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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

>Final Fantasy XVI

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>483328402
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Based OP image because I like that she looks like a loli on this artstyle
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J-action kino? More like J-action flopperino
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XVI killed FF.
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My wife Eiko is totally cute!
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I guess this is the FF9 thread? Are we excited for the remake?
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What remake?

Is it confirmed yet?
So based.

Yes. Surely the animation didn't get canceled, either?
We got confirmation it was still being worked on as of last October.
The thing has been worked on since 2021 and we still have absolutely zero details on it yet. I have no idea what could be going on with it that its taking this long.
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Threadly reminder that XVI is subpar and inferior to XIII.
I called it, they're going to add Beatrix as a permanent party member in IX remake.
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I thought u guys said it was gonna outsell the ps5 released FFs? Did you guys not shitpost enough?
Mario RPG remake has already outsold the Ps5 released FFs. Let that sink in.
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Sink what? I don’t see a Stellar Blade in what you just said.
Should I start a list with all the games that outsold the ps5 released FFs, since you’re at it?
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Mario RPG is technically Square's IP. You get my point now, retard-kun?

Why is she flaunting her armpits?
Says the one that blurted out a tendie game out of nowhere. You say off-topic shit when you forget your meds. You got more shitposting to do along with your discord sisters.
Sup remakebro
>No real argument
Of course you don't.
>Out of topic
No argument to be made
the term is off-topic, newfriend.
Not Final Fantasy.
Be more active on /v/ discord sis
This game failed to outsell an ESG coded FF bros…
SMRPG is a flop without it's turnbased bonus.
SB is still a better game than XVI.
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Can't wait for the true FF15
That makes it seem like SB is better than your favorite post ps1 FF too.
Real FF12 - Lost Odyssey
Real FF13 - The Last Story

Fantasian is the real FF14
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>Real FF12 - The Last Story
>Real FF13 - Lost Odyssey
>Real FF14 - Legion
>Real FF15 - Nier Automata
>Real FF16 - Fantasian
It is known.
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Barry won. FFXIV ended in 5.3. 9R better be real.
Last 3 does not involve the gucci
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>Real FF15 - Nier Automata
You know, that actually makes sense. Let Yoko Taro handle FF17 and everyone will be happy. No more fanbase divide bullshit.
>Let Yoko Taro handle FF17
t. someone who hasn't played anything before automata
drakengard 3 was a literal shitpost and the gameplay of his games has always been shit without platinum.
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>FXIV ended in 5.3
I played Drakengard 1 and got ending E. I'd say it's pure kino and shit at the same time. Surely he can do much better now if he lets PlatinumGames handle the gameplay.
Still less cringe than Endwalker writing desu.
Fuck off weeaboo.
>russian poster
Fuck out of Ukraine, faggot.
Why have so many turn based games been announced lately? Don't they know turn based games are outdated shit for gramps that doesn't sell anymore? If they want sales they should upgrade to action combat like FF did
Trying too hard, Barry.
Guess I'm gonna finish FFIX now, started when I was a child and now 20 years later I will finish it.
Go kick Ozma's ass while you're at it. Should be easy for an adult like you, right?
Persona is more popular than FF btw
lmao even
It isn't and never will be. Personafags should be banned from/ffg/
Name 3
finally going to finish remake, holy shit does the end of this game get dragged out so goddamn much. the raid on shinra hq was like an hour-2 when i first played original 7 a year ago. 4 hours later and im still haven't met up with red 13
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I love 9 so goddamn much. its genuinely a perfect game even despite its slow loading of battles.
tons of equipment from synthesis and hidden that feel really impactful from the ability system = fun
a few decent bosses = fun
2 cool super bosses = fun
8 characters that actually feel different enough comparted to the last 3 games which it really didn't matter who you used = fun
best soundtrack = fun
best emotional movements = fun
doesn't feel its length from great pacing besides maybe the bug tunnel part = fun
fantastic art and visuals = fun
protag is a rapist = relatable
still haven't played remake. Probably should.
Just to see how much fluff you gotta add to inflate a 5-8 hour arc in the original to 30+ hours.
Finishing shinra hq in two hours isn't a good thing, you know
nta anon i never fought ozma even though i finished the game twice. i fucking hate chocobo hot and cold. why is 90% of optional content locked behind that faggot minigame
it was my first time playing the game anon, i wasn't being a speedrun tranny
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Eve mogs Tifa so completely that I kinda feel bad for TIfakeks.
Eve's designer was inspired by tifa and nomura.
There's no need for this.
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>FF9 thread?
big if true
will finally be a decent thread
probably a very slow one tho
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Eve is based on a real life model though
Kids had a lot of free time back in the day, and this minigame was made for that. It's actually not that hard if you circle around when the Chocobo says 'Kwehhhh!?' you'll find the treasure chest in the middle almost every time. The only difficult part is finding all the Chocographs, which is completely RNG and boring.
Except her model changes with almost every costume lol
Kinda like your story, eh?
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>Kim: But now that I look back, I realize that I was really influenced by FFVII. I really like Tifa. I can't really say what I like about her (laughs).
>Nomura: Looking at your drawings, I think I know what you like about her (laughs).
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>Nomurafags strike again
>they now claim that even a totally different non-SE game is all thanks to Nomura
>this is despite Eve being based on a real life model
Truly pathetic.
did you even play stellar blade or do you just like to whine about anything related to nomura
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Tell me about Rem
Is she someone's self insert?
I don't think he plays any games at all anymore given how much time he spends crying on 4chan
Yes, everyone replying to you is the same person
>SHIFT UP announced the sales status of its consumer debut, "Stellar Blade," at the IPO press conference held on June 25th. Stellar Blade was released as a PS5 exclusive on April 26th, and the company estimates it has sold over 1 million copies.

>Ahn Jae-woo, CFO of SHIFT UP, said, Immediately after the release of Stellar Blade,'' it set a user rating of 9.2 on Metacritic, the highest record ever for a PS5 title, and it still holds that record. It has been ranked No. 1 in sales in major console markets, and we estimate that cumulative sales have exceeded 1 million units.''

Yeah, it flopped. """1mil.""" in 2 months for a AAA game's not good. I don't make the rules.
do you know the budget?
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How come you Nomurafags never seem to be able to actually read the litany of quotes and articles that you always miraculously have at the ready? You have this 24/7 bible of links and articles and quotes always ready to go whenever anyone says anything about Nomura, yet you never ever ever seem to be able to actually read the shit you post.

The interview is from 2017. The thing you are quoting specifically references Blade and Soul. Furthermore, it's just basic design talk, more like 2 people appreciating each other's work and philosophy, if anything. Destiny Child and Blade and Soul have a lot of characters. It's definitely possible that some of them could have been loosely influenced by Final Fantasy VII. However, Eve from Stellar Blade is literally a body scan of a real life model. Destiny Child guy's favorite FF is X, btw, with regards to character design. I know that you don't know that, because you didn't read the article you posted. You never do.

>Kim : I think I understand. When I was involved in Blade and Soul (※4), the target audience was China, so I was told things like, "If you're in China, you should do it this way, you should do it that way." However, the designs I made despite that were instead described by the Chinese as "not Chinese at all, it's innovative."
>Nomura : You were able to stay true to yourself and show your true self.
>Kim : But even now, looking back, I realize that I was heavily influenced by FFVII. I really like Tifa. I can't really say what I like about her (laughs).
> When I look at Nomura Kim's paintings, I think I can understand what it is that I like about them (laughs).
Well he was proven to crosspost between here and the Nikke General several threads ago, so it's safe to assume he's a shill for Shift Up shit and a game he didn't buy. Same with 16!
>Eve's designer was inspired by tifa and nomura.
Never said eve was specifically inspired by tifa.
You're having a meltdown because you couldn't read.
You have let your obsession with crying about nomura affect your mental well-being.
>Well he was proven to crosspost between here and the Nikke General several threads ago
Where in the fuck do you schizos come up with this head canon? You don't even know who "I" am, and I absolutely do not post in the Nikke general. I don't even play Nikke.
or stellar blade.
or XVI
Eve is a literal body scan of a real life model though. How can that be inspired by Tifa? The guy has designed many characters. Your article is from 2017 and specifically references Blade and Soul. You Nomurafags can never read nor properly quote these articles you always have at the ready. It's actually impressive how many of your shitty articles I have read only to find out that your quote is out of context or is not relevant to the conversation you are using it in, and it's always Nomurafags (and Yoshida haters, but I suspect these are exactly the same people, because they make the same types of posts with the same misused, out-of-context, inapplicable quotes, always with articles at the ready)

>replied to me but didn't answer the question
I accept your concession.
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THIS cope looks familiar...
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>The guy has designed many characters.
Kim fully admits who is inspiration was but you're so angry at nomura that you won't allow this.
like pic related, a 1 winged bossfight who weilds a 6ft long katana.
You haven't played stellar blade. And it shows.
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I'm surprised there's another /ffg/ poster on Resetera. As far as I know, there's only Smitch, also known as Frenchie, Dreamboum, and BarrXVI. That's because he doxxed himself while defending 16.
Or is that guy also the same person?
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>hey look, this character kinda looks like Sephiroth
>hey look, this animation kinda looks like Starshower
I don't disagree with you about these things I just greentexted (which you never said), anon. Stellar Blade borrows/references/steals/plagiarizes from (or pays homage to) many different games. If Yoshida was the one doing it, you would choose "plagiarizes". However, you are trying to say that a character who is based on the body scan of a real life model is inspired by Tifa, and you're using an article from 2017 that talks about Destiny Child and Blade & Soul to do it. That's clearly incorrect.

Either way, like I said, Eve mogs Tifa so absolutely completely in all categories that I kinda have to feel bad for Tifakeks.
>Yoshida was the one doing it
so you're really just assblasted that I wasn't talking about yoshida at all times.
>Eve mogs Tifa so absolutely completely in all categories (except in personality and character) that I kinda have to feel bad for Tifakeks.
>so you're really just assblasted that I wasn't talking about yoshida at all times.
I wrote a bunch of stuff, even read your article from 2017 that you tried to apply to Eve from Stellar Blade, and instead of replying to anything I said, *that's* your takeaway? Besides, you're the one assblasted that I said Eve mogs Tifa.
>I wrote a bunch of stuff, even read your article from 2017 that you tried to apply to Eve
Once again, you can't read.
He's too busy being retarded to play stellar blade to know this.
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clean it up jannies
is tifa not final fantasy?
>Once again, you can't read.
You're the one who can't read. Not even your own articles that you always have at the ready, 24/7, waiting to defend Nomura's honor with. They're never appropriate for the situation, which is pretty incredible. I think you just bank on people not reading your shit anyway, and that has probably worked for you for years, otherwise you would have stopped doing it by now.

Speaking of, do you have that quote where Nomura supposedly wanted Final Fantasy VII Remake to be closer to the original? That's not what the quote actually says, and it that came up in a post here recently. I think I'm going to start a notepad of Nomurafag misquotes and their true meaning.

I will make this compromise, sure.
>You're the one who can't read.
>"Eve's designer was inspired by tifa and nomura."
>I didn't say this, read what I said again.
This is you over the past hour
>>"Eve's designer was inspired by tifa and nomura."
>>"There's no need for this." (There's no need to point out that Eve mogs Tifa, because the Shift Up designer copies Nomura; it's all thanks to Nomura)
The article you referenced was about Blade & Soul, and Eve is the body scan of a real life model. Not inspired by Tifa, not inspired by Nomura. Eve is inspired by the real life human being Shin Jae-eun.
>Final Fantasy VII Remake to be closer to the original?
>Push Square: Final Fantasy VII Remake expands on the Midgar story arc significantly. When developing the game, how did you decide on the parts that you wanted to expand?
>Kitase: I personally envisioned quite a dramatic change overall, but our director; Tetsuya Nomura and co-director; Naoki Hamaguchi, wanted to keep the beloved aspects in the original as much as possible. Eventually the development team decided to focus on respecting the original while adding in new elements, ensuring a delicate balance between the two.

>“My personal opinion was I thought it would have been suitable to make it a full 100% modern action game,” Kitase said through his translator, Gavin Poffley. “Actually, when we were discussing this and I proposed I wanted to take it full action, our director Nomura Tetsuya said, ‘no, I don’t like that idea.’
>“[Nomura] said, ‘no, I want to keep in… original elements for the original fans and what they loved about the original turn-based style system’,” Kitase continued. “That’s really what led us to this hybrid model that we have today. We feature elements of both of those.”
>Simon-says rhythm game
No it isn’t
You still can't read lmao.
Eve's designer was inspired by nomura and tifa.
I never said eve specifically was based on tifa.
You are so incredibly stupid you skipped over a few words to melt down like this.
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Kitase is a shit producer.
Ironically enough he argues along the same lines that Shift Up shills do considering >>483575749
They can't defend the game with its own salt because they know it's a bland, basic bitch action game built solely around fapbait.
>Simon-says rhythm game
XVI really is that bad huh
Did you play it?
Doesn't even draw too, but at least he can admit that much! kek
Oh look, another Shit Up talking point.
No shill, I didn't pay 500$ + 70$ + tip to play a mediocre action game that treats me like a baby. I had an e-celeb do it for me.

Did YOU?
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schizo thread
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>I just complain about games I didn't play, use e-cancer to tell me what to think and then claim it bombed because I don't have anything worthwhile going on in my life
can't say I went through this.
did play it though, was fun.
Thank you for the quote I asked for.

I hadn't seen the Nomura battle article before. We don't know what Kitase's proposed full action combat system would have been, probably very similar to the current combat because it is essentially an action game, but I do like the combat system that they ended up coming up with, and I do not believe there to be any sort of misquote here, though this is an article that I did not ask for.

>I never said eve specifically was based on tifa.
If you did not mean to imply this, then you would not have replied to me. You intended to imply that the comparison of Eve to Tifa is not necessary, because Eve was inspired by Tifa. If you didn't mean to imply this, you would not have said what you said.
>If you did not mean to imply this
Never once did and I repeatedly said so.
You are a schizo with reading comprehension issues. Seek help.
But I thought you guys hated 16 cause it didn’t have prescribed gameplay? So which is it?
Why do you have to bring up your boyfriend in every single conversation?
If you didn't intend to imply that Eve was directly inspired by Tifa, you would not have said as much.

How about this:
I will gladly concede if you tell me right now in your next post with your own words, not as a greentext, that Eve is based on the real life model Shin Jae-eun and was not inspired by TIfa.
Eve is based on the real life model Shin Jae-eun and was not inspired by TIfa
And you're a retard who melted down when you were told that her designer was a fan of nomura and drew inspiration from his designs like tifa. And sepihroth as stellar blade proved.
>did play though
YT playthroughs and streams don't count. I don't play shit aimed for adults that treats them like retards unloke you.
He said Eve's DESIGNER was inspired by Tifa. YOU misread him. YOU had a meltdown. YOU got BTFO.
>YT playthroughs and streams don't count.
I know. That's why I posted my own webms that I made from my gameplay.
>unloke you
>Eve is based on the real life model Shin Jae-eun and was not inspired by TIfa
I agree with this because it is true. Thank you. I concede.

I still don't really think that's what happened, because I see no reason to try to make the connection between Tifa and Eve unless you are trying to say that Eve's design was inspired by Tifa. Nevertheless, I have conceded the conversation, because we now agree that Eve was not inspired by Tifa. If I somehow misread the attempt to frivolously connect Eve with Tifa, then that's what I did and I will accept that.
>He bought Sterra Brade
"A fool and his money...", as they say.
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People seem to love it. Maybe the problem is you.
thanks it was fun.
>use e-cancer to tell me what to think
Did you play the video? :^)

>and then claim it bombed
You can't claim it succeeded either. Remember when people said 16 "sold well" and Yoshida said it "met our expectations"? Same thing said in >>483577338 with this game. Watch as it gets no more news after that initial esrimated sales announcement and when the DLC they're "considering" comes out, not even half the playerbase will go back to it. Just like with 16.

>because I don't have anything worthwhile going on in my life
Lack of self-awareness at play here.
Reminder that Rebirth flopped harder than XVI. Square Enix still has not released sales numbers for it. The only thing they've said about it is that it didn't even meet initial sales expectations. They lumped it together in a statement about Foamstars.
You're only proving my point that you and the rest of the normalfags who bought it are bad with money and have shit taste.
>Did you play the video
I don't need to watch e-celebs to tell me their opinion if I already played the game.
>You can't claim it succeeded either.
Shift-up already said in their FR that their talking about the pc port and sequels and the game exceeded their expectations.
XVI was called a bomb because we knew the budget and it had no legs.
>People seem to love it
Even you don't know!
>stellar blade
>normalfag game
You can stop talking now.
>I don't need to listen to differing opinions if I already played the game
Remain ignorant.

>B-But the devs said-
Yoshida said the same thing. Look how that turned out. They aimed low, struck low, but won't be going to the big leagues.
>I already played the game
correct. you should plays game too.
>Yoshida said the same thing.
he didn't say the game exceeded expectations nor talk about sequels.
>Wind-up Palom 829,912 67.6% Endwalker Pre-ordering privilege

>Wind-up Zidane 569,761 46.4%

Looks like we have a flop on our hands boys.
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>>stellar blade
>>normalfag game
>You can stop talking now.
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Unfortunately Final Fantasy XIV failed to meet our sales targets so we've decided to pan it and create a new cinematic gacha experience to replace it. Please look forward to it.
>every post I don't like is a shill
>failing that, they are definitely my boogeyman from another website
>I've tracked every post they made
>I know with 100% accuracy that this anonymous poster is also my boogeymen from other websites
>they follow me wherever I go
>you should buy a PS5 and the game to play it

>he didn't say-
Doesn't matter the semantics. It's the same talking points, except in this case it's based on estimates. They don't even know how much it sold. Try again, shill.
You could always wait to play it on your toaster since they're making a pc port.
Or are you just poor that you can't even afford that?
>It's the same talking points
with different results.
>Easily recognizable posting patterns and shitposting style? Nah that ain't me. You're crazy. Get a life, schizo. Anyway, [does literally just that].
there at least 4 different retards that have made this post but unironically.
we really are autism central.
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why they like this?
I'm not any of the people you replied to or are shitposting about. I'm actually every namefag and boogeyman on /ffg/, and I'm also people from Twitter and Reddit. Except that I'm actually none of those people because I only post on 4chan, and I'm not even the boogeymen that you schizos label me as. If only you were able to understand that you accuse multiple people of being the same namefag(s) on a daily basis
Ryza mogs Tifa hard
>Le Poorfag argument
>Buying AAA garbage

>with different results
No it's quite the same as 16 and I'll bet my life on that going forward. You'll get no more sales news after this initial announcement and it'll just be "Yesh we think it did good", playerbase plummets after the DLC releases if it exists and there'll be no sequel. It's not rocket science, shill.
>Even /ffg/ has SU marketers hovering over the general
The gook astroturfting is no joke desu ka ne.
>Buying games
>for pc
can't afford a toaster?
>No it's quite the same as 16
with different results.
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>danwtrails story is starting to leak
>it’s a near 1:1 copy of shadowbringers
>remake rufus fight is incredibly obnoxious
>genuinely one of the worse fights i ever seen in any game of constantly getting stunned by a fast faggot
>2nd try. use assess
>oooo staggers off a certain attack
>oh its probably braver, only attack they know for sure i have
>braver him while he reloads
>he literally instantly explodes
fucking nomura and is stupid faggot ass puzzle fights
Rufus is also super vulnerable to status ailments.
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Dawntrail doesn't enjoy the benefit of releasing at the peak of the Asmongold XIV hype. Most of the WoWfags will probably eventually play Dawntrail the next time Actiblizzion decides to fuck them in the ass, but they've already experienced both the beginning and end of an XIV expansion now, so the novelty of the game has worn off for the grifters. XIV feels like a gigantic game with infinite things to do for like 2 years, then you have "done everything" and now you wait for content just like any other MMO.

>Final Fantasy XIV failed to meet our sales targets
It's literally the most profitable Final Fantasy game that has ever existed. Even for a shitpost, this is a stretch.
>we've decided to pan it and create a new cinematic gacha experience to replace it.
I guess this is the time to point out that Ever Crisis, the Final Fantasy VII gacha directed by Tetsuya Nomura (which is just a reskin of Nier Re[in]carnation) is actually not doing so hot considering the IP behind it, its newness, and its concurrency with the Remake trilogy. It's doing worse than WotV. If the Final Fantasy VII IP can't sell a gacha, what can? When the Remake trilogy is completed and Ever Crisis dies, I hope they have something up their sleeve. I feel like they have a lot of untapped gacha potential, considering the Final Fantasy IP, but all of their gachas are "flops".
GoTD, really.
>everyone disliked this
>It's literally the most profitable Final Fantasy game that has ever existed. Even for a shitpost, this is a stretch.
no shit tho, any live service subscritption game with more than 3000 players will eventually make more money than a full priced single purchase game. a very small percentage of people played ff11 and its still the 2nd most profitable final fantasy game. its just whats going to happen eventually for a long running mmo that isn't completely doa
Have to hand it to them though.
They haven't deflected to calling anyone a tranny or saying how they won the culture war in here like they usually do.

>>Buying games
>>for pc
Again: Lack of self-awareness on display considering your poor impulse control.

>with different results.
With the same outcome.
dawntrail preload is up btw, so you XIVfags should probably take a break before all you guys get spoiled by the dataminers
I kneel...
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>n-no need for this... plz...
>projecting anger
>muh schizo theory
>b-but 16!
You are one sad, stupid shitposter. And if you are different people, coulda fooled me with how retarded you're being.
You're the only one "reee"ing here.
I defend games tooth and nail I claim to be a fan of that I've literally never played I'm not even kidding.
Yet do that for the recurring posts that have seethed over
>Eiko and Freya
>Pixel Remasters
>XIII (back in the day at least, crying about Snow poster)
There's a certain fag that gets awfully defensive and says your kind of logic is bad. Just saying!
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because it's since 1994
Kitase wants full action. Therefore we have to say that action is good now.
>There's a certain fag that gets awfully defensive and says your kind of logic is bad. Just saying!
That is very true, though I'm sure there's no coincidence there. It's kinda schizo to notice trends in /ffg/ posts. However, if you want to try to connect /ffg/ posts to other posts on other websites, that's perfectly sane and normal.
thanks for the input, yoshida appreciates the dicksucking.
kek'd and lel'd
Afraid so.
>its only okay when I do it!
Where is this fellating, you schizo shitposter?
>jammin' moment

Jecht kneels.
>The most unique fight in the game
>Muh worst
How do OOfags keep posting new screenshots every thread? Will they ever run out?
>literally just use your single move to autowin
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What are we all doing during maintenance XIVsters?
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I fuckin love Tetsuya Nomura bros
hey buddy, you're doing the "everyone I don't like is the same person" gimmick again!
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Yes, it takes skill to do so
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Sad state of /ffg/. Gotten worse since last year, too.
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this might be my favorite.
Combing my SSD for things to delete, because I don't have 56 gigs free.
hehe...wait till you fight him in Rebirth
Better than breaking the rules IE. Being an ironic shitposter (you).
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point to the shitposts friend.
I haven't posted since I posted Final Fantasy IX last night. >>483543021
You're doing the thing again friend...I'm trying to help you in reality. So that you can differentiate between who is who.
not me
I wonder what you would think about this if someone else made the game.
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>makes kino in you're path
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Don't try to reason with him. Your attempts are in vain. He unironically thinks that every post he dislikes is made by (You), but he will never accept that (You) are actually multiple people.
Based, you made the hypocrite seethe. I wonder if he's the one always having a melty over Yoshi games or >>483594241
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Which one? This is not a troll post. I like that IX is more fantasy, and apparently the story is very simple which is a bonus. However actual movement and combat seem incredibly slow, 15 seconds from combat start before you can interact, even with speed increase mods? XII I know little about. I did enjoy the combat in XIII and I hear it's somewhat similar. I know little of the story.
Apples and oranges.
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>"You're the same person who's been shitposting here for years!!! This is a personal fight I just admitted I've been undertaking for years!"
I just want him to feel the power of Vanille and know everything is gonna be alright!
>Haha what if I named my Terra filename after that Rydia filename that that anon noticed while emphasizing the 'ME (teehee)' part like I'm pretending to be the og AI Rydia to troll the noticer.
>I am very clever.
are we really gonna play this game, STILL?
>I did enjoy the combat in XIII and I hear it's somewhat similar.
Not at fucking all. XIII's combat is the logical evolution (or devolution, depending on who you ask) of X-2's combat system. It's ATB combat where you more control the "flow" or battle rather than specific actions. There are also advanced techs you can use to make the game a lot more fun, though you will probably only really encounter, intuit, or learn this when doing a low level run for fun.

In XII, it has all the more traditionally "deep" mechanics, including things like Float which actually serves a function, but your end goal will be to ideally use the Gambit system to completely automate combat so that your party is able to deal with most/all threats without any input from (You). The gameplay is more about programming your party's AI to work how you want it to work. If you don't want to try to full automate your party, which I think would be missing the point of the system, then you can still use the Gambits to automate all the more "busywork" stuff (like keeping up the aforementioned Float buff) while you manually input the more "active" commands.

>I know little of the story.
It's political intrigue Star Wars type shit.
both are fantastic
>15 seconds from combat start before you can interact
this is indeed a trollpost and completely false
I played through it recently with all the speedboost QoL they added and its maybe 7 seconds
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I don't know who is who, but there IS some fag avatar fagging with Rydia making shitposts and flaming. Very blatant compared to the normal Rydia fan. Likewise the same goes for some Yuffie & Vanille pics. Among others.

Never saw Vanille images used for shitposting until only recently, so it's not "muh meme stealing" or whatever.
>summon all the ifrits
>put rydia in the middle
does green girl overcome?
>if you play with mods or modern QoL, and/or on a PC with SSD, the 15 seconds is only 7 seconds
Duh. If you play a modded IX, it will be faster. I think there are even mods to speed up attack animations for both you and the enemy. The issue is that unmodded IX takes 15 seconds just to zone into a random battle, and you can get past this, but the shitposters here who don't actually play video games never realized that IX does actually take 15 seconds to load, and they kept pointing to the cheated items as to why we should discredit that one webm.
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Nope, played it retail on the Switch. You've been exposed as the shitposter.
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Farming materials for the new Genshin Impact loli
It's called the space button on emulator.
He's not wrong.
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>Nope, played it retail on the Switch.
Retail Switch has a Field Encounter "whoosh" time of 12 seconds though.
It's the ever elusive, insecure 16-kun AKA Frenchie AKA the backseat janny who calls anyone a "shitposter" if you don't like his Favorite Flop 16. He's a multi-falseflagger-samefagger.
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who's your favorite summoner??
Shoe is on the other foot, bro. You're not fooling anyone.
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>there IS some fag avatar fagging with Rydia making shitposts and flaming. Very blatant compared to the normal Rydia fan.
There were at least 2 Rydiafags before this newest wave of falseflagging. I'm one of them, and I'm very thankful to know that the real ones in /ffg/ are aware of what is going on here lately.

Obviously Rydia, she's my favorite FF character.
>Lifting phrases someone else used against him that he doesn't understand, attempting to "No U"
Based on your constant "N-NU-UH!", I hit a nail on the head.
real rydiafag would have responded to that
spankfag too but thats a different issue
You're doing a "no u" and claiming someone else is. Toddler play. Now stop with the namefag drama.
>source: it was revealed to me in a dream
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I think she's just great
>name garnet dagger
>thought it was just temporary and it would switch back a few hours later
>nope that's her name for the rest of the game now
ok then
>retard can't even bother to keep scrolling down before deciding to post
many such cases
Needs deep dry anal pounding.
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An observation to repeated criminal behavior isn't deflecting, back seater. Feel free to step off and ignore it.
Eve's designer was [loosely] inspired by tifa and nomura [in his designs for Blade & Soul].

However, Eve herself was based on real life model Shin Jae-eun and has no relation to Tifa or Nomura.
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You struck a nerve.
>flooded by ai slop
This general will never recover from the disaster that was XVI,
>hijacks a AI spam to make it about XVI
You can't make that up. OBSESSED
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post a Rydia you would
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Would totally BAM BAM BAM that one until I break the bed.
Sad but true.
>does actually take 15 seconds to load
It takes less to load, are you aware that the battle is already loaded when the models are shown?
At least be more specific and say that the battle starts until that time, and that's on their choice to put those fancy camera angles to show the enemies, and they all take different amount of time depending on the enemy since some have different camera angles
>At least be more specific
see >>483610064
That's literally seven seconds on Switch, from 1:09 to 1:16

the popular PC high framerate mods only shave a few seconds off the battle start time.
does the cinematic battle camera really matter that much to you? why does it offend you that you're shitposting about it again hours and days and weeks later?

check out the PC clip posted above. around 7 seconds load time. almost identical to the switch version minus the graphics
>IX does actually take 15 seconds to load
Finished IX on Playstation, it was NEVER that long. Why do you lie?
I can see, the only one that's egregiously bad seems to be PS3, at 17 seconds
>3 nearly identical replies to me, all at the same time, completely organic
C'mon man, don't fucking do this. Why do you try to do this so often? Why? Please, just tell me why you do this so often. It doesn't make any sense that you do this as often as you do.

>why does it offend you that you're shitposting about it again hours and days and weeks later?
I'm not "offended" by anything, you're just lying. Just tell the truth, man. What is wrong with you? This is something that anyone can easily google or YouTube and see that you are and always have been wrong.

>That's literally seven seconds on Switch, from 1:09 to 1:16
No. It's 1:09 - 1:22. You cannot input any command until 1:22. That's 12/13 seconds of "whoosh" time.
>I played it on switch
Neat, me too. It was still 14 seconds for me though.
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>retard trashtalk a beloved classical FF
>surprised pikachu face when called a retard by several people
It is it, a swing and a miss!
>telling the truth while shitposters lie about it is now considered "trashtalk"
I like Final Fantasy IX, btw. I like Final Fantasy. I'm not trash talking anything. You just love doing this shitpost where you lie on purpose. You can get the "woosh" time down to an acceptable level with mods, but vanilla IX has a horrible "woosh" time that is bad enough to interrupt the flow of the game, and the shitposters here expose themselves as people who don't actually play video games every time they try to contest this irrefutable fact, which has been proven many times now with video evidence.
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it sure is something
I mean imagine crying about waiting for a battle to start
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Just making sure nobody here is making fun of me or FF ecelebs I like.

Okay, you're good. Continue.
It wouldn't even be a problem if he didn't lie about the loading's length. The problem is that, just like an autistic person, he keeps posting the same false webm over and over in every thread, get debunked over and over, and always seethe and mald like the special need kid he is.
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friend, are you going to keep crying about IX load times forever?
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>the discord buddy shitposters (and/or his phone) arrived early today
This usually doesn't start until the night. I wonder what the occasion is today?
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>the discord buddy shitposters (and/or his phone)
Until we stop trashing XV, I assume.
Aka never.
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I thought about Alex/Alexa, but then typed in Sara without even thinking about it. Then I immediately realized that it fits.
There’s two videos posted in the thread that proves his point though?
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You're an idiot? Got it.
>You cannot input any command
That's not what "loading times" mean you massive ESL brainlet.
What's up, guys?
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Not much homie.

>There’s two videos
Hi ESL. And no, they don't prove anything, as it has been debunked several time in many threads before.
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I'm playing Final Fantasy IX
Additionally, the "false webm" he is referring to was not even posted in this thread. You're talking to a bot or something. I genuinely don't think it's human.
Don't let those "loading" times bite you bro.
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but this kino adventure at 4k 60fps is so good, I don't mind waiting 10 seconds for a battle to start. just like I didn't in VII or VIII either.
>9 second load time
>5 second woosh scene that can’t be skipped (same exact fucking thing as loading)
>can’t input anything till after 14 seconds
Debunked what, cultist?
It takes FFIX ~50% longer for a battle to start than VII. It's enough that it feels much more pronounced.
>immediate namecalling
I accept your surrender.
You say that despite throwing out the ESL buzzword first?
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It's just the same 1-3 dicksword buddies, and/or the same 1 very dedicated autist and his phone(s) as always. They started early today for some reason.
You struck a nerve, the cult is licking its wounds.
Why are XVsissies so pathetic? First XVI, then XIII, and now they're trying to shit on even IX, a classic.
Just how sad and miserable are these poor cucks?
>it's one person
>or multiple people
>I know because they post at the same time each day
>but not today, the tike is different today

People here really will type up "exposes" this fucking worthless and flimsy and still act like they've cracked the case wide open.
It's just the XV tranny cult coping hard as they're debunked for being the lying cunts they are.
meant for >>483577859 >>483581001
not a problem on my machine
Literally never had that issue on my playstation.
>2 completely natural replies by different people
see >>483610064
Frenchie is really going all out today
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Yet another swing and a miss.
How embarrassing!
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>every post I don't like is made by the same person
>I know, because he is my boogeyman
Yeah, what a faggot.
>can’t input anything till after 14 seconds
That's not "loading times" brainlet sister
>this much posting denying he’s frenchie
Oh yeah, it’s frenchie time.
You seem too defensive, perhaps you really are an ESL, stay in school
Schizos getting butthurt because more than one person calls them out on their bullshit, business as usual
And now he's claiming that one (1) post mocking him for his victim complex is "this much posting".
It's like he doesn't even know what "denying" means, how sad!
>the people who have never actually played Final Fantasy IX and thus have no idea how long battles take have finally accepted defeat
>they are no longer arguing the point
>they are no longer saying the footage is fake
>they are now arguing the semantics of the colloquially used phrase of "load time"
>even after this has already been "corrected" to "woosh"
It's pretty funny when you think about how pathetic this months long shitpost has been.
If I've learned something from this thread, it's that calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a cultist is the definition of a cultist.
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He's just doing the same old song and dance as usual. You maybe could even say he's Dancing Mad.
My theory is that he get bullied a lot at school, so it comes to /ffg/ and shitpost, since this is the only ounce of control on his pathetic life it can get.
that isn't what a cultist is.
A cult revolves around one person that a group of people worship. which is why the xiv and xvi fans are called cultists. Because they defend whatever yoshida does.
These same people get upset when they're called a cult, so they call everyone else a cultist without knowing what that term even means.
Because they're stupid.
Spotted the FFXV cultist.
Your game still sucks btw, LOL!
case in point above
It's definitely not normal to spend all day researching and then shitposting about things you hate. If I dislike something, I tend to avoid it. This guy, however, obsesses over things that he hates. He knows more about the things he hates than the people who likes the things he hates. It's very bizarre.
>A cult revolves around one person that a group of people worship. which is why the xiv and xvi fans are called cultists. Because they defend whatever yoshida does.
Oh, I see, this is very enlightening. So the group of people who have spent over 5 years shitposting about XIV and then subsequently XVI would be called "hate cultists", right? Because they spend god knows how many hours every single day shitting on Yoshida despite not even playing his games.
No amount of deflecting will take away from the fact that XVI was the first mainline title to flop.
of course. I've gotten two replies already, seething about being called a cult.
Yeah, it's just odd. I saw the same autism about Yoshida, where a conversation about Tactic Ogre was derailed to shit on XIV for "stealing" a TO character, and recently, it derailed a discussion about Rydia, then about AI, just to rant incoherently about XVI.
Same thing with that IX bloke, it keeps lying about a minor detail of IX, but he get so insanely defensive whenever he's debunked, and uses the same defense than the dude who has Yoshida in his head rentfree:
>call everyone either either a tranny or a cultist, or both
>doubting your honestly

Case in point, see above, it's hijacking the discussion again.
A hate cult isn’t even a thing based upon the definition of what a cult even is. Cults revolve around worship and reverence. Hate is the complete opposite of that.
>Case in point, see above, it's hijacking the discussion again.
he is so mad he's copying other posts talking about him.
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Reminder that Rebirth flopped worse than XVI. Rebirth flopped so badly, in fact, that Square Enix still has not released the sales numbers. The only thing Square Enix has said is that it failed to meet initial sales goals, and Square Enix lumped it together in a statement about Foamstars. Reminder also that this is Final Fantasy VII, one of the most iconic RPGs, and it flopped harder than XVI.
So what would you call someone who spends hours of their lives, every single day, investigating and then shitposting about someone they hate? That is more dedication to the "worship" of the person than the true "worshippers". What would you call the people who spend more time thinking about the object of worship than the people who are alleged to "worship" this object?
XVI flopping is also lumped into this because this is a result of the HD games division for the entire year doing badly, but you always conveniently leave this little factoid out.
I call that a cult, which is it. If the cultist denies being a cultist, well... Alcoholics will deny having an alcohol problem, you know?
when did they say FF7 Rebirth didn't do well?
They said it didn't meet it sales goals and it directly lost SE 2b in stock value.
Oh wait that was XVI lol.
It's flopped because it's trash. At least I'm not the only one who thinks so. I don't have to pretend to like a trash game just to have a normal conversation with people in social like Elden Ring, because the majority think the same
>XVI flopping is also lumped into this
It wasn't though. XVI met initial sales expectations but did not managed to meet longer term sales expectations. XVI got its own statement. Meanwhile, Rebirth got lumped in with Foamstars, neither of which were able to meet initial sales expectations. It's a sad reality that Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix's cash cow, has finally run out of milk thanks to Nomura and his time jannies.
>It's flopped because it's trash
Exactly, but enough about XV.
>XVI met initial sales expectations but did not managed to meet longer term sales expectations
*didn't meet its sales goal.
>XVI got its own statemen
*got multiple statements, none being good.
>I call that a cult
True, I do as well. This other person seems to want to call it something different though. Seriously though, if he claims that the people who like games that he has never played are a "cult", then what do you call the person who is obsessed with the creator of those games, dedicates hours of every single day of his life to obsessing about the creator of those games, but then never actually playing the games himself? He thinks about the object of their alleged worship more than the alleged worshippers do, so what does that make him if they are the "cultists"?

What do you call someone who is more obsessed than a cult?
>amortization of the game completely tanked operating income to nearly zero
>in the same quarter where the majority of the games sales at full price happened because the game ended up having no sales legs
>cost SE $2b in valuation in the quarter immediately following its release
>”met expectations”
>then what do you call the person who is obsessed with the creator of those games, dedicates hours of every single day of his life to obsessing about the creator of those games
You're talking about yourself aren't you?
When Square Enix finally released news about Rebirth's sales, after months of silence, Square Enix's stock plummeted so hard that it triggered a circuit breaker. The legal failsafe had to be triggered because the news of Rebirth's catastrophic failure was so devastating.

RIP Final Fantasy VII. Your legacy will be forever tarnished by Nomura and time jannies.
>the people who have never actually played Final Fantasy IX and thus have no idea how long battles take have finally accepted defeat
Nigger, I played it three times and one of them was a failed Excalibur II run so shut the fuck up zoomer, cope some more about how "it's just one person" making fun of you not even knowing what a loading time is, and the video that was posted up there shows the times and only one version is nearly as long as 15 seconds. Retard.
>What do you call someone who is more obsessed than a cult?
The French would call that a sect, but the words cult and sect are reversed in French, compared to their English meaning.
and then anon woke up from his fever dream
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Another day, another XVIsissy melty
where the FF5 bros at? I'd rather see an update from them than this shitposting
isn't the xvi fag the one shitposting against ffix because "it's turn based"?
more proof of how that shit yoshida game was a mistake
>no u
lol is that the best you can come up with? I asked you a question and you refuse to answer it because it hits a little too close to home, doesn't it? And no, I'm not talking about myself, but you know that.
Maybe it's time you went back to school and learned how Roman numerals work

XV is not 16
>Threadly reminder that XVI is subpar and inferior to XIII.
Sadly true.
Exactly. Glad you agree.
>the xvi fag the one shitposting against ffix because "it's turn based"?

I need proof that anyone at all is shitposting IX for being turn-based, and then I also need proof that this poster is """the""" """XVI fag""". You've got a monumental task ahead of you, but if you are telling the truth and not shitposting, you will be able to accomplish it!
>no u
>lol is that the best you can come up with?
You're talking about yourself again
Both are better than XVI.
to be fair, every game is better than xvi.
>if you point out that the "woosh" time for IX is 15 seconds, you are a zoomer
Interesting, because I played Final Fantasy IX on the PSX back when it came out, and even back then I thought the "woosh" time was noticeably long. I still liked IX, but I distinctly remember the "woosh" times being long, which has been proven multiple times on /ffg/ at this point. Another game that I remember having really long "woosh" times was Legend of Dragoon, and actually with Legend of Dragoon I've never finished that game, even as a kid, because everything takes so long in it.
One of the bigger shit stirrers in the general is a FFV fag so you're out of luck
Oh.. that's a shame. I like seeing lets plays instead of these kinds of sperg outs
I remember that the "Let's Play" anon would interrupt shitposting to post his Let's Play style rants/posts, and the shitposters would tell him to shut the fuck up. Pretty funny. The most prolific posters of /ffg/ really do spend like 12-16 hours of their lives every single day just sitting here shitposting, usually about Yoshida. But not that Let's Play guy, he was pretty based.
>I remember that the "Let's Play" anon would interrupt shitposting to post his Let's Play style rants/posts,
because they were from XI, which only (You) cared about.
>the "woosh" time for IX is 15 seconds, you are a zoomer
Because it isn't, maybe you're just a retard who can't count
>to be fair, every game is better than xvi.
If we're talking mainline FF, I can't argue with that.
>Because it isn't
see >>483610064
The PS2 one actually never finishes "woosh"ing in this video, so that's at least ~17 seconds (1:09 - 1:26). PSX is unfortunately not featured here.
>because they were from XI, which only (You) cared about.
I didn't care about it though. I didn't even read it. I just enjoyed that actual Final Fantasy game discussion made the shitposters seethe because it interrupted their schizo play time.
>One of the bigger shit stirrers in the general is a FFV fag so you're out of luck
No he is not. It's a XVsissy pretending to be a FFV fag.
Oh right, the gacha loser.
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World of Final Fantasy is underrated.
I gotta admit, I liked it more than I thought I would. I thought I heard they were gonna do a sequel.
Another L for J-Action slop
Which is more underrated: X-2 or WoFF?
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I wish they did. I still preferred FFXIV and SoP, but as a turn-based game, it was a very nice trip to the past, even if it smelt of "Final Fantasy: the rollercoaster", with most things feeling like a reference, and if you don't know the reference, fuck you.
Case in point, if you don't know why Rydia is afraid of fire, fuck you. And don't mind that it's clearly adult Rydia, who should have outgrew her pyrophobia.
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Load time for battles in IX are roughly 7 seconds, that's counting the moment the swirl happens to the moment the characters themselves "load" onto the battle screen. that's
not the time it takes from the swirl appears until the time you can issue a command, because that's not technically load time. considering the ATB charge, you might have to wait several seconds after battle has begun before actually issuing a command. though I understand why someone would be confused and include all of that time together, it's not technically accurate. that's not load time.
Final Fantasy IX is a great game, a legendary classic actually. 10-15 second "load" times or not!
I think you make a valid point, but some of the comedy definitely nailed it. I also think the ff cameo characters were very "in-character" so to speak, they felt like them in another game. Also the plot twist really got me
I never finished it, but I liked the game a lot. The humor was a bit cringe, but the gameplay was good. Stacks are a pretty great battle mechanic. I would love to see it come back in other games.
whoops meant for that guy
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>considering the ATB charge
This has already been accounted for in all of the previously posted videos. Final Fantasy IX takes ~15 seconds to "woosh", though this can obviously be reduced if you are playing on emulator with speed up, or are playing on an otherwise extremely modern version of IX and/or with mods (especially with mods, some of which exist specifically to counteract IX's massive "woosh" times).

You guys are just shitposting, right? Are you trying to double and triple down to save face when you were exposed for having never actually played IX, or are you purposely shitposting, or what are you doing? You're not doing anything logically, that's for sure.
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I dunno, I feel like, references-wise, FFXIV succeeded where WoFF somehow failed. FFXIV has a lot, a LOT of references to other games, but usually, it's just that, references. Like, Doma from... FFVI? Doma exists in FFXIV, but it's its own kingdom with its own story. Whereas Doma in WoFF would be that kingdom where people are happy and smiling, but where you're told to not drink the water.
Dunno if I'm explaining well, but that's my issue with WoFF. References feel like wink wink budge budge, which is fine for a fan who will get them, but if you don't? Yeah, I imagine you get lost easily.

Well, that, and Steam not letting me play it. Pic related is the last screenshot I took before an update broke it.

Oh yeah, characters are definitely fun, and I like that they actually question some stuff that is just too convenient for the story, but never in an obnoxious "oh wait, we're getting gils by killing monsters, how convenient!".
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game of the year
Sometimes life can be overwhelming.

Fucking hell, putting on the FF7 and FF8 soundtrack really calms me down. Sometimes nearly breaks me down to tears.

I'm not sure if I'm sad because I wanna be a kid playing these games again, so fucking naive to everything, or because it captured a spirit and calmness i never quite achieved.

Is it gay to say FF7/8/9 were probably to me as bibles were to others? I feel like I've gone thorugh this life pretty misunderstood desu.
Why are you projecting?
I hate FFVIII. But still: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh4KJXYI93w
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>Dunno if I'm explaining well
I'm not that guy, but I get it. In XIV, you don't need to have played the game that the reference is from. If you have played it, you might get a little more out of the reference or homage or whatever, but it's not required to have played it. Like Golbez and the Four Fiends in XIV are their own people with their own backstories and shit, whereas in WoFF, you absolutely need to have played the game that the reference is from in order for its inclusion to really make any sense at all.

>Steam not letting me play it
You can still play it, you just need to launch the .exe rather than load it from Steam. I still think it's fucking retarded that this somehow hasn't been fixed. Actually, you used to be able to fix it yourself by adding a .txt file to the .exe. location, but then another update broke that without actually fixing the main issue.
Actually, at some point, I just pirated the Maxima version of WoFF, which I didn't have, I just had the base game. I put it into the same folder as my purchased WoFF Steam version, I replaced all the files it asked me to, and now my Steam properly launches WoFF Maxima (pirated version) when I press "play" from Steam kek
The game tapers off desu. But you played at release, right? The intro into balamb theme into the invasion was fucking incredible.
sexo on the left
brat on the right
here I am
Can I get confirmation from people who grew up playing FFX+ as kids, whether the soundtracks really evoke HUGE nostalgia?
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point to the post where I did that friend!
I recorded this IX webm yesterday btw
load time on PC at 60fps is perfectly fine, absolutely no complaints from me!
No sales milestone and it caused stocks to drop like XVI. And it dropped off of famitsu's charts faster than XVI.
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I played the demo, where you do the attack on Dollet with Bahamut. Then I tried the full game.
I still have nightmares of DRAWING>STOCK my way to have 99 of each magic, and never use any. All the fondness I have for FFVIII's musics and world is put in the background whenever I remember the fucking grind.
Nowaday, I'd actually use my items and alchemy, but back then, I never used items.

Yeah. I mean, I played WoFF when I only had a basic understanding of IV, so I was convinced that the Winged Knight who grabs Rydia in that cutscene was Cecil.
It's only when I saw him in Dissidia that I figured out it had to be its own character. It's a bit of a shame, because the tone if very fun. It's like a very affectionate mockery of Final Fantasy's own clichés, with all the prophecies, characters picking fights before even saying hi, and villains doing long Shakesperean monologues as they're dying.

>just need to launch the .exe
Well, off to reinstall it once my cold is gone and I'm done updating my modlist for FFXIV.
>caused stocks to drop like XVI
XVI caused the stocks (again) to drop since it didn't meet its sales expectations.
He won't tell you.
Kitase bros...
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DAAAMN this female moogle has a BRA that means it has TITS which means I WANNA FUCK IT
Well he wasn't, so the anger issues must obviously come from you.

Also here's PS1
>admits she's female
>call her by a nongendered pronoun anyway
Wow, cool it on the microaggression, dude!
>he wasn't mad
he still is!
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I'm an oldfag, so I can't answer your question, but what I will say is that I don't find Final Fantasy OSTs to be particularly nostalgic. I think they are definitely good and some of the best in the business, yet despite growing up with the series, I do not find the OSTs to be nostalgic.

For me, if I'm listening to video game music, nostalgia has a particular "sound" and isn't actually correlated to whether or not I have personal nostalgia for the time period that I heard the music during. Like Chrono Cross sounds incredibly "nostalgic" to me, and yet I did not and do not particularly like Chrono Cross. Whereas when I listen to regular, non-vidya music, I do think there is also the "sound" of nostalgia that can be present even in songs that I'm hearing for the first time, but I also do experience personal "nostalgia" for songs that I relate to particular time periods in my life and that may not naturally sound "nostalgic" otherwise.

It's kind of an abstract concept, so I hope I've conveyed it well enough. Basically, I think music can "sound" nostalgic even if it's your first time hearing it, whereas you can subconsciously also attach personal nostalgia to music that may or may not "sound" nostalgic.
We're talking about 2024, idiot. THINK.

...is SMTV.
>Like Chrono Cross sounds incredibly "nostalgic" to me, and yet I did not and do not particularly like Chrono Cross
For me, it's Old School RuneScape. I have no idea why, but when I heard it, it felt so familiar.
>Well, off to reinstall it
Honestly, if you need to reinstall it anyway, just pirate it. Same thing. Plus, you already own it so it's kinda technically legal.
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lmao even
>We're talking about 2024,
XVI caused the stocks to drop twice. once in Q1 in FY2024 and then again once the full FY report was announced and XVI didn't meet sales goals.
Afraid not. Just say it how I see it.
Thanks for the response, oldfag.
Never plyed Chrono Cross (& trigger?) it's been high on the agenda for a game I've promised myself to player with no interruption fo 80 hours one day, with some drugs and shit. I guess trying to capture something from youth.

I don't think we'll ever be able to convey such emotions well. I wonder if there's experts there who can actually quantify nostalgia and describe it in human termsm, or whether it's very complex.
hey why'd you repost my gameplay and change the filename? you've been seething ALL DAY about IX load times you know that right?
>Claire face when she sees yoshitacultist being retarded for the 494th time.
Btw, old fag here, is anything after X(2) actually worth it? From what I've seen the games look like jap boys in weak aesthetic lands with 0 vibe.

Not interestied in onlie social media faggotry
if you like X-2, you should play XIII trilogy!
>no u
No, because then I'd lose my saves.
I don't wanna restart again and feel the urge to autistically optimize my pyramids again.
Fucking hated x-2, fucking hell, felt like a dirty piece of shit playing that cunt of a game.
put it in brackets ironically.
yikes. game is fun
Jenova's Witnesses unite:

...What? Only thing I posted was >>483639482 which you haven't addressed. Take your meds.
that isn't what no u means.
Well. XI & XIV are MMOs, so your character has no canon look. Also the party is XIV is, except for the twins, made out of adults, so they won't angst over failing to protect a village girl from a monster. And even so, I'd argue the two kids' angst makes sense, one see her beloved grandfather get brainwashed by his sworn enemy and he talks bad to her, while the other tries to set up the United Nations and fails miserably, getting labelled a traitor for his trouble while everyone gives him shit over his naivety that locals were waiting for a foreign saviour to help.
okay meme police, may I see your liscence?
nor is that how license is spelled.
Why would/should I care about the load time on a PS1? Or even a Switch? I don't play on those systems. It's not the same. Playing on PC with an SSD at 60fps is obviously going to load faster. But not even that much faster.
Why does it matter to you so much how long it takes?
Looks like slop desu.
Though maybe i just cba.

The look of the remakes horrify me. There was a certain vibe which doesn't look capturd.

What happened to competence passion and graft?
It shouldn't, because it's bullshit anyway.
Your license?
I'm glad we agree then friend. I'm playing IX right now and the game is a delight at 4k playing on the couch.
>What happened to competence passion and graft?
Take a look at Blizzard. Compare StarCraft Ghost and Warcraft 3 Remake.
Then apply this to FFXIV and FFVII Rebirth.

Ignore the detail that Ghost was too far gone to be redeemed, unlike XIV who was redeemed.
You seem to care everytime he posts that webm. Saying something that has long loadtimes also isn't "shitposting".

>objective reality
Now that... is an interesting cope.
I'm no trolling, I genuinely don't play games any more. Civ 5 was my last big pirate. Still excited to play MGS4 properly.

Can you spell out what you're trying to say?
>You seem to care everytime he posts that webm
every time who posts what webm?
do you mean the IX webm where he's got XP and Gil cheats on at the very beginning?
yeah I don't think that webm was created in good faith! and I certainly do question it's circulation/reposting
that's why I made my own video after buying the game last night, that is almost exactly the same, showing what the game looks like on PC running on an SSD at 60fps
which he then immediately reposted here>>483537274 at the very beginning of the thread, because he was seething about it
and now he's seethed about IX all day long!
>From what I've seen the games look like jap boys in weak aesthetic lands with 0 vibe.
That describes every Final Fantasy game, except XVI and the ones with female protagonists. The original Amano art for the original FF games has the males wearing lipstick and nail polish.

Anyway, the MMOs are good, but they're MMOs, so that determines whether or not you will want to play them. XII is probably the last time that Final Fantasy was "epic" in scope. If you liked X-2, XIII's combat is the next evolution of that system. XV is like a comfy, sad road trip, which you might be able to appreciate because you apparently don't know anything about Versus XIII. If you liked Final Fantasy VII, the Remake is more fun to play than the original, but doesn't really capture what Final Fantasy VII was as a narrative, imo.
I'm trying to say that marketing replaced passion. FFVII's charming character design was an attempt to emulate the other FF's style, yet at the same time you saw more natural proportions in fights and cutscenes.
There's none of that in VIIR. For the same of "immersion", that part that made VII unique is gone.
And so are materias, that you hated because they were crystallized life force, but that you used anyway because they're so handy? Now I'm sure you can easily beat VIIR without materias, just with attacks, limit breaks and objects.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't like VIIR, or the direction SE took with it.
I feel like you're still projecting. If all he talked about was load times, that's not seething. Especially when the original webm was also called "modded".
>Especially when the original webm was also called "modded"
the original webm was called average ix gameplay.
confirms my suspicions. don't think i wanna play the remakes as they'll feel hollow and empty, like a cash grab.
i'm not a musical man, but i understand that pitch, key, tone, etc all play a huge part in playing the strings of our souls. modern games seem to only twang the same ole chords.

i think more and more its the soundtrack which made the games though. so fucking haunting.
The ORIGINAL webm. Before it was renamed.
>spend all day seething in different conversations with different anons
>"it's not me, it's HIM, it's HIM!"
>seethes about a post from 17 hours ago
wtf listen cunt not sure who you are or if you think youre some big thread celeb

but just stfu mate. look at yourself.
>not seething
lots of seethe
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>FFVII's charming character design was an attempt to emulate the other FF's style, yet at the same time you saw more natural proportions in fights and cutscenes.
>There's none of that in VIIR. For the same of "immersion", that part that made VII unique is gone.
The saddest part of this is that Remake isn't really the Remake that people wanted, and Ever Crisis isn't really the Remake that people wanted either. It's just a bunch of "look, here's Final Fantasy VII, but modern!" and it scratches a bunch of itches that no one had. Like, why the fuck isn't Ever Crisis the 1:1 Remake? It does the Chibi overworld with real proportions in battle. They could have retooled it to be more like the original game rather than some fucking shitting knock off ATB gacha shit.

Ever Crisis has sovlful portraits, sovlful chibis, you could even call the in-battle models sovlful, but Ever Crisis never does anything sovlful with these assets. They just give you full page ads begging you to spend $15 for some upgrade materials... again.
>Now I'm sure you can easily beat VIIR without materias
yeah, maybe until you fight an enemy that nulls/resists physical attacks and you don't have access to Aerith
I mean, I'm very ill right now so organising my thoughs is hard, but FFVIIR isn't "the same game but directors cut or full HD". It's a genuine remake, and as such, sometimes comes off as mocking or condescending toward the original game.
Like Aerith being innocent and pure,if a bit sarcastic, instead swears like a sailor in the remake. And call me old fashioned, you'd be right, but I dislike profanities ingame. It's meant to make character looks tough, but all I see is an uneducated, lowborn peasant, so while it made sense for Cid to swear because he literally was seconds away from going to space and he's an old man, I really dislike aerith doing it. It hit me as "trying too hard". Kinda like that dude in Devil Mat Cry 3 who calls himself cool constantly.
Like, if you need to call yourself a cool person or a nice person, you're trying too hard to control the image people have of you.
And it's insecure and cringe.
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is an absolute blast to play that is filled with charm and character. Soul, if you will. It's not perfect. But no game is
>J-action kino living rent free in the heads of millions
Glorious https://youtu.be/F53MfLFgdAc?si=5lsluXrWR_RX86Dx
Other people were calling it modded.

Yeah, you're seething. Classic projection 101.
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>but with p2w shit
And I though I was pissed at the mobile port because FPS dropped at 2 on some scenes and I had a cheat to get everyone to level 99...
I need a vacation. See you all in a few hours after I'm calmed down.
This except it's OG VII.
>cries about PS1 games being too slow
>pretends others are the ones seething about it
still gonna enjoy IX and post about it
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>post an unmodded webm of IX
>people seethe crying that it's modded because cheats are turned on
>secondaries expose themselves are retards who have literally never played FFIX

>someone else starts playing IX because they're looking for a new shitpost
>they mod the ever living fuck out of FFIX
>they attempt to recreate the now infamous IX gameplay webm
>the irony is that this new webm is actually the one that was modded
>innocent or pure
lol that's Tifa's role
>post an unmodded webm
the filename was literally "modded ix gameplay"
>the filename was literally "modded ix gameplay"
Last thread it wasn't
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still seething....
first it was posted wasn't last thread, newfag, the shitposter been spamming it for at least 40 threads
my brand new high framerate gameplay is so similar to that original webm, that other people can't even tell the difference! lmfao
bro... watch the webm...
This is a new, heavily modded webm that is being used as a shitpost. He's trying to pass this off as the "real" IX gameplay, after calling the previous unmodded webm "modded"
More like nobody watched it.
Try it next thread: have the same filename, the thumbnail being identical, but replace the rest by Rydia getting her ass pounded
But I know you won't do it because you're a coward.
you certainly did...you saved it...and then you reposted it immediately into a new thread, at like what 4am? now crying and moaning allllll day about it.....seems like you made the original clip with how much you're defending it
More projection.
I like IX. He probably likes IX? You need to take your meds, XIIIfag.
>excuses excuses
I wish XVI was half as good as Rebirth.
Why can't BE and EC streams get as much viewers as OO?
Because OO is dead.
Amazing, you really pissed the XVIsissy off.
just another Wednesday I'm afraid!
It really makes you think, doesn't it? OO easily had 1k-2k viewers every single stream. I don't know why the other games can barely manage a couple hundred. OO was near the end of its natural lifecycle anyway, what with Force Time and everything, but it really was just too damn generous for its own good.
yeah but to actually play it moment to moment? Rebirth is more fun
another day another L for the yoshida trannies
You already congratulated yourself this thread >>483635705
its called a victory lap for a reason sweatie.
You triggered the loony.
>schizo doesn't know that's a meme
Please understand, Yoshidafags are mentally retarded
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This post made the schizo sperg.
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Good post, brudda
they think you're me! lmao
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Based FF fan, XVIsissy just can't handle the truth I'm afraid.
Oh he's stumblin' again!
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These are, unfortunately, the official shitpost characters now. I wonder what girl he's going to ruin next!
who's he?
I'm afraid so indeed. XVIfag is a very sad individual. So sad.
you're not allowed to be critical against yoshida.
Especially if you attach a FF image with it.
Because I WILL hunt you down and call you names.
Names I've been called first but I'll then call you because I'm a not a genius.
Every post I don't like is made by the same person. I know, because he is my boogeyman.
>you're not allowed to be critical against yoshida.
It is, however, quite alright to dump 10 archives links to various unrelated Yuffie images. I've done it multiple times, in fact.
what a sad thing to admit
I know, my existence is pathetic. I obsess compulsively over random posts that have upset me online, sometimes for years at a time, and I connect dots that usually have nothing to do with each other. I'm working on it, though.
>I know, my existence is pathetic
say no more.

True, it's only okay for us. Someday we'll get frenchie, jimbo, pesky oo fans, and anyone who dares say something remotely negative about something we like is a tifa hater, too. And they're also a xvi cultist. And they seethe over ix (even if evidence says otherwise the boss says we gotta go with this play). And they never play any videogames. And those darn pedos, too!
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>True, it's only okay for us.
Very true. As long as we're the ones doing it, anything is perfectly okay. Just like when it's okay when Nomura does it, but it's not okay when Yoshida does it. Just keep saying "it's them, it's them, it's them, it's not me" and everything will be okay.
his own personal single boogeyman who hates yoshida and he MUST defend yoshida at all costs
y'all have sent her into a tizzy.
>listing a bunch of unrelated stuff
Thanks for proving me right, retard-chan.
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Looks like this is another md5 for the archives post. I got you, shitposter.
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XIII with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI. Irrefutable!
Your post instantly aged poorly, kek
not even half a minute
>not even half a minute
They really can't even help themselves. They are in a constant state of shitposting.
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The damage control these posts caused... wow!
How so?
At least you got something right. There are multiple people here.
Why do you sound so upset though?
yoshidafags being schizos
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some of the best character designs, music and locations in the entire series
Why do you keep making up imaginary scenarios in your head?
It is so much better than FFXVI it's unreal.
There's nothing imaginary about you constantly shitposting. You even did it just now. There's nothing imaginary about how upset you sound when you reply to people. Those are both real things that you are currently doing.
Why are they like this?
You're making up things in your head again. You make no sense at all and I see a lot of projection in your posts.
Me saying things you don't like =/= shitposting, upset. I hope this helps you, lil bro.
This thread gets horrible with each passing day.
XVI was so bad it killed FF
They just can't help themselves. They absolutely must compulsively shitpost every single waking hour of their life.
cute schizoprhenia, yoshida sister
/ffg/ needs their own janny
who will step up and do it for free?
/ffg/ has a janny. Let that sink in. /ffg/ has a janny. What do you think the janny is doing?
Or, at least, /ffg/ had a janny as recently as the namefag theatre arc.
My friends and I

Wanna try out ff 14

What server are y'all on ?

Like most ffgs on here ?
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Releasing the truth will hurt XVIsissies. We are doomed, unfortunately.
wrong thread tranny
you want /xivg/
No thanks.
wrong thread, tranny

I wanna play with ffg tho not the other general
Play on Crystal if you want to do social things. Play on Aether if you want to raid. No one here is going to play with you.
Sorry anon, but I'd rather play DQX.
too bad, we don't want to play with you

Y'all are mean

What happened to ffg's no bully rules ?
/ffg/ has been shitposting XIV, daily, for over 5 years. Stop pretending like you don't know this. If /ffg/ has any rules, it's that you must spend every second of your life shitposting Yoshida.
This is a strictly square enix sales and designated schizo thread
We don't final fantasy here
kys yams

I was here when ffg was made we had some guy called Hilton

Whom had a fondness for south Korean girls

And would post anti bully ranger

When did y'all start bullying
He's seething!

Look below >483652549

Idk who that is but I'm gonna take a shower now

And I'll be back later

For more conversation
>When did ya'll start bullying
>idk who that is
Another gimmick
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You pissed it off so bad lmao
So this >>483652572 triggered you and made you seethe. Uh, based? Looks like it was in response to the unrelated schizo post. It's a really funny image!
Yeah I triggered her, another L for the Yoshida troons
Sadly true.
That water looks really nice.
newfag here. did barry get ratio'd on x again?
you don't say
We hate each other here.
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My post was about >>483652057 & >483652549 being proven wrong by your linked post. Are you projecting or something? You seem to be melting down because you're seeing things that aren't there.
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whats up dude welcome to the thread.
you like Claire?
Things were pretty fine today up until after >>483609319
Proven wrong how? Why did that image triggered you'all? Looks like it was proven right.
see your buddy's (or your) earlier posts
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give it a rest. post Final Fantasy

I'm still play ff 13 one lol

They said they little kid was her love interest

But I haven't seen anything like that yet

But I'm liking the game so far
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I was proven right, yes. By walking right into what I was talking about. And now you're triggered and are trying to cope with it by pushing your hurt feelings onto others.

Why ?
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>they shitposted about yoshida literally all day again
Where do you even find the willpower to do this every day?
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it's more like mom/big sister in the way that she inspires, leads and encourages him to stand tall and fight for what he wants and "be a man" more or less
Sounds like it's a (You) problem.
You're making up things in your head, lass. "By walking right into" is so funny because you listing your weaknesses makes you really easy to bait >>483652572
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this party right here? based

Ya it's pretty good

Just not what I was told

Still enjoying the game tho

I'm just really really not a fan of vanillas voice
Stop talking to yourself.
But are they playable tho?!
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We dont actually play Final Fantasy here.
/ffg/ is for seething over Yoshida's many exploits,
Anything else, especially praise of Final Fantasy, is not permitted here.

I'm currently play final fantasy 9 on my switch

And I best final fantasy 3 the other day

I also played the one with Cecil and i own final fantasy 13

And I beat final fantasy 10

X-2 Yuna best girl tied with Refia
FFVIII had weird overworld interactions. One with Mr. Monkey saying "You Suck!" when trying to sing and another with a group of pebbles who lie to each other.
yes! you can choose party leader in the menu outside of battle. sadly it takes a long time before that feature is enabled and it's not an option during battle unlike X-2. I hope that "leader change" command will be added in a remastered update alongside a hard mode, so the game doesn't end when the leader dies
Not simultaneously. It's more of a Persona 3 situation.

Then why do you come here ?
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Too bad tranny XIII sucks ass
Play some real Final Fantasy games
Why do the shitposters come here? That's a great question indeed. They seemingly come here to shitpost Yoshida. Why do they do that? No one knows.
imagine had edea been in VII. would her character be a party member or supporting member?
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To post the true hero
and sheep
yeah the little gameboy game is nice

Let's talk about final fantasy then

Let's smash the norm and embrace final fantasy conversation

What is your favorite final fantasy ?

After I finish 9 I might try to finish 13 and I do have ff 12 And og 7 and remake 7

Alot of ppl told me to skip og 7 and just play remake tho
how come SE hasn't revived any of the tactics series outside of WotV?
>What is your favorite final fantasy ?
I can't tell you this because I don't trust that you're even a real person. There's like a 90% chance that you're just a regular /ffg/ shitposter pretending to be someone else to "gather information" to use as shitpost material later.

You're seriously better off leaving here and never coming back if you're a real person and actually like Final Fantasy.
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Was Square Enix's move to Shibuya, instigated by a fortune teller, ultimately the catalyst that led it down it's dark path of homosexuality with XIII and SE's resulting irrelevancy?
Personally, I think so.
7R's dance sequence and focus on making Cloud a femboy proved to me that they are unfortunately still very Shibuyasexual...

My name starts with "y"

And I really like final fantasy 10 and X-2

But it's ok to like what you like
>Square Enix's move to Shibuya, instigated by a fortune teller
What the fuck?
Please understand, he's a little to retarded to accept he exposed himself
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>skip OG VII
Nooooo way bro, you have to play VII beforehand. Hard requirement. Final Fantasy VII is so good it's kind of unreal. I highly recommend downloading 7th heaven for PC to get 60fps, widescreen, and a huge mod list at your disposal. Even if you're a purist, 60fps and the updated Gaia overworld mod is worth it.
Who is ""they"" schizo sis? And why are you posting pictures of your boyfriend?
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I thought square dont have anymore money left to hire celebrity but apparent they managed to muster some nobody kiwi celeb. Please just kill that fucking marketing department already
please do not feed the troll
>Who is ""they""
The people who spend all day every day shitposting about Yoshida, like you're doing now. Obviously.
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Idk how to add mods

I'm just playing the steam version i got stuck on the part where cloud is on the mountain

It's like a mini game where you defend the mountain

And cowboy hat tifa is with sephoroth in the chamber thingy ?

In the flash back

I'm around that part
Why are you so butthurt though? Your boyfriend can defend himself.
no he can't lol
I just want to know where you get the willpower to do this all day every day for years.
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It's super, super easy to add mods nowadays. Check out 7th Heaven, it's a very easy program that lets you enable better graphics settings, higher framerates and free analog camera controls. YouTube has really simple tutorials for setting it up and you can tinker with it. I have about a dozen or so mods installed for textures, backgrounds, character and enemy models, HD UI, and more. There's a brand new overworld mod, the overworld has been reconstructed to allow for free camera movement. Looks awesome flying around the world with the airship. I think my favorite mod is FFnx, which allows for all kinds of different tweaks as well as enabling cool little lighting engine I played around with way too much.
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Sadly, true.

I'll check it out but no promises
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you made her mad!
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FFXII is my favourite.

That's cool

I'll start this one next then
The discord says that the shitposter is Vaeryth
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suck it pink dragon
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Link to discord pls
Ask LordAx

Is he cool

He sounds cool with that kinda name
>Is he cool
Almost definitely not.
Final Fantasy?

When Lara Croft and Katy Perry become final fantasy

We all became final fantasy
Final Fantasy?
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>still mad hours later
why did you reply to 2 five hours old posts to tell them they were still mad hours later, without seeing the irony of what you're doing?
>admitting to trolling and not having any self awareness

>ever skipping original

>no u
sissy sis....
that still isn't what no u means.
If you can't enjoy a game without mods, chances are you're not a real fan of that series. Loving something means accepting both its good points and flaws. It's like having a gf and forcing her to wear makeup 24/7 You don't really love her, just her appearance.

Because tifa looks hot in the remake

And if the remake isn't the full story of og ff 7

What's the harm ?

Don't only need to play to a certain points in the og then ?
Nope. Already called out by >>483689141
Uh oh. Ba7tek meltdown...
2 is twice as good as 1
4 is twice as good as 2
6 is twice as good as 3
8 is twice as good as 4
10 is twice as good as 5
12 is twice as good as 6
14 is twice as good as 7
16 is twice as good as 8
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You triggered the shitposter. And it's still fighting shadows on the wall it looks like.
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>admitting to trolling
Where? This post >>483652572 isn't mine. Your stupidity was just very amusing to me.
It appears that way. lol
Cant we all just get along !!
>making it easy to bait
No you don't lol
You never talk about it except to bitch

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Just a couple months ago, name drama and euro/florida/twitter boogeymen out the ass - anything to not talk about FF.
Yeah the idiot gave them the info and they baited him like a dumbass. He walked right into that anon's post.
Now, how am I "trolling" again?
Anyone got good bots for XI on horizon? I can’t compete with the sweaties anymore, my job is too demanding
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It can't help itself.
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8,10 and 2 are inaccurate, others are accurate.
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Mister Yoshida? 16 PC port status?
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So they were trolling.
gotta say, 7R did a lot to make her cuter than the original.
How do you take these angles?
Because the original gave her a personality. The Remake turns her into a bimbo.
Dunno about bimbo but there is something off about her animations.
So you're an idiot who can't answer a question.
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>invites young boys into her office alone
This bitch put billions of innocent lives through eternal suffering for her time loop experiment and got away with everything without even a scratch. Is this the greatest FF villain or what?
The Emperor Mateus exists. So no.
Didn't she want to end the cycle?

They walked into his post.
So? How am *I* "trolling", retard-kun?
>Didn't she want to end the cycle?
Yes, she did but she hasn't achieved her goal in the game. It's just that she accepted that the cycle no longer worked to create the true Agito, so she decided to leave the world be and start a new experiment in another universe. That's where Type-Next comes in, but we will never know what it's all about.
Personality doesnt mean "she is not nice sometimes". Personality means depth, that the characters arent a one note character. They make mistakes, they arent always happy, they arent always angry, they arent always nice, they act like human beings.
Yuffie in the OG has less depth than the remake/rebirth version, simple as.
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Type-Zero sucked and flopped
highschool-slop was a mistake
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By being a faggot
>They walked into his post.
So according to retard-kun's own logic, he's a troll too.
So you're just a shitposter. A troll! Got it.
'fraid so
Type-0 is ludokino
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Why havent they re-recorded this movie with remake cast? i want britt baron DILLY DALLY SHILLY SHALLY
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Type-0 should've gotten a CCR style remaster
I actually wonder if they might make a AC Video game after the trilogy
They should just make Advent children DLC for part 3 desu
its not a long movie, theres battles in it and they can definitely do it
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Fabula Nova Crystallis Will Be Revived after FFX-3 and FF7 Remake Part 3.

>FFXIII, FFXIII-2, FFXIII-LR Remastered on PS5/PS6, Xbox, Switch 2 and PC.
>FFXV Upgrade for the PS5/PS6, Xbox, Switch 2, and PC.
>FF Type-0 HD for Switch 2.
>A revival of the Versus XIII concept using a new IP (rumored to be Verum Rex)
>FF Type 0 sequel (FF Type Next) for PS5/PS6, Xbox, Switch 2, and PC.
>Mobile Gacha game that ties the events of FF13-LR, FF Type Next, and Verum Rex/Versus XIII Revival.
No barry, it was ass
>Type-0 should've gotten a CCR style remaster
?? it literally already did
how many remasters does that flop need?
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Never ever.
Fabula Nova Shitallis belongs in the trash. FF barely survived that mess. If SE is dumb enough to return to it they are so fucked

So i was watching this fight for the first time in like 20 years and i noticed two things
One: you can see whispers here.
two: these battles look clunkier and not like remake/rebirth at all, since in this cutscenes the characters float. In remake there arent any floating moments really, its just jumping really high or free fall, but never directly floating.
>just strutting her legs around
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I took my screenshots using the FF13 free cam mod
she's so fucking ugly
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Oh weird, that anon is using the same filename as me and they're shitposting... don't think I'd ever call anyone a "XVIsissy"
And who am I trolling?
>no u
You idiot.
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is this the nier automata ship?
Yup, a rampant falseflag.
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it's mentallyill-anon's new trick
he has been pretending to be you this week and shitposting hard using XIII to deride any Yoshi-P games
And yet it did better than XVI and Stillbirth.
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XVI's week-one sales outsold XIII's.
For lifetime sales you'll have to wait and see before declaring a victor.
>XVI's week-one sales outsold XIII's
XVI was a global release while the west got it 4 months later.
Thoughts on Yuna and refia ?
*Got XIII 4 months later
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As >>483727506 stated week one we’d be comparing one regions sales to worldwide sales, so if we compare one region to one region things don’t look as good.
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Oh wow after being accused of being the same posters, XVI schizo tards finally notice we are different posters!!
>Final Fantasy XIII sold 5 times more copies in Japan than XVI did
They did it to me too. They think they own monopolies on posting characters. Like children on a playground "you can't play with my toy" type autism.
why are you lying?
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Stay awesome freecamfag
And remember: XIII > XVI


Bro please understand, they are mentally ill
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holy based
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you triggered the XIII cultist
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no rebuttal?
God that looks like shit.
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>empty criticism with no image posted
Nice screenshots as always freecambro
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XIII sold 2.2M combined week one sales in Japan and Worldwide.
XVI sold 3M+ in 3 days and was the fastest selling PS5 exclusive.
Open and shut case, really.
Then you have the fact that XIII was so hated it killed the FF brand vs the critically acclaimed FFXVI that brought new young fans to the series and inspired the old ones.
FFXVI very clearly won this one chief, and it's not even close.
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I'm playing IX right now
The numbers came to me in a dream btw
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just google it, do I need to screenshot it for you?
Got a source for any of that?
>lying about numbers in order to lie about their game
I don't need to lie to make a point.
>we're still doing the same posts
Yup dead general.
meant for
>XIII: 5 million shortly after global release
>Elden Ring dlc: 5 million after three days
>XVI: 3 million after one year
Same posts every single day, forever.

I talk about final fantasy !!
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That's MY question. Your logic is retarded and you're and idiot. I'm glad you finally figured it out.
Square needs a BOTW/ER type Final Fantasy that can sell 30 million copies to kids and families and boomers alike
A classic. Better game than FFXVI, by the way.
XV tried to be that but they forgot to also make it fun and full of content.
>PS5 exclusive (Rebirth sold even worse)
but... le bros? le best friends for life???
>cope and deflection
XIII didn’t sell shit on Xbox
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>check /ffg/
>they've already been shitposting Yoshida for hours
>when I check back ~10 hours from now, the same exact people will still be shitposting Yoshida
>they do this every single day
>they spend ~16 hours of every single day of their life shitposting about Yoshida on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
okay, but how and why? How can you do this every single waking moment of your entire life, and why do you hate him so much? What did he even do to you? And don't say that he made XVI, because you're been shitposting Yoshida all day, every day, of your entire life since before XVI even released.
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XIIItards apparently cannot refute this.
Concession accepted.
brush your teeth
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XIII reached over 5 million worldwide
Is comparing apples to apples.
Is comparing apples to an entire cornucopia because global hasn’t been released yet.
Who’s more dishonest, Yoshida or his cultists? I’m leaning towards the latter.
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damn magic vice keeps dying in one hit/running away! might have missed his blue magic
Are you using "cope and deflection" to deny the truth? XIII and Elden Ring were multiplat. XVI was not multiplat. Rebirth was also not multiplat and it sold even less than XVI despite being Final Fantasy. Even Remake, which was also not multiplat, barely barely barely sold more than XVI did (3.5m compared to 3m), and Remake was actually on a system that people actually owned. No one owns a PS5.
a XV like open seamless overworld can and will work if it has a handful of good cities, dungeons and towns to explore. Need a better form of traversal than that car. Rebirth's controls for vehicles is really good so I guarantee they could figure it out. Needs to have an airship near the end though no matter what
>"cope and deflection" to deny the truth
kek you do be doing that though friend
I mean you're still lying about numbers?
Your feelings are still hurt, I see.

Is it really you?
>I mean you're still lying about numbers?
Please show me where I'm lying about numbers. I would love to see the post where you believe I'm lying about numbers.
I would ask you the same question. Why are you lying? Why are you using "cope and deflection" to deny the truth that you are comparing multiplat games to exclusives? Why also aren't you including Remake and Rebirth's failing sales in your shitpost? Rebirth especially sold worse than XVI and is a larger IP, being part of the absolutely massive Final Fantasy VII compilation.
Rebirth is a sequel to a remake. It’s not a standalone mainline title like XVI is. Stop deflecting.
I mentioned this before but it's weird. WotV was fairly popular, and the genre is doing fine with FE and SRW. No reason not to revisit.

>t.roll and responds to """trolls""" all the time
>part two of a remake project of a 27 year old game is bigger than the brand new mainline title of the series!
hoops, you are jumping through them, etc
btw Remake and XIII both reached over 5 million sold within the calendar year and that's a fact
where's XVI at? why no continued sales?
everyone bought the game day one and then nobody else?
>Is it really you?
No that's not Vaynefag. I truly believe he actually left. He might be back when XVI releases to PC if he ends up playing it, but I hope he's just gone. There's nothing here for anyone who likes Final Fantasy. I pray that I am able to join him soon. I'm getting closer every day.

>Stop deflecting.
You didn't answer any of my questions.
>>483736631 (samefag)
You didn't answer my question either.
>he's still coping and seething
>day after day
maybe you could play Final Fantasy XVI about it
Spite, anger, jealousy, autism, butthurt, vengence, & loneliness.

Mist continent can be kinda... bland, sometimes.
I feel that way about the later continents. Pretty empty aside from story location and the qu marsh that is mandatory on each region.
And they still are!
One seems to be making a comeback.
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>XVI xir thinks game sales numbers vanish after the first week
I’m starting to understand why XVI fans got run out of Reddit.
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Wrongamundo, pal.

Sadly true.

Who is saying that? They're just noticing pictures pratically only they and I have posted (filenames included) are being posted by someone else, exclusively in tandem with shitposts you make. Take your meds, loony troony.
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XVIfags deserve all the hate they get
I don't think he even enjoys (or even plays at that) XIII or IX. It's all just falseflagging. Using his phone to compliment himself.
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XIV continues to get more woke.
they don't seem to enter into discussions or disagreements from a point of merit, honesty or sincerity.
they can't just admit "yeah the game isn't as good as it should be" and establish the level playing field
every discussion is a non-starter because criticizing XVI is shitposting and therefore it cannot be engaged with honestly.
they are seriously, fucking retarded loony troons.

>he doesn't play the games
>he's a samefag
>false flagging
just give it a fucking rest already. you make yourself more and more deranged the further and further you deny reality.
XIII false flagger won't answer you. Freecam "newfag" may not either, if it also has a chip on it's shoulder as well.
I think that the perpetrator finally got scolded for his actions and/or had his power removed. There's no other explanation for the "natural" cessation of that horrible conversation piece. Their current strategy isn't any better, but at least he is using video games as his shitpost material instead of using his boogeyman that he was obsessed with for 5 years as his shitpost material. He has been dropping the F bomb more and more recently though.

He's still schizophrenically acquiring md5s as if they mean anything, so he hasn't actually changed.
What if every post here is correct?

>quoting posts that have nothing to do with you
Oh yeah, you're platinum mad. Stop with the projection anytime.
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I need you to point to my posts before you attempt to address me. You don't know what I've posted and you don't know when. So go ahead and show me real quick?
Dishonest posts.
>he doesn't play the games
>he's a samefag
>false flagging
These are YOUR tactics, though. Hell, just scroll above to see the cope here >>483737441.

>they can't just admit "yeah the game isn't as good as it should be"
You're also being very selective with what you're willing to see. Time and again your little agenda gets ruined by me as I've stated that. I even made a writeup.
>and establish the level playing field
lel there never was, it was always shitters seething over the game with barry/yojimbo tier posting
>criticizing XVI is shitposting
Nobody said that, not even to my posts. Now with that said, go back to spamming how every game is better than XVI because you have nothing substantial to say.
When Yoshida looks at forums and cries, he isn’t crying about trolls shitting on him or his games, he’s crying about the quality of the people trying to defend him.
You made it show itself. You won.
That's why I said "may" and "if", goofball.
Kek true they're so embarrassing
Don't forget the constant yoshi P seething. Merely existing causes them to melt down.

Speaking of... uh oh! Ba7tek melty!
>still no response
>quoting freecamchad
Yes, freecamchad WON
Sadly, true.
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this is the kind of shit I've seen written about me in the last several weeks when I'm not even around. they all think it's me who's in here shitting on XVI.

>freecamfag? new? he's actually been posting here for years
>proof? heh sorry sweaty
>he's obviously secretly the oneguy I hate
>he hates Yoshida personally despite never criticizing Yoshida
>he doesn't actually play the games he's posting about, somehow
>he's stealing his screenshots, somehow
>he doesn't actually like XIII, despite putting in 65 hours
>he's the false flagger
>he's the guy posting yoof.png
>he's the guy who makes my feelings hurt
>there's only one of him, and his phones
>there's no way anyone ever agrees with him
>there's no way that it's ME who has been doing this to myself in the thread for years, for free, while pretending that everything anyone ever writes is about Yoshida
>it's someone else yep
>he is my boogyman
>there is only one of him
Guess he must have ban evaded or something.
I remember when these threads used to be about gacha

war has changed I'm afraid
All those posts go against your beliefs, sadly.

Welcome to the club. See >>483726431
Likewise goes for anyone who is even neutral to XVI - they think you're a fanboy who never played it.
What if you just separated yourself from bad faith XIIIfag?
Keep in mind that posters like this person did not leave /ffg/.
And that fag is STILL mad about OO to this day.
Aged like whine.
Remember: every post Yoshitroons don't like is the same person
It's truly remarkable how 1-3 incredibly dedicated autists with absolutely nothing else going on in their lives can completely ruin a general for years.
Sorry, ee >>483740807
>t. calls half the thread yoshi fags
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After I finished XIII and came to the stunning conclusion that XIII is better than XVI, I wrote that in this thread. And ever since, y'all have completely lost your fucking minds on a daily basis over it.
because there's someone else here who agrees with what I write up, and because you think he's some master troll, who you have a personal vendetta against, then that means we are discord buddies/the same person.
it's really absolutely insane to sit there and come up with this shit and jump through hoops, instead of just facing the simple truth.
even a dumb, newfag zoomer like me, can see that XIII is better.
do you like XVI better? that's great actually. I would like to see WHY that is, not just walls and walls of coping, seething, anger, hatred, and complete and utter deflection of arguments, day after day after day, from people who seemingly refuse as a principle to come up with any kind of intellectual statement or argument.
they think that they are wasting their time by actually writing something with substance in it because they are "replying to a troll".
if only they knew how much of their time they were really wasting, defending XVI from criticism
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Based noticer.
Just doin' some sidequestin' around the Merged World yesterday, gonna go for my second stone tablet today. I always liked the Mirage Vest quest, it's fun going around the whole world on Boko.
Play Ever Crisis
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>Lightning staff
oh yeah baby
He also thinks that anyone who isn't shitposting Yoshida constantly is the same one, singular "XVI-kun". It's okay when he does it though.
>orange nails Yuffie
oh my god

I just started final fantasy 9

Any tips ?
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>defending XVI from criticism
Where? I do know it was likely you who said me wanting better combat didn't count because it was a "wishlist". Despite me also saying the combat was shallow but fun. Among other issue and improvements, you didn't like those.
>coping, seething, anger, hatred
See >>483667712
Pretty sure the fag constantly railing against XVI is the broken one.
V is my favorite, and nobody ever talks to me about stuff I've posted like extra jobs in a remake and I'm one of the few who talked to the FJF poster
>Yoshitroons (plural)
You're not very bright
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I played Nier Re[in]carnation for a few months because it had interesting characters and interesting stories. I played Ever Crisis for long enough to know that the game itself is a copypaste of Nier Re[in]carnation, so the """gameplay""" doesn't interest me, the full page ads that constantly pop up don't interest me, and I already know that Final Fantasy VII story aside from the First Soldier characters, and quite frankly the First Soldier characters didn't interest me either.

That's a cute Yuffie, however, and it seems like they are becoming more desperate with their costume design. They still have not yet reached Re[in] levels of "coom". Once you start seeing Re[in] level designs, you know it's game over.
Final Fantasy
I can at least appreciate what XIII was trying to do. Sure it fumbled in some ways, but in others it was ahead of its time and went unappreciated until recently.
I cannot appreciate what XVI was trying to do, because it wasn’t trying to be anything more than a watered down DMC clone.
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me too technically! so not much man it's actually been pretty straight forward so far. definitely always make sure you talk to everybody you can and explore every screen in every town. took me awhile to find the place to synthesize weapons in Lindblum. Just try to engage with all the systems. it's a kids game but this game has a LOT of stuff in it!
>tfw even the EC general doesn't hate XVI like the tard we have does
oh its nier autist again
Reread the post again
Stay mad
Just telling the truth, bro. Ever Crisis is a reskin of Re[in] with frankly less interesting characters that you already know the story of.
>North America only
Yoshida cultists can't read apparently
That is a nice little puzzle to do. Would you happen to be the anon who mentioned the omega tips last thread? Well, I'll probably follow most of that advice, I was trying to skate by with reflect rings but I am not sure it's going to work so well.
is this your first play?
Cope however you want, but don't lie to me like that.
Square's currently running gacha basically killed themselves leaving nothing but whatever this is in their wake.
The gacha talk on /ffg/ was already dead for months even before OO died, because the shitposters chased OOfags off to /vmg/. The thing that put the nail in the coffin of this general was Rebirth flopping worse than XVI. That's when all hell broke loose.

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