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Previous thread: >>483496581
Happy birthday to Vermeil!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
What is the secret code to get Shu and avoid getting Zuo'd?
My wife my wife my wife mywifewifeiwfiewofieowifemwymywofwwmuwofe
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Bnuuy love
My soulmate...
Your wife is a lupo
Eat rice in her honor.
Cum inside a tree
I'm really dreading HapS since NGA says Zuo is back to being annoying and the plot kinda sucks
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yes women are horny and they like to see big dicks
they also don't have to worry about energy recharge except for dehydration
Please be careful.
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Does this look like a lupo to you?
Chink dragon events suck in general so I already set my expectations as low as they can go. WiS was kinda cool at least.
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Can't wait for Aussie Bunny
She better have an Australian EN Voice or I'm gonna be angry
This is not your wife. Your wife is a lupo
That closure is sacrilegiously hot
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*throws you to the horses*
Now what will you do?
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Did you buy my skin?
What is up with this bunny and her tummy?
Lock myself in the blemi shed
Original outfit is cooler
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I love this gremlin
seven percent of 2158 is 151.06
there is an op that buffs medics, but I forgot which one that was
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>my skin
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Texy Wexy
I too prefer her original outfit. That said, I got it anyways.
or Robin
Mulberry and Gavial gives deployed medics atk
Guardmiya gives global atk
Bards, stainless, warfarin, Exusiai, Aak can be used to get more out of it.
I don't care about Penance
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I also love this racoon
Also Podenco, Suzuran, and Windflit supporter buffs can be filtered through a bard
I will probably skip like most chink events. I can't keep my attention focused if I don't care about most characters and the ones I actually care about talk in riddles.
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Good evening. Arturia hate.
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Just one more pot and it will be done
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yeah, 18 OPs well spent
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No you don't
Why is Arknights so boring now, bros? I hate this feeling.
I did, but I am disappointed that lobby lines doesn’t change
>IS2 vs. Lucian
>Bladedance lands on Perfumer
>few other +atk% relics here and there
>hit her S2
>~3500 atk
>Lena is now passively healing everyone on screen for more hp/s than any enemy on-screen is capable of doing in dps
Best girl.
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Since Penance has no eggs it's okay if I don't pull out right?
Take a break. It’s really that easy.
Texas tummy...
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That your wife? Asking to be sure.
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Post wife.
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Absolute units?
Can Amiya beat Frieren?
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Breezy wife
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elf repopulatio
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Hard femdom, from soft fluffy Frostleaf
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Don't Egg
Open Inside

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Delphine has new father
I thought it was going to be about Executor...
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H a r m o n i e !
I'm gonna egg...
why does harmonie tease you with her body?
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Soldiers of Dublinn...koko
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Shall we change Ursusman for Trilby Jobber in divegrass? He is literally us.
Stop procrastinating on your proposal, Saria.
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What the fuck is fuarking?
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Why is your wife being abusive?
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I support it.
I deserve it
misspelling fucking on purpose to indicate having an accent or emphasis
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it's fucking, but based
None of these are lupo, therefore, they are not your wife.
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My wife is a moose
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Please delete this, why would you even save this, Ascalonfag...
Assclownxisters why are we so embarassing?
I really love my wives
We know, Margaret.
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>why would you even save this
Asky is puppy...
Think they will make Bellingham to be playable later? Dude hasn't even shown his face, but it does seem they're trying to give him some personality in this event
Operators that can solo Homelander?
Kal can talk him to death
That'd be really fucking awesome, they don't necessarily have to reveal his face either, since that's part of the appeal.
He's been with us 3 main story chapters already, hopefully they don't miss the point like with Redblade.
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Homelander wouldn't be that big of a deal in Arknights tbqh. Soldier Boy nearly killed him and he was basically Captain America level. His biggest strength would be being able to fly.
AHs, Texas, Nearl, etc would be able to all take him.
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Leave Homelander to me
Arknights operators that can solo Batman?
Do white Doctors really?
But if I don't have a Lupo wife then that means more of them for you.
>When she jobbed against 5* Lappland
That never happened.
>has range
>can silence his flight
lapipi can beat homelander
Fucking on the Ark
Is this creature supposed to be your wife, lupofuckers?
>fuck a Lupo girl
>xan't stop thinking about Lupos
>about their soft tails
>their beautiful breasts
>their pussies
It's too late for me bros....
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>Homelander has a constant Compound V
>it has the silenceable tag
Back to whatever dirty test tube you were born in, freak.
Lupo and perrofags endlessly cheer for dogfucking but this is too far for you people?
Can a newbie that knows his ways around town raise a full squad (only five to six 6*s, the rest 5*) to e2 plus masteries/mod1 in 5 months?
Yes, although it mainly depends on how much you want to grind out the Integrated Strategies rewards
If you cut out the mods it should be easy
Not full masteries, but yes complete team in 6 months.
Only work on key masteries.
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/r/equesting a cultivation may may featuring a bunch of pics of chong repeating his signature quote
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Mod1s should be doable, right?
If we assume 6 6-stars and 6 5-stars, that's a total of 36 blocks.
You get 4 blocks a month from weeklies, there's 4 in the red store per month.
There's also 8 to be claimed in SSS stages now(which to be fair might be too much to ask) and another 8 after this period ends in 20 days.
That's at least 40 blocks from weeklies and red cert store alone, not even counting the handful(small hands) from events.
That's enough to even mod 3 a few of them, more assuming not everyone has modules.
It's just a big money pit considering the levels required to even get to the mods and how unimpactful most can be.
I want to divorce my wife.
Yeah, if it's worth it is another question entirely.
At the very least I'd leave everyone at lvl 20-40 till your squad is E2'd before starting on modules desu. It's worth noting content in 5 months takes a nosedive in difficulty.
Yeah, I think LMD might be the real gate.
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Who's your wife?
Sorry for having sex with the doctor bau
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Pick 1 op and 1 skill and chance 1 thing about that skill e.g.
>ATK +110%, DEF +60%. Attacks deal additional Arts damage equal to 100% of Blemishine's ATK and heal a nearby ally for 100% of Blemishine's ATK while healing Blemishine for 20% of her attack.
Like that this guy seems to be on a RI uniform binge.
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RI truly is a dripless company
>S3 hits air
You shouldn't waste your precious seed on an eggless woman. Pick a better one like Virtuosa.
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Say that to my face punk
She still can't block aerial targets
She can still end up blocking enemies outside of her range
She will still have crap damage
For Frostleaf, am I supposed to keep her at E1 L60?
I heard the attack speed down on the E2 passive is bad for her, but apparently she is getting a module soon too?
No, I will not ditch her on the bench.
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The e2 downside falls off at higher levels so don't worry about it if you want to max her.
>She still can't block aerial targets
Aerial blocker huh... that sounds like a potential class
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Who's this semen demon?
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>"The faith, the ideals, the rules...... In the face of absolute power, they have no chance."
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I miss this drawfag
Mating press
Amiya is a disgusting cheap whore. No elegance, no class. The real ploy of having her as CEO is sending her off to service business partners, there's no other reason a retard like her would ever be given the position of CEO.
Reserve Logistic Operator 142, your pay has been deducted for this post.
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kal'tsit, kill this man for slandering my daughter
Amiya being cornered in the bathroom by a fat bastard investor...
Rhodes Island receiving a large financial donation days later...
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woops I forgot my reply. I'm a big fucking retard
During s3, Ascalon takes a maximum of 4% of her max hp whenever she receives damage.
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I'm not fat, my bones are just thick
What happened on the next panel?
Is the healer we get from this event any good?
Meta in boomerknights
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*breaks into your office while you're arguing in rhodeschan and steals your C!reals*
jesus christ
I used to think Saga was bad, then this dude came out...
What the fuck is his problem?
mmm....floppy tits....
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Let's chillax and play some tabletop.
Wtf, give those back. I was keeping them safe for Rosmontis.
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love the racoom
>she doesn't know I leave deCoy snaCks just for her
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touch the racoon, feel the racoon, hug the racoon
Forget sandbags, those are wrecking balls
What happened
still better than Arknights anime
it didn't flopped, it's Arknights fans doing damage control
>You are now the Sarkaz King. Your Arts power is stronger than Witch King and your physical strength is greater than Patriot. All Sarkaz will follow your order.
Can you restore the Teekaz glory, anon?
102 pulls and still no degen...
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Did you ever stop and consider how blatantly easy it is to call you out?
All gacha anime are shit
Sex with ALL the Sarkaz?
ESPECIALLY Arknights one
do many things to/with the racoon
>102 pulls on a banner that isn’t limited
I went to 120 for my first Degen, somehow still managed to pot 5 her
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Thoughts on dogs?
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It can always get worse
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Is this a Sarkaz?
neck yourself
No thoughts, fridge empty.
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I like the Arknights anime
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Just the women. They were built for it
who asked
also please tell me how do you save gifs from Xtter, my c brain doesn't know how to
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>Thoughts on dogs?
>link has a cat in it
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cute dog
Half precursor half cautus
>all of that samefagging over unfunny mutt meme
Uh-huh, next you'll tell me that you like Ch'en
We love Ch'en here and wish to all be the one to marry such an eligible woman.
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I LOVE Ch'en, but I think the Arknights anime is shit
>We love Ch'en here
I prefer Talulah, honestly
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Looking forward to next Ch'en alt and hoping it has a better outfit than this
It had it's moments. The hoshiguma in action was pretty cool and some fights which were cool. Franka/Liskarm vs Centurion and Frostnova arts scenes were pretty good. It was nothing special, but hell of a better than most isekai slop that comes out every season.
> but hell of a better than most isekai slop that comes out every season.
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>>all of that samefagging over unfunny mutt meme
I hate Chen. Recommend me a wife.
You can only smooch one of them, which is it?
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Hello? Is Doctor here?
Goom and it's not close.
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Hoshi, others don't deserve it.
Swire, I'm short on cash after raising new operators
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Yeah, I'm busy today though.
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el rato pinku
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I watched the Mont3r vs Crownslayer animation. It was amazing compared to anything in the BA anime desu.

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Based and same.
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>turns off candle light
Okay, now’s the real question
oh nyo nyo nyo
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Swire. I love her gao
ooc and off model, fake goom enjoyer
Strategically cropped so that you can pretend it was about any operator, I like it
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>/akg/ is discussing something else?
>noooo you must be thinking of my wife muelsyse at all times
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Sex. Marriage. Happily Ever After.
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>/akg/ is discussing something else?
>noooo you must be thinking at all times
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Yes. Very big problem. Hang yourself.
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Mumu was created to be bullied by the snake. Lowlight and Nori told me.
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I don't need your confirmation since I know she likes me.
Did they make it an action anime? You'd think they'd focus entirely on SoL with their setting.
>akg hates chen and muelsyse but loves shitrock
Coomer low IQ general
Crownslayer definitely pissed herself in that scene.
what else is new
what's a thinking?
Abusive relationship with Ch'en... (you're the one being abused)
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>t. seething muelshitter
And so the world turns
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The juxtaposition between the real image and these anons who obviously can't see the real image is actually a gangbang with fellows from the beach...
Netflix and chill with Robin...
Mudrock is neither an angry cunt nor a shady elf so she wins by default
Looks like the g*rmans woke up
What's wrong with this one? She looks cooler in this
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Anon, it's super easy to rig the votes with a VPN. This says absolutely nothing.
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Is Ch'en for (You)?
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Love devils. This one in particular.
Which poll is for (Me)?
if you bother using a VPN for that, you have even bigger psychological problems than the average idiot on this site, which is impressive.
You faggots have been calling her worthless and shitting on her and now you say you love Viviana?
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I don't need a poll to know that we like dragons.
>He doesn't have VoteBot Prime 6969
ngmi in november
My biggest virtue is that I'm honest, and my biggest flaw is that I'm a hypocrite
Man I wanna rape Alina in front of Talulah. Would she wish us happiness and then go off herself like the useless cuck she is? Would she go berserk and try to kill me in flame, only to be doused in piss by her twin squirting? I fucking hate Talulah.
you just know
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Moose GODS
>>>>>>You faggots
You can't cite your own posts
This is honestly just sad
Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about this?
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Jellyfish love
I am going to go Nichijou Ep. 6 on that woman.
It's not even 90,000 moosers
Viviana Franks...
Prove that you love Viviana you lying faggots.
that's not Dorothy's outfit, anon
What is Rhodes Island's maternity leave policy and how many operators can be pregnant before the day-to-day operations of RI are impacted?
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Just use a condom, Doctor.
The fat fox is called Franks
I wonder if RI produces their own condoms. Considering what the operators have to go through I imagine there's lots of fucking going on...
she's Franka
Franks is Dorothy's last name, anon
m6'd her and killed harold with her
They adapted story volume which is combat oriented. Slice of life are event stories.
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Submit to your wife.
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I really wonder, does anyone else google their fellow doctor's usernames to stalk their other online profiles?
Deleting all Lappniggers from my friend list now.
Would you trust Columbian, Victorian, or Kazimierz condoms?
Dr. V...
Most people aren't psychotic
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Submit to your wife.
Submit? To wife? No.
She can submit 4 mil on my bank account and then we can talk.
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Submit to your wife.
I'd dogeza only to get close enough to slide her shoe off so I can smother her with her own lethal stench
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S-submit to your w-w-wife.
I don't think this one would make a good mom..
Doctor does not fuck filthy animals
>t. PRTS
you can marry without intending to ever have kids, anon
>Not even enough to modulate his whole squad
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Don't submit Doctor. Be free.
I bathe Amiya regularly, she is not dirty.
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You can hire a governess to raise them
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>he fucks this
What can I say? I'mma cheap man.
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Playable Priestess when?
We don't get to play as the main antagonist.
I need to add more newcuties
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the main protagonist would immediately fold in half and get beaten to death the moment he tried to fight anything stronger than a child
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Yes I don't imagine that we will get playable observers, but what does that have to do with Priestess?
(You) are not the only one
Priestessfags are delusional.
Amiya is a mix of both Priestess (brown hair, pre-cursor-coded) and Theresa (Lord of Fiends, Trans-sarkaz)
She's the perfect wife
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That's kind of their thing, yeah
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Submit to your desires. Let them flow free.
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how so?
She doesn't have Sarkaz features, only pre-cursor(rhombus eyes)
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This guy's animations are underrated.
I always have Pavlovian response every time I see her artwork.
>clear harold stage easily first try
>auto decrees my clear invalid
>try to reclear with more "stable" units
>get absolutely dumpstered by his "turn off two lamps then do big dick AoE damage for every lamp he just turned off" move
what the fuck
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Good boy
degen is severely mentally ill
I want to Harapan her with Spuria
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Leave Theresis to me Doctor.
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Priestess Lite
Just a bit autistic, no need to be rude
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That's not my bunny.
I always liked them when they show up during the fanstreams.
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Why is she steaming?
Post sluts
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this is unrelated to the above post
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Arturia is NOT that thicc.
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That smile... Yes... I understand... You want me to raise my bears...
it's true, she's actually quite obese.
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Reset Pram
Reset Ceobe!
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Reset Amiya
Based and cute
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stay safe doctor
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wife shaped wife
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Ray pissing into jars...
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This is your new Tiefling party member. She is a Paladin, Oath of the Ancients.
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She'll protect me
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With a proper diet and exercise I will sculpt her body to perfection.
How much of a damage boost are Degen's mod2 and mod3?
I'm kind of tempted to just leave her at mod1
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Nice, FEater can solo the dumb dog at E2, this team took about 20 S1 activations though.
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she'll do more than that
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Arturia is just a cheap fucking knockoff of Muelsyse.
*humps furiously*
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Like what?
Just play it manually. Is there even a stable auto guide out there?
Lancet alter WHEN
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which arknights is this?
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It's a multiplier to all her S3/S2 damage that goes from 1.6x to 1.7x, so at least 6.25% more damage that scales with all buffs you may give her. But it's all physical damage, so the more DEF enemy has the bigger difference it's going to make
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I'm rolling for Ray since shes the closest thing to actual gunkino we have.
Cheeto's great for is4.
You know, now that I think about it, having Viviana as a wife would be incredibly annoying because of her antlers in bed.
Oh and it also gives flat ATK, obviously. That was just for the talent increasy
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Some of them are
Bro? Absinthe s2?

>Slide her into a sleep sack
>Hook it to a winch and stand her up
My hero...
Sex with a slutty JK
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Slutty harold...
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Superior bear
Those rocks got me down bad ngl. You could make some cool crafts with them
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I'm struggling to understand a few things, is Victoria a landship as well? I see no mention of it.
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Wait, wasn't this a super rare relic before?
1-7 list. Still updating for about a day, then it's staying locked until new content. Horse lawyer up a tier next version.
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I wish Arknights had good character designs again
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Conceptualize the fragance of a vulpo tail
Unlocking it was a pain in IS3 because encounter was RNG
Nations aren't landships, most cities are.
i feel like there should be "medic tier" for characters that dont deal any dmg or something
Your medic waifu will stay in the failure zone, fag
Huffing vulpo scent.
Trust building takes too long. Why don't you love me Degenpegger?
They can either clear it or they can't.
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Scented foxes
The cities on Victoria are landships. The "nation" is the territory the cities roam around, as far as I know. If you see a map of Terra, those borders are just the extent to which cities may drift
it would make looking for actual failures like spuria easier
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But medics can clear it...
It's sorted by tier and class, all of the medics are together.
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If only as skins at least
The unlocks are still a pain in IS4. I only got the deers once and I choked
Meant rarity not tier, but still technically true.
Need... more... tacticool...
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I love this skin
Pheromone issue.
Who's your husband?
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Shame no one posts their profiles any more
>When you want to use a dreadnought but the map has 8 deployment limit, wants you to hold 4 heaters, and it absolutely floods the lane with stat bags
I dont... turns a cool character into a joke
How do you feel about single adoptive moms?
I am infamous enough to share mine
Can do it now
fox issue
I'm not posting until I level up one more time to 120 so no one can judge me for being a Week One player who isn't max level
Hey! That's my dog!
once you're 120 you will be judged for being generic oldstinky
I guess I could, I do have 2 /akg/ friends that are past my deletion date threshold.
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You wont
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penance is a joke
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Hello Doctor, are you ready for my alt?
I have max friends anyway
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Stop calling your clients Daddy Amiya, its unbecoming.
Are you the lappfag from earlier?
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... is dead.
Amiya leglocking you and calling you daddy
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Not if you're going to be like that, yeah.
Ceobe position
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So… don’t send request
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Leto's mom has got it going on
that doesn't narrows it down a whole lot
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Thanks, Arctosz. Will cherish your ex-family
poca (hag)
As a white Doctor... no
I'm lvl 90, that's still new I think
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I remember two years ago people were ridiculing tacticool designs
Now strip her and then dog walk her on the street
Leto's design is perfect. She's a youthful bear with a nice figure.
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>cant even break rubble
god, tremble is so good
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strike witches collab doko
Wife who would be a fan of Ace Combat games?
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If somebody sees that, it's over for Dobermann
What the fuck is /fg/
Consider doing that at midnght
We seem to be soaring high. Flying if you will.
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Tatyana Yevgenyevna Larina, female, Ursine explorer, has garnered a degree of fame among certain groups for her artifact excavations and mapping of uncharted regions.
Twenty years ago, she lost contact with the outside world during an expedition, and later returned to Ursus with her daughter, whom she raised alone. Infected during the Chernobog Incident, she sought out Rhodes Island and found her daughter, Rosalind, now Operator Leto, whom we had rescued. Since then, Ms. Larina (senior) has chosen to stay at Rhodes Island for treatment.
Her condition is relatively stable at present. If she continues to receive treatment, control her symptoms, and avoid visits to particularly dangerous areas, her condition will not further deteriorate in the immediate term.
Note that Tatyana's marital status reads "divorced"!
Divorced, got it?! It's totally fine to ask her out!
Besides, I get along well with Leto, even though she's not much younger than me.
I totally feel like I've got a shot.
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Full Nelson
Bear hug into a pile driver!
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Carefully feeding Dobermann my sausage...
Reality can jump off a cliff and I will make sure that shit jumps
Poor Arctocz...
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Imagine going home every day and cumming in one thrust in Skadi's ass
This but Indigo
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That's a lot of Moose love
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Maybe should have made a distinction between LOVE and LUST
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Margaret is so lucky, anons...
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Those are intertwined
I really want him to join RI, even as a joke character
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No they're not, unless you're a woman
My hero...
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No. It is I who is the lucky one.
Integrated strategies is impossible for new players. At least give me some trial operators, don't make me use my own shitty, under leveled ones...
You can just borrow Ling and solo it
It's the truth that oldstinkies will deny fervently with the "just borrow x" meme. You have shitty e1 operators that job on all stages, so you can't learn the stages properly, so that your one good borrowed unit is not deployed correctly (because you don't understand the stage), so you never unlock the squad that actually enables the borrowed operator because that requires actually winning. It's a mode that gets drastically better with account age
What does this image mean? Am I not gook enough to understand?
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>next IS4 reward refresh gives 12 module blocks
Don't forget to save boss fight to speedrun getting rewards
It's not supposed to be for new players
I hope you didn't fall for the "just grind IS mindlessly for resources bro" meme? You're going to hate the game before you hit the level cap
Would Arturia consider mumble rap music?
Anon, squads don't auto-promote support units in IS4
IS2 gives you the whole starting squad? And with those resources upgrade your shit and then start clearing it with 3-4* squads when your skill tree is up.
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>next IS4 reward refresh gives 12 module blocks
Can you not post pictures like these of my wife?
I would never lose to hags!
And what does that have to do with
>bro just start with IS2, it's easy because you can just borrow Thorns and start him at E2
that gets thrown around every time this is brought up
As long as it comes from the heart, sure
Orgy withdrawal!
Please keep posting pictures like these of Pozemka
Harold and his berry harem...
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Newkeks can just borrow strong carry and use this foldaltar on shops to get tons of free 4-5*
IS4 is so much easier for new players
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nta but are pics like this good?
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My wife-husband
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Learning yanesse with our Aunt.
How many rocks did you break?
Support op Thorns still works for IS2 without tactical assault squad. That said, try Jessica the liberated she's usually pretty stable.

IS3 texalt start is stable. Once you have your highmore you can support op Mayer, Kroosalt, or others. Kroosalt and pipis.

IS4 you can do reedalt, Degenbrecher, or jessica the liberated carry.

Once you play a single run you unlock monthly squad for 3 temp ops.
Anyway don't worry about winning, you just want to make it to the floor 1 shop and invest. You're still getting XP win or lose while getting unlocks and stacking investment.
Why would he be farming rocks when the event gives her +50% trust
I meant cancer rock
0. It's been almost a week. But you do need to save every single sanity pot possible.

I will break rocks for Shu Zuole though since they'll both fight for CC slot 1 and otherwise the other one will be says behind
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This is your new party member. She is a Halfling, Valor Bard.
Good morning, Didi love
I'll raise her soon, dont worry
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Pozemka fucks little boys
>Don't forget to save boss fight to speedrun getting rewards
Never realized you can do that, that's big brain.
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Damn, I guess I delayed myself by a day by doing anni on monday
I cum every time I get lucky and manage to get that and a concord foldartl for the first shop. Leaving floor 1 with 4 temps shows how shit IS4 is. Do literally nothing different but one run gets a drastically easier go of it.
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>doggy dog world
this translator is SHIIIIT
Whislash fucks married men.
It's a joke, Executor.
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Blaze love!
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Personally this one is my favorite
Getting it early can break runs
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Weird tall woman
Who's Doc married to?
Yeah good mirage concord rng is run winning
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Cool tall woman
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H-holy Sami.....
It's dog-eat-dog you stupid bitch.
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losing memories is not divorce
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Good morning, Mumu love
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Be nice posters okay
We all fuck Typhon here
Typhon spine is something as it can handle her BADOONKERS MILKERY BOOBIES.
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Cute, not lewd, not pedo pozy.
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More like battlemaster with the shittiest maneuvers since this bitch can't cast.
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Mulberry didn't get any birthday thread... sad...
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We love Eyjaberry
We love Honeyberry
We love Harlnut
We don't care about Chestnut
We HATE Shitberry
Clearly a rally maneuver.
Mulberry love!
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Well that's really mean.
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You still have 12+ hours if you take burgers into account, just make one before then.
>This is your burden to carry now. I'm free
I fucking swaer there's some kind of hidden buff at A13 where every enemy gets a bigger stat boost than normal. A12 is nothing, A13 feels like nobody can tank or kill shit, even the generic collapsals.
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Nobody cares about Worstberry.
Is Leto a decent guard?
*gatling press*
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Wife-shaped Draco spotted
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At least Mulb has a gf haha.
Hmmm nyo.
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I love Daughterberry
he's good for welfare knights (they didn't have an elemental medic since honeyberry doesn't count apparently)
Mulberry is better than Honeyberry in gameplay.
What a shame, I guess I get to save my mats then
In-character and canon.
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Who is inside boomerknights?
how did someone as nice as bagpipi end up friends with a garbage can like ch'en
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What makes Doctor's blood so addictive to vampires?
Why does the honeyberryposter hate mul so much?
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Still mulling things over, Doctor P.?
Honeyberry and Mulberry anal tug of war
Very cute
But I don't hate her?
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I want waffy to suck me dry me
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Deserved. Fuck that lesbian whore.
got more degenbean?
Very strange how you make inflammatory posts everytime akg runs a shit train on her.
The small numerical increase is stacked over 56 floors plus the 5% damage reduction. The subtractive nature of def/atk worsens it.

She's technically passable but her damage against high def is still bad. Whereas Arene/Lappland/Ayer/QB deal arts damage.
She also doesn't have a range extension so she loses out there as well. It's mostly a preference. She'll still mow down stuff vulnerable to physical damage for you. From an economical standpoint it's questionable though.
I <3 Kjerag
how important are crystalline components? I dont think that I use them too often
I love Kjera!
just a schizo, ignore him
Does anyone know where I can find official wallpapers HG commissioned in one place? the fankit website seems broken
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I will never take arknights for granted anymore
prove it
>>483562928 (You)
Yes, all the mulberry smearposts feel very natural indeed and not samefagged at all
You don't use them
You use 70 of them in a week

There's no real in-between. You have to simply keep track of what you're raising since a badly aligned op can run you 42+ buttplugs alone. When shitpress is back you can check its butt plug page
Who was Logos meant to appeal to?
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Love this little bunny.
Meds, schizo. I don't fucking care at all about your shitty op.
All me
why did it fail
>>483563030 (You)
I'm a huge faggot too btw
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It did not.
Mulberry HATE!
I don't speak weeb
mulberry ruined blacknight for me
i hate that cunt
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blacknight ruined blacknight for me
i hate that cunt
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I want to be Pramanix's housecarl
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You truly are mofu-mofu. But that only means I have to hunt you even harder!
Not fat enough
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For me, it's Eyjaberry.
10 little pebbles at the very least
Not very much, just keep a stock of 50 or something and farm mango
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Behold. The strongest Arknight.
Just get 100ish and it'll last you for months, since you basically only use them for masteries and modules
Worst case you can buy 15 from the green certs shop for only 300 certs or something and it'll be enough
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Summer is here
Also the smelliest
Post the sluttiest
Post pure wives please.
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Lotus position
Slutty trad wife
You either make your own or wait for Indigofag to make one for you, one that doesn't use Mulberry artwork of course.
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Pure slut Shining...
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Funny that they used those censors in the stream
Idea for Rhodes Island to develop big penis pills
me on the right
Shes not a berry she just isnt
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A human bean.
Taking one (1) draw request
I draw slowly and with pencil on paper and might not deliver at all
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Ceobe, with a hat.
Gladiia, Hool, Degen and Carnelian looking down on a tiny Doctor
Texas in a wedding dress
Muelsyse and Ho'ol playing Tennis
I'm going fucking insane...

Hmm... nyo.
Uuugh, Gavial, you have to STOOOOOOP moving your GIGANTIC SWEATY TITS UP AND DOWN on MY DICK BRO... And please stop using your TIGHT PUSSY to milk MY STUPID PENIS too... You're just a bully at this point.
this has never been a funny bit
I'm in love with Degen...
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>Uuugh, Gavial, you have to STOOOOOOP moving your GIGANTIC SWEATY TITS UP AND DOWN on MY DICK BRO... And please stop using your TIGHT PUSSY to milk MY STUPID PENIS too... You're just a bully at this point.
49°22'22.2"N 5°34'41.6"W
Literally me
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Porn addicted monkeys. There should be a rule that you can't enter /akg/ unless you've fapped within the past hour. It's clouding your thinking and judgement. Coom brains.
*cums large ropes all over the ground*
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are you fucking kidding me
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Fight to survive mortal
>cropping operators
why hide your squad
its alright we wont judge you for being metacuck
Spicy chicken breasts
*full nelsons in front of a big crowd*
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Fine, this was a loss also
Anon you need to stop fucking wolves
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So what did Nacho man do after fighting basically everyone in chapter 14?
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Does this work when entering Bosky
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look at this duuuuude oh no no no
Not showing you operators is quite a move. you should be able to play around that Focus on killing the left side and block above the chest on the middle.
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Domination loss and getting degraded to breeding stock on all fours, a collar, a barcode and tag nailed into her ear. Forced to spend all her day on all fours and eating from a trough, enduring constant milking and sexual stimulation. Walked with a blindfold and earplugs around her former friends to show what a sow she has become.
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Went back to sitting in a rocking chair on his front porch.
based old man
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yato is better nobod uses texas any more
>Still jobbed
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I love my texy wexy
Domain expansion
Operators that would raise their children with love and kindness into well adjusted and productive members of society?
I didn't read her event.
I don't even remember her name. I internally call her the spicy chicken with big tits.
Test it, retard
You know you can just deploy Arturia facing left and put Jessicalt on the left tile in right lane while let Texas killing herself to destroy the chest, right?
Based & Cute
Did.... you just call me a retard?!
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It's Emergency and Arturia is the only one that can really kill shit with her S3. Jessica can't hold 3 lanes, Specter isn't block 3 yet, and Melantha sucks ass. Texas would only have been good there for her S3 which she doesn't have.
But without a vanguard and how quick enemies start coming here DP was also fucked.
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Post a slutty tradwife
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There should be more space to make this even more humiliating and dehumanizing
Muelsyse will be too overprotective for her children and will not let them leave from her watch because she doesn't want them to die.
>we're on page 2
>Making a thread 20 posts earlier
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does IS3 score efficiency cap out at +50%? i'll stay at level 7 if thats the case.

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