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Previous Thread: >>>482727821

>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Yanikka Shirokova
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
Guilty Gear Collab Characters, Rita, Horizon

All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
SPIRITSEEKCS24 (July 2, 2024)
FALLENCS24FLOOR (July 3, 2024)
SBFAFNIRCS24 (Expires: July 3)
MRWINGER24CS (Expires: July 3)
RLCALVADOS24CS (Expires: July 3)
CSXGUILTYGEAR24 (Expires: July 3)
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The biggest.
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Sure. Just gonna go to the market and buy a pack of 7up soda!
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But Harab already exists
harab only works on very specific units, and said units are protected by Curian on top of it.

Harab gets UP pretty frequently in pvp and is still forgettable, so yeah
>Making the thread with the wrong skin
Our /vg/ catalogue advertising...
the oil bottle looks shopped in
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you just know...
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We're saving this for when it comes to global.
I'm not even into cunny but that tummy is presented very impressively
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you will be into cunny soon, there's no escape
>Tummy Meitner skin
you will be happy to hear that the bottle won't be there the whole time
>operator buff is up
>have nothing to upgrade right now
>banners are Sysop who I already have maxed and Mansion Master who sucks
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there took a bit for an upload
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How do they keep getting away with it?
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>Everything is marked with event now so you can't tell what has the increased currency drops
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Even after all this time it's hard to beat Carmen in raw sex appeal.
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free sticky handjobs to the age rating management
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still hard to tell who would win. i think they need to do a paizuri battle
alice skin dokooooo
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>The new Danger Close menus let you see the buffed units in the unit selection screen
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whats with her face thats just lotion for the body right?
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Here I am making questionable decisions with my cores and pure possibilities again.
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Bought the 30-day sub after seeing Eve skin, cunnyside STRONG and ALIVE game.
can someone upload a transparent or webm of einz and zwei's trophy?
>Eve skin is that she kidnapped (you) to a deserted island
That's cute but i also wonder how she did it.
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Oh i see how it is well fuck you too bside for not wanting to take my money, I don't see why you couldn't bring out the eve cunny skin on global too at the same time. Kr gets 3 skins we get zilch. Fuck you i'm giving the money to somewhere else then since you don't want it.
>interdimensional demon with an in-game portal attack
It's a mystery for the ages.
I would expect (you) to have a bunch of protection making it hard for her or someone else to do something like this.
why would you avoid being captured by a semen demon ?
You do have a point.
Damn this SEA_ guy has a lot of accounts wtf, guilds too
He could be anyone including you...
Half of Domas value comes from debuffs, I wasn't expecting him to out dps Gaeun. Snek is still shit because she does nothing else, Doma might actually get used in pvp now.
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CEO gave shiyoon the ominitrix
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Hmm, not sure what the best way to keep the one forward deployment asshole off your ship is. That's who you eventually lose to, not the front line.
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Did they just make the whale gap even bigger with the changes?
how do you know which are the biggest whale
wtf does the "orochi pattern enhanced" does anyway
As is CS tradition, they just don't explain any of the mechanics.
Seems to make her a LOT tougher. My clear time plummeted, but on Expert the 30% bonus seems to make up for it.
he is just like us bwos...

What are the new Dive strats now bwos? that don't require volcano
mlem mlem mlem
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holy bazongas
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who is your favorite unit per class bwos?
for me, it's:
Striker: my big sis
Defender: Horizon
Ranger: Alice
Sniper: Noelle
Supporter: Claudia
Tower/Siege: Maestra
Operator: Rachel
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Striker: Chiffers
Defender: Levia
Ranger: Kang
Sniper: Miyawhale
Supporter: Rev
Tower/Siege: XL
Operator: LSY
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Xiao Lin
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Striker: Horizon
Defender: Luna
Ranger: Gaeun
Sniper: Miya
Supporter: Jia
Tower/Siege: Nequitia
Operator: Momo
brown tits are divine
So pvpfags, whats the verdict

Are any of the new reactors must-haves?
Phijarmonic in general have absolutely god-tier design

And of course, The entire faction was wasted.
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How did the Admin knew she sleeps naked?
Lots of time together since her younger days with him
you don't violate your employee's privacy? its in the contact in exchange for buying the president all coffin employees hereby have no privacy and their sleeping posture can be filmed and sold as ccompany property
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Striker: Esterosa
Defender: Yumi
Ranger: Karin
Sniper: Edel
Supporter: Lone Lee
Tower/Siege: Edith
Operator: Momo
wolf cuts are hot
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wyell would you look at the time, it's time to cummie on tummy
Do not let Dr. Snektits touch your orbs.
t-trust the plan, skins and pirates in july
Why did it have to be that every RIS engine decided to turn to shit the nanosecond AI art took off? Almost every RIS I used to trust gave no results. Took me way too long to find:
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do it
OKAY tell me. I have 420 black tickets and 70 blue tickets
- where can I buy more blue tickets? it says in the store, but there is nothing there
- should I pull on current black banner even if I don't get what I want because black tickets use transfer, or should I save them? Is there a big event coming that will make hoarding them worth it?
- as a new player, is there anyone in the current banners I should try to pull for?
black tickets are whale food
>not blacked
Surprisingly based
nyes korea is healing
Horizon best girl
Blue tickets come from different activities, you get some from dailies, you can randomly get one from a world map dispatch mission. There are some from the daily gold gambling sometimes.
I don't know if you can buy them directly from the shop but you can buy quartz which acts just like tickets if you run out.
Black tickets are for the awakened banners. Right now there are a few good ones, the dino and mina for pvp. Jake is a great all round tank but you already get hild for free. I would honestly save your black tickets until a better choice comes around. Eve will get a rerun at some point and you will want to get her.
And no none of the regular banner characters are that strong right now. If you do any normal rolls it should be for the collab characters if you really want them since they are limited.
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Oh well...
Is she a p*rate? I don't think we're getting her.
she is new in KR
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she's a navy seal
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she also needs correction with that shit-eating grin
madman played AChris followed by E1
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ALSY with her shiny new reactor can't kill her if you kill her yourself
July previews today I hope.
>that nose
So it's true huh? They switched artists? Maybe it's only for new ssrs but they seriously look like shit. Was the old one too expensive? If so then holy dead game
>doomposting about the nose on an OPERATOR
damn didn't know you guys got that desperate for anything to complain about
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Please, post more.
hello i started following the guide in op but can you guys please tell me with classified recruitment unit i should be rerolling for?
>where can I buy more blue tickets? it says in the store, but there is nothing there
outside of some packages you don't buy blue tickets
when you run out of blue tickets you pull with gems for 150 per pull (1.5k per 10 pull)
and you can buy gems easily
dont they usually do it on day 30 or something?
I would say Either Ragina or Jake. Jake is a strong tank that does good damage as well but you get a free tank after playing for a little while. Ragina is a really good ranged dps that you can use in pvp and pve. If it were me I would pick Ragina.
i don't think they switched artist it seems to be a new one for the SSRs/Operators in specific
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i'm sorry bwo but there isn't more lewd art of that skin yet
you get awakened hilde for free whose the tankiest unit in the game, so probably jack0 she's really strong in pve and above average in pvp plus she's a collab limited unit even if you ignore her kit she's really strong in pve by default because of high stats + the 100% damage inc in pve and her kit especially her special is really strong.
ragina it is
Are you retarded? First it was sanae and now it's with this girl, there's obviously someone different working on the art now that's not nearly as good as the regular artist. Is that somehow good?
Oh shit sorry I forgot about the collab characters. JackO is really good too and limited so you should probably go for her. But if for whatever reason you don't want her ragina is the next best choice.
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You were a mistake I hope you get raped, don't bring that cocksucking behavior here.
3 resets and still nothing
i will aim for jack i suppose
Good luck, it can take a lot of rerolls sometimes but it's worth starting with a strong character. If you get Jacko you should all your resources into her and one ranged dps so you can hit air. This is a game where you don't want to spread out your resources across the team. It's better to boost one or two characters at a time until you have maxed them out and then move to a new one because the rank 5 skills are a huge boost of power.
Why is this update so large wth
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>doomposter having a melty and needs to reply multiple times to the same post
they don't even have the same nose. how about instead of randomly throwing insults around to get some (You)s, you post some proof of your claims?
good luck jack0's worth it, you'll be laughing at the scrubs without her when you get to mid game content.
>hopeschizo losing it and cannot comprehend multiple people disagreeing
you love to see it
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you lose
You guys think I should save for Catgirl or dump my black tickets on jackO?
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Jack0 we'll get reruns for alice before we'll get a gg rerun probably if ever. Plus they hand out assr selectors at anniversaries/chrismas time ect so you might be able to get alice from there.
If you miss out on jack0 this might be the last chance you ever get to get her.
It really doesn't matter, neither are one of the broken ban-worthy pvp units or the broken pve unit (eve) so they'll both just be alright
roll for her or you're gay.
and also for the dream clears
where is this from? looks familiarr but i acn't really remember from where
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That's fine, thanks anyway bwo
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Building VP makes me realize there aren't even that many good non awaked rangers that people use on their teams
Isn't Sanae like 70 years old?
awakeneds powercrept nearly everything, not just rangers
No dingus that's Maria.
Sanae is listed as the deputy commander to Nao during the old administration.
There's still a big selection of non awakened counter defenders, snipers, and strikers that are good, but for rangers it's heavily soldier class dominant
AYoom reactor lvl 2 when? I want to destroy more bwis
What did bwis do to you wbi?
the rise of wbis....
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My brain is fried, it's too hot to think. I'm not going to survive this summer.
fly south
I have no wings.
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I think there is something different.
why is karin always trying to seduce me
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Noelle love
I always felt like cowtitchads and cunnybros always got along in a weird way

Some kind of strange unity in enjoying either "Extreme"
Thanks to the propaganda I got her, but now I might not get cat tits.

I got her in 4 pulls though so pretty based luck
gratz, her and hilde are enough to clear almost all content except the hardest stuff.
Don't worry too much about the regular assrs they'll come back every few months on rotation
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VP's "ranger bonus" is still niche. It's only time it'd truly feel beneficial is if you were using this operator.

Her normal purpose is just deleting flying units, which the reactor definitely helps with to put it lightly.
i don trust this midget
anyone got a transparent version of the twin cunnies swimsuit skin skill cut in? pretty please
Oh I'm not the newcutie, I'm some gross pvp player, don't mind me.
you are a newcutie in my heart
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love you all the same, jack0 in pvp's always fun to see. soon you'll become a terror player too if you haven't already!
Is this operator as good as she sounds? Does the dethrone sysop?
Just downloaded this, it better be fucking good.
I'll admit it, I didn't read that MASSIVE argument 2 threads ago

but whoever was arguing ecclesia isn't SSS is a fucking dumbass, all I wanted to say
she is SSS on my bed
i read the manga thats why i recognized, didnt know it had an anime buti dont watch anime anymore because CGi ruined it ofr me
There is tons of anime that doesn't use much or any cgi. Why would you write off an entire art style just because of a few instances of abuse? Most cgi is only mildly bad and even the bad shit is getting better. Plus unless you are a super oldfag there its tons of pre cgi shit enough for a lifetime probably.
i'm just a really really petty person, though i did come off as too much as saying "cgi ruined it for me" its more on newer animes specially with in monsters, i just can't find myself motivated to watch stuff anymore
I get it, but like I said unless you're an oldfag that has already seeing most stuff there are hundreds probably thousands of pre cgi anime to watch. most of the shit I watch these days was made in the early 2010's at the latest. There's tons of good stuff from that time and before.
What genres do you like I could maybe try making a few recommendations.
something with cool fights and some fanservice would do, i'm a bit tired of the ones trying to be deep and are more shallow than stuff made for teens
Don't know what you have seen so I'll just list some stuff I like that feels like it fits that.
Code Geass
Ping Pong (this doesn't fit what you mentioned but it's one of the best anime I have ever seen highly recommend)
Darker than black (not much fanservice and has a pseud story but lots of cool fights and a cool mc)
Kill la Kill
Gurren Lagann
One Punch Man (only season 1)
Princess Principal
The Misfit of Demon King Academy (probably has cgi it's newer but it fits that school academy thing like the one you posted but actually elevates it a bit)
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace
Now and Then, Here and There
Soul Eater
Mirai Nikki
Terra Formars (only the first season)
Asobi Asobase (a comedy but one of the funniest things I have ever seen if you haven't you really should watch it)
Gunslinger Girl
Speed Grapher
C:The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Samurai Champloo
Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls
night bwos,luv you all
Different triggers. Sahsa needs two rangers, and sometimes there just aren't two good rangers available. I can see her dethroning Hana in pve though.
Didnt roll because the superior cunny Meitner was around the corner, such is the power of foresight.
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>Code Geass
i really should watch it i thought about it before but i keep forgetting
>Darker thanblack
was really cool
>KLK & Gurren laggan
2 fun rides, still hate laggan ending though
Saw the first seaon but they really fucked the second
>Princess Princiapl
Might try
>Misiit demon king
I will stick to the WN/LN on this one
>Idaten deities
Will check out
>Now and then,here and there
Should watch
>Soul eater
Wtached but probrably should rewatch
Still mad about the shark episode
>Mirai Nikki
Not again..
>Terra Formars
First season was nice
>Asobi Asobase
Might give a try
>gunsligher girl
Might try
Pic related,but i should rewatch
>Speed Grapher
Remember watching back in my early teens never finished,guiess i should
>CThe money
Watched it
>Samurai Champloo
Never felt much interested
Thats a noir isn't it?
>Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai girls
Might check it out
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>Thats a noir isn't it?
It's about a mercenry/weapon smuggler group, the main girl who runs the group adopts a child soldier and stuff happens. It's fun, has a mixed tone, the content is serious but it doesn't take itself too seriously and can be downright goofy sometimes.
Alnoah Zero
Break Blade
Cross Ange
I love 86 it's one of my top 10. The soundtrack alone makes it one of the best anime ever. A shame that it got so little attention.
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>Trying to find this track on the soundtrack
>can't find it
>go to vgmdb
>ffs Sawano
track is named 4N
>CEO gets kidnapped
>Everyone mobilises to find him
>Eventually trace him to a secret island
>Fight through a dozen little Eve clones to get to him
>Yoom busts down the door to his cell, ready to free him from his unrelenting torment
>It's just a normal bedroom and CEO is sitting on a chair reading a bed time story to his third daughter (fourth wife)
How is Yanikka from the bp? I mean she has the immortality gameplan so she's not too bad in pvp is she?
Instead of just making season 1 and season 2 they did like 8 episodes and then had a break to finish the rest which was all ostensibly just one season. It cut off at a fine point but that weird release didn't do it any favours.
It was fucking great when I eventually remembered it existed and got around to finishing it, though.
Just listen to any track from any other anime he's worked on for the last decade, it'll be exactly the same. Sawano is one of the most one-note composers in the entire industry.
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She is basically a 'what if Cindy got a rearm?'
kit is decent on paper but she gets ragdolled too much to stick around and do damage. 4 cost is also too pricy for her low initial impact when replacer rook is probably just better most of the time at a lower cost
i mean bishop not rook
>Counterside gets a Guilty Gear collab
>Nikke gets a Dave the Diver collab
I think it's safe to say we won bwos
It's hag time once again.
I remember when i watched Vandread on TV
wtf is this retarded umamusume drama
man, i love women pretending (?) to have brain damage.
horse pussy is getting a localization. ponyfuckers are outtacontrol now.
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Is it true Antillar is pedo?
i thought he was italian, so probably.
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what the fuck is gonna happen to prydwen now
It like how people accuse 4chan of being a pit of degeneracy, when Discord normies are just as retarded. Human nature is the same no matter where you go.
>secret island
is that where Lucid is bringing the number decuplets?
i like how people will talk about this place being hell when discord and twiiter are a thing, especially how people on discord will make raids to disrupt and make everything shit here
discords can close their doors, twitter is a million people shouting at each other, finding anything there is a mess
4chan is one of the most easily accessible and most searchable places on the internet which makes it an easy target for people looking for something to be upset about
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Bocchi collab when?
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firstly you can just google stuff on 4chan, it never closed its borders to search engines while stuff like twitter and reddit did
secondly even using just the side itself you can search in broad strokes
go to the right catalog and you will find pedos, gun nuts, trannies or whatever else rustles your jimmies in high concentration
to find that on twitter you would need to know the right hashtag, discord can just not invite you and despite reddit being a combinations of forums which means it should be insanely easy to make it searchable using reddit search probably makes your PC dumber somehow
Now that's a spicy take.
I couldn't make it past the first paragraph, the esl was too much.
>Is it true X is a pedo?
>posted right under a yang post
bwi just use "site:reddit.com"
i dont geti it ?
4chan is definitely more accessible than reddit, but you're delusional if you think 4chan is more searchable.
Isn't antilar the retard who was arguing about pvp a couple of threads ago lmao
No he's too big for this place, that was one of his lackys.
>games is bugged, people call it bugged and talk about gibs being a lie, somehow this should be reported
>open channels to subhumans, subhumans shitpost, subhumans channels closed
>weebs go nuclear about mistranslation, see first point
>prydwen founder talked with a 17 year 360 days old girl, posted his cock
Sounds based, all discord troons should be gassed. Anything to make their lives more painful is a net positive for the world.
antillar needs help as that angle of the pic pretty much never works. you're supposed to post one of her POV to get her wet and thinking. bloody amateur
>get a decent last stand score
>Never able to come close to it again despite using the same team
Last one was the same shit, am I retarded or is there RNG out the ass that can swing your score 100 points in either direction?
would suckle on his cock desu
there is some very "minor" stuff that is very hard to control even manually
100 points in either direction? That's basically 0 or 200 for me.
I wouldn't. Maybe it's because I'm not gay, but I don't like the look of his dick. Head's too small, and the pubes look wimpy as fuck.
If you don't have your own geared dinosaur it's rough, just like the last one favoured jack-o.
I got into the ranking :3
I won't last tho...
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Sauce on op
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meh i don't really care for their tier lists but its a good database, he could be raping and eating americans and I wouldn't really care
reddit discord and twitter are more degenerate and toxic then 4chan will ever be. its normies projecting.
Anonymity doesn't increase toxicity, having an account name, karma and as a result a "reputation" makes people care about winning arguments so much more.
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with lurcher
do NOT fuck the dino
You know what's better than one hag? The same hag twice!
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i want a human sized dundun, can we have an animal costume skin yet in this game? all we have is chris's pajama skin
only if we can eat him
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truly the real reason to buy ella's skin
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Why are those skins available but not the event?
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Just saw this posted on /wuwa/. I divorced hild 2 years ago but what the fuck is happening?
i have been here since the beginning and i dont even know who antillar is
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Dunno iirc we made fun of him for posting guides despite having a shit rank in PvP
How would Yoom feel about the Prydwen situation?
Do you think people go to prydwen for other games and wonder what dumb name is that?
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>check /wuwa/ to see how they take the prydwen drama
>see one of my shitty prydwen edits posted there
prydwen hate connects all of /vg/
Operator skins never ever.
Bside loves to fomo seasonal stories for some reason. It'll come back eventually.
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>Operator skins never ever.
it's easy money and i wish bside would realize that. they'd make more money from a vivian micro bikini skin than from the damn 400 bucks whale skins.
how would this work when they don't have a skill cut-in, like where would you even see it?
they could stop being retarded and allow us to have them in the lobby
best case would be that bside actually implements a skill cut-in for those skins, when you finish the chain. otherwise you can already put them on your homescreen and the tiny operator icon would be different too. PVP whales would pay for that too to add to the FLEX.
what happened?
I want to use the battle models on the lobby.
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>>483769809 (me)
had to double check but the cut-in is actually already there, it would just need to be the skin
>17 years old
oh wow, it's fucking nothing and legal in most of the world
yep just the usual 'murica that thinks anything under 18 is pedo. the main thing to remember is more that antillar is having a power trip from being a discord mod of all things.
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here waiting for the day that bside lets us use operators as avatar.
oh, yeah I guess I had them turned off in the setting. still, showing for ~1 second hardly seems enticing. making skins for ships makes more sense, but making them appealing is just a different challenge.
I love pudding. What is your favorite flavor? Mine is butterscotch.
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you could still put them in the homescreen/lobby which is where you see most skins anyway. hard to pay attention to some coomer swimsuit sprite during battle, when the whole screen is exploding with skills.
i'd take some wh40k ship skins and even some silly 18th century ship of the line. we already have the panda and duck so anything would go there.
Tourist here, i'm interested. What's her name?
I want a collab with my boatgirls
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>tfw first thing that came into mind is the virus strain from RE4
its not a coincidence her name means "plague" in english
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unfortunately nyever. same for azur lane or anything else that uses real japanese ships. KR hates them after all.
Is that a takao class? Why does it have bow torps?
She fused with I-401
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even KR forgot to post it...
Nice hag code
what's a lani
night bwos,luv you all
our in-house vtuber >>483683878
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
Why not use Batty or Miya?
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Amy is pure sex
when will BSide start selling Jia clones? I want my own one.
>5 new ships get released at once
>Can only build them during the event
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I want a ship with a giant drill that doubles as a siege unit.
which rearms from these (alex/laura/gaeun/orca/sorim/miya) are not worth using if you dont set them as leader? I wanna avoid those cause after completing esterosa/rivet/kaci/chinatsu I have trouble deciding and want to work on ones that are least affected by it
Orca gives you back 1 DP as her leader bonus which is stronger than any other leader bonus out there and literally what makes her usable
all the others work just fine without their leader bonus
the only one that really needs to be leader is Orca since she gets a cost reduction.
laura leader is really good tho.
Clicked for the OP image, came on this instead
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feel free to come back for round 2 and to play our game
the ones I listed are all substantially better with it though and esteroa is useless without it, so is she the only one? 'work fine' doesn't really cut it when these rearms take a lot of investment so to phrase which are closest to their full strength without it? orca seems outright bad without it, and yea laura's is really good so thanks for brining those up.
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you didn't list it but it's pretty funny that my big sis is worse with the leader skill
Esterosa and Orca are the big ones. Leader is nice for the rest of them, but it's never been make or break except for R. Gauen when I was tryharding DC (e.g. only because I was being a giga autist).
For the rest, they all want their rearms, but
- Gauen is already great without a rearm
- Sorim kinda bodied by R. Rivet + Sorim's damage is only good against defenders
- R Alex is slightly worse than R Kaci, so she's skippable unless you need both for some reason
This is also true. R. Shiyoung's design got borked by being the last rearm.
good to know, thanks!
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You all get your wish
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P I R A T E S !!
And finally a new awakened announced in KR.
>You all get your wish
you say that but i don't see the new summer skins anywhere
Let me get back with you in about a month
>Additionally, we hope that you can utilize it in more diverse squad formations depending on the situation as an awakened supporter who uses powerful abilities in response to certain status effects.
I wonder who's getting nerfed-by-counter this time.
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i'll be here, waiting
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we also finally know where yupi belongs to, sigma pirates!
and reactors for feli and laika, i hope the TU 6 laika SEA bwo is still here.
>The target employees for this Alternium Reactor are [Arahant Joo Soo-yoon], [Felicette], and [Laika].
JSY as well.
That's a nice 5head.
This is the first unit I've seen after the pirates that I want
Pirate sex is good but where is the Eve skin tho?
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if we keep going with 1 ASSR a month we will catch up to KR by november. a second new one for KR already planned in.
Let me get back with you in about 2 months
>certains status effects
ASPD debuffs get turned into ASPD buffs, it's not a nerf but a buff to dino loli, taking out all counterplay to her
taimanin big sis#2
Can I trust Noel?
>Can I trust Noel?
does it involve raping Yoom? then yeah.
otherwise, no not really.
Wouldn't you trust someone that uses Fenrir underwear?
>reactors for feli and laika
Theme of this thread.
Oh so Swan is the next awakened
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bwos, just bought a new 27" monitor with HDR400 and True wide color gamut, lets just say playing counterside with this enabled is pure KINO
i hate wide monitors i rather stick with a 20'' desu
when they almost perfected the OLED then I'll switched to it. for now, need a wide monitor for productivity
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the pirates are finally cumming home
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Isn't that close to our anniversary?
half year anni is in august and full in februar 2025
Time to get HAHA'd again.
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I got nothing left after collab though.
I really need to work on my Vivian but Spencer seems very talented.
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Collab wrung me out like a toothpaste tube, so i ain't getting shit

>ASSR frontline powercreep was so strong that Hahaman needs a reactor
Hahaman isn't even "bad" right now so I have a feeling post-reactor he's going to be batshit insane.
>It's gonna be AYoom all over again
Inb4 a %damage and %healing gimmick.
Remember when "hahaman+a harem of supports" was a legitimate pvp team?
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I want parity with KR releases, no more waiting weeks for reactors and skins.
It's the cycle of powercreep that leads to a death spiral
>New releases completely outclass the old units
>Lets buff the old units
>Now the newer releases look mediocre by comparison, lets buff them
>Oops, now the old units are too weak better buff them again
Repeat until the game is 7 ASSRs and a healer.
All ASSR will get a reactor,except maestra and E1 cause bside hates them
*and E1 cause it's a free ASSR so it can't be good
aHilde is concession that rearms were a mistake and new players can't afford to get rKaci or rAlex.
we're running straight towards eos
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>July 4th
Bwos... I don't think I'll be back...
Planning on strapping yourself to a bottle rocket and shooting off into space?
>not being here for the freedom strike
I'm taking your taskforce license
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I still get some points from my level 100 ahahaman bait team. He definitely does NOT need a reactor.
>I want to not know what's coming
You would trade stability for hype?
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Yes, fuck you spoiler fag. Anyone anyone who wouldn't isn't a real gamer.
I'm an oldfag, I have most of units at this point. I want the newest stuff now, not 9 months later.
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i can't keep up AAAAA
seriously bside, we need black ticket help if you go that fast...
at least the new priate is pass unit so i will be able to have my full pirate sihp
Alright, I need your advice, once again, for my team building. I am aiming for PvE content mostly.

Right now my team is: Gaeun, Jack-O, Xiao Lin, Sigma, Chinatsu, Chifuyu, Yang Harim, Seo Yoon.

But I also got a bunch of other SSRs while pulling for Dino. Now the other SSRs are: Horizon, Kaci Bins, Rosaria, Agnes, Plaga, Frederick Doma, Orca, Elizabeth Pendragon, Rebecca.

Should I swap anyone from my current team for any of said new SSRs? Who would be better investment for the future, out of those choices? Should I trust Prydwen ratings and Tier Lists?
Kaci is the best tank in the game.
Agnes is a good sniper and you need her for co op. Orca and Rosaria are good at pve, the rest are niche at best.
So, should I swal Xiao Lin for Agnes? Even with possibility of Rearmed Xiao Lin in the future?
And who should I swap with Rosaria?
Xiao is better for general use, agnes is better for boss fights with her debuff. Drop seocute you don't need her except for boss fights.
So, Rosaria for Seo Yoon? But before Anons said Seo Yoon is better, and Prydwen also rates her better.

I plan to swap Chifuyu with Kaci once I get my hands on Kaci Rearmed version
Read their skills, yoon's only job is to come out and give a short buff. That is not very useful for 90% of content. You use her in things like danger close and sometimes co op.
Rosaria is a strong air dps you will use her a lot more.
Seo Yoon fucking sucks except for time limit boss content, tardo. Get the picture?
NTA but... why is seo yoon rated as SS on prydwen then?
Because she is very good at what she does. She has a specific niche and is the best at that niche. But I'm sure if you read what they say about her they probably don't say she is good for general purpose use.
Seo has big on deploy atk up for a few sec and def shred on her special for dps bursting bosses. She is SS cause boss shit like DC and solo/guild raids are the only endgame pve content this game has.
Big massive titties but still smaller than Yoom so only SS.
seodev rules with an iron fist you see, clashes daily with xiaodev
Man, all I can say is, that out of all your options I masturbated to Plaga the most. WHO IS WITH ME?!
I fapped to Yoom today. It was a good fap.
pass unit is the bunny girl
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Pls help... How do I beat this...
post team
Man I hate Ohio week. Though at this point, I feel like I can't play pvp at all since I'm fucking braindead at this game. Might be time to call it quits so I can actually focus on my paper.
i just do gauntlet
So how is Rosaria with her new reactor? is it good enough to invest in?
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This is what I used, though a good portion of characters.
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Is that the one that you can cheese with Momo?
though I have*
do yo uhave xiao lin? If you do put he rin the place of ozymadias Also does your ecclesia have her reactor?
Yes to both, though my Xiao Lin isn't rearmed, but I do have enough cores to rearm her.
I have no idea what that means...
The uber version of the wall that appears in that stage instantly dies if you pop Momo's skill.
I don't have her.

I have almost all of the ASSRs, a good majority of the SSRs, only a few ops and almost all of the SSR ships.
her non-rear version should be enough, if you have akarin she could be used too
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She's one of the assrs I don't have. These are the ones I have.
Just asgima and ayuan should rape that stage alone iirc

Just noticed I forgot to get a reactor for one of my awakeneds kek.
yeah,ayuna with reactor is busted
How the actual fuck have you been playing this long and never 3*'d that stage?
I can't seem to do it in less than 1:30 mins still.

I have no idea what I'm doing.
I think this needed a don't try this warning.
Here's the most ghetto f2p guide I could find
how close to 1:30 you are needing some extgra damage i guess some sniper could do it, youshould start with asigma and ayuna btw
If you crafted full Ult Damage Volcano you have been playing so long you might as well try dumb shit like this.
I still haven't 3*d the hard mode from frozen corridor, I'll never get acolyte.
With how often I get ult amp when trying to get spec amp/counter dmg/def pen it almost feels inevitable to get an ult amp set.
Just spam immortality strikers with New Detroit.
I don't get it, I try to do this, but that wall literally doesn't come forward.
Try playing the map on auto, I remember needing to do that for something once with a wall.
Just tried it, it just doesn't move.
>Sorry for the late response, but I think I might have an answer for the Seo Yoon issue.

After looking around and testing stuff, A.Seo Yoon has this issue that if placed in the first slot, or has some sort of ASPD Buff from like ASPD Gear set or Blue Bridge. (ASPD affects the animation speed of Skills) The Skill will hit the wall too early which is why the Wall doesn't get staggered.

However, if you were to use any other Ship besides Blue Bridge and place her in the second slot you'll see that she can pull the Wall. You can see examples of what I stated in the video below.
Weird, I was using the same squad as the video with rearmed yoo mina and it wouldn't work, but switching to a.seo yoon with another ship does.
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do you guys think they will make a balanced swan awakened?
She will be the new White Thing.
I wouldn't use that on aMiya, you will never get to ult without cdr.
no, she'll create copies of the entire enemy team on deploy
Now that i think about it we don' have a character that does stuff like his yet
Here, just for you. Only the first 4 units are important, the last 4 use whatever you want. DPS + 3 supports, def shredders are the best.
If your Hilde dies use whatever you have with Anti Air Damage RES
Weird, now it's not working anymore, what the fuck
>removed a.seo yoon's gear
>now it works again
I did it by changing her gear... I guess she needed to hit the wall at some specific time? I have no idea.
One cannot comprehend the mind of a Yoon.
aseo cute being mischiveious again
They should be giving reactors to the pirates not the dogs.
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nyo grrrrr
I'd say it makes sense to favour characters that are important to the story, yet they've let SR/rearm Yoom be useless forever.
why nto both

Why bother with those when they can boost the Awakened?
They gave normal Rosaria a reactor, so not all hope is lost.
yeah but rosa is often used in pvp when she is up and she is one of the favorites characters
Binman and LSY also got SSR reactors before their ASSRs. Jaina before Queen if that one counts. It's retarded to have the starting protagonist unit be one of the worst units in the game.
That's pretty normal though, most gacha games have the mc be pretty shit. We're lucky her awakened version is so good.
night bwos,luv you all
But not on the level that you drop them as soon as you can.
I think Mina is cooler with a gun that a sword.
i'm a swordfag so i cant agree
Good thing she uses both on her special and ult.
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Any CEO quote gold lately
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I see you are a man of culture as well.
I finally found out where to farm Sol Badguy. Am I bricked?
Only 4 days left, no way you'll get to TU6 from nothing. You can probably get him TU2-3 tough.
Did you roll Millia? If you did farm the shit of her weapon stage and try to get an ATK or anti-DEF EE before it ends, or that's an actual brick for that unit.
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holy shit renee sexo
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This made me revisit the game
>0 quartz left
>50 awaken pulls no jack-o (50 more pulls for pity)
>110 pulls and no ramlethal
>CEO comeback missions not renewed
holy fucking shit, I know, the story is very serious, dramatic, sad and touching - this is all true. it is amazing, it touched me, made me think and all and all.
fucking hell I just can't, I literally can't no matter how hard I try, and I am trying very hard. I can't take John Mason the INTELLIGENT MERCENARY seriously, especially not with his goofy ass theme
kudos to devs for the design of his character
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No dissing the intelligent mercenary bwi I'll send AYoom to your room
Its true DOE he is the only INTELLIGENT MERCENARY in the entire game bwo
Just you wait til he gets decked out in a full suite of tech level 6 wunderwaffe gear and becomes the awakened intelligent mercenary.
listen to his theme and try to post that again I'm not dissing, I just think it is hilarious and really doesn't fit to the serious theme of the scene when he shows up. I mean, there is anticipation in the air and suddenly this goofy bass starts playing...
what are you smoking? there are plenty of other mercs in the game and plenty of them are smart
>awakened intelligence
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I'm gonna kill you
>Smart is often used to describe a person who has improved their mind through study and learning, while intelligent is used to describe a person who was born with mental sharpness or is naturally good at learning. As well, intelligent can be seen as a stronger version of the word smart.
He's obligatory comic relief
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the game
sex with renee
JESUS CHRIST I am in the middle of EP5 and we just defeated the Bishop, then Coffin and some ship arrives, tension spikes, Na Yubin wants to awaken the dragon... and Act 4 starts with this goofy ass song and fucking Tommy the Die Hard. I'm gonna give him a lifetime contract
Man, I love the shitter Rs/Ns that show up in the story. Awakened nobodys never.
Trust them they will become awaekened
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He genuinely deserves a better unit, not just a reactor.
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which is better?
Tommy and the gang will be the final boss of the game. My cousin works at beeside he has insider info.
Always go for quartz.
Easy branch chart:
Blue Ticket>Quartz>S-Cores=Shard>SSR ship parts>blue or purple mystery box ship parts

Anything below that is whatever.
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what did Yoom do in the summer of '94?
hot as always
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probrably got born

if the mask taht turn in vampires turned people into a specific type of counter which one would be?
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Admin should put mental models on all our ships that aren't Moneka clones.
striker prbly, good offense and usually high hp too. melting away to snipers that have to focus to even snipe would fit with the whole "hamon" stuff too. bonus points for many strikers having invulnerability and yanikka being a literal vampire.
>zzz will finally end us
any new promo codes? I need free stuff alright
did you get the lani one?
I don't remember, can you post it?
Thanks. Every bit of bins help
>numbers already going down
it's nyover
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why sleeping will end us?
This will be my last co op, sorry bwos but I can't do another round of gigas.
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hmm nyo
we all sleep in the end bwi
I'm going to play it but not spend anything so mihomo loses money on server costs and shuts down sooner.
based. bleed them dry
I expected censorship when going to China not coming from it.
why would there not be censorship when coming from it when the west is so invaded by chink hands too?
Gigas is less tedious than worm, unless you're suiciding into worm, in which case why would you draw the line at gigas?
That's retarded gigas is way harder than worm with way more bullshit rng. You can just randomly have the boss doing mulitple ults in a row for no reason and wipe your run. No one likes gigas and I'm sick of it. They need to add a new boss soon or I really will quit.
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We are losing because we don't have loli's riding ducks.
thats why we are getting pirates
>not even worthy of the webm version
are we really dead
Counterside is seriously lacking in Finns
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i got you
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and the short one
thanks bwo it's like if the bd2 webm poster came here one day and just posted the image instead
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it's a mystery why they censor so much and then also double down on more lolis
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God tier character models and animations wasted on an NTR game with shitty gameplay. What a shame.
I still think the rng things is possible a server problem, i never see gooks complaining about the RNG
SteamRep is going away.
You never see them conplaining about the rng because they aren't retarded. Just build your team with the rng in mind. Don't just push for the maximum damage possible or you'll leave so small a margin of error that your whole team crumbles from a random crit or something. After that it's just auto 5 times while you do something else. With worm you have to manually deploy shit 5 times. Worm is 'easier' for seeing big numbers I guess. But gigas is much less tedious.
So your solution is be a shitter or suffer from bullshit. Think I'll chose door number three instead.
The only thing I like out of this gacha is that gif of the girl wagging her finger and then widening her eyes. I don't know why but that just turns me on so much.
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>They need to add a new boss soon or I really will quit.
guardian of sephira co-op boss soon, trust the plan. just more evolved than in admin failure and a (giant) humanoid now.
bside wouldn't even need to make a new theme for it.
where is this art from
Anon? The West has been censoring shit for decades.
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the normal version of it would be fine too btw. ANYTHING new really, please bside...
uhhhhh nah there's still no point so I'm just gonna not do that
sorry lil bro
good stuff as always,imagine like yuna, first start as loli then hag then it goes full eldritch in last phase
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>first start as loli then hag then it goes full eldritch in last phase
yes please that would be fun
Bwo they make money from selling your data, free ain't free
PLEASE don't give it tits. I hate having unplayable female units in gacha games.
they could always release her human form as an awakened later on. maestra for example is supposedly a category 5 C.O. and as such stronger than the worm, which is only cat. 4.
I wish they made literally every unit playable, like metal slug attack having those danger bosses as unit would be fun
The problem is being a raid boss. Maestra was never a raid boss even though c5 vs c4 worm. We still don't have a worm/gigas/britra/inhibitor/kraken playable unit.
Some of the monster designs in CS are really cool. The category 6s, most of the larger flying ones, eaters. It'd be nice if we saw them more often or had more units that summoned them like Mason or Lucid.
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we never had a raid boss with tits either, so we're both just guessing what could happen.
They should make a giant boss where each arena is different body piece of the boss that has unique weakness/resistances that would change depending on the state of other parts.
calling dibs on the tits arena
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>Have to wait for Swan before we get her
>Possibly even more after that
weird way to draw noses
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with a bit of luck still this year. getting pic related some day would be nice too.
she'll be an operator
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fine by me. i can still molest her in the lobby.
Looks like a weird AI design made by a model trained on Arknights. They really stuck every appendage imaginable on her
But you can't contract her
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that's sad but won't stop me
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thagirion sexo
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doll girl supremacy
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trust the plan
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buffs too strong for the pirate
ok i'll stay jesus christ
So the next story chapter is about Hahaman and the Scavengers, right?
Seems likely. Also sounds like a recipe for kino.
night bwos,luv you all
That game has no playable uuoohhhhs like cunny Meitner, so it is worse by default.
where are you going more catbox damn you
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do your part to make the 7 seas a little bit more safer and FUCK the pirate
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sweet dreams, bwo, luv u too
you're shouting at the wrong guy, bwo, let the man sleep.
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its ok i can use the catbox in my dreams
i'm using (You) in your sleep
Does a new ship come with the pirates? We haven't had a new ship since Chorus, right?
>beat stage after a lot of tries
>somehow missed that the description said use towers
>used this
How would towers have helped?
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Forgot pic
no new ships on the horizon, captain
Back in my day we had to use ballista to avoid getting oneshot by the rhino. Now you can just about solo it with Rebecca.
be strong baby
Siege units can't ignore towers.
Rhino has to stop and fight towers. Enjoy the bullshit that is 3-15 if you don't have strong anti-mech units.
there's a reason this webm exists
I'm getting filtered on 3-14 already...
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But they don't allow you to use supporters, how are you meant to let them withstand it?
redeploying them
>I won't be able to auto it like that
welcome to the rng zone
only rng inside this mode
>don't have a ship
I'm only just outside of the top 100, send help
you will see why in the new story
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that's pretty good. post roster or a gameplay video.
pro-tips from back in the day:
- don't kill the first tanks that spawn. put someone in to block them without killing them. if you kill the tanks, they'll respawn and push your team into rhino with their skill.
- if you look at rhino's skill bar, there's a good 5s delay between the skill bar filling and the skill actually going off. if you can stun it during, the skill gets cancelled. there's a strat where you sync up sylvia's stun to lock rhino out of it's skill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtqKEkksnaI
guys, can someone with knowledge about the lore explain to me what exactly happened?
I just finished the fallen floor, and I understood everything up until the very end. what exactly happened at the end after the final fight? what did shepherd and lurcher did, where did they go, what happened to spencer?
>What did shepherd and lurcher did
They tore open a dimensional rift and flung everyone to the Normalside. This explains how Lurcher gibbed the previous Divers + Kirk.
>where did they go
Unknown, that's why Spencer now wants to search for them.
>what happened to spencer?
She wakes up stranded in the Normalside, but is picked up by Raul and Rojo of the Scavengers + "new recruit" Shiyoon.
Thanks, I was almost sure that shepherd and lurcher did go to normalside, but left spencer on the 5th floor, it looked like it because of the building with the hole in it. what the fuck was that place? it just means that lurcher just flung everyone in random locations?
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No Spencer was left in the Counterside, that's why she got picked up by the scavengers' dimensional ship. Also Lurcher wasn't opening rifts before, it just fucked up anyone else who came across it.
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i'm starting to think i picked the wrong game, we don't even get the fcking kr summer skins meanwhile they get fanservice....
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feetbwis we keep on winning
they really are going all out on the fanservice
What is wrong with Antillar?
He play reverse:1999
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wtf bwi I was eating
He play himself
where does sim tickets go here
is there an easy way to spot 'fake' defenses? defense that are supposed to have low levels but when you fight them they're 110s?
you mean bait teams?

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