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Marked One edition

>BugTrap, crash to desktop, freeze/lockup? Find your crash log, stalker.
Check your Documents or game install directories for the xray_[your name].log file. If you can't find it, look in the location specified at the top of fsgame.ltx. Copy the last few lines from the log and paste them here if you want any help.

>Quickstart Guide
>Mod Guide
>Miscellaneous Guide
>Start guide, beginner tips, and much much more
>HUD guide, modding basics, mod reviews, and AMK mod guide
>Performance Guides, Steam settings
>Common misconceptions about Shadow of Chernobyl game mechanics
>The Zone Manual: Every Mod You'll Ever Need for the True Ukrainian Experience
>Running STALKER. on Linux

Lost to the Zone >>482620661
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Mods and Repositories | Often outdated; use only as a last resort!

>Shadow of Chernobyl
>Clear Sky
>Call of Pripyat
>Game Repacks + Modding Tools
>Downgrade Patches (drag-and-drop)
>Unpacked Gamedata + GSC Backup HDD assets



>Oblivion Lost Remake

>Joint Pak (Cumulative Pak, OP)

>Call of Chernobyl Repo

>Don't have Call of Pripyat but want to play Call of Chernobyl?
-skip_reg on the .exe starting path after " or if you're using CoC on Steam game>properties>set launch options
Alternatively, use this registry file https://mega.nz/#!uoYinJ7I!Lqj2DNIAkaVkcFUa1PLZzj80cVhAFK5D-9zbU2Iy5KI

>Xetrill's Modified LuaJIT for CS/CoP - improves performance, especially in script-heavy mods.

>Anons Call of Chernobyl Definitive Edition Repo:

>Shadows Addon + Anon's English translation

>C-Con Modlist
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I want to climb it
Cяк — гнидa ёбaнaя...
Шyчy, я люблю Cякa. Ho шeю я бы eмy cвepнyл.
drue sdalger is gud
thats so gay.
He's on Shevchenko, not Skadovsk.
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>food animations in STALKER 2
Grok won
Nonexistent issue desu, I can 100% guarantee you that a mod to remove him will appear in the first 24 hours within the release
>finger clipping into the can
preorder canceled
Slightly offtopic, but made me wonder if companies ("Cossacks", "Tourist's Delight" and so on) will be the same in S2 as in the previous games. I hope that at least the old ones remain unchanged, I wouldn't have anything against a few newer ones though.
IIRC the Non Stop Energy replaced the regular STALKER energy drink in SoC in Ukrainian versions of the game or something along those lines it's in the game files, so if anything only the energy drink will be replaced IMO
>has nothing to do with grok
>hurrr durr gawk wun
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>"I've seen some shit bratan"
Nice pic, but what's up with the anti aliasing?
good day /sg/
I LOVE the pda beeps in this game.
I LOVE the anomaly beeps in this game.
I LOVE geiger counter in this game.

They should never change these sounds.
I have SMAA enabled, but it seems that it does not work correctly.

Also someone might be trying to port CotZ quests to IWP and posted a video showing off accepting some quests in zaton
>I LOVE the pda beeps in this game.
I've consistently been using the PDA beeps for my phones since 2007.
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Are there any mods (preferably for CoCk) that replace the bolts with nuts with bandages tied to them? I love the Roadside Picnic / Stalker movie atmosphere and would like to recreate some of it in the games as well.
>Also someone might be trying to port CotZ quests to IWP and posted a video showing off accepting some quests in zaton
Holy shit
Damn that's a good idea, where can I find the mp3 file?
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Judging by the vodka icons shown in trailers, it seems they'll be keeping the Cossacks, except with a different design of label.
Can't say for sure for the Tourist's Delight, however.
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>it seems they'll be keeping the Cossacks, except with a different design of label.
pretty sure the label for each of the consumables was present in the March 2023 leak.
funny how the file is named Vodka but the in-game label uses the ukrainian spelling
гopiлкa but they could've used вoдкa as well since it's the more international word after all
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here's condensed milk, tushonka and sparkling water
Looks pretty slavic, I like it
this is the proudest cow i've ever seen
can you upload the wavs/mp3s whatever somewhere
or are they in the gamefiles
The video is sadly only on shitcord, but here's the link (I'm a brainlet who's too lazy to make the webm smaller)

It might be hard to port CotZ because he might have to rewrite the scripts without the needed engine features from CoC 1.5 (it would be honestly a miracle if the devs would apply the needed engine changes). The worst case scenario is that some feature might be lost.
IWPs engine is also currently closed source and I don't think that the engine dev will release anything to the public
Here, pulled straight from Call of Pripyat.
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I am literally sexually attracted to men and I call shit gay and retarded all the time
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>I want to climb it
You'll crash through that thin corrugated iron roof and catch yourself a rusty tetanus nail or two in your hand. There ain't no intriguing artifact inside a casket up there
I wish that nigga best of luck with his work, he brought Christmas to me early. >>483599076
Reminds me of Yugoslav labels, me likey
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I would not buy vodka with that guy on the label.
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Where's Cлэппи
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Genuinely got pumped when I heard the old psy sounds in the newest trailer. Gives me hope for the atmosphere of the game
wassap negr...
nothing really
Underrated comment. Reborn and Reborn Wolfenstein are kino.
hey its me pervert oldfag123
here is the link in case you havent seen it yet
take care
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Damn actual OC instead of a shitty wojak edit?
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Gave up on drawing this because it bummed me out
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That back stalker can only wish to be as cool as Robert - the most based nigger alive
Please stop spamming this.
>open tab
>french voice doing awful slav accent
>close tab
I wish that faggot didn't try to sound le he does every time he makes a lore vid
We're done posting that.
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(it would be honestly a miracle if the devs would apply the needed engine changes).
honestly wouldnt be hard to add to the engine.
they just need to do it.
LMAO i got a comic, based
it's UP
Fuck back to Plebbit with your shitty JewTube video shilling summerfag
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Is this image still accurate? I saved it a while ago.
grumpy boomers spotted
old people are the biggest leddit demographic :)
>uhh actually no u
Nigger no one gives a shit about your faggot YT videos, if you want to advertise then buy a fucking ad you fucking braindead tourist faggot. And in case you didn't notice you can insult people on 4chan with meanie no-no words without getting banned, unlike on Discord or Reddit from where you've clearly crawled out of.
Buy an ad, faggot
What the fuck is Niichan
Also why are the girl stalkers skinny bitches
So go shill your video there instead
not my video you braindead boomer ledditors.
just posting content of which there is practically none in the stalker space.

you arent talking about anything interesting or bringing anything interesting to this general, you are just being cancer
comes with being an old loser with arthritis I guess
>not my video
Then you're a teenager with shitty taste. Grow the fuck up.
Post a Youtube poop or a skibidi toilet while you're at it, you fucking child
can you please upload these somewhere in their original format?
idc about bumps or any of that, just the main diffuse
noone gives a shit about you posting "haha cheeki briki mm davke leretardface.jpg" for the gazilionths time either and yet you still do it. FAGGOT
spare the rod, spoil the child
many such cases
>haha cheeki briki mm davke leretardface.jpg
>shit that never happens in /sg/
lurk more faggot, or better yet, go back to plebbit/groomcord
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i watched like 20 second of it.
just knew that the elitist bitch ass punk ass faggots over at sg would get butthurt
you mad as fuck boi WHooooo
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>Post a Youtube poop or a skibidi toilet while you're at it, you fucking child
>Buy an ad, faggot
>Fuck back to Plebbit with your shitty JewTube video shilling summerfag
>Then you're a teenager with shitty taste. Grow the fuck up.
>capitalized letters and everthing

yeah im thinking you are the mad ones
>capitalized letters
I'll take "shit that never happened in this thread" for 300$.
it's UP
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I hate to say it but this general will go to hell in a hand basket after S2 comes out. You think it's bad now when one /v/irgin starts shitposting, well buckle up bros it's going to get way worse in a few months.
the boat
No, the thread will actually improve because the people who will be coming in are actually interested in playing the game instead of playing into the doom and gloom circlejerk by the resident ''thread personalities''. Most of the shitposting will be done by said 'personalities' because they will be soiling their diapers in anger of not getting the attention because people actually want to discuss the game.
I was surprised that rostok AND skadovsk are both in S2, I wonder how much of the old maps we're getting
>you arent talking about anything interesting or bringing anything interesting to this general, you are just being cancer
the irony of this faggot
I don't know but I hope we're also getting more fully original locations instead of the entire game being a constant ''hey look it's [old environment] again!''.
That's so post modern.
Canada's alphabet looks so weird and funny.
good, don't let the fuckin grammar nazi word police try and control you.
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good morning /sg/
i want winter to come back, i can't stand this fucking heat
I believe it is.
>What the fuck is Niichan
NIICHAZ, the Zone research institute that was established after CoP, when Strelok shared his knowledge with the government. It's called SIRCAA in English.
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can some consolefag confirm whether it's really working or not
>just the main diffuse
they're in the 2023 leak but I can link you the files if you tell me where to upload
it works (PS4)
True and based. I will be a bit sad when most of the discussion shifts to S2 instead of the older stalker games, but if that's the price to pay for actually talking about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and not circlejerking constantly about muh evil GSC, I will gladly take it.
did anyone here try xrMPE? how was it?
the post quality of this thread is currently like a bunch of old IT workers clocking in and having smalltalk at work
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Who's got the best merc cosplay?
And the girl at reception brought her retarded kid in to work and he's running around calling everyone poopy
right one for having at least microscopic visual resemblance and detector
if only guy in the middle bought that fucking mask as we told him to do
Also, like it's been said here a dozen times, that dude needs to roll around in the dirt a bit so his outfit isn't shiny and new
The fuck's wrong with it if you're living in some shitty nogunzland? Better than no weapon at all.
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>come to /sg/
>cosplay posting has started up again
Pls no
i don't know if comparing a set in two different meteorological conditions is the best idea but looks cool nonetheless.
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the one on the right is closest to what the mercs actually look like in the games. the one in the middle might as well pass for a cop or some random operator, but it's hard to judge by seeing only the torso.
the one on the left doesn't look like cosplay at all.
It really seems like we'll be getting a lot of old stuff
cordon/swamps/garbage/agroprom/dark valley/wild territory
and then shit like outskirts/palace/ferris wheel/cnpp/etc
all of those areas have been seen in videos/screenshots so far

There's a serious amount of old maps redone for stalker 2
anywhere is good, mega.io, goodgle drive, mediafire, yandex, catbox.moe
I appreciate it
not really legal to just wander aroud with a rifle in a lot of states.
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Map speculation
Not even unreal could escape from clown world.
>74 Gamma symbol
stalker 2 gamma confirmed
Good morning sirs
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The Ride Never Ends
>something that resembles a pile of shit
negative reviews, toxic journalists, normies and zoomers will NOT stop _____
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>what is that? the game feels fucking amazing? looks better than some modern AAA games? even more atmospheric?

Call of duty looking good.
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fuck off shill
fuck off to r/stalker you shill faggot, they will welcome you with open arms
>unironical use of sojak
also kys.
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GSC feeling generous today, receding hairline bros receiving even more representation in game
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Who else strelokmaxxing here?
what phenotype is this?
slav in his 20s
i looked it up and it's "dinaric"
Strelok looks like my dad
Either my dad's lying about being Irish, or that guy's real name is Padraig Ó Straileach
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he's got that vegeta in him
i knew a guy who looked a bit like this but he was Albanian with a Greek name iirc
>consolefags can now experience oblivion lost and amk
>consolefags can now experience all the hardkkkore slavshit retard mods with the "enemy bullets miss or kill you instantly" mechanics
kys retarded old faggot
go gatekeep your dogshit vanilla experience in some russian forum you worthless retard
they can't, because console modding is limited to changing already existing files, and not all of them, but only things like textures, sounds and models.
so no new scripts or config file changes. all they will have are weapon reanimations and texture packs.
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weak bait, but you should kill yourself anyway.
i wonder if they could end up curating a selection of popular mods like it was done with the Unity Doom port.
probably too much work though.
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i told you already, fuck off to r/stalker or wherever else they like to suck grok's cock, no one wants you here retard.
>go gatekeep your dogshit vanilla experience
you have just confirmed yourself as a tourist who only distinguishes gamma and vanilla kek.
So, STALKER modding just died?
how did you came to this conclusion?
they just added mods to consoles you big idiot
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>standalone mods will require og games now
>modding is dead
i don't see a correlation.
>muh analmeme and gaymma
nothing of value was lost

no, it does absolutely nothing except the mods will need to have some check for og games like CoCk did for example
kill yourself, retarded faggot.

>you have just confirmed yourself as a tourist who only distinguishes gamma and vanilla kek.

with that kind of reasoning and language you will feel right at home on your favourite stream and on leddit.
Not gay but right definitely has a pair of hips on him
All any old standalone mod has to do is add a stalker steam link in the mod menu somewhere
Any new mods or sandboxes for stalker 2 specifically will not be standalone AKA free video game
so it just means you need to own the new stalker game for any mods for it

it's just so people don't get a free a modded version of their new stalker game so soon after release
it'll probably change in the future, just like the OG games where in 10 years it won't fucking matter anymore
>worthless braindead old faggots trying to have a circlejerk on /vg/ of a 17 year old russian cult game with a passionate modding community
nice selfie you posted there anon :^)
Out of all the analmeme tourists this one seems to be peculiarly asshurt manchild
Oh god some kid just dumped a shitty cosplay gallery on r/stalker
He's wearing a cheap raincoat and posing with a plastic shotgun
He posted his face
It hurts
Why are the guys in the comments encouraging this embarrassing behavior
>gamma = cod
>stalker 2 also has better graphics and modern ARs
>therfore stalker 2 = cod
>cod LE BAD
that means all the basement dwelling gollums in this thread arent gonna play s2 or be around when it gets discussed. thank god!
>modding is DEAD because mods have to require owning the game instead of making retarded patreon-begging standalone packs
Die out, zoomoid.
when zoomers finish Stalker 2 they will move on to the next thing
for a while i thought i was doomed to have the strelok hairline but then i started using a better shampoo and going to sleep earlier and it fixed itself

Also humidity and cold fuck my hair up, wearing a beanie hat in cold days makes it not look like shit, i wonder if slavs experience this too.
>redditors are now forced to own and play the original gams before jumping into anomeme and gayma

modding is saved
I'm excited for S2 because it tries to stay faithful to vanilla games i.e. nothing like bootleg tarkov modpacks for filtered kiddies
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That place is a cesspool as vile as it gets. Half the faggots there couldn't even list the names of the three games at gunpoint.
>it tries to stay faithful to vanilla games
>citation required
>Stalker Call Of Tarkov is the bestest gamerinoo i'm goona i'm goona i'm goona consoom
>All any old standalone mod has to do is add a stalker steam link in the mod menu somewhere
I'm fine with this.
even though the modders have kept the franchise alive and kicking, its the least we can do to pay respects to GSC for their work that we have built on.
i'm interested just for the map alone, the gameplay could be cod shit or tarkov shit but the setting itself is faithful in ways i've never seen, they're including everything down to the last detail and making the story actually about loose ends from the games that you will only care about if you played them.

I think the real great filter will be that the campaign will be very story heavy and not let you RP as a western mercenary or whatever the fuck.
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what the hell
>we have gameplay with the Pseudogiant already
>but let's make some other fake cinematic shit for whatever reason
>will be very story heavy and not let you RP as a western mercenary or whatever the fuck
Just look at these fucking comments, if you didn't know better you'd think they're talking about some shitty cashgrab grindfest on par with the worst gacha slop, yet it's a singleplayer mod someone willingly though of creating and then sat down and created it indeed.
>nooooo you cannot enjoy le hecking stalkerino any other way but mine nooooo

yep definitely not any underlying psychological issues here
It's probably going to be a Far Cry clone
Great map and atmosphere, crummy gameplay, a bunch of guns and only like 4 that you actually use, and your character turns into a retard during cutscenes
Oh no the retard has psychoanalyzed me and decided i'm not well, how will i go on living without the approval of a cocksucking faggot who likes shit videogames?
You have literally not been watching any official gameplay.
when your life has no other meaning other than to be elitist about how a video game should be played
Who cares dude? Someone having fun > some jaded asshole obsessed with LE CRINGE. Grow up.
I literally have
There are multiple clips where the guy wanders around a building with his gun out and then suddenly it turns into a cutscene and he puts his gun away and then a mutant jumps on him or he gets into a knife fight
Call me old fashioned, but I think children should not be embarrassing themselves on the internet for everyone to see
That shit's permanent
i'll just call you old.
which is what you are. old. (and miserable)
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>normalfag pissing himself at the slightest contact with fanbase which is protective of their game's identity (concept which his dwarfed brain can't comprehend)
Let's steer the conversation into more productive routes :
1. What are you playing now in terms of ctankep series or mods?
2. What are you doing in the game now?
3. Thoughts / observations about it?

For me, I'm probably doing another vanilla SoC playthrough. What I like about it a lot is that the game can be played in kinda ''halflifey'' way, you can just go forward and almost do it without actually thinking much.
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Hey Lil Timmy, can you use a trip or something so I can filter your dogshit mildly irritating weak-ass-bait posts?
>pick up the last 7th document in OLR 3.0 in CNPP
>need to come back all the way to Dead City to meet Journalist
>all holes in the wall I need to cross are blocked by fuckhueg anomalies
>turns out the only passage is on the other side of the map which I went through in the beginning because I wanted to explore anyway
>remember I killed pseduogiant nearby
this is why I always carry gravitational gloves
I'm playing the PS4 port of SoC and I'm fucking around in the Cordon right now because the controls are dogshit and I haven't really gotten used to them yet
Before that, I was playing CoC with a bunch of gun mods
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>I get it! everyone that calls me out on my old, retarded ways must be the opposite: a youngins! a zoomer!
you're both faggots for shitting up the threads this hard.
get a grip, shitters
Currently playing the remaster of the first Game of Souls. It's not bad, can be rough around the edges and some quests aren't structured the best, but I like it overall. Currently need to look into stalker disappearances west of the Duty checkpoint in order to be let into Rostok. The repair system is a bit annoying, but other than that I like it.
I'm tempted to do a screencap of this lolcow's meltdown
i was in agropom last (r3).
it was really easy. whats annoying is that you are literally better off not helping your "friends", as long as the 1-2 relevant npcs stay alive. you will get their high tech rifles and all the enemy loot on top.
the only reason i prob wont play gamma is kinda sensory overload.
too much to do/find/loot at once.
here ya go
vodka and milk
1. OLR 3.0
2. Driving kamaz
3. bad parts outweight good parts, mod was clearly made by a spiteful retard
>bought that fucking mask as we told him to do
what mask would that be exactly, and where do I find it?
>has a pic featuring a G36
>doesn't use it
you disingenous fuck. You did that shit on purpose, didn't you?
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obvious bait, the oldest trick in /sg/, and anons still fall for it
just ignore such retards next time, don't give them attention, they will get bored and leave. simple as that.
it will work even if it's not bait as well
>hard to judge by seeing only the torso.
appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt. Cosplay is WIP after all
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You know the actual map leaked more than year ago, with all planned DLC like Limansk and such? Every single important location has already been marked.
It already sucks that night time is so bright in Stalker 2, but if it doesn't have the same lightning effects I'll be really disappointed.
ShOC with OWR3 and ZRP
Reached the CNPP
The AsVal is carrying me through this.
Also exoskeleton with bullet protection and bleeding artifacts
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is it really that bright
Yeah I think so. I want it to be so dark that you need to have the flashlight on to see
bitter oldfag anon, is that you? still trying to spin the "us vs them" narrative?
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This is how it should be
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no, this is how it should be
>is it really that bright
fuck no, that anon is lying to you
that screencap is really bright though?
only during rainy night, yeah
otherwise nights are not pitch black
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as soon as i find a dobule barrel you can kiss this stalkers ass goodbye
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Rate my STALKER cosplay
If you think this sucks, you are cringe and need to grow up
if someone could post this in r/stalker for me that'd be hilarious
outstanding fellow cosplayer, cheeki/breeki
Literally any cheap gas mask, you lazy bastard
Nobody's going to spoonfeed you a link that you're just gonna ignore and then pretend that nobody told you to buy later
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Do you really think the other picture is better?
Aw man, you can't see the cheap ass nylon backpack I'm wearing
You need to put a sling on your airsoft gun so you're not bulging every vein in your hand out trying to hold it up in front of the camera
I think it's fine tb h. Seen shittier mercs in this general
lol why were people doing this a month ago then

is there a better version of your map somewhere?
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1. Legend Returns
2. Miffed that I can't find the stalkers who stole that Clear Sky radio equipment, getting ready to massacre the mercenary base instead for some comic relief.
3. The mod has some irritating aspects but it's overall one of the best Stalker mods I've ever played, top 5 for me.
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I found one but idk if its the best version of the in-game map
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>prey animal eyes
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this ones quality is real bad
Yeah I did that on purpose, I noticed that every one of those cosplay pics has bugged out Adam Lanza eyes
here's the leak link if any of you want to find some better quality maps
Bicycle addon for anomaly when? Of course, with deep customization of components and analog control of steering wheel rotation and body tilt through gamepad sticks.
>Wake up
>See this
>Day immediately improved
>pretending like you dont have a reddit account
>acting like you are above making a reddit account to look cool for the /sg/ "bros"
fuck outta here
here are some better quality pics of that map
I do have a reddit account but I don't want you fuckers seeing what's on it and bringing it up every time I post
I was going to post it on my own anyway in a day or two and deny everything if someone mentions it. "Wasn't me, someone else must have uploaded it"
>"you cant enjoy stalker with enhancements and visual fidelity"
>but why mister
>"well... its, uh, its kinda like cod you know.. listen, YOU JUST CANT, OKAY?

Buy an ad
take meds
Little Timmy was sitting there hitting refresh for 20 minutes waiting for someone to reply to his bait post lol
There was like 40 seconds between >>483787181 and >>483787239
Retards can't adjust their reshade so that any warm light doesn't turn everything around into shit
Generally only people without taste uses reshades which distort the color (colour grading in sss).
what's your point? I skimmed through the video and thought it looked pretty spectacular.
like the nightvision and rain/general weather effects are nothing short of spectacular
and the emissions are brilliant as well

you'd have to be an absolute faggot to dismiss the comfy atmosphere this can provide just cuz there are some normies out there playing it or because you can mod guns
What percentage of the script/engine code and content files in the anomaly packs were created by Russians? In CS GSC used the AMK code, a mod created by the Russians.
would you still hate gamma/anomaly if it was a soc/cop overhaul instead of a standalone
You're coming across as awfully desperate and needy, Anon. Why do you need us to like your favorite mod so bad?
playing the PS4 port too.
it's cool but choppy with the sound(buggy emulated EAX?) and weapon responsiveness.
using old build weapons and hands and other little cosmetics adjustments.
otherwise a cool port but needs adjustments and fixes.
you actually have to try, not just post obvious dumb shit.
>I'm playing the PS4 port of SoC
why? No pc copy?
>In CS GSC used the AMK code?
what? what part?
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based anon
thanks a bunch m8
Noon? Moar liek NONE! keke...
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i just noticed that they removed all the soviet posters in Rostok wtf
No, I've had the trilogy since like 2013
That is so fucking gay
Seeing that guy smelling a Mosin for no reason is an essential part of the STALKER experience
>for no reason
if you had a Mosin you would smell it too
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I do have a Mosin, but all the cosmoline got sweated out of it before I was born
The gun that smells the best is my Mauser because I keep it in the stock/holster so it smells and tastes like wood
>tastes like wood
so why play the console version? Just out of curiosity?
Yeah, plus it was on sale and I hadn't played Vanilla in a while
Are they gone from everywhere? Like from the checkpoint from the northern cordon?

I could see something happening like the license for those expiring and them being like ''shit we're not gonna re-pay for this''.
I don't play Gamma but a sandbox mode has imo way more reason to exist than another fucking SoC / CoP overhaul mod.
they didn't even bother replacing it. license for what? 50 years old propaganda?
more like they decided to remove Russian shit from their game because of the war.
OLR 3.0 obviously lacks freedom of action and sandbox. Does the developer even understand what totsamiystalker means? All story quests need to be converted into side quests with the exception of destroying c-con and brainwashed, making it possible go to the tunnels/medpribor/barman without these story restrictions.
2.5 doesn't have such shit, but there was no simulation, and in 3.0 it was ruined by linearity.
> program alife half of development time when anomaly has almost the same is done for you
Well, seriously, the hiflyer should have initially started doing OLR on the CS/CoP engine from the very first version, and in 2017 switched to the COC engine. Now there is no point in touching this shit, because new update for OWA will contain maps from Lost Alpha. As I said before 3.0 even release, it might turn into buggy shit and we'll have to stay together with OWA.
What's a good natural reshade setting? No bloomy hollywood shit.
Atleast it looks like unrainian food from early-mid 90s.
>people complain about ukrainian language and stuff
Gee, i wonder, why would a ukrainian developer use ukrainian language in one's own game, and not some other language
Anyway, they could use so much more stuff, but i guess product placement is a no-no.
Those that try to compensate primitive rendering in 3D games as naturally as possible. For example,vanilla GTA 5 has perfect imitation of a sunny day and blue sky with blue haze
Listen. Ask yourself why russians dont make their own stalker-like game. In that one you can have all the soviet jank you want, including portraits of stalin and lenin and putin on every wall.
i despise communist propaganda as much as the next guy but it's there for a reason: immersion.
it's like removing swastikas from a Wolfenstein game what's the point?
nta but random emissions were influenced by amk iirc
>new ww2 shooter drops
>nazis are now just AXIS
>swastikas are now just the iron cross or some gay shit like that
Why do they do this
probably because retards don't understand context
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Hello fellow /sg/ posters please look at my newest video on YouTube I am a small STALKER YouTuber starting off and every view helps thanks
Wow that's fucking gay that they did that.
thats not quite the same thing is it?
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what more context do you need in a game where you shoot nazis? i thought that liberals and faggots of all people wouldnt be against this
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anomaly is ok I guess
current loadout: vepr-12 + ak-101 (5.56x45) + VSSK vykhlop + duty psz-9d exosuit, disabled brain scorcherer and made my way to yanov
my mom sold my copy of Wolfenstein 3D because it had bad imagery in it when i was a kid. i shit you not. some people just feel attacked by the view of literal images.
If retroactively removing Soviet propaganda posters from the trilogy and retroactively changing the game titles to Ukrainian is supposedly "not a big deal" and "anyone who's upset about it is stupid", then my question is: if a bunch of textures and letters aren't a big deal, why did they have to be changed in the first place, especially after over a decade of them being around and no one having any issue with them? Why not keep them as-is?
different world i guess
my dad loved playing wolfenstein, older CoD games and such. especially medal of honor. all because the games let you shoot nazis
>playing diablo will make you satanist!
>playing gta will make you serial killer!
I miss it honestly
i remember people slandering Laibach because they dressed as fascists not getting that it was some kind of parody. some people don't think, they just have knee jerk reactions.
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is there an argument against vidya nowadays?
seems like stuff like you mentioned died off circa 2008 to 2010.

also, props to this guy posting picrel to r/stalkan of all places
>multibillion company
lol they wish
omg look at these horrendous fascists they must be singing about slaughtering millions of innocent civilians because it sounds and looks so scary and intimidating to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glu9wA4HjE0
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omg literally Hitler
Because Europeans are faggots and they live in pussified nanny states and don't have freedom of speech so if you want to sell a WW2 game over there you have to take out the swastikas because it's literally illegal to say Nazi or show a swastika in some countries
you go ask gsc
I think they shouldn't but I cannot blame them when they are in the middle of a war and everybody they know including family and memories etc they all have their skin in the game. Probably they all think napalm over Russia is perfectly justified, timing has been really bad.
>OWA will contain maps from Lost Alpha
Source? Qrd?
And will it have more quests, the ones present are very basic and make the game feel boring quickly.
my mom was afraid of mum-ra
>playing cooking mama will make you a cooking mama
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is there a way to beta-test the newest OWA?
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Honestly, the jank makes these games way more interesting.
Fixing them is fun too.
-t. autismo
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>Fixing them is fun too.
Thats how I ended up down the rabbit hole
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Scientifically proven.
oh nonononono, gammabros our response??
It's over SoCtards.
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well damn
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science doesn't lie.
Are they gonna change the Pripyat signs to Ukrainian too
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why is Strelok spitting?
Will /sg/ ever have a divegrass team?
How's my man Yuri Semetsky doing
You gotta understand anons, It's not about whether they're featuring nazis in a nazi setting or not, it's whether the imagery itself can be removed from the context and still be used to condition the populace into having gut wrenching irrational reactions at will. By removing the nazi symbols and context from the adjacent visual signs like uniforms, order, militarism, homogeneity and strong leaders, they know its "bad" but can't point to actual political positions and beliefs anymore, they just start hating those things by themselves. Then they'll call everything nazi that isn't a clownshow of diversity and filth.

The Soviets were keenly aware of this and their efforts to subvert western nations bore fruit exactly as predicted, so we have countries enacting actually fascist and nazi policies while denouncing anyone more liberal minded as nazi and fascist. They don't know what any of it means, they only know it has an aesthetic and that aesthetic is Europeans not living in squalid broken societies.
current status: dead
will be reborn in a few hours
For the love of god, man, go outside and talk to girls
finished SoC with OWR3
hated how nato AP rounds abolutely shred you, even when you have bullet resistance artefacts, bleeding artefacts and an exoskeleton
plus, it didnt really get rid of the random spread present in vanilla. having a perfect condition nato rifle like the g36 meant fuck all for me if i couldnt hit a stationary target thats more than 2 meters in front of me
aside from that, very fun
This. Its more or less been this way since Doom (a game where you explicitly kill demons from hell, go inside of hell to finish them off, and eradicate them from Earth) despite the main encounter designer for the second game being a practicing Mormon in his personal life.
Squeakiest wheel gets the grease etc. etc.
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>what's the point?
Knee-jerk retardation, the kind that thinks that making something invisible will also make it disappear.
Yes, and it's incredibly weird that the swastika itself is evil, unspeakable, must-not-be-mentioned, even in a WW2 game, don't show it!! Or literal Hitler will rise again from the grave.
The whole thing is awe-strikingly dumb.
based autist
Thinking = wrong-think
Day of Defeat had iRoN cRoSsEs instead of swastikas on the flags back in 2002 when it was just a mod, no matter where you downloaded it from. I guess some devs just want to keep it unpolitical so nazis don't swarm their games. Hilarious still to be doing this in a WW2 game. I guess it's all about sanitized entertainment but I had full-blown neo-nazi skinheads in my school who were playing this game non-stop.
Weather over here is fucking unrainian rn ngl fr fr nocap. Hoping for a good thunderstorm soon.
yet another demo report
This is an underrated post and speaks the truth.

Bruh vanilla stalker G36 is completely fine. But firing single shots is not really recommended. This is not your marksman qualification shooting range, if it's full auto you fire bursts and a few of the bullets will surely hit. Shit like the SVD / SVU having complete potato accuracy is kinda stupid though.
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can you guess where I am?
hint: it's a place in Ukraine
You look like you would break your shoulders over shooting that gun.
>tank helmet
>communist sweater
>knife on chest(?) with faggot heart
>mercenary patch
>impolute jeans
>lifting one leg like a woman
your father didn't hit you enough as a kid.
Next person posts this image to nigger reddit stalker i will doxx his home address regardless if its the author or not.
I'm doing a shitty photoshop thing
Post pics of yourselves wearing STALKER cosplays
He swallowed the hook
just an fyi, owr3 for SoC doesnt change ballistics values of ammo. nor weapon stats.
thats purely vanilla.
>you must login to see this content
haha actual retard posting image without wiping exif data i will use exiflocation to extract the gps localization of when and where you did this photo. And will filter out hash code of post so i will not get more of your retarded posts here.
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>removing russian propaganda from a place that was occupied by the soviet union during the chernobyl disaster and has been uninhabitable even after cccp collapsed.
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I did wipe it, stupid. I will add 1 black pixel in the corner and post it 20 more times just for you.
Yeah, all that shit was on purpose
Falloutniggers like to jam Fallout shit into STALKER forums
>tank helmet
Cosplay redditor kids like to wear random inappropriate pieces of Soviet surplus (see >>483724837)
>communist sweater
Vintage ЦCКA Mocквa Sergei Fedorov jersey, just wanted to show it off
>knife on chest(?) with faggot heart
Cheap ass knife on the chest seemed like something a 14 year old would think is badass. The story with the sticker is I was driving through town and thought I saw a farmer's market so I pulled over, but it was a bunch of booths with Pride shit. Got the sticker, some pimp queen sunglasses, and 30 free condoms.
>mercenary patch
Mercs and Monolith are the go-to factions for edgelords (no offense to that one dude). Didn't have a Monolith patch
>impolute jeans
Google says that "impolute" is Latin for "unpolluted"
Stretchy skinny jeans are comfy as fuck and I won't apologize for wearing them. This is my faggiest pair, though
>lifting one leg like a woman
Yeah lol, really wanted to sell the "creepy incel playing dressup" look
>your father didn't hit you enough as a kid.
Went hiking, camping, and fishing with him last week, had a good time
if they don't include this on stalker 2 my head will implode
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I still watch smeshariki by the way
so fvcking bvsed...
Buy a fucking ad
1. Apocalypse
2. Just finished + cleanup mission from voronin
3. If i ever see the creator i will pull out his lungs
Sorry for the wall of text, I've gotten 9 hours of sleep the last 3 days
He said "a place in Ukraine" anon
Is it just me or are Zombified stalkers somehow more accurate and their weapons pack a harder punch than Regular people?
"I see... a single, side mission in stalker 2"
"It has to be about drones"
"You control an FPV drone to research the terrain near an anomaly"
"Find out about enemies about to attack you suddenly"
"Kill them, then go for artifact hunting with the data you gathered with the drone."
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What places apart from the Chernobyl exclusion zone are interesting for a stalker/roadside pincic setting?
I wanted to make a roadside picnic rpg campaign but i wanted to create a good system for creating all the zones of alienation.
I tried doing random places but they seem boring from a metanarrative aspect.
Harmont in the book is very good as it is a random place in canada but it is interesting because it included a town, idustrial complex and big field where the story could unfold. And the CNPP from the games is a great choice because of all the oportunities the place and surroundings and the chernobyl disaster gives you for story. Actual random is not always fun in storytelling, but the illusion of it is. What other places are interesting for some stalking? In my random tries i got some interesting places like small town in greenland and basque country in Spain. I will keep looking for random places that encapsulate that "random but convenient for the story" feeling of stalker that mixes nature with some past habitable spaces and places where good artifacts could be found.
Egypt with spooky tombs instead of labs
>More accurate
No, they just shoot a lot which means they have a high chance of hitting you
>do their weapons hurt more?
They shouldn't but what I believe is happening is that the shambly wamblies just tend to often catch you from a close distance and they're pretty tanky so they also get to shoot you more before collapsing.

So tldr you just get shot at a lot more by them and in Yantar it feels like just won't stop coming.
> and that aesthetic is Europeans not living in squalid broken societies

are you by chance blind as well as retarded?
>you're not bulging every vein
thanks for the mire, anon. Appreciate it!
>why were people doing this a month ago then
they were too far up GSC's ass to discuss leaked content, pretending it's not even there. It's just creating "content" for the sake of it, not to inform people or give accurate info.
Girls are icky. They have the cooties.and listen to Taylor Swift.
why does that top structure on building look like one of the generators from the leaked S2 concepts?
noobtube please
4chan wipes exif data before it gets posted.
Looks like anus
i don't want to get hyped but anomalous dugout always makes stalker 2 seem so much better than i imagine.
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any chance you can upload the mesh used for the vodka?
I want to transfer it to cop/soc instead of cutting up the vodka image to fit the prop_voda1.dds which is pretty tiny.
>they were too far up GSC's ass
That's what you're supposed to do tho, what are you, a zigger orc?
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>came to post OLR 3.0 when?
>its actually out now
have fun, people have both loved and hated it, you'll find out for yourself I guess
Which mods actually feel like Stalker besides CotZ? I'm fine with mods doing their own thing and trying to spice things up a bit, but I don't want "Dude, we made it hardcore with radiation that affects everything and completely invisible anomalies and needing batteries for everything and cooking!"
I just played it for a little while and it was one of the mods I tried that made me make this post>>483929894
No, but in CS they have no self preservation instinct at all and will walk into the open shooting a lot right at you with normal aim which means a few bullets are going to hit you, and they're going to kill you.
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Rate my stalker cosplay
Man if only scar's jacket actually looked like that on him.
When navigating through the Wild Territory in Shadow of Chernobyl, I always loved to get through as much of the map as possible without touching the ground. You can legit make it almost all the way through to Yantar without touching the ground at all.
secret trails 2
apocalypse trilogy (aka penis in frying oil)
fallen star
ogse before 64bit
goldsphere (more like roadside picnic)
some stalker soups, not all
There are tons of incredible stalker mods but american community only cares about like 4. Learn russian or search for yourself translations because there are incredible mods that come out each year. Just check out AP-PRO youtube channel (doesnt matter if you dont speak russian) it is full of fucking gems.
I stopped comming to this place because everytime someone wants to play a mod everyone unironically says things like anomaly modpacks and old world addon or gunslinger. Play some actual russian mods even if machine translated.
Look look at what im saying, these mods are fucking incredible and they arent even finished out they are brand new. I want to learn to machone translate or use gpt like NLC did recently so you fuckers can enjoy some proper mods instead of that cancer i see recommended everytime.
I am going to mention Legend Returns again.
Seconding Secret Trails 2. I mostly play russian mods, too. And I don't really speak any russian. Ap-Pro is insane, and loads of slavmods have at least a machine translation. There's no excuse for playing western meme slop.
>ogse before 64bit
qrd on what's wrong with the 64bit version?
When navigating through the Wild Territory in Shadow of Chernobyl, I always loved to get through as fast as possible because Wild Territory sucks
STALKER fan fic recs?
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Fastest Gopstopper in Dark Valley
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desu. i love luring the blind dogs into the anomalies near the tracks towards Rostok
If you are interested in real good mods i will lend you this spreadsheet i found some time ago.
I also recommend you try L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y , is the only vanilla+ mod i actually liked.
>There's no excuse for playing western meme slop
>what's wrong with the 64bit version
I personally don't like when they added gunslinger, changed the UI, they also changed the atmosphere, it's not about the 64 bit engine (which is actually better as it is more stable and you can change things like grass render distance) but about all the changes that came with it. Not all ogsr based mods are bad but if they just post the default ogsr and add things to it its very boring.
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We sometimes forget that stalker is not a post apocalyptic game and that the exclusion zone is less than 100km2 and less than 1000 people in there and there is a real world outside the zone and people living in houses, working 9-5. having to deal with wife and children.
Some modded zones are fucked up and anyone that lives in the real world going in there is absolutelly crazy if he wants to stay.
Isn't that based on analmeme?

I said I want one that feels like the vanilla games and isn't full of survival mechanics. Goldsphere is a linear story with no a-life stuff, very little gunplay and cooking irradiated food.

Legend Returns looks good, but the game isn't at a 1.0 release and the translation is only at a 0.3 release.

>I also recommend you try L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y , is the only vanilla+ mod i actually liked.
This looks a little bloated in the number of guns it adds, but otherwise seems like it could be what I'm looking for. Thanks.
>I said I want one that feels like the vanilla games and isn't full of survival mechanics
Narodnaya Solyanka
Digits and Legend Returns 1.0 releases before the heat death of the Universe
I also thought that on the images but when i tried it it didn't feel like amk or abc inferno which add 1000 stuff and its just vanilla+ its actually very fun to play. Try it at least in cordon and then judge by yourself.
dubs and oblivion lost remake 3.5 is announced
Sounds good. Would you recommend playing that or Wind of Time first? Wind of Time is another one that looks like what I want.
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>Anomaly will continue
Anomaly chads keep winning, haters keep seething
wind of time is more like misery, full survival slop with wiping your ass after shitting in the woods kind of mod.
The mods are free, just try some of them and then if you like one then finish it.
Damn, really? I was under the impressive it was like OLR but with less survival stuff and more original story stuff. I'll still give a try, but after LEGENDARY. Are there any mods that try to do something unique without being full of bloated survivalshit or "You start with a knife and we're going to try our hardest not to give you a gun for a while"?
basically any russian story mod, what you described is literally anomaly/gamma trend of stalker mods post misery/dead air.
Even OLR 3.0 after the first 2 missions gives you opportunities to have tons of weapons. If you don't like the survival mechanics of 3.0 go back to 2.5 or even vector of alienation, i heard people say it's pretty good russian slopinx.
>>I said I want one that feels like the vanilla games and isn't full of survival mechanics
I started LEGENDARY and it seems like vanilla+ which is nice. Are there gun upgrades and mods like CoP or just a lot of gun?
>vector of alienation
I heard some good things about this one so I'll try it.
So when is the official release date of S2?
September something and they aren't pushing it back. Wanna say September 13, but can't be bothered to google it. Neither could you, apparently
Tried them both. OLR 3.0 looks really pretty and seems to have more physics objects and mechanics, but is full of survivalshit. Vector uses the OLR maps and doesn't have survival shit, but looks and feels a lot more dated without as much stuff in the map. I'm having a hard time deciding which one I want to play.
>can't be bothered to google it. Neither could you, apparently
One soul in two bodies.
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I don't know what those things are, but they look fragile and should probably be dealt with.
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OLR 3.0 could have been peak if the author wasn't retarded vasyan
I doubt even other modders can salvage it into something consistent and functional
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"dey ar extrimli dangerus and mei atak at eni taim so wi mas dil wit it"
what? wind of time is a regular story mods, there's nothing survivalistic about it

CotZ port for IWP released. The madlad is actually doing it. Don't know how stable it is currently
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don't put the artifact into the hydraulic press stalker you risk de-gloving
OLR 3.0 in my opinion has very light survival mechanics which i like, it's just a deviation from the original stalker where you basically shooted and automatically eated entire medkits on the fly and it's not as hardcore as misery/anomaly where you need 50 different pills to stay alive.
I will try VoA right now in a moment but i think i will continue with OLR and before stalker 2 comes out i would like to finish goldsphere and the original trilogy again.
this but with the burer
Please combine this with the OP's Anon Call of Chernobyl definitive edition pack. For the love of everything I beg you
I'll give OLR3 another try because mechanically it seems a lot more robust than Vector, but it made a poor first impression. In Vector you're told food is stable and to eat what you find. In OLR you're told food can be irradiated so you need to scan each piece of food so it doesn't spoil other food and also the things you scan with need batteries and also radiation and anomalies sneak up on you quickly. But I've heard the A-life is the best there is so I need to stick it out.
this is the A-life of OLR 3.0 closed beta 8 years ago. I want to see how much better it is now.
Why did they switch the PDA from the normal one to what it is now in OLR3?
>I personally don't like when they added gunslinger
Its an addon.
be aware that olr 3.0 is on open beta, the pda is fucking terrible right now but i think it will improve when the mod comes out around 2041
Oh it's open beta? I thought it was a stable release.
They say it will come out in 2025 or so.
The legends were true, we get stalker 2 before olr 3.0
so..... goulash
Meh. I'm going to try to enjoy it as it is now and if it gets annoying, I'll go back to Vector. I'm hoping Stalker 2 will be good and modding will switch to that. Maybe we'll even get a mod that does an OLR style remake of SoC in the Stalker 2 engine with the new mechanics.
>can't sprint while holding a gun in OLR 3
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
>getting massive doses of radiation in an area where I have to do a mission while bandits show up to attack
>kill bandits, try to loot them
>apparently my backpack can't hold all the items so it drops things
>but only after a 10 second delay and then it flings them around
>this limit is based on size and not weight
>a fucking PDA takes up 2 slots
Yeah I'm done with OLR 3 now. I might play it when they actually finish the mod and remove the dogshit survival elements meant to make it "hardcore".
no anon, you go back and let the insecure author shit in your mouth or you are not manly enough))))
No thanks. I'll try some other mods and if I don't like them, I'll just play something more vanilla or go back to CotZ since that's far and away the best one I've played.
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I'm soifacing irl right now
i just tried VoA and it is very inferior to OLR 3.0
I mean i understand that maybe have to manage battery lifes of electronics is tedious and they need to rebalance it like in the mad max game gasoline level of management but its just superior in every way. I suppose once you get the hang of it the battery life of electronics is just another thing to manage and take in count when doing long ventures into the zone but jesus its so fucking good. I will continue with OLR 3.0 until i get bored because i don't know if i should finish it until full release and then do goldsphere (if the zone wants to, god knows how many times my saves got corrupted and i got fucked).
I hope they do something about this shit. I think it is a better approach than other cancer hardcore mods but they need to rebalance it to have some better explanation like separate slots for different things like NLC instead of just having to see the counter numbers get high or low and larping as if it makes sense.
OLR is one of the best mods stalker community has ever seen i hope they don't fuck it up like actual retards with 3.0
I pushed through the battery and other tedious shit but this here
is where I stopped. A delay for items exploding out of my backpack because of fucked up inventory management is just stupid. They need balance and polish and to back off the survival shit if I'm to play it. I started Radiophobia 3 and I like it so far. Only real complaint is that bandits have superhuman vision and hearing even in the rain and I'm getting my ass kicked harder in the car park than I did on my first run of vanilla SoC.
Marked one in vanilla stalker returning to his homeland with 4 months worth of construction worker sallary, 2 bottles of vodka a jammed ak-47s and a rusty pda
Marked one in OP 2.2 returning to his homeland with 12 billion rubles, a grenade that can teleport people, an automatic turret, a top of the notch arsenal of unknown experimental millitary weponry, superpowers and the life memories of 400 people, waking up from the simulation and then killing himself.

dont start doing this to models. it looks like absolute shit.

you mean like this?
Who cares about analmeme mods anyway
no I mena chopping up part of guns that dont fit together and calling them RPK's
leavin gyou with holes in the model becuase you swapped out the RPK receivers that were made to hold the RPK busstock, with ak74 derivatives leaving you with a giant hol where there shouldn't be.
leaving 2 dovetail mounts on said swapped over receivers, and slapping textrues for mags on the wrong mag models.
it looks like trash
this is what posts look like when you dont pay attention to your typing and just hit send
both of you kill yourselves
So what tools do I need to compress files I edited back into .db format? I want to remove English voicelines (maybe replace them with Ukranian ones where possible) from CotZ, but to do that I must revert them back into .db and if I left them into the gamedata folder the game would keep using English ones from the database folder.
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g'night /sg/
its just me.
and why? don't like my criticism? here's an idea, make your shit better.
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the same tool you used to unpack them should allow you to repack them
AXR toolset wil allow you to as well, provided you get the directory correct
>if I left them into the gamedata folder the game would keep using English ones from the database folder.
Open fsgame.ltx and check if $game_data$ parameter is set to true. That's supposed to give the gamedata folder priority over db files.
Thanks, it's very late and so I'll be doing this tomorrow, will report how it went.
The exclusion zone is beautiful and should be beatiful in Stalker.

I hate mods that make it brown, grey and ugly.
Hey GSC morons, instead of taking out old Soviet posters, why don't you fix that shit where all the stashes say "cellar" instead of "attic"
godspeed anon
and sleep well
looks like a painting.
Autimn Aurora and its consequences has been a disaster for the stalker fandom.
>Autimn Aurora and its consequences has been a disaster for the stalker fandom.
wasn't misery the first major mod to introduce the shitbrown color pallete?
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Update on Radiophobia 3. It's great. The survival stuff isn't overbearing and the new guns are great so far without feeling bloated. I wish it had some new mechanics and areas or area changes, but overall it actually feels like Stalker and that's the most important thing for me.
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I know it's hard to see shit, but this is my new gunfu.
toz66 with an rmr
not bad
you'll find better ones later on you'll enjoy too
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My name is Ivan Unorthodox, I am sending this message from my PDA, I only have 5% battery left, if I attempt to return to the Skadovsks to recharge my PDA I'll surely by killed,I am the last of the two Bandits in Zaton, the only other bandit and my so called leader Sultan has left me for dead as he hides in the safety of the Skadovsks. A Spetsnaz Operator, by the rank of Major, has killed every other member of our gang, and our allies at Jupiter, He ambushed us at our attempt to take over the Shevchenko, he destroyed our attempts to syphon from dolg, he even intercepted our roving gangs, a stalker told us he bought an Expensive and highly Modified USP Variant, so we planned to ambush him, we had 180 degrees of coverage around him, yet he somehow killed every last of my comrades, I am currently hiding at a Gas station hoping and praying to the God I abandoned years ago that he doesn't find me, if there's anyone reading this message , send help, don't try fighting him, it's hopeless, just get me out of here, get me out of the zone, I will give up the criminal life, I will become a monk and burn all the dirty money I made in the zone, the rest I will donate to the poor and needy, those who'm I would've victimized, wait, who's that in the distance? Oh God is that a Spetsnaz uniform oh GOD OH NO PLEASE HELP OH NONONONO OH GO NO HE
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Kind of a reddity post ngl
Redditors are God hating Fedorafags.
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i prefer green Prypiat too but autumn is a thing
he cute
Any advice on getting CoP to run? I keep getting the error about my video card not being good enough, which it certainly is. I've tried mucking around with my monitor resolution, which was a commonly suggested fix, but no dice. SoC ran fine, no issues there, surprisingly.
Steam version, windows 10.
if you don't find a solution try dgvoodoo
Fresh install worked, I must have accidentally copied something from SoC into there at some point.
excrements are also a thing and i don't see you playing with them
>totally not biased false equivelancy
OK, sir. Next time I’ll bring my dictionary along, sir.
>food analogy
>anal poology
this guys puts ketsup on his eggs
>he doesn't eat his eggs with ketsup, pineapple and chocolate
Do NOT redeem
damn, that kinda sounds like an experience
'Jeets in the Zone when
experiencing the zone in taste-orama
Are there any mods or fixes for SoC that add reverb to sounds? I know SoC has EAX but that doesn't work without the right hardware
Quick update, I've changed something over 1/3 of the voicelines to Russian ones, there was a CoC mod I used to quckly switch some (mostly Duty megaphone), but for traders it'll go a bit slower. Not sure about adding Ukranian ones right away, it's a bit of a hassle
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The effect of phoneposting
read that thread
>doesn't work without the right hardware
who told you that
Look through the thread the other anon linked, you can bring it back through software emulation but you'll also need extra map data since IIRC GSC only implemented EAX reverb in Yantar and Army Warehouses. If you were to drop in OpenAL Soft you'd only first encounter it as you're moving into Lab X-16 and shooting some zombies in the empty warehouses in the factory.

Here, to save you some time, this should give you headphone HRTF surround and EAX at a single extraction. It has the OpenAL Soft .dll, OpenAL Soft config and the arguably best HRTF presets in one package. You might want to rename OpenAL32.dll in the bin/ folder instead of replacing it if you want to roll back to stock.
I often wonder about sanitary conditions in the zone but then write it off or handwave it. If there were pajeets in the zone it would ruin my suspension of disbelief because no one would be able to tolerate the smell and disease would kill everyone instantly.
not sure it's in the leaked files. only the texture was there.
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>All those X-labs
Oh yes. OH YES.
alright man, thanks for the reply. and the textures
I can either use a new bottle or just remap the UV of the current bottle.
hopefully it looks good enough.
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>/vg/dditors speculating about if stalker 2 is good or bad meanwhile russian construction workers streaming stalker 2 full gameplay from the leaked code
If you behave i will post more screenshots
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shooting dogs
just like in real life
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also the previous stalker >>484102441 was talking something about getting information from somewhere and posting it on his blog.
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looks nice but by the UI i suggest it is slop
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UI looks like anus, slop cry 20 incoming
I will post leaked visuals with music edit in /wsg/ in a moment. Spoiler-free (apart from locations and graphics of course).
nah too fucking big, 4 minute video that weights like 2gb.
Here, enjoy it. It actually looks not that bad.
Doomers btfo stalker 2 will be at least better than mediocre.
PSA: its not the modmakers responsibility to sort out your modlist and its fuckups
yeah we're good thanks
we had enough of this already
the bitch talking at 3:00 made me jumpscare like 4 times in a row trying to figure out if its in the video or right behind me. Jesus fucking christ at least the game doesnt LOOK that bad. I hope A-life is not aids and the game feels real.

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