovered. And I can tell when someone has pirated it coming to the forums wondering why x keeps happening and I'll get a laugh.
Do the thing you dread most(phonecalls usually for me) first thing in the morning so you feel more relaxed the rest of the day
and one more thing, if the card is in the Tableau or Stock Pile, show them as regular, non-lewd playing cards.
so that the player doesn't know which kinks/characters are in play until they drop the Ace on the Foundation. it also keep the player guessing as to what will be happening the character as they advance the Foundation
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Australians and New Zealandians don't post here
I'm going to default the language to pirate speak if pirated, not that anyone would pirate my game let alone play it.
It will be disableable in a config of course, I don't want to ruin anyone's fun
Damage text and HP over enemy heads in FPS games? Yay or nay?
>tranime girls in military uniforms
Woah!! Is this some kind of epic hype trailer for an upcoming AAA studio released blockbuster gaming hit??
What did he do to get put in the cage?
Watch my 4 hour lore breakdown of cosmic call!
I don't like it. Just give me a sound cue when I hit and that's it.
Depends. But I like what cosmic call does with the bar of the most recently hit enemy at the top
Phonecalls are the worst for me. I don't know if this is introvertion or not. They are a nightmare. It's the biggest challenge for me in life so far.
I wonder if he's here. Does he proc it even if the enemy takes damage from a poison tick? One that's offscreen?
>This call is being recorded and may be used for training
Ffffuck I'm nervous enough

and racist

He just posted I think
Looks like off screen counts
Thanks. My wifi is really slow so I usually click on anything above 2mb so I skipped it. That also answers another question as to which enemy to prioritize when theres elites/bosses.
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Are there any good tutorials on how to make an indie game trailer? I don't know shit about this and I want to have a trailer for my soon to be steam page.
Derek lieu on youtube
But dates are what I dread the most and it's weird to set them up in the morning. Maybe if I were to sleep all day?
66 first dates, no second dates, but I'm not giving up because every first date is a cheat meal
Thanks, that looks exactly the type of thing I was looking for.
Women can smell your fear
Don't overcomplicate things. Have the typical gameplay shown in the first 3 seconds (ideally quicker, ideally 0.5 seconds) and after that 1-3 second cuts depending on how pretty your game is.
I don't think trailers are that important. I know 100% that they're completely irrelevant for mobile, at least they were for 3 of my mobile games, both Android and iOS.
Capsule art isn't that important either. Your screenshots matter the most, but not in the sense that you need to make a lot of effort with the screenshots but that how your game looks is what matters the most.
Weirdly enough I'm only shitting myself (literally, like 3-4 times the day of) before the date. Once I'm there I usually have a good time.
That's why it's good advice to do whatever you dread as soon as possible and with as little forethought as possible.
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Have really only been tinkering with some of the sprites recently. As the demo day is getting closer I am mainly working on fixing a few bugs and working on some of the presentation.

Today I did mange to add a character select onto the main menu for when you want to play against a certain character.

I am currently working on a new game icon for the itch and will take some fresh screenshots for the page.
>and racist
Don't be a stereotype..
I think it's just
>Don't bother with some personal logo or some bullshit.
>Immediately start with your strongest hook (What makes your game cool)
>It doesn't have to be something unique, just something integral you've put work into
>Make sure your UI elements are finalized
>You have roughly 20 seconds to start geting people interested.
>If your trailer is longer than 2 minutes, expect that parts of it will be skipped.
Last week I bought Civilization VI and Satisfactory and I just realized I didn't even watch the trailers. All I know is Satisfactory is like a 3D Factorio and Civ VI is Civ VI.
>Capsule art isn't that important either.
Stop giving advice
>I don't think trailers are that important.
Trailers are the only time you have complete say in how your game is shown.
Sir this is the amateur gamedev general
I don't mean you can just have any capsule art, but that it's pretty hard to fuck up and pretty easy to max out so it won't be your game's bottleneck.
Ie don't hire someone new to make your capsule art and don't spend too much time on it.
>/v/ dev threads
The best part about /v/ gamedev threads is that the nodevs aren't larping as devs. They come to hang out and shoot the shit.
Wow the cruelty squad one is so bad lmao
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How can I improve my heirachy? Even with a few elements it starts to feel bloated. If I nest too many then it becomes a hassle shifting between them.
thats kinda the whole point of that game
he sold more than underspace and crumble combined
Well I have data for my games on mobile. Steam doesn't have A/B testing features but from what I could tell, it doesn't matter there either. Though obviously the sample is a lot smaller because it's purchases on Steam vs downloads on mobile.
Just goes to show that
>Capsule art isn't that important
Whoever made the art for the game should make the capsule art. And unless visits/impressions rate is lower than average (Steam will tell you that), then capsule art is fine.
Just remake old kino flash games and increase the content.
>Sephira vs Nano C
>Princess Run
These two could easily be made into a commercial game, they're no patreon endless development cows but they're soulful.
This post was to
I forgot to add his (You)
Trying and failing to properly implement a room select system in my VN.

But also implementing more art and sound resources and getting close to an okay prototype.
I wish I asked this question. I scroll and scroll past hundreds of loose objects
if your trailer is good, it gets shared. if it's really good, it gets shared for decades.
stop. get some help.
No one here is making a game in that category except maybe Paper Sky but even there a gameplay clip is basically the same thing ie zero effort vs a well produced trailer.
To me the focus is
>gameplay, straight to the point
>cool music that represents the game

all the rest is trailer juice to help the firsts
crumble should have submitted the paper sky trailer to /v/3 and btfo everyone
I take notes. 1- 1.5 minute trailer sounds enough to show everything I've got. But I was thinking more about how to pace it. It's rpgslop so it needs to have story, battles and other typical elements + what makes it unique and it needs to use the music hype those up.
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this area felt a bit open and avoiding enemies by jumping arround alot was a bit too easy, so i added these mine things
also one of my shrimp is carrying eggs, pog
Capsule Art is the new Cover Art for digital content. The colors, font, and imagery is directly impacting "will I watch, or skip it forever unless it pops up again and again in my lists because it's popular".

Don't judge a cover by its book, but we're in VIDEO games.
just lowered my game's maximum resolution to 720p.
we are going retro, boys
I am gonna do my best regardless.
>health goes negative
Hey champ I know programming is really tough but you can clamp minimum and maximum values to prevent stuff like that
>inb4 ”uhmm le actually I think negative health numbers are cool!!”
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Seems like only things ready for DD will be
- Some of UI
- Basic speech/audio/lipsync
- Map
Should I still upload or wait for the next one?
uhmm le actually I think negative health numbers are cool!!
Do you have any data proving that?
I mean it sounds logical that it should matter, but now one's shown any data that I could find.
The reason I'm skeptical is that mobile stores let you A/B test everything including icons, trailers, descriptions, screenshots and in my experience I couldn't get any result that mattered more than like ~5%, often very low and within margin of error. I understand it's a different market but unless anyone can show data or Steam lets developers do A/B experiments, I'll remain skeptical.
>H O B B Y, HOBBY at the end
nta but I like to know how hard I was hit.
>-999 HP
oh shit!
I've never watched a mobile trailer, but I have watched thousands of real game trailers
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State machines looks scary and i've had no problems without them so far, how much of a convenience would it be to learn them for my next project (the one before I finally start my super awesome dream project)
Eh, seems very amateurish but in that regard it fits with the rest of the game so it’s probably fine
>inb4 ”uhmm le actually I think negative health numbers are cool!!”
its on purpose, looks cool
See >>483559718
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>stealth crabbing
devilish, now post game bucko
Any of you tried to make a blockbreaker/breakout clone? Got an idea to combine one with dodging and some interesting boss mechanics.

Fuck it I'll try it tonight but there has to be a reason why these games arent that popular. It's either the limitations of the core gameplay or the restriction in movement.
>trying this hard
ask marnix
>negative numbers look amateurish because.... they just do ok!!!
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What did he mean by this
Those games are getting their marketing from other places, a capsule is the equivalent of a YouTube video thumbnail it should be good enough to make a rando click
he was around all the way back then? That's crazy
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I wonder if I should make everything have reflections or just keep it at players and npcs
My data is it came up to me into a dream.

People in a store want something, even if it's passing time inside because outside is too hot.
They see things if it's digital, or they hear something second (no mainstream digital store uses a sound to sell before showing something).

Then the potential purchase is based on visuals. And what can they see? A capsule art, a cover art, a picture, and letters that forms the name of the game. Maybe then a description, types, genres...

And even if there's sound, in those realms it's always secondary because they're tied to visuals. Not like in a real location where 12 speakers will play different sounds, and 1 can catch your ears.

You can use data to refine stuff, like what makes a GREAT capsule art. But remove the capsule art, what stays? A latin word.
>reflections don't have hats
Do you have any numbers that show the difference between effective and ineffective capsule art? They don't have to be your numbers, just anyone showing it makes a difference?
they're on the way sorry I probably shouldnt have posted it yet, will fix fast
Make it a ballbreaker, you hit balls with blocks
refrain from giving advice nodev
>do you have any peer reviewed fauci approved numbers about people clicking on the pretty picture
this place is a joke
You're theorizing with no actual data. Which is about what you can do because I can't find any data either except what I have collected myself.
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The author's thinly veiled CBT fetish
Yes, do you have anything to back up the claims you're making? It's not a question of whether people will click on better capsule art but what is it that makes it better and how much is the difference and how can you measure it and has anyone actually measured it?
Your aversion to hard data is very feminine. Is it the side effect of HRT?
it's only been a year ago anon, do you think games are made in a few months?
Yeah it's understanding being an human, and understanding that life is not only statistics. You don't want to be wrong, but that means you'll never be right.
How about a mob themed blockbreaker game called Ball Busters?
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bros you're not gonna believe this. I just figured out the PERFECT capsule art
if you're girlfriendless/virgin/incel and can't find motivation to work on your game, I want you to know it's not your fault. of course you have no motivation if your basic desires are not satisfied. gamedev is such a long shot to begin with.
as a group, the well adjusted will self organize to deny you everything they can and keep you down and out. even your "friends" are your competitors and will instinctually sabotage you without a second thought. they're probably the reason you're where you are to begin with. they kept you at the bottom of the social hierarchy so what could you do?
it's not your fault. it's your responsibility to claw your way out of your situation but it's not your fault you got there.
kek do they turn up the blue eyes for the thumbnails. the aryan A10 gaze hypnotizes the ipad baby. seriously though do creators like this feel no guilt for rotting the minds of an entire generation of kids?
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depends if it's much extra work(is it just this room?
anyway, try darkening the reflected sprite before fading it.

Think they been suppressed too hard. That or the neurons associated the feels with something alien.
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How does one achieve this kind of success as an indie developer?
I often am forced to check out indie games so I can investigate why they are trending, but they are always very boring and subpar
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I know you guys shit on AI but I'm really looking forward it being able to make usable gamedev assets, especially converting 2D to 3D.
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>/R9K/ doompost, pity party, blame shifting, crybaby post
Leave, you're don't have the mental strength to make games let alone function as a working adult.
Making games is easy.

Anons! I overcame my anxiety. (for today at least) Made the phone call. Usually a girls picks up the phone. This time it was a guy. He was polite. I was ready to get into an argument etc. He said the tax officer that will take care of my papers is on leave. She'd come back next week. I told him well it's been a long time I was worried if something is wrong (an indirect and polite way of saying what's taking you so long assholes!) Anyways the phonce call ended on a positive note. I really wish I could get my tax return because I'm living month to month right now. So I will have to take some loan for the rent next week. It would cover 90percent of my rent. Fucking tax officers, they had a holiday just last week!
Sorry for maybe being off topic. I don't have anyone else to talk to. Maybe this can be useful for some of you. I google a bit for phone anxiety then I searched what jordan peterson has to say. Here is the link. Long story short, don't think of the thing you're facing as an agression and you have to be defensive. Instead think of it as a challenge/adventure that you will gain something and improve. Reminded me of the saying "amor fati", love your faith. I have to make the phone call, it has to be done so why not just enjoy it and pretend it's something you'd want and will have positive outcome.

Making a shitty game is easy
If that's the case then post your game. Prove your claims anon.
Work on as many games as possible until an idea hits with people. The dev for BB has been making games since the late 2000s.
Do what you can. Small steps. glhf
Breaking Bad?
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GG no RE.
I shit on AI a lot. but mainly the art. if you are using AI to generate models from art you made or payed for, it's a different story. this new hyperhuman thing is actually good for a base to work off, especially if your characters are not viewed up close. in a couple of years I expect to be able to put my art in an receive high quality production ready assets. problem is so will everyone else...
But the game itself is fucking trash. How did it get so many shills ? Same with that platformer, Andy Laylay, kill the princess etc all these games
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What is the idiot in this video doing??? Use the high stance and then forwards + strong attack and follow up with a normal combo. It has massive range, comes out quickly, deals tons of stamina damage and is just a great way to quickly kill enemies.
wow that looks good thanks man I'll try it! Also the water/reflections are in a couple of levels so far but just in small areas like with some puddles. You're right maybe only important items along with the npcs/player and enemies will have reflections then
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>it took us 50 years to finally make Pong 3D
*paid wtf
>Yeah it's understanding being an human, and understanding that life is not only statistics. You don't want to be wrong, but that means you'll never be right.
You do understand humans are different and will react differently to the same stimuli?
If you want to know whether capsule art is effective or not, you will need to be able to measure its performance. If you don't, then you're just guessing and might as well consult the horoscope on what capsule art to use.
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do you have what it takes to enginedev? to not ship a single game for 10 years?
>it tooks us 50 kg of weed to finally make Pogo3D
retarded take
In the end we just want our ideas to come to life, if AI helps us do that then I'm all for it. We won't be gated by scope or time anymore since making assets/codes is just a means to an end.
I look like this and I say this.

i do the opposite of what this boomer says
Today I'm going to research video game website designs so that I can eventually make a website for my game.
I enjoy modelling but I don't enjoy troubleshooting modelling. when it's flowing I'm happy but shading errors and UV stretching etc kill my vibe.
waste of time retard
>doesn't make launcher icon for every platform 2 years before his game is out
Designing an alchemy system at the moment. At first I thought that I can make it engaging just by having a bunch of ingredients with loads of hidden effects, the player would have to process the ingredients differently to get different effects out, and learn which ingredients have which effects by trial and error. Now I'm having doubts, should I have some more depth to it? Micromanaging shit like temperature while brewing does not feel appealing to me, any ideas what I should add to make it have a bit more depth?
websim.ai can design a videogame website for you from the url you type. (with working games sometimes)
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Today I had the urge to project hop but I know RimGod will come after me and eat my butt if I do!
Tim Cain? More like Cum Stain
>Ok so I have been brainstorming a protagonist that the kids would enjoy and I thought about this: PizzaMan. Half-man Half-pizza, everyone likes pizza and I remember reading an interview on Spiderman where Stan Lee said that the editor rejected him because people didn't like spiders so a superhero based on that would never work, with Pizzaman I have a headstart since everyone likes pizza.
relax ugly incel
>not 2/2 fists
It's "okay" but hardly special. The objectively best combat is anything where you can build your own mechanical fighters and blast parts off of your opponents so that you're both slowly losing parts and the tactics comes with how you decide to prioritize hitting what parts of the opponent.

also "soulslike" is a meme, guaranteed way to fail as a dev.
Made me laugh
>Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots but it's a pornographic videogame
I think I've discovered my Magnum Opus.
>RimGod will come after me and eat my butt
a girl can dream
>he's taking a slice out of crime
post tits retard
Thank you for the recommendation, I will look into it.
did he get bit by a pizza?
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>8 days
I'm sorry lol
I would say design it so it's fun and satisfying to you. Make a game you want to play.
So are you telling me I'm successful because I'm asexual and have no needs?
I think any amount of complexity in the form of different variables like temperature is fine, so long as you don't make it tedious if players need to do it a lot. Probably the more important thing is to be able to record discovered effects and show an estimated output based on that so players aren't constantly wasting rare ingredients. Or not if you don't want to hand hold and make external notes an implied part of the game loop (like noita I guess)
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Good morning /agdg/,
you touching yourself doesn't make you asexual, buddy
Gooood morning Mister. Please perform the necessary. How's the weather in Denver?
To me that sounds like a superpower.
baldur's gate + pokemon
He just posted it you blind dumbfuck
potion blast (on steam)
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how do I make a game that appeals to high salaried individuals?
did your grandma poop in your cereal this morning, anon?
put gambling in it
>watch Indian devlog for the lols
>he literally addresses his audience as "handsome sirs and beautiful madams"
high salaried people don't gamble, zoomer
weather is good, fellow.
It's by team sneed and if you check their other games your assumption will be varified
>he doesn't know
Please do NOT use the p-word....
Your moving goal posts. Either ask "How to make a capsule art more effective", or "Is a capsule art effective".
team skeet*
hello newfrens. Posters used to spam the game like crazy on /v/ back in 2020
You thought that was a joke?
Is the alchemy the whole game or just a minigame. Is it even a minigame or just a useful system to manage items?
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make a game about building up a mall / hotel complex. One single giant building that doesn't really exist in real life anymore.

Like the original sim tower.
Just some sort of giant tower with living areas and also malls.

90s liminal space. My own father in a white shirt selling phones at Mall Kiosks.

To think there were actual eye rolling goth girls hanging out in these malls. It's too much.
it's a profession like in WoW
>increase the movement speed or add a run button please sir mister developer
goth women look like asshole in their 30s and beyond
>his game doesn't have an "Activate QWOP mode" mode button.
that's alright, I turn people into Human-Elves.
>women look like asshole in their 30s and beyond
>"at least add running in town"
>dev removes towns from game
It's hard to answer the initial question without the whole game at vision.
Like the other anon said, the tools and mechanics used to reveal effects need to be fun.
And depending on how much the profession results (items) will be used, balance it so it's always engaging. And plan for what happens when the player knows all the effects.

Don't add a mechanic that would be too repetitive for a 1st playthrough, and try to avoid one that would also be repetitive for possible other playthroughs.
i swear devs make the most boneheaded moves ever sometimes. it's as if they took gamedev advice from a homeless bum that flings his shit at people passing by
You love to see it.
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>add a run button to your non-action game please I need to speedrun!!! I have 30 other games I have to beat this week YOu'RE wasting my time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>ywn have this tier of music in your game
now I do.
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Going to commit adultery and infidelity and mess with a side project I cant get her out of my head. A blockbreaker clone but faster paced and more player expression. It's a stupid fucking idea because no one plays these games but its actually doable vs what I'm working on now.
Not with that attitude.
ok horbor
This whole industry makes sense now. I mean I was reading it but seeing this photo just opened my eyes. I'm definetely adding gamling-ish features to my mobile game.
>he actually posted game
based, I concede anon you won, now keep on deving
It's a big part of the game yeah.
Internal recipe book is something I also thought of, also a taste mechanic which would give you a little hint without using up the ingredient. The rare ingredients are certainly a problem because I don't want the player to waste them completely.
have fun with it.
had a dream that someone made a movie adaptation of my game and it was totally different from the game itself.
How did you felt in the dream?
For my mobile game I'm considering ingame Competitions/Challenges/Missions where the player has to pay or buy ticket for with ingame money. If they win, they will earn more than they invested. What do you guys think? If they run out of money they can attend the easier competitions, and the very easiest one will be free. So let's say if you win the easiest one once or twice you will now have enough money to attend the second level difficulty competition. Or they can watch an ad to earn money or purchase coins directly. This makes it a challenge for the competitive players but one part of me is saying if you make it free, players would play more of the game. Would such restriction/challenge architecture benefit my game?
i was impressed by the production quality, but i was also upset because apart from some character names, literally everything was different.
QWOP of the colossus
you don't win the lottery by playing once, nodev
Competition against other player? Or PvE?
>how dare you work on your game instead of simping over imaginary women in thread all day who have personalities as broad and wide as Sealand
My game is my only mistress.
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How would you add melee enemy types in a block breaker game? Is it actually possible? It would look silly if were able to move next to the player but also there would be no means for the player to hit them with the ball given the limitations.

A cheap way would be to just give the melee enemies shorter but wider projectile attacks but at that point theyre just another variation of a ranged enemy.
Well if one day you're successful, don't forget that feeling, and see if it's worth having it, or if it's avoidable.
Ok, I will add a run button.
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Make of it what you will - earlier I was looking at the stuff shown on itch.io main page (which I do very rarely), and of the couple games it showed me, Anthology of the Killer was the one I clicked. Couldn’t really understand what it’s about, just looked at the screenshots, even saved one just so I could find this (apparently obscure) game again in the future, since it looked somehow interesting.
What I make of this is, somehow the game has appeal.
When I played Gothic 2, which has alchemy system, I chugged the most important, rare and finite ingredient raw to heal, without knowing it's needed for the best elixirs. I know it's my fault, but maybe make sure this kind of retardation doesn't happen.
I hate games that screw you over like that
play Shadow Break
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May I see you submission?
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I am an alchemy pro, let me tell you how I did it.
My games alchemy system is at it's core simple. If you do not care about it much, you can quickly make lots of items and not think about it.
If you want to get the most out of it, then you have to play around a bit and experiment, but it's still not overly complex. There is no universal solution for the best anything though, and a few traps that you could run into that means you need to put a little thought into things. There can be multiple ways of making the same item but generally there is no best way of making that item.
Additionally, the system doesn't allow for complete failures. Everything you attempt to do will produce something. If you mess up it will simply be an inferior quality item.

Honestly, you simply need to balance need vs investment from the player. If alchemy is important and the player will be creating hundreds or even thousands of items, then the process should not be overly complicated and time consuming.
But if the player wont be making tons of items, then go ahead and add a lot of depth and allow players to experiment as much as is possible.
I said I know it was my fault, and it did say something on the ingredient's description about it being valuable. I'm all for no handholding, difficult games where you have to think, but some frustrations can be reduced.
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Sure, in 8 days!!
It's some sort of a ball shooting game. But in each competition rule set will be different and there will be additional obstacles to make it harder etc.
> If alchemy is important and the player will be creating hundreds or even thousands of items, then the process should not be overly complicated and time consuming.
Well put, I will definitely keep that in mind. I guess you can't have both, highly complex brewing and a lot of experimentation, else it will become a chore
Now I still don’t know if it’s players against each other
dedicated server online multiplayer functionality

You could make it so discovering a new item to craft is an involved process. But repeating the process is quicker and more simplified.
You can look at MtG online versions for reference - they do have this style of tournament. Except they don’t even have a free tier.
Looks interesting, thanks
I will now perpetually ask you for this every time you submit your game to Demo Day
i love this hobby, but this hobby doesn't love me....
What's the lore behind Potion Blast?
But if it’s always against other players, it will be harder for everyone, so it will be the same difficulty to win. Idk why I would want to play higher tiers neccessarily
No, I will not add dumb pitfalls for the player in my game for gimmick purposes. If something has negative consequences it will result from conscious choices by player, with tradeoffs to make it an interesting decision.
Deadblitz it's the new Potion Blast.
No it's single player. Your hitting the targets.
thanks for your thoughts
I see, thank you.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Trying to summon a portal.
what's the godot approach to incremental patches?
>I know it's my fault
Not really, it's just a thing that can happen. like selling some weapon you didn't like without knowing you can't rebuy it or that it's the best in the game.
It allowed replaying the game to get a more perfect run. It can be discussed whether it's bad design but I don't think it necessarily is. king sorel's are hidden anyways so you're unlikely to get everything without a tutorial. there are also strats for using shrines/stat raising elixirs at specific stat tiers to maximize gains. It's a very minmax-able game(that doesn't become unbeat-able if you don't).
It's not against others. It's single player. You will earn more money from harder missions/challenges. So far my plan is the player would spend that ingame money to attend higher difficulty challenges or buy/paint their cosmetics.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be an engine feature. Itch makes binary patches for you automatically if you use Butler. Steam has similar functionality. It’s just up to the engine to play well with those generic algos.
>child emits signal
>that's processed by the parent, which emits a signal
>that's processed by the grandparent, which emits another signal
>that's finally processed by the grand-grand-parent
I sure love "decoupling" my code. There has to be a better way.
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Yuribros, nortubel is our only hope...
/agdg/ origin: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/432506907/#432520843
origin: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1406666/less_than_a_month_away_from_release_and_not_even/
extremely hilarious considering it got 13 you's, i was there for it
No problem. I enjoy talking about my game.
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Shihiro is a guy, though.
But I admit having some yuri stuff in Nortubel, though.
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Stop waiting for godot and start defolding
>open defold
>it's slop
Your slop radar is tweaking, it's a game made in 2020
>open godot
>instant sovl
nope, sorry. OOP is all about coupling. it's all about identifying object boundaries and inserting your fist into orificies in said boundaries. it's all coupling no matter what language is used to dress it up. believe it or not, the authors of most modern game engines need a boot coupled with their head.
!nice AI shart
if the effect learning part is more passive:
>eat ingredient
>get miniquest
>complete miniquest
>learn ingredient effect
potion crafting is as simple as Skyrim but effects need to be known for the potion to work. so you can't just spam-craft to learn new effects
also, the miniquest can be anything. like:
>travel 1000 meters
>restore 300 health
>kill 10 skeletons
>take 600 poison damage
>a timer that expires after 10 mins
>earn 500 gold
>sleep in a bed
and other small quests or activities that you are expected to do as you play the game.
you can limit these miniquest to a max of 3, so that they player can spam eat them too
liar. it's slop. there is no debate.
do the intermediates do anything with the signal apart from propagating it?
doesn't exactly inspire confidence when your HIGH PERFORMANCE PRO GAME ENGINE FOR L33T PROS looks like an electron app
well my dad works as president of microsoft and he told me you're wrong
You can connect the signal directly from emitter to the final catcher without going though intermediary nodes.
Nothing wrong with sloppa placeholders but there you go.
>post is literally copy-pasted from reddit, with 10 different short sentences all of spread apart by 2 newlines
>it's also only posted in the thread to shill, finished game that has never been posted in the thread before
>one guy calls him out as a reddit tourist
>dozens of retards swarm him with "uhm sweaty at least he has a game? where's yours? anyone with a game, even shills are welcome here"
Grim. Modern AGDG is just a corpse that's still moved by its festering maggots somehow.
>Nothing wrong with sloppa placeholders
Makes it harder to see what you need to replace and improve, it's like starting with an existing painting as your canvas instead of a blank canvas.

did you make that scene there? That's cool.
They're right tho the identity of the poster doesn't matter. All that matters is the game and the lack of game from other posters.
holy fucking shit an anon actually accused the anon who posted it of redditspacing CORRECTLY for one. I've never seen that happen before.
i wish unity looked like that desu
>Makes it harder to see what you need to replace and improve
nta but replace everything? placeholders are placeholders. I have 3d AI slop placeholders in my game and it's like I can feel my game more, the real vision emerging is just everyone looks like playdoh for the moment.
i wish nu-devs would fuck off and leave computing alone
>They're right tho the identity of the poster doesn't matter
It absolutely matters. We're "supposedly" a community. If we let everyone to just barge in with their finished games then we stop being "amateur game development general on /vg/ board of 4chan" and become just another /r/gamedev shoot-off.
Post your game in the fucking thread while it's in development or don't bother at all. Also LURK at least ONE MONTH if you're a newfag to learn about general 4chan etiquette and thread culture before you shit the place up...is what I'd like to say, but let's be real, we've been in Eternal September for a long time, people don't even know what lurking as a concept means anymore.
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If you want a prototype you don't need all the added noise. Just make it simple so you can clearly see what's going on. It's probably less work as well.
i'm just trying to make a game i dont give a shit about le tools, madam
godot looks like that too though thoughbeitever
>i do things this way so everyone else should too
Having placeholders make it easier to get an aesthetic or to present the game to publishers/artists who always want a clear art direction, I get that AI is now a rightoid/leftoid culture war issue but holy shit.
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Oh he is talking about Godon't? Moving along a tree ain't so bad.
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>I get that AI is now a rightoid/leftoid culture war
No? It's the fact that every single waking minute of every fucking day I'm bombarded with
>the news: talking about AI
>podcasts I'm forced to overhear: talking non-stop about AI
>ads: have you considered AI for your tennis?
>/agdg/: her look at my AI design :)
and if I were a publisher or an artist I'd immediately assume you're a bottom-barrel worker. The AI pajeet memes aren't just memes, it's reality, I'll have someone writing a graphic novel and they'll present concept art that's bland as all fuck because it uses AI and AI only knows how to make the most generic shit possible. In fact, the worst thing you could possibly use AI for is concept art because it only knows how to make bland ass shit. I'm sick of it and I'd certainly never trust someone who can't even make their own placeholders if I wanted to invest in them, it shows laziness and a lack of a vision for the game.

You might not realize it but losing that creative freedom, even in the placeholder stage, may hold back your creativity. When you cut corners and spend less time on your project you'll always lose something.
I'd forgive it if it were an AAA studio because they're about as creative as a conglomerate of committee-voted design decisions can ever be.
There's no inheritance in that situation though? I said parent - child , not parent class and child class.
ActionMenuItem is in a List held by ActionMenu, which is held by UnitPortrait, which is held by the general UI ViewScene. There's no "inheritance" involved, all of them are completely different data structures, they're just arranged in a top to bottom hierarchy.
>I'd certainly never trust someone who can't even make their own placeholders
That's because you're a nodev who can afford to be a naive idealist since you have no deadlines or responsibilities, before AI we game artists used photobashing, matte painting and other techniques for placeholders and pre-production that were essentially just AI before AI. Just say that AI is against your religion (whichever political party you worship) and move on.
wdf is the context of this image lmao
yeah, my bad G.
>he's still trying to make AI some sort of religious issue
how can you not understand that having shit shoved down your throat 24/7 would make you hate it?

If you need to go to such extreme extents because your assets take just so long to make, you're probably not going to make it as an indiedev. You can't finish a game with a good length of playtime if you need everything to be as detailed as an AI placeholder is, if you then intend to replace every placeholder with similarly detailed art.
If you've been working for a while then you must feel it. The most successful indie devs aren't the ones who pile on detail for the most generic ideas possible, the successful ones have simple styles that let them finish games.
I wish I were a nodev who could hear my own advice now and tone down my own level of detail, I've lost so much to it. No AI-generated white knight in shining armor is coming to save me either. I've just got to improve for the next game.
Ah a fellow RPGbro. I think you should open with some combat preferably showing off what makes yours a bit different. Savvy players will know that this is what they will spend most time with. Then just some setting tidbits to get insight into the starting setup, and where things might go. Switching between that and the action.

As for music, personally I have turned it into a hobby to listen to royaltyfree tracks on youtube.
Does Godot have the same problem as Unity where changing a class name reverts all your serialized values? It's extremely annoying
godot has a lot of shit things like that
No it doesn't the point of 4chan is so the identity of posters doesn't matter and the posts are judged solely by their content. If you want to go guessing the identity of posts might as well use Reddit so you can just look at the usernames/profiles.

>4chan's gift of anonymity offers us something not often found on today's Web—the opportunity to speak our mind and share ideas and be judged for the content of what we write rather than who we are. -moot
Source: https://www.4chan.org/4channews.php?all#114
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>No it doesn't the point of 4chan is so the identity of posters doesn't matter
The REAL LIFE identity of the poster doesn't matter. What you post matters.
>and the posts are judged solely by their content
And we are doing exactly that. The content of their posts is awful and we want them to learn how to post better here. Rule #1 and #2 motherfucker.

Also do you realize for even a single second how completely worthless and inane your point is, when we are discussing posting your game with your identity associated with it in the thread? There's no fucking anonimity involved in this. Your argument has absolutely zero ground to stand on, it completely crumbles on itself, you are being contrarian for the sake of it without actually thinking your post through.
>The REAL LIFE identity of the poster doesn't matter. What you post matters.
That's exactly what I said tho. How are you saying my point crumbles while agreeing with it on the same post?
>How are you saying my point crumbles while agreeing with it on the same post?
Because people are no longer anonymous the moment they post a released game in this thread, tied to a company, tied to their real name? People will always know who Bokube is when he posts a progress video. Your point was muh gift of anonimity and it falls apart.
Yes you are. Look i am an inner circle dev and you have no idea which one i am because i have not attached a frog image
I am free to shit on your bad opinion without worrying about how it would make me look in front of your fans, my fans, or random social media users.
My reputation doesn’t pollute the message at all. You have no reason to trust me as an anonymous poster so i have to back up my beliefs in text in this reply in order for you to believe me
> Look i am an inner circle dev
I can tell from how fucking retarded you are. Read the post chain. We were talking specifically about someone who posted his finished game directly in the thread. Saying the identity of his post doesn't matter because he's anonymous is absolutely moronic you goddamn cretin. Shut the fuck up next time and stay in your lane.
How do you even know that was the actual developer?
it sounds like an anon just posted it as shitposting
I said as much in my initial post. The first post was talking about people's reaction to him initially before it was found out the reddit post was copy-pasted. But that's irrelevant now because the argument switched to whether the "identity" of someone posting his finished game matters or not, and the original extra chromosome retard I was arguing with tried to use the "anonymous" claim even though someone shilling his finished game is exactly the opposite of that.
fuck off crumble

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