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Previous: >>483493830

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Changlibros, I'm being tempted by this harlot...
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Rolling for every white haired resonator
Please Kuro add a boss with moveset similar to Radahn so I can bully him in this game
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Jinhsi's game
Somebody mod Rover into Elden Ring I'll buy you a welkin
I was kinda not feeling her but this fanart is really nice...


What do you Phro faggots like about her so far.
He side boobs re damn attractive
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Her horns are ugly.
She purty
Isnt Phrolova-s hair like blueish?
Being slow doesn't mean there won't be schizos or shitposters tho. The animetroon avatarfag is still here for example.
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She's grayish green
Her design is cute and bandage = sad past
Gonna get Jinhsi + weapon then skip everything for her
somebody please find this location for me in the game, it's important
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Camellya sex waiting room
she's gigabait for menhera (forma de trauma) fans
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So... the free magical banjo is only for collection?
No chance of being a cope alternative?
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I shouldn't have been so hasty with the selector bros...
Despite being extremely heavy on one color she really does well with shape and distinct features.

Her hair and her eyes and her lashes are all similar colors but her eyelashes and eye shape makes it stand out anyway.

I think s he makes the twintails work really well too.
And people are starting to catch on and ignored him most of the time, he's like a broken record repeating the same shit over and over, anyone with a thinking brain wouldn't indulge him more than twice.
How the fuck do you dodge multiple attacks while Jinhsi is in mid-air 90% of the time? After clearing all hologram challenges I fucking hate any skills that send characters to mid-air. Verina and Havoc Rover are some of the worst contenders.
It's the town northwest of the main city. The one with the big fucking sakura tree in it
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Why is she looking at me like that?
She can spam dodge mid air
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Looks like just gray to me. Which I'm gonna call white.
Other colors are just from lighting
Pull the signature weapon gweilo do you think open world multiplayer games are a charity??
When are they going to add something better than notAbyss? Whoever's idea it was to copy this lazy pile of shit endgame 'content' from Genshart needs to be tiger benched and have all of their organs sold off.
Taoyuan vale, just say the name dude
She gains a ground dodge that works while in her floating state midair
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Wuwon? Wuwon.

I wanna fuck this Pandahaired fucking SLUT!
Oh very nice. Guess I will roll for her instead of Changli.
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Baby making SEX
I can fix her
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Like I have this chang shit memorized? I knew where, not the name
>b-but gayshin did it and they're printing money
kuro has no idea what made genshin successful do they
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Are story chapters limited? fuck I guess I'll just spam skip.
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Never if the slurpers in here get their way. But hey, pretty trailer means the spaghetti code and half-assed cut&pastes doesn't exist anymore.
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Wuwa seem to be doing really well to me?
Why are you so mad?
Heir idea was to copy everything... wait 2.0 for something original
>genshitter still seething
It already exists in the game, hologram
They just need to swap the rewards for hologram and tower
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For me it's Camellya (True)
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God I wish
Do you not stock up on Pecok Flowers? If you do, you'd know the name by now, don't brick yourself and start stocking up now.
i can't confirm if they are limited cause someone had to skip jiyan's quest and then tell us if it was still there (no one did)
So vs the standard banner, it is 34% better? What is the team dps difference?
Femrover owes me wuwa
Post femrover
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>Kino trailer come out
>Genshitters start malding
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Post your hologram clears NOW.
why did they scrap this for that genshitcore redesign? what the fuck were they thinking?
>1 fucking patch and there's already powercreep
It took genshin 4 years to release an insane character... We are not even 2 months in...
Thank you
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we did ok, consider the strange timing of the banners
if you mean changli's blazing brilliance, its 134% vs 100% commando (gacha trash), but only 10% better than the emerald (5* crit sword on standard banner)
Huh... I guess I skipped it, how was it called? to check if is still there.
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At this point its ANY WuWa content
Oh I meant dragon girl
Brutal mogging
this is why im rolling for her. Id rather pull characters with more dynamic playstyles. She's also my wife.
It looks like /wuwa/ will never be as fast as it was during launch again...
Both using bots
autumn trace would be the most efficient option but you have to buy at least 1 bp (regular)
Yep, same thing happened to tofg
2 days until maintenance?
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Reminder of who makes up these threads lah
>non stop genshitter spamming the thread is a good thing
The in game model looked dopey compared to the art. It's a shame
Indogs are worse than pinoys
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Last chance bros, 5h left to get rid of your superfluous corals
there is a rumor that they will repurpose the design for someone else, pretty weak rumor though
Funny how most indonesians gave 1 star review for wuwa since the game doesn't provide their monkey language.
wtf she didn't say that in the japanese version
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>>483524060 (me)
Well, still there, that's nice. I'll probably end up skipping them anyway.
Shouldn't we save it for gacha roll currencies?
Can't escape sea thirdies even in triple a title because it's f2p sad
You will unironically always have so much leftover you can get the rolls no matter what
>Not saving them for free rolls
Genshin will release a new end game mode in a couple of weeks
Confirmed illiterate
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Yes you should because some banners you won't roll at all and won't get any coral income. So you can brick yourself by spending it on shit that isn't rolls
good job bro
most of us couldn't decide if it actually got rid of it, but looks like all the companion quests stick around at least.
Yes, if you end up saving for some future character you could easily end up without them.
saving this whenever someone asks for a proof
>Used all echo exp from double drop event
>Got nothing but trash
I'm so done with this fucking game man
theyre reducing the shell credit cost to upgrade echos in 1.1, you didn't wait?
What is male or female rover that was with Jinhsi?
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reminder to not discount or toss this. My head cannon is a future event will let us upgrade this to 4* and then 5* someday.
It seems silly they would denote this as 3* with the fanfare and then just let it die a patch later.
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do they use femrover in all the trailers?
How long until Yinlin banner goes away?
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how do you have so little of them
You already know the answer anon.
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That's valuable to know, thanks for checking

You're probably just too picky, or hunting for perfect substats

This, the fact that is has no cooldown on the effect has potential to be broken

Pic related
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Come on anons...keep farming for better echos for me!
sex rover was in 1.1 trailer as well as those cosplay teasers
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You could have played Elden Ring DLC (GOTY) after WuWa dailies
INSTEAD you thought you could beat 12 layer RNG artifacts after one week of grinding
Noooo I want Changli.
I'll give your echoes to Changli and you'll like it, stupid brat!

The only based post I've seen from you, dumb frogposter
>indog money
These are truly seapag hours
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Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
Could someone tell me honestly, If I skipped everyone until now, will I be able to get Changli, Jinhsi and Tsubaki?
>Elden Ring DLC (GOTY)
Faggot lore retconning final boss with spamming aoe skills and reused asset with empty open world is actually this year's GOTY
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When the fuck are we getting ass cracks with our models?
You only need 3 rolls to get them all. Just get lucky, retard.
If you played from almost day one, yes. But depends how many rolls we get in 1.1 and 1.2.
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>in 2 days another 33% of rollers will get lingyanged
very grim
realistically yes, but not the weapons. and you would need to win some 50/50
>Google Play
Reminder that most optimization and complaints about performance come from poor thirdies who can't afford a pc.
average per limited is 90 rolls so yeah even if 1.2 gave 0 rolls you should easily get them
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Sorry building Chixia for Changli instead of a dumb potato
Niggas really be building a whole new character just because the new 5* has an outro buff they slightly benefit from lmao.
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would you pay 20 dollars for this outfit?
Ok wtf else to use with her?
>lol just pull scar bro
Count to see if you can save around 450 rolls to know if you have at least a chance at getting all three of them.
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Hell yeah. I'm considering playing a game just for the swimsuit they added
No, I'd be too embarrassed to be caught running around in that,
Why when someone will mod it
Yinlin/Verina because they're stupid OP meta characters that fit with everyone
Taoqi is good with Changli, but you might get filtered by her playstyle
Mortefi big maybe, not sure if Changli can reliably trigger his ult
Sure, if they remove that dumb flower accessory that's clipping on the thigh
It's a grim world when what is probably Fromsoft's shittiest release in over a decade shits over basically of the competition in the AAA scene
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Maybe one for jinhsi, encore or camellya. I didn't even roll for her.
If they add new voice lines and a good beach event to go with it maybe
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This is where the boner is created
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When you filter out how much money CN makes you can see how bad the numbers for every game is. Pretty irrelevant actually.
Better with Jinhsi
If you've ever played her she's low dps and slow as fuck concerto. Reason why she's C tier
Already with Jiyan
My dear seapag-coombraun friend, this game's an XCOM-like, you won't like it
Pretty much. 6 months into the year and it's either Fromsoft's worst work in a long time or helldivers 2 which is spaghetti code swedeshit (but I repeat myself).

>What about Palworld

lol may as well put up this jank piece of shit while you are at it
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I'm ngl, I don't really care lol
Friendly reminder there is no limited 5* healer anywhere in sight for the next 2 patches, while there is only 1 usable healer that needs to be on every team right now
New 5* healer when
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Already removed you from my main party
>Better with Jinhsi
He asked about Changli, not Jinhsi
>If you've ever played her she's low dps and slow as fuck concerto. Reason why she's C tier
Maybe your Taoqi
You don't seem to know how to build and play her
>Already with Jiyan
Nobody wants to play Jiyan
Today jinhsi video is so bad desu. There's genetic and pointless than zhongli.
>turn on cheat engine
>1 shot every mob
offline single player games are ass
>JP Dokkan getting destroyed by global
its pretty hot if you consider it from fem rovers point of view
The spanish-speaking community loves DBZ
>There's genetic and pointless than zhongli
not more than JP themselves I reckon
Why does Jinhsi just reuse Jiyan's dragon effects? This looks unbelievably lazy and we're only one patch in. Not even Genshin straight up copies effects 1:1 to other characters.
Lmao slopbot needs a tune up
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FGO being that high when it had 0 new content and only two reruns is nuts.
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Rate my party. I just do big or small.
>people still spending on that jpeg bubble popper
jesus I played Dokkan back in 2016 when that shit was just the norm for gacha. in 2024 it's an illness
Based yurisis
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Jinhsi is a rapist the moment the doors close behind you. Don't fall for it. https://files.catbox.moe/5s84jy.png
Nobody in the west plays games on mobile
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>the tralier schizo is a SEApag
Not surprising at all kek
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Yep. Mihoyo puts soul and effort into their content, which is why we should all forget this trash game, and move over to immediately watching the new trailers for ZZZ, which is an epic game with a huge, diverse cast of characters - all unique and with different factions - that provides the super stylish, fast paced skill combat you've been looking for.
Story leak about Jinhsi, confirmed she's ultra for (You)
>due to her connection to Jue, start growing dragon scales whenever she's injured or emotionally unstable/embarrassed/shy
>start growing new scales since meeting (You)
>having a prophetic dream about (you) before the 3-day meeting that helped her get out of a dangerous situation.
>her scales gets hot and itchy whenever thinking about Rover
That's what happens when you have content drought in a franchise as big as DB, at this point anything goes
Clunky central
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I'd still play brave frontier if it was still around
That's really fucking good.
Just put the 3* healing gloves on your Jianxin with rejuv set on a side tower team. Noone wants to spend money on boring supports.
This looks like a 14 year old bait kek
is that supposed to be bad or what
JP wuwa where?
>Elden ring dlc hype over
>uptick in ZZZ shills
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cn pretty much hates everything last month
though they went all in on arknights
im guessing that was w alter?
Jinhsi pees in the bath
that's the age where I saw my friends play it, yes
Can you please stop calling me sis or bwo and stop saying nyo
I'm a male, that kind of stuff makes me horny
I think we should become the manliest of all generals.
I fucking cringed
ZZZ and Mihoyo games actually have effort put into making them unique, and Wuwa is basically an insult in it not getting copies them correctly, see >>483527036
>bitch has an itchy rash condition
Kinda gross tbqh.
nta but i played it at launch and the greatest sin it had is being completely boring not the retarded astroturfed raymond shit. Hopefully they've figured it out since then.
Yeah, W alt and Logos are must pulls so it's only natural, it's a rare game where they actually prioritize kits over appearance
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Arknights is the prime example of you just need to success in 1 region and 1 region only and still top monthly revenue chart
Every eceleb in western ak community has to quit, meanwhile cn community is still as healthy as ever
I wanna scratch her reverse scale
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Mihomo devs are a bunch of poser with no souls.
One look at their desk and you know how shallow and retarded they are. Reminder that Da Wei's favorite anime is Evangelion, the most pretentious, normalfag bait mecha series ever created.
Bwo the bots stopped working... why aren't the views going up?
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Are you talking about the gameplay or story? Either way, I honestly don't care at this point lol
>her scales start getting hot and itchy when thinking about rover
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What effect specifically? And genshin copies moveset with some frequency (even ignoring how normals between the same weapons tend to be the same), like xingqiu and hu tao sharing animation, and even hu tao and guinaifen (different games).
Jinhsi should experience my penis.
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> her reverse scale between her thighs starts getting hot and itchy whenever she thinks of rover.
almost 70% of global revenue is JP so yeah, CN and JP are allowing the game to exist for the rest of the world
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Any similar calcs like this Kakarot?
Tbf gui's animation was probably just a cheeky reference
Jinhsi needs sex to slowdown her transformation
>scaly vagina
N-no thanks... that sounds painful for my dick.
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>mfw I spent hours counting turns in maxwell boss fight
that shit was so aids but I still remember it very fondly
>no labia majora shape visible through the panties
Holy censorship, cucks here will defend this.
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thats very cute
definitely required after getting blueballed by nintendo with dragon zelda
The cn arknights community are literal sociopaths that every other gachashit community is afraid of. Of course this could backfire on the devs if endfield continues being a trashfire lel

I'll take that over spats
im sure there is, but what specifically are you looking for?
Does Jinhsi want crit rate?
No wonder why they left global exufags to rot with the 70 bucks KFC skin
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he wont answer you because that troon's just baiting you. they're obviously seething
Man, having stress-induced eczema sure sucks
Jinhsi weapon, Lustrous Razor and Autumn Trace (S1 and S5). Rotation can be just with Yinlin/Verina I guess.
Anyone who has shit on their desk like that is a poser real niggas have next to nothing or a mess of books, notebooks and binders.
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Any leaks what the weapon banner 4* are? I feel bricked without Variation
She needs her clit raped, yes.
everyone but verina wants it. Though bazili probably doesn't care either
heals can't crit
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It would feel pretty bad to have her full charged nuke failing to crit.
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>another lizardperson
im sick of this
Just restart 100 runs and fish for that crit, bro.
I just watched the trailer and it just screams "we want the the Ayaka audience"
At it was missing were the wet socks
Unless you autistically spend hours restarting the floor after a 2 minute fight it literally won't matter if you crit or not
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Trials were truly ahead of its time and now turned based gachas are not allowed to be nearly as hard anymore
No one even talks about ayucka anymore
Same people are rolling for her so you are not wrong
Which is such a shame because they could do better than copying Ayaka 1:1.
Wrong, I hate ayucka, but I'm rolling for jinhsi
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Daily reminder not to fall for the /hrtg/ troon squad and the fucking giggers with their mihomo bait-posting. They're obviously seething right now because of how our jade-like beauty reminded them that they'll never be a...
Someone post that mogging image
Creative types with clean desks show that they only considered it a job, never a passion. That's why both JP and KR dev's desks are littered with collectibles and trinkets. They pretty much live inside the studio when there are big projects happening while CN dev are mostly a bunch of pretentious dipshits, hence JP and KR just constantly mogged CN creative-wise
God I love jade like beauties....
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yaka more like YUCKA lmao
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jinhsi for whale/incelbait
changli for f2pchads
i know who am rolling alright
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I also skipped ayaka and getting jinhsi. The issue with ayaka is her I don't have any friend (thoma forgotten) even though she is clearly very sociable (though both sent you to a pointless fetch quest to see stuff that could be said in 2 minutes like ayaka see people who lost their vision arc). Ayaka is also ugly.
DB has Legends, which tries to be a game more than Dokkan.
look at the foreheads on those two next to my wife Jinhsi, what a disgrace
Wtf were they thinking with that... That... EGG head on the left?!
It's also a game where you have to pay or you will not play at all, PvP game amirite?
ayaka is for middle schooler weebs who watched their first haremshit anime
so is jinhsi
i bought a diaper
Junior has eyes but cant see mount Tai
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>nympho with dragon STD
>want to fuck (you) because (you) reminded her of Jew dragon cock
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>strong, responsible, kind woman in a position power archetype
>and also both have white hair
Ayaka wasn't the first to do this. Jinhsi won't be the last
i am gay
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>The cn arknights community are literal sociopaths
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Go back and get LION'd, fatecuck
Okay...okay... But what is her personality? Gotcha waifufags!
any calcs on jinshi's weapon on kakarot/jiyan?
Traditional Yamete Nakadashi
Da Wei is self hating chink who want to be nip, but doesnt realize white hair pure girl is derived from jade beauty archetype which is originally from mainland CN
Yikes, why haven't you guys killed him yet?
thats just a straight up calculation from their deepen buffs, it would be a straight up % increase.
CN gaming censorships especially for mobage being more strict was because Arknights fujos keep reporting any straight looking game they saw on their path
>get LION'd
he'll get knifed properly some day.
If you dont have 100% crit rate then you don't crit reliably. Your DPS is low.
Lustrous Razor or S1 Autumn for Calcharo? Pic related with Lv 70 autumn
They literally cancelled an artist for drawing their beloved wife getting the BBC and it fucking worked.
>Skin disease
>fuck Jinhsi
>she turns into a lizard mid sex
does that make me a scalie?
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>People about to roll for a legit lizard
Azur Lane had to remove of few characters in CN because of CN arkniggers mass reports
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So are you a seanigger or do you just not sleep?
It's a bot... how are you this dense?
>he never read the maid book in skyrim
Chinese youtube is a thing? Thought that shit was banned and they use bilibili
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Are YOU a seanigger, or do YOU just not fucking sleep???
Do you have a referral code I can use for this paid sponsorship when I top up in ZZZ?
That's Japanese obviously
Yeah I couldnt sleep after getting blueballed so I'm here shitposting
all the leaked gameplay footage ruined the trailer for me
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dragon hag sex
Can't wait to see a new wave of players cry because they got fucked by Lingyang's barbed cock while they were rolling for a cardboard waifu.
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I'm a few days late on this, how are we looking on "purple tuners to turn into golds in 1.1", bros?
I can't wait for Lingcuck to get a cunny girlfriend and leave us alone already
they said 5:1 ratio
your pile only makes 264 though.
I mean isn't Dokkan the same with it's powercreep?
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I bet you jerked off while undressing some of them, you faggot.
You sicken me.

Jinhsi needs to be killed, and if you roll for her it shows me you're worse than dog fuckers.
You fuck LIZARDS.

Maybe stop jerking it to encore and verina.
yeah but in the end that's a PvE game, in legends? You don't max out your Gohans you don't get to play the game.
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So are you a seanigger or not?
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It's still more than I was expecting, it'll double what I currently have.
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>finally managed to max out my Rover forte.
Feels good man!
Who tf is Tsubaki?
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If you talk shit about arknights you will potentially be doxed and fucked with IRL. Even a lot of the big boy communities like mihomo refer to it along of the lines of "that game" because referencing arknights by name brings the shitstorm. There's a giant meta of pro and anti Arknights people constantly false flagging and doxing people on their own side shit's fuckin wild and makes the discord and false flaggotry in these threads and on 4chinz in general look like child's play. In such an environment only the insane are left and chinkcels were already a different breed before weeding out those with weak wills. It's calmed down some over the last year but you are always just one spark away from the madness starting up again.
a character from Baki
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I'm going to sleep soon, so no.
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my fat wife
>Ripped off GF2's animation
wtf that's antisemitic
>bocchi the reddit
>twitter filename
Ironically this was typed by a zoomer
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Lingyang has a normal cock
>No limited banner
>Whole day of 0 income for Kuro
Shouldn't have put Yinlin's banner early if they're gonna do it like this
and the funny thing is? The guy who got cancelled loved the girl himself, he just has a pretty morbid fetish.
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Post your end-of-1.0 savings. I got 30 weapon pulls still too from when I pulled Stringmaster for Encore.
What? Proofs?
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She's worse than cardboard, she is a SCALIE
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Worst character from Soul Eater
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holy BRICK
>Globohomo loving reptilian giving away the keys to the kingdom to the first swarthy immigrant she sees

David Icke was right.
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First they took away your monthly rolls.
Then they took away the entire shop.
nice reroll acc bro
all those coral turned into shells
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So maintenance starts in 20 hours right? When all the events end.
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Saving for Changchang and Tsubaki. Sorry Jinshi.
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Jinhsi love
are big soles fetish of their own
girls feet are nicer when they are small and cute
>2200 corals for 3 stamina days worth of coins
reroll accs dont count
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Why aren't more people doing this?
Wasn't everyone crying about how lvling up is too expensive cuz of lack of shells?

Instant free money.
How's your Astrite looking?
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Oh look the bot is here
The expression on her face really sells this image for me.
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Fuck I left out the Astrite
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This and 60 hard pity. Stash for next male character.
Cause the double drop event from Simulation Training was enough to bounce back for the next wave of character levelling at UL 45 anyway. No need for it now.

Lookin' good.

Lookin' GAY.
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Be nice to our magistrate
the last of his kind
the only one that can still breed his race
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Hiiii wuwa~!
where are the rest? you still have 4k around the world
Even I use the 5* weapon box.
Odd I leave it alone.
Is this what we call peak femcel design?
I fucking hate Yanqing and his relatives
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Hoping for both 1.1 girls
Which second support char i can use for clearing tower? jianxin,baizhi?
My exploration is at 70% for the southern areas and only 50% for the 3 northern areas.
But the main reason is I rolled for Danjin and got spooked by Encore at 38th roll
Support kuro during these harsh times and buy 5 monthlys
kuro should pay artists to make fanarts
eh, that's a guaranteed next pull, always a silver lining there, finish up the map before the next update
kuro should make the unpaid intern generate AI fanart
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Not using it is dumb and a large indicator of autism-ocd.
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>Really wanna whale so kuro can take a W
>Jinhsi duoes doesn’t do that much damages to justify it
nice luck
you failed 7 80% rolls
Look on the bright side, you didn't have to spend a few seconds to look at a bunch of gold digimon stats to find out you got nothing good.
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cute bulge
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Someone got KINGed while rolling for Firefly I see
Play Unicorn Overlord
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now that i think about it, some of the developers must be fans of metroid games since they do have some enemies with similar features
that's kind of gross desu
>Whaling so some foreign party who has zero knowledge of your existence can have a marginally better PnL sheet
Why does Rover attract so many creepy obsessive stalker wtf?
which artist because there's still plenty doing it
This guy, he got better though
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I can't do it bros. Those 3 are literally impossible for me as of now. Mephis is just too tanky. Heron has tons of bullshit unavoidable attacks. Monkey's shadows are kind of random at times and monkey itself is tanky af
there is no timer counting down for these guys, they don't reset. you can simply try them at 60/70/80
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I am going to shower for the first time in 3 days
>he got better
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>3 days
is that supposed to be impressive?
got better as in he's no longer getting hunted down by the autists, as for the abuse it's here to stay
I didn't even bother with any holograms over lv 2 yet.
They're all gonna be piss easy in three months, there is zero reason to rush now.
Does anyone have the total free pulls between 1.1 and the logins?
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Yangyangbros...how can she compete with this a literal queen...?
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I'm not touching this beyond difficulty 5, don't have the DPS for it
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What killed the hype
yangyang can be my fuck buddy
By always sticking to Rover unlike Jinhsi who will disappear after one patch
how are these any different, pag?
Yapyap more
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The only characters I remember from this game.
Yangyang can fuck my buddy
Holy based
Guys? I fucked up my screen before the update....what's a painless way to off myself?
Two bullets to the back of the head and then jump off a building
when is the update
in 5
When will Bocchi the Wuwa drop? Does this game have dead days with no banner?
We've had dead days for like 2 weeks now.
How much would one need to have a good shot at both?
I'll have to double check my exact total when I get home but I think I'm at 21k
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Build good substat Moonlit set with ATK% 3 cost so i can run it on any character, yea i am that guy
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>needs 3 different teams
what now big boi
Only need 3 on the field anyways
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>slaps your ATK% on the ass
What do you do? Keep in mind that she is 1,55m tall and has big fucking honkers.

Just swap the echoes between characters lmao
This is kind of an unfair image. 3rd one should be facing forward to. Sideshots are cheating.
is this the face of our streaming community?
everyone else is an old man with onion face so its at least better than that.
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she's still kind of tilting her head downward, is there really no just straight face shot of her?
ugly like Ayaka
What do her armpits Smell like? Optional taste opinion is welcome too
will probably once she actually gets into game and people can take screenshots. Either way it's not really close, wuwa models are just superior
>Goes into heat whenever she thinks of (you)
She's perfect breeding material.
Pink > White.
I wouldn't know, I'm not good with math that have variables like coinflips lmao
Blind SEApag
You need at most 75 pulls for a 5*
So if you lose the coinflip you need 150 at most to guarantee the limited
That's fucking adorable, god I love dragon girls
Is Jinhsi or Changbang a brick without their weapon?
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>jinhsi gets all scaley when she thinks of you
That's kinda weird ngl, does she just turn into lizard when taken to the extreme? Like when you bed her? I'm not into the lusty argonian maid thing that much
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Will he/she appear in 1.1 story?
Interesting that Korea and USA spend more on wuwa than China.

Usually they are a distant 3rd and 4th
smartest wuwaggot
Is very equal, it usualy is China >> Japan >>>>>>>>>> USA >> The rest
This is your canon wife. Show me how much you saved for her.
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Tits too big
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How much do you think wuwa will make in June?
>Jinhsi is going to be released in june too
a lot
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Wuwallion of dollars!!!
Is this supposed to be Rover or is this some other game?
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Considering it's the first three days of Jinshi's rate-up, June is going to get a very large part of her revenue.
who cares, the thread is going to be raided no matter how much the game makes
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It's doro
>the thread is going to be raided no matter how much the game makes
A lot of generals get raides by rabid shitposters.
is there any lore reason why Korean hate Genshin so much?
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i did it bros

time to pick my weapon
>some guy voted for 90-100 million
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I prefarmed Changli instead of Jinhsi
>even redditbros say signature weapons are a must have, effectively making a new character cost around 240 rolls

Lol, this game won't last a year when f2p and casuals realize they cant just roll for who they like
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Why is she so horny
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>no sound aids mark on her spine
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Sorry there wasn't any option to pick 120 million so I had to pick that. My bad
Based nips and gooks, imagine how much less chink shilling we might get in the future if Japan and Korea keeps this up
Glad I picked mRover. /u/ games aren't my thing.
As opposed to? Skip the weapon, settle with 18/30 (losing ONE roll, lul), and save 80 rolls?
That's literally Lumine
This should be $80 at least.
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designated dragonfucker game
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But you niggers told me the game was totally dead in JP after Jiyan's weapon debacle.
>spadeschizos are still here
Don't worry, kuro will give you 10 more pulls.
Is almost as if is a gacha game
>sees Rover
>dragon mating season kicks in
god I need to smell them
Thank fucking god.
>you niggers
Why did take /gig/tards seriously?
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Aieeee, I finally have a crit rate one but the rest is so disappointing...
That was nothing compared to what a nip gacha usually goes through
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Anyone bought the connoisseur battlepass?
10 bucks for 1 weapon dupe is not worth it
Wtf how did arknights make 44.5 million? Maybe i should give that game a 2nd chance
Yeap. it was worth it at least for the early stages of the game, next one i dont think il buy it tho cuz everything is soooo much more goddamn expensive to upgrade i feel like aright fuck it il just wait
You didn't brick your account by rerolling echos before the 100% gold drop rate DB update, right?
It's only 7 bucks with a free VPN, and it also gives some extra standard rolls and cubes I guess.
The super ultra omega premium battlepass is a complete waste of money
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Better than Genshin for sure
Their latest banner is a shit show
The regular BP isn't? lmao
The strongest unit (also limited) released
Also logos
Which operator is that?
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the weapons are a must have because all free options are shit tier. Especially if your standard 5 star weapon is not crit chance there is no replacement for them really
The exp and credits were extremely useful tbqh.
The correct way to think about it is that it's twice as expensive.
By cubes, do you mean the stamina refill? I dont see it having that, so it's just the 3 standard pulls, the bp weapon upgrade (which I think is worthless because of how easy you can get 5* wp and they are all good) and the limited cosmetic banner (which I would argue is the most valuable item here)
And what did you get out of it? 30/30 tower?
I got it, i think its worth it for super early game.
Added bonus over genshins version is that you can just keep the box and choose a weapon later after you got a character
Keep in mind that's just CN taking up 90% of the sales, if you're western, might as well steer clear
right, people said the same about Genshin but without feasible objectives, people just drop the game unless it panders to housewives and casuals, which this game does not.

10 rolls and a 3* event weapon that isnt good on anybody because even shitty 4*s are better

oh I feel you anon, but in that picture, I only see pagly needing her PNG, the rest are more than fine with freebies, meanwhile, you cannot do the same here because every 4* wep sucks dick.
So bros, what did you think about her trailer?
Was it good in your opinion?
Yeah, I do like the feature where ypu dont have to pick the weapon and material right away. But I was talking about the premium premium battlepass, which is the $20 one
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where is the 1.2 drip marketing?!
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Is she a virgin?
My wives
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Yes, she's saving it for (you) and (your) seed.
yeah, thats the biggest problem and seeing the event weapon being a 3* wep that the featured char cannot even use really sets the tone on how this game is gonna go. ToF 2.0
went from
>after launch pulls there's going to be a BRUTAL pull drought and people will drop the game
(1.1 gives a ton)
>bro a character costs 240 rolls actually you HAVE to roll the limited weapon over the standard 5* weapon or you're BRICKED and people will drop the game

oh boy. How much longer till they get btfo again and move on to the next cope
>crazy bitch constantly raving about how she's thirsty for seed
Take a wild guess
Why does Japan love this shit? I thought they're more into auto shit like horsepussy
JP version is also good because you get a 10 pull like every patch because of sales rank 1
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>I only see pagly needing her PNG
Is literally the same in wuwa.
FF w/o her sig, prime team on good relics and ruan mei + sig IT IS usable but is much, much worse than if you have everything. Not to mention eidolons and dupes on sig
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Wuwa girls are too attractive to be virgins
But we have even worse Tiktok hours though...
remember that one quest where you had to jump between all the buildings without touching grass or the ground?

There are advanced tracks that you have to clear at those same spots that give chests
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
So what's the bread and butter routine for Jinhsi?
Not after THAT scene.
why the fuck am i forced to use x character in the illusive realm? i can't clear tier 5 because my available units are bricked
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Sex with girls! Female sex!
The lighthouse quest?
All sonance caskets delivered?
And this >>483538762
Westernkeks dont get those pulls? Lmao
>spend waveplates and do dailies and logout while waiting for new content patches is becoming boring
first gacha?
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I was losing my mind finding the last Jinzhou chest a few days ago.
Check if you've done this challenge a second time.
I can see it...
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explain why that's a bad thing
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can't complain when you have at least cdmg
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How much rolls can I get with 6k Astrite? How do I get more? I am a day 1 player and I still don't know how
My scaly and bushy wife
FF works fien with Aeon losing probably 10~15% compared to here where no sig = -30% dps.
ruan mei can use memories and complete trigger her break effect buffs, meaning she will work as intended.
the rest are supports that can use whatever

WuWa, if you have an on field dps + sub dps, atleast those two have to use good weapons. I would not say it is the same, difference is, HSR fucks your ass with conditionals (needing fire + heavy break effect, for example), while WuWa, right now, only has elemental resistance.
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It's not, you just look like an autist for trying this hard to protect a fucking PNG however.
FF is an extreme case though. Her one team is good, doesn't need anything special either. Sure you can make it godly with more investment, but compared to other teams with only 2 e0 chars, it performs much much better.

But if you don't have that, it's shit. Was always something people complained about. It's extremely one note and boring.
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Looks fake af
That's not donut
>can be taken off for easy fucking
not at all, but the fact that you don't have a base to passively farm money/exp and you actually have to farm them is a pain
where the mark at?
>losing probably 10~15%
Aright you are just shillin for no reason
I feel bad for anyone that didn't roll Jiyan lmao
fucking love this unit
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Rover love!
Are Resonance Liberation/Skill & Basic/Heavy Attack bonus rolls just total bricks? Just got an echo with all 4, and I was thinking that even flat atk is just way better.
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Why is my reroll luck is so much better than my main account luck?

Is account seed real in this game?
>fucking love this unit
That's really gay bro
Fake and too colorful for WW.
>don't have a base to passively farm money/exp
huh? The simulation training in the city gives both money and xp. Unless you mean passively as in literally don't have to do anything to get money
we need a shonen jump mod for this game
Flat ATK is always better and more universal.

Until Jinhsi and Changli come out. Anything with 80+% in one damage type will benefit more from the bonus% stats.
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>firefly needs ruan mei another limited character
>also pic related
>not even factoring the larger pity and 75/25

hmmmm nyo
Yes, flat attack is way better, even in cases where a character does a high amount <basic % for encore> flat attack still is better. It's still crit > crit dmg > attack % > flat attack > special dmg stat they like
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even homo cowboy needs his gaycone
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Here are Jinhsi's damage calcs with the standard 5* (left) and her signature weapon (right). Does not include any external buffs like Verina, only what Jinhsi brings to the table.

You can do the calcs on how much better your particular rotation would be with her signature vs. the standard. I don't have a rotation for her yet.
>inb4: FF doesnt need ruan mei
HSR could never
Are lightcones like the weapon banners for HSR or something?
By calcs it seems to be 15~16% for most chars
Acheron is almost 30% because nihility only has dot PNGs.
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>lose argument
nyo i dont think syo
Yes but they're just PNGs like CEs in FGO.
Oh yeah and builds are standard
>Razor: crit rate%/spectro%/spectro%/atk%/atk%
>Harvest: crit dmg%/spectro%/spectro%/atk%/atk%
Gigger behavior if I am being honest.
They should really stop splitting character kits with 2 banners already
Yeap and since like 2.0 they have been becoming more and more mandatory to pull when you go for a character. Hoyo niggas are full hypocrites if they think wuwa weapon banners are rough
Light cones are 4 cost echos but in their case you have to gacha them only for limited characters...and the effects are stronger due to that
You have free 2 play options but a lot of them are much weaker.
Have you tried if spectro/atk 3 cost would be better with harvest?
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How the fuck did this guy get 33 of these golden crates? The BP only gives 4 right? And I don't see any bundle in the shop that sell it, unless they are gone now
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Okay lets be real for a second, no troll allowed. We will never beat Genshin FINANCIALLY, like never ever, not a single chance ever.

And I thinks that is totally fine, we don't need the game to become too popular and we don't need to invite even more the undesirable.
Content creator benefits.
you can buy them on the store wdym
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Marginally worse, and becomes more diluted as you add external ATK% buffs
Hotaru's LC is only barely better than the F2P S5 Aeon which everyone already chose since it's the best choice for every F2P destruction character. If you have the budget for her LC you should go for RM or eidolons instead since E1 and 2 are busted
I didn't check but there is some cash shop boxes
you get 50 from the store if you paypig
I have that box too bwo, there's only 1 bundle per patch. it's pretty worth since gold is cancer
Didn't ask. But I agree.
Well they must be gone now because I'm only seeing 3 bundles in the shop that give you various XP and the purple crates, not the golden one
there'll be another one in 1.1
Does Jinhsi weapon have 100% crit damage or something? Why is left only double crit, while the right is like triple?
femRover's feet
50 crates for one bundle? What was the price
If your approaching ul 50 and have extra energy I recommend shells or weapon chunks <forgeries>. I've been getting small bits of weapon chunks for the 70 > 80 prep on main dps
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>remember that one quest where you had to jump between all the buildings without touching grass or the ground?
Well would you look at that. It's the parkour thing. The one at the gate
Somewhere around NIKKE is really nice
Make alot of money but not as popular with normalfags
That's not the argument. The point is how much you have to pull to make a character perform really, really well HSR compared to wuwa. I really don't think wuwa is that money hungry compared to the other offerings in the gacha space.
They are both casinos and predatory as fuck wuwa don't reach for your wallet as hard as something like HSR does. it aint that hard to understand
>barely better
>same as signature weapon r1 vs standard weapon r1 in wuwa
guess what, this game doesn't have a 50:50 system though, you can cry about it.
i forgot, i think like 10 bucks
Why not? Genshin revenue has dropped like a rock over the years
I lucked on the previous limited weapon banner and got it in 5 pulls so I'm going to roll Jinshi so I can lose 50/50
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oh there were 2 ,this one
alright thanks, I didnt know about it
To be fair wuwas only gameplay that could demand 17% more output is tower of adversity, however during her patch they give a free dmg buff to that character type
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It feels fantastic to not be emotionally invested in the degree of financial success between two game companies. You should really try it sometimes.

Wuthering Waves is more fun to me than Genshin. My fun is all that matters to me.

Woops, made a mistake, it is on par with spectro%. You gain some damage in skills but lose some on the liberation. I'd say they're equal enough to where it doesn't matter, which is good news for farming her 3-costs.

Her weapon has crit rate%, which opens up the possibility to use a crit dmg% 4-cost echo. The standard 5* uses crit rate% 4-cost echo.
I expect their new region to completely decimate the player base, it's actually funny to watch how it tumbles down.
Come on now, they wouldn't fuck up that bad, even if they do then they're actually planning something and is just slowing down for some kind of preparation, no way they'd let their cash cow go like that.
as a fun fact: a lot of the hype of that game came from leaks and after putting a lid on leakers a lot of the more dedicated playerbase just lost interest for not having much to look towards which is funny
The rumor is 3 dark skin characters next then fire archon, pretty grim
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Hi wuggers.
Funny to think kuro probably leaked their own shit when that jinhsi and changli gameplay came out
I think they'd learn by now to not fuck up an Archon of all things
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I still like you even though you flopped because you made homos and foids seethe
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There is still to this day nothing that can be used as available replacement if you don't go gamba on the light cone banner for her. But yeah WuWa bad topKEK
That would be for chud or yinlin
bro, read.
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How come the Chinese don't appreciate their own game...?
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>electro echo for Havoc MC
you will learn how elements works someday ankobro
Firefly works great with Pela, HM and Gallagher at E0S0.
congratulations. now this is a stick up, hand it over.
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>That last roll

Someone end my suffering.
He posted an image of Memphis not dreamless
stop being greedy gweilo
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Cats. So many cats.
>saw someone at UL 56
Showers.... Vanquished...
56? the fuck?

I'm at 45 and I thought I was sweaty
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Fucking Jinhsi in the middle of the night, leaving early and make she thinks it was a dream
56 would be stinky
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>echo posting
this was my second c.dmg drop please clap
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>mashed through the dialogue first time i did this daily
>first cat will now forever be named bingchilling or some chinese shit
Should i just reroll at this point?
>tfw still 44
I should reach 45 before the patch i hope
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I haven't seen a 20%+ cd with a close 10% crit, so pretty nice
>one character that is Mei, known to be absolute e2s1 bait has no decent options
>WuWa every character has no decent option if it isnt a limited weapon
> and it doesnt stop there, because your sub-dps or utility also needs a busted wep
Would roll if she looked like that
Big magistrate
pag kino
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her reverse-scale is moist
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/wuwa/ rate my Rover build!!!
Utility can just wear energy regen or odd heal proc gear. I disagree with a 2nd dps requiring a 5* weapon tho. All the showcases I have seen had their support using purple weapons like bp weapon
You can say the same about wuwa, don't need to top perform it just needs to do OK.
shit. pretty shit
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Your new chinky character made you cocky. Don't forget who owns you in 7 days.
hi daddy :3
You mean the first day we get 10 free rolls out of 30
Pretty strong
Different target audience zigger bro. Shouldn't you be in ukraine instead playing wideogames?
>almost no attack from echoes
also crit rate at 64% seems very inconsistent before MC gets the next sequence for the free crit
damn bros the rougelike was pretty fun
Baizhi + Inferno Rider is fookin OP
I can't wait for mihomos to move there
>like bp weapon
>10 bucks per each copy.
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It doesn't show up for me, do you activate it somehow or I had to activate it when the event was up?
More illusive realm in 2 days bro
>this is official art
5 copies is only 7% more dps. Stick with 1
Stop with this stupid meme
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Sex with magistrate
Can't wait for this to launch and watch all the unsuspecting retards find out they're playing a furry game.
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>Every piece has crit
Jesus fucking christ
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How much until the update? and no I asked HOW MUCH UNTIL don't give me dates give me hours
if she actually had those tits tho...
not him but im an ultra lucklet, not a 100% = 0% for me
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0.28 weeks
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Wrong set and boss bwo
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5 minutes
36 hours
Pretty and strong
Upswing my cock straight into her womb.
New to the game. Do those specific damage bonus like skill, liberation etc have the same calculation as elemental damage bonus?
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Goodbye Yinlin, when I wake up, you will not be there anymore. Step aside for the magistrate
Firepag flopped
Slopwinne slopped
zenzored zlop zero zlopped
Tech otakus didn't save shit.
>that scene where she briskly brushed you off when you asked about her scales when she happily held hands with you to prove she was not a hologram
did that mean during that scene she was having a full female boner for you?
Imagine if wuwa had a summer event with swimsuits...
Yes, focus on 100% crit rate for maximum consistency.
No I will not post my tower clear or holograms, but believe me they're consistent.
>Jué is actually horny for us and that horniness is manifesting through Jinshi
Is my interpretation.
What the squeak bros, why does the dragon wanna fuck us
Still not pulling for her tho, tits too small and giga juggers going in a few weeks after.
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She was ovulating hard
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Why does anon not like me
wait, havoc rover is kind of fucking broken, no?
once the C6 comes out can't you pretty much guarantee 100% crit rate with the sword + echo?
Jue is my nigga. Best wingman frfr.
>once the C6 comes out
does he know?
spoiler it's coming out in 2.0 when rover has been power crept by 3rd limited havoc
Yes, element% and bonus% are additive
Yeah. But there is also Damage Deepen(mostly on outro skill) is a separate multiplier.
It's been renamed to Amplify
wtf, we have an entire day with literally nothing then? No events, no banners, nothing at all?
is this ai? imma need a source
Havoc Rover is really really really good. Hope the other Rover versions can keep up, Spectro is getting a buff with 1.1
Spectro rover is getting buffed?
The Jué echo can be used by Jinhsi or Spectrover and adds quite a bit of DoT. It's also considered as resonance skill damage, which means you can potentially make use of the resonance skill damage% substat on Spectrover's echoes.
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brutal mogging
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Genshit and its consequences. It truly is over...
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brutally mogging
no one likes ai niggers
Who is making these trailers? They need to calm down a bit, the trailers are going to become better than the actual game if this kino keeps up.
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This is the perception i get as well from looking around in different websites and forums, i really don't think Jinshi will do all that well compared to Yinlin and also Changli seems to be the focus for a lot of fucking people in this patch
because Changli is fucking hot
simple as
Oh god. Nikke wull have fat ntr guy!
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Only I care about Jinhsi
I like Jinhsi the Scalie way more desu
Skipping changli for Phe
Changli hag sex and impregnation
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>Brutal mogging
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Will Kuro ever hold such kino stream?
Nikke is so desperate to get doujins that they're willing to bait fat bastard NTR?
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CR piece.
Dave is so lucky...
There really is nothing to look forward to in genshit right now, the game is in a sorry state
Wow, they almost added an accurate depiction of the average player.
The only issue is that he’s outside and too physically active.
I'm looking forward to Kirara and Nilou skins, and then uninstall.
I don't understand how this is possible, even a full reset every single day doesn't get you there
>baizhi against crownless in roguelite mode
good fucking luck seeing his attacks, what a fucking mess
why are you using baizhi instead of spectro rover or yinlin, what is wrong with you
Muuzuh boooooovies
i actually kinda enjoyed dave the diver
Maybe Anon want to get achievement for finishing a stage with her?
When will we get our fat, ugly bastard and bbc collab?
The fuck is a tiktok hour?
Man you are seriously far gone if you think half assed mobile games making millions of dollars a month is bad.
Only the hebe crowd like Jinhsi
Because you can't use every character in every challenge? Did you even play the game?
I don't think devs did because there are flies that heal in this mode and beizhi basic attacks can't fucking hit them and she has shit and slow jumping attack.
Dave is so lucky............
the fuck is hebe
It's all in Kuro's hands to save the waifuBROS. Please don't fail us 1.1
Jiyan's companion quest? You need to complete the main story, I think.
Baizhi is beyond broken with inferno rider, moreso than any other except maybe Yapyap
Cannot believe Dave gets to fuck Helm....
Nikkebros, we cannot recover from this
number of hours the game is above tiktok on CN appstore
anything less than 50 = giga flop
Go back
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No you go back the fuck hebe means is it the new zoomer word i cant keep up with all this zoomer lingo
I’m gonna say it.
I think Taoqi is ugly and her design is bland, the only good part is her tits and they’re mostly covered up.
You can't say that and not post an example of what you find is a good design.
How are we supposed to know if you have any taste at all?
Don't forget her animations are bland.
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you are an absolute faggot if you think this is ugly
and that's totally ok anon

you are allowed to be a complete faggot in the year 2024
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ok fag
No, but this is >>483550059
I'm going to molest those tits
you're actually too new to post here, lurk for at least 10 more years
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Say that to my face fucker not online, and see what happens
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>hebe is now zoomer lingo
Go back to twitter, toktok or whatever shit you use fag
Changli's high body temperature would kill your sperm long before they reached one of her eggs. Better hope IVF exists in Huanglong.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>can fuck her and cum inside all you want with no pregnancy risk

holy fuck.
>no child support
that's a win-win
>implying she has any eggs left
Just breed Baizhi or Sanhua first and get to birb plapping right after
yeah, you just convinced me to roll for Changli
Her real form is a loli
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>Three (You) for free
aright schizo zoomer you outing yourself at this point
>Warm body inside and outside
>Easy birth control
I'm going all in boys
is that supposed to be a downside or what anon?
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Jinshi will define the meta for the next six months
>sample is India
>changli whipsers in your ear to cum inside
>you spurt rope after rope into her and it dries up instantly
>We will never beat Genshin FINANCIALL
Genshin isn't doing well. don't believe gacha gaming chart. on Global it almost lost to Nikke last month. This Month Wuwa is doing better than Genshin in Japan well, before their banner yesterday but it is a flop still so Jinhsi only needs to do as well as Yinlin
>he doesn't know
The meta to beat what exactly?
My meat.
The scales thing is cute, but it's not really a replacement for a personality.
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Before this thread ends, I would like everyone here to know that I want to fuck the absolute shit out of this girl right here.
Dude what the fuck is this shit? I just logged in to do a little bit more of questing and hopefully get Yinlin's weapon and as it turns out the banners have ended.

fuck kuroshit
point and laugh
You had three weeks and the banner clearly stated how much time you had left.
You have no one but yurself to blame.
Faggorino-chan, not like this...
Illusive realm is the most fun content
Not gonna lie. WuWa is doing quite well with it's banners that feature only orginal characters and not just copies of ones from PGR.
This is worth going for right?
You can upgrade them to gold tuners next patch so they're not useless.
You can however just buy out the entire shop.
Oh I was afraid I'll run out of shop currency for the next patch, we get enough to clear the shop every patch?
>op image with mihomo chars in it

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