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Summer is saved guiltybros

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Active Codes

>Additional Links


EN: https://www.youtube.com/live/N5S9CpKzuGY
KR: https://www.youtube.com/live/0WV52-Q0Q6o
JP: https://www.youtube.com/live/Jn2cyA0oksk

>Update: June 20th

>Developer's Note: May 2024

>Current Events
CLAY, MORE! - June 20 ~ July 3
Union Raid - June 21 ~ June 26

>Current Special Recruit
Alice: Wonderland Bunny - June 6 ~ June 27
Clay - June 20 ~ July 3

>Current Costume Passes
Folkwang: Moist Rabbit [Mission Pass] - June 1 ~ June 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31

Previous: >>483534734
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Even if you don't love me I still love you /nikg/
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Breeding Brid!
I want to shoot fish in the face
>not Sin
easy pass
dave is going to take Helm
so... no summer anus but 2 shitty units ?

Great event.
Why weren't you guys crying about being cucked by 9S?
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You DID get your S.Anis last summer, right?
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Cuckposter got cucked in rl
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We love Tetra here.
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You better vote for the best skin
>10 friend pulls
>10 ticket pull
>gold mold from nothing pulls
I am going to cry
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Reminder that seaniggers LOST
/bag/'s laughing at us again...
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Had to look it up, pretty shameless
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Read that as "Wave of Disability"
Justice for Moran
Didn't pull on blue
Man this place is going to be real shit.
>parts destroyed
Solo Raid is going to be FUN
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I wanted a Moran skin, she's the best of the three
Wouldn't make sense story wise. She's currently...
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>He didn't vote for Dorothy in the popularity poll
your taste is so shit, never post again faggot
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>treasure with (You)
Fine, I guess Viper is alright after all
bros what's a channel...
>Parts destroying
Too niche. Dead on arrival. It's over.
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At least Browndust 2 knows how to provide a good Summer Event
fuck this faggot
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The voting site doesn't work or is it just laggy as FUCK?
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He... He looks like me..
He's built like me... I... thank you
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Doro Domination.
Well we now know the summer SR will have a boss that regenerates parts fast.
>wake up
>dave the diver
>wake down
>Black, Fat Bastard and Gyaruo
they really hit the shitposting trifecta on this one
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whoops sorry wrong picture
>NTR collab
>Censored art
It's over
Rosanna is 10x more sex than this, neck yourself
3rd world prime time hours
It has the biggest tits, so I will vote for it.
>no absolute
>moran got robbed
shit summer
only cool thing is fishing minigames are kino, literally dave the diver in-game which is fun and mast's big fat fucking scuba titties
nice i missed this
middle one is literally me
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i am genuinely happy that aegis gets to enjoy the ocean
the fishing minigame and guilty/maiden skins are also nice
i'll pretend everything else doesn't exist
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Because we played the game and knew that he's a faggot.
My wife isn't a slut!
>not holding her waist
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True, they couldn't even hire some VA's for the nip livestream. Where is the money going? because it's definetily not being invested in NIKKE
Is Dave black like African black, Dominican Republic black, or American nigger black?
need shifty doro
they didn't mention SAnis rerun bros...
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>tfw S.Anislet
>tfw no S.Anis rerun
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>minigame collabs are now a thing
Gargield and grends unironically has a shot at getting in
Thinkin about helm
Which skins are free. Too many.
a bunch of underage seatard raiding
no really surprising
>He thought he can pull for SAnis
She'll give birth to the strongest nubile warriors.
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Nice collab, /nikg/
dave is the fat white guy
my nigga, BD2 Anni/summer event is more lackluster than their MT Collab event, shut up bitch.
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Thank you Shifty very cool!
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>SR getting a skin instead of an alt
Who gonna buy this
PAWGneka saved brown dust
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how do i change my email i need to sell my account
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Yeah I'll just go back to sleep
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haha tiddy go boing
now can the brownoids go back to their favelas, your inartuculate yapping is getting annoying
>Both winds
>Partshit conditionals
it's so over it hasn't even begun
The only valid choice
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I'm fucking cumming.
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Just check the minutes and seconds of each shitpost anon
Always 1 minute apart
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now you have to save for her treasure
Love my wife Rosanna so I'm gonna try to mlb3 her regardless of her skills.
>try to vote
>network error
okay then, see you at reset i guess
I hope Sakura can't get pregnant poster's eye surgery went well so he can see this
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gtfo, fags like you ruined Modernia's skin the past year
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Time for round 2 boys: Rate your impressions/excitement of/for the summer event between 1-10. Let's see how it changed.
Dios mio... Onda Grande...
kinda ironic coming from grubba
It's funny how you guys pretend like it's shitposters when the instant the collab was revealed every single nikg poster thought the exact same thing.
Rent free as fuck, you guys are cucks
Niggers are canon
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RosannaDons, SakuraShoguns, how we feeling?
Looks like these mini collabs will be done to shill other korean indies.
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You chose this fate.
Mine was taken my Maxwell and I wouldn't have it any other way.
It's dave's boyfriend
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How do we stop this guy?
Everything is coming up LAPLOP!
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What are your predictions for the story? So far the cast has the following:
>Rosanna and Sakura - crime lords
>Guilty - dangerous criminal straight from rehab
>Viper - associated and worked with Crow, a terrorist (although she got pardoned, sort of)
>Maiden - secret police-type Nikke who can immobilize Nikkes with her voice
>Helm, Mast, and Anchor - going diving lmao
On one hand its boring. On the other its the best looking and furthest from her default
dave please let them go
>Half the chat was spamming NTR during the Dave the Diver segment
Holy shit SEAniggers are a plague on this earth.
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>underworld whores
Diving in Helm's cavernous vagina...
Raping your mother rn....
>moran is so much better than sakura and rosanna and it's not even close
>devs constantly neglect her for no reason
why is shitup like this
I give it a 6/10 off the stream, we'll see
>rosanna isn't wearing shorts
Mmmmmm yes I think I liked her all along
This chad is literally gifting Helm the beautiful miracle of motherhood.
Dave the Diver will make Sakura pregnant, trust the plan
Wouldn't that make them somewhat meta for raids or interceptions? This is an honest question because I don't understand what makes or breaks a Nikke. I want to know if they'll be meta for any specific purpose or if I can safely skip them and save my jims for the next pilgrim.
Uh... you aren't supposed to point that out, dude. You're supposed to screech and shit your pants about "pags" like everyone else.
Wind meta team with lmao 2 sakura and edgy guren is a go?
>favorite item
Which one is it?
>Cuckdust 2
This explains all the ntr posting
Sixo will be involved, will be surprised if not.
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Is that a nigger? explain this nikkers
as a skindentationchad, I am rock fuck hard
3/10 Tetraslop supreme
kill yourself, cuckshitter
see >>483547520
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Hell, that looks gorgeous
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>EN Livestream ended
>check the JP stream
>this stream has ended
HOLD ON, what happend to this year summer event? last year we have semen demon as guest the usual bald guy and VAs doing sugoi sugoi.
seriously the only thing i wanted was summer anis.

might skip everything and just grab the rewards, both limited units suck ass.

i have scarlet bs and noir/blanc, i have enough wind shit.
Hopefully they have good numbers in their kit so they are actually meta with their niche kits.
We're taking down Sixo's secret island lair.
>Guilty sex
>Rosanna sex
>/nikg/ seething

Yeah, I'm thinking summer is based.

No mention of reruns is a little weird though. There's no way they're not rerunning Summer Anis so are they saving it for the second half of summer or something?
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>check general for what was shown in the stream
>general is 90% NIKKUNNY raid
color me fucking surprised
Whatever it is I hope it sends in sex
Were the Underworld Queens really unpopular or something?

This event is trying really hard and it shows.
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Shiftup went full ESG
You are mindbroken
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nikker, that's just a lazy Sugar skin...
>ntr celebration recedes as the tourist jump from the thread to their own generals
who could've thought kek
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Dave gets all the chicks, including the loli.
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can't wait desu
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picking this for sure
This is the hottest thing in the game.
>nikke will forever be haunted by a fat man named dave
yeah ntr won
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Vote costume A, nikg. Or else....
Shift Up went public. Now is more about shilling products, not our game.
Rosana not so much but Sakura is really popular with nips.
Should I even bother looking at the last thread? Are they really raiding over...Dave the diver?
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Did the site actually crash?
>second half of summer
There's going to be a part 2?
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Part damage nikkers are only good if the boss regenerates parts at a decent rate otherwise they have a bricked kit that just doesn't work 90% of the fight.
Only if she has sunglasses in battle
I wish I was Dave the Diver bros...
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are the tourist shitposters gone yet?
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Someone post that edit with Marian holding little Chatterbox, but instead make it Helm with a beautiful black baby
NTR fucking won so hard
The fuck is with Dave?
The only time I've heard of the game was when Dave got a collab with Godzilla, now it's getting a Nikke collab?
Is that game super popular with Asians or some shit?
Is it a plant like Horizon?
Giving it an 8. I love Viper, who is getting a treasure and a gacha skin, I love Guilty, who is getting a skin and finally some screen time, I love Rosanna, because she's sexy and her alt has good jiggle physics, I love Sakura, because I will teach her that Nikkes might not get pregnant but we can try anyway, I love Mast, she makes me full mast, and I think a minigame collab is quite a cute idea that makes for some good replay value for the event.
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The American Paglord says Summer part 1 is a certified skip
We know, Agapito
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What b1 would you want to put on a team with them? Dorothy is the one that immediately comes to mind with her s1, but that would bump privaty off the team since you probably want someone like SBS to do damage.
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Did we get a livestream for summer last year? I honestly don't remember.
Rosanna's jp va is pretty hot irl. She also voiced Ãœbel in Frieren.
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Oh no no no schizo gonna go full melty all month long
Always has been. SKK is black.
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so an entire DAVE THE DIVER game is in Nikke? Or Mast/Anchor/Helm is in a separate dave game? how does it work?
You're late bro. They finally won't.
Seapags are cuck-brained what else is new
lol no. That anon is just being delusional.
Place your bets lads. Who are we gonna fuck this summer? Sakura?Rosanna? Or both?
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>only good skin is $60, again
thanks for letting them get away with it retards
>that leg thing
So Rosanna is the OTHER swimsuit leak too?
I was thinking Maiden was in trouble from before and Guilty was in trouble for hurting someone so all the troublemakers would be at the beach for some reason, but now I'm wondering if Rosanna and Sakura are going to hire the other girls
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At least our collabs don't have cuckshit
A fat fuck. Somehow the game is labeled as indie while it's not
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It was supposed to be an indie hit but turns out it was released by Nexon
Nexon owns it
So they are shilling it as a successful indie game
Maybe. Let's just wait for the actual news and dev notes. They're clearly just highlighting the new stuff in the stream.
she's such a bad bitch
Hot take: all of the proposed Red Hood skins are ugly.
luv tiddies
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>check events
>no summer fat friendwife rerun
Shift Up has caught mental retardation.
Simple as.
the game is from Korea, funded by Nexon, if you following the news, squid game going all in on soft power, first it was Kpop and now vidya
It's a Nexon published game
fake engagement, basically
>I think a dave collab is quite a cute
yea..ah me too...
>The fuck is with Dave?
They probably only shill it because it's a korean indie game.
It's Aegis the Diver, learn to read.
Dave is gutting fish and getting fucked in the ass or whatever.
I would, but the poll seems to be fucked on my end
>Is that game super popular with Asians or some shit?
I have never heard of that garbage until now
It is entirely dependent if the buffs are permanent or only temporary. If permanent they could be good, if temporary then lol lmao.
She's going to be in the shop most likely.
Thank god Summer 1 won't be meta like SAnis. Only got 1 when I should have mlb
>a korean indie game
Yeah, "indie" lol.
I don't know what RH skin I want to vote for. I'm tempter to pick 1 but I'm not sure we'll see her ass with that long dress
At least make an effort and do your own shitpost Jakarta kun
They never advertised as indie or hid it was made by Nexon.
Zoomers saw a pixel art style and started calling it that.
money is going into Stellar Blade 2 and the other "will surpass even Nikke" game they are already making (but is still like 2-3 years away)
after 10th aniv
>raziel x sandalphon
>Magus x Astratoth
>Neechang in sumo event
you want me to keep going, grubba?
>B3 AR
it's so over...
She is so perfect bros...
guys i saw dave and helm go alone to a room and now i hear weird sounds guys wtffff
I'd say it got bumped up from a 4 to a 6. The minigame looks neat.
>Ass game
Always has been
Unpopular opinion.

I almost kind of like live streams like this. There's no fluff or bullshiting. It just gets right to the meat and potatoes. The anniversary streams however should still have guests, but for events like this, this is fine.
>summer part 1
>part 1
>Tetra goyslop AGAIN
Tetraniggers will literally consume anything at this point.
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Wait you're just shitposting right? You aren't actually mentally ill enough that NTR is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words 'Dave the Diver'?... right?
I'll give it a 7. Outfits are nice overall, but kits are likely underwhelming so alts are most likely skip. The minigame should be fun and it's nice that there are actual rewards for it.
>ntr collab
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god this is probably my second box opening, and keep seeing everyone here opening them, how do you guys frequently get these?
toots please I guess
>not collabs
my point still stands
>Mast/Anchor/Helm is in a separate dave game?
Yes, they're getting fucked by the fatty, nigga and old man.
>guilty burst is still the same
I'm fine with most stuff but this is really disappointing especially since I'm shelling out cash for it
Sorry. I was jerking it too hard to Helm being spit roasted by Dave and the black sushi chef.
We are so fucking back
WOW, they went all out for the swimsuits
>inb4 censored later
at least it's not a full hour of "UOOOH SUGOIIIII". It was quick and straight to the point.
They won't be gone until pagpag hours are done. Go back to sleep
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Dont care
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
If the collab was minecraft nikkunnies would start jerking off to the idea of steve the minecraft man fucking drilley and hammering?
Mast is the BBC slut
Helm is pure
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Wishing you the best, since I got a blue SMG for meself
Shortsfags are in shambles right now
god I wish I looked like this
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Not One (1) nikker
But TWO (2) nikkers
And a Fat guy
1 for each holes
I look like that
So what was that leaked character sitting on a case of swimsuits?
Steve would never do that
that's just it. It's just shitposting as usual from discordniggers like NIKKUNNY
I like how the skins/characters have a muslim covered up version and the actual sexo stringkini version
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I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt until >>483547990 >>483547417 >>483547005
from what i hear the game get shat on because it was nominated in game of the year award, then bunch of indie devs start malding on twitter.
The donation can never be topped.
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*rapes you*
>Good for 1 single boss that appears for summer and then benched
Shift up loves make horrible kits only good for a single boss.
Not really interested in the Maiden pass, are the extra rewards worth it?
Only 2 summer units this time around? Did we know about part 2 last year?
I hate to be that guy but I want the rose mesh from the censored one with the bottom of the uncensored
What's the point of neglecting Elysion/Missilis and only release Tetrashit if they're all gonna be trash or extremely niche?
If they're gonna release trash, at least release trash equally for all manufacturers.
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blue smg coming right up
Koreancucks can't do a single thing right, They had to add homos to this shitty ass summer fanservices games. Its like their balls are itching and motherfuckers can't help but add their fetish.

Maybe snowbrochinks were right and YOU LOST fag should rope for being such a cuckapologist
>No daisy dukes bikini on top costume for Red Hood
My dreams crushed...scattered to the heartless winds...
completely agree
You know someone is gonna draw it.
To be real though a lot of people just can't disassociate male characters other than MC from NTR. I have to say though that Dave the Diver NTR as a phrase just sounds fucking hilarious however.
7/10 due to no Brid. Minigame looks fun though
>guys guys PLEASE its just shitposters raiding us
>meanwhile in the other thread the INSTANT the collab was revealed there was a million ntr posts
this denial of reality is insane
Has anyone gotten a vote in? I can't do shit
Wtf is that collab get off Helm you fat diving fuck
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Nice website, Shitup.
Someone post Mast's shooting pose
This general is gonna be unusable for like a whole month isn't it
whew this thread is infected with terminal SEA posting
Also tbf, it could actually be a small dev team that is under Nexon for publishing (marketing and distribution and all that). I remember this also being the case for Dungeon and Fighter (the MMO) for a long time, where the Neople studio was doing basically all the legwork but Nexon was running it into the ground. Ever since Neople managed to split off from Nexon, DnF has been doing great and has truly epic cringe kino marketing.

Not defending Nexon in any capacity btw, that company has ruined too many genuinely fun video games.
Helm is never beating the allegations...
It's still fucked. Go to sleep and try again later.
>The 2 white men look fat and low T
>the black/tanned one look super masculine and attractive
That's why you roll 1 copy and move on.
pretty much
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look at them flail
You didn't post a link, so I didn't bother trying.
What's unpopular about it, people don't one the ones that pander to ecelebs and shit.
This year's part two is more than likely dave the diver collab, which will basically fucking rethread last years summer part 2 with aegis
Part 2
Trust the plan
The extras from passes are almost always worth the money when compared to buying normal packs.
Yea that all happened, I think it won that section too?
Koreans are gonna be extinct by 2100 due to their adherence niggers and fat pigs.
Many such cases!
>the black/tanned one look super masculine and attractive
You are just a faggot anon
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is this good? I really don't know
I'm voting for the dog
Yeah because it's in-game :3c
>>the black/tanned one look super masculine and attractive
u gay
Of course. All the pagpulation is awake.
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I warned you retard paypigs that Koreans love NTR. I never seen a manwha or whatever manwha doujin that doesnt involve NTR.
there are already two attractive dudes other than skk in the game
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Hold up, SKK is taking all the most psychotic nikkes (+ maiden - crow) to the beach, all together at once to... meet save the diver?
Is he doing it wrong on purpose as some kind of joke?
> aegis squad with a fat fuck
What does Shitup mean by this ?
bro, your Diesel?
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it was SMary
People think this shitposting is limited to this shithole, Youtube comments were spamming NTR and arca live is also talking about it. Also anyone using the word "pag" should go back to whatever mihoyoshithole yurishitter space and dilate
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Why are SEAniggers like this?
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Y'all will complain about anything
Its fine, but MG is easily the worst one for its trait. Probably best to slap it on to Diesel for her favorite item.
The minigame looks fun. I've never played Dave the Diver
With Dave...
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browns are screeching and pissing their pants but all I can focus on are Guilty's fat tits
>Dave the NTR diver
>you have to be gay to say they were made good looking and masculine
>no engdub sluts
>no tranny singers
yeah i liked it, but anni streams are still a bigger thing meaning-wise
I only wish they added a stream with jp dub with eng subs but that's way too much work for small indie studio like shitup
>gets the best skin once again
she won
Is this going to be paid?
>Read seemingly normal Korean story
>Soul-crushing NTR out of nowhere
Every single time
drunk footslut
this. youtube chat and 2chan is also saying ntr. nikke lost, forever known as the ntr game
Shut up shifty. Dumb bitch can't even give us Hot Matis girl summer.
I'm having fun...
It's a bit boring compared to the other designs tbqh but seeing them finally freed is amazing
It has the same problem as pierce units. ie they do garbage damage the moment parts break and never come back. This is why SBS is the strongest, she does the most damage regardless of element or parts. She's really only beaten by Snow White who can overcap damage by hitting parts+body+core at the same time with a nuke attack, but only on some bosses. The extra damage still counts even though it's more than the hp of the part that got hit. Something not even RH/Alice can do since their pierce is just a lot of tiny damage.
Yeah that's good, now you just have to wait for a MG nikke to get a treasure. Unless you really like diesel but her treasure buff is a bit niche.
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your forced meme will never stick with the nikke fandom no matter how desperately you try
This outfit is such fucking sex but anchor is such fucking asss
why do they make costumes for dogass nikkes like WHY
she'll never even get a treasure because lol welfare SR
i will forever save 200 gold tickets for S-anus.
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>People think this shitposting is limited to this shithole
nah, the shitposting really is limited here. everyone posted WWWWWWWW in youtube and people are excited for the diving minigame.
>good looking
get out of the closet
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>schizophrenic tourists are having a complete meltdown over Dave the fucking Diver
You love to see it.
Were Rosanna, Sakura, and Guilty even at the top 50 in the popularity vote? And we had a Rosanna skin like a month ago, wtf...
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Rosanna will join the fun
The fabric can't even hold her tits completely and her massive boobs are slightly spilling to the sides. FUCK, I love Guilty
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Still butthurt after one year uh?
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My pirate autist cum professional slacker is so cute
Does mentioning pagpag remind you of where you live?
Bros can someone explain to me, how could a game have so much (you) shit but also adds homo shilling and NTRbaits. This is so out of touch and something mihoyo would do
>best skin
I kneel
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She will get dismembered as was foretold by John Shift Up.
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Helm is somehow always involved in these situations
It's definitely intentional from some dev at this point
>SAnis and SHelm will be the first true limited units that will never get a rerun
It's over for us latebros...
Leave them be. Hoyodrones keeps this thread alive
First limited servants I am skipping. Very disappointed.
See my first point
Kinda ironic coming from grubba
Where cuck is normalize
It's really just shitposters, all of their replies are after each other by a minute at least. Schizos doing what schizos do best. I think the event looks like fun and I'm happy characters I like are all getting skins and appearances in the event.
*better looking and more masculine than the white men, is that good enough for you faggots in denial?
Stellar Blade most likely cut into Nikke's budget so it's not surprising this stream was pretty lackluster.
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Hmm? Absolute chums, I don't understand. What happened?
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anchor is the free skin
I love Mast so much holy fuck. Got her summer skin last year, getting this skin too.
But it's not working.
Anchor was the only winner in this stream with her skin.
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You are unironically gay
>seamonkey calling black men attractive
LMAO. No wonder you fags like NTR.
Why does this make Seapags seethe?
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Totally organic discussions in here.
Certainly not a cuckcord raid.
there was like few messages, no need to exaggerate.
Not like this... The east has fallen.
Is this retard unironically implying the seaniggers couldn't be watching it live as well? LMAO
>Unpopular opinion
According to who? Why would you care? You have an opinion, go ahead and say it. What's with the disclaimer and preface? Go be insecure and seek validation somewhere else
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get fucked
That's literally me
I lost in the casino recently
I can't fucking vote for the RH skin it's not working give me my voucher reeeeeeeeee
We are getting shitposted because it was a W stream. Miles ahead of Genshit and light years ahead of the Wuwa launch disaster.
sakura and guilty were both high on the first poll
Its paid
300 jims
go back
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Assault Rifle that gets buffed by breaking parts, kek. Give her a RL or something.
Nice ooc filler bond.
Is the original Dave game fun?
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Trannylation at work
I'm so happy it wasn't an Absolute(ly shit) summer.
>t-this incel site is also spamming NTR
ok I guess
normal people don't give a fuck though
>Arcalive and 2chan spamming NTR
I'll roll one copy each just in case they later on get treasures or some sort of mechanic that magically makes them better
Aren't there 3 old summer units, as opposed to 2 winter? Like Mary, Neon and Anis vs Rupee and Anne?
Not very subtle at all, shit-up
Doubt considering the winter ones were added at a lower rate so it'll likely be the same here.
Fuck shitup, I'm dropping the game. (after I get Rosanna swimsuit version)
It's been fun bros.
>fat ugly bastard collab
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>grab' em while they're hot.

the codes i mean.
bro just get out of there
its okay to be gay
No it reminds me of yurishitters who hate self insert and waifu games. Its mostly used by self hating Mihoyo SEAtroon who thinks he is a girl
nah, just fap to the fanart and save for a better unit. Don't need to increase the benched roster.
Literally a falseflag, there was no one in the chat saying NTR, you can look at the stream yourself. In case you needed any more proof that this is just tourists shitposting
I'm gonna jerk off to the thoughts of those three men fucking my wives tonight...
>7th pilgrim mold
>didn't get a single pilgrim mold on the first 6
bros please give me your strongest toots
you just can't win, pajeet
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Am I supposed to be surprised ShiftUp gutted me like a fish yet again?
Love that guy though, his devotion is admirable.
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glad some other autist saved this, so tired of seeing that comment
Can you really be smug after this shit event that we got?
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Anchor is so fucking hot UOOOOOOOOO
>doesn't have +7 of his wife
>no skin either
L+ratio+maidenless+skill issue
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the strongest
it's nigger desu. SU wouldn't dare to give us loli in a bikini
That's fine if it's a pass. It looks good and it gives you rewards. That's probably the only thing I'm going to buy.
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*bweehhhs on you*
I wish only the tasties pagpag for my fellow ntrbros
>Another Sugar
No thanks.
What are you talking about? I just went through the YouTube chat during the reveal and there was none of that. Quit pushing your ntr narrative pagpag.
bro was trying to manifest
> don't have cuckshit
bro, your one piece collab?
Enjoy your Belorta bro
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no, fuck you
stop shitting up the general first
Is this real lmaoooo
>wake up
>gay pags self-inserting as a nikke and thinking about fat and black man inside their SEAfag butts
>"these MALES are so attractive and fat and black guys, it's NTR and not projection"
>"damn I want cocks cocks cocks"
>"it's free food even"
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>Viper treasure means anyone that skipped BAlice or didn't invest in her is turbo bricked for the SG comp
Cute retard bless
Summer part 2, I believe.
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Let's go faggot!
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wait was this rosanna line actually in-game at some point
Skipped it
Therefore it didn't happen
maybe next year absolutebros...
the ASS on that starfish holy shit
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>people fail more than one pilgrim mold
Couldn't be me. Good luck, by the way.
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Zxous won
Is it absolute cope of me to vote for this skin in the hopes it will show RH cheeks? Or does it look like the shorts are going to be too long for that...
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To sum it up:
>Summer Sakura
>Summer Rosanna
>Maiden Swimsuit (paid, July Mission Pass)
>Guilty Swimsuit (paid, Event Pass)
>Viper Swimsuit (paid, Costume Gacha)
>Mast Wetsuit (paid, another Event Pass)
>Anchor Wetsuit (free, reward in the minigame)
>Red Hood (free skin, VOTE for your favorite once the website actually starts working)
You are in their discord so that makes you one of them.
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"Natural" posts by "Ark citizens".
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Real pagpag hours
Seethe. The donation is now canon.
dave…. please let my nikkers be
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lets kill them
pilgrim but the bad one
May invest on her now.
It's 6:55 in the Philippines work has ended and everyone's at home
Have any of you nikkers even played Dave the Diver? It's a pretty chill fun game, you gotta have some kinda mental illness if the only thing you think about is cuck shit right away just because it's a fat guy
Dave the Diver? Are you fucking serious?
>NTR posters are actually gay
I'm noticing
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Why did they put these fucks in the game but not my boy Denji?
Why is NIKKUNNY like this?
>nikg apologists genuinely forgive the devs making a collab with the most ntrbait game around
What's the cope going to be when the next collab is with taimanin?
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Dave is well-intentioned but I don't know about his friend.
So is Viper out of jail now?
I just want S.Anis and to get Anchor...
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When she rides you in the hospital.
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I love dave the diver THOUGH
we like orcs
summer event hype
also im having a blast doing the union raids
hope everyone else is enjoying the summer
>people wanted her bunny skin to rerun
>psych, here's a gacha skint
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Spare 1 Tetra gloves, our wife in my account needs it.
It's the only one with any chance of showing cheeks.
>NTRbait at low tier
Nigga commander got good taste
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I have 212k gems and 1.1k gold tickets as a f2p. I don't have to skip anything.
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How many more times do they insert this subtext cuckshit for you to finally admit that something is going very wrong? Alluded Helmshit, Commandershit, now a NIGGER is having a sweet summer with Nikkes? More disappointed is the fact that this place just gobbles it up again. Gobble that black sperm up, you cuckfaggot. What is it with so many gachaplayers that just dont do shit and keep playing while the devs keep fucking them. You guys are the same as genshit players. Hell, you are on the same level as Brown Cuck 2 players. Keep on cooming on the designs of your game, because sitting in that chair and playing with yourself is all you will ever achieve. Disgusting faggots. Whole /vg/ laughs at you. Even normalfags start chanting ntr.
she's in my bedroom
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I'm sick to death of indie pixelshit
NA trannies...
trannylator tried to aneak it it but was swiftly fired and blacklisted by shift up
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I just came here to laugh.
Why are 15kk+ revenue devs are like this?
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Too much text
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She never got imprisoned. IIRC, she got pardoned since she helped SKK in the end (or at least, turned on Crow).
The psycho nikkers start some shit and poli is forced to investigate she sees the black man and immediately kneels on him trust the plan
All this nigga cares about is raw fish. He'd sooner fuck a frozen tuna than touch an actual woman.
Is the Dave collab this year's one? I see another collab post saying to look forward to more news, but I don't know if it's talking about this one.
why are you always thinking about penises anon? what's wrong with you?
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I'm doing my part!
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Stop avatarfagging the niggers of the bird kind.
seanigger women leave their shitholes on the first chance they get
that's why seaniggers are incredibly insecure when they see other men that are far superior than them
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I did my part
trying way too hard buddy
I know the discussion is being drowned out but no way they put a 1:1 version of dave the diver in right? Would actually be as huge as MOG
>trannies are actually acting like trannies
Color me surprised
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And thats A GOOD THING
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You seem gay
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It's a really good game though, you don't get reviews this positive if it wasn't
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You welcome faggot
>Wastes a limited character slot on an ugly tattoed whore
>Viper's face ruined in the gacha costume
>Paid skin for free character
>Gives fuel to Helm's NTR headcanons
What a dogshit summer.
>Globalniggers are the cuckposters
Imagine my surprise
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ok, has anybody played this? I avoided indie these days, they are riddled with lgbt nig nog. I swear SU made the most irrelevant collab since ReZero
where's my neptunia collab, you damn gooks!
>Sou guys are the same as genshit players. Hell, you are on the same level as Brown Cuck 2 players
just came here to see the reactions and all people do is damage control. "its not that bad", "you are just seeing things". unironically cucked general.
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>babu dupe
sorry for your loss
>having a male collab in waifu game is fine
yeah sure
Keep Poli away from the black chef.
Can someone to a dummy like me. If I roll and get a Nikke I want, I need to get her 3 more times to get her burst lobby screen right
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i WANT to like viper and she's started a 180 redemption arc but how do you excuse willingly letting chapters 22~24 happen
she doesn't have jackal's innocence
this but unironically
give me yuki's tanlined buttcheeks NOW
I'm all for curbstomping cuckposters but maybe it would be nice if Shit Up stopped feeding them. Just saying, though. I guess it's just natural for koreans.
Why are they trying to push that Normalfags and YouTube chat were chanting NTR at the collab? You can literally see the chat and Twitter, NONE of that is happening?
I did. it's good but grindy
Anon who you responded to is not ruining Nikke. It's the Doro posters.
They said it'll be the biggest minigame in the stream
Shadow of the Erdtree bros...
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I'm doing my part.
That's what it looks like though, it is simplified a bit for sure. My guess is you can only dive around the shallow waters and not that deep.
DtD is also Unity based, so maybe it's not that difficult to just copy shit over.
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Her game
>SEAnigs are cucked
Pagpags love getting blacked. This general is full of pagpags.
nigga never heard of astroturfing
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>diving game
>first thing seaniggers focuses on are the men
It's all making sense now. They're all literally gay.
nah thats actual cuckshit that will never happen
NTR for Koreans is like living and breathing.
is the damn thing fixed now?
>no skin for crow or jackal
exotic bros...
but gooks and japs are biggest NTRfags. Pagpags always were more of niggercucks from what I've seen, like mexicans.
Anyone I don't like is pagpag, anon. You can't refute this. I'll call you pagpag.
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Btw you guys can vote for C now
Schizophrenic hallucinations, it's all they ever do really, whether it's headcanon, more headcanon, and just straight up lying in every sentence they utter.
Their entire trick requires you to just go along with whatever they say.
They have a random godzilla collab how did they manage to swing that? I thought japan was autistic about godzilla
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Nice it works now
List of Nikke's that were virgins in their past life and still are virgins?
Those characters are LGBT and Bara Yaoi bait. So no cucking here you fucking retards
I identify as pagpag
>nigger has shit taste to go with its shit skin
as per usual
He's a sushi autist, Helm hating seafood would probably cause him to have an autism attack.
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It's over for you furfags
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>made no mention of Summer 2
well shit. I still have hope though. If we see all the previous summer units crammed into these two banners and not just S.Mary and S.Neon, then it truly is over for Summer 2.
This nigga has such shit taste


>dont have anchor
>dont have redhood either.

great event.

even brown dust 2 that gets shilled constantly was more "new player friendly".

if you do that shit you will lose playerbase, oldfags get burned out and new players get ignored.

they should focus both ends.
also the biggest playerbase is F2P it always is.
this aint it chief.

i will save my 200 goldies for S-anus. if she ever has a rerun. if ever.
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Did my part. Dresses, not even once.
The SEAfag shitposters are mostly a /nikg/ thing
Are you retarded by any chance?
It makes sense. NTR is mostly about how the bull makes the cuck feel when being cucked, the chick is just a prop and could replaced with anything important to the cuck.
all of them
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I voted for the dress.
I can only think of Anne and Alice atm
I wanted Viper instead of rosanna in the gacha. So sad man
hey you can't post that here
Because they're unironic faggots that you should just report and ignore. Reality doesn't matter against a bad faith actor.
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Final count
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Seems like it. They probably fucked up something related to the account verification check, or just got ddosed too hard.
You do realize there are discord raids to create narratives that aren't true? They quite literally brainwashed the board into thinking another game here genuinely has cuckshit when it doesn't.
it's fine
15 years ago it would've been a hit newgrounds flash game
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I'm a B enjoyer but if the fight is between A and C then I'll have to choose A. I won't let the dogfuckers win.
>my wife isn't in the event
I WON ...wait. I think I lost... this level of thinking probably bricked Moran into being left behind, hopefully she shows up in Part 2 but there was no mention of a Part 2... so things are not looking good for her. I don't really care personally but I feel bad for her being essentially a 3d wheel
Can't wait to see the dressfags lose again and have a melty
Finally, a straight post.
A lot of IGN reviewers here
>"actually here is [HEADCANON] thats why im not getting cucked by koreans"
Yeah, I do notice that. Only this general does the pagpag spam.
>People are actually voting for evening dress #568275
This meme has got to stop.
it's not a nikg thing, seafags are just cucks
>Developer : MINTROCKET
>Publisher : MINTROCKET
>not indie
fucking retard
That artist is great, but think of the advertisers!
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I voted for the dog
If i put a doll on Nikke, will i be able to replace that doll later on, when that nikke will get SSR doll for her?
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Doing my part.
Uhh are they META?
Calm down.
We need a Nikke Games label right now. X-Com with Nikke, Gears of War with Nikkers. Make every fucking game Nikke
You can replace blue dolls with purple ones, yes.
I think your results would've been more accurate with a bigger sample size taken from the start of the announcement, of the stream, to the end of the stream and some days later. Pretty sure the extremes of each are shitposts than anything genuine.
I'd kill for a good Nikke Fightan game.
For my dick.
Vtuber guy says no
do Americans really see a darky and immediately start thinking about penises and sex?
Design B is the only logical choice
If you are voting for A or C you are a pagpag.
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I'm doing my part.
Why is nikg so scared of ntr anyways? Surely we're the bull in the scenario regardless
Is A2 meta?
Happy I unlocked Guilty first
Like the Maiden skin
Rosanna looks hot enough to pull
Don't care about any of the other offerings, especially since I don't have Anchor
r -> sr destroys the r doll, but you retain exp, a level 15 r gives you level 5 sr
sr can upgrade into a favorite item once they get one, yes
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Defend this, Through slippery slope we have come to this. I wouldn't be surprised if Nikke adds a male character and you guys will defend that too.

First mini game where a male(black) interacts with your waifus. This isn't your average NPC customer in maid event
So huh about this S.Anis rerun huhhh
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haha, if only it was a meme...
normalfags seem to be voting for it
Dave x Mast
Chef x Helm
X-Com Nikke has potential, but people will just chalk it up as a GFL2 clone
>Earth Defense Force x Nikke
I would kneel and become an actual shareholder of Shift Up.
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shut up discordtroon scatnigger. fuck off with your cuckposting
Unironically every gachageneral is laughing at you cucks. Except Brown Cuck 2. They applaud you guys standing so firmly at Shit Ups side. As firm as that black bvll cock that will destroy Helm and Mast's pussy.
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THIS, is what you guys kept telling people to save for?
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I am voting A because it's showing the most tits.
I have no idea what a pagpag is.
Or I could just write you off as the schizo you are and move on with my day.

mental illness brought on by eating pagpag
World of Warcraft, but it's Nikke. Elden Ring, but it's Nikke. Skyrim, but it's Nikke.
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i too, am doing my part

Why do you fags want the most boring, basic, bitch-ass dress that covers her like a muslim to win?
Helm is refering to the cliche of a guy buying the woman he likes an acoholic drink. It's the sheltered princess archetype who sees that shit in movies.
>You like meeee
Stupid cuckfag
This has to be mental illness, just kys already
This would be so fucking cool.
>first costume reveals more tits but the ass is BOUND to be covered by frilly shit
>second costume shows less tits but has a hotpants ass
i legitimately do not know what to do
HSR but Nikkes
bros, is he the Wizard of Oz?
So, when will the schizoposting stop?
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Truthpill: all three options for red hood are pure shite
It would have for sure, but i'm not doing free marketing for shiftup kek. It's good enough to atleast gauge shit in the threads
anon, why do you keep thinking about black penises? wtf?
I don't even have Guilty, I did Sin first and now I'm working on Nihilister
it's wild how these guys will stand by their precious devs no matter how hard they sell out their waifus
it's actual ntr but they deny reality so hard they can't see it shit's hilarious
GFL chad here, when will you guys get your first gangbang rapevictim nikke?
Bless you anon
Those Globaltards arent white but tiny dick chinks thats why they are acting like those Chinese seething about NTR, even tho its not really NTR
This shit is funny
I did my part.
We've had polls here before, I don't think it's free marketing, but whatever. Given the state of the threads currently, that's my main gripe.
never, but it's supremely easy to filter
It's the usual "news come out, cuckniggers come in" cycle, it doesn't completely stop but it usually slows down after a few days (or when SEA hours end)
When we collab with you and get several of your T-dolls
The discord group posted here goes to sleep in around 12 hours
so when is the summer update?
>Rikkers MIND SWITCHING when they shoot an Armoured Colonist and the helmet breaks revealing that they look just like us
I don't actually care for cuckposting but adding a nigger is the problem i have.
Especially since the collab is clearly replacing summer part 2, so you get this biggerslop instead of more nikke alts
nikke lost
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The schizoposts will continue until morale improves.
i don't think so, they only do full live stream with mafia kajita on anniversaries stream.
Didn't vote for C because the wolf will probably cover up the good stuff
Didn't vote for B because mom pants
Voted for A because you get the most skin
ShiftUp trying to play it safe.
ShiftUp tongue my anus
>bitch-ass dress that covers her like a muslim to win
>picking the skin that covers her the most, pants are flared and not even skin tight so won't be showing her butt shape
Hm are you perchance retarded?
I would pay good money for a Nikke Dungeon Crawler. They can easily do a turn-based one for Anni.
HAHAHAHAHA how about you stay there and dont come back faggot
Never have i seen a downfall harder than Nikke. Now with male, black collabs? Ayy lmao
July 4, I think
Don't stalk me and post my photos
When NA finally sleeps
All three suck, but A is the only smart choice
Is the collab a whole event or just the mini game? I'm a bit confused?
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Fuck you and your gay shit
It seems to be just a big minigame.
Summer 2 might still happen. We'll see.
Just a minigame it looks like, the real full scale collab will be announced later
sounds like its just the game
Summer 2 will be Pilgrims.
Damn, the fucking 3 options for red hoos SUCK ASS
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the cuckshitter is literally a faggot lmao
Someone trying hard
But too long
Either shorten it or make a tldr
I would never want to be a nikke support wagie today...
Need shifty doro
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I don't know Spanish but I think I get the intention
I assume it's two separate events.
>underworld queen taking down Sixo's secret island lair
>aegis gone fishin'

get fucked, save for next pilgrim

>pilgrim will be shit, or only usable with RH and babu and crown

genshit taught me, just roll for who you like, fuck saving.
question, im getting filtered by the raptures that grab you. can you use the maids to break free from the cc?
Jannies? You really are just gonna let this be?
anon why do you keep thinking about men?
Not only they excluded Guillotine, but even Jackal, who's right there, isn't getting anything. If your favorite Nikke is under 150cm, they won't getting anything ever again.
Normalfag game, SU will join Mihomo as the biggest traitors of gachasphere.
fuck off and go back >>483550702
>fat goblino, gay nigger with aids and tan old boomer Canon to nikkeverse
time to switch gacha
Isn't Anchor getting a costume in the same update?

I know you guys would defend shit like this, i mean why would anyone play a game where your waifus spend time with other males. They could have done it so to add the commander in place of that black guy but no, you and the koreancucks are the ones obssessed with ntr
>its one guy its ONE GUY
read the other thread anon.... we lost....
>no Guilty lewds yet
back in my day r34 artists would deliver within 15 pinnes
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>Saw Dave the Reddit collab
>Didn't think much of it besides le normalfag collab
>open /nikg/
>Shiftup gave seanigger trannies ammo
Welp, back to not opening this shit thread for another 3 months. Nobody is this obsessed with ntr unless you're a literal porn addict.
Genshin 5.0 is literally the Blacked update tho
Al of them are terrible, A is the least terrible one.
>no summer part 2
>no rerun for Summer Anis and Helm
>no overclock
>no story update
dark times ahead
They specifically stated it's a Collab mini-game
you weren't supposed to point it out
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What a bitchboy crying now, wasting janny's time.
This is part and parcel of Nikke going public.
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I got a boner thinking about dave and the nigger with helm.
Tetra supremacy. Get fucked.
Actual same response you get over at BD2 lol Cucks really have only one response
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>dress that covers her like a muslim
>votes for a skin with pants
>pants in fucking NIKKE
They're hot. I don't know why the seethe. Stop being offended by sexy male characters.
Do not engage with Discordposters
Filter Discordposter
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>Dave the Diver is the TABOO of gacha gaming
what the fuck am I reading, are these fucking AI generated shitposts???
Anything else?
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>All these SEA cuck posts but none of them are about Red Hood fucking her dog
You're missing easy shitpost material.
Yes, your free useless character.
Its actually the event as well with gatekeeper dreaming up the collab as always. The only potential saving grace would be if the collab cast doesn't get interacted with outside of the minigame but we will have yet to see.
Seriously what the fuck were they thinking doing a collab with no female units.
Zero, Rosanna's PV got me smitten and I care not for collabs since it's all not canon anyway
Nikke Impact 3rd
They're using animal cruelty in the mini games again? Why are gooks so cruel towards animal life?
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Helm left, Anchor middle, Mast right
Time for commissions!!
>when she compares your little fish to Dave's
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*saves your summer event*
>how much did your stomach hurt
It didn't.
>when you saw the Dave the Nigger
Never heard of it before, not spending money on it, same as the Re:whatever collab.
>You all know how this is a taboo for gachagames
I don't.
>yet you still defend it
I don't defend it. I don't care. Free market will take care of it.
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Maiden fishing make my happy. My cute neet wife is so precious.
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>they discover an actual living human still living up on the surface
>Its dave the fucking diver
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Dave the Diver is actually a pretty fun game. I'm excited for this collab.
Just be honest with yourself, the only reason you're defending all this shit is because of the sunk cost fallacy. I know, I would defend these practices if I spent hundreds of dollars as well.
Its because tiny dick Chinese of Global server are afraid of fat white guy and 2 black men
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>this thread
nobody actually cares about red hood. only that she's meta
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That was 3 hours ago. Thats old new retard.
Those are reserved for the NA shitposters
>that one time Leona released a blind eagle into the wild
animal abuse isn't funny
Yep. I'm thinking anchorsex.
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The wolf / dog skin for RHood is better than the rest simply because of her cool slacks.
The bike skin is second best. Dress looks good butd does not fit the character.
>saves your summer*
There, I fixed it for you
Gatekeeper brought him here
>How dare they not make any of the short nikke costumes
>No, that one doesn't count
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They're celebrating their 1st anni, the timing for the collab makes sense now
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You forgot to reply to me
>posting canonical cucks
Nikg continues to be vgs toilet...when vg is already 4chans toilet
Guys..,...red hood skins are not sexo enough....
Looks like they fuck each others.
>still trying
Rosanna, Sakura, and Viper sitting on (you)r lap gave me a boner!
beastiality is normal to them
This place is done for. Nikke made you cucks. You are just like FGO, mihomo, BD2. Those games made you cucks. They dont really ntr you. They imply it. So you can hide behind the implication and defend them, too. They trained you well. You will eat shit and say it tastes good. Absolute state.
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>more than 100 posts filtered
Christ these niggers are pathetic
Okay, pag.
kino pairing
>Helm with the black guy
>Anchor with the fat bastard
>Mast with the tanned gyaru-oh ojii-san
But where's her mask?
Does Ingrid know about this?
She has to make a phone call everytime she wants to remove it, but now she gets to spend 2 or 3 weeks maskless in the presence of other nikkes?
What if the accidentally says "shit" and all the other nikkes promptly shit themselves?
This is breaking my immersion.
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The problem is that Red Hood's default costume is already a home run so it's kinda hard to follow it up.
I'll still vote A because I like the idea of this silly boomer being forced to wear a fancy dress.
I can't stop thinking of all those bulls ravaging my dear Helm while I watch in my cuck chair.
This anon gets it.
> we have to go on summer vacation with criminals while Dave will be able to fuck the whole Aegis Squad
It's so fucking over
Stupid and nonsensical. They could've made a collab with senran kagura or dead or alive but no, better make a collab with a game that committed fraud at the game awards and no one even plays.
If you weren't sexually threatened by 9s, burningum, and anderson then you shouldn't be by dave.
Hope they slip in Fishing Guy from Stellar Blade in there, that was a good minigame
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Cope and seethe furfags
Just learn to filter
>Dave the diver is published by Nexon
BA Collab is happening bruhs
Damn this guy really hates Dave
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We're winning bigly!
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300kg of ASS crushing your legs
stupid and not thought out, they could have collabed with senran kagura or dead or alive but nooo better collab with a game that committed fraud in the game awards and that no one plays or knows about
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she delegated it to commander
commander spends the entire event trying to get maiden to say "sex"
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/nikg/ never loses
me and atleast a thousands other (me)'s voted for C.
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toots? purple MG or SR will do
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I think you are being niggers here, anon. I only said it's indie because I said so.
Helm is literally made for NTR
>They dont really ntr you. They imply it. So you can hide behind the implication and defend them, too. They trained you well
fucking this. i remember fucking discord having balls and protesting against the commander cuckshit and this place kept gobbling it all up like the good goycucks they are
Definitely not a raid
Making a Dave the diver edit of this as writing of this post
>Senran Kagura
Is dead
>Dead or Alive
Is also dead
>What if the accidentally says "shit" and all the other nikkes promptly shit themselves?
>only nikkes around maiden are criminals and literal prisoner
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>Costume Sexo

Okay fine. I'll think about rolling for her.
you guys gotta stop taking the shitposting so seriously lmao I'm drunk and laughing my ass off at seanogs ntrposting about dave the fucking diver
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check out Jackal catching waves
Dont go for the dress it will cover her ass entirely
>He doesn't want Redhood joking with you in a fake posh voice then switching to her raunchy cowgirl voice at the end and laughing as you blush while being teased sexually which she then follows up with a deep kiss
Come on now
Based spicGOD
>DOA is dead
I though they release a new game not long ago
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damn she's good
it's funny how hard these "shitpost materials" are extremely hard to come by that even a tiny crumb gets celebrated and then eventually forgotten
>viper wearing that at the beach
you have to be fucking shitting me
But 2 is like Sugar and 3 is furry...
basically guaranteed sex bond too

Normal people will think that mini-game looked cool.
Seaniggers will hyperfocus on the men instead. I think they're literal faggots, bro.
Hey, that's pretty sick
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Go to sleep anon, seapags will keep shittting the thread for at least 6 hours more
lying fuck
your just beet red seething useless white dicklet
>Jackal's wearing her usual clothes
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I just use this moment to shitpost in this board, anon. It's fun
bro jackel is gnarly
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>"Oh boy! I can't wait to vote for non-sexo skins that look exactly like her default outfit. Let's give her pants!!!"

Dress is winning 100% lol
It will be funny seeing niggers with no taste seethe when it wins. This is the one time I actually like r*ddit because they will all vote for it too.
>low IQ general
>people wonder why they are fine with ntr in gacha
Tetra won
Social media censorship
>all future Gacha costumes will just oversized shirts
>meanwhile crow is in double jail
Not at all? It's a mini collab. Pretty standard stuff since indie games are always collabing with each others.
>hard confirmation niggers exist in your gacha
LMAOOOOOO blue archive won
Dolla and Helm dresses are god tier vote evening gown every time
Ngl Senran Kagura collab would have been kino. Instead they're chilling Dave game, I really wonder who's getting paid here
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>it's not a SMG for once
Ok you guys had your fun, it's time to go back to your regular generals
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I don't see how Red Hood but with a dog next to her counts as a skin.
>viper didn't get to join the casino event
>goes all fucking out at the beach instead
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Anything for you Erobeat
That bitch is annoying
Cant believe to see a time where this place becomes reddit. Its the same shit except you are allowed to say faggot. Its over. You lost.
Sakura is pregnant.
>hmm what should our seductive character wear at the beach
Summer Crow for part 2 for sure!
That boring dress is going to cover her ass you absolute fucking faggot
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Which one is an indie game?
Is pagpag in the room with us right now?
i'm sorry for your anime anon, hope at least you loved the sensei feet licking part
Theres a man so black in BA uou cant even see his face.
>goes all out
>wearing a shirt at the beach
>going all out
lmao retard
new bread
when has this happened, other than Babu?
My stomach hurts from laughing at the NTR-related posts I read here.
Upvoted sis!
>The little commanders come out
>I make sure to give both of my Anis variants a tiny commander
Everytime I see them I can imagine them sleeping and cuddling with it. I love you shift up.
So is Dave the fat dude?
What with the RH skins ?
> 1 is a long dress who will cover her ass
> 2 is a Sugar rip-off and her default skin already look like a biker outfit
> 3 is just RH wearing a pants with a wolf next to her
I though the anime doing ok?
I only saw the sensei licking someone feet part
wait nevermind, i figured it out
those tower units that chain your teamates are super annoying. glad i can ignore with scarlet
>is in her underwear underneath
yes it perfectly fits her character same as the bitch in BA who did it that's why shift up is doing it
>he keeps getting SMGs
SMoran surprise drop in part 2 I will not stop believing
This will be why. The operation will have ao many criminals that ingrid will just grant her personal discretion for the mission.
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He's the one in a diving suit, so I guess...
>I though the anime doing ok?
oh boy
radical as fuck dude
Not Anchor too... I'm feeling miserable.
Give us better collab. Where's my Recettear collab you shiftup nigger aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
not pictured: picrel
That's a preliminar design, nigger. And as long as we see her legs in heels it will be very nice. Remember how Helm's skin won 1st place on popularity?
Recettear was 17 years ago, oldchama...
Are they really not rerunning the old summer units? I only kinda skimmed the live stream.
The ugly bastard + black man combo
>shitran garbage
that's uninstall and delete account for me
>RH blushing and feeling uncomfortable in the dress
kino, but yeah other two skins are too similar to her standard imo.
See you tomorrow anon
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>Jackal and Viper having fun on a beach
>Crow is rotting in jail getting her brain scanned
top kek
They used to do that shit ALL the time for DC, so I hope you get used to it.
Last time they reran Christmas event you could possibly get Anne Fairy and Christmas Rupee, it will probably be the same here. They won't have dedicated banners but its better than nothing, also ticket shop.
I'm convinced shitup did two other skins inferior on purpose and they are working on a dress already.
Weird I don't remember that old Viper line.
Was an hour hotfix, Shift Up wiped that trannylator off the face of the earth like the CIA
Already did.
Hmm, did vooting twice gib me 2 blue tix?

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